The University of Hull a Matrix Isolation Study of Transition Metal
The University of Hull A Matrix Isolation Study of Transition Metal Halides and their Structure. being a Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Hull by Antony Wilson, B.Sc. June 09 i This thesis is the result of my own work, except where due reference is given. No part of this work has been, or is currently being, submitted for a degree, diploma or other qualification at this or any other university or higher education establishment. This thesis does not exceed the 100,000 word limit, including tables, footnoted, bibliography and appendices. Antony Wilson ii Abstract The work within this thesis has concentrated on the formation and isolation of titanium, vanadium, palladium, and mercury halides, with emphasis on the fluorides. TiF, TiF2, TiF3, and TiF4 have all been isolated within an argon matrix and infrared spectra obtained. From the titanium isotope splitting pattern a bond angle has been determined for o TiF2 for the first time of 165 , or effectively linear. This work is also the first time that TiF has been isolated within an argon matrix. Work has also been conducted with vanadium which has lead to the isolation of VF5, VF4, VF3, and VF2, with VF4 undergoing Fermi Resonance. This is the first time that VF4 and VF2, consistent with a linear structure, have been isolated within a matrix. Work conducted upon palladium led to the isolation of numerous palladium fluorides, identified by the palladium isotope patterns in their IR spectra. Due to the similarity of the calculated stretching frequencies of PdF2, PdF3, PdF4, and PdF6 the assignment was challenging and so identification of these bands was conducted based photolysis and annealing behaviour in conjunction with computational calculations.
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