Status & Impact of Ashram Schools for Scheduled Tribe Children – Special reference to state

Dr. Tejal Adhvaryu & Dr.Ravindra Pancholi [email protected] , – 380014 Abstract –

Ashram shala is one of the key institutes for spreading primary education among tribal groups, Shri A V Thakkar eminent worker was pioneer of the Ashram shala Yojana. On the bases of Mahatma ’s basic education concept whole Yojana was woven. Since 1920 social reconstruction workers were using this institute as tool of change in tribal life. Now a days TDD is the granting these shalas, how it benefited? what is its importance? Ashram shals are playing any roll in change of tribal life? are the key questions, we try to find out it and make suggestion of base of collected information direct from horse mouth.

Key Words: Tribal, Ashram Shala, Basic Education, Accommodation, Nutrition.

1.Introduction education) became an important part and value The origin of the ashram schools functioning in the ashrams established by Mahatma in the state of Gujarat is in the basic education Gandhi and in the ashram, schools started by or new training of . The creative activists who embraced the Gandhian Kocharab Ashram and the Harijan Ashram ideology. 'Is. With the efforts of Sukhdevbhai established by Mahatma Gandhi in Gujarat are in 19th, the first ashram school was excellent examples of this. The basics of basic established in Mirakhedi village of education in the ashram school have come (now district), from these ashrams. Mahatma Gandhi's main which was inaugurated by shri Thakkarbapa. objective behind establishing the ashram was Then With the efforts of shri Jugatram Dave to prepare freedom fighters for the freedom and Shri Narharibhai Parikh in 1923, another struggle and to run constructive programs. ashram school was started in Sarbhon village Later, Mahatma Gandhi also linked basic of district. Then in 1928, in Vedchi education with ashram life. Creative activists village of , Through the efforts of associated with the creative program with Jugatram Dave, a third Ashram School was Mahatma Gandhi went to different areas and established, which was renamed as "Ashram established organizations. Various activities Udyogshala". The work of teaching industry were started by these organizations, such as along with education was also started here. ashrams to educate the people, spinning or Literacy was taught in the ashram school, but weaving to alleviate poverty and it also played a role as a center of the freedom unemployment, alcoholism to free people from struggle. The main objective behind starting an addiction, to live a simple life, industries ashram school in a tribal area was to build to teach people industries, un touchability to honest leadership from the tribal and to make eliminate social discrimination. Etc. Creative the tribal equal citizens of by carrying programs have been done to awaken, organize out welfare activities like education and and empower people of different societies. economic development among the tribal Among the 18 creative programs of Mahatma through local tribal leadership. Gandhi, basic education was one of the important programs. Basic education (basic Page | 6

Research Guru: Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects (Peer Reviewed)

Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X)

After independence, when the Ashram School In the early days of this study, literature was Scheme was started by the Government of reviewed by reading literature related to the India in 1953-54, only 3 (three) Ashram ashram school. Visit schedule, questionnaire, Schools were registered in the government focused group discussion and observation list files. in 1960 From Greater Maharashtra to were then prepared to collect primary Gujarat became a separate state, there were information related to the ashram school. In 41(Bharti Desai and Anil Patel: Ashram the present research, the administrators, Schools of Gujarat: An Evaluation Study”, principals, teachers, students, parents and p.15) ashram schools functioning in Gujarat. alumni associated with the ashram school have "As on the end of March 2019, as per the been selected as the informants. Detailed government records, there are a total information was obtained from various 559{Commissioner, Tribal Development - As brochures in this study. If you look at these per the list of Gujarat State, Ashram School forms and the number of informants, you can and post Basic Ashram School Branch (dated see the primary information sheet-2 of the 30-06-2017)} ashram schools functioning in ashram school, Schedule-2 visit of the the state of Gujarat, in which there are 452 administrators, Schedule-2 of the principal- primary ashram schools and 107 post basic teacher visit, Schedule-2, Student visit form- and higher post basic ashram schools”. 214, Student health check-up form-215, Ashram schools played an important role in Educational quality measurement test sheet- raising the level of education among the tribal 215 of the students. Parent Visit Schedule-20, people of Gujarat. Ashram schools in the tribal Teacher-Focused Group Discussion-2, areas have done a useful and commendable job Student-Focused Group Discussion-2, Parent- of education reform by providing three Focused Group Discussion-2, Visit Schedule- facilities to the tribal children namely 218 of Alumni who have completed primary education, accommodation and food. education and Observation Form-2. An 2.Research method average of 6 to 7 by researchers and surveyors in each ashram school.n-depth information has The present research has been conducted been obtained by adequate investigation of under the title “Status & Impact of Ashram various aspects related to the ashram school by Schools for Scheduled Tribe Children – investing day and night. Special reference to Gujarat state”. Objectives of this study such as (1) to know the education The conclusions of the study were finally system, condition and quality of the ashram drawn on the basis of encoding, classification, school, (2) to check the condition, quality, information processing (data entry), nutritional and health status of the food tabulation, interpretation and analysis of the provided to the students, (3) to check the information obtained from the respondents in physical and infrastructural facilities and its this study. Major findings of the study areas, condition, (3) students, teachers And research has been done keeping in view the questions 3. Summary of the study of the administrators as well as (2) the effects 3.1 Conditions of Ashram School of ashram schools on the tribal society. In this (Education, Accommodation, Meals) and study, out of 6 ashram schools providing Impact on Tribal Society primary education for tribal children, 6 ashram Ashram School is a system that provides triple schools have been selected as sample (unit) as facilities of education, accommodation and per 10%. This research has evaluated the meals to tribal children. The educational, structure of the ashram school, all aspects physical and mental development of the tribal related to education, accommodation and children today as well as the awareness of catering as well as whether the ashram schools education among the tribal people is due to the are functioning as per the norms of the Ashram School. Today, the development of government. Page | 7

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Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X) the Ashram School has been going on for 3.2 Status of education and learning process almost a century. And it shows that his in Ashram schools contribution to the overall development of the tribal community has been invaluable. Ashram schools functioning in the tribal areas of Gujarat have a basic education structure. In Tribal children get both education and training this basic education framework, the work that through ashram schools operating in the state students do from waking up early in the of Gujarat. In other words, in the ashram morning to going to bed at night is considered school, the children acquire literacy as well as as a part of basic education. Students are basic education, which helps in shaping the provided with textbook knowledge, as well as life and development of the tribal students. getting up early in the morning for basic These ashram schools are from Std. 1 to 8 and education, cleaning the yard, cleaning the in which 90% girls and 40% boys are bathroom, picking vegetables, baking bread, admitted. Most ashram schools have a school- serving, cleaning the rooms, washing one's hostel joint, meaning that students stay and own clothes, watering the school trees, etc. sleep in the same room as they study. Ashram Craft training is also provided. Various schools have a large shortage of classrooms as activities are continuously carried out in the per the norms as well as shortage of academic ashram schools for the betterment and holistic and non-academic staff, lack of physical and development of the students through education infrastructural facilities, poor quality of food and basic education. and accommodation issues. Efforts are being made by the principals, teachers, the Special priority is given to the children of governing body and the government to address economically weaker and migrant families for these issues, but in some ashrams these efforts admission in the ashram schools. In the have been minimized. process of this admission, the application form There are also some positive aspects of ashram is filled as per the government rules and schools, such as the literacy rate of tribal in the admission is given on ‘first come first’ basis. state of Gujarat today and the role of ashram At present 63.12% students studying in schools in educating children in the tribal Ashram School cover 50 km. or come from community. That is why Ashram School is farther than that as well as 14.71% students becoming a blessing and helper for the tribal cover 100 km. or even come to study from a children. greater distance. As some of the ashrams are Opinions have been obtained from the excellent in terms of education, students, principals, teachers, administrators accommodation and food arrangements, the and parents associated with the ashram school tendency to send children to study in distant on the status of the ashram schools functioning ashram schools is more prevalent among the in the state of Gujarat at present, what kind of parents. questions they have and what solutions they can have. The various aspects of ashram If we look at the learning process and the state school examined here such as quality of of education in the ashram schools, the overall ashram school education, nutritional / quality condition of reading, writing, and arithmetic of food, health of tribal children, condition of according to the level is found to be poor in physical-infrastructural facilities and effects of the students. Ashram students find it difficult ashram school on tribal society are not to read Gujarati according to their level and measured by any specific instruments, criteria and English are foreign languages for or method. Information has been obtained in them. The students of Std. 5 to 8 were very the form of opinions through visit schedule, confused if they were given addition, visit guide, focused group discussion and subtraction, multiplication and division of observation sheet. three to four numbers and very few students

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Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X) could solve such sums. Many reasons may be responsible for this situation, but in the current 3.3 Meal status, nutrition and health of study of 68 ashram schools, there are 265 students in ashram schools (62.75%) permanent teachers as against 408 permanent teachers, while there is a huge The Ashram School provides students with the shortage of 143 (37.25%) permanent teachers, threefold facility of accommodation and meals which shows that on an average of 2 (two) along with education. In terms of food permanent teacher posts are vacant in each arrangements in the ashram schools, it is seen ashram school functioning in the tribal areas of that in 98.53% of the ashram schools, Gujarat. In some ashram schools, due to the government approved food menu has been special shortage of teachers, the education of prepared, out of which 92.65% meals are the students is not spoiled and the educational given to the students according to the food work is carried out by the government by menu. Some ashrams offer meals based on the hiring traveling teachers or by hiring contract availability of local grains, pulses and based assistant teachers by the governing vegetables by making general changes in the body. These teachers leave the ashram school menu. In 83.82% Ashram School, students are due to high salaries in other schools and the given hot or dry breakfast in the morning and education work of the children is incomplete in recess as well as hot meal in the afternoon or deteriorates. It is not a permanent solution and evening. Breakfast includes potato pauwa, to have a traveling teacher or a contract based roasted or boiled beans, mamara, roasted assistant t teacher in the ashram schools goundnuts-gram etc. as well as bread, bhakri, instead of a permanent teacher, but the maize / millet bread, green vegetables, beans, appropriate solution is to hire a permanent dal-rice, kheechadi-kari etc. In this meal, teacher for the subject. students also get a meal with sweets at least once in a month in 94.12% of the ashram Students get two pairs of uniforms in schools. 93.75% students like the food ashram schools, bath-washing soap, scalp oil, provided by the ashram schools so much theat notebooks etc. In some ashrams, students are they feel like at home. The meals given to the provided with plate-bowl-glass, bed sheets, students in the ashram school are found to be mosquito nets, warm clothes etc. which is a 76.47% nutritious. If we look at the condition good thing. All these items are required to be and quality of food in the ashram school, the provided by the Government to every Ashram condition of food in seems to be School. The Ashram School organizes various more qualitative and satisfactory as compared activities for educational development for the to , and central students such as festivals and programs are Gujarat. But in some ashrams, food is found to celebrated, appropriate discussions on be unhealthy and in small quantities. problems and arrangements of education are held by the parents' conventions. When In the ashram schools where the condition of programs organized by the district education food is poor, seems less nutritious, some department such as science fairs, sports diseases related to physical and mental health competitions, students and teachers of Ashram are found in the students. In the ashram schools are less involved in programs like schools, the common ailments like fever, cold, oratory and drawing competitions, is one of vomiting, diarrhea, cough are common to the the problems that is constantly raised by students and the medicine is given from the students and teachers. The environment of the first aid kit kept in the ashram school. When ashram school for children is 4.41% the general illness does not get cured in two- educational and satisfactory. In fact, the three days, the student is taken to a atmosphere of some other ashrams seems to be government or private hospital and the teacher less educational and satisfactory. accompanies him. In addition to common

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Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X) diseases, anemia, worm-borne diseases, skill development programs, awareness vitamin deficiencies, skin diseases, etc. are programs, etc. to awaken the tribal also found in the students of the ashram community. The land of 86.77% ashram school. Some students have a general schools operating in the tribal areas is owned difficulty seeing what the teacher writes on the by the Board of Directors and 10,29% ashram board or hearing what the teacher speak. These schools are run on the land of government and students may have general vision or hearing 02.94% of the private individuals. As per the ailments, which should be properly examined norms of the government, the board of by a doctor at the ashram school. Sickle cell directors or social organization for starting an has been found in 12 students and thalassemia ashram school should be allowed to set up an - jaundice in one student. In addition, some ashram school only if it owns 10 acres or more students experienced physical and mental of land, but 58.82% of the ashram school have fatigue after eating, playing a normal game or less than 10 acres of land. But the government reading and writing, which can be attributed to has given permission to run ashrams. It is a the food provided to the students in the ashram matter of inquiry as to why the government school, nutrition, hygiene, hygienic habits, has given permission to start an ashram school health condition, etc. Thus, ashram schools do even though the land is scarce. Out of the not have well-equipped restaurants (with ashrams which have more or less land, 67.65% proper seating arrangements) for students to of the ashrams cultivate this land and cultivate have a good meal. Moreover, lack of adequate local grains, pulses, vegetables, horticultural amount of common medications for the crops etc. and use it for economic gain and disease when students fall ill in some of the student meals. Some ashram schools also do ashram schools. animal husbandry along with farming and give cow-buffalo milk to the children for dinner, 3.4 Condition of physical and which is a rare number. While 19.11% of the infrastructural facilities of the ashram governing bodies do not own more land than school the building and yard of their ashram school.

Ashram School is a system of education, food The attendance rate of students in the ashram and accommodation for the children of poor, schools is very high, in which more than 80% vulnerable and displaced families of the tribal of the students were present in the ashram community. Most of the ashram schools look schools according to the approved number of very beautiful from the outside, but when we students. While in 16% of the ashram schools check the condition of their education, food, some students went home and there was a accommodation and physical-infrastructural general absence. But in 4% of the ashram facilities, we realize its reality. It is the schools, the number of students was less and responsibility of the government and the the classrooms seemed empty. According to governing body to build physical infrastructure the establishment of academic and non- in the ashram schools. Here is a description of academic staff in the ashram schools, there are the physical and infrastructural facilities many vacancies, in which 265 (62.75%) of the available to the tribal children in the Ashram permanent teachers have been filled as against schools. 408 permanent teachers. 143 (37.25%) permanent teacher posts are vacant. That Some of the governing body of the Ashram means an average of two permanent teachers Schools, in the tribal areas runs educational post is vacant. Same is the case with non- institutions like high Schools, PTC Colleges, academic employees, 186 (68.38%) cook-job B.Ed. Colleges etc. and work for educational vacancies have been filled against 272 reform in the tribal areas. Apart from this, they employees. This means 86 (31.62%) posts are also run adult literacy, self-reliance programs, vacant. That means an average of one to two

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Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X) cooks-vacancies were vacant. The vacancies sought by the government in schools and of academic and non-academic staff in the hostels is found to be updated, while other ashram schools have a special impact on the registers are not kept up to date. Most of the education, food and accommodation of the ashrams are planted with flowers, plants and tribal students, so the government should take trees which make the atmosphere look it seriously and take steps to get the vacancies beautiful. Small and large gardens have also of teachers and cooks filled in the ashram been set up in 22% of the ashrams and schools. children use them for playing or sitting. Out of 68 Ashram Schools, 81% of the Ashram The condition of blackboards, choke- Schools have satisfactory educational dusters and notice boards in the ashram arrangements, 93% of the hostel schools is satisfactory. During the teaching accommodation and sleeping arrangements work in the ashram schools, 48.53% of the and 93%of the mess arrangements are children study in the classrooms sitting on the satisfactory. Here we examined the positive floor and nothing is laid on the floor. and negative conditions in the physical and Classrooms have good table-chair facilities for infrastructural facilities of the ashram schools. teachers, but they are poor in terms of quality. The poor condition of physical and There is no separate ground for students to infrastructural facilities can be rectified if both play in 68 out of 65 ashram schools. Children the government and the governing body make are seen playing games in the courtyard of the positive efforts to rectify the situation. ashram school and play with the sports equipment provided by the government. In 3.5 Problems of students, teachers and 94.12% of the Ashrams, students get clean governing bodies drinking water, out of which 88.24% of the Ashrams do have jugs or pots for drinking The history of the Ashram School spans a water, but some Ashram schools do not have period of about a century. Ashram schools such facilities and students drink water have experienced many ups and downs during directly from the tap. The pure drinking water this period. Initially the purpose, structure, in the ashrams often comes from boreholes or policy, arrangements, facilities, interest groups wells. In summer, there is a shortage of and problems of the establishment of Ashram drinking water in central and north Gujarat and School were different. There are changes in all then arrangements are made for preparing food these aspects in the ashram schools and drinking water in the ashram school by functioning at present and its problems are ordering tankers. All the ashrams have the also different. From the very beginning, the necessary facilities for electricity, but when it ashram school has three structures related to rains heavily in the monsoons, there are many education, accommodation and catering. When problems with electricity in the ashrams and an ashram school has such a large structure, it there is no special alternative to electricity. is natural that students, principals, teachers Ashram schools and hostels do not have and governing bodies have many kinds of adequate light (bulb, tube light) or fan problems. So, let’s try to examine the facilities according to the number of students. references to how the ashrams as a whole have Light facilities are also rarely seen in the problems. latrine bathroom. According to 61 principals out of 68 ashrams More than 31 registers are maintained for the of the study, 90% of the ashrams run for the educational and administrative work of the purpose for which they were established. But ashram school and more than 21 registers are 10% of Ashram schools work by changing its maintained for making the hostel easy to attain objectives. According to 91% principals, and tidy. The information that is frequently ashram schools follow government policies.

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Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X)

Whereas, 9% of schools are found to be related to the condition of education, operating to some extent by adhering to these accommodation and meals in the ashram policies and rules. As some of the ashram school as well as physical-infrastructural schools are not functioning as per the facilities, but some ashram schools do not objectives and policies laid down under the have adequate cooperation from the governing ashram school scheme, special problems have body and do not have sufficient budget to arisen in the ashram schools regarding special solve such problems. This condition makes the education, accommodation, food and physical- problems more serious. These problems can be infrastructural facilities of the school and avoided or alleviated only if sufficient funds hostel. are allocated by the Government for education, accommodation and food arrangements. For Just as there are serious issues of education the educational as well as physical and mental and accommodation in ashram schools, there development of the students, it is necessary to are also serious issues of food arrangements. get the financial support of the Government Problems with the food arrangements in the and the cooperation of the governing body. ashram schools are such that in some of the ashram schools the meals of the students are Students, teachers and governing bodies in poor, less nutritious meals and insufficient ashram schools have many problems related to amount of food is provided. Less use of green education, accommodation, food and physical vegetables in meals, lack of variety in meals, infrastructure. Similarly, parents of tribal problem of getting wood (fuel) for cooking, students also face many problems like poverty, smoky black kitchens, inadequate cooking unemployment, migration for employment, utensils, cooking spaces, mostly lack of weak occupations, low income, economic restaurants, meals in kitchen or school lobby exploitation etc. Apart from this, there are or in the yard etc. are the problems found with serious problems like low literacy in tribal the hostels... As there is no appointment of society, high school dropout rate, high rate of maids in the hostels of the ashram schools, the malnutrition in tribal children, low awareness teachers have to take care of accommodation among parents about education etc. Ashram and meals in addition to education and they schools are beneficial and blessed for the tribal are constantly living under the workload round children as they are provided with three the clock. Teachers are not given any special facilities of accommodation and meals along allowance for shouldering these with education. responsibilities. The Government should make permanent appointment of warden 3.6 Impact of Ashram Schools on Tribal (male/female) for the management of the Society hostel of the Ashram School keeping in view The relationship of the ashram school with the the interest of the tribal students or give tribal society is very old. The ashram school additional remuneration to the teachers who stands first to bring educational awareness in shoulder the additional responsibilities. the tribal community. At present the literacy According to the principals-teachers and rate of tribals in Gujarat is 62%. Ashram parents in the ashram schools, most of the schools have played an important role in problems are about the physical-infrastructural achieving this literacy rate. Let us try to facilities of the school-hostel, which they say understand what has changed in the tribal should be addressed first. In addition to the families and what the impact is on the tribal fact that some ashram schools have more society through the ashram schools which problems with drinking water in summer and have been doing excellent work of education electricity in monsoon, alternative remedies and in the tribal areas of Gujarat for years. should be considered. Principals and teachers According to the parents of the students, make many efforts to to solve the problems getting education in the ashram school has Page | 12

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Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X) improved the level of education in 55% of the development of the tribal community and the tribal families. In addition to this, there has holistic development of the tribal children. been a marked change in the customs, religious practices, language and quality of life 4. Recommendations regarding the study of the community as well as the level of 4.1 To improve the quality of education in employment. The women's education and use tribal areas, to raise the standard of education, of modern tools, technology has seen a drastic to improve the lives of tribal children, to change. provide education to poor, migrant and remote According to the members of the governing rural children, to reduce school dropout rates, bodies who run the ashram schools, the level to provide accommodation and meals to of education of the tribal community has children There should be ashrams to enable increased due to the fact that the tribal families tribal children to get along with other have received education in the ashram schools. communities and more new ashrams should be Moreover, there are changes in their social, opened keeping in view the educational needs cultural, religious customs, changes in of the tribal area. economic status, increased knowledge of new 4.2 In tribal areas, Ashrams with unfinished employment opportunities and changes in houses, semi-finished houses, low air- farming and animal husbandry practices. In conditioning, rough surface in the ground floor addition, there has been an increase in skill and continuous dripping of water during development and political awareness among monsoons should be properly identified and tribal students as well as a decrease in the reconstructed by the Government. The work proportion of bad habits. should be done and funds should be allocated separately for it. If we look at the effects of ashram schools on 4.3 Ashram schools have seen an average the tribal society, we realize that the ashram reduction of 03 classrooms as per standard 1 to schools have not only provided education and 8, which is a huge shortage of rooms in basic training to the tribal children, but also ashram schools, adequate classrooms should taught them how to live a life in group. The be set up in those ashram schools as per the excellent work of shaping the character of the standard. students and inculcating the cultural values has 4.4 According to the establishment of 68 been done only by the ashram school. ashram schools of study, there is a shortage of Accommodation and meals have been 143 (37.25%) permanent teachers, while provided to the tribal children along with filling the vacancies of teachers in Ashram education in the ashram schools, which has schools, teachers of all subjects should be also reduced the issues of accommodation and recruited subject wise, the proportion of malnutrition. Families migrating for female teachers should be maintained and a employment can move to other places to find person who knows the local dialect of the area employment by placing their child in a should be recruited. It is very important for the carefree ashram school and the education of ashram school and tribal children that the the children does not deteriorate and the person selected as a teacher is honest, sincere problem of dropping out of school becomes and dedicated. The government should make it negligible. a point for having a member of governing body on the panel for the recruitment of Thus, the role of ashram schools has been teachers. important in raising the level of education of 4.5 According to the establishment of 68 the tribal community and in educating the ashram schools, there is a shortage of tribal families. The positive effects of ashram permanent cooks. Efforts should be made schools are seen in the educational immediately by the Government to provide nutritious food to the tribal children in the Page | 13

Research Guru: Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects (Peer Reviewed)

Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X)

Ashram schools and to fill the permanent qualitative basis should be constantly vacancies of non-academic staff for their care. monitored and checked by the district Administrative organizations should be authority. consulted for this recruitment process. 4.12 Some provision should be made for 4.6 Not a single new ashram school has been compulsory participation of the students and started since 2004. The tribal population has teachers of the ashram schools in all the increased in the last 15 years and considering activities organized by the district education the demand of tribal areas and governing department such as district level science fair, bodies and to raise the level of education of district level sports festival, teacher training at the tribal community should be allowed to district level etc. open new ashrams as required keeping in view 4.13 In the ashram schools where the school- the educational needs of tribal families and hostel is combined, the boys and girls sleep children. separately in a big hall, the school-hostel 4.7 The Government should formulate buildings should be made separate in the concrete guidelines for the management of the ashram schools and adequate budget should be Ashram School in terms of purpose, goal, allocated for it. structure, implementation, procedures, 4.14 The government should allocate the monitoring, evaluation, availability of human necessary grant to build new restaurants in all and physical infrastructure facilities. Those the ashram schools where boys and girls sit governing bodies who do not comply with the and eat instead of having their food in the guidelines, disciplinary action should be taken lobby of the school-hostel or in the courtyard. against them. 4.15 The Government should make it 4.8 As per the norms of Ashram School, the compulsory for warden (male/female) (Total - rule that children within 5 km from the school 02) Permanent posts should be created in the premises are not allowed to enter the Ashram hostels of each Ashram School for the better School should be repealed. Every tribal child care of the children in the hostels of the has the right to education in an independent, Ashram schools, proper management of the equal and just manner. The child should be hostel, maintenance of regular registrars etc. given the right to choose which school to go to He should be recruited as per the norms of the 4.9 Ashram schools which do not have a Government. The members of governing body separate office for the principal or a classroom should be involved in this recruitment process. cum office or a residence cum office should 4.16 The average duty hours of a principal- have a separate office for the principal in all teacher in a primary school is 6 to 7 hours. But the ashram schools so that the principal can the duty hours of the principal-teachers of the carry out the educational and administrative ashram school is 24 hours. However, in some work of the school independently and with cases, the salary of the principal-teacher of the dignity. ashram school is less than that of the primary 4.10 Tribal children should be given education school. When the ashram school has the for Std. 1 to 4 in their own dialect (language) responsibility of taking care of the students for in Ashram School, such as Bhili dialect in 24 hours, the salary and related allowances Panchmahal and Dahod districts, Dangi dialect should be given to the principal-teachers of the in Dang district etc. Gujarati, Hindi and ashram school as compared to the principals- English language subjects should be teachers of the primary school. introduced after Std. 5th. 4.17 There are a total of 452 ashram schools 4.11 In ashram schools, the government gives functioning in Gujarat for imparting primary a grant of Rs. 1500 per student. Whether the education, while there are only 96 post amount of this grant is fully utilized by the primary ashram schools for imparting governing body to provide food, education, secondary education, so that all the students health and other items to the students on a who pass Std-8 from the ashram school do not

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Research Guru: Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects (Peer Reviewed)

Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X) get admission in Std-9 post primary Ashram means new buildings with full of air light, School or other secondary schools and that is adequate classrooms and hostel why the dropout rate remains very high. accommodation, adequate educational staff, Therefore, keeping in view the tribal physical facilities, adequate educational and population, area, number of students passing, sports equipment, computer labs, quality food, etc., special permission should be granted to clean drinking water, electricity, bed sheets, open new post primary Ashrams schools. female teachers' ratio, travel exhibitions etc. 4.18 Under the Dudh Sanjeevni scheme in the all matters should be raised qualitatively for tribal areas, in most of the ashram schools, the school, students, teachers and principals. students get 200 gm of milk with flavored 4.25 The PHC / CHC or the district health milk, this milk is available regularly in all the department should conduct compulsory health ashram schools and arrangements should be check-up of the students in the ashram schools made at the district level for its effective at least every six (6) months and regularly implementation. check the condition of the medicines and first 4.19 Arrangements should be made for timely aid kits kept in the ashram schools. The report and adequate supply of books, uniforms and should be sent to the Ashram School Officer other necessities to the students in the month of the district. of June when the session begins at the Ashram 4.26 Ashram school principals should be School. trained periodically for proper 4.20 To make ashram schools "smart ashram management and administration, schools", all the ashram schools should be teachers for educational quality provided with technology equipment and improvement and cooks for making facilities like TV, computer, projector, tablet, nutritious meals. smart board, internet etc. 5. Conclusion 4.21 A brick-and-stone wall or wire fence Due to the noble role played by the should be made mandatory around every ashram schools in Gujarat in providing ashram school building. Special care should be accommodation and food to the tribal children taken to ensure the safety of boys and girls in along with education, the standard of the ashram school. education in the tribal areas today is high and 4.22 The government should make satisfactory. Some ashram schools have been arrangements for the provision of mattresses, weak in assuming this role, there are many rugs, sheets, bed sheets etc. for the students to problems related to education, accommodation sleep in the ashram schools under the ashram and food. These problems cannot be solved by school scheme and allocate the necessary teachers, principals and the governing body budget for the same. alone. To address these issues, if the 4.23 Ashram school students should be given government allocates sufficient funds to show more computer education in technical training a positive attitude towards the ashram school along with school education. Apart from this, and implements it effectively, these issues can girls should be taught sewing, embroidery, certainly be solved. Ashram schools can beauty parlor, henna art, music-dance, home become more vibrant if the tribal community industry etc. While boys should be taught is also cooperative and helpful in resolving mobile repairing, wireman, masonry, these issues. In the end, it is no exaggeration to plumbing work, mechanical work, sports. In say that ashrams have been and will continue short, some special arrangements should also to be a boon for the educational and holistic be made for boys and girls to get vocational development of tribal children. training. References 4.24 The new buildings of the Ashram School (1) Gujarat Adivasi vikas darshan-2010, should be constructed with advanced facilities Center for Social Studies, Surat. like Eklavya Model Residential School. This

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Research Guru: Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects (Peer Reviewed)

Research Guru: Volume-14, Issue-3, December-2020 (ISSN: 2349-266X)

(2) Adivasi Samajik Sansthaono parichay, (7) Gandhijinu shikshan Darshan,M J Patel, Nayak Dahyabhai G., ‘Veedyapith’ Sept.- Prakashan,Ahmedabad.2011( Octo. -1965, Fourth revise addition) (3) Census of India, Special tables of SC & (8) Gujarat ni ashramshalao ek mulyankan ST -2011, Govt. of India -2011 abhyas, Desai B.& Patel A.,TRTI,Gujarat (4) Ashram Shalao – Ek Adhyayan,Joshi Vidyapith,_1981 Vidyut ,Gujarat Samajik Sewa (9) Mandal,1980 tions/cultural-survival-quarterly/tribal- (5) Adijati Ashram shala Yojana- education-india Mulyankan Abhyas,Dr. Ravindra (10)https://eklavya- Pancholi& D M Vahoniya, TRTI, Gujarat Vidyapith,2011-12. schemes (6) Gujarat rajya ma aaveli anusuchit (11) janjatini ashramshalaono mulyankan jef/papers/vol3-issue2/Version- abhyas, ( 1980 Pachhini), C B 2/J03224852.pdf Upadhyay,TRTI, Gujarat Vidyapith.1992

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Research Guru: Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects (Peer Reviewed)