
Cell Research (2002); 12(1):9-18 http://www.cell-research.com


MAPK signal pathways in the regulation of in mammalian cells


The Key Laboratory of Cell Proliferation and Regulation of Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

ABSTRACT MAPK families play an important role in complex cellular programs like proliferation, differentiation, development, transformation, and . At least three MAPK families have been characterized: extra- cellular signal-regulated (ERK), Jun kinase (JNK/SAPK) and p38 MAPK. The above effects are fulfilled by regulation of engine and other cell proliferation related . In this paper we discussed their functions and cooperation with other signal pathways in regulation of cell proliferation.

Key words: MAPK, ERK, JNK/SPAK, p38, cell proliferation, cross-talk.

INTRODUCTION three that are activated in series: a MAPK Mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) cas- kinase kinase (MAPKKK), a MAPK kinase cades have been shown to play a key role in trans- (MAPKK) and a MAP kinase (MAPK). Currenly, duction extracellular signals to cellular responses. at least 14 MAPKKKs, 7 MAPKKs, and 12 MAPKs In mammalian cells, three MAPK families have been have been identified in mammalian cells[1] (Tab 1). clearly characterized: namely classical MAPK (also MAPK pathways relay, amplify and integrate sig- known as ERK), C-Jun N-terminal kinse/ stress- nals from a diverse range of stimuli and elicit an activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) and p38 appropriate physiological response including cellu- kinase. MAP lie within protein kinase lar proliferation, differentiation, development, in- cascades. Each cascade consists of no fewer than flammatory responses and apoptosis in mammalian cells.

Tab 1. Compontents of MAPK pathways in mammalian cells


Raf-1, A-Raf, B-Raf, Mos, MEK1(MKK1), MEK2(MKK2), ERK1, ERK2, p38a, p38b,

TAK1, MUK, SPRK, MST, MEK5, MKK3, MKK4, MKK6, p38g, p38 d, JNK1, JNK2,


MEKK4, Tpl-2, ASK

* Corresponding author: Prof. Hui Tu LIU, Tel: 0086-10-62209699 E-mail: [email protected] MAPK signal pathways in the regulation of cell proliferation in mammaliam cells

MAPK pathway in the regulation of cell from epidermal receptors to MAP proliferation kinase include adaptor protein Grb2, a guanine The regulation of cell proliferation in multicellu- nucleotide exchange protein, such as Sos, a small GTP lar organism is a complex process, which is prima- binding protein, p21ras, a cascade of protein kinase rily regulated by external growth factors provided defined sequentially as MAPKKK (represented by by surrounding cells. The MAPK pathways involv- c-Raf-1), and MAPKK such as MEK1 and MEK2. ing a series of protein kinase cascades play a critical MEKs ultimately phosphorylate p44 MAPK and p42 role in regulation of cell proliferation (Fig 1). MAPK, also known as ERK1 and ERK2 respectively, thereby increasing their enzymatic activity[2]. Then ERK pathway the activated ERKs translocate to the nucleus and ERK has been the best characteried MAPK and transactivate factors, changing gene the Raf-MEK-ERK pathway represents one of the expression to promote growth, differentiation or best characteried MAPK signaling pathway. . The stimulation of receptors G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can also (RTKs) provokes the activation of MAPKs in a mul- lead to activation of MAPKs mediated by stimula- tistep process. For example, the essential linkers tion of a large number of complex cascades. One

Fig 1. Major MAP kinase cascades in mammalian cells

10 W Zhang and HT Liu novel mechanism is that GPCRs stimulation can lead signaling pathway with dominant negative mutants to tyrosine of RTK, such as the or antisense constructs for raf-1 or ERK1 shows sig- EGFR, which ultimately results in ERK activation nificant inhibition of cell proliferation. On the [3]. Instead of RTKs, the integrin-based scaffold and contrary, stimulating ERK1 activity results in en- -arrestin scaffold also involved in GPCRs stimu- hanced cell proliferation[6],[10]. It was demon- lated MAPK cascades. Several cytokine receptors strated that in PC-12 cells transient Ras/Raf signal activate the ERK pathway through the activation of induces cell proliferation whereas a sustained acti- JAK (JAK1, 2, 3 and Tyk2). JAK can phosphorylate vation causes these cells to differentiate and slowly Shc leading to activation of the ERK1/2 pathway[4]. ceased the cell cycle[11]. These data demonstrated Several cytoplasmic proteins have been shown to be that the ERK cascade plays a pivotal role in the con- substrate for ERK1/2 including RSK (90KDa ribo- trol of cell cycle progression. somal S6 kinase, p90rsk, also known as MAPKAP- One link between cell cycle progression and K1), cytosolic A2 and several micro- growth factor signaling is provided by D1, tubule-associated proteins (MAP), including MAP- whose gene is induced as a secondary response gene 1, MAP-2, MAP-4 and Tau[5],[6]. It was suggested following mitogenic stimulation. It was reported that that ERK1/2 may involve in controlling MTOC dominant-negative mutants of MEK inhibit prolif- function[7]. The MTOC controls the assembly of the eration of NIH-3T3 cells, and a constitutively active cytosolic microtubules in interphase cells and the MEK has been shown to induce cellular transfor- mitotic spindle of dividing cells. ERK1/2 can acti- mation or proliferation[12]. Activated Ras or MEK vate the C-terminal kinase of RSK, leading to acti- proteins were shown to induce the expression of vation of the N-terminal kinase. The substrates of reporter genes driven by the cyclinD1 promoter[13]. RSK include transcription factors like CREB, ER , Terada et al demonstrated that the cyclinD1 pro- IkB /NF B, c-Fos and glycogen synthase kinase 3 moter contains two potential sites targeted by the (GSK 3). So RSK can regulate gene expression via activity of Ras/Raf function. cyclinD1 promoter s association and phosphorylation of transcriptional activity increased significantly when a constitutive regulators. RSK is implicated in cell cycle regulation activated form of MKK1(S222E) was expressed and by inactivation of the Myt1 protein kinase leading inhibited by the MKK1 inhibitor PD98059[14]. The to activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase p34cdc2 in c-Jun response element might be important for the xenopus laevis oocytes[8]. RSK can also phosphory- expression of the CyclinD1 protein and the Ets re- lates the Ras GTP/GDP-exchange factor, Sos lead- sponsive element might be a mediator for the nor- ing to feedback inhibition of the Ras-ERK pathway. mal growth factor response[15]. Given the depen- ERK can translocate to nucleus and phosphory- dence of CyclinD1/Cdk4 function on Rb, the Ras late different transcription factors, including the function in mid to late G1 is Rb-dependent[16]. ternary complex factor (TCF) Elk-1, serum response Besides regulation the expression of cyclinD1, Raf- factor accessory protein Sap-1a, Ets1, c-, Tal etc. MEK-ERK cascade can also regulate the posttrans- One of Ras-induced cellular responses is transcrip- lational regulation of the assemly of CyclinD-Cdk4/ tional activation of multiple genes, such as the im- 6 complexes. The complexes then phosphorylate the mediate early gene c-fos. So the ERK pathway can Rb protein causing the activation of E2F transcrip- link G0/G1 mitogenic signals to the immediate early tion factors that regulate the transcription of genes response. required for G1/S transition. So Raf-MEK-ERK cas-

The classical ERK family (p42/44 MAPK) is cade is responsible for the regulation of the G1/S known to be an intracellular checkpoint for cellular progression. mitogenesis. In cultured cell lines, mitogenic stimu- Cell proliferation is controlled by Cdk2 which in lation by growth factors correlated with stimulation association with CyclinE and CyclinA regulates G1/S of p42/44 MAP kinase. In Chinese hamster lung fi- transition and progression. Cdk2 activation broblasts and ovary cells a biphasic activation of is dependent on its localization in the nucleus.

MAPK at G1 was correlated with the ability to enter Blanchard et al reported that nuclear translocation

S phase[9]. Interfering with components of the ERK of Cdk2 and the resulting G1/S transtion of IL-2

11 MAPK signal pathways in the regulation of cell proliferation in mammaliam cells dependent Kit 225 is directly associated with fertilization. Mos protein, a MAPKKK is a key the physical interaction of Cdk2 with MAPK and regulator of Oocytes maturation process. It encoded dependent on MAPK activity[17]. serine/threonine protein kinase, which can phospho- In mammalian cells the Cdks are dephosphory- rylate and activate MEK1. Mos plays a key cell cycle- lated and activated by Cdc25 . So the regulatory role during meiosis. The Mos protein is Cdc25s play a crucial role in the regulation of cell required for the activation and stabilization of M cycle. All three Cdc25 (Cdc25A, B, C) phosphatases phase-promoting factor MPF, the master of cell cycle exist in complexes together with the c-Raf-1 kinase. switch, through a pathway that involves the mito- Cdc25A is directly phosphorylated and activated by gen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade. Upon the c-Raf-1 kinase. c-Raf-1 kinase is also involved expression in somatic cells, Mos causes cell cycle in the regulation of cdc25A expression via c-Myc perturbation resulting in cytotoxicity and neoplastic induction[18]. Ras/Raf signaling is involved in the transformation. All the known biological activities induction of c-myc expression. The c-Myc protein is of Mos are mediated by activation of the MAPK path- a DNA binding protein which is involved in tran- way[20],[21]. scriptional control of gene expression and has been JNK pathway shown to be essential for cell proliferation. Coexpression of Ras with Myc allows the generation JNK pathway is implicated in of -dependent kinase activity and the in- multiple physiological processes. There are three duction of S phase[19]. Recent data show that high genes that encode JNK , , and ) with 12 pos- level of c-Myc protein prevent the association of sible isoforms derived from alternative splicing prod- p27kip1 with Cyclin E/Cdk2 complexes. The c-Myc ucts[22]. Several MAPKKKs have been reported to protein drives the p27kip1 protein out of Cdk2/CyclinE activate the JNK signaling pathway. These include complexes, which then facilitates the phosphoryla- members of the MEKK group, the mixed lineage tion of p27 and thereby marks the protein for protein kinase group, the ASK group, TAKI and Tpl2 ubiquitination and degradation[15]. The p27kip1 pro- [23]. JNK can bind the NH2-termianl activation tein is repressed by Ras/Raf signaling. The p27kip1 domain of c-Jun and phosphorylate c-Jun on Ser-63 can bind CyclinE-Cdk2 to form a complex and in- and Ser-73. Transactivation of c-Jun leads to in- creased expression of genes with AP-1 sites in their hibit the activity of CyclinE-Cdk2, block the G1/S transition. The p27kip1 mRNA level does not change promoters, for example c-jun gene itself. So it ini- between arrested and proliferating cells. The rate tiates a positive feedback loop. The substrates that of translation and degradation through have been identified for JNK include c-Jun, ATF-2 dependent pathway make the differences in the pro- (activating 2), Elk-1, , DPC4, tein level. The ERKs can phosphorylate the p27kip1 Sap-1a and NFAT4[1]. Because these factors can protein that could be a trigger for the enforced deg- positively regulates the c-fos promotor, their activa- radation of the p27kip1 protein by the ubiquitin- tion resulting increased expression of c-Fos protein, pathway. We ourselves also found that further increasing AP-1 level. Interestingly, JNK also CKI p15INK4b can delay G1/S transition of human phosphorytates JunB, JunD and the Ets-related tran- melanoma cells by inhibiting the cell cycleengine scription factor PEA3[24],[25]. molecule and increasing the expression of p27kip1 Pedram et al reported that through a novel ERK which correlates with reduced activity of ERK1 and to JNK cross-activation and subsequent JNK action, ERK2. The ERKs play a central role in the control the important events for VEGF-induced G1/S pro- of the level of p27kip1 . ERK can effect the progression gression and cell proliferation are enhanced[26]. of the cell cycle by phosphorylation and degradation ERKs can activate JNK kinases. VEGF-induced ERK of the p27kip1 protein (in press). was necessary and sufficient for rapid JNK activa- MAP kinase (MAPK) also involved in Oocytes tion and that both MAP kinases mediated the cell maturation. Oocytes are released from their prophase proliferation effects of VEGF. They found that JNK I arrest, usually by hormonal stimulation, only to is the final mediator for ERK to stimulate cell again halt at metaphase II, where they await proliferation. The role of ERK is mainly to induce

12 W Zhang and HT Liu the activation of JNK when activated by an endothe- p38 MAPK appears to play a major role in lial cell (EC) growth factor such as VEGF. The iden- apoptosis, differentiation, survival, proliferation, tified role of JNK and the importance of ERK/JNK development, inflammation and other Stress cross-activation is specifically seen for the stimula- responses. p38 activity is required in Cdc42-induced tion of important G1 cell cycle events that lead to cell cycle arrest at G1/S. This inhibitory role may be progression to S phase (DNA synthesis)[26]. It is mediated by the inhibition of cyclinD1 expression. likely that the cross-talk between members of the Activated p38 can cause mitotic arrest in somatic cell MAP kinase family contributes to the decision by a cycles at the spindle assembly check point[31],[32]. cell to divide or terminally differentiate. Recently it was reported that p38 involved in vari- JNKs activation is associated with transformation ous vertebrate cell differentiation processes such as in many and growth factor-mediated adipocytes, cardiomyocytes, chondroblasts, pathway. The transactivation of c-Jun might play an erythroblasts, myoblasts and neurons[33]. important role in this process. JNKs can transduce The TGF- -activating kinase (TAK)-1 is a novel signals for differentiation in the hematopoietic MAPKKK. It is reported to participate in the signal system, and possibly involve in embryonic transduction of TGF- and the phosphorylation of development. JNK pathway has been implicated in the p38 kinase and / or JNK pathway. Transfection both apoptosis and survival signaling. It has been of p38 kinase and p38 kinase kinase, MKK3/6 caused reported that UV-induced apoptosis in fibroblasts inhibition of mitogen-induced cyclinD1 expression. requires JNK for cytochrome C release from the Thus the TAK1-MKK6-p38 kinase pathway can motochondria[27]. But the mechanism is unclear. negatively regulate cyclinD1 expression and cell cycle progression. On the other hand, the MKK1-p44/p42 p38 pathway pathway can up-regulate cyclinD1 promoter activity The mammalian p38 MAPK families are acti- [14]. The contour balance of p42/44 MAPK and p38 vated by cellular stress including UV irradiation, heat may play a crucial role in the regulation of cell cycle. shock, high osmotic stress, , pro- Besides the MAPK pathways recited above, other tein synthesis inhibitors, proinflammatory cytokines MAPK families have been identified. One of them (such as IL-1 and TNF-α) and certain mitogens. At is BMK1 (Big mitogen-activated protein kinase, also least four isoforms of p38, known as p38 , p38 , known as ERK5), a recently identified member of p38 and p38 have been identified[28], which the mammalian MAPK family. It is reported that can all be phosphorylated by the MAPK kinase BMK1 can be activated by growth factors, oxidative MKK6 (SKK3). Other MAKKs can phosphorylate stress and hyperosmolar conditions. MEK5, which some p38 isoforms. MKK3 can activate p38 , p38 is activated by MEKK 3 is a specific upstream ki- and p38 and MKK4 can activate p38 . nase of BMK1. Expression of a dominant negative It was demonstrated that p38 is a necessary form of BMK1 blocks EGF-induced cell prolifera- component for IFN signaling where it directs the tion and prevent cells from entering the S phase[34]. phosphorylation and activation of cytosolic phospho- lipase A2. IFN α or γactivation of p38 MAPK also The MAPK pathways in the signaling net- results in the phosphorylation of the transcription works in regulation of cell proliferation factor Stat1 on Ser727[29]. p38 can phosphorylate Signaling network is increasingly important for the transcription factor ATF-2, Sap-1a and our understanding of cell prolifeation. Cross-talk can GADD153 ( growth arrest and DNA damage tran- take place at many levels from the membrane to the scription factor 153)[30]. p38 can regulate NF- B- nucleus. It involves components that are in common dependent transcription after its translocation in to pathways, as well as positive and negative feedback nucleus. Certain p38 isoforms also activate non-tran- signals. The MAPK pathways are tightly regulated scription factor targets such as the mitogen- activated by and cross-communicates with other signaling protein kinase-activated protein kinase pathways (Fig 2). (MAPKAPKs, -2, -3 and -5) and the related protein One of the best-characterized signal pathways that MNK1. regulates the activation of MAPKs is cAMP. cAMP

13 MAPK signal pathways in the regulation of cell proliferation in mammaliam cells play an opposite role in the regulation of MAPKs bryostatin1 can activate PKC and have been shown depending on cell and type. The small G to activate Raf-1 and MAP kinase in many cell types. proteins such as Rap1, Rac and Cdc42 play a key Exposure of a variety of leukemic cell lines to phorbol role in this decision. cAMP inhibits the growth of esters results in a PKC/MAP kinase-dependent dif- fibroblasts cells, smooth muscle cells, and adipocytes ferentiation response consisting of increased p21cip at least in part, by blocking the binding of Raf-1 to expression and cell cycle arrest. Schonwasser et al Ras, thus blocking the MAPK pathway[35]. On the revealed that phorbol esters treatment of quiescent contrary, in PC12 cells, cAMP induces activation of 3T3 cells activates ERK via MEK and stimulate DNA MAPK through PKA-induced activation Rap1. The synthesis. Using transient transfection of six PKC activated Rap1 is both a selective activator of B-Raf isotypes ( , 1, , , , and ) mutants into Cos- and an inhibitor of Raf-1. In most cells where Raf-1 7 cells, they further demonstrated that PKC can con- is the predominant Raf isoform, cAMP inhibits the trol MAPK activation and furthermore that the MAPK pathway[36]. mechanism of activation shows some isotype PKC isoforms can directly regulate Raf-1 activity. specificity. cPKC- and nPKC- are potent activa- Phorbol esters and the macro-cyclic lactone tors of c-Raf-1[37]. It was shown PKC activation

Fig 2. MAPK pathways in the signaling network in mammalian cells

14 W Zhang and HT Liu induced dephosphorylation of site in C-terminal of c- amount of cross-talk occurs between the PI3K and Jun and increased of AP-1 binding activity by en- MAPK pathways. PI3K may be able to interact with hanced or inhibited c-Jun protein the Ras GDP/GTP exchange protein in a GTP-de- kinase. In addition, c-Jun is positively regulated by pendent fashion. Ras has been shown to function phosphorylation of its N-terminal activation domain either upstream or downstream of PI3K depending by MAPK, resulting a rapid and significant increased upon the particular stimulus. Activated P13Ks can in the activity of AP-1[38]. We ourselves also found phosphorylate and activate the downstream targets that the TPA (PKC activator) promoted G1/S pro- p70ribosomal S6 kinase, PKB/Akt and NF- B. In gression of synchronized HeLa cells and the MAPK this paper it is reproted that PI3K has been impli- activity increased. On the contrary, the G1/S progres- cated in MEKK1 activation as well as MEK1/ERK sion of HeLa cells was inhibited by GF-109203X activation[43]. Logan et al demonstrated that a domi- (PKC inhibitor) treatment. The PKC inhibition cor- nant negative form of PI 3-kinase as well as the in- related with decreased activity of MAPK in HeLa hibitor wortmannin bloks EGF-induced JNK acti- cells[39]. In addition, we observed that the expres- vation dramatically. In addition, a membrane- sion of antisense PKC results in the decrease of targeted, constitutively active PI 3-kinase was shown growth rate and inhibition of transition from G1 to S to produce in vivo products and to activate JNK, while phase in human keratinocyte Colo16 cells. The level a kinase-mutated form of this protein showed no and the activity of ERK1 in Colo16 cells expressing activation. On the basis of these experiments, they antisense PKC were decreased compared with propose that PI 3-kinase activity plays a role in EGF- parent cells and control cells.These results shown induced JNK activation[44]. It has been that these two signaling pathway cooperated to regu- demonastrated that Rac can be activated by a region late the progression from G1 to S phase. of Sos in a Ras- and PI3K-dependent manner[45]. It is well known that TGF- signal pathway play Rac1 and Cdc42 have been implicated in the activa- a growth inhibitory effect on the cells. This involves tion of CyclinD1 promoter activity, JNK and p70S6K cross talk among signal pathways. TGF- signal [46-48]. It was suggested that the Raf/MEK/MAPK actives two independent pathways, the TAK1(TGF- pathways cooperate with PI3K and Rac1 signaling -activated kinase 1) -mediated and the Smad- events to induce DNA synthesis[49],[50]. But some mediated pathways. In the TAK1 pathway TGF- data shown that in C2C12 cells activation of PI3K- activates the TAK1-MKK6-p38 kinase cascade lead- PKB/Akt pathway inhibited the activation of ERK. ing to the phosphorylation of ATF-2, and ATF-2 as- Akt interacted with Raf and phosphorylated this sociates with Smad4 in response to TGF- . protein in its regulatory domain in vivo. The phos- Therefore, Smad complexes and phosphorylated phorylation of Raf by Akt inhibited the activation of ATF-2 may interact in a nucleoprotein complex that the Raf-MEK-ERK signaling pathway and shifted associates with DNA and activates transcription of the cellular response from cell cycle arrest to prolif- TGF- -responsive genes[40]. It is possible that eration in MCF-7 cells[51]. other MAP kinase-related pathways such as JNK/ Cytokine receptors without intrinsic kinase ac- SAPK and classical MAP kinse pathways are in- tivity can transmit their regulatory signals primarily volved in the transcriptional activation through phos- by JAK kinase family. JAK kinase can phosphory- phorylation of ATF-2 and ATF-2-related transcrip- late STAT molecules on their tyrosine residues. The tional factors. The data from Shaochun Yan et al activated and dimerized STAT translocate to nuclear shown that in mouse C3H10T1/2 cells, TGF- 1 and ultimately bind DNA and regulate gene expres- first decreases and later potentiates the levels of sion[52]. It was demonstrated that several STATs EGF-activated MEK1/MAPK and PKB. They dem- such as STAT1a, STAT3 and STAT4 are onstrated that MAPK pathway plays a major in EGF- phosphorylated, on a conserved serine residue. 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