Thomas Maclear, Astrologer Royal at the Cape
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SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS ThomasMaclear, Astrologer Royal at the Cape Ethleen Lastovica Librarian, South African Astronomical Observatory, PO Box 9, Observatory, 7935 At the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Royal Maclear was convinced that the meridian Astronomical Society in 1834, it was announced observations of sun, moon, planets and princi that: “Mr Maclear, so well known forhis ardour pal stars should form the chief work of the Ob in the cause of astronomy,is gone to take upon servatory of the South. (RAS 1858). His inten himself the care of the Observatory of the Cape tions however, were diverted by the major chal of Good Hope.” In his letter of appointment, lenge of remeasuring Abbe de la Caille’s Arc of Maclear was commanded by the British Admi Meridian at the Cape, and of publishing there ralty to proceed without losstime of to theCape sults.This work occupied almost hisentire work of Good Hope, and there to assume the control ing life. Initial investigations were undertaken in and direction ofHis Majesty’s Observatory from 1836, but the major survey was startedin 1838 the Assistant Astronomer,Lieutenant William and only completed in 1847. Maclear’s magnum Meadows, and to take chargeimmediately of all opus was the 2-volumework, Verification and the instruments, books and other stores left there Extension of La Caille’s Arc of Meridian at the at the departure of his predecessor. Cape of Good Hope thatwas published in 1866 It interests me as librarian at SAAO, to read underthe editorship ofSir George Airy. (Maclear that he was specifically instructed to care for the 1866) books. The inventory of movable property that Abbe Nicolas-Louis de la Caillewas at the was presented to him when he arrived included Cape from 1751-53. He laid the foundations of a list of 168books - all of which are still in the Southern Hemisphere astronomy andhas been library. So, we know that he did that part of his called “the true Columbus of the Southern Sky”. job well! In the 37 years that Maclear was in La Caille was given instructions firstly to cata charge of the Royal Observatory at the Cape, helogue and map the southern stars as an aid to firmly establishedit as one of high standing, a maritime navigation, and secondly to obtain more reputation it has maintained up to the present, reliable measurements of latitude and longitude, havingbeen reconstituted in 1972 as the South and declination at the Capein order to determine African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). the shape of theearth. Maclear, bom in 1794,qualified as a Suigeon, During his stay, LaCaille charted the posi but in his spare time read and experimented in tions of almost 10 000 southern stars, grading astronomy,chemistry and electricity. He built his them according to brightness. His third, and most own small observatory at Biggleswade inimportant catalogue, Coelum Australe Bedfordshire, and became so proficient at mak Stelliferum, which lists 2 000 of these stars, is in ing astronomical observations, that he was ap the SAAO library. There is a biblical verse on pointed Fellow of the Royal Society in 1831. Inthe title page from Psalm 147, verse 4: He telleth 1828, when still an amateur, Maclear published the number of the stars; he calleth them all by his first paper. It was on the Occupation's of Al- their names. Very aptfor an astronomer such as debaran by the Moon computed for 10 different the Abbe de la Caille observatories inEurope, including Greenwich La Caille named 14 new constellations to (Maclear 1828). which he assigned “the names of the principal 89 August 1999 SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS implements of the sciences and fine arts” insteadof measuring an Arc of the Meridian. Though of the traditional nomenclature of mythology. Hewe are justly proud of the energy and skill with designated one constellation Mons Mensae - which, under no common difficulties, this ha Table Mountain in honour of Cape Town’s rassing operation has been carried out by Mr mountain, which, as hesaid, “had witnessed his Maclear, we have to regret that theeffect upon nightly vigils and daily toils”. This constellation, his health has been exceedingly injurious,and now calledMensa, is the only constellation ever that the fatigue and anxiety attending his expo called after a geographical feature. sure and responsibility have brought upon him There was one problem with hismeasurement the signs, and we see some consequences, of pre of the arc of meridian at the Cape. On La Caille’s mature age... return to Europe, he announced to the scientific Maclear had sent the Royal Society a cata community that he had deducedfrom his work logue of southern stars which Professor Madler done in the Southern Hemisphere, that the earth su spected had a large proper motion ;he also sub was pear-shaped.It took years of remeasurement mitted a singularly full and complete series of by Maclear and his team to prove otherwise. La observations ofWilmot’s Comet. Anotherseries, Caille had omitted to take into account the plumb- equally full and complete, of observations of the bob deviation caused by the mountain masses at interesting double comet ofBiela,was published the southern and northern limits ofhis arc. in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astron. A list of more than 130 of Thomas Maclear’s Society v.10. published works, reflects not only the career and We have in the SAAO archives, Maclear’s interests of the man, but the working of a major drawings of Comet Hailey done in 1836.One observatory in the 19th century. Maclear’s pub sketch in particular was made in a letter written lished works fall into 6 distinct, but related cat on 27 January. The letter starts: “Went to Sir John egories - astronomy, geodesy, geographical exHerschels to observe Hailey’s Comet through his ploration, meteorology, hydrography (light20 foot reflector.” Herschel lived in the suburb houses and wrecks), weights and measures now known as Claremont from 1834-1838. Al (Lastovica 1995). Maclear was criticized for not though a very close friend ofMaclear, he had no publishing more astronomical catalogues during official link to the Observatory. his career, but he did, in fact, publish much of Maclear held a life-long interest in geographi substance in his lifetime, and some of it was pub cal exploration. Shortlyafter arrivingin Cape lished posthumously. Town he became a committee member of the Maclear defended himself to the I .ords Com Association for Exploring South Africa,later and missioners of the Admiralty in 1850 by saying: was on the Committee of Management for the that he gave precedence to the organization ofExpedition for Exploring Central Africa He was the regular functions of the observatory once theelected a Fellow of the Royal Geographical So survey was completed in order to forward theciety in 1859. This could account for the inter real interests of astronomy Due to this course ofesting collection of 18th and 19th century books action, there had not beenstaff available to work on voyages of exploration in the SAAO library exclusively on the reduction and publication oftoday. arrears, including the survey (Maclear 1851). He became a close friend of David The Council of the Royal Astronomical SoLivingstone, the missionary and explorer who ciety replied (RAS 1851) that: We understand spent time at the Observatory with Maclear in the astronomical observations [at the Cape] are 1852 to leam techniques for determining his geo proceeding with great activity now that the staff graphical position when exploring uncharted of the observatory arefreed from their heavytask Africa. Over the years much correspondence MNASSA, Vol. 58, Nos. 7 & 8 90 SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS passed between the two men, because for oneProphet, Sir T. Mudclear, and the Prophet reason,Maclear offeredto do the reduction of of Squib, will lay a heavy bet as to the Livingstone’s observations. In a letter to the Britwinner ofthe Derby, - the half of the win ish Admiralty in 1855, Maclear wrote for the nings to go to the wharfage dues. (Anon record that he considered it to be his duty to for1870) ward geographical research by any means within Squib printed an excellent cartoon - “The his power. We have at SAAO a walking stick Astrologer Royal” - which gives a good like thatLivingstone presented to Maclear. It is said ness of Maclear surrounded by the furnishings to be made of rhino hide. of a 19th century observatory: telescopes, sex In the archives at SAAO are the full hand tant, a globe, books, and a thermometer. How written daily weather records of the site from ever the picture also shows a crocodile suspended 1843. Detailed readingsware taken at least 4 fromthe ceiling (a present from Livingstone?), times a day and up to 8 times at one stage, ex or more probably,that, and the cat perched on cept for odd intrusions when, for instance, it is Maclear’s shoulder, are symbols of his satirical noted in the remarks column that readings were role of the wizard/astrologer called in to predict nottaken as the officerin chargewas attending the weather. Maclear is prophesying that the Lady Napier’s ball in theTown Hall. From these weather will be FAIR. The caption to the car early days until the latter part of the 20th cen toon reads: “Make-Clear the weather, we’ll raise tury, the Royal Observatory in Cape Town main a spell.” Obviously, Maclear was no wizard,no tained a First Order weatherstation on site. Ob onecan stop the Cape’s winter storms! It teemed viously the citizen’s of Cape Town turned to the with rain for 5 days. Even the normally staidCape Observatory when weather predictions were re Aigus (Anon 1870b) reported that: quired.