-.- a. l o o k l i n e public s£ &?fci- 'A* IMPENDENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Houlton, Maine, August 11, 1905. No. 33.

to make the distinction that, while bfr “ Gee !” said Burke, impressed with the sympathy boin of youth and inex­ The Chilled Steel Team played with reason for the invention. He couldn’t interest, in the former wee personal, the fairness of the statement, “ how perience. desperate courage, yet in the hearts of do anything dishonest or mean, if he h e r^ lb e rn the Utter wee purely much do you weigh ?” “ I’ve’ blabbed about this new en­ the men was that waver of apprehen tried. He left college under a cloud, athletic. “ About a hundred and eighty. If gine we are working on in the model sion which the untried and unproved but it came out afterwards that he was PA**fr*v “ Chuckle-headed idiot!” he repeat­ it was a boxing match for points, you room, the compound-turbine invention. must ever feel in opposing the victors shielding someone else, and the presi­ ed, with increased vindictiveness, as would win ; if it is going to be a fight, They worked it ou; of me before I of many struggles. They knew that dent apologized in chapel, although he gaaod at the ruined cam. He didn’t you won’t.” realized it, automobile ride, good din­ none in the city thought they could Berwyn wasn’t there to hear it.” Young Morgan made explanation to ^ m m a , m. blame Mica Allison in the least; his “ He’s a bluff trying to scare you ner, and all that, and I told all I knew win, and they played all the hardei for y &MA.U* anger wee directed wholfy against him- out,*’ interposed “ Mug” Peters, a hulk- out of pure sociability.” that. At leant, they would not be dis­ Mr. Allison, on the train homeward* MttF.lfc “ That’s pretty bad, Van,” said Mor­ graced. Time and time again the ‘It may seem a little queer, but there * Seam* •el/. He raised his eyss to see if any ing big brute of a man and something bed noticed his petulance, end dis- of a bully because of his strength. gan gravely. “ I think you had better Athleties found the other line like a isn’t any mystery about it,” he said. eov«t$d that the gsze of McBnrney, the “ He’s afraid to fight !” make a clean breast of it.” stone wall, and it was only in the last “ My real name is Morgan, Hamilton three minutes ef the first half that they Morgan, but I took my uncle’s name frwtman, and of Hollins, the heed For answer young Morgan strode to­ “ If I do I’ll lose my job and Uncle managed to make a touchdown by a draughtsman, was fixed upon him. ward Peters. With the quickness of Allison will throw me over. It would of Berwyn because he and my father trick play. wished it. My father gave up nearly Thereupon be blushed violently end a cat he sprung upon him, grasped him break my mother’s heait, and besides, there is a girl.” his whole life to an invention which footed ye guilty as he felt. about ihe che'.t, and brought his elbows Van Norman Curtis pushed his way It was singularly unfortunate ; for, down on .he big man’s ribs with a Morgan thought he knew who the into the dressing room to hear Morgan interested both of us more than any­ jtfht.hjrd known what they were talk- force tha‘ made them crack. Before girl was and he turned his face away. tell a rubber to look after the little thing else, except football. He liked aboqt, Ms expression would have Peters could recover he was whirled What he said was : “ Those fellows quarterback, who had been sadly man­ the game almost as much as I do, and entirely different. At that par- around, something struck his jaw, and were after me, too, and they are pretty handled. “ Don’t bo:her about me ; a lot of the plays I have been given ulsr moment Me Burney was saying ; the other men saw “ Mug” carried to smooth customers. The people in the I haven’t a scratch or a bruise ; the credit for were of his devising. I work­ ed w . th him so much that I got to be “ Of course, he is the newest men in the fountain and thrown into it. office know what they are here for and other boys need you more.” the room end I don’t know anything “ Billy” Burke ran up and held out I should think they would watch the “ Oh, Morg., it was great I” burst a pretty good machinist. We had our about him except that he is a good his hand. “ Gee, but that was great !” sneaks. After all, it is the piincible out Curtis. ‘ They are simply wild own workshop as long as the money lasted. My father worried himself to . i &soa. n worker. I hired him because he made he said. “ Why didn’t you do that to of the thing, for if they found out over the work of our boys. You’re a lijog A. M me like him no much I couldn’t turn me ?” everything we know about the engine wonder ! But that isn’t what I came death {after nil his money was gone, “ Well I kind of liked you,” con­ it wouldn’t do them much good.” and, when my uncle offered to adopt - M, cult to keep up with my classes in the Pretty suspicious, I should say,” one but Van Norman Curtis. But others don’t, at least, some of them,” gaged to, and she wants to meet you academic course. My uncle and 1 observed the heed draughtsman. “ 1 everybody liked Curtis, who was one said the foreman. “The head draughts­ right after the game.” quarreled because he wanted to make don’t believe in hiring men to work in of those cheerful, irresponsible, lovable man is bound to have you discharged. “Good old Van !” said Morgan. an ornamental lawyer of me and. I this room unless you know all about souls whose buoyant gayety, charming He says he has found out that you ©hurth. The other players saw a fine brave wanted to go in for the scientific course. St. ’’■" ' them. There has been a leak some­ manners and reckless generosity were made tracings of the turbine-engine light dancing in Morgan’s eyes, his I didn’t ^eem to be able to grasp any­ K.PUTNAM. where end we must trace it. It is the as the stamp of the mint on silver, drawings, and that you have been seen strong face glowing with enthusiasm, thing but football and machinery. He firit time anything of the kind has hap­ doubling the intrinsic value. Morgan with people who have been hanging r n v i G s s . as he rounded them up for final in­ cut off my allowance, but I had a little y l&ao ▲. h. pened and the old man is furious about always made Curtis welcome at his about here trying to find out what we structions for the game. money saved up, and I was on the 11.45 A. M. it.” room, but he never encouraged visits. are doing. He is after your scalp, and 100 F.K. “ Boys, here is where we win. We team, you know, so I kept on for a ] “ Maybe some of your draughtsmen He said frankly that he wanted to de­ if I were you, would quit. Anyway, held them in the first h a lfth e y scored year. Then I got into a serious scrape” have been talking.” vote all his spare time to his machine. you are terribly mysterious !” Vjo a . m. on a trick that might happen in any “ I heard how you came out of that,’| Curtis early discovered that he didn't “I made the tracing because I want­ “ I know all my men,” returned the game. Now we’ll t ike the offensive. interjected Mr. Allison. head draughtsman, with vigor, “ and care to talk about the machine in de­ ed to study the thing out at home,” rc- We’ll sweep them iff the field. We -AM#fh. tail, but he was perfectly willing to t”rned Norgan, with warmth, “but I “ Well, I left to go to work. I f l ftOHOOL I’m very sure that it isn't in my de­ are going to wfo, bo/s ! we are going wanted to perfect my father’s invention b d o i t t . discuss football. have never talked to a soul about what partment. I’ve made a careful ex­ to win ! Play as you never dreamed —it’s a turbine engine, sir, and I Si “ How is it that you are willing to goes on in here except with the men amination.” you could play. By Hink ! it’s good thought the best thing to do would be ►AT SIR VICKS. give up your time to that game ?” he employed in the model room. 1 here s 10.90 ▲. M. “ Well, I don’t believe it is up to any to be alive !” to get into a big plant like ours where asked him one day. nothing mysterious about me. Don’t 12.00 ▲. M. of my men,” insis(ed McBnrney. Between the halves “ Bunch.” I could earn a living and obtain the ex­ 0 .0 0 P. M. “ It is one of the weak places in my I do my work ? What do you want It was a serious matter. Only those Wheeler on crutches, hobbled to the perience I needed at the same time. I 7.00 P. M. raake-up, I suppose,” answered Mor­ me to do, give lectures about my past familiar with inventors know how Allison box and plaintively asked if thought it was best to take my own i . Pwjror 7.80 p . m. gan ; “ football is to me what smoking life, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, to ' f i t o M l 7 .9 0 p . m. lively is the fear, and how well ground­ they could make room for him where the whole shop ? I am not going to name, because if I had explained that AH W ston* ed, that others may steal their ideas. and drinking are to some men,—I can’t people wouldn’t walk over his injured leav*. as long as I am under suspicion. I was ‘Ham’ Berwyn, people would Usually inventors lack the practical resist the temptation.” leg. F r—bytarfcn Ohurch. If they want to discharge me. they can. have made a lot of fuss over the college education to perfect their ideas, and so “ How is the invention coming on ?” V AJKV Mi u t a b t St s . “I am afraid they will do that, all “ They tried to keep me at home,” football player working as a mechanic, they seek highly trained specialists to “ It is going to go. There is only J0WNBTH MoKAY. right,” returned the foreman. he explained, glancing at his knee, and I didn’t want any notoriety of that to Church on High Street cany out the notions, often very ne­ one little problem and 1 can see the “ and they did make me miss the first kind. That is all there is to it, sir, IlY 8SRY10BS. Morgan was about as miserably un­ bulous, end to crystallize them into solution of that in the distance.” half by hiding my sticks. Isn’t it ab­ except that I am pretty sure that I 0 .8 0 A. M. happy as a healthy young man can be, 10.30 A. M. machines that will work. Often ideas Morgan worked on the eleven with ominable luck ? It is the first time I have perfected my engine.” 2.30 P. M. prodigious energy. He had the finest but the idea of betraying Curtis never of enormous value are intrusted to was ever put out of a game.” Just before their destination was , on Foxeroft Bond 2.30 p . m. these picked men, and, therefore, every possible material, to begin with, and entered his head. He was at his bench 6 A0 P. M. Wheeler was one of the stars of the reached young Morgan managed to see precaution • taken to safeguard the the metf'were brimming over with en­ the next morning, although the mem­ 7.00* p . m. Athletic Club Team. Miss Allison alone, that is, as much as thusiasm. The way the Chilled Steel bers of the team were not expected to Prayer Meeting 7.90 p. m. secrets of the model room. “ Husky looking lot, those fellows of two people can be alone in the vestibule McBurney questioned Curtis, the Team, as it came to be known, over­ work the day before the big game, and yours !” he observed, as the elevens of a railroad car. He was astonished i*« Invention. only person with whom Morgon seemed came the rivals it was organized to waited for a summons. It came, but trotted out on the field. “ Somebody to find that he had nothing to say, pos­ £ * ■ * in tine model room, to have intimate relations. All that meet sent its fame abroad. It sought not the one he expected. He was told has been teaching those horny-handed sibly because of a militant haughtiness •aw MIm Allison, Curtis knew about his friend was that stronger opponents and defeated them. that Miss Allison wanted to see him in sons of toil how to play the game. For in her manner. He really had de­ greera! manager, swing he lived in a big attic room in which Two or three college teams, desiring the office. He glanced at his overalls the love of Mike see that end get down ceived her, and then too much hero* |!|pMN«tfe lawn and die­ he had fixed up a sort of workshop practice games, were overwhelmed by and at his hands with iron dust ground the field , and look at that tackle. Who worship is bad for a young man when. ne. He gripped his where he passed hours pottering over the victorious workmen. High honor in them, and decided to go as he was, is he ?” But his humility, the pleading in his rasped the delioate an invention. came when the Athletic Club of the as a mechanic. “ That is Morgan, a machinat in the eyes, made her forgot her feminine re­ Ike rise. “ He is about the best fellow and the big city challenged the Chilled Steels “Mr. Morgan, I have heard some model room,/ exclaimed Miss Allison. sentment. tdiot!” he mutter- closest-mouthed I know,” Curtis sup­ to play the great Thanksgiving Day foolish rumors connected with you, and When the Chilled Staels got the ball “ Oh, I am so glad 1” she said, im­ ing each syllable plemented, “ and he is crazy about game. This was the foremost event of I want to tell you I don’t believe there on downs there was a mass play that pulsively. football. He knows the game forward the football year, in that part of the is a grain of truth in them,” Miss Al­ made the experts wild. “ There’s only “ Does it make duch a difference ?” ■ * Am , whole-soul- and backward and sideways. It is the country. It had been the custom for lison began, with that directness which one man I ever saw who could do that asked Morgan. S! athtetio type. She only thing that will draw him away the Athletic Club Team, made up of was her nature. stunt,” muttered Wheeler, excitedly. “ No-o-o, but k makes it easier.” i ^ e works and she from his invention.” former gridiron stars, mostly from the “Thank you !” said the young me­ “ The glasses, please ! Huh ! I thought Then Miss Allison fled precipitately. Hgr «M thing sbe be- Curtis was accustomed to inquiries big eastern universities, te meet the chanic, simply. so. Morgan ! Morgan, nothing ; that’s A realization of the meaning of her ettltnre for the ero- about Morgan, whose aloofness was Interstate Collegiate League. “ I know you feel horribly and must Ham. Birwyn, the greatest player on words was supplemented with evidence that one of the more or less resented by the other work­ This year the college champions re­ want to leave. I wish you to stay, the gridiron, on the All America for that a wildly happy young man was men who bent over men, although they respected him. fused to play the Athletic Club eleven, because I want all this suspicion clear­ three years. Morgan !” about to hug her, regardless of sur­ biaeb, or handled castings When he first went to work in the on the ground of professionalism, claim­ ed away, and because I want our team “ You surely must be mistaken,” roundings.—Success. for nine hours a day, was model room he was early put to the ing that several of the latter’s players to win the football match. You can said Miss Allison. in a gymnasium, end sbe had been paid coaches. test which, in some form or other, is not know how much I have set my “ I played against him too often,v Poultry Experiments. in haring one fitted demanded of a newcomer in every When news of the challenge spread heart upon it.” returned Wheeler. The Maine Experiment Station has •fltpft. When it was sug- community. In this instance, as in through the plant, the men were wild “I expect them to send me away, The Chilled Steel* won that game for some years been engaged in breeding ’U n i fhi ampkyeee should or- most others, the young man was called with enthusiasm, The Chilled Steels today, and it would not be right for by the hardest kind of playing, won it hens for egg production. By means t A football team, the gave the upon to prove his willingness to fight. had become an institution. Even the me to play on the team then.” cleanly and honestly, their strength of the trap nests a systematic attempt support. When Mor- He showed no disposition to avoid corporation awoke and proved that it “They will not ; they shall not. It outlasting that of their opponents, as is being made to establish a productive strain by breeding only from birds of r l n i i about the eleven, he sighed trouble or to hurry it. When it be­ had sporting blood, even if it did lack will come out all right, I know. Morgan had calculated, and to him was one resigned to the inevitable known records. All the breeding fe- came evident that “ Billy*’ Burke, the a soul, for the members of the eleven Promise me you will play, for my sake.” given the glory of the victory, although males now carried are tested hens that iMcbmsnsss of his own weak- cleverest boxer in the big manufactory, were told that they need work only “ Mies Allison, I would do anything it was “ Billy” Burke who made the have laid from 160 to 251 eggs in a lottbwHh presented himself was determined to make him under­ half time—with full pay of course. in the world for you,” said he, so earn­ winning touchdown and kicked the year ; and 150 pullets and hens whose mothers (produced 200 or over, eggs He explained that he stand his place, Morgan talked to him, Possibly the fact that efforts were mak­ estly that the blood rushed to her face. goal. While the madness ofhero-wor- per year. All males used in breeding game when he was in one evening, as they were leaving the 8hid possessed the crowd, the Athletic ing to unionize the works had some­ Nearly the whole town went to tbe these two classes since 1901 had moth­ eeemsd to know a deal shop, and fifty men stopped to listen. thing to do with this concession. It big city to attend the football game, Team cheered. “ Berwyn,” while the ers that had laid 200 or more eggs in a natnrally drifted into the “ See here, Burke,” began the young certainly had the effect of putting the for the interest in it was greater than workmen shouted for “ Morgan.” year. iolwaaoh. man, “ you are evidently trying to draw labor organizers out of business. in the Thanksgiving feast. The team “ Then he really is Berwyn, after all, Bulletin 117, which is just being sew Mies Allison through Van me into a fight. If you have any per­ A wetk before the game Van Nor­ said Mr. Allison to Wheeler, who was issued, contains an account of these had a special car. There was a grim experiments with a description of the Gertie, his benchmate. Curtis sonal grudge against me, although I man Curtis came to Morgan’s room determination in Morgan’s manner, a bemoaning his inability to get down on houses now in use, and the methods © lliat relative of the Allisons can’t remember having done anything with his face all screwed up. “ I’ve grim elation. He looked forward to the field. “ I don’t quite like the looks employed in feeding hens and chickens. I general manager’s protege, to you, we’ll have it out. But, if you been making an inspired idiot of myself the struggle with a fierce joy ; he of it.” Bulletin 117 will be sent free to all ©sen frequently came into the want to fight me on geaeral principles, and if I don’t tell some one I'll burst,’' would meet tangible opponents whom “ You needn’t worry,” declared residents of Maine who apply to the Agricultural Experiment Station, Oro- eeos to see Mm end to talk to I want to tell you that you are about he said. Wheeler. “ If Ham Berwyn is going he conld fight fairly and openly, ac­ no, Me. In writing, please mention •heat the eleven, being careful twenty pounds under my weight.” “ What is it ?” asked Morgan, with cording to the rules of the game. under another lame there is some good this paper. Th^ Aroostook Times, Frldrty, August 11, 1906, ■...... I ...... II. The Aroostook Times A Self-Supporting Nation. would be turned on by pressing a but­ Millions for Fruit Exports. Yellow Fever Scare. The agricultural progress of the Grange News. ton, suction-pumps would draw all the What the United States have done The yellow jack in fiction brought to ALL THE HOME NEWS. United States has been so rapid, so dust out of the house, and a lot of and still do daily for agriculture is even New Orleans r»y tin- fruit cteamers has wonde rful, that at one period the rest Maine’s Forest Outlook. methods and devices would be perfected resulted in several hundred fever cases w ry Friday morning from Times the best evidence of their economical Ooart Street, Honlton, Maine. of mankind suspected them of planning The United States Bureau of For­ for ’the relief of that large group of foresight. While their manufacturing at that point and 80 or so dea'hs. It is to flood the world with their products, estry estimates that the wooded area families in our society which can afford industry soared t» such prodigious accepted tnere that yellow fever is L. M. FELGH A C. E DUNN,! to monopolize the supply, and thus of Maine is about 12,000,000 acres only one servant. heights that everything else seemed spread by mosquitoes and the 45,000 P u b lish ers ruin the agiiculture of other nations. which contain 21,291,000,000 feet of For our part we are not so sanguine lost to sight, the Department of Agri­ cisterns from which the people get their L. E FKLCH, Editor. Europe, alarmed, erected with feverish spruce besides large quantities of pine, that invention is going to help so pro­ culture displayed the utmost activity water are being treated with kerosene A. B. TOLAND, Local Editor. haste ramparts of custom houses to cedar, hemlock and hardwoods. Tim digiously in housekeeping. Women, in organizing agricultural production and screened. New Orleans lies below Esle been discovered in the province of Bag­ timber to be cut together with the full­ that houses ever will be kept clean by the demands of the economical revolu­ It takes the facts at hand and goes toward issetion in public feeling against straight to the evident conclusion. dad, near the Tigris a id north of Sa- est possible protection from fire. machinery. tion which we are traversing and which men of prominence who are accused It says this man has for fort) years marna, a number of rich springs, while The opening of vast timber territory As for cooking, the Philadelphia Re­ menaces all nations save America. o fstooltednese. Many of the recent lent all the power of his great ability on the Euphrates near Hit similar by the construction of the Bangor and cord reports the installation of a pie­ well-known politicians to perpetuating and elaborating a sys­ Otinsht upon springs also have been found. Aroostook and other railroads has and making machine in a bakery in that Ondb«finefls men have been so lurid Robinson. tem of illegal and unjust discrimination On account of the brigands this dis­ will make possible the utilizing of town, but pie, at best, is a mechanical that a growing minority among the Miss Beth Fulton who has been stay­ by carriers. He has done this trict does not afford good opportunity enormous quantities of timber that sort of food. There are breakfast foods pnbNo amelia persecution Thus in ing at Springvale, Wash., for the past in the f ce of moral ’sentiment, in the for prospecting and development, but would otherwise have gone to waste of that come cooked or are guaranteed to tbs veesnt trial of Representative J. N. two years returned to her home in face of loudly expressed public opinion• in the Kerkuk district the future for acted as a check upon new growth. be good to eat raw, and a vast line of Williamson, also of Oregon, for public Bridgewater last week. in face of the law, in the face of the such activity is much more promising There has been a noticeable im­ nourishments come in cans, but house­ land frauds, the failure of the jury to Last Thursday several of the Sunday havoc his operations caused at his very and not only petroleum, but also coal, provement in the values obtained from hold cooking requires brains as well as agree was undoubtedly influenced by schools of this county met for a picnic side. For forty years he has fought to is found, the former being used for rough lumber as well as dressed dur­ hands, and there is no hope that it the constant references of the defense to at the camp ground. prevent every attempt to regulate the lighting by the natives, while the coal ing the last generation. Spruce now will ever be dime by machinery. It is the prejudice against congressmen The Reformed Baptists of New wrongs the system wrought, and when has been tried on the Tigris steamships sells about ene-fourth higher from the an art. Mow, it it true that our new conscience Brunswick begun their campmeeting he failed to do so he has turned hrsi proving, however, too ^bituminous. saw than could he obtained in the As for clothes-washing, there are in ita insistence upon clean men in here Friday. The crowd on Sunday craft and skill to finding secret and There is every evidence that the petro­ seventies. The increased use of hard laundries and laundry machines. Most hnstoese and politics, may sometimes was not as large as former gatherings. devious ways of securing the privileges leum deposits are extensive and will woods for furniture and what are known of us would a little rather send our f i i « the issues farther than is wise. Many went fiom here to the tent he desired. He has done more than repay ample working, but it is believed as wood * novelties has made valuable clothes out to be washed by machinery TU I tendency must be guarded against; meetings at \\ estfield conducted by any other person to fasten on this that the completion of the Bagdad rail­ much timber that was formerly all but at a laundry than go naked,*so most of jo t wo most also guard against the Rev. Mr. Kenyon. country the most serious interference way and increased shipping facilities on worthless and at present tens of mil­ our clothes are now washed in that In d fiw t toward sympathy Saturday afternoon July 29th the which, today, the whole country is tendency the Tigris must be provided before they lions of feet of hard wood are turned way. man wrong. Let Loyal Temperance Legion held a ban­ struggling vainly to strike off, which it wfttk who have done can be turned to practical account. into stock and finithed goods which No, there is not much more to hope out of these mattters quet at the W. C. T. U. rooms. Thirty is doubtful will be c ired, so deep-seat­ I I leave sentiment largely increase the revenues distributed for from labor-saving household ap­ and hold to the medium of truth and children were present who enjoyed the ed and so subtle is v , except by revo­ Wire Cannon—Our New Har­ over wide areas of the State. pliances. The reasons are good why jostles.—Public Opinion. occasion. lutionary methods. bor Defense. Notwithstanding the encouragement more has not been done to make homes self-regulating and automatic. If ser­ Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Martin called on “ Not only this, he has fougbl the* Losing an international rifle shooting afforded by the estimates cited it is no Alsnandst Agassiz was introduced vants are to be scarcer and dearer the friends here Sunday. publicity in business which is olyrieujly •I the Harvard Commencement |dinner match has resulted in the invention by safe or desirable to have the opinion Rev.’s Bradeen and Paul of Caribou become general that Maine’s forest in­ relief must come by the simplification necessary to its safety ; he has intro­ l i t « flMdaat Mead of the university who Mr. John Hamilton Brown of one of of living ; by elimination of household and Presque Isle assisted in the ser­ duced into business a spy system of the l*fl fifym time to time spent money and the most formidable, efficient, and terests are assurred and beyond need of vices at the Free Baptist ehurch Thurs­ individual safeguarding. When esti­ possessions, and not by increase of most odious character. He has turned Mafia gifra (for the benefit of the terrible |bigh-power cannon ever pro­ household machinery.— Harper’s Week­ day evening. commerce from a peaceful pursuit to ■wmmm founded by hie father), which duced. The cannon will throw a pro­ mates are made as#’to the annual growth Mr. C. E. Robinson is having a fine of timber, we are inclined to think that ly- ______war, and honeycombed it with cruel taw amounted to at least $ 800,000. jectile weighing one hundred pounds a lawn laid out in froni of his residence. and corrupt practice ; turned competi­ the basis of reckoning is that of the Ho lma honsstly made a great fortune distance of thirty miles, and is now It Is Camping-Qut I ime Mr. Donald McTavish, landscape gar­ tion from honorable emulation to cut­ normal growth msde by virgin forestg fog himself and his family. But his being tested at the Sandy Hook prov­ In the cycle of the seasons the ideal dener, has had charge of the work and throat struggle. And the man who where the effects of centures of decaying fottalwill never eclipse that of his ing grounds of the United States Army. camping-out time of year has arrived, it will be one of the prettiest lawns a- deliberately and persistently does these! leaves and wood wastage remains to firth* who, it may be, never had in all The World’s Wqjk, New York, ex­ and hundreds of parties have already round when the work is completed. things calls his great organization ai mulch and replenish in large degree, hip basy and useful life $ 1,000 which plains the contrivance by saying that : taken to the deep woods of northern Mrs. Louville McGown of Portage benefaction, and points to his churchr- the elements of soil fertility that are hn|sodfi call his own, to do with “ The most efficient heavy guns made Maine where nature has bestowed her Lake is visiting her father Mr. Tomp­ going and his charities as proof of hits constantly being used in growth of tim­ • whatever he pleased. But the millions in |England are wire-wound. But wildwood charms most lavishly and kins for a few days after which she righteousness. To the man of straight­ ber. As the timber is thinned out by fiiawa from the Lake Superior Copper whereas the inner tube of the English where outing parties are sure of finding leaves for her new home in Rockland. forward nature the two will not tally. manufacturers of lumber, even by the IBaea, by his son, have been used to gun is a solid forging the tube of the plenty of camp sites exactly to their This, he says, is supreme, cruel wrong­ most approved economic methods, there samplsts his work, to enhance*his repu­ American gun consists of a number of liking. Marsardis. doing cloaked by religion. There is but cannot fail to be a loss of moisture as tation, and in many other ways to in- steel sheets, each one-seventh of an Men, women and whole families Blueberries are scarce. one name for it—hypocrisy. It is not essential to the rapid growth of trees, •naso knowledge and to serve the in­ inch thick. Around these is wound from all parts of New England and even Mrs. Emerson Clark and daughter only the man in the street who feels and further, there is a constant removal terests of the people. It ia impossible twenty-one miles of square steel wire, more distant parts make northern Linette left this morning to visit friends the hypocrisy of the case ; it is the of soil elements that previously were be­ *|» compare the merits of the two men one-seventh of an inch in diameter. Maine their mecca during the camping in Woodstock. man in the school of business Mr. ing returned. No one will assume that «-oi ths poor philosopher who had no The tension of this wire is so great that season. A great many of them come We understand that Mias June Weeks Rockefeller has created, and the nan a growth [tf corn or other crop can be in the train of obsequious followers his time to make money or of the scientific the inner tube is compressed to the early in August to avoid ti c swelter has accepted a position in the postoffice continued from year to year on the giving has collected. AMI who could not properly de his point where it cannot be overcome by of city life and rest up beneath the at Island Falls. The final question which Miss Tar­ same tract and not suffer a deteriora­ week without making money—and a the explosion of gunpowder. The gun grateful umbrage of the woods. Others Miss Maud McAlpine recently re­ bell asks is “ Does it pay the public to tion of yield unless fertilized artificially, g n at deal of it. The records of the is so strong, therefore, that it cannot be plan to come late in August or early turned from Easton where she has been trust the control of a great necessity/ even on the unequalled soils of the of life to such a man ? He has builf, two man are continuous-and comple­ burst by any charge that can be placed in September, when the warm days visiting relatives. prairies. It only needs a study of the hospitals and colleges and endowed! ment each other. Neither of them in it—although its powder chamber is and clear cool nights afford ideal at­ During her vacation Miss Mabel growth that is being made on tracts schools. True, and those helped have- eonlfi have been ‘what they have been much larger than that of any other mospheric conditions and when the Quincy, teacher in the village primary become his open apologists, by taking; that have been partially cut over as vU M atltha other, and both deserve gun of similiar caliber in existence. early changing of the foliage illumines school, spent several days with friends what they call the large view or the: compared to the same variety where gtnlafiri remembrance.—Christian Reg. The 6~inch Brown wire-gun will throw the deep green of the forest with tints in Miihnockett. charitable view or by deliberately the forest |has remained untouched to shunning a consideration of the subject* a shot weighing one hundred pounds of rare and spectacular brilliaacy. Miss Grace £Akeley of Blaine has become convinced that there must be a quietly not seeing in it a topic for dis­ Concerning Imperialism. for a distance of thirty miles. A pro­ With a good guide to look after the been spending a few weeks at Masardis. liberal allowance made in estimates to cussion. Does it pay to have those who Thi day is at hand wh-n the United jectile fired from this guff will penetrate general work about camp, tent life in Mrs. N«ncy Wessenger of Lewiston are entrusted with the very sources of cover decrease in growth to insure Statee [will irapthe reward of their a greater ^thickness of armor plate at northern Maine entails no drudgery or and daughter Mrs. Lena Lowrey of our intellectual and moral life blinded future timber production from a given long effort and many sacrifices in the. 4,000 yards than a projectile fired from hardship on the vacationist. Women California are spending a few weeks or silenced to the ethical quality of the area.—Maine Farmer. , practices of our daily life ? Will it any other gun at a distance of twenty and childien enjoy the tramping and with friends and relatives. eause of their agricultural power. They pay our colleges to put over their oan now weather the tempest menacing feet. canoeing quite as much as the men Services thave been resumed in the Housework and Machinery doors the teaching of one of our present their over heated industry, which is in­ A great many weired feats are pre­ do, and it is (just as splendidly bene­ Episcopal church. Rev. Mr. Burgins day moralists, never discuss politics nor capable- of continuing an ascensional dicted for ,this 10-inch gun—however Discussing Mrs. Lane’s article in an ficial for them. of Ashland, rector. religion if you would succeed ? He has movement that would precipitate a pro­ it is not yet built. “ If the wire guns English review on “ The Extravagant In the latest edition of the annual led a life devoted to charity and the of large caliber fulfill the promise given Economy of Woman,” the guidebook, “ In the Maine Woods,” Kaiser Rewards Negro. church. True. And the principles tective coalition of all the countries of the religion he professes are so anta­ by the 6-inch guns already built, the Republican suggests that if the men published by the Bangor and Aroostook thveatonod in their industrial existence. Geo. C. Ellis, a negro laborer at the gonistic to the princles of the business Fcitaaately, a haven of refuge is al- costly and cumbersome ^armor plate of of the United States should be com­ Railroad, is printed a great deal of in­ Washington barracks, has been made he practices that the very world which roady prepared. America has only to the modern battleships will no longer pelled ^by statute to do, themselves, formation of special zalue to prospective happy by the gift of a silver watch and emulates him has been turned into fetnm to its first tradition and apply afford protection.” all the ^housework of the country for campers in northern Maine. The book chain from no less a personage than hypocrites and cynics under his tute­ lage. Not only has charity been taint­ th i devouring activity of its population ten years there would be such a shak­ is well worth owning ; it contains 192 Emperor William of Germany. The “ Our country,” laments former ing up of methods as twenty centuries ed by the hypocrisy of his life, the to agrienltnic, weich, though perhaps pages, over one hundred half-tone il­ watch bears on the case the imperial church itself has been polluted and lem remunerative than manufactures, Governor D. H. ChambeBain, “ is sink­ have not brought about. When the lustrations and two full page colored mon*gram. When a crank named many a man has turned away from its ing fast into the grasp of a plutocracy inserts. A copy can be had for the it firmer and more lasting. The United women came to their own again, they Kosseau some months ago tried to blow doors because of the servile support it as heartless, as greedy, as gross, as would find that for the first time in asking by writing to C. C. Brown, G. gives to the men of whom Mr. Rocke­ States can for these reasons face the 1\ A., Bangor, Me., and enclosing ten up the statue of the Great, deadly as any in a past age.” Rubbish! feller is the most eminent type. firturo more calmly than any other history there were really adequate tools cents in stamps to pay postage. presented to this country by Emperor We are getting better every day. Each None of these higher things which nation, on the one condition of not over- for carrying'on the conduct

it on m ustn't it. You m ustn’t." would rat Iter tl it you * I,. I imf vid t She sspiji;<■ in English, hurriedly, with “In no sense a mission?” suggestea G. D. MELDRIM &C0. our people here, It is too (Pin./oroUH the other, sipping his liqueur thought­ a little break in her voice which he did in several ways.” not understand. fully. Jr*: “Ah!" murmured Stoiume “Tlicu “In no sense a mission. I give you a Furniture, Carpets, * "*F. “With ordinary precautions the risk .A Wmust bow to your bo. -don.” lie proof. 1 have boon granted six months’ la very small,” he said practically. Caskets and v cut mi, turning toward th tall mau leave of absence, as you probably “Yes. But do you take ordinary pre „lf itriding along at his side. know.” Funeral Material. cautions? Are you sure you are all “Yes'. ’ said Paul simply. “Precisely so. When a military offi­ right now?” Kmbalmers and Funeral Directors SOWERS “Will you come to the c.istle?” asked cer is granted a six months' leave it is She stopped. They were quite alone the girl. And Stetnmetz by a gesture By in the one silent street of the stricken exactly then that we watch him. And Opera House Block, deferred the decision to Paul. you want a passport?” village. She looked up into his face. H e n r y “I think not tonight, thanks,” said Court St. HOULTON, MAINE. Seton M e rrim a n Her hands were running over the “Yes; a special one.” 17 tile latter. “We will take you far “I will see what I can do.” breast of the tattered coat he wore. It as the gate.” was lamentably obvious, even to him, “Thank you." C«»yrl«ht. 1805. by »t A i< l’£R BROTHERS Catrina made no comment. When Yassili emptied his glass, drew in his Veterinary Surgeon that she loved him. In her anxiety she tho tall gateway was reached she stop­ feet and glanced at the clock. either did not know what she was do ped. and they all became aware of the “B ut that Is not all I w an t,” said I>e ing or she did not care whether be sound of horses’ feel behind them. Chauxville. Horace B F. Jeryis, knew or not. “What is this?” asked Oiirina. “So L perceive.” CHAPTER XI. come in ynn rny stay out side.” “Are you sure—are you sure you have “Only the starosta bringing our “1 want you to tell me what you v. s. ELOW the windows of a long, As they walked down the straggling not taken it?” she whispered. horses,” replied Steinmetz. "He has know of Prince Pavlo Alexis.” low stone bouse, In Its archi­ village street the Moscow doctor told He walked on almost roughly. (Graduate of Ontario Veterinary discovered nothing.” “Prince Pavlo Alexis.” said Yassili, tecture reinarknbly like a forti­ the sfianda in ns measured terms, as “Oh, yes; quite,” he said. College, Toronto.) Catrina nodded and held out her “is a young man who takes a full aud fied farm—below these deep cm- was Ids went, wherein lay the heart of “I will not allow you to go into any hand. daring advantage of bis peculiar posi­ Diseases of. Domesticated Animals treated brasured windows the river Osier the sickness. Here, as in Ostcvno, dirt more houses in Thors. I cannot—I ■will “Good night,” she said rather coldly. tion. He defies many laws in a quiet, I scientifically. Dental work a specialty- Call# ■rambled softly. One of the windows and neglect we,“ at the base of all the not! Oh, Paul, you don’t know. If you “Your secret is safe with me.” persistent way which impresses the night and day promptly attended to. Was wide open, and with the voice of trouble. do I will tell them all who you arc. and smaller authorities and to a certain tte water a wonderful luusic rolled The starosta prudently remained out­ —and the government will stop you.” OFFICE ATHERTON BLOCK, extent paralyzes them. lie was in the qpt to mingle and lose Itself in the side the first house to which 1.1 intro “What would be the good of that?” CHAPTER XII. Charity league—-deeply implicated. He H o u l t o n , M a in e . ■tun of tbe pine woods. dneed the visitors. Paul went fearless­ ■aid Paul awkwardly. HE Palace of Industry, where, had a narrow escape. He was pulled ▲ girl was alone in the room. The ly in, while Stelnmetz stood in the door­ “Of course,” Catrina went on, with a with a line sense of the fitness through by the cleverest man in Rus­ ?bco of any one would have sl- way, holding open the dear. sudden anger which surprised herself, of the name, the Parisians sia.” somethlng that was throbbing As bo was standing the ’e he perceiv­ “I cannot stop you from doing this at amuse themselves, was in a IRA G. HERSEY, “Karl Steinmetz?” of the chords. Quite sud- ed a flickering light npp -oaching him. Ostorno, though I think it is wicked, blaze of electric light and fashion. The “Yes,” answered Vassili behind the shig stopped. Bhe knew bow to Tbe light was evidently that of an or­ but I c«n prevent you from doing It occasion was the Concours Hlppique, Attorney & Counselor at L*w rigid smile, “Karl Steinmetz.” > 0 9’: tb t attaint last notes. She knew dinary hand lantern, and from the hero, am] I certainly shall." an ultra equine fete, where the lovers and “Prince Paul is about to marry—the fiomotblng that no master had ever swinging motion it was easy to divine Paul shrugged his shoulders. of the friend of man and such persons widow of Sydney Bamborough.” NOTARY PUBLIC. Unght her. that it was being carried by some one "As you like.” he said. “I thought as are fitted by an ungenerous fate “Sydney Bamborough,” repeated Vas- Office :3Sincock Block* . iho swung round on the stool and who was walking quickly. you carod more about the peasants.” with limbs suitable to horsy clothes flill musingly, with a perfect expres- Residence, No. 8 Winter St. Cj*f "iffeNid Iho light It was afternoon—an ‘‘Who Is this?” asked Steinmetz. "I do not cere a jot about the peas­ m eet and bow. aion of Innocence on his well cut face. HOULTON, MAINE. ■ttfeunn afternoon In Russia—and the “It Is likely to be the Coiyiteas Ca­ ants,” she answered passionately, “as A crowd of well dressed men Jostled “I have heard that name before.” l3TW ill Practice in all the Courts in the State. gtak Jtytfbt made the very best of a face trina. excellency.” com pared— It i« you I am thinking each other good naturedly around a mmUk. waa not beautiful at all, never ‘‘Does she visit tbe cottages?” asked about, not them. I think you are self­ long table, whore insolent waiters (to be costixukd) ■OHM tio beautiful—a face about w hich Stelnmetz sharply. ish and cruel to your friends.” served tepid coffee and sandwiches. •VWl tbs owner, a woman, could have ‘‘She does. God bo with her! She lias “I did It after mature consideration,” In the midst of those, as In ids ele­ tt*0P0«lb)» Illusion. It was broad and no fear. She is an angel. Without her said Paul. "I tried paying another ment, moved the Huron Claude do we should all be dead.” f IboroQlo^A rp A. Chauxville, smiling his courteous, N c o J. FOLTON. powerful, with eyes too far apart, fore- man, but he .shirked his work and ‘‘She won’t visit tliis if I can help it,” iisad too broad and low, ja w too heavy, showed the white feather, so Stein­ ready smile, which his enemies called Wheims, Willis P Dresser of Houlton. in | gMHIth too determined. Tbe eyes w ere muttered Stelnmetz. metz and I concluded that there was a grin. Not far from him stood a stout tin- County of Amosiook and State of Maine, shaped and slightly sloping The light flickered along the road nothing to be done but do our dirty gentleman of middle age wilh a heavy by his mortgage deed dated OetoiM-r ”7, 1900, Physician and toward them. In the course of n few fair mustache brushed upward on ei­ aud recorded in the Aroostook Kegi.stry of and Inward—deep, passlon- work ourselves." Deeds in vol. isi, page loo, conveyed tome, M set in a Mongolian head, minutes it fell on the stricken cottage, “And that is why you have been so ther side, 'bills man had an air of dis­ Almatia Dickison, v.ife of Dr. Thomas s. Surgeon, fifri was evidently listening. She on the sta,’osta standing in the road, fond of Osterno the last two years?” tinction, which was notable even in Dickisoii, of said Houlton. the following de~- Id St a little golden clock on the on Stelnmetz in tbe doorway. ehe asked innocently. this assembly, for there were many eriU-d tract of land, viz: One half in common ‘‘Ilerr Stelnm etz, Is th at you?” asked ami undividtid of the following described real BLAINE...... MAINE1 and then at tbe open win- "Yes,” he nnswered, falling into the distinguished people present, and a estate situated in the town of Limestone, in .*9W- - dho rose—she was short and a voice deep and musical in tbe dark­ trap. Frenchman of nolo plays his part well, said ('ounty of Aroostook, to wit:- Lot tmui- Next Dook to Post Ojficb. oouiewhot broadly built—and went to ness. Cntrlnu w inced. One does :aot w ince Ile stood with liis hands behind Ills liered < hie (I), Section Six i.G), containing One “At your command,” answered Stein- back, looking gravely 5-100 .“In a few minutes now.” Catrina came u:> to him. She was Paul glanced at her. to many, hut lie entered into conversa­ (I I 51 aeres ; lot numi>eml Three e>), Section C. 0. ORflfiT, ' dho raised her hand to her forehead clad In a long dark cloak, a dark hat “Yes,” he answ ered quietly. tion will) mme. six iG>, eeiitainiiig One Hundred Sixty and and wire no She brought with •in ion (loo. lo) acres; and lot numbered Four ^ t l K i s * * back her hair with a lit- They walked on in silence for a few “This Vassili is a dangerous mau,” \L, Section Six vGi, containing One Hundred AGENT -OT movement of Impatience, express- her a clean or auntie odor of disin­ moments. Faul seemed tacitly to have he heard more than once whispered. Forty-eight and ls-100 >1 is.tsi aeres; said lots perhaps, of a groat suspense. She fectants. She carried the lantern her­ given up the idea ef visiting any more Now, if a very keen ohserv'T had eontumiug in the whole Six Ilundnd Thir­ teen and 7-lou p;i:t.o7i acres, more or less, ■tpotl Idly drumming on the window self, while behind iter walked a man­ of the stricken cottages. They were taken the trouble to ignore ilu* throng Singer Sewing Machine servant in livery, with a large basket according to plan and survey of said town­ edit for a few moments; then, with a going toward the long old house, which and watch two ; arsons only, that ob­ ship made and relumed to the State Lund Machines sold on installments. ' j|0ick, little sigh, she went back to the in either band. was calk'd the castle more by courtesy server might ha\o disco-, em.l the fact Olliee in ls-47, by Charles K. Eddy, Surveyor, As she moved she gave a jerk “It is good of you,” she said, ‘‘to than by right. that Claude do Chauxville was slowly reference to said survey U ing had, being one- Old machines taken in part pay­ half in common and undivided of the premises (he head from time to time, as come to vs in our need, also to per­ “How long are you going to stay in and purposely making his way toward ment. General repairing done. suade the good doctor to come with conveyed to said Willis K. Dresser by “The o,. .rls who have too much hair Osterno?” asked Catrina at length. the mail called Vasdli. Aroostook Farm Company” by deed datnt to do. The reason of this “About a fortnight. I cannot stay Do Chnu.wil'o knew and was known October g7, PM 1, to which deed aud the re­ She looked up at: him, expecting him cord thereof and the deeds and records there­ 9 movement was a wondrous longer. I am going to be married.” of many. He had but recently airbed FAIR ST. to stop aside and allow her to pa-:-; into in referred to reference is hereby made for a of gold reaching far below her Catrina stopped short. She stood for from London, lie found himself culled moie particular description of the premises. the cottace. hut Stein met/, stood quite C.Hrina Lanovltch almost wor a moment looking at the ground with upon to shake hands with this ouw and Now, therefore, the condition in said moit- still, looking town at her with Ins / her own hair. She knew without a sort of wowder in her eyes not pleas-! that. lie went from one to thw other, gage is broken, by reason whereof, I claim u foK'cloaura of the same and give this notice pleasant smile. He did not move. ant to *«m. Tfceij she w alked on. j W. J. PORTER, d >ibt ll».;t not one woman in ten and each «fc;a,ye (>f position bwsight “I think not. This Meseovr man is for that parpose. h (onul rival her In this feinl- “I congratulate you,” she said. “1 : him nearer fw the middle ag«d mar iieultou, Maine, duly gG, 1905. MOM TI CELLO, H I., eccentric. lie ikes to e Clumxviiie bumped HAY, OATS, POTOTAES tage, but Karl Stelnmetz, h« we know , \ r 'S her vanity centered, on her hair. It The girl nodded her head. against tbe object of His quest, possi­ was fat and Ailed up the whole door­ l ek days for pushed aside from within, and a hulk­ trina. Atlantic 10.20. Woodstock, and all points mho wanted to make Paul Alexis love “Dy follow iuy im die ('aft' Tail- ing young man staggered out into the “I think so—yes." North; Presque Isle, Ed bar. and, womanlike, she clung to the talc in ten niuod' m eij 1>C nmndston, Riviere du road, propelled from behind with con­ “You are not observant,” said the Telegraphers ■ .fas womanly charm that was hers, the (jliauxvillc. pio-whn \ ■ .'cvi a lady Loup A Quebec. siderable vigor. After him came a girl in a singularly eveu and emotion- . wonderful golden hair. who was b win \ ) . 1 with the la- Eastern 4.40 p. in. Mixed, Week days for shower of clothes and bedding. lens voice. “Perhaps you never no­ 5000 NEEDED. Suddenly she stopped playing and bored grace O' a Far: ■ ".id. Atlantic 5.40. McAdam, St. Stephen. ‘Tali!” exclaimed Steinmetz, splut­ ticed .” (St. Andrews after July leaped to her feet. She did not go to Yassili iia and stood up Annually, to fill the new positions created by tering. ‘TIimmel! What tilth! Be care­ “Not particularly,” answered Paul. 1st,); Vancelxiro, Bangor, th t window, but stood listening beside right again, s -• unethiiig in Portland, Boston, etc. Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We ful. Catrina!” Catrina was unaware of the thought want YOUNG MEN aud LADIES of good ‘•Hm piano. Tbe beat of a horse’s hoofs bis atiitudi' nf nine! ';cidiou. of un- Montreal and points West But Catrina had slipped past him. of inurdci *kat was in her own heart. Fredericton, St. John ant habits, to . jm. tho narrow road waa distinctly an- obtrusive s- ; • l' :M odiring inielli- In an instant he had caught her by the Nevertheless the desire - indefinite, points East. iffblt, hollow and sodden as Is the gence vugm !y J,:ia; 1 - e of tbe poliefl w rist. shapeless—-was there to kill this wo­ Eastern k.50 p. ni. Mixed for Woodstock, N LEARN TELEGRAPHY Imnd of a wooden road. It came near- — something wiir h in friends refrain- “Come back!” he end'd. “You must man, who was tall and beautiful, Atlantic 9.50 B, IT and nearer, and a certain unsteadi­ ed from mcnti' him. for thin a.nd R. R. ACCOUNTING. not go in there!” whom Paul Alexia loved. ARRIVALS. ness indicated that the horse was tired. It must la* remembered in extenu­ Yassili was a ; man, of like We furnish 75 per cent, of the Operator She was just over the threshold. Eastern G.25 a. in. *T thought be might have come,” she SlIKIVptibilLICS 1 ei vrs and J list­ Mixed Week days from and Station Agents in America. Our six “You have some reason for keeping ation that Catrina Lanovltch had lived Atlantic 7.25. Woodstock. schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph - wbtfljwred, and aho sat down breath- ly proud of the fact L in' be belonged me out,” she returned, wriggling in his nearly all her life in the province of Eastern 10.20 a. in. Mixed Week days from Schools iu the world. Established 20 years to Hie ill;-ioni 11 i< ci s. W'lnu posi lamly. strong grasp. “I will—I will!” Tver. Bhe was not modern at all. De­ ■ V Atlantic 11.20 .St.John and East; Fred­ and endorsed by all leading Railway officials. W hen the servant came into the tioii he occupied io L select corpora ericton, St. Stephen, (St. We execute a §250 Bond to every student With a twist she wrenched herself prived of the advantages of our en­ , Beam a few minutes later Catrina was tion be never voin- sal 1 to define, Andrews after July 1st,) to furnish him or her a position paying from free and went into the dimly lighted lightened society press, without the $40 to $60 a month in States east of the Rocky but it was known ill, 10 enjoyed eon- Boston, Montreal arid At tae piano. room. benefit of our decadent fictional litera­ IKjints West. Mountains, or from $75 to $100 a month in “A letter, mademoiselle,” said the Biddable emoinmeni while be was states west of the Rockies, immediately upon Almost immediately she gave a ture, she had lamentably narrow views Eastern 5.45 a. 111. Mix at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free. the hovel, broken only by the wail of love to go with her all through her etc., via Gibson Branch. She rose alowly, turned and seized called him a spy. the dying man in the corner. Faul and life. She w’ua not self analytical not Eastern o.ts p. in. Mixed Week days from the letter as a starving man seizes In ten minutes ( 'laud* ■ de < fiiauxvi Atlantic 10.is. St. John, and Last; Fred­ Catrina faced each other, she white subtle nor given to thinking about her The Morse School of food. There was something almost left, tbe ( ’oncours i I ippi- |UO. ericton, St. Stephen. M. and suddenly breathless, he half frown­ own thoughts. Perhaps she was old Andrews Vancelxiro, At tin* ( afe Toufidc not in .he g; wolf-like in ber eyes. ing. But he did not meet her eyes. fashioned enough to lie romantic'. Bangor, Portland and Bos­ den, for it was uimrr. but in fine Telegraphy. ”Stelnmetz!” she exclaimed, reading “Paul,” she said ugaln, “whut did Catrina hated Etta Sydney Bambor- ton, etc. ner room be found tin u called C. I’SSHEK, G. 1>. A. Montreal. Cincinnati. Ohio. the address. “Stelnmetz! Oh, why you do this i’orV Why are you here? ough with a simple, half barbaric ha­ Buffalo, N. Y. Yassiii consuming a and soli- Atlanta, Ga. LaCrossa, Wis. won’t he write to me?” Oh, why are you In this wretched tred because she had gained the love tury glass of liqueur. Texarkana, Tex. San Francisco, Cal. She tore open the letter, read it and place?” of Paul Alexis. Etta had taken away De ('hauw i!!e sat own, stated Ids Stood holding it in her hand, looking “Because you sent for me,” he an­ from her the only map whom Catrina requirements to !b>> \ dter in a single Wit over the trackless pine woods with swered quietly. “Come, let us go out. could ovar love all through her life. Tho Absorbed, speculative eyes. The sun Word and oiferod bis oinpnnion a < ig- I have finished here. That man will girl was simple enough, unsophisticat­ S M ' s Bargain list Harvest Twicefa Day. , had Just set. The farthest ridge of pine Arette, w ! 1 ii h Vm--:iil ; ■cepn d. with tin' die. There is nothing more to be done ed enough, never to dream of com­ Kennebec A'alley Dairy Fanners harvest consciousness tii.al it une from a cor- trees stood out like the teeth of a saw for him. You must not stuy in here.” promise. She never for a moment en­ Is the title of our illustrated CHtaio'-'w, jtHt twice a day and do not know what crop fail­ In Mack relief on the rosy sky. Catri- Steinmetz lingered behind to give tertained the cheap, consolatory oneted ca so. out, fully describing hundreds of money­ ures mean. "Stiout’s Spring List” describes "I am rather Ihiniking of visiting many big trades in Milk ana Cream Fanns. ■a "Lanovltch watched the rosiness some last instructions, leaving Paul thought that in time she would get making farms; many having stock, tools Russia.” sa id t be Fr fidi man. and crops included. Write t o d a y for Some have stock and tools included. For free fade into pearly gray. and Catrina to walk on down the nar­ over it; she would marry somebody copy address E. A. Strout, Kents Hill Maine. Thors lay groaning under the scourge “Again,'’ added Y ssili in bis quiet FREE copy. row street alone. else and make that compromise which 614 Of cholera, and the Countess Lanovltch voice. “And M. le Baron wants a pass if you want to get a quick sale send for ‘‘How long have you been doing Is responsible for more misery in this our free description blanks. port?" Abut herself within her stone walls, th is?” asked Catrina kunhb'uiy. She worid than ever is vice. •hiverlng with fear, begging her "And more,” answered De Cliaux- did not look toward him. but straight “Where does she llvo?” asked Ca E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY, daughter to return to St. Petersburg. ville. “I want what you hate parting EASTERN STEAMSHIP CO in front of her. trlnfl. It waa nearly dark when Karl Steln- With—Information.” 150 Nassau 8t., N.Y. Tremont T*mpl*, BOSTON “For some years now.” he replied “In London,” ■Wtfl and tbe Moscow doctor rode into The man caUed Yassili leaned back BANGOR DIVISION. sim ply. “I wondwr,” said Catrina, half to her­ 'th e little village, to find the starosta, a in Ilia clmir with a little smile. It was He lingered. IU> r.m.; w-iting fo: self, “whether she loves you?” SUMMER SERVICE. Simple Russian farmer, awaiting them. an odd little smile, which fell over ills Steinmetz, who nlv.-m i io It was a question, but not one that Residence for Sale on SIX TRirS A WEEK TO BOSTON. Stelnmetz knew the man and Imme­ features like a mask aud completely emergencies, wl. > e.; b — , > >•? a man can answer. Paul said nothing, diately took command of the situation hid hiH thoughts. It was apparent that Highland Ave. Commenc ng Monday, May 1,1905, steau^ and bow to semiro Idem when they but walked gravely on by the Bide of With that unquestioned sense of au­ Claude de Chauxville’» tricks of speech ers leave Bangor daily, except Sunday at seemed alre dy , . .. tills woman, who knew that e\en if Entirely owing to my increasing l,;;o p. m. for Winterport, Bucksport, Bel­ thority which in Russia places the and manner fell hern on barren ground. Cut’ i:m w 'V t u w -. 1" Etta Sydney Bamborough should try fast, Camden, Rockland and Boston. barln on much the same footing as Tho Frenchman's epigrams, ids meth­ deafness we have decided to sell our For Hampden and Searsport Mondays, was not I : ug at t: she could never love him as nhe her­ that taken by the Anglo-Indian in an od of conveybig ids meaning in n mm- home on the Highlands and move south. Wednesdays and Fridays at 1.30 p. m. Ills point o! \ i" A' ; a . se lf did. eastern empire. commit ling /.ml impersonal geawtelit.v, This is an opportunity for some one to RETURNING. “Of cou’ -e • hr s“ id it 1 ■!' ■ When Karl Steinmetz joined them ' From Boston daily except Sunday at 5 p. m. ‘‘Now, starosta,” he said, ‘‘we have faded to ivsmrwss Inis hearer. course, Paul. 1 ad mb * y a*, ‘ a 11 tii ey were s ilant. get a real home place, good house, *F iom Rockland daily, except Monday, at only an hour to spend in Thors. T his “Then.” **Id Yussllf. “if I Wsler- rneusely. It is junf like ytm to go and “ I suppose,” he said in English, “that plenty of land, fine garden well stocked 5.30 a. m., via. Camden, Belfast, Bucksport, Is the Moscow doctor. If you listen to staml M. le Baron a rigid, it is a ques­ and Winterport. m do the thing q»*cly and say uotning we may iviv upon the discretion of the with small fruit and in one of the very what he tells you, you will soon have tion of private and personal affairs From Searsport and Hampden Tuesdays, about it; but, tii, you muat go away Frauleln Catrina?” best neighborhoods in town. For terms Thursdays and Sundays. Bo sickness In the village. T he w orst j that suggests this journey to-Rus­ from here. I—I—it w too horrible to “Yes,” unswered the girl. “You may, call at 2(J Highland Ave. All cargo, except live stock, via the steamers houses first—and quickly. You need ; sia V" of tliis company is insured against fire and think of your running such risks. Rnth- so far as Osterno is concerned. But I ■ot be afraid, but if you do not cure to : “Precisely.” H. M. ORRISS. marine risk. ar let them all die like flies than that. The Aroostook Times, Friday, August 11, 1905, / u - LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. LOCAL NEWS. them claimed to have had money when Ann ie Oakb*y has shot in connectiori - ■■* * ■*»- - * - - _ . they went to Jerhico, but when found Wit ll Buffalo Bill’s Wild West fnf A the I Miss Jennie Densmore of Bangor, Miss Annie Peabody who is employed Miss Beardsley is visiting by our good Samaritians were penniless severa year- Whi c Quoad she gavfe H , A. McLellan. I i* visiting her brother Geo. Densmore. as nurse in the Maine General Hospital Mrs. Wm. Bradstreet. as usual. Wbo gets ' the money ? exhibi ions of i r sk 1! before Ki'./ Ed- lift. P. N. Burleigt and two young I Don’t forget baby day at the Eclipse at Portland, is in town passing her Rev. 1. E. Chappell of Presque Isle Aroostook County tax payers pay the ward, (luce a ,Yut ona, tire Get man floirtorifriritiilg Mrs. Burleigh’s parents Photo Gallery on School 8t., Aug 16. vacation. is in town for a few days. bills. Emperor ami practically all the Euro­ Ipi Fort FaitfWd.| I A ten pound boy was born Sunday pean royalty. Kifig Edward present­ The Littleton (’ampmeet'ng is now Mr. and Mr. D. A. McTavish of J f* J ^ f c J p u r of New York City to Mrs. Geo. A. Densmore, Highland ed her with a medal hearing the in­ in progress and although the attend­ ttobinson, were in town Tuesday, call­ Aroostook Falls Power. !o tbo'gvoot of hi* aunt Mrs. H. C. |Ave. scription, “ You are the best shot I have ance was at first small the fine weather ing on friends. I Miss Nellie E. Bell of Providence, Mr. Chas. Noyes, senior clerk for the On Tuesday the 8th inst., in res­ ever seen.” Annie Oakley with her is bringing a large crowd. A special Wo aro glad to aee Mies Anna Cur- Jr . I., is the guest of her aunt Mrs II. J. Hatheway Co., is confined to ponse to the invitation of Mr. Arthur husband F. E Butler, is going to give train will be run on Sunday from tins MB io 4MB0*itly rocorered to be out, Jack Porter. the house by illuess. R Gould managing director of the these free exhibition shoots demonstrat­ town and other points on the M. & A. lilt tortipletWy reeoverl Miss Susie White house is the guest Mr. and Mrs. Amos Pilsbury of Maine and New Brunswick Elect rice 1 ing the temarkfdde quality of U. M C. *i> The train will leave here at !).o() a. rn. Am her accident. ,, . / I of Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald for Hartford, Conn., are the guests of Mr Power Company, sixty-two of the rep­ Cartridges. She will hit Hying objects Arriving at the campground at 10.<>o A boot of friend* were glad to meet a short time. and Mrs. (’has. Dunn for a few days. resentative business men of Houlton and returning leave the camp ground Jkr'±ia.jrM#un and wife of Boston I Mrs. L. L. McLeod returned this Mr. and Mrs J. W. Price of Milo took a trip to Aroostook Falls, for the at 5 p. m. The fare from Houlton for ttfffping fqr a few days at [ week from Presque Isle where she has are the guests of Mr. H. D. Hagerman purpose of inspecting the water power, the round trip is 25c. been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. for a few' days. and verifying for themselves by per­ Tabbntt of Eastport, Roberts for a few days. Thursday, Aug. 10, was a red letter Royal Neighbors please notice the sonal observation the claims mace by Mr. Gould regarding the advantages of wbo bthrrbewrongaged a* janitor and Mrs. Seth S. Thornton left on Mon­ day for the Houlton W. C. T. l \ , as next meeting of Comp. 3607 will be MMIOtrs in Lawrence, on Monday morning to rebuild the Houlton, or BERT DOYLE, Caribou. several new tricks with rifle and revol­ Me., assisted by Dr. Ward, upon Mrs. head of the falls under the guidance of where he' ts‘ general agent for house and the work is progressing Miss Mariel Marsh of this town and ver. Annie Oakley will give an ex­ James McCluskey of Debcc. The Engineer Whitney, they made a thor­ Item Insurance Co. rapidly. M iss P 30 Holmes of Presque Isle who' hibition at Houlton, Tuesday, Aug. operation was for glaucoma or harden­ ough inspection of the water power rMtffo**e it to himself and Mrs. Minnie E. Burleigh, Deputy have been visiting Miss Daisy Eastman 29 th. l l l l J M y tft.MMter, * trade or profes-1 Supreme Warden of the New England ing of the eyeball which is one of the in Synarep, Washington, for the past from the head to the foot of the falls, Rgad the .display advertisement I Order of Protection, has been in town most dangerous diseases of the eye, re­ two months returned this week. including the location of the canal sulting in total blindness if the affected leading from the proposed dam to the ftfM tU M q fm of Telegraphy, I for a short time soliciting insurance on The opening of the Aroostook State WOMAN WAXED—A capable wo­ member is not removed at once. This power station at the foot of the falls. M thltiAHM |r d learn how easily a I behalf of Houlton lodge and has sue- Normal School, at Presque Isle, will be man wanted to care for an invalid. No is the second operation performed by Mr. Whitney gave the party, in ans­ JWdBf K in or lady may learn telegraphy ceeded beyond her expectation. A delayed until Sept. 26, in orderjto allow housework. Apply to C. G. LUNT, JAAbt-MflOlwia petition. I large class initiation of some tvventy- Dr. Sullivan for glaucoma, . the fust time for the completion of the dormitory wer t® their inquiries, considerable in­ Houlton Furniture Co. pf AM was rung in Thurs* fiv© will be initiated some evening next of which was also very successful, being which is now in process of construction. formation touching the magnitude of upon Mr. John Smith of this town. the power, the nature and extent of ftlfti* yygk from box I week, A few more applications will “ The Man and the Woman,” by G. the work involved in developing the ' Hotel be received. By leaving your name A. Periigo, Esq., of this town, is on House For Rent. The Fact and Fiction Club has been power. He said that with the flow of ‘’WttSav'* w aanot-turned on as I with any of the member* the Deputy our desk. The artistic make-up is Enquire at 48 High St. invited by the Houlton Woman’s Club water then passing through the gorge tMitioQed with a garden I will be pleased to call and explain the worthy of the publishers, M. A. Don to join with it in a picnic at Herrin’s there was amply sufficient to develop tbnjilmage was" slight. ’ benefits of the Order. ohue & Co., of Chicago, and we can Lauding, Wednesday August 16th. 2,500 horsepower, this being the equiv­ Music Brought Down Walls. 9^*ej>tj son of C."fi. Ride- Captain and Mrs. Armstrong of the say no more of its literary merits than Should the weather be unfavorable on alent of 300 cubic feet per second. He While an amateur brass band was tMM^pnnitd by bis wife, arrived I Salvation Army, after having been at has already been said, viz : “ It is wel that date it will be the first pleasant stated according to enquiries and in­ practicing at a town near Leipzig, Ger­ Hat week from Dorchester, I the head of the local division in this worth the reading and the price day thereafter. The invitation in­ vestigations he bad made that the pitch many, not long ago, the old walls of ^bflM J ^ b o u t is employed I town for the past ten months will leave When a good citizen who has always cludes also out of town guests, and of water was lower than at any time the town fell with a crash. » Scientists business. Mr. and this town and will attend campmeeting been modest in asking for public pat­ gentleman friends of club members. during the period of 50 years pa^t. All ridicule the idea that the phenomenon fetbisbtfn the vicinity at Old Orchard Beach where they will ronage, offers a good book for the smal Crockery, cutlery, napkins, table cloths, the party were very strongly impressed was meant as a warning to amateur Aft 'they ate be for about two weeks after which they sum of $1.00 we should show our ap­ in addition to food, must be provided with the magnitude of the powe:-, and band players and attribute the falling fctlrer ©*pe©t to be transferred to a point in preciation of his energy and enterprise by the members for themselves and no doubt was expressed by any that of the walls to vibration caused by the meit&ng( of the Sunday I Massachusetts. The final farewell ser- j by investing in the same. There is guests. Any who wish to arrange for when developed it would be sufficient music. It is well known that under ftoultoh, conducted by Mr. I vice will be held Monday, Aug. 14 at j nothing like encouraging home talent conveyance by buckboard should re­ ^tcltd* Secretary of the] which time Capt. Armstrong will de­ for all existing needs of the territory certain conditions musical tones can gister with Mrs Julia West not later i “nd ll0™e indu8lr5'' following ex- to be served, including t.ie town of break glasses and the like, and many will be beld in the liver a farewell address. The subject tracts from notices will show that this than Monday the 14th. At three Houlton. believe that the Bible miracle of the -chinch i t 3 o’clock Sun-1 of Sunday evening’s discourse will be work is not all romance : o’clock there will be a joint meeting An excellent dinner was served con­ destruction of Jericho’s walls by Josh­ bi^A^gencrat meeting will **It is Finished.’’ A ^phonograph en- “ More interesting and thrilling than of all committees appointed to make sisting of fresh salmon, beans all hot ua’s trumpets can .be explained scien­ £ M m V* p la c e t $ [o-cletk. I tertainment will be given on Monday Robinson Crusoe.” airangements for the State Federation from the bean hole, etc. tifically on this principle. Presumably focgpft the time but encourage I evening at which time ice cream will be Many hair-breadth escapes on land and of Clubs. It is important that every The party was afterward called to the walls would have to >e already on V jbt -.’iiiiin y , school workers by your j served. Admission 10 cts. sea.” member be present promptly at that •rder by Col. C. P. Allen of Presque the point of falling...... I We are glad to extend our greeting A good estimate of the Russian, the hour. Supper will be served at five Isle, who called upon Jas. Archibald, |lgnt*of the town of Houl-1 to the new management of The Far Jap and the Chinaman.” o’clock. Esq., and Hon. A. A. Burleigh of William L. Douglas gently but firm­ Io vole for MpMttfltlthres | mington Chronicle. Mr. W. G. Mallet “ A vivid description of the scenery, Houlton ; and Hon J. F. Tweedale. ly declines to run again for Governor of infoipolofllocn^nd the]the new editor is a [lifelong friend, and The fire company was called out manners and customs of the M. P., of Arthurette, N. B. It was Massachusetts. The plan which pre­ W ,notified to assemble he comes to this work with a prepara­ Wednesday morning at about 12.30 Far East and the road to get there ” through the efforts of Mr. Tweedale vails in the Bay State of electing a foAegost 14, aft la o’clock in tion, both in scholarship and experience in response lo an alarm from box 57, that a charter was obtained from the Governor every year is exceedingly plead aft ftbei ftown clerk’* office that gives promise of a leader. We at the corner of Main and Summer Sts., Dominion Government. wasteful of human energy and c»n clip the following from his “ Preface” Another Seizure at the Border. ** . * “ •>“ »» * for a blaze in the fine residence of S. All expressed confidence in the merit hardly fail to scandalize a man who he.8 jvims and two inverse and wish to endorse his words heartily Friedman, Main St. The department Wednesday of this week another at­ and success of the undertaking, under been used to value his time. Governor term of the I as our sentiments too. The Chronicle responded promptly and found one room tempt was made by the provincial the energetic and wise leadership of Douglas is justified in refusing to run V p B — I judicial court k which convenes under his strong leadership should be a in the front of the house in flames. ofliciaH to close the dens of vice at the Mr. Arthur Gould. The party from twice within fifteen months. feHM ltoa the ftkird Tuesday of Sept, source of satisfaction to the citizens of Water was at once turned on and it Boundary. We are informed that one Houlton was joined by a large number TIM FamLaborars Excursion to the Franklin Co. “ Since the formation was thought that the damage would Annas, by name, who has been clerk­ from Presque Isle and Fort Fairfield. LIBEL FOR DiVORC l tGiae4Ui|-NMftbwest will be run this of the Republican party in be slight but in a short time the dis­ ing for the Thibadeau Bros., in the old To the lion. Justi.v lb me Judicial l W ‘lin tfd iK The ' 'date set from {Chronicle has championed its politics covery was made that the fire was be­ house on the hill just beyond the bor­ Court next to !>■ : d(on, in the der, was arrested, hand cuffed and County of Aim. '< > •. of Maine, points in Q§m Breton end Nova Scotia and principles. It has supported its tween the partitions necessitating jtlie Famous New England Novel Angus F. Palin. ■ •' " i said County ‘ from bmfts'fiHfew Brunswick and candidates for office in their canvas for use of the axe in many places. The taken to Woodstock for trial. Mc­ of Aroostook, P'-p >■; i o ' o |i! uts that on on the Stage. the loth day of s-< i ' :o . ovs at Moro, in Aug. I9U' From Cana-1 and, when elected, in the dis- house, on this account was very badly Lain was more fortunate. In the lan­ jaiil County, he w.i- iawfulli married to In the stage production of “ Quincy A ugusta 1J. I ’a liu o i. ■ ■-•in residence ■Mtions in?Nmv.Brunswick [charge of their official duties. Its damaged, as it was necessary to cut guage of the provincial officiaL )’! Adams Sawyer” the essential features is unknown to \our !. that ever since g ! 2 going, m d $18] sympathies are still with that party, many openings and use a lurge quan­ “ Johnny flashed.” We were at a loss said time lie has (omuirled himself towards of Charles Felton Pidgin’s famous New .sai* l Li belie as a k ithiul, true and ail'eetionate ____ From .Intercolonial statienslbut its position will never be offensively tity of water. The household goods at first to know just what this word husband but that sud Libelee, regardless of England novel of the same name have and" Nova'Beotia, [partisan if we can help it. The party, weie removed in as good a condi'ion meant, but on further inquiry we found her marriage covenant and duty, since said been followed, and they are said to marriage has luvn guilty of cruel and abusive dp the Dominion At- | right or wrong, is not our motto. faWe as was possible but a great many val­ that Johnny pai 1 a fine for violating treatment towards your Libelant. have been handled to extremely clever That your Libelant has made diligent in­ do not hold ourselves infallible in the uable pieces of bric-a-brac were des­ the prohibitory liquor law of New quiry, but that the resident-'* of said Libelee is # * • w m *• * 13 t ° iag< * 19 advantage. The production to be seen unknown to your l.itsdant. and cannot be Mtnrniny, and from sUtions on P. E. discernment of party policy or moral troyed. The theory that the cause of Brunswick. We used to “ flash” here at the Heywood Opera House, ascertained bv reasonable diligence. That rate will be f 13;50 going, principle, and so are willing to be guid­ the fire was the result of crossed electric Johnny here years ago for violating our then* is no collusion between them to obtain a Tuesday, Aug. 22 by the way, is the divorce; but that your Libelant believes that See ad in another ed, in a measure at least, by the will wires, aside- from being an injury to prohibitory liquor law but it didn’t said bonds of matrimony ought to be dis­ — »e>*»»ttg. same in every detail of scenic product­ of the majority and its leaders. But the Electric Company, is erroneous, prevent him from violating rhe law just solved, wherefore he prays that a divorce - ion and cast as seen duiing the New may be deermi. ^ At •fioaftb V ebck Iasi.. Friday, the we recognize at the present time a as the first arrivals on the scene tbe same. When the judges com­ ANGL.s F. PALMER. York run recently at the Academy of Signed and sworn to before me this lbth strong revolt [against the 5»oetition of will testify that the blaze started menced to send men to prison for the day of.July, 1!ho. in xeh- Music. There is a laugh almost every­ ifpj!^ala£m from box”34, Union [public office to individual ambition and in a large upholstered chair and crime of selling liquor McLain, with IRA, mu.'). F*?®**^ Hotel. A very slight fire whatever party it may be found. This tween the rooms. In a strict sense lieie, but at once set up shop over the figure as the much loved blind girl and In this action it is ordered by the court that Vge- iflinevafcd and wa* immediately I paper'also'stands -for- prohibition as a the cause is unknown, but is border. We would say to our provin­ notice lie given said Lilx*!iv, by publishing to her value % as the central feature of the libel and this on.V-r of court three success­ «Ottblgni*badl. A few moments later method of dealing with the liquor pro- thought to be the result of carelessl} cial neighbors that the only thing that ive weeks in the Aimistook 'limes a news­ the love story. It is a most enter­ paper printed and published at iloulton, in alarm wa» pulled in for the | blem —and the enforcement of all law dropping a cigar or match in the chair will deter John McLain from selling taining picture Jof rural life, and pre­ said count} of Aioo.-took, the last publication •Mae bra vrtad a t thia time the barn [This follows from our preceding politi- in which the blaze started The dam­ liquor on youi territory, in oui judg­ to lie at least no da\ s before the next term of sented on quite a different plan from this court in said bounty of Aroostook to l)e vrajl lp fiiamce. The advantage of the | cal faith. Ifeverthism ethodofhand- age to the house and furniture cannot ment, will be the fe»r of being deprive! held in Houlton, in said Count}, on the third any other bucolic drama. Its features ! Tuesday of Sepamlier, P.io;>; that she may l i f t water power waa very evident at I ling a most vexatious problem shall ap- be exactly estimated but the insurance of hi* liberty and of soiling his clothes then and there appear and defend if she sees and typical characters are said to be1 giAbc.pM«auie in that locality pear to be inferior to any other in its will probably cover it. Mr. and Mrs. in your county jail. lit. exceptionally well presented. FREDERICK A. POWERS, J. S. ,T. C. | nn and the fire was I results^ of securing respectability, so- Friedman were not at home, having We found four men in the cooler one A true copy of libel and order of court thereon. Attest: M ICJIAEL M. CLARK, Clerk Ui* miputes from the I bnety and financial advantage for our started a few days previous on the C. morning this week, all of them pro­ A'iO tbe alarm aounded. No aerious I citizens we shall hasten to accept the W. Robbins excursion, and at the time vincials. They all claimed they got Dr. Oidman’s Prescription is — Dr. Oidman’B Prescription— <•y */****'*" ^5 guaranteed cure for Dyspep­ ^ Kill the Constipation Germ, ■ WM done to the building. I better thing.” of the conflagration were in Quebec. drunk at the line stores. The most of sia, Indigestion and allBtoxnecL trouble. on a guarantee at 26 Cent*. w Tha Arooatook Times Friday, August 1/, 1805, till t t i little Dststfc?. THE MOOD OF MIGHT. Ludlow PORE VINEGARS. koomwlTM often bare trouble FOX BROS. flier* la a Peculiar Potency In Bellel earranbi who cannot get up, but l Itt OnS’a Own Pow er. A concert was given by the Sunday iglU tt It erer eccure to them, as It Achievement Is less a matter of natu school of the Free Baptist church last Many people undoubtedly m I t MJae Dorothy Drew when iitae ral ability and external circumstance Right Clothes , H lA te t mote than aeven, that the than of the habitual mental attitude. Saturday evening. Ice cream and cake have the impression, and quite Sartffeuree wnphaaise the vanity of Success, hapr4ness and accomplishment were sold during the evening by mem­ •arty rlalng, say* the London Tatter. reasonably so, in these days Dorothy positively refused to get up, of all kinds are born of confidence, bers of the school. The solos were You know how it Isj'there's buoyancy and faith. Discontent, self especially good and the assistance ren­ jpA hpr grandfather, Mr. Gladstone, distrust and hesitancy are all cankers, of harmful adulteration, that a lot of comfort in knowing,- Jted ttt he called to overawe the rebel. dered by the choir was much appre­ eating into every part of life and de­ wholesome vinegar.- are no your clothes are right, andA s. 18Why don't you get up, Dorothy ?” be stroying force and perfection at every ciated. The church was made at­ fix-,: in being sure of it. MBtcauae the Bible doesn't approve of point. tractive by decorations and everybody more obtainable. This is a early rising, grandfather,” was the un­ There Is a peculiar potency In belief m m . fa one’s own power. This need have voted the concert a grand success. mistaken idea however. II. You can’t be always study* reply. Hon. Llewellyn Powers and family KjWV tWy, Dorothy," said the aston- no element of egotism In It, only a ing fashion plates ; you might steadfast trust in oneself. Yet even are at their cottage for the sum m er. J. Heinz (Jo. are perfectly re­ etotssman. "you must be nils- childish self conceit is better than not know if you d ;d. But 'IMeMu1* Mrs. John Barker is very sick. liable and supply pure foods % no, l*m hot," she persisted, weak depreciation of self and the pal- you can be sine of clothes slod muscle resulting. To believe In Fire in the woods above the Powers "liars tt la." And abe turned up the only. Their Vinegars fully correctness, just the same. yerae of the One Hundred and one’s own success, to think and act al­ cottage caused considerable excitement Psalm, "It Is vain for ways with confident assurance that It here a few days ago. Qu ite a tract of comply with the Pure Food 1. -A--;.* If you come to us £ we’ll fit (s possible to do anything and all things fH? yp early." The old par- land was burned over but a crew of you in one of our high art, had nothing more to say. that one desires to do—such an attitude Laws not only of every State p i buoys up the spirit, sends the currents men succeeded |in keeping the fire a- r. t floored him. in The Union hut of every all hand-tailored suit®, ma ’e tv - ...... of energy and skill pulsing through the way from the cottage. body and makes the maximum of ac­ by Hart, Schaffner & Marx,

FLOOD PREDICTIONS. WEATHERCOCKS. Vlamarkabl* W*r* th* Warning* of 1903. How They Cvme Into Existence In the One of the most remarkable cases Ninth Century. flood prediction on record was the A contemplative individual, with Wming of the disastrous floods of some power of observation, was ask­ 1903. Twenty-eight days in ad- ing about weathercocks. faftO* of its coming the forecaster "Why weathercocks ?" he asked. «t Washington announced the exact | safety. When the flood ar­ it was enacted that the iigure of a N o tic e . rived tMe people were ready for it. cock should be set upon churches in T<' Wu minor -on, Iddmuml St. Amant, ■ *, lb >r<1 (> “ Si r<>ke (> ______the dams sge to property, while Peter’s doniul of our Saviour and of til*- >i -t df his time ilurih : hi-; minority. 1 terrible, was millions and millions his unfeigned repentance, thus at w' i! ei.iini ’to!if of his earnings and pay n > lutioii Mb'), I Vine SI 7b.o'I dt 'e'■- i f h;-t (■■ Mitnietin:.; alter this date, and Of dollars less than it would have once admonishing those who would 1 _i1 e li .e- iii it ie** fi .(■ that pm pose. Simple, durable,“<■'>n wim.-il been if the people had had no sen­ renounce the Saviour and oil, ring his Witm - IbPZKBK \ ST. A .WANT, : ;mtl reliable. Y< >r <• on day tinel to cry out the march of the forgiveness to the penitent apostle.” .Id'ii M. Brown mark waters. —Success Magazine. j lie>re, 1 ait you eannot bur The devotion of the dike watchers !a better I'tiyine. of Holland has been the theme of Mexican Egg Test. children's stories for generations, It is a common sight in the plaza Spring Styles 1905 M IL ihai- hut the sleepless watch of the hun­ to behold a stall woman who D sidl­ N o tic e F a rm e rs . //ail;1! ami dreds of woather bureau observers ing 2 reals’ worth of oggs pink to Lamson A 11111*1 aml lots tire Dor. : n > i e. Whan a flood threatens the land them up one by one, put one end Wo mxpw't to resume our passes unnoticed and uap ^aised. The and thon the other to her lips and i1 11 111 1 ( .r. : \\ ..-el a 1 ways been ii g, t*<* !' *r!; 1 th\ buLne-s of s.auejitorine; lambs . acientiflc precision of Am erican sci­ hand them over to the c u s to m e r , ence has mad j the work appear so who repeats tho same identical op­ stylish ami line in 4 1 1; 1 seems as if they were testing the ex­ Ianios ov ie poumi woi^ht ( 1 i a ■ i (Ml ID'I'M ■l*qu*no* Interrupted. tremities of tho egg. As a matter S. FRIEDMAN & CO. ni! t ; > . paring a political campaign a of fact, they never touch the egg i ’ i1! -'. WcB known lawyer in a western state with the tongue. V -At is-i Was addressing an audience com­ The idea of the peribraamfie is t p iiL-:. peted principally of farmers. Like that when an egg is fr*sh one end 1 ' d 1, j S. (I wife speaker—and a shrewd candi- is distinctly colder than the other. t ' ; <'y y. i. * i f i! ( < i ;* wet ho its jgte—be tried to suit his speech to The end which has the air chamber M.iu.m.bii s. the occasion. is the warmer of the two. The hu­ lumlis. j In a tone which he evidently con- man lips are exceedingly sensitive jjddandJteth cordial and honest and to heat and cold, and even the i e m 1 vise W: igiiini 1 hlUlLtf; .Hu it : ; * With a winning smile he began: novice at this form of egg testing T h e Id e a l before selling by th e 1 (V'il’U |*My friends, my sympathies have promptly becomes a capable Judge. i head to see if we do not. oner ■ Lniyamc«f With the tillers of the If both ends of the egg reveal tno Women’s Shoes TOWEHCO, _ j t f i f father was a practical same temperature that egg may be more by the pound for good n n w iid t e waa my grandfather counted as bad, as it is a iairlv good lambs than they will bring by Auhum, He. fare nifn. 1 myself was bora on sign that the air chamber is broken ARE OF FAULTLESS FIT a farm and was, so to speak, reared and the contents spread equally the head. hstwaan two atalks of oora." within the shell.—Mexican Herald. New England Dressed Meat and Wool Hare hit eloquence was rudely in­ Notice of Foreclosure; PROBATE NOTICES. Method* of tho Mote. Designed by a Woman to terrupted lnr the trumpet tones of a Company, Whereas Sirah K. 1Uv, ith of Foil Fair- Th all )>’ r-ors i> forested in either of the Es- fcnncr In the rear of the hall. In burrowing his tunnels the mole suit Womairs Needs. held in rim ('minty of Aroostook and state of tati s i.eieinalier nammi. seems to swim through the earth Maine. 1>\ Imr mortgage m Yob Page gsT, Tir -d i\ .'ul\. in the year of our Iyord to e house "came down," and the though much of the earth is never eonveod fo me, Mamaiee < Wod of said hut <,iie thoij -m,'1 hundred live, d'he follow- Supports arch of foot Just Fairtield. part of lot numbered iorly-tw", in.* mam ;'s ! n\mg lx-on jiresenU*d tor the candidate, for the moment at least, removed from the runs, but is beat­ .situate in the Past half of P!> month < Cant, ;11• i *11'i there; run hereinafter indicated, it is was sadly embarrassed. en hard into the walls and floor of resting1 entire body. Two now pgr! of si el 1 or! lairl'esi. and Wanned hi'o-hy « w|< : d. 'I 'm' nofice thereof 1mj given the tunnel, the creature finds it , a i id de>ei i f<>" i a' lollies1', to v. if: liegmmng i j i. ; -... i - : n n ■! ■ • ’ ■ ■. i. d;, causing a eojiy of things a requir­ i at a point w Imre the centre of tlie Pad l.wie- ;;:;'.ird ;■ !r ; 11; o ■ I Uireo weelis sue- Ne Need For Hio Quit. more expeditious In busy times to ! shine road. >n railed, and th • >« mth line of si el e 1 y ' . .• •• tue mild Tuesdjiy of Aug., A certain Massachusetts doctor clfar tho runs of loose earth. This ed to make a I Jot fmt) -tv. o in?' !'-*<•!> : thence northerp along \. a ;: ;n *! •■ r'Kidm.k Times a news- t tie eent.’e of m M load iimety-ono rmh atm p.ijier y:V ir d ;o ilmi'ton, in said Who lived among the Berkshire hills he does at a point where the run Allen T. Smith, real bargain. nine1 ecu iimks to the north hu*' oi sa.d wt C-1' i n ; \ . dm tiiy : i ; \ appear at was vary fond of hunting, and at comes to the surface by pushing tho A satisfied buy­ lori\'-tvo; tiieui'c ea-.terly aforlie* no;th a 1 1 r i 1 i 1 11 ■1 I l" be iloid at the Exclusive Agent. line*of saul I t. one liundred and iv.onty-eight I bo!in' ■■■• m .■-m i * 'aribou. on said the same time he was very slow in earth before him with his flat fore­ er and a satis­ rmis and t \s it \-one links to a cd,ir po t tin’ll T.i- mi.iV An,-... A. 1*. It «•.'», at ten •Diwcring the calls of his patients. head and face. Sometimes where lliene* >"uil)eri> along the ea^t line of md oi l!:e floe., m b" fo’illoon. and lx* heiuil BOSTON SHOE STORE. fied seller. lot fori-t wo. [o the N'liile-ast corner thereoi: i! t!;i One morning he was aroused by a the earth binds easily he pushes out tln'iier'.vewrA along the vt * oi late of Masardis, d«»- servant of one of his patients who tho mold in solid round plugs, show­ There will be lot forty-l \•VI l, ( I'll• llll'l'iicd and hn l > -nine lHilS r< . i -(** i. u fur distribution presented by a distance, and told to go ing the exact dimensions oi the ori­ no d->ubt of and eigliie“ U lam s ti i place■ of beginning. rnll- Matdd; lived at bulling SCv’i nt\ ;lel’es nil >n‘«>r less, according < 'i ".l! 11 e Van Suren, deceased. and me him right away. The doc­ fice through which they have been F o r S a le . vour satisfaction to Daniei 1 ii'im e tt's plan and survey ot said W li ,11’ ; oeaie tiierenf and that tor bagan to prepare, but was, as thrust. When the mole is hunting Tow iishlp IIU' Ie 111 le-V.,1, M■feienee to .-aid liian ’ e; "■ ,e to Marguerite il. if you come and siir\e), being had. Bi ‘I'lg same pi e] nis“s f t'■ o i.■lib'* II. Cvr, the usual, very slow. After he went out or traveling underground he has no Upright piano fur sale. [ 1 it.ai< 1 in_r to low r p the State, the owner oilers an oppoi t unity 1 bore for \ our eoUVtW I'd to -..ud Beekwr d i tiv l.uihcir K. ■ d. to the buggy he turned to go back need to throw up the earth. This is purchase a Sloe ne»ni\ new piano I'd' <- ('ai v h\ iri> d ■ *d ua'ed JiUgii't 'id, Istm., and *'a rt if i k es'iue Isle deceased. a subsequent operation for the pur­ than half its value. The m.-tnum nt is of reeoVd' d ili said ih gi-'tr.v of ilip id s in Vol. \\ id a' 0 !.ati t! 11-11*1 >f and that Into the house. He thought he high grade mike, rich tone, iii;i!ih.;iiiv civ Piano. 1.-.7 la g " d:m ; a.u i w i"ie;i> the ei m dition o f said \.* to Pula M. Ppham would be able to do some* hunting pose of cleaning the runs for regu­ and is without mar or blemish. I'nict ic.ili;. . liloi tga ;e iIS IH'm,v"ii. m»,v til' I’e!full' 11\ Il■a-* m ■ '"u : ! un the Fxtctdrix on the way after he had seen the lar use. ______new. Must sell regardless of price t-ow-ed An-I will he a ul the mva.ell Ul till m l!”ill i ' 1 of said ’III! It J T j .ci'e'n shipping. Write for particulars. Addnss , S;lt isfacl j()tl L.ag ■ 1 elann a loi,'ivioMue then*- if and l Ir '!■"!>> \'c! !». he.de Lake, diV'enswI. case. Beaching the door he turned 1 mate euro nl Aroostook limes, Ibniltoii. , mve t!iis notice for ill*' pm pnse of i 11 i i■etili'g Ki i a 1 a 1 ’<•■ adouancehy Mary •nd asked the nervous eervant: Quit* Sufflolftflt. — - - ...... : which will grow lit" 1. at ‘eioS ill" of smd moi l[gage. A un 1 :L ; ;<. A man who has for years con­ Fori Fair.ieat, M;a;no, J uI;,’ 1", 1111' . Aim ’. oi Houlton, diHcaswl. *Do you think I had better take my as you put the M AM" A IIP id l i o o i i Ki I ,-i a : I■;> •-< nied tor aIlowant« gun along?" "Gun ? No I The man vulsed audiences of old and young Notice. By her’ atbii iiey W M . T. SI'IMII. !»y lnl;| ■1. t' i' i *. at his pleasure says that no com­ Whereas, my \s ife Augusta il. !’aimer, re­ Instrument M ’U”' a p.'i'on of unwj.ind ••**jlll kc dead enough at this rate be­ fusing to return to bod ;md hoard which 1 m m !. ■ mod ian a< count pre- ment on his entertainments ever Si ' Iii" 1 ■ by Daniel Lewis, fore you get there. am willing and capable of pro\ idmu, and her to the servlet* ( j , tickled his sense of humor more present wheiealsmts now to me unknown. test. Come and Po*J*d th* C*n*or. than one made by a ten year old I forbid anyone ImiDiiing or trusiing her on N o l i cp of Foreclosure Alt IU .AS FKSSF.NDEN, my account after this date. see how much .’ '•»).• ook and Ham- J ud.ge of said t'ouit. girl of his acquaintance. A Mil 'S F. I’A I.MKK, Wherea.'s. Jam *i.tie P lb . v\ T Ul e ' During the South African war m-rn’lil lie amuck , lioih m1 II"• L Ion. m the She was a serious little person, ■Smyrna Mills, Me., July in. I nob. sat isfaction may M:iin ■ b\ VI il >. THoRNTON, the censorship of soldiers' letters i 'mint} of ...... took end 1.11 * ■ ! Register and when tho lecturer said to her. he had here at bieu m"M gage 1lu d lime *1 Ai'! .1 g 1 eg. 1 home was very strict. One soldier, emu. .1 II! !lie Sr, iMleK 1e • ., - ’", ul Dmds in who always sent an account of “I saw you in the front row, Jean, a moderate cost. V.d. l i e p; Ig" be t e. o i \ i oid t i i;. w . -Jia \*. the doings of the regiment, which but I’m afraid you didn’t have a L o s t. Oi il MU. it'll '. Ill s■a id 1 o!i, it v "! Al.....in* N ot on ; ioMirc. good time," she looked at him with eei '.am pim •e n!"p; Meet o! ielid CM!iM. im-iig aJh m W u 'mi oi \\ ooilland, in account was always blotted out On the grounds at Mont icello a t wenty -hu • acres, tieill m ot t il'’ -. iti th- ' < ' »' i ■ ■: | a, and state of Maine, by the censor, laid a plan for large, reproachful eyes. Ladies gold hunting cased with HAGERMAN of lot man bere»l |[\e ,.i m"the :l it Pan ge i il h i' 1 ■ eg omul (>et. 4, lStCi, re- "Why, I had a splendid timel” lots in the South Oi\isio: i o!Amid !!"•!.;< Ion. t-n)fh <1 \n"...... - Registry of Deeds revenge. At the foot of his fob, chain *and clasp. Monogram M. being the ?viinic premises e1 Ilivm.'d to the sa'i i } 11 Vwh ] •I. eu|;ve\e(I to Calvin li. ncxticiter he wrote, “Look un­ she said, earnestly. “Didn’t you W . on case— If found notify. Suilible & ASTLE, .la n e itit1 1. Kstalu'ook by Kenoad s. .(aekin- < mnbmi. oeeeasisl, mills life see me laughing ? I laughed several by deehaw by in.- ■ PJO . to ' mi ii'-mg at the northeast A Valuable Threat. assignment dated the Ttii ■_’ I :> rmis to the J. W. Brooks, a great railway "V is it hard to get off?" Mothers ! Mothers ! Mothers I US' gned said mortgage ; ’it tiiel’e m e u , s'e’dv along the manager of Michigan, whose pen­ seel Mill to tile, the liude! I ! v.mil l-rngmt MAS) rods How many ohildren are at this seaom Nun. therefore, the Cl an! m : "" nn.Mli parallel with A Bar Vo Bigamy. manship was very poor, once wrote a feviTish and (vinstipattsj, with ban stonmeh Nasal g:i i' I'loken, l>\ rea--: I "ian ■: . v i-e;" 'a-*' 1 1 >y Sumner "Boys," said a teacher in a Sun- letter to a mn on the route, noti­ and liejidaehe. Motlier ose. u 1 -si’-i ; „e" ot lx*gin- dajr sonool, "can any of you quote a present the\ w i !' a> JfTC : A "; i \\ aiton by ewrae from Scripture to prove that mW. d r i > 1 i I* • i be i.. moded the road, under penalty of ! Addnas, a iltm >■. < djus: i , N. 'I . k * h W»ng for a tram to have two ! FWs i'l’caia IIaim , •! < a m ’ 1 i. Ie lefts Wives P" He paused, and after a prosecution. Tho threatened indi­ I r' -_a11 - , c' 'C? IH‘-i fir, i .**!• d, have lieen moment or two a bright boy raised vidual was unable to read any part • t:,.’. :'■ |"i in mn - - ‘W .. e b . ’. I ■ t tie i'state of said of the letter but the sfgn«ture, but For H ;d< ! I! i(•:■.?.'.n-h All Itlrixos .f7g.t Drttl metis fer ! i ha\e ieii\ (iualitied his hand. "Well, Thomas," said the v a o d tu Mi'’. In took it to be a freo pass <>n the ( A s('COtni haml Siioth 1 * n;ir type We can shut you i ■ > a ig I a' t!s "oudition of said mort- teacher encouragingly. Thomas small I'apital. Madm i ..g" - mm: ,,, 11 a'iin whereof, I claim a stood up and said, "No man can road, and used it for two years on J writer m good repair u iit <• sold at I ('r.-nm TJalin is p'.'in 1 in'o Hie nosrriis, spres.*!* opt-nite. Write for in. ah rab I ek -a: I‘ e| . ailie, Hlld give this notice the company’s trains, none of the a very reasonahle pric-. \lH ilv at i *>rer tue inemiirauo and is a'lsorbud. It;1 ;efin i:u- and lull information. ■!’ tliat pm| < serve two masters." The question I v- , in.fi!.;;!c and a cure follows. It is not ilry.ir* -b t-’ TIMES OFF 1CK oral r < aril".'!’. Main*', dtav is. 1‘ tO.Y ended there. conductors being able to disputo his " , r t' ’ ie a prodnw f iK-e/iDg. Li.rgo Size, 50 cents at Drug­ .\ N \ 1 Sa >. : (iPKKTS, Executtll. Interpretation of the document. K. Osgood, Court St. gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by nail. | Star Drilling Machine Co 1 . tier attorney, A. IP DOJWOKTH. iiLA" IJKOTI1EUS, GU Warren Street, N\*w York. Oihce : ioq F ill ton St., X. V i Th# fiflma® Friday, August if, iOO®.

BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. ' THE MAKING OP PENCILS. LOST TO THE WORLD. A RATTLER'S BITE. To the Hon. Justice of the Supreme Judicial SMOKING IN HOLLAND. I he DifXtr^nce E twee > Tccse Two Tourt next to be held at Boulton, in tbe «f lltaibsco la V««<1 Carpets f.xplaincd. County of Aroostook and State of Mains. fh m i tait lio L««d. Hoover’s Discovery of the Nature am its Lightning Rabidity Sometimes Pro­ Angus F. Palmer of Smyrna, in said County l a d psadte trt uoi made of iked. The Dutch Are the Greatest Users o C.iuse of Electricity. vents Fatal Results. By j,hieing a brm-oei. '! ’ fieteri/e the former. Thi- w due to «iuiry, tint that the residence of said Libelee is England; along the Laurentlau ranges, To show how deeply rooted is the institution with which he was con­ Jiever forgets. The yn at, imu !> 1 h>- pr«M-ess of manul’aet ure. A brus- unknown to your Libelant, and cannot be e)s asrertainod by reasonable diligence. Tliat fa the provlhoe of Quebec, and at Ti- habit it is enough to say that the nected who could justly be called a lies ended in a tense -piral, the \ is a yarn dyed, and a tapesiry then* is no'collusion between them to obtain a •itokrofa, Vt boatmen of the treksehuit, the shirker. There was in one of the embodiment of wiekednes^. Fn may be described as a printed fab­ divorce; but that your Libelant believes that nowadays the mineral is taken from said binds of matrimony ought to be dis- aquatic diligence of Holland, meas­ classes of wliich Professor Bishop in air, the white bellied fore ho< ric, but the printing in done upon the mines In the lump and curried to soIyhI, wherefore he prays that a divorce ure distance by smoke. From here, had charge a lad by the name of bent into a horizontal S, rigid a.- varn before the proeos of vveav- may lie decreed. the reducing mill, where it is pulverized A NCI'S F. PALMER. tn etamp mills under water. This dust they say, to such and such a place it Hoover, who had evaded the recita­ iron bar. liaised from the niit Signed and sworn to before me this 19th i§^collected, packed in barrels and sent is not so many miles, but so many tion of his lessons when called upon of the spiral is the tail, <|iiivorino Tlie whole methoi ot manutae- day of July, luor*. to ' the factories, where thousands of pipes. to take his part, pleading a poor like a twanged banjo string and ture is most ingeiiiom...... In the mak­ I HA (k IIEKNEV, .1 ustice of the Peace. ponclla are made every day. This pul­ memory. IBs delinquencies were, ing of a live frame brussels no fewer When you enter a house after the emitting a rattle like meam escaping AROOSTOOK, ss. Supreme Judicial Court verised graphite Is so line that it Is lirst salutations your host offers you however, almost, if not entirely, due from the pot. reek of a radiator or than .1,280 eivh of face yarns are In Vacation July 19, 1905. fklljr dust, dlbgy in color uud smooth a cigar. When you take your leave to a lack of application, and this the like the sound of a mowing machine required for the weaving of one In this action it is ordered by the court that aad oliy to tho touch. It is divided in- professor more than suspected. pieee of standard quality, each frame notice be given said Libelee, by publishing to various gradea of fineness by tlouting he hands you another and often in­ in a distant haylield. Awe impiring, the libel and this order of court three success­ sists upon filling your cigar case. During the week before the school the dread, flat, triangular head, eves consisting of A’5G bobbins, and 256 ive weeks in the Aroostook Times a news­ It OQ water from one tank to another. paper printed and published at Houlton. in £l Tho eooxeo duet sinks to the bottom In the streets you see persona session ended for vacation, examina­ gleaming black and cold a.- iey steel, ends only can come to the face at slid county of Aroostook, Hie last publication ^:,.4 flf tho first tank, the next finer to the lighting a fresh cigar with the burn­ tions, embracing the subjects stud­ is ready to strike. A> the grew- each pick of the pattern. There­ m b 'a t 1 east: >u days b fore the next term of fore 1,024 ends of yarn ure hidden this coin! in slid County of Aroostook to be iiitfMI IMt the second tank, and.so on ing stump of the last one without ied by the pupils during tho whole some mouth opens win1'* and pink, field in Houlton, in said County, on tbe third -m m A* ttNt the finest powder for the pausing in their walk and with the term, took place in the class rooms. the long, thin poison fangs arise in the body of the fubrie. There are Tuesday of September, 1905; tliat she may • t e t pw dlo sottUng in the lust tarfk. busy air of people who do not wish During this tim* it was the custom from a h, mizontal position and stand many qualities of tapestry, but in then and there appear and defend if she sees iM ttfiUt grades of pencils, from very fit. to lose a moment of time or of the relatives and friends of tho upright like a pair of -deader, curv­ tho production of the standard qual­ FREDERICK A. POWERS, J. S. J. C. t e l to extra hard, are obtained by mix- mouthful of smoke. Many go to students to visit the academy. On ed, needle pointed shad bones, ready ity only 21t! ends of face yarn are A true copy of libel and order of court thereon. IMI tho graphite with German pipe- Attest; MICHAEL M. CLARK, Clerk sleep with pipe in mouth, relight it the occasion referred to the presenco for business. required instead of 1,2SO, which dhf* which lo floated In a series of shows at once that the brussels car­ late la the mom way. The finest if they wake in the night and again of a number of young lady acquain­ Like * flash, far too I nick for the «faf lo mixed with the finest graphite, in tho morning before they step out tances spnrrcd on the boys to do eye to follow, the .- sake strikes, pet has the great advantage of being Notice. te a g ground together with atones, and of bed. their best. thicker, softer and altogether a Houlton, Me., Aug. 10,1905. sending home its fatms- an inch or To the Selectmen of Houlton: tho hordnma Of the pencils Is secured It really does appear that smok­ The subject on which they were two, and in that same fraction of more durable cloth apart from other ! wish to reshingle the roof of the “Gould far tooraastag the proportion of clay in ing is for the Dutchman a necessary expected to show their proficiency an instant he ha- ? pen a t ablu­ advantages which it possesses. There Building,” so-called, on the south side of tad mixture. After the graphite and Market Square, and respectfully request vital function. was that of natural philosophy. Aft­ spoonful of eanarv tion, vi-eouS is a limitation in the number of col­ faV are mixed together the mixture Is i . ,V| il license to do so. Many people think that so much er several members of the class had fluid into the u mi m 1 and lies n lied, ors used in a brussels. In tapestry (Signed) J T L IA O. WEST. gut ta canvas bags and the water Is smoke dulls the intelligence. Ne\ er- there is no limit. In tho brussels out by means of a hydraulic distinguished themselves more or ready for a see md atlaek. In this On the foregoing application of Julia O. ■ jf '.’I?! leaving a mass the consistency of theless if there be a people, as Es- less creditably in their attempts to ineomprehensi vi ! v ■ wild attack lies the whole of the colors used show West, ordered that a hearing on same will bt quiroz justly observes, whose intel­ explain familiar phenomena Hoover, a more or less striped appearance at had at the Selectmen’s office in Houlton, on f**W‘ The plaster io then placed In a the answer why om tune- the lute Monday, the 28th day of August, 1905* at j preea, which is a small iron lect is of the clearest and highest who had evidently been dreading the of a rattler is n fa! ,i, for so won- the back of the fabric. nine o’clock in the forenoon, and that said g rifa te la which a solid plunger or precision it is the Dutch people. ordeal, was suddenly called upon derfully swift i attaek that a In a tapeatry they do not show at application and tins order of notice thereo® pitefc/woifeo ap and down. A steel lhi published three times in succession prior “Smoke,” said a Hollander, "is and, in deference to “rule and cus­ bite may be ini I. leasing only the back at all. This fact is made to said hearing, in the Aroostook Times, p iiti hKVtag a hole the size and shape our second breath.” Another de­ tom, of time and place,” stood up to a pair of tiny m uinet arc-, with use of by householders in purchas­ that all interested may then appear and be of tho *Taad” I* put under the open end fined the cigar as the sixth finger of ing carpets, this being about the heard. Of tho cylinder, and the plunger, press- be questioned. just enough venom to make a victim lloulton, Me., Aug. 10, 1!K)5. fag deem, forces the graphite through the hand.—Pearson’s Weekly. “Mr. Hoover,” said Professor seriously ill. Another nn-on why only way the average person can tell Ill DMAS P. PUTNAM,) Selectmen tho hofa making a continuous thread or Bishop, “will you kindly explain to a rattlesnake’s late is not always fa­ the difference between them. In or­ IIJALMAR EDULAI), } of H “Just to 8»o Thom Kick." FRANK A. PEABODY, ) lloulton. . , ' Who of graphite. i the cause and nature of electrici­ tal is that temporarily the reptile der to pass off tapestry as brussels ;vW At long as this thread Is moist It is It is one of the anomalies of west­ ty?” may be without \emun. Tho snake some ingenious makers have resort­ gfcobie, hut when dry it becomes brittle ern life that a pale, slender, high The question surprised every one may have exhausted its poison on a ed to the striping in a regular man­ NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. voiced, light haired and altogether 7 V must bs handled rapidly. It Is cut iresent but Hoover. All questions previous emun\, in which < a.-.e it ner of tiu» backs of tho former. The Whereas, Lillie A. Harris and Emerson ■M faun ,lesd lengths and straightened effeminate individual named Wil­ Harris both of Mars Hill, Aroostook County, •earing upon any subject the class would have to wait several days be­ stripy effect in the latter is broken Maine, on the seventh dav of March, A. u. Cfudhls over a coal fire. When liam Antrim, sometimes called Billy ruid irregular. A casual observation t‘K)4, by their mortgage deed of that date, i from the crucible the lead Is was engaged in studying were the fore the deadly lluid ban reaecumu- Bonny and usually known as “Billy same to him. of the clearly defined character of a recorded in vol. 208, page 189, of the Aroos­ r for tho wood, which is pine for the Kid,” should bo the worst des­ latcd, or, again, tin* viper’s fangs took Registry* of Deeds at Houlton, conveyed l pencils and cedar for the more He colored up and paused, stam­ may have suffered netAdent. They brussels patUrn should enable a to me two certain parcels of real estate situate perado in tl* history of the fron­ in Mars Hill, aforesaid, bounded and described iee. When the strips of mered and took refuge in his usual may have been broken off n-d re­ buyer to distinguish between the as follows .-—One parcel beginning at a stake mo received at the factory they tier. Yet in considering the so call­ formula. two fobsioa. ed “bad men” of tho west his name quire time for new growth. In any standing on the south line of lot No. 103, in wm through a machine which cuts “Profeeson” he said, “I know the case, certain it is that a rattloemko’s said Mars Hill, one hundred and seventy- •lx grooves, round or square, must stand forth as the superlative answer to tnat question before I Th# U#«o of Evif. seven (177) rods westerly along said south gfa same time smooths the f aee of badness. Borne of tho gun fight­ poisou applied in the proper way line from the southeast corner of said loi; came to the class, but I have for­ will do its work, and then only the uui wants two pounds off thence north seventy-two (72) degrees west ers of frontier days killed m eelf de­ buttec. She wants it just exactly one hundred sixty-nine (169) and one-half gotten it.” most export and prompt asstokmco rods to tiie east line of Westfield Plantation; OlHng of the strips is done by fense, and otfeeve killed when they like whM you sent the day before - Tho first girl takes a grooved “Are you wire you cannot remem­ will save a vict uu. thence north eighteen (18) degrees east along were in lkruao or in Earned with an­ ber it r ashed his teacher. “Take ywtseteL an' if it ain’t that same said Plantation line thirty-seven (37) rods to _ Of wood la her left hand and a ger. But“Pfag Ihn the only WtoA,4*a3km,t wont any at all.” a 6take standing on the •southwest oorner of JpachOf loads In faU right She spreads time aad think, sir.” Otraqq* Pots') of Lseanh^ land owned by Samuel Craig; thenoe sototb ngfa laafe out la faa shape and with white man Y p afaff efat of pore Mr. Koovto shook his head. Ufa Ofaall Wy had bolted In, di§- seventy-two (72) degrees east (me hundred and wantonnesa. fahawe i f bfa vtofamo— world ia orazy *1 one himself abruptly of his er- sixty-nine and one-half (1691-2) rods to a oao moooment fiila the six grooves “No, air,” he said. “I know it a direction &t another. A perfectly stake standing on the southeast oorner of land With load. The next girl takes the Mexicans tkifar weyo fa bowled pmmring now only for breath. owned by Samuel Craig; thenoe south little while ago, but it has slipped sane person is a mirivcU—tlkftt is, a llfad stripe and quickly lays on anoth- over “just to thorn kdek,” at he my mind entirely.” Bui tho grocer, taking down the or­ eighteen degrees (18) degrees west thirty-seven # grooved strip which has been coated laughingly explained afterward.— violation of tho lawn of nature. I der wf a now customer, did not mind rods to the place of oegioaing, containing igly “What a pity!” said the professor, know of u retired millionaire in New thirty-nine (39) and one-fifth (1-5) acres. Such ICNa Uot glue by a third. The filled and ur ChapmanChi in Outing. tlie interruption. described parcel of land being a part of lots approaching him and laying his York, aged seventy, who married a •trips are piled one upon an- “You see, madam, how it goes,” Nos. 103 and 112 in said town o f Mars Hill. •ad put In a press to dry. The Hte Mo foot/. hands upon Hoover’s shoulders aa sweet young woman of twenty-three. The other parcel, beginning at a stake stand­ 1m* said pleasantly. “My customers ing on the southeast oorner of lot numbered Of tho strips are evened off under he turned him about, facing the vis­ Tliat in itself is not extraordinary Henryry VIII. and the sovereigns are particular, and.it is my one hundred three (103) in said town of Mara * g madpapec wheel, and then tbe strips itors. or even criminal. Tho wifo ri tho pleasure Hill; thence north seventy-two degrees (72) before hi s reign were usually ad- to get them exactly what they de­ w est along the south line of said lot No. 103, * Oft fad Into a machine which cats “¥ y liege” and *Your “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, most patient of ereaturos, huajaring tAma up Into Individual pencils, shapes dressed “look at this young man. Of all mand. Yes, sonny,” blandly to the one hundred seventy-seven (177) rods to a •agd dlllven them smooth and ready grace.” he latter epithfa wm orkp- the vonerahie husband’* every whim. stake; thenoe north 18 degrees east eighty (80) who have lived upon the face of the He ia os crony us a loon, or two loons. U>y, *‘y«n shall ho attended to at rods to a stake standing on the northeast oor­ i t f tho color aad polieh. The coloring inalhy conferred upon Henry IV., unco.” ner of a piece of land oonveyed by Frank earth one person—but one—this He final,:innsigUNAV he is a tzrd, imd hk Dinsmoreto Samuel Craig; thenoe south 72 fa te w with liquid dyes, after which “Excellent grace” woo given to Hen­ “Ma eavs don’t forget to send the fat poaeOe are sent through tbe ver- ry VI., “Most high and mighty Mr. Hoover, if he has told ua the nightly uivei inversion n • stick a bunch degrees east, one hundred seventy-seven (177) truth, has learned the cause and na­ same kind of butter,’’ reiterated the rods to a stake standing on the east line of said Ifahtag macblna—New York Herald. prince” to Edward lVv “Highness” of feather* in iln ein of hisi pa- lot No. 108; thence south 18 degrees west boy. “Koine of pep's relations has 4 ...... I ■■■■■! ■■ to Henry VII., wh&oh last expres­ ture of electricity, and,” continued jamas and prance :i out (he room, eighty (80) rods to the place of beginning, Aadrat Babylon. Professor Bishop, dropping hia crowing and llappi nr his wings, just come to visit, and ma says if containing eighty-eight (88) and one-half (1-2) sion and sometimes “Grace” waa they slay long it won’t be her fault.” acres, and being a part of lot No. 103, mean­ faMfiOBt Babylon was not such a used to Henry VUL About the voioe, “the pity of it is that he has while iiis wife from er eo/.y corner ing and intending to convey the same pre­ grant city as some have supposed, ao- forgotten i t r —Success. "Pretty bird! —New York Times. mises conveyed to the said Lillie A. Harris by •Ofdlag to H. Valentine Geere, the end of this reign all titles were ab­ cries encouragingly: Sarah J. Weston and others, all the heirs at MChteoioglat. He aays: “The Idea of sorbed by that of “Majesty,” with Pretty laid! ITett bird!” This Looking Backward. law of Franklin Dinsraore late of said Mara Ieoh to His Trad*. foolislmes- is kepi u until he falls Hill by their deed dated Feb. 29. l')04. Re­ Babylon's vaatnsss and magnificence, which Francis I. addressed the king Kullack, the famous pianist, was The superstition of tho ill luck of corded lloulton Registry to which reference i t which ws have become accustomed, exhausted.- New Yu k Press. is made. at their interview in 1590. James L once invited to dinner by a wealthy looking backward or returning is a has bean practically exploded. Hr. ooupled this to the title “Saorcd/ very ancient one, originating doubt- And whereas, the condition of said mort­ faodsway told me that tbe site of the Berliner, who was the owner of a gage is broken and remains broken, now or “Most excellent”—London An­ Liko a Scotch Verdict. loss from Lot’s wife, who “looked therefore, by reason of the breach of the con­ gMp Uras larger than that of any other swers. ______large boot manufactory and had Chancellor llonr, Buthurst was ditions or said mortgage, 1 claim a foreclosure iaaliut city, but even ao the Idea that been a shoemaker in his time. After back from behind him” when he was thereof, and give this notice for that purpose. hold in low esteem be the bar on ac­ led by an angel outside the doomed Dated at lloulton, Me., this eighth day of fa OSUld bs compared wttb London and How Map* Art Mod*. the repast Kullack was requested to Ms suburbs, which hus been very gen- count of Ins ignorance. At tho city of the plain. In Hol>erts’ “Ori­ June, A. D. 190.r>. Large map making firms have ge­ pliy something, and lie contented. close of the trial of the Duchess of GEORGE L. PENNINGTON, tn lly hsld, is entirely erroneous. In Not long afterward tho virtuoso in­ ental Illustrations” it is stated to be By his attorneys, Shaw «fc Lkw in. pofat of fact It appears that Its walls ographical Libraries, oollected from Kingston for bigamy he gravely ad­ “considered exceedingly unfortunate 333 were not more than eight miles tn ctr- every source and in every language. vited the boot manufacturer and dressed her grace in tho following after dinner handed him a pair of In Hindustan for men or women to oamfarsncs. Moreover, the great pal- The modest sketch map of fhe mis­ terms: “Madam, the lords have con­ look back when they leave their SCtS are shown to have been poor at- sionary in some wild region is as old boots. sidered the charge and evidence ' fairs after all, with wretchedly cramp- highly valued as the most oompiete “What am I to do with those?” houses. Accordingly if a man goes brought against you und have like­ out and leaves something behind ‘ od apartments and next to no preteu- survey map. In making a now map Inquired the rich man. to architectural style, and the wise oonsidered of everything wliich him which his wife knows ho will of any important region the com­ With a genial smile Kullack rc- you have alleged in your defense, were exceedingly crude build- pilations made by others arc hardly ; died: want she does not call him to turn anil upon the whole matter their or look back, but hikes or sends it ever touched, representatives are “Why, the other day you asked lordships have found you not guilt sent out, and every detail is taken me after dinner to make a little mu- after him, and If some great emer­ Tb« IsrliM t 14 m m . sio for you, and now I ask you to of the felony wherewith imi stan gency obliges him to look back he It tl highly probable that the manu­ from its original source. These rep­ charged, but on di.-misfing you their resentatives are paid enormous sal­ mend these boota for ine. Each to will not then proceed on the busi­ facture of linens is of greater antiquity ;.ordshij>s earne-tly exhort you not ness ho was about to transact*” Chan that of silk. It Is reasonably cer­ aries. They are never rushed, but ! lia trade.” lo commit the same crime a second tain if we are permitted to believe that are allowed to take as long over Neatly Trappod. B g jp tls as Old in civilization as China. A Famous Mop. timo.”—Green Ban. their work as they think it necessi­ Dr. Black, once tho leading min­ Archaeologists generally admit that the tates. ______Interesting discoveries are made cloth of the most ancient dy- now and then by students tn the big Hard Water. ister of Glasgow, and another cler­ waa a variety of flneet linen. Noodfoa In Rngland old libraries. While Baron Nor- When hard water is boiled a great gyman, having a holiday in Cumber­ The Egyptian and Jewish priests wore Needles were first made in Lon­ denskjold was gathering material part of the salts in solution are land, at ton dod a little ficoteh church It at all their ceremonies. We find thrown down, but owing to tho vio­ and purposely went late, takimag a Telegraphers maathm of fine linens all throtigh the don by a negro from Spain in the for his “Atlas of Ancient Cartogra­ MM reign of Queen Mary. He died, how­ phy” he discovered in the British lent motion of tho boiling water remoto comer of the church so that Old and Now Testaments. When Bal- they rise from tho bottom of the thoy might not be seen by the offi­ UUVV NEEDED. kfa queen of Sheba, visited Solomon ever, without imparting the secret museum the only known copy of the was habited in linen. In Itevela- of his art, and it was lost until 1565, earliest general rnap of Germany. vessel and adhere to its sides. Quito ciating minister. 'They learned, to Annually, to fill the new positions created by the angels are clothed in “pure when it was recovered in the reign This was the famous map of Car often from two to threo ounces by their dismay, that they had been Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We “spotted" when they heard the want YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good aad white linen.” “The armies fol­ of Elizabeth, and Elias Growse, a dinal Nicolas of Cues. The map weight of hard, scaleliko saline mat­ min­ habits, to lowed, clothed In fine linen.” Genesis German, taught the art to the Eng­ was completed in 1464. This find ter will be found on tho inaido of a ister say in the intercessory pray­ toils us that Pharaoh arrayed Joseph lish. The manufacture of needles ijreatly interested, geographers. Mer­ kettle. Somo of this gets broken ers, “Lord, have mercy on tny min­ LEARN TELEGRAPHY la vestures of fine linen. Silk Is men- was then again lost to England for cator’s famous map of Germany was away when water ia boiled and ia istering servants who have popped e.nd R. R. ACCOUNTING. In the Bible only four times. poured into the tea. If on lifting in on ua kg unexpectedly, one of nearly a century, but about 1650 it published more than a century after We furnish 75 per oent. of the Ocenttor ■•w They Wok* th« Dnkr. was recovered by Christopher Green­ that of the laarnsd cardinal. the Ud of a boiling kettle you sea whom will preach in the afternoon and Station Agents in America. Our aix the water turbkl it is quite unfit to and the other in the evening,” schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph Here la a story from the late Bishop ing, who settled at Long Crendon, in Schools in the world. Established 20 jsara -Walshem How's. "Ecclesiastical Jot­ Buckinghamshire.—London Chron­ A Porotatont Dun. drink, for tliere are salts In sus»on- and endorsed by all leading Railway officials. tings:" At tbs church of Strathfleld- icle. An aged lady complained to a siorv—not in solution—and tl^csa UupJoMont Reminder. We execute a 3250 Bond to every student “I’ll scalp that reporter I” growled to furnish him or her a position paying from aay% where tbs Duke of Wellington London znagfatrate that because she suspended salts are highly in^uckous. 340 to 360 a month in States east of the Rooky was a regular attendant, a stranger hWo Memory. vtm a little behind in her rest her pid Weston Nurox over the morning Mountains, or from 875 to $100 a month in preached one Sunday. At the end of They had net met for years. TPo ! zndlady followed her to church and Worth th# Money. paper. States west of the Rockies, immediately upon fas service the verger ascended the you remerabe*,” he asked, “the little “You acknowledge that the bon­ “ Why,W ny, popper. replied Ms graduation. •tain , opened tbs pulpit door a little aaked for it thore. Tbs landlady Students can enter at any time. No vaea- sapling we planted together as boy come into t pew alongside ef her net intrinsically ia not worth aver daughter, who had had heher coming tlops. For full particulars regarding any of way. slammed it to and then opened ft and girl ?” out receptionLion the night before, our Schools write direct to our executive office wtda tor the prtaohsr to go out and when she wag Joining In the re- $5,” we say to the milUner steeply. Z n . at Cincinnati, 0 . Catalogue free. Considerably surprised at this strange Her eves softened at tbe recollec­ gponies was constantly whispering “Them wliy 4o you ask $25 far fa?” thought Ve wrote me up real nioe.’ psoessdlng. the clenyman on rssfafag tion. “Y es,” «he answeved, “I re­ o her about the rent. When u cams % Just mtah you comkl coano ia “Iwt he speaks of ye aa wearin' The Morse School of fas vestry asked fas verger why be member it w

DIVORCES. ANIMAL ARCHITECTS. EASY THE CAB IN LONDON. THE FUNNY PUFFER. GRANT AND LONGSTREET. B. & A. R. R. Rmm tti« Mirrlag* Tl« Wm Man/ Birds, Insects and Fishea Are I m ily Knotted. It Had « Herd Time and Many Changes A Queer Creature of the S ilt Seas Is . West Point Friendship That Held Clever Builders. Before It W as a Success. the Blowfish. Throughout Their Lives. Arrangement of Trains H ot oqjy wm the ‘'bachelor evil” Many birds, insects and certain In the early part of the last cen­ Tho fannies! little fellow in salt Tin* strong schoolboy friendship fishes are clever architects and in Effect Wlllfgoognized in ancient Home in water is the puffer, <>r swellfish. which began at West Point between H i d m of the early Caesars in tury English travelers returning builders and have mastered some of from the cities of Europe felt so Fishermen call him the blowfish. Grant and Longstreet lasted the rudiments of masonry, and at June 5, 1905. -j. SNfih um same way that it is today, disgusted with the stuffy, slow trav­ When he is swimming around at throughout, their lives. Grant was phases of the mar least one bird is a w*rv <■!, ..w stone­ C a r ■. > sl»t many other eling lmckney coaches of London Ease with nothing to alarm him lie *)f the class after Long')loot, hut Pullm an Service. ffftm question were not unlike the mason. The last is called by tin* that it was urged that an attempt looks queer enough, for ihe skin of somehow their silent, serious na­ Spaniards the “pedrero,” or stone­ June 5, 1905 - p iiiM that are up for solution in bo made to introduce the “cabriolet his abdomen is all loose and wrin­ tures were in spontaneous accord, W f prssant year of grace. The mason. In Great Britain it is known do place” used in Paris. In 1805 kled, and he has such a funny tail and, says Helen D. Longstreet in as the wheatear. It usually builds Pullman Parlor Car on MflttV Of divorce was one. People Mr. Rotch, acting with Mr. Brad­ and such .ridiculous littb* tins and “Lee and Longstreet at High Tide,” M l an idea even then that it was in a deep crevice in a cliff, but often train leaving Houlton shaw as joint proprietor, obtained such a big, throe cornered head that the) became fast friends from their it chooses a low excavation or cave at 8.25 a. m. and Ban­ ' ► yt„f ^ for the state, but no ef- licenses for nine cabriolets. This he looks entirely absurd. IIis mouth, first, meeting. That one was from I mUi # asazia to check it was ever and seta to work. It uses no mor­ gor at 3.25 p. m new vehicle was similar in appear­ instead of being big and gaping, as the west and one from the south tar, although some other birds can < mOao n rsd. "We are assured by ance to the modern gig, carrying most fish mouths are, is only a tiny made no difference, just as later it faMN%* says the historian, Inge, nix mortar to any degree of hard­ Pullman Sleeping Car only one passenger inside and at round bole at the end of a pointed, made no difference in their feeling ness. It first collects a number of on train leaving fioui- "that there were women in Rome the side of the driver. It was a finan­ conical snout. Out of this circular of personal affection that one led Who counted their ages not by their stones and places them together as ton at 8.40 p. m. and cial failure. But in IHiOl fuller li­ mouth protrude his teeth, like tLost; the army of the Union and the oth­ a foundation for the future nest. 1Oars, hut by the husbands they had censes were given to twelve new ve­ of a rabbit, lie would ho a.bout as er was u Confederate general. Boston at 7.00 p. m. WI& Juvenal tells of one woman Next it builds a dry stone wall in hicles, the driver having an outside homely a fish as could be made if it General Longstreet often spoke of Until further notice trains will leave ' who. married eight husbands in five front of the place the nest is to oc­ Houlton as follows: scat and the vehicle carrying two were not for the bountiful orange the details of the capitulation at cupy. This is often a solid barrier, yvm . Divorce was granted on the passengers. The name cabriolet and yellow and silver colorings that Appomattox. He said that when he s 25 a m—for and arriving at Island Falls lightest pretext. Many separated in which the stones are piled in such 9 19 a m, Patten 1140am, Millinockett was soon reduced to “cab.” In 1831 play all over him. But queer as lie went into the conference room in a way as to make it almost as thick 10 2s a m, JJrownville 11 a m, Oldtown JNW^&OBi love of change, disdain- looks when he is at ease, it. is only the McLean residence as one of the 12 :u n in, Bangor 1 05 p in, Portland 5 35 there were only 130 cabs in all Lon­ as it is long. The barrier of stones p in, Boston !> 05 p in. Iw tCifhp any reason, like AEnrilius when lie :s frightened or excited Confederate commissioners ho was don. These were known as the “cof­ in front of one nest examined by a .x 30 a in—for r nd arriving at Littleton 8 40 a ; who told his friends that fin” cabs. In 1832 was invented the that he becomes really funny. If lie compelled to pass through the room . %a haow best where his shoes pinch- writer on the subject was nine inch­ m, Mars Ilili 0 31 a m, Fort Fair field “back door” cab. In 1835 Joseph is hooked, for instance, lie comes to occupied by General Grant as his es long, nine inches thick and two lo 40 a m, Presque Isle 10 04 a in, Caribou . Oh lriB/ Aloysius Hansom drove into Lon­ the surface grinding those protrud­ headquarters. 10 30 a m, Van Buren 11 55 a in. , , **Mi wives were not much and a half inches high. In this bar­ 11 15 am —for and arriving at .Smyrna Mills don on a quaint cab, dosigned by ing teeth so that the sound can be He felt curious to know how Gen­ rier there were no fewer than 282 12 04 a in, Masardis 1 11 p ni, Ashland \ sought- after by wise men. Their heard a good many feet away, and eral Grant would receive him. Ho l 35 p in. Portage l 58 p in, Fort Kent himself. This was the original “han­ stones. In the foundation of the 3 30 i 111 / OOtspleta emancipation made them som cab.” then as scon us the hand touches had loved Grant as one of his clos­ dttw nlt to manage. Accordingly nest were 76 more, making 348 in 12 35 p m for and arriving at Bridgewater Its body was almost square, and him he begins to grunt hoarsely, est boyhood friends, but times were all, of which the total weight was I 25 p in Mar Ilill and Blaine 1 41pm t * ahioe both rich and poor wives were the wheels were seven feet six inches and with each grunt lie swells a bit much changed. Grant was victor, Presque Isle 2 14 p m, Caribou 2 40pm tobjeetionalie, the large majority of four and a half pounds, the largest New Sweden 4 45 p m, Van Buren 5 ?5, in height, a trifle taller than the ve­ till within a few moments he has ho .was vanquished. He was there­ stone weighing two ounces. Having P in, tort Fairiield 2 30 pm, Limestone t t t t never married at all. In most hicle itself. The driver sat on the puffed himself so full of air that he fore prepared to observe the rigid 3 28 p ni. oaoaa a Roman bridegroom knew thus made the foundation and wull roof at the front, with two doors is quite round and firm, like a ball. demeanor of those between whom of stone, it builds inside the latter 2 15 p m for and arriving at Island ;Falls JpUBticalfy nothing of his wife's So thoroughly docs he distend him­ 3 12 p ni, Patten 4 05 p in, Millinockett beneath him, one on either side of ceremony only forces recognition. a comfortable nest, the upholstering 4 22 p in, Brownville 5 33 p in, Oldtown OhAfSettr natil after marriage. Mar- his feet. This extraordinary cab be­ self with air that when ;ho fisher­ But as soon as he entered the room 6 50 p in, Bangor 7 25 p m, Portland 1 05 . idsgo for tlie Roman woman meant of which is in no way deficient in a in, Boston 5 30 a m. gan to ply for hire, much to the men hurl him at the water with all j Grant rose, approached him with a finish. 4 transition from rigid seclusion to amusement of the drivers of the their force, as thev often do, he will greater show of demonstration than p in’—for and arriving at Smyrna Mills Whnoat nnboxmded liberty. Swallows and house martins build 7 .3.5 p in, Howe Brook 8 04 p m, Masardis hackney coaches, “outrigger” and bounce like a rubber ball. If lie is eu*r in the older days and slapped by sticking together pellets of pre­ 8 48 p m, Ashland !» 10 p m. "She appeared, as a matter of 0 40 p in for itid arriving at Island Falls 7 42 back door cabs. A few months later dropped into tin* water after blow­ him on the shoulder, exclaiming pared road mud. Most of the ma­ gome, at her husband's table, Hansom, who was financed by the ing himself full of air In* floats on it “Well, ‘Old Pete,’ can’t we get pm, Millinockett 8 50 p m. Bangor 11 30 whethar he had company or not. terial is obtained from the drying p m, Portland 4 14 a in, Boston ? 20 a m. inventor of the back door cab, re­ as lightly as thistledown, and be back to the good old days by playing puddles on the high roads. If not 8 05 p in for and a rivii g at Bridgewater 8 50 flht oonld go where she liked, either duced the size of the wheels of his will stay that way until lie has as­ a game of brag?” p in, Mars Hill and Blaine it 04 p m, to tht tmplM of Isis and Serapis or mixed with anything else the tend­ Presque Isle !f 34 p in, Caribou 10 00 p vehicle and made several other alter­ sured himself that danger lias gone At West Point the nickname ency of these pellets would be to in, Fort Fairiield !> 50 p m. to Hu ctrcui and amphitheater. ations, with the result that it lost by. He does the same when he is among the hoys for General Long­ • ,tt o had her own troooe of slaves, crumble when dry. But the swallow a mu v A 1.8. its cattle shed appearance. pursued by other fish, and as lie street was “Old Pete.” tribe are supplied with a mucous Otvor whom she ruled without inter Hansom’s cab was a financial fail­ floats almost entirely out of water, The important part of that meet­ 8 28 a m - leaving Fort Fairiield 6 23 a m, , j* secretion which enables them to Caribou ti 20 a in, Presque Isle 6 47 a in, ure, but J ohn Chapman put the driv­ with only a little bit of his hard, ing, the splendid bearing of the gum the particles together. The Mara Ilill and Blaine 7 18 am, Bridge-, Byron a Tiwgio Figurs. er’s seat behind and generally im­ spiny body sunk under ihe surface, conquered Confederates, the modest swallows’ nests from which the Chi­ water 7 35 a in. proved the design until it became in­ very few fish can hurt him once he demeanor of the Union victors and, 8 23 a m—leaving B stun 7 00 pm, Portland > "The more I think of Byron/ nese “birds’ nest soup” is made 10 30 pm, Bangor 3 25 a m, Millinockett distinguishable from the present is inflated. above all, tin* noble generosity of are constructed of this mucous mat­ <; 15 a m, Sherman 7 03 a in, Island Falls fMQfS John Davidson in the London 7 25 a in, l )aklield 7 43 a m, Ludlow 7 59 0i3ML*Hhe more clear it becomes hansom. His invention was patent­ Grant in refusing to accept the ter only. An Indian swallow, which ed in 1830, about the time that the The Doctor They Wanted. sword of Lee and in giving the fair­ a in, New Linier ck s 08 a m. *44 W* that ha is, first, second and A littb* girl was sent in a hurry builds little boat shaped nests 9 35 a m—leaving Ashland 7 20 a tn, Masardis first four wheeler was introduced. est terms possible under the existing against the trunks of lofty trees, 7 41 a in, Smyrna Mills 8 50 a in, Ludlow •iKlNt a tragic figure. He was the for the doctor the other day, and 9 13 a in, New Limerick 9 21 a m. 4jf a loveless marriage, that circumstances, these are known to practically makes them of dried sa­ 8outh Sea Offertories. when she reached the steps of the all who have read United States 12 37 p m, Mars Hill and Blaine equaling a florin, but strings of is a partition wall inside, reaching tragedy of the Imagina- white beads of the same length are “ Dear me!” exclaimed the rev­ most interesting items of the day, 5 37 p in, Bridgewater 5 50 p in. t«iliW Umpertment as warrior and erend gentleman, much amused. One morning, arter wading through so high as to form an antecham­ 8 00 p in—leaving Boston 8 00 am, Portland but as the insignificant three penny ber.—Chicago News. 11 05 a m, Bangor 3 25 p m, Oldtown 3 55 l«r, employing deeds, bit. Other articles among the collec­ “Arid so you want the doctor? Well, the latest intelligence page froir the p m, Brownville 4 50‘ p in, Millinockett ibly ends in an abor tion on the last Bible Sunday in I’m a doctor. Won’t I do?” front, she turned to another page 0 00 pin, Patten 0 05 pm, Sherman 6 45 attempt at action in Greece. Deceiving the Natives. p m, Island Falls 7 05 p m- connection with the Melanesian The little girl eyed him a moment of the paper and said: The British. Medical Journal tells C. C. BLOWN', Gen’l I’ass’r and Ticket aa inevitably, in an aber- Mission church were white armlets, in a brown study, as though the “Herbie, it says here that anoth­ Agent. attsmpt at expression (the die the following story: According to W. M. BROWN, General Superintendent. each equal in value to a shilling; idea was new' and might be good. er octogenarian’s dead.” Bangor, Me., June 5,1905. * memoirs) in St. Helena.” Sir John Malcolm, a well known pieces of tortoise shell, a bamboo “No,” she said at last, shaking her “What’s an octogenarian?” Scotch surgeon, on the introduction hea; of food value, and its use for human hard, it “sighs” itself tighter. If Aj * ^ "Whv don't you dare to ask it ?” consumption is to be questioned, dross expensively, hut iml so ns to Um midden said demurely. Herbivorous Anirrfals. really hurt, it frowns into a tights since many of the night flowering attract attention. In tin* morning ball. The prickles can be erected in "Because I can see *No’ in your plants possess strongly narcotic I wear niori ing dre in tin’ even­ Herbivorous animals do not eat WJWm a measure, though as they point all properties. ______ing I wear evening die.--, and at all of nature’s menu. The horru re­ KlTectivi* June 4th, 1!K)5. both of thorn?” fuses the water hemlock that the wavs, this is not needed. They are night I wear nightdress.” as sharp as needles. We have only Trains Daily Except Sunday Except Other­ "T-yee.” Wouldn't Use 8lang. goat eats with avidity, and, on the wise Stated. known one dog, a large black and "Well, don't you—don't you know "I think it is shameful the way The First Doctor. other hand, Ihe goat refuses some DEPARTURES. two negatives are equivalent to on­ that girl spits slang,” said a pretty There is no subject wle>-w history plants that are eaten by the sheep. white setter, which would deliber­ ately bite a hedgehog till it killed Eastern 5.70 a. in. Mixed, Week days for St. flow dart you, sir! Take your arm girl to a friend. “My, if I twirled has more of curious interest, than ’The tobacco plant is avoided by all Atlantic (1.20. Stephen, St. Andrews. it. But this dog was quite mad and from around my waist instantly !'* my talker the way she does my that of medicine. Its origin is far saw* the treat, man and the tobacco Fredericton, St. John and shared some of the anaesthesia com­ Kart; Vanceboro, Bangor, But ho didn't. blooming old dad would dust my back in the mythical period, where worm. Some botanists think that Portland, Boston, etc. mon to certain lunatics. duds till dust was thicker than flies the marvelous is not!*.ing 'trance. no plant is absolutely poisonous, but Eastern 9.20 a. in. Express, Week days for Fewer ef the Breath. Atlantic ln.20. Woodstock, and all points in fly time!” The first physician, whoso name was only relatively so, being harmful to Aged, but Not Respected. North; Presque Isle, Ed- The following experiment demon­ “You betcher brass and serve you passed down by tradition to the only certain animals. There used to live in Lynn, Mass., numdston, Riviere du strates tie elementary power of the right!” replied the other young lr.- Greeks, was Chiron, lb* 1" a well known wit named Darius Bar­ Loup A Quebec. human breath: Take a large bag of Boring an Editor. Eastern 4.40 p. in. M ixed, Week days for dy. “My parents are sunflowers of to that singular race known as ('*")- ry. One day he was in a grocery Atlantic 5.40. M cA dain, St. Stephen, good, heavy paper, lay it on the ta­ the same hue, and if I should make taurs- half man and half Imr-e. So “Are there no times,” said a man store, where they had recently pur­ (St. Andrews after July ble po t.u! “when you can write better than at grocer said, “Darius, take home M ontreal and points West: ary and a. family Bible, for instance out of my angelic anatomy quicker tious veterinary surgeon. .Modern other times?” some of that butter and see how Fredericton, St. John and ~»4han blow into the bag, filling or M. I Ids, however, have no can e to “Yes” points East. than chained lightning!” And they you like it,” which he did. A few Eastern 8.50 p. in. Mixed for Woodstock, N M m * Vitlli *ir, and you will proceed to suck the juice out of a blush over this apparently humble “Ah, I thought sol That men Atlantic 9.50 B. • M M tt* t it overthrow the days afterward he was in the store lemon through a stick of candy.— origin, for Chiron was an luemr to who write must consult their condi­ again, when the grocer said, “Da­ ARRIVALS. bodfcp—Ji remove a small moun- his profession, lie failed of o:r' in tion I have no doubt. Now, tell me, j.fm ' Kansas City Independent. rius, how did you like that butter?” Eastern 6.25 a. in. Mixed W<*ek days fro; 4 wSEBb but a single* ease, which is more than when can you write beet ?” "Well,” said Darius, “when I’m Atlantic 7.25. Woodstoek. His Degree. can ho said of his followers. “When I am alone,” the editor re­ ae old as that butter I hope I shall Eastern 10.2<* a. in. Mixed Week days from Why She Laughed. Ts young Binkley going to take Atlantic 11.20 St. John and East; Fred­ plied. be *s strong.” ericton, St. Stephen, (St. "Wlae men hesitate, only fools a degree when he leaves college?” Qualifications. Andrews after July 1st,) ore certain,” he observed in the asked the man with the eagle eye. “No,” snid Mi-s Wiv* lirop-1 1 !’!!< Th« Time For Romano*. Boston. Montreal and Enforoed Virtue. points West. JMBISI of a conversation with his “Yes. I hear they’re going to leyAVmthrop, “your ; 1 :■<**.-■-11