SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC SEDATION SPS 2209 Dickens Rd., Richmond, VA 23230-2005 SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC SEDATION safe and sound (804) 565-6354 • Fax: (804) 282-0090 •

1. SKILLS A. Pre-Sedation

. Physical Assessment (focus on neurological, cardiac, respiratory, airway)

. Vital Signs

. IV Access

. Laboratory Tests/Values

. Medication Preparation B. Intra-Sedation

. Medication Administration

. Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation

. Suctioning

. Positioning

. Monitoring

. Airway Adjuncts C. Post-Sedation

. Positioning

. Airway Management

. Vital Signs

. IV Access

. Falls Prevention

2. KNOWLEDGE A. Pre-Sedation

. Screening/History/Patient Considerations

. Procedural Considerations

. Family Education

. Sedation Medications . Room Preparation

. Patient Preparation B. Intra-Sedation

. Recognizing When to Intervene

. Monitoring & Documenting Patient Response

. Adjusting the Sedation Plan C. Post-Sedation

. Continue Airway Management

. Know the Effects of the Medications

. Work Toward Transfer/Discharge Readiness

. Family Education

. Follow Up

SKILLS A. Pre-Sedation • Physical Assessment

o Obvious Developmental Delays or Physical Deformities o Neurological Status . Level of Consciousness . Hypertonia/hypotonia . Developmental Delay . Palsy/Cranial Nerve Issues

o Respiratory Status . Work of /respiratory effort (grunting, retractions, ) . Obvious upper respiratory infection symptoms (runny nose, , audible ) . Breath sounds (clear, coarse, wheeze, diminished) . Severe scoliosis o Cardiovascular Status . Arrythmias . Murmurs . Capillary Refill . Pulses

o Airway Status . Malampati ( . Small/retracted mandible . Inability to open mouth wide . Large tongue/”floppy airway” . Neck mass/swelling . Tonsillar size • Vital signs (Growth & Development considerations: equipment & values appropriate for age)

o Normal values o Tachycardia/bradycardia o /bradypnea o Hypertension/hypotension o Oxygen saturation o Temperature • IV Access (Growth & Development considerations: age appropriate distraction, explana- tion, IV site)

o Peripheral or central line access o Pre-medication (versed, elamax, emla) o Anatomical Location o Vascular integrity o Positioning/immobilizing • Laboratory Tests/Values (Growth & Development: approach/technique, address pain/ fear)

o Pregnancy Screening o Hemoglobin and Hematocrit o Blood Counts for Hematology/Oncology • Medication Preparation

o 5 “Rights” (patient, medication, dose, route, time) o Bolus dosing . Concentration . Dilution/Diluents

o Programming Drips o Checks & Balances/Time Out o Patient Specific Code Sheet B. Intra-Sedation (routine and emergent skills) • Medication Administration

o Rate of administration • Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation (Growth & Development considerations: appropriate sized supplies for age/size)

o Self-inflating or “anesthesia/mapleson” bag o Appropriate size mask (good seal) o Oxygen source/flow o Airway position promotes adequate ventilation (chest rise) o Adequate ventilatory rate o Other considerations (trach, c-spine instability) • Suctioning (Growth & Development considerations: appropriate sized supplies for age/ size)

o Removal Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal secretions o Vomiting/preventing aspiration

• Positioning (Growth & Development considerations: physical size and anatomical con- siderations)

o Airway position o Circulatory considerations o Safety (seat belts, padding, MRI/radiation precautions, sterile field) • Monitoring (Growth & Development considerations: appropriate sized supplies/equip- ment/default settings on monitors)

o Pulse oximeter probe placement/accurate reading o Blood pressure cuff size and location o Reading end tidal carbon dioxide tracing o Temperature monitoring on neonates • Airway Adjuncts (Growth & Development considerations: appropriate sized supplies)

o Blow by/Nasal cannula oxygen o Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal tube size determination and proper placement o Laryngeal Mask Airway/Endotracheal tube size and placement

C. Post-Sedation

• Positioning

o Neck/Shoulder Roll o Side Lying o Post Procedure Requirements

• Airway Management

o Removing airway adjuncts o Oxygen administration o Caregiver Holding

• Vital Signs

o Stable versus Unstable

• IV access

o Maintain versus Discontinue

o CVL, portacath and PICC procedures

• Falls Prevention (Growth & Development considerations: independence versus safety)

o Side rails/Seat Belts

o Wheelchair

KNOWLEDGE A. Pre-Sedation

• Screening/History/Patient Considerations

o Reason for procedure/sedation

o Prior issues with sedation or general anesthesia

. Paradoxical reactions

. Allergic reactions

. Family history of Malignant Hyperthermia

. Emergence Reactions

o Potential airway issues


. /Reactive airway disease/Upper respiratory infection

. Obesity

. Tonsillar/

. Syndromes (Downs, Pierre Robin, Marfans, Mucopolysaccharidoses)

. Tracheomalacia/Laryngomalacia

. Prior tracheostomy

. Vascular ring

. Cerebral Palsy/other conditions of muscle weakness

. Severe scoliosis

. Swallowing problems

. Severe Reflux

o Potential cardiac issues

. Pulmonary hypertension

. Acute Cardiomyopathy/Ejection Fraction <35%

. Hypoplastic Left

. Single Ventricle physiology – must be past Fontan

. William Syndrome – with cardiac ischemia o Baseline neurological/developmental status

. Within normal limits versus developmental delay

. Age/maturity level warrants trying without sedation

. Thermoregulation Considerations

o Disorders of the following systems

. Endocrine

. Hepatic

. Metabolic

. Renal

. Blood

o Drug or Food Allergies

o Current Medications

o NPO status

o Last menstrual period

o Weight/Height

o Pertinent laboratory values

• Procedural Considerations

o Location/Environment

o Painful versus Non-painful

o Length of Procedure

o Radiation Precautions

o Magnetic Field Precautions

o Sterile field Requirements

o Additional Consents

o Lab work Requirements

o IV Access Requirement

o Special Positioning

o Temperature Considerations • Family Education

o Information/explanations tailored to developmental level of patient and family

o Procedure

o Sedation Plan

o Post Sedation Expectations

• Sedation Medications

o Tailored to patient/procedure to be completed

o Contraindications

o Side effects

o Appropriate/maximum dosing

o Route options

o Onset of action/duration of effects

o Reversal Agents

• Room Preparation

o Functioning Equipment

. Monitor

. Bag-Valve-Mask

. Oxygen

. Suction

. Medication Pump

. Team Prepared

• Patient Preparation

o Functioning IV

o Patient/Family Questions Addressed

o Procedural Screenings Completed

o Time Out Performed (checklist)

. Two patient identifiers reviewed

. Weight

. Allergies

. Medication Doses

. Procedure to be Done o Immediate Pre-Procedure Vital Signs B. Intra-Sedation • Recognizing When to Intervene

o Apnea/ o Upper Airway Obstruction/Laryngospasm o Cardiovascular Instability o Pain o Medication Reactions

• Monitoring & Documenting Patient Response

o Amount of Medication Required o Additional Medications Required o Any Airway Management Interventions Required o Adverse or Unexpected Events o Vital Signs Every 5 Minutes . Includes Level of consciousness . Includes Pain Rating

o Abnormal Vital Sign Causes . Check the PATIENT First . Medication . Equipment . Pain • Adjusting the Sedation Plan

o Based on the Patient’s Response o Based on the Goal of the Procedure C. Post-Sedation

• Continue Airway Management

o Vital Signs o Work of breathing/respiratory effort o Airway Adjuncts in Place/Removed • Know the Effects of the Medications

o Side Effects o How Long Effects Last o Decrease External Stimulation • Work Toward Discharge/Transfer Readiness(Growth & Development considerations: toddlers asserting control by refusing to eat/ drink)

o Return to baseline vital signs and level of consciousness o Scoring Tool (Aldrete or other) o Tolerating solids/liquids by mouth o Transfer to Lower Level of Monitoring • Family Education

o Medication Specific o Potential Airway Problems o Risk of Falls o Diet and Home Medications • Follow Up/Quality

o Reporting Problems o Identifying Trends