WEIGHT, Volumei and CENTER:OF MASS OF:Segmentsof the HUN N BODY

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WEIGHT, Volumei and CENTER:OF MASS OF:Segmentsof the HUN N BODY 6 • P AMRL-TR-flg-70 WEIGHT, vOLUMEi AND CENTER:OF MASS OF:sEGMENTS OF THE HUN_N BODY ..... ° ..... , . f, 00000001-TSB03 ;[ AMRL-TR-69-70 WEIGHT, VOLUME, AND CENTEROF MASS OF SEGMENTSOF THE HUMAN BODY CHARLES E, CLAUSER Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory /OHN T. McCONVILLE Antioch Co//ege 1. W. YOUNG Ctoil Aecomedtcal Institute AUGUST 1969 Illl{l|l This document has been approved for public • release and sale; its distribution is unlimited. |11i I I i i Ii AEROSPACE MEDICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY AEROSPACE MEDICAL DIVISION AIR FORCE SYSTEMS COMMAND WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OHIO ° ' "....... .... 00060001-FsB04 / - ITSccurlt_ C|a.slf_ention I I I I I ] l II I [ DOCUMI_NT CONTROL DATA .R & D rS_curlfy cla#Mtleallon ol IIIIo, b_dy ot ahatraef and IndoMInS annaf.flnn r...I _,_ nntorod wh_)n thn ovoratl roporl la ela_MOod# ,, I_ ORIGINATING ACTIVITY fC_l%wOr_lff aulhOf)Aeros_)ac _ Medical Resear_ _, RRPORT SECURITY CLAS§IFICATIQN Laboratory, AMD, AFSC, Wrlght-Fatterson AFB, Ohio*, ! UNCLASSIFIED _nttochL _ollege, Ye_llow _prings, Ohio*.* _ & Civil Aero-I_b _.ou_ medical mstttu_e, yeaeral Aviation _amlnls_ratlon, l N/A WEIGHT, VOLUME, AND CENTER OF MASS OF SEGMENTS OF THE HUMAN BODY v 4, Dt_ISCRIPTIV_ NOTES (_'ypo o| roport and In©t.nIve d_l_a) FIAal Report B, AU THoRIs} (#'lrsf name, mlddlo InJtlot, lao_ n_rno) Charles E. Clauser*, john T. McConvtlle**, and ;. W. Young*** REPOR_ DATE 7o. TOTAL NO, OF PA_ES |Tb, NO--OP RE_'S August 1969 106 I 95 a", _.ONTRACT OR _RANT No:AF 33{515)-1101 ._ ORIGINATOR'' REPORT NUMBER(S) F33615-67-C-1310 AMRL-TR-69-70 _. PROJECT,O.7184 _"Task No. 718408 b. thOiTs ,ERreporREPt) OR.0T_,_(A.y o,_...m_°. _, =.y _. ,,_,*_ d, 10, OISTRIBUTION STATEMENT This document has been approved for public sale; iradistributionis unlimited. It, SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE8 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Significant financial support was provided Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, by the National Aeronautics and Space Aerospace Medical Division, Air Force _,_.^_.,_+_=H,,und. er contract R-90 Systems Command, Wright-Patterson AFB,OI"I r,. _,,sv,_CT 4543_ This study was designed to supplement existing knowledge of the weight, volume, and center of mass of segments of the human body and to permit their more accurate estimation on the living from anthropometric dimensions. Weight, volume, and center of mass of 14 segments of the body were determined on 13 male cadavers. Presented are descriptive statistics of these variables as well as a series of regression equations predicting these parameters from anthropometry. Included in the seven supporting appendices are reports of studies of the mid- volume of segments as an approximation of their center of mass, relationships between standing and supine anthropometry, postmortem changes in gross body size, and comparisons between densities ol__resh and preserved human tissues. DD ,'2: ..1473 Security Classification ° 00000001-TSB05 Summary Knowledge of the weight, volume, and center of mass of segments of the human body is of significance to research in such diverse fields as physical educa- tion, prosthetics, and space technology. While the specific information needed may vary from one specialty to another, common to all is the objective of under- standing more fidly th_ biomechanics of man either as an entity or as a com. ponent of some complex system. The engineer or physicist may test a structure or material until it falls to determine designs and conditions appropriate to the physical characteristics of materia!_. The introduction of man as an integral part of a system, either in a passive or active role, restricts the freedom to test it because of possible injury to the human component. To overcome this restriction, it is common to replace the man with a physical model or, more recently, to use computer simulation. The degree to which a physical or mathematical model can be formulated as an isomorph of the human body thus becomes a crucial factor. This study was designed to supplement existing knowledge of the weight, volume, and location of the center of mass of segments of the human body and to permit their more accurate estimation on the living from anthropometric dimensions. Thirteen male cadavers were each dissected into 14 segments. The weight, volume, and center of mass of each segment were determined, and su/_cient anthropometry of the cadavers was taken to describe the length, circumference, and breadth or depth of each segment. The relationships between the size of the segments and its weight, volume, and the location of its center of mass form the basis for estimating these parameters of living populations. " .... "'- " ' .... "-"---........ 00000001- TSB06 "'-,.._ _t,h,l_._ i"AG!: t_LAI",iK NOT _:iI.N'_ED, Foreword This studywas accomplishedunder Project7184,"Human Pedormance in Advanced _ys- terns'; Task 718408, "Anthropology for Design," It was a Jolnt effort among the Anthropology Branch, Human Engineering Division, Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory (AMRL); the Anthropology Research Project, Antioch College, under contracts AF 33(fl15)-1101 and F33015- 67-C-1310; and the Anthropology Section, Civil Aeromcdical Institute (CAMI), Federal Aviation Administration, Significant financial support was provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contract R-30. The research reported here could not have been carried out without the complete cooperation of the administrative directors of the several organizations involved. Dr. J. M. Christensen, Di- rector of the Human Engineering Division, H. T. E. Hertzberg, then Chief of the Anthropology Branch, AMRL; Dr. Stanley Mohler, then Director of Research, CAMI; and Professor Edmund Churchill, Director of the Anthropology Research Project, were enthusiastic supporters of the joint undertakingand made everyattempttoassureitssmoothfunctioning.The actualdatacollection was carriedoutattheCAMI laboratoriesinOklahoma Citywhere Mr.JohnSwearingen,Chiefof Protectionand SurvivaBrl anch,and Dr.R. G. Snyder,then Chiefof the AnthropologySection, went togreatlengthstoassurethatpropersupportin termsof equipment,workspaceand per- sonnelwas alwaysavailable. The effortsand responsibilitiwerees sharedequallyamong the authorsa,nd thestudywas indeeda jointeffort.The names of themany individualswho supportedthisstudyatthevarious laboratoriines(_ fabricationof equipmentand insupportactiviti(easdministrativse,ecretarial, photographicetc., )are toonumerous to listindividually,yettheyohen playeda significarolnt e inthedevelopmentofthestudy.A speciaacl knowledgmentismade toMr.DeWittPierce(CAMI) who providedtechnicaaldviceand assistanceintheuseof thefluoroscopaend X-rayequipment and toMr William]',;, anFloros(CAMI) who preparedtheillustratiuonssed inthisreport.Miss PatriciM_rsh,a alsoofCAMI, actedasa laboratorasy sistaduntringtheinitialdatacollectiphonase ofthestudy. ProfessorChurchillprepareda number of computerroutinesavd providedextensivgeuid- anceand adviceintheanalysisof thedata.Miss MargaretMarshallworkedasa laboratoryassist- antduringthedatacollectionphaseand asa statisticaasslistaduringnt theanalysis.Her patience and attentiontoth(_many detailsinvolvedi_ithedataprocessingaregratefullyacknowledged. Most ofthisstudy,from theinitiapllanofresearchthroughtheinte_retationofthedataand thepreparationofthereporth,asbeen discussedin detailwith our friendsand associateWs.e particularlywish toacknowledgeour gratitudteothelateDr.W. T. Demp_terforhisdetailedex- planationofthetechniqueasnd procedureshe used in hisearliestr udyof a similanrature.Our associateCsaptainWillian_Bennettand ProfessorLloydL. Laubach each assistedduringthedata collection a specimen,and we aregratefolfortheirsupport. ProfessorEdmund Churchill,ProfessoLloydr L. Laubach,Mr. K. W. Kennedy,Dr. K. H. E. I<xoemerM,r. P.V. Kulwickl,and Dr. M. J.Warricktookthetimeand troubleto listen,to read, and tocomment as thisanalysiwsas beingmade and insodoingconstantlyimprovedthefinalre- portwith their constructive criticism. Mrs. Joan Rohinette's careful editing and arranging of the final manuscript is gratefully acknowledged. This report has been reviewed end is approved by: C. H. KRATOCHVIL, Colonel, USAF, MC Commander Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory tii - i 00000001-TSB07 Table of Cntents Pa_e Historical Background: Methodology and Results of Previous Investigators .................................. 1 Methods and Techniques ....................................................................................................................... 18 Summary Statistics and Predictive Equations .......................................................................................36 Summary and Conclusions ..........................................................................................................................59 Apper_ilx Page A. Outline of Procedures and Data Form ....................................................................................... 62 B, Mid-volume of Segments as an Approximation of a Segment's Center of Mass ....................... 68 C. Standing and Supine Anthropometry and Postmortem Changes in Body Size ....................... 70 D. Descriptions of Anthropometrie Dimensions ......................................................................... 76 E. Statistical Techniques .......................................................................................................... 81 F. Correlation Matrix of Segmental Variables ............................................................................... 83 C. Densities
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