3-D Nautical Charts and Safe Navigation Safe Navigation

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3-D Nautical Charts and Safe Navigation Safe Navigation Thomas Porathe Doctoral Dissertation No. 27 3-D Nautical Charts and 3-D Nautical Charts and Safe Navigation Safe Navigation Thomas Porathe Department of Innovation, Design and Product Development Box 883, SE-721 23 Västerås/Eskilstuna, Sweden. 2006 Telephone +46 21-10 13 00, +46 16-15 36 00. e-mail: [email protected] www.mdh.se LL ! ! " # $" " %%& '' (&)(*+,- '. /(*-)+-)*(*- 0 12 22 3 4 '5 !" 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Reasons for this might be excessive cognitive workload caused by too many instruments to read and compile, navigation information that is displayed in a cognitively demanding way, short decision times due to high speed or fatigue due to minimum manning and long work hours. This work addresses the problem of map information displayed in a less than optimal way. Three new concepts are presented: the bridge perspective, the NoGo area polygons and a dual lane seaway network. Map reading can be difficult due to the problem of mental rotations. By allowing a 3-D nautical chart to be viewed from an egocentric bridge perspective, the need for mental rotations can be removed. The cognitively demanding calculations necessary to find out if there is enough water under the keel can be made by the chart system and the result displayed as of free water and NoGo areas. On land car driving is facilitated by a road-network and a sign system. This notion can be further developed on sea and make navigation easier and safer. These concepts were then tested in a laboratory experiment, in interviews and in a prototyping project. The results were very promising. The experiment in a laboratory maze showed that map reading from an egocentric perspective was more efficient than using traditional paper and electronic maps. Interviews and expert evaluation of prototypes also showed great interest from practitioners in the field. LLL 6DPPDQIDWWQLQJ Trots all elektronisk utrustning på en modern skeppsbrygga händer det att navigatörerna förlorar orienteringen. Anledningen kan vara hög kognitiv belastning därför att för många olika instrument måste avläsas och integreras samtidigt, att informationen på instrumenten behöver tolkas på ett kognitivt krävande sätt, att tiden för att fatta beslut blir allt kortare på grund av högre hastigheter till sjöss eller på grund av trötthet. I detta arbete presenteras tre nya koncept för visualisering av navigationsinformation: bryggperspektivet, djupvarningspolygoner och sjövägar. Kartläsning kan ibland vara svårt på grund av de mentala rotationer en användare tvingas genomföra för att kunna jämföra kartan med verkligheten. Genom att göra det möjligt för en användare att se sjökortet ur ett egocentriskt bryggperspektiv, så onödiggörs dessa mentala rotationer. De kognitivt krävande beräkningar som navigatören behöver göra för att försäkra sig om att det finns tillräckligt med vatten under kölen, kan utföras av kartsystemet och resultatet visas istället som fria vattenytor och djupvarningsområden (NoGo areas). På land underlättas bilkörning av ett vägnät med körbanor, filer och skyltar. Detta system kan i högre utsträckning införas till sjöss för att underlätta säker navigering. Dessa koncept har sedan testats genom ett laboratorieexperiment, genom intervjuer och i ett prototyputvecklingsprojekt. Resultaten var mycket lovande. Experimentet i en laboratorielabyrint visade klart att 3D-sjökortet var effektivare än både papperskartan och traditionella elektroniska kartor och intervjuerna och expertutvärderingarna visade på ett stort intresse från yrkesutövare i branschen. '1DXWLFDO&KDUWVDQG6DIH1DYLJDWLRQ $FNQRZOHGJHPHQWV I foremost want to thank my supervisors Rune Pettersson, Åke Sivertun and Gary Svensson who has guided me through this project. I also want to thank Yvonne Waern and Erland Jungert who, although they have not been my formal supervisors, have given me great help and encouragement. I also want to thank Margareta Lützhöft and friends and colleagues in the Maritime Human Factors Researcher Group for inspiration, advice and good laughs. And thanks to my brave and loving family who stood me by during this time. April 2006 Thomas Porathe Stylistic commentary and textual retouching: Inger Björkblom All pictures by the author unless otherwise stated. Swedish charts by permission: © Sjöfartsverket tillstånd nr 06-01698. An all color full text version of this dissertation can be downloaded from www.idp.mdh.se/personal/tpe01/research or www.diva-portal.org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³6HQVHRI'LUHFWLRQ´ 7KH,QIOXHQFHRI&ODVVLILFDWLRQ%DVHGRQWKH6SDWLDO7HVW 7KH,QIOXHQFHRI*HQGHU 7KH,QIOXHQFHRI$JH 5DQNLQJRI8VHUIULHQGOLQHVV 2EVHUYDWLRQV 7KH3DSHU0DS 7KH1RUWKXS0DS 7KH+HDGXS0DS 7KH'0DS YLLL '1DXWLFDO&KDUWVDQG6DIH1DYLJDWLRQ 5HOLDELOLW\DQG9DOLGLW\ ([SHULPHQW&RQFOXVLRQ &KDSWHU7KH3URWRW\SH 3URWRW\SLQJ 7KH([RFHQWULFDQG(JRFHQWULF9LHZV 7KH7HUUDLQ0RGHO ,FRQLF)HDWXUHV 7KH8QGHUZDWHU7HUUDLQ ,QWHUSRODWLRQ6XUIDFH 7KH2YHUZDWHU7HUUDLQ 7H[WXUHV 7UHH9LVXDOL]DWLRQ $)ODWRUD5RXQG(DUWK %XLOGLQJV%XR\VDQG%HDFRQV 6\PEROLF)HDWXUHV 1R*R$UHD3RO\JRQV *HRPHWULFDO&RPSXWDWLRQ 5DVWHU&RPSXWDWLRQ 6HDZD\VDQG7UDFNOLQHV 2ZQ7UDFN/LQH 6LJQV $XJPHQWLQJ'LVWDQW2EMHFWVZLWK3RLQWHUV 7XUQZDUQLQJV 2WKHU9HVVHOV 2WKHU6KLSV¶,QWHQGHG7UDFN :DYH3DWWHUQDQG2SWLFDO)ORZ &KDUWLQQLJKWPRGH 7KH3URWRW\SHV 3URWRW\SH6PDOO)DQWDV\$UFKLSHODJR 3URWRW\SH/DUJH)DQWDV\$UFKLSHODJR L[ 3URWRW\SHcODQG 3URWRW\SH6WRUD1DVVD 3URWRW\SHbJQ| )LHOG7HVW 3URWRW\SH*RWKHQEXUJ )LHOG(YDOXDWLRQ &KDSWHU)LHOG6WXGLHVDQG,QWHUYLHZV )LHOG6WXGLHV3DUWLFLSDQW2EVHUYDWLRQVDQG+HXULVWLF ,QWHUYLHZV 3URGXFW7DQNHU 7KH%ULGJHDQGWKH%ULGJH&UHZ 7KH3DVVDJH3ODQ &RPPHQWVRQWKH'1DXWLFDO&KDUW 0LGVL]H$UFKLSHODJR)HUU\ 3ROLFH3DWRO%RDW &RPPHQWVRQWKH'1DXWLFDO&KDUW 1DY\&RPEDW%RDW 1DYLJDWLQJD&RPEDW%RDWDW+LJK6SHHGV &RPPHQWVRQWKH'1DXWLFDO&KDUW 1DY\&RDVW&RUYHWWH &RPPHQWVRQWKH'1DXWLFDO&KDUW /DUJH%DOWLF3DVVHQJHU)HUU\ &RPPHQWVRQWKH'1DXWLFDO&KDUW 976±9HVVHO7UDIILF6HUYLFH&HQWHUV 9766WRFNKROP 976*RWKHQEXUJ 976*2)5(3+HOVLQNL &RPPHQWVRQWKH'1DXWLFDO&KDUW 7ZR0DULQH3LORWV +DUERU0DVWHU 3UHVHQWDWLRQV [ '1DXWLFDO&KDUWVDQG6DIH1DYLJDWLRQ &RQFOXGLQJDQG6XPPDUL]LQJ7KLV&KDSWHU &KDSWHU'LVFXVVLRQDQG&RQFOXVLRQV 'LVFXVVLRQ 1HZ7HFKQRORJ\&DXVHV1HZ3UREOHPV 1DwYH5HDOLVP &RQFOXVLRQ )XWXUHUHVHDUFK 9LVRUVDQG+8'V $XWRPDWLF:D\ILQGLQJ 5DGDU,QWHJUDWLRQ $7UXH1DXWLFDO*,6 5HIHUHQFHV 3XEOLVKHG3DSHUV $SSHQGL[$7KUHH6KLSSLQJ$FFLGHQWV $&DVH6WXG\ $7KH*URXQGLQJRI&RPEDW%RDW LQ 7KH$FFLGHQW 'LVFXVVLRQ &RQFOXVLRQ $7KH6OHLSQHU$FFLGHQWLQ 'LVFXVVLRQ $7KH([[RQ 9DOGH]$FFLGHQWLQ $&RQFOXGLQJ7KLV&KDSWHU $SSHQGL[%([SHULPHQW5HVXOWV [L /LVWRI$EEUHYLDWLRQVDQG7HUPV ADVETO: Company making electronic charts. AIS. Automatic Identification System. A system requiring ships of 300 gross tonnage or more to have a transponder which sends name and position to surrounding ships. Ships will then show up as a symbol with an attached name tag on each other’s radar and chart displays. ARPA. Automatic Radar and Plotting Aid, computerized functions
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