NHAI/11028/EC-FC/PIU-Godhra/2018/Vol.6/D-2327 Date: 15/05/2020
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NHAI/11028/EC-FC/PIU-Godhra/2018/Vol.6/D-2327 Date: 15/05/2020 To Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, APCCF (LM) & Nodal FCA, Gujarat, Department of Forest, Government of Gujarat, “Aranya Bhavan”, Near CH-3 Circle, Sector-10-A, Gandhinagar-382010. Sub: Preparation of Detailed Project Report for development of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and feeder routes and National Corridors (GQ and NS-EW Corridors) to improve the efficiency of freight movement in India under Bharatmala Pariyojana (LOT- 4/PKG-5) – Diversion of 2.9993 Ha. Protected Forest land for the construction and implementation of Kher Khunta village in Ratlam District in Madhya Pradesh to Dodka village in Vadodara District in favour of NHAI, PIU-Godhra Ref: (i) Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India, Regional Office, Western Region, Bhopal Office Letter No. 6-GJB052/2019-BHO/BH-52 dated 28/04/2020 (ii) Dy. Conservator of Forest, Social Forestry Division, Vadodara Letter No. B/JMN/TE.14/59-61/2020-21 dated 01/05/2020 Sir NHAI has mandated for development of ambitious Greenfield project visualized as Delhi-Vadodara Expressway section of NH-148N which also includes Dahod to Vadodara stretch in the State of Gujarat for improving the efficiency of freight movement in India under Bharatmala Pariyojana and the work of Detailed Project Report is being carried out by M/s Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad. 2. The proposed alignment is passing through Dahod, Panchmahal and Vadodara District of Gujarat State and as per provisions of Forest Conservator Act, 1980, diversion of forest land in villages of Dahod, Panchmahal and Vadodara District for non-forest purpose is required for which forest diversion proposal has already been submitted to Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change for consideration. 3. Subsequently, Forest Diversion proposal for 2.9993 Ha. Protected forest land in Vadodara District was processed and In-principle approval for the same has been accorded by MoEFCC, Regional Office, Western Region, Bhopal office vide letter dated 28/04/2020 [ref. (i)]. Cont…2 (2) 4. Dy. Conservator of Forest, Social Forestry Division, Vadodara vide letter dated 01/05/2020 [ref. (ii)] submitted Demand Note towards deposition of CAMPA charges in ad-hoc CAMPA account in the Corporation Bank as well as deposition of Registration and Processing Fee in account of Nodal officer, FCA, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar for the aforesaid 2.9993 Ha. Protected Forest land diversion proposal as per following details. Sr. No. Particulars Amount (In Rs.) (A) CAMPA charges 1 Compensatory Afforestation 27,24,804/- 2 Net Present Value @438000/- per Ha. 13,13,693/- (2.9993*438000/-) Total 40,38,497/- (B) Registration & Processing charges for forest proposal 1 Registration Fee 5,000/- 2 Processing Fee 7,558/- Total 12,558/- 5. The aforesaid amount of Rs. 40,38,497/- has been deposited by NHAI in ad-hoc CAMPA account in the Corporation Bank and amount of Rs. 12,558/- has also been deposited in account of Nodal officer, FCA, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar in SBI. The same has also been conveyed to DCF-Social Forestry Division, Vadodara by this office vile letters dated 15/05/2020. A copy of same with challan is enclosed herewith as Annexure-I. 6. Aforesaid In-principle approval is conveyed subject to conditions for which compliance report is enclosed herewith as Annexure-II. 7. In view of above, it is requested to solicit the approval of Competent Authority of MoEFCC, Government of India for Stage-II clearance as per provisions of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. It is also requested to provide working permission for development of aforesaid project highway. Yours faithfully Encl: As said above (Z. A. Sultani) GM (Tech) / Project Director PIU-Godhra Copy to: Asstt. Inspector General of Forests (C), Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change, Regiona Office, Western Region, Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan, E-5, Link road No. 3, E-5, Ravi Shankar Nagar, Bhopal-462016 (M.P.). CGM (Tech) & RO (Gujarat), NHAI, Infocity, Gandhinagar. GM (Tech)-Bharatmala, NHAI, G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi. Dr. Mukhopadhyay, GM (ENV), NHAI, G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi. Dy. Conservator of Forest, Social Forestry Division, Vadodara, First Floor, Van Bhavan, Behind Raopura Police Station, Vadodara. The Team Leader, M/s Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., C-5, 2nd Floor, RK tower, Sec-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad-U.P.-201012 for necessary action in subject matter. Annexure-ll Diversion of 2.9993 ha Protected forest land for the construction & implementation eight lane road from Kherkhunta Village in Ratlam district in Madhya Pradesh to Dodka Vitlage in Vadodara District in the state of Gujarat in favour of General Manager (Tech) & Project Director , National Highways Authority of lndia, PIU Godhra. (A) Specific Conditions: Sr. Conditions of ln-principte approval Compliance by NHAI No. 1 Legal status of the forest land sha[[ remain ln comptiance unchanged. 2 Forest tand shatt be handed over to the user ln compliance as per MoEFCC agency only after required non-forest [and for Notifications for CA tand for [inear the project is handed over by the User Agency projects 3 Compensatory afforestation : a) Compensatory afforestation shatI be a) ln comptiance as per taken up by the Forest Department certification given by Dy. over 6.00 ha degraded-forest land in Conservator of Forest, Survey no.38, Vittage Zer, Taluka- Chhotaudepur. A copy of Nasvadi, District Chotaudepur, Gujarat same is enctosed herewith as at the cost of the User Agency As far as Annexure-A. possibte, a mixture of tocat indigenous species shatl be ptanted and monocutture of any species to be avoided. b) Total No. of saptings to be planted shat[ b) ln comptiance as per not be [ess than nos. 6,666 nos. (6.00 approved CA scheme. ha X 1111) in CA tand. The composition of saplings (number species wise) to be planted in CA tand shatt be as per the National Forest Poticy and as per CA scheme submitted by state Govt. of Gujarat letter no. FCA'1 019 /7 - 1811915.F-1451F dated 1 1.02.2020 and record shatt be kept. c) The standard size sapting (minimum c) ln comptiance as per height & minimum cotlar girth species approved CA scheme. wise) as approved by the State Govt. shatt be ptanted in the setected CA tand and shat[ not be less than the specified in the CA scheme submitted bY State Government of Gujarat letter no. FCA- 1019 / 7 -18 / 19 / S.F -1 45 I F dated 11.02.2020. 1 r Pagelof6 {frt Y }t Prolect Director National HighwaY AuthoritY of ln':l r:rrl - :'. '.ti.,lI?r'r 5r. Conditions of ln-principle approval Compliance by NHAI No. d) The height and cottar girth (species ln comptiance as per wise) shatl be measured &recorded at approved CA scheme. the time of ptantation and in November of ptantation year. Further, data of height, cottar girth and survivat percentage (species wise) twice a year (Aprit &November month) shat[ be recorded &records shat[ be maintained. e) Att the live stumps & potlards having e) ln comptiance as per girth at ground [eve[ upto 90 cm and approved CA scheme. having Coppicing properties present in this CA area shat[ be dressed from the ground [eve[ and girth wise record shatl be kept. The CA Ptantation shatl be taken up f) ln comptiance as per before end of 2021 monsoon. approved CA scheme. 4 The cost of compensatory afforestation at the ln comptiance as per approved CA prevaiting wage rates as per scheme. compensatory afforestation scheme and the cost of suryey, demarcation and erection of permanent pittars, if required on the CA tand shatt be deposited in advance with the Forest Department by the project authority. The CA scheme witt be maintained for 10 years. The scheme may inctude appropriate provision for anticipated cost increase for works scheduted for subsequent years. 5 The user agency shall deposit the amount of Deputy Conservator of Forest, SociaI Rs.27,24,804/- for CA in the CAMPA fund ,New Forestry Division, Vadodara raised Dethi. Demand Note with their letter dated 0110517070 (copy enctosed as Annexure-B) towards deposition of CAMPA charges amounting to Rs. 40,38,497l- [Rs. 27,74,8041- for CA and Rs. 13,13,693/- for NPVI. The aforesaid amount of Rs. 40,38,497 /- has been dePosited bY NHAI in ad-hoc CAMPA Account in Corporation Bank through ontine generated chattan. A copy of Chattan is enctosed herewith as Annexure- C. The same has atso been submitted to DY. Conservator of lr Page 2 of 6 |':';,i.. v': Proiect Director iltiion.tHiglway Authority of lndia PITI - GODHRA Sr. Conditions of ln-principle approval Compliance by NHAI No. Forest, SociaI Forestry Division, Vadodara by this office vide letter dated 15105/7020. A copy of said letter is enclosed herewith as Annexure-D. The payment status shown in account of User Agency on MoEFCC Parivesh portal is atso enctosed herewith as Annexure-E. 6 Net Present Value (NPV): a) The State Government shatt charge a) Deputy Conservator of the Net Present Value (NPV) for Forest, Socia[ Forestry the 2.9993 ha forest area to be Division, Vadodara raised diverted under this proposal from the Demand Note with their User Agency as per the orders of the letter dated 01105/2020 Hon'ble Supreme Court of lndia (copy enctosed as Annexure- dated 30.10.2002, 01.08.2003, B) towards deposition of 28.03.2008, 24/04/2008 and CAMPA charges amounting to 09.05.2008 in lA No. 566 in WP (C) Rs. 40,38,4971- [Rs. No.20211995 and as per the guidetines 27,24,804/- for CA and Rs.