1949 - 1950 FENCING SEASON


FENCERS BUSINESS DIRECTORY The men appearing in this column ore fencers. Their list ing is an asset to American Fendng ond as such merits the good will of all fencers. Our speciol rates o re low. Write ;lIJlfH1C;]Jl FfIltHl!) to us. Offidal Organ of the Amateur Fencers League of Amerka. l ouis H. F. Mouquin, C.L.U. Ed.todal Office Publishing Office Gene ral & life Insurance J. R. de Ca priles, Editor W . L Osborn, Publisher 393 7th Ave., Room 1604 81 Ridgewood Terrat:e 1712 Grand Central Terminal New York City Chickering 4-8200 Chappaqua, N. Y. New York 17, N . Y. also Contributing Ed iton 141 Oakridge Ave., Summit, N. J . M. de Co;>riles A. Hermanson D. Every T. Jaeckel J. Fiems F. Linkmeyer J o hn Howard Hanway, C .L.U. H. Hayden J. Honeycutt life Insurance Speciolist H. Von Buskirk 135 Broadway New York 6, N. Y. Corresponde nts Re ctor 2-8666 F. Bovuso, A. Deladrier, Dr. J . Flynn, D. Friedman, D. Funke, W . Hertz, R. Hyslop, J . Kingsley, A. KwortJer, N. Lubell, P. Paret , A. Rodner, M. Tetaz.

H. J. OUTDOOR EPEE Delivered to all members of the A.F.L.A. os port of the ir membership. Published every The Ne...... Jersey Division extends a n 6 weeks. Subscriptions to non-members 53. in U.s.; 4 . Foreign. invitotion to all AHA members to compete wi th the electric epee on The opinions expressed in signed artides reflect the personal views of the writ ers Saturday, June 3rd a t 11 A.M., in and not necessa rily of Amerkan Fencing or t he A.F.L.A . beaut i ful and unusual surroundings. No anonymous artldes at:t:epted. The individual event is to toke place at lambert's Castle, Garret Mt. Park, Pat­ Changes of address should reat:h us prompt IV. Give us both t he new and old address. e rson, N. J" and the winner will re­ ceive The Paterson Morning Call Tro­ phy. The cast le is now a Museum well HISTORICAL DATA worth the trip. Entries should bring By DERNELl EVERY picnic lunches and a good time is guar­ anteed. Previ ous to 189 J fenci ng in this coun­ The League officers a re listed be low try was di rectl y controlled by t he Ama­ by term of office in the fol lowing or­ teur Athlet ic Uni on. Du ring that year a der: Presiden t, Vice- Presiden t, Secretory­ PROFESSIONAL LISTING number of p rominent fencers dec ided to T reasurer (after 1936, Secretary, Treas­ break away from th is cont rol and fo rm urer) . Jo hn C. McKee a notional fencing organizati on, to be 1891- 1894: Dr. G. M. Hammond, Dr. B. F. Salle Cavaliers, Stage, Screen called the Amateur Fencers' League of 1031 Sedor St., Sa nta Monico, Calif. O'Connor, W. Scott O'Connor; AmeriCa . The organization meeting was 1895-1896: Dr. G. M. Hammond, C. C. Nadal, held a t the New York Athletic Club on W. Scott O'Connor; April 22nd, J 891. An executive commit­ 1897-1 91 I : Dr. G. M . Hammond, Charles Ta t­ ham, W. Scott O'Connor; tee, consisting of two members from each dub, was appointed to carry the ' idea 1912- 1925: Dr. G. M. Hammond, John Allaire, W. Scott O'Conn<)(; through, draw up and adopt a constitu­ 1926-1929: Han. Henry Breckenridge, John Al­ VITALE tion and by-lows, etc. Th-z following laire, F. B. O'Connor; • • • • comprised the Committee: 1930-1932: F. Barnard O'Connor, Lt. G. C. • .... Dr. G. M. Ha mmond and G. Lord Day, Calnan, L. M. Schoonmaker; of M.I.T. N.Y.A.e.; J. O. Davidson a nd F. Bla nchy, 1933: F. Barnard O'Connor, Leo Nunes, L. M . • Manhattan Ae.; Dr. B. F. O'Connor and Schoonma ker; 1934- 1935: Lean M. Schoonmaker, Leo Nunes, Sylvia N. Vitale, coach of fencing at G. C. Morgan, Columbia College F.e.; R. O. Haubold and W. T. Heintz, Central J . H . Hanway; M.I.T. where the s port has been 50 • 1936-1937: Horold Von Buskirk, J. Worner Turn Verein; C. Tatha m and W. Scott popular for many, many years, has Bellah, D. Every, J. H. Hanway; • O'Connor, Fencers Club. By acclamation 1938-1939: Ha rold Von Buskirk, J. L Levis, t his to soy about our No. 1 11 Dr. Hammond was chosen the first Presi­ J . R. Huffmon, G. Cochrane; • dent of the League a nd W. Scott O' Con­ 1940: Dr. John R. Huffman, R. F. Warren, Dr. nor, Secretary -Treasurer. E. S. Acel, G. Coch roM; The constitution was adopted on May 1941 : Or. John R. Huffman. F. Leicester, Dr. • E. S. Acey, G. Cochrane; FRENCH 6 th and By- Lows on May 16th, 1891. The original split with the A.AU. was 1942- 1943: Dr. John Huffman, F. Lekester, • W. A . Dow, G. Cochrane; soon healed a nd the new fencing body 1944: Harold Von Buskirk-, F. Leicester, W. A BLADES • become affilia ted with t he A.AU. in Dow, G. Cochrane; January, 1892. The AF.L.A., however, 1945: Oernell Every, R. F. Worren, W. A. Do.... . • has a lways reta ined full supervision over G. Cochrone; " The Cost ello No. 111 b lade is fenci ng matters in this country. 1946: Dernell Every, Dr. R. A. Snow, W •. A. a beautiful blending of fine steel; At the first Annual Meet ing, held Dow, R. Drisco ll; strong in its porry, straight in its • 1947: Derncll Every, F. Lekester, W. A. Dow April 1892, the League hod 238 20, R. Driscoll; thrust , yet gentle to its touch." members a nd twa active Di visions: New In t esting and in use. professionals • J948: Derncll Every, R. F. Warren, W. A. Do.... Engla nd and Nebraska, bath fo rmed on and amate urs, all over the world, R. Driscoll; March 30, J 892. havo acclaimed our No. III a s the • 1949: Mig ue l A. de Copriles, H. Hoyden, D. fin est blode they have ever used. Every, R. Drist:o ll. • *Or. Huffman, elected, was unable to cccr­ NOTE p lete h is term of off ice ond Mr. Van Buskirk • Tho holde rs of Notionol Champion­ was chosen by the Boord of Governors to s hip t eam or Individual trophies should the vacant:y. return thom to the Fe ncers Club, 320 Eost S3rd Street, Ncw York City, not late r t han Juno 5th so that they may be d eanQd and brought up to dote CHANGE IN AFLA DIRECTORY .. for tho Gala Night. Buffalo V'o ... ~ Sreeo-~ "lAST 1 1,10 Siun. SlY{ fOU: l . N f • GO: ..", ... , 1·)7'0 SecreTcry V -r 56 :::. E_-*":o -o '3 3

T HE SO UTHW EST SECTION have seen the A FLA flourish wi t h renewed The AHA is proud to announce the vigor. In J 949 he stepped down from the crection of the new Southwest Section Presidency a nd with typical devo ti on to embracing the fencing octivities in Ar­ the sport accepted again the arduous d u ­ kansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiano, New ties of the Secreto ry 's o ffice. Mexico, Oklahoma, and T e X DS. The new Dernel1's record a s a co mpet itor would Section will be governed by Mr. Harold ma ke him one of American fencing's im ­ an Buskirk, of Ho uston, former presi­ morta ls even if he had never distinguished dent of the A FLA a nd currently one of its h imse lf as one of its great administra­ vice- presidents . At the present t ime the tors. He learned to fence at Yale under cree includes the Colorado, Gulf Coast Robert "Bobby" Grasson and was Captain (South Texa s ) J and North Texas di vi­ of the Yo le team in 1927 a nd 1928. He sio ns. It is ho ped there will be a marked won t he Intercollegiate Foil Champion­ d evelopment o f fencing throughout the ship in his junior and sen ior yea rs and Section d u ri ng the next few yea rs . led his team to the Foil Team and Th ree­ Weapon Team Championships. While sti ll FOREIGN NEWS in col lege he was chose n fo r the 1928 By John K. Kingsley U. S. Ol ympic Team and despi t e his in ­ The 30t h F. I. E. Congress expe rience perfo rmed wel l at Amsterdam Represe ntatives of 22 nations ottend­ I in his first in terna tional competition. He ed the Congress, held a t Paris on the has been chosen fo r every Olympic Te a m 23rd, 24th and 25th of March. Five new since then, so that his participation in membe rs were accepted : Guatemala, Iran, t he Gomes at London in J 948 reRresents Palestine, South Africa, a nd Venezuela. a span of twenty years of top- n a""tch in­ The U.S. was represen ted by Jack Gorl in. ternat ional a bili ty. He has been National Tracy Jaeckel and M iguel de Capriles Foi l Champion th ree times (1938, 1940, were appoin ted to t he Commission on \ 1945 ) and has been a medo list on fou r Presidents of Juries and the Comm iss ion other occasions ( 1928, 193 1, 1937, on Statutes respect ively. 19461. The Franco - Italia n proposal colling It is on enviable record-one which for the a doption of di rect eliminat ion in has contributed much to our sport and all im portant in te rnatio na l competitions sho uld be an inspiration to a ll of us. was defeated, but t he proponents, France and Itoly, have deci ded to adopt this J ose R. de Capriles method in a ll international events held within the ir borders. Ital io n engineers have been perfect ing on e lectric a p parat us for foil compet itions. The F. I. E. and the Ita lian Federation THE WASHINGTON have a warded funds for cont in uation of this study and a demonstra ti on wi ll be FENCERS CLUB g iven d uring the world championships is July. Sweden was c hosen as t he site fo r DERN ELL EVERY * :he 195 I Worl d Championships. Secretary, A FLA Visitors Welcome The delegates were in accord to re­ Derne ll Every, t he current Secretary of -cjn the present cl assical fencing pra­ the Amateur Fencers' League of America , AFLA Privileges gem for the 1952 O lympic Gomes a t has had a long and distinguished record -..e!sinki. of service to American fencing both as The Chal lenge Feyerick is awa rded * on administrator and a competito r. M r . PIEROE HALL .:r-nuolly to the pe rson who contri buted - • to the deve lopment of the sport. Every served the League in many capaci ­ H oward & 15th S t s. N .W . ::Corgio Mazzini, President o f the Italian t ies, including t hat of Secre ta ry from \VAS HINGTON, D. C. 1935 to J 938, before assuming t he lead­ -=a::er-otion, was named recipient for 1949 Tel. Ada ms 9573 :x...- declined t he honor. No subst it ute ership as President in J945. He proved a n -"::5 named. a bl e helmsman and the post-war years

MASKS - ?~ - Enjoy fencing more with this cl ear vision Foil-Epee Mask-hand sewn 1 with padded bib. Practice mask (for beginners) - wire stitched, with detachable bi b $3.25 also featured. W rite or phone for catalogue to see more rust proof Santelli masks. U.S. FENCING EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 165 Spring Street, N.Y.C. WAlker 5·8873 4 A MERICAN FENCING JUNE 19 50

By DO NALD G. T HOMPSO N Di yi sion Secretaries The Illinois Division has grown rapidly; and By MALCOLM W . WHITE It is urged t hat the Secret ory of the as further evidence o f its increased activity Division Secretory A FLA be kept up-fo-date on the mem­ it has, for the second consecutive year, a t­ Aside from lost season's open champion­ bership roll of each division. Active and tracted to its competitions fencers from the ships, this wos our first year of A FLA compe­ Junior memberships should be reported Centrol Ill inois, Wisconsin and Northern Ohio tition ond we feel we've mode 0 very good promptly as they are granted. Failure Divisions. start. Our membership has increased by 32 to abide by this request may deprive a Rolph Oixon, Notre Dome, won the Herman­ per cent and there is a definit e upswing in member of his copies of A merican son Trophy for the Division Open Epee Cham­ fencing interest in this orea which we hope Fencing and makes it impossible for pionship. Dixon, fencing in h is first A FLA will soon be reflected in the size o f our Divi­ the Board of Governors to det ermin e the competition, suffered only o ne defeat in the sion . current size of the League. final round of n ine. Don Thompson ond lin­ The Div ision Championships a nd qualifying coln Turner, both of the U. of Chicago, we re rounds for the Nationals we re well a tte nded sec::ond ond third with John Vincent placing a nd produced the following results: fourth. Foil: (I) Sidney Schwa rtz, Buffalo F.e.; (2 ) Other contestants: 1. Blazich, G. Bontos, C. Irving Vogel, Buffalo F.e.; (3 ) Robert Mearian, 9'eattte Corlson, C. Corbett, E. Dunston, B. Fishman, Buffalo F.e.; ( 4 ) Anthony Buzzelli, U . of Bu f­ By RAYMON D G. COATES W. Huguelet, A. Katz, R. McDowell, H. Osin­ falo. Division Chairman ski, A. Rose, J . Ruskin, T. Soddy, P. Steinle, Epee: (1) William Kohsman, Buffalo F .c.; The national magazine g ives us a ll a sense l. Strauss, F. Tiefenbach, E. Urbanik. (2) Donn Boyle, Buffalo F.e.; (3) Paul Black­ of "belonging," even t hough we are more or Donald Thompson, U. of Chicago, defeated man , U. of Bu ffalo; (04) Edward Haas, U. o f less isolated. You a rc certainly to be congratu­ lean Strauss, University Club, in a fence -off Bu ffalo. lated for turning out th is fi ne publicat ion for the Jenny Hermanson Memoria l Trophy : (l) Armond Monson, Bu ffalo F.e.; (2 ) which supplies a need fe lt by all of us who and t he Division Open Foil Cha mpionship . Bot h Si dney Schwa rtz, Bu ffalo F.e.; (3) Ant hony wish to see fencing grow in this country. men finished the final round of n ine wit h six Buzze lli, U. of Buffa lo; (4) Ric ha rd Couch, U . The following events we re held a t the wi ns a nd two defeats. Bernard Fishman and of Buffalo. Washington A C.: Charles Corbet t, both of the Un iversity Club, A new trophy, dona ted by the Buffa lo Women's Prep: ( I ) Mrs. Ka thryn Modrel l, finished t hi rd and fourt h. Fencers Club for the Individ ua l Three-Weapon Y.M.e.A; (2) Mrs . R. G. Coates, Washington Othe r contestants: L. At kin, N. Berger, J . Champ ionshi p, was won by Sid ney Schwartz. A.e.; (3) Miss Betfe lou Woodman, Washington Bl az:ch , A Dobin, S. Jacobs, S. McCall, J. !t is t o be a wa rded ea ch year until t he some A.C Marcus, A. Nakagawa, R. Pe rsellin, R. Pod le­ individua l has won it three ti mes, when it Prep Foil: ( I ) R. G. Coots, Washing ton A e.; sok, P. Reich, A Rose, L. Rubin, T. Soddy, P. becom es his property and a new t rophy wil l (2 ) Will ia m Modrell , Y.M,e.A. ; (3) James Rob­ Stcinle, L. Turner, E. Urbanik. be a wa rded. bins, Y.M.CA. John Westley, University of Ch icago captain and runner-up in lost year's Midwest Cham­ ~'1~and pionship, won the new George Sa ntelli Trophy C(i}owneoucul ,/I/ew for the Illinois Division Sabre Championship by Rut h Grasson (Cheshire) won t he women's Wo me n's Junior Foil defeating Leon Strauss, of the University Club, open event from a field of n ineteen. Viviene (1 ) Olympia Duka kis; (2) lillian Aylward; S-3 in a fence-off after each hod finished t he Sokol (Hunter) placed second a nd Ma ry Sugrue (3) Victoria Coppola. fi na l round of sevcn with one defeat. Bill (Waterbury YMCA) was third. Meyer, of the Wisconsin Division, was t hird. The J unior Foil was won by Maurice Kar­ Other competitors: D. Bacr, E. Barksdale, J. naugh (Yale ), with Dejoy Shriner (New York Blazich, J . Briner, e. Corbett, R. Grange, D. A. e.) second a nd Paul Anderson (U. o f Con n.) King, T. lund , R. Miller, A. Nakagawa, A. t hird. Quality Rose, D. Thompson, R. Washer. The results in open team events are as fol­ Mrs. Estelle Atkin, of the Central Illinois lows: Division, successfully defended her Women's Three-Weapon: (I ) New Hoven F. C. (Daley, Fencing Equipment Foil Championship of the Illinois Division with­ Marshall, Bakke); (2 ) Waterbury YMCA (C rotti, out suffering a defeat in the round robin of Allan, Shailer); (3) Branford (Solan, Bodner, ten fencers. Mrs. Ruth Marcus, former Con­ Kaye). necticut champion, now representing the Fe nc­ Women: (I) Gateway School (Goffney, Ki rch­ A. J. de Kroon ers Club of Chicago, was second, losing only ner, Pascale). Other tcoms: Cheshire, New to Mrs. Atkin. Miss Anne Zakaian, unattached, Britain, New Haven, Waterbury. LAAN VA N MEERDE RVOORT 96-B outpointed Miss Sue Kjellberg , of the Univer­ Foil: (I ) Waterbury (C rotti, Jannettv, Shoil­ THE HAGUE· HOLLA ND sity of Chicago, for third. Other compet i+ars: e r). Other eams; Conn. Fencers, Conn. Swords­ E. Farrell, J. Figge, R. Hazel, S. He rmanson, men, New Hoven YMCA. H. Kolk, J. La rks. Sabre: (1 ) Yale (Edmonds, Knobloch, Ma z ur­ The Ohioans, a composite team fea t uring ski). Other teams: New Hoven , Waterbury. a father-son combination, won the electric Distributors epee team competition from a strong fi e ld. from Fre nch foclo,ies of: The winning t rio (Donald S. Thompson, Oon G. Thom pson, Robert McDowell) defeated t he University Club (Charles Corbett, Berna rd Fish­ By SUSAN B. QUINN Foil, Sa!"e and Epee man, Leon Strauss) 5-04 in the deciding match Prep Foil after trailing 4-2. ( J ) Hulet, Washington F. e. (6-0); (2 ) Bunt­ Blades Other entries: Fencers Club of Chicago, Un i­ z ig, YMCA (04-2 ); (3) Egleseder, U . of Maryland versity o f Chicago, Wisconsin Division, Com­ (3-3). Other e ntries: Kogucz, Sherw in, Fink, posite "A" and Composite "B." Voultsides. Accessories The Wisconsin D : vis i o~ team (J. Meyers, J . Novice Foil Sriner, T. Lund) won the sa~re team compet i­ (1) Hulet, Woshing ton F. C. (9 -0); (2 ) Lyons, t ion by defeating the Fencers Club of Chicago Wash ing ton F. C. (7- 2); (3) MacVey, Wash ing­ Complete Weapons (l. Bernst ein, A. Rose, R. Bright) 5-3 in the ton F. e. (7-2). Other e ntries: Hayes, Egleseder, final m a tch. Reynolds, Bunt z ig, Hull, Marlowe, Sherwin. Oth er ent ries: Un iversity Club, University of Uniforms - Gloves Chicc90, Composite . The Wa shington F. e. continued it s d ua l Hans Ftsdter. of 5eon, was undefeoted in the meet schedule as follows: finol round of sot os he won the H igh Sch ool Wcshington F. C. 18, Baltimore F. e. 9; Masks I ndjv ld~ 1 Fod Chctrp;oruh:.P. ....ell Serge; , Woshington F. e. (Women) 7, 8alt imore YMCA t o t he Lane Tech, .. as s;ecot"d end Herman Ve!osco (Women) 2. Leading W holHale ond Retoil oi~"'thrd Wome n's Prep ~~ CO- ~ ' ': O"$ : S ~ :t. Sande­ CI V, Kuhn, Wosh ngtcn f . C. (5-0); (2 ) Con ce.rM in US.A. .., ~ ~ ~ ~- 't. =-oce, _ IC'!:-.r ~ ­ Jecn 'le iser. Wcshm!Oton F. C. l ~ - I I; (3 ' Penny - .=:r _ ::>~ . :: ~~ -I ... e---- QrI '''o.- ~ . =- c.. 3-2 . JUNE 1950 AMERICAN FENCING 5

By HELEN GRAY Women's Open Tcom FENCERS' CLUB Division Secretary The Westfield Fencing Club (Anno Moy Mar­ The Division has hod a very active season tin, Gay Tetoz, Dorothy Webber, Helen Web­ OF CHICAGO climaxed by the Open championships in all ber) won all four of its motches in the round­ weapons. The individual events resulted as rob:n of f ;v~ tcams. follows: Results Individual" Instruction Women Wcstfield F. C. "A" 4 wins, 0 losses; Pa ter­ (1) Glen Lattim ore, Fort Worth; (2) Lynn by son F. C. (Dorothy Cullen, Kay Donnelly, Mary COO;:Jer, Dallas; (3) H elen Gray, Dallos. Gonzales) 3 wins, 1 loss; Poterson Teachers " A" Foil HAROLD M. lOUIS (Lorraine Murad, Vera Pizzareli i, Lo rraine ( l) George Beokley, Tarleton; (2) lacy Fre nch Academy of Arms War) 1 wins, 3 losses; Westfield F. C. " B" Breckenridge, Tarleton; (3) Travis Smith, Texas (Marjorie Budell, Barbaro Hallam, Peggy 50- Tech. voye) 1 win, 3 losses; Paterson Teachers "6" * Epee (Gloria BevelacQuo, Morgaret Copello, Joyce Guest Privileges (1) Hoi lattimore, Ft. Worth; (2 ) Bill Sonner, Esl inger) 1 win, 3 losses. Ft. Worth; (3) Bert lindley. Tarleton. The Epee Chompionship was won by Copt. * Sobre 4408 NO. SHERIDAN ROAD J. Donaldson of the New York A. C. Second ( 1) Hoi lattimore, Ft. Worth; (2 ) Morton Tel. LOngbeach 1-2871 place went to Joy Funston, unattached, and Kantor, Dallas; (3 ) Roddy Hobson, Tarleton. third to Lt. CoL J. Honeycutt. Other entries: The women's team event was won by Dollos Brown, Funston, Flynn, Hauber, Hughes, Lam­ fl . Cooper, W . Hall, H. Gray), defeating Ft. borokis, Ozol, Riefstahl, Rotundo, Rutter, Sur­ Worth (G. Lattimore, M. Olsen, K. Cotting­ d i, Tctaz, Weber and Weisbrod. ham), The men's events had school and club com­ The Open Foil Champio nship was Won by By OWEN HOLZHEUSER petitions. In foil, Texas Tech (Smith, Legge tt, Vincent Surdi, Westfield F. c., from a strong Div ision Secreto ry Spinks) defeated Tarleton (Beakley, Brecken­ field of eleven competitors. Ed Treves, Fencers ridge, Witcher) for the school t it le, while Ft. Club, placed second, with John Hinchman and The Gulf Coast Division has been conduct­ Worth (Sonner, McArthur, Cottingham) won Fred Weisbrod of the Westfield F. C. third and ing a very a mbitious .schedule of competitions the club t itle from Dallas (Kantor, Hall, Rob­ fourth respectively. Other entries: Hauber, throughout the season and attendonce has ertson). The school epee title went to Tarleton Kennedy, Meyers, Pindus, Redo, Rotunda, and been very good despite the obstacle of travel. (Beakley, Reed, Lindley) over Texas Tech Zochary. The following are some recent results; (Spinks, Smith, Leggett), and the club title was Miss Goy Tetoz, Westfie ld F. C, won the Wome n's Prep - 12 Entries won by Ft. Worth (Lattimore, Luttrell, Sonner) Women's Open Title ot the Uncoln High School (I) Mary McDaniel, Sf. Joseph's School; (2) when they defeated Oollos (Hall, Robertson, on May lst. Miss Margoret Roscbault and Ruth Rogers, St. Joseph's School; (3) Blackie Bridgewate r). Ft. Worth (lattimore, McArthur, Miss Anna May Martin, team-motes of the Hannah, Corpus Christ i F. C. Luttrell) won its third club t itle by turning Champion, placed second and third. Other e n­ Prep Foil - 15 Entrics bock Dallas (Kantor, Bri dgewater, Hall) in the tries: Dorothy Cullen, Betty Dedoucis, LaVivian (1) Mike Nicholas, Texas A . & M.; (2) D. H. sabre, and Texas Tech (Spinks, Smith Leggett) Hall, Jean Madden, Bernice Quentzel, Rebecca Goucher, Rice Institute; (3) David Batson, U. defeated Tarleton (Beakley, Reed, Hobson) for Robinson, Sylvia Schnipper, Dorothy Webber, of How;ton. the School t itre in that weapon. Helen Webber. Novice Foil - 23 En t ries Fronk McGrath, Sattus Club, won the Open (1) Owen Holzheuser, Galveston Buccaneers; Ep ee Invitotion tournament held at the West­ (2 ) Lepald Ffrench, Rice Institute; (3) Gerald field YMCA. Vincent Surdl of the home club Monks, Texas A . & M. was second and James Flynn, N.Y.A.C., third. Women's Novice - 9 Entries The event attracted twelve entries. (ll Margaret Pock, Rice Institute; (2) Mary HICKOK • McDaniel, St. Joseph's School; (3) Ruth Rogers, • • St. Joseph's School. Ope n Foil - 14 Entries Sword Tie-Clip • (1) Jock Baird, Galveston Buccaneers; (2) Fronk Leever, Rice Institute; (3) Lepold • Ffrench, Rice Institute. By FRED LlNKMEYER Women's Open - 11 Entries • The Division Championships drew such large (1) Betty Fox, unattached; (2) E. W. Abbott, entries that it was necessary to postpone t he Galveston F. c.; (3) Ruth Rogers, St. Joseph's finals in nearly all events. The results were as School. • follows: Novice Sobrc - 9 Entries Miss Jon York, FaUlkner'S, won the women's (1) E. W. Abbott, U. of Houston ; (2) Lepold Ffrench, Rice Instit ute; (3) Fronk Ragusa, • event from a strong field. Mrs. Maxine Mitchell, Cavaliers, placed .second and national cham­ Texas A. & M. • pion Polly Craus, Faulkner's, was third. The men's foil t itle was won by Edwa rd Car­ When you cross blodes with on opponent • fagno, Los Angeles A. C., with Sewell Shurtz of you e nte r 0 contest in choroc:te r os well os in Faulkner's and Josef Lam pl o f the A. C taking skill. the silver and bronze medals. Gleaming sward t ie-clip in lustrous • g old and silver colored metal. High­ The epee championsh ip wos token by 18- ly polished and tornish-proof, this • year-old William Lu ndebcrg, Cavaliers. Ed­ ctip has a potented spring gripping Ca rfag no and Delmar Reynolds, both o f device that holds t he tie or scorf • the Los Angeles A. C., placed second and third. BEST WISHES fi rmly in place without domoging The sabre crown went t o Edward Carfagno fobric:. Beoutiful, d istinct iVe, on un­ • of t he A. C., who thus completed a .superb To usual gift or oword. Moil $2.50 record, wi nning two individua l t itles, a silver Check or Money Order to our Dc pt. medal in the third championship event, and A for postpoid delivery. Sorry, no • being on the championship foil a nd sabre C.O. Ds. SATISFACTION GUARAN­ teoms. Sewell Shurtz, of Faulkner's, proved to TEED ! • be another formidable performer, repeating "AMERICAN his second place foil performance. Torca Mori, • lAAC, was third. In the team events, t he Los Angeles A. C. • won three of the four championships: The FENCING" women's t eam (Matilda Clem, Muriel Bower, Barbaro Baxter); the men's foil team (Ed Car­ AMUIC ... · S OLDEST AND LAR GES T fagno, Fred Unkmeyer, Josef Lampl); and the NORTHERN IN..1aittUS ... NO MANUFACTUkUS OF sabre team (Ed Carfagno, Torao Mori, Josef FENCING EQUIPMENT Lampl, Fred linkme yer). The Faulkner Schoo! CALIFORNIA DIVISION o· Fencing (BrUl:e McBimey, Sewell Shurtz, :k".. id Rice WUl the e~ team title. 6 AMERICAN FENCING JUNE 1950

NATIONAL CHAMPIONS (Your copies of Americon Fencing, if preserved, wil l eventually give you a complete source of re ference for all important fenci ng quest ions. With this in mind, we present herein the complete listing of winners and medalists of the Individual Notional Championships since the first one in 1892. First, second and third place winners are named in that order. Space restrict ions com pel us to initiol first names a nd omit personal titles and club affiliations. )

FOIL 1909_ A. DeloPoer, P. Benzenberg, G. H. Breed. 1892_W. S. O'Connor, B. F. O'Connor, C. G. Both ner. 19 10_ A. DelaPoer, P. Benzenberg, J. E. Gignoux. 1893_ W. T. Heintz, G. M. Hammond, C. G. Bothner. 1911_G. H. Breed, A. E. Sauer, J . W. Knox. 1894_ C. G. Bothner, A. V. Z. Post , S. T. Show. 1912_ A. V. Z. Post, J. A. MacLaughlin, S. D. Breckinridge. 1895--A. V. Z . Post, C. G. Bothner, F. Townsend. 1913_A. E. Sauer, S. Hall, J. A. MacLaughlin. 1896_ G. Kavanaugh, C. Tatham, C. G. Bothner. 1914_F. W. Allen, D. W. Cairns, A. E. Sauer. 1897--C. G. Bothner, A. V. Z. Post, G. Tatham. 191 5-J . A. Maclaughlin, E. B. Myers, H. G. Geilen. 189B_War_ No contest. 1916_ W. H. Russell, S. Hall, J . A. Macl aughl in. 1899--G. Kavanaugh, C. Tatham , A. Brownell. 1917_L. G. Nunes, S. Pitt, W. H. Russel l. 1900_F. Townsend, C. Tatham, W. D. Lyon. 19J8_War_No contest. 1901 _ C. Tatham, C. G. Bothner, F. Townsend. 1919- W. H. Russell, J . C. Schoeffler, R. W. Dutcher. 1902_J. P. Parker, C. G. Bothner, D. Cra ckanthorpe, 1920_R. W. Dutcher, H. Breck inridge, G. H. Breed. 1903-F. Townsend, C. Tatham, C. G. Bothner. 1921_C. R. McPherson, F. W. Honeycutt, H. Breckinridge. 1904_ C. G. Both ner, C. Totho m, L. A. Micheloni. 1922_L. G. Nunes, R. W . Dutcher, A. S. l yon .. 1905- C. G. Bothner, F. W. Honeycutt, F. Tetaz. 1923_G. C. Calnan, L. Share, H. de A. Vallim. 1906-5. D. Breckinridge, W . L. Bowman, J . Allaire. 1924_ L. G. Nunes, G. C. Calnan, H. Breckinridge. 1907_ C. Waldbott, F. Loge, V. P. Curti. 1925_W. H. Russell, L. Shore, Z. H. Drennau. 1908_ W. L. Bowman, V. P. Curti, G. H. Breed. 1926_ L. G. Nunes, I. D. C. Gray, G. C. Calnan. 1909_0. A. Dickinson, G. H. Breed, L. W . CUrran. 1927- H. VanBuskirk, L. C. Doughty, J . W. Dimond. 191O-.-...-G. K. Bainbridge, W. L. Bow man, F. W. Allen. 1928_ L. G. Nunes, G. C. Calnan, R. W. Mayo. 1911_G. H. Breed, V. P. Curti, S. Hall. 1929_F. S. Righeimer, D. Waldhaus, P. Mijer. 1912--5. Hall, F. W. All en, A. V. Z. Post. 1930- M. Pasche, M . A. de Capriles, C. Shea rs. 1913_ P. J . Meylan, J. A. Maclaughlin, S. Hall. 1931- M. A . de Capriles, K. Ludlam, G. C. Calnan. 1914- 5. D. Breckinridge, 1. A. Maclaughlin, P. W. A ll ison. 1932_L. G. Nunes, G. M. Heiss, F. S. Righeimer. 1915- 0 . A. Dickinson, J. A. Maclaughlin, S. Halt . 1933_ G. M. Heiss, T. Jaeckel, M. A . de Capriles. 1916--A. E. Sauer, O. A. Dickinson, S. Hall. 1934_ G. M. Heiss, F. R. Weber, M. Kapner. 1917--5. Hall, L. G. Nunes, S. Pitt. 1935_T. J. Sa nds, T. Jaeckel, J. R. de Capri les. 1918-War-No contest. 1936_G M. Heiss, J. R. de Cap riles, A. Boyd. 1919--5. Hall, A. S. lyon, P. J . Meylon. 1937_ T. J . Sands, T. J aeckel, A. Boyd. 1920_S. Hal l, L. G. Nunes, H. M. Rayner. 1938_J. R. de Caprilcs, W. Randall, F. Linkmeyer. 1921_F. W. Honeycutt, H. M. Royner, H. Breckinridge. 1939_ L. Tingley, A. Boyd, G. M. Heiss. 1922-H. M. Rayner, F. B. O'Connor, L. G. Nunes. 1940_ F. Siebert, A. Skrobisch, L. Tingley. 1923_R. Peroy, H. Breckinridge, B. Boyce. 1941_ G. M. Heiss, M. Metzger, A . Boyd. 1924- L. G. Nunes, F. B. O'Connor, R. Peroy. J942_ H. Santos, F. Linkmeyer, R. S. Driscol l. 1925-G. C. Calnan, L. G. Nunes, F. B. O'Connor. 1943_R. S. Driscoll, G. Flynn, A. von Munchhausen. 1926_G. C. Calnan, R. G. Doyne', A. D. Pearce. 1944_M A. de Capriles, P. Mijer, J . H. Flynn. 1927_ G. C. Calnan, J. C. Falkenberg, W . A. Dow. 1945.--M. G il man, J . H . Flynn, F. Linkmeyer. 1928-G. C. Calnan, J. L. l evis, D. Every. 1946_A. Wolff, J . R. de Capriles, T. Jaeckel. 1929-.1. L. Levis, G. C. Calnan, F. S. Righeimer. 1947-.1 . Strauch, A. Wolff, C. Agostoni . 1930_ G. C. Calnan, J . L. levis, J. F. Potter. 1948_N. l ewis, J. R. de Capriles, A. Wolff. 1931 - G. C. Calnan, J . L. Levis, D. Every. 1949_N. lewis, J. Donaldson, F. R. Weber. 1932_ J . L. Levis, H. V. Alessandroni, G. C. Calnan. SABRE 1933_J . L. levis, H. V. Alessondroni, F. S. Righeimer. 1892_R O. Haubold, J . Allaire, C. G. Bothner. 1934_ H. V. Alessand roni, L. G. Nunes, W. A. Dow. 1893- G, M. Hammond, B. F. 0'Conn9r, R. O. Haubold. 1935-.1. L. l evis, H. V. A lessandroni, J. G. Hurd. 1894_G. M. Hammond, C. G. Bothner, J. Allaire. 1936--H. V. Alessondroni, J. l. levis, J. R. Huffman. 1895-C. G. Bothner, A. R. Pope, ...... 1937- J . L. levis, J . R. de Capriles, O. Every. 1896--C. G. Bothner, A. R. Pope, F. L. Siazenger. 1938_D Every, F. S. Righeimer, J. L. Levis. 1897_ C. G. Bothner, F. L. Siazenger, J . A ll aire. 1939_N. Lewis, E. Carfagno, J. R. Huffman. 1898_War_No contest. 1940_ D. Every, N. lewis, W. A. Dow. 1899_G. Kavanaugh, F. L. Siazenger, A. R. Pope. 1941_0. Cetrulo, J. R. Huffman, S. Giol ito. 190O--J . L. Erv ing, F. L. Siazenger, A. R. Pope. 1942_ W. A. Dow, J. R. Huffman, S. Giolito. 1901_A. V. Z. Post, F. L. Siazenger, J . L. Erving . 1943- W. A. Dow, A. Snyder, R. Kaplan. 1902-A. V. Z. Post, C. G. Bothner, J . L. Erving. 1944- A. Snyder, W. A. Dow, C. Ettinger. J903-A. V. Z. Post, A. G. Anderson, C. G. Bothner. 1945_ D. Every, A. Snyder, W. A. Dow. 1904_ A. G. Anderson, W. D. Bourne, J. l. Erving. 1946-J. R. de Capri les, N. l u bell, O. Every. 1905-K. B. Johnson, A. G. Anderson, J. Allaire. 1947_ D. Cetrulo, W. A. Dow, J . R. de Copriles. J906-A. G. Anderson, K. B. Johnson, F. J. Byrne. 1948_N. l ubell, D. Cetrulo, S. Giolito. J907-A. G. Anderson, K. B. Johnson, F. J. Byrne. 1949_ D. Bukantz, C. Steinhardt, S. Giolito. 1908--G. W. Postgate, C. A. Bill, F. J . Byrne. EPEE, 1909-A. E. Sauer, A. G. Anderson, F. J. Byrne. I 892---B. F. O'Connor, A". H. Howard, C. Tatham. 1910_ J. T. Shaw, J. W. Knox, F. J. Byrne. I 893_G. M. Hammond, A. V. Z. Post, S. T. Show. 1911_A. G. Anderson, A. E. Sauer, J. W. Knox. 1894_R. O. Haubold, C. G. Bothner, A. V. Z. Post. 1912- C. A. Bill, F. J. Byrne, D. D. Pullen. 1895_C. G. Bothner, A. Br :gandi, C. Tatham. 1913_ A. G. Anderson, S. P itt, S. Hall. 1896-A. V. Z. Post, W. T . Heintz, C. G. Bothner. 1914_ W. VonBlijenburgh, A. E. Sauer, S. Pitt. 1897_C. G. Bothner, S. T. Show, J. H. Claiborne. 1915--5. Hall, S. Pitt, A. S. Lyon. 1898- War-No contest. 1916_ S. Hall, A . S. lyon, J . A. Maclaughli n. 1899_M . Diaz, G. Kavanaugh, J. T. Feldkamp. 1917_A. S. Lyon, S. Hall, P. W. All ison. 1900--W. D. lyon, C: Tatham, J. H. Claiborne. 1918_ War_ No contest . 190 1_ C. Tat ham, M. Diaz, C. G. Bothner. 1919_ A. S. Lyon, S. Hall, A. Strauss. 1902_ C. Ta tham, F. Townsend, D. M. Wood. 1920_5. Hall, L. G. Nunes, A. S. l yon. 1903-C. Ta t ha m, J . H. Woodward, C. G. Bothner. 1921_C. R. McPherson, J. B. Parker, G. H. Breed. 190t.-C. G. Bothner, C. Tatham, 1. H . Woodward. 1922_L. G. Nunes, L. M. Schoonmaker, C. R. McPherson. 1905--W. S. O'Connor, C. G. Bothner, P. Benzenberg. 1923_ L. M. Schoonmaker, J . W. Dimond, H. Von Buskirk. J906--W. Grebe, W . L. Bowman , J . H. Woodward. 1924_1. E. Gignoux, J . W. Dimond, L. G. Nunes. 1907_ W. D. l yon, P. Benzenberg, W. Eckart. 1925-1. Vince, C. D. Headlee, H. Van Buskirk. 1903---P. 8enzenberg, S. McC ull agh, G. H. Breed. 1926--l. G. Nunes, C. D. Headlee, E. S. Ace!' J UNE 1950 AMERICAN F ENCING 7


1927_N. Muray, J. W. Dimond, J, B. Parker. 19J9_ War_ No cont est. 192 8_ N. Muray, H. Van Buskirk, L. G. Nunes. 192D--A. Gehrig, A. Glienke, A. Voorhees. 1929_L. G. Nunes, N. C. Armit age, J. R. Huffman. 1921-A. Gehrig, D. Barnes, S. Luehrman n. 1930----N. C. Armitage, S. B. de Bencze, N. Muray. 1922_ A. Geh rig, M. Fish, I. Hopper. 1931-.J. R. Huffman, N. C. Armitage, B. A. de Nagy. 1923-A. Gehrig, I. Hopper, A. Voorhees. 1932_J. R. Huffman, N. C . Armitage, P. W. Bruder. 1924_1. Hopper, D. Rickey, A. Voorhees. 1933- J. R. Huffman, P. W. Bruder, N. C. Armitage. 1925_ F. Schoonmaker, I. Hopper, A. Voorhees. 1934_ N. C. Armitage, J, R. Huffman, l. G. Nunes. 1 926-F. Schoonmaker, I. Hopper, A. Voorhees. 1935_N. C. Armitage, L. G. Nunes, P. W. Bruder. 1927--5. Stern, M. Lloyd, I. Hopper. 1936--N. C. Armitage, P. W. Bruder, J. R. Huffman. 1928-M. Lloyd, I. Hopper, L. Gilbert. 1937_J. R. Huffman, J. R. de Capriles, N . C. Armitage. 1929_ F. Schoonmaker, M. Lloyd, L. Gilbert. 1938-J. R. Huffman, N. C. Armitage, M. A. de Capriles. 1930_ E. VanBuskirk, M. Lloyd, F. Schoonmaker. 1939_N. C. Armitage, J , R. Huffman, M. A. de Capriles. 1931_M. Lloyd, D. Locke, F. Schoonmaker. 1940_N. C. Armitage, J . R. de Caprlles, J . R. Huffman. 1932_ 0 . Locke, M . Guggolz, E. VanBuskirk. 1941_N. C. Armitage, J . R. Huffman, T. Nyi las. 1933_ 0 . Locke, M. Lloyd, A. VonHansa. 1942_N. C. Armitage, J. H. Flynn, T. Nyilas. 1934_ H. Mayer, D. Locke, J . de Tuscan. 1943_N. C. Armitage, T. Nyilas, G. V. Worth. 1935-H. Moyer, D. Locke, M. Lloyd. 1944_T. Nyilas, N. C. Armitage, M. A. de Capriles. 1936-J. de Tuscan, M. Lloyd , D. Locke . 1945-N. C. Armitage, J . H. Flynn, T. Nyilas. 1937_H. Mayer, C. Alessandroni, D. Funke. 1946-T. Nyi!as, N. C. Armitage, J . R. de Capriles. 1938_H. Mayer, O. Locke, M. Cerra. 1947_J. H. Flynn, D. Cetrula, T. Nyilas. 1939_H. Moyer, M. Dalton, J. Vokral. 1948_D. Cetrulo, N. C. Armit age, T. Nyilas. 194D--H. Mroczkowsko, M. Lloyd Vince, M. I. Stewart . 1949_ U. DeMartino, G. V. Worth, T. Nyilas. 1941_H. Mayer, M. L. Vince, M. Cerro. WOMEN 'S FO IL 1942_H. Moyer, M. Dalton, H. Mroczkowska. 1912_ A . Baylis, E. Sailer, F. Dewson . 1943_ H. Mroczkowska, R. Maxwell, M. Cerro. 1913_ W. H. Dewar, M. Biernbaum, M. Stimson . 1944_ M. Dolton, D. Loncast er, H. Mroczkowsko Dow. 19 14-M . Stimson, M. Bradley, E. Evans. J945-M. Cerra, H. M. Dow, M . Do lton. 191 5-J. Pyle, E. Evans, D. Samuels. 1946-H. Moyer, H. M. Dow, R. Maxwell. 1916-A. Voorhees, D. Samuels, M. Fish. 1947_ H. M. Dow, H. Moyer, M. Da lton. 1917_ F. Walton, A. Gehrig, D. Samuels. 1948_H. M. Dow, J . York, M . Cerro. 191B_War_Na contest. J94 9_ P. Craus, M. Mitchell, D. Funke .

- fleuee 16- F:SO p,m,

FENCERS CLUB, The FENCERS of the INC. NEW YORK • • ATHLETIC CLUB RENE PINeHART, Maitre d'Armes WISH CONTINUED SUCCESS TO ODON NIEDERKIRCHNER, Sabre Coach AMERICAN FENCING • • • • 320 East 53rd Street ODON NIEDERKIRCHNER New York 22 Fencing Master 8 A MERICAN FENCING JUNE 1950 ABOUT THE CHAMPIONSHIPS The fifty-ninth N at ional Champion ­ CHAMPIONSHIP WEEK ships, conducted by the Amateur Fencers NOTICE TO CONTESTANTS League of America, will be held during SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The following regulations will be the week of June 9 th to 16th inclusive Competit ions will be held at the follow­ enforced to the letter by the Bout and will be climaxed by a grand finale ing clubs: Committee: of a single championship bout in each Fencers Club, 320 East 53rd St. Entries : weapon to be fenced on the Gala Night, New York A.c., 59th St. and 7 th Ave. All en tries must be sent to the June 16th, ot the Hotel Roosevelt. Secretory of the AFLA and must Saltus (McBurney YMCA), 23rd St. These events will attract to New York reach him two weeks prior to the and 7th Ave. the very best fencers from all sections scheduled event. of the country. Qualify ing rounds have Salle Santelli, Henry Hudson Hotel, All former individual champions been held in every Divi sion of the League, 57th St. and 9 th Ave. a nd last year's medali sts a re auto­ and in addition to these qualifiers t he Friday, June 9-Sabre Team matical ly qualified for the individ ­ entry lists will include former individual (6:30 PM) at Salle Santelli ual event, but entries must be mode Notional Champions as we ll as the medal­ Soturd:JY, June IO-Fo il Team prior to the dead- line. Automatic ists in lost year's title events. (10: 30 AM) at Soltus (McBurney Y) Qualification does not apply to the Each compe tition will be conducted Saturday, June 1 O-Women's Team defending champion teams. on the regula r round- robin basis, includ ­ (7:30 PM) at Fencers Club Prelims. Start ing Time: ing a final pool of eight. The two top Events will start promptly at time scorers in the last round- robin will then Sunday, June I I- Epee Team ( 10:30 AM) ot Fencers Club scheduled. Contestonts must report fence for the championsh ip on Gola to the Bou t Committee and must Night. The deciding bouts will be fo r ten Sunday, June ll - W omen's Team be ready to fence 15 minutes b2- touches in the men's events and eight in (8:00 PM) at Fencers Club Finals fore scheduled starti ng time. the women 's, with a Z-touch ma rgin re­ Monday, June 12- T hree-W eapon Team Quired. (6:30 PM) at Soltu$ (McBurney Y ) Electric Epees: This plan of competition proved suc­ T uesday. June 13-Women' s Individual No weapons will be checked on cessful in 1938 and enables the League (1 :00 PM) at Fencers Club Prelims. the dey of the competition. All competitors m ust have t wo epees to present on excellent climax to the Tuesday, June 13- Women's Individua l week-long competitions without ha ndi ­ (7:30 PM) at Fencers Club Finols and t wo body cords checked and approved by the Bout Committee. capping lhe contesta nts wi t h the m isfor­ W ednesday, June 14-Foi l Individu al Weapons for the epee teom a nd tunes of a direct elimination system. ( IO:30AM) at New York A.C. Prelims. The Bout Co mmittee will have War­ three-weepon team events must b2 Wednesday, June 14- Foi l In divid ual checked on Sa turday, June 10th ren Dow as Chairman and Allan Kwa rtler (7:30 PM) at SaUe Santelli Finols as Vice-Chairman; Frank Bavuso, Dr. at the Fencers Club. Weapons for James Flynn, Dorothy Fried man, Martha Thursday, J une I S-Epee Individual the individual even t mus t be ( IO:30AM) at New York A.C. Prelims. Rothman, Samuel Stewart, Lt. Col. F. R. checked before Wednesday eve­ Weber and George Worth wil l serve in Thursday, June I S-Epee Individual ning, June 14th a t the Fencers (7;30 PM) at New York A.c. Finals addition to such divisi onal members of Club. the Boord of Govemors as may be p resent Friday, June 1~ Sa b r e Individual Team Events : a t the events. (10:30AM) at Fencers Club Each Division is enti tled to be The Gala Night this year will be the Friday, June 16--Chompionsh ip Bouts represented by a maximum of fou r most festive one yet he ld, and fo r this and Gala Nite clubs. Not more than twa com­ purpose an unusually la rge and able com­ (8:30 PM) Hotel Roosevelt, 4Sth St reet end posite teams may be from anyone mittee has been selected. Tracy Jee·ckel Madison Avenue division. Members of composite will be the Chairman and Master of Cere­ teams may na t be from a club al­ monies, with Dernell Every as Vice-Chair­ ready represented by a team. Team man; other members representing Met ro­ A NNUA L M EETING entries should be mode in the same politan clubs and nearby divisions, ore The AF LA will hold its annuol meet­ manner as individual entries. Pa t Bencivenga, Dr. Doniel Bukantz, Roy ing ot t he Fencers Club on June 11, Jury of Appeal : Burrell, Irving Cantor, Alvin Goldstein, at 4 :00 P.M. Appeals will be heard by a jury William Latzko, Norman Lewis, Ruth consisting of the Bout Comm ittee Maxwell, Robert Neilsen, Jock Oldstein, cnd all members of the Boa rd of Da niel Rubinstein, Kendell Shoiler, Mar­ Governors present and not com­ cel Tetaz ond Robert Za um. Publicity The offic ial watch for timing these peting. for the events is to be ha ndled by Hum­ championships is Longincs, the world' s phrey Sullivan. most honored watch.

r-----...------...--.------..-.-----~--..------~ --.---~---~-----..-.------..--·~ \ \ ! * ** GALA NIGHT *** I \ Hotel Roosevelt - 45th & Madison June 16, 1950 - 8:30 P.M. .i ! NATIONAL CHAMPION FINALS IN ALL WEAPONS ! \ .\ i AWARD OF TROPHIES AND MEDALS l . \ \ Music and Entertainment by JIMMY LAN IN'S Orchestra \ \ \ \ Tickets $3.00 Dancing till 2 A.M. Dress Optional i \ i I Tkket, ma y be pu "ha ..d a ' 'he va.;au, campe' ;';an, a. by w.;';ng '0 O• • nell Eve. y. 3406 Chon;n Bldg .. N. Y. 17 !

l_~ ______. ______. ____ _..______. _ . _ . ..-. _ .• _._ •. _" _ • ...-.--~. _ ___..- ______~ ______~ ..._: JUNE 1950 AMERICAN F ENClNG 9


INDIVIDUAL QUALIFIERS TEAM QUALIFIERS All former Champions, and lost year's North TClx oS-G. Beakley, L. Brecke nridge, J. The re is no a utomatic qualification in medalists, qualify automatically for thei r Comell, T. Smith; team events. Defending cha mpions must Southe rn Colifornia _ E. Carfagno, 1. Lampl, event. Qualifying rounds throughout the quoli fy from their Division, a nd each S. Shurtz. country entitle each Division to not less Division may qualify fou r teams. Not EPEE: Met ropolitan N. Y.-A. Cohen, K. Ka p­ more than two composite teams may than four nor more thon eight repre­ ner, F. McGrath, M. Metzger, M. Shermet, represent any ane Division. Many Divi ­ sentatives. In many cases the Divisions A. Skrobisch , J. Titolo, E. Vebell; have fa iled to report their qualif iers in Buffola-P. Bla ckmon, D. Boyle, E. Haas, W. sions do not hold qualifying rounds for time to be inserted herei n, but American Kohsman; these events, but make up teams from Fencing wi ll issue special programs for lII inois--R. Dixon, O. Thompson, L. Turner, the representa tives presen t at the Cha m­ each event with complete list of entries. J. Vincent , J . Ruskin, C. Corbett; pionship W eek. For this reason we ho ve Minnesota_B. Clark, C. Manlove, T. Covert; T he fo llowing qualifiers have bee n re­ reeeived only a few reports : New J ersey _ W . Ha uber, Brown, f unston, WOMEN : Metropolitan N. Y. _ Fence rs Club, ported : Hughes, Ozol, Riefsta hl ; N. Y. Composite, N.Y.U. , Sa ll e Sante ll i; WOMEN: Metropolitan N. Y. _ E. Cohen , A. North Teltc:I$ _ G. Beakl ey, H. Lattimore, B. Connectic ut-Gotewoy School, Wa terbury Y; Friedric h, I. Gormley, A. Jacobsen , T. Jauch, lindley, W. Sonner; N ew J ersey _ Pate rson Teache rs, Westfie ld R. Maxwell, M. Rothman, S. Zachorowih:; Southern Co lifornio_E. Carfagno, W. Lunde­ F. c.; Connec:t icut_R. Grosson, M. Sugrue; berg, D. Reynolds; North Texas-Dol/os, Ft. Worth; Gulf C oo s ~_E . Abbott, B. Fox, R. Rogers; West Point _ Copt. J. Donaldson, Lt. Col. Southe rn Colifornia-Faulkner School of Fenc­ Illinois- J . Figge, S. Kjellberg, R. Marcus, A. J. Honeycutt, Lt. Cot. F. R. Weber. ing, Los Angeles A. C. Zokoion; SABRE: Metropolitan N. Y ~A . Cohen, S. Gor­ FOI L: Metropoliton N. Y-Fencers Club, New Minnesoto-O. Arnold, R. Foster, D. Swanson; lin, K. Kapner, A. Kwartler, N. Lazor, R. York A . C , Soltus-McBurney, Salle Santelli; New J ersey--8. Dedousis, A. Martin, M. Rose­ Morson, H. Spector, S. Stewort; Connecticut_Waterbury Y; boult, G. Tetoz; Buffalo-A. Buzzelli, R. Couch, A . Manson , S. North TexoS--Ooltas. Ft. Worth; North Tell: a s--l. Cooper, H. Gray, W. Hall, G. Schwartz; Southern Colifornia_ Los Angeles A. C. Lattimore; lIIinoiS--J. Westley, L. Strauss; R. Grange, D. EPEE: Metropoliton N. Y~Fencers Club, New Thompson; York A. C, Saltus-McBurney, Salle Santelli; Southern Califarnio _ C. Boer, M. Bower, D. Minnesota_B. Clark, C. Manlove, R. Foster; North TeltoS---Ootlas, Ft . Worth; Gale, J . l. York. North Texos-R. Hobson, M. Kontor, H. Latti­ Southern Co lifornio-Foulkner School of Fenc­ FOI L: Metropolitan N. Y--A. Axelrod, R. Gold­ more , A . McArthur; ing, Los Angeles A . C stein, A . Kwortler, N. Lozor, R. Neilsen, A. Southern Colifornio _ E. Carfagno, S. Shurtz, SABRE: MctropoUton N. Y.-Fencers Club, New Prokop, J. St rauch , E. Vcbcll; T. Mati; York A. C , N.Y.U., Soli e Santelli; Buftolo-A. Buzzell i, R. Mea rion, S. Schwartz, Wosh ington, D. C._I. Ca nto r, W. Kunzig, H. Connecticut_Waterbury Y, Yale; i. Vogel; Newton. North Tcxa s-Doll a s, Ft . Worth; Gulf Coost_ J. Baird, L. Ffre nch , F. Leeve r; Southern Colifornia_ Los Angeles A. c.; Woshington, D. C._ Washing ton F. C. lilinois--C. Corbett, B. Fishman, L. Strauss, D. Thompson, J. Marcus, J . Blazich; THE TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Some fe ncers remem ber the ir victories best , Mi nnesota_ B. Clork, C. Manlove, S. Tiema n; WOMEN : Faulkne r Sc hool of Fencing, New Je rscy-J. Hinchmon, V. Surdi, E. Treves, others only reme mber the ir losses. The reoson Defending Champion. A.F.L.A. Trophy. F. Weisbrod, W. Redo; for t his lies in the novelty both wo ys. FO IL : Fencers Club, Defending Champion. A.F. L.A. Trophy. EPEE: Salle Santelli, Defending Champion. r---··-·----·--·-··\ J. Sanford Saltus Trophy. Good Luck i SOUTHERN i SABRE : Salle Santelli, Defend ing Cham­ fo \ i pion. Sherman Hall Trophy. i CALIFORNIA i AMERICAN FENCING THREE W EAPON : Salle Sante lli, Defend­ ing Champion. George Calnan Memo­ i\ DIVISION .i • rial Trophy. ~ THE \ Executive Committee i FRED LINKMEYER, Cho;,mon \ CONNECTICUT The next issue of American f enc­ ~ MAXINE MITCHELL, Vice Chrm. i DIVISION ing will corry complete results of \ . the Notional, Mid-West and Pa M - DAVE RICE , Secretary-Treasurer ~ cific Coast Championships. ~ KEN DELL C. SHAILER, Chairman i 11700 Santee, Los Angeles 15 ) i. MRS. K. C. SHAILER, Secretory i ARTHUR KAYE - C. D. HECKMAN l J OSE PH A. JANNETTY, Trea surer Membenhip in t he AFLA entit les yo u to i______. ___ .J : reeeiYe e'l' ery issue of Am ericon Fencing. 10 A MERICAN FENONG JUNE 1950


Women's Individual Individual Epee Championship Match Championship Match


Miss Polly (rous, Norman l ewis, Faulkner School of Fencing, Sa ll e Sonte ll i, Defending Chom pion. Defending Champion.

Individual Foil Individual Sabre Championship Match Championship Match


Dr. Daniel Bukontz, Col. Umberto DeMartino, Fencers Club, Washington Fe ncers Club, Defending Champion. Defending Champion.

The officiol wotch for timing these championships is Longines. the world's most honored watch.

1------1 THE I GREETINGS 1 ILLINOIS DIVISION of the ! to the FENCERS ! Amateur Fencers League \ 1 of America RALPH FAULKNER ! ! HALBERSTADT I and the FALCONS 1 • SCHOOL OF FENCING For infor mation write to: i * I FOIL - SABRE - EPE E 79 58 S. WABASH AVENUE ~ Our welcome mot is out whe n i ~ ~ CHICA GO 19 you visit wicke d Hollywood. Hans Halberstadt I * \ ( 50 Years a Swordsman ) Rog er T. Grang e, Jr. \ 5526 HOLLYW OOD BLVD. \ 3 145 FILLM ORE STREET Secretory \ HUd,on 2-9356 \ SAN FRANCISCO :-.~~..-...-....-...-.-..-..------.....! AMERIG . FEK01'G 11 fl1io!.:ane By RO BERT 8 . HYSLOP The 1951 Nominating Committee consisting James Compoli, Salle de Tuscan, achieved DlvjS;. on Choirman of Robert Foster (Chairman), Dr. Chas. Man­ the feat of capturing all three of love, William Kuth, and Urban Couch has the State's Intermediate t itles. In addition ta As "'JOI"Ie o f our fencers have cny pr~pects nominated the following members to be voted being o..,e of Michigan's outstanding com peti­ ~. cllie to fence in the Notional Cham­ on at the annual meeting for the 1951 officers. tors, Campoli contributes to the development _ ~ :l'S , we are not holding our Division Additional nominations of active members can of the sport by spending his free time as C""'O"'"tl ionships until the end of our current be mode from the floor a t the meeting: amateur coach of the Lawrence Tech team. se:::scn. The In land Empire Championsh ips to For Chairman: William Salamut The results of t he Intermediate events were: :>e !wid tn May hove entries from the Seottle For Vice Chairman : Dr. Chas. Manlove, Terry (I) enc Sooltcne Divisions 05 well as the Bri t ish Women: Lynn Twitchell , Michigan State; Covert ~ ...... oia Association. (Results in next (2) Carolyn Dorner, M ichigan State; (3) Dolores For Secy.-Treas.: B. L. Clark, P. E. Dahl Hotso, Salle de Tuscan. ~ Nominees receiving the nexl h ighest number Foil: (1) James Campoli, Salle de Tuscan; of voles for Vice Chairman and Secy.-Treas. (2) Richard Yosenchak, Lawrence Tech; (3) ODE TO THE lihall be elected members-at-large of the Gregory Flynn, Groses Pointe. .:...., ~r, if you could but speak to me, Executive Committee. Epee: (I ) James Campoli, Salle de Tuscan; "'Cr. .-oodrous toles of courage and romance The Di vision's Championship Tournament (2 ) Tom Howell, Lawrence Tech; (3) Arthur v...::xMd ~ol, upon my eager eors, so that produced the folla ..... ing results: Bruce, U. of Detroit. 1. "'IC~ world would soon unfold to me. Three-Weapon event ended in a three-way Sabre: ( I ) James Campoli, Solie de Tuscon; ...... ",.iC where honor and the sword stond forth, tie among Dr. C. Manlove, S. l. Clark and P . (2) Gregory Flyn n, Grosse Pointe; (3) Alfred ~e men orc brave, and ladies goy and fair. E. Dahl. Mr. Dahl was forced to withdra..... due Kuem:man, U. of Detroit. ~ sneen thot shines upon your slender blode, to a bock injury, and Dr. Manlove won the 5u;~ ts the mony times you were unsheathed, fence-off. A"1d how you deftly parried deadly blows, The Women's Foi l t it le went to Donnamac ?~e ..ectl ng well the one who held you firm. Swanson, with Ruth Foster second and Donna ~ 0 hear the clash of steel on steel, Arnold third. FUNKE .s..nd see t he you now so neatly make The Novice Foil and Junior Foil produced FENCING ACADEMY So that the thrust will surely reach its mark. identical re.sults, both events being won by 5.- beI o f affirmation and denial, Sidney Tieman with Urban Couch and William - wo edges merging in a p iercing point, Kuth taking the second and third medals. s.*range magic do you hold for young and old. Dr. C. Manlove won the Intermediate Foil. * Margaret Voss, Bryce l. Clark took second and Sidney Tieman Foil - Epee - Sabre third. Milwaukee, Wis. Bryce L Clark scored a double victory, tak­ ing the epee and sabre t itles. Dr. Manlove placed second in bolh events, whi le Terry * Oldest Private Salle d' Armes Covert took third in epee and Robert Foster OUTDOOR was third in sabre. an the W est Coast CHAMPIONSHIPS * Sun., J une 18 ELECTR ICAL EPEE _ Individual. Outdoor Metropolitan Championship. 1125 WASHINGTON STREET 10 A.M. HenrlQue Santos Medals. Travers Island. Entry fee 2.60. SAN FRANCISCO Sun., June 25 SABRE - Individual. Outdoor Metropolitan Championship. Pieter Miter 10 A .M. Medals. Travers Island. Entry fee $1 .60. WEAPONS ••• • SCORING SETS • SERVICE • Our e lectrical equipme nt is the most modern and efficient ever de'ised . • It has been selected by leading universities, clubs, t cams and indi­ vidual competitors as the bed in • use. We toke pride in the h ig h cali­ bre material that is used in all of o ur equipment and we manufacture • each unit under the most rigorous system of Inspection. All • • ELECTRICAL • EQUIPMENT • is made in our own plant by special. Iy trained t echnicians. • We are also able to repair, service and adjust equipment or supply re­ place me nt ports for an - the-spa t • repa ir work. ~rit! o~te information and prices, • • •


NFCAA ElECTS GARRET Maxwell R. Garret, fencing coach at the University of Illinois, has been elect­ ed President of the Notional Fencing Coaches Associat ion of America, to suc­ ceed Joseph Fiems of the U. S. Naval TELLS FACTS Academy, We quo te a portion of Mr. Garret's initial address to the Association whose membersh ip now includes 56 coaches. About " As president of t he NFCAA I wont to toke this opportunity to thank publicly the member coaches fo r their trust and belief in me and in thei r selection of Stanley S. Sieja (Princeton University) BLADES as Vice-President a nd Servando Velarde (Columbia UniverSi ty) as Secretary­ T reasurer. Knowing both of my cohorts personally and fo r many yea rs, I can safe ly certify to thei r willingness to as­ sume their new responsib ilities with on In selecting a b lade, the fencer and it forms on excellent even a re eagerness that will make th is year of shou ld fi rst keep in mind its purpose, upon thrusting. The life span of this off ice on interest ing and grat ifyi ng one either fo r competition or else for every­ blade is not as long as the Polotti for the Association. day Salle d 'Armes fencing. His selec­ blade. The strongest and heoviest is " All three of us feel keenly the respon­ tion shou ld olso be bosed upon what the new blade of Wilkinson of Eng ­ sibilities placed upon us. We understond how crucial and vi tal our positions are type of fencer he is. If the blade is to land. I t is a wonderfully machined for molding opin ions and affecti ng the be used p ri mari ly for compet it ions, it blade of excellent English steel. I ts life espects of the personnel wi th in a nd with­ span is probably the longest of all and ough t to be 0 light b lade with t he best out the organization. We understa nd the possible balance. If the blade is to be it ca n toke a lot of abuse. importance of develop ing proper objec­ used for Solie d 'Armes fencing, it con tives to a tta in ultimate success profes­ be a stronger blade wi th more body, So I strongly suggest the Po lotti sionally for the members of the Associa­ fo r longer Iife. T he stiffness and the blade for everyday use. For competi­ t ion and fo r t he sport which we represent. lig htness of the blade, on the other t ive work I would recommend the We realize the ne ce~s i ty of furthering hond, should also be according to the French ma nufactured blade wi th the esprit de corps within t he organization and continuing the growth of member­ ki nd of fencing he does. The fencer sun impri nt. For heavy-handed fencers ship. W e are also fully cognizant that who prefers forceful fencing with toc­ I would advise the Wilkinson blade. Prices are as follows: $ 1.70 for the the growth of the sport will depend in a-toe parries, and c ttocks prepared proportion to t he cooperation received Polotti bl ade, $ 1.75 for the French agoinst the opponent's blade, should from athletic and physical education di­ manufactured blade, and for na tura lly choose a st iffer, stronger $1.80 rectors; interest of the public; press, radio the Wilkinson blade, plus the usual blade with more body to it, which of and television releases; and oil-out effort Federal Excise Tax. course will moke the blade heavier. 10% by all fenCing coaches and participants If the fe ncer prefers the yielding type in the sport. Of course, blades manufactured in of fencing with a lot of deceivements, " These a nd many other responsibilities any country by any ma nufacturer are disengagements and position porries, we fu lly realize ond above all, we realize liable to have weak spots or flows he can offord a more flexible, t hi nner there is a job still to be done. We prom­ due to the fact that they are hond­ ise to interpret that job for the total b lade, which of course is a lso lighter. forged. In case a b lade breaks through good of all." no fault of the fencer, the U. S. Fenc­ The fo llowing are the major committee ap­ In my opinion the best a ll-around poin tments mode by the new President: French type foi l blade is still manu­ ing Company guarantees free replace­ men t. Write for our catalog and come Executive CommiHee: Maxwell Garret, Ser­ factured by Polotti of Ita ly. T his blade vando Ve la rde, Sil vio Vitale (M. I.T.), Scott seems to meet all requirements. It has to us if you have any problems. We Breckinridge (U. of Ky.), A. L. Masley (U. of a hi gh flexibili ty and enough body to a re always glad to be of assistance. Wis.). make it very durable, yet it is not too Const itution Committee: Stanley Sieja, James bul ky to make it heavy. Furthermore, George Santelli , Montague (CC NY), Joseph Smith (B'klyn), Tully Friedman (N'western ), Charles Schmitter (Mich. another advantage is tha t because 165 Spring St., State). the Italians have no steel production New York 12, N. Y. Committee to Select All-American Collegiote of their own, they are importing Swed­ Team: Joseph Fie ms (Navy), Morcel Posche ish steel which is known to be the (Army), Robert Grosson (Yole), A lvor Herman­ best for this purpose. The blade will son ( U. of Chicago), Dr. Lud en Morris (U, of Iowa), Nick Peters { Wash. State}, Robert Kap­ therefore retain its temper for a longer SALLE SANTELLI extends an invi­ lan (Ohio State). period than any other blade, per­ tation to all visi ting fencers while in haps wi th the exception of the Wilkin­ New York to fence either a t 165 18-YEAR-OLD WINS TITLE son bl ade. We have tried three types Spring Street in the daytime, or at William Lundeberg, Cava liers, won the of French manufactu red blades in my Open Epee Cha mpionship of the Southem the Henry Hudson Hotel every Wed­ Salle d' Armes and found that the Californ ia Di vision, losing only one bout blade with the imprint of the sun as nesday and Fri day night, where on in a very strong fi nal of nine. The new a trademark, distributed by Soudet, June 9th the Sabre Team Champion­ Champion, only 18 years old, sterted to be the finest. It has a perfect bal­ ship and on J une 14th the Individual fencing a t the age of nine. Prior to this ance, is extremely li ght in the point Foil Championship will be held. event he had attoined junior rank in all t h ree weapons. He is coached by John --odv. C. McKee. Lundeberg's v ictory shadd be a i ­ spiro 'on 0' our r->eny you~ ~:le : t~ JUNE 1950 AMERlCAN F ENCING 13

CALIFORNIA INTERCOLLEGIATE MEET THE SALLE CAVALIERS By DAVID SWIFT James Ca mpbell and Sa lvatore and Frank of Mg r., UC Fencing Team Giambra. The epee was conducted with the e lectric machine. Pasadena, California Three-man teams in each weapon, representing Santo Ba rba ro, Son Francisco Res ults ( Founded 1935 ) Stote, Stanford and University of Ca[ i­ Foil Team: (I ) U. of California, (2) Stan ~ • fornia, fenced in a round-robi n event held fo rd, (3 ) S. F. State, (4) Santo Barbaro. ot Berkeley_ It is hoped that future meets Epee Team: (1 ) Stanford, (2 ) U. of California, John C. McKee will incl ude all the colleges in California. (3) S. F. State, (4 ) Santa Barbaro. UCLA c nd USC were unable to a ttend Sa bre Team: (1) U. of California , (2) Sta n~ Cooch of notionally ranked fencers due to budgetary [imitat ions. ford, (3) Sa nto Barbaro, (4) S. F. State. cong ratulates Ame rican Fencing on Foil Individua l: (I ) R. Gross, Sta nford; (2 ) T he top men in each weapon received F. Harradine, U. c.; (3) K. Griffin, U. C. this fine issue. individual prizes, cnd the team and in ­ Epee Individual : ( 1) R. Schiess, StanfOrd; (2 ) d ividual results Wsted below) show Stan ­ R. Gross, Stanford; (3 ) K. Griffin, U. C. "Watch for the Cavalier" ford and UC evenly matched . Sabre Individual: (1) W. Wooton, U. c.; (2) The event was directed by Messrs. R. Gross, Stanford; (3 ) F. Ha rrodine, U. C.


!\ * * * G A LA N I G H T * * * I I Hotel Roosevelt· 45th & Madison June 16, 1950 - 8:30 P.M. I I NATIONAL CHAMPION FINALS IN ALL WEAPONS I ! AWARD OF TROPHIES AND MEDALS ! I . I Music and Entertainment by JIMMY LAN IN'S Orchestra I . \ ; Tickets $3.00 Dancing till 2 A.M. Dress Optional I

~ Tickets may bl?: purchased at the various competitions or by writing to Dern ell Every, 3406 Chanin Bldg., N. Y. 17 ~ ~ ___ _._.. ___ ..-.....-__ .._ . ~~ ___ ..-__ .._.. ______~..._.....__._ ,._. ______~ .._..._.._....._~.._.. ______.._ __ __. __ J

N. J. HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP LONGINES TIMES THE NATIONAL Bloomfield High, coached by amateur CHAMPIONSHIPS SPECIAL Vincent Surdi, won the championsh ip Longines, official wotch for the 19 48 meet held at Jersey Ci ty. The even t was U. S. Olympic Committee, a nd the world' s conducted as three individual round-robin Ski Championship, 1950. is olso officio I SERVICE pools, each school entering a team of watch for timing championship sports • • • three . Bloomfield won with 19 wins and events in all fields allover the world-­ For teams and schools where • 5 losses, and Dickinson of Jersey City football, big league baseball ond the budgets must be stretched, we placed second with 17 and 7 . A t ie for world series, track, swimming, boxi ng, offer a unique new service. • third, a t 15- 9, resulted between South basketball, rowing, motor boating, yacht­ Uniform and Weapon Side and Barringer. Other entries: Butler, ing, etc. Longines is a product of Lon­ • Ferris, I rvington, lincoln and Snyder. g ines-Wittnouer, makers of highest Reconditioning for • cha racter wotches si nce 1 866. Newspapers may judge you by your !Ocorc!O, Clubs and Schools but the fencing frate rnity judges you by your Learning to win is a question of trClining, • W eopons are re condition e d, actions. learning to lose is a question of character. broken or missing parts replaced and a general refinishing is • done. Uniforms ore cleaned, • WESTFIELD sterili%ed, repaired and gener­ WATERBURY YMCA oily reconditioned. FENCERS CLUB • CO-ED FENCING CLUB Eoch job is individually sur­ at the veyed and estimated and the • service has already been of in­ • Westfield, N. J. estimable value to those who • have used it. For complete de­ Presid ent, BARBARA BARNES YM-YWCA tails write- • Secretary, MARY SUGRUE Meets Mondays and Thursdays • Treasurer, KURT LERNER 7 :30 to 10:00 P.M. • Visitors Welcome .. Amote ur Cooch, KENDALL C. SHAILER A.F.L.A. Privileges

1>1 EAst 11th STun. N(W Toue 3. N . Y . • Gh "' ~«J 1. S,'O 14 AMERICAN FENCING JUNE 1950

A SUGGESTION FOR Metropolitan Championships METROPOLITAN FENCING Allan K.... ortler The individual events saw only one active this season and was not repre­ title-holder, Dr. Tibor Nyilcs of Salle sented. When I come to New York some two years ago, I found tha t while it was Santelli, make 0 successful defense of his FI NAL ROU ND SCORES unquestionably the fencing center of the crown. Nyilos, in retaining the sabre title, Women's Individuol won all his bouts in the finol round of Dalton 8-0; Acel 5-3; Cohen A- 4 t 19 nation, it received the least amount of against); Stock 4-4 (24 against); Funke 4-4 cooperation from its considerable mem­ nine. The sabre was again dominated by (25 against); Nasce 3-5 (25 against ); Zacha­ the champion a nd his club- mote, George bership. I concur most hea rtily with Jose raw i ~ 3-5 (26 against); Millstein 3-5 (28 de Capriles when he says (i n the April W orth. The first bout of the finol round, agains t); Rothman 2-6. issue) : " too many of our better offiCia ls between these two, proved to be the de­ Foil Indivi dual ciding one; Nyilos won 5 -3 and from then Steinhardt 4- 1; Goldstein 3-2 (15 against); a re becoming mere parasites." As chairman of the Metropolitan foil on both men were unbeatable. Abram Bukantz 3-2 (18 against); Axelrod 3-2 (19 I Cohen, Fencers Club, placed third in the against ); Lazar I - A (21 against); Qldstein I-A committee, have noted a serious lock event which drew twenty-eight ent ries. (22 against). of good officials ot o lmost every competi­ Epee Individual tion. Some of this lock could be over­ Madeline Dalton, Fencers Club, won J . de Copriles 10-1 ; Skrobisch 9-2; Weber come if the fencers who are eliminated in the women's championship with a per­ 8-3; McGroth 6-5 (22 against ); Hauber 6-5 the early rounds did not immedia tely go fect record in the final round of nine. (23 against); Moss 5-6; Goldstein 4-7 (23 to the showers and leave the bloody This was Miss Dolton's second consecu­ against); Donaldson 4-7 (24 against); Von scene. Certainly if they hod qualified tive victory in open com pet ition, having Munchhausen 4-7 (26 against); Bloomberg 4-7 they would find the time to remain. won the Voorhees event two weeks be­ (27 against); Kwartler 3-8; Bavuso 2-9. Sabre Individual If more of the ranking fencers would fore. Second went to Groce Acel, $aile Nyi las 8-0; Worth 7-1 ; Cohen 5-3; Kwortler help by officiating frequently, they could Santelli, end her dub- mote Eve Cohen 4-4 (29 against); Stewart 4-4 (32 against); help us teach the less- skilled to judge won third on touches over Dorothy Stock Flynn 3-5; Kunzig 2-5; Newton 2-6; Matzkin and d irect. If those who are el iminated and defending champion Dolly Funke­ 0-7. in the first rounds would stay and leam both of the Fencers Club. Twenty-six Women's Team to judge, we would all be a happier competed. No scores received. Entries included Fencers Club " A'" and " B," Salle Santelli "A'" and group. Charles Steinhardt, Fencers C lub, reop­ In the interest of better fencing I ed the promise he showed in lost year's "B," N.Y.U.', Composite team·, Hunter Col­ lege and Westfield YMCA. should like to urge a plan which has often Nationals and carried the Metropolitan Foil Team been described but not put into opera­ title away from the $altus Club strips. Fencers Club "A" · d . Soltus 5-0, Fencers t ion: When the schedule is made up, A three_way tie for second sow Rolph Club " B" 5-3, N.Y.A-C. 5-1 and Salle San­ competent directors should immediately Goldstein, So lie Santelli, Daniel Bukantz, telli 5-3; Salle Santelli" d. Soltus 5-0, N.Y.A.C. be assigned a specific number of events. Fencers Club, a nd defending champion 5-2 and Fencers Club "8" 5-2; New York The officials chosen will then acknowl­ A- c." d. Rutgers 5-0; Fencers Club "B" d. Albert Axelrod, Solie Santelli, finish in edge such assignments and advise wheth­ the order named. It was the f irst event Rutgers 5-2; Saltus* lost all, and Rutgers lost all. er they are availab le. If, on the assigned open to foil seniors this season a nd it was Ep ee Tea m dote, the official finds he cannot attend, evident that they all needed more con­ Salle Santelli" d. N. J. Composite 5-0, it will be his responsibility to obtain on ditioning before the National Champion­ N.Y.A.C . 5-3, Fencers Club "B" 5-A , Fencers acceptable replacement. sh ips. Twenty- four competed. Club " A" 5-3 and Saltus 5-0; Fencers Club A Bout Committee with such assur­ Jose de Capriles, Fencers Club, won "A'" d. Fencers Club "B" 5-3, N. J. Composite ance of coopera tion can conduct the 5-1 and N.Y.A.C. 5-1; N. J. Composite d. Sai­ the epee with only one defeot in the finol events more efficiently ond con give its round of twelve. Alfred Skrobisch, also of tus 5-3, Fencers Club " B" 5-2 and N.Y.A.C. 5-1 ; Sa ltus' d. Fencers Club "B" 5-2 and juries adequate rest periods during long the Fencers Club, administered the only N.Y.A.C. 5-1; Fencers Club " B" lost all; New competitions. A system such as this wi h set-bock to the winner but was in tum York A. c." lost all, but fenced two matches develop more and better officials and will defeated by Lt. Col. F. R. Weber and with onl y a two-man teom. certainly benefit the contestants. Copt. J . Donaldson of the New York A. C. Sabre Team u Skrobisch p loced second and Weber third. Fencers Club " A • d. Saltus 7-2, N.Y.U. 7-2, INTERMEDIATE FOIL TEAM The defending champion, Daniel Bukantz, Fencers Club "B" 7-2, Santelli 5-4 and N.Y.A.C. The Solie Santelli (Allan Kwortler, Neil and the present notional title- holder, 5-3; Solie Santell i' d. N.Y.U. 7-2, Soltus 9-0 Lazor, Morvin Metzger, Robert Neilsen) won Norman Lewis, did not compete. and Fencers Club "B" 6-3; New York A. C.' the fence-off after the regular event ended d. N.Y.U. 7-2, Fencers Club "B" 7-2 and Sal­ in a three-way tie. CCNY and NYAC were th~ In the team events, the dista ff si de of tus 8- 1; N.Y.U." d. Fencers Club "B" 5-3; other clubs involved. the Fencers Club mode the only success­ Fencers Club "B" d. Soltus 5-2; Saltu5 d. ful defense of a ti t le. Eight teoms par­ N.Y.U. 5-4. NEW YORK A. C. WINS "THE DUEL" ticipated in the wamen's event, and the (.) Club qualif ied for Notional Championships. The N.Y.A.C. team of Dr. James Flynn and winner was represented by Madeline Lt. Col. F. R. Weber won the fourth annual competilion for the Arthur Lyon trophy and Dolton, Dolly Funke, Ruth Maxwell and Fencing req uires a precision wh ich makes Dorothy Stock. style ond effectilleness synonymous. medals by defeating all entries in the epPe­ sabre tournament. Each team member mus:" The Fencers Club t Doniel Bukantz, fence both weapons against the opponen1'S­ Nathan iel Lubell, Austin Prokop, Charles Second place went to the Fencers Club (Abram Steinhordt> won the men' s foil team Cohen and Jose de Capdles). The Saltus-Mc­ event from a fi eld of six. Lubell s tarred FOR SAFETY - ECONOMY Burney "Y" (Ritoyik and Tannehill) proved for the victors, winning 011 seven of his SERVICE the surprise teem of the meet, defeating the bouts. Salle Sontelli and coming within a bout Of from Coost to Coast tying for first ploce. The Fencers Club won a third tea m Res ul ts title when Fronk Billodello, Abram Cohen, it' s N.Y.A.C. d. Haudegen 8-0, Sontelli 4-3, Sc"\.3 J ose and Miguel de Cop riles dethroned 4-3 and Fencers Club 5-3; the favored Salle Santelli in a round­ "GRECO" Fencers Club d. Soltus 7-1 , Haudegen 6-2 c.."Ci robin of six teams. Miguel de Copriles, tied Santelli 4-A; with three victories against Santelli and FENCING Soltus Club d. Santelli 5-3 and Houdegen 8-0: Solie Sontelli (La zar, Nyilas) d. Houdegen 6-2 two against the New York A. C. paced EQUIPMENT and tied Fencers Club 4-4; the victors through the most difficult Haudcoen (Latzko, lutz) lost a ll. matches. The Solie Santelli (Rolph Goldstein, • Colorado Outdoor Three Weapon­ Norman Lewis, Marvin Metzger, Paul Write for free information and catalog: August 12, 1950, ot Men's Gym , at Mass) took the epee team crown without East Coast: A I East 22nd Street, New U. of Colorado, Bo ulder. Send entry York 10, N. Y. and one dollar to Charles Varvo, Mert's losing a match. The winners pre.sented West Coast: Box 816, Sunland, Cali f. well-balanced strength. The defending Gym, before August 6. champion, Sall e Montague, has been in- JUNE 1950 AMERICAN FENCING 15

By JOHN C. Mc KEE Anthony Greco, formerly of New York, has CALIFORNIA FENCING recently opened a Salle in Hollywood where Those fencers familiar with California Fenc­ can be found at Son Francisco City College. he has transferred his activities from Glendale. ing ten years ogo, would find it difficult t o The teams of Elwyn Bugge of Stanford and Aida Nodi hos relocated his club ot the maintain lioison with the many Salle D'Armes Arthur Lone o f California could a lways be Nico Chari sse Studio on the outskirts of Bev­ in existence at t he beginnnig of 1950. Like counted on for a stiff defense. Eric Funke erly Hills. His teams include Arthur Kaye, everyth ing else in the State, fencing has g rown D'Egnuff, Maitre of the Funke Fencing Acad ­ Carl Milletoire and Fred and Gory Mart in . by leaps and bounds. Where the usual entries emy, has always presented dangerous antago­ Fencing is also conducted a t t he following in most o f the events consisted of 10 or 15 nists such as Harold Luis and Pie rre Parel (now Schools and Colleges: University of Cali fornia fencers, it is not uncommon, today, to find in Italy). at Los Angeles, University of Southern Cali­ fields of 40 to 50 entered. Moving South we encounter teams at Fres­ fornia, Un iversity of California a t Santo Bar­ It is about time that the fencing situation no State College a nd Bakersfield who have bara, Pomona Coll ege, Pepperdine College, in g eneral be -outli ned and tobulated for the not entered into many competitions as yet. Chadwick School, Burbank Recreat io nal Center, many would-be visitors to the Stote and for In Southern Californ ia the Bi g Three fenc ing Long Beach Y.M.C.A., Santo Mon ica High the many fencers of former residence. The Salles can be designated as the Los Angeles School, and No rthrup Aviation Company. prominent Salles hove been reviewed in m ore Athletic Club, Cavaliers of Pasadena and the The newly created San Diego Division is detail thon the Collegiate Clubs since their Faulkner School o f Fencing. These three Solles headed by Herman Hersum, one of the South­ influence is more keenly felt. manoge to divide the medals pretty evenly. tand's fine fencers, and boosts the p resence of California, being the elongoted Stote thot Maitre John Heremans has been entrusted Col. George V. Cherny, formerly of New York. it is, has three A.F.LA. Divisions. The North­ with the fine fencers developed by the be­ From the summary just outlined it can readily ern California, Southern California and Son loved Ha rry · Uyttenhove, now retired. Among be seen that fencing has just about covered Diego. The distance between the Northern and these LAAC champions you will find such the State. The coming Pacific Coast Champion­ Southern California Divis ions is roughly 500 names as Fred Linkmeycr (V ice- President of ships should present a n interesting struggle miles. The distance separating the Southern the AFLA), Edward Carfagno and the former for Western supremacy. California and Son Diego Divisions is approxi­ Muriel Calk ins. Maitre John C. McKee can be mately 125 miles. Since the Son Diego Division found at the Solie Cavaliers in Pasadena and is at the extreme lower end of the State, it can the Solie Dragon in Inglewood. The Cavaliers AMERICAN FENCING will dis­ be readily seen that the distance from the boost two Notionally ranked fencers in the tribute, as port of t his mago%ine, Northern Division to the San Diego Division is Women's Foil: Mrs. Maxine Mitchell and Miss separate score cards with co mplete approximately 625 miles. These th ree areas are Camille Boyer. Fronk Joyner heads t he list of entry lists at each event. too for aport tar convenient in termingling so men. The Dragon Salle is a new one opened o nce a yeor the Pacific Coast Championships t his year and t oo new to have established a bring them all t ogether. reputation. In Hollywood, under the able guid_ Northwest Intercollegiates The Nort hern Area is dominated by the ance of Maitre Ralph Faulkner, the Falcon The State Col!egc of Washington, represent­ Olympic Club, The Halberstadt School of Fenc­ fencers h ave won the Notional Women's Team ed by H. Shulz, V. Ritter and D. Zief, won the ing and the Funke Fendng Academy followed Foil and The Notiona l Woman's Individual Northwest Intercollegiate Team title. The by Stanford University and the University of Championship . The Falcons also boost two event included tearns from Gonzaga (Hutten­ California. In the City of Son Francisco The women fencers in the ronks of the first ten, bach, Denny, Mason) and U. of Idaho (Mun­ Olympic Club and the Halberstadt School of Notionally. Their roster is headed by Polly son, Word, Holt). The Universities of Montano Fencing are taught by Maitre Hans Halber­ Craus and Bernadine Meislohn in the women's and Washington were not able to make the stadt and boost such stalwarts as Salvatore events and Dove Ric e in the men's. trip to Pullman. Giambra, Luis Giorgi and Gerard Biagin i. The Also located in Hollywood, Maitre Duris De­ The winners, coached by Nick Peters, re­ latter t wo are ranked number 10 in the Notion Jong of the HollYWOOd Athletic Club has pro­ ceived a trophy awarded by the Inland Em­ in Foil. Miss Helene Mayer, former Notional duced some fine fencers headed by Harald pire Foil and Mask. The event was directed and World Champion resides in the area and Corbin, Former Olympic Team Epee Fencer. by Mr. Robert Hyslop of Spokane.



DESIGNS, CATALOGUES AND ESTIMATES UPON REQUEST Members of the Soltus-McBurney Fen:ing Club ROBERT STOLL FENCING ALL SUMMER INCORPORATED Special summer " Y" r3tes to Septe mbe r 1 st include use of othe r "Y" focilities. Ages 18-23, $ 10.; Ages 21-29, 70 FULTON ST. NEW YORK 7, N. Y. $ 1 2 . 50; Ages 30 and over, $ 15.

Established 1885 GOOD LUCK TO THOSE ENTERING THE NATIONALS 16 AMERICAN FENCING JUNE 1950 Fe ncing in Ge rmany CENTRAL AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN OLMYPIC GAMES By Lt. Poul H. Gorclon By T RACY JAECKEL There are approximately twenty American Foreign Secretary, AFLA fencers in the U. S. Zone, dispersed from Bremerhaven to the Aust rian border. Most of The fencing events of the "Central prise of this event was the continued us belong to the F. \. E. and are thus e nabled Americon and Caribbean Gomes" held in improvement of Hilhorst who gave Cura­ to e nte r European competitions. We olso are Guatemala City from February 26 to cao the first medal it has ever won in more or less affiliated with t he "league of Ma rch 6 ron with great smoothness and epee. French Fencers in Germany" and to dote have without any of the unpleasant incidents Individual Sabre participated in competitions held at Baden Baden, Constance, Heidelberg, Sonthofen, Inns­ which occurred in soccer, boxing and The individual sabre was won in bri 1- bruck, and Vienna. wrestling. The physico I focilities were ex­ liont style by Luchman of Curacoa, whose The unofficia l U. S. Army team here has cellent, and t he seating copacity of 600 sale defeat was at the hands of h is team­ travell ed extensively, but the t rips are not in was token up for a ll fi nol matches with mate, Major Boutmy, the defending vain-thus ta r we have never placed last , a nd an overflow crowd of about a thousand champion, who placed fifth. Luchman's usually manage to be third or fourth in meets watching the epee final. technical superiority was bl ended with a of seven, eight or more tea ms. Compet ition The resul ts were as follows : clever aggressi ve game and a fine sense in genera l is not too tough, but we do meet Foil Team of timing a nd distance. A triple tie for some good fencers-especially t he Ma itres O'Armes who are permitted to compete. Cuba successfully defended the t itle it second among Manalich of Cuba, Worth­ won in Barranquillo, with a veteron team ington of Panama, and Ramos of Mexico was resolved on touches and placed the of Agostini, Alvarez, Barrientos and Lo ­ BULLET IN mar. men in the order named. Young Worth­ ington showed great promise. (From Pierre Paret) (1) Cuba defeated Ponoma 9 - 5, Guatemala 9-7 and CUrGcao 14-2; (2) Panama defeated --{)- The Allied Hig h Commission has lifted Guatemala 9-7 and Curacao 13-3; (3) Guote­ The Bout Committee consisted of Har~ the ban on fe ncing for Germans in the malo defeated Curacao 9-2; (4) Curocoo lost old Von Buskirk, Sevaria of Guatemala, American, British and French zones. all. and myself as president. The iudging and Fencing, as wel l as J udo, Glidi ng, a nd Epee Team d irecting was all done by on American Shooling had been forbidden since 1945. Cuba again made a successful defense group, chosen and approved by the Board The decree states that fencing moy be of a title with a convincing exhibition of of Governors of the A.F.L. A. It consisted carried an on ly according to the F. I.E . epee strength. The veterans Manalich of Ja mes Flynn of New Jersey, Salvatore rules, wh ich implies that the Mensur­ a nd Ruiz were joined by two youngsters Giambra of Northern Co)ifornia, Byron student duell ing with schlaeger-remoins Roberto Garcia and Miguel Oli vella both Krieger of Detroit, Donald Thompson Jr. forbidden. of whom fenced extremely well. of Chicago, Ha rold Von Buski rk of Texas, Before the war German fencers were (I ) Cuba defeated Panama 9-5, Guatemala and All a n Kwartler, Nathanie l Lubel l, organized in two groups : The German 10-6 and Curacao 14-2; (2) Panama defated George Worth, Edwa rd Vebell and me Guatemala 9-7 and Curacao 13-3; (3) Guate­ Fencing Federation, wh ich inc luded al­ mala defeated Curacao 9-2; (4) Curacoa lost from the Metropolitan New York group. most every fencer of notional calibre; all. In addition, Roger Kirshoff now of New and the fe nci ng dubs of the German Sa bre T eam York, was invited directly by Guatemala. Turners. The Federation has been re­ Curacao dethroned th e defending The work of this group earned the praise founded under the presidency of Erwin champion, Cuba. The winners were of al l the competing nations. I should Casmir, star of several German Olympic sparked by Luchman who won 11 out of like particularly to compliment the fo l ~ Teams and 23 times German notional 12 bouts. The Dutch Olympic veteran, lowing for their fine directing: Giambra, cha mpion. Aside from long inactivi ty, the Major Boutmy, and Engels and Hilhorst Kr ieger a nd Worth in foil and sabre and Federation is hand icapped by the prob­ contributed their fai r share of victories. Thompson in epee. They all officiated lem of equipment. W eapons a nd masks (l) Curacoa defeated Panama 9-7, Guate­ with great coolness and authority and must be imported for the time being, mala 12-3 and Cuba 9-2; (2) Panama defea t­ thei r a nalysis of the ploy was simple, but cannot be paid for in foreign cur­ ed Guatemala 10-6 and Cuba 8-8 (by 1 touch); direct and concise . The complete impar­ rency, wh ile t he exporters have no in ~ (3 ) Guatemala defeated Cuba 9-7. Cuba lost tia lity of our officials did much, I be­ terest in being poid in Marks that they aU. lieve, to enhance t he International repu­ ore not a llowed to transfer out of Ger­ Individual Foil tatian of American fencing. If we a re many. The only method possible a t the Eduardo Guirolo of Guatemala was a asked to officiate at the next gomes, to moment is a system of licensed a nd su­ surprise victor in this event. A lthough be held in Panama four years hence, the pervised ba rter in which sports equip­ possibly not techn ically as fin ished a Boa rd of Governors of the A.F. L. A. should ment has a very low . There is fO ils man as several others, he won 0 pop­ again choose the group on the basis of also a crit ical shortage of qua lified teach­ ulo r victory by extreme coolness coupled their work in officiating at A.F. L.A. ers. with a beautiful sense af timing and dis­ competitions. tance. Jorge Agostini of Cuba, the de­ The Organizi ng Committee did its ut­ Hungary Defeats France fendi ng champion, lost on ly to Gui rola most to enterta in us a nd the American A three-weapon match between the French and in thus pl acing second he won the Ambassador, Richard C. Pa tterson, Jr., and Hungarians took place a t Budo-Pest a nd admiration of a ll. Since h is victory in gave a magnificent reception in honor of resulted in a 10-6 victory for the hosh. The Barranquilla four years ago, the papular the American officials. Guirolo and Seva­ foil event included t ..... o men and twa women Cuban Captain sustained a very seriaus ria of Guatemala entertained us royally from each country, while t he epee and sabre automobile occident fram which few if and earned our warm thonks. In cl osing, was contested by two-men teams. In a su r­ any gave him a chance to recover. Romas may I tha nk George Worth for the fine prise move, Gerevich, Olympic Sabre Cha m ­ pion, entered the foi l fo r Hungary and de­ of Mexico fenced brilliantly to toke third job he did as our " Public Rela tions Of­ place. In his fi nal bout he took Guirola feated Latoste of France. The bout betv.'een fi cer." Gerevich ond Buha n went to 4- 011 and lasted to fou r-all. Had he won, it would have 60 m inut es. forced a triple tie for first. Results Individual Epee Luxembourg Defea ts France Foil-Mlle. Gouny (F) d. Mlle. Elek a nd Mlle. This event pravided the best fencing A four-man epee team competition took Varga; Mlle. Elek (H) d . Ml le. Ga rl ihe ( F ~ ; of the entire Games. The final victory place at luxe mbourg Ci ty on March 18th. The Mll e. Vargo (H ) d. Mlle. Garlihe; Buhon (f ) two countries t ied a t 7-a1l but the hosts won d. Gerevich and Tilly; Lataste (F) d. TIlty; was won by Romas of Mexico, but only Gerevich (H) d. Lataste. after two fence-offs. At the end of the by a margin of four touches. Coutra t of France was the individual star. (Hungary 3- France 5) regular bouts, Ramos, Manalich of Cuba, Results a nd Hilhorst of Curacoa were tied with Epee-Baltazar (H ) d . Artigas and Tournon; Luxembourg: Leichen 2 wins (9 aga inst ), Reprich (H) d. Tournon; Artigcs (F) d. Re­ six victories and two defeats. In t he Grctch 2 wins (9 ogoinst ), Anen 2 wins (7 prich. fence-off Hilhorst lost hi s two bouts and against), Buck 1 win (9 against). (Hungary 3-France 1) Romas and Manal ich fenced to a three­ France: Coutrot 3 wins (7 against), Rousset Sabre- Berczelly (H ) d . Lovasseur e nd Pat_ all tie, necessitating a nother deciding 2 wins (10 against ), Huet 2 wins (9 against), ent; Kovacs (H ) d. Lavasseur a nd Perent. bout. Ramos finally won 3 - 1. The sur- Oucasse 0 wins (1 2 a ga inst ). (Hungary 4--Fronce 0 )