HIGH WATER MARK Commission Adairsville Recommends Tilley Water Rezonings Department by JAMES SWIFT [email protected]
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FRIDAY June 14, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 cents BCBOE gets update on FY20 budget The increase means the school tors and clerical staff. system can expect additional rev- “That was done back years ago School board extends enue of roughly $5.2 million next when times got really tough, and so year, according to Brown. this budget does include bringing all “That $5.2 million does take into of those employees back as Bartow superintendent’s contract consideration a millage rate reduc- County school employees,” Brown tion,” she said. “What that fi nal re- said. BY DONNA HARRIS received the 2019 preliminary tax duction is is unknown as we will The extra funds also will allow the [email protected] digest after the tentative budget was wait until we receive some more up- system to raise the salary increase presented last month, which necessi- dated numbers from them.” for classifi ed employees from 4.2% Bartow County school board tated some changes. With the additional funds, the to- in the original budget to 5.2%. members heard an update on chang- The tax digest indicated about tal FY20 general fund revenue and “We are going to look at the es to the fi scal year 2020 budget and a 10% increase for the school dis- expenditures are projected to be classified salary scale next year added another year to Superinten- trict, with the increase “split 50-50” $134,038,819, Brown said. and put us in line to where we dent Dr. Phillip Page’s contract this between new growth and reassess- Having an extra $5.2 million in should be, but moving it up to the week. ments, Brown said. the budget will allow for several oth- 5.2% should put us even closer,” After no one showed up to speak “What we did receive was prelim- er items to be added. Brown said. “We won’t have as at the second state-mandated pub- inary, but I have talked to the tax as- The system will be able to elim- many changes next year in that RANDY PARKER/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS lic hearing on the budget Monday sessor’s offi ce quite a few times, and inate the need to use Ashton Staff- salary scale.” The Bartow County School Board voted night, Chief Financial Offi cer Me- they feel very confi dent with their ing for hiring its paraprofessionals, to add another year to Superintendent Dr. gan Brown told board members she numbers,” she said. school nutrition workers, bus moni- SEE BCBOE, PAGE 6A Phillip Page’s contract. Cartersville Planning HIGH WATER MARK Commission Adairsville recommends Tilley Water rezonings Department BY JAMES SWIFT [email protected] The Cartersville Planning Com- lands two mission voted unanimously to rec- ommend approval of two rezoning requests from Tilley Holdings, District 1 LLC and Tilley Properties, Inc. at Tuesday evening’s public meeting. Both rezoning requests centered awards on a piece of property near the Crest Truck Parts salvage yard, abutting BY MARIE NESMITH Highway 41 between Peachtree [email protected] Street and South Bridge Drive. The request from Tilley Properties, Inc. The city of Adairsville’s water de- seeks the rezoning of about 4.18 partment captured a pair of awards at acres on a roughly 26.5-acre tract the Georgia Association of Water Pro- from general commercial (G-C) to fessionals Spring Conference. Along heavy industrial (H-I), while the with the department winning District request from Tilley Holdings, LLC 1’s Best of the Best Tap Water Taste seeks to rezone 7.28 acres directly Test, Leslie McClure won the 2019 Dis- adjacent from that tract from heavy trict 1 Wastewater Top Operator Award. industrial and mining to simply “We like to think of Lewis Spring heavy industrial. as a refl ection of the region we serve, “There is no more mining oper- distinct and all-round great,” said Lisa ation going on out there and they Eury, water/wastewater plant manager would prefer to add the entire tract for the Adairsville Water Department. on H-I instead of H-I and mining,” “Lewis Spring is natural spring water said City of Cartersville Planning from the heart of northwest Georgia. and Development Director Randy “Our high quality water is nearly un- Mannino. matched by other municipalities. We Tilley Properties and New Riv- feel like we capture the essence of fresh erside Ochre Co. negotiated a se- water in Adairsville, Georgia.” ries of “land swaps” in 2003, with On April 24, the accolades were pre- several variances approved for the sented at the GAWP conference in Co- Tilley-held property, including the lumbus. Both awards were for District elimination of certain road front- 1, which encompasses 16 counties in age and buffer requirements. northwest Georgia, including Bartow. SPECIAL Attorney David Flint represent- The Georgia Section of the American Leslie McClure, from left, Lisa Eury and Lanny Allen accompany Danny Tatum as he holds Adairsville Water Depart- ed Tilley during that rezoning pro- Water Works Association (GAWWA) ment’s District 1 championship award for Best Tap Tasting. cess roughly 16 years ago — and held a taste competition representing he represented the applicants once all eight GAWP districts to determine All entries had incurred no state [or] “The award is given to an individu- for the past 15 years, McClure’s current more at Tuesday’s meeting. the best tasting tap water in Georgia, federal drinking water violations. This al for outstanding and innovative per- title is Class 11 wastewater treatment “What they’re trying to do now according to Eury. includes MCL, monitoring, record- formance in the fi eld of wastewater operator. is there’s 7.28 acres — 2.28 is Eury said the department did not ad- keeping, fl ow, etc. during calendar year treatment plant operations,” he said. “What I enjoy most about working at zoned heavy industrial, and fi ve of vance to the state contest in the taste 2018. This was verifi ed for competi- “I was nominated by my supervisor the water department is being a good it is mining,” he said. “It’s no lon- test category; the winner of each dis- tion.” to the District 1 director of the Geor- steward of our natural resources,” he ger being mined, so we’re seeking trict contest was given a certifi cate of Along with being overwhelmed and gia Association of Water Professionals. said. “I enjoy making sure the plant is achievement. surprised by the recognition, McClure The District 1 director picked a winner in good condition and performs as ef- SEE REZONING, PAGE 6A “All tests were conducted in a sci- shared he was extremely grateful to win from the many nominations that were fi ciently as possible. I take the respon- entifi c manner and a celebrity panel of the district’s Wastewater Top Operator submitted.” sibility of protecting the environment judges performed the fi nal taste test. Award. Employed by the city of Adairsville very seriously.” Man gets 36 months probation for criminal trespass, disorderly conduct BY JAMES SWIFT Jean-Baptiste received a 12-month sen- refused to leave when asked by an occu- [email protected] tence — and with it, a $500 fi ne — for pant. Prosecutors said Jean-Baptiste had one count of disorderly conduct. He also to be physically removed from inside the Felony peeping Tom charges were re- received a consecutive 12-month sentence unit. After that he fl ed the scene. duced to the lesser offense of disorderly and $250 fi ne for one count of criminal Offi cers located the defendant shortly conduct for a Cartersville resident who trespass, plus a consecutive 12-month thereafter. was spotted peering into windows at sentence and $100 fi ne for one count of According to a Cartersville Police De- the Club Court Apartments earlier this public drunkenness. partment report, Jean-Baptiste admitted year. According to witnesses, the defendant to drinking several alcoholic beverages Georgia Superior Court Senior Judge was seen looking inside several apart- that evening, and upon being read his JAMES SWIFT/DTN City of Cartersville Planning Larry Salmon sentenced 58-year-old Her- ment units on April 29. Several told police Miranda rights, told officers he was “a and Development Director old Jean-Baptiste to 36 months on proba- Jean-Bapiste at the time was shouting and chief” who needed to be released from Randy Mannino goes over Jean-Baptiste tion in Bartow Superior Court Tuesday appeared visibly drunk. custody. notes at Tuesday evening’s after the defendant entered a negotiated At one point, the defendant did walk planning commission meet- plea of guilty to three separate charges. inside an apartment — uninvited — and SEE PLEA, PAGE 5A ing. 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I now to insist you be included suggests When I remind him of what to be seen by his doctor to ensure reside in his residence out of ne- to me that your relationship ap- needs doing, he accuses me of it isn’t caused by a health prob- Mailing Address: 251 S.