power and poverty in the fashion industry © Oxfam Australia, October 2017 Oxfam Australia 132 Leicester Street, Carlton Victoria 3053 Australia Tel + 61 3 9289 9444 | Fax +61 3 9347 1983
[email protected] www.oxfam.org.au Cover image: Anju, a garment worker in Dhaka, Bangladesh, holds clothing set for Australia and other destinations around the world. Photo: GMB Akash/Panos/OxfamAUS. Acknowledgements: Many colleagues helped to develop this report, including Saiful Alam, Monisha Biswas and Zobaidur Rahman (Oxfam in Bangladesh), and Amanda Banks, Nicole Bieske, Maureen Bathgate, Catherine Church, James Dunlop, Bruce Francis, Camille Furtado, Daisy Gardener, Jessie Meaney- Davis, Sarah Rogan, Mika Tran and Min-Wah Voon (Oxfam Australia). Oxfam also thanks Karmojibi Nari (KN) in Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies (BILS), as well as Deloitte Access Economics for its data and analysis. Authors: S Nayeem Emran and Joy Kyriacou (Oxfam Australia) Editor: Melanie Scaife Published by Oxfam Australia, Melbourne, October 2017 Designer: Tahnee Le Pine/Tootsie&Co Printer: Finsbury Green Printed with vegetable-based inks on ecoStar, an unbleached uncoated paper made from 100% recycled post-consumer waste. Oxfam Research Reports Oxfam Research Reports are written to share research results, contribute to public debate and invite feedback on development and humanitarian policy and practice. Disclaimer: The views of this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of Oxfam or any funding agency. Statement of copyright: This publication is copyright but the text may be used free of charge for advocacy, campaigning, education and research, provided that the source is acknowledged in full.