with raschii) fjord The functional biology of krill (Thysanoessa raschii) Greenlandic (Thysanoessa a ‐ with focus on its ecological role in krill of role in a Greenlandic fjord biology Mette Dalgaard Agersted ecological its Supervisor: Torkel Gissel Nielsen on
[email protected] functional focus The DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Kavalergaarden 6, 2920, Charlottenlund, Denmark. The functional biology of krill (Thysanoessa raschii) with focus on its ecological role in a Greenlandic fjord Outline • • • • • Background Summary Results Materials Aim and –who methods , what, where? Where? 3 NASA The functional biology of krill (Thysanoessa raschii) with focus on its ecological role in a Greenlandic fjord Krill • • • Diel Pelagic Large http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedi ‐ vertical Euphausiids schools living a/commons/b/bb/Krillanatomykils.jpg migration ‐ patchy Photo: Russ Hopcroft 4 with Krill in Western Greenland raschii) fjord • 4 species – Thysanoessa raschii Greenlandic (Thysanoessa – T. inermis a in – T. longicaudata krill of role – Meganyctiphanes norvegica biology ecological its on functional focus The wikipedia.org Thysanoessa Meganyctiphanes raschii norvegica Pedersen & Smidt 2000 Thysanoessa Thysanoessa inermis longicaudata 5 Photos: Russ Hopcroft The food web • Arctic krill not so well studied compared to Antarktic krill Phytoplankton • Key role Microplankton Copepods • Knowledge is crucial in understandingDetritus ecosystem dynamics Faecal pellets can sink hundreds of meters a