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- y.; ««•' •&•"' i(>;-r' < »>-.v-ii|ii, % —••*>— »•«*. „_ v *! .* t ii'U e«5«<#j! '«% .£»SS • '• -•*•-•• ?&*»»*?» fcfor: ««*•«#&• *y"'i'co..,.. OiSl'P ;•> w *,'•" tfa «i§r ^sse«3^: 'fit : pttd P$tfat!£ iwi M tfahiw-MBI h se« ^ a* st& modt U/-4 1 >7 $$$3 T WO DOLLARS ^PUBLISHED EVERY TtJESDAY MORNINQ s twjwtsB 1®® • BY A H. BYINGTQN & GO, : a : ; TrTT^p^O , Jbts?r. ' ' ' * " . ': ' -m..': •••:. ••!! •; - : V.-.t.,._ -l.: 35nftt.6ri!f)fl« :ii&~ r === : :—-; Z : ; r—; r,';v*" ' • :r Tfvppjrfl>«•« «»> > .- „.- ' •'* |'•' •" 1 •'t '••.!.n?-r«P'- "'-iJfv ••'';> ;:"•.•• -"' ^ '/Vy "'£} ' j 5 r r-- 1 «$J "fa ' eifT r,w» 'v fHRttniier-"—JHeuotcii to Citeratnrc, ®tntral ^gicitulturt, ^rts ftna ilicntnMHttttB. 3 A JKd- yt *mij e«#f »<»g{rfw^tj 6t~^2»«iwi ^ ^."*" ",4? ^7 .• .ttqsir sm^er/wnw MHi aoiJ;* jpffitts to -»Mj _ . ,.i';, 'V . • - ••--• -* iTfirftT '" 1 i ruririitfi n'f m .m-u O i r r m- 'f£i£ r ,'7fol a!' j>»? " - t«s£ivn83rtlfc £ '" Wfi» '"l V/. VOLUME XXXY." i L& io .IdO .ki j f£l 239** yf ; -•Jhhittiiiml&m&m iM«i li^aiKlWfa tefti tided'' to them; 16'spettiteljr Hi Aforesaid.-^* ' CHAPTER XXII ' that there is,a good and. legal defense against the payment ef such note or note'jj^give notice., And it stinII uot bd la'Wfdtf'for on|r suCh^briKiiil- ;coiBnitttalloii! I Aii Act in addition to "An Act concefbin^ Co'&- THE N0RWAL& GAZETTE. :«i in a paper printed irfi'tfee ^otfnfy tvhere stfch ctif-' floix to make any dividends of proftts ofi th# & N. HaVeK RAitiftOAC. • .• tnunities and Corporations.. .. » ; • Bum-; ! A.H. BYINGTON & CO. ILL be sold at public auction on the pOrafit)n"{ltt9 its dffit'd ot-,"di§count and -deposit; shaie3 of th« ChpitafstoCk of 'fhe Col-jjortfioWy OMMUTATION Tickets crttt be prodiired lle.it ep a.cted by the Senate and Rouse of - and in sifch (rther marlner as he:deems advisable; premises, Jdly 28th,-1852, at 10 o'clock resefttaiives in General Jlssettibllj convened: until the deficit of'ctfpitir! slialf hrite * A:H.Bvingtok. H. VV. IIVATT. at the office of the Company, ISd. 2 Han­ thatiaU the circulatingjnptes .issued by such cor*; C in the foreuooii, all the real estate belpnglAg '••TWt the Governor of this State iftay accept the good eitlrefby fliestibsCrlption afth6, sliaf ehold.* Office at the fool of Main si.—over the store of over st. aud nt their office in New Haven, at the W por'atiJrt or.aiTOcialion,- %vilT be redeemed otit of, resignation of any bank difector Spjlbihte'd on the to the late .firm of White &*Duff, consisting therfrusf;"funds'in feii .h'arids for that p^rpdsei ~~ :aif iJWibi ••* '. C. Jl Gruman. • following rates: s about one half acre of land, with dwelling part !of the Slate ; aiid in ease-of any reiigna'i : TO AND FROM NEW YORK: tioh or inability of any state'director :to attend to if Ad the I'r^tiref shall be required to apply the jjifcifi r house, store and dock. Also, about one-half laid trgat fdnds belonging to the inake'rs of such Terms of tlie Gazette. the duties belonging to said director, the Govern" v ALL TRAINS SPKC L acre of land, with dwelling house, work shads, protested notes, to the" payment jbro rata of all tb6 duty of'iiriy^udge of the" supeiif!oi CottMi 92 00 nof- may* appoint some ottler parson to siippiy. his Village subscribers by cavrier—rpr yr,, gnife^;r!ry03;si STOPPING. TRAIN and a good sett of railways for hauling out ves­ ffu'ch cirtfulatrrig notes, whether protested or not,- n on the fact being proved 16 hitrt, to declare th* 2 00 plape until the ne&t session of the General As? 1 1 Mail do in advance do ' sels, attached thereto, Also, at same time, a put irt'clfctflatro'rt'b'y the triakefsf bf such protesU ' corporation rnsOlVent;'ahd aj) point a reiol* ^ s^mbly.-' .. ;.. •. ed rioter,; pursifarit toi the provisions of this Act; - Offlce..9ubsciriber$, or those living put of^-% 6 mos. | 12 mos. 12 mos large lot of Ship timber, plank, and otheir ma­ who shall proceed as hereinafter pfovjd&f; Approved, June28lh,185^,^^^^... and to adopt sue It measures -for the payment.: of ' the |6iimttr's district, and who call for' terials commonly used in building and. repair-' SEC. 19. Atiy creditor of any cfbr^ratiim^ mr** :Y> New Rochelle y §35,00 $50,00 $40,00 chapter stic'h rtofes, a9 will in his opinion;most_effectual­ ' tlieii^'papei's at the offite ^ 1 50 ing vessels, with full sett ShipC arpentpr*s am:mM ^••'• • Mamaioueck' " 36,00 53.00 43.00 a of An Act to authorize the business of BanKfng. . ly prevent loss to the holders thereof. formed unileff'.this Actv havinga demand excee^', Companies of fiveor more receiving their- ••• v 45.00 tools; sa d property is situated in Greenwich. SEC 8. The Treastirer may giVe fd aihy asso­ ingfn ainount tHe sunrf of bile' hundred dollnni^ Rye . 'Al 37,00 55,00 Be it enacted by the Senate and Howie of Rep• >v- '% .,*. paper's by mail, if paid in advance >Wr 1 50 Conu., at a place called Brush's Point, directly Port Chester,... , 40,00 58 00 48.00 resentatives in General Assembly convened : ciation of persons so transferring stocks, in pur­ arising upion any debt or liabMity of soch ^orpa^ north of the railroad bridge, on Mianus river. SEC. 1. The Treasurer of ibis State ii hereby suance of • the? provisions_of this Act,* poitors of ration thb payindnt; of which shall tia#e ibfciea ' • • _ ' • . . Greenwich imon.of the Treasurer, the priiP neatness T^TOTICE is hereby given that the cerpart- the opinion of such judge, upon the facts pref,, PiiTNTiNGr execvXtd with South|/ortT.[vy 40.00 • 60.00 • as he may from time to time deem necessary to cipal of such stack or bonds shall become an in­ 05- .1^1 nership heretofore existing under the sented, it b'e expedient, in order to prerontfraud • and dispatch, cuiid at loxo prices. : i' ^airfield 40.00 60.00 ••• v.? carrv into effect the provisions of this Act j which sufficient security; and the said Treasurer* lip- Af'w'i name and firm of HaMMIS & YOUNGS, o'rf the abplication of the owner or oWriefs of or injustice he may gritut an ordei'lor a tefftpo^'* Bridgeport 45.00 70.00 shall be stamped on their face with the word3 is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All " Secured by ihe pledge of Public Stocks" an'd such transferred stefefc and b'orids in trust; may; rary injunction, restraining such corporsttib'hand^ ! Stratford . ; • 45.00 70.00 "h; NEW BOOT, SHOE, persons indebted to the late firm are requested of such form as lie may prescribe. Such blank in his discretion, change or transfer .^ the same its officers from paying our, or in any Way Mil ford 45.00 70,00 h ^leather & finding store to make immediate payment to either of the circulating ntiles shall be countersigned, num­ for other stock and b'onds of the , kind before fei'i'Ing or deliteriiig to any pefrsori jrhy hibbejr^ New Haven 45,00 70,00 •• r r ' ' subscribers. , *LEONARD SAMMlS. bered and registered in proper books to be pro­ Specified in tlfis Act, or may re-trarisfer the said or assets of saclf corporation or' inctirrfog aiiy. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. stocks and bonds, or ainy part thereof* Upon re­ Tickets not transferable under any circum­ si • GEORGE YOUNGS. vided and kept for that purpose in the office of debt or obligation, until such Order be executed said Treasurer, under his direction, by such per­ ceiving and cancelling arl eqifal arh'oiint of such ^H E' subscribers hereby give notice 'to tho stances, and to be used, only by the person New Canaan, Jan. 1st, 18521 l ' ''*"' 3t28 or modified. And such judge is nuthOriiedj ;in, citizens of Norwalk,«nd th«pu!)lic in gen­ named in the receipt, which wi'l be given for son as the said Treasurer shall appoint as Regis­ circulating notes delivered by him to such cor- ter for that purpose, so that encli denomination poratioii, in such manner that the circulating his discretion', to grant t he sartie proceedings lo! eral, 111tit they have taken a store on west the payment of the commutation rate—the use Dissolution. • of such circulating no'.es shall bear the uniform ndte'3 shall always lie! secured in full, as iri this this case as in the next section ttf this act. , •nide of! the bridge/opposite the Post Office of the ticket or certificate by any other person rn^HE co-partnership heretofore existing un- signature of such Register. And it shall be tlfe Act provided. . . • S>:c. 20. If nt at any time dti ' 6f o'l Water st.; and fitted it PP in good ordtr, being bv the terms of the commutation^ release JL der the firm ofSAMMIS & DEEDY", duty of the Treasurer to receive and file in his : SEC. 9.^ WlfeneVcr in the opiniori 6f the Treas­ against, the property of any coi-poration orgiinU >vhere may ,be found at all tim^ a larsp stock of the Company .from their engagements. is this day dissolved by mutual 'consent. All office mutilated circulating notes issued fry him, urer and-the School Fund Commissioner.; the Se- zed under this Act, shall be returnedui)3ntisiiee ot twenty-one years, and that, said minors as the Treasurer may deem most conducive, to Settlement of insolvent estates, and such ordefc An Act in addition to "An Act concerning Com­ name of any bank now in .operation or which as the court of probate may niakd relative there-;, are the owners of all undivided interest in the may be in operation in this State at the time of the advantage of such corporation, and be with­ •April 12th, 1852. '" " ' T. "15,f munities and Corporation's." to from tiifte to' timd. . , . .. it following real estate, situated and being in the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep­ making the Certificate. drawn and paid over, whiinevei* in" the 6'p'iriiori If, alter paying and discharging tiitf town of Wilton in said district: a certain piece resentatives in Gr-neral rfssembiy convened: 2. The place where the operations oTdiscount of the Treastirer and School Fund Commission­ SKC. 22. Dry Goods So Carpeting. er, the securities of .Stfch corporation Shall be debts and liabilities bf such corporation as here*; day received and now ready for in- of land in quantity three acres, three roods and ' That any number of persons in any town in this and deposits of such corporation or association are to be carried on, designating the particular sufficient to warrant it. injprovided, and defraying all the expeuseS bfthd spection the. largest and assortment sixteen rods, more oi less, bounded northerly by State may associate for the purpose of procuring, JL best S . 10. In case any corporation orgstriiied tirt- heirs of Lewis Hyatt, deceased, easterly by building and establishing a parsonage or place of city, town'Or villnge: EC proceedings; therfii sliall rfeinnrn or come iuttf,, of goods 1 have-ever had the pleasure ot offer­ der this Act shall fail* to comply wi(h"the.order of highway and Samuel P. Randle, souiherly by residence for clergymen, and being so associated, 3. The amount of the capital stock of such, the hands of the receiver ahyOthfer assttsWeff. ing tii'e public, among the goods may be found the Treasurer arid School Fund Commissioner,' Samuel P. Randle and Polly Hyatt, and west- shall upon compliance with the provisions of this corporation or association, and the niimber of fects of such corporation, the safne shall be con­ a Very largo amount subject to slight impel tec- act, be a pody politic' and corporate: may sue shares into which the same shall be divided : requiring them to fiiruish additional seciirities; erly.by the Danbury & Norwalk Railroad. verted into cash in the way tho l-ece'iver deem# tiori in manufacture whiah will be sola at o»e< and be sued, a'nd do all acts necessary and prop­ ,' 4. The names and places of residence of or ret Urn their circulating notes for the period of And he further says tliat the estate s at pres­ for the best interest of the shareholders bf sach halfof their acluat taUe (ail in want or two er for accomplishing tho objects of the associa­ shareholders, and the number of shares held .by twenty days from the lime sdcli order was given ent unproductive; that tue avails thereof are be the duty of the Treasurer 16 ap­ corporatiofl; and ^hall be paid lb the sffnrfeholdr ;S dollars for one would do well to call) my stock tion: may have a seal, may purchase, hold and each of'thevn respectively : then it shall ply to a jtfdge of the superior court for an order ers upon whom any such debts Of liiibilifie's weid, is now full and complete and evsry inducement wanted'for .the suj.poit, maintenance and edu­ convey real and personal estate ot a value not 5. The 'period at which sfich corporation or cation , and that it. the from said judge, declaring such corporation or apportioned, in just mid ecjua! propo'rtkiW To thtf Will be offered to all in this or tho adjoining of said minors will be tor exceeding five thousand dollars: may choose association shall commence and terminate :™ _ advantage .of said minors to sell the same, and such officers, and make and adopt such articles 'Which certificate, when so made as aforesaid, association insolvent. And il thesaid judge shall Sum'ct/ntributed and |iaid by theirr. towns, come one, .e all :ind examine 101 find that tliesaid corporation or association has not invest the avails thereof according to hnv; and by-laws, as they may deem necessary /or shall be acknowledged.Before a proper authority, yours".lve.s,as all my goods will be freely shown complied vi'itli the Order of t hi' Treasurerand the SEC. 23. It shitll bfe' lawfdl for sii'cir c6rpbVstJ« Wherefore he says that, there is just and reason­ conduction and regulating its affairs, noV.incon- and rucorded .In the town clerk's office, in the tion to purchase; hcfld rind convey,- reai eataM and hone nra;ed to buy,greater inducements will sistent with the laws of this State or the United town where such corporation or association shall School Fiind Co'mmissioner, he shall thereupon able c:ause for selling the same. He therefore for the following purposes r q be offered than ever before. Remember this States: Provided, That before any association he established, and a copy thereof filed in fh;e declare siich corporaition insolvent, arid shall ap- prays the conrt- to order said real estate to be pbiiit a receiver, who shall proceed iri the mailer 1 Such as shall b'e tte'fcGsstfry ftfr its' rtfiilriiedf- * and call atjhe Bridge ^ j/(QR|jMAN. shall be entitled to the priviledges herein gran­ office of the Secretary of State : and said certifi­ sold, and to empower him or some other meet ted, it shall lodge with the Secretary of the Stale cate or any copy thereof, fortified by either the as provided in this Act. fite accomriiodatiotj iri the conVenieut ti'aosac-' person to sell the samfi.pursuant to the statute a copy of its articles orb)-la\vs, attested by its Secretary of State, or by tlie clerk of any town SEC. 11. Iri case such gofpbf&tib'n or si&o'cisl- tion of its business; br; :;=:i>. . 5& in such case ltiade and provided. presiding officer and secretary; and also cause where such corporation or association shall be tfori of persons Shall, fail or reftfsfe fo pay siich 2 Snfch as Shalf be iifdrf^o'ged tof ft ?n gobrf f Window Glass. bills of lioteS on deiiiarid, in the manner specified BOXES best FRENCH GLASS, Dated June 29th, 1852. ' •< the same to be recorded in the records of the located, may be used in evidence In all Courts faith, by Wiiy tf! sefcUrfty forToans iifade to tlifciii Hofodlessi 1600 Provided, That before any such society shall be may in his opinion be just and reasoriab'fe. rri'eiit of the affairs"of th 6 dbrpbrfttrriri Vfefified by-' !?? Spencer entitled to the privileges herein granted, it shall ing and selling gold a;nd silver bullion; foreign the oaths bf the president and cashitr, \VhicK "Wirr. Rathbone Spencer 1200 coins and bills of exchange, in the manner spec­ SEC. 14. II shall not be lawful for the Treasurer Ticonderoga Boyle 1300 lodge with ihe Secretary of this State a copy of its or other officer; fo countersign bills or notes for .V ^ cer and secretary and also cause the sa'me to be poses authorised by this' Act; by 'caning money Irene Williams 1200 on real arid personal security; and by ^exerci­ aggregate exceeding the stocks and bonds at the fng to the provisions bf this Act, o'r secured lef recorded in the records of the town \Vhere such rafes provided in this" Act, deposited with the OXYOENATBD BITTEHS, Minnesota . - Allen 1000 sing such incidental powers as shall be riece'sSa- be paid: . association is situated, and all subsequent al­ Treasurer by such association ; and any Treas­ Silas Greennfinrt 1 Spencef" 1000 ry to carry on such business; to choos'e one of 2. The value of the real esfete bf the tbr-^ -:J CONTAINING NO ALCOHOL, terations of amendments of itrf articles" pr by-laws urer or. other officer Who shall violate the f E C Sc'rnnton Spencer 1500 their number president of sufch corporation; and ;JS a sure Remedy for 'Wi * - shall in like manner be so attested and lelt; and provision's of this Act; shall iipon convictioji be ponitioiV, specifying what portion is bcfciipied by* Leviathafr JCnapp - 1500 no article, by-law or amendment thereof shall to appoint a cashier, officers" arid agents at pleas­ the corp'o'ration' a's fiecfessafy to' the transaction ure; and remove the saro'e and appoint others in adjudged guilty tff a; misdemeanor; and slfaTf te DYSPEPSIA, ,-V/. Wm H! Harbeck Marshal I5001 take effect Until if is* so attested and left with the punished by a fine not less thaji five (hou'sand of its business: . jn ali.' !ts rAB'iqss roiiFUltMS < Freeman 1600 town clerk and secretary aS aforesaid. Provided their places. . . . „ . . „ Guy Mannering Sec 5. Whenever any corporation, or associ­ dollars, or be imprisoned not les3 than five years 3. The shades of sfotk and the ftrffobntf of 2000 that this act shall not be so construed as to per­ orb'y such fine and imprisorirnent both; at.the : Sucf/as Pain in the Stomach, rfeartb-urn, Ha­ Washington Fage r a ation of persons formed for the purpose.of bank­ honds ueld oy sfuch corporation, Whether a6 sb'- . mit the formation of any joint stock company, for discretion of the court having jurisdiction of the ; bitual Costiveness. Acid Stomach, Head- Enterprise Funk 1000 1 ing under the provisions of this Act, Shall legal- late tit ns"-c6'llateral sectVritics, spefcifyib^ e,ibH 1000 the purpose of life oi health insurance.- ^ _ offence. . ta/ ache, Loss of Appetite, Piles. Night - Aberdeen Knappf Approved^ June 17ih,'lS53. . r'. s A'iyiif;- fylransfer to' the tre'as'uref of this" State any kind a'nd description of stock and(b'orids,' arid the Smith TOOO' sufficient portion." by the provisions of this' Act, SKC. 15'.. The sha'ref or said association snail f- Sweats; Asthma or Pbtwfc, y Richard Alsop' b'e deemed persoiiail property, and slialf be trans­ num'ber and value of each r / 1(100 fcHAPTEXtXXf. b of the public debt now created or hereafter to be •'•V- '.FhrtBlence-',or/Wiinf. m the Stom­ Niagara Smith ferable on the books of the association, in" such' j The ffmnunt of debts dub io rfio cbrpb'i'j 1300 An Act in addition to an Act entitled. "An' Act created, by the United States;, by either one. of ach. Nervousness, Coldness of^ the Dewit.t Clinton' Funk l^tiori; spbcifyi'u'l such as are dtfe fibria Aorotffi£{ fladley 1000 concerning Communities"and Corporations".-" the New England States, by the Stales of New- Extremif'res, Weafttiess of the: Limbs, Maririion Be ii eriacted by (hd Seriate and House of Rep­ York and Ohio. Pennsylvania; Virginia i>nd Ken­ eyed oV other corpora lions b'r associations, arid., Sanduskyr.0 ;;• Borland 1200 by tlio n'arii'es bF such'corp'oratioWs^ or a'ssbcib'tion'sV'-. 'GfeuerfltlDebility ,,; v.-.- 1 resentatives in Geiteral Assembly cdiivericd, tucky," of of the cities' of New Yorkjind 'Boston, Hubbard 1500 his shares; succeed t.0 all the rights and liabili­ 1 and all the indescribable synipto.im of this «irt- O'wego c * That any joint slock corporation organized, or or of any incorporated city in the Slate of Con­ and the airiotfot due frpriv'each ; ft'rid aJsV sybef- Robert TfeH^ . '•T BarstoW 1400 which shall ne organized, under the provisions necticut. such corporation, or association' of per­ ties'of prior shareholders ; and no change sn'afl fyi'ng the Amount seCUrbd by bond and iVibrt- fersal disease. These are also the best tome 1 bettraffe in the articl^ of asso'c'iatfon by which New Shrp v,;" yn: ; Edwards 1750 of said Act, to which't his is in addftron, may re­ sons; shall be entitled to receive from the Treas­ 1 known for the prevention and cure of _ tlie rights,\remedies, or security of its existing g'age o'r jndgm'erit ; arid the am'orinC whibtf These Ships n:reftre itfost magnificent that move their place of business froth' any toWn in urer an equ'dl anVount Of ,'su'ch ctrctihiting notes' Fever atfd Ague, ': " Creditors shall be-weakened or in>paired. ^Stfch oright to b'e iiibluded in tire computation' 6f k»8-:'.i are commanded' this State where they are or may be located, to are m'entidrtYed in the urST Section of this Act, These Bitters have i«ceivefd tlrt HioSKsf have yet been built. They associat ion or corporation shall riot b'e dissolved ses, and the tbtaf lithbunt of siielr debts therf ! by a& ancf Captains,-, fained for any other town in this State, by procuring from of dTfferent' denonvinations, regi^ered and coun- fe experienced : bV the death 6r insauity of an} of the stiai'ehol­ collebfable r . ; j . t j* Testimonials ever otfered to'th'e ptiblic in fa- the town clerk of the t6wn frorrt Which' they;shall t^rsis;ned as aforesaid. But such securities shall their nautical skill and kind treatment to eiVtiv j VoVof!aiiy iriedicihe in the world-, and'are np- remove, a certified copy of lh6 record in said in all cases be, or be made to'be, eqrfal to a ders therein. , . , , . ., , S. The nriVount of debts owing fd'fhd'cpr-05 pr&fed by so«ne of the best physician*, who use grants; and .their ncComrflodMions for Cabin, tovVn, of their articles of associarion, and all olh- s'to'ck producing six • per cent.'.per-annuih', and SEC." 16. CorifVac'ts made any strch corpo­ pora'trbn, s|)iecifying soch.as are payab'16 oil de^,0 them in their practice. For the most sa'tisfac- Second Cabin, and Steerage Passengers, are er record^,'showing their slate of affairs, and it shall not be lawful for the Treasurer to take ration, and all notes and bills by th'ein issued and m'a'ndv aiid such as" are due t& mbrieyed or othiy vastly superior to-those of any other Line. causing said certified'copy to be left fol1 recoid in any stock at a rate above its p£r value.' _ _ ptr't ir< circulation as money,"shall- be sigried by er coVp'orrttibiis'Oi- associA'tiblis, the riariiies bf ' - tory proof of the succ« ss of this remedy, see the President or Vice Pi'esident: and Cashier The Stiip's allowance of Provisions COuVpri- the office of the town clerk to Which such" cor­ SEC, 6". Such corporation or association or such Corporations or aas6'ciktio'ns,, and' ihb^'*; ? - pamphlets containing full particulars and cer- thereof;' and no' Wnt, actiori ot 'pVbt'ee'ding shall 8Pff flour, oal-nieal, bread', potatoes, peas, or poration shall'remove,-to which certified copy persons; ai'e hereby authorized; after having ex­ anVoiiiit due to ea'ch r ' , tiftcates from Members of Congress and other ! 1 abafe by-l'eison of the deifh, resigt'iafiCn or re: beans, rice and' vinegar. Which'iu dealt out to* shall be attached the certificate of the president" ecuted' an d signed'siSch ci'fctrlating notes;iri the 6'. iim^unt of claims against ttib' . nnrties well known to the public. A ny inrtivid- and secretary of such corporation^ certifying mbval from office of the officeis of sa'id,coi'ppra- the passeffgers 6«ee or twice a week dtn ing manner required by law I'd' make t hem obK^afory poration not acknowledged by it as" debts. . . wl wishing further ihtW-mation respecting this that such' corporation-has- thus removed', \vhich promissory notes,- paV.able on: demand,- at the tion, but may, be continued and prosecMed ac­ the voyage, at the rale of I0j lbs-, per Week 7. Th'e aiM>ttnt fbr ^ftWh' th^eo^poratibt^i^ certified'copy arid certificate attached,-Shall be . cording to- the rules of law in s'uth castes proyi- 1 place of tiVsiness Withiri this State, of such' cor­ INVALUABLE MEDICINE, for each adult, and- half allowance for children so left for record immediately on such removal,' : ded. : .. j , . bound 83* sttrety, or for which' it niay bedbWeig> poration or asisoci^tiori-, to 1'oaV and circulate th e : am invited to call on the Agents, and sat.sfy under twelve years ?• and in' addifioii to the and shall be recorded by such cleric at lull lengt h' same as"montey,-l-accord'ing.to' th'e ordinary c'ourse Sfeff. H. TVio"^mT(eW6Me!*St"6f aaSobi'atibiis liable on th 6 happening of contingent eVeritsr Jia theinselves by reference to nuin»«ms letters above, a fuither allowance, according to a fate in a book- kept by him for suteb' purpose. Provi- of banking business, as regulated by the .Jaws foVm^d under jliis Act, shuII be individually re­ gV The amount of n'ot'^s" cri' bills theri atrcl ce'rtificjites of the highest respectawnty. act of the British' Parliament., of two oz- tea-, dad that the president and secretary of such cor-' and usages 6f this"Stale., . . sponsible equally and rnteably whentfveV detrfult ci rculatioiY', of said coi'pol'af. fon, of loans' antf diar^ ; • DR. GEJO. B, GREE'Ni. Proprietor, Wind- half lb. sugar, and half fb. molasses, to each poration,- shall imm'edi'ately on stfch- removal- . SEC', f- In caso the mak'ers of any such circu­ shall be made in thd' piiynieuf 6f any debt or li­ counts atid of specie on hand r , Je,. adult, weekly, With three quarts water daily• cause to be deposited with the Secretary of this lating notes', countersigned'and registered as 9'. Tlie ainouiit oh* the 'first' of Julj,: iiexrkU r ability cototra'rte'd for banking purposes, issuing ' WOl*' ' t*i * ' ' ' State, a like certificate .of such removal, as the 4 04 v ' -:KATES & AUSTIN, Wholesale fn afl cases where any of the peVsohs pftid foi' aforeskid, shall at anytime 'hereafter, on' lawful preceding, of notes"arid bills in drctiM»>h, of; one deposited'with such foWn cltrky which cer- > : r notes oY n'oy kind of pap6V ci'edits to cir­ decline coming out, the full' passage money is demand,- during 'the'. u snal hoonf of busines¥j lokns and discoiintV, arid of s^ecii* oft* - Druggists. No. 26-Merchants' Row, Boston, titicate so deposited with thie Secretary of this- between the hours of ten' o'clock'- A. M. and culate as mobey, to'the amount of such ; returned without any deduction./ ( ; euch bbrpoVatibft '.SM e^a^anilgeD^' '• M v.--1 — ^ di State, shall' be iecorded by him in a book- to'be t hree o'clock P'. M, at'tKe'pl^c'e ^here such'note liability, Willi interest.-.to the extent Of tneu Persons r.esidlngin fhte. country that desrfft 5 A'Price Si per bottFe; six for $5. ' kept by him for thaV pttVpose.- Provided.also"; i3 payable,-fail or refuse to redeem sufch' note in i'6'spective^shares of stofek, in'any such col'poia-! .' CAlXTlON.—Eeuh bottle of the Genuine to send money to their friertds in the Old Coun­ that said corporation shall cause to be puhhsh.ed• the IttWfcimoney of.the.United Slates, the hold- tibn or asVociation and to'tio.fui'ther extent. try, and,wishing ttrsave time;and! fkpense, 6an immediately on such, removal, a duplicate copy • " 6#u'|, ; manner, by enclosing by Post, to the subsdii- listed in the county iti' which .such corporation' notary pubiic under his seal of office, in t he the" rtia'rket valmerof'said stocksrRS - Mi ^ViU-rhe's'rgtwturfe'pf - ' °n' •1 ° ; ! tbe stock hojders, before • the payment of all bers, the sum they wish to send', with the shall beIbeafed; of in an adjoining-county: an'd m'" usual, manner, and ihe Treasurer on receiving' sairte Cati' bi»? ascertained^ami the tfete Uo'ifrhictt1,: ; ' pVieior; upon Three Sides, and in addition, a fbbis; of the corporat ion for whiblr suti h stock name and address of the party .who is to, re­ case of:removal ifroin one.county to.another, said: and filing in Iris office such, protest,-i.1iail forth­ tlie jkyni«ht!ofintbi'esl has been made •/. fcwMgmVeci-.iab^-dpon the top of the bottle 1 wdiild bnVe b'een liabie, tlie stockholders ot auch ceive it* when a draft OH the nearest Brancli duplicate, certificate shall; be published;in two with give ribfice in writing- to t he makers of'duch Sricft stocks, and;whdthlei-;6iud;intei!esl/Ii^ ^ fag. with tire signature'of Ree«d,'Bates' & Austin, nevvspapersj one in the^ county trom'which, and note tb pav the.saine, with cost of protest; and ''corpblatioh shalf be individually: liable to: any! ''WM to their residence will be forwarded by fiVst pkid to 'such;banking association, .orpassed,tflKL;;: : wjlo are thensole tTeher|tl Agents,and to whom . th¥: others in Hie colintyi to which'sdfch^corpora-. > if tliey titairbiriit t^'do so fdr teh'days alter such subfi ctbditoi: ol such c6ri)0T^ti6n io aiiiactiop steaiher With as much punctuality as if the aVl brdersr:mn^ he addressed, tion shall; rejnove. ,This.Act-jto,t|ke^effec£..on M 'notice is «6nt: to ttafirivthe Traasurer shall: im- i foumJedoaibis7^tut«,tothO;Onaoiintottiio sum -SFe'r'saie by W B'mSSELL. and droggists peison sending it was present, and a receipt ]! ' gelfe^Hy in the' tf. &. aind Canada» mm retarued " m-r-m PsSK.


^ v

* if* . • ;>Aud it alinll be the dutywthe Tifeaif^^to ||Fro^tfi'i Bridge^grf ptaridard The two Locafoto Organs in Con« 5.:#" '. ' Tiie I&tiitiff Utevest. : NOB^LKj.GAZETTE. necticut. .f. cause the statement required .•to' fce made%y' Balloon Asccnsiou- of M. Pctil '< The following outline of the life afrd actions iiie fishing internats of thef country, him this section, to be published ro' * 1 newspaper; We are sometimes forced to smile when' fro«|| Bridgepo^Jidy 1& ; \ 'Tttililayf*llf21 52. of our candidate for/the Presidency; is taken vevjr suddenly becom^;ieopardiz«J bj)r the rigid printed in tJie county wheretfte place of bosr-| The Aseension was frppftfnted .«!_three we contrast'tfce characters.^/ the two leading' n«ss of such association is.wjtuated; or suchjpwit; Jfrqm the Spriibgfield Republican construction *frifcU the British Minfitry have o'clock. We ! were by iheautiliil "SUPPORT '^O'UR/O'W N V' of said statement ns^h.e jdC».^e*iigcfient. aqj®m| " democratic", /papers in*' this State; The SfesWiNHEiD ScpTT is the son o£Va farmefj >uet given^the trfjftyj bf 1818, which if per- scwih other niiinner^Nie%fiim

'•"i... - v • -'At- *-V~ i ^.'"v '•• ;mm

•MSG Brraii-jftw turn rr«iaitjHBi>

# ^ t t : • ' A pnn ' life!!""'"

mssm t becoming ihe favorite, medicine among eve- now offer to purchasers a genera] assortrnentof «'t : Life Insui-aUce Company. (iso sevcnl4efcyears,~rit\A have." never failed to THE STEAMERPAGLFICr for Spring and Summer wear, ever brough£ into clasa of people. Known as tbe.most efficient rem­ Groceries, Provisions, Fruit?, Nuts, &c. as can Store of Judsqfi tf BiuM.' * ' ^*fordrcorripleTjtf protection to the buildings on Capt. R. W. Fowler, this towni which will be sold cheaper than ever, edy, for general Debility, Nervous Affections. Con­ be found.-at any store in .the county, apd, on as Igwiifch'theyItave been placed; Specimens-may tf " 7 L1THAUER & TURK. sumptive| Decline, Complaints . of tl.e Kidneys,. .favorable terms, The foilowing is a portion of NORWALK, CONN. - .8^LI •- ' WILL commence; running in connection Heiirt,%iings. wnd above all for diseases, arising ijo 8#e»if ah'the bouses of-! Messrs. A. E. Beard theif. stock, :viz ,f.. with the Danbury-^-Norwalk Railroad, from impure Blcrod and habit of the System, emi­ —^20-chests young hyson and black Teas of all A. H. Byington, r :»r Norwhlky ?mncis Burritt,Westport ;N. P. touching.at South Norwalk, oa Friday, May os fe*'— tioned aud adopted the of !it. : General Agont for procurirtg Peit- Purges, ^niififlld, and, niariy, others in various *Ff •: vf;25 hhdsaud bbls P Rand N-. O Molasses.*;: i excepted, at 8 A. M. Returning, leave Peck ml DR.I. A. STANLEY, ;;s tions, _ Bounty. La^ds, 'Extra and ifick '*|S: •; mparts of the StaW They Have alsb been placed 5o •< ii.i »I«40- •- >'• '•» . Sugar of ail kinds/ Slip eveiy afternoon at 3 o'clock, P. M.-— celebrated Physician, in a letter from,.. Prince- 1 tneTnibst splendid buildings in New A '*''•10 quintals Codfish. • j •^«i Pay, French • Spoliatiom* • •• tetter*•' Freight taken on reasonableterms and attended tort^ New Jersey, dated November 16,1849, de­ " ~ C .1 ^voWa^a^iciniiy^ pircularscontainingfurther 150 bbls Flour, extra and superfine mm I Patent, §c., [ S{c. to promptly by agents on each end of the route. clares that in all bis experience ha-had' never seen ?>fr30 boxes Rfiisins. I':... information may be obtained at the office of this Fare 50 cents. —For pnssage or freight, ap­ anything to comparc. witluhe Forest Wine aiid Coffee of different prices. " Pills, at the same time relating several cases of George A. Davenport^^ ply to the Captain on board; or to Saxton 4" ^{icCurrants, Citron, Figs, Spices and: nnts. ^ & - Vj4yttn» t ntj mst Siie lke ; J. M. Smith's IKEarble Icardy who have witnessed the great results of the For- lil^TaHow, adrimantine,sper'm and wax Cand!es. "IN. York & «T. Haven Railroad. Looking' Glasses, Willow Ware &c N0RWALK CONN : Near the Bridge, Norwalk. Conn., est'VV ine. and recommended it in nnmeroiis com­ |jiyPot<.-.sh, Soda, Starch &c. by cask and box. -a' v Mn!t,^||,i ' . QUINTARD AC SONS have at their plaints will he found '.ho names of the celebrated ^^^$DM^R;ARBANGEMEN^.^|i ^Philadelphia Lime, a superior article for : • ware-rooms a few rods east of the bridge EPULCHRAL Monuments and Grave Dr. M. T. Goodman. DrS I Mott. Dr. L Cheese- ~ Qa gf perry, ^ ^ "*#»£ 0:Sl^COI(H%KCIK«;;»IAr 3, 1852. B fi«i white washing. . : a large assbrtment of cabinet furniture, consist­ SStones of every variety of'patterns, arid oi man. Dr ChiltoiiiDr Win Brown, Dr Marvin, Dr J. & B. will keep'constantly on hand Leave Norwalk for New York'. Attorney and Counsellor at law f ing in part of sofas, centre, card, book,tea, work the most skilful workmanship. The best as­ JM Moreau, aud others. ' ''** '• Cement, ca'cined Plaster for building purposes, AM anp kitchen tables of various kinds, mahogany sortment of American and Foreign Marble, .•••• -TESTi'MONY "5" " " rKniv/ Dfallory's Bnildins* »• $ 38 and many other articles too numerous to men­ and black -walnut marble top.dressing bureaus, kept constantly on hand. Of Johnson Burke, a highly respectable citizen tion, and which will be sold on reasonable terms. Acconmodation .j-g, »,un?- •::r<9 dlain dressing bureaus, common bureaus of 1 . Persons wishing to procute Monnments or JOHM AUSTENS * of Waverly Place. New York; , (7 ^ . y • ; T-PH-J 50 prices, some as low as $5 50. Mahogany, bl'k any kind of Marble Work,are invited to calland ; ^Express . :\ 'V v- 21 P M walnut and maple bedsteads of various patterns ORG 1IALSKY.- '-'M: Boot Shoe Leather and, Find- give a personal inspection of his material and Dear Sir—1 esteem the Forest wine as the King ^AccQra»nodatio,n} L; !c Sfeh^' J 35 31 X. and prices,some as low as $2 25. Patentbed- i S Store. workmanship, as this will be more satisfactory, of Medicinas. It has done for me in five . weeks itiExpress; xt<3 iaatp««s?f 9 53 steads that can be put up in three minutes and than to purchaseof Agents withoutanopportu- A HENRY HANDES renews again Over F. St. Jolin's Storey 1 «.fl; what three Physicians failed to do in as many years. J 3 Leave Norwalk for New Haven. without a key. Mahogany, curled mapje, bl'k nity of testing thequality of the article con In 1845.1 bi'came a victim of the Heart Disease Pwl ' ' acknowledgmr'nts to the public and NORWALK, CT. iwm aaa* : - Accommodation traiu 9 o'clock 13 min A M walnut, kitchen and Windsor chairs. Children's tract ed for. aud Nervous Affections, which have been growing » IkLhis friends for their generous patronage > : :. u 9 1 Likenesses" % ;., ,v 1 !v, ?,;. 36 v ..;P M table and low chairs. Willow waggons, cra­ 83T The Letteringand Ornamental work is on me ever since, until 1 procured your Forest during the year past, and hopes to merit an un *' .. .! . .... , *, ..5*.I.' Warranted to please all good judges.^ ' fexpress ; 5 35 * dles aiid chairs. Looking glasses of all sizes executed by an experienced workman andean Wine and Pills, although I had wasted several hun­ interrupted continuance of the business rela dred dollurs for medical attendance. During the ::A f Accommodation 6';a 15 * . j and prices, from 25 cents to $10. Spring mat- warrant it, to give entire satisfaction, tio.nship which he has so long maintained with last two years 1 was obliged to keep «ny house ^Commutation 7 43 ; resses.the best and cheapest beds in existence. May. 1852. this community. He will be found now at liis 3-^ ^ Bain's Merchant-s- We will deliver any furniture purchased of us neai ly all of the time, and gave up business in con­ new stand opposite the store of Dimon Finch, jE^press trains West stop only at Stamford. sequence of my ill health. I had lost nearly all (to the amount of S-10 or over) in New Canaan, where he 'wiil be happy to see, and serve his Leave New York for Norwalk. ' ^ hopes of recovery, my complaint was of that class Wilton or Darien free of charge and free from Saddle & Harness old friends and the public. The character of TELEGRAPH OFFICE; Accommodation train 7 o'clock, A M 4 ; undervvhich "nature sinks and life becomtss a bur .. Jf .v-'fi- it-A^x 30 • ' - • damage. then." Seeing your Forest wine advertised I his work is too well known to need a word of b 1 : NORWALK, CONN. . i Ready Made Coffins.—We have constantly praise. It comprises every article of men's 3- 30^;^;;P M concluded to give it a trial, and before the i i: In the Post Office Bulldingr. ; on hand from 100 to 150 coffins of mahogany, lliird bottle I felt like a different person, and was and children's wear, with Rubbers and Over­ .'^pfeclait' ' .50;', tiv, ^ui- 'V 3 j •r™ MAKING. able black walnut, cherry and whitewood of all sizes to resume business again/entirely cured by shoes in their season, for ladies and gentlemen. C. J GRUMAN, Impress; sis-??- 4 •!« ••* • HE subscriber gratefully acknowledges takinff five bottlef". For the benefit of those afflic­ ntf •'r.Of.Vj • - • ' 'S:fi0 0a - and descriptions, which can be furnished at a FINDINGS of the best quality, and in any DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ; jCommutatlon i-5 30 <;•<; thV? j few minutes notice. We also furnish shrouds T the liberal patronage bestowed on him the ted with similar complaints yon are at liberty to quantity, suited to the wants of the craft. ^ • f: ; . *k:.wj ; Lvnve New Haven for Norwalk '; • and everything, necessary for the interment of past five years by the citizens of this and the publish this/ Yours. &e., Norwalk. April 20, 1852.:;!!!^I-ri '!l adjoining towns, and would inform them that JOHNSON BURKE, Waverly Placa, N. Y. ' i>S •: b^K'fcV.i • Sta »c &iattrit IDrn ©ooitd Commutation train., f 5 30 AM the dead, and will see to the digging of graves he has constantly on hand a large assortrnentof > Accommodation ' 7' when requested. We will attend funerals in The following certificate, voluntarily given by South Norwalk Machine Shof. ii5 CARPATING -•i°" • : r ?> •,.- •'• .*. 1 New Canaan, Wilton or Darien. without extra Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Valices, Mr F G Mussey, a respectable and well -known 1 HE'public are rerpectfuljy informed that .Express """' W .•'- 1 15 P M . :1~ •.: - :• charge. ; -, E. QUINTARD & SONS-. the subscriber will continue the business Carriage Cloths and trmmn;s; citizen of Cohoes. New York, is an evidence 1 Accommodation^** 4 20,,vi N. B.—Persons wishing to purchase burial ' ^ Carpet Bags, Whips, S)'c*' of R. W. Norton & Co., and he is now pre­ CLOTS, SSIMERES, VESTINCS, • , 'Exnrttft...". *'••• ••{*$£?• ;8.5p.£$f&2S &i& . kfts in the Norwalk (C,emeteiy may make ap which must aemove all doubts of the great efficucy pared to do all kinds of Jobbing in general ma­ which he will sell much less'than can be pur­ Shootings. , Batts&o. iGF0 Wt -WHISTLER, Sup't. plication tous. .•'45tf ofthe Forest Wine in GENERAL DEBILITY, chinery ; Die Turning of every description; 1lM,v"!""" • • • ' - ' ; • chased elsewhere. The best of materials are always used and perfect satisfaction guarantied Neuralgia, Affections ofthe Spine and Kidneys. and Sawing in all its varieties. Brackets, Car­ NORWALK, CT. For Sale. on all work executed at this establishment or This is to certify, that I have used Dr. Halsey's riage , &c. Also, Wood Turning in ,nII Simon Finch, __ A small farm situated in Darien near the money returned. Farest wine in niy family witij the most entire suc­ its various branches, from the largest Portico ..ai s51 the Brick Church, and within five minutes' cess. My wife was badly afflicted with Neuraloia. Pillars to an Awl Haft. Turned Cedar Hitch­ DEALER INV ^*We hove now on hand and are making I'Ui'l .it &«*•* d^nuxJRY & NORWALK 'I: walk of the Depot, where five or six trains of affection of thG Spine and Kidneys, aud genernl do- ing and Fence Posts are kept constantly on Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Paints# cars slop daily to and from New York—consist­ up to order, several setts of very light and tasty bility• She found speedy relief and regained her Ho Bail Boad Arrangement, y hand. — - Oils, French Window Glass and ing of a good two-story dwelling-house, barn double and single. TIARNFSS, which will be hea|th, by the use ot the Forast wine. • •;? The subscriber has also added to the above AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. iCo'mmencing Jnne 21st., 1852. Trains will and cow house, and other out-buildings, with From my own knowledge of this excellent medi­ establishment a Foundry for Brass Castings, found superior in ueatness .and beauty of finish cine, I conifidentlp recommend it for the good of NOKWALK. CONN, ^ran; as follows until further notice: Leave four acres of first, rate land and in good condi­ and he would be pleased to fill ordrrs for any Danbury at 6 45 A M with passengers only. ojhers who may cc snffenng with similar com­ tion. On said plaae there is good orchards of and workmanship, to anything ever exhibited and every kind of Jobbing in this line. " 315 P M passengers aud freight. plaints' It is the best medicine with which "am ac­ ."••"••j)CNTAL SURGERY ,g- grafted fruit. It is pleasantly located, and well inthis market before. ; ; The facilities of the present.propiietor ena­ quainted. and those who are afflicted with the By Brs. HXZ.I. FZTCH . RETURNING, will Ieive wor. li the attention of any-one wanting a place Special attention paid to Repairing, which above, or any sunilur diseases, may safely rely on ble him to guarantee lo do any kind of work in So .Norwalk at 9 16 A M i nssengers and fr'ht. of that size. It will be sold and is well worth Office over C. J. Grumans Store, foot of icill always be.dont at the shortest notice its virtues. EG MUrfsEY. his line which is done in any other city or *: •« '5 40 P M passengers only. the money. For further particulars enquird MORE TESTIMONY FROM COHOES. IpwriC and he warrants all work to.give entire Main stNorwalk, Ct. .. y. The 6 45 A M train from Danbury connects a*nl in the neatest manner. y?; of W. Whitney & Co. or of G. Mather on the Dr G Hal-ey. ' . satisfaction or no charge will be made. "srwL"-''"?'! - . —. ... — .—— • ' lcF°Just call and see jourselvesi^j nt. Norwalk with the 8 09 A M train to N York corner by the meeting-house. Dear Sir—My wife last autumn was reduced to * »N- B. Cash paid on delivery for good Hick SSaymond &. IVIead, ^^ Passengers going east can leave Norwalk at N. B.—If the above property is not sold by F.BRADLEY. alow st te of debility. My fa «iily Physician .advi­ B ory Timber. M. M. NORTON. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS 9 13 AM,,. ' the first of April it. will theu be rented. april 26] : Under Connecticut Hotel. sed her to take your Forest wine. Accordingly I South Norwalk, March. 13. 1852. ly The 3 15 P M train connects at Norwalk Darien, Feb. 26, 1852. ' " 12tf went to Mr Terry's, your agent for this town, and In Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Feed, Salt, ; with the 5 35 accommodation train to N. York, procured a bottle of "it which restored her in a very ' v/ - ;•>; C. GRAHAM, • Fish, Crockery and Glass Ware, Wooden and ^•jd the 5 35 express train to New Haven. short time to perfeot health. Willow Ware, Brooms, Mats. &c., &c. Norwalk Harness HENRY DONALDSON. j; AcMee, Civil Engineer & Surveyor! ^ Passengers:fioni New York, will leave at 7 , - JHeat! Jffleat! - _ No. 2 Water st.. Norwalk, Conn. AMU Sj&SJBS.EHIT Cohoes, April 13,1859. -V I ' ' A IVr and at 3 30 P M to connect with trains on At the JSfew Meat Market. rip HE subscriber having opened an office in {this road. . J Norwalk with D E Culver, civil engineer, . F. H. Mash, S.:A ;-. ; HE Subscriber has just opened a Market The testimony of upwards of three hundred in" !! S3T Stages will be in readiness on the arrival ESTABLISHMENT, dividual#, some of whom were afflicted with dread- opposite the post office, for the purpose of ma­ ' 'MANUFACTURER Or ! ' * of the trains at the Ridgefield Station to convey T adjoining the store of Lockwootl, Haight king plans, elevations and specifications for & Co. for the convenience of the people of this lulMisorders and considered incurable,may be -seen TIN, SHEET IRON, AND COPPER WARES, imssengers to Ridgefiekl village. Lewisborough, Next door to Danbury and Norwalk at DrHalsey's principal office. The following are ijiiildings of all kinds, also for btidges and roofs, vicinity, and by constant attention and every ef­ &c. HARVEY SMITH, Sup'f. some of them residing in thiscity:— having had a number of* years of practice ai.d EALER in Stoves, Furnaces, Iron Wire fort to please his customers, he hopes to share - . Railroad Depot.' Mr Aaron ri Smith, 167 Prince st.. office in wall experience in building and in superintending D and Hods, Brittania, Japan. Wood and the public patronage. New Spring Goods. NE of the most, splendid and varied assort­ St., was long severely afflicted with a disease of ihe buildings of a"! -kinds. All orders left with D Willow Wines, Knives and Folks, Foice P. S. The very best qunlities of meat only kidneys and bladder. I he best nieuical .^kiil «ius- ^ITlISTcreceived a large supply"of new goods ments of Goods and Wares in the above L Culver, Esq. will teceive prompt attention. Pumps, Lead Pipe. Sheet Lead. French Bas­ will be vended at this establishment, and every O vvered 110 purpose, lie tried the Forest wine and o3 Those in want of bargains, will do well to line ever'seen in this part of the County can Engineering and surveyingdone in all its branch kets, etc. Roofing and 'house jobbing done ft attention paid to clenliness. a mutter Loo much it met his case, and he w as completely cured by c.ijjsoon., MALLORY & LEWIS. now be found at the old and well known stand of es. Norwalk, Feb. 20, 1852 8 short notice and in a workmanlike manner. overlooked at most markets. the use of four bottles and a bos of the Forest South Norwalk, July 11th, 1851.: ^ 5 Itf B.ST. JOHN. P'" - • r, , v 1 Mr Jacob Bell, merchant 111 Pearl st., was for 4 • . " "" • ^ Crreat Mass Gathering at • • > • • : Agent Honse So Hsot For Sals. ' I TAYLOR'S FASHIONABLE , yearsa martyr to severe Rheumatic Pains, and could TE1E subscribe! offers for sale his WM. B. SWAN, find 110 relief until he used the Forest wine and tmn.tift and lot situated on the main street Hal Cutting, Bcssing and ShaYing •'^GBUMAN'S -- ' E. C. WJ&K&EN ' (Opposite the Norwalk Hotel,) Pills, and recovered by taking six bottles and less in t'e case of the Hon S I Brown, of tee to his old customers and the pub'ic of the Virginia, who was cured in a few hours time of a connected therewith. There is also a good ng^HANKFUL for past favors, he hopes by HAVING recently conmpleted an superiority of workmanship tnd neatness of barn, wood-house, garden, and a lot contain g a strict attention to business to merit a con­ ISO severe attack of Biiious Diarrhoea and general pros extensive alteration and improve­ design and finish ofall articles purchased at his tralion of bodily energy in a few days time. On one rood counected therewith. It is a very tinuance of" the same. Particular attention ment in his extablishment, and ex­ store, preferring that his work should praise the arrival of Ujis gentleman in New York in March desirable location. For terms apply to the paid to cutting misses' and children's hair in iBe tended the compnss of his business, him rather than to trumpet abroad, .his merits he was so. weak and nervous fioiu the effects of subscriber at Norwalk. previous to the first of latest style. Razors honed in a superior man­ STOKE! would respectfully inform the inhabi­ with his own lips. ; v; i his illness, that he could not write, and required as­ March. THOMAS RAYMOND. ner. Tricopherus and l-'erfumery ofall kinds tants of this and the adjoining towns, that he sistance to enable him to walk to his apartment. Norwalk, Jan. 24., ^'JUL'^ const'anlly on hand and for sale. has now on hand and is constantly manufactur­ Every article in his line Made or The wine was sent lor. and he recovered by the Bay Water of the best kind constantly OB Just Heceived! use of less than a bottle of the wine and a single ing every description of 0 Repaired at the shortest notice and, For Sale. hand and lor sale. CABINET WARE dose of the Pitts. , upon the most reasonable terms. The Forest wine and Pills are recommended as fit HE building lot, comprising about li acres . | 1 A The Largest Stock iz; a good and general varioty of of. good ground, late the siie of the resi­ may 8, 1852. . - ^ ' an efficient and certain cure in the following com­ I BIGEIiOW'S ALTERATIVE. Bcadstcads, Tables, Washstands, Secretaries dence of.Capt. Win. Allen. Flajs-Hill district, Of IFgimoy and plaints : A. CERTAIN CURE ,N Bureaus, 'Sofas, <§~c. $c. NEW YORK Dyspepsia. Habitual Costiveness, Liver is ottered for sale on very reasonable, term?.— ' Complaint, Asthma, Piles, Obstinate FOR DYSENTERY, DIARHCEA.'G "Goods, at prices perfectly astonishing made of various kinds of wood, and selling at Apply at this office. Cabinet, Chair, Sofh and -Headache, Bilious Disorders, Piin- . CHOLERA MORBUS, AND ALL prices which cannot fail to suit the purchaser. In fact, some Goods are almost "!: