Advance Directive
ANNALS OF HEALTH LAW ADVANCE DIRECTIVE VOLUME 18 SPRING 2009 PAGES 94-102 Health Care in a Time of Financial Crisis: Is the Economic Downturn a Sufficient Excuse to Delay Health Reform Once Again? Kristin Savov* In his address to Congress on February 24, 2009, President Obama expressed his commitment to achieving healthcare reform within the next year as one of his top three priorities.1 In order to achieve this, President Obama’s budget proposal sets aside $633.8 billion over the next ten years for a Health Reform Reserve Fund;2 however, the recent economic downturn could inhibit this ambitious proposal, as many argue that, in light of America’s economic situation, healthcare reform can wait.3 Yet, health care and the economy are intertwined. In 2009, health care is expected to reach 17.6% ($2.5 trillion) of the U.S. gross __________________________________________________________________ * Juris Doctor Candidate, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2010. Mrs. Savov is a staff member of Annals of Health Law. 1 President Barack Obama, Address to Joint Session of Congress (Feb. 24, 2009) (transcript available at address-to-joint-session-of-congress). 2 SENATE BUDGET COMM., BRIEF ANALYSIS OF PRESIDENT OBAMA’S FY 2010 BUDGET BLUEPRINT 10 (Feb. 27, 2009), available at Obama%20FY%202010%20Budget%20Brief%20Analysis_022709.pdf. 3 See 49% Say Obama Should Delay Health Care Reform Until Economy is Better, RASMUSSEN REPORTS, Mar. 2, 2009,; see also Conservatives for Patients’ Rights, (last visited Mar.
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