2018 World Paravolley General Assembly Report
2018 Report to the General Assembly TABLE OF CONTENTS From the President 5 About World ParaVolley 7 Vision and Mission 9 Organizational Structure 10 Board of Directors 11 Reports 2016-2018 13 Board of Directors 14 Zones 49 Financials 78 Membership 83 WorldParaVolley.org 3 2018 Report WorldParaVolley.org 4 2018 Report FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear World ParaVolley Members and Supporters, On behalf of the Board of World ParaVolley, I am pleased to present this Report of our activities in the 2016 and 2017 years in the Netherlands, the birthplace of World ParaVolley. The last two years have been characterized by achievement and change. Our premier event, the 2016 Paralympic Games Sitting Volleyball competition, was a great success in Brazil with enthusiastic spectators and some amazing matches presented by our athletes. The other major competition, the 2016 Intercontinental, was held in China and featured a record number of teams and the best Opening Ceremony of any event to date. In 2017, the Zone Championships were successfully delivered in Croatia (PVE), China (PVAO), Rwanda (PVA) and Canada (PVPA) and the related Zone General Assemblies were conducted with new personnel being elected. Also in 2017 the ASEAN Para Games were held in Malaysia and the Youth ParaPan Am Games in São Paulo, Brazil at which new Youth Volleyball Rules were trialled. A new competition was created and realised in Hangzhou, China - the 2017 World Super 6 for women which featured prize-money for the first time. The latter half of 2017 also saw the beginning of changes to our leadership team with the positions of Chairs of the Commissions and the Technical Delegate for Tokyo 2020 being advertised and Assistant Sport Directors being appointed to achieve refreshment and renewal of our human resources as we plan for the future.
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