Celebrated Aviator and Test Pilot Simon Jones, Mr Mark Jones, Mr and Mrs J
THE TIMES Friday July 222016 1GM Captain Er c Winkle Brown MVOr~IiaSiRG.iiiL BELOW: [Bills GAYLABO The Duke of York KG, Commodore-in-Chief Fleet Beckelt, Mr Peter Benn, Mr Alan Blacker, Mr Air Arm, and patron, Fly Navy Heritage Trust Michael Blacker, Mr Simon Blacker, Mrs attended an event to celebrate the life and Deborah Blacker, Mr and Mrs John Blunden, Mr achievements of the world’s greatest test pilot Tertius Bonnin, Mrs Michelle Bonnin, Mr Connor Captain Eric Melrose-Brown DSC, ArC Royal Bowcott, Mr Ian Brannick, Mr Andrew Brookes, Navy, held on Thursday, July 21, at the Royal Mrs Veronica Bryant, Mr Mike Buckland, Mr Naval Air Station Yeovilton, Somerset. The Peter Campbell, Mr and Mrs Jack Cant, Mr prime minister was represented by Sir Gerald Victor Chavez, Mr Steve Cheyne, Mr Nick Childs, Howarth MP. Mr Stephen Clarke, Miss Laura Clarke, Miss The Venerable Ian Wheatley, chaplain of the Tracey Clempson, Mr Frank Colenso, Mr Gary Fleet and archdeacon to the Royal Navy Copeland, Mr and Mrs Tom Corfield, Mr John officiated and pronounced the blessing. Rear- Corless, Mr Jason Corless, Mr Hugh Craig, Mr Admiral Keith Blount (Assistant Chief of Naval Bob Crosby, Mr Mike Cuttell, Mr P Dale, Miss Staff — Aviation, Amphibious Capability and Rebecca Dailey, Mr John Davies, Mrs Melanie de Carriers) read the lesson. Commander Sue Eagles (communications Watts, Mr Hugh Dibley, Mr Jonathan Dickens, director, Fly Navy Heritage Trust) read the Mr Geoff Douthwaite, Mr Richard Dumville, Mrs poem High Flight by John Magee. Elizabeth Duff, Mr and
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