R newsletter InternatiIASPonal association for the study of pain New Global Year Initiative Targets Pain in Women

On October 15, 2007, IASP officially as highlighting some of the key differences Campaign launched its new Global Year Against Pain between men and women regarding Resources in Women initiative for 2007-2008. This symptom presentation and access to Along with the new campaign, titled “Real Women, Real treatment. These activities will also serve special issue Pain,” is designed to draw attention to to encourage female-specific research and of PAIN, IASP the significant, global impact of women's development of effective treatment options is offering a chronic pain, as well as the need for greater for women. number of resources to awareness and more effective care. Media coverage help ensure the success of the Global Chronic pain affects a higher proportion Year Against Pain in Women, including: In addition, IASP has already initiated a of women than men around the world. • A series of 18 fact sheets on female- media campaign to educate the public, Unfortunately, however, women are also specific pain issues — offered in English, health care providers, and government less likely to receive treatment compared Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and leaders and agencies about the under- to men. This disparity can be Spanish (Gujarati and Hindi coming soon) diagnosis and insufficient treatment traced to a number of factors, • Various issues of our Pain: Clinical of women’s chronic pain conditions. including societal and cultural Updates publication addressing women’s IASP encourages you to join us in norms, as well as economic pain topics drawing attention to — and even and governmental barriers. • Periodic email updates on Global Year contribute to — this vital issue by events, media coverage, and other Through our “Real Women, Real contacting your local IASP chapter information for those who sign up via the Pain” campaign, IASP hopes for more information on activities IASP website to give a voice to these women, in your area. • An overview presentation (PowerPoint) taking an important first step Special issue of PAIN explaining the campaign and its objectives toward reducing pain and suffering for

In support of the “Real Women, Real Pain” ɧɢɣɠɟɧɳɢɧ ɚɞɚ ɩɪɨɬɢɜɫɬɪ ɨɞɛɨɪɶɛɵ ɚɹɛɨɥɶ Fact sheets ɣɝ ɶɧ women around the world. ȼɫɟɦɢɪɧɵ ɪɟɚɥ Ɋɟɚɥɶɧɵɟɠɟɧɳɢɧɵ

 ɋɎ  ɪɨɦɢɚɥɝɢɢ ɨɦɮɢɛ ɱɟɫɤɨɣ ɋɢɧɞɪ ɣɫɹɯɪɨɧɢ campaign, IASP just released a special ɪɢɡɭɸɳɢ ɦɚɦɢ ɚɪɚɤɬɟ ɦɩɬɨ ɧɞɪɨɦɯ ɸɳɢɦɢɫɢ ɱɟɫɤɢɣɫɢ ɫɨɩɭɬɫɬɜɭ and other ⏷䚒ⰖⰂ㔦䡋䡪㄃ ɨɝɢ ɦɢ ɪɟɜɦɚɬɨɥ ɫɤɨɥɶɤɢ ɚɧɟɧɧɵɣ ɚɬɚɤɠɟɧɟ ɢɟ ɪɚɫɩɪɨɫɬɪ ɶɧɨɫɬɶɸ  ɩɪɟɞɟɥɟɧ ɢɢ²ɷɬɨ ɜɢɬɟɥ ɥɶɧɨɫɬɶɸ Ɉ ɛɪɨɦɢɚɥɝ ɛɨɥɶɸɢɱɭɜɫɬ ɣɧɟɫɬɚɛɢ ɧɞɪɨɦɮɢ ɲɟɱɧɨɣ ɢɨɧɚɥɶɧɨ ɋɢ ɟɥɟɬɧɨɦɵ ɫɧɚɢɷɦɨɰ 䦮Ⰲⅉ᧨䦮䡋䡪ɮɭɡɧɨɣɫɤ ɣɫɬɜɚɦɢ ɞɢɮ ɫɪɚɫɫɬɪɨ ɤɨɧɚɪɹɞɭ 6 ɧɟɪɟɞ ɯɝɪɭɩɩɚɯ ɜɨɡɪɚɫɬɟ  )0 ␅デ ɢ ɭɥɶɬɭɪɧɵ ɡɪɨɫɥɨɦ Local programs and events ⚗䡖 ɨɧɨɦɢɤɚ ᧨␅₼⺳ ɹɁɟɦɥ ɱɟɫɤɢɯɢɤ ɧɚɤɨɜɨɜ 冋 ɝɢɹɢɷɤ 䡖䕅 ɫɟɥɟɧɢ ɧɢ ɫɬɟɨɞ 冃匛䡪 ɢɨɥɨ ɚɟɬɧɚ ɜɥɸɛɵɯɷɬ ɨɦɜɨɡɪɚ ɧ 儳 ɗɩɢɞɟɦ ɨɯɜɚ㦘⮩䱜ɬɵɜ ɜɨɡɪɚɫɬɟ ɜɨɜɞɟɬɫɤ ɞɢɦɭɠɱɢ ɬɫɢɧɞɪɨㄅ⇃椞ɦ ɜɥɸɛɨɦ ɨɞɢɧɚɤɨ ɱɟɦɫɪɟ ɩɨɫɬɚɜɢɦɨɫ edition of our journal, PAIN, focusing on  ɗɬɨ 屵䡪᧨ ɡɜɢɬɶɫɹ ɤɬɢɱɟɫɤɢ ɢɠɟɧɳɢɧ ɵɦɢɫɨ 䡋䡪✛ ɦɨɠɟɬɪɚ ɨɦɚɩɪɚ ɧɫɪɟɞ ɟɫɬɜɟɧɧ resources are ɪɨɦ ɫɢɧɞɪ ɚɧɟ ɫɭɳ 匘洷测 ɋɢɧɞ ɞɟɥɟɧɢɟ ɟɪɚɫɩɪɨɫɬɪ ɢɹɜɥɹɟɬɫɹ ɢɥɢ 㟲㊶匛 ɨɟɪɚɫɩɪɟ ɪɚɡɛɨɥɟ ɢɟɮɭɧɤɰɢ ɛɨɱɢɟɱɚɫɵ  ɉɨɥɨɜ ɜɫɟɦɶ ɥɨɝɢɱɟɫɤ ɬɶɫɜɨɢɪɚ ㏱㊶ᇬㆴ ɟɬ ɨɧɩɨɱɬɢ ɢɢɮɢɡɢɨ ɫɨɤɪɚɳɚ 䍈㢾 ɥ ɜɨɠɢɡɧ ɭɠɞɟɧɵ ᧨␅䔈 Ɏɧɚɤɚɱɟɫɬ ɬɚ ɊȺ ɯɦɟɫɬɜɵɧ ɚɧɢɢ 冋⚗䡖 ɢɹɧɢɟɋ ɝɨɚɪɬɪɢ ɢɯɪɚɛɨɱɢ ɧɚɨɫɧɨɜ 歝䄎㊶  ȼɥ ɜɦɚɬɨɢɞɧɨ ɧɢɹɫɜɨ ɚɥɢɞɧɨɫɬɢ ᧶ デ屐䤓 ɹɧɢɟɦɪɟ ɥɹɫɨɯɪɚɧɟ ɥɢɣ ɟɩɨɢɧɜ ⸩⃘ ɜɥɢ ɯɋɎɞ ɶɲɢɯɭɫɢ ɸɬɩɨɫɨɛɢ 㢾₏䱜 ɛɨɥɶɧɵ ɨɬɧɢɯɦɟɧ ɯɩɨɥɭɱɚ 冋⚗䡖  Ȼɨɥɟɟ ɟɛɭɸɳɢɟ ɛɨɥɶɧɵ 儳冃匛䡪 ⯀庒ᇭ ɞɚɧɢɹɬɪ ɦɟɪɧɨ ✛㍔兹 ɛɪɚɬɶɡɚ ɋɒȺɩɪɢ 䦯ₜ⸐ ɟɜɪɟɦɹɜ ɫɬɨɹɳɟ ɬɨɦɨɜ ɧɧɵɯ 屐䤓㢾䧰  ȼɧɚ ₒ⊜ɧɢɯɫɢɦɩ ɨɷɧɞɨɤɪɢ ɬɢɱɟɫɤɢ 䟆㊶浧ɢɯɫɹɭ ɪɹɞɧɟɣɪ ɢɹɧɚɝɟɧɟ available ɦɟɸɳ 囦䤓 ɵɣ ɫɬɜ current health and pain issues for women. 㿝ⷵ᧶ 䡔䘖㹣ɢ ɢɹɟɬɰɟɥ ɜɨɡɞɟɣ ɵ Throughout the year, IASP members ɬɟ 兞 ㊶䤓♠ 㢾㈗㣍 ɟɜɥ ɥɶɬɚ ɟɞ ⷵ✛ 咻ⅉ刳 䤓㈀❜ ɧɰɚɇɚɧɟ ɫɹɜɪɟɡɭ ɸɳɟɣɫɪ 㿐嫛䡔 䤓₏ ⼐᧥㢅᧨Ⰲ ⇢┮厌 ɝɢɹ ɟɧɚɞɨɤɨ ɩɨɹɜɥɹɟɬ ɪɨɜRɤɪɭɠɚ ɜɤɥɸɱɚɹ ㈀❜ ▥₼  ɮɢɡɢɨɥɨ ɧɟɜɵɹɜɥ ɟɧɢɣɋɎ ɜɵɯɮɚɤɬɨ ɱɧɢɤ ɢ 㡞✛㠖 ᧤ 摞✛愺ɉɚɬɨ ぴ⇫ ɹɋɎɟɳɟ ɯ ɧɚɪɭɲ ɯɫɬɪɟɫɫɨ ɮɢɡɧɚɞɩɨɱɟ ɪɟɝɭɥɹɰɢ  㷳冋⚗䡖 㹄ᇬ㺠 ⦷㒟㄃ ⅉ䞮㿊德 ⅴ≬㖐ɢɡɢɨɥɨɝɢ ɨɫɟɧɫɨɪɧɵ ɧɟɫɤɨɥɶɤɢ ɚɦɭɫɝɢɩɨ ɩɚɬɨɥɨɝɢɹ ䷘᧨⇕ ⺈₏₹ ɉɚɬɨɮ ɯ ɢ ɧɟɣɪ ɟɤɚ ɵɝɢɩɨɬɚɥ ɪɬɢɡɨɥɚ 㦘㄃爓 ⑯⃝䦇 ┪╂┷ ɬɨɪɧɵ ɟɜɚɧɢɸɱɟɥɨɜ ɹɫɢɫɬɟɦ ɧɟɧɢɣɤɨ ♠䞮⦷㓏 冋⚗䡖 梃㒥戊⇢ ɧɟɣɪɨɦɟɞɢɚ*OREDOɝɨɤɡɚɛɨ<ɥ HDU$ɢɫɮJDɭɧɤɰɢLQVW3DɞɧɵɯLQLɢɡɦɟ Q:RPHQ ɟɫɬɜɚɊ  Ⓔ⒕を 冃匛䡪 ⇫㢅 ɥɨɠɟɧɧɨ ɭɲɟɧɢɹɞ ɢɟɰɢɪɤɚ ɨɜɧɢɜɟɳ ᧨␅㊶ 䦇㹣᧨儳 䩼䤓ぴ ɞɪɚɫɩɨ ɧɧɵɟɧɚɪ ɨ⋍ɬɫɭɬɫɬɜ ɲɟɧɧɵɟɭɪ ɦɨɡɝɟ ⦷⏎䵴㦮 5$  㘴♦㦃 ɩɪɟ ɨɷɧɞɨɤɪɢ ɪɬɢɡɨɥɚɢ ɋɩɨɜɵ ɨɥɨɜɧɨɦ  䌝 㸚椫忓┸  ɇɟɣɪ ɨɬɜɟɬɵɤ䞮ᇭɨ ␆㦘拦↯ ɧɢɧɚɜɐɇ ɧɚɜɝ ㊶␂唑 劔嬺扺 ɟɧɧɵɟ ɧɢɫɟɪɨɬɨ ɫɫɢɢɞɨɩɚɦɢ ⚗䡖㌲ ⦷㘴♦ ɡɚɬɨɪɦɨɠ ❜␅♠ ɵɟɭɪɨɜ ɟɬɪɚɧɫɦɢ ɰɟɩɰɢɢ  ₝伊歝䄎 匛䡪冋 䕅力㷲 侙ɪɨ℀♾㈀ɫɬɚ ɹɫɧɢɠɟɧɧ ɲɟɧɢ ɚɧɬɢɧɨɰɢ 䤓儳冃 ⥯␅䡖 ɝɨɪɦɨɧɨɜ ɪɭɲɟɧɢ ɧɟɪɜɨɜɭɯɭɞ ɠɟɧɢɟ  䤓㌲劔 ✛㎮屘䯭兞 ɬɨɪɧɵɟɧɚ ɪɚ䉏侯ɪɨɫɬɚ ɋɢɢɥɢɫɧɢ online at www.  ɚ ɬɨ ɣ  怔扖 㦘 ɣɪɨɦɟɞɢ ɫɬɢɢɮɚɤ䞮栎 ɛɨɥɢɜɐɇ ɜɵɯɩɭɬɟ ɚɪɚɤɬɟɪ 兞抡德 ɇɟ ɨɣɠɢɞɤɨ ♧▥᧷ ɮɢɤɚɰɢɹ ɧɵɯɛɨɥɟ ɧɢɢɋɎɏ To view the Table of Contents or access this 䥽ⓜ儵 ᇬ䯭 ɧɨɦɨɡɝɨɜ 搖㣋⮫ ɢɹɚɦɩɥɢ ɢɧɝɢɛɢɬɨɪ ɜɨɬɧɨɲɟ ɢɡɦɚɜ and chapters will be organizing various  ɢɯ ɰɢɹ ɮ  ⦷初⦌᧨ ␔⒕㽛 ɫɩɢɧ ⃞䤽德ɧɵɟɧɚɪɭɲɟɧ ɧɢɫɯɨɞɹɳ ɹɚɝɪɟɝɚ ɝɨɩɨɥɢɦɨɪ 䯭兞 ɪɨɫɟㄣ✛凉ɧɫɨ)ɪ LEURP\DOJLDɨ6\ɥɨɝɢQɢGURPH ) 06ɹ ɫɟ ɦɟɣɧɚ ɹɝɟɧɧɨ ɨɝɢɸɋɎ ᧨⮩䱜  ɇ德搖♜ɟɣ ɹɐɇɋɩɚɬ ↯抡棜⇝ɫɢɥɶɧɚ ɨɜɥɢɹɧɢ ɧɚɷɬɢɨɥ ⏷䂔㯩 ♠䞮ᇭ ㎮䤓䤽 ɛɢɥɢɡɚɰɢ ɨɠɟɧɧɨɫɬɶ ɨɤɚɡɚɬɟɥɶɫɬɜ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɚɯ ⷵ᧶ ⅜ₜ⸛ ⚗䡖䤓 ɫɟɧɫɢ ɟɞɪɚɫɩɨɥ ⮩ゃ厉 ɝɟɧɧɵɣȾ ɪɝɢɱɟɫɤɨɣ 䚕䞮䚕 䞮䚕ⷵ 匛䡪冋 'HILQLWLRQ ▔㕻ₜ㟞 ɱɟɫɤɚɹɩɪ浧ⅴ♙厠␔ ɨ²ɩɨɥɢ ɯɨɥɚɦɢɧɟ 䡔 䤓䡔䚕 ℀᧨  Ƚɟɧɟɬɢ ɨɪɟɟɜɫɟɝ ɨɣɢɤɚɬɟ  咃儳冃 )LE恾㈓侙URP\DOJLD6\QGURPHLVGHILQHGDVDFRɜɚ㻃㄂◖PPɧɢɹRQɫɤUKHXPDWROR᧥JL ɧɟFVɪ\QɝɢGɱɟɫɤURPHFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\FKURQLFGLIIXVH ɝɢɢɜ 冋⚗䡖 ♾厌⺋ 吉⒕㽛 ɭɧɚɫɥ栎⥯⷟ɟɞɨ ɣ拢㆑デɞɨɩɚɦɢ ⥯䤓 ɟɜɦɚɬɨɥɨ 儳冃匛䡪 ⬒Ⓣ䉏 ⇢卍ₙ PXVFXORVNHOHWDOSDLQDQG✛WHQ䯭兞䞮GHUQHVVZLWKɪDɝQɢXɱɟɫɤ㔠Ⓟ抩PEHɨURIDVVRFLDWHG䡖䡔V\PSWRPVDPRQJZKLFKVOHHSGLVWXUEDQFHɥɥDɟQɞGɠɚ ɪ ⚓䱜䘾 厠⨑ 3 ɪɨɬɨɧɢ嫛䡋䡪ɧɟ 䡪冋⚗ ɚɧɫɤɨɝɨɤɨ 㘴屵 ᧶ₚ₧ 䁁䓸德 ɫɟ 儳冃匛 ɦȺɦɟɪɢɤ ɤɚɤɦɢɧɢɦɭɦ ⚠䤓ⅉ DIIHFWLYHG᧨厙浢\VIXQFWLRQDUHSDUWLFXOD▥ᇬₚUO\IUHTXHQW Ʉɨɦɢɬɟɬɨ ɥɹɳɚɹɫɹ 㽛侙℀ 兞㟞㎮ ⮩㊐⦷ ɚɛɨɬɚɧɵ ɜɢɳɟ ɞ 䯭兞␔⒕ 厉㻃㄂棜⇝ ᧤₼㨱䯭 ɧᇭ⪉⥯ɨɫɬɢɤɢ ɋɎɪɚɡɪ ɫɬɢɢɬɭɥɨ iasp-pain.org/  刮唁 ⇝ ɟɪɢɢ⥯拦↯ɞɢɚɝ ɝɧɨɫɬɢɤɢ ɤɨɧɟɱɧɨ ɯ   (SLGHPL♜ㄣ棜RORJ\DQG(FɄRɪQɢɬR⃉⮩⪉PLFV ɬɟɪɢɢɞɢɚ ɚɹɜɫɟ ɪɢɱɧɵ 兞侊兮 㒥㔦䡪 ɹɳɢɟɤɪɢ ɜɚɬɵɜɚɸɳ  ɫɢɦɦɟɬ 庒唑㆑デ ᧶₼㨱䯭 ✛  7KLVV\QGURP㦏㦘♾厌HDIIHɇFWɚVɫɬɨRIWKHJHQHUDOSRSXODWLRQ ɦɧɟɡɟ ɨɯ ɦɭɦɢɡ programs and events to raise awareness special issue online via ScienceDirect, visit 侙℀ 兞㟍⮶ 㲰㆞ ɛɨɥɶɜɚɧɚ ɤɚɤɦɢɧɢ ₼㨱䯭 ᇭ拦↯ ɝɨɞɭ ɧɧɚɹ ɤɝ ɧɚ 䯭兞抡德 䡖☕⚁ ,WRFFXUVLQDOODJHVHWKQLFJURɫɩɪɨXSVDɫɬɪQGɚFXɧɟOWXUHV ɚɧɚɠɚɬɢɹ ɧɧɨɫɬɢ   ᧶䡋䡪䤓 䡪冋⚗  Ɋɚ ɤɠɟ ɰɢɢ ɫɢɥ ɛɨɥɟɡɧɟ ɵɣɜ 侙℀  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ɞɭɧɚɪ ɜɵɟɤɪɢ 幙 幙㠼䤓 ᧤䀘♙ 䡪䍈 ɹɰɢɢɧɟ ␔᧨ₜ ɞɥɨɠɟɧɆɟɠ ɚɛɨɬɚɧɵɧɨ 䡋䡪⚁ ♺⋩屵 ɫɬɢɦɭɥ 匛匘サ ɜɛɵɥɩɪɟ ɞɭɬɪɚɡɪ of pain conditions affecting women, as well www.iasp-pain.org/pain. 冋⚗䡖 ◉⩮᧨ ɩɪɢ 屵䩴䤓 ɤɪɢɬɟɪɢɟ ɪɨɹɬɧɨɛɭ 儳冃匛䡪 ⮶喒⦃ ⺈䱿䤓 侶ᇬ♾ ɵɯɜɵɲɟ ɝɨɞɵɜɟ ₹㦗䤓 ᧤⺈ 3DWKRSK\VLRORJ\ ɢɜɟɞɟɧɧ ɟɞɭɸɳɢɟ  咂⺠ ɚₜ⦷円ɧɚɥɢɡɩɪ \ ȼɩɨɫɥ  ⇢◉⩮ 7KHSDWKRSK\VLRORJ\RI)06LVɬɢQɱɟɫɤR䦇㹣᧨WFRɢPɣS OHWHO\FODULILHRGPPDQXXQPLW EHURIQHXURHQGRFULQHQHXURWUDQVPLWWHU DQG ₹欓⸩愺 䤓屵♠䍈Ʉɪɢ QDO3DLQ& ⦷ QHXURVHQVRU\ GLVWXUE⚗䡖DQFHVKDYH ,EQWHHHUQQDLPWLRSOLFDWHGLQLWVJHQHUDWLRQ7KHH[SRVXUHRIDJHQHWLFDOO\SUHGLVSRVHGLQGLYLGXDO  䡋䡪冋 ɛɨɥɢ WRDYDU匛䷚含LHW\RIHQYLURQPHQWDOVWUHVVRUVLVVXSSRVHGWROHDGWRWKHGHYHORSPHQWRI)06 屵䡪 䍈᧨₝ 㓾Ⓙ扫⮓䡋䡪 䍗屵䡪  1HXURₜ↩䔄HQGRFULQHGLVWXUEDQFHG\VIXQFWLR䵚ᇭQRIWKHK\SRWKDODPLFSLWXLWDU\DGUHQDOD[LVLQFOXGLQJEOXQWHGFRUWLVRO 兖䤓⓶ Ⓣ䉏㢅 ㄃␔ㆉ 懾兓 ⦷♦Ⓙ UHVSRQVHVDQGODFNRIFRUW㦹㧴⑯LVROGLXUQDOYDULDWLRQDEQRUPDOJURZWKKRUPRQHUHJXODWLRQ ㄣ᧨₣ ♾厌⦷ 屵䡪䍈㢾㖖 㕌㚟♜  1HXURWUDQVPL㠿䤓㪖⑕WWHUGLVWXUEDQFHGHFUHDVHGVHURWRQLQLQWKHFHQWUDOQHUYRXVV\VWHPHOHYDWHGOHYHOVRIVSLQDOIOXLG ♠⻏捷 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Global Year Initiative Targets Pain in Women...... 1 Grant Information...... 8 New Books by Members...... 17 China Establishes Pain Management Departments...... 3 Chapter News...... 9 Website Tips...... 18 Pain Management in Developing Countries...... 3 Special Interest Group Updates...... 13 International Meetings...... 19 Congress Update...... 6 Announcements...... 14 Books Available from IASP Press...... 21 Swiss Association Meets in Sion...... 7 New Members...... 15 What’s New at IASP?...... 22

Dec 2007 1 Issue 3

IASP Newsletter Initiative Targets Pain in Women (Continued from page 1) International Association for the Study of Pain® 111 Queen Anne Ave. N., Suite 501 Seattle, WA 98109-4955 USA Telephone: +1 206-283-0311 Fax: +1 206-283-9403 Email: [email protected] www.iasp-pain.org

Officers Councilors President: Troels S. Jensen Myriam Acuña Mourin President-Elect: Gerald F. Gebhart Lars Arendt-Nielsen Past President: Michael R. Bond Beverly J. Collett Secretary: R. Harald Breivik Kenneth D. Craig Treasurer: Fernando Cervero Antoon De Laat Eija Anneli Kalso WHO Liaison Koichi Noguchi Why focus on women’s pain? Michael R. Bond Judith A. Paice T While chronic pain affects a higher proportion of women than men Editor-in-Chief, PAIN® Paul Pionchon Allan I. Basbaum Philip Siddall worldwide, women are less likely to receive treatment. Kathleen A. Sluka ® T Research shows that women tend to have more recurrent, severe, Editor-in-Chief, IASP Press Olaitan A. Soyannwo M. Catherine Bushnell Rolf-Detlef Treede and long-lasting pain than men. Executive Director Judith A. Turner T Many pain conditions are far more prevalent in women than in men. Kathy Kreiter T Women’s pain has a significant global impact, but a lack of The International Association for the Study of Pain is a not-for- awareness persists. profit, tax-exempt organization, incorporated in Washington, DC, in May 1974 (ID no. 237416302). IASP is recognized by the World Health Organization as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) affiliate. Campaign Objectives: T Increase awareness of pain conditions mainly affecting women, and IASP Newsletter help women and health care providers recognize signs and symptoms Published quarterly and distributed by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Circulation: 8,000 T Raise awareness of disparities between female and male pain issues T Copyright 2007, International Association for Empower women to become advocates for themselves and others by the Study of Pain – ISSN 1017-0057 encouraging them to affirm their pain is real and seek proper treatment Scientific Consultant: Leon Plaghki, MD, PhD T Increase female-specific pain research Editor: Kathy Kreiter T Encourage development of new female-specific treatment options

Staff: Rich Boram Elizabeth Endres Kathy Havers Karen Laudenback

Deadlines for submission of materials: February 1 May 1 August 1 November 1 Thank A Word of Appreciation… you

Timely topics in pain research and treatment have been selected for publication, but the information IASP would like to thank the following: members of the Global provided and opinions expressed have not involved Year Task Force for their contributions any verification of the findings, conclusions, and opinions by IASP®. Thus, opinions expressed in the Beverly Collett, Chair (UK), Anna Maria Aloisi (Italy), Andrew Amata IASP Newsletter do not necessarily reflect those (Kenya), Phyllis Berger (South Africa), Karen Berkley (USA), Peter of the Association or the Officers or Councilors. No Czakanski (USA), Stuart Derbyshire (UK), Tarlika Doctor (India), Roger responsibility is assumed by the Association for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a Fillingim (USA), Maria Adele Giamberardino (Italy), Glenda Gray matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, (South Africa), Amal Helou (Australia), Anita Holdcroft (UK), Edmund or from any use or operation of any methods, products, Keogh (UK), Kathy Kreiter (USA), Linda LeResche (USA), Patricia instruction, or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, the McGrath (Canada), Jeffrey Mogil (Canada), William Stones (Kenya), publisher recommends that independent verification Francesca Storr (New Zealand), Richard Traub (USA), Frank Tu (USA), of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. and Ursula Wesselmann (USA) For permission to reprint articles, please contact the Editor.

Dec 2007 2 Issue 3 China Establishes Pain Management Initiative Targets Pain in Women (Continued from page 1) Departments at Hospitals

On July 18, chronic pain. The survey found that, in Government announced plans to set 2007, China’s contrast to minor pain — which can be aside a central grant for pain research Ministry treated by any doctor — patients with in 2008, further highlighting this critical of Health serious chronic pain were typically area of medicine. announced referred from one doctor to another, Ji-Sheng Han, that every and no single organization was Ji-Sheng Han, MD, President of CASP MD, CASP President major hospital managing these difficult cases. The and Director of Peking University’s in China will survey findings prompted the Ministry Neuroscience Research Institute, says establish a of Health to grant the request of CASP the activities surrounding IASP’s Global department of pain management for and officially recognize chronic pain Year campaign in recent years have had the treatment of chronic pain. This for its own medical significance. a great impact on public awareness of landmark decision came in response pain issues in China. He proudly notes, to a recommendation submitted by the Also at the Global Year launch event, “We will celebrate this year’s [Global Chinese Association for the Study of the Department of Science and Year kickoff] on a larger-than-ever scale Pain (CASP) — the IASP chapter in Technology of the Beijing Municipal in the People’s Hall of Beijing.” China — which was founded in 1989.

Along with its rapid economic Task Force and Survey Focus on Pain development, China has seen a major Management in Developing Countries shift in public attitudes toward chronic pain. In the past, people tended to Since its founding in 1973, IASP has Survey passively tolerate pain, but in recent consistently supported pain research years, they have more actively sought In collaboration with the Robertson and treatment efforts in developing prompt treatment for their pain. As Centre for Biostatistics in Glasgow, countries. In 2002, our organization’s a result, pain clinics have become UK, the Task Force distributed a leaders decided to increase this increasingly popular across China. survey questionnaire to gain a broad support significantly by forming the view of the state of pain education lASP Developing Countries Task Previously, doctors devoting themselves and training in developing countries. Force. This team promptly mobilized to pain management were not officially The Robertson Centre then compiled to develop pain-related educational recognized, since the list of Chinese and analyzed the results of the programs at a local level in individual medical specialties does not categorize survey, which also was designed to countries, giving members an pain as an area of specialty. These measure the overall effectiveness and opportunity to identify their most doctors had to pass the exams in impact of the program. critical educational needs. their original departments, such as While 189 members from 49 countries anesthesiology or neurosurgery, thus In 2005, the Task Force launched a responded to the survey and provided creating an unsurpassable barrier for the pilot program in three countries — invaluable information to the Task development of pain medicine in China. Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. Building Force, the number of responses from on the program’s initial success, the individual countries varied. Prompted On the launch day for the 2005- Task Force expanded their strategy by the low response rate for some 2006 Global Year Against Pain, worldwide in 2006 with 10 grants of countries, the Task Force decided to Dr. Qide Han, President of Peking $10,000 each. Interim results were group countries into six regions with University’s Health Science Center published in the June 2007 IASP similar cultural, ethnic, and economic and Vice President of the People’s Newsletter, and just this year, the structures: Task Force awarded an additional Committee (the Congress) of China, • Africa round of 10 grants. Task Force made remarks in the People’s Hall • Asia members expect to announce even of Bejjing, stressing the importance • Latin America and the Caribbean more awards in the years ahead. of obtaining proper treatment for • Eastern Europe chronic pain. Additionally, the Ministry • the Indian Subcontinent of Health announced the results of • the Middle East their extensive survey on the issue of (Continued on page 4)

Dec 2007 3 Issue 3

Pain Management in Developing Countries (Continued from page 3)

The survey results offer a general generally preferred training in a members of IASP) typically deal with impression of levels of activity and specialized pain clinic or university patients who suffer from pain related investment in pain-related training hospital, but some (especially in to trauma, surgery, and HIV/AIDS. and education in developing Africa and the Indian Subcontinent) The survey also revealed that adults countries. However, these results expressed a preference for training are the main group of pain patients cannot be used as categorical abroad. treated, followed by adolescents. statements for each country in any Facilities The smallest group is children under given region. Nearly 80 percent of age 12. survey respondents were medically All regions have outpatient centers qualified, and slightly more than half or clinics offering pain evaluation and Cancer pain and opioid use treatment, and most respondents were anesthesiologists. This also Cancer pain is also a common work primarily in university hospital has a bearing on the meaning and problem, and 90 percent of centers. The majority said they work significance of the results. respondents reported having in multidisciplinary clinics or facilities treatment centers specifically for The questionnaire was comprised of in which they are able to consult cancer and its associated pain. The five sections: with colleagues. However, 20 to 40 survey found that oncologists deal • Undergraduate Training percent of respondents work alone with cancer pain most often, followed • Postgraduate Training and are located mainly in Asia, the by pain clinicians. While the majority • Facilities for the Management of Indian Subcontinent, Eastern Europe, of respondents said strong and Acute and Chronic Pain and the Middle East. • Facilities for the Treatment of weak opioids are available for use in Cancer Pain Acute and chronic pain treating cancer pain, the percentage • Barriers to Pain Management and management of patients receiving opioids varies the Changes Needed to Overcome Acute pain management in hospitals widely — less than 10 percent in parts Them by specialist teams has developed of Africa and the Indian Subcontinent. rapidly worldwide in recent years, Training Survey respondents also indicated though at a slower pace in developing that the level of government control of Up to 45 percent of survey countries. Fifty percent of survey opioid use varies considerably among respondents reported that they respondents said they have acute countries and regions. This disparity received some form of pain education pain management services at their is reflected in the availability of the at the undergraduate level. Most, facilities, but there are significant drugs, the extent to which permission however, said their undergraduate variations regions by region. In for their use is granted, and the pain education did not adequately general, where the facilities exist, regulation of dosages. In four regions, prepare them for professional more than half of the staff receives respondents said the dosages used practice. training for this type of work. are internationally approved, but there While nearly all respondents Pain clinicians in developing are variations from country to country said pain control is a problem in countries, as elsewhere, deal with within those regions. The survey their countries, pain medicine is a broad range of pain conditions uncovered a number of reasons for recognized as a speciality only in a among their patients. The most the limits placed on the use of opioids, small number of countries, and few common forms of pain reported are including governmental regulations, of those are developing countries. neuropathic, musculoskeletal, and fear of addiction and abuse, and lack Just over half of the respondents cancer-related pain, followed by of training in their proper use. Of all described themselves as trained pain trauma- and surgery-related pain, regions, the Indian Subcontinent and specialists, but the numbers varied myofascial pain, and headache. the Middle East reported the greatest between regions and countries. The Respondents mentioned pain restrictions on the use of opioids. survey showed an apparent link associated with HIV/AIDS least often. Barriers and future needs between the numbers of respondents The primary reason for this lack of In the broader context of pain saying they had been trained and involvement with certain conditions is management, the survey identified the availability of training courses that other specialists (e.g., surgeons, certain barriers to effective of within their regions. Most respondents neurologists, and others who are not (Continued on page 5)

Dec 2007 4 Issue 3

Pain Management in Developing Countries (Continued from page 4) pain care for patients. These barriers developing countries, but for the Chapters and our Visiting Professor include lack of pain education, lack entire IASP organization. In countries Grants program, and via the World of emphasis on pain in government where we have awarded educational Health Organization (WHO) and our health priorities, fear of opioid grants, we need to follow up to Global Year Against Pain initiative. addiction, the high costs of certain ensure continued advancement of the drugs, and, in some cases, poor educational process. The “bottom up” Note: Given the sizable variations patient compliance. approach of these grants has proved between countries and even within highly successful and demonstrates regions, the Task Force cautions Survey participants also voiced the that, when IASP takes steps to readers to interpret these broad need for better and more widespread support clinical training, we should do survey results carefully. For more training from the undergraduate so on the basis of local need, using detailed information, consult the level onward, more and improved local trainers and facilities whenever appendix of results attached to the clinical facilities with government possible. report, available at www.iasp-pain.org. support for pain relief programs, and better access to affordable drugs. There is evidence that IASP should Michael Bond, Chair, In addition, some respondents continue to attempt to influence health IASP Developing expressed a demand for more staff agencies in developing countries to Countries Task Force and more physical treatments. improve facilities for the treatment of cancer and non-cancer pain. We The results of this survey are could accomplish this through our important not only for members in

® Developing Countries Project Wins More Support Announcing a New Release from IASP Press Systematic Reviews In support of the Developing Countries in Pain Research: Methodology Refined Project, IASP has just received US$2,500 from Henry J. McQuay the Gordon R. Irlam Charitable Foundation. Eija Kalso R. Andrew Moore Based in California, USA, this foundation Editors focuses on advocacy for global public health, Explains how to interpret systematic reviews and as well as scientific and economic aspects meta-analyses that estimate the efficacy and of the development of drugs and vaccines harm of pain relief interventions for infectious diseases. More information is Describes what we have learned from systematic reviews and explores ways we can improve future available on their trial design website at Outlines the practical relevance of trial outcomes in research on management of acute, chronic, www.gricf.org. and cancer pain Explores the issues surrounding placebo controls in clinical trials Written and edited by experts on evidence-based critical care, anesthesia, and pain management

For further details about IASP’s Developing Softbound, 407 pages Countries Project, including grant US$70.00 (IASP Members US$55.00) requirements and guidelines, please visit To review Table of Contents or to order book, go to www.iasp-pain.org/grants. www.iasp-pain.org/systematic.

Dec 2007 5 Issue 3 Congress Update

Congress Registration is Now Open! IASP invites you to register today and join us for the 12th World Congress on Pain®, the world’s premier Congress devoted to pain research and treatment. The Congress is your opportunity to network with — and hear from — thousands of the world’s leading experts on pain as they share their thoughts, research, and findings on a wide array of pain-related topics.

Everything You Need to Know Call for Abstracts Online Registration: It’s – Online and In the Mail Share research with your colleagues Easy… It’s Efficient… It’s For all the latest information on the from around the world! IASP is Painless! Congress, including registration accepting poster abstracts to be The Congress web pages were details, session and workshop topics, considered for presentation at the designed to make it as easy Glasgow accommodation choices, Congress. To submit an abstract, and convenient as possible for optional tours, and more, visit our or to see the guidelines and official you to register, reserve your Congress web pages at www.iasp- Call for Abstracts, visit the Congress accommodations in Glasgow, pain.org/worldcongress. Information web pages at www.iasp-pain.org/ submit abstracts, and more. Just is also available in the official worldcongress. visit the Congress web pages at Registration Materials booklet, which www.iasp-pain.org/worldcongress was mailed in November and includes and use the links on the left side of a Registration Form inside. your screen to review your options. Then simply click on the brightly colored Register Now or Submit an Abstract buttons to get started. Important Deadlines! Financial Aid Application Deadline: January 15, 2008 Abstract Submission Deadline: February 1, 2008

Network… Learn… Enjoy. . . Future World Congresses on Pain 13th World Congress: Montreal, Canada August 29 – September 3, 2010 Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre 14th World Congress: Yokohama, Japan Fall 2012 15th World Congress: Buenos Aires, Argentina Fall 2014

(Continued on page 7)

Dec 2007 6 Issue 3 Congress Update (Continued from page 6)

Official Refresher RC 08: Persistent Postoperative RC 14: Central Pain: A Courses Pain: Pathogenic Mechanisms and Multidimensional Challenge of the 12th World Treatment Strategies Gunnar Wasner, Robert Yezierski, and Henrik Kehlet, Scott S. Reuben, and Nanna Brix Finnerup, presenters Congress on Pain William Macrae, presenters The following Refresher RC 15: Interventional Therapies for Courses will take place on RC 09: Psychological Interventions for Acute and Chronic Pain: Indications Chronic Pain and Efficacy Sunday, August 17, 2008, at the Robert D. Kerns, Stephen Morley, and James P. Rathmell, Richard Rauck, and Congress in Glasgow. To review Johan W.S. Vlaeyen, presenters Brian Ilfeld, presenters each course’s educational objectives and times, visit the RC 10: Clinical Pharmacology of Pain RC 16: Essentials of Addiction Congress web pages at www. Eija Kalso, presenter Medicine for the Pain Clinician iasp-pain.org/worldcongress Roman D. Jovey, Seddon Savage, and RC 11: Human Pain Genetics Jonathan Bannister, presenters or see pages 10-12 in the Mitchell B. Max, Ariel Darvasi, and C. Registration Materials booklet. Geoffrey Woods, presenters RC 17: Chronic Abdominal Pain: Evaluation and Management of RC 12: Glial Dysregulation of Pain Common G.I. and Urogenital Disease RC 01: Neurobiology of Acute and and Opioid Actions: Past, Present, Asbjorn M. Drewes, Oliver H.G. Wilder- Persistent Pain and Future Smith, and Camilla Staahl, presenters Allan Basbaum and M. Catherine Linda R. Watkins, Mark R. Hutchinson, Bushnell, presenters and Kirk W. Johnson, presenters RC 18: Low Back Pain: Assessment and Management - from Secondary RC 02: Opioids in Cancer Pain RC 13: Neuropathic Pain: From Basic Prevention to Clinical Rehabilitation Management Mechanisms to Clinical Management Chris Main, Michael Nicholas, and Paul Sebastiano Mercadante, Eduardo Per Hansson, A.H. Dickenson, and Troels Watson, presenters Bruera, and Giovambattista Zeppetella, Staehelin Jensen, presenters presenters

RC 03: Pain Imaging Irene Tracey, Markus Ploner, and David Swiss Association for the Scott, presenters Study of Pain Meets in Sion RC 04: Musculoskeletal Pain: Basic The Swiss Association for the Study of Pain gathered for their Annual Mechanisms Meeting on October 25-26, 2007, in Sion, Switzerland. Chapter President Eli Michele Curatolo, Siegfried Mense, and Alon presented books from IASP to three board members — Valerie Piguet, Lars Arendt-Nielsen, presenters Terence Cackett, and Ulrich Buettner — as special acknowledgement for their work for the association this year. RC 05: Human Pain Models: Virtues and Limitations Martin Schmelz, Karin Petersen, and Christian Maihoefner, presenters

RC 06: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Ralf Baron, Terence Coderre, and J.J. van Hilten, presenters

RC 07: Migraine: From Genes to Pain Mechanisms and Pathways Michel D. Ferrari, Peter Goadsby, and From left: Committee Member Terence Cackett, MD; Councilor Angie Roder, BA; Chapter President Eli Rami Burstein, presenters Alon, MD; Chapter Treasurer Valerie Piguet, MD; Past Chapter President Sandro Palla; IASP President Troels S. Jensen, MD, PhD; Chapter Secretary Christine Cedraschi, MA, PhD; Chapter Vice President Etienne Roux, MD; and Committee Member Ulrich W. Buettner, MD

Dec 2007 7 Issue 3 Grant Information

Grants Awarded Purpose This grant aims to encourage and support 2007 IASP John J. Bonica Call for Applications collaborative, multidisciplinary research Trainee Fellowship IASP is now accepting applications for between two or more research groups Recipient the following symposium and grants. located in the five Scandinavian countries Clare Munns, Neural Plasticity Unit, For more details, including complete (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and University College London, UK guidelines and requirements for these and Sweden) and the United States. Mentor other opportunities, please visit the IASP Eligibility Dr. Michael Caterina at the Department Grants page at www.iasp-pain.org/grants. Investigators must be based in a of Biological Chemistry at the Johns Scandinavian country and the United Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, 2008 IASP Research States. The investigator in charge of the USA, will serve as Ms. Munns’ mentor for Symposium overall project must be an IASP member this project. Award for at least one year before applying for Scope Up to US$40,000 this grant. The focus of the project will be to Application Deadline translate biochemical findings into March 15, 2008 (for a symposium to be 2008 Developing Countries biological significance and assess held in 2009) Education Grant the changes in TRPV1-associated Purpose Award physiological processes, such as This program, established in 1998, Up to US$10,000 neuropeptide release and capsaicin- sponsors research symposia on topics Application Deadline evoked cytotoxicity. This project also of interest to basic scientists and clinical June 1, 2008 will involve training in the recording researchers. Each symposium may Purpose of ion currents from the heterologous ® be followed by an IASP Press book As part of the IASP Developing Countries expression systems and transfected covering the topic of the meeting. Project, this educational support grant sensory neurons, as well as calculation of Eligibility addresses the need for improved ion permeability through ion channels. Applicants must be members of IASP. education about pain and its treatment in developing countries. 2007 IASP International Trainee 2008 IASP Collaborative Eligibility Fellowship Funded by the Research Grant The principal organizer must be based in Scan | Design by Inger & Jens Award a developing country (see list of eligible Bruun Foundation Up to US$15,000 countries on the IASP website) and must Recipient Application Deadline be an IASP member for at least one year Dr. Ryan Hurley, Division of Pain April 30, 2008 before applying for this grant. Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology Purpose & Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) at the This grant supports international, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in interdisciplinary collaborations in pain Baltimore, USA research. Mentor Eligibility Srinivasa N. Raja, MD, professor in The principal investigator in charge of the ACCM and Director of Pain Research and overall project must be an IASP member the Division of Pain Medicine at the Johns for at least one year before applying for Hopkins University School of Medicine, this grant. will serve as Dr. Hurley’s mentor for this project. 2008 IASP Research Grant Scope Funded by the Scan | Design by The project will involve evaluating Inger & Jens Bruun Foundation predictors of long-term success or failure Award of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) therapy Up to US$25,000 for the treatment of neuropathic pain. Application Deadline Grant guidelines and application Dr. Hurley’s training will enable him to April 30, 2008 forms are available online at www. develop skills in clinical research of the knowledge and understanding of outcome iasp-pain.org/grants. measures, including questionnaires and Questions? Please contact IASP quantitative sensory testing. by phone at +1 206-283-0311 or by email at [email protected].

Dec 2007 8 Issue 3 Chapter News

New Chapter: • 2007, La Plata. Dolor en Ancianos BSSP held the following IASP is pleased to welcome (Pain in the Elderly) meetings in 2007: Sociedad Hondureña Para • September 6-8, 2007, Buenos Aires. • January 15, 2007, BSMMU, . XVIII Congreso Argentino de Dolor Postoperative Pain. 150 participants Estudio y Tratamiento del • 2007, Buenos Aires. Enfermería • March 20, 2007, BIRDEM Hospital, Dolor (SHETD) — the Honduran Aplicada al Dolor (Hospital Applications Dhaka. Labor Analgesia. 150 Society for the Study and for Pain) participants Treatment of Pain — our newest • 2007, Ciudad de Corrientes. Curso • March 30, 2007, Jamuna Resort. Chapter in Formation. This Básico sobre Dolor (Basic Course on BSSP Annual Conference and General brings the number of IASP Pain) Meeting. 200 participants Chapters to 70. • 2007, Buenos Aires. Curso de Dolor • June 10, 2007, Rajshahi Medical para el Farmaceutico (Pain Course for College, Rajshahi. Concept of New Chapter Pharmacists) Multidisciplinary Pain Clinic. 200 • 2007, Buenos Aires. Actualización participants Presidents: en Dolor para el Kinesiólogo y • August 20, 2007, Rangpur Medical Austria: Prof. Dr. Michael Bach Fisiatra (Refresher Course in Pain for College, Rangpur. Concept of Egypt: Prof. Omar Tawfik, MD Kinesiologists and Physiatrists) Multidisciplinary Pain Clinic. 200 France: Jean Bruxelle, MD participants Honduras: Wilfredo Cruz Campos, MD Chapter Officers: • October 13, 2007, Institute of India: Dr. Manjushree Ray President: Dr. Fabian Piedimonte Traumatology, Orthopedics and Portugal: Dr. Jose Romao Past President: Dra. Noemí E. Rosenfeld Rehabilitation. Multidisciplinary Treasurer: Lic. Aníbal P. Scharovsky Pain Clinic in Orthopedic Setup. 200 New Chapter Website: participants General Secretary: Dr. Juan J. Dubois South Africa: www.painsa.co.za • December 18, 2007, Dhaka Scientific Secretary: Dr. Jorge Vive Medical College. Postoperative Pain Councilors: Dr. Diego Bashkansky; Management by the Acute Pain Team. Dr. Pablo E. Graff; Dr. Eduardo D. Argentina 250 participants Asociación Argentina para el Estudio Marchevsky; Dr. Gustavo A.J. Blanco; Lic. María del Carmen Graciá; Lic. Viviana L. del Dolor (AAED) Chapter Officers: 104 members San Martín; Dr. Roberto Boyd; Dr. Oreste Ceraso; Dr. Sergio G. Czerwonko President: Dr. Jonaid Shafiq, MBBS, PhD Website: www.aaedolor.org.ar President-Elect: Dr. Lutful Aziz, MBBS, The Asociación Argentina para el Estudio PhD, FCPS del Dolor (AAED) is working with the Chapter Mailing Address: Asociacion Argentina para el Estudio del Vice President: Dr. Zerzina Rahman, Ministry of Health on Standards for the MBBS, DA, FCPS evaluation, treatment, and diagnosis Dolor Secretary General: Dr. A.K.M. of pain and the certification of medical Dr. Fabian Piedimonte, President Akhtaruzzaman, MBBS, DA, MD experts in pain medicine. Av. Córdoba 1646 Piso 9 Of. 252 Joint Secretary: Dr. Mizanur Rahman, 1055 Buenos Aires MBBS, DA AAED held the following Argentina Treasurer: Prof. Laila Arjumand Banu, meetings in 2007: MBBS, FCPS • 2007, Junín. Dolor en Niños (Pain in Members: Dr. Moinul Hossain, MBBS, Children) FCPS; Dr. Manzoorul Hoq Lasker, MBBS, • 2007, Buenos Aires. Dolor y Sida Bangladesh Society for Study of Pain (BSSP) DA; Dr. Iqbal Hossain Chowdhury, MBBS, (Pain and AIDS) DA, FCPS; Dr. Khn. Mahmudur Rahman, • 2007, Córdoba. Cefaleas (Headaches) 98 members Website: www.bsspbd.com MBBS, DA; Prof. Hasibul Hossain, MBBS, • 2007, Buenos Aires. Intervencionismo DA; Prof. A.B.M. Muksudul Alam, MBBS, The Bangladesh Society for Study of Pain (Interventions) FCPS; Dr. Mozaffar Hossain, MBBS, DA, (BSSP) publishes a biannual journal and • 2007, Lincoln. Dolor por Cancer FCPS (Cancer Pain) provides information on their website at www.bsspbd.com.

(Continued on page 10)

Dec 2007 9 Issue 3 Chapter News (Continued from page 9)

Bangladesh (Continued) Chapter Officers: SFETD actively works with other regional medical associations, patient Immediate-Past President: Prof. Quazi President: Prof. Omar Tawfik, MD associations, and chronic pain Deen Mohammad, MBBS, FCPS Immediate-Past President: Prof. Mahmoud Kamel, MD associations and is supported by several Editor-in-Chief: Prof. K.M. Iqbal, MBBS, foundations and industry. SFETD is an President-Elect: Nabeel Serag, MD FRCA, FCPS official partner of the Intergovernmental Secretary General: Prof. Maged El- Opioid Commission and the Health Ansary, MD Chapter Mailing Address: Ministry Pain Structure Commission and Dr. A.K.M. Akhtaruzzaman Treasurer: Prof. Maher Fawzy, MD collaborates with the Haute Autorité de Secretary General, BSSP Board Members: Fathy Nasr, MD; Salah Santé, the French Government health Ibrahim, MD; Ahmed Helmy, MD; Aly Room no. 1014, Block C, 9th Floor agency. In collaboration with the French Eissa, M.D; Abdalah Fekry, MD; Magdy Dept of Anaesthesia, Analgesia & IC Med Ministry of Health, SFETD has initiated Iskander, MD BSMMU, Shahbag the third governmental Plan to Fight Pain. Dhaka-1000 Chapter Mailing Address: Bangladesh SFETD held the following meetings in Prof. Omar Tawfik, MD, President 2007: c/o Prof. Maged El-Ansary, • March 16, 2007, Paris. Fibromyalgia. Egypt (in formation) Secretary General 200 attendees Egyptian Society for the Management 18 Goul Gamal Street, Mohandessien, • October 5, 2007, Paris. Pain and of Pain (ESMP) Agouza Psychology. 200 attendees 294 members PO Box 274 Dokki • November 21-24, 2007, Paris. The Egyptian Society for the Management Cairo, 12311 Neuropathic Pain – Seventh Annual of Pain (ESMP) was recognized in 2006 Egypt SFETD Meeting. 1,500 attendees as an IASP Chapter in Formation when the former Middle East Chapter (Egypt, France Chapter Officers: Jordan, Kuwait, Syria, and the United President: Jean Bruxelle, MD Société Française d’Etude et de Arab Emirates) was disbanded. ESMP Past President: Alain Serrie, MD, PhD produced a CD to provide general Traitement de la Douleur (SFETD) 1,002 members Vice President: Antoine Bioy, PhD practitioners with information on the basic Secretary: Pierre Volckmann, MD physiology of pain, postoperative pain, Website: www.sfetd-douleur.org Joint Secretary: Claire Delorme-Morin, MD low back pain, and cancer pain. The Société Française d’Etude et de Treasurer: Nathalie Lelièvre In 2006, Prof. Maged El-Ansary, Secretary Traitement de la Douleur (SFETD) Joint Treasurer: Jean-Michel Gautier, General of ESMP, was awarded an IASP publishes a quarterly newsletter, a CRNA Developing Countries grant of US$10,000 directory of members, and a directory of for pain education. In cooperation with French Pain Centers. These materials are Councilors: Philippe Bertin; Serge the National Institute for Training, which free to all SFETD members and are also Blond, MD; Bernard Calvino, PhD; Thierry is affiliated with the Ministry of Public posted on the SFETD website. Delorme, MD; Mathieu Dousse, MD; Health and Population, ESMP held SFETD has 15 Special Interest Groups: Barbara Tourniaire, MD comprehensive pain courses in 2006 Headache and Orofacial Pain; Cancer and 2007 for junior doctors, trainees, Pain; Pain and Ethics; Pain and Chapter Mailing Address: pharmacists, and general practitioners in Assessment; Pain and Perinatality; Societé Française d’Etude et de remote locations in Egypt. Pain and General Medicine; Pain and Traitement de la Douleur ESMP is also working with other pain Handicap; Pain and Geriatrics; Muscular- c/o Ms. Pascaline Lavalade associations in Africa to form the African skeletal Pain; Pain and Pediatrics; CHU Hôpital Pasteur Association for the Study of Pain, and Postoperative Pain; Pain and Psychology; Dept. Douleur-Pavillon O Interventional Techniques; Neuropathic they have held two large congresses. The 30, Ave. de la Voie Romaine Pain; and Pelvic Pain. SFETD has first African Pain Congress was held in BP 69 identified regional correspondents 2000 in Egypt, and the second was held 06002 Nice Cedex 1 November 16-19, 2006, in Libya. throughout France who link SFETD with France In addition, ESMP hosted 200 participants public authorities, organize the local pain for the 2007 Annual ESMP Meeting in community, and hold annual meetings. Sharm El-Shaikh, Egypt, on November SFETD provides scientific and financial 13-15, 2007. support for 26 regional meetings per year.

(Continued on page 11)

Dec 2007 10 Issue 3 Chapter News (Continued from page 10)

Malaysia (in formation) MASP held the following meetings SZZB is preparing a Program for Special Knowledge on the Therapy of Pain (a Malaysian Association for the Study of in 2007: 700-hour, four-month training course), Pain (MASP) • April 13-14, 2007, Serdang. and they are working with the Ministry 105 members Challenges in Pain Management. 100 of Health to legalize the use of opioids Website: www.masp.org.my attendees • April 27-29, 2007, Kuantan. for chronic, non-malignant pain and the The Malaysian Association for the licensing of pain specialists. In 2006, Study of Pain (MASP) is working to Challenges in Pain Management. 100 attendees SZZB conducted a major study on the organize activities and support groups prevalence of chronic pain in Slovenia, • April 24, 2007, Kuala Lumpur. for patients. The MASP website (above) and in 2007, they held several meetings Annual General Meeting of MASP. 50 contains information for both patients throughout the year in different cities to attendees and health care professionals. Experts highlight the results of the study. from MASP and the Malaysian Society • December 5-8, 2007, Kuala Lumpur. of Rheumatology have collaborated 2nd Annual Meeting of the Association SZZB held the following meetings with Pfizer (Malaysia) to create an of Southeast Asian Pain Societies in 2007: additional website at www.allaboutpain. (ASEAPS) March 2007, Ljubljana. Two-Day Pain com.my to provide the general public • Course. 30-40 participants with information on a variety of pain Chapter Officers: • June 2007 (two days), Maribor. conditions. President: Prof. Ramani Vijayan 11th Seminar – Acute Pain, Labor MASP also publishes a newsletter for Secretary: Dr. Mary Suma Cardosa Pain; SZZB Annual Meeting. 100-150 its members. MASP members spoke Treasurer: Choy Yin Choy, MBBS, participants at a series of public forums on pain MMED (Anaes) management and “Pain Relief as a • December 2007 (two days), Committee Members: Raveenthiren Ljubljana. Bone Metastases of Human Right,” which were held in Kuala Rasiah, MBBS, MMED (Anaes); Ednin Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Muar, Johore the Different Carcinomas. 100-150 Hamzah, MBBS; Marzida Mansor, MD, participants Bahru, and Ipoh. In June 2006, MASP MMED (co-opted) members participated in the Malaysian • September 2007 (two days), Maribor. Hospice Conference by presenting two Pain Course. 30-40 participants Chapter Mailing Address: sessions on pain management in cancer. • December 2007, Ljubljana. “What to Malaysian Association for the Study Local newspapers published two articles Do to Lower the Incidence of Pain in of Pain covering these sessions. Slovenia” Ramani Vijayan FFARCS, President Additionally, MASP is working with the Malaysian Spine Society on a Consensus Dept. of Anesthesiology Chapter Officers: Guideline on the Management of Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya President: Marija Cesar-Komar, MD Back Pain, scheduled for completion 50603 Kuala Lumpur President-Elect: Dr. Slavica Lahajnar in 2007. An MASP Task Force is now Malaysia Past President: Nevenka Krcevski working on a module for teaching pain Skvarc, MD MS management to non-pain specialists. The Slovenia Treasurer: Majda Sarman, MD content of the teaching module includes Secretary: Dr. Mateja Lopuh basic physiology and pharmacology, Slovensko Zdruzenje Za Zdravljenje Councilors: Jelka Pirc, MD; Dr. Branka multidisciplinary management (various Bolicine (SZZB) Vilc; Dr. Gorazd Pozlep; Mensur modalities of management, including 134 members Salihovic, MD; Dr. Ales Praznikar; Metka psychological approaches), specific Website: www.szzb.cjb.net Miklic, MD; Martina Zupancic, MD; pain conditions (including neuropathic In 2006, the Slovensko Zdruzenje Za Karmen Pisek-Suta, MD pain conditions and nociceptive pain Zdravljenje Boli ine (SZZB) published conditions), and a special concentration the proceedings of the 10th Seminar on on non-cancer pain. Using the teaching Pain Therapy and Palliative Medicine. Chapter Mailing Address: modules, Task Force members will SZZB provided 500 copies to general Slovensko Zdruzenje Za Zdravljenje run at least three “Challenges in Pain family doctors and SZZB members. SZZB Bolicine Management” workshops per year in has information brochures available Marija Cesar-Komar, MD, President the next two to three years in several at hospitals and pain clinics, a hotline Ljubljanska ulica 5 locations. for patients, and an association of pain 2000 Maribor patients. Slovenia

(Continued on page 11) (Continued on page 12)

Dec 2007 11 Issue 3 Chapter News (Continued from page 11)

United States of America teams of health care professionals who balanced public policy that assures not American Pain Society are addressing critical needs in pain only that all people in pain have access 3,099 members management on the local level. The first to the most appropriate medications, centers were recognized at the Annual but also that controlled-substance Website: www.ampainsoc.org Scientific Meeting in May 2007. pain prescriptions are not misused or The American Pain Society (APS) APS receives media requests for diverted for illicit purposes. publishes its quarterly APS Bulletin and information about pain, pain therapies, monthly The Journal of Pain, which are research, and policy issues on a daily free to all APS members. APS members In addition, 1,500 attendees gathered for basis. News releases are regularly also receive APS E-News, a monthly the 26th Annual APS Scientific Meeting in distributed by APS covering new electronic newsletter. The APS website, Washington, DC, on May 2-5, 2007. developments in the pain management www.ampainsoc.org, has information field, as well as information on the APS for health care professionals, including Chapter Officers: Annual Meeting. online archives and abstracts, position President: Judith Paice, PhD, RN statements on various topics, and Immediate-Past President: Dennis Turk, books and patient guides for purchase. APS collaborates with other groups on PhD Patient inquiries are handled by the education and advocacy and is involved Treasurer: Jennifer Haythornthwaite, PhD in the following ongoing programs: American Pain Foundation, which Secretary: Lonnie Zeltzer, MD • Pain Care Coalition: Joining with is an independent, nonprofit patient Liaison to IASP: Kathleen Sluka, PhD the American Society for the Study education and advocacy organization Directors at Large: Gilbert Fanciullo, of Headache (ASSH), the American serving people with pain. APS has the MD, MS; Charles Inturrisi, PhD; Mark Society of Anesthesiology and Pain following 15 multidisciplinary Special Jensen, PhD; Nathaniel Katz, MD; Medicine (ASA), and the American Interest Groups (SIGs): Basic Science; Srinivasa N. Raja, MD; Seddon Savage, Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM), Clinical Trials; Ethics; Forensic; Genetics MD; Sandra Ward, PhD, RN; George APS is continuing to work with and Pain; Geriatric Pain; Information Wilcox, PhD; David A. Williams, PhD Technology; Measurement of Pain and U.S. legislators on introducing new Executive Director: Catherine Underwood Its Impact; Nursing Issues; Pain and legislation related to pain. APS has Disparities; Pain in Infants, Children continued to actively support passage and Adolescents; Pain Rehabilitation; of the National Pain Care Policy Act Chapter Mailing Address: Palliative Care; Pharmacotherapy; (HR1020). American Pain Society Psychosocial Research. • National Pain Work Group: APS is 4700 West Lake Avenue part of the National Pain Work Group, Glenview, IL 60025-1485, USA Each year, APS presents seven which is developing a collaborative Email: [email protected] prestigious awards at its Annual program called the Balanced Pain Scientific Meeting and awards 50 Young Policy Initiative. The Work Group Investigators travel-support stipends is coordinated by the Center for for trainees to attend the meeting. In Practical Bioethics in partnership with November 2006, APS announced a new the National Association of Attorneys awards program, “The Clinical Centers General, the Federation of State of Excellence in Pain Management Medical Boards, and others. This Awards,” to honor forward-thinking initiative is intended to help promote

Reminder: Please send any changes in chapter officers, addresses, or meeting information to: [email protected]

Dec 2007 12 Issue 3 Special Interest Group (SIG) Updates

The Ad Hoc Subcommittee on IASP Special Interest Groups (SIGs) on the assessment and treatment of continuously explores ways to improve SIG collaborative activities pain in older persons. The committee is with IASP. If you are a SIG member and have suggestions, please also drafting a research agenda and a comprehensive assessment tool for pain submit them to your SIG chair. SIG contact information is available at in older persons. The committee will soon www.iasp-pain.org/sigs. form subcommittees to work on each of these projects, and the SIG encourages SIG on Acute Pain “Pharmacologic management of members to participate. This SIG held the 1st International neuropathic pain: evidence-based clinical Congress of the IASP Special Interest recommendations,” by R.H. Dworkin, SIG on Orofacial Pain Group on Acute Pain (AP SIG) from Nov. A.B. O’Connor, M. Backonja, J.T. Farrar, This SIG has just unveiled their new 30 to Dec. 1, 2007, in Cologne, Germany. T.S. Jensen, E.A. Kalso, J.D. Loeser, website at www.ofpsig.org. Be sure to It was held at the 5th Symposium on C. Miaskowski, T.J. Nurmikko, R.K. check this website periodically as new Acute Pain — “Acute Pain in Operative Portenoy, A.S.C. Rice, B.R. Stacey, R.-D. content is posted. Medicine: Research and Practice — Treede, D.C. Turk, and M.S. Wallace, has which was hosted by a collaboration of been accepted for publication in PAIN. SIG on Pain from Torture, Organized German special interest groups on acute Violence, and War (TOVW) pain. For further information, visit www. Upcoming NeuPSIG sponsored or On March 12, 2008, this SIG will host a akutschmerzkongress2007.de. co-sponsored meetings: one-day meeting on the subject of pain • August 13-15, 2008, London, from torture, organized violence, and SIG on Neuropathic Pain (NeuP) UK. A satellite meeting to the 12th war. This event, which will be held at the On June 7-10, 2007, NeuPSIG held the World Congress on Pain — “Recent Royal Society of Medicine in London, 2nd International Congress on Neuropathic Developments in Neuropathic Pain” — UK, will feature speakers from torture Pain in Berlin, Germany. This was the first will take place in London immediately survivor projects and from the field of pain congress organized by NeuPSIG to have before the Congress. Visit www. research and treatment. The SIG has also a satellite meeting — an international kenes.com/neuropathic2008 for more launched a website at www.ucl.ac.uk/ workshop on sensory evaluation for information. clinical-health-psychology/Research- pain and analgesia research. The • May 27-30, 2010, Athens, Greece. Groups/PainSIG/pain_sig-home.htm. satellite, which was attended by 35 basic The 3rd International Congress on Neuropathic Pain will be held. For more scientists and clinical scientists from both SIGs to Sponsor Satellite Symposia academia and industry, took place in St. information, visit www.kenes.com/ Petersburg, Russia, immediately before neuropathic. A number of SIGs will sponsor Satellite th the main congress. NeuPSIG provided • The 4th International Congress on Symposia of the 12 World Congress travel awards totaling more than 20,000 Neuropathic Pain will be held in on Pain in August 2008, including: to enable a number of trainees who 2013. Further details will be announced Neuropathic Pain (NeuP); Pain and are IASP members to attend the Berlin as they become available. Movement; Pain and Pain Management Congress. in Non-Human Species; Pain and the In addition, the management committee Sympathetic Nervous System (PSNS); NeuPSIG also co-sponsored the has started its initial planning for a one- Pain of Urogenital Origin (PUGO); and 10th International Conference on day meeting in Asia in 2009 in association Placebo. For a complete list of Satellite the Mechanisms and Treatment of with the ASEAPS meeting. Symposia — including dates, locations, Neuropathic Pain, November 2-4, 2007, and descriptions — please see page 13 in Snowbird, Utah. Details are available at SIG on Older Persons in the Congress Registration Materials www.neuropathicpain.org. Now that the Global Year Against Pain in booklet, or visit the Congress web pages at The NeuPSIG Committee on Older Persons has concluded, the SIG www.iasp-pain.org/worldcongress and click Neuropathic Treatment, chaired by Bob interim executive committee has been on Satellite Symposia. Dworkin, is pleased to announce that discussing several new projects, such their second guidelines manuscript, as developing international guidelines

Dec 2007 13 Issue 3 Announcements

Positions Available of reference to Dr. Catherine Bushnell, Alan Edwards Fellowship in Director, McGill Centre for Research on Clinical Pain Research Postdoctoral Fellowships in Pain, 3640 University Street, Room M19, Pain Research Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B2. Montreal, QC, Canada Montreal, QC, Canada Or, submit them by email to catherine. The Pain Centre of McGill University [email protected]. Please indicate the is open for applications for the Alan The McGill Centre for Research on area of research in which you wish to work. Pain, in partnership with AstraZeneca Edwards Fellowship in Clinical Pain R&D Montreal, requests applications for Senior Research Investigator, Research. Fellows will divide their time Postdoctoral Fellowships to be held at Pain Pharmacology between clinical pain research and clinical activities at the Pain Centre the research laboratories of the Centre. Sanofi-aventis, Bridgewater, Qualified applicants will have completed that will be directly related to their NJ, USA a PhD, MD, or comparable degree and research. This Fellowship position have an interest in pain research. PhD with 3+ years of pain pharmacology is intended for physicians in multiple research experience required. Must disciplines who are interested in Applicants must be within five years of have ability to critically appraise scientific conducting original clinical research completing their most recent degree literature, apply practical approaches to in the field of pain medicine. Previous to qualify as a postdoctoral fellow at projects, and challenge assumptions and research experience is preferable but McGill University. The research being interpretation of data. Laboratory/research not mandatory. The Fellowship has carried out in the many laboratories experience of pain pharmacology gained a stipend that is commensurate with at the Centre, and in the associated in pharmaceutical industry or academia experience. The start date for this position hospital pain clinic, ranges from genetics, with ability in running multiple pain is flexible. Funding is for one year, with molecular biology, and pharmacology pharmacology models essential. Ability to a second year of support contingent on to physiology, psychology, and clinical lead early-stage program, mapping-out satisfactory progress. trials. Collaborative research projects with critical path, milestones, and timelines scientists at AstraZeneca R&D Montreal A curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, with minimal supervision a plus. will be available to candidates. For a list and a statement of research goals should of researchers and research themes, see More details are available at be sent by email to yoram.shir@muhc. www.painresearch.mcgill.ca. www.careers.sanofi-aventis.us. mcgill.ca or by regular postal mail to: The Req S&MA7618 Alan Edwards Fellowship in Clinical Pain Fellowships include a stipend Research, c/o Dr. Yoram Shir, Pain Centre commensurate with experience. The Sanofi-aventis is an equal opportunity – Montreal General Hospital, 1650 Cedar initial appointment is for one year, with employer that embraces diversity to Ave., E19 -133, Montreal, QC, Canada a possible extension. You may apply foster positive, innovative thinking that H3G 1A4. at any time. The Fellowship Evaluation will benefit people worldwide. Sanofi- Committee meets three times a year to aventis is also committed to employing consider eligible applications received up qualified individuals with disabilities and, to the time of meeting. where warranted, will provide reasonable Visit the Career accommodation to applicants, as well as If interested, please apply by mailing Opportunities its employees. your curriculum vitae and three letters page of the IASP website: www.iasp-pain.org/ CareerOpportunities

Dec 2007 14 Issue 3 New Members

We are pleased to welcome Brazil Finland the following new members to Juliano Ferreira, PhD (Neuroscience) K. Steven LaForge, PhD (Neuroscience) IASP! This list is alphabetical Euphly Jalles-Filho, PhD (Neuroscience) Outi M. Vainio, DVM, PhD (Veterinary Kleber M. Machareth de Souza, MD Med) by country and includes the period from June 8 through (Anesth) Monique L. Sanches, BDS (Dentistry/Oral France December 7, 2007. Med) Anne-Sylvie Brunel, PhD (Research & Total countries: 51 Devel) Total new members: 242 Bulgaria Jean Michel Gautier, CRNA (Nursing) Zdravko A. Kamenov, MD, PhD Virginie Guastella, MD (Pain Medicine) (Endocrinology) Alaa Mhalla, MD (General Surgery) Argentina Diego M. Carboni, MD (Anesth) Isabelle Negre, MD (Anesth)

Hector R. Pereyra Varela, MD (General Canada Barbara Tourniaire, MD (Pediatrics) Erik J. Baasch, MB, BCh (Family Surgery) Pierre Volckmann, MD (Physical Med & Medicine) Viviana San Martin, PT (Physical Rehab) Michael J. Bautista, MD, FRCPC (Anesth) Therapy) Terry K. Borsook, BA, MEd (Psychology) Germany Armenia Jacques J. Gouws, PhD (Psychology) Adina C. Rusu, MSc (Psychology) Douglas P. Gross, PhD (Physical Eva Winter, MD (Anesth) Hrant H. Karapetyan, MD, PhD (Anesth) Heghine S. Muradyan, MD (Neurology) Therapy) Sazzad Hossain, PhD (Research & Greece Eftihia Rengiou, MD (General Medicine) Australia Devel) Eliza A. Bell, RN (Nursing) Diane F. Jacobs, PT (Physical Therapy)

Dana Boyd, MScMed (Nursing) Gabrielle Page, BA (Psychology) Guatemala Edgar Avalos, MD (Internal Medicine) Patricia E. Gleeson, BPharm (Pharmacy) Teresa Prior, BSc, MLS (Other) Tessa E. Jones, BSc (Psychology) Ian M. Randall, MD (Anesth) Honduras Lina A. Marashdeh II, MD (Anesth) David A. Seminowicz, PhD Elvia Baez, MD (Anesth) Indrid McGaughey, MB BS, FAFRM (Neuroscience) Jose M. Matheu, MD (Physical Med & (Physical Med & Rehab) Hillary A. Sharpe, BA (Psychology) Rehab) Peter McIntyre, PhD Kianda E. Snaith, RN, ONP (Nursing) Angel A. Pineda Madrid, MD (Geriatric (Neuropharmacology) Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme, MSc Medicine) Marg C. Safron, MA (Psychology) (Physical Therapy) Barry Slon, MB, ChB (Anesth) Tamara L. Wells, RN (Nursing) Hungary Brigitte Tampin, PT (Physical Therapy) Maria Fabian, MD (Anesth) Megan L. Turville, OT (Occupational Chile Therapy) Maria L. Cid Jeffs, MD (Neurology) India Gabriela A. Montt, MD (Anesth) Irene Wood (Health Admin) Sushma Bhatnagar, MD (Anesth) Geetha Desai, MD, DNB (Psychiatry) Barbados West Indies China Anju Ghai, MB BS, MD (Anesth) Senthilkumar Raju, MD (Anesth) Chi Wai Cheng, MB BS (Psychiatry) Surajit Giri, MD (Anesth) Lee Yee Chi, MB BS (Anesth) Mythili Kalladka, BDS, MSD (Dentistry/ Hao-Jun You, PhD (Neuroscience) Belgium Oral Med) Samar M. Hatem, MD (Physical Med & Vijay Pal Singh, PhD (Pharmacology Rehab) Croatia Marijana Bras, MD (Psychiatry) (Clin)) Jan H.M. van Zundert, MD, PhD (Anesth) Denmark Iran Bolivia Iman Mokhtari, MD (Physical Med & Ximena Arze, MD (Ophthalmology) Kerstin Jung, M.Sc.Pharm (Neuroscience/ Physiology) Rehab) Karin Glasinovic, MD (General Surgery) Kamal Mousavi, MD (Anesth) Eddy Omar Murillo, MD (Rheumatology)

Claribel Ramirez, MD (Psychiatry/ Egypt A.H. Mohamed Al-Husainy, MD (Anesth) Iraq Psychosomatic Med) Ali A. Eissa, MD (Pain Medicine) Khalid Al-Abudi, MB, ChB (Anesth) Rosario M. Riera, MD (Anesth) El Sayed M.A. Stohy, MD (Anesth) Luay Khadum Al-Khawaja, BDS Julio J. Rios, MD (Family Medicine) (Dentistry/Oral Med) Igor Rodriguez, MD (Cardiology) Jabbar Nima Hussein, MD (Ophthalmology) Jenny Vargas, MD (Anesth) (Continued on page 16)

Dec 2007 15 Issue 3 New Members (Continued from page 15)

Ireland (Neurosurgery) (Neuroscience) Magesh Shanmugam, MB BS, DA Neri Olivas, MD (Internal Medicine) Maurizio Trippolini, MPTSc (Physical Roger Pasquier, MD (Anesth) Therapy) (Anesth) Henry M. Rivera Jarquin, MD (Anesth) Italy Petronio Salamanca, MS (Anesth) Taiwan Carlo Cacciatori, MD (Neurology) Ximena Salmeron Castro, PT (Physical Eagle Yi-Kung Huang, PhD (Neuroscience) Stefano Coaccioli, MD, PhD (Internal Therapy) Medicine) Cesar A. Vargas, MD (Orthopedic Fabio Formaglio, MD (Neurology) Surgery) Turkey Gokcen Basaranoglu, MD (Anesth) Francesca Galeotti, MD (Neurology) Nigeria Marialuisa Malafronte, MD, FIPP (Anesth) Ukraine Stefano Tamburin, MD (Neurology) Ayodeji A. Fabunmi, MEd (Physical Oksana L. Tondiy, MD, PhD (Neurology) Andrea Truini, MD (Neurophysiology Therapy) (Clin)) Rasaq A. Yusuf, MB BS (Anesth) Alison J. Allan, BM, FRCA (Anesth) Norway Japan Khaled Ayazi, MB BS (Anesth) Sawako Nagahata, DDS (Dentistry/Oral Reidun Sandvik, RN (Nursing) Shyam S. Balasubramanian, MD, FRCA Med) (Anesth) Kyoko Oshita, MD, PhD (Neuroscience) Pakistan Mark Davies, MB BS, FRCA (Anesth) Shoji Yabuki, MD, DMSc (Orthopedic Jameel Akhtar, MB BS (Anesth) Lorraine E.C. de Gray, MD (Anesth) Surgery) Philippines Maheh K. Doddi, MB BS, MD (Anesth) Lebanon Maria Fidelis C. Manalo, MD (Family Subhasis Duttagupta, MB BS, MD Medicine) (Anesth) Wissam Tohme, MD (Anesth) Eliot R. Forster, PhD, MBA (Research & Mongolia Poland Devel) Sharkhuu Chuluunaa, MMedSci Wojciech Drobek, PhD, MD (Dentistry/ Nicholas H. Fraser, MB BS, FRCA Oral Med) (Neurology) (Anesth) Peter J. Gaal, BPT (Physical Therapy) Montenegro Russia Roman Gregg, MB BS (Anesth) Vesna V. Kandic, MD (Anesth) Andrei Danilov, MD, PhD (Neurology) Mamdouh M. Haddara, MB, ChB (Anesth) Bojana M. Letic, MD (Anesth) Alexandr V. Gnezdilow, PhD (Anesth) Mark Human, BM, FRCA (Anesth) Oleg Zagorulko, PhD (Anesth) Stephen R. Humble, MB, ChB (Anesth) Myanmar Tzvetanka M. Ivanova-Stoilova, MD, PhD Myo K. Tha, MB BS (Pediatrics) Slovenia Zoran Rodi, MD, DSc (Neuroscience) (Anesth) Tim M. Jenkins, BSc, PhD (Research &

Netherlands Devel) H. S. Beeker, MD (Physical Med & Spain James P. Johnston, MB, BAO, BCh Rehab) Enrique Freire Vila, Sr., MB, ChB (Anesth) (Anesth) Claire de Leijer, DRS (Psychology) Kelly A. Jones, PhD, MSc (Epidemiology) Karl-Heinz Konopka, MSc (Neuroscience) Ranjith W. Pallegama, BDS, PhD Amar Karmarkar, MD (Anesth) Jan J. Meeuse, MD (Internal Medicine) (Dentistry/Oral Med) Alwyn Kotze, MB, ChB, FRCA (Anesth) Jane Meijlink, BA (Hons) (Medical Writer) Somasundaram Krishnamoorthy, MD Onno P.M. Teernstra, MD, PhD Sweden (Anesth) (Neurosurgery) Philip D. Austin, BSc(Hons) (Osteopathic Fiona Mackichan, MSc (Psychology) Med) Russell C. Mayne, MSc (Physical New Zealand Marie Gardmark, PhD (Research & Averil M.L. Herbert, PhD (Psychology) Therapy) Devel) Grant E. Thompson, MB, ChB (Physical Felicity J. McCrea, MB, ChB (General Asa M. Rudin, MD PhD (Anesth) Med & Rehab) Medicine) Charlotte S. Mounce, BSc, MSc Switzerland (Psychology) Nicaragua Josef Jenewein, MD (Psychiatry) Wigberto Lopez Abarca, MD (Orthopedic Margaret R. Owen, MB, ChB (Anesth) Helene Rohrbach, BVM (Veterinary Med) Med) Sangram G. Patil, MB BS, MD (Anesth) John S. St. Mary, MMedSci Jorge A. Munoz Castillo, MD James A. Penny, MB BS (Obstetrics/ Gynecol) (Continued on page 17)

Dec 2007 16 Issue 3 New Members (Continued from page 16)

United Kingdom (Continued) Laura A. Frey Law, PT, PhD (Physical Charles Renner, BS, OT (Occupational Catherine Potter, BDS (Dentistry/Oral Therapy) Therapy) Med) Charles K. Friedman, DO (Osteopathic Meredith T. Robbins, MD (Neuroscience) Francis Quinn, MA(Hons) (Psychology) Med) Kevin C. Rowland, BA, PhD Ayad A.K. Shakir, MB, ChB (Anesth) Maxwell W. Gessner, MD (Anesth) (Neuroscience) Linda A. Sparks, MSc (Physical Therapy) Robert L. Hamel, PA-C (Health Admin) Jillian C. Shipherd, PhD (Psychology) Ian R. Taylor, MB, ChB, DA (Anesth) Jiman He, PhD (Pain Medicine) Richard W. Sibson, DO, JD (Physical Med Dilesh Thaker, MB, ChB (Anesth) Deborah M. Hegarty, PhD (Neuroscience) & Rehab) Sau-Hsien Yap, MB, ChB (Anesth) Ernest M. Hoffman, BS (Neuroscience) Rapipen Siriwetchadarak, MD (Anesth) Tien Y. Huang, MS (Acup) (Pharmacy) Bruce W. Smith, PhD (Psychology) Uruguay Charles H. Hubscher, Ph.D. Erik T. Sowder, PhD (Anesth) Ana A. Vernengo, MD (Anesth) (Neuroscience) Christina M. Spofford, MD, PhD (Anesth)

Karl S. Hurst-Wicker, MD (Anesth) Judith A. Strong, PhD (Neuroscience) USA Carolyn K. Jass, RN, PhD (Nursing) Dana L. Tarcatu, MD (Pain Medicine) Juan C. Aceves Blanco, MD (General Nicole Jenkins, MSN (Nursing) Stephen M. Taylor, DO (Osteopathic Med) Medicine) Steve Jones, PhD (Pharmacology (Clin)) Stephen M. Thomas, MD (Pain Medicine) Joel D. Ackerman, MD (Anesth) Judy A. Kelly, MA (Psychology) Matthew K. Wedemeyer, MD (Physical Mary O. Adedoyin, BSc (Neuroscience/ Norman W. Kettner, DC (Chiropractic) Med & Rehab) Neurophysiology) James H. Klett (Research & Devel) Ronald G. Wiley, MD, PhD (Neurology) Neetu S. Ahluwalia, MD (Anesth) Craig C. Koniver, MD (Family Medicine) Thomas L. Yearwood, MD, PhD (Pain Ratan K. Banik, MB BS, PhD Robert K. Lee, PhD (Research & Devel) Medicine) (Neuroscience) Shao Chyi Lee, MD (Family Medicine) Xi Chun Zhang, PhD (Neuroscience) Amy L. Baxter, MD (Pediatrics) Tim U. Leier, MD (Pediatrics) Arthur J. Zwerling, DNP, CRNA (Nursing) James P. Behr, MD (Physical Med & Gordon D MacLean, PhD (Psychology) Rehab) James M. McGinnis, DO (Osteopathic Liz Brenneman, MA (Social Sciences) Med) Angela N. Cabal Warren, MPsych Winifred E. Murray-Higgins, RN-C In Memoriam (Psychology) (Nursing) Frits De Vries, DRS Blaine Cameron, MD (Anesth) Dani Nierenberg, PhD (Psychology) Arnhem, Netherlands David L. Caulfield, ARNP (Nursing) Allison T. Nisbet, MSN, RN-BC (Nursing) Pavel Duda, PhD Mark D. Clark, MD (Anesth) Ann C. Ohlin, BSN, MBA (Nursing) Bratislava, Slovakia Eric Cobb, DC (Chiropractic) Seth B. Parker, MD (Internal Medicine) Beth D. Darnall, PhD (Psychology) B. Lee Peterlin, DO (Neurology) Jitka Dostalova, MD Robert J. Echenberg, MD (Obstetrics/ Kevin Pong, PhD, MBA (Research & Ostava, Czech Republic Gynecol) Devel) K. Steven LaForge, PhD Robert L. England, MPH, MD (Orthopedic Steven A. Prescott, MD, CM, PhD Helsinki, Finland Surgery) (Neuroscience) Marie Belle D. Francia, MD (Internal Phyllis A. Reile, PhD (Psychology) Anders E. Sola, MD Medicine) Seattle, WA, USA

New Books by Memberss

Palliative Care Formulary: New Techniques For PAIN Best Practice Third Edition Examining The Brain and Research Compendium

Robert Twycross, Andrew Wilcock, Part of the 19-volume Gray Matter Set Harald Breivik, Michael Shipley 2007. ISBN 978-0-9552547-1. for high school and undergraduate (Editors), 2007. ISBN 978-0-08- UK£40.00. (softcover) levels. Karen D. Davis, 2007. ISBN 044684-4. UK£39.99. (softcover) 614 pages. 0791089592. US$29.65. (hardcover) 340 pages.

120 pages. Order from www.palliativedrugs.com Order from www.elsevierhealth.com. or www.palliativebooks.com. Order from www.chelseahouse.com or www.amazon.com.

Dec 2007 17 Issue 3 Here are a few tips to make your web viewing easier at www.iasp-pain.org.

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• When you search for members’ names using the Member Directory Search, the Other Degrees will also be displayed.

Website Feedback We are continuously adding new information and features to enhance the IASP website, and we always welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions. Please click on the Feedback Form link near the bottom center of the home page and tell us what you think!

What’s New from IASP Press®? Our newly released book, Immune and Glial Regulation of Pain, includes our first ever CD-ROM!

IASP Press is pleased to offer this additional feature, and we would appreciate your comments, suggestions, or other feedback on the CD-ROM. The disk will prompt you to complete a short feedback survey at www.iasp-pain.org/immune/survey. Please tell us what you think!

Dec 2007 18 Issue 3 International Meetings

The following list contains only March 12-15, 2008 April 9-10, 2008 IASP-related events, including Auckland, New Zealand Dhaka, Bangladesh chapter meetings and IASP Special “Pain: Breaking Down the Barriers” – 10th Annual Meeting of the Bangladesh Interest Group (SIG) meetings. We 2008 Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Society for Study of Pain (IASP Chapter) th also maintain a complete list of Pain Society. Info: The New Zealand Pain and 4 South Asian Regional Pain Society Society, PO Box 652, Wellington 6140, (SARPS) Congress on Pain. Info: Dr. meetings on our website at www. New Zealand (Tel: 64-7-8398899; Email: AKM Akhtaruzzaman, Secretary General, iasp-pain.org/meetings. [email protected]; Website: www.nzps. BSSP, Room no. 1014, Block C, 9th org.nz) Floor, Dept of Anaesthesia, Analgesia & January 31-February 2, 2008 IC Med, BSMMU, Shahbag, Dhaka-1000, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India March 27-28, 2008 Bangladesh (Fax: 88-02-9675674; Email: 23rd National Annual Conference of the Algiers, Algeria [email protected]; Website: www.bsspbd. Indian Society for Study of Pain. Info: 4th Annual Congress of the Societe com) Dr. Mary Korula, organising secretary, Algerienne d’Evaluation et de Traitement Department of Anaesthesiology, Christian de la Douleur, SAETD. Info: Brahim April 10-12, 2008 Medical College, Vellore Tamil Nadu, Griene, PhD, SAETD President, Centre Bogota, Colombia 632004, India. (Tel: 091-416-228-2105; Anti-Douleur, Service d’Anesthesie et XVII International Congress on Pain, Email: [email protected]; Reanimation du Centre Pierre et Marie Meeting of the Asociacion Colombiana Website: www.isspcon2008.org) Curie, Place du 1st Mai, Algiers 16000, para el Estudio del Dolor (IASP Chapter) Algeria (Tel/Fax: 213-1-23-65-69; Email: and SCARE (Colombian Society of February 7-9, 2008 [email protected] or saetd@hotmail. Anesthesiology and Reanimation). Info: San Salvador, El Salvador com; Website: www.saetd-dz.com) Asociacion Colombiana para el Estudio II Congreso Centroamericano del Dolor del Dolor, John Jairo Hernandez, MD, y Cuidados Paliativos Y II Congreso March 29-April 2, 2008 President, Calle 134 No 13-83 Of. 715, Salvadoreño de Dolor, 2008 meeting Perth, Australia Edificio El Bosque, Santafé de Bogotá, of the Asociacion Salvadoreña Para “The Spectrum of Pain” – 28th Annual Colombia (Tel: 57-1-627-1897; Fax: 57-1- El Estudio Y Tratamiento Del Dolor Y Scientific Meeting of the Australian Pain 627-1645; Email: [email protected]) Cuidado Paliativos (IASP Chapter). Society. Info: Australian Pain Society, DC Info: Maximiliano Arriaza, MD, ASEDP Conferences Pty Ltd, PO Box 637, North (Continued on page 20) President, Pasaje Dordelly 4438, Sydney, NSW 2059, Australia (Tel: 61-2- Entre 85 y 87 Av. Norte Col. Escalòn, 9954-4400; Fax: 61-2-9954-0666; Email: San Salvador, El Salvador (Fax: 503- [email protected]; Website: 22645975) www.apsoc.org.au)

Dec 2007 19 Issue 3 International Meetings (Continued from page 19)

April 15-18, 2008 May 8-11, 2008 June 19-21, 2008 Liverpool, United Kingdom Turku, Finland Hissaria, Bulgaria 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian 4th National Bulgarian Conference British Pain Society. Info: British Pain Association for the Study of Pain. Info: of Pain, 2008 Annual Meeting of the Society, Third Floor, Churchill House, SASP, Saru Jääskeläinen, Dept. of Clinical Bulgarian Association for the Study and 35 Red Lion Square, London WC1R Neurophysiology, Aabo University Hospital Treatment of Pain. Info: Prof. Ivan Smilov, 4SG, United Kingdom (Tel: 44-020- (Email: [email protected]) President, BASTP, c/o Mrs. K. Christova, 7269-7840; Fax: 44-020-7831-0859; Secretary, BASTP, 1,G. Sofijski Str., Sofia Email: [email protected]; May 27-30, 2008 1431, Bulgaria (Tel/Fax: 359 2 9230 570; Website: www.britishpainsociety.org) Victoria, BC, Canada Email: [email protected] or smilov@ 28th Annual Meeting of the Canadian medfac.acad.bg) May 5-6, 2008 Pain Society. Info: Canadian Pain Society, Tehran, Iran 701 Rossland Rd. E. #373, Whitby, ON October 15-18, 2008 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canada, L1N 9K3 (Tel: 905-668-9545; Goiania, Brazil Iranian Pain Society. Info: Dr. Hossein (Fax: 905-668-3728; Email: ellen@ 8th Congresso Brasileiro de Dor, 2008 Nayebahaie and Dr. Mohammad Sharify, canadianpainsociety.ca; Website: www. Annual Meeting of the Sociedade Iranian Pain Society, PO Box 14875-185, canadianpainsociety.ca) Brasileira de Estudo da Dor (SBED). Tehran, Iran (Fax: 98-21-4406-9051; Info: Rua T-50, n 1473, Quadra 68, Lote Email: [email protected]; Website: June 5-7, 2008 1, Setor Bueno, Goiânia, Goiás - CEP www.iranianpainsociety.org) Gerona, Spain 74215-200, Brazil (Tel: 62-3091-3950; VIII Nacional Congreso of the Sociedad Email: [email protected]; May 7-10, 2008 Española Del Dolor. Info: Mar Servicios y Website: www.eventoall.com.br/dor2008 Tampa, Florida, USA Congresos, SL, C/ Juan Ramón Jiménez or www.dor.org.br) 27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the 35, puerta 25, 46006, Valencia, Spain American Pain Society. Info: American (Tel: 96 335 50 49; Fax: 96 374 15 64; November 13-14, 2008 Pain Society, 4700 W. Lake Avenue, Email: [email protected]; Biel/Bienne, Switzerland Glenview, IL 60025-1485, USA (Tel: Website: www.marservicios.com or www. “Understanding and Treating the Chronic 847-375-4715; Fax: 877-734-8758 (USA sedolor.es) Pain Patient, the State-of-the-Art 2008.” toll-free) or 732-460-7318 (international); Annual Meeting of the Schweizerische Email: [email protected]; Website: Gesellschaft zum Studium des www.ampainsoc.org) Schmerzes. Info: BBS Congreso GMBH, Postfach 604, 3000 Bern 25, Switzerland (Email: [email protected]; Website: www.pain.ch)

Global Year Posters from Around the World

The Global Year Against Pain in Women (-0#"-:&"3 This year’s focus on pain in women commences with the "("*/451"*/ */80.&/


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New Zealand Iran Australia Bangladesh Pakistan Pain in Women Dec 2007 20 Issue 3 Books Available from IASP Press®

The table of contents, book reviews, and ordering Pediatric Pain: Biological and Social Opioid Sensitivity of Chronic information for each book listed here are available Context Noncancer Pain at www.iasp-pain.org/IASPPress. P.J. McGrath, G.A. Finley (Eds). 2003, E. Kalso, H.J. McQuay, Z. Wiesenfeld- ISBN 978-931092-49-7, 225 pp, Hallin (Eds). 1999, ISBN 978-931092- hardbound. Price: US$57.00. 28-2, 406 pp, hardbound. Price: Pain Management for Older Adults: Pain 2005 – An Updated Review, Opioids and Pain Relief: A Historical US$42.00. A Self-Help Guide Refresher Course Syllabus, 11th Perspective Chronic and Recurrent Pain in NEW! IASP Press is excited to World Congress on Pain M.L. Meldrum (Ed). 2003, ISBN 978- Children and Adolescents release its first ever book intended for (Sydney, Australia, 2005) D.M. Justins 931092-47-3, 222 pp, hardbound. Price: P.J. McGrath, G.A. Finley (Eds). 1999, patients! This softbound book offers (Ed). 2005, ISBN 978-931092-63-3, US$51.00. ISBN 978-931092-27-5, 288 pp, older adults a variety of practical, 406 pp, softbound. Price: US$40.00. hardbound. Price: US$40.00. easy-to-follow techniques to help Proceedings of the 10th World Abstracts – 11th World Congress Congress on Pain Epidemiology of Pain them manage their pain. Check www. on Pain iasp-pain.org/IASPPress for ordering (San Diego, USA, 2002) J.O. I.K. Crombie, P.R. Croft, S.J. Linton, (Sydney, Australia, 2005), 2005, ISBN Dostrovsky, D.B. Carr, M. Koltzenburg L. LeResche, M. Von Korff (Eds.). information and more details as they 978-931092-64-0, 668 pp, softbound. become available. Editors: Thomas (Eds). 2003, ISBN 978-931092-46-6, 1999, ISBN 978-931092-25-1, 336 pp, Price US$45.00. CD of Abstracts 959 pp, hardbound. Price: US$64.00. softbound. Price: US$35.00. Hadjistavropoulos and Heather D. US$10.00. Hadjistavropoulos Abstracts – 10th World Congress Pain and Suffering The Paths of Pain, 1975-2005 Systematic Reviews in Pain on Pain W.K. Livingston. 1998, ISBN 978- H. Merskey, J.D. Loeser, R. Dubner (San Diego, USA, 2002) 2002, ISBN 931092-24-4, 268 pp, hardbound. Price: Research: Methodology Refined (Eds). 2005, ISBN 978-931092-56-5, NEW! H.J. McQuay, E. Kalso, R.A. 978-931092-45-9, 638 pp, softbound. US$30.00. 549 pp, hardbound. Price: US$65.00 Price: US$35.00. Moore (Eds). 2008, ISBN 978-0- [IASP members US$55.00]. Assessment and Treatment of 931092-69-5, 407 pp, softbound. Spinal Cord Injury Pain: Cancer Pain Narrative, Pain, and Suffering Price: US$70.00 [IASP members Assessment, Mechanisms, R. Payne, R.B. Patt, C.S. Hill, Jr. (Eds). D. B. Carr, J. D. Loeser, D.B. Morris US$55.00]. Management 1998, ISBN 978-931092-21-3, 344 pp, (Eds). 2005, ISBN 978-931092-82-4, Immune and Glial Regulation R. P. Yezierski, K.J. Burchiel (Eds). hardbound. Price: US$40.00. 364 pp, hardbound. Price: US$89.00 2002, ISBN 978-931092-43-5, 443 pp, of Pain [IASP members: US$69.00]. Sickle Cell Pain NEW! J.A. DeLeo, L.S. Sorkin and hardbound. Price: US$67.00. S.K. Ballas. 1998, ISBN 978-931092-22-0, Contextual Cognitive-Behavioral L.R. Watkins (Eds). 2007, ISBN 978- Neuropathic Pain: Pathophysiology 389 pp, hardbound. Price: US$40.00. Therapy for Chronic Pain 0-931092-67-1, 443 pp, hardbound, and Treatment L.M. McCracken. 2005, ISBN 978- Measurement of Pain in Infants and with CD-ROM. Special price for first P.T. Hansson, H.L. Fields, R.G. Hill, 931092-83-1, 148 pp, hardbound. Price: Children 500 copies sold: US$75.00 [IASP P. Marchettini (Eds). 2001, ISBN 978- US$67.00 [IASP members US$53.00]. G.A. Finley, P.J. McGrath (Eds). 1998, members US$60.00]. Price after 931092-38-1, 288 pp, hardbound. Price: ISBN 978-931092-20-6, 224 pp, promotion: US$95.00 [IASP members CRPS: Current Diagnosis and US$55.00. hardbound. Price: US$35.00. US$80.00] Therapy Acute and Procedure Pain in Infants P.R. Wilson, M. Stanton-Hicks, R.N. Molecular Neurobiology of Pain Sleep and Pain and Children Harden (Eds). 2005, ISBN 978-931092- D. Borsook (Ed). 1997, ISBN 978- G. Lavigne, B. Sessle, M. Choinière, G.A. Finley, P.J. McGrath (Eds). 2001, 55-8, 316 pp, hardbound. Price: 931092-19-0, 384 pp, hardbound. Price: P. Soja (Eds). 2007, ISBN 978-0- ISBN 978-931092-39-8, 183 pp, US$82.00 [IASP members: US$67.00]. US$35.00. 931092-62-6, 474 pp, hardbound. hardbound. Price: US$53.00. Pain in the Elderly Price: US$80.00 [IASP members The Pain System in Normal and The Child with Headache: Diagnosis B.R. Ferrell, B.A. Ferrell (Eds). 1996, US$65.00]. Pathological States: A Primer for and Treatment Clinicians ISBN 978-931092-15-2, 152 pp, Central Neuropathic Pain: Focus P.A. McGrath, L.M. Hillier (Eds). 2001, L. Villanueva, A.H. Dickenson, H. Ollat softbound. Price: US$16.25. on Poststroke Pain ISBN 978-931092-30-5, 292 pp, (Eds). 2004, ISBN 978-931092-53-4, Pain Treatment Centers at a J.L. Henry, A. Panju, K. Yashpal hardbound. Price: US$59.00. 347 pp, hardbound. Price: US$71.00 Crossroads: A Practical and (Eds). 2007, ISBN 978-931092-66-3, [IASP members: US$57.00]. Manual de fármacos utilizados en el Conceptual Reappraisal 281 pp, hardbound. Price: US$80.00 tratamiento del dolor crónico M.J.M. Cohen, J.N. Campbell (Eds). [IASP members US$65.00]. Hyperalgesia: Molecular C.L. Nebreda, B.J. Urban. 2001, ISBN Mechanisms and Clinical 1996, ISBN 978-931092-14-5, 352 pp, Proceedings of the 11th World 978-931092-36-7, 178 pp, softbound. Implications hardbound. Price: US$35.00. Congress on Pain Price: US$18.00. (Save 50% off original K. Brune, H.O. Handwerker (Eds). Visceral Pain (Sydney, Australia, 2005) H. Flor, E. price.) 2004, ISBN 978-931092-50-3, 397 pp, G.F. Gebhart (Ed). 1995, ISBN 978- Kalso, J. O. Dostrovsky (Eds). 2006, hardbound. Price: US$89.00 [IASP Pain Imaging 931092-10-7, 528 pp, hardbound. Price: ISBN 978-931092-60-2, 886 pp, members: US$71.00]. K.L. Casey, M.C. Bushnell (Eds). US$30.00. hardbound. Price: US$80.00 [IASP 2000, ISBN 978-931092-34-3, 248 pp, members US$64.00]. Psychological Methods of Pain hardbound. Price: US$62.00. Temporomandibular Disorders and Control: Basic Science and Clinical Related Pain Conditions Emerging Strategies for the Perspectives Sex, Gender, and Pain B.J. Sessle, P.S. Bryant, R.A. Dionne Treatment of Neuropathic Pain D.D. Price, M.C. Bushnell (Eds). R.B. Fillingim (Ed). 2000, ISBN 978- (Eds). 1995, ISBN 978-931092-09-1, J.N. Campbell, A.I. Basbaum, A. Dray, 2004, ISBN 978-931092-52-7, 308 pp, 931092-35-0, 416 pp, hardbound. Price: 506 pp, hardbound. Price: US$23.00. R. Dubner, R.H. Dworkin, C.N. Sang hardbound. Price: US$63.00 [IASP US$ 55.00. (Eds). 2006, ISBN 978-931-02-61-9, Classification of Chronic Pain, members: US$51.00]. Proceedings of the 9th World 514 pp, hardbound. Price: US$80.00 Second Edition Congress on Pain [IASP members: US$64.00]. The Genetics of Pain H. Merskey, N. Bogduk (Eds). 1994, J.S. 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Dec 2007 21 Issue 3 What’s New at IASP?

Please welcome a new employee to the IASP team! Rich Boram, Marketing/Communications Manager Rich Boram joined the IASP staff in Seattle in early October. In addition to publishing the IASP Newsletter, he helps produce website content, Congress materials, and marketing pieces for IASP Press. Rich is also responsible for member outreach, Global Year communications, and other efforts aimed at raising the profile of IASP. Rich has held marketing and communications positions with several major companies over the last 15 years, including Weyerhaeuser, Associates First Capital, and Chevy Chase Bank.

Pain: Clinical Updates Has New Editor-in-Chief IASP is pleased to Daniel B. Carr, Education and Policy at Tufts welcome Jane C. MD, served as University School of Medicine. Dan Ballantyne, MD, Editor-in-Chief of now serves as Chief Executive Officer FRCA, as the new P:CU for nearly and Chief Medical Officer of Javelin Editor-in-Chief 15 years. In Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, of Pain: Clinical May 1993, as Mass., USA. the publication’s Updates (P:CU). In 2005 Dan co-edited the book, founding editor, This publication Narrative, Pain, and Suffering, which Dan wrote the inaugural issue, aims to present information that was published by IASP Press and “Pain Control: The New ‘Whys’ and is timely, relevant, and useful to received excellent reviews. His ‘Hows’,” in which he explained that clinicians who seek to practice rational research interests include analgesic “societal changes demand that the and effective pain management. peptides, translational outcomes well-informed practitioner become Jane notes that IASP’s membership research on pain therapies, and acquainted with current means of includes clinicians from the many systematic reviews of pain treatments. pain assessment and treatment.” disciplines involved in treating pain. He is currently editing another book Since that first issue, Dan has made “As a publication from and for this for IASP Press and soon will write a remarkable contributions to this diverse membership,” she explains, valedictory issue of P:CU to appear mission. “P:CU gives a perspective on pain in 2008. management that crosses various IASP members have long appreciated practice settings, cultures, and Dan’s remarkable talent in his political milieus.” Jane’s primary goal, selection of interesting topics and fine The most recent issues of Pain: she adds, will be “to maintain the contributors from many disciplines, as Clinical Updates are available legacy of quality, accuracy, truth, and well as his editorial work in polishing online at www.iasp-pain.org/ timeliness that Dan Carr successfully the presentation to make every issue maintained over his many years as exciting and fresh. All back issues publications and address the Editor-in-Chief.” of P:CU, many of which have been following topics: translated into several different • Dysmenorrhea: Contemporary languages, are available online at Perspectives (Volume XV, Issue www.iasp-pain.org/publications. 8, November 2007) Dan is the Saltonstall Professor of • Chronic Pain in Survivors of Pain Research in the Department of Torture (Volume XV, Issue 7, Anesthesia at Tufts-New England October 2007) Medical Center. He is also Founding • Fear and Pain (Volume XV, Issue Director of the Master of Science 6, August 2007) Degree Program in Pain Research,

Dec 2007 22 Issue 3 What's New at IASP? (Continued from page 22)

Meet one of our longtime staff members Kathy Havers, who joined IASP in January 1997, wears several hats for the organization. As Editorial Liaison for the IASP journal, PAIN, she interfaces with the journal’s publisher, Elsevier. Kathy is also the Programs Coordinator for our grants, awards, and fellowships. In addition, she coordinates the authors and reviewers for Pain: Clinical Updates (P:CU) and works closely with our 14 Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Originally from Johannesburg, South Africa, Kathy has taught high school biology in the UK, Japan, and South Africa. After immigrating with her family to Seattle, USA, in 1978, she held various volunteer and temporary jobs, including substitute teaching positions, and then worked full time in administration for wholesale representatives who sold toys to stores. Kathy says her favorite part of her role at IASP is interacting with a variety of people, both internationally and in many different disciplines, as well as seeing the latest developments in pain research and treatment. “PAIN is the premier journal in the field of pain,” she notes, “and it’s very exciting to be a part of that.” Kathy has two married children. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, hiking, reading, and gardening. She will celebrate her 11-year anniversary with IASP in January 2008.

Behind the Book: Henry J. McQuay Systematic Reviews in Pain Research

We asked Henry McQuay to discuss IASP Press’s new release, Systematic Reviews in Pain Research: Methodology Refined, edited by McQuay, Eija Kalso, and R. Andrew Moore. Q What prompted your own interest in systematic reviews? A A two-year secondment in the early 1990s to the National Health Service R&D grew my interest in this developing area. Q What led to the production of this book? A We had a previous meeting of ICECAP (International Collaboration on Evidence-Based Critical Care, Anaesthesia and Pain) that was a big success, so we applied to IASP for the funding for a research symposium. We were awarded funds to hold the 6th IASP Research Symposium, Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses in Pain Lessons from the Past Leading to Pathways for the Future, in September 2006 in Alicante, Spain. The first meeting had no publication attached, so we thought this second meeting was a good idea, because it would force us to produce a publication! Q What sets this book apart from other publications about evidence-based medicine? A This is not a how-to-do-it book, but rather it shows how folk in different parts of the perioperative and chronic pain worlds have used systematic review techniques. [It also] gives them the opportunity to discuss their successes and failures with the methods. Q What are the pathways to the future that you mention in the preface to the book? What do you predict as the future of evidence-based medicine? A [I believe we will see] better understanding of the outcome measures and clinical trial designs which underpin advances.

Dec 2007 23 Issue 3 International Association for the Study of Pain®

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