June 24, 1930. ’ ~ ‘T
, June 24, 1930. ’ ~ ‘T. BIRKENMAI'ER 1,765,397 SLACK FULLER Filed Sept. 13, 1926 2 sheé'?s'i-sheet l . ...................- June 24, 1930.v ‘v T.'BIRKENMA|ER 1,765,397 SLACK FULLER ‘Filed Sept. 13, .1926 - 2‘ Sheets-Sheet 2 E: l Away-:22: v V!!!I (4745*? J6 %W "$21! \ ' Patented June 24, 1930 1,765,397 A srfrss sorrel; ‘ THEODORE BIRKENMAIER, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, ASSIGNOR TO W. N. MATTHEWS CORPORATION, OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, A CORPORATION OF 'MISSOURI, " SLACK FULLER Application ?led September 13, 1926. Serial No. 135,112. This invention relates to slackpullers, and iron or like frame bent to an are ‘of one hun with regard to certain more speci?c features dred and eighty degrees at a section 3 there to a slack puller for wire, ‘cable and‘ similar of. The section 3is located substantially strands. ' midway between the two ends of the channel Among the several objects of the‘ inven-. 1. The two ends of said channel 1 are bolted ‘ tion may be noted the provision of‘an 1m?’ to a housing casting 5. ,The mid-section 3' proved slack puller which employs certain of the channel 1 has a boss or brace mem- ' split nut features of the class- used‘ in a co her 7 riveted thereto for the purpose of car pen'ding application of Walter A.‘ Heinrich, rying a swiveled clevis 9.’ The clevis 9 is Serial No. 106,286, filed May 3, 1926, but held by means of a conventional nut~and-bolt. 60 which introduces an improved means for combination 11 and carries a coupling pin 13 holding the nut closed, said means to be inde- I for purposes of fastening it to cable ends and‘ pendent of the driving force; a slack puller the like.
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