Federal Register/Vol. 75, No. 117/Friday, June 18, 2010/Rules
34630 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 117 / Friday, June 18, 2010 / Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY the importation of Iranian-origin goods Iran in section 560.304 of the ITR. That and services. Subsequently, in definition includes: Office of Foreign Assets Control Executive Order 12957, issued on March (a) The state and the Government of 15, 1995, under the authority of, inter Iran, as well as any political 31 CFR Part 560 alia, the International Emergency subdivision, agency, or instrumentality Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701– thereof; Iranian Transactions Regulations 1706) (‘‘IEEPA’’), the President declared (b) Any entity owned or controlled AGENCY: Office of Foreign Assets a national emergency with respect to the directly or indirectly by the foregoing; Control, Treasury. actions and policies of the Government and ACTION: Final rule. of Iran, including its support for (c) Any person to the extent that such international terrorism, its efforts to person is, or has been, or to the extent SUMMARY: The Department of the undermine the Middle East peace that there is reasonable cause to believe Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets process, and its efforts to acquire that such person is, or has been, * * * Control (‘‘OFAC’’) is amending the weapons of mass destruction and the acting or purporting to act directly or Iranian Transactions Regulations in the means to deliver them. To deal with that indirectly on behalf of any of the Code of Federal Regulations to expand threat, Executive Order 12957 imposed foregoing * * *. the scope of Appendix A to Part 560 to prohibitions on certain transactions This expansion in scope of Appendix A encompass any person determined by with respect to the development of to Part 560 will better assist U.S.
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