
At the mercy of the Tsar. Kingdom of Poland

At the mercy of the Tsar. Kingdom of Poland Lesson plan (Polish) Lesson plan (English) At the mercy of the Tsar. Kingdom of Poland

View from Castle Square to Krakowskie Przedmieście Source: Widok z Placu Zamkowego na Krakowskie Przedmieście, domena publiczna.

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You will learn

what the achievements of the Kingdom of Poland in the field of economy, culture and education were ; what the assumptions of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland of 1815 were.

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Nagranie abstraktu

In 1815 the Duchy of was abolished and replaced by the Congress Poland. It was a constitutional monarchy connected with the by a personal union. The internal system of the state was regulated by the Constitution of the Congress Poland, which was developed under the direction of Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski and based on the French model. The most liberal in Europe constitution was respected neither by Grand Adam Jerzy Czartoryski Duke Konstantin nor by Polish politicians Source: Felix Nadar, Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, before 1861, obedient to Russia. The brutal actions of the domena publiczna. and the violation of civil and national liberties by the Russian authorities aroused social resistance. In the aftermath of the , the cultural life of the country was revived. The Society of Friends of Learning, founded in 1800, played an important role in the intellectual life of the capital of the Congress Poland. The biggest Polish cities —= Warsaw, Cracow, Lviv and Vilnius — opened their own permanent theatres. A breakthrough in the history of the Congress Poland was the opening of the University of Warsaw in 1816. The Kingdom of Poland has also seen a rapid increase in the number of elementary schools and secondary schools. The Minister of the Treasury, Prince Franciszek Ksawery Lubecki‐Drucki, took care of the economic development of the country. Three industrial centres developed in the Kingdom of Poland: the Łódź Industrial Region, the Old‐Polish Industrial Region and the Dąbrowa Basin.

Task 1

Recall if the Congress Poland differed from the in terms of the territory. Find on the map the Congress Poland and the areas annexed in 1815 to other paroning countries: The Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia. What are the names given to them? Find on the map the borderland of the former Republic of Poland (the so-called , i.e. Lithuanian-Russian lands), annexed to the Russian Empire. Indicate Vilnius.

Division of the Polish lands Source: Krysan Chariza i zespół, Podział ziem polskich, licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0. Task 2

Listen to selected excerpts from the Constuon of the Congress Poland of 1815. What civil and naonal liberes did it guarantee?

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Nagranie lektorskie

The constitutional law of the Kingdom of Poland “ from November 27, 1815

Art. 1. The Kingdom of Poland is connected with the Russian Empire forever.


Art. 3. The crown of the Kingdom of Poland is hereditary for our descendants, heirs and successors according to the order of succession, established for the imperial-Russian throne.


Art. 10. […] The Polish army will never be used beyond the Europe.


Art. 11. The Catholic-Roman religion professed by the largest part of the residents of the Kingdom of Poland will be the subject of special government care, without offending the freedom of other religions, which all rites without the exclusion can be fully and publicly under the protecon of the government celebrated. The diversity of Chrisan religions will not be an obstacle to the use of civil and polical rights. […]

Art. 16. Freedom of prinng is guaranteed […].

Art. 17. The law extends its protecon to all cizens without any difference in status and calling. […] Art. 19. No one will be detained without a reason, only according to norms and in cases marked by law.


Art. 28. All public acvies: administrave, judicial and military without any exclusion will take place in .


Art. 31. The Polish naon will have for eternity a naonal representaon in the Sejm composed of the king and two chambers, where the first will consist of the senate and the second one of depues and councillors from municipalies.


Art. 87. The ordinary sejm has a session every two years in Warsaw at the me indicated by the act of calling the session issued by the king. It will last thirty days. Only the King can extend, postpone or dissolve it.


Art. 89. During the Sejm cadence, it is not allowed to detain or file a criminal lawsuit against a deputy unless it is authorized by the chamber to which he belongs.

[…] Art. 124. The king has the right to dissolve the chamber of depues. When this law is used, the current Sejm does not exist anymore and the king orders new elecons of depues and councillors within two months.


Art. 138. The judiciary system is constuonally independent.

Art. 139. Independence of judge is understood as freedom in declaring his opinion in trial without being influenced by supreme and ministerial authories or by any other reason. Any other term or translaon of the judge's independence is considered as an abuse.


Art. 156. The army will keep the colors of its uniforms, its proper outfit and everything regarding its naonality.


Art. 160. Polish civil and military orders, which is: Order of the White Eagle, Order of Saint Stanislaus and the Order of the Military Cross are maintained.


Recognizing in our conscience that this constuonal law corresponds to our fatherly intenons, striving to maintain peace in all classes subjected to our Kingdom Polish peace, harmony and unity so necessary for their free existence and to establish the happiness that we desire to win for them - we issue this constuonal law that we adopt for ourselves and for our successors. We also order to all public authories to comply with it.

It happened in the Royal Castle in Warsaw on November 27, 1815 Alexander

Source: The constuonal law of the Kingdom of Poland from November 27, 1815.

Task 3

Analyse data showing the state of elementary educaon in the Congress Poland. Evaluate the effects of personnel changes in the Ministry of Educaon carried out in 1820.

Years Number of public schools Number of students

1816 720 23 101

1819 1202 37 296

1823 711 18 620 Task 4

Read the informaon about the University of Warsaw and list the professions that its graduates could perform. Analyse the stascal material and determine in which year the university was most popular among students.

The University of Warsaw was established in 1816 as a result of the merger of the Law School established in 1808, the Medical School established in 1809 and the School of Administrave Sciences established in 1811. It had its own astronomical observatory, botanical garden and library. It educated in medicine, philosophy, science and fine arts, theology, law and administraon.

Students of the University of Warsaw during the Congress Poland me Fine arts exhibion in Warsaw in 1828 Source: Wincenty Kasprzycki, Fine arts exhibion in Warsaw in 1828, 1828, oil on canvas, domena publiczna.

Academic years Number of students

1817/18 209

1819/20 404

1820/21 524

1821/22 568 Academic years Number of students

1822/23 522

1823/24 602

1824/25 694

1825/26 779

1826/27 638

1827/28 653

1828/29 773

1829/30 964 Task 5

Read the text below. List the achievements of Minister Ksawery Drucki-Lubecki.

Napoleon's war with Russia in 1812 and the two-year Russian occupaon aer his defeat in Moscow contributed to the destrucon of the country and the weakening of its economy. The poor financial situaon of society exacerbated the deadlock. Peasants were burdened with serfdom and high taxes. The nobility was indebted, and the wealthy bourgeoisie mostly lost their fortunes. The Congress Poland's well-being was threatened by a large government deficit and financial claims of Austria and Prussia. The economic situaon of the Congress Poland was saved by Prince Franciszek Ksawery Lubecki-Drucki. He was the head of the Ministry of the Treasury, then known as the Ministry of Revenues and Franciszek Ksawery Drucki-Lubecki Treasury. He has negoated favourable Source: Marie-Eugénie Prévot Gomier, Portrait of Franciszek agreements with neighbouring countries on the Ksawery Drucki-Lubecki, 1825, oil on canvas, Naonal financial obligaons of the Congress Poland. Museum in Warsaw, domena publiczna. He imposed high taxes and ensured their consistent collecon (even through military requision).

The government of the Congress Poland supported the introducon and selement of crasmen. It acvely supported the development of the domesc texle industry by granng loans to open new plants. The development of the state mining was also taken care of. Three industrial centres developed in the Congress Poland: the Łódź Industrial Region, the Old-Polish Industrial Region and the Dąbrowa Basin. The centre in Łódź consisted of cloth factories, and the Old-Polish and Dąbrowa centres were the centres of mining and metallurgy. Government and private investment in industry and modernisaon of the rural economy made possible creang two new instuons established by the Minister: Towarzystwo Kredytowe Ziemskie (Landowners' Credit Company) and Bank Polski (Bank of Poland), established in 1828.

Exercise 1 Exercise 2

Select the instuons and organisaons established or the investments started in the mes of the Congress Poland.

Medical School Law School Society of Friends of Learning Vilnius University Landowners’ Credit Association Augustów Canal Government Institute for Female Education University of Warsaw Bank of Poland


Congress Poland, , constitution



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Nagranie słówka: constitution

konstytucja – prawo określające ustrój państwa oraz sytuacje prawną jednostki wobec władz; jest nadrzędna wobec innych praw

elementary school

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Nagranie słówka: elementary school

szkoła elementarna – dawne określenie szkoły podstawowej Lesson plan (Polish)

Temat: Na łasce cara. Królestwo Polskie

Autorka scenariusza: Monika Piotrowska‐Marchewa


Uczeń klasy VII szkoły podstawowej.

Podstawa programowa

XX. Ziemie polskie w latach 1815–1848. Uczeń:

2. charakteryzuje okres konstytucyjny Królestwa Polskiego – ustrój, osiągnięcia w gospodarce, kulturze i edukacji.

Ogólny cel kształcenia

Uczniowie poznają okres konstytucyjny Królestwa Polskiego – ustrój, osiągnięcia w gospodarce, kulturze i edukacji.

Kształtowane kompetencje kluczowe

porozumiewanie się w języku ojczystym; porozumiewanie się w językach obcych; umiejętność uczenia się.

Cele operacyjne


charakteryzuje osiągnięcia doby Królestwa Polskiego w gospodarce, kulturze i edukacji; analizuje konstytucję Królestwa Polskiego z 1815 roku.

Metody/techniki kształcenia

metody podające: pogadanka, wykład informacyjny, wyjaśnienia i komentarze nauczyciela; metody programowane: z wykorzystaniem e‐podręcznika, z użyciem multimediów; metody problemowe: aktywizujące: dyskusja; metody praktyczne: ćwiczenia przedmiotowe, praca z tekstem i nagraniem audio.

Formy pracy

praca w parach lub grupach; praca indywidualna.

Środki dydaktyczne

komputery z dostępem do internetu; zeszyt i kredki/pisaki; materiały z e‐podręcznika; tablica multimedialna lub duży ekran z projektorem umożliwiającym wyświetlanie zawartości e‐podręcznika dla całej klasy.

Przed lekcją

Nauczyciel prosi uczniów o przypomnienie sobie ustaleń kongresu wiedeńskiego w sprawie polskiej.

Przebieg zajęć

Faza wprowadzająca

1. Nauczyciel podaje uczniom temat, cel lekcji oraz kryteria sukcesu. 2. Pyta uczniów o postać wielkiego księcia Konstantego i jego stosunek do Polaków. Wyjaśnia im metodą pogadanki, dlaczego tak było. Opowiada uczniom o relacjach między Konstantym i Aleksandrem I, o straconych prawach Konstantego do tronu Rosji, o jego małżeństwie z Polką Joanną Grudzińską. 3. Uczniowie wykonują Polecenie 1. Analizują, w jaki sposób Królestwo Polskie różniło się obszarem od Księstwa Warszawskiego. Wskazują na mapie dawnej Rzeczypospolitej (tzw. ziemie zabrane, czyli ziemie litewsko‐ruskie), przyłączone do Cesarstwa Rosyjskiego. Nauczyciel upewnia się, że zadanie zostało wykonane przez uczniów prawidłowo, następnie udziela im informacji zwrotnej.

Faza realizacyjna

1. Nauczyciel przybliża uczniom informacje dotyczące ustroju Królestwa Polskiego, a następnie uczniowie wykonują Polecenie 2. Zapoznają się z wybranymi artykułami Konstytucji Królestwa Polskiego. Zastanawiają się wspólnie, jakie gwarantowała swobody obywatelskie i narodowe. Dlaczego były one istotne? Nawiązując do wiedzy uczniów na temat literatury romantycznej, nauczyciel omawia przykłady łamania konstytucji przez cara. 2. Uczniowie – podzieleni na dwie grupy - wykonują odpowiednio Polecenie 3 i Polecenie 4. Nauczyciel upewnia się, że grupy zrozumiały i wykonały prawidłowo polecenia, a następnie ustosunkowuje się udzielając uczniom informacji zwrotnej. Następnie na forum klasy każda grupa przedstawia swoje ustalenia. Grupa 1 ocenia skutki zmian personalnych w ministerstwie oświaty przeprowadzonych w 1820 roku. Grupa 2 ustala, w którym roku Uniwersytet Warszawski cieszył się największym powodzeniem wśród studentów. Następnie nauczyciel w formie pogadanki wykorzystuje te informacje dla zarysowania osiągnięć edukacyjnych i kulturalnych Królestwa Polskiego. 3. Uczniowie wykonują Polecenie 5. Zapoznają się z informacjami dotyczącymi gospodarki Królestwa Polskiego. Następnie odnajdują je na mapie Królestwa Polskiego. Nauczyciel udziela informacji zwrotnej i sprawdza poprawność wykonanych zadań. 4. Podczas pracy nad ćwiczeniami i poleceniami nauczyciel wykorzystuje metodniki lub zestaw kart w trzech kolorach: zielonym, żółtym i czerwonym. Uczniowie dzięki kartom sygnalizują nauczycielowi, czy mają trudności z wykonywaniem poleceń (kolor zielony – radzę sobie świetnie, kolor żółty – mam wątpliwości, kolor czerwony – proszę o pomoc).

Faza podsumowująca

1. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów wykonanie Ćwiczenia 1. Uczniowie porządkują informacje uzyskane w toku lekcji, proponują dalsze pary informacji (twórca plus dzieło), nauczyciel zapisuje je na tablicy, a uczniowie w zeszytach. 2. Uczniowie wykonują Ćwiczenie 2, wskazując instytucje i organizacje utworzone w czasach Królestwa Polskiego lub rozpoczęte wówczas inwestycje. 3. Nauczyciel ocenia pracę uczniów na lekcji, biorąc pod uwagę ich wkład i zaangażowanie. Przekazuje uczniom informację zwrotną dotyczącą ich pracy. 4. Nauczyciel zadaje zadanie domowe dla uczniów chętnych (nie jest obligatoryjną częścią scenariusza): proponuje zapoznanie się z fragmentem e‐podręcznika Zerwana przyjaźń w władcą Rosji, a także wykonanie w domu następującego polecenia: “Na podstawie uzyskanej wiedzy i informacji z lekcji odpowiedz na pytanie: co zmieniło się w myśleniu i działaniu szlachty w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku?”


W tej lekcji zostaną użyte m.in. następujące pojęcia oraz nagrania



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Nagranie słówka: constitution

konstytucja – prawo określające ustrój państwa oraz sytuacje prawną jednostki wobec władz; jest nadrzędna wobec innych praw

elementary school Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl

Nagranie słówka: elementary school

szkoła elementarna – dawne określenie szkoły podstawowej

Teksty i nagrania

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Nagranie abstraktu

At the mercy of the Tsar. Kingdom of Poland

In 1815 the Duchy of Warsaw was abolished and replaced by the Congress Poland. It was a constitutional monarchy connected with the Russian Empire by a personal union. The internal system of the state was regulated by the Constitution of the Congress Poland, which was developed under the direction of Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski and based on the French model. The most liberal in Europe constitution was respected neither by Grand Duke Konstantin nor by Polish politicians obedient to Russia. The brutal actions of the Russians and the violation of civil and national liberties by the Russian authorities aroused social resistance. In the aftermath of the Congress of Vienna, the cultural life of the country was revived. The Society of Friends of Learning, founded in 1800, played an important role in the intellectual life of the capital of the Congress Poland. The biggest Polish cities —= Warsaw, Cracow, Lviv and Vilnius —opened their own permanent theatres. A breakthrough in the history of the Congress Poland was the opening of the University of Warsaw in 1816. The Kingdom of Poland has also seen a rapid increase in the number of elementary schools and secondary schools. The Minister of the Treasury, Prince Franciszek Ksawery Lubecki‐Drucki, took care of the economic development of the country. Three industrial centres developed in the Kingdom of Poland: the Łódź Industrial Region, the Old‐Polish Industrial Region and the Dąbrowa Basin. Lesson plan (English)

Topic: At the mercy of the Tsar. Kingdom of Poland

Author of the script: Monika Piotrowska‐Marchewa

Target group

7th grade student of elementary school.

Core curriculum

XX. Polish lands in the years 1815‐1848. Student:

2. characterises the constitutional period of the Kingdom of Poland – political system, achievements in the field of economy, culture and education.

The general aim of education

Students will learn about the constitutional period of the Kingdom of Poland – political system, achievements in the field of economy, culture and education.

Key competences

communication in the mother tongue; communication in foreign languages; learning to learn.

Learning outcomes


characterises the achievements of the Kingdom of Poland in the field of economy, culture and education; analyses the Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland of 1815.

Methods / techniques

exposing methods: talk, traditional lecture, explanations and comments from the teacher; programmed methods: using e‐textbook; using multimedia; problematic methods: activating methods: discussion; practical methods: exercises concerned, working with text and audio recording.

Forms of work activity in pairs or in groups; individual activity.

Teaching aids

computers with Internet access; notebook and crayons/ felt‐tip pens; materials from e‐textbook; interactive whiteboard or large screen with a projector to display the content of the e‐textbook for the whole class.

Before classes

The teacher asks the students to recall the findings of the Congress of Vienna concerning Poland.

Lesson plan overview (Process)


1. The teacher explains to the students the lesson objective and the criteria for success. 2. The teacher asks the students about Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich of Russia and his attitude towards . Using the talk method, the teacher explains the reasons for this. The teacher tells the students about relations between Konstantin and Alexander I, about Konstantin's lost rights to the throne of Russia, about his marriage to Polish Countess Joanna Grudzińska. 3. Students fulfill Instruction 1. They analyse how the Kingdom of Poland differed from the Duchy of Warsaw in terms of area. They show on the map the borderland of the former Republic of Poland (the so‐called occupied lands, i.e. Lithuanian‐Russian lands), annexed to the Russian Empire.


1. The teacher introduces the students to the political system of the Kingdom of Poland, and then the students fulfil Instruction 2. They read the selected articles of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland. They discuss together what civil and national freedoms it guaranteed. Why were they important? Referring to the students' knowledge of romantic literature, the teacher discusses examples of the Tsar's violation of the constitution. 2. The students – divided into two groups – fulfil Instruction 3 and Instruction 4 respectively. Then, each group presents its findings. Group 1 evaluates the effects of personnel changes in the Ministry of Education carried out in 1820. Group 2 determines in which year the University of Warsaw enjoyed the greatest popularity among students. Then the teacher uses this information in the form of a talk to outline the educational and cultural achievements of the Kingdom of Poland. 3. Students fulfil Instruction 5. They learn about the economy of the Kingdom of Poland. Then they find them on the map of the Kingdom of Poland. The teacher provides feedback and checks the correctness of completed tasks. 4. When doing exercises and instructions, the teacher uses tents or a set of cards in three colors: green, yellow and red. Students use the cards to indicate to the teacher whether they are having difficulty in fulfilling the instructions (green – I’m doing great, yellow – I have some doubts, red – I need help).


1. The teacher asks the students to do Exercise 1. The students organize the information obtained during the lesson, suggest further pairs of information (author plus work), the teacher writes them down on the board and the students - in their notebooks 2. The students do Exercise 2, indicating the institutions and organisations established or the investments started in the times of the Kingdom of Poland. 3. The teacher assesses the students’ work during the lesson taking into account their contribution and involvement. The teacher gives the students feedback on their work. 4. The teacher gives homework for volunteer students (it is not an obligatory part of the script): to read the excerpt from the e‐textbook Broken friendship with the Russian ruler, and to fulfil the following instruction: “On the basis of the acquired knowledge and the information obtained during the lesson, answer the question: what changed in the thinking and actions of the nobility in the first half of the 19th century?”

The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson



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Nagranie słówka: constitution

konstytucja – prawo określające ustrój państwa oraz sytuacje prawną jednostki wobec władz; jest nadrzędna wobec innych praw

elementary school

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl

Nagranie słówka: elementary school szkoła elementarna – dawne określenie szkoły podstawowej

Texts and recordings

Nagranie dostępne na portalu epodreczniki.pl

Nagranie abstraktu

At the mercy of the Tsar. Kingdom of Poland

In 1815 the Duchy of Warsaw was abolished and replaced by the Congress Poland. It was a constitutional monarchy connected with the Russian Empire by a personal union. The internal system of the state was regulated by the Constitution of the Congress Poland, which was developed under the direction of Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski and based on the French model. The most liberal in Europe constitution was respected neither by Grand Duke Konstantin nor by Polish politicians obedient to Russia. The brutal actions of the Russians and the violation of civil and national liberties by the Russian authorities aroused social resistance. In the aftermath of the Congress of Vienna, the cultural life of the country was revived. The Society of Friends of Learning, founded in 1800, played an important role in the intellectual life of the capital of the Congress Poland. The biggest Polish cities —= Warsaw, Cracow, Lviv and Vilnius —opened their own permanent theatres. A breakthrough in the history of the Congress Poland was the opening of the University of Warsaw in 1816. The Kingdom of Poland has also seen a rapid increase in the number of elementary schools and secondary schools. The Minister of the Treasury, Prince Franciszek Ksawery Lubecki‐Drucki, took care of the economic development of the country. Three industrial centres developed in the Kingdom of Poland: the Łódź Industrial Region, the Old‐Polish Industrial Region and the Dąbrowa Basin.