Columbia-Greene Community College Spring 2016 Newsletter
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ECRWSS Non-Profit Org. CREDIT AND NONCREDIT CLASSES // SPRING CLASS SCHEDULES // 2016 U.S. Postage PAID Columbia-Greene 4400 Route 23 Community College Hudson, New York 12534 (518) 828-4181 Columbia TTY: (518) 828-1399 Greene POSTAL CUSTOMER Community College NEWS & CLASS SCHEDULE Our mailing lists come from several sources. If you receive more than one of these announcements, please pass the extra copy on to a friend or family member. To correct your name or address on our list, send the entire address panel and mailing label to: Evening Division, COLUMBIA-GREENE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, 4400 Route 23, Hudson, NY 12534 INSIDE ? College News @ A ? P1-10 9 ? @ Gemini Series A A P6-7 ( * Credit Course Listing A P11-17 ? Credit Registration Info REGISTER NOW New Viewbook P1 & 18 for Spring Credit Classes C-GCC Launches Online P2 Noncredit Courses Business Degree The Learning @ P1 P19-26 A ( ? Cultures of Noncredit ALSO INSIDE: Thailand Registration Info P5 Fundraising Gala a Spring Open House P3 P27 9 Huge Success P7 Noncredit Classes: 9( Medical Assisting: ‘Refreshing’ Variety P3 * ?See pages 1 and 18 for information. The ‘Versatile’ Degree P2 P6 @ *A * ‘How the World Was Won’ 2016 NEWS NEWS P1-10 CREDIT CLASSES P11-18 SPRING & CLASS SCHEDULE NONCREDIT CLASSES P19-27 COLUMBIA-GREENE COMMUNITY COLLEGE CREDIT AND NONCREDIT CLASSES Get the new C-GCC App at the App Store or Google Play. C-GCC Launches Online Business Degree Spring Semester Offers olumbia-Greene Community College will launch its first online ‘Dynamic’ Choices degree program, an associate in applied science degree in business, col- lege officials announced today. /// “We’re excited about this offering,” As Columbia-Greene Community College launches an online degree in business, its upcoming said Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs Phyllis Carito. “It spring semester offers a dynamic array of choices provides great access and opportunity to anyone interested in a career among the college’s 35 academic programs. /// Included is the recently-added program in medical in the business world.” The program, which is currently enrolling assisting, a highly employable major that leads to a students, has been designed to prepare a student for employment or variety of career paths. Job titles graduates can con- C sider include medical administrative assistant, labo- ratory technician, medical biller, phlebotomist and advancement in a business or public sector environ- interest in pursuing an on-line business degree. physical therapy aide, among others. ment. Students will demonstrate proficiency “This coincides with our local business entities The college’s automotive program, along with through online class work, and successful comple- expressing the importance of technology as part nursing, has led to nearly 100 percent in-field tion of a required internship experience, which will their desired skill attainment for business employ- employment for its graduates. Toyota recently desig- be remotely administered with electronic log and ment opportunities,” said Carito. nated C-GCC as one of only three training facilities status report submissions. A Business Advisory Board will guide and assist in in the entire state. Upon completion of the degree requirements, stu- the maintenance of the program, ensuring it Meanwhile, the college has a jointly-registered dents will be able to: responds to changes in technology, business, indus- program in education with SUNY New Paltz and an try and government. • Apply management and market principles as nec- articulation agreement in education with the Business-degree students will be able to complete essary College of St. Rose. The agreements mean that suc- the 63 required credits within four semesters, with cessful grads of the C-GCC program move seam- • Use business related computer software applica- all required coursework offered in a fully online for- tions lessly into their junior year at the baccalaureate insti- mat. Courses in the program include Financial tution, and the St. Rose pact includes provisions for • Employ professional values, honesty, and eti- Accounting, Quickbooks, Foundations of Business, a Master’s degree in special education. quette appropriate for the workplace Business Communications, Contemporary The fine arts programs are highly respected and • Demonstrate an availability to utilize generally Computer Concepts, Conflict Resolution, Business include a computer graphics certificate. The pro- accepted introductory accounting principles Ethics and Business Management. grams feature classes in Web-page design, 3-D • Demonstrate proficiency in written and oral com- Advisement and registration will be supported graphics and animation, and art for game design. munications online, as well as academic support. Other programs with a high-employability fore- For more information, call the Admissions Office According to a recent Open SUNY Potential cast include computer science, computer security at (518) 828-4181, extension 5513, or e-mail and forensics, criminal justice and business. Student Survey, students indicated a significant I [email protected]. Recently-added courses include Principles, Philosophy and Organization of Athletics in Education, which covers state, local and national regulations and policies related to athletics, as well as SPRING SEMESTER // CREDIT REGISTRATION standards for a coach as an educational leader. Students who successfully complete the course, in Registration for the Spring semester has begun. attend Late Registration on Wednesday, Jan. 13 combination with the courses First Aid and Safety Matriculated students should make an appoint- (snow date: Jan. 14), from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at and Health Sciences as applied to Coaching Sports, ment to register with their academic advisors. the Greenport campus. will be eligible for State Education Department cer- Students not enrolled in a degree program may Classes begin on Tuesday, January 19. For more tification in coaching high school athletics. also register by calling the Records and information about registering for spring classes, — CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 Registration Office. call (518) 828-4181, extension 5514. The schedule of courses is available inside this Payments and a certificate of residence are due at publication online at www.mycommunity- the time of registration (cash, check and most major and at various locations throughout credit cards accepted). Students also need to bring the campus. immunization records in order to register. Early registration is recommended in order to Students seeking information on enrolling in a Find us, maximize the chances of getting desired classes. program should call the Admisssions Office at like us @ColGreeneCC If registering early is not an option, students can extension 5513. I follow us! /ColumbiaGreeneCC 2 // C-GCC // SPRING 2016 SCHEDULE Medical Assisting: The Versatile Degree With medical assisting, one degree can qualify area of annual average openings for high needs pro- you for dozens of career titles, including: grams are in the healthcare fields, and data indicates EKG Technician Laboratory Technician there is a significant growing job market for trained Halter Monitor Technician Medical Administrative Assistant medical assistants.” Lab Assistant Medical Consultant The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Medical Office Assistant Physical Therapy Aide Outlook Handbook predicts a 32-percent growth Medical Receptionist Mobile EKG Technician rate for medical assistants, from 2010 to 2020, much Patient Care Assistant Patient Care Technician faster than the average rate for all occupations. Phlebotomist Chiropractic Aide The state Department of Labor predicts 850 EMR Clerk Medical Biller annual-average openings for medical assistants by Medical Scanner Ophthalmic Assistant 2020. The favorable employment prospects on the state level are consistent with the national forecast. The new associate-degree program for medical In addition to the general public, the new program assistants that began last fall at Columbia-Greene could be of interest to current C-GCC students who has proven popular. are in pre-nursing. Other candidates would be stu- The program’s development was funded through a dents in the college’s medical office-assistant certifi- $230,000 grant from the State University of New cate program, who could build their core courses C-GCC Publishes York. The grant was part of the university’s Power of into an expanded associate-degree program. SUNY strategic plan to revitalize New York State’s For information on enrollment, call (518) 828- New Viewbook economy. 4181, extension 5514, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or e-mail According to the grant document: “The largest [email protected]. I Columbia-Greene Community College has a new viewbook, a 16-page color brochure that pro- vides a quick look into what the college has to offer. The picture-rich publication is designed for prospective students. It asks the question, “Where Four Women of Distinction Honored at are you going?,” and proceeds to show the advan- tages of an education at Columbia-Greene. C-GCC President’s Breakfast Included are testimonials from successful alums as well as information on cost benefits. A chart high- Columbia-Greene Community College lights how university-bound students can save up to President James Campion honored community lead- 40 percent on a bachelor’s degree by taking their ers Nicolette Sacco-Brown,