THE INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE HANDBOOK Best practices, tools, and AWS CloudFormation scripts you can use to implement IaC for your organization Copyright © 2018 | THORN TECHNOLOGIES All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. THE INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE HANDBOOK Contents 1 FIVE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD IMPLEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE NOW 2 SIX BEST PRACTICES TO GET THE MOST OUT OF IAC 3 FIFTEEN IAC TOOLS YOU CAN USE TO AUTOMATE YOUR DEPLOYMENTS 4 WHAT IS AWS CLOUDFORMATION AND HOW CAN IT HELP YOUR IAC EFFORTS? 5 HOW AWS CLOUDFORMATION WORKS AND HOW TO CREATE A VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD WITH IT 6 HOW TO INCORPORATE S3, EC2, AND IAM IN A CLOUDFORMATION TEMPLATE 7 HOW TO CREATE A REDSHIFT STACK WITH AWS CLOUDFORMATION 3
[email protected] THE INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE HANDBOOK 5 reasons why you should implement infrastructure as code now INFRASTRUCTURE AS CODE CAN HELP AVOID CLOUD DEPLOYMENT INCONSISTENCIES, INCREASE DEVELOPER PRODUCTIVITY, AND LOWER COSTS There’s no doubt that cloud computing has had a major impact on how companies build, scale, and maintain technology products. The ability to click a few buttons to provision servers, databases, and other infrastructure has led to an increase in developer productivity we’ve never seen before. While it’s easy to spin up simple cloud architectures, mistakes can easily be made provisioning complex ones. Human error will always be present, especially when you can launch cloud infrastructure by clicking buttons on a web app.