The London Gazette, November 24, 1903
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7448 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 24, 1903. Railway Company situate on both,sides of and premises bounded on the west by Vicarage adjoining that Company's railway, bounded on Farm-lane, on the south by the Bath-road, the west partly by Goldhawk-road, and partly on the east by the said Hounslow Railway by the- Raven public-house, and extending and land held in connection therewith, and on eastwards eight chains or thereabouts from the north by an imaginary line drawn from that road. the north-west corner of the said land to a In the county of Middlesex. point in Vicarage Farm-lane distant 9 chains In the parish and urban district of Acton, or thereabouts from the junction of. that lane certain lands and premises bounded on the with Bath-road. south-easr by the North and South Western Partly in the detached portion of the Junction Railway, on the north-west by Ramsay- parish of Hanwell and urban district of road, on the south-west by Church-paih, and on Hanwell, and partly in the parish of the north-east by the northernmost boundary of Twyford Abbey and urban district of Green - the houses known as Myrtle Villa and Archway ford, certain lands bounded on the south-west Hou?e, Ramsay-road. by the Company's Harrow Railway, oa the Partly in the parish and borough of Baling, south by the Great Western Railway Com- and partly in the parish and urban district of pany's Acton and High Wycombe Railway, on Hanwel), certnin lands and premises bounded on the north-east partly by the new road known as the south by the Company's Hounslow Railway, Coronation-road and partly by an imaginary on the west by Boston-road, on the east by the line drawn parallel to the said Harrow Railway southern boundary of the field numbered 215 in continuation of the south-west side of on the -5-^50 Ordnance Map (Middlesex, Sheet Coronation-road to the said railway of the No. XV. 16, 1894-6 edition), on the north Great Western Railway Company, and on the partly by that boundary and partly by an north by the avenue leading to Twyford imaginary line drawn in a westerly direction Abbey. from such boundary to a point in the Boston- Partly in the parish and borough of road distant 7 chains or thereabouts from the Ealing, and partly in the detached portion Company's Boston-road Station. of the parish of Hanwell, in the urban Partly in the parish and borough of Baling, district of Hanwell, a triangular piece of land partly in the parish and urban district of bounded on the west by the Company's said Hanwell, and partly in the parish of New Harrow Railway on the north by the Great Brentford, in the urban district of Brentford Western Company's said railway, and on the , c'ertain lands and premises bounded on the east by the footpath known as Mason's Green- north bv the sai<l Hounslow Railway, on the lane, and in connection therewith to stop up east by Northfield-lane, on the west by Boston- and discontinue all rights of way (if any) over roaJ, and on the south by the northernmost the Company's said Harrow Railway to and boundary of the fields numbered '2, 234, 235, from the said land. • 237, 229, on, the said Ordnance Map. In the parish and borough of Ealing, certain . Partly in the parish and urban district of lands and premises bounded on the west by Hanwell, and partly in the parish of New Brent- Hanger-lane, on the south by the Company's ford, in the urban district of Brentford, certain Ealing Railway, on the east by the Company's lands and premises bounded on the south-east Harrow Railway, and on the north by the road by the said Hounslow Railway, on the west leading from Hanger-lane to the Company's by the towing path of the Grand Junction north Ealing Station. Canal, on the north-east by Boston - road, To vary and extinguish all rights and privileges and on the north - west in part by the connected with such lands and premises, and to boundary between the urban districts of Han- confirm any contract agreement or conveyance well and Brentford, and in part by an made or to be made for the purchase or acquisi- imnginary line drawn parallel to the said tion of the said lands. Hounslow Railway from a point in the Boston- To empower the Company, notwithstanding the road distant 2 chains or thereabouts north- 92nd section or any other section of the Lands west of the Boston-road Station to the said Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, or any Act urban district boundary. amending the same or any other statutory In the parish of Heston, in the urban district enactment for the purposes of the intended Act of Heston and Isle worth, certain lands and and for other purposes connected with the premises bounded on the north-west by the Company's Undertaking to purchase and take by Company's Hounslow Railway, on the east by compulsion or agreement any part of any house, Thornbury-road, and on the south by an imagin- building, or manufactory, or any easement therein ary line drawn from a point at or near the or thereunder without being required or com- junction of St. Mary's-crescent and Thornbury- p«IIed to purchase the whole of such house, road to the bridge over the said railway leading building, or manufactory. to the field numbered 541 on tha-^1^ Ordnance To empower the Company to appropriate with Map (Middlesex Sheet No. XX, 3, 1896 or without payment therefor and use the subsoil edition), also certain lands and premises on the and under surface under any street or road, north side of the said Hounslow Railway and square or highway, or under any land, house, south side of Jersey-road and numbered 539 building, manufactory or premises, cellars, vaults, on the said Ordnance Map. arches or other constructions or any parts thereof In the parish of Heston, in the urban district respectively, without being required or compelled of Heston and Isleworth, certain lands and to purchase any such land, house, building, manu- premises bounded on the west by the said factory or premises, cellars, vaults, arches or Hounslow Railway and station premises, on other constructions or the site thereof or any the south liy the Lond«m-road, and on the easement or right to the use of such subsoil. east by the field numbered 4-JO on the -jj-gVo To provide that section 8 of the Metropolitan Ordnance Map (Middlesex Sheet, XX 7, 1896 District Railway Act, 1880, and section 95 of the edition). Act of 1903 shall extend and apply to lauds, In the parish of Heston, in the urban district buildings, or hereditaments of the Company ut Fleston ami [sleworth, certain lands and without the area of the metropolis and to lands.