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HARRY L. HOPKINS Federal Emergency Relief Administrator





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FEDERAL EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION, Washington, D.C., November 15, 198^ SIR: I transmit herewith the second report covering the Unemploy­ ment Relief Census of October 1933. This report deals specifically with the urban-rural distribution, the data covering families and persons on relief during the month of October 1933. It contains, in addition, a table presenting summary relief statistics by counties and a similar table for each of the cities having a population of 25,000 or more in 1930. The survey was conducted under the general supervision of Howard B. Myers, Assistant Director in charge of research. Charles F. Beach directed the field work and the tabulating of the basic material. Emerson Ross served in an advisory capacity. This report was drafted by Janet F. Nelson, Frederick F. Stephan, and Dorothy S. Thomas. The services of others not specifically mentioned are ac­ knowledged with appreciation as well. Respectfully, CoRRINGTON GlLL, Assistant Administrator Division of Research, Statistics and Finance.

Hon, HARRY L. HOPKINS, Federal Emergency Relief Administrator. m

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis TABLE OF CONTENTS

SUBJECT Introduction _ 1 Summary 2 Location of urban and rural relief families 2 Color or race of persons in urban and rural relief families 6 Size of urban and rural relief families —. 6 Age of persons in urban and rural relief families 8 Sex of persons in urban and rural relief families ^ 9 Limitations of the data and of the comparisons 9 Method of collecting data__ _. 10 States included in the various geographic divisions 11 Schedule of unemployment relief census 23

LIST OF MAPS Map 1. Percentage of population on public unemployment relief, October 1933.. VIII

LIST OF CHARTS Chart la. Number of families in urban areas receiving public unemployment relief, October 1933, by States and the District of Columbia 4 lb. Number of families in rural areas receiving public unemployment relief, October 1933, by States _ __ _ 5 2. Percentage of whites, Negroes, and other races on relief, October 1933, in urban and rural areas. (Percentages are estimated on the basis of the total population and population of each racial group in urban and rural areas in the 1930 Population Census.) 7

LIST OF TABLES Table A. Percentage of total population on relief, October 1933, by States and urban and rural areas (percentages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 population census) _ 12 B. Percentage of total population on relief, October 1933, by urban areas and cities grouped according to size (percentages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 population census) 14 C. Percentage of total Negro and total white population on relief, October 1933, by States and urban and rural areas for States having 100,000 or more Negroes in 1930 (percentages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 population census, and States are ranked in order of size of Negro population in 1930) 14 D. Percentage of total population of "other races" and of total white population on relief, October 1933, by States and urban areas for States having 50,000 or more persons of "other races" in 1930 (per­ centages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 population census and States are ranked in order of size of population of "other races" in 1930) 15 E. Percentage of one-person families on relief to total families on relief, October 1933, by color or race and urban and rural areas for the United States - 16 F. Comparison of percentage of 2-, 3-, or 4-person families and of 5-or- more-person families to all families of 2 or more persons in the Unem­ ployment Relief Census, October 1933, and the Population Census, 1930, by color or race and urban and rural areas for the United States 16

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Pace G. Comparison of percentage of persons in specified age groups in relief families, October 1933, and in the total population, 1930, by color or race and urban and rural areas by States (percentage of all age groups combined equals 100 for each urban and rural area for both relief population and total population) 17 H. Percentage of population of specified age groups on relief, October 1933, by color or race and urban and rural areas for the United States (percentages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 Popula­ tion Census) 20 I. Percentage of Negroes over 65 years of age and of whites over 65 years of age on relief by States and urban and rural areas for States having 100,000 or more Negroes in 1930 (percentages are estimated on the basis of the,number of Negroes and whites, respectively, over 65 years of age in the 1930 Population Census and States are ranked in order of size of total Negro population in 1930) 21 J. Comparison of sex ratio (males per 100 females) of persons in relief families, October 1933, and of persons in the total population, 1930, by color or race and urban and rural areas for the United States 22 UNITED STATES SUMMARY AND MAIN GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS Table 1. Number of relief families, October 1933, by color or race and urban and rural areas 25 2. Number of relief families, October 1933, by size and color or race and urban and rural areas 26 3. Number of persons in relief families, October 1933, by age, color or race, and sex, by urban and rural areas 28 4. Comparison of persons in relief families, October 1933, by age, color or race, and sex, and urban and rural areas, with all persons enumer­ ated in the Census of Population, 1930, as shown in percentages.. 36

STATES 5. Number of relief families, October 1933, by color or race and urban and rural areas 44 6. Number of relief families, October 1933, by size and color or race and urban and rural areas 48 7. Number of persons in relief families, October 1933, by age, color or race, and sex and urban and rural areas _. 62 8. Comparison of persons in relief families, October 1933, by age, color or race, and sex, and urban and rural areas with all persons enumerated in the Census of Population, 1930, as shown in percentages 94

COUNTIES 9. Number of relief families and number of persons in relief families, October 1933, by color or race and urban and rural areas 106

CITIES WITH POPULATION OF 25,000 OR MORE IN 1930 10. Number of relief families and number of persons in relief families, October 1933, by color or race and urban and rural areas 212

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CENSUS, OCTOBER 1933 INTRODUCTION The number of persons receiving public unemployment relief in any month is affected by many conditions. The extent of unemployment, the possibility of seasonal and stop-gap employment, the availability of savings and other family resources, the amount of private relief, the policies and resources of public relief agencies, including those not specifically charged with unemployment relief, and many other factors influence the number of persons accepted as eligible for relief at any one time. These conditions vary among cities, among coun­ ties, and among States. Consequently different localities show vary­ ing proportions of their population on relief. In order to secure a cross-section picture of the relief situation and to provide an accurate description of the relief population by age, sex, race, family size and composition for cities, counties, and States, an unemployment relief census was taken in October 1933 by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and the several State and local relief administrations. The collection of this simple but comprehensive information was undertaken as the first of a series of surveys designed to provide a basis of essential data for relief administration, program planning, and legislation. The principal results of the Unemployment Relief Cen­ sus were released two months after the census began and were published as Report No. One in . The first report presented the number of families by size and race, and the. number of persons by age, sex, and race, for geographic divisions, for States, and for cities having a population of 100,000 or more persons in 1930. This, the second report, presents similar data for the rural and urban areas within geographic divisions and States. It also includes somewhat less detailed information for cities of 25,000 or more inhabitants and for all counties. The data for rural and urban areas and for the smaller cities are shown in a form as far as possible comparable with the analysis in Report No. One. Each section in the first report has its counterpart (sometimes in an abbreviated form) in a section giving the urban- rural detail in the present report. Most of the text tables and charts in the first report also have counterparts in the present report. Some omissions and substitu­ tions have been made, however, because of the lack of significance of a detailed urban-rural breakdown on certain points. Thus the sections dealing with size of family and sex have been curtailed and several tables omitted. In presenting the data on location a percentage table is substituted for the comparable chart presented in the first report. The Unemployment Relief Census was set up to include both resident family cases and resident individual cases (the latter are 1

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS commonly referred to as one-person families or as nonjamily persons) which were receiving public unemployment relief in October 1933. It omitted transients, recipients of other forms of relief, and persons who, although on the relief rolls, received no material relief during October.1 The schedule and definitions used in the relief census are reproduced on pages 23 and 24. SUMMARY The urban relief population, like the total urban population, was highly concentrated. Six States included half the urban relief families. The rural relief families were almost as highly concen­ trated, half of them being located in nine States. While this concen­ tration tended to follow the concentration of the total population, important differences were indicated by variations in the proportion of the total population that was receiving relief in October 1933. South Carolina had 26 percent of its urban population and Florida 27 percent of its rural population on relief, while Wyoming had 3 percent and 2 percent in urban and rural areas respectively. The percentage of the urban Negro population receiving relief was three times that of the urban white population. However, the rural Negro and rural white populations showed almost the same percent­ ages. Very largely as a result of the high urban Negro rate, the urban rate forall races combined exceeded the rural rate. This urban-rural comparison is affected by the fact that the relief census was taken in October in the harvesting and cotton picking season, which materially reduced the relief population in certain areas. Urban relief cases included a higher proportion of nonfamily per­ sons than did relief cases in rural areas. Taking each age group in the general population, a higher per­ centage of all children and a lower percentage of aged persons were receiving relief than the intermediate age groups. This was more noticeable in urban than in rural areas. There were proportionably more males among urban relief cases and proportionately more females among rural relief cases than were found in the corresponding groups of the general population. LOCATION OF URBAN AND RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES Three-fifths of the resident relief population in October 1933 was found living in cities or other incorporated places which had at least 2,500 inhabitants in 1930. Two-fifths of the relief population was rural in the sense that it did not live in incorporated places of this size. Of course, only a part of the rural relief population lived on farms. The October 1933 urban relief population was highly concentrated. More than half of the urban families on relief were found in 6 States; New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, and California, fully a third in the first 3 of these States, and more than an eighth in New York State alone. The rural relief population was also concentrated in a few States. More than half of the rural families on relief were found in nine

I i In Kentucky, however, some families were included who were not regular relief cases, but who received urplus commodities.

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CENSUS 3 States; Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Alabama, West Vir­ ginia, South Carolina, Michigan, Ohio, and Florida, and more than one-tenth in Pennsylvania alone. Charts la and lb show the de­ tailed urban-rural distribution of relief families by States, and table A gives the ratio percent of persons in these relief families to the urban and rural population of each State in 1930. It is apparent that much of the concentration of urban and rural relief cases merely reflected the concentration of urban or rural population in certain States. Thus, New York had almost 400 times as many urban relief families as Wyoming, but when the persons in relief families are expressed as ratios of the population in these States the proportionate urban relief in New York was found to be only three times as heavy as in Wyo­ ming. Pennsylvania and Rhode Island represented the two ex­ tremes in numbers of rural relief families, the former having more than 200 times as many rural families on relief as the latter. Ex­ pressed as ratios of the population, twice as many persons were on the relief rolls in Pennsylvania as in Rhode Island. The greatest pro­ portions of urban relief were found in South Carolina, Florida, and Arizona, each of which had approximately a quarter of the urban population on relief. Wyoming, on the other hand, had less than one-twentieth of its urban population on relief. The rural extremes were represented by Florida and West Virginia, each with approxi­ mately a quarter of the rural population on relief, and Virginia and Wyoming with less than one-fiftieth. Thirty-nine of the forty-eight States had a relatively greater pro­ portion of urban than of rural relief persons, and in only three States, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Oklahoma, were appreciably greater proportions of rural than of urban persons on relief. In table B, urban areas are divided into several groups by size of cities and the average relief ratios compared. The percentage on relief for these city groups ranged only from 10 to 12 percent with the groups of cities having 1,000,000 to 250,000, 250,000 to 100,000, and 100,000 to 50,000 population above the average for all urban areas, and the very largest cities (1,000,000 or more) and the very smallest (less than 50,000 population) below the average. The variation in ratios among the larger cities was discussed in Report No. One,1 where the details were given for each of the 93 cities having a population of 100,000 or more. Because of the population changes since 1930, the relief rates are not presented for individual cities with population of less than 100,000. The relief data for each of the cities are presented in table 10. By far the greater number of these cities had relief ratios ranging from 8 to 14 percent. At the extremes 19 cities had 3 percent or less on relief and 4 cities had 30 percent or more. The map facing page 1 shows the relief percentages, in rather wide classes, for counties. It should be emphasized that the ratios for some counties are sufficiently affected by population changes since 1930 to introduce errors in the rates, even in the crude class intervals used in this map. The map is presented here to give a general picture of the probable high relief areas and to avoid the misleading implica­ tion of precision which a detailed table would suggest, * Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Unemployment Relief Census, October 1933. Report No. One, 1934, p. 6.

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CHABT la.—NUMBER OP FAMILIES IN URBAN AREAS RECEIVING PUBLIC UN­ EMPLOYMENT RELIEF, OCTOBER 1933, BY STATES AND THE DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA. Number of Hank State Families Thousands of Families iQO tso goo aso 1. flew York 277,485 2. Pennsylvania 207,872 T 3. Illinois 194,260 4. Ohio 155,784 5. Michigan 104,200 6. California 101,152 7. Massachusetts 84,066 8. Texas 73,898 9. Heir Jersey 73,198 10. Florida 55,474 U. Indiana 54,884 12. 171 scon sin 48,936 13. Missouri 43,607 14. Louisiana 38,766 15. Minnesota 35,844 16. Georgia 34,098 17. Oklahoma 32,434 18. Alabama 29,470 19. Kansas 27,189 20. Maryland 26,991 21. flashing ton 25,967 22. South Carolina 25,695 23. loira 24,368 24. ITorth Carolina 21,091 25. West Virginia 21,055 26. Connecticut 19,302 27. Arkansas 18,916 28. Kentucky 18,340 29. Colorado 17,043 30. Tennessee 16,094 31. Mississippi 14,163 32. Dist. of. Col.* 12,228 33. Oregon 12,221 34. Utah 10,701 35. Rhode Island 10,114 36. Virginia 9,627 37. Nebraska 9,432 38. Arizona 9,058 39. Montana 9,019 40. Delaware 4,727 41. South Dakota 4,144 42. Maine 4,052 43. Veir Hastoshire .3,791 44. Idaho 2,667 45. flew Mexico 2,485 46. Korth Dakota 1,669 47. Vermont 1,660 48. Nevada 1.275. 49. Wyoming 709

• All tuftan population. OUML kmatGlNCf *UM ADMWST/tATtW*

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lb.—NUMBER OP FAMILIES 12? RURAL AREAS RECEIVING PUBLIC UNEM­ PLOYMENT RELIEF, OCTOBER 1933, BY STATES Slumber of State Families Thousands of Families *o _60 eo_ »oo Pennsylvania 116,589 Kentucky 80,543 Oklahoma 74,803 Alabama . 69,178 West Virginia 65,287 South. Carolina 63,631 Michigan 48,479 Ohio 47,061 Florida 46,958 Mississippi 40,396 Louisiana 37,985 Georgia 35,490 Illinois 35,097 North Carolina 34,950 Heir York 34,498 {Texas 31t147 Arkansas 29,415 Tennessee 23,218 Indiana 21,765 Kansas' 19,032 Wisconsin 18,416 South Dakota 18,238 California 17,112 Missouri 13,558 Washington 11,910 Arizona 11,369 Hew Jersey U.254 loira 10,683 Montana ' 9,863 Minnesota 9,514 Horth Dakota 8,351 Massachusetts 5,782 Colorado 5,772 Utah 5,653 Virginia 5,356 Mains 4,832 Maryland 4,826 Connecticut 4,659 Oregon 4,442 Hebraska 4,412 Hew Mexico .4,102 Idaho 2,766 Hevada 1,671 Hew Hampshire 1,239 Vermont. 1,157 Delaware 1,135 Wyoming 773 Rhode Island 570


Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 6 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS COLOR OR RACE OF PERSONS IN URBAN AND RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES Racial differences in the proportion of persons on relief were clearly marked in urban areas but existed to no appreciable extent in rural areas. (See chart 2.) In urban areas there was almost three times as large a proportion of Negroes as whites, and twice as large a pro­ portion of "other races" as whites on relief. In contrast, the rural areas showed very slight differences in the proportions of the three racial relief groups. Due to uncertainty as to the nature of the shifts in population since 1930, the observed rural differences can scarcely be considered significant. An analysis of 23 States, each of which had a total Negro popula­ tion of 100,000 or more in 1930 (table C) brings to light some inter­ esting contrasts. Ten of these States showed a disproportion of Negroes to whites in urban areas equal to or greater than the average for the country, the greatest disproportion occurringl in Missouri, New Jersey, and Ohio, each with approximately four times as great a percentage of Negroes as whites on relief. In none of these 23 States was there a greater proportion of urban whites than of urban Negroes on the relief rolls. Rural relief in 10 of these States served proportionately more whites than Negroes, but in 4 of them (New York, Illinois, Ohio, and New Jersey), there were three or more times as great a percentage of Negroes as whites on relief in rural areas and in two others (Pennsylvania and Michigan), more than twice as many. Urban relief for other racial groups in six States (see table D) each of which had a total population of "other races" of 50,000 or more in 1930, showed considerable variation when compared with white urban relief in the same States. In Arizona and Colorado persons of "other races" were on relief proportionately four times as frequently in urban areas as whites, in contrast with Oklahoma and New Mexico where the proportions for "other races" were somewhat smaller than for whites. The rural portions of the two latter States had also lesser proportions of "other races" than of whites on relief, whereas the rural areas of the other four States showed relief proportionately greater for "other races" than whites. SIZE OF URBAN AND RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES "One-person families" comprised 15 percent of the urban families in contrast with 10 percent of the rural families. (See table E.) The proportions of one-person families among white families were approxi­ mately the same as for all races combined. Among Negro families, however, there was less difference between urban and rural areas, 16 percent of all urban and 13 percent of all rural Negro families being comprised of only one person. Among "other races" the difference in proportion of one-person families between urban and rural areas is statistically insignificant. Because of differences in the definition of "one-person family" in the relief census and the population census, detailed comparisons by size of family are not entirely reliable. An indication of the extent to which relief families differed from families in the general population is I It was shown in Report No. One, p. 8, that the greatest disproportion between relief Negroes and relief whites was found in the District of Columbia, the population of which is entirely urban.

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Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 8 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS given by a comparison of the group of families which had 2, 3, or 4 persons and the group of families which had 5 or more members. In both urban and rural areas, families of five or more persons were found in the relief population to an appreciably greater extent than families of these sizes were found in the general population in 1930. (See table F.) The difference was found predominately in the white families in both urban and rural areas and was much less for Negroes and "other races." AGE OF PERSONS IN URBAN AND RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES Children under 16 formed a decidedly larger proportion of the persons in the urban relief population in 1933 than of the total urban population in 1930 (40 and 28 percent, respectively). In rural relief families there was also an excess of children compared with their proportion in the total population although the differences were less marked than in urban areas. The older age groups were fairly consistently underreprescnted in relief families, and, generally speaking, the underrepresentation was more marked and consistent in urban than in rural areas. Table G gives the urban-rural detail by geographic divisions and States. The overrepresentation of children in urban areas was remarkably con­ sistent in all nine geographic divisions, and in all except New England the rural areas showed a lesser degree of overrepresentation than urban. In North Dakota, New Mexico, Maine, and New Hampshire, almost half of the persons in urban relief families and in Maine, Ver­ mont, and North Carolina well over half of the rural relief persons were children under 16. At the other extreme, in Nevada, Wash­ ington, Oregon, California, and Montana, less than 35 percent of the urban relief persons were children under 16, and in Nevada less than 30 percent of the rural relief persons were children under 16. Even these relatively low proportions, however, were well above the pro­ portion of children in the population of these States in 1930. In table H percentages of relief persons to persons of corresponding age and race groups in the total population are shown for urban and rural areas. For whites, differences between urban and rural relief proportions are evident in all age groups from 1 to 18, in each of which the urban proportion was slightly but significantly greater than the rural. For children under 1 year of age, however, and per­ sons of all ages over 18, there are no significant differences between urban and rural relief percentages. For Negroes and "other races", the proportion of urban relief persons was from two to three times as great as the proportion of rural relief cases for every age group in the table (slightly less than twice as great for Negroes over 65). The greatest disproportion, however, occurred in the years up to 18. In table I the relief proportion of older Negroes is compared with that of older whites for urban and rural areas in the 23 States with large Negro populations in, 1930. Although over 20 percent of the older Negroes were on relief in rural areas in 10 of these States, the proportion in urban areas exceeded that in rural areas in every State, and was as much as five times as great in 2 States. The proportion of older relief whites, on the other hand, wTas somewhat greater in the urban than in the rural areas in only 12 of these States and the rural proportion was significantly higher than the urban in 9 States.

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SEX OF PERSONS IN URBAN AND RURAL RELIEF FAMILIES There was a slight excess of males in the urban relief families in 1933, although the urban population in 1930 had a slight excess of females. In rural areas there was an excess of males in both the relief families and the general population, but this excess was some­ what more marked in the general than in the relief population. Expressed as a rate, the ratio of males per 100 females was 101.4 in the urban relief families and 98.1 in the urban population. The rural ratios were 106.3 males per 100 females in the relief families and 108.3 males per 100 females in the general population. Table J shows the sex ratio for the total population in 1930 and for relief per­ sons in urban and rural areas classified by racial groups. Whereas whites had an appreciable excess of males in urban areas among relief persons compared with the general population the sex ratio of Negroes on relief in both urban and rural areas differed but slightly from the comparable ratios in the Negro population. Among "other races", there were decidedly fewer males among relief persons in both urban and rural areas than would have been expected on the basis of their proportions in the general population. LIMITATIONS OF THE DATA AND OF THE COMPARISONS As indicated in Report No. One, the comparisons between the relief- census data for October 1933 and the census data for 1930 must be interpreted conservatively. In this report it was pointed out— 1. That more than three years had elapsed between the population enumeration and the relief census; that during this period the distri­ bution and characteristics of the general population had undoubtedly changed. 2. That no estimate of the change in distribution and composition of the population during this period could be made with any degree of reliability although available evidence indicates that disturbances have occurred due to such factors as extensive internal migration during the depression, doubling up of families, and the falling birth rate. 3. That comparisions of size of family in the relief and population census must be made with great caution, not only for the above mentioned reasons but because of differences in definition in the two census enumerations. 4. That regional differences in relief load often reflect local differ­ ences in administration of relief, and relief percentages, therefore, must not be taken as indexes of the degree of economic or social distress either in localities or in specific classes of the population. All of these limitations are applicable to the interpretation of urban- rural differences and certain of the comparisons between them are subject to further limitations. There is considerable evidence that there have been losses of pop­ ulation in cities, and gains in rural areas due to internal migrations. These migrations would to some extent offset the relief rates, calcu­ lated in this report, in the direction of overstating rates for rural areas and understating rates for urban areas. The interpretation of urban-rural differences is further limited by the census definition of urban and rural. This definition is in terms of size of population and does not take into consideration the difference between rural farm and rural nonfarm population. 70147—34 2 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS A further serious limitation to comparisons between urban and rural areas may be attributed to the differing regional incidence of seasonal employment. For example, the fact that the relief census was taken during the cotton picking season undoubtedly reduced the number of Negroes who would otherwise have received relief in the rural areas of certain Southern States. Many other special and seasonal factors had an influence on differences between local areas at this time. METHOD OF COLLECTING DATA In general, the information secured by this census was not obtained by personal interview but was transcribed from the family case record cards which were on file in local relief offices and which had previously been filled out in connection with the investigation and social-service activities of the local relief agencies. The census data were, therefore, necessarily limited to facts appearing on these case cards. Before the schedule for the Unemployment Relief Census was constructed, the limits of these data were ascertained through correspondence and con­ ferences with the State relief officials and further advice was obtained from research authorities in the fields of relief, statistics, and eco­ nomics. A preliminary survey of the information readily available in local relief offices and the advice of competent authorities resulted in a decision to limit the data collected to four major categories, namely, the color and size of relief families and the sex and age of the persons in the families. It was then planned to assemble these basic data as a background for more intensive sample studies of the relief problem. When the schedule was completed, a series of regional conferences was held throughout the country with the statisticians of the various State offices to assure the comparability of the results and the rapid completion of the work. The actual transcription of the information from the case cards to the schedules was done in local relief offices followed by a preliminary check in the State offices. The transcrip­ tion was begun about November 1,1933, and by the end of the month virtually all schedules had been filled out. The schedule was designed to eliminate the necessity for practically all coding. But, to provide uniformity of procedure and interpreta­ tion, nine editing and coding offices were established at strategic points in the United States to serve as clearing houses for all schedules. The schedules were carefully edited and the few necessary items coded in these nine offices. The tabulations were made in Washington. Urban population was defined in the relief census as the population residing in cities and other incorporated places having 2,500 inhabit­ ants or more. The remainder was classified as rural. This definition accorded with that of the Census Bureau. "Family" was defined in the relief census as "a group of related or unrelated persons living together at one address who are receiving relief, and who are consider­ ed as one 'case* by the agency giving the relief." A one-person family was "any individual receiving relief, not included in a family or household as defined above." A family was considered resident if its head had been living in the State for 1 year or more. Transients (i. e., relief cases who had lived in the State for less than a year) were not included in the relief census. The classification of "other races" includes such individual races as Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Filipino, etc.

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis STATES INCLUDED IN THE VARIOUS GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS The States included in the various geographic divisions are follows: New England: South Atlantic—Continued Maine West Virginia New Hampshire North Carolina Vermont South Carolina Massachusetts Georgia Rhode Island Florida Connecticut East South Central: Middle Atlantic: Kentucky New York Tennessee New Jersey Alabama Pennsylvania Mississippi East North Central: West South Central: Ohio Arkansas Indiana Louisiana Illinois Oklahoma Michigan Texas Wisconsin Mountain: West N orth Central: Montana Minnesota Idaho Iowa Wyoming Missouri Colorado N orth Dakota N ew Mexico South Dakota Arizona Nebraska Utah Kansas Nevada South Atlantic: Pacific: Delaware Washington Maryland Oregon District of Columbia California Virginia 11

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TABLE A.—PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL POPULATION OK RELIEF, OCTOBER 1933, BY STATES AND URBAN AND RURAL AREAS [Percentages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 population census]

Percent of Relief per­ All persons relief per- 8TATE sons, sons to all 1933 persons

12,685,664 122,775,048 10.3 Urban ...... 7,534,165 68,954,823 11.0 5,101.499 53,820,223 9.6 454,891 2,646,248 17.2 114,485 744,273 15.4 Rural...... _. 340,406 1,901,975 17.9 ARIZONA ...... 82,275 435,673 18.9 34,812 149,856 23.2 Rural...... 47,463 285,717 16.6 ARKANSAS 179,524 1,854,482 9.7 Urban 64,309 382,878 16.8 Rural... 115,215 1,471,604 7.8 CALIFORNIA _ 376,813 5,677,251 6.6 Urban 314,010 4,160,596 7.5 Rural... 62,803 1,516,655 4.1 COLORADO 80,518 1,035,791 7.8 Urban 58,493 519,882 11.3 Rural— 22,025 515,909 4.3 CONNECTICUT 100,620 1,606,903 6.3 Urban...... 81,238 1,131,770 7.2 Rural 19,382 475,133 4.1 22,111 238,380 9.3 17,187 123,146 14.0 Rural 4,924 115,234 • 4.3 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 37,463 486,869 7.7 370,380 1,468,211 25.2 181,356 759,778 23.9 Rural 189,024 708,433 26.7 GEORGIA 276,987 2,908,506 9.5 121,180 895,492 13.5 Rural 155,787 2,013,014 7.7 IDAHO 19,643 445,032 4.4 Urban 9,946 129,507 7.7 Rural 9,697 315,525 3.1 819,038 7,630,654 10.7 678,852 5,635,727 12.0 140,186 1,994,927 7 0 INDIANA 296,554 3,238,503 9 2 206,522 1,795,892 11 5 90,032 1,442,611 6.2 IOWA 144,963 2,470,939 5 9 96,479 979,292 9 9 Rural 48,484 1,491,647 3.3 KANSAS 176,388 1,880,999 9 4 Urban ~™"I 100,101 729,834 13 7 76,287 1,151,165 6.6 472,211 2,614,589 18.1 75,589 799,026 9.5 396,622 1,815,563 21.8 325,611 ! 2,101,593 15.5 147,036 833,532 17.6 178,575 1,268,061 14.1 MAINE 39,704 797,423 5.0 Urban 18,045 J 321,506 5.6 Rural 21,659 475,917 4.6 134,674 1,631,526 110,691 974,869 as Rural 23.983 1 656,657 11.4 327,453 4,249,614 3.7 305,578 3,831,426 7.7 21,875 1 418,188 8.0 607,824 4,842,325 6.2 410,459 3,302,075 12.6 197,365 1 1,540,250 12.4 164,104 2,563,953 12.8 122,996 1,257,616 6.4 41,108; 1,306,337 9.8 227,764! 2,009,821 3.1 49,280 1 338,850 11.14.63 178,484 1 1,670,971 10.7 203,503! 3,629,367 5.6 145,974 1,859,119 7.9 67,529 | 1,770,248 3.2

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Percent of , Relief per- , All persons relief per­ sons, October 1030 sons to all 1933 persons

MONTANA 66,327 537,606 Urban 27,889 181,036 Rural 356,570 NEBRASKA 55,282 1,377,963 Urban 36,113 486,107 ^ Rural.. 19,169 891,856 NEVADA 6,763 91,058 Urban 2,855 34,464 Rural 3.908 56,594 NEW HAMPSHIRE.. 20,836 465,293 Urban 16,023 273,079 ^ Rural 4,813 192,214 NEW JERSEY 345,146 4,041,334 Urban , 300,656 3,339,244 fc Rural 44,490 702,090 NEW MEXICO 27,772 423,317 Urban , 10,629 106,816 fc Rural 17,143 316,501 NEW YORK 1,235,278 12,588,066 Urban 1,093,010 10,521,952 Rural , 142,268 2,066,114 NORTH CAROLINA.., 252,220 3,170,276 Urban 84,228 809,847 ^ Rural 167,992 2,360,429 NORTH DAKOTA 47,172 680,845 Urban , 7,814 113,306 ^ Rural , 39,358 567,539 OHIO 758,979 6,646,697 Urban 4,507,371 ^ Rural , 195,043 2,139,326 OKLAHOMA 429,005 2,396,040 Urban i 111,485 821,681 ^ Rural 317,520 1,574,359 OREGON 62,445 953,786 Urban "J, 35,811 489,746 ^ Rural 16,634 464,040 PENNSYLVANIA 1,374,290 9,631,350 Urban , 853,776 6,533,511 ^ Rural , 52a 514 3,097,839 RHODE ISLAND. 46,641 687,497 Urban 44,629 635,429 ft Rural 2,012 52,068 SOUTH CAROIINA... 403,255 1,738,765 Urban 97,785 371,080 a Rural " 305,470 1,367,685 SOUTH DAKOTA ', 99,206 692,849 Urban 15,776 130,907 „, Rural *; 83,430 561,942 TENNESSEE m 189,898 2,616,556 Urban " 68,578 m Rural " 121,320 1,720,018 TEXAS ™ 416,174 5,824,715 Urban *" 285,689 2,389,348 ^ Rural I 130,485 3,435,367 UTAH 65,009 507,847 Urban ™"*' 40,107 266,264 „ Rural " 24,902 241,583 VERMONT '" 12,403 359,611 Urban I"' 7,064 118,766 t. Rural i 5,339 240,845 VIRGINIA.... 65,919 2,421,851 urban...:::;:"' 39,644 785,537 n Rural ::; 26,275 1,636,314 WASHINGTON. 127,442 1,563,396 Urban 884,539 ^ Rural ;; 45,080 678,857 w«sT VIRGINIA 386,218 1,729,205 Urban 77,454 491,504 Rural "" 308,764 1,237,701 255,800 2,939,006 Urban.*! 176,418 1,553,843 79,382 1,385,163 WtOiiiNo""; 5,188 225,565 Urban.. 2,353 70,097 Rural... 2,835 155,468

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[Percentages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 population census]

Persons in Percent of Number of All persons, relief fam­ relief per' cities in 1930 ilies October sons to all group 1933 persons

United States urban areas, total . 68,954,823 7,584,165 11.0 Cities of 1,000,000 or more..-.. ... 5 15.064,555 1,599,967 10.6 Cities of 1,000,000 to 250,000.. 32 13,720,215 1,660,806 12.1 Cities of 250,000 to 100,000 56 7,540,966 884,425 11.7 Cities of 100,000 to 50,000 93 6,498,448 727,737 11.2 Cities of 50,000 to 25,000 185 6,357,514 689,673 10.8 oth^rwhMi areas ,..^ ^r,-,..., ,- T~ ^.^ . 19,773.125 2,021,557 10.2

TABLE C.—PERCENTAGE OP TOTAL NEGRO AND TOTAL WHITE POPULATION ON RELIEF, OCTOBER 1933, BT STATES AND URBAN AND RURAL AREAS FOR STATES HAYING 100,000 OR MORE NEGROES IN 1930 [Percentages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 population census, and States are ranked in order of size of Negro population in 1930]


Percent of Percent of All per­ Relief per­ relief per­ All per­ Belief per­ relief per­ sons, 1930 sons, 1933» sons to all sons, 1930 sons, 1933 sons to all persons persons

11,891,143 2,117,644 IT.8 108,864,207 10,309,844 9.5 Urban...... _ £,193,913 1,387,313 26.7 62.836.605 6,026,287 1 9.6 Rural ...... 6,697,230 730,331 10.9 46,027,602 4,283,557 9.3 GEORGIA 1,071,125 117,281 10.9 1,836,974 159,686 8.7 Urban... ._...... _...__ 316,637 71,082 22.4 578,550 50,098 8 7 Rural 754,488 46,199 6.1 1,258,424 109,588 8 7 MISSISSIPPI...... 1,009,718 91,375 9.0 996,856 136,339 13.7 Urban...... 133,987 24,635 18.4 204,618 24,629 12.0 Rural...... 875,731 66.740 7.6 792,238 111,710 14.1 AT-ARAWA.,, _,^ x 944,834 179.727 19.0 1,700,775 275,049 16.2 Urban...... 268,450 60,118 22.4 475,660 54,345 11 4 Rural 676,334 119,609 17.7 1,225,115 220,704 18 0 NORTH CAROLINA.—.. .. 918.647 104,124 11.3 2,234,948 147,435 6 6 Urban 246,237 48,333 19.6 563,478 35.883 6.4 Rural...... 672,410 .55,791 8.3 1,671,470 111,517 6.7 TEXAS 854,964 75,535 8.8 4,283.491 232,951 5.4 Urban...... 329,829 60.459 18.3 1,739,306 148,001 8.5 Rural.. 525,135 15,076 2.9 2,544,185 84,953 3.3 SOUTH CAROLINA... .. 793,681 218,806 27.6 044,010 184,421 19.5 Urban.. _. .. 138,354 . 54,050 v 39.1 232,641 43,731 18.8 Rural 655,327 164,756 25.1 711,399 140,690 19.8 LOUISIANA...... 776.326 134,849 17.4 1,318,160 190,140 14.4 Urban...... -...__..._ 257,463 85,083 33.0 574,249 61.597 10.7 Rural 518,863 49,766 9.6 743,911 128,543 17.3 VIRGINIA 650,165 27,756 4.3 1,770,405 59,025 3.3 Urban...... 213,401 20,878 9.8 571,656 39,644 0.9 Rural 436,764 6,87ft 1.6 1,198,749 19,381 1.6 ARKANSAS 478,463 42,378 8.9 1,374,906 137,053 10.0 Urban 89,162 23,977 26.9 293,459 40,297 13.7 Rural 3*9,301 13,401 4.7 1,081,447 96,756 8.9 TENNESSEE , 477,646 7.3 2,138,619 155,181 7.3 Urban . 240,168 27,017 11.2 656,248 41,555 6.3 Rural i 237,478 7,677 3.2 1,482,371 113,626 7.7 FLORIDA 431,828 157,890 36.6 1,035,205 212,401 20.5 Urban . 210,292 98,226 46.7 549,025 83,098 15.1 Rural . . 221,536 59,664 26.9 456,180 129,303 26.6 PENNSYLVANIA 431,257 151,726 35.2 9,192,602 1,221,792 13.3 373,580 131,040 35.1 6,153,181 722,148 11.7 Rural ... 57,677 20,686 35.9 3,039,421 499,644 16.4 NEW YORK...... 412,814 104,396 25.3 12,150,293 1,128,079 9.3 Urban...... 390,499 99,276 25.4 10,112,383 991,946 9 8 Rural...... 22,315 5,120 22.9 2,037,910 136,133 67 ILLINOIS...... 328,972 115,803 35.2 ! 7,266,361 696,728 9 6 Urban 304,036 108,088 35.6 5,300,343 564,507 1 10.7 24,936 7,715 30.9 1 1,966,018 132,221 [ 6.7 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 15 TABLE C.—PERCENTAGE OP TOTAL NEGRO AND TOTAL WHITE POPULATION ON RELIEF, OCTOBER 1933, BY STATES AND URBAN AND RURAL AREAS FOR STATES HAVING 100,000 OR MORE NEGROES IN 1930—Continued

Percent of Percent of All per­ Relief per­ relief per­ All per­ Relief per­ relief per­ sons, 1930 sons, 1933 sons toal l sons, 1930 sons, 1933 sons to all persons persons

OHIO 309,304 117,493 38.0 6,331,136 640,695 10.1 Urban 271,972 107,321 39.5 4,229,930 455,929 10.8 Rural 37,332 10,177 27.3 2,101,206 184,766 8.8 MARYLAND 276,379 45,805 16.6 1,354,170 131,120 9.7 Urban 159,654 42,256 26.5 814,348 110,691 13.6 __ Rural 116,725 3,549 3.0 539,822 20,429 3.8 KENTUCKY 226,040 32,170 14.2 2,388,364 440,017 18.4 Urban 116.561 19.001 16.3 682,356 56,584 8.3 , Rural 109,479 13,169 12.0 1,706,008 383,433 22.5 MISSOURI 223,840 45,427 20.3 157,195 4.6 Urban 169,954 42,717 25.1 1,683,348 102,388 6.1 ^, Rural 53,886 2,710 5.0 1,715,539 54,807 3.2 Niw JERSEY... 208.828 58,571 28.0 3,829,209 286,334 7.5 Urban , 174,935 52.219 29.8 3,161,384 248,238 7.9 ^ Rural 33,843 6,352 18.8 667,825 38,096 5.7 OKLAHOMA 172,198 46,784 27.2 2,123,424 371,540 17.5 Urban , 67,801 18,893 27.9 736,429 90,812 12,3 Rural 104,397 27.891 26.7 1,386,995 280,728 20.2 MICHIGAN , 169,453 48,547 28.6 4,650,171 555,754 12.0 Urban , 159,704 45.950 28.8 3,126,763 362,631 11.6 „T Rural , 9,749 2,597 26.6 1,523,406 193,123 12.7 WIST VIRGINIA., 114,893 20,620 17.9 1,613,934 365,503 22.6 Urban 31,224 10,134 32.5 460,165 67,301 14.6 .. Rural 10,486 12.5 1,153,769 298,202 25.8 INDIANA 111,982 33,018 29.5 3,116,136 263,084 8.4 Urban 103,042 31,935 31.0 1,682,994 174,170 10.3 Rural 8,940 1,083 12.1 1,433,142 88,914 6.2


(Percentages are estimated on the basis of the 1930 population census and States are ranked in order of size of population of "Other races" in 1930]

OTHER BACKS WHITES (excluding whites and Negroes)

Percent of Percent of All per­ Relief per­ relief per­ All per­ Relief per­ relief per­ sons, 1930 sons, 1933 sons to all sons, 1930 sons, 1933 sons to all persons persons

United States total 3,019,696 258,176 1 12.8 103,864,207 10,309,944 915 Urban 924,305 170,565 |_' 18.5 62,836,605 6,026,287 9.6 Rural 1,095,391 87,611 8.0 46,027,602 4,283,557 9.3 TEXAS 686.260 107,685 15.7 4,283,491 232,954 5.4 320,213 77,229 24.1 1,739,306 148,001 8.5 _ Ruraurban....::l : 366,047 30.456 8.3 2,544,185 84,953 3.3 CAUFOBNTA 555,956 52,705 9.5 5,040,247 305,824 6.1 Urban 346,459 42,025 12.1 3.743,618 254,662 6.8 . Rural 209,497 10,680 5.1; 1,296,629 51,162 3.9 ABIZONA 160,446 42,022 26.2 264,378 37,037 14.0 42,698 20,628 48.3 102,011 12,407 12.2 A Rural 117,748 21,394 18.2 162,367 24,630 15.2 OXUHOUA 100,418 10,681 10.6 2,123,424 371,540 17.5 Urban ;; 17,451 1,780 ia2 736,429 90,812 12.3 XT Rural 82,967 8,901 10.7 1,386,995 280,728 20.2 «*w MEXICO 88,712] 2,985 3.4! 331,755 24,619 7.4 Urban 11,927 1,135 9.5 93,17l| 9,349 10.0 76,785 1,850 2.4 238,584 1 15,270 6.4 62,846 11,614 18.5 961,117! 66,500 6.9 Urban...! 19,464 7,487 1 38.5 489,947 i 48,708 9.9 43,382 4,127 9.5 471,170 17,792 3.8 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 16 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS


Percent of 1-person 1-person relief Total relief relief families families families to total relief families

3,178,089 415,514 13.1 Urban...... 2,023,132 301,748 14.9 Rural.—...... 1,154,957 113,766 9.9 White 2,542,820 323,754 12.7 Urban.-....—...... _.-..—...-.-...... ,. .. 1,575,897 233.073 14.8 Rural...... 966,923 90,681 9.4 Negro.. -...... —...... _...... __-....._...... _._...... 579,123 85,621 14.8 Urban...... —...... 409,908 64,533 15.7 169,217 21,088 12.5 Other races...... 56,146 6,139 10.9 37,329 4,142 11.1 18,817 1,997 10.6



Percent of Percent of Percent of Percent of Percent of Percent of all fami­ relief fami­ all fami­ relief fami­ all fami­ relief fami­ nes of 2 lies of 2 lies of 2 lies of 2 lies of 2 lies of 2 or more or more or more or more or more or more persons persons persons persons persons persons

United States: Urban_tx-. 100.0 100.0 71.1 63.2 28.0 36.8 Rural. 100.0 100.0 61.2 52.6 38.8 47.5 White: Urban...... , umm.* 100.0 100.0 71.1 61.3 28.0 38.7 Rural...... 100.0 100.0 61.0 52.3 38.1 47.7 Negro: Urban...... 100.0 100.0 73.6 71.5 26.4 28.5 Rural...... 100.0 100.0 57.8 54.7 42.2 45.3 Other races: Urban...... „... 100.0 100.0 52.2 47.2 47.6 52.8 Rural — 100.0 100.0 46.0 46.4 53.1 53.6

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TABLE G.—COMPARISON OF PERCENTAGE OF PERSONS IN SPECIFIED AGE GROUPS IN RELIEF FAMILIES, OCTOBER 1933, AND IN THE TOTAL POPULATION, 1930, BT COLOR OR RACE AND URBAN AND RURAL AREAS BY STATES [Percentage of all age groups combined equals 100.0 for each urban and rural areafo r both relief population and total population]

UNDEB 16 16-24 25-44 45-«4 66 AND OVER

Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent of all of relief of all of relief of all of relief ofaU of relief of all of relief persons persons persons persons persons persons persons persons persons persons

United States: Urban 27.6 39.8 16.3 15.0 32.9 26.9 18.1 14.9 5.1 3.4 Rural 36.1 44.4 16.4 16.4 25.1 21.8 16.6 13.1 6.8 4.3 Niw ENOLAND: 28.6 42.7 15.3 14.0 3a4 25.4 19.6 14.0 6.1 3.9 Rural 3a 2 47.0 14.2 13.2 25.8 2L6 2a9 13.3 8.9 | 4.9 Maine: 28.4 47.2 14.8 13.9 28.3 22.0 2&6 12.4 7.9 | 4.5 M Rural 31.8 61.1 14.2 13.1 24.5 20.4 20.3 ia7 9.2 | 4.7 New Hamp­ shire: 28.8 47.3 118 12.9 28.7 22.9 2a2 12.3 7.6 4.6 Rural 28.2 49.0 13.3 9.5 24.5 19.9 23.0 12.5 1L0 9.1 Vermont- Urban 27.4 45.8 15.5 14.5 29.2 23.0 2a 5 13.7 7.4 3.0 Rural. 3L3 52.4 14.4 11.3 24.6 20.3 20.5 12.1 9.3 3.9 Massachusetts: Urban 28.1 41.5 15.2 13.8 26.2 2ai 14.3 6.1 4.2 28.9 45.4 13.8 12.7 26.sas1 23,1 2L8 13.6 9.4 5.2 Rhode Island: Urban 29.7 45.8 15.7 13.3 29.6 24.2 19.4 13.8 5.6 2.9 _ Rural 29.7 39.5 14.3 14.9 26.2 22.7 21.2 17.7| 8.6 5.2 Connecticut: Urban 29.5 44.1 16.0 14.7 31.0 24.4 18.3 13.5 5.2 3.3 Rural 29.9 43.0 14.6 15.4 28.3 21.8 20.0 15.6 7.2 4.2 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: Urban 27.8 41.3 16.3 14.8 33.1 28.0 18.1 13.4 4.7 2.6 32.9 43.4 14.6 15.6 26.4 23.8 18.9 13.8 7.2 3.4 New York: Urban. 26.4 40.0 16,3 14.2 34.5 29.6 18.2 13.1 4.6 2.2 28.9 42.9 13.6 14.6 27.6 25.0 2L1 14.3 &9 3.3 New Jersey: Urban 28.6 42.5 16.3 14.5 32.7 26.8 17.8 13.5 4.6 2.7 „ Rural 29.8 41.3 14.5 13.8 28.9 24.0 19.9 16.6 6.9 4.3 Pennsylvania: Urban...... 29.8 4L4 16.4 15.6 30.9 26.4 18.0 13.7 4.9 2.9 Rural.. 36.4 43.7 15.3 16.1 25.0 23.4 17.2 13.4 6.1 3.4 EAST NOETB CXX- . TEAL: Urban...... 27.6 39.0 16.1 14.8 33.7 26.7 17.7 15.6 5.0 3.9 .,_ Rural 32.7 42.1 14.6 15.1 25.4 22.9 19.4 14.3 7.9 5.6 Ohio: 5.3 3.6 Urban 27.7 38.4 15.9 15.1 32.7 27.0 18.4 15.9 32.6 41.6 14.4 15.3 25.1 22.6 19.7 14.9 8.2 5.6 Indiana: Urban 27.6 39.1 15.9 14.7 31.6 24.0 18.9 16.6 6.0 6.7 _,, Rural 31.8 43.6 115 13.7 24.9 21.6 2a i 13.8 8.7 7.3 Illinois: 16.4 4.8 4.0 Urban 26.3 37.8 16.4 14.3 34.6 27.6 17.9 Rural 31.7 4a7 14.8 14.6 26.6 23.4 19.4 15.2 7.6 6,1 Michigan: Urban 29.6 41.1 16.0 15.1 35.0 26.0 15.4 14.6 4.1 3.2 33.8 4L1 14.3 16.4 25.0 23.4 19.2 14.4 7.7 4.7 Wisconsin: Urban.. 28.0 4a 3 16.2 14.9 32.2 26.9 17.6 14.6 6.0 3.3 Rural 34.1 46.5 15.0 13.8 25.7 22.6 18.1 12.2 7.1 4,9 WEST NOETB CEH- TEAL: 6.4 4.1 Urban. . 26.2 39.0 16.2 14.7 32.1 26.0 19.1 16.2 Xrt Rural—... 33.7 44.6 15.9 15.3 26.0 22.4 17.7 13.3 6.7 4.5 Minnesota: Urban... 27.2 38.0 15.8 14.8 8Z5 26.6 18.3 16.5 6.2 4.1 T Rural 34.4 46.5 15.8 13.5 26.1 2a7 17.2 12.7 6.6 6.6 Iowa: 15.6 7.7 3.2 Urban. 26.6 4a 8 15.4 15.6 80.3 24.8 2ao • Rural 32.4 46.5 15.3 14.2 26.5 22.4 18.6 13.1 7.3 3.8 Missouri: Urban...... 24.0 38.4 16.4 12.9 33.8 27.7 19.9 16.7 6.9 4.3 Rural 33.3 44.9 15.3 14.4 24.9 22.7 18.8 i 12.9 • 7.7 • 5.1 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 18 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



Percent Percent Percent Percent! Percent Percent Percent Percent! Percent Percent of all of relief of all of relief! of all of relief i of all of relief of all of relief persons] persons] persons] persons personsl persons persons] personsl persons] persons

WSST NOETH ClN- TBAL—Continued. North Dakota: Urban 30.2 48.7 18.1 15.2 31.1 22.5 15.9 11.5 4.7 Rural 37.9 46.5 17.9 16.5 24.6 21.1 15.2 12.1 4.4 South Dakota: Urban 28.8 38.5 17.0 17.8 31.1 24.2 17.1 15.5 6.0 Rural 35.8 43.5 16.6 16.1 23.9 15.6 13.4 5.2 Nebraska: 26.8 Urban 27.4 41.9 16.2 14.4 31.4 25.9 18.3 14.3 6.7 Rural 33.8 47.0 16.6 13.7 27.1 21.5 16.5 12.3 6.0 Urban 27.6 37.6 16.3 16.0 30.6 24.2 18.7 17.0 6.8 Runl 32.6 41.2 16.0 16.5 26.3 22.6 18.2 14.7 6.9 SOUTH ATLANTIC: Urban 28.8 39.2 17.9 17.0 32.3 27.1 16.6 13.8 4.4 Rural 40.3 45.1 18.0 18.0 20.5 14.1 12.4 4.3 Delaware: Urban 27.2 38.7 16.1 14.2 31.9 29.1 18.8 16.0 6.0 Rural 30.3 43.0 15.1 13.7 26.9 24.5 19.6 14.0 8.1 Maryland: Urban 27.4 43.5 16.5 14.4 32.5 27.9 18.3 11.9 6.3 Rural ..„ 33.8 15.7 13.8 26.3 22.3 17.9 11.6 6.3 District of Co­ 48.7 lumbia: Urban 22.1 39.2 16.1 13.8 35.7 33.3 20.5 12.6 5.6 Virginia: Urban 28.5 43.8 18.1 15.3 32.0 25.3 17.1 13.1 4.3 __ Rural 39.4 48.9 17.1 16.1 23.1 19.8 15.3 12.2 5.1 West Virginia: Urban 30.3 37.4 17.5 17.9 31.1 24.6 16.7 15.8 4.4 Rural 40.9 45.5 16.9 17.6 24.4 20.6 13.6 12.4 North Carolina: 4.2 Urban 32.8 45.2 19.6 16.0 31.3 23.0 13.2 12.1 3.1 Rural 42.6 60.3 18.4 14,8 22.3 18.8 12.8 3.9 South Carolina: 11.1 Urban ... 32.3 36.9 19.5 20.6 30.2 24.9 14.6 14.2 3.4 _ Rural 43.2 44.0 19.3 20.0 21.9 19.1 12.4 3.2 Georgia: 12.5 Urban 29.4 38.6 19.4 17.6 32.2 27.7 15.4 13.5 3.6 _ Rural.. 40.4 44.3 19.1 19.0 22.6 21.5 4.0 Florida: 13.9 12.1 Urban 27.5 35.1 16.6 17.6 33.6 29.4 17.3 15.1 5.0 Rural 36.1 42.0 17.3 18.1 26.2 23.2 15,7 13.6 4.7 EAST SOUTH CXN- TBAL: Urban 28.3 40.1 18.2 16.0 32.3 25.1 16.8 15.0 4.4 Rural 40,0 46.3 17.9 17.4 Kentucky: 23.3 20.8 14.4 11.7 4.4 Urban 27.3 40.6 16.4 15.8 31.6 24.1 18.9 15.3 5.8 Rural 39.8 47:0 16.4 17.7 23.4 Tennessee: 20.6 15.1 11.0 5,3 Urban 27.9 40.4 18.6 16.0 32.6 25.9 16.8 14.9 4.1 Rural 39.1 48.7 17.8 17.0 23.1 Alabama: 20.8 15.2 10.9 4.8 Urban 30.1 40.4 18.9 16.3 32.5 25.7 15.1 14.4 3.4 Rural 4L2 45.3 18.6 18.0 Mississippi: 22.6 21.0 13.8 1Z3 3.9 Urban 28.2 38.2 1920 15.3 32.8 Rural ... 24.6 15.9 16.3 4.1 39.5 44.8 18.8 15.9 24.1 21.0 13.8 12.8 3.8 WIST SOUTH CJBN-

Urban 28.7 39.9 18.3 15,4 33.6 25.8 15.5 16.0 3.9 Rural 38.9 43.8 18.2 16.6 24.9 Arkansas: 22.3 14.0 12.9 4.0 Urban... 27.9 36.4 18.1 16.8 32.2 25.3 17.3 16.3 4.6 Rural | 39.4 42.6 18.2 16.3 Louisiana: 20.9 14.5 13.8 4.0 Urban ] 28.7 38.8 17.9 15.1 33.6 29.3 16.0 14.6 3.8 Rural 40.3 44.9 18.2 17.0 24.7 23.8 13.3 11.9 3.5

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UNDER 16 16-24 23-44 45-64 65 AND OVER

Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent or all of relief of all of relief of all of relief of all of relief of all of relief persons persons persons persons persons persons persons persons persons persons

WIST SOUTH CEN­ TRAL—Continued. Oklahoma: 28.9 38.7 18.4 16.4 33.6 24.0 15.1 16.4 4.0 4.5 39.4 43.8 18.0 17.6 24.4 22.0 14.1 12.9 4.1 3.7 Texas: Urban 28.9 41.8 18.4 15.0 33..8 24.7 15.1 14.4 3.8 4.1 Rural 38.1 44.0 18.3 14.7 25.5 21.7 14.0 13.6 4.1 6.0 MOUNTAIN: 28.9 39.6 16.2 15.5 31.1 23.8 18.4 15.8 5.4 5.3 Rural 30.8 43.7 16.3 15.2' 26.6 21.5 15.8 14.1 4.5 5.5 27.0 34.9 15.7 16.0 32.4 25.1 19.9 18.5 5.0 5.5 34.0 43.5 15.3 14.8 27.5 21.3 18.2 15.3 5.0 5.1 Idaho: 30.5 41.2 17.0 16.4 29.1 20.2 17.9 15.9 5.5 6.3 36.5 42.1 16.2 15.6 25.7 2a 6 16.8 16.4 4.8 5.3 Wyoming: 29.2 44.1 15.5 12.4 35.2 22.8 16.4 15.9 3.7 4.8 Rural 313 44.9 16.7 12.9 30.3 21.4 15.8 15.1 3.9 5.7 Colorado: Urban 25.7 38.4 15.4 14.2 31.3 24.5 20.8 16.7 6.8 6.2 Rural 35.7 43.7 16.2 13.5 26.3 20.8 16.7 14.4 5.1 7.6 New Mexico: 32.8 49.3 17.1 13.4 3a7 21.3 15.4 11.3 4.0 4.7 A Rural 4a 7 48.1 17.1 13.2 24.9 2ai 13.3 11.7 4.0 6.9 Arizona: Urban 30.0 4a 3 17.0 16.9 33.3 24.7 16.0 14.7 3.7 . 3.4 _ Rural 37.2 42.7 16.6 16.4 28.5 23.2 14.1 14.0 3.6 3.7 Utah: 33.0 41.4 17.6 16.5 28.1 . 22.6 15.5 14.2 4.9 5.3 ^, UrbaRuraln 42.0 45.8 17.0 16.6 24.0 20.5 13.0 11.8 4.0 5.3 Nevada:* Urban 22.9 28.1 14.2 1L1 35.7 24.6 22.4 25.6 4.8 iae 27.5 29.3 13.9 13.6 31.7 21.6 21.3 21.9 5.6 13.6 Plane: 23.0 33.3 14.8 14.3 34.4 29.0 21.3 19.3 6.5 4.1 29.4 38.0 14.6 14.0 29.2 24.6 2a 2 17.9 6.6 4.9 Washington: Urban 24.0 34.3 15.7 14.4 32.9 26.2 21.2 20.3 6.2 4.8 30.2 38.7 15.0 14.4 27.5 23.7 20.4 18.2 6.9 5.0 Oregon: Urban 22.7 33.5 15.7 12.3 33.0. 22.2 21.8 19.3 6.8 7.7 Rural...... 29.8 41.5 14.7 12.2 27.7 21.9 2ac 15.9 7.3 8.5 California:' " Urban 22.7 33.0 14.5 14.4 34.9 30.0 21.3 19.2 6.6 3.4 28.9 37.9 14.3 14.2 3as 26.0 2ai 18.1 6.2 3.8

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[ Percentages are estimated on the basis of the number of negroes and whites, respectively, over 65 years of age in the 1930 population census and States are ranked in order of size of total negro population in 1930]


8TATE3 Percent of Percent of All per­ Relief per­ relief per­ All per­ Relief per­ relief per­ sons. 1930 sons, 1933 1 sons to all sons, 1930 sons, 1933 sons to all persons persons

United States total 372.719 76,321 20.5 6,211,583 393,839 J 6.3

Urban...... 139,108 39,088 28.1 3,366,066 216,532 6.4 Rural...... 233.611 37,233 15.9 2,845,517 177,307 6.2

GEORGIA 35,239 3,812 10.8 78,020 4,229 5.4 Urban...... 8,812 1,868 21.2 23,769 1,301 5.5 Rural 26.427 1.944 7.4 54,251 2,928] 5.4 MISSISSIPPI...... 33.100 6.761 20.4 44,248 5,920 13.4 Urban 4.667 1.786 38.3 9,332 1,028 11.0 Rural 28.433 4.976 17.5 34,916 4,892 14.0 ALABAMA 31.337 7.045 22.5 67,891 8,234 12.1 Urban 6.905 1.989 28.8 18,557 1,635 8.8 Rural 24.432 5,056 20.7 49,334 6,599 13.4 NORTH CAROLINA 25.991 5,673 21.4 89,177 6,2S3 7.0 Urban 5,918 1,878 31.7 18,793 1,206 6.4 Rural 20.073 3,695 18.4 70,384 5,077 7.2 TEXAS 26.124 4,621 17.7 190,064 11,824 6.2 Urban...... 8,714 2,855 32.8 75,696 6,852 9.1 Rural 17.410 1,766 10.1 114,368 4.972 4.3 SOUTH CAROLINA 22,283 9,893 44.4 34,843 6,892 19.8 3,743 1,811 48.4 9,030 1,494 16.5 urban...... :::::::::::::Rural : 18.540 8,082 43.6 25,813 5,398 20.9 LOUISIANA 24,018 3,139 13.1 51,628 4,353 8.4 Urban 6,829 1,759 25.8 25,007 1,483 5.9 „ Rural 17,189 1,380 8.0 26,621 2,870 10.8 VIRGINIA 25,545 1.135 4.4 91,073 1,187 1.3 Urban 6.538 578 8.8 26,864 429 1.6 Rural 19.007 557 2.9 64,209 758 1.2 ARKANSAS 14,653 3.438 23.5 60,922 8,401 13.8 2,918 1.337 45.8 14,113 2,011 14.2 fc Rural 11,735 2.101 17.9 46,809 6,390 13.7 TENNESSEE " 18,240 1,100 6.0 100,788 4,046 4.0 Urban " 7,834 784 10.0 28,585 1,149 4.0 10,406 316 3.0 72,203 2,897 4.0 FLORIDA.... 10.819 4.055 37.5 60,341 6,816 11.3 Urban 4.184 2.039 48.7 33,430 2,949 8.8 „ Rural 6.635 2,016 30.4 26,911 3,867 14.4 PENNSYLVANIA.. 9.359 3,006 32.1 498,812 38,245 7.7 Urban "I™™ 7,605 2,585 34.0 311,439 21,406 6.9 „ Rural 1,754 421 24.0 187,373 16,839 9.0 NEW YORK 7,141 1,464 20.6 659,633 26,748 4.1 Urban..... 6,256 1,344 21.5 477,463 22,224 4.7 „ Rural :" 885 120 13.6 182,170 4,524 2.5 ILLINOIS 8,074 3,603 44.6 412,745 32,144 7.8 Urban 6,654 3,145 47.3 261,863 24,108 9.2 ^ Rural : 1.420 458 32.3 150,882 8,036 5.3 OHIO 8,741 2,951 33.8 406,005 28,518 7.0 6,545 2,452 37.5 232,163 18,107 7.8 22.7 %, UrbaRuraln llll"Zl"lllll 2,196 499 173,842 10,411 6.0 MARYLAND 10,085 854 8.5 82,867 2,529 3.1 4.631 702 15.2 46,846 1,820 3.9 _ urbaRuraln ::::::::::::::: 6.454 152 2.8 36,021 709 2.0 KENTUCKY 12.673 1,909 15.1 129,446 15,904 12.3 Urban... 6,905 994 16.8 40,407 2,208 5.5 13.5 Rund :..::::::: 6,768 915 89,039 13,696 15.4

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STATES Percent of Percent o t All per- Relief per­ relief per­ All per­ Relief per­ relief per­ sons, 1030 sons, 1933 sons to all sons, 1930 sons, 1933 sons toa J: persons persons

MISSOURIT ,..«.,-,..„_...... 9,237 1,558 16.9 235,195 7,624 3.2 5,950 1,401 23.5 102,744 4.852 4.7 Rural—...... 3,287 167 4.8 132,451 2,772 2.1 NEW JERSEY...... 5,183 1,452 28.0 195,802 8,684 4.4 Urban...... 3,892 1,167 29.7 148,647 7,081 4.8 Rural...... 1,291 295 22.9 47,155 1,603 3.4 OKLAHOMA—...... 5,339 1,847 34.6 88,750 14,710 16.6 Urban 1,809 727 40.2 30,680 4,245 13.8 Rural ...... 3,530 1,120 31.7 58,070 10,465 18.0 2,715 1,020 37.6 251,626 21,138 8.4 Urban...... 2.151 887 41.2 133,275 12,202 9.2 Rural .._..._.... 564 133 23.6 118,351 8,936 7.6 WIST VIRGINIA ...... 2.459 788 32.0 70.578 14,751 20.9 868 327 37.7 20,551 3,015 14.7 Rural...... 1,591 461 29.0 50,027 11,736 23.5 4,138 1,601 38.7 228,583 16,850 7.4 Urban...... 409 1,505 44.2 103,336 10,342 10.0 Rural...... —...... 732 96 13.1 125,247 6,508 5.2



Relief Relief All per­ 1 persons, All per­ sons, 1930 1933 sons, 1930 1933

United States toUL- 102.5 103.4 NEGRO...... 97.0 92.7 98.1 10L4 Urban...... 91.3 89.3 108.3 108.3 101.7 99.3 123.9 103.4 102.7 105.7 1 Urban...... 124.7 102.6 Urban ...... 98.4 1014 Rural ——...-...... 123.2 105.4 Rural..-.., mJ. 109.0 107.6

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Face of Schedule


UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CENSUS OCTOBER 1933 J!S!l ?*Ttal* *• •• *• «"«* ••* !• f«D fir overy •nempleymeat relief case (family, neaseaeld. or resident non-fauHy persea) t£ci ."*..?,h*r ,""k rtlifr " di***1 ™]M •* »*«» frem pablic f.ndi (Federal. State, er local) during Ibt meats of October U33. *»£...' °"- for ,ron"/en.1 «*•«• *•* «»•*• receding relief frem prfrafe funds onf* or fer person receiving widewa* and £!!u"?a Mn?#.n£ "•»*•»• >M, old-age relief, aid la tht blied. «r alaukeaee relief. Use a separate achedala far each ttmUy (hee»cheld). aad far each reaideat aea-faaiily aersan. . *«*•> c»atn»u.ir »MC acriNiriam raiirrca aw TNC BACK or THIS SCHESULK

1. Kama of the agency giving relief to the case.. 2. Full name and atrcet addreaa of head of family, or of resident non-family peraoa: Name ir a mtiht tat ttmeju Himufy i»cS em On CM* at i, .wl »Mi—»«ybt«ttt«i) 1. Plaea of reiideoca of family, or of non-family peraoa: (a) State.. (I) County- to Location within county (make entry for ana of the following): (1) If livlog within limito of any city, village, or other incorporated place, enter name of such plaea below;

(2) If net living within limits of any city, village, or other incorporated place, check (f ) here D 1 Color of bead of family, or of non-family person (cheek (y) one of the following): 1. White D 3. Mexican • 8. Japanese D 7- Filipino • 2. Negro D 4. Chinees D 6. Indian D 8. Other. •,___,_..

*• ^ftI»}i?nehip, set, and age of each person in family, or of resident non-family person, who received relief during October 1033. (Enter the head of the family on line 1, followed by the other members, such as "wife", "son", ••grand-daughter" etc. In the event that the relationship cannot be determined, enter the first name of the person. Leave no unused lines between immea. If the schedule is filled out for a non-family person, enter first name on line 1. Use a separate sched­ ule for each family and for each resident non-family person.) MA LBS MAKB NO ENTKIES IN TUE9B COLUMNS RELATIONSHIP TO SCAD _,_ .. Or FAMILY VcfiBT

Under 1 year-—. I through 5 years_ 6 through 13 years. M and IS years 16 and 17 years— 18 through 24 years. 25 through 34 »through 44 years. 45 through 54 years. 55 through 54 years. 65 years and over-


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Back of Schedule THE UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CENSUS This census is designed to provide information which is essential to the proper administration of relief during the coming year. It is of the utmost importance that all information called for be entered completely and accurately. Informa­ tion regarding individual families or persons will be held strictly confidential. DEFINITIONS Family or household.—A family or household is a group of related or unrelated persons living together at one address, who are receiving relief and who are considered as one "case" by the agency giving the relief. Resident nonfamily person.—A resident nonfamily person is any individual receiving relief, not included in a family or household as defined above, who has lived in the State for 1 year or more. Transient case.—A transient case is a nonfamily person or a family that has lived in the State for less than 1 year. Do not fill out a schedule for transient cases.

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OTHER RACES GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS AREAS Total White Negro Mexi­ In­ Fili­ Total Chi­ Japa­ AH can nese nese dian pino i other

United States 3,186,181 3,550,212 579,821 56,148 48,345 i 758 100 5,455 839 658 Urban i 2,032,224 1,583,289 I 410,604 37,331 34,099 707 77 1,036 761 651 Rural 1,154,957 J 966,923 169,217 18.817 1 14,246 51 23 4,419 71 7 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS

NEW ENGLAND 141,224 136,064 5,060 60 5 3 2 37 5 7 Urban 122,985 118,182 4,761 42 5 2 2 22 5 6 Rural 18,239 17,902 319 18 1 1 15 1 MIDDLE ATLANTIC 720,896 630,112 89,758 1.026 180 57 8 346 76 359 Urban *_ 557,855 476,795 81,060 700! 144 54 6 75 62 359 Rural 162,34] 153,317 8,698 326 36 3 2 271 14 EAST NORTH CENTRAI 728,902 627,105 98.331 3,466 1,993 47 13 1,305 72 36 Urban——...... „. 558,064 463,669 92,039 2,356 1*912 44 11 291 62 36 Rural 170,838: 163,436 6,292 1,110 81 3 2 1,014 10 WEST NORTH CENTRAL... 230,041 203,653 25,092 1,296 938 7 1 325 13 12 Urban».. 146,253 121,777 23,444 1»032 883 7 1 122 7 12 Ruml 83,788 81,876 1,648 264 55 203 6 SOUTH ATLANTIC...... 468,619 278,266 190,123 m 26 12 4 179 8 1 Urban...... 210,986 100,643 110,305 38 15 7 2 10 3 1 Rural 257,633 177,623 79,818 192 H 6 2 169 5 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL 291,402 210,587 80,765 13 1 1 26 5 4 Urban « 78,067 41,933 36,119 m 8 4 3 m Rural... 213,335 168,654 44,646| 15 5 i 1 22 5 1 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL... 337,364 23a 433 81,635 35 23,022 3 2,196 56 6 Urban .. 25,296 13 3 260 4 164,014 92,438 54,668 16,581 13 47 Rural 173,350 137,995 26,967 16,908 6,441 1,936 9 2 MOUNTAIN 94,926 79,778 2,249 8,388 12,037 96 26 717 18 5 Urban 52,957 44,474 1.752 12,899 6,517 68 17 110 14! 5 41,969 35,304 497 6,731 5,520 28 9 607 4 Picnic 172,807 154,194 6,788 6,168 10,130 522 42 324 579. 228 Urban 139,343 123,378 6,456 11,825 8,034 512 35 142 561 225 Rural . 33,464 30,816 332 9,509 2,096 10 7 182 18 3 2,316 1 other races for whom no detailed Information is available. 2 other races for whom no detailed information is available. A J^^~I— -— "— —•—*•»»' whom no detailed information is available. includes some families, not regular relief clients, but who received surplus commodities. \

70147—34 3

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United States., 3,178,089 415,614 657,397 665,113 Urban 2,023,132 301,748 381,392 373.540 White. 1,575,897 233,073 270,842 285,844 Negro. 409,906 64,533 106,082 82,125 Other 37,329 4,142 4,468 5,571 Rural 1,154,957 113,766 176,005 189,573 White 90,681 142,889 159,410 Negro 169,217 21,088 30,739 27,467 Other races.. 18,817 1,997 2,377 2,696 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS

NEW ENGLAND. 141,224 26,792 22,673 21,685 Urban.. 122,985 23,454 19,803 19,186 White 118,182 22,355 18,735 18,358 Negro .... 4,761 1,090 1,058 819 Other races... 42 9 10 9 Rural 18,239 3,338 2,870 2,499 White 17,902 3.264 2,801 Negro 319 72 *<* Other races... 18 2 1 MIDDLE ATLANTIC., 714,165 74,969 115,257 Urban.. 551,824 66,292 91,343 129,917 White 470,764 45,651 70,473 103,802 Negro.... 80,362 10,534 20,753 87,268 Other races 698 107 117 16,390 Rural.. 162,341 18,677 23,914 144 White 153,317 17,188 21,791 26,115 Negro 8,698 1,435 2,056 24,613 Other races..'. 326 54 67 1,450 62 EAST NORTH CENTRAL,.. 727,541 113,095 139,462 128,480 Urban.. 556,703 91,160 108,884 100,374 White.. 462,308 74,752 81,744 82,355 Net 16,056 26,793 17 terraces.. 2,356 352 347 'S3423 Rural. 170,838 21,935 30,678 28,10} White... 163,436 20,476 28,791 26,858 Negro.. 6,292 1,249 1,621 1,074 Other races.. 1,110 210 166 174 WEST NORTH CENTRAL... 230,041 33,491 41,703 4a 995 Urban ., 146,253 24,814 29,130 27,093 22,661 White 121,777 19,381 22,297 Negro.. 23,444 6,330 6,701 4^15 Other races.. 1,032 103 132 117 Rural.. 83,788 8.677 12,573 13.902 White 81,876 8,322 12,114 Negro 1,648 298 425 283 Other races.. 264 57 34 37

SOUTH ATLANTIC. 468,619 54,225 81,307 82,232 Urban 210,986 30,879 44,689 4a «H White.. 100,643 13,410 18,212 18,662 Negro.. 110,305 17,464 26,464 22,325 Other races 38 5 13 Rural 257,633 23,346 36,618 White , 177,623 12,855 23,109 28,49^^ 0 Negro. 79,818 10,459 13,478 12,722 Other races.. 192 32 31 26 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL.. 291,402 17.584 42,680 Urban 78,067 7,340 15,240 15,689 White 41,933 3,109 6,780 7.967 Negro 36,119 4,226 8,459 /.!» Other races 15 5 Rural 213,335 10,244 27,440 34,563 White 168,654 6,170 19,965 Negro 44,646 4,073 7,472 7,099 Other races 35 1 3 7

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11 12 or 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons 7 persons 8 persons 0 persons 10 persons more persons persons

512.693 389.809 276.941 187.465 122,654 74.060 42.299 20,458 15,786 ail, 476 239,515 159.612 101,886 62,501 35,812 19,703 9,141 266,962 196,193 131,216 83,374 50,643 28,987 15,937 7,377 5,449 58.915 24,192 15,318 9,504 5,440 2,987 1,445 1,137 5.599 5,094 4,204 3,194 2,354 1,385 779 319 220 181.217 150,294 117,329 85,579 60,053 38,248 22,596 11,317 8,980 155.659 129,637 100,777 72,604 50,224 31,439 18,064 8,856 6,483 22,814 18,206 14,390 11,174 8,612 6,056 4,093 2,251 2,327 2,744 2,451 2,162 1,601 1,217 753 210 170

20,696 16,336 12,138 8,266 5,381 3,417 1,938 1,041 861 18,250 14,268 10.458 7,071 4,565 2,859 1,582 665 17,668 10,167 6,867 4,431 2,795 1,531 798 647 580 432 287 203 133 64 51 26 18 2 0 4 1 1 2,446 2,068 1.680 1,195 816 356 217 196 2,412 2,031 1,663 1,175 801 552 350 209 192 33 33 17 18 15 6 6 6 4 1 4 2 2

124,816 95,149 65.932 44,066 28,551 16,851 9,973 4,924 3,760 99.324 74,062 50.002 32.440 20,347 11,699 6,771 3,246 2,496 87.364 66,021 44,811 29,123 18,240 10,530 6,093 2,966 2,224 11,847 3,288 2,066 1,160 670 279 272 m 7,950 6,133 * 01 58 29 21 9 8 1 21,067 11,626 8,204 5,152 3,202 1,678 1,264 25,492 15,930 1,205 24.341 20,187 15,279 11,204 7,863 4,949 3.089 1,608 1,108 860 630 405 322 198 107 69 43 40 21 17 19 5 6 1 37,612 23,292 13,879 7,969 3,758 2,834 114,166 84,955 58,039 1,696 64 64,321 42,419 15,934 9,305 5,135 2,318 SM 23,427 13,847 8,030 4,437 1,946 1,458 76,483 56,421 37,406 227 7,620 4,779 3,053 1,936 1,194 665 349 11,691 33 23 11 « 290 280 232 213 151 81 10,919 7,358 4,574 2,834 1,440 1,138 25,702 2a 634 15,620 1,093 24,847 20,001 15,126 10,678 7,122 4,428 2,731 1,385 715 509 275 183 117 87 47 376 8 140 124 118 66 53 29 16 12,678 8,110 4,852 2,765 1,356 1,042 36,603 27,347 19,099 368 22,997 6,744 4,050 2,252 1.274 554 16,314 10,663 479 330 20,159 14,532 9,435 6,947 3,586 1,968 1,102 687 378 227 130 60 28 2,713 1,665 1,110 15 10 125 1J7 118 110 86 ' 57 42 4,060 2,600 1,491 802 674 13,606 11,033 8,436 6,934 660 5,863 3,983 2,555 1,465 788 13,356 10,871 8,317 11 11 214 57 55 ' 34 18 139 103 11 8 3 36 23 16 14 22 21,113 13,200 7,657 3,857 3,054 72,566 56,524 42,423 30,456 624 9,832 6,052 3,369 1,762 850 33.461 23,269 15,215 416 285 16,795 5,534 3,398 1,887 979 12,537 8.528 783 434 339 16,655 10,730 6,684 4,295 2,652 1,480 2 3 2 2 15,061 9,831 5,895 3,007 2,430 39,115 27,213 20,624 1,310 15,214 10,779 6,824 3,859 1,904 28,303 24.709 20,267 1,099 1,118 6,930 5,391 4,275 2,997 2,034 10,794 8,621 10 2 2 18 25 16 19 7 10,673 6,057 2,806 *2,274 47,881 40,032 31,279 23,443 16,441 2,727 759 325 224 13,325 9,742 6,737 4,393 203 113 2,840 1,801 997 453 7,512 6,887 4,271 306 122 111 5,810 3,853 2,465 1,552 926 . 3 13,714 9,107 5,298 2,481 2,050 34,556 30,290 24,542 19,050 1,753 1,231 15,744 11,178 7,216 3,995 28,409 25,073 20,463 1,303 728 818 6,139 4,075 3,303 2,535 1,890 5,211 I 1 8 6 3 1

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WEST SOUTH CENTRAL., 337,364 37,406 61,401 62,303 Urban 164,014 22,190 32,916 31,490 White 92,438 13,062 17,562 17,656 Negro - 54,668 7,844 13,362 11,265 Other races 16,908 1,284 1,992 2,569 Rural 173,350 15,216 28,485 30,813 White 137,995 11,235 21,990 24,830 Negro 26,967 3,312 5,418 4,665 Other races 1,077 1,318 MOUNTAIN 94,926 20,152 15,516 14,576 Urban. 52,957 12,144 9,018 8,539 White 44,474 10,681 7,768 7,355 Negro 1,752 563 497 259 Other races.. 6,731 900 753 925 Rural.. 41,969 8,008 6,498 6,037 White 35,304 7,102 6,666 5,205 Negro 497 124 118 76 Other races.. 6,168 782 714 756 PACIFIC 172,807- 37,800 37,398 32,673 Urban 139,343 33,475 30,369 26,373 White 123,378 30,672 27,271 Negro 6,456 1,426 1,995 1,256 Other races.. 9,509 1,377 1,103 1,455 Rural 33,464 4,325 7,029 6,300 White 30,816 4,069 6,662 5,923 Negro 332 66 88 52 Other races.. 2,316 190 279 325


GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS BT ARIA, AND BT Under 1 8EZ AND COLOR OR BACK Aliases year 1 to 6 years 6 to 13 years

1 United States 13,685,664 836,880 1,612,891 2,817,401 J 2 Urban ...... 7,584,165 126,164 911,113 1,622,385 3 Male 3,818,962 64,581 463,579 818,915 4 Female...... *... 3,765,203 61,583 447,534 803,470 5 6,026,287 99,087 717,530 1 1,291,873 6 Male 3,078,043 60,767 366,584 655,246 7 Female...... 2,948,244 48,320 350,946 636,627 8 Negro...... 1,387,313 22,837 166,019 287,118 9 Male 654,604 11,604 82,938 141,313 10 732,709 i 11,233 83,081 145,805 11 170,565 4,240 27,564 43,394 12 Male 86,315 ! 2,210 14,057 22,356 13 Female ..——.-.—.....__.. 84.250 2,030 13,507 21,038 14 Rural . .. .. 5,101,499 110,716 701,778 1,195,016 16 Male 2,628,754 56,871 358,336 611,730 16 Female. „.__...., 2,472,745 53,845 343,442 583,286 17 White 4,283,557 94,035 590,964 1,000,966 18 Male | 2,219,906 48,329 302,121 513,078 19 Female 2,063,651 45,706 288,843 487,888 20 Negro . 730,331 1 14,506 97,117 172,206 21 Male 363,887 7,418 [ 49,152 87,322 22 Female 366,444 7,088 47,965 84,884 23 87,611 2,175 13,697 21,844 24 Male 44,961 1,124 7,063 11,330 25 Female L, 42,650 1,051 *634 10,614

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11 12 or 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons 7 persons 8 persons 9 persons 10 persons more persons persons

56,057 42,537 30,460 20,072 12,877 7,354 3,911 1,727 1,259 1 27,449 19,277 12,975 8,078 4,882 2,581 1,299 502 375 2 10,009 11,357 7,465 4,524 2,537 1,291 588 225 162 3 8,690 5,420 3,434 2,053 1,278 685 359 154 124 4 2,750 2,500 2,076 1,501 1,067 605 352 123 89 5 28,608 23,260 17,485 11,994 7,995 4,773 2,612 1,225 884 6 23,656 19,266 14,290 9,572 6,254 3,631 1,889 857 525 7 3,712 2,868 2,212 1,685 1,202 797 535 285 276 8 1,240 1,126 983 737 539 345 188 83 83 9 13,613 10,469 7,769 5,264 3,461 2,039 1,110 556 401 10 7,606 5,683 3,954 2,626 1,587 937 492 223 148 11 M43 4,719 3,094 1,983 1,153 668 350 159 101 12 149 105 71 47 24 21 9 5 2 13 1.014 859 789 596 410 248 133 59 45 14 6,007 4,786 3,815 2,638 1,874 1,102 618 333 253 15 5,040 3,968 3,063 2,085 1,426 842 469 247 191 16 60 43 25 17 15 11 2 4 2 17 907 775 727 536 433 249 147 82 60 18 26,295 16,460 9,797 5,608 3,328 1,795 919 433 301 19 20,610 12,579 7,189 4,009 2,357 1,244 629 299 210 20 18,529 10,889 6,037 3,129 1,650 821 404 185 129 21 780 453 229 140 91 40 14 16 16 22 1*301 1,237 923 740 616 383 211 98 65 23 5,685 3,881 2,606 1,599 971 551 290 134 91 24 5,295 3,531 2,309 1,369 818 442 217 105 76 25 2 26 39 22 22 23 10 6 1 1 361 328 277 207 143 103 72 27 14 27


14 to 15 16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and Un­ years years years years years years years over known

596,338 547,919 1,428,772 1,610,982 1,538,105 i, 143,693 647,430 477,230 28,123 347,108 317,417 819,890 1,012,655 1,022,181 732,210 393,902 259,600 19; 540 173,529 158,873 392,364 471,936 511,636 399,328 218,614 136,634 8,973 173,579 158,544 427,526 540,719 510,545 332,882 175,288 122,966 10,567 283,044 261,034 649,805 768,194 808,657 326,107 216,532 15,693 142,876 132,253 318,626 366,771 411,715 326,647 183,119 116,094 7,345 140,168 128,781 331,179 401,423 396,942 262,084 142,988 100,438 8,348 66,620 195,674 131,666 62,166 39,088 3,728 60,208 151,215 221,074 1,589 26,923 23,499 64,674 90,825 66,365 32,495 18,411 29,697 65,301 29,671 20,677 2,139 26,709 86.541 127,106 104,749 119 7,444 6,175 18,870 23,387 17,950 11,813 5,629 3,980 3,730 9,096 6,316 3,000 2,129 39 3,121 9,064 11,197 1,851 80 n 3,714 3,054 9,806 12,190 8,854 5,497 2,629 249,230 515,924 411,383 217,630 8,583 608,882 598,327 4,030 126,425 117,820 308,278 296,834 255,483 222,986 145,220 124,741 122,805 188,397 108,308 4,553 112,682 300,604 301,493 260,441 7,792 192,071 504,880 508,113 439,753 345,458 213,291 177,307 220,821 188,876 122,584 103,417 3,680 106,891 98,186 257,340 254,583 73,890 4.112 102,036 93,885 247,540 253,530 218,932 90,707 67,869 59,879 36,588 37,233 721 36,236 35,070 93,747 79,159 19,578 321 17,482 17,012 45,876 36,803 30,526 20,659 37,343 29,041 15,929 17,655 400 18,754 17,158 47,871 42,356 3,090 70 4,067 3,361 10,255 11,055 8,302 6,046 3,649 2,052 4,136 3,272 1,977 1,746 29 1,722 5,062 5,448 1,344 41 2,015 5,193 5,607 4,166 2,774 1,672

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GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS Bl AREA, Aim BY Under 1 SEX AND COLOR OR RACE All ages year 1 to 5 years 6 to 13 years

GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS NEW ENGLAND 547,657 8,313 70.309 131,271 Urban 472,577 6,864 59,829 111,893 Male.— 237,032 3,562 30,575 56,510 Female- 235,545 3,302 29,254 55,383 White 456,493 6,592 57,727 108,423 Male..... 229,374 3,418 29,514 54,776 Female.. 227,119 3,174 28,213 53,647 Negro 15,951 264 2,078 3,446 Male...., 7,591 139 1.046 1,727 Female... 8,360 125 1,032 1,719 Other races.. 133 8 24 24 Male-.. 67 5 15 7 Female... 66 3 9 17 Rural 75,080 1,449 10,480 19,378 Male..... 38,407 723 6,283 9,873 Female.. 36,673 726 5,197 9,505 White 73,792 1,404 10,293 19,051 Male 37,761 703 5,184 9,709 Female.. 36,031 701 5,109 9,342 Negro 1,211 41 173 309 Male..... 605 18 90 152 Female.., 606 23 83 157 Other races... 77 4 14 18 Male 41 2 9 12 Female... 2 5 6 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. 2,954,714 382,813 655,834 Urban 2,247,442 36,682 289,512 492,147 Male ;. 1,133,954 18,649 146,734 248,113 Female. 1,113.488 18,033 142,778 244,034 White..__„. 1,962,332 31*350 249,665 433,928 Male.... 999,381 15,965 126,749 219,581 Female.. 962,951 15,385 122,916 214,347 Negro .. 282,535 5.248 39,341 57,722 Male.... 133,267 2,636 19,729 28,291 Female.. 149,268 2,612 19,612 29,431 Other races.. 2,575 84 506 497 Male.... 1,306 48 256 241 _ Female.. 1,269 36 250 256 Rural. 707,272 12,786 93,301 163,687 Male.... 371,775 6,509 47,494 83,489 Female. 335,497 6,277 45,807 80,198 White. 673,873 12,178 88,999 156,747 Male.... 354,616 6,201 45,371 80,020 Female.. 319,257 5,977 43,628 76,727 Negro 32,158 591 4,109 6,703 Male.... 16,522 301 2,024 3,359 Female.. 15,636 290 2,085 3,344 Other races.. 1,241 17 193 237 Male... 637 7 99 110 Female.. 604 10 94 127 EAST NORTH CENTRAL.. 2,738,195 47,106 327,686 586,171 Urban . 2,036,187 33,274 237,496 428,199 Male 1,037,601 17,092 120,951 216,503 Female 998,586 16.182 116,545 211,696 White- 1,723,865 28,163 200,893 366,625 Male.... 891,339 14,466 102,666 186,097 Female.. 837,526 13,687 98,227 180,528 Negro.. 297,149 4,831 34,533 58,981 Male.... 140,945 2,470 17,227 29 038 Female.. 156,204 2,361 17.306 29,943 Other races.. 10,173 290 2,070 2,693 Male 5,317 156 1,058 1,368 Female.. 4,856 134 1,012 1,225 Rural. 702,008 13,832 90,190 157,972 Male.... 368,708 7,153 46,207 81.273 Female.. 333,300 6,679 43,983 76,699 White 675,900 13,387 87,254 152,625 Male—. 355,327 6,926 44,725 78,547 Female... 320,573 6,461 42,529 74,078 Negro 21,689 319 2,294 4,389 Male.... 11,084 165 1,154 2,243 Female.. 10,605 154 1,140 2,146 Other races.. 4,419 126 642 Male—. 2,297 62 328 Female.. 2,122 64 314 476

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u to is 18 to 17 IS to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 54 65 and Un­ years years years years years years years over known

27,262 52,352 63,418 72,702 4a 911 28,922 22,205 23,390 20,135 45,659 56,043 63,929 4a 914 24,985 18,500 436 11,841 10,137 22,044 25,759 32,024 21,884 13,353 9,199 144 11,540 9,998 23,615 30,284 31,905 19,030 11,632 9,301 202 22,724 19,541 44,064 53,814 61,756 39,435 24,057 17,935 425 11,479 9,856 21,379 24,755 31,037 21,179 12,898 8,943 140 11,245 9,685 22,685 29,059 30,719 18,256 11,159 8,992 285 555 1,584 2,200 2,168 1,464 920 559 11 361 659 995 979 698 450 253 4 304 313 925 1,214 1,179 766 470 306 7 1 1 11 20 15 16 8 6 1 1 6 9 8 7 5 3 5 11 7 8 3 3 3,872 3,258 6,693 7,376 8,773 6,997 3,937 3,705 163 2,019 1,659 3,337 3,363 4,283 3,297 2,244 2,251 75 1,853 1,599 3,356 4,012 4,490 2,700 1,693 1,454 88 3,818 3,212 6,598 7,237 8,626 5,896 3,866 3,629 162 1,092 1,630 3,292 3,298 4,216 3,245 2,209 2,209 75 1,826 1,582 3,306 3,939 4,411 2,651 1,657 1,420 52 44 91 128 141 95 68 68 26 28 45 60 67 48 33 38 26 16 46 68 74 47 35 30 2 2 4 10 6 6 3 8 1 1 5 1 4 2 4 1 1 5 5 2 1 4 137,883 125,582 313,818 394,300 396,307 262,410 132,832 79,691 23,776 103,567 94,282 235,703 309,065 315,193 200,637 97,933 55,842 16,859 61,931 47,733 114,928 143,538 162,176 111,212 53,370 27,741 7,829 61,636 46,549 12a 775 165,547 153,017 44,563 28,101 9,030 92,885 85,167 206,723 259,057 272,754 176; 639 87,689 50,711 13,764 46,845 43,472 103,907 122,162 141,494 99,017 48,215 25,460 6,514 46, (M0 41,695 104,815 136,895 131,260 77,622 39,474 25,251 7,250 10,602 9,058 26,766 49,534 42,045 23,874 10.194 5,086 3,065 6,047 4,234 10,948 21,122 2a 439 12,128 5,130 2,258 1,305 5,555 4,824 15,818 28,412 21,606 11,746 5,064 2,828 1,760 57 214 494 394 124 50 45 30 27 73 254 243 67 25 23 10 41 30 141 240 151 67 25 22 . 20 34,316 85,215 81,114 61,773 34,890 23,849 a 017 31,300 78,116 3,340 17,516 16,249 40,932 43,095 43,126 35,726 20,639 13,660 16,800 42,120 37,988 2a 047 14,260 10,189 3,677 15,051 37,183 6,360 33,003 30,106 74,726 80,107 76,628 68,682 33,371 22,966 13,161 3,087 16,365 15,673 39,350 4a 555 4a 653 33,962 19,718 9 16,138 39,552 35,975 24,720 13,653 3,273 14,433 35,376 'SS5 538 1,255 1,148 3,258 4,935 4,350 2,981 1,456 836 623 2,441 2,400 1,697 885 474 243 554 1,191 362 205 632! 592 1,737 2,494 1,950 1,284 571 136 110 72 47 10 48 131 173 10 28 99 73 67 36 25 22 61 22 0 26 70 74 63 43 36 128,641 341,952 361,141 27a 181 15a 237 117,764 1,077 119,444 286,795 78,661 738 95,111 88,870 211,456 259,869 208,796 110,883 47,952 143; 664 117,158 62,301 41,617 342 45,008 102,721 122,292 396 47,169 137,577 139,170 91,638 48,582 37,044 43,862 108,735 7a 475 625 82,948 78,105 181,763 209,688 234,820 177,914 9a 858 42,004 12a 711 101,208 54,985 37,698 301 39,808 9a 056 101,339 32,777 324 J^044 38,297 91,707 106,349 114,109 7a 706 41,871 11,803 46,704 13,853 8,085 110 10,505 28,965 48,440 3,868 40 5,765 6,056 12,351 20.078 22,213 15,626 7,213 24,491 14,704 6,640 4,217 70 5,449 16,614 28,371 101 3 260 728 1,732 1,310 552 174 183 740 324 103 51 1 144 314 875 50 2 177 116 414 857 570 228 71 on 78,307 61,385 39,354 39,103 339 33,530 3a 574 75,339 82,083 146 41,650 4a 047 34,090 22,591 22,749 17,266 15,559 39,977 16,763 16,354 193 15,015 35,362 4a 433 38,260 27,205 32,385 74,998 58,587 37,634 37,581 328 29,696 72,617 78,908 21,884 140 16,669 4a 132 38,435 32,615 21,594 15,072 38,588 16,040 15,697 188 15,716 14,524 34,029 38,776 25,972 937 2,841 2,443 1,473 1.193 10 832 2,300 2,658 6 480 1,241 1,367 1,276 865 692 417 1,178 608 501 4 457 415 1,122 1,417 1,174 1,167 208 468 355 247 329 1 146 422 517 173 117 277 245 199 132 70 211 116 156 91 76 211 240 223 156

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Under 1 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS BY AREA, AND BT 01 ages 1 to 5 years 6 to 13 years SEX AND COLOE OR RACK year

OROGRAPHIC DIVISIONS—Continued WEST NORTH CENTRAL*.. 890,618 18,141 114,063 193,270 Urban.. 525,253 10,159 63,388 107,902 Male.... 267,089 5,102 32,491 64,761 Female.. 258,164 5,057 30,897 53,141 White 450,064 8,764 64,806 93,576 Male.... 231,722 4,421 28,133 47,539 Female.. 218,342 4,343 26,676 46,037 Negro. ...__ 70,000 1,232 7,616 12,874 Male- 32,698 593 3,863 6,491 Female.., 37,302 639 3,753 6,383 Other races... 5,189 163 964 1,452 Male 2,669 88 495 731 Female... 2,520 75 469 721 Bural 365,365 7,982 50,675 85,368 Male. 189,236 4,035 25,572 43,698 Female... 176,129 3,947 25,103 41,670 White.. __ 358,505 7,859 49,844 83,917 Male.. 185,728 3,976 25,151 42,931 Female.. 172,777 3»^ 24,693 40,986 Negro 5,747 92 660 Male. 2,930 47 334 607 Female..... 2,817 45 326 ^55a2 Other races...., 1,113 21 171 292 Male._ 578 12 87 160 Female.. 535 9 84 132 SOUTH ATLANTIC.. 1,949,207 40,961 248,323 451,036 Urban.. 766,988 13,447 87,254 165,210 Male 373,450 6,964 43,997 82,719 Female.. 393,538 6,493 43,257 82,491 White.. _ 387,660 7,031 43,229 83,266 Male.. 194,665 3,703 22,165 42,500 Female.. 192,995 3,328 21,064 40,766 Negro.. 379,189 6,410 44,013 81,919 Male 178,712 3,247 21,824 40,202 Female.. 200,477 3,163 22,189 41,717 Other races.. 139 6 12 25 Male 73 4 8 17 Female.. .. 66 2 4 8 Rural- 27,514 161,069 285,826 Male MSS602,73*2 14,185 82,431 145,679 Female.. 579,487 13,329 78,638 140,147 White.. 832,951 20,478 116,835 200,879 Male. 428,867 10,592 59,423 102,766 Female... 404,064 9,886 56,412 98,113 Negro. 348,436 7,001 45,106 84,728 Male.... 173,436 3,580 22,937 42,792 Female.. 175,000 3,421 22,169 41,936 Other races.. 832 35 128 219 Male. 429 13 71 121 Female.. 403 22 57 98 51 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL., 29,805 193,887 315,562 Urban... MS&ZS307,93i2 5,130 36,090 68,284 Male 148,159 2,632 18,455 34,030 Female.. 159,773 8 17,635 34,254 White.. 177,113 3,30MS 0 21,415 39,784 Male 87,817 1,687 11,117 20,157 Female.. 89,296 1,613 10,298 19,627 Negro . 130,771 1,830 14,668 28,491 Male 60,318 945 7,334 13,869 Female.. 70,453 885 7,334 14,622 Other races... 48 7 9 Male 24 4 4 Female... 24 3 5 Rural. 1,036,832 24,675 157,797 247,278 Male.... 528,305 12,695 81,054 126,881 Female.. 508,527 11,980 76,743 120,397 White 829,473 20,504 128,100 198,234 Male.... 425,580 10,601 65,976 i 101,835 Female.. 403,884 9,903 62,124 96,399 70 Negro 207,195 4,168 29,664 49,013 71 Male.... 102,612 2,091 15,063 25,035 72 Female.. 104,553 2,077 14,601 1 23,978 73 Other races.. 164 3 33 31 74 Male.... 74 3 16 i " 75 1 Female.. 90 18 20

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14 to 15 16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35to44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and Un- 1 years years years years years years years over known!

41,483 38,006 95,060 110,575 107,486 83,958 49,801 38,131 644 23,155 21,406 55,764 68,081 67,969 53,585 31,682 21,705 455 11,554 10,815 26,161 32,122 33,976 29,310 18,189 12,355 253 11,601 10,593 29,603 35,959 33,993 24,275 13,493 9,350 202 20,252 18,847 48,512 67,189 56,642 45,014 27,136 18,983 341 10,145 9.614 23,020 27,809 28,840 25,138 15,827 11,046 190 10,107 9,233 25,492 29,380 27,802 19,876 11,309 7,937 151 2,669 2,383 6,791 10,298 1 10,667 8,249 4,448 2,663 110 1,290 1,105 2,906 4,060 4.776 3.965 1,283 61 1,379 1,278 3,885 6,238 5,891 4,284 2,14H»?935 1,380 49 234 178 461 594 660 322 98 59 4 119 96 235 253 360 207 57 26 2 115 82 226 341 300 115 41 33 2 18,328 16,598 39,296 42,494 39,517 30,373 18,119 16,426 189 9,356 8,373 19,528 21,099 20,059 16,886 10,586 9,950 94 8,972 8,225 19,768 21,395 19,458 13,487 7,533 6,476 95 18,030 16,344 38,572 41,719 38,766 29,667 17,662 15,944 171 9,208 8,241 19,157 20,741 19,686 16,527 10,339 9,686 85 8,822 8,103 19,415 20,978 19,060 13,140 7,323 6,258 86 247 207 621 663 638 641 410 391 18 126 104 312 306 314 323 226 222 9 121 103 309 357 324 318 184 169 9 51 47 103 112 113 65 47 91 22 28 59 52 59 36 21 42 29 19 44 60 54 29 26 49 H-S2 89,083 253,490 242,523 207,407 169,813 92,093 70,054 922 1 34,295 31,951 98,400 111,415 96,305 69,839 36,000 22,395 477 680 15,598 46,140 51,146 44,521 35,148 19,402 11,051 194 17,71& 5 16,353 52,260 60,269 51,784 34,691 16,596 11,344 283 I 17,951 16,992 48,907 51.578 47,687 36,864 21,257 12,694 204 9,024 8,469 24,275 24,833 22,602 11,573 6,649 73 8,927 8,623 24,632 26,745 25,085 18,06%??5 9,684 6,045 131 16,341 14,951 49,473 59,816 48,602 32,963 14,734 273 1 7,556 7,127 21.856 26,304 21,910 16,343 7,822 S'Sf4,400t 121 I 8,785 7,824 27,617 33,512 26,692 16,620 6,912 5,294 152 1 3 8 20 21 16 12 9 7 2 9 9 6 7 2 1 3 6 1o1 12 7 6 2 5 67,132 155,090 131,108 111, 102 89,974 56,093 47,659 445 42 29,614 79,590 63,790 52,785 46,775 32,051 26,199 191 1 S'S29,765 27,518 75,500 67,318 58,317 43,199 24,042 21,460 254 1 41,138 39,016 106,190 95,812 79,660 63,331 39,609 30,634 369 I 20,889 20,267 54,931 47,488 38,876 33,460 22,611 17,408 158 20,249 18,749 51,259 48,324 40,784 29,871 16,998 13,228 211 18,029 18,069 48,808 35,209 31,354 26,602 16,450 16,984 76 8,529 9.331 24,620 16,259 13.862 13,297 9,426 8,770 33 9,500 8,758 24,188 18,950 17,492 13,305 7,024 8,214 43 41 34 41 40 27 92 87 88 24 16 39 43 47 18 14 23 16 11 53 44 41 23 20 18 ...... 63,950 105,720 62,077 50.925 141 60,430 168,961 164,456 128,850 43 14,017 12,805 36,251 41,040 36,368 29,524 16,805 11,575 6,969 14,735 8,965 5,817 13 6,160 16,545 17,728 16,110 30 7,048 6,645 19,706 23,312 20,258 14,789 7,840 5,758 8,180 16,308 9,623 6,020 15 7,560 21,892 22,996 20,020 4 4,166 3,759 10,521 10,597 9,213 8,244 5.189 3,163 4,014 3,801 11,371 12,399 10,807 8,064 4,434 2,857 11 5,835 5,240 14,357 18,038 16,342 13,211 7,178 5,553 28 2,803 2,399 6,022 7,128 6,894 6,489 3,773 2,653 3,032 2,841 8,335 10.910 9,448 6,722 3,405 2.900 19 2 6 6 5 2 5 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 76,196 45,272 39,350 98 49,933 47,625 132.710 123,416 92,482 45 25,462 24,363 61.418 43,481 40,408 25,370 21,877 471 65.251 35,788 19,902 17,473 53 & 23,262 67,459 61.998 49,001 28,084 78 39,583 37.795 101,256 74,853 58,910 34,733 107,343 31,372 19,599 15,900 38 408 19,203 53,287 51,268 36,102 40 X' 49,988 38,751 27,538 15,134 12,184 »,175 18,592 54,056 17.274 10.532 11,262 20 9,821 25,348 22,135 17,616 5,974 7 10,342 6,159 11,956 10,136 7,372 9,032 5,767 5,050 10,244 8,242 4,765 5,288 13 4,662 13,392 11,999 7 5,292 9 ~ 19 25 13 12 8 7 4 4 3 1 8 14 1 4 8l 11 11 6 8 3 1 4

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OKOQBAPHIC DIVISIONS BT ABBA, AMD BT All ages Under 1 1 to 5 years 6 to 13 years 8SX AND COLOE OB BACK year 1

GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS—Continued 27,753 173,384 303,810 l 1 1,350,314 133,133 2 608,519 10,643 71,535 Male - — - 299,442 5,488 36,477 67,551 3 1 309,077 6,155 35,058 65,582 *5 White...... 1 340,707 5,900 37,780 72,749 Male . . - 170,515 3,023 19,531 37,065 0 1701192 2,877 18,219 35,684 7 39,928 8 Negro...——...... •*..——1 188,412 2,729 21,522 89,498 1.422 10,745 19,796 1•0 96,914 1,307 10,777 2a 132 11 79,400 2,014 12,233 20,456 1? Male . .- —— 39,429 1,043 6,201 10,690 13 Female.. .—...«*^.--T ** { 39,971 971 . 6,032 9,766 14 741,795 17,110 101,849 170,677 16 378,327 8,894 61,846 87,654 16 Female.._,•...... «.^~,-.- 363,468 8,216 50,003 83,123 17 White 69a 980 13,805 80,911 135,267 1ft A! [ale 302,574 7,155 41,230 69,410 19 288,406 6,650 | 39,681 65,857 m I 111,134 2,220 1 14,811 25,368 21 65,268 1,177 7.415 12,868 22 55,866 1,043 7,396 12,500 23 39,681 1.085 6,127 10,042 24 Male .-I 20,485 562 3,201 5,276 25 19,196 623 2,926 4,766 96 MOUNTAIN.—..—,—..—.———..-—. 353,495 6,673 45,114 77,699 27 187,084 3,463 22,966 38,796 19,545 ?8 Male .. . 95,361 1.741 11,768 29 91,723 1,722 11,198 19,251 30 151,837 2,706 17,880 3a 377 31 Male... . 77,724 1,349 9,139 15,284 32 74,113 1,359 8,741 15,093 33 4,760 62 431 804 34 Male...... —. ... 2,345 34 224 410 35 2,415 28 207 394 36 30,487 693 4,655 7,615 37 juaie...... 15,292 358 2,405 3,851 38 15,195 335 2,250 3.764 39 166,411 3,210 22,148 40 86,183 1,607 11,272 20,006 41 80,228 1.603 10,876 18,897 42 white.—!:::::::::::::::::::::::: 135,840 2,509 17,534 31,360 43 Male. ^™ 70,688 1,235 8,924 16,154 44 Female...... —...... 65,152 1.274 8,610 15,206 45 Negro...... 1,625 55 173 319 46 Male . 802 28 71 167 47 Female...... 823 27 102 162 48 Other races...... *... 28,046 646 4,441 7,224 49 Male 14,693 344 2,277 3,695 60 Female....*..**....4...... x 14,253 302 2,164 3,629 61 PACDTIC...... 556,700 8,660 57,312 102,748 62 I Urban...... 432,183 6,502 43,043 76,821 53 Male .. .. 226,874 3,361 22,131 64 205,309 3,141 20,912 37,63»*!!8 65 White 371,216 6,289 34,133 63,145 66 Male ...... 195,506 2,735 17,570 32,247 67 176,710 2,554 16,563 30,898 68 Negro.. 18,546 231 1.817 2,953 69 0,230 118 946 1.489 60 0,316 113 871 1464 61 1 Other races...... 42,421 982 7,093 10,723 62 Male ...... 22,138 508 3,615 5,447 63 1 Female..*...... *.„,,...... 1 20,283 474 3,478 5,276 64 1 Rural...... 124,517 2,158 14,269 25,927 65 1 Male...... 65,061 1,070 7,177 13,277 66 59,436 1,088 7,092 12,650 67 White 112; 243 1,901 12,194 68 Male .. 58,756 940 6,137 11.706 69 53,467 961 6,057 11.180 70 1,136 19 127 218 71 Male . 598 11 64 109 Tfi Female...... 538 63 109 73 I Other races...—.———. 11,138 8 1,948 2,823 74 I Male...... 5,727 238 976 1.462 75 5,411 119 972 J Female...... 119 1.361 j

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 35 COLOR OR RACE, AND SEX, BY GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS, FOR URBAN AND RURAL Continued

14 to 15 16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35to44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and 1 TJn- yean years years years years I years years over 1 known

63,206 55,329 161,743 176,466 145,346 115,251 71,690 1 55,793 543 1 27,362 23,897 70,138 83,137 73,825 57,292 33,829 23,403 I 325 2 13,363 11,350 32,004 37,449 34,549 29,573 18,657 12,864 f 117 3 13,009 12,547 38,134 45,688 39,276 27,719 15,172 10,539 208 4 15,941 14,198 40,298 43,968 40,766 33,146 21,222 14,591 148 6 7,920 6*933 18,960 20,361 19,119 17,127 11,967 8,433 56 6 8,021 7,245 21,338 23,607 21,647 16,019 9,255 6,158 92 7 7,890 6,742 20,595 28,738 25,222 18,671 9,579 6,678 118 8 3,715 2,928 8,698 12,363 11,755 9,599 M14 3,318 45 9 4,175 3,814 11,897 16,375 13,467 9,072 4,465 3,360 73 10 3,531 2,957 9,245 10,431 7,837 5,475 3,028 2,134 59 11 1,728 1,469 4,346 4,725 3,675 2,847 1,576 1.113 16 12 1,803 1,488 4,899 5,706 4,162 2,628 1.452 1,021 43 13 35,844 31,432 91,605 93,329 71,521 57,959 37,861 32,390 218 18,194 15,524 44,584 46,240 34,946 30,605 21,129 18,728 83 1^5 17,650 15,908 47,021 47.0S9 36,575 27,354 16,732 13,662 135 16 28,804 25,192 73,731 75,141 57,278 45,783 30,221 24,697 150 17 14,680 12,519 30,163 37,556 28,151 24,121 16,918 14,618 53 18 14,124 12,673 37,568 37,585 29,127 21,662 13,303 ; 10,079 97 19 5,260 4,837 13,035 13,068 10,581 9,529 6,005 6,367 53 20 2,591 2,273 6,104 6,184 4,974 4,998 3,333 3,329 1 22 21 2,669 2,564 6,931 6,884 5,607 4,531 2,672 3,038 31 22 1,780 1,403 1 4,839 5,120 3,662 2,647 1,635 1,326 15 23 923 732 1 2.317 2,500 1,821 1,486 878 781 8 24 857 671 2,522 2,620 1,841 1.161 757 545 7 25 17,186 15,510 38,660 41,125 1 39,139 32.549 20,595 19,106 139 26 8,727 8,017 20.915 22,791 21,715 18,248 11,385 10,015 46 27 4,418 3,977 10,001 11,057 10,895 9,856 6,314 6,767 22 28 4,309 4,040 10,914 11,734 10,820 8,392 5,071 4,248 24 29 7,121 6,604 16,816 18,294 17,988 15,310 9,936 8,767 36 30 3,695 3.287 7,967 8,929 9,109 8,404 5,563 5,080 18 31 3,626 3,317 8,849 9,365 8,379 6,906 4,373 3,687 18 32 174 164 481 603 684 680 362 313 2 33 79 83 230 269 312 344 187 173 34 95 81 251 334 372 336 175 140 2 35 1,432 1,249 3,618 3,894 3,043 2,258 1,067 935 8 36 744 607 1,804 1,859 1,474 1,108 564 514 4 37 688 642 1,814 2,035 1,569 1,150 523 421 4 38 8,459 7,493 17,745 18,334 17,424 14,301 9,210 9,091 93 39 4,262 3,860 8,895 8,913 8,742 7,748 5,327 5,515 36 40 3,633 8,850 9,421 8,682 6,553 3,883 3,576 67 41 HK 6,133 14,094 ; 14,690 14,601 12,054 7,883 7,976 66 42 S'SS 3,169 7,035 7,137 7,402 6,621 4,678 4 28 43 3,41?'!??4 2,964 7,059 7,553 7,199 6,433 3 8'HS 38 44 67 65 170 206 186 192 'S1059 '°9£2 1 45 33 28 74 100 88 101 69 53 46 34 27 96 106 98 91 40 39 47 1,452 1,305 3,481 3,438! 2,637 2,055 1,218 2i6 48 703 663 1,786 1,676 1,252 1,026 680 ^58S3 8 49 749 642 1,695 1,762 1,385 1,029 638 440 18 i 50 23,225 21,142 67,893 76,167 79,727 66,800 39,183 23,561 282 51 17,484 16,052 45,604 61,194 64,043 63,375 30,400 17,504 161 62 8,021 8,095 21,820 30,845 33,721 30,452 18,063 10,223 j 59 53 7,957 23,784 30,349 30,322 22,923 12,337 7,281 102 54 15,04i&SK2 14,020 38,830 61,610 56,224 48,101 28,331 16,356 135 65 7,698 7,036 1 18,541 25,966 1 29,590 27,531 ie 9,622 49 56 7,344 6,985 1 20,289 25,624 1 26,634 20,570 11,42»?S9 6,734 86 57 641 672 2,203 3,389 3,150 2,224 898 457 11 ! 58 307 287 1,004 1,649 1,547 1.173 501 205 4 59 334 285 1,199 1,740 1,«03 1*051 397 252 7 60 1,801 1,460 4,571 6,195 4,669 3,050 1,171 691 1 15 1 61 916 773 2,275 3,210 2,384 660 396 6 62 85 687 2,296 2,985 2,085 1,30MS2 511 295 9 63 J•, 74S 1 6,000 12,289 14,973 15,684 13,425 8,783 121 64 2,906 2,619 6,184 7,266 8,014 7,451 5,283 3,81S'2X2 20 65 2,833 2,471 6,105 7,707 7,670 6,974 3,500 2,245 101 ! 66 5,226 4,677 11,009 13,243 14,343 12,548 8,312 5,796 108 67 2,654 2,412 5,537 6,408 7,301 6,953 5,018 3,674 16 68 2,572 2,265 5,472 6,835 7,042 5,595 3,294 2,122 92 69 47 39 116 157 162 122 85 40 4 70 24 18 66 76 82 66 55 26 1 71 23 21 50 I 81 80 56 30 1* 93 72 468 374 1,164 1,573 1,179 755 386 221 73 230 189 581 782 631 432 210 112 3 74 238 185 583 791 548 323 176 109 6 75 < 1

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 36 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS BT AREA, AND BT SEX AND COLOR OR Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ RACE cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per- per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

United States 10X0 100.0 1.8 1.9 9.6 12.7 16.1 22.3 3.8 4.7 Urban . 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.4 12.0 14.2 21.5 3.4 4.6 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.6 12.2 14.3 21.5 3.4 4.5 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.2 11.9 14.0 21.4 3.4 4.6 White 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.3 11.9 14.1 21.5 3.4 4.7 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.5 11.9 14.4 21.3 3.4 4.7 Female- 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.1 11.9 14.0 21.6 3.4 4.8 Negro . 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.5 12.0 13.5 20.8 3.1 4.1 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 8.8 12.7 13.8 21.6 3.0 4.1 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.2 11.4 13.3 20.0 3.2 4.1 Other races.. 100.0 100.0 2.9 2.5 13.4 16.2 18.1 25.5 3.3 4.4 Male 100.0 100.0 2.6 2.6 12.1 16.3 16.4 25.9 2.9 4.3 Female.. 100.0 100.0 3.3 2.4 14.9 16.1 20.2 25.0 3.7 4.4 Rural... 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.2 11.1 13.8 18.5 23.5 4.4 4.9 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.2 10.8 13.7 18.2 23.3 4.3 4.8 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.2 11.4 13.9 18.9 23.6 4.4 5.0 White 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.2 10.8 13.8 18.2 23.4 4.3 4.9 Male.— 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.2 10.6 13.6 17.8 23.2 4.2 4.8 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.2 11.1 14.0 18.6 23.7 4.3 5.0 Negro 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.0 12.4 13.3 20.8 23.6 5.0 5.0 Male- 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.1 12.3 13.5 20.8 24.0 5.0 4.8 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.3 1.9 12.6 13.1 20.8 23.2 5.0 5.1 Other races.. 100.0 100.0 3.2 2.5 14.8 15.7 20.6 25.0 4.0 4.6 Male- 100.0 100.0 2.9 2.5 13.5 15.7 19.0 25.2 3.7 4.6 Female.. 100.0 100.0 3.6 2.5 16.4 15.6 22.5 24.7 4.4 4.7 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS NEW ENGLAND 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.5 8.7 12.8 15.1 24.0 3.6 5.0 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.4 8.6 12.7 14.9 23.7 3.6 4.9 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.5 9.0 12.9 15.3 23.9 3.7 5.0 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.4 8.3 12.4 14.4 23.6 3.5 4.9 30 White 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.4 8.6 12.7 14.9 23.8 3.6 5.0 31 Male—. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.5 9.0 12.9 15.4 23.9 3.7 5.0 32 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 L4 12.4 3.5 5.0 33 8.3 14.4 23.7 Negro 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.7 9.7 13.0 14.8 21.6 3.1 4.2 34 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.8 13.8 3.0 4.8 35 9.7 14.8 22.8 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.5 9.6 12.4 14.8 20.6 3.2 3.6 36 Other races.. 100.0 100.0 1.4 6.0 18.0 1.9 .8 37 7.5 9.2 18.0 Male.... 100.0 .9 5.0 6.0 1.6 38 Female.. 100.0 3.0 3.1 39 16.4 20.8 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.1 14.0 15.7 25.9 3.7 5.2 40 Male.... 100.0 1.7 3.8 41 100.0 1.9 9.1 13.8 15.6 25.7 5.3 Female- 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.0 9.1 14.2 15.7 26.0 3.7 5.0 42 White 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.1 14.0 3.7 5.2 43 Male.... 100.0 1.7 15.7 25.9 3.8 44 100.0 1.9 9.1 13.7 15.6 25.8 5.3 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.0 9.1 14.2 3.7 5.1 45 Negro 100.0 2.0 15.7 26.0 3.8 46 100.0 3.4 10.2 14.3 17.2 25.6 4.3 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.0 3.0 9.9 14.9 4.0 4.3 47 Female.. 100.0 2.0 16.1 25.1 3.6 48 100.0 3.8 10.6 13.7 18.4 26.0 4.3 Other races.. 100.0 1.7 9.7 3.2 49 Male.... 100.0 1.4 16.2 2.6 £0 100.0 8.8 13.2 Female.. 2.1 11.0 20.3 4.0 51 MIDDLE ATLANTIC. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.7 13.1 15.1 22.4 3.6 4.7 52 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.3 13.0 14.5 22.1 3.5 4.6 53 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.5 13.0 14.6 22.0 3.5 4.6 54 Female 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.2 12.9 14.3 22.1 3.5 4.7 55 White 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.3 12.8 14.6 22.2 3.6 4.8 56 Male 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.5 12.8 14.8 22.1 3.6 4.7 57 Female .100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.1 12.9 14.4 22.4 3.5 4.8 58 Negro 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 8.8 14.1 12.2 20.7 2.6 3.8 59 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.0 8.9 15.0 12.1 21.4 2.4 3.8 60 Female... . 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.8 &7 13.3 12.3 19.0 2.6 3.8 61 Other races 100.0 100.0 1.5 3.3 6.7 19.9 7.0 19.5 1.1 3.1 62 Male 100.0 100.0 1.0 3.7 4.4 19.8 4.4 18.6 .8 3.0 63 j Female 100.0 100.0 3.6 2.9 16.0 20.0 17.0 20.5 2.3 3.3 64 Rural 100.0 300.0 1.8 1.8 10.0 13,3 17.1 23.4 4.0 4.9 65 Male 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.8 9.8 12.9 16.8 22.7 4.0 4.7 66 ' Female 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 10.2 13.8 17.4 24.2 4.0 5.1

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 37


10-17 TEARS 18-24 TEARS 65 TEARS 35-34 TEAM 85-44 TSARS 45-54 TEARS 65-44 TSARS AND OYER

Per­ 1 Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per* per­ per­ per­ per­ Per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ 1 per­ per- Per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons ! sons sons

3.8 4.3 12.0 11.3 15.5 12.7 110 19.2 10.6 9.0 6.8 5.1 5.4 3.8 1 3.4 4.2 12.9 10.8 17.4 13.4 15.5 13.5 11.2 9.7 6.9 5.2 ai 3.4 2 3.4 4.2 12.3 10.3 17.2 12.4 16.0 13.4 11.5 10.5 6.8 5.7 4.8 3.6 3 3.6 4.2 13.0 1L4 17.6 14.4 15.1 13.6 10.8 8.9 6.9 4.7 5.5 3.3 4 3.6 4.4 12.8 10.8 17.0 12.8 15.5 13.6 11.3 9.8 1 7.2 5.4 5.4 3.6 5 3.4 4.3 12.2 10.4 16.9 11.9 15.9 13.4 1L6 10.6 7.1 5.0 3.8 6 3.5 4.4 13.4 11.3 17.2 13.7 15.0 13.5 11.0 8.9 7.2 4.ao9 a7 3.4 7 3.3 3.0 14.0 10.9 21.1 16.0 16.7 14.1 10.5 9.5 ».-4 4.5 Z7 2.8 8 3.1 3.0 13.1 9.9 20.6 14.4 17.3 13.9 11.4 10.2 4.8 2.5 Z8 9 3.5 ! 3.7 10.0 11.8 21.5 17.4 16.2 14.3 9.7 8.9 4.1 4.ao1 Z8 2.8 10 3.4 3.0 14.1 11.1 18.5 13.7 12.9 10.5 7.8 6.9 3.6 3.3 2.0 2.3 11 3.1 3.0 14.5 10.5 20.0 13.0 14.0 10.5 8.6 7.3 3.8 ZO Z5 12 3.8 3.0 13.8 11.7 16.6 14.5 11.6 10.5 6.8 6.5 | 3.3 3.as1 2.0 2.2 13 4.2 4.6 1Z2 11.9 13.0 11.7 12.1 iai 9.9 8.1 6.7 5.0 5.8 4.3 14 4.3 4.5 12.2 11.7 1Z7 11.3 12.0 9.7 10.2 8.5 7.2 5.5 ai 4.8 15 4.3 4.0 12.2 12.2 13.4 12.2 12.1 10.6 9.6 I 7.6 6.2 4.4 5.5 3.8 16 4.2 4.5 ! 11.8 11.8 13.0 1 1L9 12.3 10.3 10.1 8.1 7.1 ao 6.2 4.1 17 4.2 4.4 11.9 11.6 12.7 11.6 12.3 10.0 ia4 8.5 7.4 5.5 6.5 4.7 18 4.2 4.0 11.8 1Z0 13.4 12.3 12.3 iao 1 9.7 7.6 ao 4.4 ao 3.6 19 4.9 4.8 14.3 12.9 12.6 10.8 iao 9.3 8.8 I 8.2 4.8 ao 3.6 ai 20 6.0 4.9 ! 13.7 12.6 12.1 iai 10.1 8.4 9.4 8.5 5.6 a7 3.8 5.4 21 4.9 4.7 14.8 13.1 13.1 11.6 11.1 10.2 8.2 7.9 4.0 4.4 3.2 4.8 22 3.9 3.8 13.7 11.7 1 16.0 12.6 1 10.9 i 9.5 7.8 6.9 3.8 4.2 Z8 3.5 23 3.7 3.8 14.1 1 11.3 15.9 12.1 11.6 9.2 8.3 7.3 4.3 4.4 3.0 3.9 24 1 4.2 3.8 13.2 12.2 13.8 13.1 10.0 9.8 6.0 6.5 3.2 ao Z7 3.2 25

3.5 4.3 11.6 9.6 14.6 1L6 14.5 13.8 11.6 8.6 8.4 5.3 a7 4.0 26 3.5 4.3 11.8 9.7 16.4 1L9 15.0 13.5 1L5 8.7 8.1 as ai ao 27 3.0 4.3 11.4 9.3 16.1 10.9 15.1 13.5 11.7 9.2 ao ao 5.6 3.9 28 3.5 4.2 12.1 10.0 15.7 1Z9 14.7 13.6 1L5 8.1 8.2 4.9 ae 4.0 29 3.6 4.3 11.8 9.7 16.4 11.8 14.9 13.5 as 8.6 ai 5.3 ai ao 30 3.0 4.3 11.4 9.3 15.0 10.8 15.1 13.6 11.7 9.2 ao a6 as 3.9 31 as 4.3 12.1 10.0 16.7 12,8 14.7 13.5 1L4 8.0 8.2 4.9 a7 4.0 32 3.0 3.7 10.8 9.9 17.4 13.9 16.7 13.6 12.6 9.2 as 5.8 3.9 as 33 3.0 3.7 10.1 8.7 17.4 13.1 17.0 12.9 13.2 9.2 6.5 5.9 3.6 3.3 34 3.0 3.7 11.0 1L1 17.4 14.6 16.4 14.1 1L9 9.2 6.2 a6 4.2 3.7 35 2.3 .8 10.5 8.3 19.9 16.0 18.7 11.3 15.4 11.3 9.3 ao 3.9 4.5 36 2.3 10.5 21.6 20.1 ...... 17.5 ...... 10.7 3.9 37 2.4 { 10.2 14.4 13.8 7.9 ...... 4.4 i 3.6 38 8.0 4.3 10.0 8.9 12.7 9.9 13.1 "ii.7 1L6 8.0 9.3 as a9 4.9 39 3.0! 4.3 10.7 8.7 12.6 8.8 13.0 1L2 1L7 8.6 9.5 1 as 8.8 1 5.9 40 3.5 4.4 10.4 9.2 13.0 10.9 13.3 12.3 11.4 7.4 9.1 4.6 9.1 4.0 , 41 3.0 4.4 10.5 9.0 12.7 9.8 13.1 1L7 11.6 8.0 9.3 5.2 9.0 4.9 42 3.0 4.3 10.7 8.7 12.5 8.7 13.0 1L 2 11.7 ao 9.6 ao, 8.8 5.9 43 3.6; 4.4 10.3 9.2 13.0 10.9 13.3 12.3 11.5 7.4 9.1 4.6 1 9.1 3.9 44 3.5 3.8 11.7 7.5 13.6 10.6 14.6 1L7 12.1 7.9 6.6 5.6 4.7 ao 45 3.3 4.0 10.0 7.4 14.2 9.9 14.6 11.1 13.2 7.9 7.5 as j 4.6 as! 46 3.7 Z6 13.0 7.6 12.9 11.2 14.5 12.2 iao 7.8 5.6 as 4.8 ao 47 3.3 11.9 16.4 13.1 »....-. 10.4 7.5 6.6 48 Z9 12.3 18.8 14.4 ...... 10.5 ao ...— 6.2 ...... 49 3.9 11.4 13.0 1L4 iai 5.6 7.2 SO 3.0 4.3 12.4 10.7 16.4 13.4 15.2 13.5 lLl 9.0 7.1 4.5 a2 Z7| 51 3.6 4.2 12.8 10.0 17.4 13.9 15.7 14.1 11.2 9.0 6.9 4.4 4.7 Z5 i 52 3.5 4.2 12.4 10.2 17.2 12.8 16.2 14.4 11.5 9.9 as 4.7 4.2 Z5 53 3.0 4.2 13.3 10.9 17.4 15.0 15.2 13.9 iao ai 7.0 4.0 ai Z6 64 3.0 4.4 12.8 ia.7 17.0 1 13.3 15.6 14.0 11.2 1 9.1 7.0 4.5 4.8 Z6 65 11.5 10.0 4.8 i 4.4 Z6 56 3.6 4.4! 12.3 10.6 16.9 12.3 16.1 14.2 6.9 3.0 4.4 13.2 11.0 17.1 I 14.3 16.2 13.7 11.0 1 ai 7.1 4.1 1 5.3 Z7 57 2.7 3.2 14.1 9.6 24.2 17.7 18.0 15.1 j 10.1 8.5 3.8 ae 1.9 1.8 58 Z6 3.2 12.0 1 8.3 24.3 16.0 18.9; 15.5 10.9 9.2 4.0 a9 1.7 1.7 69 2.9 3.3 16.5 10.7 24.1 19.3 17.1 14.6 9.4 3.6 3.4 2.1 1.9 60 1.3 2.2 12.0 8.4 31.7 19.4 j 22.6 15.5 10.7 ao 4.2 ZO 1.2 1.8 61 2.1 11.0 5.6 33.9 19.6; 25.1 18.7 11.9 4.9 4.7 1.9 1.3 1.8 62 2.7 2.4 13.0 11.3 23.0 19.2 12.8 12.1 5.8 5.2 2.2 ZO 1.0 1.8 63 3.8 11.6 11.0 4.6 7.9 7.2 3.4 64 4.5 10.8 11.1 13.1 12.2 13.3 5.0 65 ! 3.8 4.4 11.0 11.1 12.9 11.7 13.3 11.7 11.2 8.2 5.6 7.2 3.7 1 3.7 4.6 1 13.2! 11.4 10.7! as 7.7 7.2 3.1 66 ia7i 11.2 1 13.4 1 12.7 1 9.7 4.3 1 7.8 1

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 38 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS BY AREA, AND BT SEX AND COLOR OB Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per-1 Per­ Per­ BACK cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent ; cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief! all relief per­ per­ per- per­ per­ per- per­ per­ per­ per- sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

OEOOBAPBIC DIVISIONS—Contd. MIDDLE ATLANTIC—Continued. Rural—Continued. White 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.8 10.0 13.3 17.1 23.5 4.0 Male...... 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.8 9.8 12.9 16.9 22.8 4.0 Female. . 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 10.2 13.8 17.4 24.3 4.0 Negro . 100.0 100.0 2.0 1.9 10.4 13.0 15.8 21.2 3.5 Male 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 9.8 12.4 14.8 20.6 3.4 Female .... 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.9 11.1 13.6 16.9 21.8 3.6 Other races 100.0 100.0 2.4 1.4 12.0 15.8 17.2 19.4 3.8 Male.. ... 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.1 10.7 15.8 14.7 17.6 3.0 Female 100.0 100.0 2.7 1.7 13.7 15.8 20.6 21.3 4.9 EAST NORTH CENTRAL.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.7 9.0 12.0 15.0 21.4 I 3.6 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.5 11.7 14.0 21.0 3.4 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.6 8.6 11.7 14.0 20.9 3.4 Female 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.5 11.7! 14.0 21.2 3.4 White 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.5 11.6 14.1 21.2 3.4 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.6 11.6 14.1 20.9 3.4 Female 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.4 11.7 14.1 21.6 3.4 Negro. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.6 11.6 12.5 19.9 2.6 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 8.4 12.2 12.0 20.6 2.5 Female 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.5 8.8 11.1 12.9 19.2 2.8 Other Races 100.0 100.0 3.2 2.9 12.1 20.3 12.3 25.5 1.6 Male 100.0 100.0 2.4 2,9 9.0 19.9 9.4 25.7 1.2 Female 100.0 100.0 4.9 2.8 18.6 20.0 18.4 25.2 2.4 Rural .- 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.0 9.8 12.8 17.0 22.5 4.1 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.5 12.5 16.6 22.1 4.1 Female 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.0 10.1 13.2 17.5 23.0 4.2 White 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.0 9.8 12.9 17.0 22.6 4.1 Mtfe 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.6 12.6 16.6 22.1 4.1 Female 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.0 10.1 13.3 17.5 23.1 4.1 Negro...... *„. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.8 10.6 14.7 20.2 3.7 Male 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.6 7.7 10.4 13.1 20.3 3.6 Female 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.5 10.2 10.8 16.9 20.2 4.1 Other races 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.9 13.2 14.5 19.3 21.7 3.8 Male 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.7 11.4 14.3 16.9 21.0 3.2 Female 100.0 100.0 3.4 3.0 15.5 14.8 22.5 22.4 4.6 WEST NORTH CENTRAL 100.0 100.0 1.7 Z0 9.3 12.8 15.8 21.7 3.8 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.9 8.0 12.1 13.4 20.6 3.3 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.9 8.3 12.2 13.8 20.6 3.3 Female..*... 100.0 100.0 1.4 2.0 7.7 12.0 13.1 20.6 3.2 White ..." 100.0 100.0 1.5 2.0 8.0 12.2 13.5 20.8 3.3 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.9 8.3 12.2 13.9 20.6 3.3 Female 100.0 100.0 1.4 2.0 7.7 12.2 13.1 21.1 3.3 Negro 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.8 7.3 10.9 11.9 18.4 2.7 Male 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.8 7.6 11.8 11.9 19.9 2.6 Female 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.7 7.2 10.1 11.8 17.1 2.9 Other races ... 100.0 100.0 3.5 3.2 16.0 18.6 19.7 28.0 3.1 Male 100.0 100.0 3.0 3.3 13.6 18.5 17.1 27.4 2.8 Female 100.0 100.0 4.1 3.0 19.0 18.6 23.2 28.6 3.5 Rural.. 100.0 100.0 1.0 2.2 10.2 13.9 17.4 23.4 4.2 Male *.. 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.1 9.9 13.5 16.9 23.1 4.1 Female 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.2 10.6 14.3 18.0 23.7 4.3 . White 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.2 10.2 13.9 17.4 23.4 4.2 Male 100.0 100.0 1.9 Zl 9.9 13.6 16.9 23.1 4.1 Female 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.3 14.3 17.9 23.7 4.3 Negro 100.0 100.0 1.9 L6 las 11.5 16.2 20.3 4.0 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.6 9.4 11.4 15.2 20.8 3.9 Female...... 100.0 100.0 2.0 1.6 8.7 11.6 17.5 19.7 4.2 Other races..! . 100.0 100.0 3.3 1.9 10.3 15.4 20.2 26.2 3.9 Male 100.0 100.0 2.9 2.1 14.5 15.1 18.9 27.7 3.7 Female 100.0 100.0 3.7 1.7 13.6 15.7 21.7 24.7 4.3 15.8 SOUTH ATLANTIC. 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.1 11.2 12.8 18.6 23.2 4.3 Urban 100.0 100.0 L6 1.8 8.9 11.4 14.9 21.5 3.4 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.3 11.8 15.3 22.1 3.4 Female... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.7 8.5 1L0 14.5 21.0 3.4 White 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 8.9 11.2 14.8 21.5 3.4 Male—. 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.3 11.4 16.1 21.8 3.4 Female... 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.5 10.0 114 21.2 3.3

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIE* CENSUS 39


65 YXABfl I 19-17 TIAB3 18-24 TXAB8 26-84 TZARS 35-44 TKABS 45-64 TUBS 55-64 YXABS AND OV1B

••* Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cenPert­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ .per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

3.8 4.5 10.8 11.2 13.0 12.0 13.2 11.5 11.0 8.8 8.0 5.0 7.3 3.4 1 3.8 4.4 11.0 11.2 12.8 11.5 13; 3 11.6 11.2 9.7 8.2 5.6 7.2 3.7 2 3.7 4.6 10.6 11.2 13.3 12.5 13.2 11.4 ia7 7.8 7.8 4.3 7.3 3.1 3 3.6 3.6 12.5 10.3 18.0 16.6 14.9 13.8 10.6 9.4 5.2 4.6 3.5 2.6 4 3.5 1 3.4 12.1 9.4 18.1 16.0 16.8 14.8 ! 11.3 10.4 6.8 6.4 3.6 2.9 5 3.9 3.9 12.9 11.3 17.9 16.2 13.9 12.7 9.8 &4 4.5 3.7 3.3 2.4 6 3.1 3.9 10.9 10.7 16.4 14.2 14.6 11.1 9.4 9.0 6.0 6.9 5.2 3.8 7 2.6 3.6 11.0 9.7 17.2 15.8 16.7 11.6 10.3 la 7 6.4 5.7 5.2 4.0 8 3.8 4.4 10.8 11.8 12.9 12.4 11.8 10.6 8.3 7.2 5.4 6.1 5.1 3.7 9 3.5 4.3 12.1 10.6 16.0 12.5 14.9 13.2 11.0 9.9 7.2 5.5 6.0 13 10 3.3 4.4 12.8 10.4 17.7 12.8 16.0 13.9 11.0 10.2 6.7 5.4 5.0 3.9 11 3.2 4.3 12.1 9.9 17.7 11.8 16.6 13.9 11.4 11.3 6.6 6.0 4.7 10 12 3.5 4.4 13.4 la 9 17.6 13.8 15.3 13.9 10.6 9.2 6.7 4.9 5.4 3.7 13 3.4 4.5 12.8 10.5 17.3 12.2 15.8 13.6 11.1 10.3 6.8 5.6 5.2 4.1 14 3.3 4.5 12.1 10.1 17.3 11.4 16.6 13.5 11.6 11.4 6.8 6.2 4.8 4.2 15 3.5 4.6 13.4 11.0 17.3 12.9 15.2 13.6 10.6 9.2 6.9 5.0 5.6 3.'9 16 i 2.7 3.5 13.1 9.8 23.7 16.3 18.5 15.7 10.4 la 2 4.1 4.7 2.2 2.7 17 2.5 3.6 11.9 8.8 23.6 14.2 19.7 15.8 11.4 11.1 4.3 5.1 2.1 2.7 18 2.9 3.5 14.4 10.6 23.9 18.2 17.2 15.7 9.3 9.4 3.8 4.2 2.4 2.7 19 1.9 26 17.6 7.2 20.6 17.0 13.8 12.9 6.2 5.4 2.0 1.7 .8 1.0 20 1.5 2.7 19.1 6.9 33.7 16.5 15.5 13.9 5.5 6.1 2.0 1.9 .7 1.0 21 2.6 2.4 14.0 8.5 21.0 17.7 10.5 11.7 4.7 4.7 1.9 1.5 1.0 1.0 23 3.9 4.4 10.7 10 7 12.6 11.7 12.8 11.2 11.0 8.7 8.4 6.6 7.9 5.6 23 4.0 4.2 11.0 10.9 12.3 11.3 12.8 10.9 11.1 9.2 8.7 6.1 8.2 6.2 24 3.9 4.5 10.3 10.6 12.9 12.2 110 11.6 ia7 8.2 8.0 5.0 7.6 19 25 3.9 4.4 10.7 10.6 12.6 11.7 12.8 11.1 11.0 8.7 8.4 6.6 7.9 5.6 20 4.0 4.2 11.0 10.9 12.3 11.3 12.7 10.8 11.2 9.2 8.7 6.1 8.2 6.2 27 3.9 4.6 10.3 10.6 12.9 12.1 13.0 11.4 10.8 8.1 8.0 6.0 7.6 19 28 3.7 3.8 12.0 10.6 15.1 12.3 14.7 13.1 11.6 11.3 7.1 6.8 6.1 5.5 28 3.6 3.8 12.4 10.6 17.0 11.2 15.1 12.3 12.2 11.6 7.6 7.8 6.4 6.3 30 3.8 3.9 11.4 10.6 14.9 13.4 14.1 13.9 10.9 11.0 6.3 5.7 5.6 17 31 3.7 3.3 13.1 9.6 15.6 11.7 11.2 ia6 7.6 8.0 4.8 6.6 4.8 7.4 32 3.4 3.0 14.4 9.2 18.1 12.1 12.3 ia7 8.2 8.7 6.0 6.7 4.7 7.5 39 4.1 3.6 11.3 9.9 12.3 11.3 9.8 ias 6.9 7.4 4.6 5.4 5.0 7.4 34 35 3.8 4.3 12.2 10.7 14.7 12.4 13.8 12.1 ias 9.4 7.5 5.6 6.6 13 13.0 7.6 6.0 6.4 4.1 36 3.4 4.1 12.8 10.6 16.7 13.0 15.4 11.6 ia2 37 3.3 4.1 11.8 9.8 16.2 12.0 15.7 12.7 11.9 11.0 7.7 6.8 6.4 16 13.2 7.5 5.2 6.5 3.6 38 3.4 4.1 13.7 11.5 17.2 13.9 15.1 11.2 9.4 39 3.4 4.2 12.8 10.8 16.6 12.7 15.2 12.6 11.4 7.7 6.0 6.6 12 12,4 iao 7.8 6.8 6.5 18 40 3.3 4.2 11.9 9.9 16.1 12.0 15.5 11.8 41 3.4 4.2 13.7 11.7 17.1 13.6 15.0 12.8 11.1 10.9 8.6 5.2 6.6 3.6 15.3 9.1 6.0 6.4 4.0 3.8 42 2.0 3.4 12.2 9.7 19.9 14.7 18.6 13.2 43 2.8 3.4 10.9 8.9 19.0 12.4 19.2 14.6 14.4 11.8 6.5 7.1 3.9 3.9 15.8 12.2 5.5 5.8 4.0 3.7 44 2.0 3.4 13.4 10.4 20.8 16.8 18.2 12.0 45 3.2 3.4 12.7 8.9 17.2 11.5 14.1 12.7 6.6 11.6 2.6 1.9 1.3 1.1 13.5 6.2 2.8 2.1 1.2 1.0 .46 2.0 3.6 13.7 8.8 18.6 9.6 16.6 7.8 47 3.6 3.3 11.4 9.0 15.5 13.5 10.9 11.9 5.2 7.8 2.3 1.6 1.3 1.3 4.6 7.4 5.0 6.7 15 48 4.1 4.5 11.8 10.8 13.3 11.6 12.7 ias 49 11 4.4 11.9 10.3 13.1 11.2 12,7 ias ias 8.3 7.8 5.6 7.1 5.3 10.6 8.9 6.9 4.3 6.3 3.7 50 4.1 4.7 11.7 11.2 13.6 12.1 12.6 9.9 51 4.1 4.6 11.8 13.3 11.7 12.7 11.0 10.3 7.7 7.4 4.9 6.7 14 las 10.8 8.3 7.9 5.6 7.1 5.2 52 4.1 4.4 11.9 13.1 11.2 12.6 ias 53 4.1 4.7 11.7 10.3 13.6 12.2 12.7 10.6 lao 8.9 6.9 4.2 6.3 3.6 11.0 7.6 7.3 7.2 6.4 6.8 54 3.0 3.6 12.2 11.3 13.8 11.6 13.6 11.3 65 3.7 3.6 11.7 10.8 14.0 14.0 11.1 11.9 11.2 8.1 7.7 7.1 7.6 ias ia7 11.1 6.3 6.6 5.7 6.0 56 4.1 3.7 12.8 ia7 13.6 12.7 13.2 10.4 57 3.8 4.2 12.7 14.4 11.6 7.1 11.3 4.6 4.2 4.7 8.2 11.0 iai ias iai 5.8 4.6 3.6 4.2 7.3 58 3.7 4.8 13.6 9.3 15.6 9.0 7.6 59 3.0 3.6 11.7 12.9 11.7 10.2 6.6 6.2 4.5 4.9 5.3 9.1 ia2 11.2 9.6 iai 5.4 8.2 8.2 5.7 4.7 4.3 3.6 60 4.3 4.6 13.6 13.0 14.4 12.4 12.2 10.6 9.3 3.7 14.6 12.6 10.5 9.1 6.1 4.7 14 2.9 61 4.2 14.2 12.8 17.7 14.5 •9.4 6.2 5.2 11 3.0 62 3.6 4.2 13.3 1Z4 17.4 13.7 14.9 11.9 10.8 3.7 13.2 10.3 8.8 6.0 4.2 17 2.9 63 4.1 15.0 13.3 18.0 15.3 14.4; 9.5 6.8 5.5 19 3.3 64 3.6 4.4 13.7 12.6 17.2 13.3 14.4 12.3 ia7 3.6 11.6 10.8 9.7 6.7 6.9 16 3.4 63 4.4 13.0 12.5 17.1 12.8 14.7 9.4 6.8 5.0 5.3 3.1 64 3.6 4.4 14.3 12.8 17.4 13.9 14.2 1 13.0 10.6

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 40 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



GXOORAftHIC DIVISIONS BT AREA, AND BT SIX AND COLOR OB Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per- Per- cent cent cent cent cent cent , cent cent all relief all relief all relief] all relief par- per- per- per per­ per- per- per* sons I sons sons sons

GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS—Contd. SOUTH ATLANTIC—Continued. Urban—Continued. 1 Negro 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.8 U.6 15.2 21.6 2 Male 10Q.O ioao L7 1.8 9.5 12.2 15.8 22.5 3 Female.* - 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.6 8.3 11.1 14.6 20.8 4 Other races.. 100.0 ioao L7 4.3 7.3 8.6 9.2 18.0 5 Male 100.0 ioao 1.2 4.9 6.1 6 Female 100.0 3.6 15.9 20.0 7 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.3 12.5 13.6 2a7 24.2 8 Male 100.0 ioao 2.3 2.3 12.6 13.7 2a6 24.2 0 Female...... 100.0 ioao 2.3 2.3 116 13.6 20.8 24.2 10 White 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.6 12.4 13.9 20.0 24.1 11 Male ioao 2.3 2.5 12.3 13.8 19.9 24.0 12 Female ioao 2.3 2.4 12.5 14.0 20.2 24.3 13 Negro . 100.0 ioao 2.3 2.0 12.9 13.0 22.2 24.3 14 100.0 ioao Male... 100.0 ioao 2.3 2.1 12.8 13.2 22.2 24.7 15 Female.. 100.0 ioao 2.3 2.0 13.0 12.7 22.1 24.0 16 Other races , 100.0 3.0 4.2 15.7 15.4 23.5 26.3 17 ioao 2.9 3.0 15.4 16.5 22.9 28.2 18 100.0 100.0 Female.. 100.0 100.0 3.0 5.6 16.0 14.1 24.2 24.3 18 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL. ioao ioao 2.2 2.2 U.6 14.4 18.6 23.6 20 Urban.. 100.0 ioao 1.7 1.7 8.9 11.7 114 22.2 21 Male. , 100.0 ioao 1.8 L8 9.4 12.4 15.0 23.0 22 Female...... ioao ioao 1.6 1.6 8.6 11.0 14.0 21.4 23 White 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 9.2 12.1 14.7 22.4 24 Male ioao 100.0 1.9 1.9 9.6 12.7 15.1 22.9 25 Female 100.0 1.7 1.8 8.8 11.5 14.3 22.0 26 Negro. ... ioao ioao 1.5 1.4 8.3 11.2 13.8 21.8 27 Male...... 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.9 12.2 14.6 28 ioao 23.0 ^ Female ioao ioao 1.4 L3 7.8 ia4 13.2 2a8 29 Other races.... ioao ioao 1.1 10.8 8.6 30 Male ioao .9 7.1 6.6 31 Female—*. ioao 1.7 20.8 16.8 32 Rural 100.0 2.4 12.7 2a2 33 ioao 2.4 15.2 Male 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.4 12.6 15.4 20.2 24.0 34 Female ioao ioao 2.4 Z4 1Z7 15.1 20.1 23.7 35 White ioao 2.5 2.5 12.7 15.4 20.2 23.9 36 Male ioao 2.5 100.0 ioao 2.5 12.7 15.5 20.2 23.9 37 Female ioao 2.5 2.5 12.8 15.4 20.2 23.9 38 100.0 2.3 Negro ioao 100.0 2.0 12.4 14.3 20.1 23.7 30 Male 100.0 2.2 2.0 12.4 14.7 20.4 24.4 40 100.0 2.3 Female ioao 100.0 2.0 12.4 14.0 19.8 22.9 41 Other races 2.9 1.8 13.7 2ai 19.2 18.9 42 100.0 ioao 2.5 11.9 16.7 43 Male ioao 3.3 Female 100.0 15.9 22.5 44 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL. 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.1 11.0 12.8 17.9 22.5 45 Urban 100.0 1.7 1.7 9.0 11.8 14.7 21.9 46 Male 100.0 ioao 1.8 1.8 9.3 12.2 14.9 22.6 47 Female...... ioao 100.0 1.7 1.7 8.8 11.4 14.4 21.2 48 White 100.0 1.6 1.7 88 11.1 14.4 21.4 40 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.8 9.1 11.5 14.5 21.8 50 Female 100.0 100.0 1.6 100.0 1.7 8.6 10.7 14.2 21.0 51 Negro ioao 1.4 1.4 8.1 11.4 13.7 21.2 52 Male 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.6 12.0 14.3 22.1 53 Female 100.0 100.0 1.4 54 100.0 1.3 7.6 10.9 13.3 20.4 Other races ioao ioao 3.1 2.5 13.4 15.4 19.6 25.8 55 Male 100.0 3.1 2.7 13.5 15.8 19.9 27.1 56 Female ioao 3.0 57 100.0 ioao 2.4 13.3 15.1 19.3 24.5 Rural 100.0 ioao 2.3 2.3 12.2 13.7 19.8 23.0 58 Male 100.0 2.3 2.4 11.9 13.7 19.5 23.1 69 ^Female 100.0 2.4 60 100.0 2.3 12.4 13.7 20.2 22.9 White ioao 100.0 2.3 2.3 11.9 13.7 19.6 22.9 61 Male 100.0 2.2 2.4 11.7 13.6 19.2 22.9 62 Female 100.0 ioao 2.4 63 ioao 2.3 12.2 13.8 20.0 22.9 Negro 100.0 ioao 2.3 2.0 12.0 13.3 20.0 22.9 64 Male 100.0 2.2 2.1 11.8 13.4 20.0 23.3 65 Female .... ioao ioao 2.3 1.9 12.2 66 ioao: 100.0 13.3 20.1 22.4 Other races 100.0 3.3 2.7 15.1 15.5 21.6 25.3 67 Male 100.0 3.0 2.7 14.6 15.6 21.0 25.8 Female 100.0 ioao 3.5 2.7 15.9 15.3 100.0 100.0 22.4 24.8 100.0 ioao Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 41


65 TZARS 16-17 TSARS 18-24 TZARS 25-34 TSARS S5-44 TSARS 45-54 TSARS 55-44 TSARS AND OVSR

Per- Per- Per­ Per­ Per- Per­ Per- Per­ Per- Per- Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief ail relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per- per­ per­ per- per- per- per- per- per- per­ per­ per­ per- per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons

3.8 3.9 15.8 13.1 19....1. . 15.8 16.2 12.8 10.0 8.7 13 3.9 2.7 3.6 4.0 14.2 12.2 18.6 14.7 15.3 12.3 ia7 9.2 16 14 2.6 4.0 3.9 17.1 13.8 19.6 16.7 15.1 13.3 8.3 10 3.5 2.9 2,4 5.8 13.4 14.4 26.1 16.1 18.3 11.5 9.4 8.6 6.2 6.5 2.9 1.7 13.9 28.4 19.4 104 7.4 3.3 4.7 11.8 17.7 115 11.8 2.0 1.8 4.7 4.9 13.3 13.1 12.5 11.1 10.8 9.4 5.1 7.6 5.4 18 13 4.7 4.9 13.2 13.2 12.1 10.6 10.6 8.8 8.7 7.8 5.8 6.3 15 4.7 4.8 13.4 13.0 13.0 11.6 11.0 10.1 8.9 7.4 19 12 11 4.5 4.7 12.8 12.7 12.9 11.5 1L1 9.6 8.4 7.6 5.8 18 17 4.5 4.7 12.8 12.8 12.5 11.1 11.0 9.0 8.9 7.8 6.1 5.3 19 4.5 4.6 12.8 1Z7 13.3 12.0 1L2 10.1 9.1 7.4 6.4 12 16 5.2 5.2 14.3 14.0 10.1 10.0 9.0 8.6 7.6 16 17 3.3 11.6 8.2 3.6 5.3 5.4 14.0 14.2 11.0 9.4 9.5 8.0 7.7 5.3 5.4 6.2 5.0 14.6 13.8 10.8 10.6 8.6 7.6 3.8 10 3.1 12.2 iao 7.8 3.2 4.9 3.2 13.5 11.1 11.9 10.5 9.1 19 3.6 11 4.7 13.1 9.2 10.6 6.6 12 13 3.3 3.3 3.7 9.1 12.2 iao 3.0 5.1 2.7 14.0 13.1 9.0 11.0 7.1 5.7 3.0 5.0 1L6 iao ia2 6.1 4.4 4.5 13.6 12.6 14.1 12.2 1L7 9.6 9.4 7.9 5.7 16 14 3.7 4.2 14.6 11.8 17.9 13.3 114 1L8 10.7 9.6 6.1 5.4 14 3.6 4.2 13.3 11.2 17.5 12.0 116 ia9 11.1 9.9 6.3 6.0 11 17 3.7 4.2 15.5 12.3 18.3 14.6 112 12.7 10.3 9.3 5.9 19 3.5 4.3 14.1 12.4 17.4 13.0 110 9.2 6.5 5.4 18 11.3 10.6 15 3.5 4.3 13.1 12.0 17.2 12.1 113 10.5 10.9 9.4 6.6 6.9 9.0 6.5 5.0 5.1 3.7 4.3 15.0 12.7 17.6 13.9 13.7 12.1 10.3 3.7 4.0 15.3 11.0 19.2 13.8 15.5 10.1 5.0 5.5 3.3 12.5 11.0 3.2 3.5 4.0 13.7 10.0 18.1 11.8 15.6 11.4 10.7 5.5 6.3 11.9 9.6 16 18 3.5 8.8 4.0 16.7 11.8 20.0 15.6 15.6 13.4 10.1 1.9 14.1 23.0 18.2 5.8 3.3 11.8 7.3 3.9 2.1 14.6 24>5 19.6 13.5 1.2 12.7 19.1 115 1.7 1.7 6.9 5.5 14 4.7 4.6 13.2 12.8 12.7 11.9 10.6 8.9 8.9 7.3 14 4.8 1Z9 12.1 11.6 10.2 8.2 7.7 6.1 18 17 4.6 12.4 9.3 12 4.0 4.6 13.6 13.2 12.2 11.0 9.6 7.0 5.0 3.9 13.3 8.5 5.7 17 4.5 4.6 12.9 12.9 12.6 12.2 10.7 9.0 8.8 7.1 12 4.6 12.7 12.1 1Z1 10.5 7.4 6.1 16 19 4.5 12.5 as 9.1 15 4.6 4.6 13.0 13.4 13.1 12.4 10.9 6.8 6.4 3.7 9.6 8.6 6.1 3.7 4.9 4.8 14.3 12.2 12.8 10.7 10,4 9.1 8.3 5.1 6.1 13.5 12.1 9.9 8.5 8.8 6.0 5.6 10 5.0 11.7 9.5 9.8 3.4 4.7 4.4 15.1 12.8 13.5 11.5 11.2 7.2 7.9 12 15 9.8 8.5 11 2.8 4.1 6.6 15.7 11.6 15.9 15.3 10.4 7.1 7.3 13 3.9 15.7 18.1 11.0 7.9 5.3 3.3 7.6 2.6 2.3 4.3 15.6 13.1 9.7 6.4 5.3 10 11 4.2 4.1 14.0 12.0 15.5 13.1 12.5 108 9.2 8.5 6.4 3.6 13.7 117 12.1 9.9 9.4 6.6 6.6 3.9 3.9 3.9 14.7 11.5 18.9 6.2 3.8 13 3.5 3.8 13.7 18.5 12.5 16.1 11.5 10.4 9.9 6.7 3.7 ia7 14.8 113 12.7 6.4 19 10 3.4 4.1 15.7 19.2 9.4 9.0 6.2 14 13 3.5 4.2 14.5 12.3 18.7 12.9 117 12.0 10.1 9.7 6.0 3.4 1L8 15.1 11.2 6.1 7.0 12 19 4.1 13.5 18.5 12.0 10.6 10.0 3.6 3.7 11.1 18.9 T3.9 112 12.7 9.7 »A 6.9 5.4 15 13 16.4 12 5.1 2.7 3.6 3.7 3.6 16.6 12.6 21.0 16.3 16.2 13.4 10.1 9.9 3.5 10.9 16.6 13.2 16 5.7 2.6 3.7 3.3 13.9 20.0 13.8 11.2 10.7 3.4 3.8 9.7 21.8 16.6 15.9 13.6 9.1 9.2 3.9 15 2.8 3.9 17.0 10 3.8 2.4 2.7 4.1 3.7 14.9 12.0 15.9 13.1 11.4 9.9 7.4 6.9 4.0 11.7 12.0 11.5 9.3 3.9 10 2.4 2.8 3.7 14.7 16.9 7.4 7.2 3.6 2.4 2.6 4.2 16.2 11.0 15.9 14.3 11.3 10.4 7.5 6.6 10 3.7 12.3 5.3 5.1 10 14 4.6 4.2 13.6 13.6 12.6 11.3 9.7 8,7 7.8 4.6 12.4 12.2 11.2 9.2 5.8 5.6 13 5.0 4.1 13.4 13.2 9.2 8.1 16 3.6 3.8 4.7 13.8 11.8 13.9 13.0 11.4 10.1 8.2 7.5 4.7 4.4 12.9 5.6 5.1 13 12 4.6 4.3 13.3 13.6 12.7 11.4 9.7 8.8 7.7 4.6 12.5 12.4 11.4 9.3 6.1 5.6 17 18 4.1 13.2 13.2 9.1 8.0 16 3.8 3.5 4.7 13.4 12.0 13.9 13.0 11.5 10.1 8.4 7.5 6.0 4.6 4.4 13.0 9.5 4.8 5.4 3.2 5.7 4.4 14.5 13.6 11.8 11.3 9.0 8.6 4.6 11.7 11.2 10.9 9.0 6.6 6.0 3.5 6.0 4.1 13.9 13.1 9.9 9.1 4.8 3.0 5.4 4.7 15.1 11.1 14.2 12.3 11.6 iao 8.1 8.1 10 4.5 4.6 12.4 •9.9 3.8 4.1 2.5 3.4 3.6 14.5 13.9 12.9 9.2 6.7 6.7. 4.4 12.2 12.2 10.1 12 13 2.7 3.8 3.6 14.4 14.1 ' 8.0 7.3 7.3 3.9 2.2 2.8 4.6 14.6 11.3 13.6 13.7 9.5 3.1 3.5 13.1 9.6 6.9 6.1 70147—34- Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 42 (JHEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS


UNDBB 1 Y1AB 1-5 YBABS fr-13 YSAB814-1 5 YIABS OXO0RAPB1C DIVISIONS BY ABBA, AND BY SIX AND COLOB OB Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ Per­ Per- BACK cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent, all relief all relief; all relief all relief nil reliefj per­ per­ per- per- per­ per­ per per- per sons sons sons sons

GIOQBAFHIC DIVISIONS—ContcL l MOUNTAIN 100.0 100.0 2L1 1.9 10.5 12.8 17.2 22.0 3.0 4.9 2 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 8.7 12.3 14.9 20.7 3.5 4.7 3 Male-... 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.8 8.9 12.4 14.9 20.5 3.4 4.6 4 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 8.6 12.2 14.9 21.0 3.6 4.7 5 White 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.8 8.4 11.8 14.6 20.0 as 4.7 6 Male.... 100.0 ioao 1.7 1.7 8.6 11.8 14.7 19.7 3.4 4.6 7 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 8.3 11.8 14.6 20.4 3.6 4.8 8 Negro 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.3 &5 9.0 10.6 16.9 2.3 a7 9 Male—. 100.0 100.0 1.2 1.4 6.7 9.5 9.9 17.5 2.1 3.4 10 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.2 6.3 8.6 11.3 la 3 2.5 3.9 11 Other races.. 100.0 100.0 3.3 2.3 14.3 15.3 19.8 25.0 3.8 4.7 12 Male..-. 100.0 100.0 3.2 2.3 13.8 15.7 18.7 25.2 4.9 13 Female— 100.0 3.4 2.2 15.0 14.8 21.0 24.8 as 4.5 14 Eural 100.0 ioao 2.3 1.9 11.8 13.3 18.7 23.4 4.1 5.1 15 Male.-. 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.9 10.8 13.1 17.6 23.2 4.2 4.9 16 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.0 12.5 13.6 20.0 23.6 a» 5.2 17 White 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.8 11.1 12.9 18.4 23.1 10.3 17.3 4.5 ai 18 Male—. 100.0 ioao 2.0 1.7 12.6 22.9 4.2 ao 17 Female-. 100.0 ioao 2.3 2.0 XI. 9 13.2 19.6 23.3 7.9 12.4 4.0 5.2 20 Negro 100.0 100.0 1.5 3.4 10.7 19.6 4.5 4.1 21 Male—. 100.0 100.0 1.4 3.5 as 8.8 iao 19.6 2.9 4.1 22 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 3.3 ia5 12.4 16.2 19.7 2.6 4.1 23 Other races.. 100.0 100.0 3.4 2.2 15.3 15.4 20.8 25.0 3.4 6.0 24 Male..-, 100.0 100.0 3.2 2.3 14.2 15.5 19.6 25.2 4.8 26 Female.. 100.0 100.0 3.7 2.1 15.2 4.0 ias 22.2 24.8 3.8 as ioao 4.2 20 PACIFIC.. 100.0 ioao 1.4 1.6 7.5 10.3 13.0 18.5 4.2 27 Urban 100.0 ioao 1.3 1.5 6.9 10.0 11.9 17.8 ai 4.0 28 . Male 100.0 ioao 1.3 1.5 ao 9.7 11.8 17.3 2.9 ao 20 Female... loao ioao 1.2 1.5 6.8 10.2 12.0 18.3 2.9 4,2 30 White 100.0 ioao 1.1 1.4 6.4 9.2 11.6 17.0 2.9 4.1 31 Male. loao ioao 1.2 1.4 9.0 11.5 16.5 2.9 32 • Female-. 100.0 100.0 1.1 1.5 as 9.4 11.4 17.6 2.8 a9 33 Negro 100.0 100.0 1.1 1.2 6.2 9.8 10.7 15.9 2.9 4,2 34 Male. 100.0 100.0 1.2 1.3 as 10.3 10.8 iai 2.6 as 35 Female... 100.0 100.0 1.1 1.2 6.7 9.3 10.6 15.7 2.5 as 30 Other races... 100.0 100.0 2.8 2.3 as ia7 18.4 25.3 2.6 3.6 37 100.0 2.4 2.3 13.8 16.2 24.6 3.1 4.3 Male 100.0 16.3 2.8 38 Female-.. 100.0 100.0 3.2 2.3 12.3 17.2 21.2 26.0 4.1 39 100.0 1.6 1.7 15.9 15.4 20.8 4.4 40 Rural 100.0 11.5 a6 Male—. 100.0 1.4 1.6 8.8 11.0 14.3 20.4 3.6 4.6 41 100.0 ioao 1.7 1.8 8.1 16.9 21.3 4.6 42 Female... 100.0 1.4 11.9 3.4 White 100.0 1.7 9.7 HL9 15.1 20.4 3.9 4.8 43 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.6 8.3 14.1 19.9 3.7 4.7 44 Male 100.0 ioao 1.6 1.8 10.5 Female... 7.7 11.4 16.3 20.9 4.5 45 100.0 ioao 1.5 1.7 9.0 13.8 19.3 as 4.8 46 Negro , 100.0 1.1 1.8 11.2 3.9 4.2 Male. 100.0 8.6 10.7 12.0 18.3 47 100.0 ioao 2.0 1.5 7.4 16.2 20.4 3.0 4.0 48 Female—. 100.0 2.8 2.1 11.8 2.9 4.3 Other races... ioao 10.3 17.5 18.5 25.4 49 100.0 ioao 2.2 2.1 13.9 3.2 4.2 *0 Male 100.0 3.6 2.2 17.0 16.5 25.5 4.0 Female... ioao 11.5 18.0 23.3 25.2 ao ioao 17.7 2.6 4.4 3.8

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 43


j 16-17 TIAB3 18-24 TZARS 25-34 YEARS 35-44 YEARS 45-54 YIABS 55-64 TUBS 65 TEARS AND OVEE

1 **' Per­ Per­ Per* Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ . cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief •1 per- 1per ­ per­ per- 1 per­ per­ per­ per­ per- l per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ 1 sons sons sons sons j sons sons sons sons sons i sons ; sons sons sons sons

3.8 4.4 12.4 10.9 14.6 11.6 13.8 11.1 10.3 9.2 6.5 5.8 19 1 5.4 • 3.5 4.3 1 12.7 11.2 16.1 12.2 15.0 11.6 11.3 9.7 7.1 6.1 5.4 5.3 2 | 3.4 4.2 11.9 10.5 15.7 11.6 15.3 11.4 | 11.9 10.3 1 7.3 6.6 1 5.5 6.1 1 3 3.7 4.4 13.5 11.9 16.5 12.8 116 11.8 10.8 9.2 6.8 5.5 5.3 1 16 4 3.6 4.4 12.7 11.1 16.0 12.0 15.1 11.8 11.5 10.1 7.3 6.5 5.6 5.8 5 3.4 4.2 11.8 10.3 15.6 11.5 15.4 11.7 12.1 10.8 7.5 7.2 5.8 6.5 6 3.7 4.5 13.5 11.9 16.5 12.6 117 12.0 10.9 9.3 7.1 5.9 5.5; 5.0 7 2.5 3.4 10.8 10.1 18.9 12.7 20.2 114 15.3 113 7.3 7.6 13 6.6 8 * 2.4 3.5 10.2 9.8 17.9 11.5 20.4 13.3 16.4 117 8.3 8.0 15 7.4 9 '] 2.7 3.4 11.4 10.4 19.9 13.8 19.9 15.4 112 13.9 6.3 7.3 11 5.8 10 1 3.7 4.1 13.6 11.9 16.1 12.8 1Z2 10.0 7.4 7.4 3.4 3.6 2.4 3.0 11 3.4 4.0 13.2 11.8 16.7 1Z2 13.2 9.6 8.1 7.2 3.7 3.7 2.5 3.4 12 4.1 4.2 14.1 12.0 15.4 13.4 11.1 10.3 6.6 7.6 3.0 3.4 2.2 2.8 13 4.0 4.5 12.3 10.7 13.6 11.0 13.0 10.5 9.7 8.6 6.1 5.5 15 5.5 14 • 3.9 4.5 12.1 10.3 13.5 10.4 13.5 10.1 10.6 9.0 6.8 6.2 5.1 6.4 15 J 4.2 4.5 12.4 11.0 13.8 11.8 12.5 10.8 8.7 8.2 6.2 18 3.7 15 16 .1 11 4.5 12.1 10.4 13.5 10.8 13.3 10.8 10.1 8.9 6.3 5.8 17 5.9 17 3.9 4.5 12.1 9.9 13.2 10.1 13.7 10.5 11.0 9.4 7.1 6.5 5.4 6.9 18 J 4.3 4.6 12.2 10.8 13.8 11.6 12.9 11.1 9.1 8.3 5.5 5.1 3.9 18 19 1 3.0 3.4 13.1 10.6 18.4 12.7 19.3 11.4 12.8 11.8 5.3 6.7 3.4 5.7 20 2.7 3.5 14.4 9.2 18.5 12.5 20.3 11.0 13.8 12.6 6.1 8.6 3.9 6.6 21 5 3.3 11.0 11.7 18.4 12.9 17.7 11.9 11.0 11.1 3.9 19 2.7 4.7 22 1J J'3.9 4.5 13.1 12.1 14.3 11.9 11.0 9.1 7.0 7.1 10 12 3.2 3.5 23 | 3.6 4.5 13.0 12.2 15.0 11.4 11.9 8.5 8.0 7.0 14 16 3.3 10 24 11 4.5 13.2 11.9 13.6 12.4 10.0 9.7 5.9 7.2 3.5 3.8 3.0 3.1 25 3.1 3.8 11.6 10.4 16.6 13.7 16.2 113 12.8 12.0 8.2 7.0 6.5 12 26 : 2.9 3.7 11.9 10.6 17.6 112 16.8 118 13.1 12.3 8.2 7.0 6.6 11 27 2.8 3.6 11.5 9.6 17.6 13.6 17.2 119 13.6 13.4 8.2 8.0 6.2 15 28 3.0 3.9 12.3 11.6 17.6 118 16.4 118 12,6 11.2 8.3 6.0 6.9 3.5 29 9 3.8 11.8 10.5 17.5 13.9 17.0 15.1 13.4 13.0 8.8 7.6 6.9 14 30 i! 2.i8 3.6 11.4 9.5 17.5 13.3 17.3 15.1 13.9 111 8.5 &7 6.6 19 31 3.0 4.0 12.3 11.5 17.6 116 16.7 15.2 12.9 11.7 8.7 6.5 7.2 3.8 32 2.6 3.1 11.2 11.9 20.3 18.3 20.5 17.0 114 12.0 6.4 18 3.7 2.5 33 J 2.4 3.1 10.2 10.9 19.6 ! 17.9 21.0 16.8 15.4 12.7 6.8 5.4 3.5 2.2 34 2.7 3.1 12.2 12.9 21.0 18.7 20.2 17.2 13.4 11.3 6.0 13 3.9 2.7 35 3.1 3.4 13.3 10.8 18.4 116 13.4 11.0 8.4 i 7.2 3.5 2.8 1.8 1.6 36 * 2.8 3.6 14.0 10.3 19.4 115 114 11.7 9.7 ! 7.9 10 3.0 2.0 1.8 37 ' 3.5 3.4 12.3 11.3 17.0 i 117 12.1 10.3 6.6 6.4 3.0 2.5 1.6 1.5 38 8.6 4.1 11.1 9.9 ' 14.5 1 12.0 117 12.6 12.1 10.8 8.1 7.1 6.6 19 39 . 3.4 4.0 11.2 9.6 i 14.5 11.2 119 12.3 12.9 11.6 8.7 8.1 7.2 5.9 40 J 3.7 4.2 10.8 10.3 14.5 13.0 I 115 12.9 11.2 10.1 7.3 5.9 5.8 3.8 41 8.6 4.2 i 10.9 9.8 14.1 11.8 i 119 1Z8 12.5 11.2 8.5 7.4 7.0 j 5.1 42 . 3.4 4.1 10.8 9.4 13.9 10.9 15.1 ! 12.4 13.2 11.8 9.2 8.6 7.8 ! 6.3 43 : 3.8 4.2 1 10.9 10.2 1 114 1Z8 117 13.2 11.6 10.6 7.7 6.2 6.1 l 4.0 1 44 ' 3.2 3.4 1 10.2 10,2 17.8 13.9 iai 113 13.2 10.8 6.6 7.5 15 3.5 45 3.0 0.7 11.1 17.3 12.7 18.8 13.7 119 11.1 1 7.7 9.2 6.2 14 46 . 8.4 3.9 10.8 9.3 17.2 16.1 17.2 15.0 11.0 10.5 6.1 5.6 3.6 2.6 47 ' !2.°9 3.4 18.8 10.4 18.1 111 j 12.8 10.6 8.6 6.8 3.7 3.5 2.4 2.0 48 2.6 3.3 15.1 10.2 20.0 ! 13.7 13.6 11.0 ias 7.5 12 3.7 2.4 2,0 1 411 3.6 8.4 10.4 10.8 15.0 116 1L6 10.1 6.1 6.0 2.8 3.3 2.3 2.0 60

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OTHER BACKS DIVISION, STATI, AND Total White Negro Total Mexi­ Chi- Japa­ Indi­ Fili­ All can nese an pino other

United 3,186,181 8,550,218 579,881 56,148 48,345 758 100 5,455 839 658- Urban*—.... 2,032,224 1,583,289 410,604 37,331 34,099 707 77 1,036 761 65L 1,154,957 966,923 169,217 Rural...... *—... 18,817 14,246 61 4,419 71 7 NEW ENGLAND MAINE 8,884 30 Urban 4,052 4,022 21 Rural 4,832 4,816 9 NEW HAMPSHIBE 5,030 5,012 15 Urban 3,791 3,781 10 Rural ...... 1,239 1,231 5 VlBMONT 2,817 2,811 5 Urban 1,660 1,656 4 Rural . 1,157 1,155 1 1 MASSACHUSETTS 89,848 86,898 2,926 3; Urban . .. 84,066 81,252 2,795 3. Rural 5,782 5,646 131 RHODE ISLAND 10,684 10,141 535 Urban...... 10,114 9,608 499 Rural 570 533 36 CONNECTICUT 23,961 22,384 1,569 3. Urban 19,302 17,863 1,432 3. Rural 4,659 4,521 137 MIDDLE ATLANTIC

NEW YOBK 311,983 280,807 30,418 758 308 338; Urban' 277,485 247,966 29,024 495 28 50 336i Rural 34,498 32,841 1,394 263 258 NEW JEBSET 84,452 68,244 16,143 65 17 8 11 Urban 73,198 58,780 14,364 54 13 7 11. Rural 11,254 9,464 1,779 11 4 1 PENNSYLVANIA 324,461 281,061 43,197 203 120 30 12* Urban.. 207,872 170,049 37,672 151 88 18 12' Rural *—... 116,589 111,012 5,525 52 32 12 EAST NOBTH CEN­ TRAL

OHIO 202,865 166,254 36.406 205 139 36 Urban 155,784 122,064 33,538 182 129 30 Rural— 47,081 44,190 2,868 23 10 6 INDIANA 76,649 66,832 9,699 118 102 13 Urban 54,884 45,369 9,404 111 09 9 Rural— 21,765 21,463 295 7 3 4 ILLINOIS 229,357 191,244 36,663 1,450 1,293 61 21' Urban«- 194,260 158,478 34,378 1,404 1,254 55 21' Rural 35,097 32,766 2,285 46 39 6 MICHIGAN... 152,679 137,890 13,935 854 308 510 r Urban 104,200 90,656 13,125 419 295 95 r Rural 48,479 47,234 810 435 13 415 WISCONSIN. 67,352 64,885 1,628 48,936 839 161 685 T Urban... 47,102 1594 240 135 102 2" Rural...: 18,416 17,783 34 599 16 WEST NOBTH CEN-

MINNESOTA 45,358 44,526 707 125 21 100 Urban 35,844 35,052 704 88 18 66 Rural 9,514 9,474 3 37 3 34 IOWA 35,051 33,720 1,126 205 184 20 Urban 24,368 23,125 1,046 197 177 19 Rural.. . 10,683 10,595 80 8 7 1 MISSOURI 57,165 41,093 15,904 168 140 14 9- Urban 43,607 28,321 15,121 165 138 13 9» Rural 13,558 12,772 783 3 2 1 NOBTH DAKOTA.. 10,020 9,866 9 Urban 145 2 141 1,669 1,659 7 3 2 Rural 8,351 8,207 2 142 SOUTH DAKOTA.. 139 22,382 22,321 38 23 17 Urban 4,144 4,115 21 8 5 Rural 18,238 18,206 17 15 12 \ iSclSdS I'mi Jh!£' %£ EX2' 2 yi* "H*5 ,for **«» n° **•»•* information is Available. i h£fi f'S! 5h!fri&85fa!:^2h


OTHXB BACES DIVISION, STATE, AND Total White Negro ABBA Mexi­ Chi- Japa-I Indi­ Total can an

"WEST NORTH CEN- TBAL— Contfl. NlBBASKA 13,844 12,612 1,174 58 42 Urban 9,432 8,224 1,162 46 38 Rural 4,412 4,388 12 12 4 KANSAS 46,221 39,515 6,134 572 544 Urban 27,189 21,281 5,383 510 Rural 19,t»2 18,234 751 34 SOUTH ATLANTIC ©ELAWABE 6,862 3,811 2,051 Urban 4,727 2,951 1,776 ,, Rural 1,135 860 275 MARYLAND.. 31,817 20,151 11,656 10 Urban 26,091 16,023 10,959 9 Rural...... , 4,826 4,128 697 1 DISTBICT or Ooxtni- BU 12,228 2,674 9,546 8 w, Urban , 12,228 2,674 9,546 8 VIBOINIA 14,983 8,140 6,836 7 Urban 9,627 4,244 5,380 3 _„ Rural 5,356 3,896 1,456 4 TTira VIBOINIA 86,342 80,324 5,994 24 Urban..... 21,055 3,192 4 17,859 5 _T Rural III"', «5,287 62,465 2,802 20 •NORTH CABOLWA... 56,041 31,280 24,621 140 137 Urban 21,091 8,381 12,706 4 4 _ Rural 34,050 22,899 11,915 136 133 SOUTH CABOllWA... 89,326 40,446 48,873 7 5 25,695 14,422 2 1 Urban 11,271 4 iri Rural.. 63,631 29,175 34,451 6 OBOBOIA 69,588 37,362 32,226 Urban. ] 34,098 13,303 20,795 35,490 24,059 11,431 FtOBlDA. Ullll"""'' 102,432 54,078 48,320 Urban.. III"', 55,474 23,937 31,529 Rural...... 46,958 30,141 16,791 EAST SOUTH ^CENTRAL

KlNTUCKT 98,883 90,576 8,302 Urban.".*.V.""i; 18,340 13,108 5,231 _ Rural 80,543 77,468 3,071 TlNNESSEB 99,312 30,956 8,351 grban 16,094 9,205 6,888 . Rural 23,218 21,751 1,463 AlABTA?A 98,648 57,857 40,766 grban 29,470 13,218 16,247 69,178 44,639 24,519 ., Rural 31,198 23,346 •MISSISSIPPI.... 54,559 Urban H"Z 14,163 6,402 7,753 Rural 40,396 24,796 15,593 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL 13 9 *BEANSAS... 48,331 35,393 12,914 24 2 Urban IH 11,333 7,574 9 5 18,916 8 7 .Rural.. 29,415 24,060 5,340 15 34 76,751 41,642 34,967 142 59 92 44 1 Urban 38,766 14,808 23,866 33 37,985 26,834 11,101 50 15 2,473 330 2,133 OKLAHOMA".™": 107,237 92,460 12,304 246 Urban 32,434 26,041 5,931 462 210 66,419 6,373 2,011 120 1,887 74,803 22,620 20 T,x?r 105,045 21,450 22,657 17,297 16,345 16,322 11 urban".:::::::: 73,898 40,256 9 Rural 31,147 20,682 4,153 6,312 6,298 deludes some families, not regular relief clients, but who received surplus commodities.

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OTHIR BACIS DIVISION, STATE, AND Total White Negro AREA Mexi­ Chi­ Japa­ Indi­ Fili­ All Total can nese nese- an pino other*

MOUNTAIN MONTANA.. 18,882 18,493 91 298 14 1 265 3 Urbfrn.. T .. *.* 9,019 8,862 77 80 7 13 57 2 9,863 9,631 14 218 1 v 208 1 IDAHO * ...... 5,433 5,369 48 16 1 8 3. 8 Urban. . 2,667 2,610 48 ! 6 2 3 Rural 2.766 2,759 • 4 1 5 1,482 1 1,417 22 7 1 2' 4 709 652 21 1 43 37 1 .- Rural - .. 773 1 765 1 I 36 35 1 22,815 [ 19,226 931 7 5 4- 15 9 2,658 2 Urban..—...... 17,043 14,461 894 2,625 5 2 9 8 Rural 5,772 4,765 37| 1.688 2 6 1 970 1,664 0,587 5,939 55! 961 4 • 1 3 1 Urban 2,485 2,225 42 593 1 1 4,102 218 584 3. 3,714 13 213 1 2 1 ARIZONA...... 20,427 10,574 1,000 376 ' 4- 283 4 1 8,853 371 9 Urban^.... 9,058 3,997 588| 8,552 4 20 3 1 Rural 11,369 6,577 412 4,473 4 263 1 16,354 4,380 4,441 5 UTAH . 16.063 79 4,111 13* 15 1 4' Urban 10.701 10,449 70 J 212 1 29 12 1 4- 182 150 29 7 Rural 5,653 5,614 129 3 2,946 2,697 • 30 j Q. 124 23 226 1 21 32 Urban 1,275 [ 1,218 69 12 1 8 Rural 1,571 J 1,479 12 1 45 V 11 I 181 24 20 116 PAOTIC 45 WASHINGTON 37,877 37,317 412 148 4 8 2' 90 37 12' Urban...... 25,967 25,518 373 76 3 2* 26 81 11 Rural 11,910 11,799 39 72 8 64 6 1 OEEQON . 16,666 I 16,483 102 81 1 5 6: 43 13 6' Urhftti ,.„, Ja 12,224 12,089 90 1 45| • 6 17 12 4 _. Rural 4,442 4,394 12 36 7 6- 26 1 1 CXLUORNIA...... 118,264 100,394 0.274 11,596 614 34 191 529 211 101,152 85,771 6,993 9,388 i 2 664 33 99 > 518 210* 17,112 14,623 281 2,208 10,117 92 8,024 10 1 11 1 h 2,093

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STATES BY AREAS AND BY COLOR OS BACK Total 1 person 2 persons 3 persons

NEW ENGLAND MAINE 8,884 1,164 1,249 Urban . 4,052 354 657 White 4,022 351 652 663 Negro 21 2 6 2 Other races 9 1 1 2 Rural 4,832 810 662 White 4,816 806 659 9 3 1 Other racesTl"II"I"I" 7 1 2 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 765 739 Urban 3,791 692 554 692 White 3,781 589 Negro. 10 3 Other rraces.. . Rural 1,239 291 211 147 White 1,231 210 146 Negro 5 1 Other races... 3 1 VEBMONT 2,817 335 414 456 Urban . 1,660 171 272 White 1,658 272 Negro Other races... Rural 1,157 164 142 163 White 1,155 163 142 163 Negro.. _ 1 Other races.. 1

MASSACHUSETTS 89,848 20,522 14,577 13,637 29 Urban.. 84,066 19,250 13,606 12,841 30 White 81,252 18,405 12,976 12,388 31 Negro 2,795 839 624 451 32 Other races.. 19 6 6 2 33 Rural 5,782 1,272 971 796 34 White 5,646 1,243 941 777 35 Negro 131 29 27 19 36 Other races.. 5 3

37 RHODE ISLAND 10,684 1,064 1,711 1,703 38 Urban 10,114 943 1,679 1,613 39 White 9,608 873 1,473 1,527 40 Negro 499 70 103 41 Other races*.. 7 3 42 Rural 121 1 43 White 570 132 44 109 127 90 Negro- 12 5 85 45 Other races.., 1 5

46 CONNECTICUT. 23,961 2,824 3,886 3,901 47 Urban 19,302 2,144 3,134 3,190 48 White 17,863 1,968 2,809 2,908 49 Nei 1,432 280 50 Other races 174 325 61 2 2 Rural.. 4,659 752 711 52 White 680 43 Negro 4,621 664 722 691 54 137 26 29 Other races.. 1 1 MIDDLE ATLANTIC 55 NEW YORK, 305,252 62,423 <56 24,353 51,743 Urban 270,754 20,615 45,902 57 White. 241,935 58 17,935 38,190 Negro. 28,326 2,606 7,631 <•% 59 Other 3 493 CO 74 81 Rural. 34,498 3,738 5,841 6,370 61 White.. 32,841 62 3,416 5,510 Negro. 1,394 275 63 Other races., ^is 56 222 64 NEW JERSEY 45 84,452 9,624 14,107 14,833 65 Urban 73,198 66 White 8,034 11,945 13,018 58,780 6,212 8,434 10,114 67 Negro 14,364 Other races.. 1,814 3,499 2,898 64 8 12 6

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10 per­ 12 or 4 persons 8 persons 11 per­ 6 persons 6 persons 7 persons 9 persons sons more sons persons |

1,252 1,076 923 650 463 334 196 130 127 1 652 500 446 292 203 126 69 47 48! 2 644 497 443 2S1 201 126 69 47 48 3 * 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 6 600 576 477 358 260 208 127 83 79 6 699 673 477 358 260 207 127 81 79 7 1 1 1 8 2 2 9 685 546 481 343 232 168 93 51 54 10 633 442 371 256 174 124 69 42 42 11 631 441 371 256 174 124 69 42 42 12 2 1 13 14 152 104 110 87 68 34 24 9 12 15 152 104 109 86 68 34 24 9 10 16 1 2 17 1 18

414 329 320 205 136 86 65 27 40 19 257 205 184 104 75 42 36 13 8 20 256 204 184 104 75 42 36 13 8 21 1 1 22 23 157 124 136 101 61 44 19 14 32 24 157 123 136 101 61 44 19 14 32 25 26 1 27 12,790 9,791 7,007 4,701 1,859 1,018 631 403 28 12,014 9,143 4,377 2,82£222 1,717 924 481 364 29 6,627 469 357 30 11,737 8,922 6,387 4,275 2,752 1,688 896 277 218 102 29 28 12 7 31 138 70 32 3 2 33 776 648 324 190 142 94 60 39 480 45 38 34 764 634 475 315 184 138 92 12 8 6 4 2 5 1 35 13 6 35 1 1 76 37 1*704 1,411 1,073 803 609 311 203 116 1,641 766 488 304 198 108 75 38 1,365 1,034 72 39 1,569 1,309 995 737 469 292 191 101 72 19 12 7 7 3 40 65 39 29 41 1 1 42 63 39 37 21 7 5 8 46 7 1 43 69 43 35 34 21 7 5 3 1 44 3 4 3 45 1 3,851 1,029 669 373 186 161 46 3,183 2,334 1,564 128 47 3,153 1,276 803 646 286 133 2,613 1,896 126 120 48 2,931 2,457 1,787 1,204 760 623 270 43 23 16 7 S 49 222 164 109 71 60 2 1 87 53 33 61 698 570 438 288 226 123 681 281 217 122 83 53 32 52 654 431 4 1 53 17 16 7 7 9 1 64

10,030 5,629 3,189 1,502 1,143 65 69,666 41,906 27,123 16,545 910 50 078 14,449 8,654 4,764 2,690 1,239 37,462 24,038 2,525 1,172 858 57 & 34,480 22,160 13,385 8,057 4,448 49,179 313 160 66 52 68 2,923 1,837 1,045 571 69 4,719 19 16 3 5 1 59 41 499 263 233 60 80 4,444 3,085 2,096 1,376 865 6,688 834 477 252 221 61 4,259 2,961 2,020 1,308 62 6,480 50 27 19 10 11 150 108 62 1 63 176 14 18 4 3 1 32 35 16 1,106 555 442 64 14,303 11,243 7,850 5.291 3,283 1,810 2,813 1,672 958 461 370 65 9,932 6,904 4,639 309 66 10,508 2,385 1,343 810 406 8,341 5,932 3,968 65 61 67 651 227 147 2,035 1,680 969 428 1 1 68- 1 11 11 1 3 2

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STATES BT ABBA AND BY COLOB OB BACB Total 1 person 2 persons 3 persons

MIDDLE ATLANTIC—Continued NEW JERSEY—Continued. Rural.. 11,254 1,590 2,162 1,815 White 0,464 1,265 1,685 1,544 Negro , 1,779 324 472 270 Other races.., 11 1 5 1 PENNSYLVANIA 324,461 40,992 49,407 i 52,661 Urban - 207,872 27,643 33,496 34,731 White 170,049 21,504 23,849 27,618 Negro 37,672 6,114 0,623 [ 7,089 161 25 24 24 Rural..Othe. r races.. 116,689 13,349 15,911 17,930 White- 111,012 12,507 14,596 16,966 Negro., 5,525 827 1,309 958 Other races.. 52 15 6 6 EAST NOBTH CENTRAL OHIO 202; 865 32,920 39,778 35,076 Urban. 155,784 27,498 30,966 27,212 White.. 122,064 20,454 22,033 21,012 Negro. 7,002 8,897 6,174 Other races.., 182 42 36 26 Rural.. 47,081 5,422 8,812 7,864 White.., 44,190 4,843 8,098 7,401 Negro.. 2,868 576 711 460 Other races.., 23 3 3 3 INDIANA. 76,649 9,527 16,713 13,304 Urban.. 64,884 6,927 12,470 9 9 Whit©. 45,369 6,494 9,765 » 15 Negro... 9,404 1,408 2,685 ?»2J1»854? Other races.. 111 25 20 19 Rural 21,765 2,600 4,243 5» 252 White 21,463 2,542 4,178 3,342 Negro., 295 64 46 Other races.. 7 1 1 ILLINOIS 227,996 39,728 44,809 41,286 Urban., 192,899 35,038 38,319 35,353 White. 167,117 29,120 27,301 ^•JSi Negro 34,378 5,731 10,819 ft _ Other races.. 1,404 187 199 1 '!S199 Rural 35,097 4,690 6,490 1 White 32,766 4,231 5,896 H?l 2,285 457 591 M4189 arr— races. . 46 2 3 1 41 MICHIGAN.. 152>679 18,041 27,720 27,452 42 Urban.. 104,200 11,429 43 White 19,398 19,267 44 90,656 10,080 15,422 Negro 13,125 1,308 45 _ Other races.. 3,914 'MS 46 419 41 62 63 Bural 48,479 6,612 8,322 8,185 47 White. 0,362 48 Negro . 47,234 8,011 7,976 49 810 149 245 146 Other races.. 435 101 66 63 50 WISCONSIN. 67,352 12,879 11,362 51 Urban.. 10,442 48,936 10,268 7,731 8,627 62 White. 47,102 9,604 63 Negro. 7,223 64 1,594 607 478 *S20?1 240 57 30 36 65 Bural.~7.I 18,416 2,611 66 White.. 2,711 67 17,783 2,498 2,608 £Z£ Negro.. ., 34 9 %m\ Other races. 104 9130 106 | WEST NORTH CENTRAL MINNESOTA 45,358 10,758 6,737 7,180 Urban. 35,844 9,002 5,516 White.. 35,052 8,738 5S»SX Negro...... 5,341 704 255 167 '!11K0 Other races. 88 9 8 *M Rural 0,514 1,756 White. 1,221 1,245 9,474 1,762 1,217 1,239 Negro 3 Other races.. 37 .-| cl Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ^UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 51


FAMILIES COMpnisixo—Continued

10 per­ 11 per­ 12 or 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons 7 perrons 8 persons g persons more sons sons persons

1,766 1,311 946 652 470 148 1,541 1,152 841 573 393 130 216 159 103 78 77 31 18 2 1 1 50,942 •42,000 34959 22,230 14238 9.412 5,678 2,867 2,175 32,794 26,668 19,060 13,352 5,363 3,123 1,546 1,216 27,679 23,200 16,719 11,750 7,7*8 4,739 2,758 1,388 1,057 5,003 3,447 2,327 1,592 1,067 620 363 158 159 22 21 14 10 4 2 18,043 15,332 11,899 4878 4358 4,049 2,555 1,321 17,320 14,776 11,477 4611 4162 3,909 2,482 1,279 927 717 551 419 265 195 140 70 42 32 11 5 3 2 1 3

30,835 23,127 15,907 14437 4613 4933 2,340 1,095 804 23,824 17,398 11,571 7,400 4,552 2,641 1,533 679 510 19,685 14,556 9,832 4269 3,830 2,172 536 417 4,121 2,828 1,729 1,119 709 462 142 93 18 11 10 12 13 7 1 7,011 5,729 4,336 4037 2,061 1,292 416 6,691 1,968 1,231 770 382 270 5,463 4,174 24 315 263 161 135 93 60 37 33 5 3 1 3 1 I 11,560 4250 4,392 2,829 1,710 917 412 305 •8,721 183 8,394 6,153 4,227 2,924 1,830 1,058 553 250 7,170 2,678 1,571 916 458 213 141 5,320 4701 42 1,217 822 516 341 249 139 94 37 7 5 10 3 1 11 10 122 3,166 2,568 2,032 1,468 999 652 364 162 3,130 1,454 985 645 358 161 121 2,538 2,009 1 35 28 22 14 14 7 5 1 1 2 1 1 10,436 4105 3,580 1,962 662 36,045 25,575 16,782 491 30,713 13,630 4293 4,763 2,806 1,473 678 21,342 551 417 26,177 -18,489 11,823 7,110 4,041 2,373 1,254 629 385 198 111 65 4,361 2,681 1,651 1,051 9 175 153 132 93 48 21 16 172 258 171 5,332 4,233 3,152 2,143 1,432 774 489 1,364 739 454 245 158 5,054 4,067 3,001 2,044 13 266 146 96 61 33 34 12 157 1 1 12 9 5 3 7 2 8,732 5,361 4260 1,906 877 664 25,303 19,677 13,086 327 17,863 5,740 4416 1,971 1,118 471 13,847 9,353 1,006 413 300 15,927 12,572 4483 4184 4060 1,759 331 195 108 53 26 1,874 1,214 835 513 1 62 43 25 17 4 5 61 35 788 406 337 7,440 6,830 4,333 2,992 1,945 1,289 1,913 1,264 770 402 334 7,291 ^725 4,243 2,941 1 96 27 13 \ 15 11 1 61 45 7 3 44 45 24 17 10 844 438 10,423 7,855 4405 3,615 2,294 1,396 1,373 829 458 240 185 J 070 5,581 4638 2,336 451 233 183 7,524 4484 2,286 1,345 810 IS 13 3 6 1 118 75 29 1 21 10 6 4 1 28 22 24 3S6 198 214 2,753 1,767 1,279 921 667 2,274 549 379 195 210 2,681 2,208 1,699 1,240 890 3 2 3 2 2 60 36 29 16

240 222 4728 2,174 1.505 907 4,085 4392 310 123 105 5,469 3,881 2,481 1.497 979 546 958 533 301 119 104 5,391 3,832 .2,453 1,468 1 62 20 13 8 6 4 37 21 3 16 12 7 9 8 5 1,259 677 526 361 220 "iif "in 1,104 911 219 1,253 1,098 909 673 524 360 116 114 1 3 -21 3 2 If Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 52 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATES BT ABBAS AND BT COLOB OB BACB Total 1 person 2 persons 3 persons

WIST NOBTB CENTRAL—Continued 1 IOWA 35,051 3,143 6,121 6,780 2 Urban 24,363 2,519 4,483 4,870 3 White 23,125 2,364 4,149 4,625 4 Negro 1,016 133 298 224 5 Other races., 197 22 36 21 6 Rural.... 10,683 629 1,633 1,910 7 White 10,595 614 1,612 1,898 8 Negro 15 26 11 9 Other r 1

10 MISSOURI 57,165 9,753 12,430 10,174 11 Urban 43,607 8,535 10,069 7,855 12 White 28,321 4,492 6,672 5,203 13 Negro 15,121 4,037 4,377 2,627 14 Other races.., 165 20 25 15 Rural 13,558 1,218 2,361 2,319 16 White 12,772 1,073 2,161 2,184 17 Negro 783 144 200 134 IS Other races... 3 1 1

19 NORTH DAKOTA.. 10,020 1,136 1,124 1,449 20 Urban.. 1,669 110 183 279 21 White 1,659 107 182 275 22 Negro 7 3 1 1 23 Other races... 3 3 24 Rural 8,351 1,026 941 1,170 25 White 8,207 966 921 1,148 26 Negro ... 2 27 Other races... 142 40 20 28 SOUTH DAKOTA.. 22,382 1,887 3,070 3,903 29 Urban.. 4,144 551 763 813 30 White 4,115 542 759 807 31 Negro 21 8 4 5 32 Other races... 8 1 1 33 Rural.. 18,238 1,336 Tsoi" 3,090 34 White 18,206 3,066 1,330 2,303 35 Negro ., 17 5 3 36 Other races.. 15 3 1 1 1 37 NEBRASKA 13,844 1,767 2,543 2,390 Urban ., 9,432 1,201 1,876 1,748 White.. 8,224 982 1,496 1,502 Negro. 1,162 214 373 238 Other races... 46 5 7 8 Rural , 4,412 566 667 642 White 4,388 664 637 Negro.. 12 2 Other races.. 12 3 KANSAS.... 46,221 5,042 9,678 9,U9 Urban.. 27,189 2,896 6,240 5,593 White- 21,281 2,156 4,698 4,335 Negro. 5,383 680 1,481 1,210 Other races.. 525 60 61 48 RuraL. 19,032 2,146 3,438 3,526 White. 18,234 2,008 9,236 3,390 Negro. 751 127 196 132 Other races.. 47 11 6 4 SOUTH ATLANTIC DELAWARE.. 5,862 825 1,204 1,076 Urban.. 4,727 764 967 867 White.. 532 Negro. 2,951 381 476 Otnerr 1.776 511 Rural 1,135 217 209 White 860 144 161 Negro 48 Other races.. 275 73 MARYLAND 31,817 1,873 5,944 6,308 Urban 26,991 1,634 5,343 5,563 White 16,023 1,043 2,642 Negro. 10,959 591 2,697 2,588 Other 9

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J FAMILIES ooxpsiatNG—continued

10 per­ 12 or ©persons 11 per­ i 4 persons 6 persons 6 persons 7 persons 8 persons sons sons more persons

] 6.028 4,497 3,182 2.185 1,373 839 600 247 171 1 J 4.180 3,015 2,097 1.372 820 475 284 135 88 2 1 4.030 2,956 1,302 783 439 265 121 85 3 I 131 76 *%72 48 25 21 7 9 2 4 ] 19 13 19 22 12 15 12 5 1 5 1.848 1,452 1.065 793 653 364 216 112 83 6 1,837 1,445 1,080 789 551 360 215 111 83 7 10 3 2 1 4 1 8 ] 1 2 2 1 1 9 j 8,479 6,071 4,188 2,716 1,842 903 464 209 138 10 ] 6,275 4.278 2,823 1,751 995 639 282 127 78 11 1 4.845 3,272 2,184 1.351 767 405 201 92 57 12 1.807 986 843 383 208 128 73 32 20 13 23 20 16 17 20 6 8 3 1 14 2,201 1.793 1,363 985 847 384 182 82 60 15 2,108 1,717 1,313 941 624 348 172 78 55 16 98 76 50 24 22 16 10 4 5 17 1 18

1,530 1,383 781 676 429 251 157 157 19 297 285 172 122 91 70 35 12 13 20 172 122 91 70 35 12 13 21 J 297 283 22 2 23 1,233 859 485* "359" 216 145 144 24 1,098 875 25 1,216 1,090 868 655 475 351 212 143 144 | 1 1 26 16 8 9 4 10 7 4 2 27 3,906 2,333 1,572 1,028 682 417 195 158 28 3,229 11 29 893 521 303 219 127 74 62 17 127 74 49 17 11 30 892 518 301 218 31 1 2 1 1 1 i" 3 32 901 808 385 iS" 147* 33 37215* 2,706 2,030 1,363 146 34 3,209 2,703 2,029 1,350 899 806 385 178 1 1 35 1 2 38 5 4 1 1 1 93 65 37 2,188 1,722 1,195 832 578 319 154 341 181 88 47 28 38 1,525 1,183 748 492 25 39 480 317 168 80 40 1,397 1,073 864 6 1 40 125 61 30 20 11 6 3 86 1 1 41 2 11 2 4 2 237 138 88 48 42 881 559 449 340 48 39 43 669 339 235 137 67 658 448 1 44 1 .- 1 45 2 1 1 f 215 131 46 7,744 2,438 1,406 773 449 6,460 3,784 225 93 47 47 4,658 3.141 2,041 1,291 697 387 543 279 171 78 35 48 3,707 2,598 1,855 1,026 9 4 49 208 112 59 39 787 474 322 15 6 8 50 64 89 64 59 42 29 711 406 224 122 84 51 3,188 2,319 1,723 1,147 116 79 52 3,076 675 391 215 2,200 1,672 1,116 7 6 5 53 104 49 28 30 13 64 6 2 2 54 6 5 2 3

185 HI 68 35 34 55 952 870 402 302 20 56 216 144 86 45 26 759 307 33 21 14 57 622 381 247 184 111 69 33 17 12 5 1 6 58 237 125 80 52 59 .... 25" 95" 9 i 14 60 lW lfi" -«T 20 a 4 7 51 158 81 89 31 137 5 16 5 7 62 35 27 14 17 10 ——- — —. .. 6 63 189 64 % 017 1,323 777 469 243 5,851 4,153 2,870 338 163 133 65 4.894 2,321 1,570 997 558 3,477 360 241 102 80 66 3,088 2; 258 1,554 LOOS 874 321 198 97 61 67 1,806 L218 787 582 58 1 2 1 "

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STAVES BT AREAS AND BY COLOR OB BACK Total 1 person I 2 persons 3 persona

SOUTH ATLANTIC—Continued MABYIAND—Continued. Rural.. 4,826 239 601 745 White 4,128 188 497 644 Negro 697 51 104 101 Other races.. 1 DISTKICT or COLUMBIA. 12,228 2,987 2,890 2,298 Urban.. 12,228 2,987 2,890 2,298 WWte. 2,674 772 432 448 Negro-. 9,546 2,213 2/456 1,848 Other races.. 8 2 2 2 VIRGINIA... 14,983 1,266 2,447 2,578 Urban.. 9,627 833 1,765 1,786 White 4,244 209 677 775 Negro.——. 5,380 624 1,088 1,011 Other races-. 3 Rural.. 6,356 792 White- 3,896 217 459 603 Negro-. 1,456 215 188 Ott 1 1 WEST VIRGINIA. 86,342 8,488 12,323 14,331 Urban.. 21,055 3,575 3,921 3,899 White.. 17,859 2,838 3,167 Negro.. 3,192 737 752 572 Other races- 2 Rural 65,287 4,013 8,402 10,432 White.. 62,465 4,330 7,866 2,802 579 531 464 Other races" 20 4 5 3 NORTH CAROLINA 56,041; 6,039 8,147 8.436 29 Urban. 21,091 2,550 3,760 3,837 30 White 8,381 756 1,277. 1,454 31 Negro 12,706 1,792 2,482 2,382 32 Other races.. 2 33 Rural 34,950 3,489 4,387. 4,599 34 White 22,899 1,806 2,779 3,052 35 Negro 1,663 1.528 36 11,915 1,589 Other races.. 136 15 19 37 SOUTH CAROLINA—. 89,326 8,832 13,035 14,589 38 Urban- 25,695 3,448 4,858 39 White 11,271 1,630 1,910 2,015 40 Negro 14,422 1,818 2,946 2,874. 41 Other races... 2 42 Rural 63,631 5,384 8,177 9,700 43 White 29,175 2,000 3,483 4^303 44 Negro 34,451 3,383 4,694 5,306 45 Other races—. 5 46 GEORGIA 13 47 8,396 12,809 'ilS • Urban 34,098 4,960 7,416 7,026 48 White 13,303 1,752 2,512 2,600 49 Negro 20,795 3,214 50 Other races.. 4,903 4,426 51 Rural 35,490 3,430 5,394 6,092 52 White 24,059 4,012 53 1,974 3,116 Negro 11,431 1,456 2,278 2,080 54 Other races.. 55 Fi.o.iir»A 56 102,432 15,519 22,508 19,498 Urban 55,474 10,122 13,750 10,829 57 White.. 4 538 58 Negro.. 23,937 4,029 5,119 59 31,529 6,092 8,629 Other r 8 2 60 Rural 46,958 61 White 5,397 8,758 62 30,141 2,308 4,765 £ 660 Nesro 16,791 3,078 3,986 3,007 Other races. 26 11

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rxutuzs COMPRISING—continued

12 or 10 per* 11 per­ 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons 7 persons 8 persons 9 persons more sons sons persons

757 676 549 447 326 | 219 131 80 56- 682 693 475 385 270 186 106 62 40 75 82 1 74 62 56 33 25 18 16 1 1,634 965 ' 60S | 394 220 124 58 32 18 1,634 965 608 394 220 124 58 32 18 370 2tf 152 118 62 3G 17 3 6 1,263 707 455 276 158 88 41 29 12 1 1 1 2,424 1,960 1,423 i 1,132 753 454 271 145 130 1,675 1,260 848 ! 640 1 397 I 202 124 50 38 785 615 422 337 223 i 103 58 26 14 890 645 425 ! 301 174 99 66 33 21 1 1 2 749* 700* 575 492 356 252 147 86 92 585 542 450 389 265 188 96 56 46 164 157 125 102 91 64 51 30 46 1 1 13,457 6,605 4,674 3,045 1,701 963 670 11,241 8,844 1 72 3,232 2,374 1,593 1,071 657 381 179 101 2,767 968 593 340 156 85 64 2,121 1,433 8 465 253 169 103 1 64 40 23 16 1 1 862 598 10,225 8,867 7,251 6,534 4.017 2,664 1,522 6,369 ' 3,903 2,588 1,481 837 573 9,861 8,612 7,080 25 364 253 169 163 113 75 41 25 2 2 2 1 1 4,496 3,271 2,025 1,142 582 457 8,126 7,218 6,102 115 83 3,313 2,671 1,966 1,293 835 454 214 629 405 195 103 42 20 1,367 1,188 945 73 63 1*946 1,483 1,021 664 430 259 111 374 4,813 3,203 2,436 1,571 928 467 4,547 4,136 548 243 185 3,261 3,193 2,936 2,233 1,654 1,009 776 553 378 220 187 1,539 1,333 1,188 956 4 2 13 21 12 14 6 9 2 2,107 1,016 959 13,745 11,279 8,908 6,645 4,982 3,229 800 496 262 125 94 4,319 3,078 2,020 1,306 53 39 1,850 622 371 234 126 1,440 981 262 136 72 55 2,469 1,638 1,039 684 429 "865" 5,339 4,182 2,733 1,845 7"5i" 9,426 8,201 6,888 739 230 4,617 2,616 1,946 1,184 321 4,134 3,512 1,549 1,106 635 4,809 4,067 3,375 2,721 2,236 570 2 1,615 906 416 291 10,969 8,243 5,917 4,145 2,763 63 932 461 233 113 5,363 3,724 2,348 1,454 41 13 706 429 225 89 2,165 1,665 1,106 236 144 72 50 3,198 2,059 1.242 748 503 1,831 1,154 673 "303" *228" 6,606 4,519 3,569 2,691 196 126 2,043 1,364 825 455 3,983 3,324 2,641 329 218 107 102 1,623 1,195 928 648 467 425 306 4,720 2,942 937 15,608 10,795 7,354 607 309 116 103 8,262 5,214 3,204 1,888 1,070 43 35 982, 530 325 156 3,881 2,611 1,688 281 153 73 4,381 2,602 1,616 905 540 1 1 i,"872* 1,213 628 309 203 7,346 6,581 4,150 2,832 418 185 103 2,110 1,346 824 6,156 4,174 3,092 389 210 124 100 2,185 1,407 1,057 722 526 5

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STATES BY ABBAS AND BY COLOR OB BACK Total 1 person 2 persons 3 persons

EAST SOUTH CENTRAL I KENTUCKY... 4,277 13,215 16,946 2 Urban... 18,340 1,397 3,348 3,641 3 White 13,106 754 2,117 2,530 4 Negro 5,231 643 1,231 1,111 5 Other races 1 6 80,543 2,880 9,867 13,305 7 White 77,468 2,565 9,280 12,750 8 Negro 3,071 315 586 9 Other races.. 4 1 10 TENNESSEE.. 39,312 1,067 5,150 6,636 11 Urban... 16,094 703 2,991 3,188 12 White 9,205 400 1,392 1,619 13 Negro . 6,888 303 1,599 1,569 14 Other races.. 15 Rural 23,218 364 2,159 3,448 16 White 21,751 1,982 17 Negro.—— 1,463 177 18 Other races.. 4 *B 1 19 ALABAMA 98,648 5,753 14,794 20 Urban 29,470 17,425 21 2,819 5,874 6.134 White 13,218 1,142 2,169 2,554 22 Negro 16,247 23 Other races.. 1,677 3,705 8,678 24 2 Rural 69,178 2,934 8,920 11,291 25 White 44,639 26 1,346 5,124 7,354 Negro 24,519 1,587 3,795 3,933 27 Other races.. 20 28 MISSISSIPPI., 54,559 6,487 9,521 9,245 29 Urban- 14,163 30 3,027 2,726 White. 6,402 *?81!3 1,102 1,264 31 Negro.. 7,753 1,462 32 Other races.. 1,603 1,924 33 5 1 Rural.. 40,396 4,066 6,494 34 White.. 24,796 4,150 35 Negro.^ _. 1,923 3,679 15,593 2,143 2,914 2,369 Other races.. 7 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL

37 ARKANSAS... 48,331 7,225 9,655 38 Urban.. 18,916 3,775 39 White.. 3,155 4,208 11,333 1,673 2,319 2.247 40 Negro. 7,674 1,526 41 Other races.. 1,481 1,886 42 9 1 3 Rural.. 29,415 4,070 6,447 4,948 43 White- 24,060 44 Negro.. 2,762 4,305 *•}£ 45 6,340 1,306 1,140 797 Other races.. 15 2 2 2 46 LOUISIANA.. 15 47 Urban.. 75,751 4,853 13,825 »£S 38,766 3,651 58 8,040 48 White- 14,808 S' ! 49 Negro.. 1,237 2,288 2,874 23,866 2,399 6.283 50 _. Other races.. 92 20 51 Rural: 15 13 52 37,985 1,202 . 6,241 7,195 White 26,834 658 3,158 4,977 53 Negro. 11,101 54 Other 542 2,081 2,211 50 2 2 7 55 OKLAHOMA. w 56 Urban. 107,237 11,632 19,761 '£5 57 White. 32,434 5,262 7,273 6,267 58 Negro. 26,041 4,052 6,655 5,062 591 Other 5,931 1,122 60 Rural 462 88 ^•H79 61 74,803 6,370 12,478 White. 66,419 SS 62 Negro. 6,373 5,629 10,944 Other 573 1,257 1,034 2,011 168 277 374 TEXAS 18,510 Urban 105,045 13,696 18,170 73,898 10,122 12,851 White. 40,256 7,473 Negro. 6,100 7,300 3,454 Other 17,297 2,842 3,654 16,345 1,180 * 1,897 2,481 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 57


fAiauss coMPBiaiNO—oontlnued

12 or 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons 7 parsons 8 persons 0 persons 10 per­ il per­ more sons persons

16,560 13,989 11,213 8,608 6,175 4,055 2,191 3,115 2,432 1,686 1,255 710 420 192 2,306 1,916 1,342 998 573 320 140 808 516 344 257 137 . 100 1 13,451 11,557 9,527 7,353 5,465 3,635 1,999 608 13,011 11,192 9,289 7,156 5,312 3,520 1,921 861 581 410 365 197 153 115 35

6,884 6,922 4,723 3,548 2,482 1,488 840 334 2,953 2,194 1,678 1,047 732 190 75 52 1,704 1,370 1,016 709 600 128 52 30 1,240 824 561 232 106 62 22 1 3,031 3,728 3,145 2,501 'Two •17657 ~650 "IsT "186" 3,716 3,530 2,976 2,363 597 237 161 1,637 1,013 25 213 198 168 138 113 84 22 2 1 16,097 13,514 10,400 7,647 5,386 3,554 2,101 1,018 959 19 3,609 2,520 1,513 927 657 273 125 2,308 1,773 1,389 789 503 275 134 58 2,620 1,835 1,131 723 424 139 67 1 1 11,060 9,905 7,880 6,134 4,459 2,997 1,828 893 7,610 6,929 5,460 4,186 2,954 1,855 1,015 452 354 3,454 2,973 2.418 1,946 L504 1,141 813 441 614 6 3 2 8,334 6,607 4,943 8,640 2,398 . 1,576 925 414 2,229 1,507 953 578 358 198 104 26 1,104 828 524 344 225 117 51 10 1,124 678 429 234 133 81 53 16 6.105 5,100 3,990 3,062 ~KGS TaT 4,042 3,422 2,738 2,039 1,275 828 462 135 2,062 1,675 1,251 1,022 765 359 230 1 3

7,453 5,720 2,586 1,545 755 396 165 113 37 2,969 1,271 765 386 170 83 36 29 38 2,069 13 39 1,872 1,347 894 625 263 106 56 18 1,097 721 377 239 123 64 26 18 16 40 1 1 1 41 8,651 2,724 1,821 L159 585 313 129 42 3,855 3,195 2,367 1,571 971 496 241 94 43 627 250 188 72 35 44 452 354 46 2 4 3 13,520 9,922 7,094 4,938 3,300 .2,009 L136 500 419 46 6,747 2,952 1,919 1,179 630 338 142 137 47 4,447 67 48 2,801 2,106 1,397 931 551 326 160 70 3,933 961 625 304 177 72 69 49 2,333 1,544 1 50 13 8 11 7 3 1 3,019 2,121 "iTSS" 798 282 61 6,773 5,475 4,142 147 52 5,006 4,170 3,148 2,267 1,562 982 531 226 749 396 266 132 133 63 1,755 1,297 985 554 2 64 10 9 3 5 1 1 376 17,835 13,618 9,706 6,375 3,971 2,341 1,208 589 55 5,216 1,339 723 352 170 63 29 66 3,520 2,220 25 4,285 2,919 1,122 610 282 130 49 67 865 ^IS 190 90 63 37 14 3 68 551 328 1 59 50 42 27 23 17 3 . « 3,248 1,989 1,038 526 347 60 10,098 7,486 259 61 12,619 9,070 6,658 4,417 1,704 874 210 137 77 62 11,418 752 614 463 11 63 878 276 214 156 .*S .75 27 15 . 95 323 351 64 17,249 13,277 9,665 6,173 4,061 2,249 i, 171 473 .2,594 1,429 708 261 180 65 12,517 9,241 6,532 4,055 57 7,051 4,985 3,324 1,946 1,113 577 242 66 643 440. 264 119 50 36 67 2,795 1,815 1,185 87 2,671 2,441 2,023 1,466 1,041 347 123 68 70147—34- Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STUBS BT ABBAS AMD BY COLOB OB BACB Total 1 person 3peraom 3 persons

WEST SOUTH OINTBAL--Continued Tins—Continued. Rural ...... 31,147 3,574 6,319 5,102 White 20,682 2,186 3,683 3,544 Negro 4,153 891 940 623 Other noes.*. 6,312 497 796 935 MOUNTAIN MONTANA... 18,882 4,760 3,041 2,871 Urban.. 9,019 2,779 1,514 1,469 White 8,862 2,719 1,490 1,445 Negro 77 41 15 9 Other races. 80 19 9 15 Rural ._ 9,863 1,981 1,527 1,402 White 9,631 1,923 1,497 1,379 14 8 3 Other ncesZZZZZZIZZ! 218 60 27 22 IDAHO— 6,433 1,132 974 901 Urban.. 2,667 436 617 488 White, 2,610 403 606 482 Negro. 48 30 8 6 Other i 9 3 1 Rural. 2,766 696 457 413 White.. 2,759 692 456 412 Negro.. Other r

WTOHma.. 1*482 375 262 209 24 Urban.. 709 190 130 106 25 White- 652 174 113 103 26 Negro. 21 7 11 1 27 Other races.r . 36 9 6 2 23 Rural... 773 185 132 103 29 White.. 765 181 132 103 30 1 1 31 Other ra 7 3 32 COLOBADO- 33 22,815 4,947 4,192 3,724 Urban.. 17,043 3,810 2883 34 White 14,461 2,723 36 Negro— 894 295 274 133 30 OtE 1,688 207 206 272 37 Rural ., 6,772 1,137 989 841 38 White-, 4,765 970 866 674 39 37 17 3 4 40 §&?;races. . 970 150 120 163 41 Nvw Mxzico.. 6,687 994 082 968 42 Urban.. 376 43 White.. 2,485 341 347' 44 2,225 296 322 353 42 10 11 5 45 Other no 18 46 Rant _. 218 35 14 4,102 653 635 592 47 White.. 552 48 Negro, 3,714 616 684 49 13 6 5 1 Other noes., 375 81 46 39 50 ABXZONA 90,427 3,463 3,252 3,043 61 Urban... 62 White.. 1,727 1,496 3,997 1,057 63 Negro.. 830 97 64 Other ra 688 143 164 65 4,473 627 602 601 66 White...! 11,369 1,736 1,766 1,678 67 6,677 1,183 1,180 Other rao 412 79 102 4,380 474 474 510 UTAH„. Urban 16,354 2,894 2,395 10,701 2,173 1,639 1,721 White... 10,449 2,065 1,614 1,699 70 31 12 OtSrrnoes. . 182 77 13 16 Rural 852 White 6,653 721 756 Negro...... 6,614 713 747 Other races... 9 6 2 30 2 7 1 2

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riunaa COMPBIMNO—continued

12 or 10 per­ 11 per­ 4 person* 5 persons 6 persons 7 persons 8 persons 9 persons more sons sons persons

4,732 4,036 3,133 2,118 1,407 820 403 212 171 3,375 2,831 2,117 1,317 803 449 243 109 05 452 307 259 223 105 102 60 35 30 905 838 757 578 439 269 160 08 70

2,661 1,967 1,394 906 505 344 179 no 84 1,245 814 507 320 177 102 47 27 18 1.233 799 498 315 174 99 40 27 17 ... 8 2 1 1 7 1 7 5 2 2 1 i 1,410 1,153 887 686 388 242 132 83 1,380 873 572 1 374 230 127 80 00 1,125 65 2 30 1 26 14 14 ii 6 6 3 1 732 637 426 203 105 100 57 20 26 339 358 213 134 77 57 29 7 12 335 357 1 210 134 70 57 29 7 12 2 2 2 1 1 1 393 279 213 129 88 43 28 13 392 279 213 129 ! 88 43 28 13 14 i 6 194 105 94 73 48 38 14 5 92 70 33 20 13 6 1 1 41 1 87 72 38 30 15 12 0 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 4 1 ... 102 89 63 40 28 25 4 j 101 89 ! 63 39 27 24 8 4 ••*•*•.»*... •—•*•••— ... | i ...... 53 3,290 2,478 1,005 1,092 053 375 230 110 2,455 417 253 154 04 35 ! 1,843 1,174 752 27 2,149 1,571 938 694 317 188 120 48 1 4 2 1 02 55 38 15 6 7 244 143 91 1 59 30 14 217 ! 198 1 835 035 491 340 230 122 82 40 18 32 14 091 600 408 207 176 99 03 5 1 1 1 ... -- 13 40 139 124 83 1 72 00 23 19 65 35 41 973 745 082 482 300 201 110 42 391 294 263 191 131 84 38 18 11 43 363 272 230 163 102 70 32 14 •8' 44 4 2 2 5 2 1 -- .. 45 24 20 31 23 27 13 682 291 229 117 72 37 24 40 461 419 17 47 507 400 383 250 193 104 03 33 48 1 49 74 45 36 35 30 13 9 4 7 303 149 122 60* 3,019 2; 307 1,921 1,332 907 649 1,345 668 300 211 117 49 36 51 990 788 19 9 3 52 600 300 231 143 74 32 75 19 10 11 4 2 53 37 26 94 38 33 64 • 704 603 631 400 270 108 704 647 338 188 100 86 1,371 1,133 73 36 36 774 628 344 218 121 *S 14 11 2 3 2 57 30 25 10 111 02 48 & 601 680 404 315 200 198 100 74 £467 1,957 1,496 1,068 721 415 1,000 007 3931 214 100 57 35 1,236 920 97 63 33 1.583 1,2*2 900 689 383 206 3 *8 1 i 1 j 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 18 16 13 10 » 5 451 328 201 98 49 39 721 670 90 49 39 [ 858 716 672 450 325 201 si ...j i 1 3 1 21

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STATES BT AREAS AND BT COLOR OB BJLCB Total 1 person 2 persons 3 persons

MOUNTAIN—Continued NEVADA 2,946 1,587 418 287 1,275 688 172 131 Urban.. White 1,218 650 168 128 Negro. 12 6 2 1 Other 45 2 2 Rural 1,671 246 156 1,470 824 204 136 NegrWhite.o . 11 7 3 1 Other races... 181 68 10 PACIFIC WASHINGTON 37,877 7,276 7,767 7,241 Urban 25,007 5,853 5,415 4,068 White 25,518 5,732 5,260 4,893 Negro 373 108 127 56 Other races 76 13 10 10 Rural 11,010 1,423 2,352 2,273 White 11,700 1,411 2,324 2,252 Negro 30 5 16 Other races 72 7 12 12 OREGON 16,666 4,337 8,304 2,805 Urban 12,224 3,645 2,465 2,090 White 12,060 3,610 2,422 2,065 Negro 00 20 37 15 Other races.. 45 15 6 10 Rural.. 4,442 602 020 715 White. 4,304 686 010 709 Negro, 12 4 2 Other 36 6 4 CAUTOBNIA - 118,264 26,187 26,237 22,627 Urban 101.152 23,077 22,489 10,315 White 85.771 21,330 10,580 16,704 Negro 5,003 1,208 1,831 .M85 " Other races.... 0,388 1,340 1,078 ft *•*? 'Rural 11, 17,112 2,210 3,748 T 3,312 White 14,623 1,072 3,410 2,082 Negro 281 61 68 41 Other races— 2,208 177 261 309


STATES, BT ABBAS, AND BT SEX AND COLOR Under 1 ltoft 6 to 13 14 to 15 OB RACE All ages year years years

NEW ENGLAND 1 MAINE 30,704 065 6,204 10,374 1,065 2 Urban 18,045, 432 2,620 4,670 861 3 Male 0,123] 218 1,348 $333 456 4 Female .1 ... 8,922' 214 1,272 2,237 405 5 White. 17,030 428 2,505 4,547 860 6 Male . 0,060 217 1,836 2,310 455 7 Female.* 8,870 211 1,250 2,228 405 8 Negro...... *. 78 1 15 16 1 0 Male. 42 ...... 5 11 1 10 Female ... 36 10 6 11 Other races- 37 8 10 7 12 Male. 21 1 7 8 13 Female...... 16 2 3 4 14 Boral., 21,650 3,584 5,804 1,104 15 Male 11,148 1,780 2,055 '582 16 Female... 10,511 253 1,804 2,840 523 17 White..... 21,503 628 3,574 6,787 1,102 18 Male... 11,113 276 1,774 2,047 10 Female. 252 1,800 2,840 20 Negro . .. 3 2 8 21 Male 1*3 3 2 3 .32 Female*. 17 8 23 Other races 12 0 24 Male.. .37, 25 Female. 18 Si 10 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS • 61


12 or 4 persons 6 persons 6 persons 7 persons 8 persons 9 persons 10 per­ 11 per* more sons sons persons

277 153 01 58 42 17 13 1 2 1 133 68 48 21 12 3 1 2 127 63 43 15 12 3 1 8 2 4 6 1 5 6 1 5 144 87 43 37 30 14 12 1 2 6 126 74 33 28 26 14 11 1 2 7 8 18 13 10 0 4 1 0

4,000 2,633 1,340 755 401 185 100 65 10 4,067 2,570 1,532 764 404 311 01 64 28 11 4,027 2,547 1,515 750 306 207 01 63 28 13 32 17 14 8 7 4 13 6 3 6 1 1 14 2.138 1,430 1,001 585 351 100 04 36 37 15 2,124 1,410 094 581 340 188 03 36 37 16 2 1 2 1 3 17 12 18 10 5 3 8 2 1 3,416 1,547 045 550 316 178 102 40 27 10 1.735 1,030 508 325 154 02 56 19 15 30 1.727 1,026 501 310 152 88 56 18 15 21 2 5 2 3 1 33 3 2 6 3 23 681 517 347 234 162 86 46 21 12 24 673 613 343 232 150 84 45 21 11 25 1 1 2 1 1 26 7 3 3 1 3 2 1 37 17,674 10,013 6,310 3,700 2,257 1,316 632 293 200 28 &S28 8,070 5,050 2,920 1,700 041 482 216 167 20 12,775 7,316 3,031 2,060 1,102 526 257 104 86 30 742 434 210 132 82 34 14 15 16 31 1.201 1,229 018 728 615 381 211 07 65 32 2,866 1,034 1,260 780 458 275 150 77 42 33 2,408 1,500 873 556 310 170 70 48 28 34 36 20 18 21 7 8 1 2 35 332 315 260 203 132 00 70 37 14 36


18 to 17 18 to 24 25to34 35 to 44 45 to 54 65 to. 64 65 and Un* years years years years years years over known

1 1.619 3,703 4,235 4.152 2,840 1*715 1,816 107 714 1,784 3.025 1,389 838 808 55 2 344 872 054 053 736 465 433 11 3 370 006 653 373 375 1 44 4 012 1.071 5 713 1,771 2,013 1,037 1.380 827 806 54 731 458 432 6 343 865 048 045 " 7 370 906 1,064 002 649 360 374 6 0 2 43 8 1 8 0 0 0 1 4 5 6 3 5 1 1 3 4 1 1 10 4 4 3 11 6 4 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 12 2 3 1 1 13 005 2,203 1,460 877 1,006 52 14 1,010 2,210 25 460 057 1,002 1,067 852 523 645 15 445 1,116 608 354 363 27 16 062 1.208 099 52 003 1,016 2,206 2,104 1,456 876 17 I 450 1,084 849 522 640 25 18 056 1,000 27 444 060 1,206 1,110 607 354 359 10 2 2 5 1 6 i 20 1 1 2 1 4 21 1 1 3 2 22 1 2 4 3 1 ! 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 n24 1 1 1 1 3 1 I 2 '——-—• 1 25 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 62 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS


! STATES, BY ABBAS, AND BT SEX AND COIOB Under 1 ltoS 6tol3 14 to 15 1 OB BACX '» * Alleges year years years years I

Niw ENGLAND—Continued 1 N*W HAMWftrtRB...... 20,836 399 3,065 5,392 1,021 2 1 Urban...... 16,023 305 2,362 4,074 809 3 7,988 153 1.210 2,025 419 1 4 8,035 152 1,152 2,049 390 5 White 15,996 304 2,357 4,073 1 809 6 Male. 7,974 152 1,207 2,025 419 7 Female...... 152 1,150 2,048; 390 * 1 Negro...... M2S7 1 5 9 Male 1 3 10 13 1 11 2 12 13 14 4,ll3 94 723 1,318 212 15 Mi le 2,421 36 361 662 113 16 Female...... 2,392 68 362 656 99 17 wwte :...:::.:.:: 4,767 91 715 1 1,309 207 18 Male . 2,395 35 355 658 19 Fei oale ...... _....._...... 2,372 56 360 651 no 20 Negro. :: ::.:::::::::::: 35 1 5 9 21 Male 19 3 4 97 22 Fei sale...... 16 1 2 5 23 2 3 24 Male V. 7 1 3 2 25 Fei aale——._...... 4 1 26 12,403 290 1,938 3,166 634 27 Urban 7,064 169 1,052 1,665 356 28 Male 3,614 I 88 620 819 180 29 Female.*..—.x ,..«.»»* ...,_ 3,450 71 532 846 176 30 7,053 1 159 1,050 1,662 356 31 Male * 3,608 88 619 818 180 32 Female...... ^ ... 3,445 71 531 844 176 33 6 2 3 34 Male llm 1 1 35 Female_._..._.. . 5 1 2 36 mix JmJ di Male. 3 ™™ 38 Female ...... ""' 1 39 Rural...... 5,"339l 278 40 1 ill" 884 1,501 Male...... !.. """•*""** 2,776 | 76 434 780 146 41 Female..—..... _. „ 2,563 450 721 132 42 1 White~ ™™I™""™ 66 43 6,333 131 884 1,498 278 Male. ::; 2,772 76 434 778 146 44 2,561 i 450 720 132 45 ! Negro.....Female-—...... -...imiZimil. _. lt l I""* 1 65 46 Male „...„ ..I../II 1 47 Female.^...... 48 Other races...... „ 49 Male...... „ T 3 50 3 2 Female—.-...... I 2 1 61 327,453 3,892 39,243 77,129 16,045 52 Urban .... 305,678 3,647 36,490 71,439 14,936 53 Male- 152,180! 1.804 18,560 36,150 7W0 64 Female..-——...... """""!"""" 153,398 1.743 17,930 35,289 7 406 55 297,0261 3,461 36,640 69,651 14 56 Male 1.1™"™'™" '£K 57 148,133 1,759 18,090 35,251 7,323 68 148,893 1,702 17,450 34,400 7,25» Negro...... 8,6011 82 948 1,780 386 69 Male. " 4,022 42 469 896 206 60 Female—-...... 4,479 40 477 884 180 61 Other races...... Ill"""*" 51 4 4 8 1 62 Male. 25 3 1 3 1 63 Female— ...... I. —"—•*— 26 3 5 64 21,876 1 2,753 5,690 1,109 65 Male. «"I™™™*" 10,951 345 1,413 2,880 66 Female...... 10,924 169 1,340 2,810 67 White II.™™" 21,347 176 2,684 6,535 68 Male—...... 10,697 332 1,376 2,801 69 Female. 10,650 166 1,308 [ 2,734 1 *" 70 Negro...... «...... Illinil""""" 510 166 71 66 149 28 Male...... "" "" 243 13 35 74 12 72 Female.—...... 267 76 73 Other races™...... ***—* 3 31 16 18 10 3 74 Male—...... 11 i 2 75 1 Female . I.I..IIII 1 7 1 \ 1

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16tol7 18 to 24 35 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 64 55 to 64 65 and Un­ yean yean yean yean yean yean over known

814 1,711 3,265 2,355 1.542 1,029 1,165 68 1 657 1,412 1.811 1,857 1.212 769 730 35 3 358 683 817 871 628 423 891 11 3 299 729 994 986 684 337 339 24 4 657 1,409 1,804 1,865 1,208 757 72S 35 5 858 682 813 870 625 421 391 11 6 299 727 091 985 683 336 337 24 7 3 7 3 4 2 2 8 1 4 1 3 1 9 2 3 1 1 1 2 10 1 ««•»• 11 .... 13 ...... 13 157 299 454 498 330 370 435 23 14 87 130 189 219 176 160 275 13 15 70 169 265 279 154 160 10 16 156 294 419 497 328 no 431 23 17 86 128 186 219 174 267 273 13 18 70 166 263 278 154 158 158 10 19 1 4 4 1 2 109 2 20 1 3 3 2 1 1 21 2 3 1 1 1 23 1 1 2 2 23 .. 1 1 1 24 1 1 25 423 36 651 1,073 1,359 1,352 1,035 581 3 27 830 846 778 637 332 216 2 691 132 28 192 327 413 381 363 198 1 29 138 433 397 274 134 84 1 364 216 2 20 330 691 843 776 637 331 31 379 363 197 132 1 192 327 413 1 32 138 364 431 397 274 134 84 33 3 2 1 34 1 3 1 35 3 • 36 —iniiii 37 .J 38 207" 39 221" 382 613 674 398 249 162 141 40 113 190 227 282 225 66 41 108 192 286 292 173 87 i 249 206 l 42 221 382 613 674 396 140 43 113 190 227 383 224 162 44 172 87 66 Ij 108 192 386 292 1 45 1 46 ——•-.-...... :::::::::: 47 --:::::::::::: 48 49 1 50 1 61 28,636 18.006 13,904 357 13.013 31,218 38,077 46,133 12,773 284 52 12.946 29,403 36.855 43,225 26.907 16.773 53 14,292 8,782 6,123 90 6.405 13,885 16,769 21,790 6.650 194 54 16.618 20.066 21,436 12.616 7,991 55 26.022 16,221 12.424 378 12,618 28.530 36,773 41,060 5,969 88 56 6,250 13.521 16,304 21,211 13,854 8,513 57 12,168 7,708 6.455 190 6,368 16,009 19,468 20,749 346 6 58 327 1,075 1,258 879 547 59 870 436 267 152 3 154 863 460 676 193 4 60 173 616 683 444 380 61 607 6 5 4 1 3 8 7 2 62 1 6 3 3 3 63 1 3 3 3 2 3 4 1,131 73 64 967 3,123 2,908 1,729 1,233 1,816 885 654 633 29 65 485 883 921 1,438 498 44 46 482 1,201 1,470 844 679 933 1,685 1,204 1,099 72 47 944 1,787 3,060 2,844 1 29 48 469 1.408 864 643 618 868 906 821 661 481 43 49 475 919 1,175 1,436 29 30 1 60 23 28 37 63 43 71 30 20 11 14 16 14 14 18 16 1 72 7 14 S3 33 23 73 5 74 3 f 1 76 ••-••-..... 3 _4 ;......

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aWIES, BT ABBA, AMD BT SBX AND COLOB AHl Under 1 ltofi «tol3 14 to 15 OB BACB • year years years

KBW ENQLAin>-Continued RHODB ISLAND.. 40, Ml 1,046 6,556 11,346 2,295 Urban 44,629 968 6,297 10,939 2,227 Male.. 22,650 612 3,206 6,454 1,161 21,970 476 3,091 5,485 1,076 White-. 42,637 923 6,009 10,499 2,156 Male 21,701 486 3,050 5,244 1,115 Female. 20,936 437 2,950 5,255 1,041 Negro 1,972 64 285 438 71 Male 938 25 144 210 36 Female 1,034 39 141 35 Other races.. 20 I 3 Male.... 11 1 3 Female.. 9 2 Rural.. 2,012 259 407 Male 1,073 126 200 Female.. 939 133 207 White.. 1,888 238 376 Male.. 1,003 113 183 Female.. 885 125 193 Negro 120 21 31 Male.. 69 13 17 Female.. 51 8 14 Other races... 4 Male.. 1 Female ... . 3 CONNECTICUT. .. 100,620 1,721 13,285 23,864 5,302 Urban . 81,238 1,433 11,008 19,206 4,201 Male.. 41,477 787 5,731 0,729 2,105 Female.. 39,761 646 5,277 9,477 2,096 White. 75,851 1,317 10,176 17,991 3,994 Male.. 716 5,303 9,119 1987 Female.. 36,953 601 4,873 8,872 Negro.. 5,362 116 825 1,208 .207 Male 2,569 71 424 GOO 118 Female.. 45 401 599 Other racesll *m 7 7 Male- 10 4 1 Female.. 15 3 6 Rural., 19,382 2,277 4,658 Male.. 10,038 142 1,160 2,396 678 Female.. 9,344 146 1,108 2,262 523 White. 18,864 272 2,198 4,546 1,082 Male.: 9,781 134 1,132 2,342 567 Female.... 9,083 138 1,066 2,204 615 Negro. 516 16 79 112 19 Male.. 256 8 37 54 11 Female- 260 8 42 58 8 Other races!.. 2 Male.. . 1 Female. 1 MlDDLB ATLANTIC

NBW YOBB1. 1,235 278 19,403 164,^60 267,368 Urban.... 1,003,010 Male.. 16,883 145,031 235,393 S»! 546,692 8,631 73.573 118.497 23,984 Female 646,318 8,252 71,458 116,896 991,946 24,135 WhiteMale.- . 14,921 129,691 214,617 44,^70 500,032 7,642 65,803 106,416 22; 231 Female.. 491,914 7,279 63,888 106,101 S239 Negro. 99,276 1,894 14,977 20,544 Male.. 45,754 949 7,1 9,911 ^ Female.. 53,522 945 7,3»v 10,633 Other races. 1,788 68 363 332 906 40 182 170 26 Female..._ ..-.—.„... 26 Rural. 882 28 181 162 142,268 2,520 19,829 31,975 6,359 Male.. 74,089 1,255 10,132 16,518 3,267 Female.. 68,179 1,265 9,697 15,457 3,092 White. 136,133 2,383 18,882 30,718 6 128 Mala. 70,963 1,190 9,696 15,884 31153 Female. 65,170 1,193 9,186 14,834 Negro. 5,120 126 789 1,062 183 Male. 2,604 60 351 540 91 Female.. 2,516 66 438 622 92 Other 1,015 11 158 195 48 Male. 522 6 85 94 Female.. 6 73

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 65 to 61 65 and - Un­ yean yean yean yean yean known

1,927 4,207 6,316 6,020 4,067 2,423 1,416 1,842 4,082 6,091 6,680 3,872 2,262 1,311 012 2,102 2,301 2,867 2,104 1,270 030 1,980 2,700 2,822 1,768 083 1,758 3,882 4,811 6,471 3,686 2,163 1,254 872 2,016 2,256 2,765 2,018 1,224 634 886 1,866 2,655 2,706 1,668 930 84 107 270 215 181 98 40 84 135 100 85 64 44 113 144 115 96 44 3 1 3 6 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 215 225 231 195 161 105 123 122 120 114 08 64 02 103 111 81 63 41 204 206 217 188 154 100 110 112 112 108 94 60 85 94 105 80 60 40 9 19 13 7 7 4 4 10 8 6 • 4 3 6 0 6 1 3 1 2 1 1 1

4,669 10,350 11,266 12,790 8,782 6,168 3,481 3,646 8,287 9,415 10,431 6,807 4,021 2,662 1,026 4,175 4,415 6,162 .3,761 2,207 1,462 1,720 4,112 6,000 6,260 3,136 1,814 1,200 8,465 7,781 8,572 9,757 6,502 3,758 2,507 1,841 3,968 4,022 4,867 2,085 1,385 1,624 3,813 4,650 4*890 2,014 1,673 1,122 181 506 836 672 304 263 154 207 890 294 • 172 122 77 85 77 06 446 378 222 141 7 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 2,063 1,851 2,359 1,885 1,147 810 468 902 1,137 1,045 647 403 1,055 326 455 1,008 940 1,222 840 500 001 2,300 1,843 1,116 704 2,016 1,783 478 457 1,031 868 1,110 1,026 630 1,100 817 486 316 447 984 915 25 10 48 66 50 42 31 27 10 17 15 11 24 33 10 8 24 33 32 14 2 1 1

111,176 61,920 28,273 6,764 61 40,677 125,861 174,046 181,563 23,501 4,786 62 43,037 111,243 167,807 163,850 98,130 44,740 64,132 11,303 2,160 63 22,256 62,040 7a 755 84,504 64 79,346 43,998 20,801 12,288 2,617 21,681 68,294 86,652 22,224 4,250 66 40,014 102; 404 138,486 147,890 90,324 41,846 22,647 10,806 1,945 66 20,837 40,611 63,106 76,800 67 71,000 40,036 10,190 11,418 2,314 20,077 75,380 1,344 518 68 18,464 15,677 7,721 2,850 £900 8,601 1,270 485 222 69 1,406 3,386 7,468 7,534 3,799 3,922 1,680 206 60 1,584 6,305 10,006 61 283 85 . 35 9 33 148 357 13 12 2 62 13 62 181 170 45 63 113 40 22 11 7 • 2° 96 176 7,180 4,682 968 64 14,618 17,630 17.713 13,045 65 5,740 9,085 7,251 4,196 2,660 455 2,981 7,568 8,721 2,084 2,022 613 66 7,050 8,018 8,628 5,794 2,750 12,540 6,050 4,624 923 67 5,550 13,979 16,661 16,989 68 8,680 6,970 4,057 435 2,801 7,276 8,148 2,893 1,041 488 69 6,703 8,413 8,300 .5,576 70 2,650 . 408 167 120 27 151 629 943 615 71 345 226 108 58 11 71 243 600 60 62 16 72 286 443 270 182 73 80 01 63 38 18 30 110 135 100 74 60 65 31 10 9 10 49 73 32 10 9 75 20 61 62 49 36

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STJLtBS, BT ABBAS, AND BY MX AND COLOR Alia Under 1 lto5 6 to 13 14 to 15 OB BACK year years yean years

MB>DLX ATULNTIO—Continued 1 NBW JBBSBY 345,146 5,293 44,322 79,205 17,212 2 Urban 300,656 4,616 38,824 69,207 15,041 3 Male 151,938 2,333 19,486 35,193 7,618 4 Female*. 148,718 2,283 19,338 34.014 7,423 5 White.. __._ 3,651 31,564 67,854 12,856 6 Male— 127,009 1,863 15,852 29,564 6,584 7 Female.. 121,229 1,788 15,712 28,290 6,272 8 Negro... 52,219 959 7,221 11,321 2,178 9 Male. 24,828 469 3,614 5,615 1,030 10 Female 27,391 490 3,607 5,706 1,148 11 Other races 199 6 39 32 12 Male 101 1 20 14 4 13 Female. 98 5 19 18 3 14 Rural. 15 44,490 677 5,498 9,998 2,171 16 Mate-— 22,908 355 2,748 5,026 1,112 17 Female- 21,582 322 2,750 4,972 1,059 18 White. 38,096 564 4,645 8.717 1,913 10 Male. 19,741 291 2,318 4,407 990 20 Female.. 18,355 273 2,327 4,310 923 21 Negro * 6,352 112 846 1,271 257 22 Male. 3,147 64 428 614 121 23 Female 3,205 48 418 657 136 24 Other races., 42 1 7 10 1 25 Male. 20 2 5 1 Female.. 22 5 6 26 PlNNSTLVANU. 27 1,374,290 24,772 173,631 309,261 66,193 Urban. 853,776 15,183 105,657 187,547 40,407 28 Male.. 29 435,324 7.685 53,675 94,423 20,329 Female.. 418,452 7,498 51,982 93,124 20,078 30 White. 31 722,148 12,778 88,410 161,557 35,559 32 Male.. 372,340 6,460 45,094 81.601 18,030 Female.. 340,808 6,318 43,316 79.956 17,529 33 Negro. 34 131,040 2,395 17,143 25,857 4,827 35 Mate.. 62,685 1,218 8,527 12,765 2,290 36 Female.. 68,355 1.177 8,616 13,092 37 Otherraces.. 10 104 133 *U 38 Male-, 7 54 57 9 Female.'^! 76 12 39 Bural. 3 50 40 520,514 9,589 67,974 121,714 25,786 41 Male.. 274,778 4,899 34,614 61,945 13,137 Female.. 245,736 33,360 59,769 12,649 42 White.. 4,690 43 499,644 9,231 65,472 117,312 24,962 44 Male.. 263,912 4,720 33,357 59,729 12,722 45 Female.. 235,732 4,611 32,116 57,583 12,240 46 Negro.. 20,686 353 2,474 4,370 815 47 'Male., 10,771 177 1,245 2,205 411 48 Female.. 9,915 176 1,229 2,165 404 49 OtherYaces.. 184 6 28 32 9 50 Male., 95 2 12 11 4 Female.. 89 3 16 21 5 EAST NORTH CENTRAL OHIO.. 758,979 12,866 86,584 163.117 35,408 Urban... 563,936 26,045 Mile-, 9,052 62,684 119,023 54 : 4,705 31,844 59,709 .13,054 Female... 275,915 4,347 30,840 69,314 12,991 55 White., 455,929 21,758 56 Male., 7,200 50,505 96.961 57 235,403 3,720 25,751 48,942 10,974 Female.. 220,526 3,480 24,754 48,019 10,784 58 Negro.__. 107,321 4,265 59 Male., 1,833 12,050 21,889 00 52,268 974 6,032 10,678 2,070 Female.. 55,053 11,211 2,195 61 Other" races.. 859 6,018 62 686 19 129 173 22 Male., 350 11 61 89 10 63 Female.. 12 64 Roral....^ 336 8 68 84 65 195,043 3,814 23,900 44.094 9,363 Mate.... 102,563 1,933 12,220 22,801 4,815 66 Female.. 4,548 67 White.. 92,480 1,881 11,680 21,293 68 184,766 3,654 22,784 41,859 8,910 Male.. 97,240 1,846 11,679 21,671 4,571 69 Female.. 4,339 70 Negro. 87,526 1,808 11,105 20,188 71 10,177 167 1,103 2,209 450 72 'Male.. 5,269 86 536 1,115 241 73 Female.. 4,908 71 567 1,094 209 74 Other race.. 100 3 13 26 3 75 i Male 54 1 6 16 3 Female.. 46 2 8 11

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 65 to 64 65 and Un» years years years years years years over known

14,929 34,666 44,233 46,835 31,616 16,362 10,147 426 13,060 30,321 39,281 41,103 27,003 13,601 8,248 351 6,740 16,071 18,409 21X449 14,895 7,440 4,164 160 6,320 15,250 20,872 20,654 12,108 • 6,161 .4,094 201 11,246 30,707 33,931 22,293 11,486 7,081 281 6,896 12,996 14,630 17,061 12,605 6,333 3,609 116 6,350 12,292 16,077 16,870 9,788 6,153 3,472 165 1,809 6,011 8,644 7,151 4,695 2,107 1,157 66 841 2,067 3,762 3,375 2,382 1,100 640 33 968 2,944 4,782 3,776 2,313 1,007 617 33 6 22 30 21 15 8 10 4 3 8 17 13 8 7 5 1 2 14 13 8 7 1 5 3 1,869 4,245 4,952 5,732 4,613 2,761 1,899 75 933 2,158 2,422 2,884 2,666 1,682 1,099 23 936 2,087 2,630 2,848 2,047 1,179 800 52 1,625 3,630 4,159 4,953 3,891 2,336 1,603 60 826 1,872 2,042 2,493 2,191 1,360 931 20 799 1,768 2,117 2,460 1,700 976 672 40 244 613 790 768 718 423 295 15 107 286 377 373 221 167 3 137 327 413 345 202 128 12 2 3 11 4 2 1 3 5 2 1 1 6 2 1 60,976 163,391 176,121 167,909 119,619 64,550 41,271 17,596 37,285 94,139 112,497 110,240 76,604 39,592 24,003 11,722 18,737 46,908 64,374 67,223 42,185 21,991 12,284 5,510 18,548 47,231 68,123 53,017 33,319 17,601 11,719 6,212 33,007 81,031 89,864 90,933 64,022 34,357 21,406 9,224 16,739 41,400 44,426 47,633 36,224 19,235 11,046 4,453 16,268 39,631 45,438 43,300 27,798 15,122 10,361 4,771 4,259 13,064 22,626 19,217 11,458 2,585 2,481 1,987 6,495 9,892 9,630 6,947 2,751 1,233 1,050 2,477 1,352 1,431 2,272 7,669 12,634 9,687 6,511 17 19 44 107 90 24 7 12 5 6 7 11 13 66 60 14 10 8 31 51 30 10 2 6 24,958 17,268 6,874 23,691 69,252 62,624 57,669 44,115 2,862 12,335 31,206 31,952 31,157 25,909 14,861 9,901 11,356 30,672 26,512 18,206 10,097 7,367 3,012 28,046 16,839 6,377 22,931 67,117 59,387 54,686 42,245 2,632 11,956 30,202 30,365 29,480 24,801 14,301 9,647 17,444 9,784 7,192 10,975 26,915 29,022 25,206 496 751 2,116 3,202 2,967 1,855 866 421 1,098 656 249 229 376 992 1,564 1,669 267 375 1,124 1,638 757 310 172 15 7 8 1 9 19 35 1 3 8 10 4 5 12 23 3 6 7 12 8 5 3

230 33,329 81.635 95,069 100,952 75,666 42,620 31,483 58,309 30,977 20,570 167 24,622 60,635 73,007 78,945 88 12,479 29,605 34,722 40,616 32,743 17,479 10,887 12,143 38.285 25,666 13,498 79 30,840 47,548 26,324 18,107 139 20,773 49,731 65,253 61,630 76 10,593 26,920 31,976 26,934 14,885 9,636 24,996 20,614 11,439 8,471 63 10,180 24,735 28,333 29,654 28 3,839 17,635 17,221 10,711 4,635 2,452 10,763 6.783 2,580 1,244 12 1,881 4,685 7,743 16 1,958 6,078 9,892 8,635 2,055 10 41 119 94 18 64 26 14 7 5 14 69 4 5 27 60 40 24 4 a 707 22,082 22,007 17,357 11,643 10,913 21,100 9,689 6,662 6,373 4,492 11,380 11,153 11,113 4,540 4,215 9,720 10,929 10,894 7,768 4,981 8^297 20,851 20,656 16,261 11,018 10,411 20,007 8,991 6,276 6,083 4,288 10,788 10,668 10,449 4,328 4,009 9,219 10,283 10,206 7,270 4,742 407 1,066 1,219 1,335 1,090 618 202 689 579 653 594 384 205 497 640 682 496 234 211 17 6 7 3 3 7 12 2 2 3 6 11 4 2 1 4 6 6 2 5 1

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STATES, BT ABBA, AND BT SXX AND COLOB Under 1 lto5 6 to 13 14 to 15 OB BACK All! year years

EAST NOBTH CENTRAL—Continued 1 INDIANA 296,554 4,871 35,776 65,586 13,944 2 Urban 206,622 3,188 24,177 44,025 9,675 3 Male 103,544 1,629 12,298 22,316 4,874 4 Female.... 102,978 1,659 11,879 21,709 4,701 6 White 174,170 2,777 20,877 37,527 8,127 6 Male 88,463 1,417 10,668 19,063 4,151 7 Female.... 86,707 1,360 10,209 18,464 3,976 & Negro 31,935 406 3.236 6,385 1,431 * Male—.... 14,866 210 1,603 3,195 711 10 Female 17,069 196 1,633 3,190 720 *1 Other races 417 5 64 113 17 12 Male 215 2 27 58 12 33 Female.... 202 3 37 55 5 314 Rural.. 90.032 1,683 11,599 21,561 4,369 15 Male— 46,239 876 6,839 10,948 2,200 16 Female.. 43,793 807 5,760 10,613 2,109 17 White 88,914 1,666 11,477 21,303 4,317 18 Male- 45,668 866 5,778 10,826 2.231 19 Female.. 43,246 800 5,699 10,477 20 Negro.. 1,083 15 118 250 "8 21 Male 551 8 58 120 27 22 Female... 532 7 60 130 22 23 Other races... 35 2 4 8 3 24 Male. 20 2 3 2 2 25 Female... 15 1 6 1 ILLINOIS.. 819,038 13,290 93,952 168,691 37,919 27 Urban 678,852 10,779 77,032 137,671 31,304 28 Male— 344,144 5,439 39,333 69,833 16,858 29 Female. 334,708 5,340 37,699 67,838 15,446 30 Whiter 564,507 8,848 63,236 115,776 26,835 31 Male- 291,169 4,503 32,431 58,992 13,656 32 Female. 273,338 4,345 30,805 66,734 13,179 33 Negro 108,088 1,746 12,476 20,200 34 Male-. 49,674 831 6,200 9,988 2,093 35 Female. 58,414 915 6,275 10,302 2,161 36 Other races.. 6,257 185 1,321 1,605 215 37 Male.. 3,301 105 702 853 109 38 Female. 2,956 80 619 752 106 39 Rural.., 140,186 2,511 16,920 31,020 6,615 40 Male-. 72,813 1,345 8,744 15,963 3,335 41 Female. 07,373 1,166 a 176 15,057 8.280 42 White 6,272 43 132,221 2,389 16,078 29,506 Male.. 68,777 1,288 8,297 15,158 3,168 44 Female. 3,104 45 63,444 1,101 7,781 14,348 Negro.. 7,715 108 787 1,440 335 40 "Male- 163 47 3,894 49 415 759 Female.. 3,821 59 372 681 48 Other races.. 250 49 Male.. 14 55 74 50 142 8 32 46 4 Female., 108 6 23 28 4 51 MICHIGAN 607,824 10,485 76,361 133,134 29,656 52 Urban.... 410,459 6,601 50,679 90,862 20,402 53 Male- 209,869 3,404 25,810 46,224 10,313 54 Female.. 200,590 3,097 24,869 44,638 55 White 362; 631 5,674 43,880 80.676 56 Mate.. 186,734 2,962 22,405 41,091 9,439 57 Female..-.. 175,897 2,712 21,475 39,485 9 142 Negro. 45,950 777 6,409 9,805 1756 Male.. 22,177 415 3,221 4,877 '842 60 Female.. 23,773 362 3,188 4,928 914 61 Other races.. 1,878 50 390 481 65 62 Male- 32 63 958 27 184 256 Female , 920 23 206 225 33 64 Rural.. 9,254 65 197,365 3,984 42,272 Male.. 105,730 2,027 13,217 21,806 4813 66 Female. 91,635 ; 67 White 1,957 12,465 20,466 J JS 68 193,123 3,908 25,187 41,466 Male 103,553 1,988 12,976 21,394 9,073 69 Female.. 80,670 20,072 4,719 70 Negro *£! 97 71 2,597 272 466 Male- 1,309 22 239 45 72 Female.. 137 52 73 1,288 17 135 227 Other races- 1,645 84 74 Male.. 37 223 340 49 75 868 17 104 173 Female.. 777 20 119 167 35

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and Un­ years years years years years known

12,671 29,887 34,665 34,377 27,882 18,477 18,459 8,778 21,351 24,822 24,782 20,525 13,404 11,854 4,394 10,405 11,535 11,880 10,621 7,207 6,372 4,384 10,946 13,287 12,902 9,904 6,197 7,479 17,940 20,424 20,222 17,030 11,388 10,342 3,776 8,903 9,818 9,938 8,976 6,165 5,576 3,703 9,037 10,606 10,284 8,054 4,766 1,281 3,374 4,347 4,494 3,465 2,007 1,505 607 1,479 1,693 1,904 1,634 1,035 794 674 1,895 2,654 1,831 972 711 18 37 51 30 9 7 11 23 24 11 7 2 7 14 27 19 2 5 3,793 8,536 9,843 9,595 7,357 5,073 6,605 1,923 4,397 4,722 4,754 3,996 2,786 3,734 1,870 4,139 5,121 4,841 3,361 2,287 2,871 3,755 8,427 9,742 9,474 7,246 4,981 6,508 1,902 4,342 4,680 4,694 3,937 2,732 3,676 1,853 4,065 5,062 4,780 3,309 2,249 2,832 36 106 97 115 110 91 96 20 53 40 57 58 53 57 16 53 57 58 52 38 39 2 3 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 34,892 82,101 105,336 114,414 85,073 47,058 35,799 28,865 67,762 88,560 98,361 72,378 38,497 27,301 342 14,743 32; 465 40,537 49,485 40,586 21,589 14,114 162 14,122 35,297 48,023 48,876 31,792 16,908 13,187 180 25,046 56,991 69,233 80,517 60,617 33,014 24,108 286 30 12,888 27,986 32,808 41,238 34.833 18,964 12,726 144 31 12,168 29,005 36,425 39,279 25,784 14,050 11,382 142 32 3,666 17,025 11,432 5,382 3,145 56 33 10,372 18,245 34 1,766 4.310 7,186 7,791 5,557 2,668 1,366 18 1,900 9,234 2,814 1,779 35 6,062 11,059 35 153 399 1,082 819 *£32£9 101 48 89 456 196 57 22 37 169 543 38 64 230 539 363 133 44 26 16,053 12,695 8,561 8,498 39 6,027 14,429 16,776 40 3,052 7,331 8,198 8,106 7,033 4,885 4,785 7,947 5,6(52 3,676 3,713 41 2,975 7,098 8,578 42 5,726 13,548 15,744 15,043 11,811 7,990 8,036 6,595 4,564 4,517 43 2,898 6,917 7.712 7,629 44 2,828 6,631 8,032 7,414 5,216 8 3,519 874 '£8 458 45 297 867 997 979 40 151 410 467 460 433 570 265 441 320 193 47 146 457 530 619 43 4 14 35 31 10 250 4 5 1 3 49 3 4 19 17 50 1 10 16 14 5 1 1 22,310 279 51 27,705 73,361 79,455 29,926 66,902 13.107 157 52 19,070 43,155 49,119 57,611 4a 526 19,270 29,243 23,041 10,802 6,936 61 53 9,644 21,233 23,158 96 54 9,426 21,922 25,961 28,368 17,485 8,468 6,171 36,184 17,615 12,202 133 55 17,398 38,914 41,329 52 50 8,874 ^I25,57S7 20,607 9,870 6,511 19,450 19,896 5,691 81 57 8,624 19,464 21,433 94,568 15,577 7,745 1,627 887 22 58 1,020 4,097 7,453 7,240 69 3,534 2,38*2&0 916 416 9 745 1,728 3,094 13 60 875 £877 711 471 3; 369 4,359 18 2 61 52 144 337 226 85 28 54 16 9 62 25 55 168 132 63 94 31 12 0 2 89 169 9,203 122 04 8,635 23,747 21,242 21,844 17,724 10,656 9,886 6,236 5,515 47 65 4,396 13,172 13,069 11,546 60 10,298 7,838 4,420 3,683 75 4,239 10,575 11,173 118 67 8,485 21,279 17,205 10,374 8,936 23,349 23,743 5,365 45 68 4,321 12,958 12,832 11,267 9,611 6,077 4,297 3,571 73 69 4,164 10,391 10,911 10,012 7,594 70 396 350 183 133 3 87 230 332 78 2 71 42 148 190 184 103 119 80 55 1 72 45 111 184 206 176 73 169 160 99 134 1 63 163 167 72 74 33 89 89 91 56 95 43 62 75 30 73 78 80 69

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STATES, BT AREAS, AND BT SEX AND COLOR U rl lto5 8tol3 14 to 15 OB RACE AU«g« | $Sf years years years

EAST NORTH CENTRAL—Continued WISCONSIN— 255*800 5,594 35,013 55,643 11,714 Urban —. 176,418 3,754 22,924 36,618 7,785 Male 92,023 1,915 11,668 18,421 Female... 84,395 11,258 18,197 3,932 White 171,628 3,654 22,395 35,785 7,647 Male 89,570 1,864 11,411 18,009 3,784 Female... 82,058 1,790 10,984 17,776 Negro 3,855 69 363 612 ^ 97 Male. 1,960 40 171 300 49 Female.... 1,895 29 192 312 48 Other races.... 935 31 166 221 41 Male... 493 11 84 112 20 Female... 442 20 82 109 21 Rural.. 79,382 1,840 12,089 19,025 3,929 Male... 41,363 972 6,187 9,755 2,043 Female.. 38,019 868 5,902 9,270 1,886 White 76,876 1,770 11,728 18,491 3,813 Male.... 4a 089 5,995 9,498 1,980 Female- 36,787 5,733 8,993 1,833 Negro 117 14 24 6 Male.. 61 8 10 4 Female.. 56 6 14 2 Other races.. 2,389 347 610 110 Male.. 1,213 184 247 59 Female.. . 1,176 163 263 « WEST NORTH CENTRAL 26 MINNESOTA 164,104 2,738 20,495 35,031 7,626 27 Urban 122.996 1,864 14,571 28 Male 24,835 5,504 29 64,575 922 7,534 12,771 2,765 Female 58,421 942 7,037 30 White. 12,064 2,739 31 120,657 1,836 14.286 24,408 5,406 Male 63,411 911 7.401 2 32 Female.... 12,554 33 57,246 925 6,885 11,854 '2! Nearo. 1,913 17 208 34 Male 320 **780 35 94* 5 95 165 39 - Female 905 12 113 38 Other races.... 155 31 37 426 11 77 107 28 Male 216 38 38 Female 6 52 18 30 210 5 39 55 10 Rural 41,108 40 Male 874 5,924 10,190 2,122 41 21,314 451 2,916 5,215 1,079 Female 19,794 42 White.. 423 3,008 4,981 1,043 43 40,902 872 5,891 10,151 44 Male 21,204 449 6,189 *£1,07£9 45 Female... 19,698 423 4,962 1,038 Negro 15 2 46 Male- 3 47 4 2 Female.. 11 48 Other races... 1 2 49 191 30 43 5 60 Male 106 16 26 Female... 85 14 17 " * 61 IOWA_.-..- 7,015 52 Urban 144,963 3,338 19,611 31,936 53 96,479 2,141 12,434 20,262 Male .v 49,755 *•££ 54 Female 1,100 6,371 10,296 55 White 46,724 1,041 6,063 9,966 **8 56 91,840 2,050 11.839 19,300 *£S Male. 47,404 *>%& 57 Female 1,054 6,076 0,798 Negro.... 44,436 996 5,763 9,502 2,13*SJ7 Male 3,655 58 412 691 152 Female 1,843 30 205 354 70 Other races ... 1,812 207 337 82 Male 984 183 271 47 Female 508 10 90 144 18 Rural 476 17 93 127 29 Male. , 48.484 1,197 7.177 11,674 *ffi Female 24,865 586 3,637 6,947 White 23, HO 611 3,540 5,727 ^J1,22S7 Male 48,171 1,191 7,141 11,611 Female 24,703 583 3,623 5,915 £2*'££5 Negro , 23,468 60S 3,618 5,696 u2 Male 262 3 27 48 fz 136 10 25 6 m Female Other races.. 126 17 23 7 Male—. 51 9 15 1 Female.. 4 7 1 25 6 8

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10 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 55 and Un­ years years years years years years known

10,947 26,180 33,501 31,943 23,310 12,156 9,713 7.635 18,653 24,361 23,135 17,058 8,735 5,829 3,748 8,923 12,340 12,440 10,167 6,224 3,308 3,787 9,730 12,021 10,695 6,891 3,511 2,521 7,409 18,187 23,449 22,306 -16,535 8,515 5,716 3,677 8,721 11,897 11,982 9,858 5,101 3,249 3,732 9,466 11,552 10,324 6,677 3,414 2,467 99 359 769 724 465 202 96 57 149 362 398 272 114 48 42 210 407 326 193 88 48 27 107 143 105 58 18 17 14 53 81 60 37 9 11 13 54 62 45 21 9 6 3,412 7,527 9,140 8,808 6,252 3,421 3,884 1,696 3,697 4,608 4,528 3,686 2,022 2,342 1,716 3,830 4,632 4,280 2,666 1,399 1,542 3,333 7,286 8,828 8,547 6,064 3,271 3,690 1,663 3,583 4,340 4,396 3,481 1,945 2,243 1,670 3,703 4,488 4,151 2,583 1,326 1,447 5 11 13 16 10 11 7 2 7 7 7 7 5 4 3 4 6 9 3 6 3 74 230 299 245 178 139 187 31 107 161 125 98 72 95 43 123 138 120 80 67 92

6,003 16,838 19,964 21,175 16,267 9,161 7,750 156 26 5,122 13,064 15,826 16,806 13,004 7,235 5,027 138 27 2,625 6,222 7,706 8.835 7,764 4,362 2,994 75 28 2,497 7,971 6,240 2,873 2,033 63 29 6,842 8,120 30 5,060 12,840 15,524 16.459 12,704 7,079 4,926 129 2,596 8,664 7,598 4,282 2,941 71 31 6,109 7,576 32 2,464 6,731 7,948 7,795 5,106 2,797 1,985 68 49 292 269 145 93 6 33 184 260 34 25 112 •143 147 73 49 2 93 4 35 24 91 148 149 122 72 44 13 55 31 11 8 3 36 40 42 2 37 4 20 18 28 19 7 4 9 27 12 4 4 1 38 20 24 18 39 1,781 3,774 4,138 4,369 3,263 1,926 2,723 1,850 1,132 1,751 11 40 863 1,876 1,980 2,190 41 918 2,179 1,413 794 972 7 1,898 2,158 2,705 18 42 1,771 3,745 4,110 4.357 3,251 1,914 1,844 1,128 1,740 11 43 856 1,861 1,966 2,183 44 915 2,174 1,407 786 965 7 1,884 2,144 1 45 1 3 2 1 1 1 -. 1 46 -. 47 1 3 48 9 20 26 u 11 11 6 4 49 7 16 14 7 50 2 11 12 4 6 7 6,412 17,093 13,383 8,090 61 15,441 17,643 3,104 52 12,049 11,827 9,463 5,642 4,293 10,687 3,403 1,823 53 5,002 6,976 6,023 5,306 2,141 4.157 2,239 1,281 54 5,685 6,073 6,804 55 2,152 11,445 11,166 8,987 5,373 2,984 10,221 5,042 8,234 1,760 56 4,112 4,764 5,721 5,682 57 5,724 5,474 2,139 1,234 2,058 5,457 253 110 58 2,054 383 484 537 *8 59 262 227 159 71 151 192 04 39 60 191 275 193 70 66 16 10 61 81 83 120 134 62 53 79 37 10 2 30 46 19 6 8 63 13 37 67 55 64 5,594 5,266 3,920 2,448 1,849 17 4,754 2,199 1,445 11,18 66 2,119 2,194 2,751 2,668 66 2,843 1,721 1,003 731 1,070 2,560 3,884 2,418 1,831 67 1,049 4,721 5,569 5,225 68 2740 2,650 2,176 1,427 1,107 2,108 2,175 991 724 69 1.064 2,575 1,708 70 2,546 34 30 16 1,044 26 37 71 "B 17 23 18 10 10 15 12 6 72 5 7 20 11 73 11 11 2 2 6 7 4 74 7 1 1 1 4 1 75 1 4 3 3 3

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STAIRS, BY ABBA, AND BT SET AMD COLOR Under 1 lto5 (J to 13 14 to 15 OR RACK Aliases year yean years


MISSOURI.. 4,029 25,014 43,839 8.806 Urban.. 145,974 2,882 17.223 29,824 5,987 Male. 71,412 1,447 8,728 15,108 2,934 Female^. 74,502 1,435 8,495 14,710 3,053 White. 102,388 2,057 12,360 21,731 4,378 Mate. 51,007 1,057 6,247. 11,006 2,165 Female.- 60,781 1,000 6,113 10.725 2,213 Negro...... 42,717 798 4700 7,844 1,577 Male.. 19,338 375 2,385 3,964 751 Female.. 23,379 423 2,315 3,880 826 Other races.. 869 27 163 249 32 Male.. 467 15 96 138 18 Female ... 402 12 67 111 14 Rural..., 57,529 1.147 7,791 14,015 2,821 Male.. 29,400 595 3,944 7,218 1,472 Female.. 28,129 552 3,847 6,797 1,349 White- 54,807 1,096 7,461 13,443 2,712 Male.. 28,043 564 3,776 6,920 1,415 Female.. 26,764 532 3,685 6,523 1,297 Negro.. 2.710 51 326 569 109 Male.. 1,351 31 167 296 57 Female.. 1,359 20 159 273 52 Other races.. 12 4 3 Male.. 6 1 2 Female.. 6 3 1 26 NORTH DAKOTA. 47,172 1,115 6,904 11,609 2,587 27 Urban., 7,814 238 1,175 1,966 423 28 Male.. 3,926 119 605 960 220 29 Female.. 3,888 119 670 1,006 203 30 White.. 7,787 237 1,171 1,963 423 31 Male- 3,910 119 003 958 220 82 Female.. 3,877 118 508 1,005 203 33 Negro. 18 3 3 34 Male.. 12 2 2 35 Female.. 0 1 1 30 Other races.. 9 1 37 Male.. 4 38 Female.. 5 1 39 1 Rural.. 39,358 877 5,729 9,543 2,164 40 Male.. 466 1.079 41 20,426 2,888 4,811 Female.. 18,932 411 2,841 4,732 1.085 42 White- 2,134 43 38,808 870 5,653 9.401 Male.. 20.145 461 2,852 4,728 44 Female.. 45 18,063 2,801 4,673 1,070 Negro.. 13 6 40 Male- 2 47 7 1 4 Female... 0 1 48 Other races.- 1 40 537 7 74 137 30 Male- 274 5 79 15 50 Female.. 35 263 2 39 16 51 SOUTH DAKOTA. 2,164 4,931 Urban 99,206 13,206 21,971 52 15.776 329 7 53 1,893 3,143 iS 8,244 168 979 1,624 369 54 Female- 7,632 161 347 5ft White... 914 1,519 15,073 326 1,870 3,125 714 50 Male- 8,189 165 368 67 Female 972 1.614 7,484 161 904 1,511 346 58 Negro- 61 59 Male 6 5 20 8 1 00 Female- 01 25 2 4 Other races.. 52 02 Male 3 12 13 a 29 3 4 9 03 Female.. 1 04 23 8 4 Rural.. 83,430 % 1 05 Male- T, 825 11,313 18,828 06 Female.. 43,657 924 5,794 9.614 39,773 Ml ts 07 White- 5,619 08 83.299 1,823 11,299 Male- 43,587 is 09 Female.. 924 5,788 43 2154 70 39,712 899 6,511 9,595 2,050 Negro. 04 1 71 Male 5 5 72 Female... 38 2 9 3 73 Other races.., 20 3 8 2 74 07 9 19 6 Male- 32 75 I Female.. 4 10 2 35 5 9 4

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 94 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 54 65 and Un­ yens years yean years years over known

7,680 19,380 261801 26,607 20,060 11,753 9,195 337 1 6,273 13,506 20,270 20,115 15,419 8,971 6,266 236 2 2,670 6,099 61750 9,544 7,862 4,808 3,322 140 3 2,603 7,409 11,520 10,571 7,557 4,163 2,944 96 4 3,845 9,668 13,544 13.240 10,243 6,322 147 5 2,003 4,529 6,247 6,597 5,442 3,530 2,698 86 6 1,843 6,139 7.297 6,643 4,801 2,792 2,154 61 7 1,396 3,774 6,618 6,757 5,128 2,635 1,401 89 8 643 1,539 2,459 2,885 % 390 1,270 618 54 9 748 2,235 4,159 3,872 2,738 1,365 783 35 10 31 66 108 118 48 14 13 11 19 31 44 62 30 8 6 12 12 35 84 56 18 6 7 13 2,407 8.872 6*531 6,492 4,641 2,782 2,929 101 14 1,253 2,952 3,083 3,205 2,461 L629 1,630 48 16 1.154 2,910 3,448 3,287 2,180 f,253 1,299 16 2,312 5,586 6,186 6,183 4,359 2,609 2,772 17 1,209 2,829 2,921 3,056 2,334 1,436 1,541 18 1,103 2,757 3,265 3,127 2,025 L173 1,231 19 95 284 343 309 281 173 157 20 44 132 161 149 126 93 89 21 61 152 182 160 155 68 22 2 2 1 23 1 1 1 24 1 1 25 2,343 8,350 8,427 4,613 3,629 1,642 26 363 818 917 846 619 *2S 165 27 181 390 413 428 328 277 104 28 187 428 504 418 291 177 61 29 368 100 165 30 812 912 843 615 276 31 181 386 411 425 326 104 187 176 61 32 426 501 418 .289 100 33 2 3 3 4 34 2 1 3 2 35 2 . 2 36 4 2 37 2 1 38 2 1 1,477 39 1,976 4,532 4,510 3,767 3,010 1,764 40 1,006 2,301 1,916 1.674 1,088 923 41 969 2,231 2,242 1,851 1,336 676 554 42 1,945 4,486 4479 3,712 2974 1,733 1,411 43 987 % 277 2,254 1,894 1,652 1,075 895 44 958 2,309 2,225 1,818 1,322 858 616 45 1 2 46 ...... 2 47 1 48 29 48 30 53 34 31 49 19 24 14 22 20 13 50 10 22 16 31 14 18 3,182 51 4737 11,552 12,347 11,500 8,844 4770 1,522 928 629 52 706 2,095 1,057 1,857 383 53 348 985 1,038 934 874 642 648 386 246 54 358 1,110 919 923 823 85 704 2,064 1,944 1,844 1,508 924 *867 539 380 56 348 979 1,032 • 927 385 243 87 1,205 912 917 641 68 8 9 4 5 8 3 2 59 4 4 5 4 60 3 5 1 3 3 4 5 1 61 2 4 5 6 1 62 2 2 2 2 3 63 3 3 2 2 7,322 3,842 84 'Tim 9,457 10,390 9,643 1,568 65 2,029 5,2*0 5,027 4235 2,306 4735 3,087 1,636 985 66 2,003 4,722 5,130 4616 2,549 67 4,028 10,375 9,624 7,310 3,836 9,448 4,227 2,300 L568 68 2,028 4,727 6,255 5,017 a.o» 1,636 983 69 2,000 4721 5,120 4607 3 70 2 8 9 6 2 71 1 3 5 4 8 3 1 1 72 1 6 3 1 73 I 6 13 .6 74 2 7 3 75 4| 6 3 70147—34—6

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STATOS, BY ABXA8, AND BT SEX AND COIOB Under 1 lto5 6 to 13 14 to 15 OB BACK Allies year years years years


1 NBBBASEA.. 55,282 1,242 7,463 12,806 2,622 2 Urban.. 36,113 820 4,708 7,984 1,625 3 Male 18.477 402 2,447 4,085 807 4 Female.— 17.636 418 2,261 3,899 818 5 White. 32.380 723 4,219 7,247 1,494 6 Maale. . Id. 718 363 2,209 3,689 742 7 Female.. 15,662 360 2,010 3,558 752 8 Negro.. 3,517 88 '436 677 125 0 Male.. 1,637 35 205 362 62 10 Female.. 1,880 53 231 315 63 11 Other races.. 216 9 53 60 6 12 Male.. 122 4 33 34 3 13 Female.. 94 5 20 26 3 14 Rural. 19,169 422 2,755 997 IS Male 16 9,852 203 1,414 2,506 518 Female.. 9,317 219 1,341 2,316 479 17 White . 18 19,060 420 2,740 4,798 995 10 Male.. 9,802 203 1,402 2,491 617 20 Female.. 9,278 217 1,338 2,307 478 21 Negro 37 1 12 1 22 Mala.. 19 2 7 1 23 Female.. 18 2 5 24 Other races—..... 52 11 14 25 Male.. 31 10 10 Female.. 21 1 4 1 25 KANSAS.. 176,388 3,625 21,370 36,176 7,894 27 Urban. 100,101 1,885 11,384 19,888 4,357 28 Male.. 50,700 944 5,827 9,917 2,164 29 Female.*...... 49,401 941 5,557 9,971 2,193 30 White 79,339 1,535 9,057 15,802 3,493 31 Male.. 40,483 752 4,625 7,920 1,735 32 Female..— 38,856 783 4,432 7,882 1,758 33 Negro.. 18,129 271 1,852 3,334 745 34 Male.. 8,894 148 968 1,643 368 35 Female 9,235 123 884 1,691 377 36 Other r 2,633 79 475 752 119 37 Male.. 1,323 44 234 354 61 38 Female.. 1,310 36 241 398 58 39 Sural. 76.287 1,640 9,986 16,288 3,537 40 Male.., 39,722 810 4,979 8,385 1,804 41 Female. 36,565 830 6,007 7,903 1,733 42 White.. 73,438 1,597 9,659 15,721 3,410 43 Male.. 38,244 792 4,812 8,093 1,741 44 Female. 35,194 805 4,847 7,628 1,669 45 Negro... 2,646 30 293 506 119 46 Male. . 1,376 150 266 59 47 Female 16 48 1,271 20 143 240 60 Other races 203 7 34 61 8 Male.. 103 2 17 26 4 Female., 100 5 17 35 4 SOUTH ATLANTIC DBLAWAIX. 22,111 478 2,730 4,563 L Urban.... 17.187 367 2,061 3,442 2SJ Male- 8,662 205 1,053 1,739 772 388 Female. 8,625 162 1,028 1,703 White. 11,807 267 2,449 384 1,501 580 Male.. 6,061 144 752 1,245 Female. 5,746 123 1,204 294 749 286 Negro.. 6,380 100 580 993 Male- 2,601 61 192 301 494 94 60 Female... 2,779 39 499 61 Other races.. 279 98 62 Male.. 63 Female..... 64 Rural. 4,924 65 Male.. 111 649 1,121 66 2,503 66 313 568 109 Female. 2,421 55 553 120 67 White 3,811 181 68 Male. 92 508 872 69 1,938 46 240 440 86 ^ Female.. 1,873 95 70 Negro... 46 432 71 1,113 19 141 249 48 Male.. 565 23 72 Female..... 10 73 . 128 73 648 9 121 74 I 75 1 Female...... !

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16 to 17 13 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 61 65 and Un­ years years years years years years over known

2,406 5f425 6,479 6,965 4,828 2,690 2,331 1,527 3,690 4,495 4,816 3,378 1,781 1,274 790 1,789 2,033 2,455 1,852 1,032 777 737 1,901 2,462 2,361 1,526 749 497 1,426 3,348 3,956 4,192 2,957 1,609 1,195 741 1,655 1,834 2,157 1,650 933 737 685 1,693 2,122 2,035 1,307 676 458 06 327 511 596 413 170 77 46 126 187 2S1 197 97 39 60 201 324 315 216 73 38 5 15 28 23 8 2 2 3 8 12 17 5 2 1 2 7 16 11 3 1 881 1,735 1,984 2,149 1,450 909 1,057 435 871 914 1,064 785 497 639 446 864 1,070 1,085 665 412 418 878 1,732 1,969 2,141 1,447 902 1,052 434 870 907 1,059 783 495 637 444 862 1,062 1,082 664 407 415 1 1 3 3 3 5 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 12 5 2 2 6 3 1 1 6 2 1 1 7,523 21,074 21,914 19,533 16,947 11,296 9,078 4.119 11,902 12,567 11,702 10,180 6,848 5,240 2,060 5,674 6,206 5,757 5,324 3,865 2,952 2,059 6,228 6,361 5,945 4,856 2,983 3,331 9,539 9,864 8,908 8,000 5,553 1,689 4,698 4,988 4,388 4,213 3,133 2,436 1,642 4,941 4,876 4,520 3,787 2,420 1,802 691 2,114 2,414 2,474 2,006 1,241 977 316 950 1,095 1,197 998 703 504 376 1,164 1,319 1,277 1,008 538 473 97 249 289 320 174 54 25 65 126 123 172 113 29 12 42 123 166 148 61 25 13 J.404 9,172 9,347 7,831 6,767 4,448 3,838 },717 4,689 4,843 3,989 3,682 2,589 2,321 4,504 3,842 3,065 1,859 1,517 1,687 4,583 3,624 3,302 8,654 0,031 7,524 6,442 4,250 3,827 3,511 2,478 2,200 1,663 4,418 4,698 1,424 1,639 4,436 4,333 3,697 2,931 1,772 97 301 287 280 314 197 211 53 168 134 143 164 110 119 137 150 87 92 44 143 153 3 5 17 29 27 11 1 19 7 1 2 1 13 11 1 4 4 18 8 4

2,117 1,143 745 804 2,316 3,219 507 627 1,822 2,619 2,373 1,702 867 1,194 917 450 244 303 1,279 263 324 937 1,340 1,179 785 417 1,575 1,113 578 319 468 1,315 1,642 156 228 673 827 819 605 318 508 260 163 240 642 815 756 188 159 607 977 798 589 289 75 375 312 132 212 452 100 84 295 525 277 157

177 494 600 415 276 307 217 151 142 90 250 298 96 87 244 302 296 198 125 465 338 210 161 134 387 452 97 67 204 234 181 117 231 157 93 64 67 183 77 43 107 148 138 77 66 73 36 34 45 23 46 74 32 20 61 74 65 41 32

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STATES, BT AREA, AND BY SEX AND COLOE Under 1 lto5 6 to 13 14 to 15 OB BACE All ages year years years years

SOUTH ATLANTIC—Continued I MARYLAND.. 134,674 2,452 18,627 32,326 6.353 2 Urban.. 110,691 1,848 15,036 26,014 5,203 3 "Male.:- 53,758 968 7,556 12,937 2,530 4 Female- 56,935 880 7,480 13,077 2,673 5 White-. 68,400 1,062 8.571 15,718 3,432 6 Male.... 34.225 562 4,356 7.942 1,691 7 Female- 34.175 500 4,215 7, H6 1.741 8 Negro.. 42,256 786 6,462 10.290 1.770 9 Male.... 19,513 406 3,197 4.991 839 10 Female- 22,743 3,265 5,299 931 11 Other races.. 35 3 6 1 12 Male- 18 3 4 13 Female.. 17 2 14 Rural.. 23,983 604 3.501 6,312 15 Male- 12,274 307 1,782 3,243 16 Female-. 11.709 297 1,800 3,069 556 17 White- _ 20,429 511 3,027 5.300 972 18 Male- 10.480 1,498 2.715 502 19 Female— 9,919 1,529 2,584 470 20 Negro. 178 21 3,549 564 1,012 Male... L791 284 527 82 22 Female.. 1,768 280 485 96 23 Other races.. 24 6 25 Male... 3 Female.. 2 20 DISTRICT or COLUMBIA. 37,463 911 4,965 7,431 1,296 27 Urban- 37,463 911 4,965 7,431 L295 28 Male.. 18.215 476 2,474 3,679 651 29 19,248 435 2,491 3,752 645 30 White- a 591 197 1.092 1,783 327 31 Male- 4,395 102 549 917 159 32 Female- 33 4,196 95 543 866 168 Negro. 28,850 714 3,870 6,645 969 34 Male.. 35 13,807 374 1,924 2,759 492 Female- 15,043 340 1.946 2,880 477 30 Other races- 22 37 Male.. 3 38 13 1 3 Female- 9 2 39 VIRGINIA.. 65,919 1.190 8.521 16.563 3,405 40 Urban. 39,644 663 6,112 1,918 41 Male- 9,670 42 19,000 325 2,662 4,872 917 Female., 20,635 2,550 4,798 43 White 44 18.746 2,432 4,565 921 Male.. 9,389 174 1,224 2,343 463 45 Female.. 48 9,357 156 1,208 2.222 45S Negro ... 20,878 329 2.676 997 47 Male... 5,009 48 9,606 148 1,335 2,524 454 Female. 11,272 1,341 543 49 Other races. 181 2,575 50 20 4 6 Male 14 51 Female. 3 3 6 52 Rural.. 6 1 1 1 53 26,275 527 3,400 6,893 1,487 Male.. 13,227 279 747 54 Female.. 1,702 3,526 65 13,048 248 1,707 3,367 740 White 19,381 1,054 56 Male 390 2,536 5,059 57 9,872 204 1,264 2,613 534 58 Female.. 9,509 186 1.272 2,446 520 59 Negro 6,878 136 870 1.831 433 Male.. 3,344 74 437 910 213 60 Female., 220 61 Other races.. 3,534 62 433 921 62 Male.... 16 1 3 3 63 Female.. 11 .1 1 3 5 2 64 WEST VIRGINIA., 386,218 9,139 53,145 88,805 18.274 65 Urban... 3 66 Male:::. 77,454 L474 8.202 15,848 67 39,549 771 4.263 8,108 »2£ Female.. 37,905 703 3,939 7,740 1,728 68 White 16S6 69 Male.... 67,301 1.319 7.202 13,773 70 Female.. 34,562 681 3.767 7,064 J512 71 Negro 32,739 638 3,435 6,709 1469 72 Male... 10,134 153 999 2,071 432 73 j Female...:... 4,977 89 495 1,043 216 74 Other races '. 5.157 64 504 1.028 216 75 19 2 1 Male.. 10 1 1 1 76 Female:. 9 1 3

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 65to64 65 and Un­ 1 years yeaw yean years years yean over known

5,244 14.035 19,194 16,690 10,717 5,318 3,385 133 1 4,255 11.711 16.319 14.431 9,014 4,250 2,524 86 2 2,076 5.374 7.611 6.868 4,591 2,162 1,157 26 3 2,179 6,337 8,808 7.563 4,423 2,088 1,367 60 4 2,964 7.550 9,384 9.001 5.868 2,971 i 1*820 59 5 1.476 3.734 4,874 4.408 3,075 1.527 863 17 9 1.488 3,816 4,810 4.503 2.703 1.444 I 957 42 7 1.289 4.168 6,930 5,424 3.142 1,276 ! 702 27 8 600 1,640 2.935 2.457 1,613 633 293 9 9 689 2,518 3,995 2,967 1.629 ! 643 409 18 10 2 3 5 6 3 2 11 12 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 13 989 s 3 1*703 1*068 861 47 14 2,324 2,459 493 ! 1,185 2,875 914 589 505 17 15 496 1,389 1.266 789 479 356 30 16 i 1,139 1.193 43 851 2,014 1.486 1.479 914 709 17 435 2,401 2,118 790' 611 423 14 18 ! 1,029 1.106 29 416 : 985 1.203 689 1 403 286 19 138 1.288 1.012 223 1 154 152 4 20 309 338 3 58 156 3S4 123 78 82 21 80 186 158 100 76 70 1 22 153 180 1 198 1 23 3 1 24 .. 2 25 1 |.... 1,091 4,061 6,834 5,613 3.475 1,185 464 137 26 1,091 4,081 6,834 5,613 3,475 1,185 464 137 27 505 1.543 3.276 2,843 1,865 665 185 54 28 586 2,518 3.559 2,770 1,610 520 279 83 29 308 751 1.312 898 406 161 29 30 137 307 *•67&8 ! 723 495 250 66 12 31 160 444 649 589 403 158 95 17 32 784 3,304 5.502 ! 4,299 2,575 777 303 106 33 368 1.232 2,595 2,118 1,360 415 119 42 34 416 2,072 2,907 2,181 1,206 362 184 66 35 1 6 6 2 2 86 4 2 2 1 37 1 2 3 1 38 5,508 2.890 2,322 8 39 2,844 7,433 7,814 7,421 5 40 1.623 4,418 5,193 4,844 3,442 1,749 1,007 1,678 917 466 2 41 789 1,992 2,337 2,152 3 42 834 2,426 2,856 2,692 1,764 832 541 822 429 2 43 779 2,201 2,454 2,280 1,531 44 404 1,063 1,211 1,064 753 470 220 376 778 352 209 2 45 1,138 1.243 1,216 46 844 2,217 2.736 2,562 1,911 926 578 3 385 446 246 2 47 929 1.125 1,087 925 1 48 459 1,288 1,611 1,475 986 480 332 2 1 49 3 1 50 1 1 51 2 1 3 52 1.221 3,015 2.621 2,577 2,066 1,141 i,ll5* 616 1,032 613 700 3 53 1,620 1,220 1,165 615 54 606 1.395 1,401 1,412 1.034 623 919 1,545 826 758 3 65 2.286 2,037 1,968 430 3 66 477 1.244 1 967 897 798 441 747 385 828 57 442 1.042 1,070 1,071 557 58 301 727 583 607 518 315 232 177 270 59 137 374 j 253 267 138 887 60 164 353 330 340 286 61 1 2 3 1 2 2 62 1 1 63 2 1 1 1 15,539 292 64 17,639 50,630 45,479 36,862 30,746 19,668 3,383 8,893, 7,623 4,654 3,342 41 65 10,421 1 10,159 4,019; 2,580 1,816 18 1.655 5.343 4,987 4,256 23 « 4,637 3,604 2,074 1,626 67 5,073 5,172 6,594 4,181 3,015 36 3,013 9,149 8,631 7,407 15 68 1,476 3,551 3.460 2,301 1,662 69 4,760 4.310 3,134 1,880 1,353 21 70 1.537 4,389 4,321 3,853 5 370 1*484 1,029 471 327 71 1*269 1.624 559 277 154 3 72 170 585 675 702 173 2 191 684 849 782 470 194 73 2 2 74 r———.... 4 2 75 3 2 I 7ft •"*"•»... 1 2 1 21.———-- — ..*...... -

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STATBS, BT AREAS, AND BY SKI AND COLOR AH ages tinder I lto5 0tol3 14 to 15 OB BACK year years years years

SOUTH ATLANTIC—Continued Rural. 306,764 7,065 44,943 72,957 14,860 Male- 160*784 3,929 23,071 37,378 7,605 Female.. 147.980 3,736 21,872 35,579 7,255 White-, 298,202 7,496 43,762 70,587 14,370 Male 155,332 3,834 22,486 36,168 7,382 Female.. 142,870 3,662 21,276 34,419 6,989 Negro 10,486 166 1,169 2,357 486 Male— 5,415 94 577 1,204 Female- 5,071 72 592 1,153 Other races.. 76 3 12 13 Male.... 37 1 8 6 Female.. 2 4 7 NORTH CAROLINA.. 252,220 5.468 34,690 68,750 13,658 Urban 84'?28 1,610 10,572 21,563 4,316 Male.. 812 5,308 10,835 2,115 Female.. 44,960 798 6,264 10,728 2,201 White.. 35,888 746 4,550 9,243 1,833 Male.. 17,516 2,316 4,780 928 Female"/. 18,372 2,234 4,463 905 Negro..—...... 48,333 864 6,022 12,320 2,483 Male.. 21,749 429 2,992 6,055 1,187 Female.—-. 26,584 435 3,030 0,265 1,296 Other races 7 Male..—..—. 3 Female— 4 Borah 167,992 3,858 24,118 47,187 9,342 Male~Z. 82,948 1,996 12,464 24,253 4,712 Female.. 85,044 1,862 11,654 22,934 4,630 White... _ 111,547 2,733 16,316 31,078 6,110 30 Male... 55,812 1,472 8,423 16,132 3,132 31 Female.. 55,735 1,261 7,803 14,946 2,964 32 Negro.. 55,791 1,097 7,699 15,919 3,192 33 "Male... 26,807 515 3,984 8,016 1,657 34 Female.. 28,984 3,715 7,903 1,635 36 Otherraces-! 654 190 34 30 Male.. 103 37 329 9 57 105 23 Female.. 325 19 46 11 38 SOUTH CAROLINA 403,255 8,283 48,823 93,172 20,065 39 Urban 4204 40 07,785 1,586 9,861 20,371 Male.. 46,311 814 4,950 10,187 41 Female.. I'KS 42 51,474 771 4,911 10,184 2,278 White.. 43,731 649 3,879 8,610 1,863 43 Male.:.. 20,982 359 4,394 925 44 Female.. 1,986 45 22,749 290 1,893 4,216 938 Negro.. 64,050 936 5,982 11,760 2,341 46 "Male- 47 25,327 465 2,964 5,792 1,001 Female.. 28,723 481 3,018 6,968 1,340 48 Otherraces... 49 50 Male 2 1 51 Female... 2 Rural. 305,470 38,962 72,801 15,851 52 Male.. 6,698 53 153,579 3,495 19,942 37,116 7>49 Female.. 151,891 3,203 19,020 35,686 8,102 64 White... 7,006 55 Male., 140,690 3,226 17,143 32,636 66 71,978 1,675 16,670 3,570 57 Female.. 68,712 1,651 8,200 16,866 3 436 Negro.. 40,258 58 Male...., 164,756 3,472 21,816 *!£ 59 81,587 1,820 11,087 20,442 4,178 Female.. 1,652 19,816 00 Otherraces.. 83,169 10,729 4,666 01 Male.. 24 3 02 14 2 3 1 Female.. 10 1 4 03 GEORGIA... 13,272 04 Urban. 276,967 5,708 34,207 62,660 05 121,180 2.004 13,125 25,959 Male., 6,533 12,948 2>5 00 Female. 03,142 07 White., 6,692 13.011 *»!£ 50,098 867 10,829 2»*S 08 Male... 25,148 09 Female. - 453 2,792 5,624 70 24,950 414 2,733 6,305 1189 Negro.. 71,062 3^324 71 'Male.:.. 1,137 7,600 16,130 72 32,890 585 3,741 7,424 ***% Female- 38,192 1,868 73 Other races. 3,859 7,700 74 Male.. 75 Female...

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55to64 65 and .Un*- J years Fears yean years years years over known

14,256 40,209 35,320 27,969 23,123 15,014 11197! 251 1 7,234 20,933 18.109 13,987 12,460 8,835 7,131 . 112 2 7,022 19,276 17,211 13,982 10.663 6,179 5,0601 139 3 13,773 38.996 34,154 26,600 22,034 14,443 . 11,736 241 4 7,013 20,308 17.571 13,319 11,839 8,452 6,863 107 b 6,765 ! 18,688 16,583 13,281 10,195 5,996 4,883 134 6 476 1.202 1,157 1,360 1,083 559 461 10 y 220 623 531 664 .618 378 278 6 8 256 £79 626 696 465. 181 183 5 9 2 11 9 9 6 7 10 | 2 2 7 4 5 II 1 9 2 5 3 2 12 11,515 26,490 26,213 24,684 18,219 10,582 11,894 57 13 3,708 9,749 10,166 9,183 6,690 3,561 3 24 14 1,760 4,285 4,119 3,908 1986 2 1,36»2K9 8 16 1,948 5,464 6,047 5,275 3,704 »HS 1,717 16 16 1,531 3,960 4,174 4,110 2,934 ^'1,59H7 4 17 764 1,890 11828 1,838 1,368 822 ^S59S8 1 18 767 2,070 2,346 2,272 1,566 775 603 3 19 2,177 5,787 5,992 5,072 3,755 20 20 996 2,395 2,291 2,069 1,618 *»X94K0 ^S77S0 7 1.181 3,392 3,701 3,003 2,137 1,023 1.10S 13 22 2 1 2 23 1 1 1 24 25 2 1 26 TSST 16,741 16,047 15,501 11,529 "7^021" 8,808 "SI 4,002 8,075 6,715 6,927 5,635 3,675 4,485 27 3,805 8,666 9,332 8,574 6,894 3,346 4,323 24 28 4,951 10,638 11,182 11,024 7,833 5,077 29 2,625 5,178 4,782 5,048 3,950 4,555 1620 2,326 5,460 6,400 5,976 3,883 113itS8 1457 11 2,835 3,669 3,695 19 32 6,037 4,805 4,414 33 1,365 2,870 1,909 1,846 1,675 *«o 1,844 1.470 1,994 J»SS 1.851 13 34 8,167 2,896 2,568 35 21 66 60 63 27 36 12 10 8 21 1 36 27 24 33 15 37 9 39 36 30 17 18 117 38 21,104 60,224 43,802 38,828 31065 19,994 16,788 4,612 8,936 4,978 3,306 64 39 15,560 13,081 11,227 32 40 1424 7,328 6,816 4,817 4,070 1491 1,456 1188 4,866 1487- 1,850 32 41 8,232 7,265 6,410 21 42 1109 6,660 5,937 5,225 4,533 1751 1,494 1053 1,345 679 3 43 1,105 3,175 2,657 2,296 13 44 1.004 3,485 3,280 2,929 1480 1,406 815 4,402 1227 1.811 43 45 2,603 8,899 7,144 6,002 24 46 1.319 3,159 2,521 1017 1,146 777 4,162 1.034 19 I 47 * 1.184 4,747 3,985 3,481 1385 1,081 1. 48 1 49 1 1 50 13,482 53" 51 1M92 44,*664 3a 7211 27,601 r 23,129 6,267 6,821 20 52 8,959 22,897 14,525 12,448 33 53 7,533 15,153 11,341 6,749 6,661 21,767 16,196 5,398 26 54 7,097 19,558 15,943 13,871 11,788 7,440 11,446 4,090 1873 11 55 3,888 10,167 7,792 6.604 15 56 3,209- 7,267 5,785 3,350 1525 9.391 8,161 7,575 8,082 27 57 0,395 25,103 13,727 5,661. 14,775! 11,682 4,176 3,947 9 58 6.071 12,728 6,731 5,842 18 59 7,885 5,556 3,399 4,135 4,324 12,375 8,044 2 60 3 3 3 6,126 2 1 1 1 61 2 2 1 62 1 1 1 1 19 63 12,660 22,735 12,424 8,041 38,274 36,721 30.3«g 5,350 3,169 8 64 6,161 16,131 18,020 15,499 11,002 5,405 1912 1,582 4 65 7,546 8,039 6,887 2,438 1,587 4 66 2,712! 8,585 9,981 8,612 5,597 4,700 1483 1,301 3 67 2,237 6,612 6,774 6,339 1,408 700 1 68 1.112 3,302! 3,266 2,955 1396 1304 1,075 601 69 1.125 3,310 ! 3,508 3,384 70 0,160 6,302 1867 1,868 & 2,924 0,519 I 11,246 1,504 882 3 71 1.337 4,244 4,773 3,932 5,228 5'23,2933 1,363 986 2 72 1.587 6,275 ! *473 73 1 74 »——•»*-— ™""™ 1:::::™;::1™™ " 1 75

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STATES* BT ARIA, AND BT SEE AND COLOR Under 1 lt05 6 to 13 14 to 15 OB RACE . AH ages years yean

BOUTH ATLANTIC—Continued GEORGIA—Continued. Rural 155,787 8,704 21,062 36,591 7,520 Male 79,591 1,895 10,734 18,504 3,502 Female.... 76,196 1,809 10,348 18,087 3,918 White 109,588 2,721 15,179 26,061 5,300 Male 56,479 1,896 7.766 13,214 2,508 Female 53,109 1,325 7,413 12,867 2,702 Negro...... 46,199 983 5,903 10,510 2,220 Male... 23,112 499 2,968 6,290 1,004 Female.. 23,067 484 2,935 6,220 1,216 Other races., Male Female. FLORIDA. 370,380 7,332 42,615 76,876 16,188 Urban. 181,356 2,985 18,300 34,912 7,420 Male 90,642 1,545 9,296 17,414 3,630 Female 90,714 1,440 9,002 17,493 3,790 White- 83,098 1,594 8,477 16,296 3,586 Male 42,387 845 4,423 8,291 1,813 Female- 40,711 749 4,054 8,005 1,773 Negro.. 98,226 9.822 18,611 3,833 Male . 48,242 700 4,875 9,120 1,817 Female 49,984 691 4,947 9,491 2,016 Other races— 32 5 1 Male.. 13 3 Female.. 19 1 2 1 Rural. 189,024 24,315 41,964 8,768 Male.. 97,826 12,423 21,092 4,334 Female- 91,198 11,892 20,872 4,434 White 129,303 17,364 29,366 6,139 Male.. 66,976 8,893 14,813 3.085 Female... 62,327 8,471 14,553 3,054 Negro 59,664 6,944 12,692 2,628 Male 80,815 3,527 6.275 1,249 Female.^ 28,849 3,417 1,379 Other races.. «,317 67 7 6 Male..... 35 3 Female.. 4 22 4 2 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL 39 KENTUCKY.. 472,211 71,884 111,252 22,241 40 Urban.... 41 75,589 9,099 16,623 M17 Mate-. 87,871 4,683 8,306 1,757 42 Female.. 1,660 43 37,718 4,416 8,317 White- 56,584 7,105 12,750 2,691 44 Male,. 1,343 45 28,641 3,668 6,383 Female.. 27,943 3,437 6,367 46 Negro-. 47 19,001 1,993 3,872 *S 43 Male... 9,227 1,014 1,922 Female.. 9,774 979 1,950 414 49 Other races.. 412 £0 4 1 1 Male.. 3 1 51 Female.. 1 52 Bttral. 1 53 396,622 10,473 62,785 94,629 18,824 54 Mate.. 204,341 5,356 32,267 48,462 9655 Female.. 192,281 5,117 46,167 9,168 55 White.. 30,518 56 383,433 10,223 61,183 91,688 57 197,621 5,229 31,469 46,946 9,371 Female"" 4,994 44,742 58 Negro". 185,812 29,724 59 13,169 250 1,588 2,937 602 60 Male.. 6,712 127 797 1,616 283 61 _ Female.. 6,457 123 791 1,422 319 Other races.. 2 62 Male..- 20 4 63 8 1 1 2 Female.. 12 3 3 6? TENNESSEE.. 189,898 4,296 26,726 46,457 65 Urban..... 3,077 66 68,578 1,183 7,966 15,462 Male 33,630 582 4,074 7,807 67 1,558 68 Female.. 34,948 601 7,655 White.,.., 41,555 822 5,158 9,827 1909 69 Mate 950 70 20,773 401 2,691 5,077 Female 20,782 421 4,750 959 71 Negro. 2,467 72 27,017 361 2,807 5,633 Male. 12,853 181 1,382 2,729 569 73 Female.. 599 74 14,164 180 1,425 2,904 Otherraces.. 6 1 2 Male.. 4 1 1 76 • Female.. 2 1 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 81


16 to 17 18to24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45t054 1 55t064 65 and • Un­ years years . years years years years • over known 1

1 7,499 22,143 18,701 1 14,857 11.733 7,074 4,872 11 2 3,892 11,703 9,304 6,972 6,151 7 6 3 3,607 10,440 9,397 7,885 5.582 2,99*£?6 * £ 6 4 5,262 15,148 13,672 10,678 8,020 4,690 ^I2,92S8 6 2,750 8,089 6,836 5,202 4,305 2,653 6o 6 2,512 7.059 6,736 5,478 3,715 2,037 ^SS 4 7 2,237 6,995 5,129 4,179 3,713 ^"H 2 8 1,142 3,614 2,468 1,770 1,846 MS2 i J»XH 1 9 1,095 3.381 2,661 2,409 1,867 M95*9 M85S9 1 10 11 _...! ...... —".- ...... J 12 ...... 13 16,182 5a 027 53,247 43,777 34,231 18,889 140 14 7,491 24.527 29,024 24,242 17,955 9,406 ^£4,9950 104 15 3,637 11.839 13,783 11,596 9,617 5,462 45 16 8.854 12,688 1 15,241 12,646 8,338 3,944 iXS\ 59 17 3,585 10.709 11,255 10,438 8,693 5,466 JS2,94i9 50 18 1.767 6,371 5,482 4,945 4,594 3,132 1.705 19 19 1,818 5,338 6,773 5,493 4,099 1 2,334 1,244 1 31 20 3.901 13,813 17,785 13,801 3,938 2,039 54 21 1,868 6^ 467 4 299 6,649 $255,02?1 2,329 26 22 2,033 7,346 9,466 7,152 4,237 1 1,609 ^E968i 28 23 3 2 2 24 2 1 2 2 2 1 25 3 4 2 1 2 1 2 ....*.....< 26 8,601 25,500 24,223 19.535 16,276 9.483 36 27 4,329 12,927 12,230 9,713 9,025 6.838 3,66frSS5 22 28 4,362 12,673 11,993 9,822 7,251 3.645 2,221 14 29 6.024 17,163 15,981 12,936 10,636 6.496 22 30 3.012 8,712 8,113 6,466 5,812 .3,900 2,44!'!K 5 13 31 3.012 8,451 7,868 6,470 2,596 1,422 32 2,664 8,328 8,228 6,591 *£68£ 2,987 2,016 o 33 1.315 4,209 4.107 3,242 3,21S ?1 1,938 1,219 194 34 1.840 4.119 4,121 3,349 2.426 1,049 797 6 ! 35 3 14 8 3 3 36 2 6 5 1 37 10 2 2 38 3 4 3 1 1 39 21.231 60,705 66,463 43,485 34.112 20,888 17,813 68 8.061 8,809 9,484 8,650 7.286 4,292 3,202 10 40 1,537 4,375 4,497 4,090 3.699 2,353 1,755 2 41 1,624 4,494 4,987 4.560 3.587 1,040 1,447 8 42 2,351 6,835 7,017 6,171 5,173 3,124 2,208 8 43 1.204 3.444 8,421 2,979 2.617 1,732 1,205 ' 1 44 1.147 3,391 1 3,506 * 3,192 2,556 1,392 1,003 7 45 710 1 2,034 2,466 * ?478 2,113 1,168 994 2 46 1.062 620 550 1 47 333 931 1,076 1,110 1 377 1.103 1,390 1,368 1,031 548 444 489 1 . 1 50 51 i 52 1JU70* 51,836 46,979 34,835 26,126 iiTeii 58 9,107 9,433 8,398 24 53 26,063 24,225 17,081 14,249 54 9,083 25,753 22,754 17,754 12,577 7,163 6,213 34 25,674 15,790 13,698 53 55 17,552 60,250 45,587 33,507 7,880 56 8.707 25,255 23.562 16,473 13,623 8,993 23 17,034 12,051 6,797 5,816 30 57 8.755 24,995 22,025 805 915 58 1 615 1,585 1.391 1,327 1,149 59 607 625 439 518 1 310 827 663 366 397 4 60 305 758 728 720 524 61 1 8 1 3 1 1 1 62 1 1 63 2 [•»•——*« i...... --—••-—- 5,147 10 64 8,551 23,501 19,502 15,269 8,196 23,061 6,663 3,571 1,933 65 2,058 8,019 9,267 8,473 989 4 66 1.417 4.020 3,875 3,427 2,023 3,893 3.236 1.648 944 67 1,541 4,126 6b247 4,598 1.149 2 68 1.825 5,346 4,693 3.762 2,046 5,016 1.945 1,129 610 2 69 872 2,533 2,397 2,166 539 70 2,949 2,527 1.817 917 . 953 2,483 2,901 1,525 784 4 71 1,132 8,003 3,920 8,779 379 1.623 1.708 1,482 894 2 72 544 1.360 1.419 631 405 [ 2 73 588 1.643 2,297 2,071 • 74 1 J 75 1 1 I 1 J 76 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 82 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS


8TATZS, BT ABEA8, AND BT SBZ AND OOlOB Under 1 lto5 6 to 13 HtolS OR BACB All ages year years years years


TENNISSXX—Continued. Rural 121,320 3,113 18,760 30,995 6,105 Male 02,185 1,592 9,654 15,932 3,214 Female 59,135 1,521 9,106 15,063 2,891 White. 113,626 2,942 17,719 29,026 5,684 Male 58,309 1,510 9,142 14,920 2,991 Female .., 55,317 1,432 8,577 14,106 2,693 Negro 7,677 171 1,037 1,965 420 Male 3,866 82 510 1.009 222 Female 3,811 89 527 956 198 Other races 17 4 4 1 Male. 10 2 3 1 Female 7 2 1 ALABAMA. 454,801 8,981 64,648 105,359 21,395 Urban. 114,485 1,671 13,639 25,777 6,316 Male 53,627 6,919 12,703 2,594 Female... 60,858 6,620 13,074 2,722 White- 54,345 847 6,398 11,946 2,538 Male 26,525 431 3,339 6,060 1,286 Female.. 27,820 416 3,059 5,886 1,252 Negro 60,118 824 7,137 13,827 2,777 Male.. 27,093 437 3,578 6,642 1,308 Female. 33,025 387 3,569 7,185 1,469 Other races.. 22 4 1 Male~_ 9 2 1 Female.. 13 2 3 1 Rural. 84a 406 7,310 61,109 79,582 16,079 Male.. 171.860 3,749 25,964 40,530 8,007 Female- 168,646 3,561 25,145 39,052 8,072 White- 220,704 4,805 33,465 61,363 10,261 Male 112,684 2,488 17,096 26,273 5,228 Female ... 106,020 2,317 16,369 25,090 5.033 Negro.... 119,609 2,504 17,628 28,203 5.813 Male- 59,138 1,260 8,864 14,252 2,778 Female.. 60,471 1,244 8,764 13,961 3,035 Other races.. 93 16 16 5 Male.. 38 1 4 5 1 F< 55 12 11 4 MISSISSIPPI.. 227,764 4,459 30,629 62.494 11,132 Urban. 49,280 5,486 10,422 2,207 Male... 23,031 364 2,779 5,214 1,099 Female- 26,249 316 2,707 5,208 1,108 White.. 24,629 380 2,754 5,261 1,142 Male- 11,878 211 1,419 2,637 587 Female.. 12,751 169 1,335 2,624 555 Negro. 24,635 300 2,731 5,159 1,064 Male- 11,145 153 1,360 2,676 612 Female.. 13,490 147 1,371 2,583 Other races. 16 Male- 8 .. 1 Female.. 8 1 1 Rural. 178,484 3,779 25,143 42,072 8.925 Male- 89,919 1,998 13,169 21,957 4,585 . Female.. 88,565 1,781 11,974 20,115 4,340 White..... 111,710 2,534 15,723 26,157 5,418 Male.. 66,975 1,374 8,269 13,696 2,818 Female.. 54,735 1,160 7,454 12,461 2,600 Negro. 66,740 1,243 9,411 15,908 3,507 Male. 32,926 622 4,892 8,259 1,767 Female.. 33,814 621 4,519 7,649 1,740 Other races. 34 2 9 7 Male- 18 2 2 Female.. 16 6 WIST SOUTH CINTBAL ABXAKSAS. 179,524 3,420 21,361 39,056 Urban- 64.309 1,006 6,510 12,950 2,923 Male- 30,858 617 3,355 6,505 Female.. 33,451 489 3,155 6,445 White. .71 40.297 679 4,139 8.306 L887 Male- 19,552 341 2,189 4,206 951 Female.. 20,745 338 1,950 4,098 936 Negro. 23,977 326 2,362 Male.. 11,288 175 1,163 2,293 620 Female... 12,669 161 1,199 2,345 515 Other races... 35 1 9 0 1 Male 18 1 3 4 Female... 17 6 2 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 83


16tol7 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55t064 65 and Un­ years years years years years years over known 1

1 5,593 15,042 14,234 11,029 8,606 4,625 3,214 4 2 2,866 7,431 6,089 5,235 4,710 2,742 1,817 3 3 2,727 7,611 7,245 5,794 3,896 1,883 1.397 1 4 5,226 14,080 13,398 10,375 7,995 4,280 2,897 4 5 2,689 6,089 6,590 4,925 4,364 2,539 1,638 3 6 2,537 7,001 6,799 5,450 3,631 1,259 1 7 367 061 833 651 611 mi345 316 ...... —1 8 177 442 3SS ' 309 346 203 178 >...*•••— 9 190 519 445 342 265 142 138 10 1 3 1 11 23 1 1 12 1 1 2 --" 13 l 20^598 60,288 57,388 43,482 38.030 20,399 15,282 * \ 14 4,899 13,702 15,856 13,630 10,780 5,673 3.624 18 15 2,327 5,850 6,513 5,763 6,388 1,731 7 16 2,572 7.852 0,343 7,867 6,392 2,70^ 0 1,893 11 17 2,389 6,002 7,427 6,341 5,024 1,635 1 18 1,196 3,139 8,341 2,839 2,545 M1,53E5 813 1 19 It 103 3,763 4,086 3,602 2,479 1,362 822 20 2,507 7,286 5,754 2,773 1,989 17 21 6,799 8,428 22 1,130 2,710 3.171 2,924 2,842 }•£! 918 6 23 4,089 6,257 4,362 2,912 1,346 1,071 11 24 ^"I3 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 :::::::::::: :::::::::: 25 1 3 f 1 26 2 41,532 29,852 1 14,726 11,658 23] 27 45,586 27,250 28 15,698,0990 22,210 20,404 13,432 14,742 S»?22 6,411 12 29 -J809 23,367 21,128 16,420 12,508 6,426 5,247 11 30 10,003 29,835 28,452 20,038 ^ZE 0,107 6,699 13 31 6,137 14,765 14,383 0,475 0,048 6,124 3,659 8 32 4,866 16,070 14,060 10,563 7,715 3,983 2,940 5 33 5,691 15,736 13,067 0.806 10,480 5,615 5,056 10 34 2,952 7,447 6,013 3,052 3,174 2,750 4 2,441 35 2,739 8,289 7,054 5,854 4,78^"K8 2,306 6 36 15 13 8 7 4 3 2 2 37 1 7 8 5 2 38 4 8 5 3 5 2 1 12,594 12,683 22 39 10,050 25,007 27,104 22,381 18,300 40 1.887 5,661 6,433 5,615 4,795 3,269 2,816 9 1,626 1,342 41 870 2,427 2,608 2,382 2,221 42 1,008 3,234 3,735 3,233 2,574 1,643 1.474 o 1,556 1.028 43 095 3,139 3,206 2,815 2,349 4 44 487 1,405 1,438 1,229 1,137 793 635 763 493 4 45 508 1,734 1,768 1,586 1,212 46 801 2,621 3,224 2,799 2.443 1,712 1.786 5 832 806 47 392 1,021 1,258 1,152 1,083 48 499 1,500 1,966 1,647 1,360 880 080 5 1 3 1 2 49 1 3 50 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 51 r 1 97325" 0,867 13 62 20,246 20,671 16/766 5,251 6 53 8,163 0,518 0,800 7,733 6,707 4,805 4,300 6,807 4,430 4,616 7 54 10,728 10,871 9,033 4,892 8 55 3,863 13,178 13,810 10,033 8,478 6,556 5,014 4,337 2,043 2,723 4 56 6,278 6,724 5,229 2,169 4 57 2,580 6,000 7,095 5,704 4,141 2,613 2,434 5,034 3,767 4,975 5 58 7,066 6,844 6,832 2,528 2 50 3,148 3,240 3,072 2,504 2,369 1,951 1.720 2.665 1,816 2,447 3 60 3,826 3,772 3,328 61 1,428 2 8 2 1 1 1 62 4 63 i 2 4 1 1 1

10,735 11,845 37 64 7,447 21,017 22,316 18,062 15,700 7.448 6,432 4,027 3,349 20 65 2,659 8,176 8,810 1,796 7 56 1.171 3,553 3,891 3,274 3,208 2,110 4,174 3,224 1,017 1,553 13 67 1.488 4,622 4,919 11 68 1,670 5,229 4,505 3,975 2,622 2,011 5,263 1,967 1,376 1,009 4 69 786 2,318 2,366 1,047 70 884 2.558 2,008 1,246 012 7 2,045 2,863 1,405 1,337 71 988 2,010 3,573 2,939 2,455 o 72 384 1,521 1,325 1,240 734 696 1,234 1.6W 1,216 671 641 3 73 604 1,676 2,052 1 6 74 2 8 2 2 1 1 75 \ 1 4 1 76 1 1 1 1 4 2\ 1 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 84 UNEMPLOYMENT KETiTRF CENSUS


STAT18, BT ABJU8, AND BT SEX AN© COLOB Under 1 Itofi 6 to 13 14 to 15 OB BACB Alll year years years years

WIST SOUTH CENTBAL—Continued ABKANSAS—Continued. Rural.. 116,215 2,414 14,851 26.106 5.605 56,905 1.260 7.561 13,401 2,805 Female. 68.310 1,154 7,300 12,705 2,803 White 06.756 2,008 12,773 22.121 4,607 Male. 48.124 1,060 6,510 11,300 1 2,373 Female.. 48,632 1,000 6.263 10,722 2,324 Negro . 18,401 316 2,073 3,060 004 Male.. 18.755 171 1,040 1,005 431 Female.. 0,646 145 1.033 1.074 I 473 Other races 58 5 16 4 Male.. 26 1 7 1 Female.. 32 4 0 3 LOUISIANA. 325,611 6,617 44.406 71,776 14.254 Urban- 147,036 2,208 17,000 30,841 5,048 Male.. 73,042 1,186 8,033 16,268 2,861 Female- 73,004 1,112 8,076 16.673 1037 White 61.607 1,061 7,668 13,440 Male... 31,078 653 3,807 6,772 im Female.. 30,510 608 3,761 6,677 1,418 Negro.. 1,226 iai07 17.308 1,392 "Male.. 41,760 828 5,000 8.452 3,130 _ Female.. 43.314 608 5.188 8,856 1.435 Other 356 11 o,iw 84 1.695 Male. 105 5 44 8 25 Female.. 161 6 27 40 26 Rural. 178,575 4.310 27 40,035 8,306 27 Male.. 01.680 2,212 26,687 21.006 4.186 28 86,886 2,107 13,440 10,020' «•"? 20 White- 128,643 3.182 13,147 20,477 6,132 30 10.200 3,124 31 Male:. 66,225 1.600 0,771 16,135 32 Female.. 62,318 1,673 0,528 14,342 3,008 Negro. 40,766 1,126 11,301 2,165 33 "Male.. 7,241 1,068 34 25.337 500 3,642 5,841 36 ^ Female.. 24,420 527 3,500 5,550 1,'lltf 36 Other races.. 266 11 47 67 0 37 Male.. 127 4 27 30 4 Female.. 130 7 37 6 38 OKLAHOMA... 20 30 420,005 0,483 56,220 06,188 21,236 40 Urban.. 111,485 1,020 11,006 23,734 5,441 41 "Malel. 64,866 082 6,111 12,080 2,689 42 ^Female.— 66,610 038 6,885 11,645 2,752 43 White:.. 00.812 1,622 0,762 10,300 4,459 44 Male. 45,133 844 6,005 0,857 2,225 45 Female... 46,670 778 4,757 0,440 46 Negro.. 18,803 260 2,025 4,006 878 47 "Male:. 8,818 121 1,007 1,008 416 48 Female. 10,075 138 1,018 2,008 462 40 Other races™.. 1,780 30 200 422 104 60 Male.... 015 17 00 234 48 51 Female.. 865 22 110 188 56 62 Rural. 317,520 7,663 43,233 72,454 15.795 63 Male.. 163,680 3,066 22,016 36,007 8,111 64 Female.. 153,831 3,507 21,218 35,547 71684 65 White., 280,728 6,821 38,305 63,734 56 Male— 145,186 3,581 10,536 32,570 7»1H 67 ^ Female. 135,642 3,240 18,760 31,155 6,732 68 Negro... 27,801 517 3,754 6,605 1>| 60 Male: i 13,065 275 1,800 3,263 7«! 60 Female. 13,026 242 1,855 3,342 743 61 Other races.. 8,001 225 1,174 2,116 434 62 Male. 4,538 110 680 1,065 225 Female.. 4,363 115 504 1,050 209 63 TXXAS. 19,188 641 416,174 6,233 52,208 06,700 TJrban.. 65,608 13050 65 285,680 5,410 35,120 &342 66 140,676 2,803 18,078 33,680 Female—.1 146,013 6 706 67 White.. 2,616 17,042 31,010 68 148,001 2,538 16,221 31,688 Male... 74,752 1,285 8,440 16,228 60 Female. 73,240 70 Negro. 1,253 7,781 16,460 1 71 Jale.. 60,450 018 6,038 13,076 72 27,623 408 3,666 7,053 B Female.— 32,836 420 3,372 6,023 1503 73 Otherraoes. 77,220 74 Male.. 1,063 11,061 10,044 £413 75 38.301 1,020 6,072 10,408 *672 Female.. 38,028 043 5,880 0,636 L>46

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j 16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55t064 65 and Tin- 1 years years years years years years over known

4,788 12,842 13,506 iaou 0,268 a 708 8,496 17 1 2,340 5,836 6,298 4,717 4,562 3,427 4,702 6 2 2,448 7,006 7,208 5,807 4,706 3,281 3,794 11 3 3,038 101803 11,666 0,020 7,607 6,390 10 4 1,045 4.076 5,480 4,067 3,782 2.86*>?t1 3,650 2 5 1,093 5,017 a 186 4,062 3,825 2,740! 8 6 848 1,044 1,832 1,580 1,656 *"S 7 7 304 857 816 640 778 M5723 *ffi1,049l | 4 8 455 1,067 1,016 031 880 507 1,052 3 0 1 5 8 5 5 4 6 •»«».«**.. 10 1 3 2 1 4 3 3 -._..—._ 11 2 Q 4 1 1 2 12 12,424 40k 097 47,001 37,560 2a 260 14»!9Z 7,506 221 13 5,128 17,028 23,210 10,022 14,542 3'2K 118 14 2,354 7,807 11,109 0,020 8,058 5»S?&5S5 1,570 41 15 2,774 9,221 12,101 0,093 6.4S4 2,016 1,680 77 16 2,499 7,406 6,824 7,521 5,768 571 17 1,215 3,566 4,356 3,765 3,109 *X1,652i '•S75B7 18 1 18 1.284 3,030 4,468 3,756 2,659 X 8 726 30 10 2,613 0,405 14,315 12,362 8,754 3,86' 1S3 61 20 1,131 4.224 6,715 4,040 M80S9 23 21 1,482 5,271 j 7,600 6,22a IH8 3,814 £21,50?4 050 38 22 16 37 39 20 8 8 23 1 8 17 38 30 o 5 4 24 20 33 0 11 3 4 25 7,296 33,060 24,781 17,638 13,718 7,565 4,258 103 j 26 J*4*1 11,282 12,591 8,034 7,621 4,432 2,370 35! 27 3,835 11,787 12,100 8,604 aoo7 3,133 1,870 68 28 5,362 16,875 18,120 12,555 0,383 5,223 65 20 2,575 8,281 0,352 a 511 a 185 £!1,62£0 23 30 1 2,787 8,504 8,768 6,044 4,108 2,18!»?24? 1,250 42 31 1,030 6,165 a 626 5,044 *>*% 38 I 32 884 2,000 3,227 2,501 2,427 H21,3050 ^JI75S6 12 33 1,046 3,175 2,543 1,807 046 624 26 34 20 30 11 5 8 35 11 12 22 0 3 8 36 3 18 i 23 17 2 3 6 37 55,038 43,116 35,424 ia822 36 38 10,137 53,568 H'HSL J*?43 13,361 13,855 12,010 10,967 7,332 5,012 5 30 2,406 6,242 6,275 5,810 5,436 f/SS 2,810 2 40 2,537 7,110 7,580 7,100 frSJ 3,327 2,193 3 41 4,070 11,002 ia296 *>*£ a 224 4,245 3 42 2,003 5,222 laoo5,056s 4,628 443 3,425 2,424 1 43 2,076 5,780 5,840 5,668 4,46I' 6 2,700 1,821 2 44 772 2,141 2,747 2,408 1,805 1,035 727 45 356 on 1,121 1,060 000 534 376 46 416 1,230 1,626 1,338 086 501 351 47 02 218 203 215 163 73 40 2 48 84 46 10 1 40 47 100 08 113 50 100 105 102 70 27 21 1 45 24,457 ia396 11,810 31 51 14,104 41,677 30,713 3a 197 11 52 7,098 2a 768 20,333 14,085 12,807 9,436 7,162 11,560 6,060 4,648 20 63 7,096 2a 000 10,380 15,212 31 4 12,453 3a 071 85,447 2a 660 21,480 14,483 ia465 ; * 11,339 j a 310 a 377 11 55 6,244 18,567 I 18,221 13,293 20 56 6,200 18,404 17,226 13,376 iai5o 4,088 2,310 M1,62S0 1,120 67 1,410 3,486 3,058 2,601 58 675 1,617 1,400 1,206 1,209 000 062 1,110 Oil 458 50 735 1,808 1,568 1,303 60 331 1,220 1,206 027 649 393 .226 349 217 123 61 170 584 622 484 02 152 636 586 443 300 176 102 240 63 16,321 45,501 52,501 4a 60S 85,867 22,820 19,618 25,351 15,628 11,792 182 64 11,167 31,574 37,262 33,536 67 05 5,410 14,402 16,174 15,536 12,871 a 616 a 679 12,480 7,012 5,113 115 06 . 5,748 17,172 21,068 18,000 77 07 5,050 16,537 10,010 18,444 14,494 0,405 6,852 7,608 a 614 4,153 33 08 2,040 7,854 8,583 8,779 60 01 8,683 ia427 0,665 a 886 3,801 2,600 5,567 8,276 2,855 48 70 is 8,103 7,513 1,437 71 2,360 ao4o 3,006 8,227 2,510 1,577 10 2,320 3,057 1,600 1,418 20 72 1.057 5,097 4,286 2,085 73 1.312 3,720 7,578 5,290 2,947 57 8,088 iai4o 8,530 2,753 1,525 1,089 15 74 : 2,848 1 090 1 42 1 75 . 1*413 4,210 4,585 4,040 2,537 1 1,422 • 1*435 4,760 ! 5,564

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STATES, BT ABBA, AND BT 8KX AND COLOR Under 1 lto5 6 to 13 14 to1 5 OB All ages year years years yean

WIST SOUTH CBMTBAL— Continued TsxAS-rContinned. Bural 130,485 2,814 17,178 31,182 6,138 Mate. 66,044 1,450 8,840 10,240 3,082 Female . 04,441 1,358 14,942 3,058 White 84,953 1,704 10,534 19,935 4,115 Male 43,039 870 5,413 10,297 2,055 Female 41,914 828 6,121 9,038 2,050 Negro 15,076 201 1,743 3,403 690 Male. 7,211 132 834 1,769 334 Female.—...., 7,805 129 909 1,034 358 Other races 30,450 849 4,901 7,844 1,333 Male 15,794 448 2,593 4,174 693 Female 14,662 401 2,308 3,870 640 MOUNTAIN MONTANA- 66,327 1,120 7,905 13,936 3.461 Urban.. 27,889 431 2,019 5,024 1,339 Male.... 14,725 212 1,493 2,550 655 Female.. 13,164 219 1,450 2,474 White- 27.421 417 2,891 4,937 1,322 Male... 14,485 204 1,462 2,500 643 Female.. 12,939 213 1,429 2,431 679 Negro.._„ 107 4 15 16 7 Male., 88 2 7 12 6 Female—. 79 2 8 4 1 Other races-.. 298 10 43 71 10 Male 152 0 24 32 6 _ Female.... 146 4 19 39 4 Rural*.. 38,438 095 5,010 8,912 Male.. 20,218 345 2,521 4,552 *I2 . Female.. 18,220 350 2,495 4,360 1.08^H3 White. 37,524 082 8,063 2,071 Male™ 19,779 330 2,462 4,434 1,016 Female.. 17,715 340 2,427 4,229 1,055 Negro. 27 1 3 3 Male.. 15 1 1 _ # Female.'. 12 jj* Other races.. 887 12 124 246 50 Male.. 424 8 69 118 22 Female.. 403 4 128 28 IDAHO 19,043 370 2,380 4,435 973 Urban.. 9,940 217 1,191 2,204 477 40 Male.. 5,033 100 580 41 Female...!! 1,089 234 42 4,913 111 005 1,115 243 43 White.. 9,830 214 1,180 2,186 474 44 Male. :, 4,970 105 680 1,080 45 4,860 109 000 l'l1& S24i0 84 1 0 10 2 48 Mate, 48 47 Female.. -. 3 0 ....*.»- 48 Other races.. 30 3 4 2 49 Male 32 2 5 8 1 60 15 1 3 3 «-.—-^ 61 Bural...Female. . 17 1 2 6 1 52 Mioen:: 9,097 153 1,195 2,231 496 53 5,054 78 010 1,124 249 54 White.Female.. . 4,043 75 679 1,107 247 55 Male 9,084 153 1,192 2,230 496 55 5,049 78 610 1,123 249 57 Female 4,035 75 576 1,107 247 58 Negro.. 59 Male 50 Female . 01 Other races„.. 02 Male— 5 Female.. 8 03 WTOICINO.. 264 04 6,188 106 075 Urban. 2,353 69 659 123 05 Male.. 297 72 00 1,195 30 143 282 Female 1,158 29 277 51 07 White 164 116 08 2,166 60 268 615 Mate 1,089 28 280 66 09 Female 127 60 70 1,077 28 141 255 Negro*...... , 44 6 1 71 Male.. 1 1 72 Female...... 23 3 73 21 2 Other races 39 74 Male.. 143 6 75 83 19 Female.. 60 20 1 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 87


18 to 17 18to24 25 to 34 35to44 45to54 55 to 64 65 and Vn- 1 yean years years years years years over known

5,154 14,017 15,329 13,072 10,616 7,192 7,826 67 1 2,625 6,698 7,018 6,210 6,525 3,834 4,485 31 2 2,529 7,319 8,311 6,862 4,991 3,358 3,341 36 3 3,439 8,992 9,908 9,025 7,304 4,981 4,972 4 1.755 4,339 4,503 1 4,280 3,815 2,718 2,971 *17* 5 1.684 4,653 6,405 4,745 3,489 2,263 0 27 6 648 1,440 1,552 1,356 1.230 979 ^S1,766! 3 7 320 640 651 616 586 461 862 6 8 328 800 901 740 644 618 904 2 9 1,067 3,585 3,869 2,691 1,982 1,232 1,088 15 10 550 1,719 1*864 1.314 1.124 655 652 8 11 517 1.866 2,005 1,377 858 577 436 7 12

3,118 7,017 7,401 7,788 | 6,974 4,037 3,503 1 13 1.236 3,226 3,431 3,572 1 3,262 1,894 1,525 14 599 1,554 1,780 1.881 1.956 1,135 910 -*.-...... 15 1,672 1,651 1,691 1,306 ...... 1.218 3,168 8,380 3,517 3,211 1,869 1,494 ...... 17 592 1,524 1,760 1,853 1,933 1,122 886 18 626 1,644 1.620 1,664 1.278 747 608 ...... 7 20 18 22 32 14 12 ...... 1 11 7 10 15 8 9 ...... ___.] 21 6 9 11 12 17 11 19 23 11 38 33 33 19 ...... 6 19 13 18 3 6 15 24 5 19 20 15 11 6 4 ...... 25 1,882 8,791 3,970 4,216 3,712 2,143 1,978 ...... 1. 26 955 1,905 1.963 2,192 2,133 1,326 1,287 27 927 1,880 2,007 2,024 1.679 817 . 691 ...... 28 1.833 3,710 8,874 4,138 3,641 2,096 1/926 1 29 929 1,866 1,016 2,159 2,096 1,304 1,261 30 904 1,844 1,958 1,979 1,545 792 665 1 31 3 3 6 2 4 32 •••"•*- 2 2 1 4 2 2 • 33 ... 1 1 2 2 34 78 65! 48 35 26 87 45 32 33 20 24 36 23 41 48 45 32 25 24 37 1,232 1,141 16 38 923 2,218 1,985 2,022 1.942 39 476 1,149 1,028 988 981 600 628 7 516 325 372 3 40 234 581 615 472 4 41 242 568 613 516 465 275 7 42 473 1,143 1,015 967 961 590 43 232 461 605 318 365 3 579 508 255 4 44 241 564 607 606 456 272 45 3 3 9 20 15 10 5 7 5 46 2 1 6 10 9 47 1 2 4 10 8 • 3 3 48 3 4 1 .._.. t J__II 49 1 2 1 2 2 •3 1 50 2 2 9 51 447 1,069 957 1,034 961 632 513 524 380 323 4 62 219 556 478 503 190 5 53 228 613 479 531 437 252 958 631 j 512 2 64 448 1,068 955 1,004 822 55 218 478 603 623 379 4 656 252 190 5 66 228 612 477 531 435 57 58 59 .. ::::::::::::: ... r 60 1 2* i 61 1 1 i 2 2 1 02 i 274 63 208 450 525 619 479 322 229 146 112 64 92 200 233 304 80 . 65 49 94 96 137 127 85 102 60 32 66 43 106 137 167 100 67 87 187 215 280 210 132 47 125 115 ; 75 71 68 85 90 95 ' 57 29 69 40 102 125 155 70 1 3 6 I • 7 3 3 3 6 4 71 2 1 6 3 3 3 72 1 2 13 5 73 4 16 16 74 10 2 4 5 5 1 7 1 4 -1 76 1 2 1 I 1 10 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 88 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS


STATES, BT ABBAS, AND BT SIX AND COLOR || Under 1 lto5 6tol3 14 to 15 OBBACB AH ages year yean years years

MOUNTAIN—Continued WYOMING—Continued. l Rural.. ... 2,835 49 378 705 141 2 Male 1,449 18 198 349 73 3 Female ... 1.386H 31 180 356 68 4 White. 2,803 48 375 691 137 5 1,433 H 18 197 344 6 Female.. 1,370 30 178 350 7 Negro 1 8 Male— 9 Female.. J 10 Other races.. 31 3 11 11 Male 16 1 6 12 Female.. 15 1 2 6 13 GOLOBADO... 80,518 1,302 10.059 17,050 3,618 14 Urban. 58,493 992 7,117 11,810 2,513 15 Male. 29,508 601 3,641 5,976 1,279 16 Female.. 28,985 491 3,476 5,834 1,234 17 White 792 9,490 2,116 18 Male 4*224,7258 389 2,923 4,818 1,073 19 Female.. 23,980 403 4,672 20 Negro 2,298 32 *2i 364 70 21 Male 1,072 20 207 173 28 22 Female.. 1,226 12 191 42 23 100 Other races.. 7,487 168 107 1,956 328 24 Male.. 3,706 92 986 178 25 1,266 Female.. 3,779 76 618 971 150 26 Rural. 22,025 5,240 27 310 648 ME Male™. 11,254 165 2,942 2,699 537 28 Female.. 568 29 10.771 .. 145 1,607 2,541 White.. 17,792 254 1,435 4,187 887 30 Male. 434 31 9,161 II 131 2,288 2,167 Female.. 8,631 123 1,178 2,020 453 32 Negro.. 2 33 106 1 1,110 24 Male 53 1 12 14 1 34 ^ Female.... 1 35 53 6 10 Other races..... 4,127 55 6 1,029 216 30 Male.. 102 37 2,040.. 33 642 518 Female- 2,087|| 22 323 611 114 819 38 Nxw Minco. 1,338 39 27.772 „ 626 4,123 Urban. 101629 258 485 40 Male.. H 234 41 Kl28 132 1,379 Female.. 5,501 120 831 1,444 42 White. 41^i9 43 9,349 232 1,452 2,446 Male.. 4,603 121 731 1,196 200 44 Female.. 219 45 4,846 111 721 1*250 Negro™ 1 13 38 8; 46 Male-Ill..... 6 47 5 19 Female. 1 8 19 2 48 Other races. 58 49 25 204 339 Male.. 11 102 164 28 50 Female- '•a 30 61 Rural, 681 14 102 176 17,143 368 2,454 4,678 853 52 465 63 Male::::.. 8.572 178 1*232 2,349 Female-. 2,229 54 White. 8,671 190 1,222 55 15,270 329 2,121 4,085 *8 56 Male., 7,665 160 1*064 2,112 763 57 Female*. 7,605 169 1,057 1*973 417 58 Negro..... 23 1 2 346 59 Male::::... 11 2 2 Female™. 60 Other races.. 12 1 1 61 Male... 1,850 39 332 49l" 1 62 896 18 168 235 68 Female^.... 954 21 164 256 47 63 ARIZONA.. 41 64 82,276 1,784 10,425 18,157 *S Urban—:::... 34,812 7.440 L620 65 Male.. 688 4,244 66 17,766 353 2,229 3,792 Female.. 3.648 768 67 White 17,046 335 2,015 546 68 w 12,407 202 1,103 2,131 Male.... 1,079 313 69 Female- 108 550 70 w 6,919 94 544 1*052 *& Negro 320 72 71 Male 1,777 22 158 30 72 915 12 92 170 Female.. 150 . 42 73 Other race 862 10 66 74 20,628 464 4,989 1*002 Male.. 2*543 75 10,363 u 233 1,578 «4923 Female^... 10,265 K 231 1,405 2,446

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 65 to 64 65 and Un­ years years years years years years over known

116 250 292 315 250 177 162 1 69 114 139 155 131 104 109 2 67 136 153 160 119 73 53 3 115 249 288 314 248 173 162 4 69 113 138 154 130 102 109 5 56 136 150 160 118 71 53 tf 1 7 8 i 9 i 4 i 2 10 1 1 1 3 11 1 3 1 1 2 12 1 3,301 7,961 9,311 9,587 7,756 5,203 5,303 62 13 2,352 5,933 7,143 7,184 5,924 3,869 3,630 21 14 1,152 2,704 3,325 3,627 3,089 2,083 2,120 11 15 1,200 3,229 3,823 3,557 2,835 1,786 1,510 10 16 2,016 4,943 5,987 6,118 5,032 3,414 3,141 16 17 1,002 2,252 2,805 3,101 2,641 1,864 1,851 9 18 1,014 2,691 3,182 3,017 1,550 1,290 7 19 77 214 278 317 *2?3481 200 189 2 20 1 42 94 118 1 143 163 96 95 21 35 120 160 174 185 104 94 2 22 259 776 8S3 ! 749 544 255 300 3 23 108 358 402 383 285 ! 123 174 2 24 151 418 4S1 366 259 132 126 1 25 949 2,028 2,163 2,403 1 * 1,339 1,673 41 26 496 966 992 1,167 *'£997? 715 998 15 27 453 1,062 1,171 1,236 835 624 675 26 28 751 1,547 1,771 2,009 1,549 1,121 1,409 19 29 387 735 807 991 843 614 859 10 30 364 812 964 1,018 701 607 650 9 31 6 12 8 10 14 4 13 32 2 5 3 4 8 3 6 33 4 7 5 6 6 1 7 34 192 469 384 384 269 214 251 22 35 107 226 182 172 .141 98 133 5 36 85 243 202 212 128 116 118 17 ii 1,113 2,565 2,900 2,808 1,859 1,336 1,679 38 400 1,111 681 517 601 % 39 1,018 1,158 40 198 438 493 536 343 262 272 3 202 338 255 229 5 41 680 665 575 42 360 917 1,031 984 5S7 474 443 4 174 477 294 237 237 2 43 302 442 44 136 526 689 507 293 237 208 2 4 9 45 6 11 12 21 22 46 6 5 4 8 12 2 5 1 10 2 4 47 6 8 13 4 48 34 90 115 106 72 39 49 37 23 30 1 49 10 41 47 51 3 50 15 49 68 65 35 16 19 713 ; 1,178 819 1,178 16 51 1,547 1,742 1,697 7 52 366 769 754 800 594 396 662 347 584 423 516 9 53 778 988 897 16 54 626 1,368 1,529 1,532 1,050 747 1,104 318 538 359 612 7 55 686, 661 731 9 56 308 682 868 801 512 388 492 8 3 57 3 3 58 1 1 3 6 59 2 3 ... 71 60 87 179 210 1 161 120 48 53 37 47 61 83 92 08 24 6? 39 06 118 93 67 35 3,504 8,887 7,460 4,326 2,927 28 63 10,168 10,724 1,813 1,195 6 64 1,602 4,402 4,691 3,893 3,315 750 1,860 1,721 1,030 680 2 65 2,168 2,329 783 515 4 66 752 2,234 2,365 2,033 1,594 619 1,528 964 597 5 67 1,633 1,673 1,606 1 68 256 799 861 689 378 697 850 375 221 4 69 263 823 607 667 836 223 113 74 70 69 217 260 259 30 120 119 61 47 71 29 I" 123 139 104 52; 27 7? 924 106 137 1,564 736 1 524 ! 73 2,761 2,02S 464 2,652 941 741 380 257 1 74 460 1 1,360 1,356 823 1 356 1 267 76 1,292 1 1,405 1 1,087 1 70147—34- Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 90 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS


STATES, BY ABKA, AND BT SEX AND COLOB Alleges Under 1 lto5 6 to 13 Utol5 OB BACK year years years years

MOUNTAIN—Continued ARIZONA—Continued. Rural 47.463 1,096 6,181 10,717 2,265 Male 24,739 560 3,184 5,552 1,154 Female 22,724 536 2,997 5,165 1,111 White 24,630 520 2,754 5.104 1,133 Male 13,053 257 1,428 2,656 609 Female 11,567 263 1,326 2,448 524 Negro— 1,439 53 150 2S3 62 Male 705 26 65 139 30 Female 734 27 91 149 32 Other races 21,394 523 3,271 5,325 1.070 Male 10,971 277 1,691 2,757 515 Female 10,423 246 1,580 2,568 555 UTAH 65,009 1,256 8,935 14,385 3,417 Urban- 40,107 779 5,261 8,497 2,083 Male 20,317 387 2,727 4,204 1,050 Female.-, 19,790 392 2,534 4,233 1,033 White 39,264 761 5,126 8,277 2,049 Male 19,859 376 2,653 4,153 1.029 Female.-, 19,405 385 2,473 4,124 1,020 Negro 213 2 28 44 11 Male 107 15 22 6 Female.-. 106 2 13 22 5 Other races 630 16 107 176 23 Male 351 II 59 89 15 _ Female.... 279 5 48 87 8 Kural 24,902 477 3,674 1,334 Male *. 12,552 235 1,850 3,051 666 Female 12,350 242 1,824 2,837 668 White 24,750 473 3,646 5,851 1,324 Male 12,471 232 1,838 3,032 660 Female.... 12,279 241 1,808 2,819 664 Negro 13 Male 10 1 Female.... 3 Other races.... 139 4 28 36 10 Male 71 3 12 18 6 Female.... 1 16 18 4 NEVADA... 6,763 101 546 1,071 230 Urban. 2,855 39 238 439 87 Male 1.6S9 20 111 213 42 Female... 1,166 19 127 226 45 White... 2,689 34 216 395 80 Male 1,602 18 104 192 37 Female... 1,087 16 112 203 43 Negro 32 3 7 3 Male 21 2 5 2 Female... 11 1 2 I Other races... 134 19 37 4 Male. 5 16 3 „ . Female... 14 21 1 Kural 3,908 308 632 143 Male 2,345 164 330 79 %_ Female... 1,563 144 302 64 White.. 3,387 269 546 129 Male 2,067 141 72 ^ Female... 1,320 128 57 Negro 16 1 Male 8 Female... 8 Other races... 505 Male 270 Female... 235 PACIFIC WASHINGTON 127,442 2,310 13,331 24,092 5,942 Urban 82,362 1,471 8,240 14,804 3,728 Male.. 43,118 757 4,298 7,434 1,914 Female. White 39,244 714 3,942 7,370 81,138 1,456 8,110 14,611 Male 42,497 748 4,231 7,333 Female 1,794 Negro 38,641 708 3,879 7.278 975 6 87 146 38 Male... 489 47 19 Female.. 3 77 19 Other races. 486 3 40 69 249 9 43 47 7 Male. 20 6 132 6 24 1 Female 117 3 23 23

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and Un­ years years years years years years over known

2,002 5,766 6,030 4,994 4,145 2,513 1,732 1,029 2.925 i,989 2,490 2,212 1,539 1,097 973 2,841 3,011 2,504 1,933 974 635 2,923 3,186 2,882 2,452 1,588 1,077 531 1,457 1,584 1,469 1,363 986 718 463 1,460 1,602 1.4J3 1,089 602 359 48 152 190 167 157 96 69 20 05 93 80 82 59 40 22 87 97 87 75 37 29 960 2,691 2,654 1,945 1,536 829 586 472 1,403 1,312 941 7U7 494 339 1,288 1,342 1,001 7t>9 335 247 3,116 7,660 7,536 6,624 5,209 3,418 3,445 1,865 4,764 4,765 4,293 3,437 2,237 2,122 944 2,355 2,352 2,157 1,815 1,172 1,091 921 2,409 2,413 2,136 1,622 1,065 1,031 1,839 4,705 4,678 4,174 3,372 2,199 2,0*0 934 2,333 2,313 2,063 1,775 1,145 1,062 905 2,372 2,365 2,091 1,597 1,054 1,018 11 10 IV 32 30 9 17 3 4 9 15 20 5 8 8 0 10 17 10 4 9 15 49 68 87 35 29 25 7 IS 30 59 20 22 21 8 31 38 28 15 7 4 1,251 2,896 2,771 2,331 1,772 1,181 1,323 665 1,420 1,367 1,191 878 589 638 586 1,476 1,404 1,140 894 592 685 1,249 2,747 2,313 1,760 1,178 1,317 663 1,416 1,355 1,180 871 587 635 586 1,472 1,392 1,133 889 591 682 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 7 22 15 8 2 5 3 11 9 4 1 2 4 11 6 4 1 3 227 621 743 804 870 716 834 94 223 334 370 419 310 302 51 107 167 225 289 222 242 43 116 167 145 130 88 60 92 342 409 294 292 220 315 232 50 105 161 210 280 213 4* 115 154 132 129 81 60 3 4 5 4 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 15 23 6 13 1 4 12 6 7 1 11 11 6 133 409 434 451 406 401 71 240 231 244 279 278 62 190 172 128 131 158 178 469 119 341 340 379 396 349 64 215 252 247 363 206 198 106 55 135 142 164 144 102 1 1 3 5 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 52 61 55 52 26 27 37 33 25 24 22 26

9,534 6,214 5.416 12,908 15,618 16,639 15,403 3,410 11,147 10,445 6,267 8,465 10,411 2,344 J. 680 3,933 5,110 5,724 6,076 3,842 1,730 6,423 4,369 2,425 1,615 4,532 6,301 6,190 3,370 8,354 10,219 10,945 10,261 1,663 5,622 5,972 3,797 2,325 3,886 5,025 2,393 1,599 1,707 4,468 6,194 5,323 4,289 35 167 69 31 85 142 169 16 14 38 63 78 94 40 73 29 15 21 47 79 91 4 5 26 50 33 17 8 10 5 3 3 9 22 24 1 2 17 1 28 9 7 3 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 92 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS


Under 1 lto5 6 to 13 14 to 151 STATES, BY AREA, AND BY SEX AND COLOR Alleges OB BACK year years years years

PACIFIC— Continued WASHINGTON—Continued. 1 45,080 839 5,091 0,288 2,214 2 23,779 412 2,583 4,710 1,169 3 21,301 427 2.508 4.578 1,045 4 White 44.652 831 5,036 9,205 2,192 g Male . ..._._.—.-. 23,560 407 2,563 4,667 1,154 (J 21,092 424 2,473 4,538 1,038 7 120 2 15 g Male- 61 1 i 3 6 4 g 59 1 ; 4 9 3 10 308 6 48 68 15 11 158 4 17 37 12 150 2 31 31 4 2,277 13 OREGON...... 52,415 832 5,338 10,436 14 35,811 647 3,337 6,616 1,486 15 19,150 294 1,737 3,439 758 16 16,661 253 1,600 3,177- 728 17 White 35,416 639 3,297 6.529 1,474 3.399 754 18 Male 18.960 289 1,717 1 19 16,456 250 1,580 3,130 720 70 248 3 •17 51 9 01 107 3 5 20 3 ?? 141 12 31 0T 147 5 23 36 M 04 83 2 15 20 3 ?T 04 3 8 16 1 06 Rural _ 16,634 285 2,001 3.820 2 791 °7 Male 8,564 124 1,003 1,972 ?8 161 998 1,848 400 8,070 391 ?9 White 16,429 279 3,772 30 Male 122 1,943 786 8,459 j '•a 398 157 1,829 31 7,970 975 388 39 55 4 15 6 4 1 33 22 4 1 34 33 4 11 2 35 150 | o 26 42 4 25 36 Male 83 2 14 37 67 12 17 3

38 CALIFORNIA...... —..... 376,813 5,618 38,643 68,220 15,006 Urban...... 4,484 31,466 65,401 39 314,010 12,270 40 164,606 2,310 16,090 28,310 41 27,091 6,249 Female ...... 149,404 2,174 15,370 6,021 4?! I White 254.662 3,294 22,726 42,005 21,615 9,885 43 1 Male. 134,049 1,698 11,622 6,055 44 Female .-.___..__. . 120,613 1,596 11,104 20,490 2,756 4 830 45 Negro.. 17,323 222 1*713 '594 46 Male 8,634 112 894 1,392 1,364 285 47 8,689 110 819 309 48 Other races 42.025 968 7,027 10,640 49 Male 21,923 500 3,580 6,403 909 60 Female...... 20,102 468 3,447 5,237 882 61 Rural...... 62,803 1,034 7,177 12,819 2,736 6? Male " 32,738 634 3,591 6,595 1339 63 Female...... 30,065 500 3,586 6,224 1.397 64 White 51,162 791 5,198 0,909 65 Male...... 26,737 411 2,589 6,096 *£* 66 Female ...... 24,425 380 2,609 4,813 57 Negro ....-.—...... 961 13 105 197 «•* 68 Male. 615 10 57 99 19 69 446 3 48 98 20 60 Other races... ..—...... —.....__.. 10,680 230 1,874 2,713 449 61 5,486 113 945 1,400 218 6? 5,194 117 929 1,313 231

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16 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and Un­ years years years years years years over known

2,006 4,443 5,207 5,492 4,958 3,267 2,255 1,069 2,261 2,614 2,775 2,779 2,014 1,487 937 2,182 2,693 2,717 2,179 1,253 768 1,995 4,401 5,154 5,444 4,918 3,231 2,229 1,061 2,244 2,489 2,750 2,760 1,991 1,470 934 2,157 2,665 2,694 2,158 1,240 759 4 9 9 19 22 13 13 2 7 2 8 10 8 10 2 2 7 11 12 5 3 7 33 44 29 18 23 13 6 10 23 17 9 15 7 1 23 21 12 9 8 6 1,972 4,465 7,502 5,634 3,922 4,173 1,331 3,069 4,135 5,600 4,120 2,784 2,761 663 1,482 1,844 3,220 2,374 1,673 1,665 668 1,607 2,291 2,380 1,746 1,111 1,096 1,320 3,001 4,090 5,537 4,067 2,757 2,740 659 1,468 1,825 3,188 2,350 1,657 1,653 661 1,593 2,265 2,349 1,717 1,100 1,087 9 15 28 41 37 19 19 2 7 10 19 17 11 10 7 8 18 22 20 8 9 2 13 17 22 16 8 2 2 7 9 13 7 5 2 6 8 9 9 3 «4l" 1,376 1,754 1,902 1,514 1,138 1,412 328 751 940 818 654 891 313 1,003 962 696 484 521 636 1,365 1,727 1,883 1,499 1,126 1,396 324 679 738 933 809 648 880 312 686 9S9 950 690 478 516 1 5 13 4 3 3 1 7 1 3 1 5 6 3 2 4 6 14 15 12 9 16 3 4 6 6 6 5 11 1 2 8 9 6 4 5 13,754 55,586 45,763 25,727 13,174 242 40,520 54,660 141 11.311 34,050 46,648 47,296 38,810 21,349 10,784 5,752 24,777 22,002 12,548 6,214 52 16,405 23,891 4,570 89 6,559 17,645 22,757 22,519 16,808 8,801 9,330 39,742 33,773 19,384 9,692 115 27,415 37,301 5,644 42 * 4,713 13,187 19,136 20,780 19,209 11,448 4,617 18,962 14,564 7,936 4,048 73 14,228 18,165 407 11 528 2,103 3,219 2,940 2,020 810 271 1,450 1,062 450 179 4 959 1,676 7 257 1,144 1,643 1,490 958 360 1.453 4,614 3,017 1,155 15 4,532 6,128 391 6 768 2,259 3,179 2,547 1,731 650 1,286 505 294 9 A685 2,067 2,273 2,949 2,390 101 2,443 6,470 8,012 8.290 6,953 4,378 1,222 3,854 2,615 1,434 14 3,240 4,001 4,299 87 1,221 3,991 3,099 1,763 956 3,230 4,011 2,171 92 2,046 6,362 7,016 6,131 3,955 5,243 3,384 2,379 1,324 12 1.027 2,614 3,181 3,618 80 1.019 3,398 1,576 847 2,629 3,181 27 4 34 102 135 139 97 69 53 46 16 1 15 59 67 73 3 19 66 44 23 11 43 68 192 5 363 1,125 1,515 1,135 725 354 417 190 94 1 180 567 753 60S 4 183 762 527 308 164

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STATES BT AREAS, AND BT Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ SEX AND COLOR OB BACK cent cent cent cent cent cent' cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief oil relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per- per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

NEW ENGIAND MAINE 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.4 9.6 15.7 15.4 26.2 3.6 5.0 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.4 8.9 14.6 14.5 25.4 3.4 4.8 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.4 9.3 14.8 15.2 25.6 3.6 5.0 -Female 100.0 100.0 1.5 2.4 8.6 14.3 13.8 25.2 3.3 4.6 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.5 10.1 16.6 16.1 20.9 3.7 5.1 Male 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.5 10.0 16.0 15.8 26.6 3.7 5.2 Female 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.4 10.2 17.2 16.4 27.2 3.8 5.0 NEW HAMPSHIRE.. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.9 8.7 14.9 14.7 26.0 3.5 4.9 Urban 100/0 100.0 1.6 1.9 8.8 14.8 14.9 25.5 3.5 5.1 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.2 15.2 15.5 25.4 3.6 5.2 Female 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.9 8.5 14.4 14.4 25.6 3.4 4.9 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.0 8.6 15.1 14.5 27.5 3.5 4.4 Male 100.0 100 0 1.6 1.5 8.4 15.0 14.4 27.5 3.5 4.7 Female... 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.4 8.8 15.2 14.5 27.6 3.6 4.2 VERMONT 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.3 9.3 15.6 15.3 25.5 3.6 5.1 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.3 3.5 14.9 13.9 23.6 3.3 5.0 Male 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.4 8.9 14.4 14.3 22.7 3.3 5,0 Female 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.1 8.1 15.4 13.6 24.5 3.4 5.1 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.6 9.7 16.6 15.9 28.1 3.8 5.2 Male 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.7 9.5 15.6 15.7 28.1 3.8 5.3 Female... 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.1 10.1 17.6 16.2 28.1 3.8 5.2 MASSACHUSETTS.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.2 8.5 12.0 14.7 23.6 3.6 4.9 Urban.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.2 8.5 12.0 14.6 23.4 3.5 4.9 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.2 8.9 12.2 3.6 5.0 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.1 8.2 11.7 15.2 23.8 3.4 4.8 Female... 14.1 23.1 6.1 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.4 12.6 15.2 26.1 3.8 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.5 8.6 12.9 4.0 6.2 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.3 12.3 15.4 26.4 3.6 5.0 Female... 15.0 25.8 4.9 RHODE ISLAND... 100.0 100.0 1.6 2,3 9.0 14.1 15.5 24.4 3.6 Urban. 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.2 9.0 14.1 3.6 5.0 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.3 9.4 14.1 15.5 24.5 3.7 5.1 Male.... 16,0 24.1 3.5 4.9 Female... 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.2 8.7 14.1 15.0 25.0 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.9 9.0 12.9 3.7 3.4 11.8 15.4 20.3 3.8 3.6 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.2 15.3 18.7 Female... 100.0 100.0 1.5 4.1 8.8 14.2 3.5 3.2 100.0 1.7 13.2 15.6 22.1 3.8 5.3 CONNECTICUT 100.0 1.5 8.6 15.7 23.7 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 8.6 13.5 3.8 6.2 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.9 8.8 13.8 15.5 23.6 3.8 5.1 Male 15.8 23.5 Female- 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.4 13.3 3.7 6.3 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.6 11.8 15.3 23.8 3.8 6.7 Rural . 16.0 24.0 Mtfe..... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.4 8.7 11.7 3.9 5.8 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.6 8.5 11.8 16.0 23.9 3.8 5.6 Female... 15.9 - 24.2 MIDDLE ATLANTIC NEW YORK 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.1 13.4 13.8 21.8 3.4 4.4 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.0 13.3 13.6 21.6 3.3 4.4 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.1 13.5 13.8 21.8 3.3 4.4 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.5 7.8 13.2 13.4 21.5 3.3 4.4 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 8.7 14.0 15.0 22.6 3.6 4.5 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.7 8.6 13.8 14.8 22.4 3.6 4.4 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.9 8.9 14.3 15.1 22.8 3.6 4.6 NEW JERSET.-.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.5 12.9 15.2 23.0 3.7 5.0 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.4 12.9 15.1 23.1 3.6 5.0 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.6 12.9 3.7 5.0 15.3 23.2 5.0 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.3 13.0 15.0 22.9 3.6 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.8 12.4 3.7 4.9 15.8 22.5 4.8 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.7 12.0 16.7 22.0 3.7 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.5 8.9 12.8 3.7 4.9 15.9 23.1 4.9 PENNSTLVANIA.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.8 9.6 12.8 16.6 22.8 4.0 Urban.. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 8.9 12.5 3.8 4.8 Male.... 100.0 1.7 1.8 9.1 12.5 15.5 22.3 3.8 4.7 Female.. 100.0 loao 1.6 1.8 8.7 12.6 15.6 22.0 3.7 4.9 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.0 1.9 11.2 13.2 15.4 22.6 4.4 5.0 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.0 1.8 10.9 12.7 18.8 23.6 4.3 4.8 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.0 1.9 11.5 13.8 18.6 22.8 4.4 5.2 100.0 19.2 1 24.6

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 95



Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent til relief all relief all relief all relief aU relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

3.5 11 11.0 9.3 13.3 10.7 12.7 10.5 11.3 7.2 9.1 13 8.7 16 3 3.5 10 11.3 9.0 115 11.2 13.8 10.8 11.7 7.7 .8.9 17 7.9 15 i 3.4 3.8 10 8 9.6 14.0 10.5 13.9 10.4 11.8 8.1 9.0 5.1 7.3 17 3.5 12 11.8 10.3 14.9 12.1 13.7 11.2 11.6 7.3 8.9 4.2 8.4 4.2 4: 3.6 12 10.7 8.9 12.5 10.2 12.0 10.2 11.1 6.7 9.2 10 9.2 17 I 3.5 11 10.7 8.6 12.2 9.0 12.0 9.8 11.3 7.7 9.6 17 9.3 6.8 1 3.5 12 10.6 9.2 12.8 11.5 11.9 10. C 10.9 5.8 8.8 3.4 9.1 3.5 3.4 3.9 10.8 8.2 13.6 10.9 13.4 11.3 11.8 7.4 9.6 5.0 8.9 5.6 i! 3.5 11 11.3 8.8 117 11.3 110 11.6 11.4 7.6 8.8 17 7.5 16 I 3.4 4.5 10.9 8.6 115 10.2 111 10.9 11.5 7.9 8.8 5.3 6.8 19 1C 3.5 3.7 11.6 9.1 I 15.0 12.4 13.9 12.3 11.3 7.3 8.8 12 8.1 12 11 3.3 3.3 10.0 6.2 ! 12.0 9.5 12.5 10.4 12.3 6.9 10.7 6.6 11.0 9.1 IS 3.3 3.6 10.0 6.4 ! 11.8 7.9 12.2 9.1 12.5 7.3 11.1 6.6 11.2 11.4 IS 3.3 2.9 10.0 7.1 12.2 11.1 12.8 11.7 12.2 6.5 10.3 4.6 10.8 6.7 H 3.5 14 11.2 8.7 13.4 11.0 12.7 10.9 11.4 8.4 9.1 17 8.7 3.4 U 3.4 17 12.1 9.8 15.2 12.0 110 11.0 11.9 9.0 8.6 17 7.4 3.0 It 3.3 5.3 11.9 9.1 15.3 11.4 14.1 10.5 12.0 10.0 8.5 5.5 6.5 3.71 17 3.4 4.0 12.3 10.6 15.1 12.6 13.8 11.6 11.7 7.9 8.7 3.9 8.3 2.4 IS 3.7 4.1 10.7 7.2 12.5 9.6 12.0 10.7 11.2 7.4 9.3 4.7 9.3 3.9 IS 3.7 11 11.1 6.8 12.4 8.2 11.9 10.2 11.3 8.1 9.6 5.8 9.2 5.1 2C 3.6 12 10.2 7.5 12.5 11.2 12.2 11.4 11.1 6.7 9.0 3.4 9.4 2.6 21 3.6 13 11.5 9.5 15.2 11.9 119 14.1 11.8 8.7 8.4 5.5 6.4 4.3 25 3.5 12 11.7 9.6 15.6 12.1 15.0 14.1 11.8 8.8 8.3 5.5 6.1 12 22 3.6 12 11.4 9.1 15.1 11.0 15.2 113 11.8 9.4 8.1 5.8 6.6 10 24 3.4 13 12.0 10.1 15.8 13.1 14.8 14.0 11.7 8.2 8.4 6.2 6\7 14 2! 3.6 14 10.2 8.3 12.5 9.7 13.6 13.4 12.0 7.9 9.8 6.7 9.4 5.2 21 3.7 14 10.4 8.1 12.3 8.4 13.4 13.2 11.8 8.1 9.8 6.0 9.0 5.8 2! 3.4 14 9.9 8.0 12.7 11.1 13.8 13.5 12.1 7.8 9.8 5.3 9.9 4.6 2S 3.7 11 11.9 9.2 15.0 11.4 14.4 12.7 11.5 8.7 8.0 6.2 6.8 3.0 2! 3.7 11 12.0 9.2 15.1 11.4 115 12.8 11.5 8.7 7.9 5.1 5.6 2.9 31 3.8 10 11.7 9.3 14.8 10.6 116 12.7 11.5 9.3 7.8 5.6 £.1 2.9 3: 3.6 12 12.2 9.0 15.5 12.3 114 12.8 11.5 8.0 8.0 4.5 6.0 3.0 3! 3.6 12 10.7 10.7 13.2 11.2 13.0 11.5 11.8 9.7 9.4 8.0 8.6 6.2 3! 3,7 13 11.0 11.6 12.8 11.4 12.6 11.2 11.8 10.6 9.5 9.1 8.6 6.0 3< 3.5 11 10.4 0.8 13.7 11.0 13.4 11.8 11.8 8.6 9.3 6.7 8.5 4.4 3J 3.8 4.6 11.8 10.3 15.1 11.2 15.2 12.7 11.1 8.7 7.6 5.1 6.8 3.5 Zi 3.8 4.5 12.2 10.2 15.7 11.6 15.3 12.8 11.0 8.5 7.3 6.0 6.2 3.3 31 3.7 4.6 11.8 10.1 16.4 10.6 15.8 12.5 11.4 9.1 7.2 5.3 17 3.5 3i 3.8 13 12.7 10.3 16.0 12.6 14.0 13.3 1 10.6 7.9 7.4 16 6.7 3.0 31 3.7 18 10.9 10.6 13.6 | 9.C 117 12.2 11.6 9.7 8.4 5.9 7.2 4.2 4( 3.8 17 11.0 10.5 13.2! 9.0| 116 11.3 11.9 10.4 8.4 6.4 7.0 19 4! 3.7 4.9 10.7 , 10.8 13.9 10.2 119 13.1 11.3 9.0 8.4 5.3 7.6 3.5 42

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Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 96 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATES BT AREAS* AND BY Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ 8EZ AND COLOR OB SACS cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

EAST NOBTH CENTRAL 1 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.9 11.4 15.1 21.5 2 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.5 11.1 14.2 21.1 3 Male 100.0 100.0 L6 1.6 8.6 11.1 14.3 20.7 4 Female . 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.3 11.2 14.1 21.5 5 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.0 9.8 12.2 17.0 22.6 6 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.0 9.6 11.9 16.7 22.2 7 100.0 100.0 1.8 2,0 iao 12.6 17.3 23.1 8 I INDIANA ...... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.7 12.1 15.1 22.1 Q Urban ...... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.5 9.1 11.7 13.9 21.3 10 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.6 8.7 11.9 13.9 21.5 11 Female ...... 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.5 8.9 11.5 13.9 21.1 1? 1 Rural...... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 8.6 12.9 16.6 23.9 13 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.5 12.6 16.4 23.7 14 1 Female*...... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.8 9.4 13.1 16.8 24.2 15 1 ItalNOfH...... a 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 9.7 11.5 14.3 20.6 16 1 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.3 11.3 13.5 20.3 7.9 20.3 17 Male 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.0 11.4 13.5 18 Female.--....x J.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 11.3 13.5 20.3 19 1 Rural...... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.8 7.8 12.1 16.6 22.1 20 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 9.4 12.0 16.2 21.9 9.2 22.4 21 Female..... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.7 9.7 12.1 17.0 22 MICHIGAN...... 100.0 100.0 L8 1.7 9.8 12.5 15.6 21.9 23 Urban...... 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.6 9.5 12.4 14.8 22.1 24 Male 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.6 9.4 12.3 14.3 22.1 25 Female..-.——.-. 100.0 100.0 L9 1.6 9.6 12.4 15.2 22.3 20 Rural...... 100.0 100.0 1.0 2.0 10.3 13.0 17.4 21.4 27 Male 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 9.8 12.5 16.8 20.6 28 Female...... : 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.1 13.6 18.1 22.4 20 WISCONSIN _.....—...... 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.2 ia7 13.7 15.7 21.7 30 100.0 9.4 Urban...... 100.0 1.7 2.1 8.8 13.0 14.0 20.8 31 Male 100.0 ioao 1.8 2.1 12.7 14.1 20.0 32 Female..—..-..... 100.0 1.7 2.2 9.0 13.3 13.8 21.6 33 Rural ...... 100.0 100.0 1.0 2.3 8.6 15.2 17.7 24.0 34 Male... 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.4 iai 15.0 16.0 23.6 35 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.3 9.7 15.5 18.6 24.4 100.0 10.6 WEST NORTH CENTRAL 30 MINNESOTA...... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.7 9.3 12.5 15.9 21.4 37 Urban...... 100.0 ioao 1.5 1.5 8.2 11.8 14.0 20.2 38 Male 100.0 1.6 1.4 8.4 11.7 14.4 19.8 30 Female...... * .. 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.6 8.0 12.1 13.7 20.7 40 Rural . ... 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.1 10.3 14.4 17.8 24.8 41 Male 100.0 ioao 1.8 2.1 9.8 13.7 17.0 24.5 42 100.0 100.0 Female ioao 2.0 2.1 10.8 16.2 18.7 25,2 43 IOWA 100.0 1.7 2.3 9.1 13.6 15.5 22.0 44 Urban... 100.0 100.0 8.1 12.9 13.7 100.0 1.5 2.2 21.0 45 Male 100.0 1.6 2.2 8.4 12.8 14.2 20.7 40 Feniale-.. *. 100.0 100.0 7.8 13.0 13.2 100.0 1.5 2.2 21.3 47 Rural...... ! 100.0 1.8 2.6 9.8 14.8 16.7 24.1 48 Male 100.0 ioao 9.0 14.6 23.9 100.0 1.8 2.4 40 Female...... 100.0 1.9 2.6 iai 15.0 las 24.3 50 MlSSOUBI.. . . 1 100.0 ioao 1.6 2.0 &7 12.3 17.1 21.6 51 Urban...... 100.0 ioao 1.4 2.0 7.4 11.8 14.6 20.5 52 Male 100,0 ioao 1.4 2.0 7.7 12.3 12.2 21.2 54 Female.*. 1 100.0 ioao 1.3 1.9 7.1 11.4 12.6 19.8 54 Rural ...... J 100.0 ioao 1.9 2.0 iai 13.6 11.9 24.4 55 Male...... 100.0 ioao 1.8 ZO 9.9 13.4 17.2 24.6 50 Female.—...... 100.0 ioao 1.9 2.0 ia2 13.7 16.9 24.2 57 NOBTH DAKOTA...... ! 100.0 2.2 2.4 11.2 14.6 17.4 24.4 58 Urban...... ioao 100.0 15.1 18.6 ioao 1.9 1 3.0 9.6 15.4 15.1 25.2 50 Male 100.0 100.0 „ 2.0 3.0 9.8 24.5 00 Female...—...... } 100.0 14.6 15.3 61 Rural.-...... ! 100.0 1.8 3.1 9.2 14.6 14.9 25.9 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.2 11.6 24.2 0? Male 100.0 ioao 2.2 2.3 14.1 19.3 23.6 63 1 100.0 ia8 15.0 18.3 100.0 2.4 1 2.2 20.5 25.0 100.0 12.2

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CENSUS 97


J 16-17 TEARS 18-24 TEARS 25-34 TEARS 85-44 YEARS 45-54 TEARS 55-64 TEARS 65 TEARS AND OVER

Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent 1 cent cent cent cent 1 cent cent cent j all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ 1 per- Per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons 1 sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

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Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 98 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATES BY AREAS, AND BY Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ SEX AND COLOR OR RACE cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per- sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

WEST NORTH CENTRAL— Continued SOUTH DAKOTA 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.2 10.5 13.3 17.8 22.2 4.2 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.1 8.6 12.0 15.0 19.9 3.5 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.0 9.0 11.9 15.2 19.7 3.3 Female 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.1 8.2 12.1 14.7 20.2 3.6 Rural— 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.2 10.9 13.6 18.5 22.6 4.3 Male 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.1 10.4 13.3 17.7 22.0 4.2 Female 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.3 11.5 13.9 19.4 23.1 4.5 NEBRASKA 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.2 9.7 13.5 16.2 23.2 3.8 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.3 8.4 13.0 14.0 22.1 3.4 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.2 8.7 13.2 14.4 22.1 3.4 Female 100.0 100.0 1.5 2.4 8.1 12.8 13.7 22.1 3.3 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.2 10.4 14.4 17.4 25.2 4.1 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.1 10.1 14.3 16.9 25.5 4.0 Male 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.4 10.6 14.4 18.0 24.9 4.2 _ Female 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.0 9.3 12.1 15.8 20.5 3.7 KANSAS 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.9 8.6 11.4 14.2 19.9 3.2 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 8.9 11.5 14.4 19.6 3.3 Male 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.9 8.2 11.3 13.9 20.2 3.2 ^ Female 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.2 9.9 13.1 16.9 21.3 4.0 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.0 9.6 12.5 16.5 21.1 3.9 Male 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.3 10.2 13.7 17.3 21.6 4.1 Female.*. SOUTH ATLANTIC DELAWARE . 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.2 8.3 12.3 15.3 20.6 3.5 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.4 2.1 7.8 12.1 14.7 20.0 3.3 Male 100.0 100.0 1.4 2.4 7.8 12.1 14,7 20.1 3.2 ^ Female 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.9 7.7 12.1 14.8 20.0 3.3 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.3 8.9 13.2 15.9 22.8 3.8 Male I 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.2 8.6 12.5 15.6 22.7 3.8 Female 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.3 9.1 13.9 16.2 22.9 3.8 MARYLAND 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 9.2 13.8 15.6 24.0 3.6 Urban ..."."."„"" 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.4 13.6 14.3 23.5 3.2 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.8 8.7 14.1 14.5 24.1 3.2 Male I 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.2 13.2 14.1 23.0 3.3 ^ Female 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.5 10.4 15.0 17.5 26.4 4.0 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.5 10.1 14.5 17.2 26.5 4.0 Male 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.5 10.7 15.5 17.8 26.3 4.1 ^ Female 100.0 100.0 1.3 2.5 6.9 13.3 11.3 19.9 2.6 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA... 100.0 100.0 1.3 2.5 6.9 13.3 11.3 19.9 2.6 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.3 2.6 7.3 13.6 11.7 20.2 2.7 Male„.™I 100.0 100.0 1.2 2.3 6.5 13.0 10.9 19.6 2.6 Female 100.0 100.0 2.0 1.8 11.0 12.9 18.6 25.1 4.3 VIRGINIA.. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.7 12.9 14.9 24.4 3.3 Urban.* 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.7 9.1 13.5 15.3 25.6 3.3 Male I 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.4 12.4 14.6 23.3 3.3 _ Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.0 12.1 13.0 20.3 26.2 4.7 Rural.. 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.1 12.0 12.9 20.2 26.7 4.8 Male...!.". ...V 100.0 100.0 2.3 1.9 12.2 13.1 20.5 25.8 4.7 Female 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.4 12.2 13.8 19.1 23.0 4.2 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 9.5 10.6 15.5 20.5 3.5 WEST VIRGINIA 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 9.8 10.8 15.6 20.5 3.6 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.9 9.3 10.4 15.4 20.4 3.5 Male 100.0 100.0 2.6 2.5 13.3 14.6 20.6 23.6 4.4 Female 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.4 12,9 14.4 20.0 23.3 4.3 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.7 2.5 13.7 14.8 21.3 24.1 4.5 Male I 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.2 12.7 13.7 20.4 27.3 4.7 Female 100.0 100.0 1.9 1.9 10.6 12.6 16.6 25.6 3.7 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.1 11.2 13.5 17.3 27.6 3.7 NORTH CAROLINA 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.8 10.0 11.7 16.0 23.9 3.6 Urban 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.3 13.5 14.3 21.6 28.1 5.0 Male 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.4 13.6 16.0 21.7 29.3 5.1 Female 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.2 13.4 13.7 21.6 27.0 5.0 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.1 12.3 12.1 21.4 23.1 5.0 Male 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.6 9.7 10.1 16.9 20.9 3.9 Female 100.0 100.0 1.9 1.8 10.5 10.7 17.9 22.0 4.0 SOUTH CAROLINA 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.5 9.1 9.5 16.0 19.8 3.8 Urban 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.2 13.0 12.8 22.6 23.8 5.3 Male 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.3 13.2 13.0 22.9 24.2 5.3 Female 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.1 12.9 12.5 22.2 23.5 5.2 Rural Male Digitized for FRASERFemal e http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 99


05 TEARS 10-17 TEARS 18^24 TEARS 25-34 TEARS 35-44 TEARS 45-54 TEARS 55-64 TEARS AND OVER

Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief! all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per- | per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons i sons sons sons sons

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8TATES BT AREAS, AND BT SEX AND COLOR OK RACE Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per- per- per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

SOUTH ATLANTIC— Contd. GEORGIA 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.1 11.2 12.3 19.1 22.6 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.8 10.8 15.4 21.4 Male JOO.O 100.0 1.8 1.8 9.4 11.3 16.1 22.3 Female- 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.3 10.5 14.6 20.6 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.4 12.3 13.6 20.8 23.5 Male- 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.4 12.3 13.5 20.8 23.2 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.4 12.3 13.6 20.7 23.7 FLORIDA.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.0 10.0 11.5 16.1 20.8 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.6 10.1 14.1 19.3 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.7 9.0 10.3 14.5 19.2 Female- 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.6 8.2 9.9 13.8 19.3 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.3 11.5 12.9 18.3 22.2 Male..- 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.3 11.1 12.7 17.8 21.6 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.3 11.8 13.0 18.9 22.0

WEST SOUTH CENTRAL ARKANSAS 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.9 11.6 11.9 18.8 21.8 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.6 8.4 10.1 14.5 20.2 Male.— 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.7 10.9 15.0 21.1 Female-. 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.5 8.1 9.4 14.1 19.3 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.1 12.4 12.9 19.9 22.7 Male- 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.2 12.2 13.3 19.7 23.5 Female— 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.0 12.6 12.5 20.3 21.8 LOUISIANA .. 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.0 11.2 13.7 18.2 22.1 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.0 1.6 9.0 12.2 14.7 21.0 24 Male— 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.6 9.5 12.3 15.2 20.9 25 Female- 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.5 8.6 12.1 14.2 21.1 26 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.4 12.7 14.9 20.5 22.9 27 Male- 100.0 100.0 2.4 2,4 12.5 14.7 20.3 22.9 28 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.4 12.9 15.2 20.7 23.0 29 OKLAHOMA 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.2 11.3 12.9 18.2 22.4 30 Urban. 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.7 9.2 10.8 14.7 21.3 31 Male. 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.8 9.4 11.1 14.7 22.1 32 Female- 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.6 9.0 10.4 14.7 20.5 33 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.4 12.3 13.6 20.1 22.8 34 Male—. 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.4 12.0 13.4 19.6 22.6 35 Female.., 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.4 12.8 13.8 20.7 23.1 35 TEXAS 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.0 10.7 12.6 17.4 23.3 37 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.9 9.1 12.3 14.7 23.0 38 Male.—.. 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.0 9.3 12.9 14.9 23.9 39 Female... 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.8 8.9 11.8 14.5 22.0 40 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.2 11.8 13.2 19.4 23.9 41 Male 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.2 11.5 13.4 19.1 24.6 42 Female... 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.1 12.0 13.0 19.7 23.2 MOUNTAIN

43 MONTANA 100.0 100.0 1.8 9.3 12.0 16.6 21.0 44 I Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 7.6 10.6 14.3 18.0 Male. 100.0 100.0 1.5 7.5 10.1 13.8 17.3 Female 100.0 100.0 1.5 7.7 11.1 14.9 18.8 Rural.. 100.0 100.0 2.0 10.1 13.0 17.7 23.2 Male 100.0 100.0 1.8 9.2 12.5 16.3 22.5 Female 100.0 100.0 2.2 11.2 13.7 19.6 23.9 IDAHO 100.0 100.0 2.0 10.5 12.1 18.0 22.6 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.8 8.9 12.0 15.9 22.2 Male 100.0 100.0 1.9 8.9 11.6 15.8 21.6 Female 100.0 100.0 1.7 8.9 12.3 16.0 22.7 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.1 11.1 12.4 18.9 23.0 Male 100.0 100.0 Z0 10.3 12.2 17.8 22.3 Female.— 100.0 100.0 2.3 12.1 12.5 20.3 23.9 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL KENTUCKT 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.6 11.4 15.2 18.2 23.6 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.6 2,1 8.6 12.0 13.9 22.0 Male 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.2 9.0 12.4 14.3 21.9 Female 100.0 100.0 1.5 2.1 8.2 11.7 13.6 22.1 Rural- 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.6 12.7 15.8 20.1 23.9 Male 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.6 12.5 15.8 20.0 23,7 Female 100.0 100.0 2.6 2.71 12.8 15.0 20.2 24.0

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 101


65 YEARS 16-17 YEARS 18-24 YEARS 25-34 TZARS 3M4 YEARS 45-54 YEARS 155-01 YEARS AND OVER

Per­ Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cent cent i cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

1 *•* 4.6 14.5 13.8 14.0 13.2 11.6 11.0 9.1 8.2 5.2 4.5 3.9 2.9 1 10 13 15.4 13.3 17.9 119 113 12.8 10.1 9.1 6.3 4.4 3.6 2,6 2 3.9 4.2 111 13.0 17.3 13.9 114 11.9 10.5 9.3 5.5 5.0 3.3 2.7 3 11 4.3 10.6 13.6 IS. 3 16.8 14.2 13.6 9.7 6.2 3.9 3.9 2.5 4 6.0 4.8 111 14.2 12.2 12.0 10.4 9.5 8.7 a7.o5 5.2 16 10 3.1 6 6.0 4.9 13.9 14.7 11.7 11.7 9.9 8.8 9.0 7.7 5.8 5.1 12 3.5 6 19 4.7 112 13.7 12.8 12.3 11.0 10.4 8.4 7.3 4.6 3.9 3.8 2.8 ? 3.8 4.4 13.1 13.5 16.3 114 13.8 11.8 10.2 9.2 6.3 5.1 4.9 2.9 8 3.5 4.1 13.1 13.5 18.2 16.0 15.4 13.4 10.8 9.9 6.5 5.2 5.0 2.8 9 3.4 4.0 11.9 13.1 17.7 15.2 16.6 12.8 11.3 10.6 6.7 6.0 5.1 3.1 10 3.6 4.3 113 14.0 18. S 16.8 15.2 13.9 10.3 9.2 6.3 14 18 2.4 11 4.2 4.6 13.1 13.5 111 12.8 12.1 10.4 9.6 8.6 6.1 5.0 17 3.1 12 11 14 12.7 13.2 13.7 12.5 12.1 9.9 10.3 9.2 6.8 6.0 5.3 3.S 13 13 4.8 13.6 13.8 115 13.1 12.1 10.8 8.8 8.0 5.3 4.0 4.2. 2.4 14

4.4 11 13.8 11.7 13.9 12.4 11.7 10.1 9.5 8.7 5.6 6.0 11 6.6 15 3.7 4.1 114 12.7 17.6 13.7 116 11.6 11.0 10.0 6,3 6.3 15 5.2 16 3.7 3.8 13.0 11.5 16.8 12.6 14.7 10.6 11.8 10.4 6.7 6.8 4.5 5.8 17 3.8 15 15.7 13.8 18.4 117 14.6 12.5 10.2 9.7 6.9 5.7 14 16 18 16 4.2 13.6 11.1 13.0 11.7 10.9 9.2 9.1 8.0 5.4 5.8 10 7.4 19 16 11 13.2 10.3 12.5 11.1 1 10.7 1 8.3 9.7 8.0 6.0 6.0 14 8.3 20 16 4.2 14.0 12.0 13.6 12.4 11.2 | 10.1 8.4 8.1 17 5.6 3.6 6.5 21 12 3.8 14.0 12.3 15.5 118 12.6 1 11.5 1 9.2 8.7 5.2 4.4 3.6 2.3 22 3.6 3.5 113 11.6 18.7 15.8 119 13.5 10.3 9.9 5.7 4.7 3.8 2.2 23 3.5 3.2 13.3 10.7 18.3 16.2 15.3 13.6 10.7 11.0 5.8 5.4 3.3 2.2 24 3.7 3.7 15.3 12.6 19.0 16.4 115 13.5 9.8 8.8 5.7 3.9 13 2.3 25 15 4.1 13.7 12.9 13.6 13.9 11.2 9.9 8.5 7.7 18 12 1 3.5 2.4 26 15 3.8 13.4 12.3 13.2 13.7 11.2 9.9 9.0 8.3 5.3 18 3*6 2.6 27 16 14 110 13.6 13.9 110 11.2 9.9 8.0 7.0 4.3 3.6 3.3 2.2 28 13 15 13.9 12.8 15.3 12.5 12.3 10.0 8.9 8.3 6.6 5.5 10 3.9 29 3.5 14 119 12.0 19.1 12.4 14.5 11.6 9.6 9.8 5.5 6.6 4.0 15 30 3.3 14 13.6 11.4 18.8 11.4 15.0 10.6 10.2 9.9 6.9 7.3. 4.1 6.1 31 a.7 15 16.2 12.6 19.4 13.4 13.9 12.5 9.0 9.8 5.2 5.9 3.9 3.9 32 17 4.5 13.3 13.1 13.3 12.5 11.1 9.5 8.5 7.7 5.6 5.2 11 3.7 33 14 16 4.3 13.2 12.7 13.0 12.4 11.0 9,2 8.9 7.9 6.3 5.8 4.6 34 17 4.6 13.4 13.6 13.6 12.6 11.2 9.9 8.1 7.5 18 4.5 3.5 3.0 35 12, 3.9 14.2 11.0 16.1 12.6 12.8 11.2 9.1 8.6 5.3 5.6 10 4.7 36 3.6 3.9 14.8 11.1 19.1 13.0 117 11.7 9.7 8.9 6.4 5.5 3.8 4-1 37 3.5 3.9 13.9 10.2 | 18.8 11.5 , 15.1 11.0 10.1 9.2 5.5 6.1 3.8 18 38 3.7 10 15.6 11.9 1 19.4 116 113 12.4 9.3 8.6 5.2 1 4.8 3.9 3.5 39 16 4.0 13.7 10.7 110 11.7 11.5 iao 8.7 8.1 5.3 6.5 11 6.0 40 9.1 5.8 5.8 4.4 6.8 41 16 10 13.0 iai 13.7 10.6 11.5 9.4 8.4 5.2 17 3.9 13.9 113 12.9 11.6 ia7 8.2 7.7 18 5.2 3.7 42 11.4

5.0 5.3 43 3.8 4.7 11.7 iae 13.7 11.2 15.4 11.7 11.8 10.5 6.9 6.1 3.5 16.6 12.8 12.6 11.7 7.3 6.8 5.0 5.5 44 14 12.2 11.6 16,8 12.3 7.7 6.4 6.2 45 11 11.2 10.6 16.2 12.1 17.2 12.8 13.9 13.3 7.7 3.8 15.9 12.8 11.2 0.9 6.7 5.8 4.7 17 46 18 13.4 12.7 16.4 12.5 5.6 5.0 5.1 47 3.9 19 11.4 9.0 12.7 10.3 118 11.0 11.4 9.7 6.8 3.7 15.3 12.7 10.5 7.7 6.6 5.7 &4 48 17 11.3 9.4 12.4 9.7 iao 15 3.9 3.8 59 13 6.1 11.6 10.4 13.0 11.0 111 ii.i 9.8 8.7 5.6 11 13.2 10.4 9.9 6.7 6.3 5.0 5.8 60 4.7 12.3 11.3 13.5 10.1 ias 6.0 5.6 A3 51 3.9 18 13.1 11.6 16.1 10.3 110 9.9 11.0 9.9 6.9 3.7 14.3 9.4 11.6 10.3 7.4 6.6 6.9 7.4 62 17 12.1 11.6 14.6 10.2 6.5 5.6 6.1 5.2 53 12 19 111 11.6 15.6 10.4 13.7 ias 10.3 9.5 12 12.8 9.9 6.6 6.5 18 5.3 54 16 12.0 11.0 12.9 9.9 10.7 ia2 7.4 7.5 5.7 6.4 55 10 4.3 11.9 11.0 12.6 12.9 iao 1L2 10.4 13 9.6 12.6 9.4 6.6 5.4 I 3.8 1 111 66 4.9 12.1 11.1 13.1 ias 11.5 9.1 4.4 5.4 3.8 .67 11 16 12.0 12.1 9.2 9.7 7.2 6.6 12.4 12.8 13.8 11.5 9.6 7.4 6.7 5.8 4.2 i 68 3.4 11 13.0 11.7 16.9 12.6 117 11.5 6.3 16 69 8 11.9 16.0 10.8 11.6 9.8 7.4 6.2 2* 11 12.4 11.6 16.8 11.4 9.5 7.5 6.2 6.2 3.8 60 3.4 4.0 11.9 17.0 13.2 116 12.1 5.3 13 i&e 11.0 8.8 8.9 6.8 6.2 12 3.7 61 16 12.1 13.1 12.4 11.8 7.0 &6 4.6 5.6 11 «2 13 15 12.8 12.0 11.8 10.9 8.4 9.1 12.0 9.2 1 8.6 1 6.61 6.81 3.7 1 5.0 1 3.2 63 13 4.7 1 12.2 1 13.4 12.9 i 1L8I lLOl

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 102 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATES BY AREAS, AND BT Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ SEX AND COLOR OR BACE cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per- sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

EAST SOUTH CENTRAL— Continued TENNESSEE 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.3 11.0 14.1 17.9 24.5 4.1 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.7 8.8 11.6 14.2 22.6 3.2 Male 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.7 9.2 12.1 14.8 23.2 3.3 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.7 8.3 11.1 13.8 21.9 3.2 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.6 12.2 15.5 19.9 25.6 4.6 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.6 12.1 15.5 19.9 25.6 4.6 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.6 12.3 15.4 19.8 25.5 4.6 ALABAMA 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.0 12.1 14.2 19.2 23.2 4.5 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.5 9.5 11.8 15.2 22.5 3.6 Male.... 100.0 100.0 L0 1.6 10.0 12.9 15.8 23.7 3.6 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.3 9.0 10.9 14.7 21.5 3.6 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.2 13.1 15.0 20.7 23.4 4.9 Male-.. 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.2 13.1 15.1 20.9 23.6 5.0 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.6 Zl 13.1 14.9 20.5 23.2 4.9 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.0 12.0 13.4 19.0 23.1 4.4 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.4 8.9 11.1 14.3 21.2 3.3 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.7 1.6 9.5 12.1 15.0 22.6 3.3 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.2 8.4 10.3 13.7 19.9 3.3 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.1 12.6 14.1 19.9 23.6 4.7 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.2 12.6 14.7 20.1 24.4 4.7 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.0 13.5 19.8 Female.. 12.7 22.7 4.6 WYOMING 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.1 10.2 13.0 16.3 24.4 3.6 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.5 9.2 12.6 14.8 23.8 3.3 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.8 2.5 9.0 12.0 14.2 23.6 3.2 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.9 2.5 9.6 13.3 15.5 23.9 3.4 Rural... 100.0 100.0 2.0 1.7 1 10.6 13.3 16.9 24.9 3.8 Male.... 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.2 1 9.5 13.7 15.4 24.1 3.4 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.3 2.2 12.0 13.0 19.0 25.7 4.3 COLORADO 100.0 100.0 1.9 1.6 9.3 12.5 15.8 21.2 3.7 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.7 7.7 12.2 13.3 20.2 3.2 Male..,. 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.7 8.0 12.3 13.7 20.2 3.2 Female.. 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.7 7.5 12.0 13.0 20.1 3.2 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.4 11.0 13.4 18.3 23.9 4.2 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.1 1.5 1 10.3 13.4 17.5 24.0 4.0 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.3 1.3 11.7 13.4 19.3 23.6 4.4 NEW MEXICO 100.0 100.0 2.6 2.3 12.8 14.8 19.2 26.7 4.1 Urban 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.4 10.4 15.7 16.7 26.6 3.6 Male 100.0 100.0 2.2 2.6 10.5 16.3 16.7 26.9 3.4 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.3 10.3 15.1 16.8 26.3 3.8 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.8 2.1 13.6 14.3 20.0 26.7 4.3 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.7 2.1 12.9 14.4 19.3 27.4 4.1 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.9 2.2 14.3 14.3 20.7 26.0 4.5 ARIZONA 100.0 100.0 2.4 2.2 11.5 12.7 17.2 22.1 3.7 Urban 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.0 9.6 12.2 15.0 21.4 3.3 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.1 2.0 9.6 12.5 14.6 21.4 3.2 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.0 2.0 9.5 11.8 15.3 21.4 3.5 Rural 100.0 100.0 2.6 2.3 12.5 13.0 18.3 22.6 3.8 Male—. 100.0 100.0 2.5 2.3 11.6 12.9 17.3 22.4 3.6 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.8 13.2 19.5 22.7 4.1 100.0 2.4 13.6 UTAH 100.0 2.3 1.9 11.8 13.7 19.2 22.1 4.4 Urban 100.0 100.0 2.0 13.1 17.4 21.2 4.0 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.1 1.9 10.5 13.4 17.0 21.0 4.0 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.0 1.9 10.7 12.8 17.2 21.4 4.0 Rural...... 100.0 100.0 2.6 2.0 10.3 14.8 21.2 23.7 4.8 Male.... 100.0 100.0 2.4 1.9 13.4 14.7 20.6 24.3 4.7 Female.. 100.0 100.0 2.7 1.9 13.0 14.8 22.0 23.0 5.0 NEVADA. 100.0 100.0 1.6 2.0 13.8 8.1 13.2 15.8 3.0 Urban 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.5 8.0 8.3 11.9 15.4 2.8 Male—. 100.0 100.0 1.1 1.4 6.9 6.6 10.9 12.6 2.5 Female- 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.2 6.5 10.9 12.9 19.4 3.2 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.6 7.5 1.8 ! 8.6 7.9 14.0 16.2 3.1 Male— 100.0 100.0 1.5 70 11.8 2.7 100.0 100.0 2.2 1.2 7.4 Female.. 2.2 » 10.4 I. 9.2 17.5 I 19.3 3.8

Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 103


65 YEARS 16-17 YEARS 18-34 YEARS 25-34 YEARS 35-44 YEARS 45-54 YEARS 55-64 YEABS AND OVER

Per- Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent all relief all relief all relief all relief all elief all relief all relief! per- per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

4.3 4.5 13.8 12.1 14.4 12.4 12.0 10.3 9.7 8.0 6.0 4.3 4.6 2.7 3.7 4.3 14.9 11.7 18.1 13.5 14.5 12.4 10.7 9.7 6.1 5.2 4.1 2.8 3.6 4.2 13.7 11.6 17.6 12.0 14.7 11.5 11.1 ia2 6.3 6.0 3.9 3.0 3.7 4.4 16.1 11.8 18.7 15.0 14.3 13.2 10.3 9.3 5.8 4.4 4.2 2.7 4.7 4.6 13.1 12.4 12.4 11.7 10.7 9.1 9.2 7.1 6.0 3.8 4.8 2.6 4.8 4.6 13.1 12.0 11.8 11.2 10.3 8.4 9.4 7.6 6.5 4.4 5.1 2.9 4.5 4.6 13.3 12.9 13.0 12.2 11.1 9.8 8.9 6.6 5.6 3.2 4.5 2.3 4.7 4.5 14.0 13.0 14.1 12.6 11.1 9.5 9.3 8.4 4.9 4.5 3.8 3.4 3.9 4.3 15.0 12.0 18.4 13.8 14.1 11.9 10.1 9.4 5.0 5.0 3.4 i 3.2 3,8 4.3 13.7 10.9 17.8 12.2 14.2 10.8 10.8 10.1 5.2 5.5 3.2 3.2 4.1 4.2 16.2 12.9 18.9 15.3 13.9 12.9 9.4 8.9 4.8 4.5 3.7 3.1 5.0 4.6 13.6 13.4 12.5 12.2 10.0 &8 8.9 8.0 4.9 4.3 3.9 3.4 5.1 4.7 13.1 12.9 11.9 11.9 9.3 7.8 9.7 8.6 5.4 4.8 4.0 3.7 4.8 4.5 14.2 13.9 13.0 12.5 10.7 9.8 8.2 7.4 4.4 3.8 3.7 3.1 4.6 4.4 14.2 11.4 14.2 11.9 11.4 9.8 8.9 8.0 5.2 5.5 3.9 5.6 3.7 3.8 15.3 11.5 18.5 13.1 14.3 11.4 la 2 9.7 5.7 6.6 4.1 5.7 3.6 3.8 13.7 10.5 18.0 11.7 14.6 10.4 10.7 9.6 7.1 3.9 5.8 3.7 3.9 16,8 12.3 19.0 14.2 14.1 12.3 9.7 9.8 5.ao3 6.3 4.4 5.6 4.8 4.6 14.0 11.3 13.3 11.6 10.8 9.4 8.6 7.6 6.2 5.2 3.8 5.5 4.9 4.8 13.4 10.6 12.7 10.9 10.5 8.6 *9 7.5 5.8 5.4 4.1 5.8 4.6 4.4 14.7 12.1 13.9 12.3 11.1 ia2 &3 7.7 4.5 5.0 3.5 5.2 3.5 4.0 12.7 8.7 16.2 10.1 15.6 11.9 10.3 9.2 5.7 6.2 3.9 5.3 3.3 3.9 12.2 8.5 18.1 9.9 17.1 12.9 10.8 9.7 5.6 6.2 3.7 4.8 3.0 4.1 11.7 7.9 17.6 8.0 18.1 11.5 11.7 10.6 6.0 7.1 3.8 6.7 3.6 3.7 12.8 9.2 18.9 11.8 15.9 14.4 9.8 8.8 5.0 5.2 3.6 2.8 3.7 4.1 13.0 8.8 15.4 10.3 14.9 11.1 10.1 8.8 5.7 6.3 3.9 i 5.7 3.4 4.1 13.3 7.9 15.4 9.6 15.7 10.7 11.2 9.0 6.5 7.2 4.4 1 7.6 4.0 4.1 12.4 9.8 15.4 11.0 13.8 11.6 8.8 8.6 4.7 6.3 3.3 3.8 3.7 4.1 12.1 9.9 14.6 11.6 14.2 11.9 11.2 9.6 7.5 6.5 6.0 6.6 3.3 4.0 12.1 10.2 15.9 12.2 15.4 12.3 12.3 10.1 8.5 6.6 6.8 6.2 3.2 3.9 11.3 9.2 15.5 11.3 15.5 12.3 12.5 10.5 8.5 7.1 7.0 7.2 3.4 4.1 12.8 11.1 16.3 13.2 15.1 12.3 12.1 9.8 8.4 6.2 6.7 5.2 4.1 4.3 12.1 9.2 13.3 9.8 13.0 11.0 iai 8.3 6.6 6.1 5.1 7.6 4.0 4.4 12.1 8.6 13.1 8,8 13.2 10.4 10.7 8.9 7.2 6.3 5.8 8.9 4.2 4.2 12.1 9.9 13.7 10.9 12.7 11.5 9.4 7.8 5.9 5.8 4.3 6.3 4.1 4.0 13.0 9.2 14.3 10.5 12.1 10.1 8.4 6.7 5.4 4.8 4.0 j 6.1 3.8 3.8 13.3 9.6 16.6 10.9 14.1 10.4 9.6 6.4 5.8 4.9 4.0 4.7 3.6 3.9 12.6 8.5 16.1 9.6 14.3 10.5 10.2 6.7 6.1 5.1 4.3 5.3 3.9 3.7 14.0 10.5 17.2 12.1 13.8 10.5 9.0 6.1 5.4 4.6 3.8 4.2 4.2 4.2 12.9 0.0 13.4 10,2 11.5 9.9 8.0 6.9 5.3 4.8 4.0 6.9 4.1 4.3 1Z6 9.0 13.1 8.8 11.9 9.4 8.7 6.9 6.0 4.6 4.6 7.7 4.4 4.1 13.2 9.1 13.8 11.5 11.1 10.5 7.2 6.8 4.6 5.0 3.3 6.0 j 3.7 4.3 13.0 12.4 16.3 13.0 13.8 10.8 9.5 9.1 5.3 5.2 3.6 3.5 3.5 4.3 13.5 12.6 18.0 13.5 15.3 11.2 10.5 9.5 5.5 5.2 3.7 3.4 3.3 4.2 12.8 12.2 17.8 13.1 15.8 10.5 11.0 9.7 5.9 5.8 3.9 3.8 3.7 4.4 14.1 13.1 18.3 13.9 14.3 11.9 10.0 9.4 5.2 4.6 3.6 3.0 3.8 4.2 12.8 12.2 15.5 12.7 13.0 10.5 9.0 8.7 6.1 5.3 3.6 3.7 3.6 4.2 12.6 11.8 15.6 1Z1 13.5 30.1 9.8 8.9 5.9 6.2 4*1 4.4 4.0 4.3 13.0 12.5 15.3 13.4 12.4 1L0 8.0 8.5 4.3 4.3 3.0 2.8 4.2 4.8 13.2 11.8 14.0 11.6 12.0 10.2 8.9 8.0 5.5 5.3 4.5 5.3 3.9 4.6 13.7 11.9 15.2 11.9 12.9 10.7 9.6 8.6 5.9 6.6 4.9 5.3 3.9 4.6 12.9 11.6 15.0 11.6 13.1 10.6 10.0 8.9 6.0 5.8 4.7 5.4 3.9 4.6 14.4 12.2 15.3 12.2 | 12.6 10.8 9.3 8.2 5.9 5.4 5.1 5.2 4.4 5.0 12.6 11.6 ' 12.8 11.1 11.2 9.4 8.0 7.1 5.0 4.7 4.0 5.3 4.4 5.3 12.7 11.3 12.9 10.9 11.5 9.5 8.4 7.0 5.3 4.7 4.1 5.1 4.5 4.7 12.5 12.0 12.7 1L4 10.8 9.2 7.5 7.2 4.6 4.8 ! 3.9 6.5 1 3.0 3.3 11.0 9.2 16.5 11.0 16.7 11.9 13.7 12.9 8.0 10.6 6.3 12.3 2.9 3.3 11.3 7.8 17.5 11.7 18.2 12.9 14.3 14.7 8.1 10.9 4.8 10.6 2.7 3.0 10.2 6.3 16.1 9.9 18.7 13.3 16.4 17.1 9.5 13.2 5.4 14.3 1 3.0 3.7 1 12.7 30.0 1 19.1 14.3 17.5 12.4 11.9 11.2 1 6.5 7.5 4.2 5.1 3.0 3.4 10.9 10.2 16.0 10.5 15.7 11.1 13.3 11.5 8.0 10.4 5.6 13.6 2.6 3.0 ia4 10.2 16.5 9.9 17.1 10.4 14.9 11.9 9.1 11.8 6.0 17.1 1 3.7 4.0 1 11.6 i 10,1 1 15.3 11.4 1 13.7 12.1 1 10.9 11.0 1 6.1 i 8.2 1 4.8 » 8.4



STATES BY AREAS, AND BY SEX AND COLOR OB RACE Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent 1 all relief all relief all relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

PACIFIC 1 WASHINGTON...... 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.8 7.6 10.5 14.2 18.9 3.6 4.7 o Urban...... 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.8 6.9 10.0 12.6 18.0 3.2 4.5 3 Male 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.8 6.8 10.0 12.4 17.2 3.1 4.4 4 Female ...... , . 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.8 6.0 10.1 12.9 48.8 3.3 4.6 5 Rural ...... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.9 8.6 11.3 16.1 20.6 4.0 4.9 6 Male ...... 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.7 8.0 10.9 15.0 19.8 3.8 4.9 7 Female. . 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.0 9.3 11.8 17.4 21.5 4.2 4.9 8 OREGON 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.6 7.5 10.2 13.9 19.9 3.5 4.3 ft Urban . 100.0 100.0 1.1 1.5 6.4 9.3 12.1 18.5 3.1 4.2 10 Male ..w 100.0 100.0 1.2 1.5 6.4 9.1 12.0 18.0 3.0 4.0 IT Female 100.0 100.0 1.1 1.5 6.3 9.6 12.1 19.1 3.3 4.4 12 Rural .. . 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.7 8.7 12.0 15.8 23.0 3.8 4.8 13 Male ...... 100.0 100.0 1.5 1.4 8.2 11.7 14.7 23.0 3.6 4.7 14 Female * *.. 100.0 100.0 1.7 2.0 9.4 12.4 17.0 22.9 4,1 4.8 15 CALIFORNIA ...... 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.5 7.4 10.3 12.6 18.1 2.9 4.0 16 Urban . . 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.4 6.9 10.0 11.7 17.7 2.8 3.9 17 Male 100.0 100.0 1.3 1.4 7.0 9.8 11.7 17.2 2.8 3.8 18 Female _. _, 100.0 100.0 1.2 1.5 6.8 10.3 11.7 18.1 2.8 4.0 10 Rural 100.0 100.0 1.6 1.6 8.9 11.4 15.0 20.5 3.4 4.4 20 Male 100.0 100.0 1.4 1.6 8.1 11.0 13.8 20.2 3.1 4.1 21 Female...—...... 100.0 100.0 1.8 1.7 9.9 11.9 16.6 20.7 3.7 4.7 1

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18-17 YEARS 65-64 YEARS 05 YEARS 18-24 YEi.ES 25*34 TEAKS 35-44 YEARS 45-54 YEARS AND OVER

Per­ Per­ Per­ Per- Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ Per­ cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent ail relief all relief all relief all relief ail relief all relief all relief per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ per­ sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons sons

3.5 4.2 11.9 10.2 15.1 12.2 15.4 13.0 12.7 12.1 8.1 7.5 6.5 4.9 1 3.3 4.1 12.4 10.3 16.5 12.7 16.4 13.5 13.1 12.7 8.1 7.6 6.2 4.8 2* 3.1 3.9 11.7 9.1 16.1 11.9 16.7 13.3 14.0 14.1 8.5 8.9 6.3 5.4 3.5 4.4 13.2 11.6 16.9 13.6 16.1 13.8 12.2 11.1 7.6 6.2 6.1 4.1 4a 3.8 4.5 11.2 9.9 13.3 11.5 14.2 12.2 12.2 11.0 8.2 7.2 6.9 5.0 5 3.7 4.5 11.3 9.5 13.0 10.6 14.3 11.7 12.9 11.7 8.9 8.5 7.7 6.2 6 4.0 4.4 11.0 10.3 13.7 12.6 14.1 12.8 11.3 10.2 7.4 5.9 5.9 3.6 7 3.5 3.8 11.7 8.5 15.0 11.2 15.4 14.3 12.7 10.7 8.4 7.5 7.1 8.0 8 3.3 3.7 12.4 8.6 16.4 11.6 16.6 15.6 13.4 11.5 8.4 7.8 6.8 7.7 9- 3.1 3.6 11.6 7.7 15.9 9.6 17.1 16.8 14.2 12.4 8.7 &7 6.8 8.7 10 3.5 4.0 13.2 9.6 18.9 13.7 16.2 14.3 12.5 10.5 8.1 6.7 6.8 6.6 11 3.8 3.9 10.9 8.3 13.6 10.5 14.1 11.4 12.0 9.1 8.5 6.8 7.3 8.5 12- 3.6 3.8 10.9 8.0 13.3 8.8 14.2 11.0 12.7 9.6 9.2 7.6 8.2 10.4 13 3.9 3.9 11.0 8.6 14.0 12.4 13.9 11.9 11.1 8.6 7.6 6.0 6.3 6.5 14 2.9 3.6 11.6 10.8 17.3 14.5 16.5 14.8 12.8 12.1 8.2 6.8 6.5 3.5 15 2.8 3.6 11.7 10.8 18.0 14.9 16.9 15.1 13.0 12.4 8.3 6.8 6.6 3.4 16 2.7 3.5 11.5 10.0 18.2 14.5 17.3 15.0 13.4 13.4 8.0 7.6 6.1 3.8 17 2.9 3.7 12.0 11.8 17.9 15.2 16.5 15.1 12.7 11.3 8.5 5.9 7.0 3.1 18 3.3 3.0 11.0 10.3 15.3 12.8 15.2 13.2 12.2 11.1 7.9 7.0 6.2 3.8 19- 3.1 3.7 11.3 9.9 15.5 12.2 15.5 13.1 13.0 11.8 8.5 8.0 6.7 4.4 20- 3.6 4.1 10.7 10.8 14.9 13.4 14.9 13.3 11.2 10.3 7.2 5.9 5.5 3.2 21 1

70147—34 8 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 106 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total Other Other White Negro races Total White Negro races

ALABAMA 98,648 29,470 13,218 16,247 5 69,178 44,639 24,519 20 Autauga...... 684 684 348 336 Baldwin...... 1,248 1,248 971 277 Barbour...... 1*354 149 43 106 1,205 532 673 Bibb 883 883 610 273 Blount...... 817 817 779 38 ...... Bullock...... 1,063 78 15 63 985 138 847 Butler 1,243 121 42 79 1,122 692 430 <3&]hoiip „ ,r ., 2,138 1,321 667 653 1 817 639 178 'Chambers. .. 381 381 122 259 Cherokee. -. . 510 610 428 82 Chilton 1,730 1,730 1,338 392 Choctaw . . . 1,507 1,507 763 744 Clarke 1,959 1,959 863 1,095 1 Clay- 876 876 804 72 Cleburne 1,059 1,059 1,011 48 Coffee...... 1,578 219 132 87 1,359 1,218 141 Colbert. 1,092 333 250 83 759 582 177 1,334 1,334 792 642 1.785 601 352 249 1,184 1,038 146 971 971 815 156 1,065 149 149 916 914 2 Dale 1,194 109 1 80 29 1,085 906 179 Dallas 2,003 : 1,187 359 828 816 i 160 656 De Kalb 873 73 68 5 800 782 18 962 962 735 227 Escambia... ._ 1,318 1 78 110 1,130 902 220 8 Etowah...... 2,213 1 *S | 925 294 994 900 94 1,219 645 166 120 46 479 , 439 40 27057 27657 69 1,988 .... 476 495 Houston . . . 1,014 305 135 170 i wi 709 647 162 1,545 1,645 1,421 124 Jefferson...... 19,368 14,"i58 5,114 9,043 i 6,210 2,980 2,227 3 Lamar. 1,226 1,226 1,028 198 1,179 449 238 211 730 624 106 1,051 1.051 813 238 Lee.. —...... 165 89 28 61 76 34 42 Limestone .. 711 195 155 40 516 448 68 85 22 63 Madison 968 1 248 720 1,694 765 276 489 929 786 143 Marengo...... 1,166 134 35 99 1,032 841 691 1,046 1,046 1,002 44 Marshall...... J 752 138 123 15 614 1 606 8 Mobile 4,836 ' 2,861 1,428 1,430 3 1,976 1,294 681 1,332 1,332 804 627 1 Montgomery...... 4,088 2,724 1,368 1,356 1,364 422 942 Morgan...... 1,212 393 339 54 819 746 73 1,728 1,728 537 1,191 178 178 117 61

Shelby 1,291 1,106 185 1,468 1,468 1,106 361 1 1,289 1 1,289 1 221 1,068

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STATS AND COUNTY Urban I Rural Total OtheJ Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

ALABAMA 454,801 ' 114,485 54,345 60,118 22 340,406 220,704 110,600 93 Autauga...... 3,009 3,609 1,756 1,853 Baldwin..... 5,870 5,870 4,680 1,190 Barbour...... 7,047 641 203 438 6,406 2,756 3,650 Bibb 4,321 4,321 3,110 1,211 Blount.. .. 4,082 4,082 3,032 150 Bullock 6,577 336 67 260 6,241 754 5,487 Butler 6,474 553 223 330 5,021 3.635 2,286 Calhoun 0,414 5,445 2,803 2,540 3 ! 3,969 3,153 816 Chambers... 2,018 2,018 622 1,396 Cherokee 2,533 1 2,533] 2,145 388 Chilton 8,248 8,248 6,275 1,973 Choctaw 7,216 7,216 3,550 3,666 Clarke.. " " 9,620 0,620 4,176 5,439 5 Clay... 4,406 4,406 3,986 420 Cleburne 5,513 5,513 5.244 269 Coffee 7,686 041 556 385 6,745 6,016 729 Colbert 5,847 1,728 1,296 432 4,110 3,158 961 Conecuh 7,166 7,166 4,035 3,131 ...... Covington 8,511 2,662 1,668 "" 994 5.849 5,ii9| 730 Crenshaw 4,203 4,293 3,574 719 Cullman 6,120 652 652 4,468 4,452 16 5,456 1 420 300 120 5,036 4,130 906 DalDallae s 8,264 4,436 1,585 2,851 3,828 764 3,064 De Kalb 4,453 353 323 30 4,100 4,008 02 Elmore 4,681 4,681 3,574 1,107 313 500 5,836 4,5641 1,232 40 Escambia . 6,640 813 366 Etowah 0,420 4,718 3,739 979 4,711 1 4,345 Franklin...l.""M.... 3,140 700 504 205

Greene 8,675 8,675 Henry 4,043 769 Houston 4,460 1.186 j 517 660 3.274 1 2,505 594 Jackson 7,416 7,416 6,822 52,"542 207642 31,893 22,829 1 14,157 8,664 8 Jefferson 75,371 6,483 ! 5,351 1,132 6.483 3,102 508 j-auderdale 5,586 1,886 1,098 788 3,700 5,317 5,317 4,194 1,123 118 292 361 161 200 lee. 771 410: 322 Limestone 3,378 | 885 708 177 2,493 2,171 78 Macon 5,412 378 3,664 659 Madison 7,035 2,712 1,170 1,542 4,323 447 I 114 333 5,030 1 1,576 3,454 Jfarengo 5,477 5,357 5,150 207 Marion 5,357 3,165 37 Marshall. 1 3,838 636 576 3,202 1 5,500 6,110 12 0,126 6,020 3,106 Mobile 20,748 11,622 3,683 2,522 3 6,208 6,208 1,768 4,175 Montgomery 15,820 0,886 4,783 5,103 5,943 1,407 280 3,926 3,578 348 Morgan ! 5,703 1,777 0,749 2,780 6,060 0,740 939 600 330 030 —:: Ph tt r"6,"760" f""5,"792* 968" st-cufe: ""oTfeo" 7,042 5,373 1,665 4 Shelby....:" 7,042 6,390 1,008 1 5,382 Sumter *"*" 6,390, L»«-»»»«»l

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Urban Rural STATE AND COUNTY Total Otherj Total White Negro races Total White Negro

ALABAMA—Con. Talladega 254 254 166 Tallapoosa 1,217 22 46 1,149 516 Tuscaloosa 1,633 361 171 190 1,272 439 Walker- 4,027 578 182 3,449 3,111 Washington 1,173 1,173 795 372 Wilcox—, 2,543 2,543 375 2,168 Winston... 895 1 ARIZONA. 20,427 3,997 588 4,473 11,369 6,577 412 Apache 375 375 190 Cochise 2,068 445 ~43 543 1,032 657 Coconino 264 121 22 6 93 143 SO Gila 2,564 1,700 972 11 717 804 555 Graham 733 733 571

Greenlee.. 740 740 206 1 Maricopa.. 6,890 3,207 1,702 429 1,076 3,683 2,338 335 Mohave 345 315 309 Navajo 449 164 17 144 285 223 62 Pima 2,559 1,494 305 1,131 1,065 438 10 617 Pinal 514 514 207 3 304 Santa Cruz.. 576 342 60 259 234 49 3 182" Yavapai 1,865 846 445 394 1,019 645 374 Yuma. 485 148 29 111 337 109 52 176- ARKANSAS.. 48,331 18,916 11,333 7,574 29,415 24,060 5,340 15* Arkansas...... 339 143 49 94 196 178 17 1 Ashley.... 606 41 33 565 435 130 Baxter. 146 146 146 Benton 347 120 120 227 225 1 1. Boone 387 130 130 257 257

Bradley.. 478 107 78 371 230 141 Calhoun.. 307 307 254 53 Carroll... 994 994 992 2 Chicot... 407 31 19 376 149 227 Clark.... 425 202 135 223 121 102 Clay 412 412 412 Cleburne.. 221 221 221 Cleveland. 475 475 285 190 Columbia.. 655 161 56 105 494 323 171 Conway..., 262 129 41 45 Craighead 415 150 134 16 265 2 Crawford 807 259 226 548 531 16 1 Crittenden 440 440 147 293 Cross. 324 "il3 "49 64 211 160 51 Dallas 704 226 84 142 478 192 Desha 331 93 71 22 92 146 Drew 526 •281 139 142 Faulkner 245 155 90 485 118 97 21 367 Franklin 327 39 1L 1,247 1,247 Fulton 1,204 42 1 440 440 440 Garland.... 1,413 1,012 613 401 387 13 1 Grant 210 210 186 24 Greene 425 ""186 "l86 239 239 Hempstead.— 462 183 67 116 279 146 133 Hot Spring 998 543 269 274 455 317 138 Howard 236 196 40 Independence.. 429 205 170 224 221 Izard 35 3 189 1 189 189 Jackson...... 405 60 54 6 345 328 Jefferson.. 1,174 1 908 490 417 266 115 15i1f 1

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STATE AND COCXTT Urban Rural Total Other|| Total White Negro races Total White Negro

ttm rt ALABAMA—Con. Talladega 1.236 1,236 465 771 'Tallapoosa 6,300 336 93 243 5,964 3,223 2,741 Tuscaloosa 7,770 1,563 792 771 6,207 4,250 1,957 Walker. 20,706 2,576 1,872 704 18,130 16,708 1,422 Washington 6,668 5,668 3,804 1,831 Wilcox 11,004 11,904 1,747 10,157 Winston 4,777 4,777 4,775 2 ARIZONA.. 82,275 34,812 12,407 1,777 |20,628j 47,463 1,439 Apache 1,626 1,626 855 Cochise 9,012 4,482 1,503 2,882 4,530 2,475 2 Coconino 1,033 499 55 425 534 274 1 Gila 0,462 5,947 2,879 [3,031 3,515 1,964 2 Graham ..... 3,706 3,708 2,712 25 Greenlee.. 3,109 3,109 793 2 Maricopa. 27,268 12,058 5,417 1,346 5,2951 15,210 8,912 1,186 Mohave... 1,046 1,046 886 Navajo.... 1,881 594 40 8 546 1,287 1,045 Pima 10,943 6,431 909 157 [5,365 4,512 1,406 Pinal 2,222 2,222 739 Santa Cruz.. 2, MO 1,363 216 57 1,090 1,177 165 Yavapai 6,426 2,803 1,287 33 1.483 3,623 2,067 xuma 1,999 635 101 23 511 1,364 337 186 . . ARKANSAS.. 179,524 64,309 40,297 23,977 35 115,215 96,756 18,401 Arkansas 1,174 452 166 286 722 670 47 Ashley 2.071 | 125 98 27 1,946 1,646 400 Baxter 473 473 473 Benton 1,410 468 468 942 927 Boone 1,506 475 475 1,031 1,031 Bradley.. 1,718 322 241 81 1,396 897 499 Calhoun.. 1,165 1,165 966 199 Carroll... 4,242 4,242 4,227 15 Ghicot... 1,224 97 44 53 1,127 644 483 Clark.... 1,724 782 483 942 551 391 1,478 1,478 1,478 Cefiurne... 672 672 672 Cleveland.. 1,986 1,986 1,252 734 Columbia.. 2,031 487 179 1,544 1,080 464 Conway.... 1,251 609 413 196 642 416 226

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro Total ! races White Negro races

ARKANSAS—Con. Johnson . 1,172 187 153 34 985 968 17 Lafayette.. ... 378 90 61 29 2881 162 124 2 Lawrence ...... 351 351 330 21 Lee 174 108 37 71 66 39 27 457 457 263 194

Little River 206 206 143 61 2 Logan ...... 591 81 77 4 510 485 25 260 260 206 54 176 176 176 Marion ....._... 503 503 502 1

Miller 1,124 I 733 385 346 2 1 391 1 329 62 Mississippi...... 338 196 157 39 142 1 129 13 Monroe . 390 129 j 31 98 261 i 143 118 Mont gomery... 163 163 1 159 4 154 70, 44 26 84 62 22

203 203 203 Ouaciita 418 157 64 93 261 195 66 193 193 j 189 4 Phiffips 235 192 140 51 i 43 | 32 11 Pike... 323 323 294 28 I

196 20 20 176 i 165 10 t Polk 248 101 j 101 147 146 I Pope 649 247 211 36 402 399 3 ...... Prairie 330 330 i 241 89 Pulaski 9,562 7,323 4,036 3,284 3 2,239 1.471 768 ...... Randolph 252 252 249 3 St. Francis 361 117 79 38 244 172 72 Saline 632 198 165 32 r 434 426 7 1 Scott 1,073 1,073 1,072 1 Searcy „ • 106 106 106 ....—. Sebastian ...... 3,246 2,300 1,670 629 i 946 881 61 1 243 85 81 1 158 143 15 Sharp 519 519 518 201 201 201 2,912 973 347 626 1,939 1,117 822*

418 418 401 17 Washington. 295 97 88 9 1 MS 196 2 White 417 111 101 10 i 306 298 8 Woodruff . 445 315 130 —— Yell 296 296 286 10

CALIFORNIA J 118,264 101,152 85,771 5,993 9,388 1 17,112 14,623 281 Alameda...... 6,811 6,727 5,873 584 270 84 69 1 Alpine * .. .. -...... Amador . 9 Butte 134 39 39 95 86 1 Calaveras 1 —...... 8

1,935 1,420 1,383 3 34 516 503 n Del Norte 113 113 102 1 n Eldorado J 113 113 107 Fresno...... J 6 22 20 18 2 2 2

42 42 42 267 181 181 80 86 1,686 910 414 298* "*198" 776! 566 150 60 123 118 4 1 14 ii 2 1 76 ! 37 3 7 29 1 2 Lake 26 74 74 54 2 18 Los Angeles...... 64,678 "s^Ios'l ""46*878" """4,"496" 5*734" 88 1,643 Madera *.. 7,470 5,739 46) 36] 3 I 15 2. 1 18 1 10 I 8

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other- Total White Negro Other Total White Negro races races

„ . ARKANSAS—Con. Johnson 4,876 687 581 106 4,189 4,123 66 lafayette 1,347 310 241 69 1,037 656 378 3: Lawrence...... 1,349 1,349 1,306 43 511 294 146 148 217 142 75 Lincoln.—...... 1,879 1,879 1.151 728 ...... Little River 617 617 470 142 5* 1.472 209 200 9 1,263 1.214 49 1,072 1.072 904 168 Madison 550 550 550 2,001 2,001 1,998 3 ...... Miller [ 4,433 2,718 1,520 1,185 13 1J15 | 1,529 186 Mississipp 1 1,235 677 572 105 558 523 35 Monroe 1,155 | 370 110 260 785 491 294 ...... 1 473 473 453 15 ...... Nevada . 521 225 147 78 296 208 88 Newton .. 940 940 940 Ouachita 1,619 638 277 361 981 707 274 Perry 733 733 707 26 Phillips 765 618 508 109 1 147 127 20 pike.. :.:::;— 1,241 1,241 1,140 98 3- Poinsett 651 51 51 600 571 23 6- Polk "2 921 338 338 583 582 1 2,276 1 829 724 105 1,447 1,440 7 ...... Prairie Hill 1,036 1,036 837 199 Pulaski I """ 31,718 | 23,088 13,262 9,820 6 8,630 6,138 2,492 Randolph 882 882: 870 12 1.403 j 415 280 135 988 1 738 250 gaiine.....".:::;:":— 2,471 623, 525 95 3 1,848! 1.814 31 3- 4,506 6 Scott 4,512 4.512 316 316 | 316 Sebastian 11,766 1 7,964 6,073 1,886 5 3,802 3,512 284 0 Sevier 856 322 315 7 534 502 32 1,973 ; 1,968 5- Sharp 2*973 851 851 851 12,633 3,770 1,390 2,380 8,863 4,931 3,932 70 I ! 1,859 ' 1,859 1,789 Washington 1,063 321 ,306 15 742 735 7 1.143 1,119 24 white... ;:;; 2.483 340 *319 21 Woodruff 1*571 1.571 1,251 320 959 959 925 34 961 10,680* CALIFORNIA 376,813 314,010 254,662 17,323 j42,02 5 62,803 51,162 A1 1,437| 304 2 68 Akpeda i 26,623 26,249 22,989 1,823 374 38 Ainador 38 23 Butte...::::::::;:::::;; 512 182 j 182 330 303! 4

0 $560 14 196 8ff & C *** "J 7,989 £TH 348 311 1 37 348 397 370 397 14 14 zr Fresno 90 76 70 6 r Olefin 189 189 189 273 1 Humboidt ::.;:;;;; 762 "489" 489 273 1,332 851 934 2,785 1,981 530 274 imperial 5.902 3,117 664 605 580 23 1 2 10* Kings 318 204 151 11 42 114 102 2 ...... i Lassen". 245 245 164 10 71 206,331 1787401 138,~682 127982 26,737 27,930 19,613 278 8,039* 67 1 39 1 35 Madera l—l.llll 192 1 153 11 76 1 10 1

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

CALIFORNIA—Con. .Marin ...... 410 185 182 1 2j 225 223 2 •Mariposa...... -Mendocino...... 42 8 8 34 27 7 -Merced...... 136 45 27 7 91 79 3 9 Modoc...... _.—.... ii Mono ...... Monterey 389 178 157 21 211 209 1 1 INapa...... Nevada...... ::™::: ** "T&B" *97l" 928" : 924* Si* 63 Placer Plumas . .... Riverside I.. 1,303 726 655" 49* 577* 518* " 3* 56 1,134 655 C07 14 34 | 479 469 7 •San Benito 3

•San Bernardino 5,133 3,341 2,692 30 619 S 1,792 1,703 8 81 •San Diego 4,254 3,797 3,064 197 536 457 368 2 87 San Francisco...—.. .. 21,188 21,188 19,437 261 1,490 •San Joaquin...... 279 i 220 190 7 23 | 691 67* 2 475 San Luis Obispo. 755 271 234 37 484 9 Ban Mateo 1,580 1,028 974 17 37 552 541 2 9 1,153 948 724 32 192 205 173 32 Santa Clara . 186 168 157 4 7 18 17 1 •Santa Cruz 35 31 31 * 4 134 54 52 51 80 73 7 •Sierra Siskiyou 165 95] 91* T 68 2 Solano 92 83 78 4 I • 9 8onoroa . 131 69 68 1 62 32 62 •Stanislaus...... 46 32 14 14 •Sutter 127 96 1 05 I 31 29 1 1 Tehama 36 9 9 27 26 1 Trinity...... Tulare ...... 159 69] 45* 100] 90 2 8 Tuolumne

Ventura 1,404 276 267 9 1*128 1,077 2 49 Yolo. Yuba I*. U'\ 8 1 8 47 44 3 COLORADO 22,815 17,043 14,461 894 1,688 5,772 4,765 37 970 254 41 20 1 20 213 202 3 8 183 174 38 136 9 7 2 389 216 214 1 1 173 171 2 39 1 39 16 23 Saca...... 262 ~>—...... 262 262 102 45 30 15 57 1 57 Boulder.... —... 669 415 397 9 254 195 1 "* S Chaffee 310 233 148 • 77 j 70 7 59 85 50 i 69 117 ...... —....._ ...... 117 112 5 144 144 25 119 Costilla 177 144 33 43 m 35 ...... 8 19 43 17 2 56 54 2 19 53 1 no 54 10,369 10,369 9,389 612 368 96 96; 95 28 Eagle z 28 28 18 18 13 2 I " * 108 1 fc™'I i 108 1 107 1 1

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Urban Rural STATE AMD COUNTY Total Other Other White Total White Negro races Total Negro races

CALIFORNIA—Con. Marin...... 1,478 636 626 1 9| 842 829 13 Mariposa...... Menc ocino...... 185 36 36 149 125 24 Merced...... 574 153 83 21 49 421 352 12 57 Modoc...... Mono...... Monterey...... 1,617 747 644 103 875 864 3 3 Napa...... Orange...... 6,222 3,075 2,173 12 190 3,H7 27880 267

Riverside 6,079 i 2,689 2*389 86 214 2~390 2,"057 13 320 Sacramento ... 4,262 2,477 2,221 58 198 1,785 1,748 10 27 San Benito San Bernardino... 17,840 11,033 9,053 100 2,780 5,907 5,492 24 391 442 San I »iego 14,181 12,450 9,191 546 2,713 1,731 1,281 8 San Francisco 51,900 51,909 46,629 570 4,710 ...... San Joaquin 1,237, 954 793 29 132 J1 283"; 266* 17 San Luis Obispo 2,651 962 827 135 1.689 1,653 36- gan Mateo 4,844; 3,166 2,968 41 157; 1,678 1,634 10 34 Santa Barbara 4,620 3,919 1 2,782 92 1,045! 701 556 145- 110 102 8 Santa Clara 1,007 897 833 24 40 Santa Cm? 18 18 - 154 136 136 sSsta.™:::"::":: " 663 185 170 15 378 356 22 Sierra 25l1 244" 7 Siskiyou 509 258 242 Solano .... 271 243 226 12 5 28 611 311 304 7 300 300 Stanislaus 183 ! 113 1 113 70 70 137 1 2* 8utter 365 225 220 5 140 109 106 3 Jefaama 151 42 42 TuIare...III"IIIIimiI 706 238 169 10 59

22$ Vsntura 4,852 992 963 29 3,860 3,633 4

Yuba-~- 142 18 18 22,025 1 17,792 106 4,127 . COLORADO 80,518 ' 58.403J 48,708 2298 7,487 1 k 83 3 116 898 839 15 44 1,100 1 202 13- 152 647 -46 33 845 799 7 1 721 2 3 682 675 Arapahoe 1,408 726 42 60 ^efiuleta 92 98 1*184 1,184 ::::::::: 1.184 246 Bent 127 86 41 246 373 705 297 2,601 1,595 1,507 "*" 37 51 j 1,006 4 499 374 304 269 35 1,177 873 308 Cheyenne\"""™™ 308 308 314 309 5 Clear Creek 314 ...... 381 49 332 381 479 393 86 cEfcr 470 126 93 33 126 ! 74 61 13 74 160 ! 152 8 ^r:::::::::::::" 380 220 212 8 34,458 31,064 1,540 1,854 34,458 3291 328 1 fiSSfcr-rr-i 320 99 ! 99 09 56 37 8 11 g^ta. 56 433| | 422 433

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total 1 White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

COLORADO—Con. 1,409 1,387 1,272 87 28 22 22 Fremont- 210 62 59 1 2 148 136 3 9 157 157 151 3 3 15 15 15 6 6 6 1* 13 1 26 26 25 1 Huerfano .. 831 465 102 27 336 366 94 5 267 56 56 56 461 | 461 1 459 2 60 60 GO ! 102 102 102 139 114 *i6s" 2 7 25 20 5 266 169 71 2 96 97 60 37 217 158 146 12 ! 59 55 4 Las Animas.. ... -588 252 50 10 192 336 57 2 277 67 67 67 216 104 101 3 112 112 247 138 2 ! 109 j 107 2 64 131 5 1 « 63 1 Moffat 50 I 50 50 143 143 125 18 37 28 1 20 8 9 9 Morgan 125 51 51 74 1 74 Otero...... 430 355 243 4 108 75 | 57 1 17 90 90 90 Park— 3 * 3 92 92 178 96 95 i ! 92 81 1 82 2,260 1,986 1,623 136 227 274 254 1 19 85 85 1 85 Rio Grande 95 42 20 22 53 16 37 8 8 ! 7 %

501 50 48 2 18 18 18 15 15 12 1 2 52 52 50 2 Teller 113 113 112 1 Washington...... _ 65 65 64 1 Weld 196 87 82 ft| 109 107 2 63 63 63 CONNECTICUT 23,961 19,302 17,863 1,432 4,659 4,521 137 1 Fairfield... 5,974 5,145 4,812 331 2 829 822 7 Hartford.. 7,684 6,247 5,643 602 2 1.437 1,382 55 Litchfield 1,068 719 706 13 349 340 1 9 759 452 436 16 307 275 32 New Haven .. J 6,295 5,188 4,812 376 1.107 1,080 27 1.771 1,296 1.208 85 3 475 471 3 1 92 34 34 58 55 3 Windham...... 318 221 212 9 97 96 1 DELAWARE 5,862 4,727 2,951 1,776 1,135 860 275 Kent 172 39 21 18 133 93 40 New Castle. 5,553 4,683 2,925 1,758 870 649 221 137 5 5 132 118 14 _.*.— DISTRICT or Co- 12,228 12,228 2,674 9,546 8 "Washington • 12.228 1 l£,£4Xl • «,Of* | 9,546 » * i

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other White Negro Total White Negro Other Total races races

COLORADO—Con. El Paso 4,843 4,736 4,375 229 132 107 107 Fremont 838 257 247 5 5 581 506 17 58 Garfield 529 529 512 3 14 Gilpin 56 56 56 16 16 16 •Gunnison...... 55 55 51 ' 4 Hinsdale...... 115 115 112 3 Huerfano 3,379 1,763 382 54 1,327 1,616 344 14 1,258 •Jackson ...... 181 181 181 •Jefferson—...... 1.684 1,684 1,677 7| Kiowa 277 277 277 -Kit Carson 384 384 384 Lake. . 433 382 344 6 32 51 33 18 La Plata 1.126 640 235 4 401 486 292 ...... 194 862 C23 558 65 239 216 23 Las Animas 2,438 973 149 25 799 1,465 252 6 1,207 358 358 358 945 446 433 13 499 499 Mesa. . 973 509 473 6 30 464 460 4 196 196 195 i Moffat 207 207 207 •Montezuma.... 594 594 503 91 106 1 76 55 21 30 30 478 I 18° 180 298 298 •Otero II.." 1,703 1,425 916 20 489 278 195 i 82 248 248 248 Park.... 13" 13* ! 13" pbmips...":";" 317 317 317 i 343 1 2 Growers 718 373! 372 i ! 345 84 Pueblo 7,794 6,686 5,338 367 981 1,108 1,023 1 258 258 Rio Blanco 258 i 129 156 78 171 42 Rio Grande 327 78 22 2 Routt 24 81 9 •San Juan 90 90 52 62 52 53 i 17 71 71 •Sedgwick 101 96 5 "Summit.... 101 264 263 l T*jr..1. 264 227 229 229 2 249 19 428 426 2 696 268 323 Yuma 323 323 5,362 25 19,382 18,864 516 2 100,620 81,238 75,851 17 ICT,CUT 21,626 20,469 1,147 10 3,328 3,311 FairfieYd°.f' """ 24,954 6,327 6,105 222 -Hartford. II™™; 33,358 27,031 24,548 2,477 6 2,983 35 1,413 1,385 28 ytchfleld. 4,431 3,018 1,044 129 AJiddlesex I™!. 2,926 1,753 1*705 48 1*173 4,490 4,395 95 *Jew Haven 26,467 21,977 20,624 1,353 2 4,540 271 9 1,986 1,973 11 New London 6,806 4,820 195 6 109 109 201 ^piiand....:::;::: :: 310 464 456 8 Windham 1,368 904 873 31* 4,924 3,811 1*113 22,111 17,187 11,807 5,380 80 78 573 382 191 Sent™?* 731 158 2,869 862 17,013 5,302 3,731 N«w Castle '...'.'..'. 20,744 lit 711 620 560 60 636 16 16 DISTRICT OF Co- 22 37,463 37,463 8,591 28,850 1 Washington 1 37,463 ! 37,463 | 8,591 i z9,ow i *«

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro

FLORIDA... 102,432 55,474 31,529 46,953 30,141 16,791 Alachua 2,100 433 147 1,667 724 Baker 483 483 471 12 Bay 579 105 56 474 391 83 Bradford 1,110 1,110 763 347 Brevard 917 "l36 "107 781 310 471 .. —-• Broward... 1,046 603 364 443 117 326 Calhoun... 389 381 8 .....v Charlotte.. 387 255 132 Citrus 277 277 195 82 Clay 305 305 171 134 Collier. 372 372 151 19 Columbia.. 740 278 96 182 462 267 195 Dade 8,643 7,134 4,146 2,987 1,509 644 865 DeSoto... 634 454 247 207 180 180 Dixie 302 15 Duval 16,153 13,976 3,633 10,343 2,177 1,182 995 Escambia... 4,333 2,454 1.104 1,350 1,879 1,499 379 1 Flagler 128 128 91 37 Franklin- 403 278 76 202 125 67 58 Gadsden 2,123 569 100 469 1,554 370 1,184 Gilchrist 414 414 21 Glades 194 194 150 44 Gulf. 182 182 127 55 Hamilton 174 174 154 20 Hardee 845 273 226 47 572 509 63 Hendry* 235 167 68 Hernando 553 553 326 226 ' 1 Highlands 738 237 302 199 157 42 Hillsborough. 9,821 8,025 4,911 3,109 1,796 1,602 193 1 Holmes 767 767 717 50 Indian River. 429 429 208 221 Jackson 1,849 187 128 59 1,662 1,257 405 Jefferson.. 422 422 147 274 1 Lafayette 361 361 348 13 Lake . . 2,048 170 492 1,386 742 644 Lee.. 818 557 338 219 261 225 36 Leon 497 58 204 235 96 139 Levy.. 482 482 282 200 Liberty"."! 237 237 162 75 Madison.., 1,004 1,004 396 60S Manatee 1,268 728 211 517 540 153 Marion 1,159 426 149 277 733 375 358 Martin 435 435 114 321 Monroe „ 1,377 "i,"279 795 484 98 59 39 Nassau ... 299 141 40 100 158 123 35 Okaloosa 819 819 790 29 Okeechobee.. 362 362 267 95 Orange 3,326 2,007 768 1,239 1,319 918 401 Osceola , 615 300 165 135 315 266 49 Palm Beach.. 5,058 2,426 1,104 1,322 2,632 806 1,824 2 Pasco 139 1 Pinellas 4,014 3,448 1,500 Polk 1,947 566 495 71 4,500 1,981 1,122 2,519 1,839 680 Putnam 2,210 729 215 514 1,481 St, Johns.-... 1,532 663 818 930 355 575 602 244 358 St. Lucie 681 568 248 320 113 97 16 Santa Rosa 1,380 Sarasota... 1,380 1,201 179 785 *"*627" 328 158 108 50 Seminole 1,299 169 Sumter . 526 604 280 324 486 486 348 138

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total |Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

FLORIDA.. 370,380 181,356 83,098 98,226 32 189,024 129,303 Alachua 7,391 1,386 885 6,005 2,833 3,172 Baker 2,451 2,451 2,384 67 Bay 2,250 381 185 199 1,866 1,566 300 Bradford 5,109 5,109 3,559 1,550 2,774 1,191 1,583 Brevard 3,283 509' "138 '"'in Broward... 4, HI 2,345 830 1,515 1,766 440 1,326 Calhoun... 1,881 1,881 1,819 32 Charlotte.. 1,319 1,319 922 397 Citrus 1,143 1,143 854 289 Clay.. 1,306 1,306 784 522 Collier 906 906 319 Colombia.. 3,106 1,009 377 632 2,097 1,294 gade 26,969 22,156 13,078 9,076 4,813 2,275 geSoto... 2,390 1,651 955 736 736 Dixie 1,293 1,293 1,248 45 guval 50,073 41,653 11,859 29,794 8,420 4,770 3,650 Escambia.. 17,150 8,806 4,287 4,519 8,344 6,837 1,505 Flagler.... 423 423 322 101 Franklin.. 1,403 1,003 299 704 400 227 173 Gadsden... 7,993 1,795 390 1,405 6,198 1.714 4,484 Qilchrist. 1,002 1,902 1,817 Qlades " 097 697 598 99 gulf. I 747 747 559 188 Hamilton.. 855 855 786 69 Hardee 3,775 1,125 910 185 2,650 254 Hendry 741 741 625 116 731 Hernando 1,911 1,911 1,174 2,714 1,915 947 799 687 112 17,006 9,085 25 7,689 7,007 6S0 Hillsborough." 33,805 26,116 168 Holmes 3,493 3,493 3,335 Indian River. 1,793 1,793 1,009 784 Jackson 8,987 697 450 217 8,290 6,123 2,167 Jefferson 1,804 1,804 620 1,182 Lafayette 1,612 1,612 1,578 34 Lake 6,929 2,156 655 *i,*5oi" 4,773 2,860 1,913 90 fee 3,157 2,177 1,351 826 763 1,116 617 Leon 2,102 223 795 2,097 2,097 1,302 Levy 999 717 282 999 2,879 Liberty.... 4,809 4,809 1,930 Madison... 553 Manatee 4,398 2,348 761 1,587 2,050 1,497 951 3,094 1,668 1,526 Marion 4,565 1,471 520 1,059 Martin 1,487 1,487 428 3,077 1,482 327 185 142 Monroe 4,886 4,559 591 153 Nassau...... 1,201 457 133 321 744 3,479 106 Okaloosa..... 3,585 3,585 Okeechobee.. 1,299 1,032 267 1,299 5,012 3,643 1,369 Orange 11,679 6,667 2,744 3,923 600 413 1,215 1,068 147 2,228 1,013 8,014 3,192 4,814 FalmBeachI 15,524 7,510 3,412 4,098 Pasco.. 2,331 1,876 453 2,331 1,949 281 t*?ellas...:: 13,926 11,696 5,061 6,633 2,230 4,749 3,146 9,907 7,796 2,111 Folk :; 17,802 7,895 5,264 2,494 2,770 7,471 2,207 630 1,577 Putnam 1,776 2,127 1,231 St. Johns.... 5,243 3,116 1,340 1,133 412 350 62 §'. Lucie.... 2,355 1,943 810 6,424 599 oanta Rosa 6,023 1,008 504 395 109 Sarasota™! 2,525 2,021 1,013 1,141 1,326 666 2,016 2,467 geminole.... 6,149 2,682 2,349 1,660 2,349

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

FLORIDA—Con, Suwannee... 871 232 109 123 639' 471 168 Taylor 837 349 161 188 488 458 30 Union .. 376 376 354 22 Volusia . ... 2,325 1,473 469 1,004 852 536 316 Wakulla 338 338 249 89 .... Walton ...... 210 j 124 86 935 800 135 778 778! 638 140 GEORGIA...... 69,588 34,098 13,303 20,795 35,490 24,059 11,431 317 317 298 19 368 368 264 104 118 118 114 4 1 267 257! 119 138 Baldwin. 322 -205 51 154 117 j 68 49 123 123! 113 10 46 18 18 28 28 Bartow ... .. 672 250 71 179 422 | 340 82 Ben Hill 303 241 134 107 62 1' 50 12 357 357 | 307 50 Bibb 3,210 3,043 850 2,193 167 24 143 334 334 228 106 205 205 203 2 Brooks...... 368 241 68 173 127 67 60 81 81 71 10 640 168 102 66 472 | 425 47 Burke 738 i 284 91 193 454 210 214 178 178 117 61 431 431 | 147 284 Camden 229 229 128 101 8 8 Carroll s 243 243 232 11 115 Chatham 115 106 9 6,375 5,882 2,049 3,833 493 284 209 Chattahoochee 25 23 Cherokee _. ... 2 j 268 215 53 443 1 146 1 130 16 287 10 56 20 297 Clay. . .. 56 36

283 1 1 36 Clinch 282 282 246 Cobb 282 203 79 760 334 152 182 426 303 123 748 279 ColquitCoffee t 95 184 469 398 71 386 190 96 94 196 165 31 164 Cook 223 1 164 100 64 223 i 146 77 142 67 20 47 131 75 i 59 16 322 131 115 16 199 87 112 123 | 97 26 275 275 i 250 25 205 205 205 Decatur 798 163 100 63 635 578 57 De Kalb . 1,189 j 377 174 203 812 504 308 435 79 1 30 49 356 302 54 788 788 358 430 1,003 822 105 717 363 181 17 164 86 363 245 118 86 57 61 1 i 6111 61

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total ! White Negro races

FLORIDA—Con. Suwannee...... 3,407 780 338 442 2,717 2,011 706 Taylor...... 3,119 1.131 599 532 1,988 1,914 74 Union ...... 1,884 1,884 1,758 126 Volusia.. 8,406 .5,202 1.674 3,528 3,204 2,151 1,053 Wakulla 1,635 1,635 1,186 449 Walton 5,196 786 479 307 4,410 3,755 655 Washington...... 3,738 3,738 3,025 713 GEORGIA...... 276,967 121,180 50,098 71,082 155,787 109,588 46,199 Appling...... 1,359 1,369 1.299 60 Atkinson...... 1,631 1,631 1,237 394 Bacon...... 533 533 510 23 Baker..i, 1,090 1,090 562 528 Baldwin. .. 1,103 653 185 468 450 258 192 Banks 681 681 622 59 Barrow 164 82 82 1 82 82 Bartow ... 3,064 997; 282 715 2,067 1,704 363 Ben Hill 1.347 1,020 582 438 327 273 54 Berrien...... • 1,519 1,519 1,335 184 Bibb 11,104 10,352 3,471 6,881 752 97 655 Bleckley 1,588 1,588 1,183 405 Brantley... 1,046 1,046 1,043 3 ...... Brooks 1,760 1,031 330 701 729 370 359 323 62 Bryan 385 1 385 Bulloch ... 3,027 643 401 242 1 2,384 2,139 245 Burke 2,797 910j 351 559 1,887 1,076 811 Butts 749, 749 480 269 Calhoun...... „ 1,557 1,557 589 968 Camden 915 915 601 314 ...... Candler 49 49 49 Catoosa 1,037 1,037 987 j 531 32 Charlton . 563 1 563 Chatham " * 17,607 | 15,814 I 5,980 9,834 1,793 1,161 632

Chattooga 1,101 1 92 1 81 11 1,009 2, 111 j 644 571 73 1,467 j 1.411 56 238 238 95 143

Clayton 1,223 3 3 1,220 1,080 140 Clinch 1,155 1,155 868 287 Cobb.. 3,150 ' 1,324 j 639 685 1,826 1,325 501 Coffee 3,566 1,010 | 403 607 2,556 2,215 341 Colquitt 1.727 768 413 355 959 821 138 720 458 262 ...... Columbia .. 720 1 364 Cook 1,094 ! 1,094 730 Coweta. I.™"" 249 90 159 1 362 263 99 611 646 580 66 Crawford- 646 j 506 93 Crisp I 1,382 783 366 417 599 102 1,193 1,198 1,096 942 942 942 £awson 291 2,918 2,648 270 3,606 j 688 397 2,338 1,317 gecatugoKalbr . ""'m 5,252 1,597 731 866 3,655 Dodge mm 2,067 322 120 202 1.745 1,479 266 1,589 Dooly. 3,094 3,094 1,505 2,~995 427 2,568 744 92 652 3,739 2,555 1,067 488 Early...... 373 ' 237 136 *•» ( i 336 1 336 Echob"; I 336 i

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MATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

OEOEGIA—Con. 385 385 261 124 Elbert Emanuel .. . 548 648 379 169 Fannin...... 861 861 857 4 79 79 58 21 Floycl 774 688 369 I 319 86 78 8 79 79 79 1 250 250 218 32 11,250 10,109 4,612 6,497 1,141 854 287 Gilmer 272 272 272 4 Glynn.... 571 511 197 314 * 44 " 16 532 60 461 71 Grady... .. 724 210 104 106 532 396 118 614 219 20 20 199 174 25 283 283 255 28 Hall 272 199 178 21 73 71 2 449 449 j 108 341 452 452 342 110 150 150 148 2 Heard 429 429 269 160

322 322 < 247 75 Jackson*...... 194 11 8 3 183 146 37 12 12 3 184 184 | 154 30 191 191 66 125 248 248 62 186 333 333 121 212 Lamar...... 317 170 69 101 147 94 53 204 204 118 86 Laurens 682 241 93 148 441 361 80 Lee 382 382 305 Liberty 268 268 ! 77 179 89 114 114 91 23 Lumpkin . 46 ..... McDuffie 1 48 46 237 151 86 Mcintosh...... 94 37 63 i s | 41 «.-•»• 638 94 124 412 87 636 75 12 227 87 120 107 Meriwether . 638 97 25 j 72 227 208 233 Miller 373 441 244 129 373 Mitchell 798 57 21 36 741 461 280 216 216 64 152 Montgomery . J 180 180 133 47 347 340 7 Muscogee... .. 861 829 436 393 32 22 10 1 Oconee ...... 1 5 2 Oglethorpe ....J ...... 4 4 g- — Paulding I 216 I :::::::::| :::::— 216*1 193"

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STAT* AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Total White Negro Total White Negro Other races races

GIOROU—Con. Effingham.. 1,516 1,516 1,021 495 Elbert \. Emanuel..... 27234 2,~234 1,652 582 Evans...... Fannin ...... 4,480 4,480 4,463 17 Fayette 344 344 270 74 Floyd 3,126 27687 1,534 1,153 439 402 37 352 352 352 Franklin . 1,161 1,161 1,035 126 Fulton 44,704 39,427 17,611 21,816 5,277 3,904 1,373 Ollmer...... 1,305 1,305 1,305 Glascock...... 14 M Glynn u 1,848 811 1,037 273 207 66 Gordon...... 2,121 2,304 2,047 257 Grady " 2,304 893 445 448 2,435 1,871 564 3,328 ...... Gwinnett 991 98 98 893 787 106 Habersham 1,355 1,355 1,232 123 Haii _.:::::::" ! 1,304 937 862 75 367 361 6 Hancock. 1,979 1,979 507 1,472 Haralson..... 1,682 [ 1,682 1.348 334 Hart ; 808 808 805 3 Heard 1,807 1 1,807! 1,135 672

Irwin 1,482 ! 1,482 1,204 Jackson .. 823 39 30 9 1 784 ! 636 148 Jasper 48 48 36 12 Jeff Davis..... 832 832 707 125 779 779 266 513 Jenkins "*"* 714 714, 181 j 533 Jones .. 1,578 1,578 Lamar 1,273 589 240 349 684 433 *251 Lanier..... 767 767 473 294 855 336 • 619 1,870 1,575 295 lee l 2,725 1,380 285 1,095 :::::: m 1,380 1,174 372 802 ijwg :::::::: 1,174 Xong 480 480 408 72 •Lumpkin ——— 251 McDuffie. 859 859 565 294 1...... ttclntcsh... "*"** 412 412 172 240 ...... Macon ... 1,933 1,933 605 Madison . ** 412 349 63 412 489 468! ...... Marion ——* 957 957 90 257 1,993 891 1,102 Aether.....™:::: 2,340 347 1,189 585 1,774 1,774 81 193 3,547 2,270 I 1,277 Mitchell 3,821 274 822 280 542 {Jonroe.. 822 785 571 214 785 Morgan...... :::;;: """i,"53§" "Tolil 27* M,«»y ::::::::: *"i,"«38" 114 1 39 #ascoge* 3,747 3,594 1,968 1,626 153 3 29 23 6 32 3 13 13 Schorr*.::::;— 13 **ulding 1 691 |l 1 691 1 626 1 ...... 70147—34-

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8TATE>ND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total Other Other White Negro races Total White Negro races

GBOBGLL—Con. 218 100 54 145 ...... 19 11 8 Pickens...... 442 442 442 203 203 168 37 Pike 103 103 127 66 Polk 56 56 41 15 Pulaski 433 433 200 233 Putnam - 100 100 52 48 1 273 273 75 108 205 205 288 7 Randolph..—...... —.. 303 j 138 22 116 165 45 120 " "Richmond.... . ^ 4,680 4,454 1,370 3,084 235 107 38 102 102 20 82 Schley ...... 841 841 618 223 128 128 41 87 Spalding 350 325 j 85 240 34 27 7 Stephens...... 481 250 156 94 231 207 24 Stewart 348 348 85 263 ...... 468 236 | 60 176 232 40 183 Talbot 202 202 40 162 ....— 73 73 46 27 1 412 1 1 Telfair. 412 105 217 374 374 101 238 i23 273 10 104 115 28 80 ...— 401 328 103 225 18 Tift i; 73 55 240 123 71 52 128 75 51 "02* jj- 75 "02* 75 68 17 450 300 100 200 150 25 134 28 23 22 6 **::: 254 254 80 165 200 ...... 290 280 1 ..... Upson...-—.—.— 113 52 25 27 61 42 10 Walker 671 85 Walton. . 66 19 486 300 87 16 3 1 2 13 5 Ware . 412 1 & 201 166 125 I 121 117 4 ...... Warren...... 23 23 0 Washington...... 465 142 28 iu 323 155 168 ...... Wayn9 . ... 360 860 332 37 Webster 2 2 2 Wheeler 104* 104 80 24 white ::; 501 w nitneia.—...... 310 244 75 182 175 7 ....— Wilcox . . 310 810 205 114! Wilkes ..——.. 346 213 30 "183" 133 74 50; .....* Wilkinson ... 438 433 186 Worth . ... 553 553 247 306 M33 2,667 2,610 48 % 766 2,750 r Ada Z™™i 020 508 9 505 2 1 412 412 Adams. ..-.—.—...... 6 6 6 Bannock...... 421 300 354 40 5 22 21 ' i Bear Lake— 53 53 63

Bingham ... 100 40 40 Blame—..—.....—.... 115 60 60 Boise . 115 116 TH! 220 43 43 * 6 Bonneville 1 123 1 112 | ._ 177 iiti i \\V

106 | 1 I » til l il!! ! Ii! : till * III ! r| Hi 177 1 • » iniz* H

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8TATI AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other- Total White Negro races Total White Negro races*

GXOBGIA—Con. Peach . 883 789 203 586 94 51 43 Pickens . 2,095 2,095 2,095 Pierce...... 966 966 796 170 Pike. 711 711 489 222 Polk .272 272 204 68 • Pulaski 1,557 1.557 733 824 Putnam...... 430 430 227 203 Quitman...... 1.254 i::::::::: 1.254 349 905 Rabun 1.458 1.458 1,439 19 Randolph 1,002 468 59 409 534 154 380 Richmond...... 15,164 14,270 4,603 9.667 894 763 131 Rockdale 490 490 95 395 Screven 2,868 27868 2,"i§2 736 ...... Seminole . 607 607 203 ! 404 ...... Spalding 1,387 1.258 304 954 129 107 22 Stephens 2,245 1.020 660 360 1,225 1,115 110 Stewart 1.850 1.850 407 1,443 ...... Sumter. 1 1,806 935 250 685 873 215 658 Talbot '"*• 740 740 148 592 Taliaferro 366 366 212 154 4 4 1 Taylor "" 1,766 1,766 857 909 Telfair. " 1,705 1,705 1,301 404 Terrell I" 1,030 525 73 452 505 117 388 Thomas. . 1,713 1,347 425 922 366 275 91 Tift™;::;: 1,085 487 1 319 168 598 385 213 Towns 445 441 445 68 Treutlen... " 390 390 | 322 1.738 1.136 370 766 602 95 607 Turner... 120 120 98 22 Twiggy 786 786 239 547 Union. 1,529 1,629 1,521 8 ...... ttpsom.. 524 195 101 94 329 214 115 talker.. 282 89 2,177 1,796 381 2,548 371 22 yaiton..;;;;;" 67 4 2 2 63 41 Ware I™™ 462 551 539 12 1.738 1.187 725 21 Warren 82 82 61 Washington 112 378 1.447 710 737 1.037 490 I 1,896 1,732 164 1,896 18 weSter::::::::::::::;: 18 18 123] 507 507 384 ...... 823 791 32 Whitfield™ 2,086 1 1.253 996 267 tt 1,389 935 454 H ««._. 1.389 182 643 120 523 487 305 1,130 1.341 818 523 1.341 1.244 2,322 2,322 1,078 9,830 84 32 9,697 9,684: 13 lDAB0 19,643 9,946 1,540 Ada 3,532 1,992 I 1,988 3 1 1,540 AdamV 25 25 25 Bannock.... 1,377 72 27 88 84 4 ' 1.^84 1.476 181 181 181

296 296 436 140 1 140 361 361 361 asp 11 11 11 Bonner 183 183 655 655 Bonnevffla. . I 838 442 || 433 1 64 1 506 1 il 1 II

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

IDAHO—Contd. Boundary...... 84 84 St Butte. 12 12 12 Camas ...... 24 1 24 24 Canyon...... 301 1 217 216 84 84 (Caribou...... 29 1 i 29 29 •Cassia . 68 34 34 34 34 •Clark •Clearwater... " 88 1 86 2 'Custer 88 19 19 Elmore..... 19 48 | 48 48 1 'Franklin...... 148 57 57 91 91 Fremont 24 12 12 12 12 ••Gem...... 349 157 157 192 192 'Gooding. 83 83 82 1 £daho.. ... 107 107 105 2 Jefferson...... 60 60 60 Jerome...... 10 10 10 Kootenai . 671 417 417 254 254 Latah 165 26 26 129 128 I Lemhi 18 18 1 18 0 IS 16 16 Minidoka 16 16 16 143 99 97 i i 44 44 82 68 68 14 1* 32 32 32 Payette 61 41 41 20 20 53 63 53 152 77 77 75 75 37 37 ; 37 Twin Falls 366 312 312 Valley 54 194 48 48 146 146 Yellowstone National

ILLINOIS K .. 229,357 194,260 158,478 34,378 1,404 35,097 32,766 2,285 46 Adams 2,362 i 2*048 1.758 287 3 314 312 2 Alexander . 1,533 518 208 310 1,015 606 319 Bond ...... 692 131 124 7 561 558 3 256 216 214 2 40 40 30 ! 30 30 Bureau...... £68 234 227 7 334 333 1 13 13 13 Carroll 154 95 86 9 69 59 569 359 359 210 210 ...... Champaign . . 1,596 1,016 791 225 580 579 1 Christian... . 1,699 693 691 2 1,008 1 1,005 1 Clark 175 175 175 i...... Clay 1 I" 43 | 43 68 68 437 30 30 1 407 407 811 805 6 244 1,055 244 1 132,257 129,610 101,640 26,795 1,176 1 2,647 2,247 380 20 104 16 16 1 88 88 59 I M De Kalb 675 460 "" 442* 18* 116 112 3 454 211 208 3 243 243 r Douglas...... —... 682 122 120 2 560 560 Du Page...... 2,033 1,461 1,499 12 672 670 2 Edgar 199 103 9 Edwards...... 253 I 94 96 95 1 !•*•* 253 242 i..— EfPngham..*...... I 108 II 71 II 71 II 37 II 36 1 •Includes 1,361 urban white families for whom no detailed information is available, Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 125



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other : Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

IDAHO—Contd. Boundary.-...... 303 303 303 Butte 41 *l Camas...... 140 140 Canyon...... 140 796 794 2 367 367 Caribou 1,163 111 111 Cassia. 223 142 142 81 81 Clark 3$ 38 38 Clearwater 137 1 137 132 5 Caster ... 25 25 25 Elmore 168 158 158 Franklin... 072 j 251 251 421 421 Fremont.. 117 ] 62 62 55 55 Gem . 1.146 491 491 655 655 Gooding... 284 284 283 1 Idaho.... 318 318 316 2 Jefferson.. 147 1 147 147 Jerome 26 I 26 26 Kootenai 2t250 1.324 1*324 926 926 utah i;:""":::: 492 100 100 392 391 1 49 49 49 Lewis 35 35 35 ...... Lincoln 42 42 42 Minidoka "... 66 66 Nes Perce 562 356 354 1 1 1 206 1 206 Oneida.... 400 | 324 324 76 76 Owyhee 81 1 81 81 Payette 240 142 ' 142 98 98 Power fc 195 195 195 Shoshone.. 451 248 248 203 203 Teton 93 93 93 Twin Falls 7M„1 1,445 1,261 1,281 184 184 Washington 739 216 216 523 Yellowstone National

108,088 6,257 14a 186 132,221 7,715 250 .. ILLINOIS 819,038 678,852 564,507 8 Adams... 7,523 6,216 5,487 722 7 1,307 1,299 Alexander 6,083 1,815 80S 1,007 4,268 3,055 1,213 Bond.. . 2,477 434 420 14 2,043 2,030 13 859 13 178 178 1,050 872 112 112 Brown *'* * 112 I Bureau 2,206 824 803 21 1,382 1,381 52 52 52 ""::::: ! 354 263 263 ...... Carroll.... 641 378 24 853 853 2,146 1,293 1,293 2,527 Champaign Hill 6,389 3,857 3,097 760 2,532; 5 I 3,926 j 3,924 2 Christian 6,321 2,395 2,390 5 716 716 716 Clay."/ 324 324 490 166 m 1,673 1,673 1,802 129 129 886 __...- 4,025 3,139 3,122 17 886 9,853 1,186 10T Cook.... 457,660 ! 446,514 356,314 85,029 5,171 H.146^ 59 430| 430 489 59 2351 235 Cumberland 235 465 19 Crawford..::::;::;::::: 1,871 1,802 69 484 2,355 12 964 964 1,819 855 843 fc«fc= 495 2 2,346 2,346 2,843 497 2,226 2,208 IS 8,066 5,828 32 ftfc=rr-•Edgar " 5,860 38 381 380 1 820 401 957 918 39 |dwafds.. 957 i «• £ 240 115! 1 107 8 nmghani 3551 240 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 126 UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CENSUS



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

ILLINOIS—Contd. Fayette 95 95 95 Ford.. .. 37 37 37 Franklin.. 2,302 1,356 1,356 946 945 1 Fulton . 1,229 518 506 12 711 711 Gallatin | 760 760 733 27 Greene ... 115 49 49 66 68 Grundy „ . 191 110 109 1 81 79 1 1 Hamilton 100 100 100 214 214 212 2 Hardin - 107 107 107 43 43 43 Henry „, 826 67i 642 22 7 155 154 1 Iroquois 273 61 60 1 212 211 1 Jackson 1,622 945 502 443 677 619 58 77 77 77 Jefferson 177 110 91 19 67 i 67 Jersey 285 118 115 3 167 166 1 81 13 13 68 68 60 60 56 4 Kane 3,855 3,461 3,269 168 24 394 j 392 1 I 889 509 434 75 380 380 Kendall 138 138 136 1 I Knox 1,420 990 857 126 7 430 381 47 2 Lake 2,866 2,550 2,312 216 22 316 314 1 1 La Salle 3,419 2,830 2.791 27 12 589 582 3 4 Lawrence.. 37? 151 151 1 221 220 1 Lee 365 233 226 6 ! 132 126 6 509 149 147 i 360 ! 357 3 405 295 282 13 2 110 110 561 421 403 18 140 140 180 60 59 1 120 120 1,910 1,603 1.454 149 307 307 Macon 3,022 2,349 2.115 234 673 671 2 1,948 1,301 1,300 1 647 647 5,411 4,012 I 2,992 988 32 1,399 1,319 79 1 Marion.^...... 1,255 688 572 116 567 563 4 Marshall 121 121 120 1 Mason . 331 155 155 [ 176 176 322 224 148 76 98 49 49 51 51 50 1 176 176 175 1 Monroe.. 7 7 7 1.650 468 455 13 1,182 428 1.182 Moultrie 641 348 80 213 213 175 175 175 Ogle 240 60 59 1 180 180 2,497 2,283 2,015 260 8 214 212 1 Perry.*. ...._.... 728 392 349 43 336 333 3 i Piatt 140 140 139 1 172 172 169 3 279 ! 279 270 9 725 341 113 228 i 384 93 290 218 i 218 218 i 644 166 94 72 1 478 413 64 Kichland 65 24 24 41 41 " i 3,592 3,373 3,141 176 ! 56 219 1 219 7,055 5,273 3,098 Saline 2,173 2 : 1,782 1,192 690 ...»»* 2,235 1.248 1.178 70 987 919 68 2,001 1.122 | 981 141 879 860 19 731 1 73 11 73 ...—

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other] Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro

ILLINOIS—Contd. Fayette 446 446 446 Ford 175 175 175 Franklin 8,783 5,234 5,234 3,549 3,544 Fulton HI', 4,704 1,949 1,909 40 2,755 2,755 Gallatin , 2,941 2,941 2,845 96 Greene 4S1 186 186 295 295 Grundy 751 439 436 312 302 Hamilton... 314 344 344 Hancock 762 762 758 Hardin. 417 417 417 Henderson.. 173 173 173 Henry. 3,095 2,457 2,343 80 638 637 1 lioquoi 1,161 243 241 2 918 913 Jacksoi 6,086 3,201 1,848 1,353 2,885 2,715 170 jasper.™:; 274 274 274 880 532 464 348 348 Jefferson 1,161 469 459 692 4 tosey 389 64 64 325 Jo Daviess... 246 246 236 id Johnson 1,653 1,641 "§ Kane 14,432 12,779 12,092 552 135 4 gwikakee 3,582 1,951 1,677 274 1,631 1,631 Kendall .. 524 524 514 0 4 fnox :.. 5,189 3,473 3,108 1,716 1,544 159 13 Lake 9,722 8,461 7,715 642 1,261 1,254 1 6 13,701 11,314 11,175 81 2,387 2,356 4 27 ^ Salle HH 1,610 623 623 987 985 2 Lawrence 1,346 879 854 20 467 425 42 1,911 576 571 1,335 1,327 j 8~ ^ingston"riIIIIIIII 1,388 991 950 41 397 397 2,152 1,641 1,572 69 511 611 McDonVug£I"III"II, 789 262 260 2 527 527 ...... 5,661 5,241 420 1,530 1,530 McHenry 7,191 2,706 8 McLean H] 10,641 7,927 7,223 704 2,714 4,492 4,490 2 2,430 2,430 JJacon 6,922 5,193 276 4 Macoupin HI] 19,295 13,822 10,824 2,871 127 5,473 Madison I™"". 2,148 437 2,110 2,094 16 Marion 4,695 2,585 560 1 Marshall 561 561 mmmmm 671 672 672 Mason 1,343 671 204 159" ...... JJassac. 1,235 872 622 250 363 Menard...... *™ 251 251 1 3 JJercer 841 841 31 31 Monroe ". 31 4,287 Montgomery 5,871 1,584 1,537 47 4,287 1,612 280 951 951 JJorgan..... 2,743 1,792 715 Moultrie.... 715 715 699 699 Ogle. 947 248 243 5 7.147 760 49 853 845 7 8,809 7,956 1,382 10 1,353 1,243 110 1,392 2,745 641 637 4 Piatt 641 723 717 ...... 723 6 1,130 1,109 21 1,130 ^Vi::::::::;;;;:: 464 764 1,592 405 1,185 2 2,820 642 642 Futnam , 642 1,731 213 6 2,503 553 188 1,950 ^.i:::::::::!-;-."1 86 183 183 800 800 12,345 11,545 10,662 567 10,666 6,322 6,127 4,370 1.757 23,119 16,992 3,975 3,732 243 ?ock Island 8,559 4,584 4,379 205 4,223 506 3,586 3,525 61 8,315 4,729 362 362 Schuyler... ".

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total White |Other| Other Total Negro races Total White Negro races

ILLINOIS—Con. Scott 34 34 34 Shelby 442 101 99 341 341 Stark 63 53 53 Stephenson 630 438 394 92 78 Tazewell..* 1.271 837 837 434 432 Union 663 36 627 627 Vermilion 2,660 1,956 1,673 704 685 Wabash 267 150 149 117 117 Warren 327 269 58 58 Washington.—, 72 72 71 Wayne 41 41 48 48 White 2 2 61 60 Whiteside 618 391 389 127 126 Will 3,343 3,045 2,842 176 298 281 17 Williamson. 3,969 2,387 2,340 47 1,582 1,419 163 Winnebago 6,745 5,249 6,097 130 496 487 6 Woodford 80 80 79 1 iNDIANi 76,649 64,884 46,369 9,404 111 21,765 21,463 Adams 161 94 92 2 67 67 Allen. 4,578 4,039 3,663 375 639 639 Bartholomew.. 219 109 108 1 110 108 Benton 62 61 Blackford. 195 144" 144* 61 61 Boone 169 165 127 126 Brown 26 26 26 Carroll 179 179 179 Cass 688 513 482 75 75 Clark 721 475 315 160 246 231 Clay 1,144 608 652 56 636 Clinton 687 458 453 5 129 128 Crawford 66 66 65 Daviess 606 "*295 280 "l5 311 301 Dearborn. 148 103 101 1 45 44 Decatur 204 104 103 1 100 100| De Kalb 381 179 173 6 202 201 Delaware. 1,695 1,448 1,247 201 247 245 Dubois 63 49 49 14 14 Elkhart 1,360 1,103 1,080 257 256 Fayette 405 342 330 12 63 Floyd 805 648 157 60 Fountain 73 73 259 258 Franklin 64 54 54 Fulton ""193" 193" 89 89 Gibson 632 278 244 354 331 Grant 1,174 840 742 334 322 Greene 883 347 346 636 636 Hamilton.. 484 267 253 217 211 Hancock 216 117 113 99 98 Harrison 119 119 115 Hendricks 142 142 138 Henry 341 130 114 16 211 206 Howard 1,660 1,515 145 172 172 Huntington 133 132 1 120 120 Jackson 129 17 17 112 111 Jasper 142 31 30 1 111 111 221 111 110 1 110 110 Jefferson!!!"" 120 35 Jennings 26 9 85 81 162 28 6 119 116 Johnson 136 Knox . 122 14 07 05 1,314 903 887 16 411 405 Kosciusko. 212 Lagrange 209 3 311 311 258 7,738 "77331* "£"216* "ifoie 407 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 129



8TATI AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Otber| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

ILLINOIS—Con. Scott 136 136 136 Shelby ; 1,559 296 294 2 1,263 1,263 Stark. 185 185 185 Stephenson . . 2,161 1,758 "l,*597 "l58 403 350 1,711 Tazewell 4,592 2,868 1,724 Union 2,900 131 131 2,769 2,769 Vermilion " 10,080 7,119 6,137 982 2,961 2,916 45 Wabash 1,235 667 665 2 568 568 Warren JilllV.ll 1,305 1,054 960 94 251 251 Washington , 319 319 318 Wayne 415 198 198 217 217 White , 273 11 11 262 Whiteside 1,981 1.525 1,519 456 455 13,591 12,347 11,687 536 1,244 1,163 Will 14,533 8,571 8,422 149 5,962 5,427 19,896 18,050 17,581 1,846 1,809 Williamson II"" 346 346 343 w&::::::;::::: 296,554 206,522 174,170 31,935 417 90,032 88,914 1,083 344 5 264 264 ,. INDIANA , 613 349 ..... 17,351 14,977 13,921 1,053 2,374 2,374 Adams... 939 431 2 506 493 Alien :::::"*::::* 247 247 242 Bartholomew 707 560 560 147 147 Benton 1,159 653 631 22 506 505 Blackford ] 144 144 144 Boone 669 669 669 Brown 2,270 2,003 1,877 122 267 267 Carroll 2,948 1,815 1,263 552 1,133 1,057 Cass '.Villi ciark iimiii. 4,432 2,261 2,044 217 2,171 2,162 Clay 2,276 1,790 1,766 24 486 485 Clinton.... ' 286 286 281 Crawford.."!!""*"" 2,604 1,189 1,139 50 1,415 1,377 Daviess , 674 473 467 1 201 191 Dearborn 497 1 371 371 Decatur 1,613 769 751 18 844 839 geKaib ;....;:; 6,628 5,701 4,972 732 918 Delaware 256 198 198 58 1,019 1,016 gubois ::::::: 5,513 4,494 4,407 87 Elkhart lllllllli. 262 1,702 1,440 1,407 33 262 |ayette 2,240 519 270 259 Jloyd I" 3,029 2,759 1,047 1,322 271 271 1,051 Fountain " " " 240 240 Jranklin 1 ' 240 392 Fulton llllllll'. 1,101 709 709 1,532 Olbson 2,619 1,087 977 110 1,462 grant 2,772 2,482 287 1,310 1,240 10 4,082 2,311 Greene 3,657 1,346 1,340 6 2,311 851 52 879 855 Hamilton. llVlllll'. 1,782 903 364 354 815 451 443 Hancock , 567 Harrison 567 559 548 559 816 795 Hendricks. 1,288 472 411 61 6,243 455 618 618 Henry.—in::::::::: 6,316 6,698 461 461 HowardHuntingtonV.""::;;;::. ; 1,025 564 563 1 Jackson 494 35 35 457 Jasper ' "" 616 122 117 493 Jay...... 797 412 411 385 162 112 432 408 Jefferson™ 594 503 495 620 117 105 Jennings. lV.VS.ll 462 305 301 Johnson.. 813 1,704 1,680 4,910 3,206 3,163 £nox 615 607 1,251 1,251 1,866 954 951 fosciusko..!" .954 1,760 1,748 ::::::::27,180 25,420 19,335 5,713 372 Digitized forte!:::::: FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 130 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



Urban Rural STATS AND COUNTY Total Total |Other| Other White Negro races Total White Negro races

INDIANA—Con. La Porte 2,157 1,771 1,650 121 380 Lawrence.^...... - «... 707 383 378 5 324 324 Madison . 1,283 1,079 973 106 204 201 Marion . 11,846 10,877 7,076 3,798 943 Marshall 400 102 102 Martin 231 231 Miami 499 227 224 272 270 Monroe 1,158 612 590 546 546 Montgomery-^ 412 308 297 104 104 Morgan...... 171 39 132 132

Newton - 79 79 79 Noble 289 201 201 Ohio.. 9 9 9 Orange.. 231 231 230 Owen— 163 163 161 Parke 651 Perry 20 48 48 Pike. 482 125 125 357 347 Porter 136 136 203 202 Posey 31 208 207 Pulaski 110 110 110 Putnam. 168 67 53 101 101 Randolph.. 280 100 98 180 179 Ripley 113 26 26 87 87 Rush 279 187 175 12 92 87 St. Joseph.. 3,698 3,276 422 527 623 Scott 35 35 35 Shelby 512 410 374 ""36 102 99 Spencer 129 129 122 Starke.. 229 229 227

Steuben 212 20 192 190 Sullivan 280 279 1,248 1,248 Switzerland.... 80 80 Tippecanoe.... 844 755 715 40 89 ~"ptoTipti n 202 121 121 81 81 Union., 47 47 42 Vanderburg 4,624 3,812 2,963 848 812 743 Vermillion 2,355 983 966 17 1,372 1,372 Vigo. 3,840 2,475 2,244 231 1.365 1,347

Wabash 397 305 300 4 92 90 Warren 86 86 85 Warrick 159 75 69 6 84 82 Washington.... 152 33 119 119 Wi 6— 1,823 1,537 Wc__ 1,258 278 286 279 416 261 261 155 154 White. 143 143 143 Whitleyll 220 57 57 162 IOWA... 35,051 24,368 23,125 1,046 197 Adair.. 103 10,683 10,595 Adams. 102 103 102 255 102 101 49 206 206 Appanoose. 645 295 16 179 350 343 Audubon 179 179 Benton 184 145 145 39 39 Black Hawk. 738 667 621 Boone 44 71 71 133 90 90 43 43 Bremer .. 53 23 231 Buchanan 30 30 160 79 79 81 81

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total |Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

INDIANA—Con. La Porte 7,772 6,133 5,834 299 1,639 1,619 20 Lawrence...... 3, WO 1,595 1,578 17 1,445 1,445 Madison...... 4,558 3,787 3,439 348 771 771 Marion 48,687 44,522 29,896 14,607 4,165 4,057 *10S Marshall 1,734 447 447 1,287 1,287 Martin 1,006 1,006 995 11 Miami 2,199 994 984 1,205 1,197 Monroe. 4,956 2,367 2,280 2,589 Montgomery 1,660 1,201 1,145 459 Morgan 536 177 177 659 Newton... 328 328 Noble 1,158 836 Ohio 39 39 Orange..... 1,063 1,063 1,059 Owen 786 786 776 Parke 2,241 2,241 2,239 Perry 285 72 72 213 213 Pike. 2,038 510 510 1,528 1,501 Porter 1,415 561 561 854 850 Posey. 146 139 822 814 Pulaski 491 491 491 Putnam 780 217 517 517 Randolph 980 355 348 625 623 Ripley... 503 137 137 366 Rush 1,170 812 777 35 349 St. Joseph 16,239 14,018 12,691 1,327 2,221 2,207 Scott.... 153 153 153 Shelby 1,928 1,429 iso" 369 363 1,559 492 466 Spencer 492 870 Starke 873 873 65 Steuben 894 65 4,887 Sullivan 5,972 1,085 1,084 4,887 345 345 Switzerland 345 355 3,138 2,783 2,658 125 355 Tippecanoe 328 Tipton 850 522 522 165 145 20 JJwon 165 3,099 245 Vanderburg... 17,824 14,480 11,636 2,839 3,344 62 5,172 5,172 Vermillion 8,840 3,668 3,606 5,503 Vigo.. 13,947 8,390 7,689 701 5,557 1,064 1,051 Wabash 1,362 296 291 Warren 296 311 277 450 440 Warrick 761 563 563 Washington 686 123 123 5,661 4,767 1,178 1,147 Wage 6,839 618 615 1,555 937 937 White." 641 641 641 696 694 whiSev::::::::::::: 917 221 221 51 96,479 91,840 3,655 984 48,484 48,171 .. t IOWA 144,963 451 443 8 -Adair...... 451 390 386 4 390 930 930 Adams. ""**"•**""" 1,149 219 21$' 1,284 50 1,633 1,613 AUamakee""IIIIIIII 2,967 1,334 813 813 Appanoose 813 173 Audubon 770 597 597 173 2,834 2,625 201 331 331 Benton 3,165 184 551 367 367 184 ||^B.wk.„:.:::: 174 298 124 124 174 Rremer. 690 327 327

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STATE AMD COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Othet Total White Negro races Total White Negro race.*

IOWA—Contd. Buena Vista ». 93 34 34 69 59 Butler 340 340 340 Calhoun .. 195 195 194 1 'Carroll 98 55 54 1 43 43 Cass 177 84 82 1 1 93 92 1 Cedar .. 236 ! 236 236 Cerro Qorclo.. 814 774 715 27 32 i 40 40 Cherokee 1 222 114 114 108 108 Chickasaw 183 183 183 Clarke 155 92 91 1 63 63 Clay 138 104 104 34 34 Clayton 28 28 28 Clinton 883 656 650 6 227 227 237 72 72 165 165 Pallas 235 34 33 1 201 197 4 Davis 192 192 189 3 Decatur 216 216 216 Delaware 146 68 68 1 78 78 935 765 727 36 2 ; 170 170 26 26 | 26 1,467 -1,406 1,401 4 1 : 61 61 Emmet 52 48 48 * 4 Fayette 322 214 209 5, 108 108 Floyd 468 360 358 1 108 108 Franklinl 116 66 66 50 60 Fremont 76 76 76 Greene . 17 15 15 2 2 Grundy 130 i 130 130 Guthrie 79 79 ! 79 ...... Hamilton 161 135 135 26 I 26 46 46 45 1 Hardin 157 1 i" HI 46 46 Harrison 488 249 239 238 1 Henry 135 1 249 73 2 60 60 Howard 45 i 75 23 22 23 22 Humboldt 68 68 68 27 27 27 166 166 166 Jackson 264 ! 68 ! 68 196 196 Jasper 131 | 41 36 1 4 90 89 1 Jefferson...... _ 167 105 103 2 62 62 Johnson 317 225 224 1 92 92 235 45 45 190 190 Keokuk 65 65 65 Kossuth 97 66 66 31 31 Lee 833 715 598 116 1 118 117 1 1,233 1,160 1,110 73 Louisa- 112 40 10 73 272 112 112 ...... Lucas...... 166 6 100 100 82 1 82 82 Madison. 184 96 96 88 88 371 258 250 8 113 111 2 456 106 106 349 340 9 Marshall 374 342 330 12 32 32 Mills.. 10 10 10 Mitchell* 92 61 61 41 41 Monona .... 263 97 Monroe 97 166. 166 420 210 197 13 210 177 33 Montgomery _J 169 107 104 62 62 302) 268 261 1 6! 2! ! 34 1 34

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other) Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

IOWA—Contd Buena Vista 469 163 163 306 306 Butler ^ 1,341 1,341 1,341 ...... Calhoun.. 870 870 869 i Carroll 511 260 254 251 251 Cass 765 369 364 3 396 391 5 Cedar 1,002 1,002 1,002 Cerro Gordo 3,447 3,230 2,962 "ioi" 167 217 217 Cherokee.. 1,011 509 509 502 502 Chickasaw. 861 861 861 Clarke. 599 331 322 —y 268 Clay 673 516 615 158 Clayton 144 144 144 Clinton 3,255 2,386 2,367 869 869 Crawford 1,061 326 326 735 735 Dallas 1,106 168 159 920 18 Davis 824 819 5 Decatur 1,053 1,053 1,053 Delaware 731 349 382 382 Des Moines 3,652 2,876 2,781 776 776 Dickinson 118 118 118 Dubuque 5,732 5,492 5,470 240 240 Emmet 275 255 255 20 20 Fayette 1,511 942 914 569 569 Floyd 2,051 1,536 1,629 515 515 Franklin 543 305 305 Fremont... 419 419 419 Greene 84 75 75 9 9 Grundy. 536 536 Guthrie 438 438 438 Hamilton 799 651 651 148 148 Hancock 237 235 2 Hardin 788 534 534 254 254 Harrison... 2,220 1,058 1,162 1,153 9 1,058 235 235 Henry 538 15 140 Howard 243 103 140 324 Humboldt 324 324 Ida 166 166 166 Jowa ™™ 658 1,062 239 Jackson 504 498 Jasper 662 158 134 15 6 Jefferson 738 437 431 301 301 979 387 387 Johnson 1,369 982 830 Jones 1,024 194 194 Keokuk 282 282 144 144 -._».*• Kossuth 420 276 276 Lee 2,048 374 495 9 2,918 2,423 376 376 Linn. --—— 4,870 4,494 4,307 141 541 641 541 WW. Louisa."."""""!* 19 467 467 Lucas 1,112 645 353 353 Lyon 31 353 " JJadison 847 406 406 439 439 Mahaska 1,577 1,054 1,017 37 523 513 10 Marion 1,865 448 448 1,417 1,393 24; 1,385 179 179 Marshall 1,602 1,423 44 44 M3ST.;:;::;;;;:: 44 Mitchell 420 221 221 199 Monona " 1,204 439 765 765 876 827 913 806 Monroe 1,789 314 314 iw Montgomery. ! 772 458 446 176 176 •_W«~*1.1i Muscatine...... !.. 1,127 951

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total iOther|| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro

IOWA—Con. O'Brien 106 40 40 66 Osceola ... 10 10 Page— 242 203 194 39 Palo Alto 75 32 32 43 Plymouth 110 74 74 36 Pocahontas 76 76 76 4Polk 5,303 4,776 4,253 495 527 612 ^Pottawattamie.. 1,031 944 885 46 87 86 Poweshiek 139 87 87 52 62 Singgold 68 145 52 52 93 -Scott 2,735 2,628 2,468 75 107 105 "Shelby. 131 50 81 81 £ioux 260 260 260 Story 121 80 39 39 Tama .... 130 34 96 96 Taylor . 156 156 156 XJnion 216 163 '*ie2 52 52 Van Buren.. 91 91 89 Wapello 822 "682 140 140 Warren 56 31 31 Washington- 157 105 105 Wayne, 212 212 212 Webster....ebste; . 710 556 547 154 154 Winmebago... 119 119 118 Winneshiek.. 280 129 129 161 151 Woodbury 2,651 2,597 17 175 175 Worth 39 Wright 134 71 71 62 KANSAS., 46,221 27,189 21,281 525 19,032 18,234 751 47 Allen 379 324 274 55 3 Anderson .. 431 147 135 12 284 1 Atchison 191 151 Barber 98 51 40 38 2 96 96 95 1 Barton 314 264 213 50 46 4 Bourbon 629 495 410 134 120 14 Brown 363 205 176 158 151 3 Butler. 510 375 356 135 134 1 Chase 165 165 159 6 Chautauqua... 522 622 609 12 Cherokee 1,294 672 602 69 622 592 30 Cheyenne 101 Clark 101 101 158 157 Clay.... ( 209 Cloud 206 90 90 310 187 185 123 123 Coffey 232 Comanche 140 232 231 Cowley 1,006 140 140 795 691 211 204 Crawford 2,470 560 Decatur 1,910 1,829 230 Dickinson 465 300 Doniphan 12 165 165 Douglas "437 *323" 185 *124 Edwards 162 114 "*88 Elk ± 12S 162 156 128 123 Ellis SOS 106 106 Ellsworth 33 196 33 31 Finney 211 "168 "149 Ford..-. 311 43 39 237 212 74 71 Franklin , 499 255 198 244 243

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STATE AND COUNTT Urban Rural Total Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

/%.*.* Iow±—Con. 478 173 173 305 305 O'Brien ..... 62 62 62 Osceola . 1,023 857 819 34 166 166 fcuoAlialb Alto - 497 205 205 292 292 Plymouth™"—I 411 411 175 175 Pocahontas. 402 402 402 2,294 16 Polk ..... 22,098 19,765 17,812 1,787 2,343 4,637 4,081 3,874 134 456 454 Pottawattamie I 658 401 401 255 255 Poweshiek 320 320 320 Ringgold...... Sac...... MS 245 245 403 9,494 8,998 8,374 247 377 496 479 17 Scott...:::::::::*- 278 Shelby 612 234 234 278 1,175 ...... 1,175 1,175 sioux... :::::: 182 Story. •"' 503 321 314 182 Tama. 165 165 434 434 Taylor- 675 675 675 Union 909 652 650 . 257 257 3S6 386 380 3,380 T770* "27762" 610 610 Warren 281 129 129 152 162 Washington. 726 237 237 489 489 Wayne 896 896 896 49 693 693 Webster 3,271 2,578 2,529 440 Winnebago::! 445 445 491 617 617 1,108 491 794 Winneshiek., 9,585 8,698 118 75 794 8,791 188 188 188 299 626 321 321 305 Wright 18,129 76,287 73,438 2,646 9 176,388 100,101 79,339 10 Allen^" -™- 1,048 185 222 212 1.455 1,233 1,193 1,188 6 1,801 608 573 35 217 10 177 169 8 £&:= 827 650 386 379 7 386 247 18 Barber ™" 1,276 1,029 866 Barton 1/ 287 637 44 Bourbon.. 2,403 1,866 1,577 687 12 18 Brown 1.618 801 674 68 717 1,684 57 686 683 3 2,356 1,670 645 625 Chase.. 645 2,204 2,163 "1 Chautauqua::::::, 2,204 2,255 217 2,242 2,144 Cherokee 4,723 2,481 476 476 enne 476 611 604 c£s 611 335 335 1,116 781 772 486 486 c£y:::::: 1,198 712 701 cioud....::— 828 827 612 612 612 63 864 840 3.816 2.952 2,629 270 2,101 94 6,661 6,273 8,756 2,195 1,010 1,010 1,010 686 686 gtekinson 1,938 1,252 1,183 34 35 112 goniphan:::::;; - "'737' "418 """434" I26' Soughs ;;::::; "i,"65l "1*217 692 679 13 692 624 Edwards :::: 624 624 896 1,386 490 490 145 136 gisworth." 145 201 189 800 599 635 851 336 324 1,240 904 865 860 Franklin. 1,862 997 774

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STAT* AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Total White Other] Negro Negro races Total White

KANSAS—Contd. Geary 301 42 37 259 20 Gove 64 64 Graham . 166 166 126 Grant 37 37 37 Gray 102 102 Greeley 88 87 Greenwood.. 600 232 368 368 Hamilton 58 68 57 Harper 230 104 09 126 126 Harvey 234 202 154 32

Haskell.. 47 47 47 Hodgeman... 108 108 100 Jackson...... 223 02 86 131 130 Jefferson...... 186 186 168 Jewell - 186 186 186

Johnson.... 675 194 160 34 481 451 Kearny 26 26 26 Kingman... 163 *"74" ~72 2 89 89 Kiowa. 190 199 199 Labette— 944 547 389 "iio 397 338 59 18 18 18 Leavenworth.., 573 "568 "357 210 6 5 Lincoln ...... 143 143 142 Linn ..... 337 337 324 Logan 104 104 84

Lyon 520 358 306 40 12 162 159 McFherson... 84 49 49 35 35 Marion 125 125 125 Marshall 440 150 150 290 287 Meade 221 221 220 Miami 440 326 240 85 114 109 Mitchell 148 69 69 79 79 Montgomery.. 1,698 1,190 508 474 Morris 511 377 350 120 Morton 134 157 157 157 Nei 231 Neosho.. 545 372 337 33 170 Ness 173 144 144 143 Norton... 325 79 79 246 Osage 246 198 198 184 12 Osborne 129 129 126 Ottawa 236 Pawnee 236 234 148 104 93 44 44 Phillips. 92 Pottawatomie.. 92 91 190 190 181 Pratt.. 331 240 34 Rawlins . 200 Reno 200 200 1,240 "804' 352 349 Republic 160 Rice 160 160 123 41 40 87 77 381 260 204 Ro , 157 121 120 Rush. 157 150 188 188 188 Russell 184 Saline 184 180 794 657 565 34 137 137 Scott 90 89 1 Sedgwick 4,789 90 4,467 3,836 576 "55 322 317 1 Seward 537 298 293 Shawnee 239 4,031 3,771 2,811 "755* *205' 250 Sheridan 67 67 66 11—

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STATI AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro

KANSAS—Contd. Geary 1.044 163 152 881 825 53 gove 318 318 310 Graham 785 785 619 "166 Grant 158 158 158 Gray 534 534 512 "~22 Greeley. , 311 311 306 5 Greenwood... 2,351 821 1,623 1,523 Hamilton 235 235 233 2 gwper , 927 418 409 9 509 509 Harvey 758 585 127 128 Haskell 178 178 178 Hodgeman... 447 447 412 Jackson 873 304 291 13 569 568 Jefferson 741 741 682 Jewell 760 760 Johnson.... 2,481 674 106 1,807 1,692 115 Kearny.— US 148 148 Kingman... 802 317 306 11 485 485 Kiowa 833 833 833 I-abette.... 3,544 T627' 1,503 "410 1,517 1,301 216 lane , 87 87 87 Leavenworth.. 2,016 2,002 T293 700 14 14 Lincoln. 627 627 625 Linn , 1,318 1,318 1,269 Logan 468 377 2,125 1,415 1,221 142 52 710 698 11 Mcpherson" 381 224 157 157 Marion 514 514 514 591 1,036 1,026 fcSfc 1,627 591 931 Miami... 1,580 1,161 859 299 419 Mitchell. , 622 308 308 314 314 4,157 3,242 851 2,078 1.906 134 Montgomery 6,235 430 34 Morris...... 1,644 1,180 1,091 83 464 Morton... , 670 679 679 Nemaha 070 979 967 Neosho. 2,138 1,389 1,269 112 749 737 Ness 1™™ 626 625 626 1,148 1,148 Norton 2,466 """318 710 Osage ™"' 755 755 518 506 518 791 Ottawa 707 797 44 215 215 £*wnee " 655 440 395 401 398 £hmips....;_:::::::; 401 811 776 12 Pottawatomie...... 811 Pratt . 123 132 124 1 1,165 1,033 866 827 827 Rawlins "— 827 1,421 10 8«no_:: "3,"i05 "i"797 "234' 1,436 4,541 ...... 669 669 669 353 309 Rice ""——' 477 124 122 178 19 552 1,570 1,011 814 484 504 504 Rush.... 726 726 726 721 706 15 721 143 554 554 2,997 2,443 27115 185 gcott 1,826 299 1,370 1,354 12 16,920 15,550 13,425 1,126 ... |«jgwick.„:::;:::;; 2,249 1,123 1,123 1,126 9,947 2,518 1,084 1,062 1,036 14,611 13,549 369 365 |g:=:::™::| 369 70147—34 10

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Urban Rural STATS AND COUNTY Total Total White Other] Other Negro races Total White Negro

KANSAS—Contd. Sherman...... 98 86 9 Smith 240 240 Stafford 76 76 76 Stanton...... 10 10 10 Stevens 107 107 05 Sumner.. 458 419 21 18 527 Thomas.. 00 90 89 Trego. 29 29 28 Wabai__ 130 130 97 Wallace. 1 1 1 Washington.. 185 185 185 Wichita 34 34 33 Wilson 508 253 252 1 255 245 10 Woodson 380 380 377 3 Wyandotte 5,283 •*4,'812 2,564 "27188* 471 132 KENTUCKY.. 98/883 18,340 13,108 5,231 80,543 77,468 3,071 Adair.. 124 124 113 11 Allen. 672 672 635 37 Anderson.... 353 353 335 18 Ballard 290 290 269 21 Barren 564 122 88 442 392 50 Bath 659 659 20 Bell 2,219 758 662 96 1,461 22 Boone 59 59 56 3 Bourbon 215 172 105 43 32 11 Boyd 1,120 865 837 255 254 1 Boyle ^ 560 189 97 371 78 Bracken 285 285 253 32 Breathitt 3,305 3,305 3,289 10 Breckinridge. 637 637 622 Bullitt .... 351 15 351 348 3 Butler..__ 600 600 576 24 Caldwell. 255 128 45 127 116 11 Calloway 431 143 73 70 288 273 15 1,526 1,270 1,091 179 256 256 579 579 554 25 .*...» Carroll 244 244 236 8 Carter..... 1,450 1,450 1,450 Casey 1,312 1,312 1,306 6 ...... Christian.. 728 76 213 439 347 92 Clark 425 361 163 198 64 49 15 Clay 1,768 1,768 1,742 26 ....— Clinton 596 696 593 3 Crittenden 171 171 155 15 Cumberland 332 321 11 Daviess 450 375 75 135 128 7 Edmonson 761 761 738 Elliott 982 982 982 Estill 738 196 191 5 542 641 Fayette 1,574 1,642 562 980 32 25 Fleming 456 456 405 Floyd Franklin 958 955 310 93 217 200 Fulton .. 558 109 449 369 Gallatin. 131 131 126 Garrard.. 252 252 214 Grant 279 279 277 Graves 877 234 189 45 643 618 Grayson 678 578 579 563 618 679 518 Greenup .... 618 516

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Rural STATE AND COUNTY Urban Total |Other|| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

KANSAS—Contd Sherman...... 413 360 45 45 flmith 1,002 1,002 1,002 Stafford 293 293 293 Stanton 57 57 57 Stevens 572 572 516 Sumner.. 3,853 1,735 1,586 85 64 2.118 2,038 46 Thomas.. 371 371 363 162 162 160 WaEaunseel! 452 452 361 Wallace 5 5 5 Washington.. 605 605 Wichita , 171 171 170 2,064 1,052 1,050 2 1,012 979 33 Woodsonllll 1,502 1,502 1,4S8 14 Wyandotte... 19,717 17,897 9,910 1,820 1,385 421 14 KENTUCKY. 472,211 75,589 56.584 19.001 396,622 13,169 20 Adair . . 416 416 28 Allen . 3.055 3,055 2,909 146 Anderson 1,707 1,707 1,625 82 Ballard 1,285 1,285 1,206 79 Barren 2,755 537 413 124 2,218 1,960 Bath , 2,056 2,956 2,859 97 Bell , 10,495 3,180 2.816 364 7,315 7,227 88 Boone ... 307 307 297 10 Bourbon .., 928 745 499 246 183 143 40 Boyd 6,302 3,850 3,757 93 1,452 1,450 2 Boyle 2,427 724 422 302 1,703 1,379 324 Bracken 007 907 801 106 Breathitt 16.109 16.109 16,037 72 Breckinridge.. 3,296 3,296 3,192 104 Bullitt...... 1,555 1,555 1,539 16 Butler.. 2,663 2,663 2,585 78 1,191 363 170 658 599 59 cajdweif;:: 1,857 M4 276 268 1,313 1,237 76 6,752 4,662 4,104 558 1,090 1,090 SSBfc: 2,445 2,445 2,324 121 978 978 939 39 cSe?.;:::; 7,487 7,487 7,487 6,691 6,691 6,665 cSftfani: 3,291 1,145 822 2,146 1,724 ! 422 1 Clark. 1,734 1,394 774 620 340 250 i *> Clay. 9,801 9,638 163 cimton....:::: 2,644 2,644 2,638 6 Crittenden 727 727 679 48 Cumberland.... 1,671 1,671 1,626 45 ...... Daviess. 2,718 1,952 1,669 766 722 44 3,667 3,567 3,456 111 !iiiott .7:::::— 4.S54 4,854 4,854 i«ai—:::::::::*:• 3,829 964 946 18 2,865 2,861 4 E»yette_.:::::::::— 5,934 6,787 2.589 3,198 147 126 21 Fleming Hi:::";;; 1,755 1,758 1,567 191 Jloyd 5,136 5,136 5,124 12 1,082 996 Franklin. 1,522 440 402 38 86 ...... 2.334 416 308 107 1,919 1,586 333 ...... juiton...;::::::— 634 634 610 24 ...... gaiiatin..:::; 1,334 1,334 1,147 187 Canard..... ""*—*' grant ... 1,203 1,203 1,199 4 graves ~ 4.057 1,034 201 3,023 2,931 92 gtayson. 1 2,978 2,978 2,929 49 green. 2,705 2,705 2,407 296 ' * 2,924 2,924 2,912 1 12

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Sural Total Other| Other Total Whito Negro races Total White Negro races

KENTUCKY—Con. Hancock 351 18 Harden 50 40 685 563 22 Harlan.. 2,041 328 255 1,713 1,671 42 Harrison 178 108 70 68 2 Hart .. 782 782 730 52 ...... Henderson ...... 1,226 611 172 615 495 120 Henry ... 326 326 314 12 Hickman 306 306 274 32 Hopkins .. 1,828 476 262 214 1,352 1,248 104 Jackson—<, 1,113 1,113 1,113 Jefferson* 'j. | 4,176 3,318 2,428 711 147 Jessamine 320 81 71 10 198 41 Johnson 1,933 1,933 1,933 Kenton 1,658 1,406 1,143 "263" 152 151 1 Knott 809 899 899 Knox 2,713 117 117 2,596 2,536 60 Larue 474 474 440 34 Laurel .. 1,618 1,618 1,597 21 ...... Lawrence- 1,307 1,307 1,292 15 614 614 601 13 ...*•• Leslie 1,613 1,613 1,611 2 Letcher 1,694 29 1,665 1,654 11 Lewis 926 926 924 2 Lincoln. 241 241 231 10 Livingston.. 296 296 284 12 Logan - 1,220 143 1,077 911 166 Lyon...... 303 303 263 40 McCracken... 1.403 1,057 642 415 346 324 22 McCreary. 790 790 790 McLean 180 180 178 2 376 92 60 32 284 244 40 Magoffin, 1,597 1,597 1,696 1 Marion... 239 104 135 115 20 ...... Marshall...... 491 491 489 2 Martin 917 917 917 Mason...... 1,277 445 432 14S Meade 257 257 234 23 Menifee 175 175 175 Mercer 652 296 103 220 33 Metcalfe.... 231 28 Monroe .... 832 814 18 Montgomery.. 299 109 52 67 190 178 12 Mori 1,526 1,526 1.526 Muh .... 1,806 221 189 Nelson.. 32 1,585 1,473 112 307 307 274 33 .—~ Nicholas.... 217 217 179 38 Ohio 1.533 1,533 1,478 55 Oldham.... 232 232 196 36 Owen...... 781 ...*•• Owsley 781 753 28 470 470 467 3 ....— Pendleton. 213 20 Perry. 2,102 167 120 Pike 1.035 1,915 19 3,099 119 116 2,980 2,967 13 i Powell 761 Pulaski.... 761 738 23 2,262 503 441 62 1,759 1,735 24 Robertson 312 342 Rockcastle 1,359 342 Rowan 815 1,359 1,356 " 3 Russell 617 815 815 423 617 697 8cott 222 92 130 201 178 i Includes some families, not regular relief clients, but who received surplus commodities.

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total [Other! |Other Total White Negro Total White Negro races

w KENTUCKY—Con. • Hancock , 1,668 1,668 1,588 80 Harden 3,100 194 161 2,906 2,814 92 Harlan...... 9,232 1,317 1,093 224 7,915 7,789 126 HarrisonV-IIIIIIIIIIIII 802 453 401 52 349 343 6 Hart , 3,739 3,739 3,478 261

Henderson 5,419 2,363 1,823 540 3,056 2,463 593 Henry , 1,538 1,538 1,479 59 Hickman 1,447 1,447 1,346 101 Hopkins , 7,967 *i,"858 *i."i6i *"750 6,109 5,718 391 •Jackson 5,750 5,750 5,750 Jefferson 19,558 15,548 11,438 4,106 4,010 3,403 607 Jessamine 1,476 340 301 39 1,136 977 159 •Johnson 10,203 10,203 10,203 Kenton .. 5,974 5,352 "*779' 622 621 1 Knott ™; 5,330 'T573' 5,330 5,330 12,764 282 Knox. 13,548 502 502 13,046 Larue ; 2,106 2,106 1,961 145 Laurel 7,986 7,986 7,887 99 Lawrence 6,743 6,743 6,672 71 Lee. 3,185 3,185 3,119 66 Xeslie. , 8,398 8,398 8,389 9 Letcher. 8,907 168 131 37 8,739 8,696 43 Lewis ; 4,521 4,521 4,516 5 Lincoln , 1,427 1,427 1,387 40 Livingston 1,327 1,327 1,277 50 i«*an . 5,941 586 339 247 5,355 4,578 777 1,275 1,275 1,119 156 Lyon , 1,634 106 McCracken, , "i*693 *1,*447 1,740 McCreary 3,293 3,293 McLean. ] 871 871 0 246 Madison.. , 2,109 463 332 131 1,646 1,400 Magoffin , 8,616 8,616 8,612 4 Marion 1,180 *49l" "318" "l73 689 593 96 2,018 2,014 4 Marshall 2.018 4,930 Martin HI" 4,930 4,930 515 Mason 4,628 2,416 1,590 2,212 1,697 Meade 1,201 1,201 1,099 102 Menifee HI" 1,026 1,026 1,026 1,273 1,163 1,037 126 ...... Mercer ' 2,778 "lt"615" 342 | 108 Metcalfe. , 1,161 1,161 1,053 4,325 101 Monroe 4,426 4,426 249 211 965 934 31 ...... Montgomery , 1,425 460 7.647 7,647 7,647 "112 7,449 7,016 433 8,372 "923' "fiT 1,461 155 S©*::E::E 1,616 1,616 158 980 980 822 6,824 6,633 191 ^ 6,824 159 Slo^amnilll 989 • 989 3,378 115 <>wen 3,378 2,420 21 °wsiey...:i:;ini:i:;;; 2,441 2,441 1,016 935 81 Pendleton 1,016 10,725 93 697 616 182 10,821 11,518 14,747 14,703 44 |5?~::: 15,258 611 600 11 139 Powell III 3,693 3,832 8,736 8,636 100 Pulaski IIIIIIII; 10,898 2,162 1,956 206 1,508 1,508 fobertson 1,508 6,931 6,921 10 gockcasUe.... 6,931 4,165 4,165 4.165 3,121 3,015 106 3,121 940 859 81 *eott.... 1,757 817 416 401

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other) Total Other Total White Negro races White Negro races

KENTUCKY—Con. Shelby 21 7 7 Simpson . 174 50 78 76 Speneer 438 438 412 Taylor 147 147 127 Todd 299 299 246 Trigg 219 219 168 Trimble 323 323 323 Union 534 59 36 475 434 40 Warren .. 309 307 242 2 2 Washington.. 104 104 71 Wayne 863 863 825 Webster 978 276 226 50 702 650 Whitley 2,748 310 310 2,438 2,414 Wolfe.. 337 Woodford. 55 LOUISIANA... 76,751 38,766 14,808 92 37,985 26,834 11,101 Acadia 735 494 263 241 213 28 Allen-" 1,120 279 160 119 841 613 208 Ascension... 1,202 131 982 731 251 Assumption.. 406 406 345 61 Avoyelles.— 1,509 1,509 1,198 311 Be; 1,360 629 327 294 731 635 96 Bienv:.._. 878 878 604 273 Bossier.. „. 222 27 27 195 158 37 Caddo 2,587 2,162 580 1,581 425 297 128 Calcasieu... 2,486 1,204 433 771 1,282

Caldwell- 258 226 Cameron.. 204 204 181 Catahoula —... 229 229 179 50 Claiborne.-...... 384 121 42 263 186 77 Concordia 463 125 34 182 156 De Soto 668 158 42 116 510 214 296 East Baton Rouge.... 2,504 1,614 287 1,327 890 606 284 East Carroll 20 7 7 13 11 2 East Feliciana 149 10 10 139 94 45 Evangeline , 537 99 Franklin 282 282 228 54 Grant 1,200 1,200 1,039 160 Iberia 541 280 184 261 187 74 Iberville 373 103 66 270 173 96 Jackson 422 422 359 63

Jefferson 1,659 741 364 376 918 427 491 Jefferson Davis... 661 287 157 130 374 204 170 Lafayette ... 1,266 922 433 489 344 237 107 Lafourche...... 692 125 66 567 546 18 La Salle 744 744 139

Lincoln.. 482 210 76 134 272 174 98 Livingston".. 2,046 2,046 1,792 254 Madison 296 111 25 86 185 141 44 Morehouse.. ~. 219 109 54 55 110 99 U Natchitochee., 1,323 185 73 110 1,138 912 217 Orleans 22,429 22,429 7,938 14,421 Ouachita 1,657 1,326 555 767 331 256 Plaquemines 787 787 224 Pointe Coupee.. 167 167 149 Bapides 1,977 715 318 1,262 1,000 Red River.. 249 137 112 Richland 482 482 283 199 Sabine.. 1,140 1,140 053, 187 St. Bernard.. 346 346 190 155 St. Charles.. 785 785 311 I 474

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Rural STATE AND COUNTY Urban Total Other Other Total White Negro Total White Negro races ! races

KENTUCKY—Con. Shelby...... 101 69 69 32 32 Simpson...... 797 382 189 193 415 407 8 Spencer...... 2,227 2,227 2,118 106 3 Taylor ...... 603 693 605 88 Todd 1,360 1,369 1,158 211 Trigg...... 1,169 1,189 913 276 Trimble... 1.421 1,421 1,421 Union.... 2,263 244 140 104 2,019 1,870 137 12 Warren 1,312 1,300 1,046 254 12 12 Washington...... 431 431 325 106 ...... Wayne.... 1 4,470 4,470 4,327 143 Webster. 3,963 1,052 863 189 2,911 2,716 195 Whitley 13,502 1,260 1,260 12,242 12,127 115 Wolfe...... " " 1,791 1,791 1,781 10 Woodford 403 403 273 130

325,611 147,036 61,597 85,083 356; 178,575 128,543 49,766 266 Acadia 3,411 2,208 1,239 969 1,203 1,036 117 Allen " 4,587 1,031 683 348 3,556 2,674 778 104 Ascension 6,621 1,157 729 428 5,464 4,006 1,458 2,276 2,276 1,931 345 Avoyelles..... 7,151 7,151 1 5,623 1,528 ...... Beauregard 5,516 2,267 1,362 864 11 ' 3,249 2,902 347 Bienville.. 4,449 4,449 3,041 1,405 3 Bossier... 994! 124 j 124 870 710 160 Caddo. 11,313 9,359 | 2,565 6,790 4 1.954 1,365 589 Calcasieu 10,669 4,800 1,894 2,906 5,869 4,189 1,675 6 Caldwell 1,218 1,218 1,047 171 Cameron 1,027 1,027 1 896 131 1,143 929 214 Cathaoula If H3 368 Claiborne 1,762 473 iii 292 1,289 921 248 1,284 818 466 Concordia 2.654 370 122 1,370 geSoto 3,053 ' 656 183 473 2,397 1,027 ...... East Baton Rouge 5,955 1*148 4,807 3,844 2,639 1.205 9,799 42 7 East Carroll....!. 69 27 27 ; 35 East Feliciana 43 43 643 397 246 686 2,680 393 ...... Evangeline 2,680 2,287 Franklin 1,326 1,108 218 1 1,326 5,196 4,637 551 8 grant "..!*"!" 5,196 1,355 414 Jberia . 2,699 "'i,*344l 859"! 4851 941 511 351 160 1,491 957 530 4 Iberville 2,002 1.871 307 Jackson. 1,871 1,504 3,090 1,690 1,397 3 3,910 2,002 1,908 Jefferson 7,000 1,599 666 Jefferson Davis 2,820 1,221 657 591 933 3,953 1,880 2,073 1,501 998 503 Lafayette 5,454 3,179 102 20 Lafourche 609 340 269 3,057 3,788 3,224 2,724 477 23 La Salle 3,224 412 Lincoln 283 537 1.144 732 1,964 820 9,649 8,559 1,090 Livingston 9,649 101 103 892 724 168 Madison 1,186 *294| 26 337 182 155 485 459 storehouse 822 5,534 4,387 1,103 44 Natchitoches 6*271 737 297 432 8 80,812 80,812 31,452 49,103 257 2,208 2,390 26 1,308 1,064 244 Ouachita...::::::;::;:: 5,932 4,624 3,856 1103; 2,753 e ines 3,856 873 801 72 SX3? !S 873 6,236 4,985 1.241 10 9,212 27976 1,390 £85 . . 1,060 610 450 gfdRtver. 1,060 1,746 1,122 624 1,746 5,836 4,865 971 - gfcMa* j £,836 1,628 925) 699 1.628 3,308 1 1.622 1,786 fctet=d 3,308 1 :::::::::l

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

LOUISANA—Con. 030 030 447 483 575 575 264 311 St. John the Baptist 234 234 104 40 891 435 1 182 253 456 325 131 St. Martin 510 510 313 206 742 203 127 | 76 530 237 298 4 1,730 334 134 200 1,306 873 520 3 Tangipahoa...... -.... 3,778 | 1,180 595 594 1 2,580 1,684 904 1 300 ) 300 169 221 Terrebonne - 568 I 153 133 20 415 290 125 325 1 325 252 73 ! 383 105 116 70 188 171 17 2,301 468 224 243 1 1,023 1,825 98 728 529 320 204 5 199 195 4 533 223 82 141 310 232 78 437 437 152 285 134| 134 125 0 415 415 59 356 Winn 803 444 243 201 359 306 53 8,884 4,052 4,022 21 0 4,832 4,816 0 7 Androscoggen 560 408 408 161 161 Aroostook 1,668 250 258 1,409 1,406 2 1,824 1,509 1,590 7 i 225 225 i Franklin 110 2 110 110 262 262 260 2 ... Kennebec 758 I *57 455 2 301 299 1 i Knox ...... 388 155 150 3 2 233 231 2 Lincoln 50 60 58 1 Oxford 311 104 104 207 207 814 267 260 6 i] 547 546 i 101 101 187 4 252 227 225 2 25 25 438 i «7 67 371 370 1 Waldo 274 1 130 | 136 3 135 135 434 105 | 105 230 239 .... 532 175 174 i 357 357 Altegany .. 31,817 26,001 16,023 10,050 9 4,826 4,128 697 1,303 531 1 506 25 862 861 ] Anne Arundel..—...... 380 | 110 26 84 270 163 107 701 701 1 618 83 Baltimore city 25,182 25"l82 14,552 10,621 0

Caroline Cecil 247 40 20 20 207 170 37 ...-— Charles. . * ... . £- 166 5l"| Hi' 79* 585 366 . 265 101 210 209 10 780 Harford.. ... 789 I 789 ...—• 17 17 15 2 72 1 18 1 8 10 54 20 34 830 29 28 1 810 626 284 142 22 22 . 120 52 68 ..•••* | . Talbot Washington r "Ton* 437* 48 526; 511 "" 15 .»•*-* 157 ...*•" Worcester 1 203 145 12 136 ! 115 21

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3TATE AND COUNTT Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

«L kotn&iNA—Con. 4,469 4,469 2,156 2,313 2,786 ! 2,786 1,446 1,310 St. John the Baptist.::: 1.141 1, Ml 966 175 4,051 1.937 737 1,200 2,U4 1,460 654 St. Martin 2,532 2,532 1,611 1,021 St. Mary- 3,891 j 1.053 662 391 2,838 1,240 1,577 21 7,768 1.262 569 693 6,506 4,149 2,342 15 17,728 5.162 2,823 2,339 12,566 8,472 4,089 5 1.612 1,612 789 823 3,088 804 705 99 2,284 1,615 669 1,427 1,427 1,107 320 Vermilion 1.734 865 521 344 869 790 79 Vernon 10,459 1,655 888 761 8 8.804 8,348 456 Washington " 2,889 1.946 1,267 668 11 943 921 22 Webster 2,222 1 802 334 468 1.420 1,063 357 West Baton Rouse 2,042 2,042 825 1,217 West Carroll 628 028 604 24 ...... 2,072 S 2,072 281 1,791 3,459 1.752 1,101 651 1,707 1,498 209 ...... ! 39,704 18,045 17,930 78 37 21,659 21,593 29 37 2,1)2 1 1.498 1,498 614 614 Aroostook : 8,781 1.377 1,374 8 7,404 7,389 13 2 8,269 7,320 7,296 18 949 949 Cumberland ~ 6 418 418 418 8 957 [ 957 949 3,250 2,018 2,007 11 1,232 1,225 2 6 877 873 4 Knox * 1,564 687 666 14 7 6 266 266 265 1 921 921 1.469 548 648 1 Penobscot 3,838 1.321 1,290 27 4 2,517 2.516 Swataquls 836 808 28 836 76 Sagadahoc " 985 909 902 7 76 Somerset 1.786 278 278 1,608 1 1,506 603 603 X*ido..™.:: 1,160 857 545 12 2,0271 ! 875 11 8.75 1.152 1 1,152 Washington 1.986 1 657 651 6 1.829 1,329 2a 429 3,549 6 MARYLAND.. 134,674 110,691 68,400 42,256 35 23,983 A 2,162 135 3,933 3,928 5 Aueganj 6,230 2,297 1,277 j 820 457 1.692 415j 124 291 437 AnngaUimore Arundee l Ill " 3,615 3,615 | 3,178 35 BaJUmorecity....:::::: 102,830 102,830 61,872 40,923 Proline. 878 184 1,241 1.062 HI 303 112 665 171590 1047 10723 441 1.067 1,033 54 Jwderick 2,738 1,651 1.210 4,142 4,142 4,142 97 88 9 97 86 135 322 ioi 43 68 221 2,693 1,625 .-—- 4.461 143 131 12 4,318 117 622 279 343 PS&" 739 117 Tilbot i*550 I zm 1,88 185 £S69 43 36 1 ilu 632 150 ^&£::::::::: 1.452 670 1 "* 1 1 1 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 146 UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CENSUS



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other) Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MASSACHUSETTS. 89,848 84,066 81,252 2,795 19 5,782 5,646 131 Barnstable 403 187 160 27 276 240 34 Berkshire . . 2,395 2,124 2,093 31 271 265 6 Bristol 5,731 6,298 5,166 130 433 426 7 Dukes 151 151 127 Essex 7,963 7,523 7,437 85 440 438 Franklin.. .. 810 518 513 5 292 291 'Hampden 7,853 7,169 6,921 248 6S4 679 Hampshire 1,148 1,051 7 90 90 Middlesex 14,052 13,267 12,993 271 785 769 Nantucket 42 42 35 7 Norfolk.. 4,994 4,263 4*242 19 731 726 Plymouth.. 2,644 2,017 1,972 40 627 601 Suffolk. 33,133 33,133 31,273 1,854 Worcester.. 8,469 7,467 7,396 71 1,002 994 MICHIGAN.. 152,679 104,200 90,656 13,125 48,479 47,234 Alcona 216 216 205 All 523 129 127 394 393 Alii 417 123 122 294 290 Alpena.. 766 257 257 509 509 Antrim.. 1,078 1,078 1,078 Arenac. 188 188 188 Baraga.. 1,136 1,136 1,035 Barry... 184 121 120 Bay 1,300 894 406 403 Benzie.., 310 310 296 Berrien.... 1,237 908 770 137 329 301 Branch... 547 266 265 1 281 281 Calhoun.. 2,709 2,122 1,798 321 587 678 Cass...... 552 223 193 26 329 272 Charlevoix.".™! 799 224 224 575 554 Cheboygan...... 1,061 367 366 694 Chippewa 250 100 95 150 101 Clare.... 619 619 618 Clinton..™"" 333 296 296 Crawford 195 195 193 Delta 2,132 642 641 1,490 1,474 Dickinson .. 1,616 1,281 1,281 335 335 Eaton 343 248 248 95 94 640 142 Genesee.Emmet.. . 114 493 436 4,798 4,178 3,382 610 Gladwin 200 Gogebic 200 199 2,595 1,703 1,702 892 885 Grand Traverse.. 1,045 480 479 565 550 Gratiot 448 234 Hillsdale 233 214 213 242 65 65 177 176 Houghton 1,098 1,096 2 Huron...... 316 3,924 3,023 Ingham 316 316 4,058 2,687 2,554 *133 1,371 1,369 1,082 596 Iosco . 596 486 484 64 64 61 Iron.___. 1,933 573 572 1,360 1,359 Isabella.. 586 97 Jackson 96 489 464 3,377 2,691 2,586 103 686 68. Kalamazoo..., 1,638 1,177 1,112 Kalkaska. 64 461 461 514 514 508 Kent 9,392 6,726 6,547 169 2,666 Keweenaw 895 2,659 Lake 895 895 678 678 505 170 Lapeer 489 114 114 375 371 1 289 289 265

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STATI AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Otherl lOther Total White Negro Total White Negro races

MASSACHUSETTS. 327.453 305,578 297,026 8.501 51 21.875 21,347 510 18 Barnstable 1.710 694 563 131 1,016 846 163 7 Berkshire 0.674 8,545 8,443 102 1,029 1,017 12 Bristol 19.806 18,138 17,634 500 1,668 1,643 25 Jukes. 462 462 394 Essex 29.471 27.871 27,506 364 1,600 1,595 Franklin.. 3.077 2,008 1.979 29 1,069 1,067 Hampden., 32.833 29,896 29,005 891 2.937 2,915 Hampshire. 4,832 4,442 4,408 34 390 390 Middlesex.. 54.855 52,006 51,004 989 2,849 2.804 Nantucket.. 176 176 142 34 Norfolk...., 19,046 16,423 16,364 55 2,623 2,594 Plymouth. 9,409 7,021 6.832 176 2.388 2,265 123 108,922 108,922 103,962 4.944 Worcester.™!!! 29,436 29,184 3,844 3,817 27 ., MICHIGAN. 607.824 410,459 362,631 45.950 (1.878 197,365 193,123 2,697 1,645 Alcona.. , 944 944 901 43 2,464 608 604 "i 1,856 1.855 1 Megan.., 1.632 435 430 1,197 1,182 10 5 Alpena... 3.644 1,174 1.174 2,470 2.470 Antrim... 4.563 4,563 4.563 Arenac.. 862 862 Baraga.. 3.938 3.938 3,569 367 Barry.. 773 237 237 536 528 8 Bay 5,375 3,663 18 1,686 1.683 3 Bensie.. 1.257 1,257 1,207 Berrien 4,601 3,358 2,917 11 1,243 1,157 Branch 2,088 967 965 2 1,121 1.121 Calhoun. 9,460 7,178 6.138 1.035 2,282 9 36 2,147 885 766 101 1,262 1,074 168 20 <3harievo*Li".". 2.855 778 778 2,077 2,005 1 71 2.849 2,829 20 Cheboygan., 4,368 1,519 1,514 157 961 400 561 404 2.569 2.569 2,568 1 j?mtoi":::: 1.298 122 122 1.176 1,176 763 6 Crawford..., 769 769 gdta. 8.241 2,700 2,696 5.541 5,477 63 :: 6,057 1.665 1,665 7,722 6,057 397 396 BSC— 1.189 792 792 240 Emmet 1111!"" 2,821 530 431 20 2,291 2,047 Genesee !!! 17,965 15,460 12,961 2,453 2.505 2.500 Sl^win. 6 6,865 3.775 3.750 19 10,645 6.870 1,927 16 3,626 1.583 1.582 1.943 1,008 10 919 913 ... 1.937 1,018 790 aaisdaiv:.;:::::: 1.067 273 273 794 3,762 15.763 15.756 7 |?ughton. 19,531 3,768 1.624 1,624 1,624 5.667 5,662 15.989 10,322 9,868 454 fifeo 2,165 1,889 1,883 i «a....~:::::" 4.054 2.165 240 233 Iosco :::::* 240 2,318 5,745 6,740 8.068 2.323 1,788 1,733 47 2.116 328 327 2,766 1 12.507 9.734 9,406 319 2,773 3,740 193 1,838 1.826 9 0 6.773 3.935 2,077 9 ^SS .:::: 2,097 2,097 10 26,636 649 47 11,176 11,153 38.508 27,332 3,476 3,476 ^eenaw 3.476 2,513 1.968 531 14 2.613 1,712 1 92 2,181 | """fif 469 1,271 78 1.368 1,368

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Urban Rural STATE AND COUNTY Total Otherj Other Total White Negro White Negro races Total races

MICHIGAN—Con. Lenawee 955 381 375 574 571 Livingston. 379 311 311 Luce 168 168 166 Mackinac. ... 636 636 609 I Macomb. _.. 2,214 1,370 1,245 122 844 714 129 Manistee... 585 218 215 367 354 Marquette.. 3,531 2,069 2,069 1,462 1,462 Mason.. 1,062 449 449 613 598 Mecosta 633 181 181 452 444 Menominee.. 721 189 189 532 531

Midland 302 249 243 Missaukee 232 232 230 Monroe ..... 450 145 134 305 302 Montcalm... 680 244 243 436 436 Montmorency.. 301 301 300 Muskegon.. 3,631 2,981 2,818 136 650 646 4 Newaygo 888 888 851 36 Oakland 8,303 "57224 ~4,"755 *434' 3,079 2,820 255 Oceana..... 445 445 435 1 Ogemaw.... 307 307 307

Ontonagon. 1,015 1,015 1,014 Osceola 206 208 208 Oscoda 98 98 98 Otsego 300 300 294 Ottawa 1,327 811 806 516 616

Presquelsle.. 595 105 105 490 489 Roscommon... 257 257 257 Saginaw 1,712 1,618 1,501 111 94 92 St. Clair 2,080 1,558 1,353 183 St. Joseph 622 518 377 261 253 116 116 Sanilac 416 Schoolcraft.. 416 416 380 242 138 137 Shiawassee. 1,180 669 Tuscola 611 511 279 73 73 206 204 Van Buren.. 204 29 Washtenaw.. 174 170 1,511 1,012 687 2 483 Wayne 54,168 499 53,179 42,910 10,024 245 965 Wexford 1,337 989 624 1 712 709 MINNESOTA.. 45,358 35,844 35,052 704 9,514 9,474 Aitkin ._„..._._ 263 263 258 Anoka 306 224 224 82 82 Becker 98 53 53 Beltrami 45 45 774 354 349 420 Benton 195 419 155 155 40 40 Big 8tone... 115 115 115 Blue Earth.. 180 129 129 Brown 157 51 51 111 111 46 46 Carlton 213 54 Carver 19 159 158 19 19 Cass.... ., 341 341 341 Chippewa... 227 113 113 Chisago 79 114 114 _ 79 79 Clay!!. 62 ~ 27 Clearwater... 367 35 35 367 Cook 34 Cottonwood.. 66 34 34 Crow Wing... 892 66 66 Dakota...;... 121 560 329 Dodge 36 36 36

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Otberil Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MICHIGAN—Coo. Lenawee 3,684 ,395 1,381 2,289 2,270 19 Livingston ( 1,477 227 206 1,250 1,250 Luce.... . 615 615 613 2 Mackinacl™^!""!; 2,661 2,661 2,525 1 135 Macomb , 0,014 5.576 5,197 361 3,468 2,988 471 9 Manistee. 2,254 786 773 1,468 1,421 19 Marquette.-.. 16,109 9,558 9,558 6,551 6,551 Mason 4,024 1,554 1,554 2,470 2,412 29 2,775 715 715 2,060 2,028 ... Mecosta 2,209 2,205 Menominee... 2,961 752 752 Midland 1,484 234 232 1,250 1,217 Missaukee 965 965 958 Monroe. 2,037 626 1,379 1,368 Montcalm 2,524 871 861 1,653 1,653 Montmorency.. 1,189 1,189 1,185 Muskegon..— 12,737 10,197 9,790 339 68 2,540 2,534 3,307 3,307 3,213 6 &.-::::: 32,379 20,212 18,731 T36T *180 12,167 11,381 770 16 Oceana 1,885 1,885 1,855 1 29 Ogemaw 1,237 1,237 1,237 Ontonagon.... 3,852 3,852 3,851 Osceola...... 977 977 977 Oscoda 352 352 352 1,303 1,303 1,274 29 6,428 3,153 3,137 14 2,275 2,275 Jtaquelsle.. 2,471 315 315 2,156 2,155 813 813 813 giginaw 5,567 5,186 4,909 381 376 jt. ctair :::;: 8,771 6,499 6,724 684 2,272 2,253 8t. Joseph ;;; 1,428 962 943 19 466 466 ganilac 1,672 1,672 1,672 1,598 1,013 1,002 11 685 582 SWawasseel" " v 4,602 2,667 2,667 1,935 1,935 955 949 TUSCOUL. ::::: 1,193 VanBuren 627 82 78 4 545 536 Washtenaw. 6,143 3,118 2,174 935 9 2,025 1,949 Wayne ~ 218,872 215,047 36,287 |1.176 3,825 3,747 177,584 2,758 2,745 wexiord._:::::::::::: 5,193 2,435 2,434 41,108 40,902 191 MINNESOTA. 164,104 122,996 120,657 1,913 1,134 1,134 1,105 29 1,274 936 936 338 338 Becker ; 179 154 154 333 179 12 Beltrami.... 3,128 1,360 1,344 10 1,768 1,756 Benton 901 734 734 167 167

677 621 166 156 Blue Earth...;;:::;: 798 670 570 228 Brown 801 142 135 652 S»iton..::::;:;— 62 62 62 Carver. lllllll'SJ. 1,443 Cass. 1,443 1,443 490 509 609 999 293 SJJppewi::;::;;;;;;-; 293 293 107 "107* 145 145 252 1,726 1,718 Say-..-:::: 1,725 C1 »water..:;;;;;;;;;; 129 129 129 313 313 Cook 313 1,444 1,444 3,816 2,372 2,360 391 385 179 171 570 138 138 ^tonwood:::::::::;:;, 138 -•-!! D<^;:::::::::::-

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STAT* AND.COUNTT . I Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

MlNNESOT A—C 0X1. 95 63 62 1 32 32 Faribault ..... 146 32 32 114 113 • l Fillmore.— ...... 146 146 146 42 27 27 15 15 128 70 70 58 57 1 Grant 220 220 220 15,422 15,213 i4,~932 251 30 209 208 I Houston 121 121 121 Hubbard 151 151 151 Isanti r-..» ,,...... 102 102 | 102 434 36 36 398 398 54 54 54 123 123 123 118 75 75 43 43 132 132 126 i 5 Koachiching 372 82 81 1 290 290 128 128 i 128 Lake. : 125 28 28 97 97 Lake 6f the Woods 97 97 97 30 30 30 44 ...... *• 152 69 ~69* ** " 37 17 17 83; 83 102 20 20 83 102 102 Marshall ..... 83 83 83 35; 35 48 48 58 22 22 36 36 122 122 122 113 70 43 43 92 66 66 26 25 1 Murray...... 25 25 25 89 ! ,44 45 ! 45 Nobles...... 64 36 35 i 18 18 Norman 111 111 111 450 397 397 63 62 1 Otter Tall 189 71 68 3 118 118 Pennington 67 35 35 32 32 257 257 257 24 8 8 16 16 Polk 173 106 106 67 67 133 ! 133 133 Ramsey H,2&0 10.985 10.547 404 34 295 294 1 102 102 102 Redwood 203 70 64 6" 133 122 11 Renville 66 66 66 Rice 82 54 54 28 28 Rock 43 22 22 21 21 104 104 104 6,316 57204 57l55 41 8 1>112 1,111 I

Sherburne 64 19 19 j 45 45 9 641 432 432 • 209 61 48 47 i 209 13 1 67 13 67 67 87 87 87 Todd 187 89 "Si" ...... 98 97 i 57 57 67 42 • ii 31 31 64 II 20 1 20 I 44 44 i

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8TATI AND COUNTY Urban Bnral Total Other! Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MINNESOTA—Con J Douglas...... 305 222 217 5 83 83 Faribault...... 504 97 97 407 403 4 Fillmore...... 629 629 629 Freeborn.... 161 92 92 69 69 Goodhue* 420 221 221 208 205 3 Grant...... 702 792 j 792 Hennepin ...... 48,071 47,152 467377 633 142 919 ! 916 Houston .. 594 594 594 a Hubbard 625 625 625 Isanti . i 429 429 429 Itasca. 1,763 140 140 1,623 1,623 Jackson... 237 237 237 Kanabec...... 590 590 590 Kandiyohi 521 366 366 155 155 Kittson 600 ..... 600 567 7 26 Koachichinc 1,492 254 247 7 1,238 1 1,238 Lac Qui Parte.. 610 610 * 610 Lake.. 412 79 79 333 333 Uke of the Woods 333 333 70 70 j 70 Lincoln 149 149 149 617 257 257 360; 360 ...... McLeod ™\.I" 168 83 83 85 85 552 552 552 Marshall.,,. .. 324 324 324 Martin 418 189 189 229 229 162 Meeker. ""."" 236 74 74 162 "III! Mills Lacs.... 658 658 658 Morrison 487 302 302 185 185 124 123 Mower 394 270 | 270 i Murray 136 136 136 ::::::::: 158 201 201 359 m 86 Ssssr 205 119 j 2 86 562 117 562 562 ...... Olmsted. * 1*741 [""iTSil rTHs" 216 211 5 Otter Tall... 1 342 330 12 429 429 771 121 Pennington 259 138 138 1 121 1.229 I 1,229 1,229 ...... 132 38 38 94 94 «5g*>^~..:::::::::: 628 364 364 164 164 Pope.. 750 750 750 38,825 37,541 367274 i,"i67 160 1,284 1,281 3 &&:.;:::::::::::: 505 505 505 gwlwood 1,050 353 313 40 697 636 """Si tenville... 282 282 282 Bice. 320 209 209 111 111 90 90 78 78 168 350 350 ...... 350! ...... 4,729 &£Roseau» "irrrnr 24.768 "SfSl 19,843 144 44 4,737 8 230 78 78 152 152 aec- 55 55 55 3,050 1,036 1,036 2,'oii 5T6ii 2 68 68 ::::::::: ...._ 273 274 SteTens 274 205 203 274 425 gwift 425 .....»*— 425 310 "So" 372 371 [ ~""i 682 292 292 ...... 1 292 ft" 190 190 test 250 1 143 143 WaSna 210 1 67 1 67 "":::::!

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STATS AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MINNESOTA—Con Waseca 37 27 27 10 10 Washington...... _.__ 171 94 94 77 76 1 36 17 17 19 19 Wilkin 34 34 34 307 284 284 23 23 Wright 55 55 65 Yellow Medicine 54 54 50 4 54,559 14,163 6,402 7,753 8 40,396 1 24,796 15,693 7 Adams...... 1,683 736 163 573 947 100 847 Alcorn...... 1,211 395 122 < 273 816 723 93 651 651 379 272 Attftlft, ^ 209 49 28 21 160 133 27 414 414 249 165

Carroll 1,110 1,119 579 540

Claiborne Clarke. 1,178 1,178 688 490 Clay 477 27 96 354 152 202 Coahoma .... 504 m 171 140 1 192 41 151 • 312 Covington 711 711 600 111 De Soto 646 ' 646 343 303 Franklin 1,398 1,398 977 421 450 450 392 58 Greene 609 | 609 571 38 Grenada ...... 332 99 29 69 i 233 94 139 Hancock...... 972 304 183 120 6681 532 136 ...... Harrison—...... 3,898 2,442 1,528 914 I 1 1,456 1,092 364 Hinds 2,835 1,577 762 814 l 1,258 442 816 Holmes—^...^ 718 159 40 119 559 308 251 Humphreys...... 328 53 24 29 275 148 127 1,388 1,388 1,299 88 1 Jackson..—...... 907 261 139 122 646 1 427 219

749 163 586 Jefferson Davis 777 406 371 23 23 | 23 777 715 715 375 340 Lafayette 813 583 2291 1 2,985 27l87 1,134 1,053 , 346 514 798 452 1 Leake... . 514 349! 165 876 168 Leflore. IJillYj 71 97 706 626 182 986 410 126 284 676 178 398 Lincoln...... 1,220 I 521 107 414 699 662 137 Lowndes...... 1 770 770 286 484 Marion...... 855 ...... 855 235 620 Monroe.—...... 425 123 J 80] .*-•»* Montgomery.. fi" 302 162 140 ftO? 1 ..-*-- Neshoba...... 1 620 i soil 114 i ~i

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MINNESOTA—Con. Waseca....._. .. m 135 135 49 49 Washington...... 681 ! 4251 425 256 248 8 Watonwan T...... 209 102 102 107 107 Wilkin 1 " 160 159 159 82 82 Winona.. M74 1,092 1,092 :*:::: Wright 283 283 283 Yellow Medicine 254 254 241 13 227,764 1 49,280 24,629 24,635 16 178,484 111,710 66,740 34 Annms.. 7,050 1 2,292 606 1,686 4,758 469 4,289 Alcorn 4,492 1,141 444 697 3,351 2,958 393 Amite..... 3,391 3,391 1,933 1,458 Attala 862 150 93 57 1 712 611 101 Benton...... 1,938 1,938 1,137 801

Carrol 5,642 57642 i 2,791 2,"§51

Clarke iToio 4,910 | 2*928 1,982 ciay.1:::::::::::;::::: 409 76 333 1,540 ! 647 893 1,949 418 148 270 ...... Coahoma.. 1,194 776 493 282 i Copiah ...... 3,623 3,623 3,050 573 Forrest 2,690 2,'690 1,424 1,266 Franklin. . " 5,980 5*980 4,"*92 1,788 George 2,149 2,149 j 1,936 213, Greene 2,946 2,946 2,792 154 Grenada. 231 71 158 2 1 751 i 359 392 982 499 Hancock 4,286 1,271 755 512 4 3,015 2,516 Harrison... 9,308 6,320 2,988 6,058 4,741 1,317 15,366 1,824 3,741 Hinds... 10,799 5,234 2,636 2,593 5 5,565 Holmes 549 144 405 1,995 1.161 834 2,544 288 Humphreys 880 155 95 60 725 437 Itawamba . 6,071 737 Jackson 3,688 1,039 595 444 2,649 1,012 Jasper Jefferson 3,719 799 2,920 3,'719 ...... 1,938 Jefferson Davis 3,910 3,910 1,972 85 85 85 1,307 Sniper.. - 2,852 2,"852 1,545

Lamar. 3,546 1,839 Lauderdale * i"203 4,488 3,715 3,939 1 2,100 12,142 2,602 1,705 897 ISS1"*- 2,602 2,163 681 Lee. 3,406 562 294 268 2,844 Leflore ''.... 1.435 454 981 1,800 815 985 3,235 2,775 711 Ltocoln 5,284 1,798 410 1,388 3,486 ! 2,373 2,373 1,011 1,362

:::: 3,369 653 510 jjE^F 1.483 320 155 165 1.153 1 534* | 22 "Tsfi* 1****327 1 207" *"*""i20* 1**2*698*

70147—34 11

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Total Other White Negro races Total White Negro raees

MISSISSIPPI—Coru Newton.*.. . .. 221 221 206 15 Noxubee ...... 1,118 1,118 244 874 Oktibbeha...... 1,210 145 36 100 1,074 457 617 032 032 246 686 Pearl River...... 071 60 62 7 002 707 105 Perry—...... 721 721 548 173 Pike 1,720 712 ioi 311 1,008 367 641 Prentiss...... 562 562 1 440 113 Quitman^...... 157 157; 80 77 Rankin 558 558 335 223 Scott 111 111 81 30 Sharkey...... 1,068 1,068 003 165 Smit ti

310 310 211 108 771 771 645 126 274 274 106 78 Tippah 613 613 521 02 041 041 868 73 214 214 56 168 712 154 77 77 558 400 68 Walthall 050 050 525 434 warren...... 1,812 i»"020 180 840 702 j 235 557 267 267 48 215 4 1,002 1.002 720 282 Webster...... Wilkinson Winston,, 510 50 43 16 451 401 60 1,247 154 1 73 81 1,003 652 541 517 ; 148 84 64 360 245 124 57,165 43,607 28,321 15,121 166 13,558 12,772 783 3 Adair. 44 43 ! 43 1 25 25 25 00 62 30 23 32 5 Barry...... 37 82 60 I 60 22 22 60 60 60 7 7 Benton 11 ...... io 1 Bollinger L*. " 52 is U 2 34 31 3 BtiphftTiftn.—..-. MJn. 885 i 701 706 81 4 02 2 Butler- 1 84 04 253 M 14 155 149 6 Caldwell i 30 0 3 Camden I » ii 16 2 Cape Girardeau 1 Carroll win —::: ...... _.. Cass. 106* ::*":::: 48 48 48 .*. 301 301 301 ...... Chariton J Christian. . .J 54" 40 «"2™ ...... 64 54 40 2 Clay... 38 ...... i————

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Urban STATE AND COUNTY Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

MISSISSIPPI—Con. Newton...... 1,255 1,255 1,191 64 Noxubee .... 5,654 5,654 1,263 4,391 Oktibbeha 5,003 461 128 333 4,542 1,878 | 2,664 Panola...... 3,895 3,895 975 2,920 Pearl River.. 4,694 337 308 29 4,357 3,886 471 Perry...... 3,438 3,438 2,633 805 Pike. 6,650 | 2,655; 1,536 1,119 3,995 1,544 2.451 Prentiss...... 2,029 1 2,029 1,649 380 Qqftman** 601 601 381 220 ...... JUnkin... 2,528 2,528 1.446 1.082 Scott 481 481 346 1151 ...... 8impson.... 3,759 3,759 60S ......

8tone 1,369 1.369 965 404 Tallahatchie 3*836 3,836 3,369 467 Tate. ! 1,169 1,169 1 895 274 •._... Tippah.. .. 2,862 2,862 2,374 488 Tishomingo 4,281 4,281 3,997 284 Tunica ". 744 744, 267 477 Union 2,778 479 274 205 2,299 2,048 251 ...... Walthall. 4,342 4,342 2,267 2,075 .... Warren 5,567 2,856 579 2,277 2,711 1,007 1.704 ...... Washington 829 829 173 652 4 webter..;;.r:r."""_"t: 4,628 4,528 3*251 1.277 Winston. i~474 188 127 61 i~286 27626 266 Yalobusha 5,678 604 299 305 5,074 2,479 2,595 Yaioo 2,301 523 349 174 1,778 1,332 446 .. Missouai 203,503 145,974 102,388 42,717 869 57,529 54,807 12 Adair.. 168 163 163 5 6 2,710 ...... Atchison 172 172 Audrain..".™"!" 365 215 153 62 150 140 Barry 349 235 235 114 114 10 Barton 124 124 124 Bates 28 28 28 2 62 52 50 ...... BollingeBenton r ""'„ "' 122 112 10 Boone 174 56" Buchanan 3,384 3,003 2,720 261 22 381 376 Sitter....:: 952 333 309 24 619 608 11 caiiaway...::*::: 130 53 37 16

Carter. ." 382 206 206 206 :::::::~ 1,110 1,110 i»uo .»...-

Christian?.: 249 J 92 ...... 92 89 31— J......

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STATE AND COUNTY 1 Urban Rural Total Other] Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro V races

MISSOURI—Con. 38 28 [ 26 2 10 10 2 2 2 295 295 Dade - J 165 165 295 15 Pallas...... r.\ 150

2 2 2 Dent 151 151 150 . i 493 493 493 Dunklin 61 i7 17 44 44 1

1,481 I 1,233 1,166 67 248 241 7

ii 4 J 4 7 7 Holt 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 Howell... .—. . 218 115 1 98 17 103 102 1 Jackson ...... 8,470 7,008 5,488 27312 108 562 550 ii 1 Jasper .. ... 3,529 2,506 2,416 89 l 1,023 1,020 Jefferson . - ... 437 203 " \ 3 153 50 1 ** 200 34 Jobnson - ... 66 30 20 10 36 30 6 Knox 155 52 1 ** 4 103 1 103 Lafayette ...... 98 64 45 19 341 32 2 524 132 131 1 392| 391 i

Lincoln—*..—...... _. 479 470 479 165 165 142 23 215 144 126 18 71 71 307 307 306 l i Marion ...... 393 372 287 84 21 1 17 4 Miller 51 3 3 I 4$ 46 2 13 13 2 4 * 23 23 17 6 77 77 73 New ...... 94 04 89 6 68 68 68 Nodaway 27l" II 27l" 271* 15 15 15 Ozark . ... 12 12 12 44 35 31 4 9 9 536 4U 125 194 178 16 346 88 86 258 258 39 8 7 1 31 24 Platte 9 n Polk 28 28 28

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flf ATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other! Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MISSOURI—Con. Cole.. 164 112 103 9 52 52 Cooper ...... Crawford...... • 1,428 • Dade...... 1,428 718 1,428 55 718 663

De Kalb 8 8 8 Dent 643 643 632 ii Douglas 2,067 2,067 2,067 DmjkKn 317 82 82 235 235 ——— _.*-._.

5,785 4,710 | 4,582 128 1,075 I 1,051 24

Henry. 38 16 16 22 1 22 Hott.?.!:::::::::::::::: 18 18 18 9 9 9 Howell 908 443 407 36 465 463 2 21,861 6,491 606 £«4 Jackson 31,952 29,458 17 Jasper 13,918 i 9,586 9,287 296 3 4,332 4,315 Jefferson 1,765 825 640 185 940 817 123 Johnson 298 105 71 34 193 164 29 767 265 253 12 42 127 124 Z 358 231 189 1 2,245 497! 494 3 1,748 1.747

2,116 76 Macon.- 531 531 455 606 532 74 347 347 Madison 953 1,270 1,267 1 3 Maria* 1,270 19 1,504 1,434 1.145 281 8 70 51

1 240 8 256 8 8 248 S" 48* io" eg ; r j 58* 11 11 11 54 12 66 66 ! 340 328 12 340 1 169 159 10 New Madrid 169 339 339 £*wton 339 P"l"M7 ""i,'l47" tef::::::::::::::: 82 82 J—-- 82 22 22 22 --• 36 36 82S:::::::::::::::::: 139 103" 5"p:: : 2,~927 1,990 1,572 1.174 gielps 1,554 380 371 17 2 63 53 16 wke!:. :::::::::::: 82 19 45 45 45 137 pattPolke. ;:: 137 137 Pulaski * J:::::::: J

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STAR AND COUNTY Urban | Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MISSOUBI—Con. Pptnatn —*. - Ralls 43 43 39 4 Rand olph .... 223 223 172 51 Bay 88 71 65 5 17 17 280 i 280 280 Ripley 241 241 241 St. Caarles . 189 137 88 48 52 37 15 St. Clair. i 1,578 223 ! 198 25 iT§55 1,355 St. Louis „.„ 3,809 921 546 375 2,888 2,313 574 I St. Louis City. 27,377 27,377 15,639 11,689 49 Saline 63 9 9 54 49 5 Schuyler 7 23 23 23 Scott 150 77 77 ...... 73 71 2 Shannon 75 75 75 Shelby 56 62 4 Stoddard 56 Stone ...... 337 337 337 Sullivan Taney. 480 i 486 486 Texas 14 14 14 Warren Washington 350 350 343 7 Wayne 29 29 28 1 67 67 67 9,019 8,862 218 Beaverhead 18,882 77 80 9,863 9,631 14 87 87 87 1 Big Horn 209 209 208 Blaine 119 119 115 1 3 59 i 69 68 1 829 389 389 440 435 5 Carter 198, 198 198 Cascade 974 773 756 9 8 201 193 8 97 97 97 Custer 686 532 519 12 1 154 154 Daniels 340 340 340 Dawson 202 80 80 122 122 Dear Lodge 589 521 510 11 68 68 Fallon 170 170 170 384 264 237 1 26 120 112 " 8 669 301 297 1 3 368 367 1 Gallatin 167 115 114 1 62 52 252 252 252 143 " 24 Golden Valley 138 143 119 98 138 138 Granite 98 97 i Hill 426 253 Jefferson 244 3 6 173 167 i 5 144 144 143 Judith Basin 88 88 88 i 335 335 297 2 330 236 ; 203 13 20 94 04 * 9 Liberty 145 8 Lincoln 145 144 " i McCone ..... 320 320 319 1 78 78 78 24 1 24 22

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MISSOURI—Con. Ralls 147 147 142 5 Randolph...... 852 ! 852 703 149 Ray...... 358 281 255 18 8 77 77 Reynolds 1,260 1.260 1,260 Ripley...... 1,098 1,098 1,098 St. Charles—.—— 729 469 324 144 1 260 193 67 St. Francois 6,713 922 1 847 75 5.791 5,791 St. Louis 15,585 | 3,703 1 2,372 1,331 11,882 9,886 1,993 3 84,463 84,463 52,132 32,110 221 Saline... 309 35 35 274 259 15 Schuyler 27 27 27 Scotland"""*"**!"*—! 57 57 67 Scott 564 297 297 267 265 2 Shannon » 311 311 311 Shelby '3 111 111 106 5 Stone.. 1,534 1,534 1,534

Taney...... 2,127 2,127 ! 2,"*27 Texas... 64 64 W ...... Warren ...... ••...••.- Washington ...... 1,709 | 1,709 1,668 41 Webster 104 104 103 1 Worth . .. Wright 281 ...... 281 281 27,889 27,424 167 298 38,438 37,524 27 887 Beaverhead 281 281 *B887 | 887 880 7 BiBlaing Hore n 511 511 488 5 18 187 186 1 187 1.464 1.426 38 Carbon 2,648; 1,184 1.164 Carter 885 885 885 ! 747 3,399 27614 2,544 23 47; 785! 38 340 340! 340 2,411 Vt 1 655 655 Daniels 1,554 1.756 1.554 1,554 Dawson...... 876 269 269 607 607 170 i 170 gwrtodw. 1,526, 1.356 1,334 22 812 812 812 1,281 | 870 758 1 111 411 369 42 Flathead. 2,361 973 961 1 11 1*388 1.387 1 Gallatin 570 376 375 1 194 194 1,091 1,091 garfield 1,091 354 354 266 88 Golden Valley.. 561 561 561 249 248 1 Granite.. 249 Hill 1.451 813 787 4 22 638 621 2 15 Jefferson 467i 467 466 1 ...... Judith Basin 405 405 405 1,145 1.145 1.066 3 76 LewiLakes and Clark. 951 640 560 31 49 311 311 Liberty 32 32 32 Lincoln 675 575 567 8 1.499 1,499 1.494 6 &SSS 217 217 217 Meagher 69 1 69 1 62 1 7

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STATE AMD COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MONTANA—Con. 82 .. 82 82 Missoula ...... 621 498" 490" 2" 123 118 5 344 106 106 238 237 1 Park 302 207 207 95 95 117 117 117 Phillips 206 206 192 14 168 168 151 17 178 178 178 304 195 103 1 1 109 109 Prairie 179 179 179 272 272 271 1 124 124 124 501 501 448 53 Rosebud 173 173 173 Sandc rs 109 .... 109 107 2 349 349 335 1 13 Silver Bow 4,573 47254 47230 13 11 1 319 317 1 1 Stillwater 263 263 263 93 93 93 Teton 11 11 2 Toole 293 293! 28•7 2 4 Treasure .. 19 19 19 802 802 790 12 96 96! 96 Wibaux 51 51 61 344 295 287 7 48 Yellowstone National i 49 1 Park Opart) NEBRASKA 13,844 9,432 8,224 1,162 46 4,412 4,388 12 .12 Adams 293 270 269 1 23 23 64 64 64 Arthur.. 8 8 8 81 81 64 81 61 56 5 3 2 1 131 131 ! 1 Brown 28 28 130 Rnffaln 103 103 103 28 134 134 134 Butler 19 1 105 19 18 85 85 20 20 290 290 290 Chase 26 26 26 4 Cheyenne.. 4 4 190 146 146 44 44 29 29 29 Colfax 16 13 3 3 43 43 43 Custer 106 i 4i 41 65 338 244 65 Dawes . 240 3 i 94 93 1 77 ! 43 42 i 34 32 29 27 27 1 2 Deuel...... 2 2 11 11 11 Dixon 127 * 127 127 Dodge. 123 77 77 46 46 5,118 3,901 Dundy...... 34 5,013 1,090 22 105 104 1 Ffflmore J 76] i 34 34 76 76

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

MONTANA—Con. Mineral ...... J 166 166 166 Missoula... 2,003 1,549 1,516 21 j 12 454 443 11 Musselshell... J 1.074 290 290 784 783 1 Park 1,009 685 685 324 324 Petroleum. . ... 464 464 464 Phillips 936 936 875 61 Pondera...... 598 596 525 71 Powder River. — .... ' 688 688 688 Powell . .. . i 831 551 546 2 3 280 280 Prairie- 814 814 814 Ravalli 1,020 1,020 1,019 1 Richland ...... 609 609 609 Roosevelt...... 2,106 2,106 1,859 247 Rosebud...... 705 705 705 Sanders...... 333 333 327 6 Sheridan.... 1,596 1,596 1,525 3 68 Silver Bow...... 14,054 127935 12,879 18 38 1,119 1,117 1 1 Stillwater 1,003 1,003 1»003 Sweet Grass 302 302 302 Teton . 44 36 8 Toole ...... 979 979 966 3 10 Treasure 62 62 62 Valley 3,549 3,549 3,484 65 Wheatland 403 403 403 Wibaux 188 188 188 Yellowstone 1,198 1,028 1,014 11 3 170 169 i Yellowstone National

^ NEBRASKA 55,282 36,113 32,380 3,517 216 19,169 19,080 37 52 k 77 77 Adams...... 1,161 1,064 1,083 1 305 305 305 Arthur...... Blaine 37 37 Boone 405 405 405 Box Butte 299 281 259 22 18 10 8 Boyd 629 629 626 3 140 140 Brown...... 140 Buffalo 298 298 298 Burt 682 682 682 78 78 68 10 Cass 455 357 357 98 98 1,312 1,312 It 312 146 146 146 Cherry. 33 33 33 186 186 Cheyenne 718 532 532 78 78 78 ColfaClay x 70 70 10 10 80 202 202 Cuming. . 202 Custer 544 212 212 332 332 Dakota 1,391 987 973 404 401 3 5»wes 323 149 148 1 * * 174 172 2 Bawson 91 86 86 i 5 5 Denel 29 29 29 560 Dixon 560 660 166 166 Dodge 476 310 310 18,288 14,889 3,~306 93 434 431 3 Douglas. 18,722 175 175 Dundy 175 II 277 II 277 I...... Fillmore 1 277 |...... II——

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STATE AMD COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

NEBRASKA—Con. Franklin ... 66 66 66 Frontier...... • 6 35 35 35 Gage ...... 312 245 245 67 67 42 42 39 3 61 61 61 30 30 1 30 14 1* 1* 61 51 61 HaU 419| 394 J| 385 £ i! 25| 25 | 40 40 40 50 50 50 32 32 32 Hitchcock 59 59 69 226 226 226 10 10 i 10 41 1 41 330 215 213 2 115 115 92 92 92 30 30 30

• 9 • Kimball 15 15 1* 1 Knox . 169 169 169 1.410 1,353 1,288 48 17 57 67 Lincoln...... 208 165 164 1 43 42 % 34 34 34 Madison 333 244 244 89 89 46 46 43 3 ...... 52 62 52 42 22 22 20 20 67 29 29 38 38 Otoe 128 101 100 , 1 27 27 70 70 70 Perkins 1 13 7 7 6 Fierce 46 46 46 Platte 172 128 128 44 Polk 18 18 18 104 75 74 29 29 Richardson..- ...... 180 76 1 1 i 103 96 H 7 Rock 4 77 4 4 45 6 6 | 39 39 19 19 19 101 17 17 84 84 80 65 61 2 2 15 15 Seward 18 9 9 9 9 195 195 195 — 77 77 77 18 , 18 18 41 41 96 96 96 16 2 119 | 16 Valley. 119 49 49 119 43 31 31 1 49 69 12 12 1 69 1 69

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Total White Negro Total White Negro Other races races

NIBBASKA—Con. Franklin...... 224 224 224 Frontier...... 19 19 19 Furnas...... 128 128 128 Gage...... 1,403 1,148 1,148 255 255 Garden...... 178 178 165 13

Garfield...... 256 256 256 Gasper...... 08 98 98 Grant...... 61 61 61 Greeley...... 275 j 275 275 Hall... ". 1,752 1 1,637 1 1,692 ] 39 6 1 115 116 Hamilton... 178 178 1 178 Harlan.. 186 186 186 Hayes.... 171 171 171 Hitchcock . ... 246 246 246 Holt . " 887 887 887 Hooker 28 28 28 Howard . 169 169 169 1,261 789 777 12 472 472 Johnson 317 317 317 Kearney 85 85 85 Keith 21 21 21 Kimball 56 56 55 i Knox 736 736 736 Lancaster 5,388 5,136 j 4,924 125 87 252 252

896 693 692 1 203 198 6

142 142 142

1,438 1,016 1,016 422

Merrick 210 ...... 210 202 8

Nance 158 158 1 158 150 86 86 ' 641 64 Nuckolls 241 114 114 127' 127

Otoe 558 425 423 2 133 133 356 356 356 Perkins.. 30" 30" J&elps 63" 23" 23* 232 232 232 Platte... 1,006 692 692 314 314 Polk 62 62 62 129 Red willow 1 460 331 327 4 129 308 302 6 461 430 31 769 14 Rock... 14 14 1 116 Saline 136 20 1 20 116 100 100 ...... 100 384 478 94 384 65 8cotts Bluff. 250 185 172 6 8 65 30 30 Seward 61 31 31 692 Sheridan 692 692 309 r Sherman 309 309 8ioux 48 48 48 gtanton 219 219 219 454 454 Thayer • 454 ..... 2 Thomas 79 79 77 540 540 540 Thnrxtnn 254 254 254 61 | 218 i&7 157 61 Washington < 363 1 363 1 363 1 Wayne

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

NEBBASKA— Con Webster...... 5 5 5 Wheeler 8 8 York 112 86 85 i 26 26 NEVADA 2,946 1,275 1,218 12 45 1.671 1,479 11 181 Churchill 41 41 41 Clark 434 260 231 9 20 174 169 5 Elko... 69 37 27 id 32 32 Esmeralda 94 94 92 2 49 49 44 fi Humboldt.. .. 316 316 258 i 57 14 14 Lincoln 134 134 14 134 37 37 35 2 69 69 69 Nye 318 318 249 8 61 5 5 2 3 42 42 41 1 9 8 1 971 842 829 1 12 129 44 White Pine 344 136 131 2 3 208 85 2 206 _ . NEW HAMPSHIRE. 5,030 3,791 3,781 10 1,239 1,231 ! * 3 Belknap 336 255 255 81 80 Carroll 106 106 106 l Cheshire 210 127 127 i 113 112 l 583 533 533 50 50 Grafton.. 389 189 189 200 200 Hillsborough 2,044 1,823 1 1,823 221 221 Merrimack 492 326 321 5 166 161 2 3 356 146 Rockingham . 143 3 210 209 1 Strafford 179 147 147 32 32 305 245 243 2 60 ! 60 NEW JERSEY 84,452 73,198 58,780 14,364 54 11,254 9,464 1,779 11 Atlantic 3,900 3,069 1*411 1,658 831 574 257 Bergen „ 5,953 5,342 4,771 560 111 611 532 74 5 Burlington 1,262 298 178 120 964 838 126 Camden 8,174 6,636 . 4,738 1,894 4 Cape May. 18 1 1,638 1,202 336 18 17 1 Cumberland 539 471 439 32 68 65 3 Essex 19,626 19.399 13,892 5,496 Gloucester 111 227 211 16 1.776 636 325 311 1,140 838 302 17,554 17,554 16,516 1,031 7 152 31 1 29 2 121 118 3 Mercer 3,473 2,546 1,822 723 Middlesex 1 1 927 795 131 1 6.752 5,153 4,796 353 4 1,599 1,490 108 Monmouth 1,562 805 444 358 1 Morris ... „. 3 757 621 136 1,149 573 465 105 3 576 550 23 3 862 862 749 113 Passaic...... 5,014 4,904 4,509 3901 Salem 59 5 110 96 14 49 31 18 10 6 4 Somerset. 662 324 292 32 1 114 338 320 17 75 74 1 39 39 5,342 4,968 3,685 1,278 5 374 114 Warren 509 1 365 363 260 2 144 143 1 NEW MEXICO 6,587 2,485 2,225 42 218 4,102 3,714 13 375 Bernalillo 576 491 459 Catron 4 28 1 85 84 1 70 70 70 101 82 63 14 19 17 1 1 566 332 329 * 283 234 234 225 215 10 58 58

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other] Negro [Other Total White Negro races Total White races races

NEBRASKA—Con.| Webster 26 26 26 Wheeler 18 18 18 York 523 395 127 127 NEVADA.. 6,763 2,855 2,689 134 3,908 3,387 16 505 Churchill 95 95 95 Clarlc 1,307 *""655 550 77 652 "l4 Douglas Elko 137 65 15 57 57 Esmeralda 146 146 143 Eureka 101 101 92 9 Humboldt.. 661 661 542 117 Lander 16 16 16 Lincoln 339 Lyon 91 91 87 Mineral., 96 96 96 Nye 615 615 425 11 179 Ormsby. 7 7 4 3 Pershing 56 56 55 1 Storey. 14 14 11 3 Washoe 2,258 1,816 1,780 442 277 165 White Pine.. 824 304 294 520 510 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 16,023 15,996 27 4,813 4,767 11 Belknap 1,545 1,216 1,216 329 328 Carroll 443 443 443 Cheshire 1,091 498 492 Coos 2,826 2,630 2,630 196 196 Grafton 1,371 704 704 667 667 Hillsborough. 8,043 7,210 7,210 833 Merrimack... 2,134 1,379 1,362 755 718 Rockingham.. 1,406 648 643 758 756 622 622 102 102 8trafIord 724 232 Sullivan 1,253 1,021 1,016 232 345,146 300,656 52,219 199 44,490 38,096 6,352 42 NEW JEBSET.. 847 Atlantic 13,288 10,281 5,216 5,065 3,007 2,160 25,650 23,119 20,952 2,117 "id" 2,531 2,249 265 17 Bergen 530 Burlington 5,210 1,164 700 464 4,046 3,516 29,889 24,103 18,033 6,061 —$• 5,786 4,613 1,173 Camden 4 Cape May 92 92 6 Cumberland 2,265 1,929 1,799 130 81,643 00,753 20,851 961 909 52 Essex 82,604 3,486 1,111 Gloucester 7,052 2,455 1,294 1,161 4,597 75,454 71,379 4,032 Hudson 75,454 452 10 Hunterdon 566 104 91 13 462 7,880 3,059 3,947 3,344 597 Mercer 14,890 10,943 6,056 362 Middlesex 27,809 21,389 20,070 1,315 6,420 1,645 1,186 2,880 2,423 457 Monmouth 5,719 2,839 2,272 63 4,666 2,315 1,926 381 2,351 Morris 2,788 2,474 314 Ocean 2,788 17,421 1,403 19 460 67 Passaic 19,303 18,843 21 13 223 189 116 73 34 Salem , 1,151 132 1,352 1,301 £0 2,635 1,283 168 Somerset , 497 329 325 4 168 15,771 4,768 15 1,595 1,169 426 S.nion.1! 22,149 20,554 672 5 Warren.. 2,397 1,720 1,716 4 677 9,349 145 1,135 17,143 15,270 23 1,850 .. NEW MEXICO. 27,772 10,629 1 364 6 1,997 1,846 11 140 370 Bernalillo , 283 283 gjfron 283 244 58 56 Chaves 337 279 1,084 1,320 1,308 1,084 Colfax , 2,404 244 244 Curry , 1,194 950 913

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total || White | Negro |°^

NEW MEXICO— • Continued. De Baca 11 11 11 Dona Ana 125 11 32 157 121 33 Eddy. 12 21 18 3 Grant 364 276 136 139 Guadalupe 107 107 106 Harding... 41 41 41 Hidalgo... 174 174 22 152 Lea...... 37 37 32 Lincoln 143 143 141 2 Luna 162 90 46 43 72 49 23 McXinley 109 11 3 Mora..... ' 335 335 335 Otero 208 145 141 63 63 Quay 349 188 187 161 161 Rio Arriba 220 220 218 Boosevelt 40 40 28 8andoval 236 236 San Juan 121 121 121 San Miguel £07 274 274 Santa Fe 206 235 60 60 Sierra.. 152 152 144 Sacarro... 272 272 271 Taos 81 81 77 Torrance.. 74 74 74 Union. 375 100 100 275 275 Valencia.. 234 234 234 . NEW YORK i.-.. 311,983 277,485 247,966 29,024 495 34,498 32,841 1,394 263 Albany 4,376 290 2 1,045 1,008 37 Allegany . 272 39 Bronx» 25,621 25,621 24,854 Broome.. 1,806 1,509 1,487 297 Cattaraugus!!.. 1,148 704 438 Cayuga 1,441 1,179 1,153 261 Chautauqua £844 1,474 1,455 370 Chemung 2,281 1,763 1,709 518 515 Chenango 388 134 129 254 253 Clinton 403 135 135

Columbia. 870 425 358 445 415 30 Cortland 299 235 234 64 63 1 Delaware 271 29 29 242 239 3 Dutchess 1,921 1,426 1,279 146 495 353 142 Erie 27,869 24,831 22,758 1,982 3,038 3,029 8 Essex 983 300 678 5 Franklin. 1,247 547 543 1 "103 Fulton... 700 596 432 297 124 123 1 Genesee.. 730 525 513 5 Greene... 174 205 200 50 21 124 120 4 Hamilton .. 165 165 165 Herkimer 1,438 1,079 2 Jefferson 1,528 356 356 _i?88 1,283 5 240 Kings 49,430 3,792 Lewis 106 351 20 331 330 Livingston 478 141 141 337 322 14 Madison 337 171 170 1 Monroe 13,956 166 166 11,997 11,852 141 1,959 1,951 8 Montgomery.. 1,028 759 736 3 Nassau 0,622 269 266 4,392 3,854 5,230 4,817 413 New York- 59,309 59,309 43,125 Niagara 15,945 3,472 2,903 2,782 117 49 Oneida., 3,218 669 507 13 2,789 2,753 35 429 429 Onondaga.. 11,484 8,918 8,661 "101 Ontario 855 483 2,566 475 372 i Includes 6,031 white, 68? N?gro» 2 other races, for whom no ' Includes 513 white and detailed information is available. 16 Negro families, for whom no detailed' information is available. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 167



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total White I Negro |°*£| Total White | Negro gjjr

NEW MEXICO— Continued. De Baca 49 49 49 Bona Ana - 1,132 548 374 32 142 584 445 134 Eddy.. 133 60 60 73 62 11 Grant 1,740 504 276 1,236 553 679 Guadalupe 397 397 395 Harding.... 172 172 172 Hidalgo 890 890 96 794 Lea 165 165 158 Lincoln 606 606 604 2 Luna .... 856 513 343 225 118 McKinley.. 466 131 319 60 11 48 Mora 1,380 1,380 1,380 Otero 934 599 590 335 335 Quay 1,519 879 . 872 640 640 Rio Arriba. 920 Roosevelt 307 146 146 161 161 Sandoval...... 778 778 778 San Juan 563 563 563 San Miguel 1,933 871 871 1,062 1,062 8anta FQ 1,283 1,049 1,047 234 234 Sierra 617 617 581 36 8acarro.... 1,007 1,007 1,004 Taos 351 351 338 "l§ Torrance.. 311 311 311 Union. 1,753 448 448 1,305 1,305 Valencia... 857 857 857 142,268 136,133 5,120 1,015 4iw NEW YOBK. 1,235^78 1,093,010 991,946 99,276 1,788 Albany 21,451 1 17,487 16,622 861 1 4 3,964 3,847 117 Allegany 1,066 164 164 902 902 Bronx...... 106,323 106,323 103,185 3,114 24 Broome . 6,989 5,759 5,656 103 1,230 1,225 2,978 2,907 71 1,877 1,849 Cattaraugus...... 4,855 Cayuga 5,384 4,420 4,266 145 964 Chautauqua 7,470 5,841 83 1,541 1,538 Chemung... 8,497 6,386 6,185 201 2,111 2,098 Chenango-.."! 1,472 425 404 21 1,047 1,045 Clinton.. 1,685 535 535 1,150 1,150 Columbia.. 3,478 1,670 1,469 198 1*1 1,733 Cortland—. 1,229 944 942 2 285 276 Delaware... 1,185 128 128 1,057 1,039 Dutchess-. 7,439 6,636 5.107 527 2 1,803 1,408 Erie 109,747 96,286 89,997 6,119 170 13,461 13,440 Essex—.. 3,992 1,165 1,165 2,809 FrankUnV 5,356 2,467 2,455 2,488 400 Fulton... 1,686 1,126 1,087 560 555 Genesee.. 3,591 2,619 2,476 1,072 1,031 Greene... 678 164 75 514 493 Hamilton.. Herkimer- 5,914 4,518 4,499 11 8 1,396 1,396 Jefferson... 5,951 6,025 5,007 18 924 220,022 15,444 "429 SSg::::: 1,494 60 60 1,434 1,432 J»Jvingston.... 2,230 679 679 1,551 1,477 Madison , 1,319 633 630 3 686 686 Monroe 53,780 46,451 45,952 477 7,329 7,300 Montgomery., 3,519 2,529 2,441 88 990 981 9 Nassau 39,797 17,739 15,662 2,077 22,058 20,475 1,583 New York.... 224,739 224,739 169,707 54,075 957 Niagara.. 12,847 10,724 10,377 334 13 2,123 1,862 56 Oneida I 13,058 11,306 11,188 111 7 1,752 1,752 Onondaga...! 43,553 33,243 32,459 749 35 10,310 9,912 374 Ontario?. 3,379 1,873 1,836 37 1,506 1,499

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total r Other Total White Negro ™£ Total White Negro races

NEW YORK- Continued. Orange 2,192 1,585 1,418 167 607 41 Orleans. 173 87 85 2 86 Oswego.. 1,846 1,831 1,829 2 15 15 Otsego— 403 106 104 2 297 296 Putnam. 113 113 112 Queens» 21,799 21,799 20,639 1,149 Rensselaer. 2,070 1,850 1,800 50 220 215 Richmond * 7,512 7,512 7,208 303 Rockland . 639 149 81 409 326 St. Lawrence. 1,638 867 655 654 Saratoga 1,240 843 769 397 394 Schenectady.. 5,013 3,939 3,867 1,074 1,070 Schoharie 40 37 258 258 Schuyler 73 71 232 232 279 190 190

Steuben.. * 1,630 775 766 855 852 Suffolk 3,499 729 675 2,770 2,528 Sullivan 73 21 21 52 52 Tioga 277 158 150 119 118 Tompkins..... 544 348 323 196 190 Ulster.... 1,661 787 694 93 874 782 91 Warren.., 519 364 364 155 154 1 Washington., 719 485 481 4 234 232 2 Wayne 502 178 178 324 316 7 Westchester., 15,064 13,649 11,693 TOM 1,415 1,219 196 Wyoming- 344 124 124 220 219 1 Yates. 43 11 11 32 30 2 NORTH CAROLINA 56,041 21,091 12,706 34,950 22,899 11,915 136 Alamance...... 351 130 74 221 96 125 Alexander . 11. Jl 262 262 217 46 Alleghany ... 184 184 161 23 370 77 98 235 61 293 195 235 226 9 Avery 354 354 349 4 Beaufort. 373 123 60 250 179 Bertie 778 71 Bladen- 778 195 583 258 258 178 80 Brunswick.. 474 474 349 125 Buncombe.. 2^817 1,940 1,090 850 877 850 27 Burke.. 675 128 54 Cabarrus.. 74 547 410 137 272 110 43 67 162 84 78 Caldwell. 374 121 79 42 253 Camden.. 144 196 57 144 82 62 Carteret 861 Caswell.. 173 90 556 42 592 276 316 Catawba. 1,034 326 166 Chatham 460 160 708 528 180 Cherokee.., 216 460 186 274 216 209 7 Chowan— 162 72 Clay , 15 90 46 44 141 141 134 Cleveland., 225 127 78 7 Columbus.. 193 98 70 Craven 193 166 865 380 188 192 485 245 Cumberland 607 395 107 212 Currituck 120 96 114 Dare 120 71 49 255 27 Davidson 611 322 Davie 180 142 221 68 321 321 165 156 * Includes 512 white and A°i£^0#f?2m IeVor ^nom ™ detailed information is available. * Includes 269 white and 5 Negro families, for whom no detailed information is available.

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other| Total White | Negro |Og» White | Negro races Total

NEW YORK— Continued. Orange 8,125 5,487 4,963 524 2,638 2,450 1881 Orleans 679 353 347 6 326 326 Oswego . 7,331 7,275 7,268 7 56 66 Otsego.. ZZ\ 1,639 405 7 1,234 1,231 Putnam 517 517 512 90,000 90,000 85,402 4,560 38 Rensselaer^II 7,584 6,730 6,585 145 854 847 7 Richmond 30,518 30,518 29,446 1,069 Rockland 2,624 669 625 244 1,755 T448 *307 8t. Lawrence.. 6,541 3,702 3,644 27 31 2,839 Saratoga 4,559 2,957 % 797 160 1,602 1,593 Schenectady.. 18,869 14,811 14,606 205 4,058 4,049 Schoharie 1,248 186 173 13 1,062 1,062 §chuyler 1,173 264 259 5 909 909 1,125 776 776 349 349 6 Steuben 6,327 2,907 2,884 3,420 3,414 8uffolk.... 14,609 2,982 % 758 217 11,627 10,671 945 Sullivan....: 314 100 100 214 214 Tioga. 1,104 597 558 39 507 504 798 Tompkins... 2,106 1,310 1,229 81 798 3,046 2,768 278 3,399 3,181 216 SJster 6,445 2 2,058 1,441 1,441 ...... 617. 615 Warren 964 5 2,120 2,102 969 Washington. 1,346 15 Wayne 2,090 727 727 1,363 6,355 5,521 834 Westchester. 61,319 54,964 48,347 "67598" 19 12 518 518 958 946 Wyoming... 1,476 121 10 Yates 171 40 40 131 55,791 84,228 35,888 48,333 167,992 111,547 .. NORTH CAROLINA 252,220 515 667 1,782 600 254 346 1,182 Alamance 1,495 1,202 293 Alexander 1,495 830 744 86 Alleghany 830 932 61 201 1,411 479 Anson 1,673 262 1,071 1,041 30 Ashe ;_ 1,071 1,734 1,720 11 Avery 1,734 379 geaufort._ 1,794 543 320 1,251 872 3,853 2,925 Bertie m"~mmm 3,853 399 1,292 1,292 Bladen m mmm 2,159 1,683 476 Brunswick 2,159 119 4,577 3,281 4,404 4,285 Buncombe 12,262 7,858 1,988 634 3,169 547 218 299 Burke 245 *§£ 432 355 1,197 410 165 253 676 377 199 1,125 gaidweii....;.:...;. 1,954 787 359 227 586 1,378 Camden 586 204 366 2,458 Carteret 3,783 1,121 755 2,662 1,464 1,855 Caswell.. 3,319 3,319 2,702 900 Catawba.:;:;::::::: 4,874 "i,*272" 3,602 855 1,428 Chatham I. 2; 283 1,020 Cherokee 1,048 ii048 255 77 458 Chowan 718 678 656 22 Clay... 678 99 "340 188 405 306 933 1,034 897 137 Cleveland:;:;:;;;::; 1,034 2,437 1,312 1,125 Columbus. 4,107 1,670 ""832" 407 Craven. :™;™ 429 1,131 734 % 294 1,560 513 301 212 513 902 816 86 gare 902 1,395 1,062 333 1,444 6091 1,649 1,649 70147—34 12

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STATE AND COUNTT Urban Rural Total Other! Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

NORTH CARO­ LINA— Contd. Duplin 375 209 Durham...... 1,059 756 426 303 172 131 Edgecombe 419 306 99 207 113 49 Forsyth 1,943 1,322 558 764 621 457 1 164 Franklin 96 96 51 45 Gaston 515 306 168 138 115 94 Gates 166 166 62 104 Graham.... 242 242 230 12 Granville... 424 39 359 200 159 Greene 196 196 107 89 Guilford... 3,160 980 1,780 400 319 81 Halifax 345 51 293 134 159 Harnett.. __ 171 11 6 154 109 45 Haywood!—.. 465 27 2 436 412 24 ...... Henderson... 284 31 61 192 156 36 Hertford 495 495 164 331 Hoke 132 132 32 99 1 Hyde. 206 206 143 63 ...... Iredell 367 188 179 462 250 212 Jackson 73 73 4 Johnston. 678 19 89 670 443 127 Jones 163 163 98 65 •.-.«• Lee 222 53 169 363 162 201 Lenoir 230 135 95 452 225 227 Lincoln— 105 56 49 143 89 54 McDowell 585 452 133 Macon 119 119 109 10 Madison 717 717 713 4 Martin 218 40 10 Mecklenberg.. 30 178 108 70 ...... 4,347 3,728 1,127 2,601 619 456 163 ....— Mitchell 177 177 177 Montgomery.., 338 338 246 92 Moore..* 752 138 11 127 614 168 445 1 Nash 604 173 60 113 431 152 New Hanover., 1,623 279 ..*..* 1,405 490 915 218 92 126 Northampton.. 308 308 153 155 Onslow 217 217 143 Orange 321 73 1 12 8 309 126 183 Pamlico -, 420 420 258 Pasquotank..., 254 162 ...—* "127 20 39 Pender 353 353 128 225 Perquimans.. 136 Person 136 79 57 ...•• 624 101 523 157 Pitt , 486 354 12 141 345 232 Polk 155 111 2 155 116 39 Randolph 514 119 36 395 323 72 ...— Richmond.... 137 Robeson 7 130 365 178 187 69 38 27 751 376 Rockingham, 380 278 97 25 7 18 355 234 Rowan 994 121 ..—• 192 300 502 303 199 —.-. Rutherford. 494 49 17 428 329 99 ...«-• Sampson 194 22 21 151 123 Scotland 217 28 Stanly 13 51 153 65 83 6 134 7 1 Stokes 550 126 115 11 550 57 Surry... 594 653 Swain 168 41 168 166 Transylvania... 215 2 ...... 215 177 38 605 605 346 259 Union.llllim 338 176 53 122 163 105

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Otherl Negro Other Total White Negro Total White races races

NORTH CAEO- _ „ UNA—CODtd. Duplin 2,629 1,749 879 Durham. .__..._._ 4.470 2,811 1,256 1,555 1,659 861 798 Edgecombe.. 1,997 1,401 445 956 596 277 319 Forsyth 8,859 5,611 2,541 3,070 3,248 2,318 930 Franklin 393 393 209 184 Gaston 2,254 1,249 702 547 1,005 556 449 Gates. 755 755 259 496 Graham 1.284 1,284 1,229 Granville 2,276 250 114 ~136 2,026 1,116 910 Greene 907 907 626 381 Guilford 12,781 10,787 4,267 6,520 1,994 1,620 374 Halifax 1,538 200 196 1,338 629 709 Harnett.... 701 89 59 30 612 461 151 Haywood- 2,327 137 130 7 2,190 2,091 99 Henderson. 1,304 377 147 230 927 771 156 Hertford-. 2,313 2,313 742 1,571 Hoke. 477 477 118 353 Hyde 821 821 618 203 Iredell 3,552 1,439 847 2,113 1,222 891 Jackson.. 369 369 358 11 Johnston...... 2,857 429 74 355 2,428 1,921 507 Jones...... 786 786 467 319 Lee. 2,869 962 273 1,907 848 1,059 Lenoir 2,761 766 460 306 1,995 1,058 937 Lincoln 1,066 420 236 184 646 393 253 McDowell 2,811 2,811 2,284 527 Macon 615 615 584 31 Madison , 3,749 3,749 3,737 12 941 160 44 116 781 509 272 Martin 716 Mecklenberg.. 17,164 14,266 4,835 9,431 2,898 2,182 Mitchell 917 917 917 Montgomery... 1,438 1,433 348 Moore 3,428 671 45 626 2,757 822 1,934 Nash 2,956 903 293 605 2,053 723 1,330 New Hanover.. 6,683 5,613 2,182 3,431 1,070 471 Northampton.. 1,296 1,296 673 Onslow.. 888 888 649 237 Orange. 1,684 56 20 36 1,628 615 1,013 Pamlico 1,743 1,743 1,040 703 Pasquotank.. 1,084 *8TO* "341 "57 206 71 135 gender. 1,425 1,425 496 929 Perquimans. . 495 495 312 183 101 291 2,945 803 2,075 67 Person... 3,337 482 2,371 423 185 1,763 1,276 5 pitt ::„ 754 165 Polk 754 Randolph.... 2,279 186 307 1,786 1,434 352 Richmond 2,083 485 29 456 1,598 842 756 259 148 101 3,259 1,701 1,068 Robeson 3,518 629 Rockingham.. 1,983 115 34 81 1,868 1,239 Rowan ... 4,201 1,937 805 1,132 2,264 1,403 861 Rutherford 2,408 214 79 2,115 432 Bampson 820 149 81 68 671 105 Scotland 692 193 39 154 499 229 250 448 30 25 5 418 386 32 Stanly 300 Stokes. 2,928 2,926 2,626 3,207 377 356 21 2,830 2,680 150 867 867 861] 6 8w«ra™""L' 1,012 869 173 ^venia... 1,012 2,710 2,710 1,452 1,258 Union ...... 1,137 186 403 548 345 I

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

NORTH CARO­ LINA—Contd. 341 167- 82 85 174 35 139 Wake— 3,317 1,750 519 1>231 1,567 734 832 Warren 451 451 190 261 i 186 186 94 92 Watauga 455 455 450 5 Wayne... — . 774 305 183 122 469 363 106 Wilkes 570 i 1 563 542 21 Wilson 735 392 162 230 343 195 148 Yadkin 538 538 481 57 Yancey...... 341 341 327 14 NOETH DAKOTA.. 10,020 1,669 1,659 7 3 8,351 8,207 2 | 142 30 30 30 Barnes.. .. ._ 112 85 85 27 27 110 110 110 Billings 46 46 46 962 962 958 1 3 Bowman 165 165 164 1 Burke 760 760 760 Burleigh. 502 277 274 3 225 225 Cass _, j 227 210 210 17 17 132 132 126 6 Dickey 113 113 113 Divide 113 113 113 317 317 316 1 Eddy. 1 1 Emmons 16 16 16 Foster 28 28 28 1* | 11 11 11 Grand Forks 346 342 1 341 i ' 4 1 4 Grant 240 240 240 23 23 23 168 168 168 Kidder. 154 ; 154 154 117 117 ! 117 12 12 12 662 662 662 162 162 162 252 252 251 I 292 292 292 31 31 31 442 101 1 101 341 341 Mountrail 324 t ...... ::::: 324 323 Oliver. 1 98 98 98 92 92 92 83 83 83 Ramsey . J...J 131 79 75| 2 2 52 52, 111 111 111 Kenville 171 171 171 247 39 39 208 208 239 239 129 110 439 439 439 89 89 89 99 99 99 51 51 51 120 93 93 27 1 27 Steele 89 89 89 181 140 140 Towner ...... 114 41 41 Traill..- 1 1 1 ...... 114 114

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STATE AND COUNT* Urban Rural Total Other| [Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

NORTH CARO­ LINA—Contd. Vance 1,812 756 373 1,056 181 875 Wake 13,893 6,358 4,463 7,535 3,435 4,098 Warren- 2,153 2,158 917 1,241 Washington 943 943 458 485 Watauga 2,550 2,550 24 Wayne..-. 3,686 1,390 802 2,296 1,805 491 Wiftes.... 3,225 39 27 12 3,186 3,074 112 Wilson.... 3,102 1,639 946 1,463 822 641 Yadkin 2,900 2,900 2,609 291 Yancey..-. 1,680 1,680 1,620 60 NORTH DAKOTA. 47,172 7,814 7,787 18 39,358 13 Adams 99 99 99 Barnes 550 407 143 143 Benson 424 424 424 Billings 296 298 296 Bottineau 4,139 4,139 4,119 Bowman. 766 766 760 Burke 3,197 3,197 3,197 Burleigh.. 2,275 1,133 1,128 1,142 1,142 Cass 1,158 1,053 1,053 105 105 Cavalier- 580 548 32 Dickey. 543 543 543 Divide.... 457 457 457 Dunn 1,854 1,854 1,845 Eddy 7 7 7 Emmons.. 60 60 60 Foster 83 Golden Valley.. 55 55 Grand Forks... 1,588 1,569 1,566 19 19 grant 1,310 1,310 1,310 Griggs , 85 85 85 Hettinger... 864 864 864 Kidder 767 767 767 La Moure.. 619 619 619 Logan 82 82 82 McIIenry.. 3,075 3,075 3,075 Mcintosh... 809 809 McKcnzie.. 1,217 1,217 1,212 McLean 1,449 1,449 1,449 Mercer , 164 164 164 Morton 2,240 485 485 1,755 1,755 Mountrail.. 1,535 1,535 1,533 Nelson Oliver 450 450 450 Pembina... 252 252 252 Pierce 373 373 373 Ramsey.. 651 403 387 10 248 248 Ransom.. 535 535 535 Renville.. 707 707 707 Richland. 1,272 177 177 1,095 1,095 Rolette... 977 977 610 367 §at*ent... 1,836 1,836 1,836 Sheridan.. 423 423 Sioux 536 536 »ope 256 256 256 Stark 643 461 461 182 182 Steele. 437 437 437 711 262 262 973 711 556 Towner.. 556 656 Train..

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

NOBTH DAKOTA- Continued. Walsh 115 37 37 78 78 Ward 168 143 142 25 25 Wells 48 48 48 Williams. 465 123 122 342 322 OHIO., 155,784 122,064 33,538 182 47,081 Adams 635 629 1,455 1,254 1,172 201 191 Ashland 288 175 172 113 113 Ashtabula.... 1.385 908 896 477 474 Athens. 2,200 647 611 1,553 1,511 Auglaize.. 203 126 125 1 77 77 Belmont.. 2,690 814 114 1,762 1,638 124 Brown.. _ 65 65 58 7 Butler 4,473 3,696 3,133 777 702 75 Carroll... 708 76 75 574 Champaign... 299 211 175 Clark 2,756 2,492 1,625 264 260 Clermont 81 81 77 Clinton 138 27 12 99 98 Columbiana.. 3,299 2,100 1,948 152 1,199 1,181

Coshocton... 244 8 274 270 Crawford.—. 601 530 498 24 71 71 Cuyahoga... 42,448 41,807 31,572 10,199 641 602 Darke 118 13 13 105 105 Defiance 169 168 1 94 94

Delaware.. 224 200 24 114 108 Erie 854 639 540 99 215 187 Fairfield... 215 160 154 6 55 51 Fayette 212 52 44 8 160 134 Franklin.. 13,106 10,892 7,468 3,416 2,214 1,729 i Fulton 307 55 55 252 251 Gallia..... 158 24 20 134 106 Qeauga. 172 172 154 18 Greene 182 20 9 11 162 114 48 Guernsey.. 1,329 496 24 809 798 11 Hamilton.. 20,195 18,525 12,746 5,769 1,670 1,167 603 Hancock.. 385 344 336 8 41 41 Hardin 495 362 340 21 133 132 Harrison.. 174 15 7 8 159 145 Henry 310 121 120 1 189 189

Highland.. 189 99 73 26 90 78 Hocking.... 1,425 281 279 2 1,144 1,137 Holmes.. 86 86 86 Huron..... 302 200 192 8 102 99 Jackson... 1 1,178 1,155

Jefferson.. 2,512 1,210 912 293 1,302 1,230 Knox 348 149 Lake 137 12 199 197 523 271 237 34 252 251 Lawrence. 2,302 491 Licking... 428 1,811 1,750 1,188 984 925 204 204 Logan 471 272 33 199 195 Lorain 1,438 1,106 Lucas .. 163 332 312 18,722 15,985 13,243 2,694 2,737 2,705 Madison... 225 98 Mahoning.. 72 26 127 122 10,710 9,590 6,741 1,120 1,082 Marion 1,398 1,216 Medina— 1,168 182 181 76 26 25 50 45 Meigs 1,970 427 1,543 1,511 Mercer 110 33 Miami 948 77 72 606 552 54 342

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

NORTH DAKOTA- Continued. Walsh 205 205 328 328 Ward. 843 708 707 135 135 Wells 275 275 275 Williams 2,297 502 500 2 1,795 109 OHIO 758,979 455,929 107,321 195,043 184,766 10,177 100 Adams 2,679 2,679 2,652 20 7 Allen 6,152 5,314 4,970 344 838 813 25 Ashland 1,169 707 694 13 462 462 Ashtabula 5,833 3,760 3,721 2,073 2,067 6 Athens 8,768 2,351 2,240 HI 6,407 6,200 203 4 Auglaize 835 544 6 291 291 Belmont 10,160 3,420 3,063 357 6,740 6,347 "393* Brown 298 298 251 47 Butler 18,325 14,867 13,008 1,859 3,458 3,273 185 Carroll 2,907 276 273 3 2,631 2,414 217 Champaign. 1,193 345 259 86 848 730 118 Clark 10,897 9,805 6,521 3,278 1,092 1,087 5 Clermont 345 345 333 •12 Clinton 513 132 102 30 381 378 3 Columbiana .. 13,077 8,137 7,539 4,940 4,862 74 4 Coshocton 2,158 945 911 34 1,213 1,186 27 Crawford , 2,454 2,132 1,984 115 322 322 Cuyahoga 150,376 147,779 116,383 31,248 148 2,597 2,476 121 Darke 499 59 50 440 440 Defiance.. 1,086 690 396 396 Delaware 1,303 767 71 465 446 19 Erie 3,224 1,973 365 886 773 113 Fairfield 893 659 626 33 234 231 3 Fayette 907 182 174 8 725 605 120 Franklin 47,025 38,139 27,117 10,988 34 7,295 1,590 1 Fulton 1,244 233 1,011 1,004 7 Gallia , 720 90 81 630 510 120 Geauga 721 721 668 53 Greene 765 85 47 680 493 187 Guernsey. 5,464 2,065 1,959 106 3,346 53 Hamilton 77,721 70,771 49,511 21,231 6,950 5,058 1,892 Hancock 1,501 1,357 1,314 43 144 144 Hardin 1,808 1,291 1,217 73 517 514 3 Harrison 741 57 29 684 609 68 7 Henry 1,166 531 635 Highland 603 256 196 347 304 43 Hocking 6,062 1,037 1,014 5,025 5,005 20 Holmes 364 364 364 Huron _ 1,244 795 28 421 410 11 Jackson .< 8,371 2,854 2,848 6 5,517 5,387 130 Jefferson 10,079 4,894 3,907 969 18 5,185 4,916 265 4 Knox 1,352 561 519 42 791 789 2 Lake 2,040 957 856 101 1,083 1,082 1 Lawrence 10,937 2,056 1,815 241 8,881 8,627 254 Licking 4,339 3,456 3,280 174 ...... Logan 1,789 1,038 911 127 751 745 6 Lorain 6,645 4,284 36,667 564 53 1,361 1,272 87 2 Lucas 64,723 54,188 46,505 7,493 190 10,535 10,424 83 28 Madison 963 466 354 112 497 478 19 Mahoning...... 38,976 34,526 26,360 8,091 4,450 117 Marion 5,572 4,837 4,677 157 735 729 6 Medina 355 118 116 2 237 216 21 Meigs 7,882 1,523 1,397 126 6,359 6,246 113 Mercer 493 117 117 376 341 35 Miami 3,972 2,510 2,285 1,462 1,393 69

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Urban Rural STATS AND COUNTY Total |Otheri White Other Total White Negro races Total Negro races

OHIO—Contd. Monroe.. 234 2 Montgomery 11,163 8,845 6,607 2,230 2,318 2,191 126 Morgan.. 77 77 76 1 Morrow 104 104 103 1 Muskingum 2,125 1,371 1,171 200" 754 739 15 Noble 25 25 Ottawa 299 100 100 199 185 Paulding.. 277 277 262 Perry 257 257 1,429 1,382 Pickaway- 85 78 85 85 Pike 290 263 Portage—. 908 416 78 413 359 Preble- 169 11 158 154 Putnam.. 177 177 176 Richland. 519 447 72 314 275 Ross.. 635 183 54 385 Sandusky.. 431 267 252 14 164 162 Scioto 2,959 1,062 978 83 1,897 1,895 Seneca, 915 756 724 29 159 157 Shelby. 354 4 235 235 Stark 6,377 5,075 4,493 578 1,302 1,228 73 Summit 10,831 9,409 7,626 1,775 1,422 1,331 90 Trumbull... 5,646 3,717 3.326 387 1,929 1,716 212 Tuscarawas. 1,818 1,159 1,072 87 659 623 Union 109 44 43 1 65 65 Van Wert- 222 150 150 72 71 Vinton 731 731 731 "Warren 450 144 119 306 293 Washington., 873 307 292 566 522 Wayne ., 378 116 106 262 221 Williams 422 202 202 220 220 Wood 972 71 70 901 833 Wyandot 90 40 40 50 50 OKLAHOMA. 107,237 32,434 26,041 5,931 462 74,803 66,419 6,373 2,011 Adair— 1,145 1,145 878 257 Alfalfa 688 688 688 Atoka 1,435 1,435 1,300 119 16 1,125 Beckham!., 1,125 1,125 1,028 224 804 780 Blaine 516 516 444 71 1 Bryan..... 2,950 284 277 70 •Caddo 2,666 2,479 117 204 151 49 691 608 80 3 Canadian. 852 504 4 Carter. 105 348 315 29 744 617 115 1,108 1,003 94 11 -Cherokee.. 486 486 423 4 59 Choctaw.. 1,005 45 44 11 Cimarron.. 960 771 178 281 281 268 13 Cleveland., 1,074 "159* 4 Coal *157 915 890 1,258 1,258 1,132 27 Comanche.. 264 84 75 179 Cotton. 308 180 Craij 308 303 846 169 105 677 610 40 2,951 1,084 844 11 Custer. 1,867 1,418 933 172 152 761 753 Delaware. 548 648 452 6 Dewey 517 1 Ellis. 517 514 610 610 609 1 Garfield , 1,53.,w7. 982 1 Garvin | 1,151 14 555 540 14 1,151 998 135 i»

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total |Other|| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

OHIO—Contd. Monroe 1*145 1,145 1,128 Montgomery 37,391 28,478 21,847 6,615 8,913 8,554 Morgan ..... 370 370 368 Morrow 506 506 505 Muskingum 8,122 ""5,*O30" 4,366 '""664' 3,092 3,029 Noble 97 97 97 Ottawa 1,230 397 397 833 768 65 Paulding 1,124 1,124 1,050 68 Perry 6,760 990 990 5,770 5,590 180 Pickaway. 624 313 294 19 311 311 Pike 1,470 1,470 1,338 130 3,397 1,898 1,616 279 1,499 1,365 134 783 50 50 733 715 18 •Bfc- 752 752 751 1 Putnam.. 2,920 1,660 1,449 111 1,260 1,153 107 Richland. Ross 2,715 912 690 222 1,803 1,752 51 Sandusky... 1,759 969 902 60 790 786 4 Scioto 12,913 4,472 4,226 240 8,441 8,433 8 Seneca 3,559 2,920 2,812 92 632 1 Shelby 2,335 1,396 1,377 19 Stark. 22,537 17,350 15,375 1,963 5,187 4,896 280 11 Summit"!!! 39,966 34,437 28,665 5,746 5,529 5,262 263 4 Trumbull... 20,786 13,410 12,372 1,031 7,376 6,646 727 3 Tuscarawas. 7,376 4,602 4,321 281 2,774 2,627 147 Union 421 163 160 3 258 258 Van Wert... 799 569 569 230 228 Vinton 3,358 3,358 3,358 Warren 1,960 615 519 1,345 1,312 33 3,813 1,228 1,159 2,585 2,371 214 Washington. 1,580 519 478 41 1,061 936 125 Wayne 1,493 701 701 792 792 3,876 267 264 3 3,609 3,387 "219 wife;::- 364 190 190 174 174 Wyandot...! . OKLAHOMA. 429,005 111,485 90,812 18,893 1,7801 317,520 280,728 27,891 8,901 Adair 5,170 5,170 3,930 1,240 Aifaifa. :::::: 2,647 2,647 2,647 Atoka I 6,560 6,560 6,988 502 70 Beaver 4,430 4,430 4,430 Beckham.. 4,174 783 782 3,391 3,309 80 **2 Blaine 2,048 2,048 1,764 281 S Bryan 12,718 1,092 1,068 11,626 10,776 549 301 Caddo,.... 3,906 788 571 189 3,118 2,775 318 25 Canadian. 2,931 1,580 1,318 242 1,351 1,191 137 23 Carter..... 6,657 2,314 1,953 324 4,343 3,861 432 50 Cherokee.. 2,123 2,123 1,873 17 Choctaw.. 4,751 168 165 3,675 857 61 Cimarron.. 1,191 1,191 1,137 54 Cleveland. 4,756 678 672 4,078 3,916 127 35 CoaL 5,146 5,146 4,698 343 105 Comanche. 1,136 321 276 45 815 807 Cotton 1,264 1,264 1,247 17 3,687 658 189 3,029 2,734 116 17» 11,829 3,972 3,165 768 7,857 5,970 1,852 35 Custer 4,132 746 653 93 3,386 3,352 34 462 Delaware... 2,481 2,481 2,019 pewey 2,473 2,473 2,450 13 10 2,510 2,610 2,508 2 S«i3.::;;.: 2,074 49 S^fleld.... 5,680 3,552 3,141 340 71 2,128 5 Garvin 5,015 5,015 4,368 564 83

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

OKLAHOMA—Con.| Orady.. 142 135 79 Orant.. 442 442 439 Greer. 524 157 144 367 360 Harmon.. 194 92 91 102 102 Harper.. 821 821 821 Haskell 1,032 1,032 1,003 1 Hughes . 1,493 275 242 1,218 1,0S8 104 26 Jackson . 1,008 290 718 1 Jefferson..... 691 691 6 Johnston 1,568 1,568 1,387 91 2,134 1,275 1,200 16 King~fisher™I.II"I 399 104 69 295 3. Kiowa 158 61 61 97 97 Latimer 1,262 1,262 1,166 62 34 Le Flore 4,094 172 155 17 3,922 3,689 205 28 Lincoln 1,700 70 50 1,630 1,350 278 2 Logan 272 233 152 39 24 ! H Love 675 675 617 i 50 8 McCIain 570 117 453 432 20 1 McCurtaln. 2,254 91 2,163 1,778 [ 307 78 Mcintosh.., 957 957 654 274 29 Major 281 281 281 Marshall... 175 175 157 ¥ ""io Mayes 1,409 1,409 1,196 46 167 Murray 554 194 179 31 4 Muskogee ... 266 204 98 99 7 62 62 9 1 Noble 801 209 156 49 4 692 56,1 31 Nowata 1,054 250 124 109 17 804 632 1 91 81 Okfuskee... 1,842 118 114 3 1 1,724 855 858 11 Oklahoma...... 12,537 10,558 8,835 1,574 149 1,979 1,642 1 Okmulgee.. 3,273 1,318 925 376 17 1,955 1,324 697 34 Osage , 1,136 381 31 30 755 730 9 16 Ottawa 2,161 885 57 1,276 1,208 Pawnee 660 205 189 15 1 455 424 31 Payne 696 367 329 37 1 329 296 Pittsburg. 3,617 619 485 121 13 2,998 2,732 179 87 Pontotoc ..., 1,796 277 254 22 J 1,619 1,399 31 89 Pottawatomie... 1,989 563 505 55 3 1,426 1,292 86 48 Pushmataha 826 32 Roger Mills 826 765 29 788 783 0 1,206 149 97 34 1,057 1,007 ! is 37 Seminole 3,344 527 23 •Sequoyah 141 2,817 2,347 447 2,103 2,103 1,819 130 154 Stephens.. 1,299 385 376 914 914 Texas...... 839 837 2 Tillman I IZZ I 221 165 56 382 374 8 Tulsa- 7,896 5,776 27 Wagoner 3,832 1,917 2,120 1,903 1 190 607 286 195 84 321 249 65 17 Washington.. 1,596 634 509 113 962 825 44 93 Washita.. 942 157 157 WoodsL'II. 785 757 28 892 165 165 727 726 1 Woodward. 1,324 252 252 1,072 1,072 OBXQON 16,666 12,224 12,089 90 4,442 4,394 12 36 Baker . 240 197 196 43 43 Benton...... 53 27 27 26 26 Clackamas.. 352 39 39 179 313 313 I t (4 1 Clatsop 115 114 i t II I i t ii 240 64 64 Columbia 31 31 209 209 Coos . . 405 210 Crook 41 195 195 Curry 38 41 41 " i Deschutes 125 92 37 Douglas...... 349 33 267 266 .*.-*• T Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 179



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total [Otherl Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

OKLAHOMA—Con Grady. 764 478 275 Grant 1,584 1,584 1,578 Greer 1,870 520 481 1,350 1,319 Harmon 729 370 359 359 Harper 3,004 3,004 3,004 Haskell 5,131 5,131 4,964 8 Hughes - 6,656 1,125 987 126 12 6,531 4,917 501 Jackson 4,235 1,190 954 236 3,045 2,893 138 Jefferson 2,941 2,941 2,814 96 Johnston • 5,910 5,910 5,266 339 Kay 7,656 4,434 4,174 227 3,222 3,024 127 Kingfisher.. 1,611 381 257 118 1,230 929 284 Kiowa. 443 173 173 270 270 Latimer.... 5,442 5,442 5,073 229 Le Flore 17,120 628 62 16,430 15,610 Lincoln 8,021 301 200 101 7,720 6,310 1,400 140 31 Logan...... 909 738 491 247 171 Love 2,108 2,108 1,861 211 McClain 2,418 448 294 154 1,970 1,890 77 McCurtain.. 10,139 188 166 9,781 8,088 1,345 Mcintosh.. 4,540 4,540 3,271 1,127 Major 1,062 1,062 1,062 Marshall... 656 656 579 27 Mayes 6,108 6,108 6,141 225 Murray...., 2,058 663 618 42 1,395 1,250 125 Muskogee.. 1,100 785 410 315 247 Noble.. 3,180 701 532 149 2,479 2,308 171 Nowata 3,920 811 397 351 3,109 2,512 292 Okfuskee... 7,741 424 410 9 5 7,317 3,671 Oklahoma.. 41,020 33,196 4,662 519 7,824 6,316 1,507 Okmulgee.. 15,022 5,273 3,692 1,501 9,749 6,190 3,359 Osage , 4,313 1,376 1,203 58 115 2,937 2,853 21 Ottawa 8,266 3,059 2,843 216 5,207 4,904 Pawnee . 2,771 801 741 57 3 1,970 1,849 121 Payne 2,786 1,398 1,276 121 1 i,r- 1,240 148 2,332 1,847 422 63 12,301 11,318 617 Pittsburg 14,633 146 Pontotoc 7,972 1,060 988 68 4 6,912 6,349 8,513 2,032 1,834 182 16 6,481 5,891 375 Pottawatomie. 3,506 3,278 86 Pushmataha... 3,506 3,489 21 Roger Mills... 3,510 3,610 Rogers . 4,784 534 364 129 4,250 4,054 45 1,572 584 13,176 10,810 Seminole 15,345 2,169 8,242 Sequoyah 9,448 9,448 1,413 1,378 4,130 4,130 Stephens 5,543 3,027 3,019 Texas 3,027 1,437 25 Tillman . 2,248 ""786 183 1,462 19,548 13,700 5,743 105 8,001 7,185 692 Julsa 27,549 209 Wagoner 2,265 988 701 261 26 1,277 1,002 2,256 1,841 353 62 3,667 3,148 144 Washington. 5,923 94 Washita 3,989 596 596 3,393 3,299 613 513 2,776 2,772 Woods 3,289 3,910 3,910 Woodward.. 4,812 902 902 35,811 35,416 248 147 16,634 16,429 55 fc . OBEGON. 52,445 129 Baker 749 620 619 1 129 92 92 133 133 Benton ..... 225 1,263 Clackamas. 1,440 177 177 1,263 276 274 226 226 Clatsop 502 678 678 Columbia...... 759 81 81 592 553 553 Coos 1,149 596 124 124 Crook .. 124 96 92 Curry 96 128 128 Deschutes 413 285" 1,003 1,002 Douglas... ~ 1,296 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 180 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races| Total White Negro races

OREGON—Contd. Offllam 21 21 ^ 21 £3 53 53 41 26 26 15 15 44 20 20 24 24 Jackson . ._ 173 89 89 84 84 59 59: 58 1 125 47 47 78 78 Klamath j,-__.. _. 255 183 181 1 1 72 72 2 335 107 107 228 227 1 148 148; 144 4 114 27 27 87 1 87 206 206 202 4 812 459 458 353 352 1 Morrow . i Multnomah . 11,247 10,012 9,885 87 40 1,235 1,214 11 10 36 8 8 28 28 7| 81 34 34 47 47 223 i 103 102 1 120 113 7 151 133 132 1 18 18 38 38 38 158 I 112 112 46] 43 3 211 29 29 182 182 104 42 42 62 • 58 4 PENNSYLVANIA 324,461 207,872 170,049 37,672 151 116,589 1 111,012 5,525 52 166 56: 62 4 110 63,568 49,610 38,895 no 12,599 1,349 Armstrong. _-«. »».,. 10,660 55 10 2,409 590 569 20 1 13,958 1,814 5 Beaver..r..__. 2,788 1,687 1 1,501 186 1,819 i 1,038 62 1 Bedford 1,529 108 91 17 1.101 1,414 7 | 1.421 Berks 7,591 5,467 5,220 247 2,124 2,115 8 1 Blair 3,428 2,382 2,305 77 1.046 1,035 11 Bradford 1.494 303 301 2 1,191 1,190 1 Bucks 1,027 397 385 12 630 612 18 Butler 1,852 378 374 4 1,474 1.471 1 2 Cambira.. 6,072 3,410 3,373 35 2 2,662 2,643 14 5 1 1 13 13 Carbon 1,292 814 812 1 1 478 478 1.571 195 193 2 I 1.376 1,370 4 2 Chester . 1,616 908 576 331 1 708 525 181 2 Clarion M49 43 43 1.106 1,092 14 5,836 774 Clinton I 769 5 5,062 5,058 4 1.176 455 450 5 721 712 8 1 Cnlninblft 4J1 2,080 1,144 1,132 12 936 1 933 3 Crawford 1.835 680 612 68 1.155 1,142 13 Cumberland. 1.478 717 617 100 761 753 8 Dauphin .. 6.242 1 4,742 [ 3,614 1,117 1.500 1*408 92 Delaware. . ... 4,878 2,903 1,904 998 1 1,975 1,670 405 Elk 987 ! 323 322 1 664 651 13 Erie 4,839 4,260 4,120 140 579 576 3 Fayette 19,445 2,972 2,709 263 16,473 16,273 1,198 2 93 93 93 1,666 606 554 52 1.060 1,031 29 278 278 266 12 682 65 10 617 611 6 Huntingdon - 1,079 167 152 Indiana j 15 912 909 3 3,521 600 563 37 2,921 1 2,889 32 Jefferson..... j 3,224 1,038 1,035 3 Juniata .... . 383 2,186 2,183 3 Lackawanna —...... 12,781 1 383 381 2 l il,fR» i at i 11 1,661 11 1.658 3

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other] 'Other Total White Negro .races Total White Negro

OBIGON— Gontd. Gilliam 109 109 109 Grant 161 161 161 Harney. 105 70 70 35 35 Hood River 210 98 98 112 112 Jackson 531 257 257 274 274 Jefferson.. 199 199 197 Josephine. 536 194 194 342 342 Klamath.. 758 478 474 28C 280 Lake 8 8 8 Lane 1,007 333 764 763 1 Lincoln.. 525 525 513 12 Linn 399 92 92 307 307 Malheur. 887 887 864 23 Marion.. 3,144 T654 1,648 1,490 1,486 4 Morrow.. Multnomah. 33,202 28,217 240 131 4,614 4,509 Polk 145 33 112 112 Sherman 22 22 22 Tillamook 314 115 115 199 199 Umatilla.... 801 314 312 487 462 25 Union 607 518 84 84 Wallowa 138 138 138 Wasco 589 399 190 180 10 Washington., 783 86 86 697 697 Wheeler...... Yamhill , 422 157 157 265 247 18 PENNSYLVANIA. 1,374,290 853,776 722,148 131,040 588 520,514 499,644 20,686 184 Adams 768 233 224 9 535 535 Allegheny 255,332 193,493 160,891 32,394 208 61,839 57,239 4,561 Armstrong...... 10,675 2,492 2,426 65 1 8,183 8,172 11 Beaver 11,926 7,112 717 4,814 4,621 188 Bedford 6,204 438 377 61 5,766 5,745 21 Berks 25,577 17,383 16,725 658 8,194 8,178 15 Blair 14,677 10,108 9,836 272 4,569 4,530 39 Bradford. 5,805 1,094 1,090 4 4,711 4,707 4 Bucks.... 4,767 1,970 1,912 58 2,797 2,730 67 Butler- 8,560 1,788 1,770 18 6,772 6,768 2 Cambria.. 26,204 13,785 103 12,314 12,266 39 Cameron. 60 1 1 59 59 Carbon... 5,614 3,489 3,480 4 2,125 2,125 Centre 6,732 776 773 3 5,956 5,944 8 Chester.. 7,594 4,198 2,744 1,445 2,588 799 Clarion 4,930 187 187 4,743 4,712 31 Clear-field. 26,559 3,396 3,376 23,163 23,154 9 Clinton... 5,538 2,089 2,082 3,449 3,405 40 Columbia. 9,440 5,349 5,300 4,091 4,081 10 Crawford.. 7,435 2,486 2,253 4,949 4,913 36 Cumberland. 6,643 2,991 2,599 3,652 22 Dauphin 26,380 19,838 15,716 4,082 6,542 6,188 354 Delaware 23,655 14,068 9,442 4,616 9,587 7,787 1,800 Elk 4,426 1,407 1,402 5 3,019 2,940 79 Erie 19,868 17,517 17,030 487 2,351 2,342 9 Fayette.. 90,614 12,796 11,836 960 77,818 72,802 5,005 Forest 419 419 419 Franklin- 7,283 2,468 "*27286 "l82 4,815 4,695 120 Fulton... 1,103 1,103 1,060 43 Greene... 2,985 """250 216 34 2,735 2,703 32 Huntingdon.. 4,015 547 499 48 3,468 3,456 12 Indiana 15,966 2,725 2,556 169 13,241 13,119 122 Jefferson 14,021 4,460 4,443 17 9,561 9,545 16 Juniata 1,710 1,710 1,704 6 Lackawanna. 60,737 52,895 52,745 147 7,842 7,831 11

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STATE AND COUNT? Urban Rural Total Other|i Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

PENNSYLVANIA- Continued. Lancaster-—.—.— 2,717 1,986 1,804 177 731 Lawrence ...— 2,996 2,003 1,784 219 993 944 Lebanon 1,012 580 564 15 432 414 Lehigh 5,255 4,341 4,303 914 912 Luzerne 14,744 10,785 3,959 3,948 Lycoming .- 3,203 2,067 1,961 106 1,136 1,124 McKean 1,013 476 472 4 567 561 Mercer .... 4.034 2,314 2,157 157 1,720 1,699 Mifflin...... 1,264 632 623 8 632 628 Monroe . 397 224 220 4 173 172 Montgomery 3,510 1,722 1,473 249 1,788 1,471 316 Montour 398 303 302 1 95 95 ..... Northampton 4,534 3,523 3,409 101 13 1,011 1,002 Northumberland... 4,168 3,225 3,222 3 913 943 ..... Perry 458 458 456 Philadelphia... 53,301 53,301 32,384 61 Pike 46 46 46 Potter 352 31 31 321 320 Schuylkill 11,812 7,858 7,811 47 3,954 3,945 Snyder.... 615 58 557 657 Somerset 2,836 277 2,559 2,555 Sullivan 112 112 112 Susquehanna— 1,169 831 830 Tioga 596 29 567 566 Union 663 91 570 Venango. 2,997 1,477 1,421 1,520 1,618 Warren 1,825 529 529 1,296 1,285 Washington., 11,365 3,259 2,635 624 8,106 7,122

Wayne 626 147 147 479 479 Westmoreland.. 12,963 5,351 5,064 7,612 7,254 358 Wyoming.. ™ 268 268 267 1 York 3,113 2,028 1,874 154 1,085 916 169 RHODE ISLAND... 10,684 10,114 9,808 499 670 533 36 Bristol 471 471 468 3 Kent 680 631 622 9 49 48 1 Newport 739 528 405 123 211 205 6 Providence .. 8,464 8,318 7,963 350 146 143 3 Washington 330 166 150 14 164 137 26 SOUTH CAROLINA. 25,695 11,271 14,422 63,631 29,175 34,451 Abbeville 1,525 165 43 122 1,360 515 845 Aiken 1,937 451 95 356 1,486 880 606 Allendale 1,001 1,001 284 717 Anderson 1,795 479 504 812 286 Bamberg...—...... 1,658 1,658 995 Barnwell 1,409 1,409 646 763 Beaufort 1,454 78 158 Berkeley 2,726 1,218 169 1,049 Calhoun ....— 1,755 2,726 661 2,065 Charleston 1,755 462 1,293 6,998 4,725 2,143 2,582 2,273 694 ll579 Cherokee ... 1,230 431 196 Chester 764 799 264 99 183 482 84 398 Chesterfield.... 3,409 101 Clarendon 2,071 227 3,081 1,906 1,175 Colleton 2,061 2,071 562 1 509 220 92 128 1,841 991 Darlington . 1,116 444 173 DOlon!. 1,224 271 672 364 308 191 91 100 1,033 643 390 Dorchester ., 1,306 295 Edgefield . 1,071 78 217 1,011 455 556 Fairfield 2,014 1,071 507 564 2,014 1,711

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other] Negro Other Total White Negro races Total White races races

PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. Lancaster....——.-.... 11,554 8,310 7,645 654 3,244 3,075 145 Lawrence. 12,923 8,558 7,812 746 4,365 4,221 144 Lebanon 4,638 2,500 2,448 45 2,138 2,058 63 Lehigh 21,432 17,089 16,952 137 4,343 4,337 6 Luzerne . 66,145 47,427 47,144 274 18,718 18,671 37 12,995 8,327 7,920 407 4,668 4,634 34 McKean... 4,518 1,990 1,969 21 2,528 2,607 21 Mercer.. 16,185 9,035 8,501 534 7,150 7,090 60 Mifflin.. 5,715 2,693 2,669 22 3,022 3,008 14 Monroe.. 1,722 950 940 10 772 768 6 Montgomery..—...... 16,716 8,198 7,182 1,016 8,518 7,065 1,450 Montour...... 1,531 1,120 1,118 2 411 411 Northampton 2a 428 15,768 15,317 391 60 4,660 4,637 Northumberland . 18,073 14,083 14,074 9 3,990 3,990 Perry. 2,122 2,122 2,117 Philadelphia... 217,164 217,164 141,512 75,458 194 Pike 177 177 177 Potter 1,342 135 135 1,207 1,205 Schuylkill 48,836 31,602 31,426 176 17,234 17,192 Snyder I 2,724 244 244 2,480 2,480 Somerset 12,456 1,181 1,141 40 11,275 11,262 13 Sullivan , 465 465 465 Susquehanna.. 5,205 1,471 1,471 3,734 3,732 2 Tioga 2,638 119 105 14 2,519 2,509 10 Union 2,876 395 391 4 2,481 2,477 4 Venango 12,158 5,901 5,647 233 6,257 8 Warren 7,287 2,009 2,009 5,278 5| 238 7 Washington.... 47,331 13,075 11,019 2,056 34,256 31,069 3,186 Wayne 2,881 2,245 2,245 Westmoreland- 57,364 22,471 21,469 996 34,893 33,524 1,369 Wyoming 1,228 1,228 1,223 6 York 11,239 ~"7,~39i" 6,856 535 3,317 531 46,641 44,629 42,637 1,972 20 2,012 1,888 120 1,965 1,965 1,958 7 Kent 3,070 2,859 2,828 31 211 206 5 Newport 2,739 1,940 1,540 400 799 773 26 Providence.. 37,603 37,110 35,614 1,483 493 484 9 Washington. 1,264 755 697 51 509 425 80 164,756 SOVTB CAROLINA.] 403,255 97,785 43,731 54,050 305,470 140,690 Abbeville 7,510 609 167 442 6,901 2,678 4,223 Aiken . . 8,468 1,657 411 1,246 6,811 4,127 2,684 Allendale. I.I.™ 4,407 4,407 1,343 3,064 Anderson 7,705 3,816 2,059 1,757 2,565 1,324 Bamberg...... 7,278 7|278 2,769 4,509 Barnwell 6,117 6,117 2,867 3,250 Beaufort 5,980 784 291 493 5,196 813 4,383 Berkeley 12,962 12,962 3,435 9,527 Calhoun 8,747 8,747 2,201 6,546 Charleston 26,375 17,499 7,909 9,590 8,876 2,600 6,276 Cherokee 5,479 1,561 702 3,918 2,659 1,259 Chester. 1,117 407 710 2,441 460 1,981 16,980 1,321 931 15,659 9,587 6,072 Chesterfield 2,706 8,184 Clarendon 10,890 - 10,890 Colleton 9,151 " "io? 321 481 8,349 3,891 4,458 Darlington.. 4,495 1,637 979 2,858 1,616 1,242 gillon 6,014 746 386 360 5,268 3,254 2,014 Dorchester.. 5,614 1,170 342 4,444 2,015 2,429 . 5,256 5,256 2,366 2,890 Edgefield.. 9,128 Id. 10,535 10,535 1,407

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued. 2,301 807 313 494 1,494 1.051 442 1 3,116 980 197 I 783 2,136 613 1,523 3,841 2,471 1,396 1,075 1.370 956 414 948 365 164 201 583 241 342 1.034 1.034 556 478 944 227 143 84 717 1 600 117 1,232 1,232 355 877 2,537 494 234 260 2.013 1,050 993 1,178 183 91 92 995 506 489 Laurens*.._ 1,091 454 245 209 637 380 257 Lee 1,536 1.536 606 930 1,929 94 37 57 1 1.835 '1 1,109 726 1,305 1.305 440 865 959 280 144 136 679 274 405 Marlboro 1,025 249 100 149 776 394 379 3 1,041 453 166 287 588 325 263 2,430 2,430 1,916 514 2,971 772 247 525 2,199 913 1,286 Pickens 972 110 76 33 1 862 700 162 Richland...... J. 7,624 5,136 2,381 2,755 2,488 1.122 1,366 Saluda 732 2 730 494 236 Spartanburg.... 4,685 2,368 1,073 1,295 2,317 1,509 808 Sumter...... 1,273 615 248 367 658 208 450 Union 1,033 352 126 226 681 265 416 1,841 1,841 559 1,282 York 1,224 532 220 311 1 692 324 367 " i SOUTH DAKOTA.. 22,382 4,144 4,115 21 8 18,238 18,206 17 15 582 582 582 Beadle 1,792 1 380 377 3 1,412 i 1.412 131 131 i 131 277 277 ! 276 1 190 52 '52 138 138 1,084 667 666 1 417 416 1 347 347 1 346 " i Buffalo 208 208 208 41 41 41 Campbell 127 127 127 992 992 991 i Clark 909 909 908 I Clay 70 i i7 17 53 1,046 598 597 1 448 447 1 157 157 1 157 Custer. 31 31 31 264 212 212 52 52 444 444 444 93 93 93 212 212 212 265 265 263 2 200 200 200 FaU River 87 68 68 19 19 359 359 359 368 368 887 i 3^8 j | f 885 '" i 262 887 Hamlin...... 318 ...... 262 262 447 i 318 318 Hand 447 447 143 143 143 34 34 34 207 Hutchinson 87 1 120 120 190 190 190 1891 ! 189 1 189 ...—— Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS 185



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other! Total White Negro Total White Negro Other races races

SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued. 11,329 3,406 1,438 1,970 7,921 5,609 2,305 7 13,256 3,679 798 2,881 9,577 2,870 6,707 Greenville...... 16,609 1 9,609 6,335 4,274 7,000 4,889 2,111 3,944 1 1,379 669 710 2,565 1.049 1,516 Hampton...... i708 4,708 2,512 2,196 4,563 980 660 320 3,683 3,042 641 6,992 6,992 1,734 4,258 13,099 2,~026 959 1,067 11,073 6,419 5,654 6,094 j 751 380 371 5,343 2,613 2,730 Laurens...... 3,644 1,335 697 638 2,309 1,390 ! 919 Lee..'...... 7,602 7,602 2,839 4,763 8,710 1 337 141 196 8.373 1 6,134 3,239 McCormick...... 6,260 6,260 2,020 4,240 4,386 1,134 602 532 3,252 1,354 1,898 4,697 1,029 441 688 3,668 1.959 1,693 16 4.313 1,512 581 931 2.801 1,649 1.152 12,699 12,599 9.912 2,687 13.108 i 2,*863 1,005 1,858 10.245 4.383 •6.862 Pickens...... 4.690 457 325 130 2 ! 4.233 3.459 774 Richland...... 31,087 19,192 8,993 10,199 11,895 5,182 6,713 Saluda...... 3,477 3.472 2.391 1.081 Spartanburg...... 21,028 9,411 4,213 6,198 11.617 7,393 4.224 Sumter 6,465 2,332 1,008 1,324 3.133 997 2,136 6.034 1,402 640 862 3.632 1.348 2.284 Williamsburg 8,603. 8.503 2,612 6.891 York...... 6,637 27225 898 1,325 2 3,312 1,672 1.739 1 SOUTH DAKOTA.. 99,206 15,776 15,673 51 62 83,430 83,299 64 67 Aurora...... 2,*638 2,638 2.638 Beadle...... 7,760 i 1,331 1.327 4 6.419 6,419 Bennett . 650 650 650 Bon Homme ... 1.188 1,188 1.181 7 Brookings...... 974 251 251 723 723 Brown...... 4,731 2,730 2,724 6 2,001 2.000 1 Brute ...... 1,695 1.695 1,590 5 Buffalo...... 908 1 90* 908 Butte...... 188 188 188 626 626 626 Charles Mix. 4,512 4,512 4,506 6 Clark I 4,098 4,098 4,095 3 Clay 356 91 91 265 265 Codington...... 4,089 j 2,093 2,090 3 1,996 1,993 3 Corson.... 797 1 797 797 Caster..... 100 100 100 Davison...... 1,083 884 884 199 199 Day...... 2,080 2,080 2,0*0 Deuel 473 472j 472 Dewey...... 1,156 1.166 1.156 Douglas...... 1,250 1,250 1.241 9 Edmunds... 1,002 1,002 1,002 Fnll River... 377 285 286 92 92 Faulk "** 1*638 1.638 1.638 Oram...... 1,761 1.761 1.761 Gregory 4,180 4.180 4.174 5 ! i Haaknn 1.002 1.002 1.002 Hamlin...... 1.663 1.563 1.663 Hand... 2,130 2.130 2,130 H«n



STATE AMD COUNTT Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. 314 314 313 1 Jerauld. .. — 204 204 204 235 235 234 1 Kingsbury...... 547 547 547 Lake...... 307 205 205 102 101 1 200 65 64 1 135 135 Lincoln...... 195 195 195 Lyman...... 257 257 1 257 72' 72 72 McPherson...... 166 166 166 Marshall 185 185 185 Meade...... 91 91 90 1 Mellette 355 355 348 1 6 Miner...... 331 331 j 331 Minnehaha. * .______._,. 1*289 1,050 1,043 6 1 239 238 1 109 109 109 Pennington 428 270 289 1 158 168 Perkins...... * ...... 236 236 236 Potter 117 117 117 652 652 652 Sanborn 402 402 402 26 26 26 Spink 884 97 97 787 786 -- 160 160 160 Sully 160 160 155 5 Todd 64 64 64 485 485 483 1 1 168 168 168 115 115 115 Walworth 232 iei | 159 1 i 71 ! 71 37 37 37 18 18 18 Yankton...... 329 215 202 9 4 114 112 1 I Ziebach 59 59 59 TZNNISSXI 39,312 16,094 9,205 6,888 1 23,218 21,751 1,463 4 387 387 370 17 Bedford 207 131 115 16 76 63 13 117 117 116 1 237 237 228 9 324 1 176 144 32 148 143 5 Bradley...... 397 163 145 18 234 228 6 Campbell...... 888 218 1 185 33 1 670 653 17 Cannon .. 144 144 142 2 56 56 46 10 Carter 916 212 207 5 704 i 703 1 108 108 102 6 70 ...... 70 65 5 Claiborne...... 438 438 435 3 Clay 275 275 260 16 Cocke...... 332 61 ! 61 10 271 267 4 151 64 63 1 87 80 6 1 132 132 1 126 6 274 274 274 Davidson...... 1.746 1,308] 916 391 i 438 369 67 2 122 122 98 24 255 255 j 255 Dickson ...... 183 37 28 9 146 137 9 42 17 16 1 25 25 Fayette 80 80 42 38 491 1 491 1 491

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other- Total White Negro races Total White Negro races'

SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. Jackson «. . 1,195 1.195 1,193 2 Jerauld ... 934 934 934 Jones . . ... 1,038 1,038 1,030 8 Kinzsbury.._...... 2,592 2,592 Lake...... 1.313 849 849 464 463 1 Lawrence...... 675 173 168 5 502 502 Lincoln...... 772 772 772 Lyman...... 1.134 1,134 1,134 AfcCook...... 284 284 284 McPherson.. 789 789 789 Marshall.. 877 877 877 Meade - 398 398 393 £ Mellette.. 1,602 1,602 1.574 3 25 Miner 1,540 1,540 1,540 Mitimjhaha...»«.L.««« ., 4,702 3,696 37673 13 10 1,006 1,002 4 Moody . 429 429 429 1,801 1.053 1,048 5 748 748 Perkins. 1,126 1,126 1,126 Potter 522 622 622 Roberts 3,240 3,240 3,240 Sanborn 1,668 . 1,668 1,668 8hannon 113 113 113 Spink 3,901 430 430 3,471 3,468 3 Stanley 539 539 539 8ully.. 7 760 760 732 28 Todd. 352 352 352 Tripp...... 2,419 2,419 2,413 1 * Turner 719 j 719 1 719 Union 617 517 617 Walworth 993 712 702 3 7 281 281 Washfthftiitrh 182 '182 182 W&shlnfftnn 65 1 65 65 Yankton.. 1,304 820 773 23 24 484 478 1 & Ziebach 300 300 300 189,898 68,578 41,555 27,017 6 121,320 113,626 7,677 17 TENNESSEE 1 1,697 82 Anderson.. .. 1.779 1,779 Bedford 1,029 664 603 61 365 307 58 Benton 593 593 585 8 Bledsoe 1,348 1.348 1,293 55 Blount 1.549 786 657 129 763 739 24 ...-..- Bradley 2,044 786 704 82 1.258 1,228 30 Campbell.* 4,342 1,054 899 155 3,288 3,211 77 725 725 719 6 Carroll 263 263 225 38 —...... m-- Carter 4,656 1 1,039 1,002 37 3,617 3,613 4 Cheatham 602 602 570 32 Chester... 355 355 334 21 ....._• Claiborne 2,173 2,173 2,160 13 Clay. 1.504 1.504 1,414 90 _._-.. Cocke j 1.828 289 247 42 . 1,539 1,516 23 Coffee '• 776 303 298 5 473 446 23 4* Crockett 1 592 592 661 31 1.547 1,547 1,547 Davidson 8,478 f M86j 47452 1,728, 6 2,292 1,949 333 10' Decatur 625 625 499 126 De Kalb 1,673 1,573 1,573 Dickson 941 152 121 31 I 789 735 gr Dyer 175 56 54 2 119 119 ...bhv Fayette 331 331 163 168" *..»<**» Fentress. 1 2.505 1 2,505 I 2,505

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Urban Rural STATE AND COUNTY Total Other! Other Total Negro Total White Negro races White races

TENNESSEE— Continued. STranklin...... 277 277 255 22 Gibson...... 163 ci 51 10 102 84 18 OUes 186 25 8 153 115 38 •Grainger...... 244 33 244 235 •Greene...... J 416 122 114 8 294 289 5 «Grundy . ...— 369 369 369 JIamblen .... 257 183 144 39 74 69 ft ^Hamilton...... 1 4,268 3,323 1,269 2,059 940 792 148 ^uncock„. _, .1 227 227 222 ft iHardeman.. ... 1 115 115 94 21

iHardin...... 157 157 145 12 tHawkins...... 1 330 330 300 30 EHaywood...... 127 84 14 70 43 20 23! 218 218 191 27 Henry...... 123 24 23 i 99 86 13 Hickman...... 160 160 149 11 Houston ...... 178 178 156 22 Humphreys...... 187 187 182 6 182 182 ISO 2 389 389 336 53

Johnson.. .. 420 420 409 11 Knox...... 3,649 27309 1 1^599* 716] 1,340 1,267 73 Lake 63 63 53 10 Lauderdale ... 189 189 127 62 Lawrence ...... 278 61 1 59 2 217 199 18 229 229 209 20 Lincoln ...... 231 39 27 12 192 167 25 Loudon ...... 262 115 114 1 147 138 9 McMinn,,,. x ^ tMU ' 571 310 256 54 261 238 23 169 169 167 2

201 201 j 201 Madison...... 280 241 169 72 39 39 419 419 403 16 Marshall...... 185 34 21 13 151 134 17 Maury...... 124 52 1 29 23 72 44 28 99 99 90 9 387 387 360 27 Montgomery...... 336 loo' 54 55 227 151 76 92 92 86 6 321 321 321

Obion...... 121 26 14 12 05 90 ft 551 551 549 2 108 108 99 9 Pickett 163 163 163 Polk. 347 347 343 4 413 43 43 370 362 217 217 194 23 " Roane ... 680 276 243 j 33 304 277 27 Robertson.. 278 102 90 12 176 158 18 1.-... Rutherford...... 314 113 70 43 201 175 26

362 362 362 171 .... 171 171 464 464 463 i Shelby- 4,962 4,783 1.869 £914 179 1 122 57 Smith 151 161 137 14 173 173 171 2 Sullivan...... 946 410 382 28 536 535 1 1i_...* ~ 512 53 30 23 459 427 32 39 33 13 20 1 72 * ft 72 1 52 20

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

TENNESSEE— Continued. Franklin...... 1.511 1.511 1,378 133 Gibson...... 688 256 210 46 432 358 74 Giles 1,035 159 131 28 876 652 224 1.191 1.191 1.134 57 2,099 530 491 39 1,569 1,538 31 Grundy...... _...... 1,950 1,950 1,950 Hamblen...... 1,202 808 646 162 394 373 21 18,580 13,549 5,467 8,082 5,031 4,264 767 Hancock...... 1,270 1,270 1,239 31 Hardeman ...... 640 640 497 1 143 Hardin...... 796 796 724 72 1,658 1,658 1.521 1 137 505 318 49 269 187 82 105 Henderson...... 948 948 831 117 Henry...... 611 118 116 2 493 416 77 Hickman...... 921 921 868 53 Houston...... 934 934 799 135 Humphreys -...... 1,036 1.036 1.012 24 Jackson...... 1.014 1.014 1,003 H Jefferson...... 1,897 1,897 1,632 265 Johnson...... 2,120 2,120 2,080 40 Knox...... 17,595 10,518 7,542 2,976 7,077 6,690 387 Lake 240 240 196 44 Lauderdale...... 904 904 617 287 1,627 353 340 13 1,274 1,167 107 Lewis...... 1,160 1,160 1,065 95 1,087 167 Il9 48 920 792 128 1,367 556 551 5 778 33 McMinn...... 2,823 1.397 1,122 275 811 1,304 122 McNairy...... 837 1,426 827 10 .837 Macon...... 1,094 1.094 1,094 Madison...... 1,249 1,058 775 283 191 191 Marion...... 2,104 2,104 2,030 74 892 164 i 98 66 728 627 101 692 264 160 104 428 251 177 Meigs 636 636 568 68 2,129 2,129 1,973 156 Montgomery.. ... 1,894 588 292 296 1.306 828 478 Moore...... 483 483 442 41 1,605! 1.605 1,605 Obion...... 585 116 62 54 469 443 26 Overton ...... 3,171 . 3,171 3,159 12 Perry...... 612 612 562 50 Pickett ... 781 781 781 Polk 1.948 1.948 1,922 26 Putnam.. 2,091 I 185: 185 1,906 1,873 33 Rhea...... — 1,165 1,165 1,055 110 2,895 1.281 1,129 152 1.614 1,484 130 1,450 515 460 55 935 834 101 Rutherford...... 1,675 582 370 212 1,093! 941 152 Scott ... 1,870 1,870 1,870 Sequatchie 793; 793 793 Sevier...... 2,277 2,277 2,274 3- Shelby... 19,073 1*183 7,5li 10,672 890 621 269 Smith 811 811 719 92 Stewart ...... 968 968 953 15 Sullivan ...... 4,478 1.731 1,623 108 2,747 2,745 Sunnier ...iiJ.u *.-- 2,653 223 128 95 j 2,430 2,220 210 Tipton .- 157 136 53 83 ! 21 16 * 353 I 353 1 275 1 TS

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STATE AND COUNTT Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

TENNESSEE— Continued. Unicoi _— _. 376 5 5 371 371 Union . 127 127 127 Van Buren 130 130 129 1 Warren - . 225 26 26 199 197 2 Washington . 1,165 645 ' 524 121 520 513 7 Wayne 177 177 176 1 Weakley 226 17 i3 4 209 198 11 White 247 247 237 10 Williamson 91 30 12 18 61 58 3 Wilson 154 40; 33 7 114 100 14 TEXAS ... 105,045 73,898 40,256 17,297 16£45 31,147 20,682 4,153 6,312 Anderson ... 304 201 62 138 103 75 28 21 21 21 Angelina .„„ 358 138 101 33 4 220 214 5 1 99 99 83 1 15 10 10 10 37 37 37 85 85 48 2 35 28 28 14 14 Bailey. 73 73 72 1 33 33 | 33 Bastrop 89 30| 15 15 59 1 36 21 2 4 4 1 Bee 223 209 33 11 105 14 13 1 Bell 94 65 ! 10 1 29 24 5 Bexar _. 12,654 54 14,594 5,676 2,017 4,961 1,940 1,050 122 768 Blanco .. 50 50 47 2 1 29 29 107 1 10»7 96 11 Bowie 1,503 1,008 442 566 495 318 176 1 4 ! 1 4 4 Brazos 186 112 22 80 10 74 36 38 303 303 72 2 229 Briscoe _ 10 1 io io Brown _ 246 236 220 13 3 lb io 349 349 135 177 37 Burnet 139 139 I 124 14 1 Caldwell 553 409 242 85 82 144 I 106 17 21 Calhoun Callahan 124 124 124 •Cameron —...... 4,530 2,470 373 8 2,089 2,060 602 6 1 452 Camp 49 11 8 3 38 34 4 146 146 145 1 283 283 200 83 3 3 3 102 102 62 39 1 202 Cherokee ii9 76 43 83 64 19 •Childress 64 62 62 102 102 97 5 7 ...... 7 7 12 12 12 •Coleman - r „,, ^ 220 176 ' 167 9 44 43 1



STATE AMD COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

TENNESSEE— Continued. UnicoL...... 1,987 26 26 1,961 1,961 Union...... 718 718 718 Van Buren...... 683 683 ! 673 10 i "Warren...... 1,265 119 119 1,146 i 1* 132 14 484 39 Washington...... 5,644 2,953 2,469 2,691 2,652 Wayne...... 954 954 947 7 Weakley.. 952 61 50 XI 891 j 849 42 White 1,212 1,212 j 1,165 47 Williamson 526 124 51 73 402! 375 27 1 Wilson 794 225 173 52 569 510 59

TEXAS 416.174 285,689 148,001 60,459 77,229 130,485 84,953 15,076 30,456 Anderson .. 1,068 686 211 468 7 382 305 77 Andrews ...... 102 102 102 Angelina...... 1,457 509 398 99 12 948 i 915 22 11 Aransas ..... 397 397 326 1 70 Archer...... 37 37 j1 37 Armstrong . .... 160 160 160 Atascosa...... 452 452 268 3 181 Austin 86 86 50 36 Bailey 291 291 286 5 Bandera ...... 108 108 108 Bastrop 334 95 50 45 239 153 76 10 Baylor... 15 11 4 4 Bee 1,068 1,010 ! 133 37 8430 58 57 1 Bell M....I.- 337 221 194 24 116 110 •1...... Bexar.... 56,991 48,656 18,422 A 919 24,315 8,335 4,130 437 3,768 Blanco..... 193 193 184 8 1 Borden.. 140 140 140 Bosque . 207 207 192 15 j Bowie 3,741 1,760 1,981 2,067 2 3 733 5 Brazoria ...... 28 28 ' 2S8 Brazos . . . 592 322 73 205 44 270 | 175 95 Brewster 1,226 1.226 241 6 980 Briscoe 34 | 34 34 Brooks...... 846 813 774 29 id 33 33 Burleson—...... 1,138 1,138 427 503 206 Burnet 549 549 502 38 9 Caldwell 1,897 1403 764 233 406 494 313 65 116 Calhoun. . . . Callahan 476" ..—...... 476 476 Cameron...... 21,141 11,047 1,450 18 9,579 10,094 2,659 29 7,406 20 Camp 251 50 35 15 201 181 Carson...... _.._._.... 507 507 503 4 Cass 1,182 1*182 856 326 18 Castro. 16 16 Chambers...... 297 297 195 93 9 Cherokee 845 497 348 149 34181 287 61 Childress . . . 258 247 247 Clay. 385 385 377 8 Cochran . 14 ...... 14 14 Coke . .. . 49 49 49 Coleman...... 867 1 708 692 16 159 155 4 Collin 183 129 121 8 54 54 Collingsworth 204 184 179 6 20 20 ...... Colorado .... 821 821 348 424 49 Corns!...... 862 756 253 83 420 106 47 8 51 1,021 1,021 1,021 Concho Li™ "Tail """i,"l631 886" 277 53"! 53" Cook .. 3 132> 57 1 54 1 7511 75 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 192 UNEMPLOYMENT EEUEF CENSUS



BTATB AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

TKIAS—Contd. Cattle 5 5 53 53 53 Crockett.. Crosby ...... 19 19 18 1 Culberson ...... -..- 60 50 9 1 40 Pfl]lpTp_mi __. 271 202 179 23 69 68 1 Pallas - ... 9,729 9,143 5,887 2,660 596 586 412 42 132 59 41. 41 18 18 Deaf Smith 147 147 147 Delta 89 89 76 13 Denton ...... 72 53 50 3 19 12 7 De Witt 341 266 95 135 36 75 36 24 15 39 39 34 6 Dimmit . 222 222 118 104 Donley.. . .._ 25 21 20 1 4 4 Duval...... 99 99 1 98 Eastland. . .. 805 644 481 35 28 1 261 1 258 1 2 Ectar 72 72 67 3 2 Edwards..... 32 32 32 Ellis 171 92 i 76 13 3 79 77 2 El Paso...... 3,730 3,226 1,188 184 1.854 504 102 2 400 227 68 58 10 159 150 8 1 Fails 66 31 24 7 35 24 10 1 Fannin ...... 386 205 144 61 181 150 30 1 615 615 150 460 5 20 20 20 14 5 4 1 9 9 62 62 25 19 IS 34 34 31 3 154 68 29 29 96 34 62 Frio 795 275 44 11 220 520; 278 6 237 23 23 23 1,863 1.736 784 865 87 127 111 13 3 18 18; 18 84 84 78 2 4 11 11 11 38 38 22 g Gonzales...... 94 38 33 4 1 56 34 5 Gray...... —...... 407 17 281 i 275 6 126 126 Grayson 678 '464 400 61 3 114 109 5 ...... 407 131 101 27 3 276 261 15 Grimes.. ..:....._.. 114 59 26 30 3 55 24 30 1 Guadalupe...... 195 117 39 44 34 19 53 6 Hale*...... a 56 52 52 78 4 4 40 23 21 2 17 1 IS 1 88 88 88 Hansford .... 122 ...... 122 122 Hardeman ...... 27 20 19 1 7 7 Hardin 170 170 113 56 1 Harris,...... 10,824 9,838 5,613 3,481 744 154 77 Harrison...... 986 765 681 505 176 328 1 176 102 74 14 14 1* 38 15 15 23 23 Hays ...... 161 9 105 52 42 11 i 66 31 16 Hemphill 29 29 29 104 22 15 7 82 74 8 Hidalgo...... 2,810 1,676 548 7 1,021 1,234 443 2 789 Hill. 56 34 28 6 22 22 Hockley 1 24 | 1 24, 24 ......

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Otberll Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

TEXAS—Contd. Cattle 25 Crane 185 185 Crockett 185 Crosby ...... 57 "67 65 2 Culberson 34 1 228 Dallam ...... 1,029 735 645 90 294 293 1 Dallas...... 38,767 36,078 23,399 9,936 12,743 2,689 1,882 166 641 Dawson. 1.\ 146 146 92 92 Deaf Smith 582 582 Delta 362 362 332 30 Denton... 265 210 207 3 55 43 12 De Witt.. 1,295 420 190 297 128 87 82 Dickens.. 146 146 135 11 Dimmit.. 1,013 1,013 539 474 Donley... 73 62 60 11 11 Duval 457 457 3 454 Eastland., 2,921 1,969 '17754* 952 929 6 17 Ectar 290 290 267 11 12 Edwards., 130 130 130 Ellis 678 326 15 352 350 2 El Paso... 16,069 13,767 3,742 529 19,496 2,302 423 9 1,870 Erath.... 887 283 246 37 604 571 22 11 Falls. 224 108 90 18 116 95 16 5 Fannin... 1,211 630 512 118 581 514 65 2 Fayette... 2,819 2,819 640 2,150 29 Fisher , 64 64 64 Floyd , 15 24 24 Foard , Fort Bend 201 201 115 48 Franklin 113 113 103 10 Freestone.. 455 164 105 291 122 169 Frio 3,522 1,069 119 921 2,453 1,195 1,230 Gaines.... 126 126 126 Galveston. 5,905 5,429 2,129 2,844 '456' 476 427 38 11 Garza 69 69 Gillespie... 430 430 392 12 26 Glasscock.. 54 54 64 Goliad 114 114 32 57 25 Gonzales.. 320 157 148 8 163 102 37 24 Gray 1,539 1,038 1,016 22 501 501 ! Grayson 2,138 1,685 1,480 185 20 453 429 24 Gregg 1,698 519 405 106 8 1,079 1.019 60 Grimes 406 205 108 84 13 201 86 109 6 Guadalupe.. 795 457 160 153 144 338 87 230 21 Hale 197 185 185 12 12 Hall 122 71 69 61 47 4 Hamilton!".. 317 317 317 Hansford.... 504 604 504 Hardeman... 67 43 42 24 - Hardin. .. 684 506 174* 13,441 4,200 3,405 608 | 428 Harris.... 41,908 37,467 1 19,826 Harrison., 2,736 1,964 691 1,270 3 772 449 323 Hartley... 78 78 78 Haskell... 126 43 43 83 83 Hays 161 40 202 132 42 28 Hemphill 116 116 116 Henderson... 364 79 62 285 265 20 Hidalgo 12,718 6,930 2,013 4,889 1,799 4 3,985 188 124 109 64 Hill 102 102 102 Hockley

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Eural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

TiiAa—Contd. Hood... .._._..... 60 69 66 3 Hopkins...... 138 112 107 5 26 26 Houston 130 21 15 109 75 34 Howard...... 365 323 • 11 34 42 41 1 7 7 3 278 4 Hunt, J J. .»... 139 101 89 12 38 34 4 293 248 239 45 45 Jack 39 39 36 3 21 21 21 Jasper...... 359 114 74 40 245 218 27 Jen Davis ... 77 77 4 73 Jefferson...... —...... 3,004 27566 1,093 "1,383 90 322 113 3 Jim Hogg ... 438 Jim Wells 31 23 5 18 8 2 6 Johnson .... 363 264 231 30 3 99 98 1 Jones ...... — 49 • 5 35 33 2 Karnw? .... 113 29 14 4 11 84 28 14 42 Kaufman ...... 63 13 10 3 50' 41 9 Kendall 121 121 97 6 18

7 7 324 229 113 46 70 95 94 1 Kimbir..:.: 27 27 24 3 King...... 14 14 7 2 Kleberg.::!.: 138 132 21 23 88 6 15 15 14 1 Lamar. . 781 572 386 186 209 177 32 62 51 51 11 11 Lampasas 122 114 91 18 6 8 La Salle 695 335 27 3 305 260 90 170 Lavoca...... 115 94 61 23 10 21 19 2 Lee 174 174 116 56 2 346 346 224 121 1 Liberty. 108 108 101 7 244 81 63 18 163 131 32 40 40 40 Live Oak 22 22 17 1 4 Llano ...... 101 101 100 1 Loving .. 17 17 17 28 18 10 10 2 1 *® 2 2 McCulloch 323 295 268 23 4 27 1 McLennan...... 1,031 827 28 39 7 985 148 10 46 18 18 14 4 Madison 187 187 | 104 82 1 Marion...... 153 ...... 153 1 62 91 Martin 311 ...... 311 295 10 6 1 ...... 1 1 103 29 18 9 2 74 38 32 4 325 305 17 1 287 20 7 13 Medina 290 290 100 33 157 50 50 49 1 Midland 300 266 174 32 60 34 34 Milam 154 50 22 25 3 104 68 32 4 Mills 13 13 13 Mitchell 28 i§ 10 1 3 15 I 14 1 Montague .».. 121 66 66! 55 55 3801 380 1 298 81 1

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Rural STATE AND COUNTY Urban Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

TEXAS—Contd. Hood ..... 247 247 240 7 Hopkins...... 562 459 445 14 103 103 Houston...... 494 67 28 39 427 309 118 Howard...... 1.503 1.286 1.106 26 154 217 211 0 Hudspeth...... 30 30 12 1* Hunt 621 361 330 31 160 141 19 Hutchinson...... *..... 972 771 29 172 172 Irion...... 34 | 800 34 34 Jack 121 121 107 14 Jackson... a... 99 99 99 Jasper...... 1,545 482 308 174 1,063 959 104 Jen Davis 349 349 12 33r Jefferson 12,611 10,640 4~576 5,541 ; 523 1.971 1,515 442 14- Jim \ Tells 114 t 88 18 70 26 6 20" Johnson...... 1,290 956 849 95 12 334 328 6 Jones 189 54 37 17 135 133 2 frftrnfs 386 94 35 9 50 292 70 49 irc* Kaufman * 236 62 42 20 174 160 14 Kendall 429 429 335 10 84*

Kent 32 32 32 Kerr. 1,395 955 457 173 325 440 439 1 Kimble 81 81 65 l& King.!;::::::::::;— Kinney...... 79 79 26 47 6- Kleberg ; 709 688 103 94 491 21 21 Knox...... 60 60 55 5- Lamar* a. 3,229 ! 2,242 1,659 583 987 879 108 Lamb.. 242 204 204 38 38 Lampasas...... 455 420 338 55 27 35 35 La Salle 2,393 1,272 82 6 1.184 1,121 347 774 496 394 264 75 55 102 1 84 Lee ...... 838 838 557 270 11. Leon...... 1.317 1.317 893 416 & Liberty 426 426 411 15 Limestone 800 257 206 49 543 460 83 Limbscomb.. . .. 169 169 169 Live Oak 80 80 67 1 12 Llano...... 418 418 409 9 Loving...... 53 531 53 Lubbock. .. 118 75 75 43 43 Lynn.. M 7 McCulloch 1.241 1.120 1,008 87 25 121 119 2 McLennan*...... u *: 3,664 3,541 3,091 406 44 123 114 9 McMullen. 49 49 36 13 Madison.*...... ! 734 734 394 337 3- Marion...... ' 585 585 261 324 Martin 1.455 1,455 1,362 53 40* Mason... .. ' 7 7 7 Matagorda...... 380 106 79 21 ft 274 158 104 1% Maverick. 1.468 1,375 60; 1 1.314 93 25 68 Medina 1.080 1,080 341 83 656 Menard...... ! 216 216 211 5- Midland 1.263 1.105 1 725 in; 266 168 158 Milam 591 198 102 81 16 393 278 98 17" Mills 1 52 52 52 Mitchell.. 89 33 29 4 56 55 I Montague ...... 461 256 205 205 1.493 1.493 1,219 273 i

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total j White Negro races Total White Negro races

TEXAS—Contd. 81 81 81 63 63 66 7 18 18 17 1 Nacogdoches .... 739 257 129 124 482 402 59 21 Navarro ..._..__ 247 157 138 17 * 90 67 22 1 2 134 134 87 47 Nolan 37 31 30 1 Nueces . 495 441 231 44 166 64 « 4 5 Ochiltree 209 145 145 64 ! 45 Oldham 69 59 64 1 68 Orange .. 1,312 693 331 362 619 5*8 10 21 Palo Pinto. _ 675 212 190 22 1 4P3 438 1 24 Panola. 271 271 194 77 Parker. 200 H9 Ml 8 51 61 Parmer. 4 4 4 Pecos.. 122 103 48 1 64 19 1 8 Polk Potter 2,307 4*178 2*029 85 641 129 126 ? 1 Presidio 329 317 22 2 293 12 1 11 Bains 68 58 64 4 Randall 70 61 68 3 9 8 1 Reagan Real. 49 49 48 1 Red River 211 42 26 15 169 137 32 Reeves 73 65 24 2 i 8 3 5 39 1 1 * 1 Roberts 20 20 20 Robertson 606 66 7 68 440 278 162 Rockwall 20 i 20 ' 18 2 Runnels 126 86 64 29 3 40 38 1 1 Rusk 211 93 82 11 118 106 12 Sabine 390 390 311 79 San Augustine 314 314 262 62 8an Jacinto 38 38 37 1 San Patricio 77 77 68 1 8 San Saba 77 77 75 1 1 Schleicher • • 7 • 2 57 39 38 i *18 18 Shackelford.. 103 103 101 2 Shelby 668 29 19 10 639 603 135 1 157 157 157 Smith 660 371 ! 203 164 4 279 172 106 1 Somervell 106 106 106 Starr.-. 178 178 2 176 Stephens 201 174 m 1 27 27 Sterling Stonewall.. 2 2 2 Sutton 15 15 6 fi wisher ». 29 29 29 Tarrant...... 5,819 67329 3,247 1,831 251 490; 463 27 108 92 82 9 1 16 15 1 18 18 3 16 69 69 69 8 " 8 8 •Titus 573 375 226 148 i 198 183 15 Tom Green...... 1,120 1,046 891 81 74 74 73 1 Travis...... 2,667 2,287 1,200 728 369! 380 316 49 16 Trinity. 294 294 I 188 106 72 72 70 601 1 60 1 45 1 5

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other- Total Negro Total White ; White races Negro races

TEXAS—Contd. Moore...... 309 309 309 Morris ...... 275 275 251 24 Motley 72 72 68 4 Nacogdoches...... 3,444 1,067 1 581 464 22 2,377 1,998 264 115 Navarro—...... 1,005 645 580 47 18 360 278 78 4 565 565 356 209 Nolan ...... 138 iii ids 3 27 27 Nueces...... 1,940 1,732 813 156 763 208 166 20 22 Ochiltree 839 574 265 265 Oldham. 246 574 246 241 5 Orange...... ,_* *xi 5,714 2,791 1.477 1,314 2.923 2,787 41 95 Palo l*iiito - 2,647 770 712 58 1,877 1,778 90 Panola...... 963 963 740 223 Parker 705 518 504 14 187 187 Parmer...... 16 16 16 Pecos...... 513 420 176 3 241 93 60 33 Polk Potter 8.130 7,623 7.U8 241 264 507 499 5 3 Presidio.... 1,308 1,262 85 7 1.170 46 10 35 Rains...... 217 217 202 15 RfttKtoll. _. 275 227 217 10 48 42 6 Reagan...... Real. 198 198 192 6 Red River 817 155 93 59 3 662 692 70 Reeves...... 249 212 87 4 121 | 37 18 19 3 Refugio...... 3 3 Roberts...... 63 63 63 Robertson...... 1;935 231 : 27 201 3 1,704 1,174 530 Rockwall...... 1 42 42 39 3 Runnels 494 325 223 98 4 169 165 3 I Rusk 912 367 334 33 545 510 35 Sabine 1,736 1,736^ 1,350 386 San Augustine 1,370 1.370 j 1.114 256 San Jacinto..... 165 ! 165 164 1 San Patricio...... 243 243 224 2 17 San 8aba...... 319 319, 310 2 7 Schleicher...... 43 43 34 9* 220 149 138 11 71 71 Shackelford ...... 406 406 399 Shelby 2,986 130 82 48 2,856 2,190 662 4*- Sherman...... 651 651 651 Smith 2,554 1,370 738 612 20 1,184 778 401 i l> Somervell...... 437 1 437 437 Starr . 931 931 7 924 Stephens...... 719 628 624 4 91 91

Stonewall...... 7 I 7 7 Sutton...... 42 42 21 2* Swisher... 124 124 124 Tarrant.. 21,511 19,655 127467 5,872 1,316 1,856 1,769 87 Taylor 458 382 342 37 3 76 73 3- Terrell.. 88 88 14 7* Terry..: . . 244 244 244 Throckmorton.... 32 32 Titus 32 1,499 991 ' 503 5 839 783 56 2,338 i Tom Green...... 4,322 4,010 3,437 248 325 312 310 2- Travis. 10,618 8,933 4,487 2,716 1,730 1,685 1,390 218 » 77 Trinity...... 868 868 631 237/ Tyler.. 347 347 335 12- r*""-""" Upshur 197 1 197 173 24.1

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other | Total 1 White Negro Other races. races

TEXAS—Contd. 147 131 111 18 2 16 15! 1 Uvalde 269 213 85 14 114 56 48 ... 8 Val Verde 465 1 1 464 136 317 "Van Zandt.... —. 56 56 54 2 Victoria 40 1 28 15 8 5 12 1 1 2 137 82 23 59 55 43 11 1 -Waller "Ward ...... 108 108 83 1 24 "Washing ton..— . 38 37 20 17 1 1 -Webb-T...... 1,573 1 1,541 J 114: 10 1.417 | 32 24 8 7 1 1 "Wheeler...... 19 14 5 5 'Wichita 1,000 891 854 36 i 108 1 ^Wilbarger...... 60 51 48 3 109 9 Willacy...... 461 173 1 287 461 Williamson __.- ,„ 264 123 59 51 13 36 71 34 Wilson ...... 1 468 141 145 31 292 Winkler _.—... 64 62 60 2 2 .. Wise 73 468 69 Wood...... 181 68 31 37 2 92 20 1 73 Yoalnun-..._.-- ~»..J 34 113 34 98 81 81 34 17 131 17 1 130 289 225 51 169 131 47 22 69 XT' AH. T , r-x 16,354 10,701 10,449 70 182 ' 5,653 5,614 9 30 469 469 468 1 Box Elder...... 48 45 45 3 3 Cache... 478 206 206 •272 272 .Carbon . 577 335 311 12 12 242 227 7 8

Davis... 47 12 12 35 34 1 138 1 138 138 285 I 285 285 H| 11 10 i 285 134 123 11 151 147 4 Juab...... 424 289 288 1 135 133 2 Kane...... ___...... __.. 24 24 24 Millard 262 262 262 Morgan 14 14 14 Piute Rich 1 1 Salt Lake_ 8,091 6,577 6,398 43 136 i 1,504 2 8 9 1,514 Sanpete 446 • 444 2 138 24 1 24 446 114 flmnmlt ,-- r-. 410 274 269 1 4 114 135 i Tooele 482 301 301 136 180 1 Uintah 418 181 417 1 Utah 1,598 1,035 1,034 1 418 563 563

Wayne 11 11 11 Weber— ...... 1,688 1,469 1,438 H 17 219 219 i * i 2,817 1,660 1,656 4 1,157 1,155 1 1 i 180 180 180 Bennington... 202 103 102 i 99 99 202 89 89 113 113 Chittenden.. 349 300 299 i 49 1 31 31 1 31

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Sural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

TxXAa—Contd. 491 431 383 39 9 60 56 4 1,068 856 342 56 458 212 j 170 42 Val Verde...... 1,919 5 5 1,914 486 29* 1,399 Van Zandt-,.-n- 202 202 199 3 Victoria 137 ! 96 58 16 22 41 30 7 4 440 257 72 185 183 147 34 2 Ward...... 347 347 238 5 104 131 124 95 29 7i 7 Webb 5,910 5,763 411 24 5T328" 147 "§§" 114 2 Wharton — ...... 40 38 38 2] Wheeler 85 63 63 22 22 Wichita 3,872 3,438 3,332 104 2 434 430 4 Wilbarger...... 225 192 182 10 33 33 Willacy . ... « 1,925 1,925 658 4 m1,26 3 WflHftTTiqrtTl _ 944 435 214 156 65 509 126 228 155 Wilson ...... 2,047 2,047 620 114 1,313 Winkler ...--r,r-r^ - 201 193 187 6 8 ... Wise - - ...... 285 285 277 Wood .... 666 235 120 115 431 367 61 3 181 181 ' 181 364 285 285 79 1 70 521 521 1 520 Zavala «_.-...... 1,182 967] 175" 792 215 i 139 76 65,009 40,107 39,264 213 630 24,902 24,750 13 139 2,056 2,056 2,054 2 219 202 202 17 17 2,071 869 869 1.202 1,202 ...... 2,286 1,285 1.210 35 40 1,001 956 10 3^5m

Davis ...... 240 63 63 177 167 10 587 587 587 Garfield 1,280 1,280 1,280 38 38 28 16 Iron...... 052 376 345 31 576 £56 20 1,598 1,020 1,014 6 678 575 3 93 93 93 MUlnrd 1,196 1,196 1,196 64 i > 64 64

Rich ...... 7 7 ... . 31,090 24,140 23.557 136 447 6,950 6,906 41 San Joan...... 48 48 48 1,848 1,848 1,841 7 480 78 78 402 1 402 1,410 858 834 2 22 ! 552 548 4 Tooele 1.779 1,047 . 1,047 732 731 1 Uintah 1,853 1.858 1,852 6 Utah . -. 7,394 £756 4,752 4 2,633 2,638

42 42 42 6,373 M13 5,293 40 80 960 960 VlBMONT. 12,403 7,064 7,053 11 5.339 6,333 1 5 Addison...... — 653 653 653 722 359 358 i 363 363 Catatonia. 942 402 402 540 640 OhittfindAtL. 1,548' 1,290 1,289 1 258 258 138 1 i 1381 1 138

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STATE AMD COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

VERMONT—COD. 134 60 59 1 74 74 6 * 6 60 50 50 42 42 41 1 Orleans * ..... 156 77 77 79 79 629 369 369 260 260 303 217 216 1 86 86 161 119 119 42 42 372 326 326 46 45 1 VIRGINIA...... 14,983 9,627 4,244 5,380 3 5,356 3,896 1,456 4- 44 t 43 1 180 180 65 Charlottesville city 300 | 300 134 166 115 ...... Allegl lany ..... 230 85 37 48 145 | 103 42 Clifton Forge city 130 130 54 75 1 Amelia 37 37 24 13 85 85 54 29 2 47 47 ! 47 43 43 ; 37 6 168 i68 126 41 i Augusta...... — 86 32 28 4 54 47 7 109 109] 55 54 45 45 34 11 Bedford...... ^...... 44 5 2 29 8 Bland.. . 37 4 4 Brunswick 396 4 396 124 272 3 i 3 114 114 36 464 464 283 181 78 117 117 68 49 37 6 6 31 31 Charles City ,

13 13 12 1 Clarke Craig 29 13 16 Cumberland 74 74 20

3 ( 3 3 274 1 274 1 155 119 47 10 5 37 28 9 36 36 | 27 9 15 ...... 15 5 id Fairfax 32 32 29 3 53 63 Fluvanna—...... 63 59 4 Frederick 12 Winchester City 24 24 24 12 12 63 Giles 36 63 59 4 38 ... 36 31 38 13 25 11 1 11 11 43 1 1 43 35 8 Halifax Zmm'm 253 34 8 26 231 219 82 137 I 23 1 9 1 14

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other # races races

VERMONT—Con. 5 Franklin...... 015 217 212 398 398 ;™~ 85 ! 35 35 Lamoille...... —. .. 271 271 271 238 236 231 5 Orleans...... ^ ^ 789 396 396 393 393 Rutland...... -.* 2,722 1.568 1,568 * 1.154 1,154 ....— Washington...... — 1,357 914 910 4 443 443 Windham...... 805 563 563 242 242 Windsor 1,570 1,355 | 1,355 216 214 I VIRGINIA...... 65,W 39,644 1 18,746 20.878 20 26,275 19,381 6,878 16 Accomac—..—...... 186 186 I 184 2 Albemarle...... 695 695 503 192 1,195 1,195 644 651 946 339 139 200 607 459 148 Clifton Forge city 614 514 23S 370 6 243 243 184 59 345 j 345 242 91 12 238 238 238 Arlington..——...... 203 203 177) 26 Alexandria cfty-,.-,^ — 660 660 529 124 7 466 166 139 27 300 269 31 Staunton city 428 428 235 193 Bath . 217 217 177 40 298 4i 27 14 257 194 63

Botetourt...... 22 22 22 2.366 | 2,366 702 1*664 9| 597 597 412 185 2,123 2.123 1,329 794 637 1 t37 342 295 204 31 ! 31 173 173

59 69 58 1

120 120 50 70 378 378 115 263

14 14] 14 1,180 1,186 674 512 Elizabeth City 237 52 23 29 185 isi 34 150 150 119 $1 59 59 11 48 172 172 160 12 256 ..... 256 256 Franklin ...... **• 376, 376 355 21 Frederick . ..-»• 89 89 89 89 89 89 Giles 278 278 257 21 187 187 164 23 147 147 66 81 32 32 82 5 5 .... 202 202 * 40 IftlfftK,.... 1,106 ii2 40 72 994 162 595 1 99 399 1 58 * 99 1 41 70147—34- -14 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 202 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

VIRGINIA—Con. 111 56 54 1 i 2,460 27460 1,085 1,375 71 ! 71 42 29 Mart: nsvffle City. 1 1 H

41 1 « 37 4 Lee- 81 81 78 3 M 18 6 24 1

316 1 316 236 79 1 163 163 59 104 • ! • 6 3 20 20 17 3 Radford City. 100 100 96 4 27 27 9 18 Suffolk City 43 43 j 22 21

78 78 35 43 South Norfolk City 1,924 ! 1,924 335 1,589 254 ! 254 113 141 11 2 2 \ 5 4 Northumberland 51 51 40 11 10 10 1 7 3 7 2 170 170 160 10 106 106 55 51 Danville City 467 i ^ 131 336 22 | 4 18 1 109 63 46 49 49 31 Hopewell City 104 104 79 24 i 18 3 3 3 14 10 4 Pulaski 76 55 41 14 21 15 6 1* W M 18 9 18 9 Roanoke...... 75 40 33 7 35 34 1 1,209 1,209 659 550 22 22 5 Buena Vista City 5 5 4 1 a Rockingham Harrisonburg City 95 95 68 27 125 """*""""", ...... Scott 125 123 2 Shenandoah .

7 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 i 14 Fredericksburg City 4 4 2 2 11 3 6 1 Stafford 1 611 5 1 i

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STATE AND COUNTY I Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

VIRGINIA—Con. 6311 681 ! 334 294 3 Richmond CityL »**-..— 10,411 10,411 5,660 ! Henry.... ,..,.7 . ... 350l S5K 359 215 144 Martinsville City. 15 15 Highland...... Isle of Wight...... James City 60 60 14 46 Williamsburg City King George...... 623 623 1 407 216 King William.. ^.... 104 104 178 16 Lee...... —...... —. 370 370 362 8 Loudoun...... 82 82 74 8

Mathews...... 1250 1,250 048 301 1 Mecklenburg:...... 842 842 275 567 Middlesex.. .. 47 47 33 14 Montgomery...... 90 90 70 11 Radford City. 532 532 513 10 Nansemond...... 04 04 30 64 Suffolk City...... 181 iii 96 85 New Kent Norfolk ' 201 291 156 135 South Norfolk City..... Norfolk City 7,514 7,514 1,461 6,053 1,285 1,285 585 700 Northampton.. ,r 71 10 611 29 32 Northumberland ...... 241 241 185 56 Orange...... 41 41 25 16 Page...... 40 40 32 8 Patrick 761 761 710 42 Pittsylvania.. . 527 527 301 226 Danville City . - 1,706 1,706 603 1,103 678 108 87 570 310 260 Prince Qeorge ... .-... 218 1 *i 218' 149 69 Hopewell City.... 394 j 394 j 325 62 7 princess Anne-- ,. --- 13 13 13 Prince William 81 81 65 16 Pulaski 377 273 | 206 67 104 84 20 Rappahannock.. ^ 82 82 82 Richmond...... L _. -..^.i 53 53 36 17 I 448 241 203 38 207 202 5 Roanoke City... ..-.-, i 4,072 4,072 2,821 2,151 Rockbridge .....^.,... ! 133 133 i04 29 10 19 14 5

466 466 330 136 Russell.....— ...... 485 485 481 4

Smyth...... 35 17 17 18 18 Southampton...... -— 1 6 4 2 Spotsylvania „ „ ... 86 86 75 11 Fredericksburg City 25 25 7 18 1 35 1 35 1 29 1 6

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Sl VIE AND BOUNTY Urban Rural Total t Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

VIRGINIA—Con. 3 3 2 Tazewfll-. .———.— 305 31 21 ! 10 i 5 13 274 269 . 13 13 • ! Newport News City 475 475 84 i 391 2 4 353 353 .. 242 111 Wise 1,247 294 270 24 953 939 14 Wythe York 72 72 54 18 37,877 25,967 25,518 373 76 11,910 11,799 39 .72 42 42 42 Asotin...... 85 73 73 12 12 Benton 66 66 66 | 79 52 52 27 27 Clallft"! T . -, 274 154 161 1 2 120 119 1 Clark 760 484 483 1 276 276 47 28 28 19 19 Cowlitt 313 198 191 5 2 115 110 5 40 40 40 9 9 105 75 74 1 1 30 29 1 Garfield 30 30 30 3 3 2,307 1,693 1,689 4 614 j 607 7 54 54 53 1 King i2,~939 9,536 9,236 261 39 3,403 1 3,385 13 5 353 39 39 314 312 2 Kittitas 217 48 44 3 169 155 13 1 14 i 14 14 687 318 317 1 369 364 4 1 20 20 20 148 47 47 1 101 101 ...... 22 7 l 15 15 484 90 90 394 394 9 9 6,416 4,831 4,"758 60 13 l 1/585 1,556 6 24 735 277 274 1 2 i 468 451 7 49 49 *8 1 2,677 1,187 1,180 6 1 1.490 1,490 6,234 5,525 5,490 29 6 709 709 16 16 16 902 208 205 3 694 687 1 6 10 10 10 197 150 150 47 47 Whatcom 1,442 907 903 2 2 535 2 11 37 31 31 522 Yakima 55 9 7 2 46 46 WIST VIRGINIA.. 86,342 21,055 17,859 3,192 • 4 65,287 2,802 20 Barbour . , 1,683 1,683 62,465 125 552 477 406 71 75 1,558 6 1,507 1*507 69 31 2 1,546 1,546 1,474 11 683 343 1 325 18 340| 1,535 33 .... • 307

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i STATS AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

VIRGINIA—Con. Sussex.——.... 15 15 7 8 Tazewell ——.... 1,571 142 1 107 35 1,429 1,403 26 Warren...... 75 75 75

Newport News City 1.621 1,621 343 1,278 Washington...... 47 47 15 32 Bristol City 1,229 1,229 897 332

Wise...... 6,364 1.350 1,265 85 | 5,014 1 47960 54 York . 300 300 216 84 WASHINGTON 127,442 82,362 81,138 975 249! 45,080 44,652 120 308 Adams...... 151 151 151 i Asotin...... 339 276 276 ! 63 63 Benton...... 188 188 188 "Chelan... .*-_-» — »«-- -,- 283 188 188 95 95 1,040 529 519 3 7 511 506 5 •Clark 3,047 1,897 1,895 2 1,150 1,150 Columbia...... J 198 128 128! 70 70 'Cowlitz...... 1,288 730 707 20 3 558 532 26 Douglas...... 178 178 178 Ferry..... —. — 49 49 49 Franklin...... —.... 411 277 273 4 134 132 2 Garfield— ...... 114 114 114 Grant ..... -. -J H H 11 Grays Harbor...... J 47396 47387 9 2,112 2,096 16 Island..—.——— 6,503 179 2 179 177 King 42,~846 30,864 30,026 701 137 11,982 11.918 45 19 Kitsap —.. .— 1,249 134 134 1,115 1,104 11 Kittitas 946 190 175 12 3 756 712 36 8 Klickitat ...... 74 74 74 2,742 1,124 1,123 1 1,618 1,602 10 6 121 121 121 552 154 154 1 398 398 34 18 1 15 3 16 1*704 279 279 1,425 1,425 22 1 22 22 Pierce...... -.....—. 21,832 Km 157603 136 39 6,054 5,931 ii 112 Skagit 27680 885 873 1 11 1,795 1,770 25 181 181 !1 179 2 10,017 4,230| 4,214 13 3 5.787 5,787 18,274 15,472 15,388 71 13 2,802 2.802 75 75 75 Thurston—.—... 3,246 | 742 730 12 2,504 2,482 3 19 Wahkiakum. 45 45 45 HValla Walla 895 675 675 220 220 Whatcom...... 5,499 3,219 3,204 6 9 2,280 2,210 13 57 Whitman 181 147! 147 34 34 Yakima. 243 30' 25 5 213 213 < WEST VIRGINIA.. 386,218 77,454 67,301 10,134 19 308,764 298,202 10,486 76 Barbour...... 8,324 | 8,324 7,671 653 2,382 2,*064 1,800 * 264 318 293 25 Boone . . .. . 7,354 7,354 7.227 123 4 Braxton...... 8,028 8,028 7,965 63 2>446| 1,132 1 1,091 41 1 1,314 1 1,229 i 85

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total |Other| Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro, races

WIST VIBGINIA- Continued. Cabell 5,718 3,964 3,343 621 1,754 1,750 Calhoun- 732 732 731 Clay...... 818 818 818 Doddridge 870 870 870 Fayette 2,463 36 27 2,427 2,116 312 Gilmer 746 746 746 Grant 432 432 421 11 Greenbrier 1,833 1,644 189 Hampshire... 447 ,447 439 8 Hancock 578 135 135 '443 375 68 Hardy.. 502 592 563 29 Harrison.. , 3,157 1,167 1,070 88 1,990 1,893 97 Jackson ...... 054 954 954 Jefferson.. , 76 J* 66 10 Kanawha.. 6,124 2,018 3,266 3.062 201 Lewis...... 1,035 272 263 763 761 2 Lincoln...*.., 2,450 2,450 2,449 1 Logan • 2,633 167 136 2,466 2,260 203 McDowell.... 2,015 135 72 1,880 1,400 480 Marion.—-w 3,286 1,254 1,021 2,032 1,894 138 Marshall 1,738 1,058 1,039 670 10 Mason 1,348 112 105 1,236 1,234 2 Mercer 2,681 1,151 768 1,630 1,406 121 Mineral 1,161 352 310 42 809 777 32 Mingo 2,956 552 330 222 2,404 2,371 33 Monongalia., 2,926 832 31 2,063 1,857 201 Monroe 554 554 526 28 Morgan 318 318 313 5 Nicholas 1,218 208 207 1,010 1,010 Ohio 2,610 2,248 2,010 362 337 "24

Pendleton... 480 480 472 8 Pleasants . 580 580 580 Pocahontas.. 962 962 902 "59 Preston 1,827 1,827 1,817 10 Putnam 1,122 1,122 1,117 5 Raleigh 1,668 357 265 1,311 1,202 108 Randolph., 2,010 334 320 1,676 1,672 4 Ritchie 789 789 788 1 Roamw— 1,305 1,305 1,305 Summers.. 1,260 155 131 1,105 1,085 Taylor 1,437 818 Tucker 841 841 Tyler.. 806 132 "i32 674 673 Upshur ... 1,680 170 163 1,510 1,509 Wayne 3,065 278 276 2,787 2,777 Webster 1,050 ' 1,050 1,049 Wetzel 1,620 105 105 1,515 1,510 Wirt 815 816 809 Wood 1,313 1,313 1,223 90 Wyoming., 1,272 1,272 1,176

WISCONSIN. 67,352 48,936 47,102 1,594 240 18,416 17,783 Adams . 66 66 66 m Ashland * . 958 421 419 " *2 537 409 128 Barron—...... 454 171 171 283 274 9 Bayfield 608 608 520 87 Brown ». 1,184 930 245 216 28

Buffalo 36 36 36 Burnett...... j 148 148 143 Calumet ...... 69 69 67 Chippewa. ..M 314 154 154 160 160 Clark 582 566 IS

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STATE AND COUXTT Urban Rural Total 1 Other Other Total White' •Negro races Total White "Negro * faces

WEST VlBGINU— Continued, CabeU 22,401 14,151 12,354 1,797 8,250 8,235 9 e Calhoun...... 3,965 3,965 3,963 2 Clay. 4,225 4,225 4,225 Doddridge...... 3,871 3,871 3,871 Fayette...... 11,051 124 94 30 10,927 9.754 1,173 Gilmer.._....__....._.. 3,681 3,581 3,581 Grant...... 2.233 2,233 2,165 68 Greenbrier...... 9,002 —:...: 9,002 8,176 826 Hampshire ...... 2,083 2,083 2,033 50 1,030 475 475 1,455 1.297 158 3,128 3,128 1 2,985 143 Harrison...... 12,917 4,'483 47l82 301 8,434 8,157 277 4,760 4,766 ' 4,766 Jefferson...... 323 323 288 35 Kanawha...... 26,147 167555 7,899 2,652 4 15,592 14,841 739 *"*J2 Lewis ...... 4,285 1,021 995 26 3,264 3,260 4 Lincoln.-.--.....------12,340 12,340 12,336 4 Logan...... — 12,389 652 674 72 6 11,737 10,969 748 20 MclDowell...... - -—..— 9,474 1 M2 329 233 8,912 7,233 1,679 12,745 3,585 650 8,042 4,235 8,510 468 Marshall...... 6,822 3,871 3,817 54 2,951 2,914 37 Mason...... 6,097 439 419 20 5,658 5,650 8| Mercer...... 12,190 4,716 3,307 1,409 7,474 6,952 510 12 Mineral...... 4,817 1,355 1,203 152 3,462 3,339 123 Mingo...—-r, ^.... 12,439 1,841 1,174 667 10,598 10,474 124 Monongalia.. „ 11,038 2,833 2,742 91 8,205 7,617 573 15 Monroe.. -...... 2,865 2,865 2,711 154 1,397 1,397 1,382 15 6,584 1,000 991 9 5,684 5,584 Ohio. 9,044 7,586 6,928 658 1,458 1,419 37 2 Pendleton...... 2,489 2,489 1 2,454 35 2,406 2,406 2.406 Pocahontas.** ...... 4,588 4,588 4,338 247 i Preston...... 8,065 8,065 8,026 39 5,859 ! 5,859.1 5,848 11 Raleigh...... 8,182 1,622 1,151 371 6,660 6,192 466 2 Randolph...... 9,601 1,362 1,321 41 8,239 8,227 12 Bitcbie 3,491 3,491 3,489 2 Roane...... 6,468 ,6,468 1 i 0.468. 6,554 679 i 675 104 '6,875 '6,782 93 5,815 J 3,376 3,222 154 ...... 2,439 2,186 253 Tucker.. * . *. 3,662 3,662 3,659 3 Tyler...... 3,575 1 472 472 3,103 3,096 7 Upshur...—...... 8,206 771 734 37 7,435 7,432 3 15,576 1,191 1.187 4 14,385 1 14,359 26 ...... Webster...... 5,255 5,255 5,249 6 Wetzel....-....—..... 6,925 369 369 6,556 6,533 23 Wirt 3,805 3,805 3,784 21 Wood ...... 4,617 47617 ' 4,311 306 6,396 67396 67070 326 255,800 176,418 171,628 3,855 935 79,382 76,876 117 2,389 Adams . . *.4.j.-i.» 306 306 306 Ashland...... 3,557 1,506 1,501 * 2,051 1,611 440 1,918 695 695 1*223 1.190 33 Bayfield..-. 2,382 2,382 1,978 8 396 4,933 37769 3,744 2 23 1.154 1,039 4 121 Buffalo . 132 132 132 Burnett...... 877 577 558 19 Calumet.... j. 296 296 293 3 Chippewa...... 1,446 644 644 j 802 802 2,615 I 2,616 2,541 1 S"I 60

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STATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

WISCONSIN—Con. Columbia . 360 156 154 1 1 204 ! 197 ...... _ 7 Crawford-....*—...... 80 75 75 * 2,823 2.177 2,137 38 2 646 644 1 1 655 407 407 248 247 1 Door..._-.-..,_...... 312 151 151 161 161 Douglas . 1,038 1,631 1,509 5 17 407 402 5 Dunn „...... 104 3 3 101 101 Eau Claire...... 926 702 224 222 1 1 Florence ...... 209 702 209 209 Fond du Lac...... 991 913 901 4 8 78 | 78 Forest ...... 599 599 572 27 Grant ... 774 65 65 709 706 2 1 Green...... 212 100 100 112 112 Green Lake .. 96 71 71 25 25 237 237 237 831 221 221 ...... 610 610 Jackson . 153 153 151 2 Jefferson..... 440 282 250 2 158 157 1 304 304 290 14 3,215 27860 2,803 45 12 385 385 Kewaunee...... 83 83 i 83 884 734 728 5 150 128 22 Lafayette 120 i 120 120 397 199 199 198 194 4 346 204 204 142 142 Manitowoc . 888 781 778 3 107 105 1 1 1,115 666 665 1 449 444 5 Marinette 688 391 390 1 297 296 1 Marquette 46 46 46 Milwaukee 23,697 22,184 | 20*710 1,344 130 1,513 1,495 4 14 Monroe...... 348 143 142 1 '205 186 1 18 629 305 304 1 324 324 Oneida 389 202 202 187 173 14 Outagamie 600 448 444 4 212 169 43 145 62 62 83 81 2 15 16 15 Pierce 122 122 121 1 poik. :: 401 401 383 18 Portage 503| 315 314 1 188 188 Price.. ! 378 45 41 4 333 331 1 1 Racine 4,370 ' 3,925 3,857 59 9 445 435 7 3 Richland 74 22 22 52 50 2 Rock 2,093 1,723 1,642 73 8 370 368 2 Rusk 252 102 101 150 146 4 70 1 1 1 69 60 Sauk 227 106 103 3 121 121 Sawyer...... 254 254 232 22 Shawano 401 81 81 320 234 86 885 755 755 130 130 Taylor 282: 282 282 Trempealeau 185 185 1 185 375 55 55 320 320 vjias "::..:::: 210 J 210 206 4 Walworth ... 428 202 198 4 226 225 1 Washburn 485 485 485 Washington 137 , 69 69 68 68 -- Waukesha 1,146 757 740 4 13 389 386 2 WaupacaL 473 1 • *» 306 1 1 165 165 Waushara . 234 234 234 ...... Winnebagl 2,388 2*196 2,181 4 192 189 1 2 Wood 821 1I 556 555 11 1 2651 1 261 4

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Rural STATE AND COUNTY Urban Total Total White Negro Other Total White Negro Other races races

WISCONSIN—Con. Columbia —... 1,405 564 557 1 6 841 ! 815 26 Crawford...-* — 400 376 376 24 24 Dane ... 10,806 8,113 8,012 93 8 2,693 2,673 9 11 Dodgo...... 3,058 1,861 1,861 1,197 1,190 7 Door.... 1,325 565 565 760 760 Douglas ...... 6,644 5,120 5,044 7 69 1,524 1,515 9 Dunn ...... 482 8 474 474 Eau Claire...... 3,741 2,689 1,052 1,042 2 8 Florence...... 868 2,689 868 868 Fond du Lao...... 3,830 M59 M17 7 35 371 371 Forest...... 2,584 2,584 2,486 98 2,911 1 249 1 249 2,662 2,656 2 845 354 354 491 491 339 250 250 89 89 1.025 1,025 1,025 Iron...... 3,338 903 903 2,435 2,435 704 704 694 10 Jefferson...... 1,652 1,057 1,052! 5 595 588 1 7 Juneau ...... 1,500 1,500 1.453 47 Kenosha...... 11,368 9,783 9,644 106 33 1 1,585 1,585 Kewaunee.—...... 322 322 322 La Crosse...... 3,484 27778 2,*768 8 2 1 706 622 84 Lafayette....—...... 545 545 545 Langlade.———.... 1,615 751 751 864 855 9 Lincoln...... 1,786 1,015 1,015 771 771 Manitowoc... -.— 3,460 2,939 2,925 521 516 1 4 5,144 2,868 2,867 1 2,276 2,254 22 Marinette...... 2,765 i 1,468 1,467 1 1,297 1,295 2 Marquette...... 172 172 172 Milwaukee r 83,039 76,"470 72,*775 3,171 524 6,669 6,493 6 70 1,546 587 581 6 959 872 6 81 Oconto...... 2,621 1,193 1.192 1 1,428 1,428 Oneida ...... 1,633 806 ' 8P6 827 775 52 Outagamie ...... 2,791 1,788 1,771 17 1 1.003 851 152 Ozaukee... - — 557 194 194 363 356 7 Pepin...... 65 65 65 Pierce ...... 258 258 257 1 Polk 1,716 1,716 1,624 92 Portage...... 2,290 1,323 i*~321 2 967 967 Price.. 1,429 139 120 19 1,290 1,281 4 5 Racine. .—...... — 15,163 13,239 13,055 140 44 1 1,924 1,899 11 14 Richland...... 348 118 118 230 220 10 Rock.. 7,997 6,475 6,182 267 i 26 1,522 1,514 8 Rusk ...... 1,126 459 458 1 667| 656 11 St. Croix.. 340 3 3 337 337 Sauk...... 1,004 443 434 9 561 561 Sawyer.. ..—...... 1,106 ! 1,106 1,049 57 1,858 376 376 1,482 1,078 404 Sheboygan ...... 3,374 2,869 2,869 505 505 Taylor 1.256 1*256 Trempaeleau ...... 729 729 729 Vernon . .. 1,657 210 210 1,447 1,447 Vilas 779 779 771 8 Walworth 1,722 792 779 13 930 927 3 Washburn 2,187 2,187 2,187 Washington ...... 696 317 317 379 ' 379 .. Waukesha 4,698 2,968 2,909 11 48 1,730 1.715 8 Waupaca...... 1,906 1.107 1*190 1 6 709 709 Waushara 971 971 971 Winnebago...... 9,262 M34 j 87385 10 i 39 828 818 2 8 wcKHi.;!:!:::::::.::::: 3,395 1 2,234 | 1 2,225 9] 1,161 1,143 1 LIS Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 210 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



MATE AND COUNTY Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White Negro races

1 482 709 652 21 36 773 765 1 7 Albany ....__. 105 1 91 80 5 6 ! 14 14 10 10 10 Campbell 18 18 18 Garbbn 50 45 §5 3 12 ! Converse 128 126 128 Crook 1 1 1 Fremont ...... 60 1 60 56 4 43 1 *3 43 Rot Springs..—...—— 42 42 41 1 18 18 18 Laramie . ._.__._. 90 79 70 4 5 H 11 173 173 171 , Natrona «...... 311 267 258 4 5 44 44 Niobrara 16 18 16 Park 3 3 3 Platte 49 49 49 Sheridan .. ._ 106 88 88 18 18 Sublette . Sweetwater...... 181 139 126 5 8 • 41 1 42 Uinta. Washakie 3 3 3 Weston 68 Yellowstone National 68 68

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STATl AND COUNTT Urban Rural Total Other Other Total White Negro races Total White : Negro races

5,188 2,353 2,166 44 143 I 2,835 2,803 1 31 Albany...... 363 309 267 | 10 32 1 54 54 Big Horn ...... 55 55 55 Campbell...... 81 81 81 Carbon ...... 149 i§7 75 4 i & 12 12 Converse...... 432 432 432 Crook ...... 8 8 Fremont...... 211 211 186 25 Goshen...... 193 193 193 Hot Springs . .... 162 162 161 .. Johnso*1....., 38 38 38 Laramie...... 322 297 260 13 24 25 25 531 531 526 6 Natrona...... 1,060 909 890 9 10 171 171 Niobrara...... 72 72 72 Park 17 17 Platte 252 252 252 Sheridan ...... 411 341 341 70 | ! 70 Sublette ...... 24 241 24 Sweetwater ...... 456 360 333 8 19 95 j Teton.... 96 Uinta "Washakie...... 11 "Weston.. .. 320 * 320 320 Yellowstone National 1

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[Cities of 100,000 or more population are indicated by an asterisk]


STATE AND CITY All White Negro Other All 1 White Negro Other classes races classes races

ALABAMA •Birmingham .,, 11,764 4,422 7,342 43,787 17.567 26,220 Mobile 2,390 1,270 1,117 3 9,613 4,813 4,788 12 2,724 1,368 1,356 9,886 4,783 5,103 ARIZONA Phoenix...... 2,715 1.436 399 880 9,898 4,332 1,213 4,353 Tucson...... 1,494 305 58 1,131 6,431 909 157 5,366 ARKANSAS 2,300 1,670 629 1 7,964 6,073 1,886 5 Little Rock.... 5,144 2,914 2,227 3 16,045 9,311 6,728 733 385 346 2 2,718 1,520 1.185 13 CALIFORNIA . 271 259 10 2 1,076 1,018 42 1* Alhfttphra ..„....„ 750 742 3 5 2,419 2,398 15 92 88 459 436 .23 1 Belvedere township. 4| Berkeley ...... 1,151 922 190 39 §,"945 3,178 1 589 178 20 18 2 76 70 6 Glendale - 1,750 1,727 1 22 5,639 6,546 i 92 •Long Beach 3,850 3,788 27 35 11.465 11,204 61 200 36,897 28,079 4,027 4,791 113,425 79,500 11,714 22,211 'Oakland 4,875 4,269 384 222 19,335 16.944 1.192 1,199 Pasadena „, w^___„ 2,745 2,252 305 188 7,986 6.241 833 912 Riverside...... 595 535 22 38 2,176 1,927 86 163 655 607 14 34 2,477 2,221 68 198 San Bernardino 1,367 1,252 5 4,603 4,106 14 483 3,449 2,795 194 no 11,092 8,228 540 2,324 21,188 19,437 261 460 51,909 46,629 570 4,710 San Jose...... 152 142 3 1,490 817 762 15 40 469 442 27 1.495 1,364 131 878! 662 32 184 3,641 2,548 92 1,001 Santa Monica 1,678 1,333 85 160 4,743 3,802 209 732 214 184 7 23 939 j 778 29 132 COLORADO Colorado Springs.. . 1,387 1 1,272 87 28 4,736 •4,375 229 132 •Denver ...... 10,369 9,389 612 368 34,458 31,064 1,540 1,854 Pueblo...... 1,986 1,623 136 227 6.686 5,338 367 981 CONNECTICUT 1,722 1,698 24 7,348 7,260 88 Bristol 637 634 3 2,458 2,452 6 •Hartford 3,009 2,438 570 1 12,752 10,395 2,354 3, 806 800 6 3,274 3,250 24 2,034 2,009 24 1 », 183 9,089 91 2,325 2,050 275 10,961 9,897 1,064 a 837 771 64 2 2,734 2,512 214 8 rwalk 406 347 59 1.408 1,252 156 Stamford...... 1*475 1,291 183 1 0.561 6,876 680 5 551 544 7 2,317 2,302 15 352 349 3 1.450 1.442 8 West Haventown 629 628 1 2,298 2,294 4 DELAWARE

•Wilmington 4,493 2,808 1,685 16,257 '11.185 5,072 DISTRICT or CO­ LUMBIA

•Washington...... 12,228 1 2,674 9,546 8 1 37,463 1 8,591 1 28,850 »

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STAYS AND CUT | All Other All White Negro I White Negro Other classes races 1 classfg || races

FLOBIDA 13,016 3,630 10,286 41,427 11,853 29,574 •Miajn* -r- 6,805 3,846 2.968 20,961 11,981 8,978 2 Orlando...... 1 1,828 730 1.098 1II 6,029 2,588 3.441 2,464 1.104 1.350 8.806 4,287 4,519 2,785 1,214 1.570 i 9,491 4,012 5,477 ...... 2. 7,585 4,759 2,821 24.394 16,352 8.017 25 West Palm Beach.. 1,999 686 1,313 6 II 6,190 2,116 4,074 QSOBOIA 'Atlanta... ._—,«-- 9,408 4,311 5,187 36.797 16,343 20.464 4,454 1,370 3,084 14.270 4,603 9.667 829 436 393 3.594 1.968 1.626 ...... 3,043 850 2.193 10.352 3.471 6.881 ...... 6,882 1 2,049 3,833 15,814 5,980 9,834 ILLINOIS 636 366 269 1 2.352 1,510 840 2 1,660 1,623 127 6,104 5,645 397 62 Belleville .....— 644 530 10 1.835 1,803 32 Bttrwyn...... 876 875 14 3.409 3,404 1,530 1,384 1 5.328 4.922 406 'Chicago}...... 118,458 91,939 146 1,144 401.592 316.014 80,542 • 5,036 Cicero" __...... 1,442 1,441 26,376 5,603 5,603 1.304 1.031 273 4.834 3.891 943 2,349 2,115 234 7,927 7.223 704 4,657 2,396 2,159 2 14.478 8,184 6,290 4 Elgin 1,275 1.245 i 17 13 4.539 4,410 60 69 1,535 752 781 2 5.304 2,793 2,504 7 Galesburg...... — 914 782' 125 3.169 2,808 335 26 Granite City.... 1,029 1,003 26 3.757 3,655 102 Joliet 2,700 2,523 152 25 11.013 10,435 1 459 119 May wood...... - 551 471 80 2.158 1,912 246 Moline ...... 1,352 1 1,293 32 27 4.292 4,057 89 146 316 315 1 1.281 1.277 4 •Peoria...... 2,262 1,996 258 .. I 7.849 7,048 752 49 | 5,487 2,048 1.758 287 3 ! 6.216 722 7 Rockford...... 5,249 5.097 130 18.050 17.581 389 80 1 1,570 1.462 93 22 1 5.565 5.193 283 89 Springfield...... 1,122 981 141 15 4.729 4,223 606 3,554 1,242 1,120 110 1 12 3.898 298 46 INDIANA Anderson...... 741 640 101 2,710 2,377 333 1,974 1.349 646 79 6.798 4,842 1,664 292 Elkhart 901 878 23 3,746 3.659 87 •Evansville ... 3,812 I 2.963 848 i 14.480 11.636 2,839 5 •Fort Wayne 4,039 3,663 375 I 14.977 13,921 1,053 3 •Oary 2,852 1,435 1,398 19 8.890 5,000 3,820 70 2,071 1.999 72 7,874 i 7,645 229 10,850 7,049 3,798 3 44,427 1 29,801 14,607 19 1,660 1,515 145 5,698 5,243 455 Lafavette...... 739 699 40 2.721 2,596 125 Michigan City. 1*188 1.095 93 4. !!* 3,972 226 1 T Mishawaka...... 899 899 3,249 3,249 1 * Muncie...... 1.448 1.247 201 5,704 4.972 732 New Albany...... 805 648 157 2,759 2,240 519 1.537 1.258 278 5.661 4,767 889 5 *8outh Bend. ... 2,799 2.377 422 i 10,769 9,442 1,327 Terre Haute...... 2,109 1.878 231 6,935 6,234 701 IOWA Burlington 765 727 36 2 2.876 2,781 93 1 2 Cedar Rapids 1,075 1,025 460 10 4.146 3,958 141 46 Clinton 656 650 2,386 2,367 19 944 II 886 46 13 4,081 ». 874 134 73 2,425 2.313 85 27 8,189 7,789 247 153 4,588 4.089 479 20 19,051 17,206 1.748 97 1,406 1.401 4 1 5,492 5,470 13 9 Oitumwa ...... 682 666 16 2,770 2,702 68 8ii»ux City...... 2.654 2.597 40 17 8,791 1 8,598 118 75 Wnfrrlnn 612 44 1 2 1 2,623 1 2.414 201 1 8 1 Includes 1,361 white families kncwn to have been on relief but for whom no detailed information is ivai*ab<„. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 214 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATS AND CITY All Other AU Other White Negro races White Negro races


Hutchinson. 804 71 13 3,105 2,797 234 74 'Kansas City.. 4,812 2,564 2,188 60 17,897 9,910 7,679 308 Topeka 3,771 2,811 755 205 13,549 9,947 2,518 1,084 •Wichita—— 4,467 3,836 576 55 15,550 13,425 1,826 299 KENTUCKY Ashland 647 620 27 2,885 2,793 92 Covington 1,249 1,010 239 4,648 3,953 695 Lexington 1,542 562 980 5,787 2,589 3,198 •Louisville 3,318 2,428 15,548 11,438 4,106 Newport 864 685 179 3,083 2,525 558 Paducah 1,057 642 415 4,140 1,447 LOUISIANA

Baton Rouge 1,614 1,327 5,955 1,148 4,807 Monroe 1,079 726 3,645 1,356 26 •New Orleans 22,429 7,938 14,421 80,812 31,452 49,103 257 Shreveport 2,162 1,581 9,359 2,565 6,790 4 MAINS Bangor— 150 144 704 677 27 Lewis ton.. 366 1,322 1,322 Portland.., 1,278 5,812 5,790 16 MARYLAND

•Baltimore.... 25,182 14,552 10,621 102,830 61,872 35 Cumberland... 350 338 12 1,552 1,482 Hagerstown... 485 437 48 2,138 1,953 MASSACHUSETTS

Arlington Town.... 314 314 1,252 1,252 Beverly 378 377 1 1,500 1,499 1 •Boston 30,631 28,797 1,828 99,758 94,898 4,844 10 Brockton 1,142 1,121 19 3,749 84 6 Brookline Town.-, 511 607 4 1,726 1,711 15 •Cambridge 1,706 1,578 128 7,144 6,604 540 Chelsea 1,511 1,491 20 5,475 5,403 72 Chlcopce 1,050 1,050 4,731 4,731 Everett 1,097 1,050 4,235 4,094 139 •Fall River 2,341 2,326 7,719 7,675 42 Fitchburg 871 870 3,888 3,886 2 Haverhill- 916 904 3,317 3,270 47 Holyoke 921 919 4,116 4,112 4 Lawrence 451 449 1,601 1,688 13 •Lowell-.-. 1,874 1,872 6,650 7 •Lynn 2,796 2,739 10,210 9,950 253 Maiden ._ 1,042 1,020 4,104 4,024 80 Medford 704 690 2,860 2,818 42 •New Bedford 1,441 1,346 4,540 4,169 371 Newton 610 593 2,405 2,355 50 Pittsfield 1,451 1,434 6,018 6,959 59 Quincy . 1,6S6 1,683 6,706 6,699 6 Revere 843 837 3,199 3,171 28 Salem 616 612 2,390 2,380 10 •Somerville 1,504 1,504 6,319 6,319 •Springfield 4,086 3,854 232 16,474 15,632 "§42* Taunton 608 598 9 2,276 2,226 48 Waltham.. 847 847 3,456 3,456 Watertown Town.. 453 453 1,650 1,650 • Worcester 4,229 4,163 66 16,024 15,787 237 MICHIGAN

Ann Arbor 684 540 143 1 2,097 1,686 404 7 Battle Creek 1,609 1,388 219 2 5,410 4,744 664 2 Bay City—^— 894 886 6 2 3,689 3.663 18 8 Dearborn 2,905 2,883 3 19 9,434 9,390 4 40 •Detroit 44,007 34,618 9,168 221 180,311 L16,063 33,140 1,108 •Flint 4,169 3,373 786 10 15.425 12,926 1 2,453 46

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RA« AND CRT All Other All Other classes White Negro races White Negro races

MICHIGAN—Con. •Grand Rapids 6,711 6,532 169 27,276 26,580 47 Hamtraxnck 2,528 2,156 370 9,662 8,498 1,152 12 Highland Park 002 829 72 3,833 3,490 339 4 Jackson -. 2,691 2,586 103 9,734 9,406 319 9 Kalamazoo 1,177 1,112 64 3,935 3,740 193 2 Lansing... 2,620 2,489 131 10,028 9,579 449 Muskegon 2,511 2,389 95 8,410 8,127 215 Pontiac 3,094 2,634 425 11,185 9,744 1,261 ISO Port Huron 1,182 977 183 5,007 4,232 91 Saginaw— . 1,618 1,501 111 5,186 4,909 24 322 321 1 1,662 1,660 Wyandotte MINNESOTA 3,586 13,434 13,247 143 44 •Duluth 14,983 14,702 251 46,103 45,328 633 142 •Minneapolis. 10,860 10,422 404 36,997 35,730 1,107 160 •St. PauL. MISSISSIPPI 1,577 762 814 5,234 2,636 2,593 2,187 1,131 1,053 4,488 3,715 Jackson Meridian 1,537 1,482 55 5,886 5,699 187 MISSOURI 7,651 5,262 2,281 108 28,343 20,854 6,883 608 791 706 81 4 3,003 2,720 261 22 Joplin 27,377 15,639 11,689 49 52,132 32,110 •Kansas City. 1,233 1,166 67 4,710 4,582 128 St. Joseph 117 117 512 512 •St. Louis Springfield University City.—. MONTANA 4,254 4,230 12,935 12,879 38 Butte 773 756 2,614 2,544 47 Great Falls NEBRASKA 1,353 1,288 48 17 5,136 4,924 125 87 5,013 3,901 1,090 18,288 14,889 3,306 93 Lincoln •Omaha...... *. 1,061 1,047 14 NEW HAMPSHIRE 1,294 1,294 5,085 5,085 490 490 1,956 1,956 Concord Manchester | Nashua 2,120 829 1,291 6,777 2,934 3,843 NEW JERSET 2,771 2,559 212 11,611 10,863 748 Atlantic City. 708 636 72 3,566 3,275 291 Bayonne .. 467 428 39 2,024 1,878 146 BeUville 4,821 3,213 1,604 17,244 12,127 5,108 Bloomfield 456 453 3 1,905 1,894 11 •Camden 628 406 222 2,421 1,490 931 Clifton 1,764 1,399 362 7,448 5,933 1,507 East Orange 702 675 27 3,469 3,344 125 •Elizabeth 2,171 2,120 51 9,111 8,945 166 Garfield 587 583 4 2,333 2,315 18 Hoboken 6,725 5,981 737 31,300 28,256 3,001 Irving ton 818 815 3 3,191 3,182 9 •Jersey City 798 369 429 3,322 1,661 1,661 Kearny 13,761 9,673 4,077 67,442 42,027 15,376 "5 Montclair 622 511 111 2,343 1,985 •Newark.... -._ New Brunswick—-| 1,090 1,075 15 4,627 4,565 62 North Bergen town­ 1,241 705 536 5,057 3,055 2,002 ship. 927 802 125 3,476 3,010 466 Orange 3,058 2,805 248 11,733 10,845 869 19 Passaic 1,793 1,685 105 7,585 7,185 397 3 •Paterson 709 441 2,821 1,905 916 Perth Amboy Plainfield ... Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 216 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



STATE AND CJTT All All Other .White Negro °*ST White Negro races

NEW JEBSET—Con. •Trenton 2,399 1,756 642 10,304 7,585 2,715 Union City. 1,845 1,844 1 7,097 7,094 3 West Now York | 1,433 1,426 7 5,636 5,612 24 Woodbridge town­ ship 1,112 1,076 35 4,588 146 1 4,441 NEW MEXICO Albuquerque 491 459 1,997 11 140 1,846 NEW YOB* •Albany 3,149 11,670 10,707 859 4 Amsterdam—... 649 627 22 2,151 2,065 86 Auburn , 1,179 1,153 24 4,420 4,266 145 9 Binghamton 1,290 1,270 20 4,950 4,859 91 •Buffalo 22,227 20,418 1,776 86,453 80,691 5,661 101 Elmira.... 1,605 1,551 54 5,726 5,525 201 Jamestown 849 836 12 3,221 3,162 54 5 Kingston 717 627 90 2,793 2,531 262 Mount Vernon... 1,726 1,345 379 7,030 5,629 1,392 9 Newburgn...... 761 670 91 2,608 2,314 294 New Rochelle.... 1,956 1,419 536 1 7,046 5,406 1,635 •New York» 172,975 149.993 22,618 364 687,475 607.762 78,262 1,451 Bronx Boroughs 25.621 24,854 762 5 106,323 103,185 3,114 24 Brooklyn Bor­ ough 49,430 3,792 106 235,895 220,022 15,444 429 Manhattan Bor­ ough 59,309 43,125 16,945 224.739 169,707 54,075 957 uepn? Borough3| 21,799 20.639 1,149 90,000 85,402 4,560 38 Sichmond Bor­ ough* 7,512 7,208 303 30,518 29.446 1,069 3 Niagara Falls 2,271 2,153 114 8,187 7,846 328 13 Pougbkeepsie 1,169 1.050 118 4,584 4,143 439 2 •Rochester 10,662 10,518 140 41.498 41,000 476 22 Rome 452 444 8 2,004 1,971 33 Schenectady 3.790 3,718 72 14,227 14,022 205 •Syracuse 7.971 7,716 249 29,464 747 28 Troy 1,675 1,629 46 5,996 5,877 119 •Utica 2,247 2,219 27 8,839 8.754 78 7 Watertown 1,251 1,246 5 4.846 4,828 18 White Plains 1,490 1,122 367 5.433 4,291 1.140 2 •Yonkers 4,218 3,990 17,781 16,941 840 NORTH CAROLINA Asheville 1.940 1,090 850 7,858 4,577 3.281 Charlotte 3,728 1,127 2,601 14,266 4,835 9.431 Durham...... 756 330 426 2,811 1.256 1,555 Greensboro...... 1,550 451 1,099 5,958 1.946 4.012 High Point 1,210 529 681 4.829 2.321 2.508 Raleigh 1,750 519 1,231 6,358 1.895 4.463 Wilmington 1,405 490 915 5.613 2.182 3,431 Winston-Salem 1,322 764 5,611 2,541 3,070 NORTH DAKOTA Fargo 210 210 1.053 1.053 OHIO •Akron 8,175 6,501 1,666 29,414 6,357 27 •Canton 2,783 2,478 303 9.590 8,554 1,033 3 •Cincinnati 17,425 11,929 5,487 66,191 46.028 20,137 26 •Cleveland 38.520 28,365 10,119 134,037 102,950 30,939 148 Cleveland Heights.. 272 265 7 1.061 1,046 15 •Columbus 10,782 7,366 3,408 37,698 26.715 10,949 34 •Dayton 8,663 6,425 2,230 27,849 21,218 6,615 16 East Cleveland 372 370 2 1.353 1,346 8 Elyria 213 161 52 758 592 166 Hamilton... 2,694 2,417 277 10,870 9,982 888 Lakewood 359 358 1 1,351 1,349 2 Lima 1.C02 921 81 4,328 3.985 343 Lorain 792 698 79 15 3.139 2.804 [1 282 1 53 J Includes 6,031 white, 698 Negro, and 2 other races, for whom no detailed information is available. J Includes 513 white and 16 Negro families for whom no detailed information Is available. J Includes 512 white and 10 Negro families for whom no detailed information is available. < Includes 269 white and 5 Negro families for whom no detailed Information is available.

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STATE AND CITY All White Negro Other All White Negro Other 1 classes races classes races

OHIO—Continued 468 396 72 1,468 1,257 211 Marion...... —— 1,216 1,168 47 ! 4,837 4,677 157 Massillon...... 779 645 133 i 2,635 2,125 506 i4 955 681 274 l 3,771 2,842 929 j Newark...—.—— 984 925 58 i 3,456 3,280 174 2 336 334 2 1,312 1,305 7 3,764 958 874 83 2i 4,010 240 6 Springfield...... 2,492 1,625 865 9,805 6,521 3,278 6 2,821 2,066 701 463 235 3 743 12 •Toledo 15,791 13,049 2,694 53,480 45,797 7,493 190 1,091 800 290 48 3,476 2,710 765 1 1 29,344 22,107 8,073 5,595 2,463 15 1 7,168 69 1,371 | 1,171 200 5,030 4,366 664 ! OKLAHOMA Enid 982] 880 1 88 14 1 3,552 3,141 340 71 204 -98 99 7 785 410 350 25 •Oklahoma City—- i 10,425 | ! 8,702 1,574 149 32,764 27,583 4,662 519 5,283 3,470 1,788 25 | 17,658 12,306 5,252 100 OREGON 10,012 9,885 87 40 28,588 28,217 240 131 459 458 1 1,654 1,648 Q PENNSYLVANIA 128 98 30 364 268 96 3,236 3,202 34 12,322 12,201 121 1,894 1,825 69 7,921 7,684 237 Bethlehem...... —1 1,639 1,657 70 12 7,435 7,088 293 54 1.715 948 766 1 8,271 4,781 3,480 10 1,093 1,062 31 4,551 4,443 108 •Erie 3,937 3,797 140 16,256 15,769 487 Harrisburg...... 2,741 2,020 721 11,721 8,990 2,731 590 589 1 2,878 2,876 2 Johnstown ...... 1,934 j 1,898 34 21 7,073 6,972 99 2 Lancaster...... —. 1,671 | i 1,530 138 3 6,983 6,471 504 8 Lebanon. . 536 520 15 2,287 2,235 45 7 Lower Merion town- 1 2,891 1 2,193 294 4 11,762 10,864 885 13 399 399 1,441 1,441 New Castle...... 1,803 1,606 197 7,768 7,098 670 521 358 163 2,431 1.757 674 •Philadelphia 53,301 32,384 20,866 51 217,164 141,512 75,458 194 •Pittsburgh 31,877 23,956 7,891 30 120,327 96,345 23,871 111 6,133 4,892 241 j 16,178 15,539 639 4,418 4,384 34 21,790 21,659 131 772 733 39 3,223 3,099 124 4 4 20 20 Wilkes-Barre 3,125 3,049 74 2 12,892 12,655 228 9 9S6 1 915 70 1 4,105 3,788 310 7 1,495 1 1,402 93 6,077 5,712 1 365 York 1,901 | 1,747 154 6,902 6,367 ! 535 RHODE ISLAND 344 344 1,404 1.404 393 , 393 2,133 2,133 East Providence 472 1| 444 28 2,103 1,958 145 528 ! 405 123 1 1,940 1,540 400 1,058 1 1.054 4 4,101 4,084 17 4,885 4,575 306 4 22,998 21,724 1 1,264 10 723 718 4 1 2.604 2,582 19 & SOUTH CAROLINA 4,725 2,143 2,582 17,499 7,909 9,690 4,816 2,259 2,557 17,784 8,474 1 9,310 2,471 1,396 1,075 9,609 5,335 I 4,274 2,236 994 1,242 8,833 3,848 4,985

. SOUTH DAKOTA Sioux Falls...... 1,050 j 1,043 6 1 | 3,696 1 3,673 13 10- Digitized for FRASER70147—34 - 15 http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 218 UNEMPLOYMENT BELIEF CENSUS



- 8TATE AND CITT Other All j White Negro Other All White Negro classes races classes races

TENNESSEE 'Chattanooga. ... 3,328 1,269 2,059 13,549 5,467 8,082 645 524 121 2,953 2,469 484 •Knoxvilifl M . 2,309 j 1,599 710 i 10,518 7,542 2,976 •Memphis ... 4,783 1,869 2,914 1 18,183 7,511 10,672 •Nashyille 1,308 916 391 1 6,186 4,452 1,728 6 TEXAS Amarillo ... 2,178 2,029 85 64 7,623 7,118 241 264 Austin ..... 2,287 1,200 728 359 j! 8,933 4,487 2,716 1,730 1.811 741 1,047 23 1 7,408 3,112 4,159 137 406 1 218 41 147 1 1,573| 755! 148 670 •Dallas 9,143 5,887 2,660 596 1 36,078 1 23,399 9,936 2,743 *E1 Paso 3,228 1,188 184 1,854 13,767 3,742 529 9,496 •Fort Worth 5,283 3,210 1,822 251 19,472 12,312 5,844 1,316 Galveston . 1,718 774 861 83 5,363 2.094 2,834 440 •Houston..... 9,601 5,474 3,383 744 36,503 19,186 13,122 4,200 Laredo ..... 1,541 114 10 1,417 5,763 411 24 5,328 755 352 336 67 3,232 1.464 1,382 386 San Angelo . 1,046 891 81 74 4,010 3,437 248 325 12,647 5,670 2,017 4,960 ! 48,625 18,393! 5,919 24,313 Texarkana.. ... 1,008! ! 442 566 ! 3,741 1,760 1,981 Waco 980 822 148 10 3,526 3,076 406 44 Wichita Falls 832 795 36 1 3,256 | 3,150 104 2 UTAH Ogden. ... 1,469 1,438 14 17 1 5,413 1 5,293 40 80 •Salt Lake City.... 6,176 6,009 42 125 22,411 21,879 125 407 VIRGINIA Lynchburg..... 464 1 233 181 2,123 1,329 794 Newport News 475 j 84 391 1,621 ! 343 1,278 •Norfolk 1,924! 335 1,589 7,514 1.461 6,053 Petersburg...... 274 155 119 1,186 674 512 •Portsmouth. ... 254 113 141 1,285 585 700 "•Richmond-.... 2,460 1.085 1,375 10,411! 4,751 6,660 .Roanoke...... _ 1,209; 659 550 4,972 2,821 2,151 WASHINGTON Bellingham.. 907 903 2 2 3,219 3,204 6 9 Everett 1,120 1, H3 6 1 3,961 3,945 13 3 ^Seattle. 9,355 9,055 281 39 30,159 29,321 701 137 •Spokane... 5,525 5,490 29 6 15,472 15,388 71 13 *Tacoma...... 4,645 4,575 60 10 15,065 14,901 136 28 WEST VIRGINIA Charleston ...... 2,413 1,630 781 2 8,565 6,131 2,430 4 Clarksburg ... ^ 842 763 79 3,161 2,888 273 4; 051 3,430 621 14,569 12,772 1,797 Parkersburg 1,313 1,223 90 4,617 4,311 306 Wheeling 2,248 2,010 233 7,586 6,928 658 WISCONSIN . 307 306 1 1,205 1.201 4 Eau Claire...... 702 702 2,689 2,689 909 897 4 8 3,445 3,403 7 35 Green Bay..... 832 826 6 3,264 3,251 13 Kenosha ..... 2,860 2,803 45 12 9,783 9,644 106 33 734 728 5 1 2,778 2,768 8 2 Madison...... 1,963 1,928 38 2 7,295 7,194 93 8 20,013 18,540 1,344 129 67,422 63,731 3,171 520 Oshkosh.. 1,843 1,835 4 7,184 7,165 10 Racine...... 3,915 3,847 59 9 13,206 13,022 140 4•4 Sheboygan... 629 629 2,370 2,370 Superior ... 1,531 1,509 5 i 17 5,120 5,044 7 69 WestAllis 1,180 1.179 1 4.832 4,878 4 o Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis