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THE LIBRARY THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF COLORADO 200 Fourteenth Avenue, Denver 80203 Name of ·donor: &t ft~ Address'. ~Ft. l/r.5~ Descr1pt1oh of g1ft: Restriction (time or use): DEED OF GIFT I hereby give to the State Historical Society of Colorado, for its use and benefit, without restrictions as to use or dispostion (except as noted above), and inc uding all literary and property rights, the property described a~ove. Date;j , r: · - ,;:( /, / CJ / Signature J/ c/? ~it/ RECEIPT Accepted for the Society by: Date ---------------- Signature------~---- Restrictions noted ---------- Title ------------- M· This is an interview with Mr. Bill Wells. I'm at his inn in Glen Haven, the date is August 21, 1976, and my name is David McComb. Well, let's kind of start at the beginning. It started raining down here. And how you didn't ... the river might have been rising, but when did" you first realize there was going to be some major flooding? W: First, I'd gone into town }n the evening . after the dinner hour started ... to pick up some things for the restaurant, Came back, about, what was it, Ted? About 6:00, 6:30, and I was sitting here at the desk doing some work, and just suddenly the rain just came down. I mean, it was not pouring or anything. When I had driven into town, it was a sunny, partly cloudy day. That's all it was. M: Was it unusua 1 for this country for something 1 ike· that? W: Oh, no, no, because when it started to rain, we thought, 11 Well, here's our little shower.
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