THETHE ACHILLESACHILLES CLUBCLUB 20052005 PRESIDENT Sir Thomas Macpherson of Biallid CBE MC TD DL (Oxford) VICE-PRESIDENTS Derek G. Steel (Oxford) J. Peter Ford CBE (Cambridge) H. Robert H. Stinson MBE (Cambridge ) Donald C.E. Gorrie MSP ( Oxford) Timothy M. Taylor (Oxford) CHAIRMAN Dr Dewi W. ROBERTS (Cambridge) COMMITTEE Mark S. Steed (Cambridge) US Matches and Schools Relays Tom Dowie (Oxford) Achilles Dinner Alan James (Cambridge) Varsity Match Robert Harle (Cambridge) Webmaster Matthew Buck (Cambridge) Kit –
[email protected] Jonathan Parker (Oxford) – Achilles Ball Air Commodore John G. De'Ath MBE (Oxford) Richard Baderin Past President OUAC Dan Bray Past President & Men’s Captain CUAC Nichola s Radford President OUAC Andrew Owen President CUAC Martine Bomb Women’s Captain OUAC Claire Palmer Women’s Captain CUAC Katie Sam Hon. Sec. OUAC Kieran Millar Hon. Sec. CUAC Dr. Simon Clarke Hon. Treasurer, OUAC Christopher L. Pratt Hon. Treasurer, CUAC Ailsa Wallace - Achilles Rep, OUAC Richard Wheater – Achilles Rep. CUAC Team Managers Cassie Beasley ( Cambridge) 07970 490008
[email protected] Dr. Andrew Hodge (Cambridge), 07958 923157
[email protected] Clare Ridgley (Oxford) Mobile 07971 793916
[email protected] Matt Weaver (Oxford) 020 7263 5976 (h),
[email protected] Jenny Gillett (Oxford)
[email protected] Achilles Trust Trustees: H.R.H. Stinson ; Sir Thomas Macpherson ; Dr. C.J.R. Thorne; J.G. De’Ath; Clerk to the Trust: Dr. Christopher Thorne (Cambridge), St Catharine’s College, Cambridge 01954-210566
[email protected] American Achilles Foundation Thomas N. Blodgett (Cambridge)
[email protected] Hon. Treasurer & Membership Secretary Peter Crawshaw (Oxford), 18 Ringley Park Av., Reigate, Surrey RH2 7EU.