, June 24, 1930. ’ ~ ‘T. BIRKENMAI'ER 1,765,397 SLACK FULLER Filed Sept. 13, 1926 2 sheé'?s'i-sheet l

...... - June 24, 1930.v ‘v T.'BIRKENMA|ER 1,765,397 SLACK FULLER ‘Filed Sept. 13, .1926 - 2‘ Sheets-Sheet 2


l Away-:22: v V!!!I (4745*?

J6 W% "$21! \ ' Patented June 24, 1930 1,765,397 A


" SLACK FULLER Application ?led September 13, 1926. Serial No. 135,112. This invention relates to slackpullers, and iron or like frame bent to an are ‘of one hun with regard to certain more speci?c features dred and eighty degrees at a section 3 there to a slack puller for wire, ‘cable and‘ similar of. The section 3is located substantially strands. ' midway between the two ends of the channel Among the several objects of the‘ inven-. 1. The two ends of said channel 1 are bolted ‘ tion may be noted the provision of‘an 1m?’ to a housing casting 5. ,The mid-section 3' proved slack puller which employs certain of the channel 1 has a boss or brace mem- ' split features of the class- used‘ in a co her 7 riveted thereto for the purpose of car pen'ding application of Walter A.‘ Heinrich, rying a swiveled clevis 9.’ The clevis 9 is Serial No. 106,286, filed May 3, 1926, but held by means of a conventional nut~and-bolt. 60 which introduces an improved means for combination 11 and carries a coupling pin 13 holding the nut closed, said means to be inde- I for purposes of fastening it to cable ends and‘ pendent of the driving force; a slack puller the like. The brace ‘member 7 is formed to of the class described employing a minimum engage , completely the" one hundred and ' number of parts; and one which can conse eighty degrees of an arc of the section 3, ‘for quently be built more ruggedly and is simpler purposes‘ of positively preventing inward in operation. Other objects will be in part collapse of the members under end strains. obvious and in part pointed out hereinafter. ,Longitudinally located with respect to The invention accordingly comprises the the c'hannel‘lisi provided a take-‘up or draw 20 elements and combination of elements, fea ‘ 15» having an acme or likev type of 70 tures of construction, and arrangements of thread rcut thereon. Any suitable type of‘ parts which will be exempli?ed in the struc thread of proper strength may be used. I The ture hereinafter described, and the scope of screw 15 passes through'the casting 5 and‘v the application of which will be indicated in parts associated therewith (to be described)‘ Y the following claims. and emerges at the lower ‘end of the device. 75 In the accompanying drawings, in which It is provided at its outside orlower end with are illustrated two ofvarious possible em~ a preferably non-swiveling clevis 17, which bodiments of the invention, ‘ carries a coupling pin 19 for the purposeof Fig. 1 is a side elevation of the slack puller; fastening to "another end of the cable to be 30 ‘ Fig. 2 is a front elevation-thereof; stretched. The other end of the screw 15 _ Fig. 3 is a left end View of Fig. 2;v has a cross-head 16 pinned. thereto which Fig. 4: is a section taken on'line d-Jl of slidably engages the vgrooves of the sides of Fig. 2 and shows a worm ‘wheel drive; the channeled frame 1.‘ ‘The screw 15~can Fig. 5 is an enlarged lateral section taken not rotate but it may move longitudinally. 35 on line 5—5 of Fig. 1 and shows a split nut The casting 5 carries a- reducing gearyandv in closed position; ' ‘ ‘ a 'split‘nut driven thereby, adapted to engage Fig. 6 is a right end ‘view of Fig. 5; and» disengage the said screw 15. V ‘ Fig. 7 is a View similar to Fig. 5 and Referring now more particularly to Figs. shows the split nut in a partially open po— 2, 3 and 4:, there is shown a’sidewardly ex 40 sition; I tending portion 21 of the casting 5, formed 90 Fig. 8 is a right end View of Fig. 7; integrally therewith. The portion 21 is cored Fig. 9 is a cross section taken on line 95-9 out to receive a worm gear 23 and a thrust of Fig. 7 but shows, a slightly greater open ‘bearing 25 therefor. The bearing is'screwed ing of a split nut; ' home and acts as a cap.- 'It is held in a pre-. Fig. 10 is a fragmentaryview similar to determined position by means of a locking Fig. 7 but shows a modi?ed form with the screw 27 , (see Fig. 4). 'The bearing 25 also split nut in open position; and ‘ has a supporting portion or socket 29 for Fig. 11 is a right end view of Fig. 10.. rotatably supporting a'shaft ‘31, to which the Referring now more particularly to Fig. 1, worm v23is keyed. This shaft 31 passes out- 50 there is illustrated at numeral 1 a'channel wardly' from the portion ‘.21 and is there 100 i 2 1,765,397

provided with a ratchet wheel 33 fastened 69 is adapted to cooperate with another coni tightly thereto. Rotatably borne on a stub cal surface 75 forming part of a recess 77. end 35 of the shaft 31, and on the end of the This cooperation takes place when'the split portion 21, is a ratchet housing 37 ofa crank nut is drawn to the right 7). The arm 39. The crank arm39 is provided with recess 77 is cut into a split nut housing H. 70 a conventional hand grip 41 (Figs. 1 and 2). The conical surfaces 73 and 75 are in e?ect Within the housing 37 is pivoted a pawl43. camming surfaces. The pawl 43 is provided with two opposite The split nut is provided rearwardly with 1y ratcheting lugs either one of which may another shoulder 79, the outside peripheral 10 engage the teeth of the ratchet 33. A spring surface of which is adapted to slidably co~ 75 45 reacts from a pivot shaft 44 in the lions operate with a second wall 81 in the housing ing 37 opposite to the pivot of the pawl, H. A conical surface 83 of said shoulder 79 against said pawl at a point near and‘ above is adapted (when the split nut is expanded) ' the pivot thereof. This point near and above to cooperate with a conical surface 85 cut in 15 the pivot is provided with a lug 47 adapted wardly in said'housing H. _ to pinch and hold-the spring 45 in position Extending from the shoulder 79 is a thumb ' on the pawl. The spring is of the ?at leaf nut, 87. 1' This thumb nut 87 slidably ?ts a type. It is evident that if the spring 45 be radial slot 89in a cam plate 91 when the split initially in a state ofv strain, the pawl 43 will nut N is positioned to the right as shown in 20 tend to'be over~centered either. one way or Fig. 7. 1V hen said'nut is positioned farther theother, depending upon the initial lateral to the right than shown inFig. 7 the stem 93 curvature manually given to the spring 45. of said thumb nut 87 is adapted to cooperate This initial curvature is given to the spring with a circular slot 95 forming any extension by setting a handle 46 on the shaft 44 over of said wider slot 89. The cam plate 91_is center one way or another. The movement screwed down to the casting 5 and is pro 90' of this handle 46 is resisted in part by fric vided with a- passage 97 which permits free tionally engaging with lugs 48. By the above slidable movement of the non-rotatable screw described, means the worm gear 23 may be 15. Positioning of the nut 87 with respect rotated in either direction, that is, it may be to the slots 89, 95,- may normally be regulated 3 O ratcheted in either direction by setting the manually by a finger pressure at said nut, 95 handle 46. A nut 49 prevents the crank 39 that is7 whensaid nut can be reached. from ' being inadvertently removed end As illustrated in Fig; 9 the split nut hous

wardly. ' ‘ . . ing H is made'up of a suitable plurality of The gear 23 meshes with a worm wheel 51 segments 99 which are held to the casting 5 i 3 which has a bronze‘bushing 53 ?tted there by setscrews 101. .By' thus constructing the 100 to adapted to permit rotation of the worm housing H in segments, the assembly of the wheel with respect to, and around the screw device is facilitated. It is to be understood‘ ' member 15 (Figs. 5 to 8). The worm wheel that it is not absolutely necessary'that the. 51‘ is ‘adapted to normally react against an segmental pieces 99 be’ fashioned as a com‘

40 endthrust bearing 55 supported in the cast plete circle. They may be separatedsubstan 105 a ing '5; It has ‘screwed thereto apair of op t-ial distances.‘ The axes of the pins positely'disposed split nut keys 57 ,‘ each one 63 are positioned atrightangles tothe part— of which. cooperates with akey way 59' cut ing surface of the split nut N. 7 ~ . ' endwise into respective halves 61 of a‘ split . The'operation of the slack puller is as ‘fol 45 nut N. , ‘ r , lows, assuming the‘split nut to be closed on 110 The split nutN comprises thejsaid halves the screw 15:‘ 11 ' ‘ ‘ ' " '61, which are internally threaded to ?t the The crank 39 is turned until the split nut N ., screw 15, that is,'when_said halves are drawn is rotated to such a position that the thumb together as shown in Fig. 5. r In this ‘position; nut 87 is opposite the slot 89. The screw v15 50 the ‘two halves of the split nut fit together is then pushed inwardly with respect to the 115 circularly. Slidable dowel pins 63 supported frame 1 (to the right, Fig. 5), whereby the in recesses 65 in the {two halves of the split undercut conical surface 73 ofthe split nut '- g nut N serve to hold said halves in alignment N is caused to cooperate with the conical sur in respect to their relative positions along the ' face 7 5 of the-split nut housing H. This re— 55. length of'the-‘screw 15. The purposeiof this sults in relative movement of the nut N with 120 will appear hereinafter.v ' '~ ._ - . respect to the keys v57‘and with respect to the The split nut N, as villustrated in Figs. 5 housing H and also results in opening of the and 7, issplit along a'horizontal plane and split nut N. The conical surfaces 83 and 85 comprises a body portion 67 having an under are aligned when the conicalisurfaces 73 and cut‘sloping shoulder 69 the outer peripheral 75 cooperate. The split'nut shoulder 69 co 125 i and cylindrical’s‘urface ‘ofw'hich (when the operates with the recess 77. In effect, .the' split nut is closed, Fig. 5)v slida'bly cooperates split nut N is‘ wedged apart and opened by. an with a corresponding cylindrical wall 71 extension 78 on the split nut housing H; '> formedthrough a split 'nut housing H. An The aboveoperation puts the device into its undercut conical-surface 3 of the shoulders Fig. 9 position in. which the threads on the 130 ‘ 1,765,139’?

draw screw 15 and the'thre'ad's oftl'i'e- split frame 1, the split nut N will be automatically nut N are just separated. If it is desired to opened as hereinbefore described. positively hold the threads in separated posi In so far as the device is not to be used tion the thumb nut 87 maybe pushed out; as a compression member, no bearing is re a War‘dly along the radial‘ slot 89 and then quired on the right side of the worm wheel pushed to the side with the stem 93 in the ‘cir 51. The inherent curvature of the teeth of cular slot 95 (see dotted lines in Fig. 8). By said wheel prevents spontaneous separation this means the threads of the nut and screw thereof from the worm 23. It is to be under are separated a somewhat greater distance stood that proper clearances ‘are left between than shown in Figs. 7_ and .9 and they are the various conical surfaces, to provide for 10 positively held apart. The threaded member proper movements of the pieces, despite the 15 may now be moved to any longitudinal fact'that two conical surfaces will not en position with respect to the frame 1,- whereby gage longitudinally as a closed ‘sliding pair. the slack puller may have its reach adjusted. These ' surfaces ' engage as kinematic open The device is put into Operation by properly pairs. fastening cable lengths at the clevise's 9 and If after pulling up slack with this device, 17. The draw screw 15 is then pushed into it is desired to again let it out, this may the frame 1 manually for such a distance as easily be done merely by reversing the will take up most or all loose ‘slack. After ratchet and reversing the movement of the

20 this the thumb nut 87 is rotated into the slot crank 39. g . ' ' 89 and pushed toward the center of the cam In Figs. 10 and 11 vis shown a modified plate 91. This means that the split nut N is form 'of‘thumb nut arrangement wherein the cammed shut toward the left (Fig.7) by the necessity is eliminated for aligning said nut recess 77 in the nut housing H. By slightly with a slot before the split nut N ‘can be moved playing the draw screw. 15 a, point will be to the right. . I reached at which the split nut threads engage In this construction the plate 91 is re the draw screw threads. Under conditions of placed by an open ring 103 which is provided full engagements between these threads the with a counter bored lip 105 adapted to r04 thumb screw 87 is positioned entirely below t‘atably support a free running disc 107. the surface of the cam plate 91 and the shoul~ The disc is held in place ‘on the lip by slid ders 69 and 79 are rotatably held within their able engaging ?ngers 109. It is provided respective walls 71v and 81. The two halves with a radially cut slot 111 and a suitable of the split nut N move together longitudi opening 113 permitting free passage of, the

nally because of the aligning action of the screw 15. V - ' r i ' ‘ C3 Or dowel pins 63 in their recesses 65. ‘Screwed into the split nut NY is a stem “150 The crank 39 may now be rotated whereby 115 having a head 117 which f is reacted the worm gear 23 operates the worm wheel 51 ' against and has joined thereto a spring 119. to drive the keys 57. The keys 57 drive the This ‘spring 119 tends normally to push a split nut N, and since said split nut is coop recessed ‘thumb lug 121 to the left on said stem 40 crating with the draw screw 15, said draw 1115. The lug 121 is provided with a spur 1'23 ' ' screw is caused to feed inwardly with respect adapted to‘, hook over the lip 105 ‘when the to the frame 1. This draws up the slack in thumb'piece 121 is pulled to the right and the cable and the reaction of the nut N is twisted to its F igs. 1'0 and 11 positions. In taken by the worm wheel 51 which in turn this position the split nutvis open, and if it transmits the reaction to the thrust bear is, rotated the spur 123 rides ‘around on the 110 ing 55. ' lip‘ r05. 5 ' . One of the advantages of the present in In order to close the split nut N, the thumb vention is that the direct thrust from the piece is drawn so that ‘the spur 121 is lifted crank 39 is not used for holding the split nut from the lip 105. The piece 121 is then in a closed position. This nut is held in said turned until the ‘spur ‘may drop into the closed position because of the positioning of portion 125 of said slot (see Fig. 11).“ This the shoulders 69 and 79 in the walls 71 and permits the head 117 to be pushed to the left 81 respectively, yet the nut can rotate freely. whereby ‘thewnut N is closed (the piece 121 The walls 71 and 81 provide a large bearing sliding into the slot 111 butnot passing en surface around the split nut, as it rotates. tirely through). The nut N may now-be 120 rotated to operate ' the screw 15v and the After the proper tension has been put into thumb piece ~121‘w-ith the head 117 ‘is always a cable and it has been fastened, the slack protruding from the plate 107, ready for puller may again be opened by moving the manipulation. The spring 119 is joined to crank 39 until the thumb screw 87 is aligned head 117'a1'1d thepi'ece 121. As this piece 125 with said slot 89. This may be done after 121 moves around the screw 15,'the plate having reversed the ratchet and having 107 is rotated freely. The advantage of the slackcd off somewhat to remove the slack modi?ed form is that the thumb piece 121V puller from the cable. Then by pushing the and-head 117, for ,I‘n‘anipulati'ng. the split nut . 65. draw screw inwardly " with respect to the ‘N, ‘are always available- to be operated with 130 l,765,397

out ?rst turning the handle 39. Proper nut when it is moved longitudinally, means changes in dimensions are made‘ to accom for positively holding the nut in its open or modate the action of the modi?ed parts. closed position and means for driving the In‘ view. of the above, it will be seen that nut to rotate when it is closed. - i the several objects of the invention are 5. A slack puller comprising a frame, a achieved and other advantageous results at housing oined thereto, a screw passing longi 70 tained. ' > ' tudinally and slidahly through the housing, As manychanges could be made in carry~ means for preventing rotation of the screw, a ing out theahove constructions without de split nut mounted ‘within the housing adapted parting from the scope of the invention, it when in closed position to ‘cooperate with the 76 is intended that all matter contained in the screw and with walls in the housing to be held . above description or shown in'the accom shut, means for drawing said nut open when panying drawings shall be interpreted as moved longitudinally in one, direction with illustrative and not in a limiting sense. respect to the housing,means for closing said I claim: > nut to cooperate with the screw when moved 80 1. A slack puller comprising a frame, a in the opposite direction, means for positively housing‘joined thereto, a screw passing lon holding the nut shut after having been moved gitudinally and slidably through the housing, in said last-named vdirection, means for ro means for preventing rotation of the screw, a tating said nut when in its closed position and '20 split nut mounted I ithin the hous ‘ adapted driving keysassociated with said means for when in‘ closed position to cooperate with the rotating the nut adapted to slidahly cooperate screw, and with walls in the housing to he held with recesses in said nut. » shut,‘ means associated with said housing In testimony whereof, I have signed my adapted to open the nut upon longitudinal name to this speci?cation this 9th day of Sep 25 movement thereof, and means for rotating tember, 1926. ' i ‘ ‘ said nut. rrinononn BI-RKENMAIER. A ‘ 2. A slack puller comprising a frame, a housing ]O1116Cl thereto, a screw passing lon gitudinally and slidably through the housing, . 30 means for preventingv rotation of the screw, 95 a split nut mounted within the housing adapt ed when in closed position to cooperate with the screw and with walls in the housing to he held shut, means for drawing said nut open 35 when moved longitudinally in ‘one direction 100 with respect to the housing, means for closing said nut, to cooperate'with' the screw when moved in the opposite direction, means for positively holding- the nut shut after having 40 been moved in said last-named direction and means for rotating said nut when in its closed position. 8. A slack puller comprising a frame, a housing joined thereto, a screw passing longi 45 tudinally and slidablythrough the housing, no means for preventing rotation of the screw, a split nut mounted within the housing adapted when in closed position to cooperate with the screw and with walls in the housing to he held

50 shut, 'camming surfaces associated with the 115 . housing adapted to cooperate with-camming surfaces on the nut to open andclose the nut when it is moved longitudinally, and means for positively holding the nut in its open or 55 closed position. 126 4. A slack puller comprising a frame, a housing oined thereto, a screw passing longi tudinally and slidaloly through the housing, . means for preventing, rotation of the screw, 60 a split nut mounted within the housing adapt ed when in closed position to cooperate with the screw and with walls in t 1e housing to be 7 held shut, camming'surfaces associated with 7 the housing adapted to cooperate with vcam~ ming surfaces on the nut to open and close the '7