(Iowa City, Iowa), 1963-07-12
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The Weather 'j Dodgers Win P.rtly cloudy ...t, conilder.bl. cloudl,,", west tod.y .nd tonight. Occesion.1 Il,ht r.1n or clrlut. See Story Page 4 ~ owon extreme west this momillf. Hlths In upper .. .t Seroing the'State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City 0"- •• st to .bout 10 west • e Eatabllsbed In 1868 10 Cents Per Copy AIIoclated Pre8a Leased Wirea aDd WiI'epboto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday. July 12, 1!16S s Riot in Cambridge, Russian Flees I f f ~- 3 Whites Shot; Moscow; Held Panel ill Find Facts: s n g y Activity Elsewhere I~Y~~~!~I~:nceM.n y Rioting in Cambridge, 3 Shot Linked with Exposure n CAMBRIDGE, Md. IA'I - A riot erupted here Thursday night with Of 4 Russian Agents Ii) at least three persons shot and mobs forming in both the white and l:Jnion 11 In Rail ispute h Negro sections. LONDON IA'I - A top Russian r. intelligence officer has defected Three white men were hospitalized with gunshot wounds shortly to the West and is being questioned r after state police using K9 dogs had prevented a clash between about in Britain, it was officially an· I. 300 integrationists and a crowd of about 1,000 whites. D· 0 tb k H·t Group Hopes' noun:~ earl~ Thursday. Isease u rea I S The integrationists had just completed their nightly courthouse OffICials saId he was as Impor.' prayer demonstration protesting segregation in this racially divided tant as any of the big· game de· , ,e city of about 12,200. fectors of the postwar years. His Nt· E Bid Negotiations The shootings erupted on a street along the edge of the Negro life is in danger, and he is being a Ion· gg5 arne district, in the city's southwest section. Moments later reports of kept under close guard at a secret , shooting outbreaks poured into state and city police headquarters. headquarters, they added. WASHINGTON IA'I _ The Public logical evidence 10 suggest that I State police armed with tear gas rushed into the Negro district Informed sources said the Rus· Health Service issued a warning everyone should avoid buying and Will Evolve sian contacted U.S. authorities, Thursday against buying and using to disperse mobs . using craCked or unclean eggs . WASHINGTON IA'! - The blue National Guard troops, placed on alert after an aCternoon sit-in apparently in North America, af· cracked or unclear eggs that have ler revelations at the Moscow trial not been thoroughly cooked. "Persons who are ill , especially ribbon panel chosen by President demonstration in a Cambridge restaurant boiled over into a fist-swing· of Oleg Penkovsky, a Soviet o[ficial It said there was a current out infants, the elderly and individuals Kennedy to support his latest ef ~, ing melee, were ordered back into the town . They had been withdrawn who was shot for passing inform a- break of salmonella derby, an in· suffering from gastrointestinal dis· fort to solve the railroad works ~, only last Monday after a 25-day stay. tion to the British. testinal infection which had hit ease or malignancies should not be rules dilemma defined its mission It • fed raw or undercooked eggs. An Thursday as primarily fact finding. 1. • • Penkovsky compromised anum· 775 persons as of July 8 in 25 Resume Nonviolent Demonstrations: King bel' of Soviet agents abroad anU states and the District of Columbia. undercooked egg is one in which Members of the six·man body they were recalled. This apparent· A sufficient number of organ· thc white is not firm ." agreed that if a chance to mediate DANVILLE, Va. IA'I - Negro integration leader Dr. Martin Lulher Iy caused the Russian's defection. isms of the disease have been reo The Public Health Service said arises, they will do that too. But King Jr. calls for resumption of nonviolent demonstrations until city He apparently has been subject· covered from cracked eggs from so long as the eggs are thoroughly there was no indication that this "engages In good faith negotiations" for equal rights for Negroes. ed to some weeks of interrogation farms in one area, it said, to lead cooked and the final product is not .., wowd occur, particularly since 110 Shortly before King's arrival, police arrested 32 Negroes picketing city in Washington, sources said, and to the following recommendation: recontaminated there is no inher plans have been made for further hail. was passed over to British intelli· "There is sufficient epidemio- ent danger. negotiations by the railroads and gence for continued questioning. five on·train unions - still far • • apart after four years of sporadic There was no confirmation from talks. Demonstrations in 3 Illinois Cities official sources in Washington that * * * * * * CHICAGO IA'I - Racial demonstrations took place Thursday in the man had been questioned there. Intestinal Disease Not Feared Here; Kennedy has only a 19-day mor three lUinois cities. , Word leaked oul that he was atorium sus pen din g the rule. They were sponsored by the Congress of Racial Equality (COREl here. The response was a govern· No Cases Seen at University Hospital changes and the strike which the and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ment "D·notice" - a survival unions say these changes would (NAACP) in Peoria, Chicago and East St. Louis. from wartime security - asking The epidemic of "Salmonella Service." The disease has spread provoke. Republican congressional national newspapers not to men· Derby," an infectious intestinal through 25 states and the District leaders warned him Thursday that Some 2SO persons living in the South Side Woodlawn area con· tion hi s arrival. disease which has hit 700 persons of Columbia. "Congress is not going to he verged on Chicago's City Hall. Some carried sighs urging the City Laler all official spokesman said in the United States, is not now a Accordiog to a report of the Pub- stampeded into any action that u. Council to "equalize opportunities," and to "be fair , intgrate schools." the fact that he was here cowd be problem in Iowa City, according lic Health Service, sixteen hospi not justified." CORE members claim Chicago's policy of restricting students used but his name - published in to an SUI doctor. talized patients have died, primari- House GOP Leader Charles A. to schools in their own neighborhoods prevents Negroes from attend the D·notice - should be sup· Dr. James Clifton, head of th~ Iy from o~her diseases, but they Halleck of Indiana, who made this ing less crowded schools in other white neighborhoods. pressed. D i vis Ion of Gastroenterology had assocla.ted Salmonella derby comment, added that this does not In East St. Louis, some ISO NegrQes, many carrying signs, picket Informed sources said the de· (}Vhich deals with intestinal aU- gastroen.tertIs. In Iowa mean Congress could act expedi ed City Hall iri protest against alleged racial discrimination in the lector already has given invaluable ments) at University Hospitals, . Dr. ~hfton said It has ~een. some W..... forme, Pr•• Id.nt Dwl,ht Elsenhow.r orrlved In Boon. Thurs tiously. information on the Soviet spy net· said Thursday that "the problem ~Ime smce a case of thIS dls~se hiring of city workers. The demonstration was organized by a group d.y, he WII IIr ••ted by • numb.r of .utOfr.ph SHIe.r., Ike com "10m not saying we don't need work in the West. Officials ap· is one which is being dealt willi has b~en ~rought t~ his attentIon called "The Civil Rights Committee" and had the backing of CORE. m.nt.d: "I lur. wish I hod • nlm. Ilk. Tom Brown, It would b. any more legislation," Halleck said In Peoria, 14 adwts who conducted a sit·in with 22 children at parently feared that he might be primarily by lhe Public Health at UnlvefSlty Hospitals. murdered as a demonstration of - Eggs are suspected to be the .lIi.r to writ •• " Earll.r he hllCl been .sked to give • numb.r of in commenting that there are al the Central Illipois Light Co. offices Wednesday were given a week's the power of Soviet Intelligence. cause of the disease, according to lutOfrlph. w..... h•• Ilghted from his tr.in in DII Moln.. IMfor. ready laws on the books to deal continuance of trespassing charges filed by the company. with "featherbedding." Recent weeks ha ve seen t he ex· Ru bb ish Fire a Public Health spokesman. He continuing to Boon._ -AP Wirephoto • • posure of several major Soviet added that the "geographic source "Featherbedding" is the term • the railroads apply to about 65,000 Georgia Officials Call for Jailing spies who could conceivably be E h d oC the eggs has not yet been deter· *. .* linked with the deFection. xtl· ng U-I 5 e mined." * * jobs they want to eliminate as un SAvANNAH, Ga. IA'l - Rioting and destruction by roaming bands They include the Swedish Col. The ailment broke out In New * * necessary, including those of 40, ot Negroes prompted a state prosecutor Thursday to call for jailing Slig Wennerstrom and the four 0 W-B .. York in March. Cales have been Ei,senhowers Have Busy Day QOO firemen on freight and yard of all demonstrators under minimum bond of $2,500. Russians arrested in the United n _ enton reported by 37 hospital s. diesel locomotives. The unions Solicitor General Joe Ryan told Police Chief Sidney Barnes Jr. States this month. maintain the jobs are needed for Three men now on trial at safety and efficiency. that the situation had gotten out o[ hand and poses a threat to the Karlsruhe, West Germany, have Iowa City firemen were called to 'city's welfare.