SPRING 2018 Brand New Light www.vts.edu | Virginia Theological Seminary Magazine 1 PAGE 14 Table of Contents Dr. Amy Dyer talks to seniors at commencement rehearsal in 2011, held in Calloway Chapel at Features Episcopal High School. 14 Brand New Light 30 Getting the Biblical Balance The recent installation of three stained glass How do Episcopalians find the biblical windows transform more than Immanuel balance? We start with the truth. Chapel. 19 The Spiritual Vocation of Dr. Amy Dyer We recognize Dr. Dyer’s impressive contributions and influence, which have taken on many forms over three decades. Virginia Theological Seminary Magazine is published three times per year (January, May, and September) for alumni and friends by the Communications Department, Virginia Theological Seminary, 3737 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA 22304. Editorial comments should be directed to
[email protected]. 37 The Rt. Rev. James J. (Bud) Shand retires from the VTS Board of Trustees. Community leader Lonnie Hamilton III and Departments NASA astronaut Charles F. Bolden Jr. were the recipients of the 2017 Dean’s Cross. 4 Dean’s Message 8 6 Faculty News 8 On Holy Hill ON THE COVER On Thursday, January 4, 2018, the three oculus windows 10 Academic Affairs and Student Life designed by artist Brian Clarke arrived from England and were installed in 12 Scene at VTS Immanuel Chapel, including this interpretation of the reflection of 23 Lifelong Learning the Parable of the Sower window in Canterbury Cathedral, which now rises 26 Center for Anglican Communion Studies above the Chapel’s south transept. The Rev. Barney Hawkins IV, Ph.D.