Macg 1975Pilgrim Web.Pdf
-P L L eN cc J {!6 ''1 { N1 ( . ~ 11,t; . MACGRl!OOR BICENTDmIAL PILGRIMAGE TO SCOTLAND October 4-18, 197.5 sponsored by '!'he American Clan Gregor Society, Inc. HIS'lORICAL HIGHLIGHTS ABO ITINERARY by Dr. Charles G. Kurz and Claire MacGregor sessford Kurz , Art work by Sue S. Macgregor under direction of R. James Macgregor, Chairman MacGregor Bicentennial Pilgrimage booklets courtesy of W. William Struck, President Ambassador Travel Service Bethesda, Md • . _:.I ., (JUI lm{; OJ. >-. 8IaIYAt~~ ~~~~ " ~~f. ~ - ~ ~~.......... .,.; .... -~ - 5 ~Mll~~~. -....... r :I'~ ~--f--- ' ~ f 1 F £' A:t::~"r:: ~ 1I~ ~ IftlC.OW )yo X, 1.. 0 GLASGOw' FOREWORD '!hese notes were prepared with primary emphasis on MaoGregor and Magruder names and sites and their role in Soottish history. Secondary emphasis is on giving a broad soope of Soottish history from the Celtio past, inoluding some of the prominent names and plaoes that are "musts" in touring Sootland. '!he sequenoe follows the Pilgrimage itinerary developed by R. James Maogregor and SUe S. Maogregor. Tour schedule time will lim t , the number of visiting stops. Notes on many by-passed plaoes are information for enroute reading ani stimulation, of disoussion with your A.C.G.S. tour bus eaptain. ' As it is not possible to oompletely cover the span of Scottish history and romance, it is expected that MacGregor Pilgrims will supplement this material with souvenir books. However. these notes attempt to correct errors about the MaoGregors that many tour books include as romantic gloss. October 1975 C.G.K. HIGlU.IGHTS MACGREGOR BICmTENNIAL PILGRIMAGE TO SCOTLAND OCTOBER 4-18, 1975 Sunday, October 5, 1975 Prestwick Airport Gateway to the Scottish Lowlands, to Ayrshire and the country of Robert Burns.
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