Datatel and Timecruiser Join Forces to Address Any Time, Any Where, Any Way Information-Access for Higher Education
Datatel and TimeCruiser Join Forces to Address Any Time, Any Where, Any Way Information-Access for Higher Education Partnership enables Datatel to provide a personalized web gateway for students, faculty, and staff FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA – October 19, 1999 - Datatel, Inc. announces a strategic partnership with Timecruiser Computing Corporation (TCC), of Fairfield, New Jersey, to provide a comprehensive portal solution that links the entire college community -- administrators, faculty, students, and even alumni -- via collaborative tools. The portal solution Datatel is offering is powered by, a product of TCC. seamlessly integrates with Colleague, Datatel’s advanced information technology solution for higher education, and provides an online learning environment, community activities, chat rooms, e-mail, calendar, course management tools, and many other functions. As part of Colleague, enables faculty, staff, and students to access all institution-specific information in one location. Users of the portal can create a personalized view of all the information available to them so they only get the information they want. "We have been working closely with our client base for some time to determine what type of portal solution would best address their need to provide access to a vast array of information for an equally vast array of constituents," stated H. Russell Griffith, Datatel’s President and CEO. "After doing our homework, we determined that was the ideal partner for
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