DR. TRIPTI DHAR Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Raiganj University (Since 16th Feb.2018) & Coordinator, Centre For Buddhist Studies, Department of Philosophy, Raiganj University (since 4th May 2018)

Contact Addresses:

Email- [email protected] Contact No. +91-9434494160(M) / 9735085169 (M) Address (office) Department of Philosophy, Raiganj University, Raiganj, Dist- Uttar Dinajpur, , . Academic Qualifications

M.A. (2002) from NBU M.Phil (2004) from NBU Ph.D (2009) from NBU Post Graduate Certificate Course in Sanskrit from J.U Post Graduate Certificate Course in Buddhist Studies from J.U APowstaGrdraedduate Diploma Course in Buddhist Studies from C.U SLET 2004, NET in Dec.2006

Subject Specialization

: Philosophy of Language (Indian & Western), Logic (Indian A&rWeaesstoefrRn)e,sBeuadrdchiIsnt tPehrielossto: phy.

Nyaya, Phenomenology & Existentialism, Ethics (Indian & Western), Psychology

Professional Experiences

Teaching Experience at :

P.G Level

: Associate Professor in Philosophy at Raiganj University since February, 2018

& Full time Lecturer in philosophy (Contractual) Distance Education,NBU, from 2005 to 2008. U.G Level

: from 2008 to 2018, Assistant Professor (Stage II) & Assistant Professor(Stage II) Vivekananda College, Thakurpukur, Kolkata Research Details

Research Experience: Since 2003 onwards.

 Ph .D Thesis entitled “Autonomy of Language: A Comparative and Critical study with reference to Panini, Bhartrihari, Wittgenstein and Chomsky M.Phil Thesis entitled “Possibility of human language with reference to TeachBinhgaratnrhdaArid&mCihnoismtrsaktyive Experiences:

 Head of the Department of Philosophy, Krishnath College August 2011-July 2013  Head of the Department of Philosophy, Vivekananda College August 2014- November 2017  Member of the Academic Board of Krishnath College from August 2011-July 2013  Member of the Academic Board of Vivekananda College from August 2014- Nov 2017  Member of the Editorial Board of Bodhi Journal Vivekananda College, 2014-  2017 Coordinator, UGC Sub Committee from 2012-2014.Krishnath College  Member of the Students Research Committee Cell, Vivekananda College 2014- 2018. Joint Coordinator in the Two Day UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar on “ Understanding Swami Vivekananda in Contemporary Perspective” organized by the Department of Philosophy & Dept. of Political Science,  Krishnath College, Berhampur, in Collaboration with Ramkrishna Mission Ashram, on August 23rd and 24th , 2013.th  Coordinator, ICPR sponsored Perodical Lecture on Ethics on 4 February 2014, Krishnath College Coordinator, ICPR sponstohred Perodical Lecture on Knowledge: Eastern and  Western Perspective, 19 March 2015, VivekanandaVCiovlelkeagne,aTnhdaerkuSrikpsuhkaur, bKhoalkvatnaa Coordinator, College Sponsored one day seminar on th , in collaboration with Akhil bharat siksha samsad on 29 November,2014 

Coordinator, College Sponsored one day seminar Students’ Orientathion  Programme on “ Psychological Counselling& Stress Management, 8 September, 2016 Coordinator, ICPR sponssot red Perodical Lecture on Concept of Meaning:  Indian & Western, on 31 January 2017, Vivekananda College, Thakurpukur, Kolkata  Coordinator, ICPtRh sponsored Perodical Lecture on ‘Status of Women in Buddhism’on 30 January 2018 Coordinator ICPR sponsored World Philosophy Day Celebration and a  National Level Seminarston Different Dimensions of Metaphysics and Epistemology in the 21 Century. Coordinator One Day National Level Knowledge Sharing Programme and Inauguration of Centre for Buddhist Studies on 24 th August 2018.

No. of Publications: (a) Journal(s) : 07 (b) Books Authored: 03

Selective List of Publications:

Books Authored:

Autonomy of Language: An East-West Perspective

1. Entitled An Analysis of Human Language- A Comparative , LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Germany, (Jan., 2013), ISBN : 978-3-659-33121-3 2. Entitled Open and Distance Learning Education- A Compa,rMaittirvaemSt,u3d7yA, College Street, Kolkata, ISBN: 93778A-9, 3-80036-61-8 (2014-15) 3. Entitled , Pragatishil Prokashak, College Street, Kolkata-73, ISBN: 978-81-89846- Paper5P9u-6b.l(i2sh01ed4-:15)

Importance of grammar with Special reference to Bhartrhari& Chomsky ( 1. , JAopuprnroaal cohninIngdtohleoRgyea&litSyafnrsokmrith, VeopleurmspeeIcVti,vpepo0f 4Sa-2n4khyNaoPvehmilobseorp2hy00&9M),oISdSeNrn: S2c3i1en9c-9e415 2. Dialecti,cWs oefsSleeymaannJtoicusrnaanldoSfyRnetasexa: rAcPha, Vnoinl.i7a,nPIPnt8e4rv-8e6nt, i(oJun,ne 2014), ISSN: 0975-1386 3. A Journal on Indology and Sanskrit of the department of Sanskrit, Vol. VIII, September 2014, ISSN 2319-9415 Swami Vivekananda And Neo Monistic Idealism, ( 4. Prakshepane Swami Vivekananda: Sardho Satabarsha Pare, PP 30-32, September 2013), ISBN T97he8-H8u1m-9a2n5i7st8ic4-P1h-i5losophy of Swami Vivekananda and Acharya Brajendra Nath Seal: A Review 5. , Swami Vivekananda, the Educationist par excellence – A great Luminary of Modern Times, PP 32-34, ISBN 81-925536-1-0 The Rebellious Saint: Swami Vivekananda and Practical Spirituality

6. ( , Vivekananda’s Philosophy of Nationallism- a review in the 21st Century, 2014), ISBN No. 978-81-923765-4-7 Wittgenstein’s concept of Autonomy of Language,

7. ( International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 281-pp 286, January 2013),

International Conferences/Seminar:

1. Attended and presented a paper entitled Language and Beyond: Tracing Transcendence through Bhartṛhari and Chomsky, International conference on Knowledge, Reality and Value: East and West, held on 3rd -5th January 2013, organized by Society for Indian Philosophy and Religion, at Vaidic Village, kolkata 2. Attended and presented a paper entitled Interpretations of Sphota: A Critical Analysis, Inernational Conference on Importance of Commentaries for Understanding Sanskrit Text, held on 5th -6th April, 2017, organized by Sanskrit Department, Gour Banga University. 3. Participated Asian Philosophy Conference, held on 3-4 January, 2018, organized by Holistic Science Research Centre, Surat, Gujrat. 4.

Research Guidance

No. of Ph.D. students: Ongoing 04 No. of M.Phil. students: Awarded-1, Ongoing 01

Workshop/Course Attended

1. Seven Day Workshop On Buddhist Logic for College and University Teachers Organized by ICPR Centre for Buddhist Studies, Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Date: 7 th -- 14th May 2019 2. Seven Day Workshop on Buddhist Epistemology for College and University Teachers Organized by ICPR Centre for Buddhist Studies, Department of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Date: 18 th -- 25 th June 2018 3. Attended Seven Days Workshop on “Learning Pali” held at the on and from 10th to 18th July, 2017. 4. Participated Short term Course on “Soft Skill Development and Stress Management” at Vivekananda College organized by Vivekananda College & Centre for Counselling (CCSSS), J.U 5. Refresher Course in Philosophy at HRDC, CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY from 02.01.2016 to 22.01.2016 6. 4th Refresher Course in Women’s Studies (Inter-disciplinary) at UGC-ASC, University of North Bengal, from 22.08.2012 to 11.09.2012 7. 2nd Orientation Programme at UGC-ASC, University of North Bengal, from 07.04.2010 to 04.05.2010

Paper Presentation

Presented paper in Seminar/ workshop etc:

National/ State Level

1. The difference between empirical and

Ptrraensceenntdeedntaal lpaanpgeurageesnti-tleidn context of Vakyapadiya, in the Indian th Philosophical Congress, 78 held on October, 2003 B. R. Ambedkar Bihar 2. University, Muzaffarpur. A Scientificoutlook in Bhartrhari and Chomskian Phreilsoesnotpehdy aofpLaapnegrueangtei,tled th Indian Philosophical Congress 80 held on October 2005, Dept of Philosophy, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling. 3. The concept of Man and Neo-Buddhism in the

Pcornestexnttedofa pAampbeerdkeanrt'istledSocio-Political thought, National Seminar on Ambedkar's Socio-Political Thought, held on 21.02.2006, Centre for 4. Ambedkar Studies, Dept of PhHiluomsoapnhRy,igUhntisvearnsdityitosfPNhoilrotshoBphenicgaall,sDiganrijfeicealinncge., Presented a paper entitled National Seminar on State and Human Rights: Contemporary Indian 5. Experience, held on 07.03.2M00e6d,icUaGlCEtahnidcsDaenpdt BofuPddohl.iSsmcie, nce, N.B.U Presented a paper entitled National Seminar on Buddhism in Socio-Political Perspective, held on 19.03.2006, Centre for 6. Buddhist Studies, Dept of PhBiluodsodphihsym, UannidveIrnsdiitaynofPNaionrttihngBse, ngal, Darjeeling. Presented a paper entitled National Seminar cum Workshop on “Paintings: A Source of Indian History” held on 24.12.2007, organized by National Museum, New Delhi & University of North Bengal, 7. Darjeeling. Language and Science in Bhartṛhari: A Phreilsoesnotpehdicaal sptaupdeyr, entitled National Level Workshop on Philosophy of Science, held on 05.11.2012. to 12.11.2012, organized by Philosophy Dept. Jadavpur 8. University Swami Vivekananda’s concept of Practical Vedanta: APrSetusednyt,ed a paper entitled 2-Day, UGC sponsored State Level seminar on “Understanding swami Vivekananda in Contemporary Perspective” held on 23-24.08.2013, 9. organized by K.N. College, BKerahnatmiapnoErtehics and Modern Society-A Philosophical PStruedsye,nted a paper entitled on UGC sponsored, State Level Seminar Ethical Valures in Modern Society- A Reconstruction, held on 21.09.2013, organized by Sewnarayan Rameswar Fatepuria CollegeU, Bndeeldrastnagnad,iMngurRsehaidliatybaind.Sankhya Philosophy and 10.PMroedsernntedPhayspicaspe:r AentRitelveidew UGC sponsored National Level Seminar The concept of matter: Sankhya Philosophy vs Modern Philosophy, held on 15.02.2014 organised by Dept of Philosophy,, Jiaganj, Murshidabad. First Definition of Vyapti, 11.Presented a paper entitled Workshop and Training Course on “Vyaptipanchak” ICPR sponsored, National level Training Course, held from 30.06.2016 to 04.07.2016, organized by Uttarkand Sanskrit 12. University Negotiating the Universal & Individual Value in PRraedsheanktreidshanapnaPpheriloesnotpihtlye,d UGC sponsored National Level Seminar on Values in Philosophy, Education & Global Perspective held on 9& 10 January,2017, 13. organized by Dept. of PhilosoSpthayt,uSst.oPfaWulo’smCeanthiendrBauldMdhisissimon: ACoClloengtee.mporary PArpepsreonatcehd, a paper entitled National Level Seminar ‘Relevance of Classical & Contemporary th Indian Philosophy’ held on 29 March, 2017, organized by Department of 14.Philosophy, Raiganj University. Language being Rule Governed: A CompaPraretisveenStetuddya, paper entitled nd 92 Indian Philosophical Congress, held on 5-7 January, th th 15. 2018, organized by Holistic STchienccoenRceepsteaorfcNhirCveānņtare: ,ASuCriattic, aGluAjrnaatl.ysis”28 -30 September, 2018 at Kalyani University. 16. PresenteddaPappaepreronen“tSitwleadm“i Vivekananda” Indian Philosophical Congress on the 7th and 8th of March, 2019.

International Conferences/Seminar:

5. Presented a paper entitled Interpretations of Sphota: A Critical Analysis, Inernational Conference on Importance of Commentaries for Understanding Sanskrit Text, held on 5th -6th April, 2017, organized by Sanskrit Department, Gour Banga University. 6. Participated Asian Philosophy Conference, held on 3-4 January, 2018, organized by Holistic Science Research Centre, Surat, Gujrat. 7. Participated Asian Philosophy Conference, held on 9th-11th March, 2019, hosted by Nava Nalanda Mahavihar, Nalanda. Invited Lecture /As a Resource Person Delivered

1. Ambedkar’s Dalit Movement: A Buddhist Perspective, Presented a invited lecture Entitled One day National Semitnhar “Ambedkar’s Vision on Social Justice- Buddhist Perspective, held on 14 April, 2018, organized by Santiniketan Ambedkar Buddhist Welfare Mission in collaboration with Department of Indo-Tibetan Studies, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan. 2. As a Resource Person Delivered a Lecture on Psychology, UG Paper II, Under the Faculty Exchange Programme, held on 21,12,2017, at Shyamaprasad CAoslleagRee, KsooulkrcaetaP. erson delivered lecture on “Text Reading of Kathavatthu” in the IC PR organized Workshop on “Textual Study of Kathavatthu” from 1. September 5 to 14, 2018 at ICPR Academic Centre, Lucknow.

As a Resource Person delivered a lecture on “Some logical Controversy of Kathavatthu” in the two days National Seminar on “Thoughts and Works of 2. Vadavidhi: The Method of Debate” organized by Indian Council of Philosophical Research from 27-28 February, 2019 at ICPR Academic Centre, Lucknow.

As a Resource Person delivered lecture at International Workshop on Research Methodology organized by Dept of Education, Aliah University, 3. Kolkata collaboration with Vyanjana Barna from 30th octo-5th Nov,2018

As a Resource Person delivered a lecture “Education System and Media Ethics” in a International Seminar entitled ‘Role of media and Library in 4. present Education’ organized by Department of Library and Information Science, Gour Banga University in collaboration with Vyanjana Barna.

Language Precedes Thought or Thought precedes Language, 5. Presented a paper entitled One day seminar ‘Philosophy of Language and Language of Philosophy’ held on 21.12.2009, organized by P.G Dept. Sanskrit, K.N College, Berhampur. 6. Acted as a Chair Person in a Two day International Seminar on th“Subaltertnh Reflection in Bengali Society, Education and Literature” on 27 and 28 December, 2018 at Vidyasagar University in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation, Kolkata.  Research Projects:

Name of the Ongoing/ Year Name of Whether Grants Received Projects Complete the Agency is (inRs.) d Funding National or Agency Internationa l Relooking of Completed 2016- UGC National Rs. 1,95,000 Women 18 status in Bauddha & Jaina Philosophy The Epistemologi cal and Completed 2012 UGC National Rs. 71,000 Metaphysical Issues of Language A General Overview Of ODL system Completed 2007 Inter- National Rs. 30,000 University in India Consortium , IGNOU