The Westfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County
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THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY . at weBtMeld, N. j. SEVENTY-SECOND YflAR—No. 45 Second Clasa Pontage 1'ald WESTFIELD, fJEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1962 IlSl 28 Pages—10 Cent* Kvcrv Thursday Bike Inspection Bell Achieves Record-Breaking Academy Grade Lt. Thomac Catalon of the Y Building Projec Wettfield Police Department, 97.80 Score Highest announced today that the Planners Include monthly bicycle inspection Topped Out' As In 15-Year History will be held Saturday from 9 Of State Police a.m. until 11:30 a.m., at the Gym Develops rear of the Municipal Build- Tanhandle' In Westfield has received word ing. i°from the New Jersey State Police Traditional Tree Set [Academy thut Patrolman Robert At Roof Line, Other • Boll has compiled the highest mark Dr. Nolan Named Sever attained in the 15 yenr his- Work Progressing Park Project Siory of the Police Academy. I'a- i'trolman Bell completed the six- To Boro Board The high point in the construe I week training course with a mark tion of the Westfield YiMCA-YV Teenage Dance : of 97.80. The previous high was €A building expansion project wn Fornial Report Of Education celebrated this week with tbe tn The West field Recreation •9G. litional placement of a tree nt th ; The training period covers all Civic Worker Chosen roof line marking the new gym Commits ion will sponsor a Being Sifted : phases of police work including nasium. The tree was afl'ued t teenage dance to be held at ^ criminal law, 'court room proced- To Fill Vacancy the roof corner bordering Clnr' j. ure, investigative technics and Edison School Wednesday Until February street and l.udlow place by derail from 8 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. By Council [practical pistol and army 1. typo Jackson, superintendent of con ; courses. MOUNTAINSIDE—Dr. Edward traction for the firm of Skinne There will be no a<Jmts»ion fee \ Patrolmun Bell joined the W'ext- J. Nolan of Park slope has been Following u public hearing on mid Cook, general contractors. for the event which is being the proposed boundary lines for the ifield Police Department Due. 1, appointed to fill a vacancy on the held in conjunction with the •1956. He has previously completed Hoard of Kducation. lie has a Other recent advances in the con- suggested jiark in the Hig Woods ;courses in basic police work, acci- long record of service in civic, char- struction program includes the teenage summer playground ection of Urightwood, the Plan- ' dent investigation and numerous itable, and educational endeavors. completion of the exterior brick program. ning Hoard hus submitted to the j other phases of police work. The board vacancy was caused work for the swimming pool sec- All boys nnd girls from town its final recommendation for the proposed recreational project L Patrolman Bell resides at KiO4 hy the resignation June 20 of ion, and the forming of the poo ages 13 to 15 are invited to sPineifrove avenue. He is married RECORD-BREAKING BLUECOAT—Wettfield Patrolman Robert Bell receives official congratuU- James C. Noste. balcony seats. According to Wil tuiil have included the Vcmi tract, attend. Refreshment* will be more commonly referred to as the 'to the former Judith Lubbcn of tiom of Police Commiuioner William Conner, Chief of Police Janiei F. Moran, nnd Mayor Burr Orlin K. Johnson, hoard presi- limn E. rUirbnnk, building commit ; Westfield and they have u son, A. To«d Jr., on hit having compiled the highest mark ever attained by a student trainee in the 15- tee chairman, the only remaining served, Panhandle," an area not included dent, said thu hoard was required at the public hearing Junn 11. j Robert Joseph Bell Jr. year history of the New Jersey State Police Academy. , to appoint a successor wtihin 05 structural work is the completioi f the brick walls for the gym At the June hearing residents of lays after the resignation was ac- 9 ; No Bargain cepted, lust week. ntsiiini, and the concrete floor for Summit Musicians •Sunnywood drive, Kn r Hill drivo Vandal Hunt Still ;be bottom of the swimming pool and Woodinero urea protested tho Two 5-year-old boy« got Dr. Nolan's term runs until the iolh are expected to 'be complete! exclusion of the'"Panhandle" block, Jefferson Leads As 2,405 school election in February. iy the end of next week. The floor a tract of privately owned land more than they bargained for Concert Tonight r [Pushed; Lie Tests after pulling a fire alarm box Dr. IN'olan ard his wife, Irene, slab for the locker room section bounded by lirightwood, I anwood, at Stanley and St. Marks have lived in Mountainside since underneath tbe gymnasium floor Brown avenues und John .street. avenues about 11 a.m. Thurs- Register At Playfields 1050, having moved here from .vill be placed as soon as water At Mindowaskin Their protests were based in the. [ire Resumed day. •Scotch Plains. iThey have four ml soil lines arc in place. nain on the hazards they cited as Practice Sessions Tuesday for Olympics children, Edward, Nancy, liobert True, the fire trucks did The nearly $1 million addition :ieing inherent in increased vehi- i "Members of the Westfield Po- and Amy. •i) the present YiM-YW facilities i> Record Throng Heard cular tralllc. at the intersection of come roaring up the street, July 14; McKiiiley Box-Hockey 'J'oday Robert was graduated from Gov- lice Department arc continuing to but best remembered will bo •xpected to be completed early in Jazz Event at Park Hrightw^iod and iKanwood by pros* |)ICSB their search for the vandals Tin; Westfield Recreation Commission's summer playground sea- •rniir Livingston Uegional High lUli.'l. To dale, Dr. Edward 0. pective users of the lower portion the stern lecture by firemen School in lierkeley Heights this In First Program .vho severely damaged the senior and promised punishment at son got "f to nn auspicious start last week when a total of 2,405 Hourii's, campaign chairman, re- if the park site. They suggested • liprh school several weeks ago caus- registered at the commission's nine playfields and for tennis instruc- year, mid Amy will be in seventh ports the total of gifts and pledg- hat the aciiuisition of the "Pan- home, rade nt Deerficld School in th More than tiOfl people attended ing a lost estimated by the Board tion. The top registration was at Jefferson School playground again es at nearly $K07,0()0. Pledge pay- be season's first concert Thursday handle" would provide for easier, this year when 403 signed up. Other totals were as follows: Koosevelt all. ments so Car have mel the cost of safer access to the park proper, ••if Education at more than $3,8U0. were taken from crude scrnwlings Dr. Nolan is plant manager at •iven by the Westfield Jazz Hand. School, 420; Lincoln, 140-1; Wilson, construction, according to Edward 'wo encores were played in ap- thus reducing accident potentials, Additional lie detector tests were on the school blackboards. Merck & Co., Inc. in Railway. He C. lOwen, YMCA genera) seem , aken voluntarily Tuesday after- 2G1; Washington, 254; (Irani, reciiition of the enthusiastic re- Itofli the Planning Hoard and Also being checked out under 134; McKiiiley, 15.r>; Columbus SumniiT studied chemistry at tMnssaehti- tary. In his report, Mr. Ewen .own ollicials are faced with a loon by a number of youths buseil the direction of Oct. Lieut. Alfred ponse given by tbe people of West- 84; Teenage, llil and Tennis, K05. tts Institute of Technology and noted that while some borrowing eld for the first venture of the ime element with regard to thu m their possible complicity in the Vai'daliu are a number of finger- •iTeived lii.s I'h.l). degree there. against outstanding pledges lo the joard's recommendation in that •uid on the school. prints which the department ob- Now well into its second week Children Build ew season's program sponsored of activity the piny program regis- lie is ii director of Junior Y fund is inevitable, it. is hoped y the Kecreation Commission. he Planning Hoard presently has tained and is presently comparing. Achievement and was Hull ehair- pledge payments will be. made K'forc it, the final, formal applica- According to Jamas V. Moran, According to police officials ev- tration is still open to all hoys and lolice chief, the department is girls from the ages of 5 to 12 Library 'Brick uin fur lietarded Children fund schedule to keep secured borrowing The Summit Concert Hand lin- iini of Vincent Verrn of Aloun- ery clue or lead, no matter how rive in i.Mountainsiile. iit a minimum to avoid paying un- er Hie direction of Harry illanna- ainside for a major subdivision of waiting evaluation reports from meagre it may be, is being closely with tho limit for the teenage he State 'Police on the lie detector program at Westfield High in to Mrs. Nolan lias been active in Meco.-isiiry interest charges. oril will present its first concert his tract and the erection of 10 checked out. By Brick' 'TA and charitable affairs. ere tonight at Mindowaskin Park, residential dwellings. :ests which were given to a num- IB, according to Joseph E. Cole- 1'ledgcs to the campaign fund ber of youths last week, and in ad- Howard 'lonilinson, assistant su- man, director, lie said that those In the past Dr. IN'olan has wnrk- his will be the first of three run- The summer raiding: program of (Continued on page i) With a -lS-day limit for action 1'tion expect to soon the hand- perintenHciit of schools, said the interested in signing up are to d with the committee developing ,'i-ls to be given by the Summit liy the board this will reimiro that (In- children's d'.'|>ailitiont of the luf borough's Iteerhwooil School mid now in ;(< Kith season.