Notices of the American Mathematical
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Calendar This Calendar lists all of the meetings which have been approved by the Council up to the date this issue of the cNoliaiJ was sent to press. The summer and annual meetings are joint meetings of the Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society. The meeting dates which fall rather far in the future are subject to change; this is particularly true of meetings to which no numbers have yet been assigned. Abstracts should be submitted on special forms which are available in most departments of mathematics; forms can also be obtained by writing to the headquarters of the Society. Abstracts to be presented at the meeting in person must be received at the headquarters of the Society in Providence, Rhode Island, on or before the deadline for the meeting. Meeting Deadline for Abstracts* Number Date Place and News Items 725 June 20-21, 1975 Pullman, Washington Apr. 29, 1975 726 August 18-22, 1975 Kalamazoo, Michigan June 17, 1975 (79th Summer Meeting) 727 October 25, 1975 Cambridge, Massachusetts Sept. 2, 1975 728 November 1, 1975 Chicago, illinois Sept. 2, 1975 729 November 7-8, 1975 Blacks burg, Virginia Sept. 23, 1975 730 November 15, 1975 Los Angeles, California Sept. 23, 1975 731 January 22-26, 1976 San Antonio, Texas Nov. 5, 1975 (82nd Annual Meeting) March 4-5, 1976 Tallahassee, Florida March 15-20, 1976 Urbana, illinois April 23-24, 1976 Reno, Nevada June 18-19, 1976 Portland, Oregon November 19-20, 1976 Columbia, South Carolina November 26-27, 1976 Albuquerque, New Mexico January 27-31, 1977 St. Louis, Missouri (83rd Annual Meeting) *Deadline for abstracts not presented at a meeting (by title) June 1975 issue: April 22 August 1975 issue: June 10 Please affix the peel-off label on these cJYoliai) to correspondence with the Society concerning fiscal matters, changes of address, promotions, or when placing orders for books and journals. ThecJYoliaiJof the American Mathematical Society is published by the American Mathematical Society, P. 0. Box 6248, Providence, Rhode Island 02940, in January, February, April, June, August, October, November, and December. Subscription per annual volume is $10. Member subscription of $5 is included in annual dues. Price per copy $3. Special price for copies sold at registration desks of meetings of the Society, $1 per copy. Orders for subscriptions or back numbers (back issues of the last two years only are available) should be sent to the Society at P. 0. Box 1571, Annex Station, Providence, Rhode Island 02901. All orders must be accompanied by payment. Other correspondence should be addressed to P. 0. Box 6248, Providence, Rhode Island 02940. Second class postage paid at Providence, Rhode Island, and additional mailing offices. Copyright© 1975 by the American Mathematical Society Printed in the United States of America OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Everett Pitcher and Gordon L. Walker, Editors Hans Samelson, Associate Editor CONTENTS MEETINGS Calendar of Meetings . • . • . • . • . Inside Front Cover Program for the April Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri . • . • • . 130 Abstracts for the Meeting: A-394-A-426 Program for the April Meeting in Monterey, California . • . • . • . • . • • . 139 Abstracts for the Meeting: A-426-A-431 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF MEETINGS . • • . • • . • • . • • . • • • • • • . • • . • 141 ORGANIZERS AND TOPICS OF SPECIAL SESSIONS . • . • . • . • . 151 INVITED SPEAKERS AT AMS MEETINGS . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . 151 NONACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT OF PH.D's IN THE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES . • • . • • • • . 152 COMBINED MEMBERSHIP LIST 1975-1976 . • . • . • . • . • . • . 156 NEW AMS PUBLICATIONS . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • • . • . 157 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR . • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • . • 158 NEWS ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ....•...••...•...•..•.••.....•.••.. 155, 159 SPECIAL MEETINGS INFORMATION CENTER. • • . • . • . • . • . • 160 SUMMER GRADUATE COURSES (Supplementary List) . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • • • 161 QUERIES . • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • . • . • . • • . • • • . 162 PERSONAL ITEMS . • . • • . • . • • . • . • . • . • • . • . • • . • • • . 162 ABSTRACTS . • • • . • . • . • • . • . • . • . • . • • • . A-377 SITUATIONS WANTED A-432 RESERVATION FORM . • • . • • . • • • . • . • . • A-438 The Seven Hundred Twenty-Third Meeting University of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri April11-12, 1975 The seven hundred twenty-third meeting of Charles P. Lanski, Donald S. Passman, Gary L. the American Mathematical Society will be held Peterson, Richard E. Phillips, Derek J. S. at the University of Missouri, st. Louis, Missouri, Robinson, Martha K. Smith, Keoneth W. Weston, on Friday and Saturday, April 11 and 12, 1975. Julian s. Williams, and Cleon R. Yohe. Profes The University of Missouri at st. Louis is lo sor Richard P. Jerrard of the University of illi cated about ten miles northwest of downtown st. nois at Urbana-Champaign has arranged a spe Louis and about four miles east of st. Louis Lam cial session on Geometric Topology, to be held bert Airport. All sessions will be held in the Friday morning; the speakers will be Joan S. J. C. Penney Building of the university. Birman, John E. Connett, Robert J. Daverman, By invitation of the Committee to Select Mary-Elizabeth Hamstrom, and Jan Jaworowski. Hour Speakers for Western Sectional Meetings, Professor Rangachary Kannan of the University there will be four one-hour addresses. Profes of Missouri at st. Louis and Michigan state Uni sor A. 0. L. Atkin of the University of illinois versity has arranged a special session on Non at Chicago Circle will speak on Friday, April11, linear Functional Analysis, to be held Saturday; at 11:00 a.m. ; the title of his talk will be "Super the speakers will be Lamberto Cesari, Michael singular games". Professor Kuo-Tsai Chen of G. Crandall, Jack K. Hale, Roger D. Nussbaum, the University of illinois at Urbana-Champaign Paul H. Rabinowitz, Duane P. Sather, Luc Tar will address the Society on Friday, April11, at tar, and Hans F. Weinberger. Professor Walter 1:45 p.m.; his subject will be "Iterated path in Leighton of the University of Missouri at Colum tegrals". Professor Kenneth Kunen of the Uni bia has arranged a special session on Ordinary versity of Wisconsin at Madison will speak on Differential Equations: Oscillation Theory, Saturday, April 12, at 11:00 a.m.; the title of Boundary Value Problems, to be held all day his talk will be "What good are ultrafilters ? " Friday and Saturday morning; the speakers will Professor Guido L. Weiss of Washington Univer be Sui-Sun Cheng, William J. Coles, Arlington sity at st. Louis will address the Society on M. Fink, Louis J. Grimm, Heinrich W. Guggen Saturday, April12, at 1:45 p.m.; his topic will heimer, Don B. Hinton, Lloyd K. Jackson, Mar be "The use of Hardy spaces and their generali vin S. Keener, Kurt Kreith, Alan C. Lazer, zations in harmonic analysis". All four hour William T. Reid, Jerry R. Ridenhour, Curtis C. talks will be held in the auditorium of the J. C. Travis, and W. Roy Utz, Jr. Professor Marian Penney Building. Boykan Pour-El of the University of Minnesota By invitation of the same committee there has arranged a special session on Recursion will be nine sessions of selected twenty-minute Theory, to be held Saturday; the speakers will be papers. Professor David Drasin of Purdue Uni Harvey Friedman, Carl G. Jockusch, Jr., versity has arranged a special session on Classi Manuel Lerman, Thomas G. McLaughlin, Anil cal Function Theory, to be held Friday afternoon Nerode, Hilary Putnam, Wayne H. Richter, and Saturday morning; the speakers will be Al Gerald E. Sacks, and Robert I. Soare. Profes bert Baernstein IT, Burgess J. Davis, Frederick sor Grant V. Weiland of the University of Mis W. Gehring, Simon Hellerstein, James A. Jen souri at St. Louis has arranged a special session kins, John L. Lewis, Richard H. Rochberg, on Harmonic Analysis and Related Topics, to be Donald C. Rung, Glenn E. Schober, Ted J. Suf held Friday; the speakers will be David R. Adams, fridge, and Allen W. Weitsman. Professor Richard J. Bagby, Richard A. Hunt, Alexander J. David L. Elliott of Washington University has ar Nagel, Victor L. Shapiro, Elias M. stein, ranged a special session on Differential Geomet Mitchell H. Taibleson, Alberto Torchinsky, S. ric Problems in Control Theory, to be held all Vagi, Wo-Sang Young, and William P. Ziemer. day Friday and Saturday morning; the speakers Professor David J. Winter of the University of will be John B. Baillieul, William M. Boothby, Michigan has arranged a special session on Roger w. Brockett, Jan M. Gronski, Robert Finite Dimensional Field Extensions, to be held Hermann, Henry G. Hermes, Ronald M. Hir Friday; the speakers will be stephen u. Chase, schorn, Velimir Jurdjevic, Arthur J. Krener, Lindsay N. Childs, James K. Deveney, Ray Deborah Rebhuhn, Jackson L. Sedwick, Jr., mond T. Hoobler, Herbert F. Kreimer, Jr., M. B.Suryanarayana, and Hector J. Sussman. Andy R. Magid, Moss E. Sweedler, and David J. Professor Franklin Haimo of Washington Univer Winter. There will also be five sessions of con sity has arranged a special session on Applica tributed ten-minute papers. tions of Ring Theory to Groups, to be held both On Thursday, April10, the day before the Friday and Saturday; the speakers will be Paul F. meeting itself, the University of Missouri at st. Conrad, Vance Faber, Burton I. Fein, Charles E. Louis and Washington University will sponsor a Ford, Brian Hartley, Jutta Hausen, Israel N. brief symposium on Harmonic Analysis and Re Herstein, Arun V. Jategaonkar, Everett L. Lady, lated Topics, which will supplement Professor 130 Weiland's special session. This symposium will Single $16 be held in the Auditorium of the J. C. Penney Twin/Double $22 Building according to the following schedule: Triple $28 9:30 a.m. , Ronald R. Coifman, "On multilinear Requests for room reservations at the Eight Days singular integrals" (Abstract 723-Bl8); 11:00 Inn should be made directly with the Inn using the a.m. , Charles L. Fefferman, "On several com room reservation form which appeared on the plex variables"; 1:30 p.m., Nestor M. Riviere, last page of the January c}(otit:tLJ.