4 — Includes Air, Ground Forces DOD Releases List of Units Sent to Thailand The Army force now in Thailand consists "of the 1st BG, 27th Inf of the 25th Inf Div based in Hawaii. It is commanded by Col William A. McKean. It was announced here that reinforcements for this battle group will come from the parent division in Hawaii. USATCJNF • CDEC • ALS •HumRRO In addition, some ISO men from< " the 9th Logistical Command in Oki- authorized strength of a typical rein­ forced battle group is 2,132 men). Vol. XXII FORTORD, CPLIFORnifl, FRIDflV, fTlflV 25, 1962 No. 29 nawa have been °rdered to Thailand as support for the battle group. (The Today, when the cost of gov- MEMORIAL DAY 1962 J ernment, foreign aid and the de- -. ,_ ... .-„„ .. , ^—^^—^^— isxxxxxxvvcvvvvvvvvNvvxvvsx\xv>xvsM" K -J fense of our own country seem Cyrus Vance On May 30, 1962 the men and »»ncc SJsJsJsisSSisJ^v^^^^vS^vSsSjSsjSsJsjSr \ » * u j j , . . _, , . . MILES SSSSSSSS> —• « « » • • sSSSSSSS^L f ill/ so great, many have wondered women of this Command join ^^^^ 11111 C H I NA flllS *^ why we should assume the bur- with Americans everywhere m ^^^^^^^^^ooo^s>^^^ 4 den of defending from commu- Named to hononng those who have given ^^$$$$$^$^^$$$$^^$$^^$^^^^^ < nist subversion6 and guerrilla their lives as members of the warfare areas so small, so im- Armed Forces of the Nation. $$$$$$$$*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*$$$^^ .: poverished and so chaotic as Head Army It is with reverence, respect ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' South Viet Nam, Thailand and and gratitude that we recognize SS^^^V^$$$^$$$$^^^^$$^^^$^^r O/C" Laos In reply it is not enough Cyrus R. Vance, a wartime Navy the valor and sacrifice that they officer, has been appointed by Presi­ to point out that if these small displayed in strengthening our nations fall to the communists, dent Kennedy to succeed Elvis J. Reds Flanking country and in helping protect all Southeast Asia may fall to Stahr, Jr. as Secretary of the Army. the freedoms that we enjoy. We Thailand, Vietnam them; nor is it enough to point Vance, presently general counsel are proud to be among their suc­ out that our standing among our of the Department of Defense in cessors and to serve the cause allies and the neutral nations of Washington, served on destroyers in they served so well. the world depends upon our both Atlantic and Pacific action in May we, in our time, be as ability to defend these areas. WWII. deserving of the Nation's trib­ These things are true. But A graduate of Yale Law School, ute, as are those whose devotion more to the point are the words Vance has held various government to country we salute on this day. of President Kennedy in his in­ counsel positions since leaving the O. C. TROXEL, JR. augural address: Navy in 1946. Maj Gen, USA "... WE SHALL PAY ANY From 1957 to 1960, Vance was Commanding PRICE, BEAR ANY BUR­ special counsel to the Senate's pre­ DEN, MEET ANY HARD- paredness investigating subcommit­ SHIP.SUPP ORTANY tee of the armed services committee. M FRIEND OR OPPOSE ANY His appointment to the secretary Ceremonies for BORNEO FOE IN ORDER TO AS* job must be confirmed by the ••••••** ? ' SURE THE SURVIVAL Senate. 221 Graduates u. - *<~* SARAWAK *, ril AND THE SUCCESS OF At ALS £.' *t>2U——- ^^^-r.7 m LIBERTY." Post Reenlistment TROOPS ON THE MOVE—News-map shows the military situation in Announces Vacancies Graduation exercises were held Southeast Asia after President Kennedy ordered US troops to land in For Army Recruiters recently at ALS for 221 students Thailand at the request of the Thai government. Marines with the Navy's The Marine landing team that from 16 language departments. Maj Seventh Fleet' in the area were ready to move when the President ordered landed in Thailand was transported Gen William F. Dean, (USA Ret), A number of vacancies exist in the approximately 1800 to land at Bangkok. This force, beefed up by some in a task group consisting of the am­ Korean War hero and winner of the Army Recruiting Service at locations 1000 Army personnel already in Thailand, will protect the nation from phibious assault carrier Valley Medal of Honor, was the guest under the jurisdiction of the Oak­ the threat of Communist forces advancing in Laos. Another 1200 Army Forge, the assault transport Na- land Recruiting Main Station accord­ speaker at the ceremonies. troops and about 1000 tactical air and support personnel will arrive later. varro, and the landing ship dock ing to Lt Col Lloyd E. Rubbleke, The Maxwell D. Taylor Award This is the first time US troops have been ordered ashore in such a maneu­ Point Defiance. Commanding Officer of the Oakland given the enlisted man who com­ ver since the Lebanon landings in J95X. Shaded areas on the map are The group was escorted by two RMS. bines the highest qualities of leader­ Communist- held. (Continued on page 2) Personnel qualified under the pro­ ship and scholarship, was awardec visions of AR 601-275, AR 614-240 to Sgt Ernest R. Durand, a studen and Circular 614-21, Hq Sixth US of Arabic. The Association of the Class Q Increase Army are encouraged to apply for Army Award, basee recruiting duty in any of the follow­ on scholarship only, was won by Passed by House, ing cities: Sp4 James R. Duncan, a student o: Reno, Nevada; Chico, Calif.; Russian. Is Sent to Senate Stockton, Calif.; Sacramento, Calif.; The Russian language departmen A quarters allowance hike for San Rafael, Calif.; San Francisco, had the largest representation at thi members of the Armed Forces came Calif.; Hayward, Calif.; Vallejo, graduating ceremonies with 62 Calif.; Eureka, Calif.; Oakland, Calif. Other classes represented were, Ara one step closer recently when the full House of Representatives passed Generally, only those applicants bic, Chinese-Mandarin, 7 Czech in grade E-5 or above with over six French, German, Indonesian, Ita the measure and sent it to the Senate = years active Federal service, high lian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese for consideration. school graduate or GED equivalent Spanish and Thai. As passed by the House, the legis­ and GT score of 110 or higher will lation calls for an effective date of be considered. Oct. 1, 1962. Applications will be forwarded on INSIDE "PAN" A spokesman for the Senate DA form 1049 through command Education Center __-~—pg 2 Armed Services Committee said the channels to the Commanding Gen­ AFD Highlights ______-____/>£ 3 committee is expected to consider eral, Fort Ord, ATTN: AMNOR- Feature ______pg 4 and 5 the bill "in the near future." AGJ. Entertainment ______pg 6 The original legislation as pro­ Qualified applicants may contact posed by the Defense Department Sports ______.pg 7 and 8 AG C&A School Section, ext 3274 called for an increased annual ex­ for further information. penditure of some $259 million. The House, however, revised the legisla­ tion upward by some $29.5 million, bringing it to a total of $291.7 mil­ lion with the Coast Guard, Public Health Service and Coast and Geo­ detic Survey receiving $3.2 million.

Lt Col Joseph A. Pena Assigned XO of 4th Bde COMMENDATION AWARD—Col K. W. Wallace, left, is pinned with the Army Commendation Medal by Maj Gen O. C. Troxel Jr., commanding gen­ A native of Hanford, Calif., Lt Col eral of Fort Ord. Col Wallace was presented the medal for his outstanding Joseph A. Pena, has arrived at Fort service as head of the post G-4 section for the past year. Col Wallace re- Ord from the Panama Canal Zone cent|V deParted the Post for another assi9nment- and has been assigned as assistant executive officer of the 4th Bde. ALS Honors 14 Civilian Employees Col Pena, a veteran of 20 years service, entered the Army from Length of service awards were sile Andrian, Miss Carmen Remenyi, Fresno, Calif., in 1942 and served given to 14 civilian employees of the Mrs Tatiana Romani, Edward Dunn, with the 91st Inf Div during WW Army Language School this week. Raymond Surdez, Mrs Helen Ya- WORK NEVER STOPS ON THE PANORAMA, so when Sp5 John Madej, II. During the Korean War he Receiving pins for 20 years of blokoff, Vladimir Science, Alexan­ left, received notification of the award of the Army Commendation Medal served in the intelligence section of service in the Federal Government der Malbin, Serge de Beauharnais from his last duty station in Verona, Italy, Maj Harry P. Lapham, information the Eighth US Army in Korea, and were James H. Miller and Yutaka von Leuchtenberg, Armando Patino, officer, presented it at the printers where the staff was making-up the paper. Madej, assistant sports editor, was editor of the SETAF area paper and was since then has been assigned to the Munakata. Estanislao Pena and Joseph Kusnet- awarded the medal for his outstanding newspaper ability. Presidio of San Francisco. Ten-year pins were given to Va- zow. PflGeiUUO FORT ORD PRNORRMR FRIDRY, mflV25,1962 Church Services WAG News GENERAL POTESTANT SERVICES Liberty and Post Chapel (North-South Rd) __ 1000 & 1100 By Sp4 Margie Schindeldecker Hospital Chapel (D-14) ______0900 1st Brigade Chapel ______0930 PROMOTIONS 3d Brigade Chapel ______0900, 1000 & 1900 1st Street Chapel ______0930 Congratulations to SpS Julia A. 4th Stieet Chapel ______1000 Bennett and SpS Petra J. Cruz, who 5th Street Chapel ______1030 Communism 10th Street Chapel ______1100 received their promotions on May 9. Presidio of Monterey Chapel ______1100 (Seventh of an AFPS Series) Camp Roberts ______;______1030 From Pvt to Pfc, the following Stockade Chapel ______0800 were promoted on the 10th: Eu­ SUNDAY SCHOOLS: YOUR MOS Post Chapel (North-South Rd) ___0915 & 1030 genia Meleor - Ortiz, Kathleen L. Liberty for All Mankind Presidio Chapel Annex ______0930 SHORT OR SURPLUS? WEEKDAY SERVICES: Lonergan and Delores Johnson. DA Circular 611-4, dated April 4, 3d Brigade Chapel, Saturday ______1900 TDY The 20th century saw the development of the concepts of ROMAN CATHOLIC SERVICES 1962, was received this week accord­ Post Chapel (North-South Road) Sp4 Natalie J. Heidorn left on national freedom and the liberties of the individual raised to the ing to Capt L. G. Peterson, Jr., post 0700, 0830 && 1230 May 11 for the US Naval Hospital 8th Street Chapel ______0830, 1000 & 1100 global level. reenlistment officer. 1st Brigade Chapel ______0900 at San Diego, Calif., where she will 3d Brigade Chapel ______0730, 1100 & 1600 Woodrow Wilson, in an address to the US Senate in 1917, Of interest to all, the circular con­ 1st Street Chapel ______0800 attend 16 weeks of medical training. tains the Army wide list of shortage Hospital Chapel, Ward D-14______1030 On May 5, Pfc Doris L. Nord- enunciated the doctrine of "self-determination," or the right of Presidio of Monterey______0900 every people to determine its' and surplus MOSs in grades E-7, Mission HLMR______0800 & 1000 horn left for the USA Rctg Main E-6 and E-5 along with MOSs for WEEKDAY MASSES: Station in Indianapolis, Ind., where own government and way of Post Chapel, Mon. thru Sat ______1715 DOD Releases service schooling and/or retraining Friday ______1900 she will participate in a special re­ development. This principle he Saturday ______0900 for those whose MOS is surplus. Presidio of Monterey, Mon-Fri ______1120 cruiting program. later incorporated into his fa­ A substantial number of changes 8th Street Chapel, Mon-Sat______1150 DEPARTURES List of Units 10th St Chapel, Mon. thru Sat. ______1205 mous "Fourteen Points," which have been made in the new circular Hospital Chapel, Wednesday______0600 Intransit to her new assignment Sent to Thailand BAPTISMS: formed the basis upon which he thereby affecting the reenlistment Every Sunday after the 1200 Mass at the Post in Europe, SpS Cynthia C. Stauffer options for many individuals. Chapel. Please contact a Catholic Chaplain for left the WAC Company on May 9. believed a lasting peace would (Continued from page 1) arrangements. x Due to the complexity of reenlist­ CONFESSIONS: SpS Petra J. Cruz received an as­ be established after WWI. destroyer escorts, the Brannon ment regulations, it would behoove Sat: Post Chapel ______1800-2000 signment to Fort MacArthur, Calif., and the Vammen. Task group Sat: 3d Brigade Chapel ______1800-2000 President Franklin D. Roosevelt every individual in the above grades Sat: 8th Street Chapel ______1900-2100 and left on May 10. commander was the Commanding Sat: 4th St Chapel ______1600-1700 stressed freedom of the individual to check the status of his MOS, Sun: Camp Roberts ______0900 MARRIAGES Officer of the Valley Forge, Capt for all men in an address to the especially if approaching expiration NOVENA: Pfc Sharon L. Chadwick was wed Henry S. Jackson. Post Chapel, Tuesday ______1900 Congress on Jan. 6, 1941, when he of term of service. Complete details Sun: 3d Bde Chapel ______1600 to SpS Gary J. Haney on April 27 The typical reinforced battle group 8th Street Chapel, Wednesday 1900 declared: "In the future days, on reenlistment options in either a 3d Brigade Chapel, Wednesday 1900 at Fort Ord, Calif. which we seek to make secure, we is composed as follows: shortage or surplus can be had from look forward to a world founded Type of Authorized your major unit career counselor or upon four essential human free­ Organization Strength call 3494. doms." These four freedoms were: One battle group...... l3S6 For your convenience, the com­ ". . . freedom of speech and ex­ One direct support artillery plete shortage and surplus list, by pression—everywhere in the world. battalion (105 mm)...... 337 grade and MOS, appears below: ". . . freedom of every person to One engineer company (com­ SURPLUS MOSs worship God in his own way— bat) ...... 107 Grade E-7 everywhere in the world. One signal platoon...... 23 073, 122, 171, 178, 191, 192, 194, ". . . freedom from want — One ambulance platoon...... 26 208, 224, 294, 342, 343, 421, 425, 444, which translated into world terms, One Ordnance direct support 466, 525, 526, 542, 546, 551, 553, 631, means economic understandings section ...... 29 635, 712, 715, 732, 733, 745, 766, 772, which will secure to every nation a One armored personnel carrier 832, 841, 843, 916, 933, 935, 941, 942, healthy, peaceful life for its inhabi­ platoon ...... 27 943, 952, 966, 967, 972, and all bands­ tants—everywhere in the world. One medium tank company ...... 103 men. ". . . freedom from fear—which, One transportation truck com­ Grade E-6 "HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE" translated into world terms, means pany (minus two platoons).. 84 073, 074, 122, 142, 151, 171, 172, A knowledge of psychology is important in every field of a worldwide reduction of arma­ One utility tactical transport 177, 178, 181, 191, 192, 194, 224, 294, ments to such a point and such a detachment (10 HU-A-1 Ot­ 296, 321, 342, 421,, 425, 443, 444, 465, enterprise, military and civilian. A course in general psychology thorough fashion that no nation will ters ...... 35 466, 467, 524, 525, 542, 546, 551, 552, is either a requirement or an acceptable elective in any college be in a position to commit any act of One air control party...... 5 553, 621, 622, 631, 643, 671, 675, 714, field of study. The leader, the teacher, the doctor, the salesman aggression against any neighbor— 715, 716, 719, 732, 762, 764, 767, 772, all use psychology as a basic tool in their work. anywhere in the world." 2132 841, 843, 901, 933, 934, 935, 941, 942, Each of us, of course whether he has had formal training After several years of study and 943, 952, 962, 965, 966, 967, and all The Marine unit is the Third Bn in psychology or not, has a tendency to fancy himself a self- debate, the Human Rights Com­ of the Ninth Marine Regt, a part of bandsmen. mission of the United Nations So­ the Third Marine Div. It was com­ Grade E-5 made psychologist, and it is true that by experience and obser­ cial and Economic Commission manded by Lt Col Harold W. 034, 073, 074, 122, 141,142, 151, 171, vation, maybe even by intuition and instinct, we can learn some drew up a list of fundamental Adams. 177, 191, 192, 224, 341, 411, 421, 422, of the basic principles. rights that all people should have. Valley Forge carries Marine Heli­ 465, 466, 518, 524, 525, 542, 546, 551, The scope and depth of the study of psychology, how­ This "Universal Declaration of 552, 553, 621, 631, 633, 642, 643, 711, copter Squadron 261, commanded ever, are vastly greater than we self-made psychologists are Human Rights" was adopted by the by Lj Col Fred A. Steele. 714, 715, 716, 762, 763, 765, 766, 767, UN General Assembly on Dec. 10, The Marine Attack Squadron is 768, 772, 841, 843, 942, 943, 952, 965, likely to realize. A perusal of the table of contents of the 1948, as a "common standard of Squadron 332, commanded by Lt and all bandsmen. USAFI textbook, D 485, General Psychology will reveal in "rhievement for all peoples and a)' Col Harvey M. Patton. This squad­ SHORTAGE MOSs a moment the extent of our ignorance, regardless of how nations, to the end that every indi­ ron, with A-4D Skyhawk aircraft, Grade E-7 much we have picked up. vidual and every organ of society 053, 075, 105, 111, 112, 113, 115, was deployed from the Philippines. We have an opportunity to study various theories of per­ . . . shall strive by teaching and edu­ It is a unit of the 1st Marine Air 121, 123, 131, 133, 141, 147, 151, 152, cation to promote respect for these Wing. 153, 161, 164, 176, 177, 179, 221, 225. sonality and attempts to measure personality traits statistically, rights and freedoms . . ." The Pacific Air Force fighter 226, 227, 228, 273, 279, 281, 282, 293, to recognize the contributions of heredity, environment, and The 30 articles of the "Declaration squadron moving into Thailand is 299, 313, 436, 464, 533, 534, 612, 621, learning to human development, and to understand the growth of Human Rights" are based on (1) the 510th Tactical Fighter Squad­ 632, 639, 643, 675, 679, 716, 719, 723, and measurement (as in intelligence tests) of our capacities. We "recognition of the inherent dignity ron, from Clark AB, Philippines. It 727, 743, 767, 768, 907, 911, 917, and learn the nature and causes of motivation and frustration and get and of equal and inalienable rights is flying F-100 aircraft. Elements of 971. of all members of the human family the 15th Tactical Reconnaissance Grade E-6 a beginner's view of psychotherapy. (as) the foundation of freedom, jus­ Squadron (RF-101) from Okinawa 051, 053, 054, 055, 075, 105, 111, We go on to an examination of the special senses—the pro­ tice and peace of the world; (2) the and the 45th Tactical Reconnais­ 112, 113, 123, 131, 133, 141, 147, 152, cesses of learning, memory, communication, persuasion, the "four freedoms;" (3) "human rights sance Squadron, also flying RF-lOls, 153, 154, 156, 161, 165, 166, 174, 176, applications of psychology to the solution of personal adjust­ . . . protected by the rule of law." from Japan are also moving to Ja­ 179, 201, 205, 215, 217, 218, 221, 225, ment problems, to salesmanship, to leadership, to industry. An unprecedented step toward in­ pan. 226, 228, 229, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, ternational enforcement of human Support aircraft, C-130 and C-124 252, 254, 256, 257, 264, 271, 272, 273, USAFI itself offers this basic course. (If you do not have rights was taken in September 1958 transports, are from the 315th Air 281, 282, 292, 293, 299, 345, 357, 358, free enrollment status, you can enroll for five dollars). For those when the European Court of Human Division, and KB-50 tankers a 413, 436, 517, 518, 534, 679, 713, 718, who want to go on to more intensive or specialized study, cor­ Rights was established. This Court, from the 421st Aerial Refueling 722, 725, 743, 744, 768, 811, 907, 911, respondence courses are available, at reduced rates to soldiers, designed to protect certain basic in­ Squadron, both based, in Japan. 913, 915, 916, 971, 972, 974, 988, 989, from a number of universities. A partial list of fields includes dividual rights, was created under Communications and Air Rescue 991, 992, 993, and 186. the "Convention for the Protection Service detachments will also sup­ Grade E-5 abnormal, adolescent, applied, social and industrial psychology, of Human Rights and Fundamental port the air units. 051, 053, 055, 058, 059, 111, 112, as well as statistics, tests and measurements, plus other special­ Freedoms," signed at Rome on Nov. This mobile strike force is com­ 121, 131, 147, 152, 153, 156, 161, 166, ties. 4, 1950, by members of the 15-nation manded by Brig Gen Steven D. Mc- 174, 178, 179, 186, 209, 211, 221, 225, Council of Europe. This is how it Elroy, deputy commander 13th 226, 248, 251, 254, 256, 257, 264, 272, Fort Ord Panorama works. Force. 273, 274, 281, 282, 284, 286, 292, 293, A Human Rights Commission 294, 295, 298, 299, 309, 311, 342, 345, The Fort Ord Panorama is an authorized weekly publication with a distribution of 7200 receives complaints from individ­ copies. It is under the supervision of the Troop Information Division. Address communications 357, 409, 413, 436, 443, 611, 612, 635, to Fort Ord Panorama, Fort Ord, . Telephone: 242, extension 3214. News, features, uals, organizations and nations Placement Exam Required 672, 675, 679, 701, 712, 713, 718, 743, photographic and art materials are solicited from Post Personnel. Publication depends on available space and general interest value as judged by the staff. No payment will be made. about alleged violations of human For Students Enrolled 745, 814, 821, 822, 911, 913, 914, 915, Every effort will be made to return rejected material but no responsibility can be assumed rights by member governments. 916, 931, 932, 934, 935, 962, 969, 971, beyond the exercise of due care in expediting return. The Panorama serves the interest of all In MFC Summer Session personnel stationed at Fort Ord. All photographs are by Information Section or Signal Corps Any dispute the Commission is 972, 974, 998, 993, and 534. at Fort Ord unless otherwise credited. The Panorama accepts no paid advertising. Editorial views and opinions expressed in the unable to settle may be referred to A placement examination, manda­ Sfc Charles C. Bair Panorama are not .necessarily those of the Department of the Army. The Panorama may be the new Court, which is empower­ mailed outside Fort Ord. The Panorama receives Armed Forces Press Service (AFPS), and tory for all students planning to en­ Career Counselor Army News Service (ANS). The Panorama is printed by the Herald Printers & Publishers of ed to make decisions that are bind­ roll in summer session English, Monterey. ing on the governments concerned. United States History or American You can't buy freedom—but you Commanding General______MAJ GEN 0. C. TROXEL JR. Information Officer______MAJ HARRY H. LAPHAM It was an historic occasion on Oct. Government courses at Monterey invest in it, and in your own security, Troop Information Officer______LT J. M. BUTZ 3, 1960, when the Court of Human Peninsula College, will be given whenever you buy a US Savings i! # * -ft ir & Rights received its first case—the Saturday, May 26, at the college. Bond. Sign up for regular monthly Editor______SPS DEL CHASTAIN The test will begin—and doors purchases at your bank or where you Assistant Editor______PVT DENNIS M. LOCKE complaint of one Richard V. Law­ Sports Editor. ______SFC ALEX L. FABROS less against the Irish Republic with­ will be closed—at 8:30 am in the work. And buy extra bonds during Assistant Sports Editor______SP5 JOHN MADEJ out charge or trial. Armory. the Freedom Bond Drive. Reporter______PVT TOM KALLUNKI FRIDRV,mflV25,1962 FORT ORD PRNORRMR PflG€ THR66

ready platoon to the reviewing stand. Another BARC, not shown, released seven jeeps with two men in each one of them.

LARGEST CROWD EVER Over 30,000 Visit

Installation on AFD ". . . 3, 2, 1, . . ."—And when the announcer said "BlaSt" he meant just that. The simulated atomic explosion set the stage for the mock war. With a brisk westerly wind blow­ aircraft tie-down area east of the ing, over 30,000 persons thronged parade ground. ~ to the Fort Ord military establish­ The parade -consisted of 3200 ment Saturday as the United States marching men, 20 vehicles and the Armed Forces celebrated Armed biggest crowd pleaser, two 100 ton Forces Day, 1962. This year's theme BARCs. After the parade had pass- "Power For Peace" was graphically ed in review, the BARCs pulled in displayed by all units on Fort Ord. front of the reviewing stand and tin- Winding up the morning's festivi­ loaded seven jeeps with two men ties, a mock battle was held in which each and a platoon of combat ready tanks, helicopters, "mules" and troopers. '• simulated atomic devices were used. With a feeling of expectation Unit displays were set up in a mid­ sweeping through the crowd, the way type affair, and drew much at­ first of two simulated atomic blasts tention from the off post visitors. was set off and the mock war was The visitors could see everything started. Needless to say, the friendly from the "civilian on post" tent to forces pushed the aggressors into the missile display in which a Nike- the sea. Ajax was shown. The 8th BG wrapped up the morn- Aviation units had helicopters ing show by serving a fried chicken and fixed wing aircraft on display dinner to nearly 3000 persons. and the National Defense Trans­ The displays at the aircraft tie- portation Association, made up of down area and the main mid-way civilian transportation units, air, were open for public inspection until sea, rail and highway, covered the 3 pm.

FLYOVER—Army L-19's climax the colorful Armed Forces Day celebration with a flyover. Spreading a wake of colored smoke from their wings the planes peeled off and disappeared into the wild blue yonder.

FIRE WHEN READY—Boys of all ages, (5-90) become fascinated when they can get near a weapon. Literally thousands jammed the weapons displays ADVENT—From the look on MSgt Kidder's face and the tilt of the little girl's head, the question was a good one. Saturday. Post Signal had this display showing Project Advent and the satellite system in envelopes. PflGGPOUR • FORT ORD PRNORRMfl - FRIDflV, fTlflFRIDflV,!

DATES BACK TO 1868 The Machinegu Greatest Sourc

With the pressing needs of mo­ the capabilities of other small arms dern warfare came the development It can also deliver a large continu of more and more modern weapons. , ,• . ,, , . „ , ., , . ous volume of controlled, accurati One of the many weapons keeping ' pace with the Army's arsenal is the fire. machinegun, the greatest source of The machinegun in the final pro fire power in the Infantry rifle pla­ tective line forms the framework fo: toon. the defense and it supports the rifle Dating back to 1868, when the man by fire in the attack position. Maxim machinegun was invented by With the advent of atomic war Howard Maxim and later sold to the fare, dispersion of troops will be o British, the machinegun has under­ the utmost importance. S m a 1 gone constant changes giving it groups of soldiers will have greater fire power and greater man­ ply their own automatic fire euverability and accuracy. Because of this situation, the ma These improvements are manifest­ chinegun will play an even mor ed in the 1919A6 used extensively critical role in future wars. Trainin) in WWII and Korea, and in the centers will have to turn out an in _ , , , latest machinegun, the M-60. creasingly large number of qualifie' ORIENTATION—During the first eight hours of machinegun instruction, as in all weapon classes, trainees are D • .; ./ /. taught the nomenclature, description and basic fundamentals of the gun. Trainees must have a thorough under- fnmartly, the machinegun sup- gunners. standing ot the principles and operational procedures of the machinegun before firing. ports the rifleman both in attack The Alpha and Bravo teams mak and in defense. It can engage fixed ing up the Fort Ord machinegu or moving targets close to the gun committee, with its three officer position and longer ranges beyond and 17 NCOs, trained over 600

QENTLY NOW—Sfc Harry I. Barnett makes some minor adjustments on a .30 Cal machinegun. Sgt Barnett is a member of the machinegun committee's Bravo Team at Table Two. He explains to the D-7-3 trainees that adjust­ ments such as this have to be made on the battlefield and you better know how.

New M-60 Machinegun

CRITIQUE—Get the muzzle of that weapon over the brim of your pot, J^P- trooper. Lt Frank J. Polite, OIC, Bravo Team points out one of the more - - ~—- *j«lr^ ««* common errors made at the infiltration course. These men are on their first RANGE CARD—The gun crew is in position and the sector of fire has been outlined to them. It is now their job dry run and will crawl the course under live fire next. The machine gun to determine the deflection and elevation to engage any target in that,sector. Range cards are made up of committee is responsible for infiltration course training. and marked with appropriate distances. 5,1962 FORT ORD PflNORRMfl PflG€ FIV6 n: Infantry's of Fire Power soldiers in 1961, in the use of the ranges often as great as 2000 yards, 1919A6 machine gun as well as perform maintenance and minor re­ pairs on his weapon and take his familiarizing them with the new place in a weapons squad as a gun­ [-60. ner or assistant gunner. Training is conducted in mechani­ cal aspects, disassembly and as­ The machinegun committee runs sembly, crew drill, preparatory five areas in the training of the ma- marksmanship, familiarization firing, chinegunner, participates in the record firing and technique of fire. weapons demonstrations and as an The weapons squad tactics problem additiond dut operafes the infa_ is the last phase of training the AIT receives from the machinegun com- mous infiltration course. Infiltra­ e. Here the soldier gets the big tion, a vital part of combat indoc­ picture. He sees how the weapons trination, is one of the first chances squad with its two machineguns and the soldier has to maneuver under two rocket launchers attacks with . ? ;• / • /- ., .„ , TT , , actual live machinegun fire. the rifle platoon. He learns the va- rious methods for employing the The machinegun committee, one ^^^ffl||^^^^^H|^^^^^^^^9^^^IIH^H|HilllHBHHHiiiyWHW I**, * guns in the attack and how to with­ of the many fine committees at Fort _ draw them if the position should be Ord is making changes monthly EASY DOES IT—These trainees are finishing their first 20 hours of instruction at the machine gun square in . . . the 3d Bde area. Pvt Kenneth L. Rahe, assistant gunner places the weapon on the tripod as the gunner, Pvt overrun. Another portion of the such as the installation of automatic E | bert -rurner waits to make fj na | adjustments prior to firing. The third man in this crew is the ammo man, Pvt same problem teaches him the prin­ pop-up targets on the Table Two Don L. Royster. ciples of employing the machineguns range, to increase its effectiveness in in the defense. \ accomplishing its mission of train­ The graduate from the machine- ing'more and better qualified gun­ gun committee's 70 hour course can ners to meet the needs of today's •aprP i;fe si;re targets effectively at modern Army. f 1

COMMENCE FIRING—With a look of grim determination, the machine gunner scans his fietd-of fmrto detect possible enemy targets. This .30 Cal machinegun is capable of laying down 675 rounds per minute.

IN PLACE—The three man gun crew, in position, is a formidable foe under any circumstances. Pvt C. Patterson, gunner, has his gun set up and sector of fire has been established. Assistant gunner Pvt L. Parrish keeps his eyes to the front and ammo man, Pvt L. Seriff, is ready to provide more ammunition if needed.

TIGHT SHOT GROUP—As with any weapon, accuracy of fire is most impor- DOWN RANGE—This is a panoramic view of Table Two. Trainees fire on life-size pop-up targets situated at in- tant in the use of a machinegun. Pvt Freeman shows how a six shot group vals of from 100 to 500 meters. Record firing with the machinegun is done on two ranges. Half on a beach looks when it's tight. On the 500 foot beach range, trainees practice the lge and the other half at Table Two. correct method of holding the gun to insure a good shot pattern. PRG65IX FORT ORD PflNORRMfl FRIDflV, mflY25,1962

founds Two Young Television Actors Have New Roles as Trainees Two talented young actors, with Richard Compton, was under con­ PVT DENNIS M. LCCKE several motion picture and TV cred- tract to 20th Century Fox and had ts on their record, are currently small roles in three feature films Running the pointer up and down playing the part of basic trainees while working for the studio: "Street GUNS OF NAVARONE the radio dial this last week, we with Fort Ord's Hq-8-3. Fighter", "Too Soon to Love" and Starring Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn, David Niven and managed to catch quite a few of the Pvts Richard Compher and Steven "The Big Circus". newer popular sounds both on E. Jensen were both under contract He also had running featured James Barren, the "Guns of Navarone" is gripping military and 45s. The albums are definitely to large motion picture studios be­ roles in two television series. He drama, in color, and suited for the entire family. taking a "twist" for lighter melodies. fore entering the service. played Dobie's cousin on "The Dobie This movie has been chosen by the Army and Air Force as However, the twist sounds still Compher, whose stage name is Gillis Show" starring Dwayne Hick- the second best show to play at military theaters around the dominate the sales charts each week. man and Bob Denver and was one fworld. LPs ... On the local scene, the of the three featured stars on "Dan Four Freshmen are getting a lot of Raven," an hour long detective series 'Ben Hur' Army's Chosen by the British Military In­ play with their album, "Hits of produced by Screen Gems Inc. Top 1961 Movie telligence during WW II, a brave Other Groups." It hasn't sold much Compher appeared on seven and courageous Commando team nationally, but the local radio sta­ other series shows and had a small With the Academy Awards and embarks on a desperate mission to tions are playing it quite a bit. but meaty role in the Playhouse 90 the Emmy shows all over with it's land on the German-hetd Greek "Moon River" by Andy Williams is production of "The Tunnel" star­ time for the Army to name the top Island of Navarone to destroy the another top recording on the air­ ring Richard Boone and directed shows to play at military bases huge guns that threatened an Allied waves. It's rated among the top SO IN THE CLEARING Force with total annihilation. by by John Frankenheimer, whom around the world during 1961. across the nation. MAJORITY OF ONE ROBERT FROST Compher regards as the best di­ What movie topped all others? "Pete Fountain's Music From rector he ever worked under. According to the theater books it A comedy in color and definitely a" Padraic Colum once wrote of Frost Dixie" features some of the old Compher started his acting career was "Ben Hur." Its popularity family picture, the stars are Alec that "his was poetry that Americans standards of the Dixie world and at the age of fifteen as a juvenile ac­ with service audiences reaffirms A Guiness, Rosalind Russell and Ray were on the lookout for, poetry that some newer arrangements by the tor with the Lobby Theater in and AFMPS findings that the Danton. king of the clarinet. Jim Reeves' "A had in it native scenes and native Washington, D.C. He appeared in most popular movies at military The story is based around the Touch of Velvet" going to the top. character, and had, startlingly, the several films produced by the United posts are action films and come­ changing of time honored customs It features a lot of soft sweet mel­ vibration of the voice." Colum also — States Government. dies. as two worlds collide :• the East and odies. and this was two decades and He joined the Neighborhood Play­ The number two best show was the West. Roz Russell portrays a Homer and Jethro are back with more ago — foresaw that "the house in New York City where he "Guns of Navarone" soon to be seen warmhearted Brooklyn widow who a new release titled "H and J Strike chances are that Robert Frost will was chosen the outstanding actor of at the post theaters. travels to Tokyo and is wooed by a Back." These two seem to get a become a national figure, a sage the 1958 season before coming to Of the top ten movies to be shown Japanese industrialist, Alec Guiness. little funnier with each new album. Los Angeles. In addition to his on military bases, five cost 40 cents Highlighting the many comic fire­ 45s ... Jimmy Dean's "PT 109" The prophecy has come true. If movie and television credits, Com­ each and of course the other five works is the way she deals with her which we mentioned two weeks ago we have a poet laureate, Frost is it. pher was a regular performer at the cost a quarter. oriental admirer and singlehandedly was number five on the sales curve He has won four Pulitzer prizes and Players Ring, perhaps the outstand­ solves a diplomatic hassle. t has climbed to the third spot in numerous other honors, including ing little theater in the Southern popular music and number one on recognition by the Senate. He de­ California area. Nightclub Entertainer 'TpTuM^TER *" the charts. "Adios livered a poem, included in this col­ Compiler's talents have begun to Student at BAAC School °PIUM EATER Amigo" by Jim Reeves is also on its lection, at the inauguration of Presi­ branch out into other fields. Recently An adventurous drama for mature way to the top. dent Kennedy. And now, at 88, full he wrote the lyrics for the music- Pvt Juan J. Cobian, attending people only. Vincent Price and Symphonies . . . The Fort Ord of honors and years, the first col­ drama, "The Mockingbird," which BAAC at 4th Bde, has been a pro­ Linda Ho take the lead roles. libraries have record listening lection of his poems in 15 years is will open on Broadway this season fessional singer since he turned 15. Battling the rival Tongs and their booths completely sound proofed. published, and the Library of Con­ with Robert Horton in the starring Singing in nightclubs from San hatchet-wielding henchmen, a re­ We visited the hospital library anc gress has opened a collection of role. Francisco to Disneyland and touring sourceful adventurer joins a crusad­ thumbed through the record files manuscripts in tribute. Jensen signed a movie contract the country with world famous Ern- ing newspaper editor to wage an aggressive campaign against the the other day and found a most "In the Clearing" shows the with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer after esto Gil Olvera has given Mexican complete selection of classical mu­ born Pvt Cobian a good look at our smuggling of slave girls into Cali­ same lyric love for the land as three years as a successful free sic. The records are in very good country. fornia. Frost's other works. "Like Virgil," lance actor and male model in New shape and the fidelity is tremendous. wrote Colum, "Robert Frost gets York City. He has yet to appear The newest releases are in the file the landscape into his poetry." in a motion picture but has had as well as some of the older records There is wisdom and humor ("It several big roles in important TV takes all sorts of in and outdoor shows. schooling/To get adapted to my He had a featured part in "Sum­ kind of fooling.") There is graphic mer Rhapsody" on the United States |"__«i A_*J A_.I!X description, as in the comment on Steel Hour and has appeared in such Fort urd, Calif, THEATER M the people in "A Cabin in the series as "Stakeout," "The Brighter CENTRAL*! PRESTOK Man. thru Frl. MAIN GATE « Day" and many others. He spent the Building 1977 M Nltely at 1900 Bra. Building 1061 - Clearing" that: Nltely 6:30 & 8;30 Nltely 6:30 ft 8:30 Sat. Sun. Holidays Nltely 7:00 summer of 1961 in summer stock at Mat. sat. Sun. 1:30 Phone 8493 at 1330 1830 i 2030 Hrs. Mat. Sat. Sun. 1:30 "They've been here long enough Phone 3791 . 3215 Sat Mat. 10 am Weekly Phone .'172 Weston, Vermont, playing leading - Phone 5988 To push the woods back from The Starting Time pi the 2nd. Performance of any Program longer than 120 Mln-will be separately announced Service Club I, Bldg. 4600 around the house roles in several productions. AT THEATER ' 4 ONLY - OnH»2ndd<1yofa2- doy ihowlns K»i» will b« »n« P«rfomance ally a 7:00 BUN.27 MAY BUN.27 MAY Friday, May 25 And part them in the middle with BUN.27 MAY ' SUN.27 MAY a path." ——————————————— MON.28MAY MON.28MAY Short MQN.28MAY 2000—Dance lessons ———Snettk Preview R.T.167 A Saturday, May 26 While the poems in the present A sneak preview of a major R.T.1JJ ^* 1900—Show Anlboay Qnlnn collection d'o not reach the heights JAMES SIEWART ?(J 2030—Salute to San Jose State Hollywood release will be held of "The Death of the Hired Man," m

^The opposition allowed just three ,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^____, < Heavyweights (Exhibition): 1 ' v; v-^^^^^^^^^H ^l^^t[ the punch responsible i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l ., T, »«J^^, , for the defeat of the Merchants. l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B Mur°> H<1 CDEC. draw' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ S. Calif. Wrestling Champ Connie Mack Tryouts l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l Trains with 1st Brigade Tryouts for the Fort Ord l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l Pvt Sidney L. Simily of D-2-1 was Connie Mack baseball league ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 heavyweight wrestling champion of will be conducted on Thursday ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Southern California in 1959. afternoon at the post baseball ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H He was a member of the San field. Any boy, age 16 to 18 is j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Diego State College wrestling team eligible to participate. For fur- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H during his four-year stay there, ther information contact Maj ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Simily has participated in more I John Weaker, Tel 3362. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| than 175 matches during his wrest­ 6 I £ S ling career. PC in U