Chinese Auction מים חיים
ם ם י חיי ממים חיים ארגון הנשים בית מדרש גבוה Annual Tea & Chinese auction מים חיים S WATER IS ESSENTIAL FOR ALL LIVING THINGS, TORAH IS Athe source of life for Klal Yisroel. Its torrents and tributaries irrigate our lives with holiness, meaning and purpose. Here at Beth Medrash Govoha, the Bnei HaYeshiva set out daily to navigate the Yam HaTalmud, exploring its boundless depths, devoting themselves to Jewry’s unquenchable thirst for the Dvar Hashem. As Nshei Chayil, wives and mothers, we draw constantly from the well, seeing to it that our families absorb the pure vitality of Torah. We give of ourselves and dive into our numerous tasks and responsibilities so that our grace humanity with the אי”ה children can thrive, blossom, and ripple effect of Torah wisdom, yiras shamayim, middos tovos, kavod habrios, and kiddush Hashem. Ladies of Lakewood, Nshei HaYeshiva, your dedication, ideals, hard work, and sincere mesiras nefesh for Torah are an example and inspiration for all! This annual evening where friend greets friend, and heart speaks to heart in true camaraderie, is tendered in honor of you. Please come, enjoy your night and all the specialties we have planned. We look forward to joining you in friendship and chizuk. BMG Auction Committee WE THANK OUR CORPORATE SPONSORS ארגון הנשים בית מדרש גבוה BETH MEDRASH GOVOHA WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Annual Tea & Chinese auction Sunday, November 23, 2014 ר"ח כסלו תשע"ה Lake Terrace Hall 1690 OAK STREET LAKEWooD, NEW JERSEY DooRS OPEN AT 7:30 PM PROGRAM 9:00 PM AUCTIon DRAWING 10:00 PM ADMIssIon $18
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