EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME (S): • BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • 1 Handball per • Develop cardiovascular endurance, agility, speed, eye-hand coordination, • Set in Hoops around group and spatial awareness. perimeter of activity area • 4 cones for • Grids set-up for groups of 6 each group of • Demonstrate skills. four students • 2 or more beach • Apply passing and catching skills in a modified game. • Defend against a passed .


HEALTH • Designate game boundaries with cones for students to play tag. Be sure • Assist groups with setting up their RELATED the area is safe for students to run, stop, chase and dodge, such as grass cones. PHYSICAL etc. • Clarify rules. ACTIVITY • Help with demonstration of the Beach Ball Freeze • On the signal one student will try to tag another by tossing a beach ball at game. another student. Each time a student tagged with the beach ball they must • Offer positive feedback to groups (10 Minutes) freeze (be still for a count of ten seconds) and then may continue to play. and individuals.

• If a student catches the ball or is tagged a second time the student becomes a tagger.

• Continue playing until everyone has been tagged.


Transition • Students return cones to the perimeter. • Set Up grids for next activity • Students reform groups into groups of 6 • These groups of 6 then form 2 groups of 3 with one ball each.

ACTIVITY #1 • Students form groups of 6 and then divide into two groups of 3. • Direct students and explain • Each group of 6 is assigned a grid and needs 2 handballs. activity as needed. 2 on 1 Keep Away • Designate one person to be in the middle (interceptor). • Provide positive feedback. • On your signal, the 2 outside students pass the handball to each other without • Congratulate improvement. the interceptor intercepting it or knocking it down. • The interceptor stays in the middle until you blow the whistle (after 1 minute) to rotate. • All passes must be around the interceptor and not over his or her head. • Interceptor must guard only the thrower and be 3 feet away from thrower. • Challenge: Interceptor scores a point whenever a pass is not completed or when a pass is thrown over his or her head. Keep track of defensive points only.

Activity #2 • Students need to return one ball and play 3 v. 3 in the same grids. • Assist with equipment • Object of the game is to complete 3 passes to 3 members of your own team. • Help games get organized. 3 v. 3 • Rules: • Encourage participation o Student with the ball can only dribble 3 times before passing. 3 Pass with o No more than 3 steps before a dribble or pass is made. Dribble • One point for each 3 consecutive catches. • After third completed pass, ball is placed down for the other team to begin. • If the ball is incomplete in any way, it is awarded to other team. • Principle of 3’s can be utilized here:

Must complete 3 passes to − − Defender stands 3 feet away from thrower − 3 different individuals must catch the object − Only 3 dribbles

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Assistant help get balls into COOLDOWN receptacle. TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 1 K-1st GRADE

L1 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L1 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 ABH 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME(S): BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • 1 Handball • Demonstrate passing and catching skills. • Set Handballs in Hoops around per student • Demonstrate moving on offense without the ball to an open space. perimeter of activity area. • 4 telephone • Demonstrate good defensive position. • Set out Task Card for HRPA. books (or • Develop cardiovascular endurance, agility, speed, and leg strength. jump ropes)


HEALTH • Designate game boundaries with cones for students to play tag. Be sure the area • Assist with grouping RELATED is safe for students to run, stop, chase and dodge, such as grass etc. • Participate with several groups as PHYSICAL you supervise ACTIVITY • On the signal two students will try to tag other students Telephone Book Tag • The first time a student is tagged they must walk to a designated location to do step-ups on/off the telephone books for 10-20 times to be able to continue (10 minutes) playing. If the student is tagged again the student becomes a tagger.

• Continue playing until everyone has been tagged.

ACTIVITY #1 • Students find a partner and get one team handball and move into a grid with 2 • Help students get started in the other pairs. activity Partner Pass • Students, in the grid, pass the ball back and forth • Give students feedback about the • Have students begin passing, changing the type of pass every minute. correct form when using different passes. − Chest pass − Overhead pass − pass − Bounce pass How many catches in a row can you and your partner make in 30 seconds? Can you TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 2 K-1st GRADE

improve on that score? Can you beat the scores of the other pairs in your grid?

ACTIVITY #2 • Split into 2 teams of 3 with one team handball in the grid. • Teacher/Assistant supervise all 3 v. 3 • Object of the game is to complete 3 passes to 3 members of your own team. activities for safety compliance, • Rules: and correct throwing form. 3 Pass/No • No dribbling. Dribble • Use overhand pass, chest pass, baseball pass or bounce pass. • Make sure all students are • Teammates without the ball move to an open space and try to get open to receive actively involved and moving. a pass.

• Good defensive position, no contact allowed

• Score one point for each 3 consecutive catches, then place ball down for the

other team to begin on offense.

• Score one point on defense for intercepting the pass. • If the ball is incomplete in anyway, it goes to other team. • Principle of 3’s can be utilized here: − Must complete 3 passes to score − Defender stands 3 feet away from thrower − 3 different individuals must catch the object

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Assistant help get balls into COOLDOWN receptacle.

L2 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L2 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 ABH 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME(S): BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • 1 Handball • Spread handballs in hoops around per 2 students • Demonstrate a shot on . the play area • 1 Large cone • Execute good footwork when shooting. • Have 1 cone and 1 jump rope for each 3 • Develop cardiovascular endurance, agility, eye-hand coordination, and available for every group of 3 students. demonstrate dribbling skills. students. • 1 jump rope, 4 polyspots or other type of line marker per group to mark goalie crease • 20-30 various types of balls, radio/CD player, and music


HEALTH • Designate game boundaries with cones for students to play tag. Be RELATED sure the area is safe for students to run, stop, chase and dodge, such PHYSICAL as grass etc ACTIVITY • Have students make two to three rows and be sure each student has a Musical Ball ball. Bounce • When the music begins have all the students dribble a ball to the beat (10 minutes) of the music. • When the music stops have the students quickly exchange their ball with another student. • Provide different types of balls of various sizes. • Use various music selections which have different types of tempos. • Continue as time allows. TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 3 K-1st GRADE

ACTIVITY #1 Divide into groups of 3 with one ball for each group of 3. • Help groups get organized and • Each group of three has a jump rope to mark the crease restraining line that retrieve equipment for the activity. Pass & Shoot students must shoot behind • Help set up targets. • Set up a cone as a target. • Using polyspots, a jump rope, tape or chalk line, mark out a goalie crease restraining line about 5 yards away. • Two students practice making 3 passes and then one shoots on goal using the following: o Dribble, step and shoot. o Shooter may not step over the restraining line into goalie crease. • Retriever stands behind target (cone) and collects the ball. • Shooter and retriever exchange places. • Repeat drill with 3 passes and a shot. • Student scores one point each when he or she hits the cone. Challenges: − Move the line further back − How many shots in a row can your group make? − How many shots in a row can you make?


CLOSURE/ • Review Skills/Activity • Help get balls into hoops. COOL DOWN (5 minutes)

L3 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L3 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 AH 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME(S): BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • 1 handball per • Demonstrate accurate passing. • Have cones available for use as students • Develop dribbling skills goals • 10-12 hula • Develop cardiovascular endurance, agility, speed, and cognitive thinking skills in • Form 30 x 30 area with cones hoops nutrition. • 2 cones per 6 students


HEALTH • Designate game boundaries with cones for students to play tag. Be • Assist with grouping RELATED sure the area is safe for students to run, stop, chase and dodge, such • Monitor students while playing PHYSICAL as grass etc. • Watch for safety issues ACTIVITY • On the signal two students will try to tag other students Fruit Tag • The first time a student is tagged they must name a fruit to continue playing. If the student is unable to name a fruit the student becomes a (10 Minutes) tagger. • Continue playing until everyone has been tagged.

ACTIVITY #1 • Each student should have a handball. • Help students get handballs Worms and • Choose 2-4 students as taggers (Catfish) • Monitor students being tagged Catfish Tag • On your signal students with handballs (worms) and taggers (catfish) • Watch for safety issues start dribbling in designated area. • The first time a catfish tags a worm, the worm must perform 5 jumping jacks. • If the same worm is tagged again he/she becomes a tagger (catfish) • Continue playing until everyone has been tagged.


ACTIVITY # 2 • Students get in groups of 4 (2 teams). I student gets 2 handballs, 1 holds the hula Make sure all students are Hula Pass & hoop to the side. The other team stands to the side and waits their turn. participating. Bounce • Students stand 6 feet away from the hoop and try to bounce and then pass the Make sure students are using both ball through the hoop, 1 partner first and then the other. Handball may bounce bounces and passes. only once. Teams score points when handball successfully passes through the hoop. • When 1 team finishes switch teams. • Challenge: Count the number of successful bounces and passes. The team with the highest total wins. Play again and move farther from the hoop.

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Get balls into hoops. COOL DOWN

L4 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L4 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 ABH 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.4 D 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME(S): BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • 4 Cones or • Apply team handball skills in a modified game. • Set balls out in hoops around the Polyspots per • Demonstrate moving without the ball to an open space. perimeter of the activity area. end line game • Execute basic defensive position and guarding an opponent. • Have pinnies available and ready • 1 handball for for game play. every student • Set up 15 x 30 yard grids (or what • Pinnies for you have space for) for groups of half the class 6.


HEALTH • Each student has a handball. • Assist with distributing equipment. RELATED • Students dribble the ball around the area. • Encourage students to participate. PHYSICAL • On teacher’s signal, students begin dribbling. ACTIVITY • On the next signal students stop and perform a designated ball handling skill: ƒ Hold ball and pivot on one foot. Handball ƒ Dribble and jog in place. Memory Game ƒ Dribble changing hands. (10 minutes) ƒ Dribble between legs. ƒ Bend down and move the ball in a figure-8 between the legs. ƒ Bend down and holding the ball with one hand in front of legs and one hand behind, quickly let go, switching the position of the hands and catching the ball before it hits the floor. • Add a new skill each time you signal students to stop. • From memory, students must do all other skills in order, before adding the new skill.

ACTIVITY #1 • Students form groups of 6 and then divide into two groups of 3. • Direct students and explain • Each group of 6 is assigned a grid and needs 2 handballs. activity as needed. 2 on 1 Keep • Designate one person to be in the middle (interceptor). • Provide positive feedback. Away • On your signal, the 2 outside students pass the handball to each other without the • Congratulate improvement. interceptor intercepting it or knocking it down. • The interceptor stays in the middle until you blow the whistle (after 1 minute) to TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 5 K-1st GRADE

rotate. • All passes must be around the interceptor and not over his or her head. • Interceptor must guard only the thrower and be 3 feet away from thrower. • Receiver practices making sharp cuts to get open. • Challenge: Interceptor scores a point whenever a pass is not completed or when a pass is thrown over his or her head. Keep track of defensive points only.

ACTIVITY #2 • Have students form a circle in groups of 8. • Assist groups with setting up their • One student stands in the middle with 2 handballs. games. Head/Catch • The student in the middle tosses the balls to one student and then another. • Move to different groups to help • As he tosses the ball he calls out “head” or “catch”. set up the activity and offer • This is a concentration game. When the student in the middle calls out “head”, feedback. the other student must catch the ball. When he calls “catch” the ball must be • Demonstrate where appropriate headed. so that students understand the • If a student performs the wrong action he/she must quickly run around the circle activity. and then back to their place in the circle.

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Assist with returning balls into COOL DOWN hoops.

L5 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L5 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 AH 1.2 A 1.3 ABC 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME(S): BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • Apply team handball skills in a modified game • Set 4 cones in each corner of the • 1Handball per • Demonstrate shooting at the goal gym or play area. 6 students • Demonstrate moving without the ball to get open for a pass. • Have balls, in hoops spread • Hoops for • Demonstrate basic defensive position and guarding an opponent. around perimeter of activity area balls • Demonstrate basic goalie position and guarding against a shot. • 20 X 20 yd. grid with one 10-foot • For each grid, goal. 2 Cones to mark each goal and polyspots to mark goalie crease


HEALTH • Designate game boundaries with cones for students to play tag. Be sure the • Assist with equipment clean-up RELATED area is safe for students to run, stop, chase and dodge, such as grass etc. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY • On the signal two students will try to tag other students Junk Food Tag • The first time a student is tagged they must name a “junk food” to continue playing. If the student cannot name a “junk food” the student becomes an (10 minutes) additional tagger.

• Continue playing until everyone has been tagged.

ACTIVITY #1 • Groups of 6 divided into 2 teams. • 20’X 20’ play space for the drill, • Decide which team will have first. using 4 cones or polyspot markers 3 on 3 Handball • Perform a throw-in to start play. to mark boundaries and 2 larger • 2 passes required by offense before attempting to shoot. cones for goals 12 feet apart or TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 6 K-1st GRADE

• Shooters may not enter the goalie crease. use a ½ of a court with • Dribbling is allowed. 2 cones for a goal. • Person with the ball can take 3 steps. • Offense switches after every goal. An attempt is counted when a goal is scored or any change of possession (out-of-bounds, interception, missed goal etc.). • Use cones or tape on wall or • One point for each score. bleachers to mark the goal • Teams keep track of their own score. • Use polyspots or other marker on floor to mark off goalie crease

• Assist with groupings.

• Make sure students are actively engaged.

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Assist with returning balls into COOL DOWN hoops.

L6 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L6 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 ABH 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.4 D 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME(S): BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • Cones and • Apply team handball skills in a modified game. • Set balls in hoops around the polyspots for • Develop cardiovascular endurance, agility, speed, and spatial awareness. activity area. IA, and to • Set up grids for groups of 8. mark off grids and goals • 4-8 handball • 3-4 Hoops • 1 Pinnie per 2 students


HEALTH • Designate game boundaries with cones for students to play tag. Be sure the • Help supervise and keep students RELATED area is safe for students to run, stop, chase and dodge, such as grass. on task PHYSICAL ACTIVITY • Use 6 cones to create an “alley” (4-8 ft wide) length wise through the center of Good Guys & the basketball court (place 2 cones at both baselines opposite each other. Bad Guys Place 2 cones in the center of the court opposite each other, creating an

(10 minutes) alley).

• Select 3 students as taggers (Good Guys) to stand in the alley. Line up the remainder of the students (Bad Guys) on one of the sidelines. On your signal students on the sidelines will attempt to run through the “alley” to the other sidelines. Students may be tagged only when they pass through the alley between the cones. Taggers may not leave their alley. Students that are tagged become taggers (Good Guys).

Variation: When students are tagged they will perform 5 jumping jacks, push ups, etc. before continuing to play (they don’t become taggers). Play as time allows. TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 7 K-1st GRADE

Transition • Assist students with grouping and setting up the activity.

ACTIVITY #1 • Students form two teams of 4, one team wearing pinnies. • Set up grids for class • One goal set up at each end of grid. • Help groups get started on 4 v 4 • Goal crease marked off by a restraining line. activity. No Goalie Team • Object of the game: to score a goal. • Move to different groups around Handball • No goalies; players guard each other and not the goal. the area and assist where • Offense tries to attack and score by passing and dribbling. needed, offering feedback and • Shooters must not pass the restraining line into the goal crease. participating where appropriate.

• A ball thrown out-of-bounds changes possession and results in a throw-in from

the spot where the ball went out.

• A score by the offense changes possession and a play resumes with throw-in from the end-line. • Player with the ball can take 3 steps before and after dribbling. • No double dribbles; similar to basketball. • Challenge: Every 3-4 minutes have teams rotate fields/courts.

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Place balls into hoops. COOL DOWN (5 minutes)

L7 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L7 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 ABH 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME(S): BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • 1 handball per • Apply passing, dribbling, shooting and defending in a game situation. • Set balls in hoops around group of 8 • Develop cardiovascular endurance, agility, speed, and demonstrate various perimeter of activity area. • Pinnies for jump rope skills • Have pinnies available around the one half of perimeter. class • Have music ready. • 4 cones in • Set-up grids for team handball. each grid to • Team handball can be played on use as goals a full basketball court, a divided • Polyspots or basketball court, or on a grass lines to mark field. goalie crease


HEALTH • Designate game boundaries with cones for students to play tag. Be sure the • Assistant supervising inner circle RELATED area is safe for students to run, stop, chase and dodge, such as grass etc. while teacher is supervising outer PHYSICAL circle. ACTIVITY • Divide the students into teams. (2-3 members) Jump Rope to Music • Give one jump rope to each team.

(10 minutes) • At the sound of the music the students begin jumping. When the music stops another team member begins jumping.

• Vary the jump rope techniques.

• Repeat until all members have jumped rope.

Transition • Students form groups of 8, each group in a grid with one ball. One team wearing • Assist with grouping & equipment pinnies. TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 8 K-1st GRADE

ACTIVITY #1 • Groups of 8 forming two teams of 4 within grid. One team wears pinnies • Have pinnies available for • Two cones for a goal at each end of grid. students to use during game • Goal area marked off by goalie crease. 4v.4 • 3 active offensive court players and one goalie for each team. Team Handball • Game begins with a throw-in at center court. • Help students setting up their with Goalies • Offensive players pass and dribble to attempt to score a goal while being games defended. • Goalie can use hands, feet or body to block a shot and clears the ball to a • Move to different groups to help teammate who then tries to move the ball down the court to score in opponent’s monitor games in different areas goal. of the play area • Challenge: Every 3-4 minutes- team leading moves up and team behind moves down one court. Ties are settled with rock/paper/scissors. • Teaching Cues: o Short, quick passes are best. o Move without the ball and look for a pass when on offense. o Keep body low and hands up when playing defense. • Rules: • Out of bounds ball is put in play at the spot by the opposing team with a throw-in. • Rules for Awarding Free Throw: The following infractions result in a free throw from the spot of the infraction. o Running more than 3 steps with the ball. o Grabbing, tackling or holding an opponent. o Double dribble

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Help students return balls to COOL DOWN hoops

L8 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L8 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 AG 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOM BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • 1Handball per • Apply Team Handball skills in a game situation. • Set balls in hoops around group of 6 • Develop cardiovascular endurance, sportsmanship, eye-hand coordination, perimeter of activity area • 2-4 large and speed. • Have pinnies available around the rubber balls perimeter • Pinnies for • Set-up grids for team handball. one half of • Team handball can be played on class a full basketball court, a divided • 4 cones for basketball court, or on a grass each grid to field. use as goals • Polyspots or lines to mark goalie crease


HEALTH • Designate game boundaries with cones for students to play tag. Be sure the • Assist with grouping RELATED area is safe for students to run, stop, chase and dodge, such as grass etc. • Participate with several groups as PHYSICAL you supervise ACTIVITY • Divide students into two equal groups or teams and assign player positions. Kick Ball • This activity is played similar to baseball or and the same rules apply. (10 minutes) • A player may be designated “out” if hit with the ball. • The score may or may not be taken so as to play for fun.

• Continue the game as time permits.

ACTIVITY #1 • Two groups of 6 come together to form two teams within a grid. One team wears TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 9 K-1st GRADE

pinnies and one ball for each grid with goals set up at each end and each goalie • Help students understand the 6 v. 6 crease set up with polyspots or another type of marking. game. Team Handball • Five active court players and one goalie per team. • Game begins with a throw-in at center court. • Move around the area offering • Offensive players advance the ball and attempt to score a goal by passing and feedback and assistance as dribbling while being defended. needed to keep games moving. • Goalie clears the ball to a teammate and that team then tries to move the ball down the court to score in opponent’s goal. • Rules: • Introduce Penalty Throw: A penalty throw is taken by an offensive player against the goalie from outside the goal crease restraining line. The player taking the free throw must keep one foot stationary and must take the shot within 3 seconds. All other players must stay outside the free throw line, except for the goalie, who defends against the shot. • Rules for Awarding Penalty Throw: The following infractions result in a Penalty Throw. o When a foul by the defense prevents a clear chance to score a goal by the offense. o When a player displays unsportsmanlike behavior.

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Help students return balls to COOL DOWN hoops

• Collect pinnies.

L9 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L9 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 AH 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC

NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6


EQUIPMENT: LESSON OUTCOME(S): BEFORE CLASS SET UP: • Pinnies for • Apply Team Handball Skills in a game situation. • Set balls in hoops around half of the • Develop cardiovascular endurance, agility, speed, and demonstrate speed perimeter of activity area. class • Have pinnies available around the jump rope skills • 4 cones for perimeter. each grid to • Set-up grids for team handball. use as goals • Team handball can be played on • Polyspots or a full basketball court, a divided lines to mark basketball court, or on a grass goalie crease field.


HEALTH RELATED ƒ Be sure the area is safe for students to run and jump, such as grass etc. • Help supervise and keep students PHYSICAL on task ƒ Divide the students into equal teams ACTIVITY Jump Rope ƒ Designate game boundaries with cones for students to have relay (start Relay and finish line 10-15 yards maximum)

(10 Minutes) ƒ The first student in line will have a jump rope.

ƒ At the signal the students begin jumping rope to the finish line and then

run back to the starting line as they hand off the rope to the next person in line, who continues the race ƒ When each person in the row finishes the race they should sit down. ƒ The team who finishes first is the winner.

ACTIVITY #1 • Two groups of 6 come together with one ball to form two teams within a grid. One team in each grid wears pinnies. • Circulate among games to assure TEAM HANDBALL LESSON 10 K-1st GRADE

• Teams comprised of five active court players and one goalie per team. that students understand the 6 v. 6 • Teams in each grid compete for approximately 3 minutes. On teacher’s signal game and are cooperating and Team Handball games end. Winning team remains in their grid. Losing teams rotate one grid in working together. Mini- a CCW direction to begin another game. Tournament • Game begins with a throw-in at center court by the losing team. • Offensive players advance the ball and attempt to score a goal by passing and dribbling while being defended. • Principle of 3’s • Guard the ball 3 feet away • Must complete 3 passes before shooting. • Only 3 steps before and after dribbling. • 3 passes to 3 different students before a score can be made • Goalie clears the ball to a teammate and that team then tries to move the ball down the court to score in opponent’s goal. • Rules: • Out of bounds ball is put in play by the opposing team with a throw-in. • Penalty Throw: A free shot taken by an offensive player against the goalie from outside the goal crease restraining line. The player taking the free throw must keep one foot stationary and must take the shot within 3 seconds. All other players must stay outside the free throw line, except for the goalie, who defends against the shot. • Rules for Penalty Throw: The following infractions result in a Penalty Shot. o When a foul prevents a clear chance to score a goal by the offense. o A player displays unsportsmanlike behavior. Switch teams after 5 minutes.

CLOSURE/ • Review Skill/Activity • Help students return balls to COOL DOWN hoops • Collect pinnies, cones, hoops, mats, etc.

L10 TEKS Introduction 1,2,3 K.1 AB K.2 AB K.3 AB K.4 K.5 A K.6 AB K.7 ABC L10 TEKS Introduction 1,2 1.1 AGH 1.2 A 1.3 AB 1.4 1.5 A 1.6 AB 1.7 ABC NAPSE NATL STD P.E. 1,2,3,4,5,6