

CITY OF GRAND ISLAND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PHONE: 308-385-5444 EXT 270 FAX: 308-385-5488 E-MAIL: [email protected]


P.O. Box 1968 Box P.O.

Grand Island, NE 68802 NE Island, Grand Public Works Department Works Public


In the past the idea of pollution Why Is Water Pollution Pre- Recycle motor oil, batteries, Keep batteries and chemical prevention was commonly thought vention Important? solvents, paints, oil filters, containers dry and off the of as keeping polluted substances It’s in everyone’s best interest to antifreeze, and lubricants. Be ground to prevent leads into out of the air and water. Commu- reduce the amount of chemicals and nities built treatment plants aware of any materials you stormwater. hazardous substances that flow into and put scrubbers on smokestacks use that are considered haz- the sewer system. It’s good for the Drain and collect fluids from with the hope of reducing released ardous substances, and follow earth, it’s good for our pocket- stored vehicles that are being . books and it’s good for our com- all regulations related to their dismantled. Reuse or recycle Today, pollution prevention means munities. storage, use or disposal. collected fluids. much more. It means looking at Sanitary Sewers. The fundamen- Keep dust from sanding and every action to determine: Inspect, maintain and clean all tal reason we have to be careful Bondo out of the sewers by:  How we can use fewer and less about what goes into sanitary sew- pretreatment equipment reg- harmful substances; ers is that even the best sewage Sweeping up, not hosing ularly. Separators and grease treatment facility has limitations. down, dust; traps should be cleaned at  How we can create fewer Nebraska’s sewage treatment sys- least every three months. products; tems are designed primarily to han- Allowing debris from wet  How we can reuse or recycle dle sanitary sewage. Bacteria pro- sanding to dry out overnight Dry-sweep areas around fuel- substances; and vide “treatment” by breading down before sweeping it up; dispensing islands. organic matter in the water. We What disposal alternatives are avail- need to remember that: Purchasing sanders with an After pollution prevention able to keep these substances out of attached vacuum to reduce techniques, the best way to  Treatment facilities can’t treat the sewer systems, , water clean-up time; assure that pollutants stay out bodies and air. many chemicals, so the sub- stances may pass untouched of the sewer system is to in- Many business activities have the Disposing non-hazardous dust into the environment. This in the . vest in a self-contained potential to pollute air, water or threatens fish, wildlife and wastewater system. soil. This booklet focuses on ways vegetation, as well as people Use only as much paint and to prevent water pollution by con- Ultimately, this cuts down using polluted water sources thinner as necessary. Calcu- water and sewer bills and scious reduction, reuse or recycling for drinking or recreation. of chemicals and hazardous sub- late the amount of paint nec- guarantees that businesses are stances. Information about other  Some chemicals can destroy essary to cover a surface and not contributing to water types of pollution prevention is the bacteria in the treatment use the best sized spray cup quality problems. available from the Department of process—leaving the facility for the job. When you clean Environmental Quality and your useless. This not only endan- local recycler. gers the environment—it the spray gun, don’t release means a tremendous expense the waste water to either sew-

to community ratepayers. er systems. Use an enclosed “gun washer.”


 If the facility receives too disposal and recycling are key Know where your waste water Prevent leaks in solvent tanks; much of one type of waste factors in reducing these risks. goes—does the drain lead to a inspect tanks for leaks and repair at a time, it will not be able How Can pollution Pre- sanitary sewer and a wastewater any immediately. to process the organic mat- treatment facility, or does the vention Help Businesses’ Keep tanks covered when not in ter. Again, this creates en- Bottom Line? water flow directly to a natural use. vironmental hazards, and body of water? In either case, the community may need Many businesses find that tak- Allow cleaned engines and parts you will want to reduce pollu- to invest in greater treat- ing steps to prevent pollution to dry over the hot tank. tants, but if you are sending ment capacity. actually saves money. wastewater directly to a river, Catch fluid from leaking vehicles  Chemicals in the sewage  Cutting back on chemical stream or lake, you will want to in a drip pan, and use drip pans treatment system put sys- use can reduce material take extra precautions. Direct whenever you are changing flu- tem employees at risk. Ex- costs as well as waste dis- discharge of wastewater without ids in a car. a permit may be illegal. posure to chemicals can posal fees. Recycle wash water from engine cause health problems.  Reducing water use means Keep vehicle fluids and other and parts cleaning or exterior Storm Drains. In most Ne- less water down the hazardous out of the sew- washing as much as possible. er systems. Store them in well- braska communities, storm drain—and lower service marked containers for recycling Do not allow wastewater from drains flow directly into rivers fees. or for disposal at an appropriate steam-cleaning to flow into and streams, without passing  Reducing chemical use can facility. Be sure not to include storm drains. It must be diverted through a treatment plant. It is create a safer workplace, them with your garbage unless to the sanitary sewer system for this reason that anything with fewer accidents and your waste facility is aware of with proper pretreatment. stormwater runoff is allowed to lower insurance costs. them and approves them. come in contact with will even- Do you need floor drains? If you  Ultimately, we will all pay are not washing parts or vehi- tually wash into our local rivers Prevent spills, leaks and drips. and lakes. Improper disposal if we need to build advance Keep oil, grease, solvents and cles, or have other uses for the treatment systems. We all drain, consider plugging the and storage of waste material other chemicals out of storm and creates a very high risk situa- save by keeping harmful sanitary drains. shop floor sewer drains, thereby materials out of our lakes preventing discharges to sewers. tion for contaminating storm- Use solvents only over self con- water runoff. It is everyone’s and tained sinks or tanks. Don’t al- responsibility to be mindful of rivers. low solvents to drip onto the the possible contamination risk floors. their day to day businesses can create. The proper storage,


Be conscious of chemical use.  Store chemicals so they can be ment facilities. Material that Even the least toxic chemicals can be found and identified easily. collects in parking lots—leaves, harmful if used incorrectly. Chemicals  Follow manufacturers’ directions mud, rubber from tires, leaked can be dangerous to employees and for all product storage. oil—add to pollution problems customers, as well as to the environ- when collected in rain water or ment. Don’t be careless about any  Consider requirements for tem- aspect of chemicals, from initial use to perature, air circulation, length of hosed into storm drains. disposal. time and other storage factors. Responding to environmental Reduce chemical use whenever  Make sure products are sealed concerns can be done with sim- possible. properly and stored safely. ple everyday practices. Keeping Many businesses have found that they cars tuned up and by recycling  Buy smaller quantities, more fre- Train employees. have saved money by adopting new quently. Avoid purchasing prod- motor oil are just a few. In addi- procedures that require less chemical ucts that won’t be used. All employees—whether or not they tion, the automotive industry use. work with chemicals—should receive has been working aggressively to  Provide secondary containment Whenever possible—Substitute. training about the products they may for all liquids. Place original con- reduce its impact on the envi- Many manufacturers are creating new be exposed to. This training should tainers inside a pan, jar or bottle ronment by promoting recycling products with less environmental im- focus on storage requirements, spill capable of capturing all the con- pact. Avoid taking free product sam- procedures and potential hazards. and reuse of chemicals and by tents in case of a leak. Place large ples unless you are certain what’s in promoting other actions that containers on spill control pallets them. keep toxins out of the environ- or totes. Next to our physicians and our Use good housekeeping practic- ment. Yet the sheer number of Spill prevention and control. es. TV repair folks, Americans re- cars on the roads today and  Use chemicals only in designated vere their auto mechanics above those receiving repairs and  Sweep, vacuum and mop floors areas where spills can be con- all service providers. Service rather than hosing them down, maintenance represents a threat tained. and don’t leave sweepings outside stations and auto repair shops to clean water, so that each per- where rain can wash them into  Avoid moving chemicals long are essential to the American son working around automobiles storm drains. Do not send wash distances from storage to use. way of life. must be doubly cautious to keep water down storm drains.  When cleaning up spills, remove But because of the nature of pollutants out of the storm and  Clean up spills immediately. liquids with rags and sweep the these businesses, they also can sanitary sewers. floor with a dry absorbent; pour  Sweep parking lots in the fall, contribute significant amounts of The following pages outline mop water into an oil/water sepa- before the rains come. Be aware water pollution to local rivers rator before sending it down the steps that can help auto repair that rubber from tires and other drain. Keep absorbent materials and streams. Automotive prod- shops work more efficiently, products from automobiles con- on hand to handle different types ucts like motor oil and solvents tribute to water pollution. reduce costs and contribute to of substances. Properly dispose of endanger and can- improved water quality. Store chemicals and liquids sensi- rags and absorbents. not be treated by sewage treat- bly.