Digital Reach Initiative Strategic Plan Ϯϭϭϵͳϯϭϯθ
DIGITAL REACH INITIATIVE STRATEGIC PLAN ϮϬϭϵͳϮϬϮϴ DIGITAL REGIONAL EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY HEALTH INITIATIVE TOWARDS A REGIONAL COMMITMENT TO IMPROVE HEALTH OUTCOMES THROUGH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY EAST AFRICAN HEALTH RESEARCH COMMISSION Research for Health and Prosperity Digital REACH Initiative Strategic Plan 2019 – 2028 © October 2018 Table of Contents "Ɯ+&1&,+,#"/*0 Ǚ /"3&1&,+0 Ǜ (+,4)"!$"*"+10 ǜ ,/"4,/!6 ,+*&"/1#2*2("(," /"1/6 "+"/) ǝ ,/"4,/!6/,#"00,/ &0,+&&(&Ǿ%"5" 21&3"" /"1/6,#1%" Ǟ 5" 21&3"2**/6 ǖǕ +1/,!2 1&,+ ǖǞ ))1, 1&,+ǿ2--,/1&+$&$&1) +!%6 111"/0,4 ǗǗ %"&$&1) +&1&1&3" Ǘǘ &$&1) +!/1+"/11"0 ǗǛ 1/1"$& )&$+*"+14&1%+!/1+"/11"0 2ǜ --/, %1, *-)"*"+11&,+ ǘǗ ,/(01/"*ǖǿ +&1&1&3"+$"*"+1 ǘ5 ,/(01/"*Ǘǿ ")1%/,$/**"0 Ǚǖ ,/(01/"*ǘǿ +#/01/2 12/" ǛǕ ,/(01/"*Ǚǿ"/3& "0+!--)& 1&,+0 Ǜǘ ,/(01/"*ǚǿ"!"/0%&-+!!3, 6 ǛǛ ,/(01/"*Ǜǿ1/1"$6+! +3"01*"+1 ǛǞ ,/(01/"*ǜǿ"$&0)1&,+Ǿ,)& 6Ǿ+!,*-)&+ " ǜǗ ,/(01/"*ǝǿ,/(#,/ " ǜǚ ,/(01/"*Ǟǿ1+!/!0+! +1"/,-"/&)&16 ǜǝ %"1% ,/4/! 81 --"+!&5ǿ 2)) (+,4)"!$"*"+10 88 --"+!&5ǿ/1+"/11"&121&,++)60&0 ǖǕǗ --"+!&5ǿ&$&1) +&1&1&3"2--,/1&+$, 2*"+11&,+ ǖǕǙ --"+!&5ǿ1/1"$& /&,/&1&"0+!&$&1) 21 ,*" ,)0 113 --"+!&5ǿ!!&1&,+),/(01/"* 1&3&1&"0 ǖǖ4 --"+!&5 ǿ(&))0+!-&)&1&"0 /,00,/(01/"*0 ǖǖ5 --"+!&5 ǿ *-)"*"+11&,+ 1&3&1&"0 ǖǖ6 Definition of Terms DIGITAL HEALTH AND ͟HEALTH (used interchangeably in this report) Umbrella terms to encompass all concepts and activities at the intersection of health and information and communications technologies (ICTs) — including mobile health (mHealth), health information technology, electronic health records, and
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