Congressional Record—Senate S8006

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Congressional Record—Senate S8006 S8006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 18, 2010 1987. Throughout her career, Julie played a It is my belief that Congress needs to does not want to be like Massachusetts role in the passage of major pieces of legisla- be held responsible for its actions, for because Oregon is different from Mas- tion including: The Federal Highway Reau- the policies it advocates, and the legis- sachusetts. Oregon’s insurance market thorization Bills of 1992, 1998 and 2005; the is different. Its provider network is dif- 1987 Farm Credit Act; the 1991 Clean Air Act lation that ultimately passes through Amendments; the 1992 Family Medical Leave these Halls to become law. When Con- ferent. Its beneficiaries and population Act; and the 2002 Help America Vote Act. In gress passes legislation that is harm- are different than in Massachusetts. 2005, after retiring from the U.S. Senate, ful—in this case the Federal health Oregon might want to implement re- Julie joined Ogilvy Government Relations as care reform legislation, which I did not forms or create a coverage mechanism a Senior Vice President, where she continued support—or there is an unintended con- that I do not like or that I would not her work on various transportation and ap- sequence—which I think is the case want to work in the State of Massachu- propriations issues. Throughout her life, when it deals with Massachusetts and setts, but that is OK. That is what this Julie was an accomplished athlete, including bill is about. It allows the individual playing on the University of Minnesota bas- the innovations we have had for years, where we have 98 percent of our people States to have the right to do what ketball team. Her lifelong love of sports con- they believe is imperative and impor- tinued into her adult life as an avid golfer already insured—Members need to be and a formidable soccer player. She was a bold enough to stand up and fix it re- tant for their particular State, which long-time fan of all Minnesota sports, espe- gardless of party affiliation and regard- is why the legislation we have intro- cially the Vikings and the Minnesota Twins, less of whether it is popular. duced—the Empowering States to Inno- having attended multiple games during the I commend the Senator who is about vate Act—is so important. 1987 World Series. Julie’s focus on family and Right now, as provided under section to speak after me for his leadership on work was only equaled by the intensity with 1332—the Waivers for State Innova- this matter. Senator WYDEN has been which she followed her Minnesota teams, re- tion—of the Patient Protection and Af- working very diligently on addressing membering every play from every game. The fordable Care Act, States can waive out the concerns for his State. Today I get passion with which Julie lived her life will be of provisions of the Federal reform law. sadly missed by all who knew and loved her. a chance to do the same. Today we get That is the good news. We are allowing The family will receive guests on Friday, No- an opportunity to make a correction to States to participate in the process and vember 19, 2010 from 10 a.m. until the time of the Federal health care reform bill to allowing them not to have duplicate service at 10:30 a.m. at the Immanuel Lu- be sure we are doing the right thing, theran Church, 1801 Russell Road, Alexan- processes or maybe potentially have dria, VA with a private interment to follow. not just for Massachusetts but for lesser care and coverage if the Federal The family requests that in lieu of flowers, other States that seek to waive out of health care bill is implemented. So it gifts will be received for the ‘‘Julie certain requirements of the Federal allows us to continue to provide the Dammann Family Education Trust’’. Dona- health care reform law. care and services we want to provide to tions may be sent to: Redmon, Peyton & In many ways, Massachusetts has our citizens in Massachusetts. The bad Braswell, L.L.P., 510 King Street, Suite 301, been on the forefront of implementing news is, this waiver authority is not Alexandria, VA 22314. health care reform: expanding access— Mr. BOND. Madam President, I yield scheduled to take effect until 2017. So as I mentioned, 98 percent of our people what are we doing until then—a full 3 the floor and suggest the absence of a are already insured—designing systems quorum. years after the PPACA is scheduled to to increase market participation—from be fully implemented? The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the Cadillac plan, all the way to the pore. The clerk will call the roll. For me and my dear friend from Or- fully subsidized Commonwealth Care egon it does not make any sense. When The legislative clerk proceeded to Program—and increasing transparency call the roll. I see something that does not make for consumers and providers. We con- Mr. BROWN of Massachusetts. any sense in Washington, I do my best, tinue to learn, however, lessons every Madam President, I ask unanimous regardless of party affiliation, to fix it. consent that the order for the quorum day in Massachusetts about what The first thing our bill does is to call be rescinded. works and what does not work, and we allow States to waive out of specific The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- are continuing to work on those very parts of the PPACA in 2014 rather than pore. Without objection, it is so or- issues to make sure we can do it better. 2017. This makes sense not only from dered. This is an important point because it an operational standpoint, because the speaks directly to the purpose of this f PPACA takes effect in 2014, but also piece of legislation that I have intro- from an economic and fiscal stand- EMPOWERING STATES TO duced in a bipartisan manner with Sen- point. Why should Massachusetts be INNOVATE ACT ator WYDEN from Oregon. delayed in obtaining a waiver from the Mr. BROWN of Massachusetts. As you know, the health care reform Federal reform bill when it may al- Madam President, I rise today and join efforts of Massachusetts are our own. ready have met or exceeded, in many my colleague, Senator WYDEN, to speak We were one of the first States in the cases, the provisions of the act? So about legislation we have introduced country to take this upon ourselves to holding Massachusetts back by lim- that will protect not only his State but address the very serious problem we iting my State’s ability to continue to my State of Massachusetts and other had in providing funds to hospitals innovate and remain flexible and re- States by allowing them to waive out that were providing care for people who sponsive to the health care market of specific requirements of the Patient were making a good wage but who were costs money, and it costs the taxpayers Protection and Affordable Care Act. not paying the bills. As a result, the money at a point right now where we As my colleagues know, my single citizens had to subsidize the hospitals don’t have a whole heck of a lot of priority is and always has been to en- to the tune of over $1 billion. So we be- money to go around. sure that what we do in Washington lieved it was imperative for us to get The second piece our bill does is to does not harm my State of Massachu- something done. provide States with certainty with the setts or the rest of the country, and As difficult as it is to admit this, not waiver process. Not every State will be that we are responsible stewards with every State wants to be like Massachu- eligible. Let me repeat that: Not every every tax dollar that flows from the setts. I understand that. They may not State will be eligible for a waiver and States into the Federal Government. want to be like Oregon either. Massa- not every waiver will be granted. But This has been true when it comes to chusetts is a great State, with, I be- our bill provides some certainty for voting against raising taxes on families lieve, the best hospitals, physicians, States that apply for a waiver by re- and businesses. It has been true when it doctors, nurses, treatment facilities, quiring the Secretary of Health and comes to fighting for commonsense, research facilities in the country and Human Services to begin reviewing ap- progrowth policies that will create jobs around the world. There is a reason plications within 6 months of the en- in Massachusetts. It has been true in why people come to Massachusetts for actment of this bill. I hope this bill is my efforts to be sure that the Federal the care and coverage they need so enacted quickly. The earlier a State health care reform bill does not dimin- badly. knows whether it has received a waiv- ish or harm the health care innova- But I recognize that my colleague er, the earlier it can begin imple- tions that have occurred in Massachu- from Oregon is interested in protecting menting its specific plans and pro- setts. reform efforts in Oregon as well. He posals. It makes fiscal sense. VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:27 Apr 30, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\S18NO0.REC S18NO0 bjneal on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8007 Taken together, these two changes While the Commonwealth is still years The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- are not only good for Massachusetts away from decisions that will be made in pore.
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