ICCROM COnseRvatIOn ICCROM studIes 11 ICCROM and the Conservation and the Of Cultural Heritage Conservation a hIstORy Of the ORganIzatIOn’s fIRst 50 yeaRs, 1959-2009 O f Cultural Heritage p u b l i s h e d b y i c c r o m Via di San Michele, 13 I-00153 Rome, Italy
[email protected] www.iccrom.org ICCROM History book cover.indd 1 26-09-2011 13:08:54 iCCroM Conservation studies 11 ICCROM and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage a history of the organization’s first 50 years, 1959-2009 Jukka Jokilehto ICCROM History book.indd 1 26-09-2011 12:56:24 ICCROM and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. A history of the Organization’s first 50 years, 1959-2009 by Jukka Jokilehto. ICCROM Conservation Studies 11, ICCROM, Rome. ISBN 978-92-9077-229-3 © 2011 ICCROM International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property via di San Michele, 13 00153 Rome, Italy www.iccrom.org Designed by Maxtudio, Rome Printed thanks to the generosity of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, People’s Republic of China and National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University, Beijing. ICCROM History book.indd 2 26-09-2011 12:56:25 Contents Foreword by the Director-General vii Foreword by the chairperson of ICCROM Council ix Acknowledgements xi List of illustrations xii Abbreviations used xviii The context for creation of an International 1 Conservation Centre 1 The historical context 2 Early international conservation initiatives 3 The League of Nations 3 International Museums Office (IMO) 3 International Congress of Modern Architecture