The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance

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The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 Edited by Christine Bakker and Francesco Francioni THE EU, THE US AND GLOBAL CLIMATE GOVERNANCE Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance Edited by CHRISTINE BAKKER AND FRANCESCO FRANCIONI European University Institute, Florence, Italy Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 First published 2014 by Ashgate Publishing Published 2016 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business Copyright © Christine Bakker and Francesco Francioni 2014 Christine Bakker and Francesco Francioni have asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the editors of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows: The EU, the US and global climate governance / by Christine Bakker and Francesco Francioni. pages cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4724-2652-9 (hardback) – ISBN 978-1-4724-2653-6 (ebook) – ISBN 978-1-4724-2654-3 (epub) 1. Climatic changes – Law and legislation – European Union countries. 2. Climatic changes – Law and legislation – United States. I. Bakker, Christine, editor of compilation. II. Francioni, Francesco, editor of compilation. Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 K3585.5.E88 2014 363.738'74--dc23 2013050291 ISBN 9781472426529 (hbk) ISBN 9781315616315 (ebk) Contents List of Boxes, Figures and Tables vii Table of Cases ix Table of Treaties, Other International Instruments and Legislation xiii List of Abbreviations xxv Notes on Contributors xxix Acknowledgements xxxv Introduction 1 Christine Bakker and Francesco Francioni PART I THE EVOLUTION OF THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM AND LEADERSHIP 1 The Evolution of the Global Environmental System: Trends and Prospects in the EU and the US 9 Francesco Francioni and Christine Bakker 2 The Shifting Locus of Global Climate Policy Leadership 41 Denny Ellerman PART II EU COMPETENCES AND POLICIES ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND CLIMATE CHANGE 3 The Evolution of EU Policy and Law in the Environmental Field: Achievements and Current Challenges 61 Emanuela Orlando 4 The Evolution of EU Competences in the Field of External Relations Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 and its Impact on Environmental Governance Policies 81 Kati Kulovesi and Marise Cremona 5 The Importance of Coherent and Integrated Energy and Agriculture Policies in Meeting EU Climate Change Objectives 95 Antony Froggatt, Estelle Rouhaud and Tereza Svačinová 6 The European Emission Trading System: Flashing Lights, Dark Shadows and Future Prospects for Global ETS Cooperation 115 Simone Borghesi and Massimiliano Montini vi The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance 7 Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: The EU Legislation on Climate Change and the Question of Consistency with WTO Law 127 Stefanie Hiesinger and Petros C. Mavroidis 8 Primary Sovereign Rights or Secondary Environmental Duties? Critical International Law Issues Raised by the Extraterritorial Application of the EU Emission Trading System in the Aviation Sector 143 Ottavio Quirico PART III US POLICIES ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND CLIMATE CHANGE 9 New Drivers of US Climate Action? The Politics of Extreme Weather and Adaptation 163 Bernice Lee and Diarmuid Torney 10 Adjustments of US Energy Policy to Climate Change: Trends at the Federal and State Level 181 Helena Schulzová 11 The New US Domestic Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 195 Nigel Purvis, Cecilia Springer and Samuel Grausz PART IV CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES 12 EU and US Non-State Actors and Climate Governance 211 Annalisa Savaresi 13 The Governance of the Arctic Environment: The EU and US Contribution 225 Patrizia Vigni 14 Handing over Leadership: The Drivers and Future of Transatlantic Environmental Governance 247 Eugenio Cusumano Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 Index 269 List of Boxes, Figures and Tables Boxes 11.1 Emissions accounting 199 11.2 New energy policy: effects on emissions unclear at best 203 Figures 9.1 Number of disasters each year costing more than US$1 billion (at 2012 prices) 165 9.2 US public opinion: When will climate change begin to happen? 170 11.1 Emissions trajectories for new policy scenarios, 2005–20 200 11.2 Sources of US greenhouse gas emissions (US EPA 2012) 201 Tables 9.1 Concern about climate change by political affiliation, September 2012 171 9.2 Beliefs about climate change by political affiliation, March 2012 172 Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 This page has been left blank intentionally Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 Table of Cases Permanent Court of International Justice Lotus case (France v Turkey) (A: 10) 07/09/1927 147 International Court of Justice Gabčíkovo-Nagymaros (Hungary v Slovakia) 25/09/1997 15, 18, 31, 154 Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons 08/07/1996 15, 31, 154 Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay 20/04/2010 19, 31 Arbitral Tribunals Trail Smelter (USA v Canada) 11/03/1941 10, 15, 154 European Court of Justice Air Transport Association of America and Others v Secretary of 84, 91, 144, 145, State for Energy and Climate (C-366/10) 22/07/2010 147, 150, 151, 153, 156, 157 Algemene Scheeps Agentuur Dordrecht BV v Inspecteur der Belastingdienst – Douanedistrict Rotterdam (C-311/04) 12/01/2006 146 Anklagemyndigheden v Peter Michael Poulsen and Diva Navigation Corp (C-286/90) 24/11/1992 145 A Racke GmbH & C v Hauptzollamt Mainz (C-162/96) 06/06/1998 145 BOT Elektro Belchatow and Others v Commission (T-208/07) 20/10/2008 218 Cementownia ‘Warta’ v Commission (T-198/07) 23/09/2008 218 Cementownia ‘Odra’ v Commission (T-199/07) 23/09/2008 218 CEMEX Polska v Commission (T-203/07) 23/09/2008 218 Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 Cemex UK Cement Ltd v Commission of the European Communities (T-13/07) 12/01/2007 218 Commission v Belgium (C-68–73/81) 02/12/1981 64 Commission v Council (C-370/07) 01/10/2009 90 Commission v Council (C-94/03) 21/02/2013 86 Commission v Council (AETR) (C-22/70) 31/03/1971 64, 85 Commission v Council (Titanium Dioxide) (C-300/89) 11/06/1991 65 Commission v Denmark (C-302/86) 20/09/1988 65 x The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance Commission v EP and Council (C-178/03) 10/01/2006 86 Commission v Germany (C-61/94) 10/09/1996 146 Commission v Greece (C-45/07) 12/02/2009 87 Commission v Ireland (C-459/03) 30/05/2006 86, 90 Commission v Italy (C-92/79) 18/03/1980 9, 64 Commission v Parliament and Council (C-411/06) 08/09/2009 86 Commission v Sweden (C-246/07) 20/04/2010 87, 88, 90 Cornelius Kramer and others (joined cases 3/76, 4/76 and 6/76) 02/01/1976 84, 85 Drax Power Ltd and Others v Commission of the European Communities (T-130/06) 25/06/2007 218 Dyckerhoff Polska v Commission (T-196/07) 23/09/2008 218 EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG v Commission of the European Communities (T-387/04) 30/04/2007 218 Fabbrica italiana accumulatori motocarri Montecchio SpA and Others v Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities (joined cases C-120/06 P and C-121/06 P) 09/09/2008 146 ILO Convention No. 170 (Opinion 2/91) 19/03/1993 86 International Association of Independent Tanker Owners v Secretary of State for Transport (C-308/06) 03/06/2008 146 Afton Chemical Limited v Secretary of State for Transport (C- 343/09) 08/07/2010 218 Kadi and Al Barakaat International Foundation v Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities (joined cases 402/05 and 415/05) 03/09/2008 146 Laying-up fund (Opinion 1/76) 26/04/1977 86 Meryem Demirel v Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd (C-12/86) 30/09/1987 146 Opinion pursuant to Article 300(6) EC (Opinion 1/03) 07/02/2006 86 Opinion 2/00 (ECR I-9713) 06/12/2001 86 Parliament v Council (C-187/93) 28/06/1994 86 Plaumann v Commission (C-25/62) 15/07/1963 218 Downloaded by [University of Defence] at 21:27 09 May 2016 Procureur de la République v Association de Défense des Bruleurs d’Huiles Usagées (ADBHU) (C-240/83) 24/10/1983 9, 64, 65, 82 Rewe-Zentral AG v Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein (C-120/78) 20/02/1979 65 Société Arcelor Atlantique et Lorraine et al. v Premier ministre et al. (C-127/07) 16/12/2008 218 UK High Court, The Queen on the Application of People and Planet v H.M. Treasury (CO/5323/2009) 20/10/2009 218 Table of Cases xi USA District Court (Northern District of California), Friends of the Earth, Inc.
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