LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Select Committee on the NSW Taxi Industry Inquiry into the NSW taxi industry Ordered to be printed on 1 June 2010 Report - June 2010 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Inquiry into the NSW taxi industry New South Wales Parliamentary Library cataloguing-in-publication data: New South Wales. Parliament. Legislative Council. Select Committee on the NSW Taxi Industry NSW Taxi Industry / Legislative Council, Select Committee on the NSW Taxi Industry. [Sydney, N.S.W.] : The Committee, 2010. xxv, 270 p. ; 30 cm Chair: Hon John Ajaka MLC. “June 2010”. ISBN 9781920788292 1. Taxicabs—New South Wales—Economic aspects. 2. Taxicabs—Government policy—New South Wales. 3. Rental automobiles—Government policy—New South Wales. I. Title II. Ajaka, John. 388.413214 (DDC22) ii Report - June 2010 SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE NSW TAXI INDUSTRY How to contact the committee Members of the Select Committee on the NSW Taxi Industry can be contacted through the Committee Secretariat. Written correspondence and enquiries should be directed to: The Director Select Committee on the NSW Taxi Industry Legislative Council Parliament House, Macquarie Street Sydney New South Wales 2000 Internet www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/nswtaxiindustry Email
[email protected] Telephone 02 9230 2898 Facsimile 02 9230 2981 Report - June 2010 iii LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Inquiry into the NSW taxi industry Terms of Reference 1. That a select committee be appointed to inquire into and report on the New South Wales taxi industry, and in particular: (a) the adequacy of government reporting