Table of Contents: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 2

I. Introduction 3

A. Charge of the Working Group 3

B. Working Group Process 3

C. Strength of Bioscience Training at UW-Madison: Historical Impact and Current Contributions 4

D. Bioscience PhD Training Nationally; Comparing UW-Madison to Our Peers 5

II. Findings 7

A. T32s: Strengths, Challenges, Obstacles 7

Strengths: 7

Challenges and Obstacles: 7

B. PhD Programs: Strengths, Challenges, Obstacles 7

Strengths: 7

Challenges and Obstacles: 8

III. Recommendations 11

A. Overall Improvement of Graduate Experience 11

B. Recruitment/Training 11

C. Enhancing the PhD Training Experience 11

D. Training Grants 12

E. Expected Outcomes 14

IV. Support for Investments 15

A. Training Grant Indirect Costs 15

B. Tuition 15

C. Endowment for Graduate Training in the Biological Sciences 15

V. Conclusion 16

Appendices: 1. Project Charter 2. Biosciences Faculty Letter of Concern 3. Questionnaire Outline 4. Directors Communicated with During Process 5. Biotechnology Enterprises and Professional Roles from Selected UW-Madison PhD Student Alumni 6. Comparison of Training Grant History Relative to Our Peers 7. PhD Alumni from the Biological Sciences from 1979


Working Group Charge: Review the current state of Biological Sciences PhD training at UW-Madison and make recommendations on the organizational structure and the delivery of highly competitive 21st century graduate education.

Statement of Need: While individual Biological Sciences PhD programs are reviewed every 10 years, there is no mechanism for reviewing the overall structure of bioscience graduate training. This process is critical to support both the research and educational missions of the university.

Working Group Members: David Eide, Zsuzsanna Fabry, Catherine Fox, Mary Halloran, Edward Jackson, James Keck, Ivan Rayment, Garret Suen, David Wassarman, Deneen Wellik (chair)

Implementation: The Working Group convened with its charge on May 7, 2019 and pursued the following processes to develop its recommendations: • The Working Group met biweekly to discuss the results gathered, identify and prioritize issues that impact the effectiveness of graduate education, and develop recommendations. • Dr. Wellik, with other committee members, met individually with directors of PhD programs and training grants to discuss strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for their specific programs. • Comparison data were solicited from peer institutions. • The Working Group held three townhall meetings with program and training grant directors to discuss potential recommendations.

Major Findings: • UW-Madison ranks last among more than 35 peer institutions in direct institutional funding of early-stage bioscience PhD trainees. • Decentralized core training efforts in areas such as Responsible Conduct of Research/Ethics and Rigor and Reproducibility as well as professional development and career planning have led to a duplication of efforts and lost opportunities to maintain best practices in these areas for all graduate students. • Administrative support varies widely among the programs and is low for many programs. • The burden of data collection and assessment of program activities, which falls on faculty and staff, is a major obstacle to maintaining our competitiveness for NIH training grant awards. • Programs separately conduct student recruitment, which duplicates efforts, creates a system that is difficult for prospective students to navigate, and limits the leverage provided by our research breadth in recruitment.

Recommendations: • UW-Madison should establish the First Year Wisconsin Experience in Biological Sciences that funds and provides core training for all incoming biological sciences PhD graduate students. • UW-Madison should provide financial support for directors and administrators of all PhD programs and training grants. • UW-Madison should develop a centralized infrastructure for data collection and program and training grant assessment. • Programs should work together to recruit students, while maintaining program autonomy.

Support for new investments: • UW-Madison should financially support the First Year Wisconsin Experience in Biological Sciences. • Graduate student tuition should go directly to the Graduate School Dean’s office to support core training of students. • Indirect costs generated by training grants should support administrative staff in the Office of Training Grant Support, which oversees data collection and program and training grant assessment. • An endowment for training in the Biological Sciences should be established to increase financial support for graduate training beyond the first year. 2 I. INTRODUCTION

A. Charge of the Working Group In May of 2019, Dr. William Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School, in sponsorship with Dr. Norman Drinkwater, former Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education and Dr. Cynthia Czajkowski, Associate Vice Chancellor for the Biological Sciences, convened a Working Group of ten investigators from within the Biological Sciences division for the purpose of reviewing the current state of PhD programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Working Group members and their roles at the UW-Madison are as follows:

David Eide, PhD: Professor, Department and Graduate Program Chair, Nutritional Sciences, Associate Director of Metabolism and Nutrition Training Program (T32) Zsuzsanna Fabry, PhD: Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Director, Cellular and Molecular Pathology Graduate Program (T32) Catherine Fox, PhD: Professor, Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, IPiB Admissions and Curriculum committees, Genetics Admissions committee. Mary Halloran, PhD: Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, Director, Neuroscience Training Program (T32) Edward Jackson, PhD: Professor and Chair; Graduate Program Director, Medical Physics James Keck, PhD: Professor, Biomolecular Chemistry; Associate Dean for Basic Research Training, School of Medicine and Public Health Ivan Rayment, PhD: Professor, Biochemistry; Graduate Program Chair, Integrated Program in Biochemistry Garret Suen, PhD: Associate Professor, Bacteriology; Program Director, Microbiology Doctoral Training Program; co- Director, Microbes in Health and Disease Training Program (T32) David Wassarman, PhD: Professor, Medical Genetics; Graduate Program Director, Cell and Molecular Biology Deneen Wellik, PhD: Professor and Chair, Cell and Regenerative Biology; Working Group Chair

Statement of Need: (from Project Charter delivered to the Working Group committee, Appendix 1) UW-Madison has 35 biological sciences PhD programs in 8 Schools/Colleges. The administrative structures, funding models and educational philosophy varies widely across the constellation of PhD programs. In January 2019, Drs. Catherine Fox and Christina Hull presented the Graduate School and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education with a letter, signed by numerous (200) biological sciences faculty members, outlining the need to examine how graduate education is delivered and administered at UW-Madison. Although each program is required to be reviewed every 10 years, there is no coordinated effort to examine the overall organizational operational structure of biological sciences PhD programs. Given that the request for this examination came from the faculty as well as recent findings from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine in a report, “Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century” (2018), we believe examining our structures and processes as a vibrant and modern PhD training enterprise is critical to the continuing education and research missions of the University. (Biosciences Faculty Letter of Concern attached in Appendix 2)

Project Description: (from Project Charter delivered to the Working Group committee, Appendix 1) The purpose of the Working Group is to review the current state of biological sciences PhD programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and to make recommendations with respect to organizational structure, delivery of 21st century graduate education and program and PhD student funding. Through engagement with stakeholders, the Working Group is charged with gaining insight into the UW-Madison biological sciences graduate program enterprise, identifying strengths and weaknesses in organizational and operational structure and making recommendations for solutions.

B. Working Group Process

1. Developing queries: The Working Group used the first two meetings to develop a strategy to gather data from our broad and diverse array of 35 PhD programs and 24 T32 training programs. Our ten Working Group members represent only a small subset of programs in this space and thus our priority was to ensure that we gathered information from as broad a pool as 3 possible. Towards this end, we developed a questionnaire outline that was designed to gather basic information about each program and polled each director regarding perceived strengths, challenges, and obstacles of their programs. (See Questionnaire Outline in Appendix 3). The questionnaire was designed to be open-ended and allow ample room for discussion. The Working Group decided that one-on-one meetings with the program directors would provide the most meaningful information and would establish a communication bridge to all programs that were willing and able to schedule a one-hour meeting to discuss this topic. Dr. Wellik, the chair of the Working Group, attended every meeting for continuity. Meetings were scheduled at the PI/Director offices and included 1-2 additional Working Group members (scheduling conflicts resulted in occasional meetings where only Dr. Wellik was present).

2. Individual Meetings with each PhD and T32 program director: Meetings with 23 PhD program and 15 T32 directors took place between May 31 and August 1, 2019 (see Appendix 4 for a list of meeting attendees). In some cases, the directors and associated administrative and leadership personnel from their respective programs attended the meetings. Since the meetings were sequential (with generally only one per day being scheduled), later meetings included some conversations regarding common obstacles and potential solutions.

3. Collect data from peer institutions: The Working Group recognized the importance of assessing our graduate training with respect to our peers. Two strategies were employed to gain knowledge in this area. First, we distributed a formal questionnaire that sought extensive, detailed data on training in the biological sciences. The University of Michigan, UNC-Chapel Hill, and UC Berkeley answered this questionnaire. Later, the Working Group used their professional connections at other institutions to poll on just a few questions, the most important of which was considered to be the level of direct financial support the institution provided for graduate trainees. Findings from these inquiries are included in later sections of this report.

4. Aligning on potential solutions: From June through August 2019, the Working Group met biweekly to discuss information as it was being gathered, discuss and attempt to build consensus on the most pressing issues for which we could offer potential solutions, and draft working recommendations to present to broader program leadership. The goal was to make a small number of key recommendations with the potential to elicit the biggest positive impact for the broadest community of learners and investigators. In addition, given the strong legacy and pride of individual PhD programs, we sought solutions that would maintain the strong identity and autonomy of each program.

5. Present potential solutions to director group: In late August through mid-September of 2019, the Working Group held three widely advertised meetings with graduate program and T32 program directors at three locations on campus. During each of these meetings, an outline of the Working Group’s potential solutions was discussed. Again, these meetings were iterative and resulted in further modifications to the Working Group’s recommendations to ensure the broadest benefits to programs while preserving program autonomy. (Of note: the issue of program autonomy arose repeatedly as the most anxiety-arousing issue in discussing recommendations for change.)

6. Finalizing report: The Working Group held two meetings to discuss an outline of recommendations, the topics to be covered in the report, and assignments among the Working Group for drafting sections of the report. Three weeks prior to the report due date, the draft was uploaded on a shared drive for one week and the Group made collective comments and edits on the draft. The final two weeks were spent finalizing the report and modifying proofs. The final result is this document.

C. Strength of Bioscience Training at UW-Madison: Historical Impact and Current Contributions

The rich legacy of UW-Madison PhD graduates in the biological sciences; major discoveries driving entrepreneurship and the Wisconsin Idea PhD student research in the biological sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has led to new discoveries in medicine and agriculture that have changed the nation and the world. The remarkable and sustained positive impact that UW-Madison bioscience research has contributed to the economy, well-being, and international stature of the state of Wisconsin is incontestable. As one example, Harold A. Campbell, as a graduate student with Karl Paul Link, was 4 instrumental in the discovery of the precursors to Warfarin. As another, Hector F. Deluca, throughout his time as a graduate student with Harry Steenbock and his independent career as a faculty member at UW-Madison, made breakthrough discoveries in Vitamin D research. In addition to improving the health and quality of human life across the globe, these PhD student-driven discoveries contributed profoundly to the endowment that supports education and research at UW-Madison to this day. Warfarin research generated an estimated $13.7 million ($218 million adjusted for inflation) while Vitamin D research generated $608 million as of 2015. In recent years, UW-Madison PhD graduate students have supported the development of vigorous biotechnology enterprises in Wisconsin and throughout the nation including Promega, Cellular Dynamics International, Deltanoid, Lucigen, Roche Nimblegen, and others (Appendix 5). It is also critical to note that many of our PhD graduates have gone on to hold leadership positions in both academia and industry. Academic leaders include Gunter Blobel, PhD (Oncology, 1967), who was a Professor at Rockefeller University and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1997. More recent exemplars in academia include , PhD (Cell and Molecular Biology, 1991), a Senior Research Fellow serving as the Director of the prestigious Gurdon Institute at the University of , UK. Even a far-from-complete list of PhD graduates from UW-Madison’s biological sciences programs over the last 30 years is spectacular (Appendix 5). In industry, successful examples are also countless. For example, Dr. Robert Reiter, PhD (Plant Breeding and Genetics, 1989), is currently Head of Crop Science Research & Development at Bayer Global. Dr. Jack Newman, PhD (Bacteriology, 2001) is co-founder of Amyris. The legacy of UW-Madison’s internationally renowned graduate programs in the biological sciences has allowed our institution to flourish in multiple disciplines and has enhanced the prosperity and quality of life in the State of Wisconsin and well beyond our borders, a defining feature of the Wisconsin Idea.

D. Bioscience PhD Training Nationally; Comparing UW-Madison to Our Peers

While UW-Madison can boast tremendous success in the quality and quantity of PhD graduates in the biological sciences, we now face an unprecedented level of competition from peer and near-peer R1 universities. Given that extramural research grants from funding agencies such as NIH and NSF are awarded on a competitive basis and subject to intense peer review, the competition for PhD students directly affects our research competitiveness and economic stability. Currently, UW-Madison is training 1,300 biological science PhD students enrolled across 35 programs. UW- Madison has graduated more doctorates in the biological sciences than any other university in the US, which helps explain why UW-Madison PhDs can be found at most institutions across North America. While these data suggest that UW- Madison biological sciences graduate programs are robust, there are clear signs of decline. In particular, the number of NIH training grants, as well as the number of funded positions on those grants, has decreased dramatically over the past ten years, yet the number of training grant positions awarded by the NIH during that same period has remained stable. Thus, competing universities have gained training grant slots, which are both a measure of research training prestige and an important financial multiplier of research awards, at our expense. While UW-Madison previously ranked among the top three in the total number of training grants and could boast that it had more training grant positions than any other university, we currently rank eighth nationally. We argue that it is no coincidence that our decline in training grant support has coincided with our decline in grant award dollars from the federal government and our ability to attract and generously support the strongest PhD students is essential to drive research productivity and innovation in many fields within the broad biological sciences division.

Recognizing a need for innovation and investment in PhD student education in the biological sciences for UW- Madison to maintain research competitiveness A major goal of the Working Group was to examine the reasons for UW-Madison’s decline in bioscience graduate education as a first step toward halting, and hopefully, reversing this disturbing trend. Towards this end, we have examined how our peer institutions are dealing with national trends in PhD training initiated at the NIH, emphasizing peer universities that have maintained or gained research and PhD training success and prestige during the same period of time that the UW-Madison has experienced declines. One major finding is that many of our competitors, both public and private, have proactively developed strategies to provide stipends for all of their incoming bioscience PhD students for their first and, in many cases, a portion or all of their following years, relieving pressure for such funding from extramural research grant dollars. This type of support is critical for two reasons. First, while PhD students are the primary research productivity engines in many biological research disciplines, they are generally less productive in their early years because much of their time is devoted to classroom learning, achieving specific dissertator requirements, and 5 preparing for qualifying exams. Second, a major factor considered by NIH committees reviewing training grant applications under the new requirements is institutional support for PhD student education. That is, reviewers are directed to judge whether and how robustly the applicant institution supports their PhD students. A simple and obvious feature to credit is a fully-funded first-year of NIH-mandated training and laboratory training experiences (known as rotations). Thus, early institutional support greatly enhances our ability to compete successfully for training grants, which in turn further enhances PhD student education while simultaneously increasing the amount of extramural research dollars that can be spent on research productivity. We also endeavored to obtain more detailed data from peer institutions concerning the mechanisms used to provide for stipend support, in admissions and recruiting, and in supporting faculty in preparing training grant applications and various other critical aspects of graduate education. We received fairly detailed responses from three peer universities: the University of California-Berkeley, the University of Michigan, and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. While the precise mechanisms vary for each of these institutions, they have each established admission and recruiting practices that are substantially more coordinated and cohesive than what we currently have at UW-Madison. In addition, they have all found ways to support the first year of open rotations across a wide swath of biological sciences laboratories (providing robust, cross-disciplinary opportunities is a key goal of the new guidelines for training biological science PhD students outlined by the National Academy of Sciences). Moreover, these universities have centralized administrative support and expertise essential for meeting the new training grant requirements. For example, at UC-Berkeley, admissions and recruiting, first-year rotation experiences, and PhD-training grant support is centralized by simply parsing all biological sciences disciplines into only two major administrative departments: Integrative Biology or Molecular and Cell Biology. The University of Michigan, like UW-Madison, has many individual PhD programs in the biological sciences, but uses a coordinated admissions and recruiting mechanism, called Program in the Biomedical Sciences, that allows for one year of open, fully-funded rotations, with students making commitments to a specific PhD program then applying for a positions on training grants most relevant to their chosen thesis project. The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill instituted an Office of Graduate Education (OGE) dedicated to the biological sciences and a first-year PhD training program that includes a fully funded rotation year, training experiences and courses that meet NIH standards. As is the case for the University of Michigan, PhD students commit to specific graduate programs and apply for training grant positions at the end of their first year. UNC-Chapel Hill is particularly noteworthy as its national rankings in federal research dollars have increased substantially since its OGE was established in 2008. This OGE includes an Associate Dean who serves as director and nine PhD-level administrators with expertise in diversity and inclusion, training grant applications and support courses, data storage and analyses, mental health support for PhD students, and career development support. A major challenge we now face in training PhD students in the biological sciences is that their stipends, fringe benefits, and tuition costs have increased while grant funding has remained comparatively flat. While some administrators suggest a stronger investment in postdoctoral support initiatives for the biological sciences as opposed to PhD-education initiatives, the Working Group argues strongly against this idea. UW-Madison has a rich historical legacy of being a spectacular graduate training environment. This legacy places us in a strong position to compete for the best PhD applicants and reverse the decline that we have experienced recently. In contrast, we do not have the same rich legacy as a postdoctoral training institute and, while some laboratories and disciplines within the biological sciences recruit strong postdoctoral associates, many cannot. Some of the reasons for this are historical, but some are simply geographical and difficult to overcome.


A. T32s: Strengths, Challenges, Obstacles

STRENGTHS: NIH training grants have played a foundational role in graduate education at UW-Madison since the mid-1970s. Funds from T32s and related T-series awards (TL1, T15, and T35) have driven significant changes in graduate student experiences, including an expansion of cross-disciplinary training and enhancement of professional training in areas such as responsible conduct of research. UW-Madison has historically enjoyed high levels of NIH training grant funds.

CHALLENGES AND OBSTACLES: Compliance demands and competitor responses: NIH agencies have greatly increased requirements in trainee education over the past decade that have affected training and research. In a recent example, NIGMS (the largest provider of NIH T32 funds) released a revised T32 FOA in 2017 that fundamentally changed their recommended approach to training in the biosciences. This change, and others that have preceded the 2017 FOA, have elevated the administrative, training, and compliance requirements for training grants. This increased burden has fallen on training grant PIs and administrative staff who have little support. This, in turn, has made retention and recruitment of training grant directors on our campus much more difficult. Training grants come with a number of unique and challenging administrative burdens that require sophisticated grants expertise. Until very recently, UW-Madison has relied on the community of training grant directors and staff to address compliance questions through an ad hoc arrangement that depended heavily on volunteers who took time away from their primary duties to help. To help centralize expertise in T32 support, the UW School of Medicine and Public Health launched the Office of Training Grant Support (OTGS) in March 2019 and recruited an experienced full-time associate director to help training grant directors and administrators in meeting NIH compliance expectations. The OTGS has already assisted multiple training grants on campus but needs to be expanded and further developed to reach the level of support that the Working Group deems is needed for a robust training grant environment. At the same time that the administrative burden of training grants has increased, other universities have increased their investment and support for training grant efforts and have outcompeted UW-Madison for funding. Over the past ten years, UW-Madison has lost nearly $2,700,000 in annual training grant support (15%) and 13 of our training grants (26%) (Appendix 6). Notably, 2018 marked our lowest number of training grants on campus in a decade. The erosion of training grant funds has also occurred as tuition and student and postdoctoral stipends have increased, meaning that the buying power of each grant dollar has been further reduced by inflation. In many instances, training grant efforts at our peer institutions have been catalyzed by sophisticated centralized support offices that manage the large data-reporting demands of training grant applications among other services. The UW-Madison OVCRGE has pledged to support, in coordination with the OTGS, creation of a functional trainee/trainer database to assist with training grant data tracking and grant submissions. The Working Group applauds this collaboration and believes that to remain competitive for extramural funding and continue to lead the nation in bioscience training, UW-Madison needs to continue building solutions that meet our training grant infrastructure demands.

B. PhD Programs: Strengths, Challenges, Obstacles

STRENGTHS: The initial meetings conducted by the Working Group revealed the enormous breadth and complexity of PhD training in the biological sciences at UW-Madison. There are large differences in the sizes of the programs (both number of students applying and matriculating) and in the support they receive (particularly administrative). Despite the breadth of these programs, there were a few key areas in which there was enormous agreement. First and foremost, all programs stated an unequivocal commitment to teaching and training at the highest level of scholarship and consider PhD students to be the engine that drives interdisciplinary research at UW-Madison. This opinion was stated at every meeting, by every director, in many forms. Education is an important mission that UW-Madison serves in the State of Wisconsin. The combined PhD programs in the biological sciences confer more than 250 PhDs each year and, as described above, our alumni populate the ranks of every major institution in this country, are principals at innumerable local and national biotechnology companies,

7 serve in leadership roles across a huge swath of corporations, and serve in many government positions, editorial roles as well as at foundations and outreach programs. These individuals are proud alumni of UW-Madison and their representation in diverse industries is an outstanding service to the state. Further, the interdisciplinary nature of PhD training serves as a major catalyst of interaction across departments and programs. From graduate student relationships with one another within programs, the committees they form for their dissertation work, and the internal and external seminars where students and their PIs interact with others in their field, interactions are often established in the context of PhD training. A model in which postdoctoral fellows or technician/scientist-level lab personnel are the primary researchers in a laboratory would greatly diminish this catalyst and lead to increased isolation of researchers. From the most highly supported programs to the most severely under- resourced, all program leaders were overwhelmingly and consistently supportive of maintaining a strong presence in graduate training. In addition, all echoed the critical importance graduate students play in driving the strongest research at the university.

CHALLENGES AND OBSTACLES: There were a significant number of challenges and obstacles noted by individual programs, and the breadth and different funding models that support various programs in the biological sciences accounted for some of them. However, the major common obstacles were insufficient administrative support, lack of graduate student funding support (especially for the first year of training), inadequate centralized training and skills development resources, and recruiting challenges. For administrative support, the degree to which programs receive support, including administrative support and salary effort or other incentives for directors, was widely variable and not proportionate. For programs that had little or no support for their programs, inadequate support was strongly noted as an obstacle, making it increasingly difficult to convince PIs to give of their time as directors. For PIs committed to maintaining extramural research funding in this competitive climate, taking on this time-consuming responsibility of a directorship in the absence of adequate support is draining and risky. Notably, programs that have a high degree of support uniformly extolled how critical this support is for maintaining a strong program (as well as for their own research program). A pressing concern that many programs reported was the need for centralized support for students, such as resources for training in important activities related to Responsible Conduct of Research/Ethics, Rigor and Reproducibility, and other training and career development services. Notably, some programs have made outstanding contributions to developing training in some or all of these areas, but they have been the result of individual contributors. Thus, there are many programs duplicating efforts. These redundant activities are a significant drain of limited resources and are undermining the overall strength of our training capacity. Further, we are falling far behind our peers in offering skills development workshops in important areas such as scientific writing, preparing CVs, and giving job talks. Likewise, centralized career development activities are considered inadequate. A major concern that arose in all discussions and that stood out in comparison to our peers was the lack of institutional funding for first-year (and beyond) bioscience graduate students. To date, we have gathered information from 38 peer institutions and we rank LAST among them in institutional funding for early training support (Table I). Every one of our peer institutions polled supports at least the first year (rotation period for many programs) of bioscience graduate training. UW-Madison instead relies on the PI’s lab, departmental funds, or training grant dollars, often prior to the student formally joining a laboratory. This stark support differential directly impacts our research competitiveness and reduces the value of our research grant dollars and training efforts relative to our peers. This financial burden also leads to indirect negative consequences that include individual programs being less coordinated in admissions and recruiting. As a result, many programs are losing outstanding prospective graduate student candidates to our peer institutions that offer more expansive rotation opportunities and centralized supporting activities for graduate training.


Table I. Institutions Institutional Funding for PhD Students Baylor School of Medicine, Houston, TX 1.5 years Berkeley 2 years Brown University, Providence, RI 1.5 years Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 2 years Case Western University 2 years (undergrad campus, w/ TAships); Med School: first year Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories all years (4-5 years) Cornell University first year Duke University, Durhan, NC first year Harvard University 2-3 years (depending on program; 6 years for for Evol Bio with TAships) Johns Hopkins University one year MD Anderson 1.5 years Michigan State University first year Northwestern University 1.5 years Penn State first year Purdue University first year (30 slots) Stanford University 4 years Tufts first year University of Alabama-Birmingham 1.5 years University of Arizona first year (TAships and/or insitutional funds) University of California-San Diego first year University of California-San Francisco 2-3 years (depending on gift/endowment dispersal) University of Chicago first year University of Cincinnati first year (only through Feb when rotations end) University of Colorado-Denver first year University of Iowa first year University of Kentucky first year University of Maine first year University of Massachussetts first year University of Michigan first year University of Minnesota first year University of North Carolina first year University of Pennsylvania 2 years University of Pittsburgh first year University of Southern California first year University of Utah first year University of Washington first year Vanderbilt University first year Washignton University 1.5 years

9 Regarding recruitment, we have noted that our current decentralized approach creates challenges for bringing outstanding biological sciences graduate students to UW-Madison. Although prospective students are allowed to apply to up to three programs in a single application, strong candidates are often required to attend multiple recruiting weekends if they want to examine each program. These multiple visits waste resources for the university and valuable time for a candidate who is often still taking a full course load and interviewing at peer institutions. It also gives savvy students the incorrect impression that UW-Madison may not be as collegial as it advertises or as organized as peer institutions. It should be noted, however, that because programs are funded individually for recruitment and because rotations are not covered through a central mechanism, there exists a strong economic incentive for individual programs to remain siloed in their approach to admissions and recruiting. While all programs are fiercely protective of maintaining academic ownership of their programs, which is a strength of such a large and broad training enterprise, the inability to coordinate admissions and recruiting is a missed opportunity that places us at a disadvantage. Coordinating these activities, ideally across all programs in the biological division but minimally between programs that share prospective students’ interests, is being accomplished by our peer institutions and not at UW-Madison, serving as another obstacle to attracting more of the best and brightest to the university.


A. Overall Improvement of Graduate Experience

The Working Group recognized a major obstacle facing research and graduate education in the biological division is the lack of direct institutional support for graduate students and for graduate education compared to our peer institutions. This shortfall threatens our ability to recruit top graduate students and to provide continued high-level graduate training. Further, the increased financial burden on PIs results in diminished purchasing power of federal grant dollars relative to our peers. In response to this challenge, the Working Group recommends the creation of a new “First Year Wisconsin Experience” for bioscience PhD students at UW-Madison. The First Year Wisconsin Experience will alter the educational landscape for trainees by offering centralized support for at least the first year of training and by creating newly shared experiences to enhance peer networks that form the foundation for interdisciplinary research. Moreover, this new approach will create efficiencies that will elevate best practices in bioscience training for all of our students. We also note that, with centralized funds for early-stage bioscience graduate students, many programs that are currently “competing” for students may realize that they will be better positioned to recruit top students by working together and offering open admissions and rotation opportunities in aligned programs.

B. Recruitment/Training

The Working Group strongly recommends that the recruitment process for graduate programs be overhauled. The objective of this recommendation is to more efficiently and effectively recruit the best graduate students, while maintaining existing benefits, identity and autonomy associated with individual programs. Because several graduate programs (e.g. CMB, IPiB, Genetics, NTP. and MDTP; Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics, Plant Pathobiology, Horticulture, and Botany) have similar recruiting schedules and often share prospective students, there is a strong opportunity to have coordinated recruiting events. We expect that coordination would increase our ability to recruit top students because these students will be attracted by the breadth of bioscience research and expertise on campus and the energy and sense of community generated by the large number of prospective students involved. The flexibility such events will provide will aid students in identifying the program and faculty that best fit their professional development needs and interests. Coordinated recruiting events should also reduce the workload for faculty and staff as well as reduce the cost of recruiting and eliminate the need for multiple visits to campus. The large number of individual departments and PhD training programs is a strength in terms of breadth of expertise and education opportunities, and these programs are held dear by faculty. However, there is an opportunity to consolidate similar programs into divisions or sub-disciplines that preserve the autonomy and history of training programs, while consolidating administrative efforts in both recruitment and training. It is critical, however, that each PhD training director receive salary/effort support for her/his effort (10% is common among peer institutions). There will continue to be instances where programs may become obsolete and existing review plans should continue to be used to make institutional decisions when mergers or sunsetting occur. These reviews should include external expert reviewers in addition to internal experts to permit the institution to make the best decisions to maintain vibrant and impactful PhD programs.

C. Enhancing the PhD Training Experience

In a new model the Working Group envisions, the First Year Wisconsin Experience will be available to all incoming bioscience PhD students and will include:

• Centralized introductory training in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). Currently, RCR training is distributed across many courses that redundantly tap subject-matter expertise and require significant faculty time. We recommend centralized RCR training that is based on the model currently in use by several programs in the School of Medicine and Public Health. In this model, the centralized course will provide a minimum of ten hours of lectures covering all NIH-required RCR topics. These topics will include lectures on animal welfare, collaborative science, conflict of interest and commitment, data acquisition, management, sharing and ownership, protection of human subjects, mentor/trainee responsibilities, publication practices, responsible authorship, peer review, research misconduct, and societal and environmental impacts of scientific research. In 11 addition to these lectures, discipline-specific breakout discussion groups organized by individual PhD programs, T32s or integrated between programs with similar interests will meet to probe specific cases related to the main lecture topics. An advanced course could be created for the fourth year, as mandated by NIH/NIGMS standards.

• Centralized training in Rigor and Reproducibility. In light of new NIH requirements for training in Rigor and Reproducibility, we recommend creation of a centralized course modeled after the RCR approach. Lectures might cover concepts such as cell line and animal authentication by genotyping; quality controls for animal research, including biological variables and acceptable group sizes; quality controls for disease models such as stroke research; quality control of reagents, including antibodies; quality control for protein assays, including Western blots and immunohistochemistry; quality controls for molecular biology, including shRNA knockdown procedures, and RNA-seq; and big data analysis, including statistics. Additional group discussions and workshops will be program specific and organized by individual PhD programs, T32s or integrated between programs with similar interests and needs.

• Centralized and supported Professional Development: A lecture series to explore diverse careers and to help develop professional skills such as communication (verbal and writing), interviewing, team science/collaboration, and leadership skills is recommended. Additional group discussions and workshops will be program specific and organized by individual PhD programs, T32s or integrated between programs with similar interests and needs.

• Centralized support for mentoring and advisory skills, mentor/mentee or advisor/advisee relationship and networking opportunities and goals for successful professional careers. This will be implemented by outstanding local resources and/or through lectures and additional group discussions and workshops organized by individual PhD programs, T32s or integrated between programs with similar interests and needs.

• Salary/Effort support for the Program Director. Directors are responsible for all aspects of a program, including overseeing curricular and recruiting activities, handling issues that arise with students and faculty trainers, and improving the academic program through the development of new initiatives. Currently, most directors do not receive salary support for these activities, despite the fact that program activities can often involve extensive time (often more than 10 percent of their effort). It can be difficult to attract the most highly qualified faculty to serve as directors and for directors to prioritize program activities over other activities in their schedules. Student services coordinators manage the day-to-day operation of programs in support of prospective students, current students, alumni, and faculty trainers. In our interviews with program directors, there was uniform agreement that the student services coordinator is critical to the success of a program; yet, the amount and the source of support for student services coordinators varies considerably among programs. Because of this wide disparity of funding amounts and sources, we recommend that student services coordinators receive defined salary support from central resources. Due to the broad impact that directors and student services coordinators have on graduate education, we expect that salary support for these positions will translate into increased recruitment, retention, and productivity of students and faculty.

D. Training Grants

UW-Madison NIH training grant programs advance innovation in the overall graduate student experience. They are also critical for funding graduate student and postdoctoral research and for elevating the institutional reputation of UW- Madison. In recent years, the NIH has emphasized that funded training grant programs must demonstrate strong institutional support to meet the growing demands for modernizing research training that prepare trainees for a range of careers in the biomedical research workforce. The OTGS is working in partnership with the Graduate School and OVCRGE to create a centralized infrastructure for supporting NIH training grant program success. The creation of OTGS represents a vital and timely investment and commitment to support UW-Madison training grant programs. It also provides an opportunity to ensure the development of robust structures that will enhance training grant excellence and enrich the landscape of research training at UW-Madison. To demonstrate UW–Madison’s proactive approach to cultivate, innovate, and serve as a national model for graduate training in the biological sciences (that is also in line with NIH training grant funding obligations/expectations), we recommend: 12

• The OTGS should be expanded to centralize NIH-mandated components of training grants training for all trainees in the biological sciences in the areas of responsible conduct of research and scientific rigor and reproducibility. We recommend that this expansion be funded by channeling a portion of the indirect costs from training grants (mandated at 8%) to the OTGS. This expansion will facilitate: - Use of developed rigor and reproducibility courses from campus and NIH training modules ( reproducibility.aspx) to centralize rigor and reproducibility training for early-stage biological sciences graduate students. - Centralization of developed responsible conduct of research training for early and advanced trainees. - Development of evidence-based evaluation and assessment plans/templates for responsible conduct of research and scientific rigor and reproducibility training. - Other NIH-mandated components organized by the Graduate School should be evaluated and further developed: individual development plans (IDPs), and career development support (e.g. expand the Graduate School’s Professional Development office to include career development).

• Provide support for Training Grant Directors, in recognition of significant (and increasing) efforts, to include: - 10% salary support. - Protected time commensurate with this activity. - Administrative staff support.

• Ensure training continuity by establishing a formal process for securing bridge funds in the event of a training grant funding lapse. This process could include a formula where costs are shared among the OVCRGE, the School/College that administers the given training grant, and departments that support trainees.

• Continue the OTGS and OVCRGE collaboration in development of IT tools for trainee/trainer tracking and standardized data collection: - Create a data clearinghouse for use by all NIH training grants on campus. This tool would be used for program evaluation, trainer review, grant development or renewal preparation and progress reports. - Create IT tools and processes to gather necessary institutional data for application submission.

• In recognition of the importance of mentor training, centralized mentor training using UW-Madison resources (CIMER and WISCIENCE) should be supported: - Tap nationally recognized training resources in CIMER to develop a campus-wide strategy for mentor training delivery and continued quality improvement for training. This will require funds for trainer/staff time and training evaluation and would build a foundation for a long-term UW-Madison/CIMER partnership. - Provide master facilitator training using CIMER methodologies. - OTGS could help to facilitate creation of campus guidance for remediation and removal of faculty displaying unacceptable mentorship qualities from training/graduate programs. - OTGS could develop tools for tracking mentor-training compliance.

• Integrate evidence-based approaches to evaluate and assess graduate training programs. - Provide survey tools developed for graduate training programs and invest in third-party tools to perform outcomes analysis. These should fit with the NIH demands for evidence-based evaluation and assessment. - Create guidance document to outline how programs can use feedback to improve program and their outcomes.

13 E. Expected Outcomes

Incorporation of ideas presented here, particularly implementation of the First Year Wisconsin Experience, would lead to:

• Increased intellectual freedom and autonomy for students in selecting rotation subjects and laboratories in programs that decide to jointly recruit students, which would lead to enhanced student recruitment and retention. • Increased faculty research productivity, optimizing better utilization of research grant dollars, and enhancing competitiveness for training grants and fellowships due to reduced redundancy of faculty effort. • Enhanced recruitment and success of new UW faculty who rely on graduate student-fueled research and who are eager to train graduate students. • The creation of an inclusive, equitable, and cohesive environment that can improve chances for academic success. With more focus on centralized activities, instructors and subject-matter experts will have the time to create and apply best practices for delivery of RCR and R&R training. • Learning and applying professional and ethical standards across all disciplines, which will lead to principled and ethical research with the greatest impact on research output and society. • Adaptation of rigorous standards of investigation to conduct the most meaningful research that will lead to increased acceptance from society and greater research funding. • Adaptation to the changing job market in the field of biological sciences, and greater success in career exploration, preparation and pursuing careers within or outside of academic research. • Excellence in mentoring and advising will help graduate students navigate graduate school and adapt more easily to graduate life. This will support graduate student well- being. • Greater interactions among graduate students. As graduate students are often drivers of interdisciplinary research, this will lead to new collaboration and discovery.


The Working Group recognizes that the changes it deems necessary to maintain our competitiveness in today’s research environment will require an investment of resources. We have identified potential solutions for reinvestment as follows:

A. Training Grant Indirect Costs

Training grants currently are awarded 8% in indirect costs. For the training grants that are currently awarded at UW- Madison, this amounts to ~$1,090,000 per year. The institution now permits the PI of each training grant to request 2.5% of the 8% to be returned to the PI to support her/his program, a return which directors find valuable. We recommend that the remaining indirect dollars be used to support expansion of the Office of Training Grant Support and to expand mentor training efforts. These funds would allow additional staff and support for the critical needs for data collection, program assessments, and the generation of tables and information for non-competing and competing renewals. This model would not require new money to be generated, but rather to have the finances follow the need for support in this area.

B. Tuition

The Working Group considered this area to be a primary recommendation for consideration by the institution. Tuition is charged for each graduate student and is collected for the purpose of teaching and training the student. Whether paid from a federal grant or provided as a waiver for TA-ships (where the institution gains the service of that graduate student in teaching classes, most commonly to undergraduates who have paid their own tuition for this service), it is critical that these funds be allocated more directly to graduate student training. Unlike undergraduate instruction that takes place primarily in the classroom, the majority of the teaching and training of a graduate student is performed in their PI’s laboratory, space that is modeled to be cost-recovered by the PI’s funding and is largely directed by the PI in the performance of carrying out the research funded by her/his external grants. The Working Group considers it critical that this funding be distributed in a model that takes into account this education and training mechanism. For instance, many (most) PhD students train in interdisciplinary programs and their laboratory-based training occurs in the laboratory of a PI that is often not in the same department or school as the PhD Program Director. Under the current model, the PI is paying the student’s tuition, stipend, and is additionally recovering direct and indirect dollars to support the student’s research as the primary means of their training. For many programs, the PI begins paying these amounts even during the rotation period where the prospective student is spending time to evaluate the laboratory.

C. Endowment for Graduate Training in the Biological Sciences

In evaluating mechanisms other institutions have used to provide support for graduate training, the Working Group found that they have invested significant development efforts to build an endowment for this purpose (examples include Stanford, Michigan, UCSF). As the size of UW-Madison’s combined programs are a strength, the Working Group, aided by Dean Karpus’s office, obtained a list of PhDs awarded in the biological sciences since 1979 and note that there are more than 7,500 graduates, representing a pool of highly-achieving professionals who, like many undergraduates, have high allegiance to UW and all that it represents (Appendix 7). While there is high development activity directed at undergraduate alumni, the Working Group asserts that alumni often resonate with the institution from which their terminal degree is earned (as is recognized for MDs, for instance). Thus, our pool of PhD alumni represents a population with whom there is an opportunity to begin communicating and exploring as a potential area for development activities. The Working Group recognized that this could only be part of a long-term solution but fully support this idea and offer any continuing help in this area. (Of note, four of our ten-member Working Group are UW-Madison PhD alumni!)


In conclusion, the Working Group unanimously supports continuing strong and healthy PhD biosciences programs that train our students for careers in the 21st century. We unanimously recognize the importance of graduate training in the biological sciences to support a growing industry in Wisconsin, for the purpose of this institution remaining a national leader in PhD education, and to maintain the institution’s research strength for which graduate students have always, and continue, to play a critical role.


Appendix 1 Project Charter

Project Charter Biological Sciences Graduate Program Workgroup

Project Name Biological Sciences Graduate Program Workgroup Executive Sponsors Norman Drinkwater, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education William J. Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School Cynthia Czajkowski, Associate Vice Chancellor for the Biological Sciences Primary Stakeholders University of Wisconsin-Madison Biological Sciences faculty, staff and graduate students Project Description/Statement of Work The purpose of this workgroup is to review the current state of Biological Sciences PhD programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and to make recommendations with respect to organizational structure, delivery of 21st century graduate education and program and PhD student funding. The workgroup will engage with biological science PhD programs, faculty, staff and students over the course of six months to gain insight into the UW-Madison Biological Science graduate program enterprise, identify strengths and weaknesses in organizational and operational structure and make recommendations for solutions.

Business Case / Statement of Need UW-Madison has 35 Biological Sciences PhD programs in 8 Schools/Colleges. The administrative structures, funding models and educational philosophy varies widely across the constellation of PhD programs. In January 2019 Drs. Catherine Fox and Christina Hull presented the Graduate School and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education with a letter, signed by numerous Biological Sciences faculty members, outlining a need to examine how graduate education is delivered and administered at UW-Madison. Although each program is required to be reviewed every 10 years, there is no coordinated effort to examine the overall organizational operational structure of Biological Sciences PhD programs. Given that the request for this examination came from the faculty and the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine released a report on “Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century” in 2018, we believe there is a local need to examine our structures and processes as a vibrant and modern PhD training enterprise is critical to the research and educational missions of the University.

Implementation Plan / Milestones (Due dates and durations)

Workgroup convenes: The kickoff meeting on May 7, 2019 will charge the workgroup, outline expectations and set the timeline for which deliverables will be made. Tools such as Box Folder access and email list serve will be introduced to aid in the performance of the project.

Mid-point check-in: August 2019. The workgroup will deliver a memo to the executive sponsors indicating midpoint progress.

Workgroup completes its charge and dissolves by: November 1, 2019 at which point a report indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the current state of organization and operations of Biological Sciences PhD programs along with recommendations for change that address areas of concern.

Change Management/Issue Management (How decisions will be made? How changes will be made?)

The workgroup will use a consensus process – a participatory model of decision making that reflects multiple perspectives and that could result in a unanimous decision (100% agreement), agreement by a supermajority (2/3 or more agree), or agreement by a simple majority (more than half agree). To assure a respectful majority, the team commits to explore and record concerns that

Office of the Dean 217 Bascom Hall · 500 Lincoln Drive · Madison, WI 53706-1380 · [email protected] · (608) 263-1353 · fax (608) 265-9505

are raised, and to document the degree of agreement for decisions reached. The recommendations will be made to the executive sponsors who will then engage campus leadership (deans of the participating Schools/Colleges as well as senior University leadership) in a second step of consultation and engagement to effect changes that will position UW-Madison to attract and educate the best PhD students in the Biological Sciences.

Project Team Roles and Responsibilities

Team Members Roles Responsibilities

David Eide Nutritional Sciences Department Chair and Workgroup Member


Zsuzsana Fabry Cell and Molecular Pathology DGS Workgroup Member

Catherine Fox Department of Biomolecular Chemistry Workgroup Member

Neuroscience DGS Mary Halloran Workgroup Member

Edward Jackson Medical Physics Department Chair and DGS Workgroup Member

James Keck School of Medicine and Public Health Workgroup Member

Associate Dean for Basic Sciences

Ivan Rayment Integrated Program in Biochemistry DGS Workgroup Member

Garret Suen Microbiology Doctoral Training Program DGS Workgroup Member

David Wassarman Cell and Molecular Biology program chair and Committee Member


De Deneen Wellik Department of Cell and Regenerative Biology Workgroup Chair Chair


Appendix 2 Biosciences Faculty Letter of


To: Norman Drinkwater, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education; William Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School From: Catherine Fox and Christina Hull, Professors of Biomolecular Chemistry, and co-signatories RE: Future of graduate education and research in the biosciences at UW-Madison Cc: Steve Ackerman, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in the Physical Sciences; Cynthia Czajkowski, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in the Biological Sciences; Robert Golden, Dean of the School of Medicine and Public Health; James Keck, Associate Dean for Basic Sciences, School for Medicine and Public Health; Mark Markel, Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine; Rick Moss, Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research, Biotechnology, and Graduate Studies; Karl John Scholz, Dean of the College of Letters and Science; Steve Swanson, Dean of the School of Pharmacy; Kathryn VandenBosch, Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences

We submit this letter to voice our strong concern about the future of Ph.D. training and research in the biosciences at UW-Madison. We are proud that bioscience Ph.D. excellence has been the cornerstone of research success at UW-Madison; one that supports faculty research programs and makes discoveries that benefit society and enable breakthroughs that support the Wisconsin Idea. Our research also leads to patents and licenses, and forms the basis of start-ups and other economic activity for the State and the country. After graduation our Ph.D. students become leaders in academia, industry, government, and non-governmental organizations, enhancing the visibility and stature of UW-Madison across the globe. It is our opinion that new initiatives at the campus level for the recruitment and financial support of Ph.D. students and programs are needed to ensure our future preeminence in this crucial area. We request that you assemble a cross-campus working group of leaders in bioscience Ph.D. education and charge them with developing new models for holistically supporting bioscience Ph.D. programs and students to ensure viability of our research enterprise. In a period of keen competition for Ph.D. students and research support, our peer institutions are increasing administrative and direct financial support for bioscience Ph.D. programs and fellowships. For example, at the University of Michigan, substantial fellowships are available to incoming Ph.D. students in their Program in Biomedical Sciences. At the University of North Carolina, a multimillion dollar annual investment in bioscience Ph.D. student recruitment and training since 2008 correlates with a rise in their rankings from 27th in total federal research support to 11th in 2017. Our peer institutions are investing in their Ph.D. programs because they realize that supplemented support of bioscience Ph.D. training has a substantial multiplier effect on the value of individual laboratory research grants (e.g., NIH R01s, NSF RPGs). This multiplier effect increases research productivity and competitiveness for renewal and new research grants. Historically, UW-Madison’s preeminence in bioscience research and graduate education has been supported remarkably well by the large number of Training Grant funded Ph.D. students, allowing us to compete nationally for the best students. However, the times are changing, and NIH training grant support for Ph.D. students has dropped precipitously at UW-Madison (Figure1). Therefore, the multiplier effect that has fueled UW-Madison’s premiere position is disappearing, and new solutions are needed. In summary, we respectfully submit that now is the time to reverse these downward trends in bioscience Ph.D. training at UW-Madison. It is also our view that structural changes in how we attract, support, and train bioscience Ph.D. students are needed for UW-Madison to continue its world-renowned position as a leader in Ph.D. student training and research. Success in this endeavor will help position our institution to grow its research budget because our Ph.D. students are so integral to our research enterprise and our ability to attract the best bioscience faculty. In addition, it will allow the State to reap the economic and intellectual benefits of future biomedical, agricultural, biotechnology, and environmental advances. We await your leadership in formation of this working group, which should begin meeting in early 2019 with

1 the goal of formulating a plan of action prior to the 2019-20 admissions and recruiting season. We welcome your input on developing its charge. Sincerely,

Catherine A. Fox, Professor of Biomolecular Chemistry, Former steering committee member of the Molecular Biosciences Training Grant

Christina M. Hull, Professor of Biomolecular Chemistry and Medical Microbiology & Immunology, Director, Molecular Biosciences Training Grant Program

Please follow this link to view cosignatories, email addresses, and comments. Additionally, selected comments are presented at the end of this letter.

2 (millions of dollars) (millions

Figure 1: Precipitous reductions in NIGMS Training Grant (T32) support for Ph.D. students at UW-Madison. (A) Total NIH Training Grant (T32) support in millions of dollars (left) or number of T32s awarded (right) during the indicated years. (B) Table: Available T32s within NIGMS, the research institute that supports the majority of T32s and that contains the three major T32s that have supported Bioscience Ph.D. students at UW-Madison (i.e. BTP, MBTG and Genetics). The values indicate the number of Ph.D. trainees that could be supported by the indicated training grant in the indicated year. Numbers shown for 2019 represent optimistic projections based on current information about recently submitted or reviewed T32s. Pie Charts: The size of each circle represents the relative number of Ph.D. trainees that could be supported by NIGMS T32s per year for the indicated year. The sectors are colored according to the Table to indicate the relative contribution of individual T32s listed in the Table.

3 Selected Comments from Signatories

Strong graduate training is the key to UW-Madison’s research success. -Laura Knoll, Professor, SMPH

I, too, believe UW-Madison is at a critical juncture in determining how we will compete for the best students and attract them to our programs. -Audrey Gasch, Professor, CALS

Because of the difficulty in getting post-docs into the Midwest, our reliance on these graduate students is great. -Darcie Moore, Assistant Professor, SMPH

This is an extremely important issue to maintain high quality research at UW-Madison. -Kristen Bernard, Professor, SVM

As a junior faculty member, I feel this letter well represents our concerns about bioscience Ph.D. training in the future. -Lixin Rui, Assistant Professor, SMPH

From the perspective of a T32 Director, maintaining these programs involves increasing programmatic requirements to remain nationally competitive (even for non-NIGMS programs), to the point where the time involved for both directors and trainers to run a unique and meaningful program for trainees is becoming prohibitive. Consequently fewer people want to be involved. Additionally, I have been directly told that universities like Penn State provide substantial numbers of trainee positions to enhance the competitiveness of their T32s. Grassroots efforts from faculty are key but will not be sufficient to defend our remaining T32s much less expand the number towards where it used to be. -Rick Eisenstein, Professor, CALS


Appendix 3 Questionnaire Outline

Questions for Program Directors: Name, Program, Date

Structure of Program:


Support for Rotations:


Training Grants supporting:

Support for program/director:



Other information:

Appendix 4 Directors Communicated

With During



PhD Program Director, Program: T32 Training Grant Director, Program:

Meyer Jackson, Biophysics Meyer Jackson, Molecular Biophysics Dan Loeb, Elaine Alarid, Cancer Biology Anna Huttenlocher, MSTP Natalia De Leon Gatti, Chris Bradfield, Molecular and Environmental Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics Toxicology David Wassarman (Lauren Whietkamp) Ian Bird (Grace Jensen), Endocrinology and Cellular & Molecular Biology Reproductive Physiology Karl Broman, Biomedical Data Sciences Chuck Czuprynski, Comparative Biomedical No director (Carmella Diosana), Botany Sciences Ian Bird (Grace Jensen), Endocrinology and Brian Fox, Biotechnology Training Program Reproductive Physiology Helen Blackwell (Cara Jenkins), Chemistry-Biology Sean Schoville, Entymology Interface Ivan Rayment (Maria Katsoulidis, Kate Ryan) Zsuzsanna Fabry, Pathogenic Mechanisms of Integrated Program in Biochemistry Major Human Diseases Mary Halloran, Neuroscience Training Mary Halloran, Neuroscience Training Program Program Mark Craven, Computation and Informatics in Andrea Mason, Kinesiology Biology and Medicine Zsuzsanna Fabry, Cellular and Molecular Jon Audhya, Training Program inMolecular Pathology and Cellular Pharmacology Kent Weigel, Animal and Dairy Sciences Susan Thibeault, Voice and Voice Disorders Suresh Marulasiddappa, Comparative Training Program Biomedical Sciences Laura Knoll (Jenny Dahlberg), Parasitology and Rob Lemanske (Sally Wedde, Christine Vector Biology Sorkness), Graduate Program in Sanjay Asthana, Biology of Aging and Diseases Clinical Investigation Christina Hull, Training in Molecular Biosciences Lauren Riters, Zoology Audrey Gasch, Genetics Training Program Garret Suen, Microbiology Jon Audhya, Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Bill Tracy, Agronomy Donna Oertel, Physiology (recently merged with CMB, but still finishing) Chad Vezina, Molecular and Environmental Toxicology Tim Hall (Carol Aspinwall), Radiological Sciences Training Program

Appendix 5 Biotechnology Enterprises and


Roles from

Selected UW- Madison PhD

Student Alumni

Last Name First Name Program Degree Date Work Type Current Title Current Employer Ahringer Julie Biochemistry 05/19/91 Acad. Researcher Director of the Gurdon Institute, Cambridge, UK Gurdon Institute Environmental Alexander David 08/22/99 Acad. Researcher Associate Researcher & Lecturer University of California-Santa Cruz Toxicology Bilger Andrea Biochemistry 12/23/94 Acad. Researcher Associate Scientist, Department of Oncology UW Madison Molecular and Boley Patricia Environmental 12/24/09 Acad. Researcher Research Associate The Ohio State University Toxicology Cai Kai Biochemistry 08/28/16 Acad. Researcher Postdoc Texas Health Science Center, Dallas TX Chen Peter Physiology 08/28/11 Acad. Researcher Fellow Department of Pathology, Surgical Pathology University of Texas-Houston, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Molecular and Clemens Keelia Environmental 08/22/10 Acad. Researcher Genetics Counselor Duke Medical University Toxicology Molecular and Clements Justin Environmental 08/28/16 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Cellular and Cooke Amy 08/28/11 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow EMBL, Germany Molecular Biology Dashti Hesam Biophysics 12/20/14 Acad. Researcher Postdoc Harvard Medical School Didychuk Allison Biophysics 12/24/17 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow University of California Berkeley Molecular and Ding Lina Environmental 12/21/14 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow Harvard Toxicology Molecular and Everson Joshua Environmental 05/13/18 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow UT-Austin Toxicology Feld Mara ??? 08/24/08 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow UCONN Health Molecular and Irving Amy Environmental 05/18/14 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Molecular and Johnson Brian Environmental 12/22/13 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Molecular and Johnson Delinda Environmental 05/20/12 Acad. Researcher Senior Scientist, School of Pharmacy University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Kraemer Brian Biochemistry 05/21/00 Acad. Researcher Research Associate Professor Seattle VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle WA Kwak Jae Eun Biochemistry 12/22/07 Acad. Researcher Research Scientist Korean Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology LaPointe Christopher Biochemistry 12/24/16 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Scientist Stanford University Medical School Lee Woonghee Biochemistry 05/19/13 Acad. Researcher Assistant Scientist NMRF in Madison Molecular and O'Driscoll Chelsea Environmental 12/23/18 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Environmental O'Leary Kathleen 12/23/89 Acad. Researcher Assistant Scientist, Comparative Biosciences University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Molecular and Olson Jake Environmental 08/28/16 Acad. Researcher Assistant Scientist, Animal Sciences University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Orth Tony Entomology 08/27/00 Acad. Researcher Director of Genomics Novartis Research Institute Molecular and Ostrem-Loss Erin Environmental 08/26/18 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Molecular and Pellett Sabine Environmental 12/23/04 Acad. Researcher Senior Scientist, Bacteriology University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Porter Douglas Biochemistry 12/24/15 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow UW Madison Environmental Read Harry 08/26/90 Acad. Researcher Assistant Scientist, Soil Sciences University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Cellular and Reedstrom Ross 12/23/95 Acad. Researcher Research Scientist Rice University Molecular Biology Molecular and Rodriguez Carlos Environmental 08/27/17 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Scholar, Pathology University of California-San Francisco Toxicology Molecular and Rubert IV Kennedy Environmental 05/18/08 Acad. Researcher Assistant Scientist, Entomology University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Slater Mike Molecular Biology 12/21/86 Acad. Researcher Senior Scientist, R&D Promega Corporation Molecular and Syed Deeba Environmental 08/28/11 Acad. Researcher Assistant Scientist, Dermatology University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Environmental Tai Yu-Tzu 08/25/96 Acad. Researcher Senior Research Scientist Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Toxicology Molecular and Vazquez-Rivera Emmanuel Environmental 05/12/19 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Wilinski Daniel Cellular and Molecu 08/23/15 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow Univeristy of Michigan Environmental Xu Xiaofang 08/25/02 Acad. Researcher Assistant Scientist, Endocrinology University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Molecular and Yu Deyang (Charles) Environmental 08/25/19 Acad. Researcher Postdoctoral Fellow University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Alexandrescu Andrei Biochemistry 12/23/89 Faculty Professor, Department of Biochemistry University of Connecticut Aukema Brian Entomology 05/18/03 Faculty Associate Professor of Entemology University of Minnesota Baehrecke Eric Entomology 05/17/92 Faculty Professor University of Massachusetts Medical School Molecular and Baker Tracie Environmental 12/22/13 Faculty Assistant Professor, Environmental Health Sciences Wayne State University Toxicology Ballantyne Scott Biochemistry 05/18/97 Faculty Professor UW-River Falls HHMI Investigator and Rowena G. Matthews Collegiate Professor at U of Michigan, Ann Bardwell James Molecular Biology 08/23/87 Faculty U of Michigan, Ann Arbor Arbor Bardwell Vivian Molecular Biology 05/20/90 Faculty Professor, Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development University of Minnesota Barton Kathryn Genetics 08/27/89 Faculty Professor Stanford University Bauernfeind Robert Entomology 05/28/78 Faculty Professor (Retired) Kansas State University Retired Bernstein David Biochemistry 12/23/04 Faculty Assistant Director of Research Policy American Society of Clinical Oncology Molecular and Blanke Kristina Environmental 12/22/13 Faculty Science Writing Officer, Department of Biology University of Buffalo Toxicology Cellular and Blelloch Robert 08/22/99 Faculty Professor, Endowed Chair, Vice Chair of Department of Urology at UCSF UCSF Molecular Biology Molecular and Bolterstein Elyse Environmental 12/24/10 Faculty Assistant Professor of Biology Northeastern Illinois University Toxicology Molecular and Brody Matthew Environmental 08/25/13 Faculty Assistant Professor of Pharmacology University of Michigan Toxicology Caldwell Jane Biophysics 05/17/98 Faculty Clinical Assistant Professor, Nonmajors General Biology Program Coordinator West Virginia University, Morgantown WV Caldwell Jane Biophysics 05/17/98 Faculty Clinical Assistant Professor, Nonmajors General Biology Program Coordinator West Virginia University, Morgantown WV Molecular and Calkins Marcus Environmental 12/21/08 Faculty National Cheng Kung University Toxicology Environmental Cavieres Maria 08/26/01 Faculty Professor Universidad de Valparaiso (Chile) Toxicology Chae Young Kee Biophysics 08/24/98 Faculty Professor Sejohg University, Seoul Korea Chae Young Kee Biophysics 08/24/98 Faculty Professor Sejohg University, Seoul Korea Environmental Chen Chen-Peng 05/16/99 Faculty Associate Professor, Occupational Safety and Health China Medical University Toxicology Nutritional Clarke Stephen 12/23/04 Faculty Professor and Chair of Nutrition Oklahoma State Sciences Cellular and Coller Jeff 05/21/00 Faculty Director for RNA Molecular Biology Center for RNA Science & Therapeutics Molecular Biology Colson Brett Physiology 12/24/09 Faculty Assistant Professor of Physiology Universityof Arizona Medical School Environmental Conklin Suzanne 08/22/99 Faculty Assistant Professor Rhode Island University Toxicology Conway Laura Biochemistry 12/23/89 Faculty Professor and Assistant Director, Genetic Counseling Arcadia Universty Environmental Culumber Michele 05/19/02 Faculty Assistant Professor of Microbiology Weber State University Toxicology Molecular and Diener Lynn Environmental 08/21/05 Faculty Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Mount Mary University Toxicology Meat and Animal Eddinger Thomas 08/26/84 Faculty Professor of Biology, Marquette University Marquette University Science Edison Arthur Biophysics 08/22/93 Faculty Professor, Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dept of Genetics and the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center Ellinger James Biochemistry 08/26/12 Faculty Adjunct Professor Tokyo University Erbilgin Nadir Entomology 08/26/01 Faculty Professor, Dept of Renewable Resources University of Alberta Forrester Wayne Biochemistry 08/22/93 Faculty Associate Research Professor of Medical Genetics Indiana University of Bloomington Fox Catherine Biochemistry 05/17/92 Faculty Professor, Biomolecular Chemistry UW Madison Fuezery Anna Biochemistry 12/24/09 Faculty Clinical Biochemist and Professor Alberta Health Services, University of Alberto, Canada Gaugler Randy Entomology 12/23/78 Faculty Distinguished Professor Rutgers Gestwicki Jason Biochemistry 05/19/02 Faculty Associate Professor, Dept. Pharmaceutical Chemistry UCSF Gillian-Daniel Don Biochemistry 05/18/97 Faculty Associate Director, DELTA Program UW Madison Goldstrohm Aaron NO INFO Faculty Associate Professor: Director of Graduate Studies, BMBB Graduate Program University of Minnesota Gray Nicola NO INFO Faculty Professor University of Edinburgh Molecular and Gutzman Jennifer Environmental 05/16/04 Faculty Associate Professor, Biolgoical Sciences University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Toxicology Environmental Hegg Colleen 08/25/96 Faculty Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology Michigan State University Toxicology Hinck Andrew Biochemistry 05/16/93 Faculty Professor, Department of Structural Biology University of Pittsburgh Hinck Andrew Biochemistry 05/16/93 Faculty Professor, Department of Structural Biology University of Pittsburgh Biomolecular Hundley Heather 05/15/05 Faculty Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Indiana University Chemistry Environmental Huss Janice 05/16/99 Faculty Associate Professor of Molecular & Cellular Endocrinology City of Hope Toxicology Hutchison Bill Entomology 05/20/84 Faculty Professor and Extension Entomologist University of Minnesota Environmental Johnson Jeffrey 08/23/92 Faculty Professor of Pharmacy University of Wiscnosin-Madison Toxicology Nutritional Professor and Chair of Foods and Nutrition, University of Georgia and former President Johnson Mary Ann 12/18/83 Faculty Retired Sciences of the American Society for Nutrition Johnson Reid Molecular Biology 08/21/83 Faculty Professor, Biological Chemistry UCLA Jorgensen Richard Biochemistry 12/23/78 Faculty Professor, Investigator LANGEBIO (Laboratorio Nacional de Genomica para la Biodiversidad) Molecular and Kim Aekyong Environmental 12/23/04 Faculty Professor of Pharmacy Catholic University Toxicology Molecular and Kragtorp Katherine Environmental 08/23/03 Faculty Science Instructor Minneapolis Community & Technical College Toxicology Krezel Andrzej Biochemistry 12/22/91 Faculty Research Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Washington University in St. Louis Kuloglu (Elgin) Emine Sonay Biochemistry 08/25/02 Faculty Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemistry Mugla University, Turkey Molecular and Kurian Joseph Environmental 08/27/06 Faculty Assistant Professor, Medical Microbiology, Immunology, and Cell Biology Southern Illinois University Toxicology Lambert Paul Biochemistry 05/19/85 Faculty Professor and Director of McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research UW Madison Genetics Environmental Lambrecht Richard 08/24/86 Faculty Instructor / Lab Manager UMass Medical School Toxicology Molecular and Lee Jong-Min Environmental 08/24/03 Faculty Assistant Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School Toxicology Environmental Levin Edward 12/23/84 Faculty Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Duke University Toxicology Lewis Ian Biochemistry 05/16/10 Faculty Assistant Professor, AIHS Transitional Health Chair, Department of Biological Sciences University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta Canada Molecular and Lipinski Robert Environmental 05/18/08 Faculty Associate Professor, Comparative Biosciences University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology Environmental Liu Biing-Hui 08/25/96 Faculty Professor of Toxicology National Taiwan University Toxicology Biomolecular Massey Cancer Center--Developmental Therapeutics Program School of Liu Qinglian 12/22/02 Faculty Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics Chemistry Medicine Loertscher Jennifer 08/26/01 Faculty Professor of Chemistry Seattle University Loh Stewart Biochemistry 05/16/93 Faculty Professor Upstate Medical University, State University of New York, Syracuse NY

Lu Zhe Physiology 05/17/92 Faculty Professor of Physiology and Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine Maquat Lynne Biochemistry 05/27/79 Faculty Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Member of National Academy University of Rochester Marcheschi Ryan Biochemistry 12/24/09 Faculty Associate Professor Northern Virginia Community College Mouzakis Kathryn Biochemistry 05/19/13 Faculty Assistant Professor, Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry Loyola Marymount University Entomology and O'Donnell Sean 05/16/93 Faculty Professor, Head of Department of Biology Drexel University Zoology Environmental Oberley Matthew 12/21/03 Faculty Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California Toxicology Oh Byung Biochemistry 08/27/89 Faculty Professor, Dept of Biological Science KAIST, Republic of Korea Parajulee Megha Entomology 05/22/94 Faculty Professor, Faculty Fellow Texas A & M University Molecular and Park Hee Soo Environmental 08/25/13 Faculty Assistant Professor, Molecular Genetics & Microbiology Kyungpook National University Toxicology Peckarsky Bobbi Zoology 05/27/79 Faculty Adjunct Professor Entomology UW Madison Peterson Martha Biochemistry 08/26/84 Faculty Professor University of Kentucky School of Medicine Postle Kathleen Biochemistry 12/23/78 Faculty Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics Penn State University Prehoda Kenneth Biochemistry 05/18/97 Faculty Professor, University of Oregon, Institute of Molecular Biology Reiter Nicholas Biochemistry 12/23/06 Faculty Assistant Professor Marquette University Klingler School of Arts and Science Rieske-Kinney Lynn Entomology 05/21/95 Faculty Professor University of Kentucky Environmental Roman Beth 12/21/97 Faculty Associate Professor, Human Genetics University of Pittsburgh Toxicology Rouhana Labib Genetics 12/22/07 Faculty Assistant Professor Wright State University Sashital Dipali Biochemistry 12/23/06 Faculty Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology Iowa State University Environmental Schantz Susan 05/19/85 Faculty Professor of Comparative Biosciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Toxicology Environmental Schwartz Steven Toxicology and 12/19/82 Faculty Professor, Food Science & Technology The Ohio State University Food Science Molecular and Shanle Erin Environmental 08/25/13 Faculty Assistant Professor of Biology Longwood University Toxicology Sheets Mike Molecular Biology 12/23/89 Faculty Professor, Biomolecular Chemistry UW Madison Nutritional Slavin JoAnne 08/23/81 Faculty Professor of Food Science and Nutrition University of Minnesota Sciences Environmental Stilwell Geoffrey 12/21/97 Faculty Assistant Professor of Biology Rhode Island College Toxicology Distinguished Lecturere in Physiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Strang Kevin Physiology 08/28/94 Faculty UW Madison Public Health Environmental Surh Young-Joon 05/20/90 Faculty Professor of Pharmacy Seoul National University Toxicology Professor and Head of Cardiovascular Medicine, Director of Sarnoff Cardiovascular Sweitzer Nancy Physiology 05/16/93 Faculty University of Arizona Research Center, University of Arizona Medical School Thompson Sunnie Biochemistry 05/17/98 Faculty Associate Professor Microbiology Univeristy of Alabama School of Medicine Environmental Thompson Todd 05/18/97 Faculty Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences University of New Mexico Toxicology Environmental Thorne Peter 08/26/84 Faculty Professor of Occupational & Environmental Health University of Iowa Toxicology Environmental Vanden Heuvel John (Jack) 12/21/91 Faculty Professor of Molecular Toxicology Penn State University Toxicology Vravick Anne Toxicology 12/21/97 Faculty Assistant Professor, Food Science Mount Mary University Walgenbach Jim Entomology 12/23/84 Faculty Professor of Entomology North Carolina State University Environmental Walker Mary 08/25/91 Faculty Professor, Pharmacology & Toxicology University of New Mexico Toxicology Wallin Kimberly Entomology 08/26/01 Faculty Research associate professor and director of graduate programs University of Vermont Environmental Wang Bingcheng 05/19/91 Faculty Professor of Pharmacology Case Western Reserve University Toxicology Environmental Weglarz Teresa 12/23/00 Faculty Associate Professor of Biological Sciences University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley Toxicology Yin Jerry Molecular Biology 12/21/86 Faculty Professor UW Madison Genetics Molecular and Yu Min Environmental 12/24/10 Faculty Assistant Professor of Clinical Chemistry University of Kentucky Toxicology Zarkower Dave Molecular Biology 05/21/89 Faculty Professor, Director--Developmental Biology Center University of Minnesota Molecular and Zhao Yun Environmental 08/25/13 Faculty Statistics Teaching Aide University of Illinois-Chicago Toxicology Environmental Abnet Christian 08/23/98 Government Senior Investigator NCI Toxicology Molecular and Antkiewicz Dagmara Environmental 12/22/07 Government Environmental Toxicologist Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene Toxicology Molecular and Brown Cherry Environmental 08/26/18 Government Forensic Scientist City of New York Toxicology Molecular and Cholewa Brian Environmental 12/21/14 Government Toxicologist FDA Toxicology Molecular and Coriano Carlos Environmental 05/13/17 Government Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Defense Toxicology Nutritional Davis Cindy D. 12/22/91 Government Director of Grants and Extramural Activities NIH Office of Dietary Supplements Sciences Molecular and Diaz Carol Environmental 08/27/17 Government Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Defense Toxicology Environmental Eldridge Sandra 12/23/88 Government Senior Scientist / Toxicologist National Cancer Institute Toxicology Molecular and Garcia Liz Environmental 08/25/19 Government Postdoctoral Fellow NIH Toxicology Molecular and Gunnarsdottir Sjofn Environmental 12/22/02 Government Policy Advisor Dutch National Institute for Public Health & Environment (RIVM) Toxicology Environmental Gustavson Karl 05/20/01 Government Contaminated Sediments Lead US Environmental Protection Agency Toxicology Environmental Hemming Jocelyn 05/17/98 Government Senior Scientist Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene Toxicology Molecular and Irving Roy Environmental 12/23/12 Government Section Chief Wisconsin Department of Health Services Toxicology Oncology and Johnson Mark Environmental 08/20/84 Government Regional 5 Director US Environmental Protection Agency Toxicology Lohman Danielle Biochemistry 12/24/17 Government AAAS Science and Technology Fellow, US Department of State US Dept of State Molecular and Lorch Jeffrey Environmental 08/26/12 Government Microbiologist USGS Toxicology Molecular and Osterweil (Lee) Elyse Environmental 12/23/05 Government Toxicologist US Environmental Protection Agency Toxicology Molecular and Pham Ly Environmental 05/18/14 Government ORISE Postdoctoral Fellow, National Center for Computational Toxicology US Environmental Protection Agency Toxicology Environmental Sargent Linda 05/19/91 Government Research Toxicologist National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Toxicology Environmental Teeguarden Justin 05/16/99 Government Scientist, Chemical Biology & Exposure Science Team Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Toxicology Environmental Thiboldeaux Robert 12/22/96 Government Toxicologist Wisconsin Department of Health Services Toxicology Molecular and Yang Sarah Environmental 12/22/13 Government Environmental Toxicologist Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Services Toxicology Environmental Zhao Dong 08/25/02 Government Toxicologist FDA Toxicology Chemical Agnew Daniel 05/19/13 Industry Patent Agent Roche Sequencing Solutions Engineering Environmental Albert Thomas 08/27/00 Industry Vice President, Global Head of Research Roche Sequencing Solutions Toxicology Molecular and Ariazi Jennifer Environmental 05/18/03 Industry ? Investigator ? GlaxoSmithKline Toxicology Environmental Arnold Scott 08/27/95 Industry Product Sustainability Consulting Leader Dow Chemical Company Toxicology Cellular and Baca (LeGendre) Jacqueline 05/20/12 Industry Biotechnology Professional San Francisco Bay Area Molecular Biology Molecular and Bae JuYun Environmental 12/21/08 Industry Field Application Scientist Life Technologies Toxicology Bahrami Arash Biophysics 05/17/09 Industry Senior Scientist NetSeer, San Francisco Bay Area Barkoff Aaron Biochemistry 08/22/99 Industry Patent Attorney, Shareholder McAndrews, Held, and Malloy Ltd. Molecular and Bialk Heidi Environmental 05/16/06 Industry Senior Director of Global Scientific Affairs PepsiCo Toxicology Blommel Paul Biophysics 08/26/07 Industry Independent consultant TTC Labs Consulting Environmental Brake Paul 05/17/98 Industry Senior Solution Scientist Sema4 Toxicology Molecular and Brinkman Ashley Environmental 12/24/15 Industry Senior Associate Toxicolgist SC Johnson Toxicology Molecular and Bultman JoAnna Environmental 08/22/10 Industry Assistant Director Charles River Laboratories Toxicology Environmental Bunger Maureen 05/20/01 Industry Product Manager ADME Tox Solutions (Lonza) Toxicology Burke Jordan Biochemistry 12/23/12 Industry Sceintist II Guardant Health, San Francisco Molecular and Burns Felipe Environmental 05/17/15 Industry Senior Scientist Avista Pharma Solutions Inc Toxicology Molecular and Carney Sara Environmental 12/23/05 Industry Director of Product Safety Kimberly-Clark Toxicology Molecular and Chesney Alexandra Environmental 05/15/16 Industry Study Director Covance Toxicology Choe Soheui Biochemistry 08/24/97 Industry Associate Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP Washington DC Metro Area Chritton Jacqueline Genetics 05/15/11 Industry Manager of Reports and Metrics Pharmacy OneSource, Madison WI Molecular and Cimafranca Melissa Environmental 05/14/06 Industry Medical Laboratory Scientist Atlantic Health Systems Toxicology Environmental Daggett Daniel 08/24/97 Industry Executive Director of Sustainability Diversey Toxicology Environmental Dahl Erica 08/25/02 Industry Senior Toxicologist SafeBridge Consultants Toxicology Dai Ziqi Biophysics 12/23/12 Industry Epic Epic Dai Ziqi Biophysics 12/23/12 Industry Epic Epic Davis Jared Biochemistry 08/26/07 Industry Directore of Synthetic Process Development Alexion Pharmaceuticals Molecular and DeAbrew K. Nadira Environmental 12/22/07 Industry Senior Scientist / Toxicologist Procter & Gamble Toxicology Molecular and Desotelle Joshua Environmental 08/28/11 Industry Study Director Covance Toxicology Molecular and Dever Joseph Environmental 12/21/08 Industry Senior Toxicologist Amway Toxicology Environmental DiBartolomeis, Jr Michael 08/26/84 Industry Principal Toxicology Research International Toxicology Dickson Kris Biochemistry 05/17/98 Industry Freelance Science Writer and Editor Environmental DiNicola Natalie 08/27/95 Industry President DiNicola LLC Toxicology Environmental Duddy Steven 08/23/87 Industry Chief Science Officer Integrated Nonclinical Development Solutions INC Toxicology Falero-Perez Juliana NO INFO 08/20019 Industry Scientist ThemoFischer Molecular and Galvan Noe Environmental 08/22/04 Industry Senior Director of QA Beachbody Toxicology Green Larry Molecular Biology 08/23/87 Industry Chief Executive Officer at Ablexis, LLC and AlivaMab Discovery Services, LLC Ablexis Environmental Green Roland 12/23/99 Industry Founder of Nimblegen, now CEO of Invenera Invenra Toxicology Environmental Green Roland 12/23/99 Industry CEO & Co-Founder Invenra Toxicology Molecular and Hanlon Paul Environmental 08/24/03 Industry Toxicologist Abbott Nutrition Toxicology Environmental Heidel Shawn 05/16/99 Industry Veep & Global Head of Safety Assessment, Metabolism, and Lead Optimization Covance Toxicology Environmental Herman James 08/28/88 Industry Partner & President Integrated Nonclincial Development Solutions INC Toxicology Hook Brad Biochemistry 05/14/06 Industry Senior Applications Scientist Promega Corporation Environmental Hui Julia 12/28/84 Industry Executive Director Celgene Toxicology Molecular and Hutchinson John Environmental 05/20/12 Industry Toxicologist 3M Toxicology Molecular and Jankowski Mark Environmental 05/22/07 Industry Ecotoxicologist US Environmental Protection Agency Toxicology Environmental Jones Frank 05/17/87 Industry Principal Toxicologist SC Johnson Toxicology Kim Jin Hae Biophysics 08/28/11 Industry Senior Scientist Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Republic of Korea Molecular and Kim Tae Won Environmental 12/24/16 Industry Senior Research Scientist Dongwha Pharma Toxicology Koh Yvonne Microbiology 12/24/11 Industry Scientific Officer The BioFactory Pte, Ltd, Singapore Kukorowski Ken Entomology 08/23/81 Industry Senior Principal Scientist and Manager Bayer Crop Science Environmental Laszewski Steven 05/21/89 Industry Senior Veep Environment Foth Infrastructure & Enviroment LLC Toxicology Cellular and Lebakken Connie 05/18/97 Industry President and COO StemPharm Molecular Biology Molecular and Li Guangming Environmental 08/22/04 Industry Toxicologist Novartis / Alcon Toxicology Luitjens Cameron Biochemistry 12/23/00 Industry Patent Attorney, Patent Product Specialist Thompson Reuters, Minneapolis Mahnke Lisa Biochemistry 08/23/98 Industry Head of Clinical Development Dragonfly Therapeutics, Inc. Molecular and Malone Thomas Environmental 05/20/07 Industry Veep of R&D Hygeia Industries Toxicology Molecular and Mehta Vatsal Environmental 12/24/09 Industry Senior Scientist / Toxicologist Procter & Gamble Toxicology Environmental Mejia Jackie Chemistry and 12/24/17 Industry Pathogenomica Technology Nutritional Mickelson Barbara 05/20/01 Industry Manager of Technical Services Envigo/Teklad Sciences Human Cancer Miller Elizabeth (Liz) 08/25/19 Industry Scientist San Francisco Estuary Institute Biology Nutritional Miller Robert 08/24/86 Industry President of Nutrition Kaleido Biosciences Sciences Molecular and Morgan Molly Environmental 05/12/19 Industry Postdoctoral Fellow Univeristy of California-San Diego Toxicology Molecular and Muhlenbeck Jessica Environmental 12/23/18 Industry Toxicologist Kimberley Clark Toxicology Environmental Neveu Mark 08/22/93 Industry CEO & Pharma Innovator Wellomics LLC Toxicology Newman Jack Bacteriology 08/26/01 Industry Co-founder and Chief Science Officer Amyris Molecular and Nguyen (Wynder) Jalissa Environmental 05/13/18 Industry Toxicologist (Consumer Safety) RB (New York) Toxicology Molecular and Novick Rachel Environmental 05/16/10 Industry Senior Health Scientist Cardno ChemRisk Toxicology Environmental Nuwaysir Emile 08/24/97 Industry President & CEO BlueRock Therapeutics Toxicology Olson John Biochemistry 12/23/95 Industry Author

Cellular and Opperman Laura 05/18/08 Industry Patent Scientist Michael Best 7 Friedrich, LLP Molecular Biology Molecular and Palenski Tammy Environmental 08/25/13 Industry Associate Clinical Scientist AbbVie Toxicology Peltz Stuart Oncology 12/23/89 Industry Chief Executive Officer at PTC THERAPEUTICS INC Molecular and Prasch-Landreman Amy Environmental 08/22/04 Industry Global Product Manager Promega Toxicology Pulak Rock Genetics 12/23/92 Industry Global Director of Life Sciences Union Biometrica, Holliston, MA Environmental Puthenveettil Jairaj 05/16/99 Industry Associate Director, Oncology Health Systems Bristol-Myers Squibb Toxicology Plant Breeding and Reiter Robert 12/23/89 Industry Head of Research and Development, Crop Science Bayer Global Plant Genetics Environmental Ripp Sharon 12/23/98 Industry Director of Preclinical Development Pfizer Toxicology Environmental Rose Peter 12/23/00 Industry Advanced Regulatory Specialist Pace Analytical Toxicology Molecular and Rufer Echoleah Environmental 08/22/10 Industry Principal Toxicologist Apple Toxicology Environmental Sachsenmeier Kris 12/22/96 Industry Associate Director of Translational Sciences AstraZeneca Toxicology Environmental Sadek Christine 08/27/95 Industry Acting Operations & Technical Manager 3M Toxicology Molecular and Sand Jordan Environmental 05/16/10 Industry CTO Ab E Discovery Toxicology Environmental Sausen Peter 08/23/92 Industry Veep & Head of Early Phase Development Solutions Covance Toxicology Molecular and Schmit Travis Environmental 05/16/10 Industry Principal Scientist PepsiCo Toxicology Environmental Seefeld Mark 12/19/82 Industry Veep, Preclinical Toxicology Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Toxicology Environmental Selzer Rebecca 08/24/97 Industry President & CEO Roche NimbleGen Toxicology Molecular and Shaffer Clarissa Environmental 05/18/14 Industry Toxicology Specialist 3M Toxicology Environmental Sharer Jane 12/23/93 Industry Toxicologist, Drug Metabolism Unit, Pharmaceutical Division 3M Toxicology Molecular and Shea Michael Environmental 08/27/17 Industry Scientific Specialist Covance Toxicology Molecular and Sprague Christopher Environmental 08/22/04 Industry Lead of PS Operations AbbVie Toxicology Staple David Biochemistry 12/23/06 Industry Attorney and Shareholder Casimir Jones, Patent Trademark and Copyright Attorneys Molecular and Strong Ashley Environmental 12/24/15 Industry Scientist of Molecular Biology & Technology Development Exact Sciences Toxicology Cellular and Stumpf Craig 05/18/08 Industry Research Scientist eFFECTOR Therapeutic, Inc, San Diego Molecular Biology Environmental Sutherland Jessica (Jess) 12/21/97 Industry Senior Director of Toxicology Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Toxicology Molecular and Tarapore Rohinton Environmental 08/22/10 Industry Associate Director for Clinical Research Oncoceutics Inc Toxicology Environmental Thackaberry Evan 08/25/02 Industry Veep, Head of Preclincal Development Ra Pharmaceuticals Toxicology Tumasz Stephen Biochemistry 08/28/11 Industry Business Intelligence Developer Epic Valley Cary Cellular and Molecu 05/17/15 Industry Scientist III sanofi Genzyme, Waltham MA Nutritional Vasanthakumar Aparna 12/22/07 Industry Principal Research Scientist AbbVie Inc Sciences Molecular and Velasco Javier Environmental 08/28/16 Industry Toxicologist Millennium Health Toxicology Environmental Verdeal Kathey 05/23/82 Industry Toxicologist Toxicology Consulting Inc Toxicology Waghray Shruti Biochemistry 12/24/15 Industry Postdoctoral Scientist Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Carlsbad CA Wang Liao Teng Biochemistry 08/25/02 Industry Lawyer/ Founder Weinreich Mike Biochemistry 12/23/93 Industry Program Director for the Genetic Mechanisms Cluster NSF Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Molecular and Wiecinski Paige Environmental 08/26/12 Industry Senior Research Scientist Altria Toxicology Molecular and Wong Letitia Environmental 08/24/14 Industry Senior Scientist Chicago BioSolutions Toxicology Molecular and Yue Monica Environmental 08/28/16 Industry Technical Services Scientist Promega Toxicology Environmental Zabel Erik 12/23/95 Industry Epidemiologist & Health Services Researcher Stratis Health Toxicology Zhang Beilin Biochemistry 05/16/99 Industry Project Leader Sangamo Biosciences, California Molecular and Allgeier Sarah Environmental 12/22/07 Other Radiologist University of Michigan Hospitals Toxicology Beehler Jeff Entomology 08/26/90 Other Staff San Bernadino Water Conservation District Environmental Bookland Elizabeth 08/25/91 Other Owner / Proprietor Express Employment Professionals Toxicology Environmental Ganem Leonardo 12/23/99 Other COO Santa Clara Communications Consultation Agency (Brazil) Toxicology Environmental Gayda Debra 12/18/83 Other Pharmaceutical Development Consultant Gayda PHarmReg Consulting Toxicology Molecular and Jung-Hynes Brittney Environmental 05/16/10 Other Lab Development Specialist (Senior) UW-Hospitals Toxicology Environmental Loretz Linda 12/21/86 Other Director, Safety & Regulatory Toxicology Personal Care Products Council Toxicology Environmental Thompson Cynthia 12/22/96 Other Writer / Editor CSRA Inc Toxicology Molecular and Van Pay Lisa Environmental 08/27/06 Other Director of Research Communications George Washington University Toxicology Environmental Yuroff Alice 05/19/02 Other Regional Research Coordinator, Wisconsin Research and Education Network University of Wisconsin-Madison Toxicology

Appendix 6 Comparison of Training Grant

History Relative

to Our Peers

Appendix 6 UW–Madison Training Grant Peer Comparison: Total Fiscal Year (FY) Costs and Number of Training Grants (TGs) from FY09-FY18

FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18

University Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs Total FY Cost # of TGs

Indiana University– Bloomington $1,605,690 6 $2,042,495 6 $2,128,948 6 $2,088,494 6 $1,889,542 5 $1,290,173 5 $895,617 5 $1,134,570 6 $1,353,835 6 $1,419,399 6

Michigan State University $892,504 7 $1,324,809 7 $1,331,568 8 $1,407,237 7 $1,733,793 9 $1,573,627 9 $1,409,064 8 $1,839,842 8 $1,304,177 6 $1,046,522 6

Ohio State University $3,578,341 14 $2,882,022 12 $3,143,907 15 $3,239,388 15 $3,552,531 17 $4,163,087 18 $4,382,392 18 $5,056,998 19 $3,385,080 17 $3,078,184 14

Purdue University $602,020 5 $932,598 6 $720,869 5 $616,951 5 $495,476 4 $594,197 5 $563,877 4 $476,252 3 $605,915 4 $706,147 5

University of California– Berkeley $7,908,078 20 $8,584,571 20 $9,293,233 22 $8,178,527 19 $8,114,534 20 $8,376,931 20 $8,433,068 20 $8,867,328 20 $7,027,412 18 $8,732,183 18

University of California– Los Angeles $18,274,029 58 $17,888,902 57 $17,028,553 58 $16,864,315 54 $16,800,863 52 $16,355,539 47 $16,800,553 48 $15,460,495 44 $15,263,574 45 $15,151,472 42

University of Illinois at Urbana– Champaign $2,307,978 9 $2,396,678 10 $2,469,798 10 $1,801,678 8 $1,529,237 6 $1,007,766 4 $858,321 3 $1,058,939 4 $1,072,713 4 $1,222,277 4

University of Michigan– Ann Arbor $23,225,733 65 $21,596,524 62 $20,233,127 57 $20,045,142 55 $19,623,690 51 $20,625,590 55 $19,949,548 58 $21,580,173 60 $21,229,184 61 $21,527,918 59

University of Minnesota– Twin Cities $12,158,498 36 $13,218,207 38 $11,789,033 35 $11,960,401 35 $11,575,032 34 $11,057,882 32 $11,910,135 35 $12,592,188 35 $12,233,174 36 $12,780,645 39

University of Texas at Austin $1,457,026 5 $1,120,465 5 $1,095,424 5 $1,326,872 6 $1,231,264 6 $1,298,342 6 $1,344,575 6 $1,612,255 7 $1,624,893 7 $1,969,206 8

University of Washington– Seattle $25,164,239 63 $25,662,364 67 $24,957,990 65 $24,562,834 62 $22,521,873 57 $21,992,078 54 $23,927,219 58 $24,424,211 57 $23,643,128 57 $23,540,704 54

University of Wisconsin– Madison $17,086,665 49 $16,043,422 45 $16,408,712 48 $16,056,729 48 $15,032,518 40 $14,578,963 42 $15,774,190 42 $15,317,154 40 $15,509,704 41 $14,343,559 36



Tables are based on NIH fiscal year (October 1-September 30) for all NIH training grants. Training grants that are in a no-competitive extension were omitted from the analysis. DHHS training grants excluded due to lack of data for FY09. Sources: NIH Reporter.

• Diminishing financial impact of training grants at UW-Madison: Over the past ten years, there has been a progressive reduction in the success of UW Madison NIH training grant renewals, which has resulted in a substantial loss in support for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. In total, we have lost nearly $2,700,000 in annual training grant (TG) support (15%) and 13 of our training grants (26%) since 2009. Notably, 2018 marked our lowest number of training grants on campus in a decade. The erosion of TG funds has also occurred as tuition and student and postdoc stipends have increased, meaning that the buying power of each training grant dollar has also reduced by inflation.

UW–Madison TG support, 2009-2018 $17,500,000










$0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Number of UW–Madison TGs, 2009-2018







0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Tables are based on NIH fiscal year (October 1-September 30) for all NIH and DHHS training grants. Training grants that are in a no-competitive extension were omitted from the analysis. Sources: NIH Reporter, Health Resources & Services Administration search tool and WISER.

Appendix 7 PhD Alumni from the Biological

Sciences from


CASEID NAME DEGREE_PROGRAM_CO DEGREE_PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION DEGREE_TERM DEGREE_DATE DEGREE_COHORT 1076157 Abdallah,Ashraf Youssef PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1976‐1980 3473226 Abdel Megid,Wael Mohamed PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 1076555 Abdelghani,Abdelghani Mostafa PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1976‐1980 1076175 Abdel‐Halim,Ahmed Zaki PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1976‐1980 939215 Abdouli,Hedi PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1976‐1980 996863 Abdul Ghani,Abdul Karim Bin PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1976‐1980 1147193 Abdul Hamid,Azizah PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1976‐1980 949444 Abedon,Bruce Gordon PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1976‐1980 504835 Abler,Lisa L. PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1976‐1980 912637 Abnet,Christian Cormac PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1976‐1980 4160834 Abouraya,Mahmoud Ahmed PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1976‐1980 4559378 Abraham,Olufunmilola PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2013 08/25/13 1976‐1980 3451510 Abraham,Teresa Maria PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1976‐1980 1129654 Abreu,Luiz Ronaldo PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1976‐1980 4435574 Abu Awad,Amal Muhammad PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1976‐1980 3325200 Acevedo,Luis PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1976‐1980 5174218 Acharya,Deepa PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1976‐1980 4582809 Acheson,Justin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1976‐1980 1054039 Achmadi,Suminar Setiati PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1976‐1980 1050983 Achor,Isah Michael PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1976‐1980 981083 Acker,Steven Anthony PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1976‐1980 1612138 Adamczyk,Benjamin John PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1976‐1980 3310790 Adams,Christian David PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1976‐1980 162120 Adams,Gregg Patrick PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1976‐1980 987083 Adams,Jeffrey Lynn PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1976‐1980 1585020 Adams,Monica Lynne PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1976‐1980 1100161 Adams,Scott Gordon PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1976‐1980 575202 Ada‐Nguema,Aude Sylvanna PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1976‐1980 4892695 Addabbo,Rayna PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1976‐1980 958934 Adee,Eric Allen PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1976‐1980 211253 Adkins,Scott Thomas PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1976‐1980 4710785 Adnani,Navid PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1976‐1980 3481929 Affeldt,Katharyn PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1976‐1980 1237877 Afik,Daniel Shmuel PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1976‐1980 945018 Aft,Rebecca Linda PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1976‐1980 5000045 Agashe,Vrushali PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1976‐1980 3061844 Agasie,Isabel PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1976‐1980 4884293 Agosto,Ibis PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1976‐1980 3484333 Agrawal,Smita Satish PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1976‐1980 3331099 Aguerre,Matias PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1976‐1980 909844 Ahern,Christopher Alexis PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1976‐1980 922268 Ahlquist,Paul Gerald PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1976‐1980 1102821 Ahmad,Fridoon Jawad PHD 147L Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1976‐1980 3024356 Ahmad,Kartini PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1976‐1980 4456359 Ahmed,Zienab PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1976‐1980 1076088 Ahn,Dong Uk PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1976‐1980 1076088 Ahn,Dong Uk PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1976‐1980 115500 Ahrens,Timothy Martin PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1976‐1980 230857 Ahringer,Julie Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1976‐1980 1095847 Ahza,Adil Basuki PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1976‐1980 3768837 Ai,Erkang PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1976‐1980 173443 Aiello,Robert Joseph PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1976‐1980 5026353 Aima,Manik PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1976‐1980 1050815 Ain‐Shoka,Afaf Abdel‐Moneim PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1976‐1980 168003 Ainsworth,Dorothy Marie PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1976‐1980 5429446 Airs,Paul PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1976‐1980 117021 Aiyar,Sarah Elizabeth PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1976‐1980 4407352 Akbulut,Cagim PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1976‐1980 3172222 Akins,MATT PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1976‐1980 3045646 Akins,Tiffany Lynn PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1976‐1980 1490991 Akkarawongsa,Radeekorn PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1976‐1980 4384159 Aktas,Busra PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1976‐1980 1120389 Aktas,Huseyin PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1976‐1980 1649949 Al Kahtani,Mohammed Ali PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1976‐1980 4138958 Al Saleh,Habib Abdulmohsen PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1976‐1980 3210444 Alani,Wathah Ghassan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1976‐1980 1052815 Al‐Azzawi,Waleed A R PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1976‐1980 4122837 Albaugh,Brittany Nicole PHD 103MED Biochemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1976‐1980 3617229 Albee,Alison Joy PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1976‐1980 407992 Albert,Thomas Joseph PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1976‐1980 4691945 Albright,Emily PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1976‐1980 804712 Albright,Thomas Pravia PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 3985080 Alcantara,Pedro Camilo PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1976‐1980 1054571 Al‐Doski,Fadheela Shahwan M PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1976‐1980 836097 Aldridge,Brian Michael PHD 983V Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1976‐1980 830695 Aldridge,Jennifer Stacy PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1976‐1980 3102565 Alejandro‐Osorio,Adriana Lucia PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1976‐1980 568517 Alexander,Andrew Nordstrom PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1976‐1980 991976 Alexander,David Lundy PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1976‐1980 225180 Alexander,Gwendolyn Decosta PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1976‐1980 687795 Alexander,Joshua Michael PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1976‐1980 4250811 Alexander,Lacey Ann PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1976‐1980 138383 Alexandrescu,Andrei T. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1976‐1980 3424640 Alfaifi,Sulieman Ali PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 1024739 Alfonso‐Pizarro,Aixa PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1976‐1980 3450400 Alger,Sarah Jane PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1976‐1980 4586068 Alghnam,Suliman Abdulah PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1976‐1980 5292591 Alharbi,Yousef PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1976‐1980 1057981 Al‐Heeti,Ayad Abid Alwahid PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1976‐1980 5541463 Al‐Heizan,Muhammad O. PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1976‐1980 1560224 Al‐Hinai,Yahya Khalifa Khamis PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1976‐1980 1051042 Ali,Ahmed Kamal Ahmed PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1976‐1980 3059891 Aliota,Matthew Thomas PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1976‐1980 5092291 Aljohani,Ahmed PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2017 08/27/17 1976‐1980 3113369 Alkelya,Mohamed Abdulrahman PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1976‐1980 4559375 Alkhayyat,Fahad PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1976‐1980 1568574 Allen,Benjamin Louis PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1976‐1980 3564540 Allen,Heather Kae PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1976‐1980 702600 Allen,James Orvis PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1976‐1980 233335 Allen,Larry N. PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1976‐1980 983929 Allen,Lee‐Ann Hill PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1976‐1980 346444 Allen,Paula E. PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1976‐1980 1012595 Allen,Ronda Michelle PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1976‐1980 128372 Allen,Todd Mackenzie PHD 147L Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1976‐1980 1385431 Allgeier,Sarah Hicks PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1976‐1980 1526091 Allison,Kristen PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1976‐1980 1202780 Al‐Majid,Sadeeka S.Majeed PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1976‐1980 4135545 Al‐Rashid,Jennifer Elizabeth Antoline PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1976‐1980 4118492 Alrfaei,Bahauddeen PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1976‐1980 3339849 Al‐Sadah,Jihad Hassan PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 1066425 Al‐Safadi,Bassam PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1976‐1980 3322830 Alsene,Karen Marie PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1976‐1980 5403219 Alshannaq,Ahmad PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1976‐1980 3801533 Alstad,Amy Oberhauser PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1976‐1980 249654 Alter,Albert Jerviss PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1976‐1980 3564294 Altmann,Sharon Elise PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1976‐1980 419548 Altschafl,Beth PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1976‐1980 3954341 Altura,Melissa Ann PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1976‐1980 1061627 Alvarado,Leticia Juana PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1976‐1980 5147261 Alvarez,Celeste PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1976‐1980 4550333 Alvarez,Roxanne PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2016 08/28/16 1976‐1980 515640 Alverson,William Surprison PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1976‐1980 1292073 Alves,Marcus Vinicius PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1976‐1980 955165 Amack,Jeffrey Dillon PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1976‐1980 4260770 Amaike,Saori PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1976‐1980 941993 Amann,Kurt Joseph PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1976‐1980 2994796 Amanna,Ian J. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1976‐1980 4287023 Amarreh,Ishmael PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1976‐1980 1053215 Ameenuddin,Syed PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1976‐1980 1053215 Ameenuddin,Syed PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1976‐1980 4880950 Amene,Ermias PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1976‐1980 3218938 Ameringer,Suzanne Weil PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 3657345 Ames Sevillano,Mercedes Ivana PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1976‐1980 223842 Amin,Ketan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1976‐1980 4421272 Amin,Mohamed Ezzat Khamis PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2013 08/25/13 1976‐1980 1049745 Amorena Zabalza,Maria PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1976‐1980 3339822 Ampey,Bryan PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1976‐1980 4170535 Amundson,Laura PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1976‐1980 878246 Amundson,Terry Eugene PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1976‐1980 878246 Amundson,Terry Eugene PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1976‐1980 1095709 An,Gil‐Hwan PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1976‐1980 1567049 Ananiev,Gene E PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1976‐1980 607242 Anderegg,Barbara Nadler PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1976‐1980 977593 Anders,Kirk Richard PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1976‐1980 682195 Andersen,David Eric PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1976‐1980 682195 Andersen,David Eric PHD 995A Zoology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1976‐1980 3755913 Andersen,Erica Florence PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1976‐1980 1003319 Andersen,John Francis PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1976‐1980 3995444 Andersen,Kristen PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1976‐1980 3475636 Anderson,Ashley PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1976‐1980 635543 Anderson,Corey PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1976‐1980 981599 Anderson,Dean Peter PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1976‐1980 306399 Anderson,Debra Frances PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1976‐1980 223419 Anderson,Iain James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1976‐1980 107595 Anderson,John P. PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1976‐1980 4259936 Anderson,Kristen PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1976‐1980 133715 Anderson,Kristin Ellen PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1976‐1980 772592 Anderson,Lori PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1976‐1980 960691 Anderson,Lori Elaine PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2003 08/24/03 1976‐1980 389936 Anderson,Matt Sheldon PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1976‐1980 3432553 Anderson,Melissa Ann Witmer PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1976‐1980 3312558 Anderson,Peter Christian PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1976‐1980 5156235 Anderson,Stacy PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1976‐1980 946713 Anderson,Vernon Emmett PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1976‐1980 3777238 Anding,Allyson Lynne PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1976‐1980 5165197 Andreas,Michael PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1976‐1980 298806 Andreasen,Eric Andrew PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1976‐1980 575068 Andreev,Dmitri Olegovich PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1976‐1980 1051852 Andresson,Olafur Sigmar PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1976‐1980 3308766 Andrew,Amy Jo PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1976‐1980 237038 Andrews,Jaen PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1976‐1980 457929 Andrews,Jane Carissa PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1976‐1980 122678 Andronis,Vlassios PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1976‐1980 3452765 Anfora,Andrew Thomas PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 724271 Angell,Yvonne Marie PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1976‐1980 254638 Angevine,Christine Marie PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1976‐1980 5544727 Angier,Heather Enn PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1976‐1980 195425 Angstadt,James David PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1976‐1980 1050319 Anik,Shabbir Tyabji PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1976‐1980 1090359 Ann,Kyoungsook PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1976‐1980 135454 Ansel,Beth Mindy PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1976‐1980 512785 Anthony,Jennifer Rachel PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1976‐1980 1555506 Anthony,Larry Cameron PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1976‐1980 3311101 Antkiewicz,Dagmara Sieprawska PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1976‐1980 701261 Antonius,Steven Hales PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1976‐1980 1052651 Aoki,Kenichi PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1976‐1980 3454076 Apodaca,Jennifer PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1976‐1980 172585 Applebaum,Rhona S. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1976‐1980 1008630 Appleman,Jeremy Alexander PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1976‐1980 529096 Arabshahi,Abolfazl PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1976‐1980 356458 Aramwit,Porn‐Anong PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1976‐1980 3322834 Aranda IV,Roman PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 3101462 Arango,Rachel PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1976‐1980 411322 Araujo,Ricardo Silva PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1976‐1980 4742712 Arbizu Berrocal,Carlos PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1976‐1980 836791 Arbour,Nancy Carolyn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1976‐1980 561236 Arendt,Lisa PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1976‐1980 4432866 Arendt,Maria PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1976‐1980 404873 Arendt,Wayne Joseph PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1976‐1980 3844875 Arens Gubbels,Jennifer Anne PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1976‐1980 918893 Arenson,Tanya Asher PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1976‐1980 4430017 Arevalo Burbano,Rafael PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1976‐1980 208094 Arevalo‐Valdes,Edna‐Carolina PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1976‐1980 1488372 Arfanakis,Konstantinos PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1976‐1980 1069201 Arias Castro,Juan Antonio PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1976‐1980 385897 Ariazi,Eric Anthony PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1976‐1980 385897 Ariazi,Eric Anthony PHD 548A Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1976‐1980 402291 Ariazi,Jennifer Lynn PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1976‐1980 953925 Arima,Yoshinobu PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1976‐1980 117498 Arlotto,Theresa Michele PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1976‐1980 4291348 Arndt,Claudia PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1976‐1980 3970449 Arnold,Kevin Michael PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1976‐1980 968549 Arnold,Scott Mallon PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1976‐1980 3327852 Arnoldussen,Aimee L. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1976‐1980 246496 Arnott,Shelley Elizabeth PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1976‐1980 3102124 Aron,Rebecca M. PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1976‐1980 120251 Aronstein,Katherine Alexey PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1976‐1980 3613977 Arora,Akshay PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1976‐1980 128234 Arora,Rajeev PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1976‐1980 953822 Arp,Daniel James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1976‐1980 390429 Arscott,Sara Andrea PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1976‐1980 956986 Arthur,Terrance Michael PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1976‐1980 4136891 Artz,Nathan PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1976‐1980 638282 Arvedson,Joan Carol PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1976‐1980 284330 Asa,Cheryl S. PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1976‐1980 1598079 Asada,Yukiko PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1976‐1980 5010644 Ash,Jeremy PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1976‐1980 256566 Ashendel,Curtis Lloyd PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1976‐1980 3001120 Ason,Brandon Lee PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1976‐1980 106407 Aspnes,Lauren Eleanor PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1976‐1980 1066042 Assadi‐Porter,Fariba Masoumeh PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1976‐1980 644561 Assefa,Mulugeta PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1976‐1980 3944442 Asuri,Namrata Suryanarayanan PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1976‐1980 3368575 Atapattu,Dhammika Nanda PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1976‐1980 613159 Atchison,William David PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1976‐1980 1251687 Ateh,Comfort Muyang PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1976‐1980 1388518 Athens,Jessica Kay PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1976‐1980 215215 Ator,Mark Alan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1976‐1980 225622 Attarchi,Faraneh PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1976‐1980 490776 Attoe,Ernest Lee PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1976‐1980 993626 Au,Yin Ping Tina PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1976‐1980 167327 Auerbach,Sidney Bernard PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1976‐1980 1013168 Augustine,Sandra Lee PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1976‐1980 1486257 Aukema,Brian Henry PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1976‐1980 251728 Aulabaugh,Ann Elizabeth PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1976‐1980 340841 Aulik,Judith Lynn PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1976‐1980 3210185 Aulik,Nicole Ann PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1976‐1980 803526 Aus,Robert John PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1976‐1980 968093 Ausenhus,Scott Leigh PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1976‐1980 105432 Austin,Judith Ann PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1976‐1980 1498030 Auth,Hak PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1976‐1980 3777718 Avanesov,Andrei S PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1976‐1980 3454381 Avila‐Rodriguez,Miguel Angel PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1976‐1980 4290425 Ayaz Guner,Serife PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1976‐1980 1334489 Aydin,Rahim PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1976‐1980 4412588 Aylward,Frank O'Niell PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1976‐1980 4684579 Baan,Mieke PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1976‐1980 1578726 Babel,Angeline Rose PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1976‐1980 3223837 Baca,Jacqueline Elaine PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1976‐1980 1148842 Baccus‐Taylor,Gail PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1976‐1980 302031 Bach,Karen Birgit PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1976‐1980 1592901 Bachorik,Jennifer Lynn PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1976‐1980 956512 Backonja,Uba PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1976‐1980 3566294 Backues,Steven Karl PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1976‐1980 3670538 Bacot‐Davis,Valjean PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1976‐1980 1037194 Badrinath,Ananthkumar Sengamedu PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1976‐1980 3094092 Bae,Euiyoung PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1976‐1980 3009871 Bae,Eunnyung PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1976‐1980 3356919 Bae,Jin‐Joo PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 3443900 Bae,Ju Yun PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1976‐1980 3450804 Bae,Young‐Kyung PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1976‐1980 104106 Baehrecke,Eric Harald PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1976‐1980 1055905 Baer,Gianni PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1976‐1980 3908174 Baertsch,Nathan PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1976‐1980 4624026 Baez Sandoval,Giovanni PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1976‐1980 3259049 Baeza,Josue PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1976‐1980 3363133 Bagley,Bruce Norman PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1976‐1980 3461154 Bahrami,Arash PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1976‐1980 1187985 Bai,Guangxing PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1976‐1980 4268949 Bai,Hua PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1976‐1980 1576285 Bai,Jihong PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1976‐1980 1105487 Bai,Yisheng PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1976‐1980 1105487 Bai,Yisheng PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1976‐1980 257798 Baichwal,Vijay R. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1976‐1980 1050667 Baik,Dong Hoon PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1976‐1980 1220574 Baik,Seong‐Yi PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1976‐1980 4747011 Bailey,Adam PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1976‐1980 1538754 Bailey,Lucas Jon PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1976‐1980 291907 Bairstow,Shawn Frederick PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1976‐1980 3607753 Baisa,Gary A PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1976‐1980 3739589 Baisley,Sarah Kathryn PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1976‐1980 338117 Bajjalieh,Sandra Mae PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1976‐1980 4868825 Baker,Anna PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1976‐1980 957513 Baker,Christine Ann PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1976‐1980 5002717 Baker,EmilyClare P. PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1976‐1980 207225 Baker,Eva Halle PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1976‐1980 3557366 Baker,Tracie PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1976‐1980 832450 Baker,Tracy PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1976‐1980 3442610 Bakke,Brock PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1976‐1980 1334492 Bal,Mehmet Ali PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1976‐1980 4263693 Balakrishnan,Shilpashree PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1976‐1980 292978 Balasubramanian,Rita Neugart PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1976‐1980 891027 Balcer,Mary Delores PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1976‐1980 127000 Baldwin,Anne E. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1976‐1980 3314805 Baldwin,Katherine Louise PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1976‐1980 155227 Ball,Carl Benjamin PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1976‐1980 755198 Ballantyne,Scott McKay PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1976‐1980 398157 Ballard Jr,Harvey Eugene PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1976‐1980 973643 Balling,Karla A. PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1976‐1980 615964 Ballinger,Marcus Dale PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1976‐1980 165333 Balog,John Paul PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1976‐1980 3093449 Balsitis,Scott Joseph PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1976‐1980 276948 Bamberg,John Benjamin PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1976‐1980 985756 Bandarian,Vahe PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1976‐1980 1052223 Banerjee,Pradip Kumar PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1976‐1980 351489 Banjavic,Richard Alan PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1976‐1980 173429 Banks,Matthew Isaac PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1976‐1980 1544310 Bannen,Ryan Michael PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1976‐1980 89016 Banos,Georgios Ioulios PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1976‐1980 4122812 Banta,Amy Beth PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1976‐1980 3757305 Barbee,David L PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1976‐1980 316403 Barber,Robert Dean PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1976‐1980 1059235 Barbut,Shabtai PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1976‐1980 1059235 Barbut,Shabtai PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1976‐1980 1038463 Barcenas,Candelaria PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1976‐1980 4722872 Barcus,Craig Edward PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1976‐1980 1057776 Bardwell,James Charles Alfred PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1976‐1980 1055094 Bardwell,Vivian June PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1976‐1980 4135898 Bar‐Ilan,Ofek PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1976‐1980 184983 Bark,Ockyung Hur PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1976‐1980 171970 Barkalow,David Glenn PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1976‐1980 159488 Barkan,Alice PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1976‐1980 4025702 Barker,Anna PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1976‐1980 4933059 Barker,Hilary Louise PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1976‐1980 624168 Barkoff,Aaron Franklin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1976‐1980 738041 Barlow,Steven Michael PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1976‐1980 608217 Barnekow,Kris Ann PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1976‐1980 939677 Barnes,Frank Lee PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1976‐1980 205640 Barnett,Deborah Kathleen PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1976‐1980 3095414 Barnhart,Todd Eugene PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1976‐1980 321183 Barnitz,Joy Theresa PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1976‐1980 952262 Baron,Ellen Jo PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1976‐1980 3618614 Barr,Mary Rachael Lovett PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1976‐1980 5002714 Barra,Jessica PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1976‐1980 1058138 Barrera,Jose Del C PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1976‐1980 135349 Barreto,Claudia PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1976‐1980 224983 Barrett,Kathryn Auman PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1976‐1980 5160203 Barros Becker,Francisco PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1976‐1980 244732 Barry,Elizabeth Leone Reich PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1976‐1980 767599 Barry,Terence Patrick PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1976‐1980 3622648 Barshteyn,Nella PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1976‐1980 1014232 Barsotti,Deborah Anne PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1976‐1980 287948 Barta,Daniel John PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1976‐1980 287948 Barta,Daniel John PHD 121A Botany PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1976‐1980 424749 Barta,Terese Marie PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1976‐1980 982226 Bartel,Lavon Lee PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1976‐1980 3006809 Barthel,Steven Russell PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1976‐1980 967557 Bartholomay,Lyric C PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1976‐1980 967557 Bartholomay,Lyric C PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1976‐1980 124183 Bartlett,Edward Lee PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1976‐1980 789711 Bartlett,Jeremy Adam PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1976‐1980 347661 Bartlett,Michael Scott PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1976‐1980 3458418 Bartlett,Rachel Marie PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1976‐1980 3069381 Bartlett,Rebecca PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1976‐1980 1570565 Bartman,Michelle Ellen PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1976‐1980 116295 Bartok,Cynthia Jeannette PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1976‐1980 3481184 Bartol,Laura Jean PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1976‐1980 189756 Barton,Barbara Ann PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1976‐1980 168005 Barton,Carolyn Rebecca PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1976‐1980 4530859 Barton,Gregory P PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1976‐1980 720428 Barton,Mary Kathryn PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1976‐1980 863732 Bartz,Jason C. PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1976‐1980 708327 Bartz,Steven Richard PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1976‐1980 1484451 Baryshnikov,Boris V. PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1976‐1980 1050938 Basabe,Pedro Jose PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1976‐1980 139682 Basili,Gianfranco Dominick PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1976‐1980 4417974 Basta,Holly PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1976‐1980 762357 Bastiaansen,Johannes Wilhelmus PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1976‐1980 4127379 Basu,Trina PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1976‐1980 1136759 Batajoo,Keshab Kumar PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1976‐1980 3015000 Batchelder,Ellen L. PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1976‐1980 3036324 Bateman,Allen Carl PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1976‐1980 1097913 Bater,Bilig PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1976‐1980 1097913 Bater,Bilig PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1976‐1980 378899 Bates,Donna Marie PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1976‐1980 1064850 Bates,Mary Ellen PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1976‐1980 222708 Bates,Paul William PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1976‐1980 3322848 Bathum,Mary Elizabeth PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1976‐1980 842155 Batiza,Ann Finney PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1976‐1980 4411954 Battaglioli,Eric John PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1976‐1980 312772 Batty,Richard Gilbert PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1976‐1980 268944 Bauer,Alan Joseph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1976‐1980 940517 Bauer,Margaret Ellen PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1976‐1980 216356 Bauerle,Cynthia Margaret PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1976‐1980 669265 Bauernfeind,Robert John PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1976‐1980 121000 Baughman,Gail Ann PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1976‐1980 4615187 Baumann,Matthias PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1976‐1980 886835 Baumann,Nikola Ann PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1976‐1980 606549 Baumgartener,Lois E. PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1976‐1980 818219 Baumgartner,Jill Christine PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1976‐1980 658045 Baumler,David James PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1976‐1980 564530 Baumler,Megan Dennis PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1976‐1980 310644 Baxter,Bonnie Kay PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1976‐1980 949684 Bayard,Barbara A. Lohse PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1976‐1980 3485520 Bayer,Matthew Allen PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1976‐1980 4889381 Bayless,Adam PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1976‐1980 3961017 Bazurto,Jannell Vincee PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1976‐1980 998571 Beach,Kirstin Elizabeth PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1976‐1980 232089 Beach,Larry Ray PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1976‐1980 3018802 Beach,Stephen Mark PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1976‐1980 1008707 Bean,Daniel William PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1976‐1980 817978 Beard Jr.,Thomas Douglas PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1976‐1980 1025948 Beattie,Gwyn Alina PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1976‐1980 962910 Beatty,Wandy Lea PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1976‐1980 3638643 Beauchene,Nicole Amber PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1976‐1980 1013233 Beauvais,Deannalee PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1976‐1980 250090 Beck,Brian Jeffrey PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1976‐1980 595544 Beck,Joseph Donald PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1976‐1980 3698220 Becker,Jordan PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1976‐1980 1419863 Becker,Stewart J. PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1976‐1980 3619384 Becklund,Bryan Ronald PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1976‐1980 327889 Bedale,Wendy Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1976‐1980 1065258 Beddar,Abdou‐Samad PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1976‐1980 1004187 Bedrosian,Janice Linda PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1976‐1980 826406 Bedwell,David Michael PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1976‐1980 146166 Beebe,Dwight Upson PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1976‐1980 926314 Beebe,Stephen Edgar PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1976‐1980 926912 Beeghly,Hobart Harold PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1976‐1980 400396 Beehler,Jeffrey Wynn PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1976‐1980 656502 Beerntsen,Brenda Terese PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1976‐1980 656502 Beerntsen,Brenda Terese PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1976‐1980 191332 Beers,Eric P. PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1976‐1980 4551824 Begemann,Matthew PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1976‐1980 552535 Behling,Alison Ruth PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1976‐1980 707334 Behling,Jonathan Paul PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1981‐1985 3369649 Behling‐Kelly,Erica Leigh PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1981‐1985 3618279 Behm,Jocelyn Elyssa PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 362051 Behr,Carl Frederick PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 516814 Behrens,Brent Conrad PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1981‐1985 5003129 Behrens,Ryan T. PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1981‐1985 679404 Beisenstein‐Weiss,Kelly PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1981‐1985 164818 Bejsovec,Amy Maude PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1981‐1985 125020 Belair,Cassandra Dawn PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 1091059 Bell,Judith Anne PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 3548723 Bell,Laura PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1981‐1985 274419 Bell,Peter Alan PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1981‐1985 977451 Bellcross,Cecelia Ann PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1981‐1985 3638770 Bellecourt,Michael PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 245471 Bellomy,Gregory Ralph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 247477 Bender,Carla Faith PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1981‐1985 4279491 Bender,Edward Thomas PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1981‐1985 3442314 Bender,Gunes PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 4168791 Bender,Robb Walter PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 542260 Benink,Helene Anne PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1981‐1985 165876 Benke,Paul J. PHD 733L Pathology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 3873530 Bennett,Ashley Blair PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 4156658 Bennett,Erica Ehlers PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 335880 Bennett,L. Michelle PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1981‐1985 207271 Bennett,Randy Lee PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 210847 Benson,Barbara Jean PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1981‐1985 899161 Benton,Margaret Elizabeth PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1981‐1985 1455186 Ben‐Yoseph,Eyal PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1981‐1985 947846 Benz,Bruce F. PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1981‐1985 704005 Benz,Wendy Katherine PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 135426 Bergen,Lawrence Glen PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1981‐1985 3622709 Berger,Brent PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 3454799 Berger,Jeffrey Kyle PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 428532 Bergfelt,Donald Rick PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1981‐1985 715535 Bergman,Richard D PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 5130407 Bergmans,Rachel PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 977416 Bergstrom,Robert Walter PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1981‐1985 338560 Berkmen,Melanie Marie PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1981‐1985 3870988 Berman,Sara PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1981‐1985 1131089 Bermejo‐Velazquez,Basilio PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 1004656 Bernard,Kristen PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1981‐1985 196889 Bernatowicz,Michael Sebastian PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 3570374 Berndsen,Christopher Edward PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1981‐1985 3101488 Berndt,Jason D. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1981‐1985 3325922 Berndt,Jessica Susan PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1981‐1985 1578348 Bernstein,David Samuel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 3332028 Bernstein,Douglas Adam PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1981‐1985 142389 Bernstein,Philip Louis PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1981‐1985 287541 Berres,Mark Eric PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1981‐1985 3182401 Berry,David Benjamin PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1981‐1985 493063 Berry,Jeffrey James PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 296785 Berry,Suzanne Elizabeth PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1981‐1985 98244 Berssenbrugge,Anne Diana PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1981‐1985 3616143 Berti,Andrew PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1981‐1985 994569 Bertics,Paul John PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1981‐1985 110347 Bertinuson,Anne Christine PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1981‐1985 186205 Bertoni,Gregory Paul PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 861074 Berwin,Brent Lind PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1981‐1985 234009 Besch,Greta Joanne PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1981‐1985 4879186 Besemer,Abby PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 5271607 Beshish,Arij PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1981‐1985 156541 Bessen,Richard Alan PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1981‐1985 3800187 Best,Jabe Micah PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 457062 Betley,Marsha J. PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1981‐1985 5134135 Betthauser,Tobey James PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1981‐1985 250344 Betts,Timothy Dwight PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1981‐1985 212522 Beutel,Bruce Aaron PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1981‐1985 3507844 Bevins,Nicholas Benjamin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 216877 Bewick,Thomas Alan PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1981‐1985 683782 Beyer,James David PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 1387310 Beyhan,Zeki PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 3102607 Bhalla,Akhil PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 842652 Bhasin,Archna PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1981‐1985 3032059 Bhatt,Amit K. PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 825177 Bhattacharyya,Basudeb PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 751731 Bhowmik,Prasanta Chitta PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1981‐1985 965245 Bhowmik,Tarun Kumar PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 3782491 Bhushan,Shanti PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1981‐1985 3099812 Bialk,Heidi Marie PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 4112033 Bianchetti,Christopher PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 3578599 Bickham‐Wright,Utibe PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 4732877 Biedrzycki,Adam PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1981‐1985 1215628 Bielefeldt,Klaus PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1981‐1985 3790432 Bierman,Chad Douglas PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1981‐1985 4175606 Biermann,Mitch PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1981‐1985 800762 Biging,Gregory Scott PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1981‐1985 840684 Bilger,Andrea PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 3081672 Bimber,Benjamin Nielsen PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 172594 Binder,Brad Mark PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 760646 Binder,Joseph John PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1981‐1985 999849 Binder,Ross Gordon PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1981‐1985 961310 Bingman,Craig Allen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1981‐1985 479316 Binkowski,Brock Frances PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1981‐1985 5096282 Binoy Joseph,Diya Binoy PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1981‐1985 186120 Bintrim,Scott Brian PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 125499 Birkland,Timothy Paul PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1981‐1985 491763 Birrenkott,Brian Anton PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 455678 Birrenkott,Glenn Peter PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1981‐1985 224091 Bisbee,Kari Elizabeth PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1981‐1985 417705 Bishop,Andrew Lloyd PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1981‐1985 3929292 Bishop,Kathleen Anne PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1981‐1985 4286233 Bissell,Heidi PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 194846 Bittinger,Mark Alan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1981‐1985 460637 Bittorf,Steven Victor PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 2998547 Bizzell,Colleen Marion PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1981‐1985 3743387 Bjelland,Douglas Willard PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 530011 Bjerke,Donald Lee PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1981‐1985 977480 Black,Amos Ross PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1981‐1985 204104 Black,Roy Alvin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1981‐1985 169493 Blake,Paul Kingsley PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1981‐1985 113587 Blanchard,John Sears PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1981‐1985 1050267 Blanco,Jeronimo F. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1981‐1985 196572 Bland,William PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1981‐1985 3646844 Blanke,Kristina Lynn PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1981‐1985 1592326 Blasiole,Daniel Anthony Cheadle PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 417918 Blechinger,Joseph Chester PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1981‐1985 284742 Blechl,Ann Elizabeth PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1981‐1985 474887 Bleck,Gregory Thomas PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 309972 Blehert,David Scott PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1981‐1985 174259 Blelloch,Robert Hector PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1981‐1985 183074 Blemings,Kenneth P. PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 183074 Blemings,Kenneth P. PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 1052832 Blenis,Peter Van Atten PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1981‐1985 928235 Blewett,Thomas James PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1981‐1985 768431 Bliss,John Caswell PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1981‐1985 178530 Block,Kevin Phillip PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1981‐1985 133776 Blodgett,James Thomas PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 408249 Blohm,Robert James PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1981‐1985 408249 Blohm,Robert James PHD 995A Zoology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1981‐1985 788287 Blommel,Paul George PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1981‐1985 4880297 Bloom,Jordan PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 918959 Bloss,Tim Alan PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1981‐1985 134957 Blumberg,Deborah PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1981‐1985 3317246 Boateng,Lindsy Rebecca PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1981‐1985 3468167 Bobeck,Elizabeth Bobeck PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 141195 Boberg,Eric Wayne PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1981‐1985 4140753 Bock,Jayne PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 861694 Boedigheimer,Michael J. PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1981‐1985 4284189 Boehler,Christopher Jon PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1981‐1985 3110415 Boehme,Karl William PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1981‐1985 174955 Boekhoff‐Falk,Grace Elisabeth PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1981‐1985 3209831 Boeldt,Derek Steven PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1981‐1985 629462 Boers,Aaron Michael PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 240339 Bogan,William Wayne PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1981‐1985 1018369 Boggs,Christofer Hale PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1981‐1985 828328 Bohanan,Robert Edward PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1981‐1985 1116027 Bohner,Hans PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 817818 Bohse,Megan Lee PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1981‐1985 844974 Boileau,Andrew Joseph PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 1369024 Boiteux,Leonardo Silva PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1981‐1985 1369027 Boiteux,Maria Esther N PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1981‐1985 253912 Bokal,Anton John IV PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1981‐1985 4137732 Boley,Patricia Anne PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 837245 Bolger,Randall Eugene PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1981‐1985 1016365 Bolinger,Morris Albert PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 4161790 Bolivar‐Medina,Jenny PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 1531230 Bolling,Bradley Warren PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1981‐1985 3771148 Bolterstein,Elyse Ann PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1981‐1985 4441873 Bolton,Adam PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1981‐1985 5321807 Bolton,Marian Lund PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1981‐1985 4696368 Bomba,Ewa Karolina PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1981‐1985 3000537 Bomblies,Kirsten PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 188253 Bonam,Duane Mack PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1981‐1985 4122978 Bond,Laura PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1981‐1985 126461 Bond‐Lamberty,Benjamin P. PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 852763 Bonine,Kevin Edward PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1981‐1985 182929 Bonini,Nancy Mara PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1981‐1985 3985345 Bonner,Mary Kate PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 3957469 Bontrager Yoder,Andrea PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1981‐1985 4864595 Bontrager,Martin PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1981‐1985 3608291 Book,Adam Joel PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 271328 Bookland,Elizabeth Anne PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1981‐1985 452740 Bookstaff,Robert C. PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 3368632 Boone,Celia Kathleen PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1981‐1985 142181 Boonsirichai,Kanokporn PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 152313 Boorstein,William Roger PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1981‐1985 922380 Boote,Evan Jeffery PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1981‐1985 437112 Borchardt,Lynne Marie PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 93968 Boreiko,Craig John PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1981‐1985 188900 Bork,Julie Marie PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1981‐1985 728540 Borlee,Bradley Robert PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1981‐1985 629227 Borneman,Darand PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 1256135 Boronenkov,Igor Vladislavovich PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1981‐1985 3102580 Borra,Margie Tabuga PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1981‐1985 3310823 Borrok,Martin J. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1981‐1985 832504 Borst,Deborah Wegrich PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1981‐1985 101797 Borts,Rhona H. PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1981‐1985 99511 Bose,Melissa E. PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 993386 Bosland,Paul William PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1981‐1985 122243 Boston III,Harry Leon PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1981‐1985 830129 Boston,Rebecca Susan PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1981‐1985 3568105 Boswell,Kristin Lynn PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1981‐1985 1467247 Boswell,Sarah Ann PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1981‐1985 1052820 Botero,Jorge Eduardo PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1981‐1985 3964056 Botts,Michael Reid PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 3968238 Boukahil,Ismail PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1981‐1985 612225 Bourdeau‐Heller,Jeanne M. PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 391585 Bouwma,Andrew Martin PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1981‐1985 391585 Bouwma,Andrew Martin PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1981‐1985 400330 Bowden,Robert Lane PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 180042 Bowen,David Joseph PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 4118285 Bowen,Stephen Roger PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 141076 Bower,James Mason PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1981‐1985 666246 Bowers,Lisa Marie PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1981‐1985 4244368 Bowman,Megan Joy PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 4477869 Bowser,John PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 121888 Boyd,Kathryn Elizabeth PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1981‐1985 1003156 Boyer,Gregory Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1981‐1985 417262 Boyle,Jon Patrick PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1981‐1985 528950 Boyle,Kathleen Ann PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1981‐1985 174384 Boyle,Owen Daniel PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 105028 Boyson,Jonathan Eric PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 488038 Bozelka,Brian Edward PHD 733L Pathology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1981‐1985 633041 Brabant,Craig PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 4910985 Bracamonte,William PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 519309 Brackett,Robert Ennis PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1981‐1985 3451771 Bradbury,Elizabeth PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 402128 Bradeen,James Mathew PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 96248 Bradford,Carla Duquesne PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1981‐1985 5000635 Bradley,Robert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1981‐1985 3595951 Bradshaw,Tyler PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1981‐1985 4452323 Braegelmann,Kendra PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1981‐1985 543938 Brake,Nicole Claire PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1981‐1985 574879 Brake,Paul Bruce PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 1582317 Brake,Tiffany Goldy PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 3625633 Branam,Amanda Mary PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1981‐1985 930758 Branchaw,Janet Lynn PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1981‐1985 3791883 Branchfield,Kelsey PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1981‐1985 284685 Brand,Christopher James PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1981‐1985 3711754 Brand,Toni Michel PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 4882803 Brandenburg,Kenneth PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 208929 Brandhorst,Theodore Tristan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 915913 Brandner,Janine Patrice PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 549411 Brandner,Tom PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1981‐1985 4065272 Brandt,Jodi Sara PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 247473 Brasaemle,Dawn Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1981‐1985 1050351 Brauer,Manfred PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1981‐1985 747979 Braun,Kristin Mary PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1981‐1985 3965886 Braun,Sarah Rosenthal PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 618369 Braun,Steven Douglas PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1981‐1985 4695022 Bredfeldt,Jeremy PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 211664 Brehm‐stecher,Byron Frederick PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1981‐1985 1156785 Breil,Brenda Theresia PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1981‐1985 3972410 Brellenthin,Angie PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1981‐1985 307143 Bremmer,Darin Roger PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1981‐1985 3171091 Brennan,Caitlin Aran PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1981‐1985 94078 Brennan,Richard Gerald PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1981‐1985 850636 Brennand,Charlotte Porcher PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 632728 Brenowitz,Stephan D. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1981‐1985 190429 Brenza,Holly Lynn PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1981‐1985 3909893 Bresnahan,Kara Allison PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 177872 Bressan,Debra Ann PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1981‐1985 412290 Breur,Gert Jaap PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1981‐1985 1028826 Brewer,Matthew William PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1981‐1985 1489945 Brewoo,Joseph Ntsefo PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1981‐1985 412041 Brian,William Robert PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1981‐1985 725173 Brickson,Stacey Lynn PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 3132739 Briggs,Amy Graham PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1981‐1985 1589292 Briggs,William Hubbard PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1981‐1985 3774755 Brighenti,Mercedes PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1981‐1985 257510 Brinegar,Anthony Chris PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1981‐1985 4097754 Brinkman,Ashley PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 3310831 Brinsmade,Shaun Richard PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1981‐1985 4175060 Bristol,Jillian Anne PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1981‐1985 3949122 Britigan,Eric Michael Curtis PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 3030483 Brito,Andre Fonseca PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 232757 Brito,Odoardo Jose PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1981‐1985 3772021 Britt,Rachel Leah PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1981‐1985 828641 Brittingham,Margaret Clark PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1981‐1985 253854 Broadwater,John Alan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1981‐1985 588783 Brockman,Jennifer Lynn PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 531977 Broderick,Nichole Adelaide PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 4258663 Brody,Matthew Jacob PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 235474 Broering,Teresa Josephine PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1981‐1985 4941711 Bron,Gebbiena Margaretha PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1981‐1985 297570 Brondyk,William Harold PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1981‐1985 3760908 Bronson,Dustin Ryan PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 249157 Brooks,Barbara Maye PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 113007 Brooks,Susan Jean PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 4176233 Brounts,Sabrina Helen PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1981‐1985 399549 Brouwer,Douglas James PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1981‐1985 4260655 Brown,Cherry Tsai PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 3006824 Brown,Darby G. PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1981‐1985 5157030 Brown,Haley PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 1593396 Brown,Lisa Felita PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 626102 Brown,Matthew PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1981‐1985 367623 Brown,Nadean Lynn PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 1052668 Brown,Peter Douglas PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 3310049 Brown,Randall Todd PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 108144 Brown,Thomas Aquinas PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 3450704 Browne,Beth Ann PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1981‐1985 194293 Browning,Joan Yarnall PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1981‐1985 3447972 Broytman,Oleg PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1981‐1985 642257 Brozek,Kathryn Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 5114745 Bruckbauer,Steven PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1981‐1985 4706135 Bruckner,Joseph PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1981‐1985 185615 Bruckner,Robert Carl PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1981‐1985 4252220 Bruender,Nathan Alan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 3663413 Brumbaugh,Justin PHD 103MED Biochemistry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1981‐1985 838153 Brumlow,William Bert PHD 652L Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1981‐1985 3746708 Brunner,Stephen Thomas PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 4010826 Brunnquell,Christina PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 1024810 Bruno,Maria S. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 210941 Brusilow,William Samuel PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1981‐1985 423926 Bruyere,Harold Joseph PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1981‐1985 2996034 Bua,Entela PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 4061051 Buac,Milijana PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1981‐1985 3093404 Buan,Nicole Roswitha PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1981‐1985 1058667 Buazzi,Mahmoud M. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1981‐1985 4202960 Bucci,Michael David PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 93622 Buchan,Lucy Ann Jane PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 4121245 Buchanan,Grant Stephen PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 309509 Buchbinder,Barry Uri PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1981‐1985 1007752 Buchbinder,Jenny Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1981‐1985 469554 Buchschacher Jr,Gary L. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 1310379 Buck,James Warner PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1981‐1985 4169579 Buckley,Bethany Ann PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1981‐1985 3357130 Budde,Melisa Lynn PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1981‐1985 936533 Buder Jr,Eugene Hauck PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1981‐1985 211136 Buechner,Matthew John PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1981‐1985 178455 Buermeyer,Andrew B. PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 962195 Bugni,James Madden PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1981‐1985 4424325 Buhl,Christine Jeanne PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 1050950 Buishand,Jan PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1981‐1985 268465 Bulawa,Christine Ellen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 284613 Bulinski,Jeannette PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1981‐1985 197804 Bulova,Susan Jan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 558166 Bultman,Dara Catherine PHD 914P Social Studies in Pharmacy PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 3634018 Bultman,Joanna Denise PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1981‐1985 190088 Bummer,Paul Michael PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1981‐1985 3011155 Bunce,Matthew William PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1981‐1985 1012506 Bunch,Ronald Alan PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1981‐1985 964900 Bunger,Maureen Kay PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1981‐1985 570996 Bunton,Kate Elizabeth PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1981‐1985 4403419 Buono,Rafael PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 952748 Burbach,Brandon James PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 97575 Burchsted,Frederic Farley PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1981‐1985 852800 Burden,Beverly Jo PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 5315138 Burdo,Brett PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 3209638 Buresh,Rita Ann PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1981‐1985 885601 Burger,Bruce Alan PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 252923 Burgess,Elizabeth Catherine PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1981‐1985 4577071 Burgos‐Robles,Hector L PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 1024223 Burgos‐Trinidad,Maria PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1981‐1985 3966995 Burhans,Maggie Sue PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1981‐1985 734696 Burhop,Kenneth Eugene PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 907446 Burk,Matthew Howard PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 129016 Burkard,Robert Francis PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1981‐1985 3511530 Burke,Jordan Emily PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1981‐1985 977999 Burke,Thomas M. PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1981‐1985 3078601 Burkel,Brian Michael PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1981‐1985 3165646 Burkhart,Kirk Benjamin PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1981‐1985 183462 Burkot,Thomas Roderick PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1981‐1985 734400 Burmester,James Kevin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1981‐1985 3621799 Burnham III,James PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1981‐1985 3483909 Burnham,Greg Monroe PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1981‐1985 3598978 Burnham,Mandy PHD 103MED Biochemistry PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 4575353 Burns,Felipe PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1981‐1985 461857 Burns,Marguerite Elizabeth PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 942752 Burow,Mark David PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1981‐1985 942752 Burow,Mark David PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1981‐1985 164760 Burr,Donald Harry PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1981‐1985 918071 Burrows,Mary Eileen PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 143246 Burrows,Sean Nicolas PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 830316 Burrus,Laura Wilson PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1981‐1985 986833 Burton,James Dale PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1981‐1985 3467101 Burton,Julia Irene PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 3068791 Burwitz,Benjamin James PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1981‐1985 3183156 Bush,Susan Mary PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1981‐1985 4147389 Bushkofsky,Justin Robert PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1981‐1985 1065307 Buso,Jose Amauri PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1981‐1985 562862 Bussan,Alvin PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 623150 Busse,James Sheldon PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1981‐1985 780057 Butler,David Kimon PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1981‐1985 5156019 Butler,Katelyn PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 120992 Butler,Linda Knudson PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1981‐1985 120992 Butler,Linda Knudson PHD 531L Horticulture PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1981‐1985 1279338 Butruille,David Vincent PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 1543187 Butsic,Van Andrew PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 758660 Butz Jr.,Daniel Elmer PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1981‐1985 3560070 Butz,Delana Hopkins PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 535773 Buyong,Nurliza PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 4126838 Bychowski,Meaghan Elizabeth PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 307658 Byers,Michael Jason PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1981‐1985 4074311 Byers,Nathaniel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1981‐1985 3860474 Bykovskyi,Andrea PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 231693 Byne,William Marcus PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1981‐1985 3349897 Byom,Lindsey PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 364188 Byrne,Elena Maria PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1981‐1985 4573552 Byrne,Rose Teresa PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 434753 Byrnes,Deanna Pranke PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1981‐1985 3622570 Cacho,Natalia Ivalu PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 3978349 Cai,Hui PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 1486211 Cai,Junchao PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 4723155 Cai,Kai PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 5105425 Cai,Wenxuan PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 3332553 Cai,Yi PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1981‐1985 1172698 Cai,Yidao PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1981‐1985 3799799 Caine,Elizabeth PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 253670 Cairns,John Scott PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1981‐1985 136447 Calculator,Stephen Nathaniel PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1981‐1985 3974166 Caldera,Eric Justin PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 3956756 Calderon,Claudia Irene PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1981‐1985 929696 Caldwell,Jane Ellen PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 600272 Cale,Jacqueline Mary PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2005 08/21/05 1981‐1985 134887 Cali,Brian Michael PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1981‐1985 1392734 Calicioglu,Mehmet PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1981‐1985 838723 Caligiuri,Michael Philip PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1981‐1985 3455524 Calkins,Marcus J. PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1981‐1985 95844 Callahan,Eileen PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1981‐1985 100753 Callahan,Hilary Susan PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1981‐1985 347181 Callahan,Michael A. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1981‐1985 884746 Callan,Daniel Edward PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1981‐1985 981108 Callan,Robert Joseph PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 920304 Callen,Bonnie Louise PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 953936 Callister,Steven Michael PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1981‐1985 1045813 Calva‐Mercado,Edmundo PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 497962 Calvert,Peter Deane PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1981‐1985 3737746 Calvey,Christopher Hugh PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 1052625 Camadro,Elsa Lucila PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1981‐1985 1153954 Camargo,Luis Eduardo Aranha PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1981‐1985 146199 Camillo,Patricia Anne PHD 712N Nursing PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1981‐1985 706898 Campanile,Christopher Paul PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1981‐1985 337803 Campbell,Jean Spear PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1981‐1985 189768 Campbell,Kristine Margaret PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1981‐1985 4126877 Campbell,Megan PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 956917 Campbell,Thomas Franklin PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1981‐1985 989816 Campen,Carolyn Arnott PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1981‐1985 3395118 Campos,David PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 564663 Canales,Mary Katherine PHD 712N Nursing PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1981‐1985 1649013 Canavessi,Aurea Maria Oliveira PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1981‐1985 924120 Cannon,John Francis PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1981‐1985 752128 Cannon,Jonathan Gunnell PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1981‐1985 341730 Cantorna,Margherita T. PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 4287803 Cao,Mengyi PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 4575522 Cao,Yang PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 1315741 Cao,Zhengjin PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1981‐1985 4253019 Capes,Deborah PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 3744041 Capes,Erin Michelle PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1981‐1985 1007251 Carabeo,Reynaldo Arazas PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 3062333 Caraviello,Daniel Zeraib PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1981‐1985 3099625 Carbonneau,Leah Megan PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1981‐1985 4526019 Cardona‐Correa,Christopher PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1981‐1985 201417 Cariski,Denise PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1981‐1985 209527 Carlisle,Thomas Lyman PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1981‐1985 4706496 Carlson,Alex PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 1651290 Carlson,Alvar Robert PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 136262 Carlson,Anne Alexandra PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1981‐1985 3772857 Carlson,Catherine Britt PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1981‐1985 3034272 Carlson,Christina PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1981‐1985 3568500 Carlson,Clayton David PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1981‐1985 773321 Carlson,Gail Louise PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 855015 Carlson,Karen‐Sue Barker PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 204049 Carman,Julie Anne PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1981‐1985 966688 Carnevale,Elaine Marie PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1981‐1985 3348764 Carney,Amanda E PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 498494 Carney,Sara Ann PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1981‐1985 1360651 Caron,Chantal Danielle PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1981‐1985 516623 Carpenter,Charles Edward PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 1020692 Carpenter,Stephen PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1981‐1985 169793 Carr,Brian C. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1981‐1985 979983 Carrillo Beltran,Ricardo PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 3744928 Carrillo,Esteban PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 1348208 Carrillo‐Anzures,Fernando PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1981‐1985 457515 Carrington,Jill Leslee PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1981‐1985 4882697 Carrocci,Tucker PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1981‐1985 198975 Carroll,Diane June PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 164764 Carroll,Erica Eggers PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1981‐1985 4564713 Carson,Joshua PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1981‐1985 264106 Carter,Max Leon PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1981‐1985 4773964 Carter,Sarah PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1981‐1985 1056207 Cartin,Victor Manuel PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1981‐1985 258697 Cartwright,Martina Marie PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1981‐1985 128833 Caruccio,Nicholas C. PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 3183393 Carver,Kristopher Corey PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1981‐1985 3947941 Cary,Tawnya Lea PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 4882600 Casanova‐Torres,Angel PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 1214680 Casas,Eduardo PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1981‐1985 304460 Casella,Carolyn Rose PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 3012931 Casey,Laurieann PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1981‐1985 397099 Casimir,David Alan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1981‐1985 328878 Cassidy,Constance Susan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 3358490 Cassini,Andrew Gerard PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 179125 Castello,John Donald PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 1247193 Castillo Torres,Raul Oswaldo PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 1044231 Castillo,Maria Guadalupe PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1981‐1985 827811 Castle,Marc Daniel PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1981‐1985 3439207 Cates,Anna PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 402031 Catherino,William Henry PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1981‐1985 205476 Caughey,Byron Winslow PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1981‐1985 447140 Cavazos‐Trevino,Jose E. PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1981‐1985 1451707 Cavieres Fernandez,Maria F. PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1981‐1985 988381 Cayley,Dale Scott PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 627098 Ceman,Stephanie Sue PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 3065963 Cerio,Rebecca Jane PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1981‐1985 3089004 Cezar,Gabriela G. PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 3555788 Cha,Min‐Seok PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1981‐1985 1151909 Chae,Young Kee PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 1593551 Chaiwongsar,Suraphon PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1981‐1985 3064355 Chakraborty,Nanda PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1981‐1985 98722 Chakravorti,Shibani PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1981‐1985 4416556 Chakravorty,Adityarup PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 3168544 Chamnanmoh,Salisa PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 1244542 Chan,Anthony Wing‐Sang PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1981‐1985 665529 Chan,Catherine Wai Ming PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 3448272 Chan,Chi Ho PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1981‐1985 1052294 Chan,Chun Chiu PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 4587491 Chan,Jia Mun PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 3772135 Chan,Keefe T PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1981‐1985 3472397 Chan,Yolande Alia PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1981‐1985 1496840 Chanchong,Weena PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 3473712 Chandler,Michael Adam PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 4149009 Chandler,Tawny PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1981‐1985 193965 Chandran,Kartik PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1981‐1985 3970001 Chandrangsu,Pete PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 4250652 Chang,An‐chieh PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1981‐1985 4132417 Chang,Aram PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1981‐1985 4584335 Chang,Che‐Wei PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 1020808 Chang,Christopher Harry PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1981‐1985 1052258 Chang,Li‐Yen Edward PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1981‐1985 699184 Chang,Mei‐Wei PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1981‐1985 771643 Chang,Ming Tu PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 1486200 Chang,Min‐Hwang PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1981‐1985 3094486 Chang,Payne Y. PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 3020746 Chang,Pei‐Yun PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 101284 Chang,Sun Joseph PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1981‐1985 1444620 Chang,Tien‐Cheng PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1981‐1985 4289410 Chang,Timothy PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 1115051 Chang,Yen‐Ming PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1981‐1985 127246 Chang,Yi‐Huang PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1981‐1985 3614917 Chang,Yong PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1981‐1985 1416363 Chang,Yu‐Mei PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 1204622 Changchien,Lin‐Ling PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1981‐1985 4558592 Chanoca,Alexandra Alvarenga PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 1091178 Chao,Chih‐Cheng PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 3771024 Chao,Tzu‐Yuan Cindy PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1981‐1985 416790 Chapko,Louis Brian PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1981‐1985 1578422 Chapman,Jason Scott PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 292637 Chapman,Kenneth Allen PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1981‐1985 866027 Chapman,Michael Allen PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1981‐1985 662196 Chapman,Scott Alan PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 4564766 Charoensuksai,Purin PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1981‐1985 1064939 Chartrain,Michel Martial PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1981‐1985 952257 Chase,Christopher Civilian Louis PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1981‐1985 3310490 Chasen,Elissa PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 3950305 Chaston,John Michael PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1981‐1985 3454126 Chaswal,Vibha PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 1266510 Chatchawankanphanich,Orawan PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1981‐1985 4143875 Chatterjee,Debanjana PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1981‐1985 372307 Chatterjee,Ranjini PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1981‐1985 4729049 Chatzikyriakidou,Kyriaki PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1981‐1985 4713166 Che Fru,Leonard PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1981‐1985 341309 Checovich,William John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1981‐1985 3555786 Checura,Celina Marcela PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2009 08/23/09 1981‐1985 204284 Cheetham,Jan Alison PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 1029846 Chelius,Marisa Kay PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1981‐1985 4343731 Chen,Albert PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1981‐1985 4426441 Chen,Bingming PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 4722402 Chen,Chen X. PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 1199883 Chen,Chen‐Peng PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1981‐1985 1056329 Chen,Ching‐Shih PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1981‐1985 780374 Chen,Eric Yen‐Po PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1981‐1985 4866273 Chen,Grischa PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 3440101 Chen,Hai PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1981‐1985 1199370 Chen,Huang‐Tsu PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 1155637 Chen,Hui PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1981‐1985 4525951 Chen,Hui‐Chun PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 4153927 Chen,I‐Hui PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1981‐1985 169610 Chen,Irvin S.Y. PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1981‐1985 935871 Chen,Jen‐Ling James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1981‐1985 937981 Chen,Jian‐Feng PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 1091540 Chen,Jianjun PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 3461378 Chen,Jing PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1981‐1985 3614712 Chen,Jun PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 1442051 Chen,Junqin PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1981‐1985 1099537 Chen,Kai‐Shun PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1981‐1985 1058069 Chen,Kim Seng PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1981‐1985 1247324 Chen,Li‐Mei PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 1237516 Chen,Opal Shuhua PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 682267 Chen,Pak Ping Benjamin PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1981‐1985 3656293 Chen,Peter P PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 4728361 Chen,Pin‐Kuei PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 1180079 Chen,Qianhong PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1981‐1985 1590858 Chen,Quan PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1981‐1985 409444 Chen,Randal Hilton PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 1245480 Chen,Sheng Hwa PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 4431564 Chen,Shiyu PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 3322565 Chen,Te‐Hao PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1981‐1985 3952257 Chen,Tze‐Haw PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1981‐1985 4569726 Chen,Xin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 3608343 Chen,Xinzhi PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 4132861 Chen,Xu PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 363653 Chen,Yen‐Lane PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1981‐1985 186445 Chen,Yijing PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 4522158 Chen,Yinshan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 229524 Chen,Yo‐Shen PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1981‐1985 3973775 Chen,Yu PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 4139714 Chen,Yu‐Chieh PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 971502 Chen,Yuenmu PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1981‐1985 1285484 Chen,Yu‐Kuang PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 4140395 Chen,Zhaohui PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 5318158 Cheng,Adrienne PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1981‐1985 1162985 Cheng,Chorng Ming PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 3132791 Cheng,Erika Rose PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 127851 Cheng,Li‐Lin PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 196052 Cheng,Pocheng PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1981‐1985 1450681 Cheng,Weijun PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 4870400 Cheng,Xian PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 1126340 Cheng,Yan PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1981‐1985 1489229 Cheong,Cheom Gil PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1981‐1985 3467477 Cherepanov,Dasha G. PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1981‐1985 151792 Chertoff,Mark E. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1981‐1985 273372 Cherwin,Catherine PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 4698614 Chesney,Alexandra PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 3030645 Chesney,Michael A. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 1049045 Cheung,Matthias Onman PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1981‐1985 335082 Chevalier,Mary Margaret PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1981‐1985 335082 Chevalier,Mary Margaret PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1981‐1985 1024026 Chevere‐Colon,Ivan PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1981‐1985 5486522 Chevrette,Marc G PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1981‐1985 5313805 Chhabra,Munish PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1981‐1985 1250413 Chi,Pao‐Hsiang PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1981‐1985 4883623 Chiang,Chung‐Wei PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1981‐1985 1054570 Chiang,Hsih‐Shin PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1981‐1985 1116359 Chiang,Jen Ron PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1981‐1985 168960 Chiang,Lillian W. PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1981‐1985 1164449 Chiang,Wen PHD 065A Animal Sciences PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1981‐1985 411838 Chiaverotti,Teresa A. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 601212 Chicka,Michael Christopher PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1981‐1985 4575423 Chin,Emily PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 1102432 Chin,Hsi‐Wen PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1981‐1985 5335719 Chin,Lyanne PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1981‐1985 253778 Chin,Ronny Bing‐Yuen PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1981‐1985 3616669 Chinchilla,Karen PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1981‐1985 1162418 Chiou,Shiow‐Her PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1981‐1985 462429 Chitharanjan,Jayne Kitkowski PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1981‐1985 4141582 Chittu Rajangam,PULIKESI PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 1154922 Chiu,Kit‐Mui PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1981‐1985 1231183 Chivers,Peter Tristram PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 3314825 Cho,Donghee PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1981‐1985 4998195 Cho,Eunjin PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1981‐1985 4564480 Cho,Hyunah PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1981‐1985 3324440 Cho,Jae Hyung PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 1245507 Cho,Jae Yong PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 3314122 Cho,Woosung PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1981‐1985 994357 Cho,Young Cheol PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1981‐1985 1079807 Choe,Muhyeon PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1981‐1985 1240007 Choe,Soheui PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1981‐1985 5155912 Choera,Tsokyi PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 143315 Choi,Hyunsic PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1981‐1985 1123160 Choi,Inyeong PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 1492780 Choi,Jongwoo PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1981‐1985 1282067 Choi,Jung‐Kee PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1981‐1985 3555777 Choi,Kyung‐Dal PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 351142 Choi,Sang Hoon PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1981‐1985 4137167 Choi,Suyong PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1981‐1985 4713170 Choi,Yeojin PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 4143111 Choi,Young‐Jun PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1981‐1985 4721915 Cholewa,Brian PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1981‐1985 346523 Cholewa,Olivia Maria PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 3360005 Chou,Chia‐Hung PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1981‐1985 1053032 Chou,Jieh‐Jen PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1981‐1985 4121347 Choudhary,Amit PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 1015268 Chow,Ching‐Yi PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1981‐1985 3903492 Chow,Cynthia PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1981‐1985 4419481 Chowdhury,Sandipan PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1981‐1985 627369 Christensen,Jeffrey Earl PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1981‐1985 970543 Christensen,Susan Kay PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1981‐1985 897667 Christian,Bradley Thomas PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 765580 Christian,Brian John PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1981‐1985 3698380 Christopherson,Melissa PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1981‐1985 3971146 Chritton,Jacqueline Jennifer PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1981‐1985 486287 Chu,Hsien‐Ming PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 205354 Chu,Jessie PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1981‐1985 2999486 Chu,Jianlin PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 3454022 Chu,Kiki PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1981‐1985 3975916 Chu,Uyen Bao PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 1100120 Chuang,Shuang‐En PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1981‐1985 1063345 Chujoy,Jesus Enrique PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1981‐1985 1063461 Chulakasem,Weerawan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1981‐1985 3025751 Chumanov,Robert Schmerr PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 3759214 Chun,Carlene Kristen PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1981‐1985 846983 Chun,Jaesun PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1981‐1985 1126265 Chun,Tae‐Yon PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1981‐1985 3760726 Chung,Amy Samantha PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1981‐1985 1050461 Chung,An Sik PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 1050461 Chung,An Sik PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 3112225 Chung,Eunhee PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1981‐1985 544028 Chung,Heiyoung PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1981‐1985 219087 Chung,Hong Kyoon PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 4127217 Chung,Hyun Ju PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1981‐1985 3610980 Chung,Ka Young PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1981‐1985 1494820 Chung,Sang‐Min PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1981‐1985 656523 Chung,Susan Sujung PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1981‐1985 1114332 Chung,Wenbin PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1981‐1985 3650558 Chung,Yong‐suk PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1981‐1985 1056470 Chungcharoen,Anadi PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1981‐1985 948441 Ciampi‐Panno,Luigi PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1981‐1985 563959 Ciche,Todd Alan PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1981‐1985 194030 Cieslak,David Gerard PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1981‐1985 1583402 Cimafranca,Melissa Antonio PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1981‐1985 4138884 Ciomperlik,Jessica PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 3545757 Cisneros Estevez,Andrea PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1981‐1985 1048898 Claflin,Larry Wayne PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1975‐76 12/23/75 1981‐1985 183780 Clagett‐Dame,Margaret Clagett PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1981‐1985 348658 Clark,Bartholomew Edward PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2001 08/26/01 1981‐1985 833005 Clark,David Bullington PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 214220 Clark,Deborah Anne PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 3619732 Clark,Katie Anne PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1981‐1985 194844 Clark,Kevin Douglas PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1981‐1985 1016324 Clark,Suzanne Emelia PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 1424339 Clark,Wendy Dawn PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 841843 Clarke,Stephen Lewis PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 4403199 Clarkson,Benjamin PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1981‐1985 4268731 Clay,Matthew Robert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1981‐1985 4426860 Clemente,Luca PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1981‐1985 4889644 Clements,Justin PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1981‐1985 993414 Clemmons,Janine Rhea PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1981‐1985 1587418 Clendenning,John Gregory PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1981‐1985 3623442 Clifford,Jennifer M. PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 1619011 Cline,Richard Ryan PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1981‐1985 222047 Clotfelter,Ethan Darrow PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1981‐1985 3000269 Cloud,Karen Ann PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 4566287 Clowers,Katie PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1981‐1985 1654282 Co,Dominic O. PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 2996668 Cobanoglu,Ozden PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1981‐1985 290226 Cochran,Philip Andrew PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 787721 Cochrane,Erica Paige PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1981‐1985 787721 Cochrane,Erica Paige PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1981‐1985 174129 Codella Jr,Sylvio Gabriel PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 185148 Coffield,Julie Ann PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1981‐1985 4192467 Cofie,Natalie PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1981‐1985 3907073 Cohen,Hannah PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1981‐1985 184210 Cohen,Risa Michelle PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 639680 Cohn,Perry David PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1981‐1985 924490 Colbert,James Timothy PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1981‐1985 171707 Colborn,Theodora Emily PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1981‐1985 99398 Colburn,Elizabeth Anne PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1981‐1985 992393 Cole Jr,James Robert PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1981‐1985 492741 Cole,Kelly James PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 294904 Cole,William Graham PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1981‐1985 206959 Coleman,John S. PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1981‐1985 837501 Coleman,Rebecca Harvey PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1981‐1985 190803 Coletti,John Gerard PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1981‐1985 395981 Coller,Jeffery Michael PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1981‐1985 665639 Coller,Susan Patricia PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1981‐1985 1003977 Colletti,Joedy Paul PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 3064473 Collins,Asha S. PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1981‐1985 185064 Collins,John Joseph PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1981‐1985 4698653 Colluru,Viswa PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1981‐1985 1050905 Colombo Mognoni,Maria‐G PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1981‐1985 1529618 Colopy,Sara PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1981‐1985 145141 Colquhoun,Jed PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1981‐1985 727669 Colson,Brett Allan PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1981‐1985 516007 Coltman,Robert Raymond PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1981‐1985 516007 Coltman,Robert Raymond PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1981‐1985 884716 Combs,David PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1981‐1985 413011 Comiskey,Stephen John PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 3105326 Comstock,Lindsay Rae PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1981‐1985 1069341 Concilio,Luigi PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1981‐1985 309480 Cone,Ricky Ian PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1981‐1985 188692 Conklin,Douglas Scott PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1981‐1985 559000 Conklin,Matthew William PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1981‐1985 107332 Conklin,Suzanne PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1981‐1985 142770 Conley,Catharine Anastasia Marie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1981‐1985 204192 Conley,Kevin E. PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1981‐1985 344337 Conley,Shawn PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1981‐1985 376978 Connell,Timothy Richard PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1981‐1985 831780 Conner,Anthony Hoyt PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1981‐1985 171898 Conner,Paul Jonathan PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1981‐1985 149740 Connor,Jolien X. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1981‐1985 204255 Connor,Nadine PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1981‐1985 247193 Conrad,James Allen PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1981‐1985 578302 Conrad,Joseph Michael PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1981‐1985 271432 Conrad,Richard Clinton PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1981‐1985 1050304 Constantinidou,Helen A. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1981‐1985 1123849 Conti,Elena PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1981‐1985 4190226 Contreras,Amanda PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1981‐1985 1487449 Contreras‐Govea,Francisco PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1981‐1985 414263 Conway,Laura Jane PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1981‐1985 3950361 Conway,Michael K PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 884179 Cook,Carol Gamble PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1981‐1985 4282619 Cook,Chad Michael PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1981‐1985 3413911 Cook,David PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1981‐1985 4437031 Cook,David E PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1981‐1985 1012381 Cook,Douglas Randal PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 837110 Cook,Ellen Burleigh PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1986‐1990 162319 Cook,James Henry PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1986‐1990 3628110 Cook,Jason Patrick PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 831841 Cook,Martha Elizabeth PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1986‐1990 3698371 Cook,Paul David PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1986‐1990 3963189 Cooke,Amy M PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 841342 Cooke,Mary Ellen PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 5176700 Cooley,Michelle Marie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1986‐1990 2997519 Coop,Jonathan David PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 3461534 Cooper,Jamie Ann PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 3370707 Cooper,Kate Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1986‐1990 3622211 Cooper,Kendal Galbraith PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 953858 Cooper,Scott Dean PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 408849 Cooper,Scott Thomas PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1986‐1990 611345 Cooperman,Linda Schmidt PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1986‐1990 1562554 Copas,Michael Eric PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1986‐1990 5158967 Cope,Kevin PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1986‐1990 4126829 Copeland,Matthew PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1986‐1990 4418490 Coppola,Lauren PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 143583 Corbin‐Lewis,Kim PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1986‐1990 324183 Corcoran,Celeste Maureen PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1986‐1990 1020129 Cordes,Blue‐Leaf Ann PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1986‐1990 4449526 Cordes,Melissa PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1986‐1990 927703 Cordes,Timothy John PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1986‐1990 4726720 Coriano,Carlos G. PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1986‐1990 848709 Cormier,Ethel PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1986‐1990 102920 Cormier,Robert Thomas PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1986‐1990 4714731 Cornejo Ramirez,Maria Daniela PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1986‐1990 1629773 Correa,Raul PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1986‐1990 452573 Corser,William David PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1986‐1990 3745442 Cortesio,Christa Linleigh PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 938368 Cortner,Janelle PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1986‐1990 201279 Costello,Sandra Swindell PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1986‐1990 98219 Cote,Richard Henry PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1986‐1990 171442 Cottingham,Kathryn Linn PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1986‐1990 3217817 Courey,Marissa Khallel PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 430177 Courtenay,Elizabeth Spire PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1986‐1990 3770564 Courtney,Adam H PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 826058 Courtney,Cheryl Christine PHD 995A Zoology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1986‐1990 826058 Courtney,Cheryl Christine PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1986‐1990 4151245 Couture,John PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 5176880 Covarrubias Pazaran,Giovanny PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1986‐1990 181041 Covert,Sarah Frances PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1986‐1990 935831 Cowan,Charles Michael PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 180776 Cowing,Deborah Walker PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1986‐1990 3093384 Cowles,Charles Elwell PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 300029 Cowles,Kimberly Nicol PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 1026255 Cowley,David Earl PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1986‐1990 3946658 Cox,Benjamin Louis PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1986‐1990 221013 Cox,Elizabeth Dianne PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1986‐1990 3324822 Cox,Julia Michelle PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 230654 Cox,Rebecca Lee PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1986‐1990 883741 Coyle,David Robert PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1986‐1990 1030510 Coyle,Ian Patrick PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1986‐1990 458413 Cozzi,Nicholas V PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1986‐1990 574640 Craig,Benjamin Matthew PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1986‐1990 220202 Craig,Maria Lee PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1986‐1990 1613722 Crain,Jessica Morgan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 831791 Crais,Elizabeth Ruth PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1986‐1990 4394024 Cramer,Catie PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1986‐1990 462749 Crary,Pamela Sue PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 3623840 Crausbay,Shelley Denise PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 88191 Craven,Scott Robert PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 88191 Craven,Scott Robert PHD 995A Zoology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 3427721 Craver,Mary Patricia Juneau PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 618570 Crawford,Kathryn PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1986‐1990 987550 Cree,Theodore Clarence PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1986‐1990 908685 Crelerot,Francoise Marie PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1986‐1990 390947 Cress,Cynthia Joyce PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1986‐1990 849262 Cresson,Ruth Ann PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1986‐1990 3616311 Creswell,Paul Dennis PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 228044 Crews,Amy Elizabeth PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1986‐1990 191315 Critser,Elizabeth Shea PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1986‐1990 337801 Critser,John Kenneth PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1986‐1990 490375 Crivello,Joseph Frank PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1986‐1990 314068 Crnich,Chris PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1986‐1990 4887905 Cromwell,Kara Janelle PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 234045 Cron,Gregory Otis PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1986‐1990 4889665 Crooks,John PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1986‐1990 3944391 Crooks,Natasha PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1986‐1990 3649668 Crosby,Heidi Ann PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1986‐1990 4167007 Crossley,Michael Scott PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1986‐1990 972129 Crouse,Deborah Townsend PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1986‐1990 290573 Crowell,Dring Needham PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1986‐1990 917078 Crowell,Pamela Louise PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1986‐1990 732594 Crowley,James William PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 2998957 Croy,Scott Ryan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 982622 Cruickshank,Jenifer PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1986‐1990 4867242 Crummy,Ellen PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1986‐1990 5273060 Cruz Bastida,Juan Pablo PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1986‐1990 3785054 Cuevas,Hugo E PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 1205215 Cui,Changhai PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1986‐1990 3101763 Cui,Qiqi PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 3223864 Culberson,Wesley Stuart PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 1585951 Culbert,Patrick PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 139360 Cullen,Daniel PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1986‐1990 267992 Cullinan,Amy Elizabeth PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1986‐1990 166037 Cummins,Claudia M. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1986‐1990 4409528 Cunningham Williams,Emily Suzannah PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1986‐1990 890490 Cunningham,David Brian PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1986‐1990 3110454 Curley Jr,Thomas Joseph PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1986‐1990 509719 Curran,Colleen Susan PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 1043242 Curson,David Richard PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1986‐1990 702954 Curtin,Charles Gilbert PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1986‐1990 837225 Curtis,Sandra Isabel PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 111123 Cushman,Kent Evarts PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1986‐1990 362377 Czuprynski,Charles Joseph PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1986‐1990 122738 D Arcy,Cleora Jo PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1986‐1990 1090906 Da Silva,Alvaro Eleuterio PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 819722 Dabdoub,Soffian Aziz Majeed PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1986‐1990 1056199 Dafwang,Istifanus Ishaku PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1986‐1990 1056199 Dafwang,Istifanus Ishaku PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1986‐1990 3448119 Dagenais,Taylor Ryan Tooley PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 756035 Daggett,Daniel Archie PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1986‐1990 343170 Dahl,Carol Ann PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1986‐1990 279196 Dahl,Carol Anne PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1986‐1990 971299 Dahl,Erica Lynn PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1986‐1990 516680 Dahl,Gary Allen PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 516680 Dahl,Gary Allen PHD 121M Botany PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 589033 Dahly,Elizabeth Marie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1986‐1990 412601 Dahn,Kristine Mary PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1986‐1990 894137 Dahn,Randall David PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1986‐1990 3312587 Dai,Ning PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1986‐1990 5111253 Dai,Sean PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1986‐1990 4278807 Dai,Ziqi PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1986‐1990 3955919 Daily,Neil PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1986‐1990 3727312 Dale,Erica Arden PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 412459 Dale,Heather Lynn PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1986‐1990 939539 Dali,Mandar Vasant PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1986‐1990 3607875 Dalrymple,Nadine Alexandra PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1986‐1990 3866779 Dalsing,Beth PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1986‐1990 264034 Dam,Phuongan H. PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1986‐1990 4167044 Damaschke,Nathan PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1986‐1990 4581976 Damnernsawad,Alisa PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1986‐1990 4901461 Damon,Steven PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1986‐1990 5146298 D'Angelo,Christopher PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1986‐1990 989639 Daniel,Steven Glenn PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1986‐1990 254319 Daniels,Donna Lucille PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1986‐1990 854165 Daniels,Lacy PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1986‐1990 635584 Danielson,Kirstie Kay PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 1609056 D'Anna,Kimberly Lynn PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1986‐1990 119981 Dannenhoffer,Joanne Marie PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1986‐1990 4519395 Danobeitia,Juan PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1986‐1990 3556868 Dar,Wasim Akram PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1986‐1990 221575 Daristotle,Leighann PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 166972 Darmo,Elizabeth PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 3109273 Darmody,Julie Veronica PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 441156 Darnell,Steven Joseph PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 5147218 Darst,Burcu PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 811289 Dart,Melanie Laura PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 3636245 Darwish,Naser PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 3622552 Das,Shreyasi PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1986‐1990 4113706 Dash,Michael Bennett PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 4276097 Dashti,Hesam PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1986‐1990 1176999 Dasika,Gopala Krishna PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 346361 Daskalovic,Ivan Yochanan PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1986‐1990 1646717 Dassow,Angela Marie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 3204718 Dattatreya,Anupama PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 99373 Daub,Margaret Elizabeth PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1986‐1990 90744 Davare,Monika Ashok PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1986‐1990 4571821 Davenport,Nicholas PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 4992847 David Carvalho,Paulo PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1986‐1990 407807 Davids,Barbara Jeanne PHD 983V Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1986‐1990 4422637 Davidson,Meghan PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 974230 Davidson,Robert Ted PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1986‐1990 263325 Davidson,Thomas Jay PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1986‐1990 948114 Davies,Corinne Scofield PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1986‐1990 979820 Davies,Douglas Ryan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 3455152 Davis,Caroline Ann PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1986‐1990 416591 Davis,Cindy Dyann PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1986‐1990 414463 Davis,Ellen Sandra PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1986‐1990 3454386 Davis,Jared Henry PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1986‐1990 118652 Davis,Jim PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1986‐1990 288462 Davis,Julie Elizabeth PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1986‐1990 553870 Davis,Ralph Eugene PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1986‐1990 1031744 Davis,Seth PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 598008 Davis,Shelly Marie PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1986‐1990 3556110 Davis,Stephen Douglas PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 414246 Davros,William John PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1986‐1990 3110736 De Abrew,Kaluhath Nadira PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1986‐1990 3346628 De Andrade E Pires,Jose Alberto PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 4710001 de Arruda Camargo Danes,Marina PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1986‐1990 1028230 De Beer,Madeleine Ann Palacios PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1986‐1990 1051033 De Cueninck,Bernard J. C. H. PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 996805 De Grado,Timothy Richard PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1986‐1990 645678 De Jong,Jill Louise Olson PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1986‐1990 1010923 De Jong,Michael John PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1986‐1990 1115284 De Jong,Walter Sytze PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1986‐1990 294317 De La Cruz,Norberto Blas PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1986‐1990 1328226 De La Torre,Stella Alexandra PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1986‐1990 1195385 De Las Penas,Alejandro PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 1493727 De Leon Gatti,Natalia PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1986‐1990 1050284 De Leon,Jose Luis PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1986‐1990 3448016 De Los Campos,Gustavo A. PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 309531 De Marini,Douglas James PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1986‐1990 163530 De Paul,Roxanne PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1986‐1990 182252 De Vito,Emile Dominick PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1986‐1990 4620949 De Vries,Brian D PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1986‐1990 207431 De Witt,Natalie Dawn PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1986‐1990 4065851 De Wolfe,Travis J PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 4696444 De,Ishani PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1986‐1990 244905 Dean,David James PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 973868 Debaene,Jan E Paul PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1986‐1990 4926645 Decker‐Palmer,Marquita PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1986‐1990 973789 Dees II,Harry Craig PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1986‐1990 4533190 Degner,Kenna PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2019 08/25/19 1986‐1990 457348 Deibel,Virginia Roberta PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1986‐1990 4291730 DeJong, Amy PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1986‐1990 1089685 Dekkers,Jack Cornelius PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1986‐1990 713565 Del Campo,Marcelo Rafael PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1986‐1990 219325 Del Cardayre,Stephen Bralley PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1986‐1990 1306508 Del Rio‐Cotrina,Alfonso H. PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 4729884 Del Valle‐Echevarria,Angel Rene PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1986‐1990 562951 Delaney,Amy Lynn PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 159597 Delaney,Donna Ellen PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1986‐1990 3079463 Delannay,Isabelle Yvette PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1986‐1990 1332641 Delgado,Nelly Josefin PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1986‐1990 1054057 Della Vecchia,Paulo Tarcisio PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1986‐1990 389993 Dellis,Stephanie PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1986‐1990 206154 Delwart,Eric Lawrence PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1986‐1990 998503 Delwiche,Charles Francis PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 488856 Delwiche,Patricia Ann PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1986‐1990 488856 Delwiche,Patricia Ann PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1986‐1990 168083 Dembowski,James Steven PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1986‐1990 1526584 Demerdash,Omar Nabeel Aly PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1986‐1990 1252570 Demir,Rezan PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1986‐1990 545923 Demler,Steven Alan PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1986‐1990 130073 Demment II,Montague William PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1986‐1990 356679 Demopulos,James T. PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1986‐1990 1366651 Denes,Agnes Reka PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1986‐1990 723816 Deng,Ming Yi PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1986‐1990 974796 Denkers,Eric Young PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 238437 Denlinger,Loren Clark PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1986‐1990 971811 Denning,Mitchell Frost PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1986‐1990 231903 Denslow,Julie Sloan PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1986‐1990 164537 Dent,Erik Wolfe PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1986‐1990 4429409 Denu,Ryan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 4434067 DeQuattro, Zachary PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1986‐1990 185879 Desai,Gayatri Vasant PHD 744P Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1986‐1990 548981 Desai,Narendra Raghunathji PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1986‐1990 5164887 Desai,Vimal PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1986‐1990 4247402 Deshpande,Maithili Makarand PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2013 08/25/13 1986‐1990 2993353 Desotelle,Joshua Allen PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 1543303 Detjen,M. Gabrielle PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1986‐1990 3616593 Dever,Joseph Thomas PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 4702295 DeVetter,Lisa Wasko PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1986‐1990 3950153 DeVilbiss, Andrew PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1986‐1990 4243017 Devine,Erin PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1986‐1990 4161757 Devinney,Michael PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1986‐1990 230860 Devoney,Danielle PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1986‐1990 1121590 Dewanti,Ratih PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1986‐1990 4097434 Dharap,Ashutosh Amol PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 1372082 Diaby,Mamady PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1986‐1990 5320321 Diaz Garcia,Luis PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 3614787 Diaz,Arturo PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 94429 Diaz,Francisco Javier PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1986‐1990 5006055 Diaz‐Diaz,Carol J PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1986‐1990 1585137 Diaz‐Muniz,Ilenys PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 1315717 Diaz‐Uriarte,Ramon PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 103605 Dibartolomeis,Michael J. PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1986‐1990 3019898 Dick,David Wayne PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1986‐1990 149701 Dickerman,Allan Wallace PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1986‐1990 982557 Dickerson,Erin Beth PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1986‐1990 4603058 Dickinson,Kaitlin PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1986‐1990 998759 Dickman,Eileen Doris PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1986‐1990 3034817 Dickman,Jonathan Ross PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 2995983 Dickson,Kimberly Anne PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 254501 Dickson,Kirsten Sue PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1986‐1990 5002236 Didychuk,Allison PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1986‐1990 3011316 Diener,Lynn Marie PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1986‐1990 4126854 Diezi,Thomas Andrew PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 219288 Diggs Jr,George Minor PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1986‐1990 605137 Dijkhuizen,Arian PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1986‐1990 1261747 Dilkova,Miglena PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1986‐1990 3977667 Dillaway,Dylan N. PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 4861629 Dill‐McFarland,Kimberly Anne PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 3325006 DiMaio,Terri Ann PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1986‐1990 1584840 Dineen,Sean Seamus PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1986‐1990 3008721 Ding,Chen PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1986‐1990 4578262 Ding,Lina PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1986‐1990 5113904 Ding,Shunping PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 3030711 Ding,Xuan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1986‐1990 4722407 Ding,Yun PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1986‐1990 343358 Dinicola,Natalie Lenore PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1986‐1990 4874994 Dinis,Jorge PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1986‐1990 3001368 Dinkelmann,Maria Irena Vidal PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1986‐1990 112299 Dirlam,Kimberly Anne PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 4550918 Dittenhafer‐Reed,Kristin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 625923 Dittman,Dawn Elaine PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1986‐1990 162999 Dixon,Joseph Leonard PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1986‐1990 934715 Dixon,Mark Douglas PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1986‐1990 5008580 Djavadian,Reza PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 1055045 Djuned,Harun PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1986‐1990 3099057 Doan,Ashley Thuy PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1986‐1990 407962 Doan,Joyce E. S. PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1986‐1990 772802 Dockry,Michael John PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1986‐1990 920300 Dodd,James Buchanan PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 3105269 Dodson,Gerald Edward PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 4434161 Dodson,Hallie Gale PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1986‐1990 197156 Doebley,John PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1986‐1990 703693 Doehlert,Douglas Charles PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1986‐1990 4420044 Doherty,James Michael PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1986‐1990 148551 Doherty,Karen A. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1986‐1990 979245 Dohm,Michael Robert PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1986‐1990 535362 Doll,Julie Elizabeth PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1986‐1990 970597 Dollaghan,Christine Ann PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1986‐1990 5027847 Domalpally,Amitha PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1986‐1990 548487 Domann Jr,Frederick E. PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1986‐1990 4998771 Dominguez,Eddie PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 870930 Dominguez,Nadia Michelle PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1986‐1990 3117822 Dominguez‐Diaz,David PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1986‐1990 5476425 Dominguez‐Munaiz,Eduardo PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 1197014 Dominko,Tanja PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1986‐1990 327859 Domroese,Mark Eric PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1986‐1990 4126536 Domyan,Eric Thomas PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 1558664 Donadeu,Francesc PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1986‐1990 3099912 Donaldson,Jack Robert PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1986‐1990 3334547 Dong,Baiyan PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1986‐1990 252212 Dong,Fang PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1986‐1990 1375904 Dong,Fenggao PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 3001708 Dong,Min PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1986‐1990 1026785 Dong,Phuc Duc Si PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1986‐1990 776790 Donhowe,Daniel Paul PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1986‐1990 184596 Donkin,Shawn Scott PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1986‐1990 966994 Donovan,Heidi Scharf PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1986‐1990 1049988 Doohan,Mary Elizabeth PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 1065263 Doong,Shin‐Lian PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1986‐1990 225585 Dosti,Bilal PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 433607 Dott,Cynthia E. PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1986‐1990 4187834 Doucette,Alfonso PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1986‐1990 526184 Doucette,William Richard PHD 760P Pharmacy Administration PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1986‐1990 180574 Dougherty,John James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 3011136 Dougherty,Michael John PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 1568190 Doughman,Renee Lynn PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1986‐1990 474792 Doughman,Scott David PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1986‐1990 1080144 Douse,Mark Alan PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 3613884 Dowell,James Asher PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1986‐1990 171857 Downing,Holly Adelaide PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1986‐1990 485144 Dowty,Martin Eugene PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1986‐1990 1579922 Doyle,Mark Robert PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1986‐1990 3598848 Draeger,Kymberly PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1986‐1990 956936 Drake,Neil Leigh PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1986‐1990 1579472 Drake,Victoria Jayne PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 3314826 Drees,Julia Carol PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 309629 Drendel,William Bruce PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1986‐1990 4276709 Drennan,Amanda Christine PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 510466 Drenzek,Jessica G PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2008 08/24/08 1986‐1990 3330258 Dresang,Lindsay Renee PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 3464347 Drew,Bryan Thomas PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 383187 Drew,Jennifer Carlin PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1986‐1990 4411663 Dreyer,Jamin Matthew PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1986‐1990 3844374 Driessen,Terri PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1986‐1990 490871 Drilias,Michael John PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1986‐1990 491072 Drinkwater,Norman PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1986‐1990 3603477 Driver,Ashley Marie PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 411822 Drost,Dirk Cooper PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1986‐1990 381278 Drow,Doris May Larsen PHD 652L Medical Microbiology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1986‐1990 574700 Druckenbrod,Noah R PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1986‐1990 5020022 Drummond,Chloe PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 997880 Drust,Debra Sue PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1986‐1990 1065899 Drysdale,Rachel Ann PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1986‐1990 236879 D'Souza,Warren Dean PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1986‐1990 441599 Du Chateau,Brian Keith PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 1587839 Du,Jiang PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1986‐1990 3101893 Duan,Haichuan PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 4584312 Duangjit,Janejira PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1986‐1990 4593867 Duangpan,Saowapa PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 4096863 Dubinin,Maxim Yurievich PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1986‐1990 5022370 DuBois,Lindsay PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 3017269 Dubois,Melissa Ellen PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 4432514 Dubois,Sharon PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1986‐1990 3967913 Ducett,Jeanette Kristen PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 1009882 Duddy,Steven Kent PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1986‐1990 136022 Dudley,Edward G. PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1986‐1990 4433273 Dudley,Peter PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 3452912 Duellman,Sarah Jean PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 3760311 Duellman,Tyler PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 3768097 Dufour,Yann Serge PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 4421532 Dugarjav,Delgerjargal PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1986‐1990 836296 Duhe,Roy Joseph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1986‐1990 837048 Duke Jr,Robert Edward PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1986‐1990 940410 Duke,Gregory Mark PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1986‐1990 5020037 Dumas,Sabrina PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 590273 Dumke,Charles Lee PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1986‐1990 4096886 Dummer,Antoinette PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 3961680 Dumont,Bethany Lynn PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1986‐1990 4262235 Duncan,David PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 4873038 Dundore‐Arias,Jose Pablo PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1986‐1990 985146 Dunham,Elizabeth Ellen PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1986‐1990 246064 Dunham,Kristine R. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1986‐1990 5004275 Dunkerley,David PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1986‐1990 933302 Dunn,Anne Katherine PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1986‐1990 620559 Dunn,Tracy Joseph PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1986‐1990 3101704 Dunning,Francis Mark PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1986‐1990 1087660 Duque,Hernando PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1986‐1990 3452316 Durham Brooks,Tessa Lea PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 3061357 Durkee,Ben Young PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1986‐1990 979138 Durrin,Linda Kay PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1986‐1990 4122314 Durward,Marina PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1986‐1990 4702924 Dutreuil,Marion PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1986‐1990 3636049 Dutta,Partha PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 934485 Duvick,Jonathan Paul PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1986‐1990 586390 Dvoraczky,Terri Lee PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1986‐1990 968468 Dvorak,Cheryl M. T. PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 263257 Dvorak,Leah PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 239136 Dwinell,Melinda Ryan PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1986‐1990 338034 Dwinell,Michael Barton PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1986‐1990 5163995 Dwulit‐Smith,Jeffrey PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1986‐1990 1595735 Dwyer,Karen Clise PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1986‐1990 828661 Dyer,Karen Renee PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1986‐1990 829035 Dyer,Richard Dennis PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1986‐1990 418424 Dykstra,Cheryl Joan PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1986‐1990 418424 Dykstra,Cheryl Joan PHD 995A Zoology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1986‐1990 111074 Dynan,William Shelley PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1986‐1990 158416 Dzamba,Bette J. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1986‐1990 1098366 Dzvimbo,Wonaindini Jessie PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 708511 Earleywine,Thomas Jay PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1986‐1990 975100 Early,Richard John PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1986‐1990 3019988 Easterling,Caryn Susan PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1986‐1990 140497 Easton,Alan Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1986‐1990 295230 Eaton,David Craig PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1986‐1990 3220609 Ebacher,Dominic Joseph Sebastian PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 299086 Eberhardt,Eric Stanley PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1986‐1990 681362 Eberhardy,Scott Russell PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1986‐1990 1009178 Ebert,David Lee PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1986‐1990 1052712 Eboka,Chukwuenweniwe Jonathan PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1986‐1990 921092 Ecelbarger,Carolyn Mary PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1986‐1990 1504002 Echavarri Erasun,Carlos PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1986‐1990 837987 Echols,Roderick Evans PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1986‐1990 197831 Eckert,Kristin A. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1986‐1990 115423 Eddinger,Thomas Jon PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1986‐1990 993487 Edelman,Irving PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1986‐1990 3147874 Edelmann,Michelle Nichole PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 930827 Edens,William Alan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1986‐1990 974615 Edison,Arthur Scott PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1986‐1990 108801 Edman,Carl Frederick PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1986‐1990 956889 Edwards III,Ryland Branch III PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1986‐1990 290375 Edwards,Mark Lawrence PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1986‐1990 959478 Edwards,Marlin D. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1986‐1990 3017592 Edwards,Michael George PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 302913 Eernisse,Elizabeth Roos PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 4174384 Eggers,Shannah PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 3006795 Eggington,Julie Malia PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 1588675 Eggler,Aimee Laura PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1986‐1990 274310 Eggleston Jr,William Boland PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 3510115 Eguchi,Asuka PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1986‐1990 702142 Ehlenfeldt,Mark Karl PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1986‐1990 3963190 Ehler,Eric Drew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1986‐1990 5291022 Ehlerding,Emily PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1986‐1990 575963 Ehrmeyer,Sharon Sabatke PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1986‐1990 4716832 Eichelberg,Mark PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1986‐1990 187404 Eichman,Jonathan David PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1986‐1990 1179838 Eid,Laila Nasser PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1986‐1990 890623 Eide,David PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1986‐1990 118936 Eisenman,Helene Claire PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1986‐1990 941135 Eisenstein,Rick PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1986‐1990 3735387 Eisinger,Brian Earl PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 494517 Eisner,Joel Robert PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1986‐1990 3490778 Ejebe,Ifunanya Hilda PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1986‐1990 994751 Ekstrand,Jeffrey John PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1986‐1990 285055 Ekstrom,Richard C. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1986‐1990 738069 El‐Begearmi,Mahmoud Mohamed B PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1986‐1990 1069734 Elbushra,Osama Elmahdi PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1986‐1990 185660 Eldridge,Sandra Renee PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1986‐1990 691704 Elegbede,John Abiodun PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1986‐1990 536661 Elkest,Souzan Elsayed PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1986‐1990 154014 Elkins,Thomas Turner PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1986‐1990 1102985 Ella,Krishna Murthy PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1986‐1990 4405074 Eller,Chelcie PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1986‐1990 2992658 Ellerbusch,David Carsten PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1986‐1990 3948701 Ellinger,James Joseph PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 3976621 Ellingson,Laura D PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 3136594 Elliott,Jamie Lee PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 845336 Elliott,Mary Elizabeth PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1986‐1990 988926 Elliott,Richard Laurence PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1986‐1990 3062989 Ellis,Amy Lynn PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1986‐1990 3762179 Ellis,Andrew Giannini PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1986‐1990 3284527 Ellis,Gregory PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 240553 Ellis,Scott Ruggles PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 3764673 Ellison,Stephanie Jo PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 173471 Elloso,Margaret Merle PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1986‐1990 149630 Ellsworth,David Scott PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1986‐1990 224614 Ellwood,Marian Sue PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1986‐1990 1076176 El‐Nahrawy,Mohamed Abu Zeid PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1986‐1990 343064 Elowson,A Margaret PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1986‐1990 3624136 Elsen,Nathaniel Luke PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 1054982 Eltayeb,Amna Bashir PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1986‐1990 915840 Embretson,Janet E. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1986‐1990 244667 Emerman,Michael PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1986‐1990 238806 Emmerling,Mark Richard PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1986‐1990 197331 Emmert,Elizabeth Anne B PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1986‐1990 3781064 Enami,Kohei PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 428652 Endean,Debra Jane PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1986‐1990 196700 Endres,Christopher John PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1986‐1990 1013684 Endres,Craig Steven PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 455681 Engels,William PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 3456125 Engle,Jonathan W PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 250991 Engstrom,Mark Andrew PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1986‐1990 250991 Engstrom,Mark Andrew PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1986‐1990 4526809 Eno,Celeste PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 363664 Enos‐Berlage,Jodi Lynn PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1986‐1990 3012525 Ensenberger,Martin George PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 591193 Ensign,Scott Alan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1986‐1990 3203047 Enwall,Lefric Edward PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1986‐1990 3219600 Erazo‐Castrejon,Sofia Vania PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1986‐1990 1043343 Erbilgin,Nadir PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1986‐1990 1053903 Erdile,Lorne Franklin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1986‐1990 194810 Ergun,David L. PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1986‐1990 3956149 Ergun,Roja PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1986‐1990 233978 Erickson,Bruce David PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 992280 Erickson,James William PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1986‐1990 780443 Erickson,John Erick PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1986‐1990 704356 Erickson,Kristine Ann PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1986‐1990 219406 Erickson,Laurie Marie PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1986‐1990 3975305 Erickson,Sara PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 3975305 Erickson,Sara PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 3610490 Ericsen,Adam PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 146957 Ernst,Cynthia Ann PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1986‐1990 3974127 Ersland,Karen KeKe PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1986‐1990 638955 Ertel,Keith David PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1986‐1990 4692150 Erwin,Graham PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1986‐1990 3202623 Esbona,Karla PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1986‐1990 3461156 Escaron,Anne Laure PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1986‐1990 3616156 Esch,Amanda Mary PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 956967 Esch,Jeffrey John PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1986‐1990 172010 Eschenlauer,Arthur Copeland PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1986‐1990 356746 Esko,Jeffrey David PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1986‐1990 904106 Espe,Eric Paul PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1986‐1990 3263108 Esquibel,Joseph Michael PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1986‐1990 5003275 Esquilin‐Lebron,Karla PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1986‐1990 1525662 Esser,Steven Kyle PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 401011 Essington,Timothy Edwin PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1986‐1990 1399891 Estades,Cristian Fernando PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1986‐1990 920854 Estrem,Shawn T. PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1986‐1990 977970 Esvelt,Robert Peter PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 416971 Ettinger,Ruth Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1986‐1990 3554723 Eun,Ye Jin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1986‐1990 3861740 Evans,Chantell PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 121323 Evans,David Todd PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1986‐1990 536058 Evans,Nathan J. PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1986‐1990 116396 Evans,Peter Scott PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1986‐1990 706538 Evans,Steven Richard PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1986‐1990 242513 Evans,Thomas Christopher PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1986‐1990 965105 Evans,Timothy M. PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1986‐1990 570493 Everett,Christine Marie PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1986‐1990 1200723 Everett,David Warren PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1986‐1990 4167888 Everson,Josh PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1986‐1990 3062898 Ewell,Laura Ann PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1986‐1990 201526 Eyestone Jr,Willard Halsey PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1986‐1990 3611668 Ezenwa,Miriam Omelebele PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1986‐1990 108722 Faber,Dean Bruce PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1986‐1990 343181 Faber,Raymond Albert PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 343181 Faber,Raymond Albert PHD 995A Zoology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 5561496 Facchetti Vinhaes Assumpcao,Anna Luiza PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1986‐1990 196533 Facchinetti,Neil Joseph PHD 914P Social Studies in Pharmacy PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 3801052 Faciola,Antonio Pinheiro PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1986‐1990 4251690 Faerber,Addi PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 4136769 Fagerstrom,Jessica PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1986‐1990 4144281 Fahey,Robert Timothy PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1986‐1990 1055542 Fairbanks,E. Jefferson PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1986‐1990 1013086 Fairbrother,Anne PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1986‐1990 237734 Faison,Brendlyn Denise PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1986‐1990 3744603 Fajardo,Diego Alberto PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 4575541 Fakhraldeen,Saja PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1986‐1990 920766 Faldet,Martin Allen PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1986‐1990 718491 Falkner,Lori Karyn PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1986‐1990 3971752 Falkowski,Michelle Amy PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 148952 Fallon,Robert Donald PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1986‐1990 1056777 Falomo,Adejoju A PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1986‐1990 4892516 Fan,Huan PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1986‐1990 1054687 Fan,Titan Sy‐Liang PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1986‐1990 1322277 Fang,Su‐Chiung PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1986‐1990 826631 Fang,Yanchu PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 1060676 Fanourakis,Nick Emm PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1986‐1990 1365252 Fantini,Alfredo Celso PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1986‐1990 1076015 Farag,Karim Mohamed PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1986‐1990 1105912 Faraji,Habibollah PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 505567 Faralli,Jennifer Alice PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1986‐1990 3967402 Farbota,Kimberly Diane PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 1054334 Faria,Josias Correa De PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1986‐1990 3452702 Farmer,Lisa Marie PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1986‐1990 948020 Farner,Nancy Lee PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1986‐1990 4714616 Farnoodian‐Tedrick,Mitra PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1986‐1990 180572 Farnum,Cornelia Ellen PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1986‐1990 1091608 Farrag,Seham Ahmed PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1986‐1990 555835 Farrar,James Jay PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1986‐1990 398700 Farrell,Emily Frances PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1986‐1990 805108 Farrell,Michael Lee PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1986‐1990 127375 Farrelly,Frances Williams PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 173455 Farsetta,Diane Louise PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1986‐1990 3907980 Fassbinder‐Orth,Carol Anne PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1986‐1990 645822 Fassnacht,Karin S. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1986‐1990 4945884 Faure,Aurelia PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1986‐1990 111102 Faustman,Larry Cameron PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1986‐1990 924137 Fawcett,James Alton PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1986‐1990 1051969 Fawole,Iyiola PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 306443 Faynor,Steven Mark PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1986‐1990 390927 Fayram,Elizabeth S. PHD 712N Nursing PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1986‐1990 1033904 Fazio,Gennaro PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1986‐1990 2990206 Federico,Maria Laura PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1986‐1990 645056 Feig,Sherry PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1986‐1990 3428689 Feijo,Gelson Luis Dias PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 3322597 Feire,Adam Lloyd PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1986‐1990 458890 Feirer,Russell Paul PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1986‐1990 4551788 Feldman,Jessica Lauren PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1986‐1990 184949 Felitsky,Daniel Joseph PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1986‐1990 4741850 Felley,Laura PHD 204EGR Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1986‐1990 904458 Felmlee,Teresa Ann PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1986‐1990 3247826 Felnagle,Elizabeth Anne PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1986‐1990 185568 Feng,Guo Hong PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1986‐1990 3010450 Feng,Xuezhu PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1986‐1990 5341034 Feng,Yu PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1986‐1990 4622146 Fenske,Rachel PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1986‐1990 1114305 Fenster,Kurt Mathias PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1986‐1990 524701 Fenton,Suzanne Elizabeth PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1986‐1990 954209 Ferdig,Michael Timothy PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 954209 Ferdig,Michael Timothy PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 769704 Ferguson,James Scott PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1986‐1990 178877 Ferguson,Kimberly Carr PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1986‐1990 5341425 Fernandes,Arthur PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1986‐1990 1600708 Fernandes,Fiona Jane PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 145111 Fernandez,Anita Gabriela PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1986‐1990 1051004 Fernandez‐Northcote,Enrique N. PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1986‐1990 4684830 Ferraretto,Luiz PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1986‐1990 759899 Ferreira,Marcio Elias PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1986‐1990 5514572 Ferreira‐De‐Freitas,Vinicios PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1986‐1990 1052719 Ferris,Ian Glen PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 386833 Fett,William Frederick PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 290395 Fiebig,Russell Glen PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 232793 Field,Teresa Lee PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1986‐1990 5005589 Fields,Brandon David PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1986‐1990 4031062 Fields,Daryl PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1986‐1990 196902 Figdore,Scott Steven PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1986‐1990 1041911 Figueiredo,Marxa Leao PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1986‐1990 248489 Finke,Mark Donald PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1986‐1990 248489 Finke,Mark Donald PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1986‐1990 3310780 Finkel,Jonathan Sewell PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 1007842 Finkelstein,Ann PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1986‐1990 119912 Finlay,Judith Adele PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1986‐1990 107797 Finocchiaro,Eugene Terry PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1986‐1990 5284659 Firmino,Fernanda PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1986‐1990 710080 Fischer,David William PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1986‐1990 3980820 Fischer,Gregory PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1986‐1990 248652 Fischer,Janet Marie PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1986‐1990 658291 Fischer‐Brown,Amy Elizabeth PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1986‐1990 756300 Fisette,Philip Lawrence PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1986‐1990 224974 Fisher,David George PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1986‐1990 197168 Fisher,James Alan PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1986‐1990 981891 Fisher,Madeline Mary PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1986‐1990 199028 Fisher,Matthew A. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1986‐1990 3779430 Fisher,Ted Gerald PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1986‐1990 187872 Fisk,John Domenic PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1986‐1990 834998 Fitch,Marjorie Ellen PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1986‐1990 4714260 Fitzgerald,Meghan PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1986‐1990 3734829 Fitzpatrick,Megan Joanna PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1986‐1990 401985 Flaspohler,David James PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1986‐1990 136921 Fleisher,David PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1986‐1990 121617 Flentke,George Robert PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1986‐1990 392027 Flipsen Jr,Peter J. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1986‐1990 4171910 Floberg,John PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 5159145 Florek,Kelsey PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1986‐1990 139391 Florence,Brian L. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1986‐1990 850360 Flores,Elsa Renee PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1986‐1990 3440094 Flores,Zomary PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 4877463 Flores‐Martinez,Everardo PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1986‐1990 170658 Flory,Janice Eleanor PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1986‐1990 213538 Flournoy,Douglas S. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1986‐1990 3332916 Flowers,Jessica Byers PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1986‐1990 3009922 Flowers,Matthew Thomas PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 4446604 Floyd,Brendan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1986‐1990 3477550 Flynn,Jeffrey Michael PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1986‐1990 729485 Flynn,Kathryn Eve PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1986‐1990 1549181 Flynn,Ryan Thomas PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1986‐1990 3073129 Foell,Jason Dennis PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1986‐1990 4574604 Foerster,Jillian Marie PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1986‐1990 199862 Foley,John Devlin PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1986‐1990 1415106 Fonseca,Leorges Moraes PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1986‐1990 1032881 Fonseca,Maris V. PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1986‐1990 4703919 Fontaine,Danielle PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1986‐1990 3624339 Fontanilla,Dominique Alcubilla PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1986‐1990 1445282 Fontanini,Debora PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1986‐1990 1079500 Foo,Thomas Kwok‐Fah PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 895295 Forbes,Katherine Janet PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1986‐1990 1026347 Ford,Amanda Stone PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1986‐1990 181420 Ford,Joseph John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1986‐1990 3009923 Forester,James D. PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1986‐1990 957742 Forge,Thomas Anthony PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1986‐1990 171761 Forgue,S Thomas PHD 749L Pharmacology ‐ Medicine PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1986‐1990 737535 Forner,Linda Lee PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1986‐1990 407384 Forrester,Wayne C. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1986‐1990 1031054 Forsberg,Camilla PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1986‐1990 3099883 Forshay,Kenneth J. PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1986‐1990 623413 Fortner,David Michael PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1986‐1990 4275897 Foss,Marie Hazel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1986‐1990 821402 Foster,David K. PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1986‐1990 232304 Foster,David Lee PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1986‐1990 3953402 Foster,Jane Rebecca PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 348437 Foufopoulos,Johannes PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1986‐1990 825666 Foureman,Polly Ann PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1986‐1990 3032567 Fowler,Amy Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1986‐1990 3300234 Fowler,Tyler PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1986‐1990 116276 Fownes,James Henry PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1986‐1990 989831 Fox,Catherine A PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1986‐1990 878219 Fox,Cheryl Catherine PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1986‐1990 152904 Fox,Deborah Ann PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1986‐1990 927088 Fox,Jeffrey Dean PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1986‐1990 152975 Fox,Lawrence Kenneth PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1986‐1990 3547811 Fox,Lisa Michelle PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1986‐1990 241315 Fraga,Dean M. PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 158261 Franchini,Miriam K. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1986‐1990 3080362 Franco,Santos Joe PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1986‐1990 5006084 Franco,Sarah PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 872720 Frank,Diane Elizabeth PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1986‐1990 4191593 Frankel,Elisa PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 3606107 Frankel,Matthew B PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1986‐1990 1025132 Franqui Rivera,Rosa Amelia PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1986‐1990 3031655 Frater Rubsam,Leah A PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1986‐1990 271909 Fraterrigo,Jennifer Marie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1986‐1990 5005796 Frederick,Curtis PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1986‐1990 764952 Frederick,Jeanne Marie PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1986‐1990 640838 Frederick,Lynn Louise PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1986‐1990 4597316 Fredin,Shane PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1986‐1990 186066 Freed,Eric Oliver PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1986‐1990 486274 Freed,Robert Coombs PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1986‐1990 402891 Freedland,Cassia PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1986‐1990 3616822 Freeman,Bailey Elizabeth PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1986‐1990 845598 Freeman,Roger Eugene PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1986‐1990 5160197 Freiberger,Elyse PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1986‐1990 402075 Freiman,Catherine L Delaney PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1986‐1990 746014 Frelich,Lee E. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1986‐1990 106062 French Jr,John Brand PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1986‐1990 119235 French,David Andrew PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1986‐1990 3173463 French,Elizabeth Ann PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1986‐1990 3432483 Fretz,Jackie Ann PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1986‐1990 351556 Freudenheim,Jo Louise PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1986‐1990 3769425 Frey,Avery Glenn PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1986‐1990 796890 Frey,Jonathan Packard PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1986‐1990 450291 Friedle,Scott Alan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1986‐1990 102864 Friedman,Lisa Cheryl PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1986‐1990 942696 Friedrich,James Wayne PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1986‐1990 809606 Friedrich,Thomas Christiaan PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1986‐1990 957609 Friesen,Paul Dean PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1986‐1990 3010454 Frieswyk,Christin B. PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1986‐1990 519743 Frisque,Richard John PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1986‐1990 611762 Fritsch,Michael Kevin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1986‐1990 396145 Fritz,Brian Russell PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1986‐1990 745696 Fritz,Jeffery Duane PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1986‐1990 205692 Frodyma,Michael Eric PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1986‐1990 826485 Fron,Melanie Jo PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1986‐1990 483632 Fronk,Thomas J. PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1986‐1990 3510708 Fropf,Robin PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1986‐1990 4018162 Frost,Carlton PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1986‐1990 3362498 Frost,Dustin PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1986‐1990 509305 Frost,Kenneth E PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1986‐1990 251906 Fry,Christopher Joseph PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1986‐1990 239530 Frye,Douglas Mahaffey Danks PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1986‐1990 3557291 Frye,Jeremiah Jason PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1991‐1995 263706 Frye,Kelly J. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1991‐1995 455094 Frye‐Osier,Helene A. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1991‐1995 1075885 Fu,Haian PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 4424012 Fu,Qiang PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 4261645 Fu,Yao PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1991‐1995 3000884 Fuchs,Stephen Michael PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1991‐1995 4743934 Fuenzalida Valenzuela,Maria PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1991‐1995 434479 Fuerst,Thomas Patrick PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 3445848 Fuezery,Anna K PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1991‐1995 700206 Fuhremann,Thomas W. PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1991‐1995 204236 Fuldner,Rebecca Ann PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1991‐1995 962048 Fulgham,David Layton PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 4119234 Fulkerson,Regina Kennedy PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1991‐1995 4584214 Fulladolsa Palma,Ana Cristina PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 398242 Fuller,Deborah Heydenburg PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1991‐1995 988819 Fuller,Todd King PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1991‐1995 988819 Fuller,Todd King PHD 995A Zoology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1991‐1995 3510779 Funk,Chadd PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 813372 Funnell,Barbara Evelyn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1991‐1995 198199 Furlow,J. David PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1991‐1995 96331 Furtek,Douglas PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1991‐1995 126781 Furth,Mark Edward PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1991‐1995 3772010 Fuxjager,Matthew James PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1991‐1995 155757 Gabbay,Robert Abraham PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1991‐1995 518004 Gaber,Richard Francis PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1991‐1995 230714 Gabriel,Clifford John PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1991‐1995 3438697 Gadkari,Abhijit Satish PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 3621818 Gaeta,Robert Thomas PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 1049651 Gaffney,Philip Thomas PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1991‐1995 5139699 Gage,Joseph PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1991‐1995 3010916 Gagne,Jennifer Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 878402 Gahl,Mark Joseph PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1991‐1995 878402 Gahl,Mark Joseph PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1991‐1995 547434 Gahl,William Allen PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1991‐1995 4135651 Gaines Day,Hannah PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 1015201 Galant,Ron PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1991‐1995 4184498 Galavis,Paulina Esther PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 417650 Galbreath,Elizabeth Jayne PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 996606 Gallagher,Thomas Miller PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1991‐1995 414361 Gallandt,Eric Robert PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1991‐1995 1013958 Gallegos,Maria Elena PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1991‐1995 1414535 Galmarini,Claudio Romulo PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 1042260 Galvan,Noe PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1991‐1995 1145279 Gan,Susheng PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 261441 Gan,Yunn‐Hwen PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1991‐1995 3565646 Gancarz,Brandi L PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 1299533 Gandarillas,Antonio PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1991‐1995 3983674 Gandhi,Neil PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1991‐1995 836935 Gandhi,Rajesh B. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1991‐1995 255487 Ganem,Leonardo Guimaraes PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 5015341 Gangopadhyay,Ishanti PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1991‐1995 3994815 Gannon,Bryan PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1991‐1995 90858 Ganong,Barry Reade PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1991‐1995 1006030 Gans,Dian Althea PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 737980 Ganther,Julie Marie PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 4133877 Gantt,Richard William PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1991‐1995 890180 Gao,Dali PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1991‐1995 3448168 Gao,Sheng PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1991‐1995 1250136 Gao,Song PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1991‐1995 1515824 Gao,Xiaoyan PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1991‐1995 4880128 Gao,Xin PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1991‐1995 1153874 Gao,Yi PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 3338442 Garadat,Soha Nadmi PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1991‐1995 713261 Garber,Andrea Kay PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 5436611 Garces Restrepo,Mario F. PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1991‐1995 4741472 Garcia Guerra,Alvaro PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1991‐1995 727031 Garcia II,Bradley H PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 4581624 Garcia Mendoza,Maria Gracia PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1991‐1995 3316658 Garcia,Daniel Leigh PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 1053314 Garcia,Hugo PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 3364376 Garcia,James PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1991‐1995 4934920 Garcia,Matthew PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1991‐1995 1059139 Garcia‐Lopez,Jesus Salvador PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1991‐1995 5315105 Garcia‐Peterson,Liz M PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1991‐1995 4880909 Garcia‐Ramos,Camille PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1991‐1995 3101585 Garcia‐Ruiz,Hernan PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1991‐1995 196419 Gardill,Sharyn Lee PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1991‐1995 1015417 Gardiner,Elisabeth Michelle PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 4882651 Gardiner,Jaye PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1991‐1995 3118092 Gardner,Andrew Gifford PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1991‐1995 1536902 Gardner,Jeffrey G. PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 239425 Gardner,Joseph Herman PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1991‐1995 260301 Gardner,Kelly Ann PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 753650 Gardner,Stephanie Monique PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1991‐1995 890478 Garoutte,Clint Anthony PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 4876188 Garrett,John W PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 3327499 Garrity,Jane PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 3617201 Garvey,Graeme Stuart PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 4979745 Gaspar,Adam PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1991‐1995 3564474 Gasper,David PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 1357640 Gastal,Eduardo Leite PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 329665 Gates,Cynthia Ann PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1991‐1995 1050285 Gatti De Leon,Irene PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1991‐1995 1116165 Gau,Churn‐Shiouh PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1991‐1995 947898 Gaugler,Randy Roy PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1991‐1995 3625115 Gavala,Monica Lynn PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 3780155 Gavier Pizarro,Gregorio Ignacio PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 481361 Gavinski,Jennifer J PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 4865947 Gawdzik,Joseph PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1991‐1995 1019358 Gawler,Susan Cochran PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 1022752 Gaya‐Gonzalez,Lillian PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1991‐1995 264256 Gayda,Debra Patrice PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1991‐1995 995244 Gazdag,Annie Christine PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 3457665 Ge,Xiaoyan PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1991‐1995 4988200 Ge,Yongshuai PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 122343 Gearing,Marla PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 1254351 Gebru,Getachew PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 4154409 Geed,Shashwati PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1991‐1995 830911 Geeganage,Sandaruwan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1991‐1995 198681 Gehly,Eugene Burnell PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1991‐1995 988980 Geisert Jr.,Eldon Edward PHD 710L Neurosciences PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1991‐1995 555282 Geissler,Edward Kenneth PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 4066075 Gelbmann,Christopher PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1991‐1995 136622 Gelembiuk,Gregory PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1991‐1995 1007360 Geller,Robin Lee PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1991‐1995 4425454 Gemili,Seyhun PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 4576649 Gemperline,David PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1991‐1995 89535 Gendreau,Steven Brian PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1991‐1995 4708594 Gennuso,Keith Paul PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1991‐1995 408668 Gentry,Daniel Robert PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1991‐1995 90515 Geoffroy,Jean‐Marie Maurice PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1991‐1995 3615425 George,Nicholas Patrick PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 4529771 Georgian,Elizabeth PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1991‐1995 1051921 Georgoulakis,Ioannis Emmanuel PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1991‐1995 1057450 Gepts,Paul Laurent PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1991‐1995 917100 Geraghty,Robert James PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 3306078 Gerami‐Naini,Behzad PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1991‐1995 4136224 Gerasyuto,Aleksey PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 910999 Gerdes,James Todd PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1991‐1995 209161 Gergel,Sarah Elizabeth PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1991‐1995 740516 Gerhardt III,Armin Henry PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 621039 Gerlach,Valerie Lynn PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1991‐1995 3327926 Gerona,Roy Roberto Laylo PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 1363396 Gerratana,Barbara PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1991‐1995 4132286 Gerstein,Hilary Barbra PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1991‐1995 446970 Gerstner,Jason Robert PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 765318 Gertler,Frank Bernard PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1991‐1995 1004008 Gese,Eric Michael PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 143103 Gestwicki,Jason Edward PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1991‐1995 648017 Geszvain,Katherine Mary PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1991‐1995 4418427 Ghitani,Nima PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1991‐1995 4425338 Ghosh,Borna PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1991‐1995 4918389 Ghosh,Indro PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1991‐1995 4614531 Ghosh,Pallab PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1991‐1995 3779442 Giakoumopoulos,Maria PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1991‐1995 774058 Gialamas,Gina Marie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 124880 Gibber,Judith Rena PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1991‐1995 845506 Gibbons,John Robert PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1991‐1995 4156767 Gibbs,Nicole PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1991‐1995 571632 Gibson,Angela LF PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 244752 Gibson,Marcia Carole PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1991‐1995 556805 Giebink,Bruce Lane PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1991‐1995 2992647 Giel,Jennifer Lynn PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 186556 Gilbert,Gregory Scott PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 141743 Gilbert,Jonathan H. PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 3745247 Gilbertson,Lynn Renee PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1991‐1995 184186 Giles,Steven Samuel PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1991‐1995 97031 Gilicinski,Maureen Ann PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1991‐1995 673651 Gilles,Pamela Ann PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1991‐1995 211162 Gilless,James Keith PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 394114 Gillian,AnneLynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1991‐1995 189929 Gillian‐Daniel,Donald Lee PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 842193 Gillingham,Melanie Boyd PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1991‐1995 392809 Gillooly,James Franciscus PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 3774754 Gilman,Robert Tucker PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 1052845 Gimelfarb,Alexander PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1991‐1995 787922 Ginther,Anita PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 4290235 Giordano,Julio Omar PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1991‐1995 1052838 Giordano,Leonardo De Brito PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1991‐1995 4884365 Giraldo Caro,Giovanny PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1991‐1995 3988367 Giraldo Vela,Juan Pablo PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 4412379 Gladman,Nicholas PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1991‐1995 1520612 Glaser,Bryan Thomas PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 226530 Glasgow,Anna Cecilia PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1991‐1995 949624 Glass Jr.,Marvin John PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 424030 Glass,Kathleen Ann PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1991‐1995 957624 Glaze,Leslie Ellen PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 790643 Glodowski,Doreen R. PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1991‐1995 4178874 Gnazzo,Megan PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 3461019 Gnerer,Joshua Paul PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 966550 Gnoumou,Brigitte Sanou PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1991‐1995 3967478 Goel,Shruti PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1991‐1995 3030413 Goeser,John Phillip PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 3342011 Goeser,Nicholas James PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 4248536 Goetsch,Paul Donald PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1991‐1995 935770 Goetsch,Steven John PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 3330952 Goforth,Jeremy Benjamin PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 104532 Goguen,Christopher Barry PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 158699 Gokce,Ali Fuat PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1991‐1995 1653723 Gokey,Nolan PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1991‐1995 1056416 Goknur,Atilla Bulent PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1991‐1995 1315773 Golan,Talila PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1991‐1995 1015327 Golarai,Golijeh PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 5321687 Gold,Kaitlin PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1991‐1995 5161143 Golding,Adriana Elizabeth PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1991‐1995 175241 Golding,Nace Leon PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1991‐1995 297607 Goldman,Irwin PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 4164587 Goldring,Adam PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1991‐1995 1445736 Goldstein,Jonathan Todd PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 738038 Goldsworthy,Thomas Lester PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1991‐1995 5160542 Golenberg,Netta PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1991‐1995 219486 Golumbeski Jr,George Stanley PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1991‐1995 5156438 Gomez Cardona,Daniel PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1991‐1995 4527593 Gomez Rivas,Arturo PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 1451800 Gomez,Francisco PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1991‐1995 994061 Gomez,Terri Doreen PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 1490655 Goncalves,Elisabete PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 575172 Goncalves‐Butruille,Marymar PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1991‐1995 3031425 Gonda,Michael Geoffrey PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 517834 Gonder,Janet Solander PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1991‐1995 3973619 Gonsiska,Philip PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 966254 Gonzales,David Sevy PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 3463611 Gonzales,Erin Diaana PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 3110001 Gonzales,Michael Louis PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 1055024 Gonzalez De La Parra,Mario PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1991‐1995 1105288 Gonzalez Lauck,Victor PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1991‐1995 845901 Gonzalez,Alfonso PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 1056738 Gonzalez,Daniel Santiago PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1991‐1995 190892 Gonzalez,Enid Teresa PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1991‐1995 232220 Gonzalez,Frank Jess PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1991‐1995 3462477 Gonzalez,Jose Miguel PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 1091559 Gonzalez‐Sanz,Juan Manuel PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 330346 Good,Peter Joseph PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1991‐1995 251136 Goodburn,John Michael PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1991‐1995 990050 Goodman,Thomas Carl PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1991‐1995 524208 Goodnough,Michael Charles PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1991‐1995 290258 Goodrich,James Marvin PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1991‐1995 484285 Goodsitt,Mitchell M. PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1991‐1995 102421 Goodwin,Steven Dale PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1991‐1995 583247 Goodwin,William Henry PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 4391182 Gordon,Jeremy William PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 1008020 Gordon,Vanessa Suzanne PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 127017 Gore,Andrea Cheryl PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 3982092 Goren,Michael A PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1991‐1995 157026 Gorray,Kenneth Charles PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1991‐1995 3608329 Gorres,Kelly Lynn PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 700403 Gorsuch,Clyde S. PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1991‐1995 4589658 Gorzo,Jessica Marie PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 1015962 Gosink,Eric Christopher PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 997820 Gosink,Khoosheh Khameneian PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1991‐1995 1015957 Gosink,Mark Matthew PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 167400 Gottardis,Marco M. PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1991‐1995 830538 Gottschalk,William Kirby PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1991‐1995 536909 Gottwald,Jennifer Rose PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1991‐1995 980284 Gould,Karen A. PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1991‐1995 460344 Gould,Walter Paul PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1991‐1995 3452889 Gourley,Christopher Ralph PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1991‐1995 229201 Gouzoules,Harold Theodore PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1991‐1995 3908981 Gowda Nanjappa,Somashekarappa PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1991‐1995 1581852 Grabowski,Patrick James PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1991‐1995 591801 Grabski,Anthony Charles PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 854871 Gracco,L. Carol PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 230539 Gracco,Vincent Lawrence PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1991‐1995 3093714 Gradman,Richard J. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 4143818 Grady,Benjamin Richard PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 253898 Graham,Patricia Leigh PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1991‐1995 978974 Gralnick,Jeff Alan PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1991‐1995 3163990 Gramig,Greta G. PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1991‐1995 1049928 Granada,Gustavo Adolfo PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1991‐1995 1333997 Granadino,Carlos Alejandro PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1991‐1995 3626216 Graner,John Lawrence PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1991‐1995 172072 Grant,Jennifer Elizabeth PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 4583112 Grant,Laura PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1991‐1995 954871 Grasmick,Michael Eugene PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1991‐1995 188323 Grass,George Mitchell IV PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1991‐1995 3166655 Graterol Matute,Eduardo J. PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1991‐1995 3640978 Gratz,Scott PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1991‐1995 394255 Graveel,Carrie Renee PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1991‐1995 4164328 Graves,Rose PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1991‐1995 5000829 Graves,Stephen Andrew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1991‐1995 236338 Gray,Gary Stephen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1991‐1995 2991376 Gray,Michael Jeffrey PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1991‐1995 1175607 Grbic,Miodrag PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1991‐1995 1175607 Grbic,Miodrag PHD 252A Developmental Biology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1991‐1995 1183401 Grbic,Vojislava PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1991‐1995 4426975 Greco,Natalie PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 192832 Greco,Tammy PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1991‐1995 1588355 Green,Adam Kenneth PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1991‐1995 158812 Green,Donald Scott PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1991‐1995 172525 Green,Frederick III PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1991‐1995 409667 Green,Heather Allison PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 827437 Green,Larry Lee PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1991‐1995 675179 Green,Patrick Lee PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1991‐1995 968274 Green,Roland Daniel PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 3118131 Greene,Justin Michael PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 344508 Greener,Irene Karen PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1991‐1995 162318 Greenfield,Michael Dennis PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1991‐1995 198380 Greenler,John PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1991‐1995 3615915 Greenwell,Roger Scott PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 964293 Greenwood,Roberta Marie PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1991‐1995 4713381 Gregg,Trillian PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 4842959 Gregorich,Zachery PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1991‐1995 831609 Grenier,Jennifer Kristin PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 671421 Gresl,Theresa Ann PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1991‐1995 1618645 Gressley,Tanya Faust PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1991‐1995 963291 Gretch,Daniel Gerard PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 3162433 Grevstad,ELLE KIELAR PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1991‐1995 981654 Gribskov,Michael Ray PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1991‐1995 1089278 Grieder,Franziska Barbara PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 154737 Griep,Anne Elizabeth PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1991‐1995 3970454 Gries,Theodore Joseph PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 4137757 Griffin,Jacob PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 966667 Griffin,Patrick Gerard PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1991‐1995 3987418 Griggs,Theodor PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 959355 Grillo,Adeola Olateju PHD 744P Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1991‐1995 793692 Grimek,Tracey Lynn PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1991‐1995 917880 Grimes,Eric Burton PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1991‐1995 245473 Grimm,Ann Catherine PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 1013412 Grimshaw,Charles Edward PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1991‐1995 1044874 Grimson,Andrew William PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1991‐1995 976285 Grinnell,Brian William PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1991‐1995 354562 Grippo,Paul Joseph PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1991‐1995 1051931 Grisi,Laerte PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1991‐1995 1000214 Grissom,Charles Buell PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1991‐1995 131352 Gritz,Linda Rose PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 257451 Groch,Kevin Michael PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 376951 Gronowski,Ann Marie Nelson PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1991‐1995 517417 Groose,Robin Waldo PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1991‐1995 3102440 Groppo,Rachel Paula PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 3322561 Gross,Jason A. PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 990420 Gross,Kevin PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 3511376 Gross,Megan PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1991‐1995 965931 Gross,Stefan David PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 116108 Grossman,Alan Davis PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1991‐1995 338137 Grossman,Carol Paula PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 3099774 Grossmann,Emilie Beth PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 124959 Grosso,Leonard Elia PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1991‐1995 523454 Groth,Gail N PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1991‐1995 3215756 Ground,Anita Rose PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 1050203 Grover,Amita PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1991‐1995 4257364 Grubbs,Kirk Justin PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 3742579 Gruber,Angela PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1991‐1995 3774609 Gruber,Barrett Ryan PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 513980 Gruber,Frederic Arthur PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1991‐1995 3622228 Gruber,Todd Daniel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 3037910 Grudzinski,Joseph John PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 4133724 Gruenig,Marielle Christina PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 579760 Gruetzmacher,Thomas John PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1991‐1995 452976 Grund,Alan Douglas PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1991‐1995 970717 Grundy,Francis Joseph PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1991‐1995 117444 Grunwald,David Jonah PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1991‐1995 4092095 Grunwald,Eric William PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 152963 Grunwald,Gerald Bruce PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1991‐1995 815833 Grunwald,Sandra Kay PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 1590714 Gruszynski,Amy Elizabeth PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1991‐1995 405657 Grys,Thomas E. PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1991‐1995 4582762 Gu,Huan PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 509893 Gu,Qu‐Ming PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1991‐1995 1617664 Gu,Tianliang PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1991‐1995 190738 Guagliardi,Lynne E. PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1991‐1995 3115939 Guan,Hui PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 3201236 Guan,Qiaoning PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 2995193 Guang,Shouhong PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 4887189 Guarin Montoya,Jose Fernando PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 133061 Guastella,John PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1991‐1995 4966280 Gudnadottir,Unnur PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1991‐1995 4127939 Guenther,Courtney Helena PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 3520445 Guerios,Simone Domit PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1991‐1995 4447864 Guerra,Alberto PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1991‐1995 846740 Guerra,Alma Nelly PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1991‐1995 3010214 Guerrero,Mario PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1991‐1995 5004025 Guerrero,Quinton PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1991‐1995 4262271 Guerriero,Kathryn PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 4348381 Guiden,Peter Westley PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1991‐1995 497103 Guilfoile,Patrick Gerard PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1991‐1995 275468 Guimond,Scott E. PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1991‐1995 3455106 Guirguis,Lisa Marian PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1991‐1995 483675 Gulbrandsen,Carl E PHD 792L Physiology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1991‐1995 195665 Guldin,James Mark PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1991‐1995 110764 Gulick,Andrew M. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 3103741 Gulisija,Davorka PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 3511410 Guller,Yelena PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 949436 Gullikson,Gary William PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1991‐1995 1617418 Gumen,Ahmet PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1991‐1995 109520 Gumkowski,Michael J. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1991‐1995 898730 Gunderson,Samuel PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1991‐1995 3778242 Gunn,Wade PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 1597776 Gunnarsdottir,Sigridur PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 1484259 Gunnarsdottir,Sjofn PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1991‐1995 4124702 Gunsalus,Kearney T. W. PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 985609 Gunsett,Fields Corrigan PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1991‐1995 268024 Gunter,Christopher Coy PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1991‐1995 1054937 Guo,Jian Zhong PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1991‐1995 1358561 Guo,Shyh‐Forng PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1991‐1995 1308122 Guo,Yuyuan PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1991‐1995 4577823 Gupta,Aditya PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 194459 Gupta,Pardeep Kumar PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1991‐1995 313683 Gurney,Mary Kathleen PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1991‐1995 266735 Guse,Robert Alan PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1991‐1995 796960 Gustafson,John Michael PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1991‐1995 3350367 Gustafson,Timothy PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1991‐1995 663589 Gustavson,Karl Eric PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1991‐1995 1005470 Guth,Joseph Harry PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 175668 Guthrie,Brian David PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1991‐1995 1052231 Gutierres,Viviani Cecilia PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1991‐1995 3618076 Gutierrez,Alonso Navar PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 421677 Gutnick,Howard Neal PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1991‐1995 1584711 Gutzman,Jennifer Hinchey PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1991‐1995 1139839 Guvener,Zehra Tuzun PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1991‐1995 3368703 Guy,Michael Paul PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 969011 Guy,Stephen Otto PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 3115496 Guzy,Michael Joseph PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1991‐1995 862801 Ha,Jeong‐Ok Kim PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1991‐1995 1079632 Ha,Jeung Hoi PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 3456643 Ha,Kook Sun PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 957031 Haack,Alan Eugene PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 410664 Haak‐Frendscho,Mary PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 670900 Haanstad,John Olav PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 284719 Haars,Laura Jean PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1991‐1995 1000963 Haas,Jeffrey Allison PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1991‐1995 909144 Haas,Michael Jeffrey PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1991‐1995 633133 Haase,Christopher James PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1991‐1995 3793530 Haase,Nicholas PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1991‐1995 595015 Haasl,Ryan James PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1991‐1995 3971613 Habeck,Christopher William PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 256603 Haber,Christopher Lewis PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1991‐1995 1580053 Habig,Jeffrey Wayne PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1991‐1995 1052022 Hack,Ethan PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1991‐1995 4283800 Hackbart,Katherine Suzanne PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 3760978 Hadac,Jamie PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1991‐1995 615461 Hadi,Satyawati Soetrisno PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1991‐1995 675190 Hadjokas,Nicholas Emanuel PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 3740296 Haebig,Eileen PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 209766 Haendel,Melissa Anne PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 1014093 Hageman,Robert Vern PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1991‐1995 932950 Hagemann,Lora Jean PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 3210604 Hagen,Erika Warkentien PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 581712 Hager,Steven Ralph PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1991‐1995 897744 Haggerty,Sheryl Ann PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1991‐1995 942487 Hagidimitriou,Marianna PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1991‐1995 1013581 Hahn,Harry PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 4429057 Hahn,Micah Brianne O'Brien PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1991‐1995 4743069 Hahn,Philip G PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 946692 Hahn,William James PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1991‐1995 89586 Haigis,Kevin Michael PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1991‐1995 833433 Haigis,Marcia Carmen PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1991‐1995 3453312 Haines,Kathleen Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 978034 Hainze,John Harvey PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1991‐1995 282346 Hajek,Kathryn L. PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1991‐1995 489028 Halama,James Rufus PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1991‐1995 939133 Halbleib,Cale Michael PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 266056 Halbrooks,Mary Carter PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1991‐1995 856615 Haley,Carolyn Jane PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1991‐1995 663766 Halfmann,Peter PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 164119 Halinar,Joseph Charles PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1991‐1995 393228 Halkides,Christopher John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1991‐1995 297612 Halkin,Sylvia Lisa PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1991‐1995 1015992 Hall,Anne Elizabeth PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1991‐1995 738543 Hall,Clifford Charles PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1991‐1995 262194 Hall,David John PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1991‐1995 955535 Hall,Duane D. PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 248158 Hall,Jocelyn Cassandra PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 733416 Hall,Michelle Ann PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1991‐1995 733416 Hall,Michelle Ann PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1991‐1995 390973 Hall,Timothy Jon PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 467537 Halloran,Mary PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 3763792 Hallows,William C PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 1526997 Halpin,Corey R PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1991‐1995 225256 Halpin‐Dohnalek,Margaret Ione PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1991‐1995 3638103 Hamidi,Massihullah PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 645649 Hamilton,Bryan Russell PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1991‐1995 4605814 Hamilton,Christopher PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1991‐1995 1654300 Hamilton,Holly Lynn PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 1599123 Hamilton,Rebekah Jean PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 4122554 Hamm,Danielle PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1991‐1995 618515 Hammang,Joseph Paul PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 413039 Hammond,Mary Ellen Wernette PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1991‐1995 3331359 Hammond,Thomas Michael PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 141733 Hampton,Randolph Young PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 3323023 Han,Byung Woo PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1991‐1995 1496556 Han,Kun Jun PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1991‐1995 575026 Han,Ling‐Hua PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1991‐1995 1201455 Han,Lixin PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 4265061 Han,Shih‐Tsung PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1991‐1995 1353238 Han,Xiao‐Qing PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1991‐1995 3100154 Han,Xue PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 1158044 Han,Yeon‐Soo PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1991‐1995 1223815 Han,Young‐Shook PHD 712N Nursing PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1991‐1995 1409759 Han,Yousoo PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1991‐1995 483786 Hand,James Michael PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1991‐1995 135353 Handelsman,Jo Emily PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1991‐1995 927225 Hanft,Laurin Michelle PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1991‐1995 627119 Hangiandreou,Nicholas James PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1991‐1995 92855 Hanigan,Marie Helen PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1991‐1995 484514 Hank,Jacquelyn Ann PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1991‐1995 4887751 Hankes,Amanda PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1991‐1995 3018811 Hanlon,Erin Catherine PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1991‐1995 778656 Hanlon,Paul Robert PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 3216891 Hanmer,Janel Zelsnack PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1991‐1995 4878974 Hanna,Michael PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 4666670 Hannok,Pattama PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 460969 Hanrahan,Patrick M. PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1991‐1995 403913 Hansen,Jeffrey Craig PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1991‐1995 3328502 Hansen,Johanna Kay PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 5316149 Hansen,Jon PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1991‐1995 3332038 Hansen,Kent Chantz PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 348776 Hansen,Peter James PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 4446133 Hansen,Sarah PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1991‐1995 5136863 Hansen,Winslow Demming PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1991‐1995 214021 Hansey,Candice Nicole PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 4412865 Hanshew,Alissa PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 669559 Hanson,Alan PHD 758P Pharmacy ‐ Continuing Education PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1991‐1995 229238 Hanson,David Thomas PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 3466519 Hanson,Jacob Joel PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 121518 Hanson,James A. PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1991‐1995 556111 Hanson,Jeffery Earl PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1991‐1995 3956723 Hanson,Katherine Cary PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1991‐1995 4063467 Hanson,Keith Albert PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1991‐1995 713653 Hanson,Matthew Scott PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 898936 Hanson,Peter Douglas PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 559465 Hanson,Stephen Francis PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1991‐1995 3844157 Hanson,Tony PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1991‐1995 1051014 Hanukoglu,Israel PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1991‐1995 5002642 Hao,Ling PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 4434791 Hao,Lingyun PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 1052654 Haq,Riaz‐Ul PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1991‐1995 3217158 Harahan,Brian John PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 5033350 Haraldsdottir,Kristin PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1991‐1995 202756 Harbage,James Finnesey PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 384701 Harbeck,Mark Christian PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1991‐1995 232792 Harbeson,Scott Lee PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1991‐1995 1063869 Hard Af Segerstad,Carl PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1991‐1995 3011363 Hardie,Jason Brice PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1991‐1995 196553 Hardies,Stephen C. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1991‐1995 4421018 Harding,Jeffrey PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1991‐1995 5272813 Hardy,Michael PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1991‐1995 1121591 Hariyadi,Purwiyatno PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 4874735 Harmon,Stephanie PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1991‐1995 797145 Harms,Jerome Scott PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 327380 Harmsen,Rhea Louisa Howard PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1991‐1995 3800525 Haro von Mogel,Karl PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1991‐1995 975143 Haromy,Tuli Patrick PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1991‐1995 3953664 Haroon,Suraiya PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1991‐1995 290222 Harper,Thomas Andrew PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 4561282 Harrell,John PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1991‐1995 231675 Harrell,Mark Owen PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1991‐1995 450620 Harrington,Cynthia Lucile PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1991‐1995 3432737 Harris JR.,Dennis Raymond PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 97671 Harris,Georgianna Marie PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1991‐1995 212160 Harris,Matthew Pierce PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1991‐1995 323687 Harris,Melissa Gail PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1991‐1995 382810 Harris,Michelle PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 3442344 Harris,Tajie Heartsong PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 880607 Harris,Theresa O'Malley PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 3606769 Harris‐Johnson,Kelley PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 3320496 Harrison,Benjamin Robert PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 999524 Harrison,Michael Morgan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1991‐1995 3625546 Harrison,Tondi Marie PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 111508 Hart,Leslie Elizabeth PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1991‐1995 1056618 Hartana,Alex PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1991‐1995 517630 Hartjes,Laurie Beth PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 716950 Hartmann,Christine Louise PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1991‐1995 288498 Hartweck,Lynn M. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 4722783 Harvey,Brian James PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 3454864 Harvey,Chad Thomas PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 4530996 Harvie,Beth PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 96925 Harwood Jr,Edward Dunning PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1991‐1995 3782519 Hasebe,Mariko PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 997431 Hasegawa,Bruce Henry PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1991‐1995 117473 Hasen,Nina Sophie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1991‐1995 342543 Hashi,Michiko PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1991‐1995 4275910 Hasley,Andrew PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1991‐1995 973895 Hassam,Saifunnissa Bahadurali PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1991‐1995 1054941 Hassan,Hassan Flayiah PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1991‐1995 3321107 Hasso,Sean Michael PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 111360 Hastedt,Jayne Elizabeth PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 812519 Hatch,Kent Allen PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1991‐1995 4448765 Hatchell,Kathryn PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1991‐1995 1423268 Haugen,Brian James PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 3106078 Haugen,Shanil Jose Pullappally PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1991‐1995 3442121 Hauschild,Karl Edmund PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 173376 Havel,John Edward PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1991‐1995 2998460 Haverkamp,Hans Christian PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 656950 Havert,Michael Brenden PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1991‐1995 932444 Havey,Michael PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1991‐1995 932444 Havey,Michael PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1991‐1995 3414255 Haviland,Julia Ann PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1991‐1995 3224111 Hawbaker,Todd Jerome PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1991‐1995 684988 Hay,Jesse Christopher PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1991‐1995 1315790 Hayashi,Kei PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1991‐1995 3445776 Hayashi,Masaya PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 221272 Hayden,Alonza Randolph PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1991‐1995 545358 Hayes,Barry Edward PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1991‐1995 1589042 Hayes,Kevin Robert PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 4159666 Hayes,Matthew Aaron PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 931971 Hayirli,Armagan PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1991‐1995 164789 Haynes Jr,William John PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 3662215 Haynes,Michelle Angela PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 3461001 He,Ming PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 1249748 He,Wen PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1991‐1995 762401 He,Yiping PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 1584826 Healy,Kevin Daniel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1991‐1995 252515 Heasley,Lynne PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1991‐1995 4258581 Heath‐Heckman,Elizabeth PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1991‐1995 4447781 Hebert,Alex PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 3350611 Heck,Jessica PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 3732752 Hedberg,Gina Melida PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 3357479 Hedman,Andrew PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1991‐1995 674183 Hefle,Susan Lynn PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1991‐1995 168499 Hefti,Brenda Joy PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1991‐1995 265271 Hegeman,Adrian Daniel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1991‐1995 406662 Hegg,Colleen Cosgrove PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1991‐1995 973810 Hegsted,Maren PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1991‐1995 287442 Hegstrand,Linda Kozel PHD 787L Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1972‐73 05/19/73 1991‐1995 929542 Heid,Paul Joseph PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 747029 Heidel,Shawn Martin PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1991‐1995 324327 Heideman,Jan Karlotta PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1991‐1995 3030397 Heidenreich,Jessie PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 1006094 Heidrich,Susan M. PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 1013532 Heil,Timothy Paul PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 3454726 Heilmann,John Joseph PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 3456832 Heimovics,Sarah Ann PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 3659082 Hein,Pyae PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 155850 Heinz,Beverly Ann PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1991‐1995 3351805 Heise,Oliver Ulrich PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1991‐1995 1012735 Heisler,Laura Magdolna PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 3511841 Heitkamp,Sara Elizabeth PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 951148 Held,Douglas Dwight PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1991‐1995 618846 Held,Jeffrey Elmer PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1991‐1995 4117183 Helft,Laura Anne PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1991‐1995 137126 Helm,Richard Frederick PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1991‐1995 3994588 Helmich,Kate PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 3432358 Helmus,Matthew Richard PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 406174 Hemming,Jocelyn Darelle C PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1991‐1995 177005 Henderson,Gregg PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 393369 Hendrick,Carol Anne PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 878707 Hendrick,James Lewis PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 558794 Hendricks,James Bernard PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 787429 Hendrickson,Sher Lynn PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1991‐1995 4128406 Hengen,Keith Brooks PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 1513040 Hengudomsub,Pornpat PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1991‐1995 520401 Henk,Henry Joseph PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 909191 Henkemeyer,Mark Joseph PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 185398 Henkin,Tina Marilyn PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1991‐1995 967217 Hennes,Magda Maher PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1991‐1995 878397 Hennessey,Todd Michael PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1991‐1995 3764705 Henning,Amanda PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1991‐1995 671423 Henningfield,Mary Frances PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1991‐1995 4915973 Henschell,Max PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 979751 Hensel,Linda L. PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 855024 Henson,Cynthia Arlene PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 739593 Henthorn,Paula Sue PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1991‐1995 197792 Henzl,Michael Thomas PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1991‐1995 356453 Heo,Jongyun PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1991‐1995 104657 Her,Lu‐Shiun PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1991‐1995 1602100 Herbst,Allen Jeffrey PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 137011 Herbst,Gary Neal PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1991‐1995 4280839 Heredia,Athena Yvonne PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 4140896 Heredia,John Gabriel PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 770940 Herian,Anne Mary PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1991‐1995 493325 Hering,Gordon Edward PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 408504 Herman,James Robert PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 709190 Herman,Mary Ann PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1991‐1995 643041 Hermes,Jeffrey Donald PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1991‐1995 4279916 Hernandez,Gianna PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1991‐1995 4683406 Hernandez,Jonathan Jaseth PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 4579531 Hernandez,Larry PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 4280239 Hernandez,Patric James PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1991‐1995 748643 Hernandez,Pepe James PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1991‐1995 4884692 Hernandez,Reinier PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 3977281 Herrera Galindo,Victor Mauricio PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 4374154 Herriges,John PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1991‐1995 1522803 Herring,Christopher David PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1991‐1995 604240 Herringa,Ryan PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1991‐1995 3092747 Herr‐Turoff,Andrea PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1991‐1995 3617904 Herschleb,Jill Lynden PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1991‐1995 920610 Hertz,Cheryl Jean PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1991‐1995 184405 Hertz,Gerald Zachary PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1991‐1995 224996 Herzberg,Ian Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 976896 Hesketh,Linda J. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1991‐1995 4739034 Hess,Christi Lynn PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 137272 Hess,Robert Alan PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1991‐1995 3312285 Hesselson,Daniel PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1991‐1995 503341 Hesselson,Stephanie Erin PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 129285 Heuberger,Roschelle Adele PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1991‐1995 1364248 Heungens,Kurt PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 441963 Heuven,Henri PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1991‐1995 1012370 Heye,Christian PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1991‐1995 3962546 Heying,Emily PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1991‐1995 920615 Heyne,Linda Kay PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1991‐1995 109439 Hichwa,Richard Daniel PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1991‐1995 4743271 Hickman,Caleb Roy PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1991‐1995 320417 Hickman,Jason Wade PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1991‐1995 637312 Hidayat,Purnama PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1991‐1995 794445 Hidayat,Sri Hendrastuti PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 404954 Higby,Gregory PHD 513P History of Pharmacy PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1991‐1995 1563721 Higgin,Michelle Soltero PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1991‐1995 1055748 Higgy,Nadia Ahmad PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1991‐1995 265058 Hildebrandt,Ellen F. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1991‐1995 964396 Hildebrandt,Leslie Anne PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1991‐1995 620851 Hildeman,David Allen PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1991‐1995 1007625 Hill,Craig Stevens PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1991‐1995 972137 Hill,Kevin Kai PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 3956417 Hill,Lindsay Marie PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1991‐1995 3224632 Hill,Patrick PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 3505712 Hilleary,Richard PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1991‐1995 3603584 Hillhouse,Heidi Lynn PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1991‐1995 4574615 Hillmer,Ansel PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1991‐1995 830557 Hillsman,Kenneth J. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1991‐1995 3019232 Hillstrom,Michael Lee PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1991‐1995 1033585 Hillyer,Julian Federico PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1991‐1995 996949 Himelblau,Edward Todd PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1991‐1995 980317 Hinck,Andrew Peterson PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1991‐1995 362862 Hinck,Cynthia S. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1991‐1995 925263 Hinckley,Christopher Andrew William PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 3010981 Hinckley,Glen T. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1991‐1995 1606746 Hinderer,Ralf PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 378614 Hinderliter,Daniel G. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1991‐1995 930044 Hine,R Jean PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1991‐1995 3793875 Hines,Elizabeth PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1991‐1995 170867 Hines,Michelle Denise PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1991‐1995 994077 Hinshelwood,Margaret Mary PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1991‐1995 443796 Hinton,Pamela Sue PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1991‐1995 920509 Hintz,Rodney W. PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1991‐1995 1069206 Hioe,Catarina Effendi PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1991‐1995 679226 Hipp,Andrew Laurence PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1991‐1995 3206861 Hirsch,Cory Daniel PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1991‐1995 192860 Hirsch,Judith Ann PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1991‐1995 186425 Hirsch,Rebecca Eileen PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1991‐1995 534671 Hirsch,Regina Marie PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1991‐1995 214485 Hirvonen,Christine Ann PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1991‐1995 3310934 Hittinger,Chris Todd PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 403916 Hix,David Matthew PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1991‐1995 102446 Ho,Anthony Kwok‐Wah PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1991‐1995 4257097 Ho,Elisha PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1991‐1995 963397 Ho,Shu‐Peng PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1991‐1995 3008924 Hoang,Khanh Cong PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1991‐1995 4706010 Hoang,Trish PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1991‐1995 3108542 Hobbs,Michael D. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1991‐1995 3541894 Hobson,Maritza Anita PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 492324 Hoch,William Andrew PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 201480 Hochmuth II,George Joseph PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1991‐1995 4523539 Hochstatter,Karli PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1991‐1995 296414 Hochstrasser,Martin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 745351 Hockerman,Gregory Howard PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 1080005 Hodge,Megan Mary PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 872019 Hodnett,Dean William PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 872019 Hodnett,Dean William PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 411821 Hoebeke,Roberta Elizabeth PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1991‐1995 894579 Hoeft,Theresa Jeanette PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 4722063 Hoel,Erik PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1991‐1995 5156748 Hoelper,Dominik PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1991‐1995 3983330 Hoepner,Jerry K PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 1006158 Hoffman,George Davis PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1991‐1995 945491 Hoffman,Mark Andrew PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1991‐1995 3775707 Hoffman,Matthew PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1991‐1995 280418 Hoffman,Michael Allan PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1991‐1995 1600660 Hoffman,Michael Shamaine PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1991‐1995 981126 Hoffman,William Henry PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1991‐1995 3174431 Hoffmann,Brian Robert PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1991‐1995 129006 Hoffmann,James Paul PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1991‐1995 3049427 Hofsteen,Peter Jacobs PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 3484208 Hogan,Clifford Scott PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 842230 Hogan,Laura Helen PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1991‐1995 3629907 Hoggard,Timothy Albert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 968498 Hogge,Gary Scott PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 878119 Hogle,James Martin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1991‐1995 410492 Hogman,Walter John PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1970‐71 06/14/71 1991‐1995 734287 Holberg,Paul Arthur PHD 760P Pharmacy Administration PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1991‐1995 885968 Holbrook,Jill Anne PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1991‐1995 1578165 Holden,Jessica Helene PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1991‐1995 260929 Holland,Gina Dawn PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1991‐1995 1014670 Hollander,John Michael PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 819605 Hollenhorst,Peter Celestine PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1991‐1995 3483860 Holmes,James Hartman PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1991‐1995 779534 Holmes,Mark Albert PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 3358324 Holmes,Shannon Mary PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1991‐1995 1007916 Holmes,Timothy William PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1991‐1995 358059 Holt,Jonathan Francis PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1991‐1995 682553 Holub,Eric B. PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 553542 Holy,Jon Michael PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 1053133 Homan,Elisabeth Jane PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1991‐1995 207437 Homer,Mary J. PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 410849 Hondred,David PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1991‐1995 1063091 Hong,Byong Ju PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1991‐1995 1161631 Hong,Chang Sook PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 1583249 Hong,Jiang PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1991‐1995 3000822 Hong,Seung Cheon PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 1388475 Hongpattarakere,Tipparat PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1991‐1995 414790 Hoogstraten,Charles Garrett PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 3086603 Hook,Brad A. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1991‐1995 582550 Hook,Mary Lynn PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1991‐1995 4719124 Hooper,Christopher PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 3453101 Hoover,Spencer Whitman PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 184680 Hoover,Timothy Randall PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1991‐1995 4690163 Hope,Chelsea PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1991‐1995 758885 Horejsh,Douglas Robert PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1991‐1995 885862 Horejsi,Thomas Francis PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1991‐1995 998470 Horn,Glenn Thomas PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1991‐1995 3990626 Horn,Heidi PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1991‐1995 208192 Horner,Mary Ruth PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1991‐1995 4579196 Horng,Debra PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 865860 Horns,William PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1991‐1995 753164 Hornung,Michael William PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1991‐1995 136440 Horowitz,Jonathan Michael PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1991‐1995 570445 Horswill,Alexander Robert PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1991‐1995 2996990 Horton‐Ikard,Ramonda PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1991‐1995 1067644 Hosny,Ehab Ahmed PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1991‐1995 4431579 Hosseinbor,Ameer PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1991‐1995 120405 Hotchkiss,Jay Robert PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 1157272 Hou,Fang‐Yao PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 1137554 Hou,Qunfang PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1991‐1995 3321388 Hou,Zhonggang PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1991‐1995 909097 Houchins,Jeffrey P. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1991‐1995 872161 Houglum,Joel Edgar PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1991‐1995 255143 Houser,Jeffrey Neil PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1991‐1995 183001 Houtman,Jacqueline Jaeger PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1991‐1995 881433 Houtman,Jon Christopher PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1991‐1995 3056422 Hovius,Marilyn Helen Yvonne PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1991‐1995 1578545 Howard,Kenneth James PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 309930 Howard,Steven Paul PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1991‐1995 878274 Howe,Robert William PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1991‐1995 4893516 Howell,Porsha PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 4744409 Hoy,Andrew Robert PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 412165 Hozak,Rebecca Rose PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 192558 Hrabak,Estelle Marie PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1991‐1995 1320749 Hrafnsdottir,Sigrun PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1991‐1995 4550306 Hryckowian,Andrew PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1991‐1995 1145277 Hseu,Jiing‐Shyang PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 1149382 Hsiao,Kuang‐Ming PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1991‐1995 1352376 Hsiao,Pei‐Wen PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1991‐1995 944584 Hsieh,Jean‐Horng PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1991‐1995 1079897 Hsieh,Jer‐Tsong PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1991‐1995 1090246 Hsieh,Kwei‐Perng PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1991‐1995 923954 Hsieh,Yichuan Grace PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1991‐1995 1091560 Hsu,Kuo‐Hui PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1991‐1995 1099727 Hsu,Lih‐Ching PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1991‐1995 235523 Hsu,Shyue‐Fang PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1991‐1995 3971182 Hsueh,Kuang‐Lung PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1991‐1995 3334208 Hsueh,Yi‐Huang PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1991‐1995 209967 Htun,Han PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1991‐1995 1003329 Hu,James Chi‐Min PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1991‐1995 1199158 Hu,Ming‐Kuan PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 1014531 Hu,Shiu‐Lok PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1991‐1995 4277303 Hu,Xindao PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1991‐1995 4588528 Hu,Yaodong PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 1097256 Hu,Zhiliang PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1991‐1995 830484 Hua,Zhong‐Qiang PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1991‐1995 1056181 Huang,Alvin S. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1991‐1995 5156453 Huang,Chengbin PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1991‐1995 973682 Huang,Chia‐Sheng PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 1210176 Huang,Chin‐Cheng PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1991‐1995 3971876 Huang,Hao‐Shun PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1991‐1995 1177881 Huang,Hua PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1991‐1995 3625529 Huang,Jun PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1991‐1995 1114510 Huang,Li‐Chun PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1991‐1995 4580037 Huang,Mingwei PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1991‐1995 1447510 Huang,Peggy P.C. PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1991‐1995 828069 Huang,Qi PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1991‐1995 1014335 Huang,Shyh‐Min PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1991‐1995 5005273 Huang,Ting‐ni PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1991‐1995 293741 Huang,Tony Tung PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1991‐1995 4272673 Huang,Tzu‐ling PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1991‐1995 3328008 Huang,Tzu‐Pi PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1996‐2000 3969047 Huang,Wen PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 1076044 Huang,Yong PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1996‐2000 3369651 Huang,Yong PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1996‐2000 1278430 Huang,Yue‐Wern PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 1136726 Huang,Zhengyu PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1996‐2000 708561 Hubbard,Steven Scott PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 280234 Huber,Mary Therese PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1996‐2000 3203763 Hubert,Amy Marie PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1996‐2000 853109 Hubert,Walter G. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1996‐2000 1026060 Hubler,Laura PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 268350 Hudelson,Brian PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1996‐2000 979486 Hudson,Angela Sebring PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1996‐2000 3568044 Huebert Lima,Dana Jean PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 367666 Huebner,Robin Elizabeth PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1996‐2000 504961 Huebner,Shane PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1996‐2000 4590462 Huerta,Alejandra PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1996‐2000 711801 Huerta,Michael Francis PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 252376 Huffman,Gary Allen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 103010 Hufnagle,Wendy O'Brien PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 1568687 Hughes,Teresa Jean PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1996‐2000 3569153 Hui,Enfu PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1996‐2000 717245 Hui,Ho‐Wah PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1996‐2000 96542 Hui,Julia Ying PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1996‐2000 903081 Hullett,Debra A. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1996‐2000 4172805 Hullinger,Rikki PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1996‐2000 3609453 Hulseberg,Paul Douglas PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1996‐2000 3565617 Hume,Adam Joseph PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1996‐2000 3427764 Humston,Jill Louise PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 724016 Hundertmark,Brian Thomas PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 3018825 Hundley,Heather Ann PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1996‐2000 3214602 Hung,Holly PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 228009 Hung,Kai PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1996‐2000 3618846 Hung,Shih‐Ying PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 264166 Hunker,Chauncey Joseph PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1996‐2000 3975324 Hunley,Julie Helene PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 5137032 Hunter,Steve PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1996‐2000 4278212 Hupalo,Sofiya PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 269089 Hurd,Christine R. PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1996‐2000 670791 Hurkman,Margaret M. PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1996‐2000 609273 Hurley,Carolyn Katovich PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1996‐2000 4707854 Hurley,Katherine PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 3640337 Hurley,Samuel Anthony PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 340461 Hurley,Sarah Shapiro PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 4274821 Huseth,Anders Schmidt PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 937012 Huss,Janice Marie PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1996‐2000 408349 Hustedde,Carol Goldschmidt PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1996‐2000 1015977 Hutcheon,James Michael PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1996‐2000 1622724 Hutchins,Bruce Ian PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1996‐2000 393489 Hutchins,Gary Dwight PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1996‐2000 3771210 Hutchinson,Elizabeth Brooke PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1996‐2000 3361169 Hutchinson,John A PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1996‐2000 972371 Hutchison,William Dale PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1996‐2000 878018 Huth,Peter Joseph PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1996‐2000 3613888 Huttlin,Edward Leo PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 112855 Huwiler,Kristin Grace PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 5007940 Huynh,Mailee PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1996‐2000 1248788 Hwang,Der‐Chyan PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1996‐2000 1079832 Hwang,In Young PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1996‐2000 3771976 Hwang,Jiwon PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1996‐2000 3007871 Hwang,Monica JeongSun PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 1201847 Hwang,Shaw‐Yhi PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1996‐2000 90568 Hyde,Ricia Katherine PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 494945 Hygnstrom,Scott Edward PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 494945 Hygnstrom,Scott Edward PHD 995A Zoology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 423610 Hyland,Susan Jane PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1996‐2000 3030299 Hynes,Brittney Dawn PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 606519 Hyslop,Douglas Blair PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1996‐2000 1056028 Hyun,Hyung Hwan PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1996‐2000 4704209 Hyun,Megan PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1996‐2000 652748 Ibach,Rebecca Ehlinger PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 1052884 Ibe,Sylvester Nzebunwa PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 1052884 Ibe,Sylvester Nzebunwa PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 5026933 Ibrahim,Abdalla Zanouny PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 273657 Icenogle,Joseph Parker PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 836748 Idris,Ismail Bin PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 4250184 Iempridee,Tawin PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1996‐2000 140577 Iezzoni,Amy Frances PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1996‐2000 692289 Ifan,Agber PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 4425672 Ihry,Robert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1996‐2000 3100073 Im,Hogune PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 4559949 Imam,Saheed PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1996‐2000 551170 Ince,Peter James PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1996‐2000 224354 Ingram,Carrie Denise PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1996‐2000 1599078 Iniguez Luy,Federico Luis PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 1413957 Iniguez Rojas,Volga Ana PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 3106010 Iniguez,Anibal Leonardo PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1996‐2000 1587434 Inman,Kimberly Elaine PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 253546 Insaf,Shabana S. PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 414157 Insana,Michael F. PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1996‐2000 1564289 Insinga,Ralph Peter PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1996‐2000 235760 Inverso,Jill Ann PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1996‐2000 157055 Ip,Wingfat Raymond PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 303078 Ipek,Ahmet PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 1460561 Ipek,Meryem PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1996‐2000 1156695 Iragavarapu,Tammiraj Kumar PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1996‐2000 701051 Irvin,Charles Gerard PHD 792L Physiology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1996‐2000 3207894 Irving,Amy PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1996‐2000 3204001 Irving,Roy Moshe PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1996‐2000 1053028 Irwin,John Alan Gibson PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 510246 Irwin,Patrick Michael PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 3541871 Isaacson,Marisa Kay PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 265544 Isenbarger,Thomas Anthony PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 1012154 Ismail,Rohaizah PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 232405 Issos,James Nestor PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1996‐2000 4411678 Ivancic,Melanie Mae PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1996‐2000 230379 Ivey,Robert Grover PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1996‐2000 1052383 Iwanaga,Masaru PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1996‐2000 1095572 Iwasaki,Kouichi PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 203239 Iype,Lisa Elizabeth PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1996‐2000 3192817 Jabaily,Rachel Schmidt PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1996‐2000 3568092 Jabbar,Sean Farhad PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1996‐2000 239338 Jackson Jr,William Lorenzo PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1996‐2000 141352 Jackson,Lauren Stacey PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1996‐2000 555872 Jackson,Mark William PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 4131899 Jackson,Michelle Marie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 837577 Jackson,Russhawn Noel PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1996‐2000 380535 Jackson,Scott Allen PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1996‐2000 4161766 Jackson,Shawn PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1996‐2000 4717445 Jacobs,Brittany PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 3466081 Jacobs,Jonathan Michael PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 370248 Jacobson,Arnold Fred PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1996‐2000 3460226 Jacqmin,Dustin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 736269 Jacques,Noralyn Davel PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 861541 Jacques‐Fricke,Bridget Therese PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 467800 Jadack,Rosemary Agnes PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1996‐2000 3616111 Jaeger,Michele Ann PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 195412 Jafari,Farhad PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 636319 Jahn,Courtney Elaine PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 4918997 Jain,Sachin PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 938356 Jain,Sanjeev PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1996‐2000 1003801 Jain,Sarita Kumari PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 658793 Jakel,Rebekah J. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 3632323 Jakubowski,Andrew Robert PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 1050315 Jalal,Ibrahim Mohammad PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1996‐2000 4898139 Jallow,Fatou PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1996‐2000 4274604 Jallow,Ngoneh PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 4836830 Jamali,Nasim PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 1102678 Jambulingam,Thanigavelan PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1996‐2000 203006 Janc,James William PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1996‐2000 4698616 Jancewicz,Amy PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1996‐2000 1445895 Jane‐Valbuena,Judit PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 364652 Jang,Eun‐Hyun PHD 744P Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1996‐2000 3614384 Jang,Sung‐Wook PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 3331340 Jankowski,Mark David PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1996‐2000 724867 Jansen,Aaron Paul PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1996‐2000 814515 Jansen,Debra Ann PHD 712N Nursing PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 527733 Jansky,Shelley PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 285265 Janssen,Patrick Linn PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 4299205 Jany,Paige Lambert PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 3133192 Jarecki,Jessica Lynn PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1996‐2000 224982 Jarnagin,Kurt Randall PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 289525 Jarzembowski,Jason Anthony PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 89251 Jasalavich,Claudia Ann PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 1575726 Jasenosky,Luke David PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1996‐2000 640195 Jasensky,Ronald Dean PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1996‐2000 3118481 Jasuja,Reema PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 3323075 Jauregui,Andrew R. PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 4933182 Jayanthy,Ashika‐Sita PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1996‐2000 4123332 Jayaraman,Dhileepkumar PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1996‐2000 1401890 Jeng,Jing‐Yi PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1996‐2000 925593 Jeng,Meei‐Huey PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1996‐2000 303601 Jenik,Robert Al PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1996‐2000 227788 Jenkins,Glenn Harold PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 957362 Jensen,Abigail Mary PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1996‐2000 949869 Jensen,Bruce R. PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 978112 Jensen,Debra Bridges PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1996‐2000 4604852 Jensen,Jeffrey PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1996‐2000 797268 Jensen,John Ove PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1996‐2000 337019 Jensen,Penny Jo Ann PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1996‐2000 1152014 Jeon,Saewha PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1996‐2000 3968770 Jeong,John PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 3033523 Jeong,Kwang Cheol PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 820522 Jerde,Travis Jason PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1996‐2000 830931 Jerkins,Ann Alease PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1996‐2000 293627 Jeschke,Mark Richard PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 4183330 Jessen,Erik D PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1996‐2000 1585490 Jette,Karen Kostick PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1996‐2000 4551761 Jette,Marie PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1996‐2000 1005038 Jewell,Jean Everett PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1996‐2000 4403290 Jewell,Kelsea Anne PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 5026785 Jewett,Patricia PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 4874961 Ji,Chen PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 3544236 Ji,Yan PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 4596423 Jia,Chenxi PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1996‐2000 1195819 Jiang,Haiyan PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 4878996 Jiang,Shan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1996‐2000 1115126 Jiang,Shun‐Yuan PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1996‐2000 4266766 Jiang,Xiaoyue PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 4121398 Jiang,Yizhou PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 919155 Jilk,Ross Alan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 1102680 Jimenez Ambriz,Sergio PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 4929231 Jimenez Bluhm,Pedro PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 5165158 Jimenez,Jorge PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 1054723 Jin,Ding Jun PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1996‐2000 1097991 Jin,Hua‐Ming PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1996‐2000 4895703 Jin,Jiayang PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1996‐2000 1581210 Jin,Yong‐Su PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1996‐2000 4942216 Jiwlawat,Saowanee PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1996‐2000 1406846 Jo,Sung‐Ro PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 4872764 Jobe,Emily PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 4418134 Jobe,Sheikh Omar PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 3004285 Joers,Valerie PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 3759284 Johannessen,Molly Ann PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1996‐2000 1195820 Johansen,Inger Bjorg T PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1996‐2000 3566353 Johns,Lisa PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 230443 Johnsen,Peter Berghsey PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1996‐2000 4187218 Johnson,Aaron Matthew PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 3877121 Johnson,Adam PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 236928 Johnson,Barbara Alice PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1996‐2000 703063 Johnson,Barbara J B PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1996‐2000 353968 Johnson,Barry Leigh PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1996‐2000 106647 Johnson,Brett Michael PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1996‐2000 4263435 Johnson,Brian PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1996‐2000 2989850 Johnson,Britt Aubrey PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 105965 Johnson,Bruce Randall PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1996‐2000 882030 Johnson,Chad Jeffery PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1996‐2000 821759 Johnson,Christopher James PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 226494 Johnson,Dawn Michelle PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1996‐2000 655460 Johnson,Delinda PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1996‐2000 457207 Johnson,Donald Allen PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1996‐2000 459243 Johnson,Elizabeth Judith PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1996‐2000 449594 Johnson,Heidi J PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1996‐2000 3383181 Johnson,James PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 4436346 Johnson,James Michael PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 459242 Johnson,Janice Marie PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1996‐2000 892512 Johnson,Jeffrey PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1996‐2000 934787 Johnson,Jennifer Lynn PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1996‐2000 934787 Johnson,Jennifer Lynn PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1996‐2000 722476 Johnson,Jeremy James PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1996‐2000 5150296 Johnson,Jillian Kailey PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1996‐2000 257415 Johnson,Kathy PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1996‐2000 3427463 Johnson,Kevin Michael PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 4707520 Johnson,Kimberly PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 948511 Johnson,Kirby Dean PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1996‐2000 220317 Johnson,Laura Ellen PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1996‐2000 607747 Johnson,Lynn Peter PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1996‐2000 303610 Johnson,Mark David PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 303610 Johnson,Mark David PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 930521 Johnson,Mary Ann PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1996‐2000 953115 Johnson,Michael PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1996‐2000 3220305 Johnson,Michael Austin PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 4148036 Johnson,Nathan Barrette PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1996‐2000 981667 Johnson,Paul Joseph PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1996‐2000 3324155 Johnson,Pieter Thomas Jefferson PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 3444725 Johnson,Randal Jeremy PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 255002 Johnson,Rebecca PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1996‐2000 210869 Johnson,Reid Colt PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1996‐2000 3975719 Johnson,Sarah Elizabeth PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 133398 Johnson,Scott Christopher PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 4833566 Johnson,Sophia Loren PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 284699 Johnson,Steven Kirk PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1996‐2000 513401 Johnson,Timothy Bruce PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1996‐2000 1116721 Johnson,Timothy Robert PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1996‐2000 802019 Johnson,William Daniel PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1996‐2000 856752 Johnson,William Joseph PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1996‐2000 3920881 Johnston,Sean PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1996‐2000 423183 Johnston,Stephen Albert PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1996‐2000 423183 Johnston,Stephen Albert PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1996‐2000 943446 Johnston,Stephen Douglas PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1996‐2000 1565888 Johnstone,Patti Michele PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 417574 Jolie,Rika Ann Victoire PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 3611743 Jonas,Mary Cabell PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 452057 Jondle,Douglas John PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1996‐2000 1026166 Jones Carson,Jessica Lynne PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 740308 Jones,Beth Ann PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1996‐2000 3731311 Jones,Corinne PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 4999193 Jones,Elaina PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 3609468 Jones,Erin Anglesea PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 290440 Jones,Frank Andrew PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 820321 Jones,Gary Leroy PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1996‐2000 4179234 Jones,Gavin PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1996‐2000 4693005 Jones,Jeffrey PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 245423 Jones,Jeffrey Michael PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 3615586 Jones,Jeremy Clinton PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 830761 Jones,John Mitchell PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 668498 Jones,Josette Francine PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 872268 Jones,Maura Alison PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1996‐2000 835007 Jones,Ralph Christian PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1996‐2000 227665 Jones,Rufus PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1996‐2000 3114404 Jones,Stephany Gail PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 89743 Jones,Stephen Hickson PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1996‐2000 186645 Jordan,Emily Theresa PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1996‐2000 143515 Jordan,Grant Leroy PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1996‐2000 335050 Jorgensen,Richard Alan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1996‐2000 3570925 Jorgenson,Tonia Christine PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 418479 Josaitis,Cathleen Ann PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1996‐2000 3959848 Jose,Gilbert Gonzalgo PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 1052608 Joseph,Jeymohan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 156507 Josephson,David Brian PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 228115 Joy,Rebecca Elizabeth PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1996‐2000 429841 Jozwiakowski,Michael John PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 1121583 Juang,Jyh‐Lyh PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 444107 Juckem,Laura PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 129100 Judelson,Howard Seth PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1996‐2000 740079 Judziewicz,Emmet Joseph PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1996‐2000 4128217 Junell,Stephanie Lin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 5022573 Jung,Daniel PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1996‐2000 4993981 Jung,Oisun PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 1996‐2000 245605 Jung,Robin Elizabeth PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1996‐2000 1161645 Jung,Woo‐Suk PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 837654 Junkins,Alan Dean PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1996‐2000 3059558 Jurkowski,Grace Isabel PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1996‐2000 4291445 Jusoh,Mashitah PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 1585498 Just,Brian James PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 3016043 Kabachinski,Gregory Lee PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 109533 Kabakoff,Bruce David PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1996‐2000 1391360 Kabera,Isaac PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1996‐2000 851027 Kadash,Kristine PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1996‐2000 521928 Kadous,Atef Abdel‐Rahman PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1996‐2000 180595 Kagan,Sarah Anne PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 1008091 Kaisaki,Pamela Jane PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 321281 Kaiser,Betty Louise PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 387662 Kaiser,Michael William PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1996‐2000 1004057 Kakefuda,Genichi PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1996‐2000 758554 Kalayoglu,Murat V. PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1996‐2000 1050191 Kalender,Willi PHD 855L Radiological Sciences PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1996‐2000 3439644 Kalia,Jeet PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 4687394 Kalil,Audrey Kate PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1996‐2000 389750 Kallunki,Jacquelyn Ann PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1996‐2000 645792 Kaltenberg,Michael Charles PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 4746697 Kamalludin,Mamat H PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1996‐2000 1065142 Kamaly,Kamal Mohamed PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1996‐2000 3774625 Kamarainen,Amy Marie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1996‐2000 184462 Kamicker,Barbara Jean PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 4897856 Kamlangdee,Attapon PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1996‐2000 872020 Kammerlohr,Dale Skiftun PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1996‐2000 955240 Kamwanja,Leonard Andrew PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1996‐2000 844220 Kan,Lu‐Bin PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1996‐2000 3076491 Kandela,Irawati Kartini PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 368128 Kane,Colleen Diane PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 1996‐2000 987431 Kaneko,Kotaro John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1996‐2000 1076501 Kaneko,Yasuko PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 1017355 Kanemoto,Roy Haruo PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1996‐2000 1564747 Kang,Byung‐Ho PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1996‐2000 952934 Kang,Chang Won PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1996‐2000 952934 Kang,Chang Won PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1996‐2000 3788269 Kang,Choung‐Hun PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 119237 Kang,Duck‐Hee PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 1410331 Kang,Hong‐Yo PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1996‐2000 4713110 Kang,Hyunjun PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1996‐2000 3009967 Kang,Kihwa PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1996‐2000 3317793 Kang,Misuk PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 1079402 Kang,Pil Jung PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1996‐2000 1090082 Kang,Seogchan PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1996‐2000 1593102 Kang,Yisheng PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1996‐2000 4251701 Kang,Yoon A PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 1007017 Kang,Young Chan PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 3560446 Kang,Yunsik PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1996‐2000 3322594 Kanin,Elenita Ilieva PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 547521 Kantak,Gail E. PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1996‐2000 131251 Kanter,Evan David PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1996‐2000 1098924 Kao,Chinghai PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1996‐2000 241784 Kao,Shao‐Hui PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1996‐2000 93197 Kapatoes,Jeffrey Michael PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1996‐2000 110471 Kaplin,Beth Ann PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 1156323 Kapur,Ajay PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1996‐2000 989078 Karahadian,Carol PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1996‐2000 4183293 Karasinski,Courtney Maureen PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 223689 Kargas,Steve Eustace Aristomenis PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1996‐2000 3319103 Karimi,Nisa PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1996‐2000 215217 Karkashian,James PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1996‐2000 808760 Karls,Russell Kenneth PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 3345169 Karman,Jozsef PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 611500 Karow,Russell S. PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1996‐2000 4572199 Karta,Maya PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 4266816 Kaschner,Lindsey PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 1580725 Kashian,Daniel Mark PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1996‐2000 1580725 Kashian,Daniel Mark PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1996‐2000 1571104 Kashian,Donna Rebecca PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1996‐2000 237790 Kasner,Jay Paul PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 1590159 Kaspar,Kala Marie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1996‐2000 119096 Kass,Ira Sanford PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 119096 Kass,Ira Sanford PHD 995M Zoology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 1001071 Kassis,Judith Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 1091632 Kastelic,John Patrick PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1996‐2000 3873625 Kathirvel,Priya PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1996‐2000 3073092 Kato,Nobutaka PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1996‐2000 560550 Katovich,Kerry Robert PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 947218 Katsiotis,Andreas PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 258192 Katz,Don PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1996‐2000 258192 Katz,Don PHD 121A Botany PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1996‐2000 236929 Kauffman,Raymond Francis PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1996‐2000 5159253 Kaur,Gulpreet PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1996‐2000 306366 Kavathas,Paula Barbara PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 4568568 Kawakami,Sharolyn PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1996‐2000 1045379 Kawas,Jorge PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1996‐2000 1058244 Kaya,Ismail PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1996‐2000 1015070 Kayes,Terrence Boyd PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1996‐2000 983700 Kaykas,Ajamete PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1996‐2000 329947 Kay‐Raining Bird,Elizabeth Ruth Melisande PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1996‐2000 4710198 Kazula,Maciej PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 95161 Kearsley,Eric Edward PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1996‐2000 4258664 Keating,Julie Ann PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 886264 Keding,Stacy Jo PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1996‐2000 338185 Kehl,Karen PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1996‐2000 946776 Keifer,Joyce Nell PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1996‐2000 3994409 Keil,Kimberly PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 189112 Keim,Nancy Lynn PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 1996‐2000 1051470 Keith,Ingegerd Monica PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 3630718 Keith,Lauren Ashley PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1996‐2000 850561 Kelemen,Bradley Roger PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1996‐2000 908212 Keller,Abiola Oyeyemi PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 1002260 Keller,Evan Todd PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 1307533 Keller,Lukas Felix PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1996‐2000 981230 Keller,Mark Patrick PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1996‐2000 259801 Keller,Mary Larene PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1996‐2000 3031264 Keller,Melissa Rose PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1996‐2000 502051 Kelley,Daniel Joseph PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 426447 Kelling,Christopher Kent PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1996‐2000 596756 Kelly,Matthew PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 3201791 Kelm‐Nelson,Cynthia Ann PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1996‐2000 4563347 Kemis,Julia PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1996‐2000 93487 Kemp,Christopher James PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1996‐2000 3969114 Kenealey,Jason Donald PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 729927 Kenealy,Brian Philip PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 348765 Kenealy,William Robert PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 261816 Kennard,Wayne Charles PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1996‐2000 3092155 Kennedy,Gregory Dean PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1996‐2000 4390641 Kennelty,Korey Alison PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 920616 Kent,Angela Dale PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 978502 Kenworthy,Orville T. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 4707997 Keppler,Brian PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1996‐2000 262674 Kerby,Robert Lee PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 353130 Kercher,Suzanne Marie PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1996‐2000 735012 Kern,Timothy Scott PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 1079648 Kernan,Maurice Joseph PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1996‐2000 3970814 Kershner,Aaron Matthew PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 1563742 Kersteen,Elizabeth Alexander PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1996‐2000 3479084 Kerstein,Patrick PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1996‐2000 709239 Kersten,Philip Jay PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1996‐2000 239350 Kertoy,Marilyn Kay PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1996‐2000 5156963 Kessens,Ryan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1996‐2000 1008499 Kester,Jeffrey John PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 811350 Ketchum,Kevin Lee PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1996‐2000 214642 Keys Jr,David Nilson PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1996‐2000 4872491 Khadempour,Lily PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 4568968 Khadria,Ambalika PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1996‐2000 248776 Khalid,Noraini Mohd. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1996‐2000 1064820 Khalifa,Khamis Ibrahim PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1996‐2000 4868345 Khan,MIKE PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1996‐2000 1165144 Khan,Muhammad Sajjad PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 5159163 Khan,Nadia PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1996‐2000 5099067 Khanal,Som PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 1498178 Khodthong,Chuenchanok PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 1078564 Khossravi,Davar PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1996‐2000 3037837 Kibbe,Carly Renee PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1996‐2000 101819 Kiberstis,Paula Ann PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1996‐2000 3017524 Kidd,Ambrose Raiford PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1996‐2000 298388 Kidwell,Kimberlee Kae PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1996‐2000 231413 Kiekhaefer,Carol Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 93901 Kiely,Laurence Joseph PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1996‐2000 5301228 Kiernan,Elizabeth PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1996‐2000 3615353 Kiessel,Lee Mathew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 4581612 Kigar,Stacey PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1996‐2000 1334490 Kilic,Birol PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1996‐2000 1044302 Kilic,Meral PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1996‐2000 3603868 Killoran,Michael Paul PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 3351420 Killpack,Tess Louise PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 1000258 Kilpatrick,Auston Marmaduke PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1996‐2000 902493 Kim,Aekyong PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 1199652 Kim,Byong Wan PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1996‐2000 3978923 Kim,Byounghoon PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 4414814 Kim,Eui Ho PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 1484504 Kim,Eui‐Soo PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 227583 Kim,Eunjung PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1996‐2000 3323111 Kim,Eunsoo PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 979057 Kim,Hoon PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1996‐2000 1068969 Kim,Hwa Yeong PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1996‐2000 184618 Kim,Hyang‐Hee PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1996‐2000 3774586 Kim,Hye Sook PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1996‐2000 4260993 Kim,Hyunjung PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 3100131 Kim,Hyun‐Jung PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 3464956 Kim,Il Hwan PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1996‐2000 1069750 Kim,Jae Cherl PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1996‐2000 4255956 Kim,Jaehyup PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1996‐2000 1216521 Kim,Jae‐Sung PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1996‐2000 1274189 Kim,Jeong Ho PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1996‐2000 1090315 Kim,Jeongmin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 3964921 Kim,Jin Hae PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 3646922 Kim,Jin Hyun PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1996‐2000 1154792 Kim,Jin‐Seok PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1996‐2000 1187025 Kim,Jin‐Soo PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 1490316 Kim,Jonghwa PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 1996‐2000 1079906 Kim,Jong‐Il PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1996‐2000 3328494 Kim,Joonyup PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 1078570 Kim,Jung Hee PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1996‐2000 267412 Kim,Junghoon PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 353828 Kim,Ki Tai PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1996‐2000 605418 Kim,Kwanghee PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1996‐2000 3541745 Kim,Kyung Won PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1996‐2000 3966223 Kim,Kyunghee PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 580522 Kim,Manok PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1996‐2000 474475 Kim,Mi Sun PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 1996‐2000 3600792 Kim,Min‐Sik PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1996‐2000 1205063 Kim,Moon‐Ju PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 1116181 Kim,Nam Deuk PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 1996‐2000 1153524 Kim,Seon‐Kyeong PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1996‐2000 3621938 Kim,Shin‐Il PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 1057970 Kim,Sun Chang PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1996‐2000 1319939 Kim,Sun Young PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1996‐2000 3321854 Kim,Sungtae PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 3967954 Kim,Taehee PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 4266334 Kim,Taejin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1996‐2000 4146651 Kim,TaeWon PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1996‐2000 843669 Kim,Teoan PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1996‐2000 3333260 Kim,Wonkee PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1996‐2000 574945 Kim,Yong Nyun PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1996‐2000 3105810 Kim,Young Chul PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 3623426 Kim,Yunjung PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 1241276 Kim,Yun‐Sik PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 1996‐2000 3608913 Kim,Yusung PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 1055930 Kimani,Paul Chris Macharia PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1996‐2000 1251047 Kimbeng,Collins Anye PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 1017940 Kimberly,Elizabeth Laxson PHD 147L Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1996‐2000 1005242 Kimelman,Mikael Dan Zvi PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1996‐2000 158804 Kimmerer,Robin Wall PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1996‐2000 208171 Kimmerer,Thomas W. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1996‐2000 208171 Kimmerer,Thomas W. PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1996‐2000 379629 Kim‐Miller,Mindy Jung PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 4121528 Kincaid,Virginia PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1996‐2000 432128 Kind,Amy Jo Haavisto PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1996‐2000 885885 Kindberg,Carl Gordon PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 1996‐2000 244015 King III,Harold Theodore PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1996‐2000 3648664 King,Amanda PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 745860 King,Barbara PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 517895 King,David Alan PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1996‐2000 112046 King,Joseph John PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1996‐2000 438785 King,Ryan Scott PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 4593557 King,Suzanne PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1996‐2000 112991 King,Thomas Raymond PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1996‐2000 897926 Kinkel,Linda Lee PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1996‐2000 262449 Kinney,Karl Kevin PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 1018303 Kinoshita,Carol Mitsuko PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 490230 Kintner,Christopher Robert PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 978803 Kintner,Randall Lynn PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1996‐2000 3012994 Kinzler,Eric Richard PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 3224677 Kirby,Becky PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 875037 Kirchmaier,Ann Louise PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1996‐2000 922544 Kirkpatrick,Brian Wayne PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1996‐2000 1401350 Kirmizis,Antonis PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1996‐2000 4883026 Kirui,James PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1996‐2000 3986129 Kisa,Fikrullah PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1996‐2000 335915 Kisseberth,William Charles PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 4251726 Kita,Angela PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 574973 Kitabwalla,Moiz Mustafa PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 1217404 Kito,Seiji PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1996‐2000 3968121 Kittipadakul,Piya PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1996‐2000 141186 Kladde,Michael Paul PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1996‐2000 3769981 Klaers,Jessica Leigh PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 1996‐2000 257390 Klee,Thomas Michael PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 263323 Kleeman,James Michael PHD 415P Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 392242 Kleene,Steven James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1996‐2000 235662 Klein,Janet Adele PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 402525 Klein,Ronald Don PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 375408 Klein,Sandra Marie PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 3567460 Kleinbeck,Kyle Robert PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1996‐2000 236670 Kleinhenz,Matthew David PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1996‐2000 766164 Kleinsek,Don Alan PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1996‐2000 770768 Kleman‐Leyer,Karen Marie PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1996‐2000 930945 Kleppe,Craig D. PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1996‐2000 274995 Klepzig,Kier Dean PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1996‐2000 274995 Klepzig,Kier Dean PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1996‐2000 3616881 Klim,Joseph Robert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 1996‐2000 190323 Klinedinst,Donna Kay PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 1996‐2000 2994789 Klingele,Audrey Jean PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 868606 Klingelhutz,Aloysius John PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1996‐2000 555844 Klink,Tony Anthony PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1996‐2000 3601125 Klocko,Andrew David PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 1996‐2000 718852 Kloeppel,Brian Donald PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1996‐2000 151279 Klopfer,Eric David PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1996‐2000 407332 Klug,Jennifer Lynn PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 1588610 Klyachko,Vitaliy A PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 354781 Klyczek,Karen Kay PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 2995243 Knauss,Daniel Jedediah PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1996‐2000 139356 Knecht,David Allen PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1996‐2000 235696 Knerr,Larry Dale PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 1996‐2000 3959042 Knickelbine,Jennifer PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 930097 Knight,Richard Lee PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1996‐2000 930097 Knight,Richard Lee PHD 995A Zoology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1996‐2000 106682 Knight,Susan Elizabeth PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1996‐2000 609678 Knight,Susan Kay PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 609678 Knight,Susan Kay PHD 995A Zoology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 516917 Knobeloch,Lynda Marie Peterson PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1996‐2000 955878 Knoche,Kimberly K. PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1996‐2000 4186923 Knowles,Douglas Benjamin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 5005927 Knox,Benjamin PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 410615 Knuth,Mark Warren PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 824290 Knutson,Danielle Crystal PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 3760760 Ko,Changhong PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 5181393 Ko,Dami PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 1316239 Ko,Jinkyung PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 1371958 Ko,Ki‐Narm PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2003 08/24/03 1996‐2000 290289 Kobriger,Janice Marie PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 290289 Kobriger,Janice Marie PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 736534 Kobriger,Kim Michael PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 1996‐2000 684402 Kobulnicky,Carol J. PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 3207451 Koch,Paul PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 3088189 Koch,Thomas Charles PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1996‐2000 112748 Kochanski,Rex Stanley PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 306215 Koczan,Jerome Frank PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 1996‐2000 433103 Koehler,Shannon Michelle PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1996‐2000 348980 Koehn,Frank Erich PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 490720 Koenig,John Patrick PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 3992413 Koenig,Ryan Thomas PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 3944502 Koenigsknecht,Mark Joseph PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 3649029 Koenings,Mallory Marie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 394438 Koeppe,Mary Kolean PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 941211 Koeppe,Robert Allen PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1996‐2000 420565 Koeppen,Mathias PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1996‐2000 769454 Koepsel,Richard Robert PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1996‐2000 500289 Kofler Jr.,James Matthew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1996‐2000 3613997 Koh,Junseock PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 3392201 Koh,Yiling Yvonne PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 2988136 Kohler,Petra Louise PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 440303 Kohlhepp,Rebecca Lynn PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 1059270 Kokan,Nighat Parveen PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1996‐2000 4606328 Koller,Teresa PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 1126259 Kollmar,Richard Julius E PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 166002 Kolmes,Steven Albert PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1996‐2000 4136807 Kolodkin,Mira Hanna PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1996‐2000 185983 Kolterman,Duane August PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1996‐2000 612545 Komro,Cynthia Thelma PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1996‐2000 930558 Kondora,Lori Leigh PHD 712N Nursing PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 3588870 Koning,Aaron PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 4884424 Koning,Stephanie PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 3067288 Konop,Christopher PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 3099788 Konopka,Catherine Anne PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 180651 Konopka,John Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 525164 Kontny,Mark James PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1996‐2000 874985 Koob,Michael Duane PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1996‐2000 239323 Kooistra,Linda Hacker PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1996‐2000 3569916 Koopman,Margaret Mae PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 3441744 Kopek,Benjamin George PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 3651897 Kopina,Brett PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 194851 Koppenol,Sandy PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 394753 Kopper,Brian Joseph PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1996‐2000 4697367 Korkmaz,Nihal PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 427388 Kornacki,Jeffrey Lee PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1996‐2000 1578402 Koropatkin,Nicole Marie PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 494563 Korosec,Frank Richard PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 3459185 Korpi‐Steiner,Nichole LaRhette PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 4628212 Korponay,Cole PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1996‐2000 1049895 Korycka‐Dahl,Malgorzata PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1996‐2000 196561 Kotch,George Paul PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 675862 Kotcon,James Bernard PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1996‐2000 4244195 Koth,Megan Lynne PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1996‐2000 225668 Kothari,Rohit Chunilal PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1996‐2000 407030 Kotila,Paul Myron PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1996‐2000 1076128 Kovalic,David Karel PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1996‐2000 991746 Kovats,Susan Elaine PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1996‐2000 4939519 Kovner,Rothem PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1996‐2000 196875 Kowalok,Michael Earle PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 3138895 Kozak,Genevieve Marie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1996‐2000 3611798 Koziol‐White,Cynthia Josephine PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1996‐2000 948503 Krabbenhoft,Karen Marie PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1996‐2000 977742 Kraemer,Brian Curtis PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1996‐2000 608484 Kraemer,Mark E. PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1996‐2000 3328503 Kraft,Andrew David PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 1583508 Kragtorp,Katherine Ann PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1996‐2000 1616021 Krainuwat,Kerada PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 904091 Krajewski,Carey William PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1996‐2000 3449721 Kramer,Chad Curtis PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 3607476 Kramer,Lara Colton PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 920513 Kramme,Patrick Michael PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 262691 Kranzfelder,James Arthur PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 4450708 Krasity,Benjamin PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1996‐2000 578386 Kratz,Timothy K. PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1996‐2000 966651 Kratzke,Marian Grace PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1996‐2000 966651 Kratzke,Marian Grace PHD 121A Botany PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 1996‐2000 3878965 Krause,Bryan M PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1996‐2000 551155 Krause,Carolyn Ruth PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1996‐2000 550202 Krause,James Edward PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1996‐2000 1576128 Krause,Karen Marie PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 3319201 Krause,Melanie Rose PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1996‐2000 588140 Krause,Steven Charles PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 1996‐2000 3794672 Krautkramer,Kimberly PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 5007950 Kraynak,Marissa PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 102482 Krebs,Mark Palmer PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 1996‐2000 5149400 Krekeler,Brittany PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1996‐2000 3960024 Krencik,Robert Conrad PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1996‐2000 209207 Krezel,Andrzej Modest PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 405046 Kriegler,Steven PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1996‐2000 494598 Kriska,Nadine Lea PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 4564095 Kristianto,Jasmin PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1996‐2000 343613 Kritsch,Karen Renee PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 390987 Krol,Michael Alexander PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 1996‐2000 902635 Kronebusch,Paul Joseph PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 4265349 Kropp,Jenna PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 1996‐2000 182991 Krufka,Alison PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1996‐2000 114577 Krug,Albert Gabor PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1996‐2000 768551 Kruger,David George PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1996‐2000 911157 Kruger,Eric PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1996‐2000 482055 Kruger,Ricardo Henrique PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 3162505 Kruger,Stanley PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 1542178 Krupp,Anna PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 3327897 Krusemark,Casey John PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1996‐2000 3168937 Kruzel,Emilia Karoline PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 97563 Krysinski,Edward Paul PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1996‐2000 955091 Krzycki,Joseph Adrian PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1996‐2000 4893562 Kuang,Meihua PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 4419043 Kubiak,Rachel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 819699 Kubsad,Shrikant Shivappa PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1996‐2000 934641 Kuchenreuther,Margaret Ann PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 196083 Kuchma,Sherry Lynn PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1996‐2000 1579506 Kuckleburg,Chris John PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 406269 Kudla,Arthur John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1996‐2000 3455068 Kuehner,Jason Nicholas PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 198443 Kuhl,Joseph Cyril PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 479460 Kuhman,Timothy Ross PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 1996‐2000 3619336 Kuhn,Peter Arden PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1996‐2000 1052714 Kuipers,Abele PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1996‐2000 826587 Kujjo,Loro Lo‐Laja PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1996‐2000 599521 Kujoth,Gregory Christopher PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1996‐2000 404912 Kukorowski,Kenneth A. PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1996‐2000 3321160 Kuldipkumar,Anuj Kumar PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 1044414 Kuloglu,Emine Sonay PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 1996‐2000 3316317 Kulow,Megan Jean PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 5002658 Kumar,Niyanta PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 1996‐2000 3321337 Kumar,Sujatha PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 1996‐2000 3542402 Kumfer,Kraig Thomas PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 4297113 Kundu,Bornali PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 1996‐2000 1498548 Kunduk,Melda PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 607906 Kunstman,James Lee PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1996‐2000 4254953 Kuny,Chad PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 3661048 Kuo,Christina PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 1996‐2000 4443371 Kuo,Fanglin PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 3765901 Kuo,Joseph PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 996760 Kuo,Mei‐Chang PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 1996‐2000 1246009 Kuo,Mei‐Ling PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1996‐2000 3007524 Kuo,Meng‐Chiang PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1996‐2000 1410804 Kuo,Meng‐I PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 1996‐2000 1087589 Kuo,Shu‐Jung PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1996‐2000 5182657 Kuo,Wan‐chin PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 1996‐2000 1037314 Kurar,Ercan PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 1996‐2000 724325 Kurian,Joseph Raymond PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 661643 Kurtz,Courtney Christine PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 121526 Kurtz,Robin PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 1996‐2000 997406 Kurutz,Joseph W. PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 1424391 Kusano,Ayumi PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 190963 Kuter,Geoffrey Alan PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1996‐2000 658307 Kutil,Rhonda Michele PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 231137 Kuypers,Jane Mary PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 4253152 Kuzembayeva,Malika PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 3321377 Kwak,Jae Eun PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 3879265 Kwan,Grace Siu Yan PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 1591600 Kwan,Sharon Sze‐Mun PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 1996‐2000 704251 Kwekkeboom,Kristine PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1996‐2000 1048432 Kwok,Florence Waifun PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 1996‐2000 4132270 Kwon,Sung Eun PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 1996‐2000 208369 Kwong,Cheung Hing PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 1996‐2000 3327980 Kwong,Lawrence Noc‐Woon PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 1618364 Kwong,Lina PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1996‐2000 3444654 Kwun,Jean PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 801468 La Borde,Luke Frederick PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1996‐2000 694852 La Count,Douglas Joseph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 4433365 La Fontaine,Matthew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1996‐2000 4130833 La Reau,Alex PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1996‐2000 3105206 La Rowe,Tara Lea PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1996‐2000 106774 La Verda,David PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1996‐2000 4873421 La,Christian PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1996‐2000 1124999 Laboissiere,Martha Ambrosio PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1996‐2000 3944860 Laclair,Caitlin Elizabeth PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 1013703 Lacy,Dee Anne PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 1996‐2000 1443039 Laferriere,Louise Therese PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1996‐2000 247203 Laffer,Cheryl Leora PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 1996‐2000 1062851 Lai,Chen‐Ching PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 1116375 Lai,Huichuan PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1996‐2000 3013178 Lai,Jonathan Robert PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1996‐2000 3757509 Lai,Tsz Chung PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 1007669 Laikko,Pamela Anne PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1996‐2000 1576636 Laimek,Sasithorn PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 1996‐2000 528911 Lake,Gary George PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 1996‐2000 4529114 Lalit,Pratik PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 1996‐2000 4634529 Lall,RAHUL PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 1127085 Laloraya,Shikha PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 844097 Lam,Kit Sang PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 104543 Lam,Lloyd Tien‐Loch PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1996‐2000 1488378 Lam,Ngan PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1996‐2000 4571998 Lam,Pui Ying PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 1052070 Lam,Tim‐Tak PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 1996‐2000 461466 Lam,Valery Ann PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1996‐2000 3016824 Lamanna,Allison Cathleen PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1996‐2000 3879442 Lamb,Virginia PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 1996‐2000 462049 Lamberg,Karin Elizabeth PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1996‐2000 3452934 Lamberski,Jennifer Anne PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1996‐2000 94656 Lambert,Laurie Elizabeth PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 105376 Lambert,Paul PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 1996‐2000 672159 Lambrecht,Randall Scott PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 1996‐2000 413995 Lambrecht,Richard William PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1996‐2000 1102433 Lammerding,Anna Margaret PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 1996‐2000 3101069 Lamont,Liana PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 973834 Lamph,William W. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 1996‐2000 891466 Lancman,Joseph Jay PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 1051386 Landeo,Juan A. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1996‐2000 856710 Landis,Frank Charles PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 1996‐2000 1511845 Landolt,Gabriele Annette PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 1996‐2000 100621 Landry,Stephen PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 1996‐2000 1572435 Landsness,Eric Carl PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 1996‐2000 3791073 Lang,Jessica PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 930575 Lang,Katharine Marie PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 1996‐2000 231914 Lang,Seng‐Pai PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 1996‐2000 5003890 Langdon,Quinn PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1996‐2000 411797 Langeland,James Andrew PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 1996‐2000 1256689 Langen,Katja Maria PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 1996‐2000 662446 Langton,Steven John PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 3970581 Lanham,Kevin Andrew PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 1996‐2000 3093647 Lannan,Erica A. PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 610200 Lanser,Mark Edward PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 5001204 Lao,PATRICK PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 3879597 Lapointe,Christopher PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1996‐2000 4573522 LaPointe,Loren PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 4915340 Laporta,Jimena PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 1996‐2000 390962 Laporte,Marianne Michelle PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 1996‐2000 1486792 Lara‐Cabrera,Sabina Irene PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 906235 Largaespada,David Andrew PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1996‐2000 3448764 Larkin,Daniel Joshua PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 3250943 Larocque,Joshua PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 1996‐2000 3467081 Larrain‐Prieto,Rafael E PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 646869 Larsen,Diane Louise PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1996‐2000 1040694 Larsen,Eric Christian PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 1996‐2000 1014844 Larsen,S. A. PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 990351 Larson,Ann E. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 1996‐2000 3365649 Larson,Joshua PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 3802787 Larson,Matt PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 3038842 Larson,Scott PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 3454173 Larson‐Rabin,Zachary Michael PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 3795355 Lasek,Amber PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 1996‐2000 429536 Laszewski,Steven John PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 1996‐2000 208201 Laten,Howard Mark PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1996‐2000 1578232 Lathem,Wyndham Willoughby PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1996‐2000 5086905 Latimer,Christopher PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 1996‐2000 982492 Latwesen,David Gary PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 1996‐2000 1172060 Lau,Evan PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 1996‐2000 1055938 Lau,Wan Fang PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 4527306 Lauck,Michael PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 461521 Lauer,Michael Ralph PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 1996‐2000 267049 Laughlin II,Leo Timothy PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 1996‐2000 930207 Laughlin,Sharon Marie PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 1996‐2000 930625 Laures,Jacqueline Sue PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1996‐2000 1057249 Lautens,Laurie PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 1996‐2000 3386451 Lavaute,Timothy Meyers PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 3520284 Lavergne,Sidonie Nelly PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 3439649 Lavin,Shana Rose PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 1996‐2000 3188762 Lavine,Jeremy Arin PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1996‐2000 1575082 Lavine,Mark Daniel PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 1996‐2000 942819 Law,Scott Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 3879740 Lawless,Michael PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 1996‐2000 4135926 Lawrence,Beth Ann PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1996‐2000 95306 Lawrence,John Joshua PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 1996‐2000 3989158 Lawry,Stephanie Marie PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 1996‐2000 1315847 Lazaro‐Perea,Cristina M. PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 1996‐2000 99196 Lazazzera,Beth Ann PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 1996‐2000 393442 Le Boeuf,Robert Alexander PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 1996‐2000 177442 Le Pree,Jason Michael PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 1996‐2000 220124 Le Van,Leon William PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 1996‐2000 4602674 Le,Bao PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 1996‐2000 957000 Leach,Jan Elnor PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 1996‐2000 389788 Leach,Mark Kent PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 1996‐2000 1386572 Leafloor,James Owen PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 1996‐2000 1052073 Leal,Nilton Rocha PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 1996‐2000 1132642 Leao,Alcides Lopes PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 1996‐2000 963035 Leary,Thomas Patrick PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1996‐2000 975687 Leatham,Gary Frank PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 1996‐2000 3647971 Lebaka,Ntjapa Gabriel PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 919500 Lebakken,Connie Stechmann PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 1996‐2000 1284181 Lebbie,Aiah Randolph PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 1996‐2000 4881981 LeBert,Danny PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 1996‐2000 1564358 LeBlanc,Melissa Sue PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 1996‐2000 3463037 LeBlanc,Scott Edward PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 539559 LeCaire,Tamara PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 1996‐2000 841293 Ledbetter,Jeffrey Alan PHD 724L Oncology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 1996‐2000 176350 Leddy,Mark H. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 362223 Lederer,James Arthur PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 1996‐2000 3223697 Lee,Agnes PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 1996‐2000 981529 Lee,Beom‐Goo PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 1106668 Lee,Bum‐Soo PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 634128 Lee,Chang Ho PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 1996‐2000 1278729 Lee,Chen‐Hsien PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 1996‐2000 1585290 Lee,Cheol‐Koo PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 1996‐2000 925266 Lee,Chin Nyean PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 1996‐2000 133924 Lee,Ching‐Shan Richard PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 1996‐2000 1153698 Lee,Churng‐Faung PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 1996‐2000 948604 Lee,Connie M. PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1996‐2000 3449179 Lee,Dong Yun PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 123231 Lee,Elliot Randolph PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 1996‐2000 3028205 Lee,Elyse PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 1996‐2000 3568936 Lee,Grace PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 1996‐2000 1035208 Lee,Han‐Jung PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1995‐96 08/25/96 1996‐2000 1320815 Lee,Hong‐Lin PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 1996‐2000 3966951 Lee,Hsiang‐Ying PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 1996‐2000 510437 Lee,Hwa‐Jung PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 1996‐2000 3650554 Lee,Hye‐Ran PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 1996‐2000 1050835 Lee,Hyong‐Joo PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 1996‐2000 1195795 Lee,Ilha PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 1996‐2000 3457379 Lee,JangEun PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 1996‐2000 3073134 Lee,Jee Eun PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 1996‐2000 4704139 Lee,Jeong‐hee PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 1996‐2000 3453583 Lee,Ji Sook PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 1996‐2000 3456748 Lee,JiMin PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 1996‐2000 1286261 Lee,Jinhwan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 3002003 Lee,Jinwoo PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 1996‐2000 1069161 Lee,Jong Won PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 1996‐2000 3009993 Lee,Jong‐Min PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 1996‐2000 4423967 Lee,Jung Ho PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 1996‐2000 4884757 Lee,Kanghyun PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 1996‐2000 227923 Lee,Kisun N. PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 1996‐2000 1065658 Lee,Kouchung John PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 1996‐2000 131176 Lee,Kyungah PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 1996‐2000 140770 Lee,Lac Van PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 1996‐2000 1052792 Lee,Moo‐Ha PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 1996‐2000 1052792 Lee,Moo‐Ha PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2001‐2005 3347721 Lee,Patrick PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 541226 Lee,Rachel Chin PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2001‐2005 4291104 Lee,Sanghee PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 1052107 Lee,Seok Ho PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 1203441 Lee,Seungbok PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2001‐2005 1100496 Lee,Seung‐Taek PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2001‐2005 4139779 Lee,Sung Kyoung PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 1051034 Lee,Sungsoo Cho PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 211910 Lee,Thomas Christopher PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2001‐2005 280880 Lee,Traci Alexandra PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2001‐2005 4011073 Lee,Tristan Jeremy PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2001‐2005 406004 Lee,Vincent Hon‐Leung PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2001‐2005 1452808 Lee,Wai Yip Thomas PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2001‐2005 1090413 Lee,Wai‐Ming PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2001‐2005 3025240 Lee,Wonjae PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2001‐2005 4556494 Lee,Woong Hee PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2001‐2005 3542319 Lee,Xia PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 1322311 Lee,Yi‐Fen PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2001‐2005 1242212 Lee,Young Joo PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2001‐2005 1065809 Lee,Youngsook PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 177943 Leeds,Jennifer Alyson PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2001‐2005 123311 Leeds,Peter Franklin PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2001‐2005 284380 Leesman,Glen D. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2001‐2005 297791 Lehman,Lori Jo PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2001‐2005 141049 Lehrman,Sherwood Russ PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 242166 Lehti‐Shiu,Melissa Dawn PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2001‐2005 1015677 Leibfried,Lorraine M. PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2001‐2005 221953 Leigh,Elizabeth Denise PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2001‐2005 945233 Leight,Elizabeth Rottjakob PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2001‐2005 152359 Leippe,Donna Marie PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2001‐2005 807870 Leirmo,Sigrid L. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2001‐2005 1420604 Leite,Daniela Lopes PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2001‐2005 1451215 Leite,Fabio Pereira Leivas PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2001‐2005 964517 Leland,Peter Andrew PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2001‐2005 3069078 Lemke,Jay PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2001‐2005 3747845 Lemmon,Zachary PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 89165 Lemos,Stephen Edward PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2001‐2005 943410 Lending,Craig R. PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 3611789 Leng,Shuai PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2001‐2005 772988 Lennie,Terry Alan PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2001‐2005 4266694 Lennon,Christopher William PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2001‐2005 3760824 Lentz,Thomas Bridges PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2001‐2005 1064697 Leon,Leslie Meyer PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 199250 Leonard,Arthur Soren PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 896522 Leonard,Janet Louise PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2001‐2005 3064198 Leonardi,Claudia PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2001‐2005 3011900 Leone,Vanessa Anne PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 4381933 Leong,Wan Mei PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 273747 Leopold III,Wilbur Richard PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2001‐2005 3440864 Leppert,Brian James PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 4531573 Lera,Robert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2001‐2005 1054019 Leroux,Gilles Dominique PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 1057932 Lertrat,Kamol PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 1360785 Leskov,Konstantin Sergeevich PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 268978 Lesley,Scott Allan PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2001‐2005 838297 Leslie,John Franklin PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2001‐2005 896495 Lester,Susan Carole PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2001‐2005 159461 Leue,Ellen Freeman PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2001‐2005 1054485 Leung,Hei PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 285384 Leung,Sau‐Hung Spence PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 483681 Leuthold,Arthur Carl PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2001‐2005 259381 Levandoski,Mark Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2001‐2005 118615 Leventhal,Judith Michelle PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2001‐2005 290137 Leventhal,Phillip Scot PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2001‐2005 827428 Levey,Douglas John PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2001‐2005 101107 Levin,Andrew Eliot PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 191268 Levin,Edward Daniel PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 3018545 Levin,Elena Jean PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2001‐2005 3795266 Levine,Michael Nathan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2001‐2005 3010986 Levitsky,Konstantin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2001‐2005 4136579 Levy,Joseph PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 4727466 Lewandowski,Tera PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 3617091 Lewellyn,Eric Brecher PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 4010816 Lewin,Gina PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 599199 Lewis,Bryan Daniel PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2001‐2005 3221107 Lewis,Daniel Richard PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2001‐2005 3622860 Lewis,Ian Andrew PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2001‐2005 3323156 Lewis,Jeffrey Alexander PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2001‐2005 191561 Lewis,Lavinia Marina PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2001‐2005 359719 Lewis,Mark Edward PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2001‐2005 91255 Lewis,Martin Kendall PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2001‐2005 232626 Lewis,Robert Mason PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2001‐2005 4427488 Lewis,Samantha PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 5005489 Lewis,Sarah PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 301431 Lewis,Timothy Leroy PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2001‐2005 494773 Leyer,Gregory John PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2001‐2005 4706226 Leystra,Alyssa PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 1044843 Li,Bing PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 1064601 Li,Cong‐Yi PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2001‐2005 4879762 Li,Daijiang PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 4153049 Li,Gang PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2001‐2005 3010254 Li,Guangming PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2001‐2005 4274534 Li,Hongda PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 3970045 Li,Hongyan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 1106739 Li,Hsou‐Min PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2001‐2005 1091647 Li,Jian‐Yong PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2001‐2005 1284890 Li,Jing PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2001‐2005 4558893 Li,Ke PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2001‐2005 1018091 Li,Kening PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2001‐2005 3764782 Li,Li PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2001‐2005 262316 Li,Man PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2001‐2005 1119687 Li,Ning PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2001‐2005 2998812 Li,Rong PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 4525354 Li,Ronghui PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 4126530 Li,Shijun PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2001‐2005 4428627 Li,Sisi PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 1358482 Li,Tongbin PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2001‐2005 267822 Li,Vincent Hon‐Kin PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 791875 Li,Wumin PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2001‐2005 1076821 Li,Xiantang PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2001‐2005 1591421 Li,Xiaobing PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2001‐2005 1202238 Li,Xiaodong PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2001‐2005 1237858 Li,Xiaoshen PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2001‐2005 4566222 Li,Xiaoxun PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2001‐2005 3327947 Li,Yafan PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 4421333 Li,Yan PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 1057563 Li,Yin‐Ming PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 4861852 Li,Yinsheng PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 1495279 Li,Yu PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2001‐2005 1486834 Li,Yun PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2001‐2005 1195770 Li,Zairong PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 3110543 Li,Zhimin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 4828087 Liang,Di PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 1067640 Liang,Jihong PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2001‐2005 3331040 Liang,Jingjing PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 1049181 Liang,Mei‐Ying Chen PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2001‐2005 4380826 Liang,Qing PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 1201898 Liang,Yuxin PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 4699409 Liang,Zhidan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 1090585 Liaw,Jiahorng PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2001‐2005 137179 Lichtenstein,Drew Lane PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2001‐2005 4609776 Liebzeit,Daniel PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 343197 Lieder,Kafryn Webster PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2001‐2005 989019 Lies,Douglas Paul PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2001‐2005 3352221 Lietzow,Calvin PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 491201 Liewen,Michael B. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2001‐2005 247180 Light,David Richard PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2001‐2005 260246 Lightcap,Eric Scott PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2001‐2005 3568508 Liko,Dritan PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 359646 Lila,Mary Ann PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2001‐2005 359646 Lila,Mary Ann PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2001‐2005 957072 Liliensiek,Sara Jane PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2001‐2005 284453 Lillien,Laura Ellen PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2001‐2005 396411 Lilly,Jason Warren PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2001‐2005 843399 Lim,Indra Adi PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2001‐2005 931784 Lim,Lic‐Kiam Lincoln PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2001‐2005 1088460 Lim,Lony Chong‐Leong PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2001‐2005 3331038 Lim,Pei‐Yin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 3308901 Lim,Sang Kyun PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 1125808 Lim,Sejin PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2001‐2005 3765073 Lim,Yun PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2001‐2005 5098452 Lima da Costa Barros,Tiago Miguel PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2001‐2005 3241706 Limberg,Jacqueline Kay PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2001‐2005 955830 Limbo,Rana K. PHD 712N Nursing PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2001‐2005 3026691 Lin,Bernice Chin‐Yun PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 1202481 Lin,Chia‐Chin PHD 712N Nursing PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2001‐2005 605562 Lin,Ching‐Rong PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2001‐2005 4211975 Lin,Christie PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2001‐2005 392012 Lin,Din‐Lii PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 3769987 Lin,Eric Chen‐Yu PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 4127190 Lin,Feng PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2001‐2005 3002021 Lin,I‐Jin PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 1413217 Lin,Junyu PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2001‐2005 3015086 Lin,Liyong PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 1125474 Lin,Meei‐Lih PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2001‐2005 1052953 Lin,Shu‐Fen PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 1194994 Lin,Teng‐Fu PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2001‐2005 4621155 Lin,Ti‐yu PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 876583 Lin,Wei‐Jen PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2001‐2005 1004285 Lindberg,Iris PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2001‐2005 3766382 Lindeman,Robin Emily PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2001‐2005 427325 Lindemann,Julianne PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 493088 Lindgren,Clark Allen PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2001‐2005 3063325 Lindholm,Joliene Rae PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 510557 Lindner,Daniel Ludwig PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2001‐2005 291869 Lindner,Scott Eugene PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 4743996 Lindroth,Heidi PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 164772 Lindsley,Janet E. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2001‐2005 4133314 Ling,Ka Yi PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 4441386 Linz,Alexandra PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 1542835 Lipinski,Robert Jan PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2001‐2005 765846 Lipowski,Earlene Elizabeth PHD 760P Pharmacy Administration PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2001‐2005 790165 Lisberg,Anneke Els PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 981064 Liska,De Ann Joy PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 623575 Liss,Julie Marie PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2001‐2005 177899 Lissemore,James Leonard PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2001‐2005 3908380 Little,Ainslie Elizabeth Fowler PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 1377850 Little,Amanda Marie PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2001‐2005 975675 Little,Stephen Eugene PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 3166769 Litzelman,Kristin PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2001‐2005 1239967 Liu,Biing‐Hui PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2001‐2005 1036809 Liu,Bob Yongbo PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2001‐2005 870164 Liu,Chih‐Pin PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2001‐2005 3472081 Liu,Ching‐Ju PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2001‐2005 4868349 Liu,Fang PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2001‐2005 506862 Liu,Hsi PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2001‐2005 3964944 Liu,Jian‐Nan PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2001‐2005 3451499 Liu,Lingling PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 3013310 Liu,Mingzhu PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 4417510 Liu,Na PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 1588412 Liu,Ning PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2001‐2005 124304 Liu,Qinglian PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2001‐2005 4175985 Liu,Renhe PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2001‐2005 1102383 Liu,Shaohua PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2001‐2005 1402156 Liu,Tianbing PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 3065806 Liu,Tiewen PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 3114055 Liu,Wu PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 3449674 Liu,Xiaowen PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 1136932 Liu,Xuedong PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2001‐2005 3779074 Liu,Yan PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2001‐2005 1240464 Liu,Yijeng PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 3949448 Liu,Yu Qiu PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2001‐2005 3613766 Liu,Yuanyuan PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2001‐2005 3771844 Liu,Zhenyu PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2001‐2005 174205 Livi,George P. PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2001‐2005 938187 Livingstone,Jeff Robert PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2001‐2005 88107 Llamas‐Lamas,Gerardo PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2001‐2005 1240019 Lo,Hui‐Chen PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2001‐2005 1454336 Lo,Justin PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 809363 Lo,Shyh‐Ching PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2001‐2005 1617690 Lo,Yi‐Chi PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2001‐2005 4277323 Loaiza,Randall E PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2001‐2005 465678 Lobner,Douglas Carl PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2001‐2005 498024 Lobner,Timothy Lee PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2002 08/25/02 2001‐2005 3464932 Lobos Sandoval,Nelson PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 680680 Locher,Matthew Roland PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2001‐2005 3479792 Locke,Christina PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2001‐2005 3312510 Lockridge,Jennifer PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2001‐2005 3106039 Lockwood,Christopher Allen PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 4580328 Loecher,Michael PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 662398 Loertscher,Jennifer Ann PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 878463 Lof,Gregory Lyle PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2001‐2005 3223931 Loffredo III,John Thomas PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 343426 Loftus,Joseph Charles PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 120999 Loh,Stewart N. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2001‐2005 4998717 Lohman,Danielle PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 658398 Lohman,Karin Nancy PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2001‐2005 1277294 Loijens,Joost Cornelis PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2001‐2005 324318 Loiselle,Bette Ann PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 1100737 Loiselle,Carmen Gisele PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2001‐2005 1064551 Loksuwan,Jarunee PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2001‐2005 4260772 Lomax,Aaron Wong PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 3213660 Lomax,Jo PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2001‐2005 769319 London,Karen Beth PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2001‐2005 800046 Lonergan,Dennis Arthur PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2001‐2005 179263 Lonetto,Michael Arthur PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 1011633 Long,Jeffrey Aaron PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 3950411 Long,Nanye PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2001‐2005 250936 Longer,Mark Anthony PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2001‐2005 3339341 Look,Kevin PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2001‐2005 644446 Loose,Michael Donald PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2001‐2005 227234 Lopachin,Richard Michael PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 4890770 Lopera Madrid,Jaime PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 4926292 Lopera Pena,Juan PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 4405367 Lopes,Fernanda PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 1054424 Lopez Guisa,Jesus Manuel PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2001‐2005 1049072 Lopez Soriano,Eduardo Manuel PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 1025693 Lopez,Alric PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 3104556 Lopez,Hernando PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2001‐2005 994955 Lopez,Mandi J. PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 1326614 Lopez,Marisol Emma PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2001‐2005 5009274 Lopez,Mary PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 3450658 Lopez,Rebecca PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 4682990 Lopez‐Anido,Camila PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2001‐2005 1032201 Lopez‐Hoyo,Nelson PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2001‐2005 5006884 Lopez‐Nieves,Samuel PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 152250 Lopez‐Ortiz,Citlali PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2001‐2005 1578602 Lopper,Matthew Eric PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2001‐2005 4064610 Lor,Maichou PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 3213649 Lorch,Jeffrey Michael PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2001‐2005 1076118 Lord Plummer,Kim PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2001‐2005 3982073 Lorenz,Aaron Joel PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 3311281 Lorenz,Laurel PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 3922637 Lorenzini,Jenna Lynn PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 1011385 Loretz,Linda Joanne PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2001‐2005 256560 Lorman,James Garfield PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2001‐2005 93998 Lorton,Steven Paul PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2001‐2005 978538 Loughney,Kate Mc Quade PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2001‐2005 132436 Louise,Charles Joseph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2001‐2005 146277 Loukin,Stephen Howard PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2001‐2005 4137781 Loveless,Timothy PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2001‐2005 309617 Lovrich,Steven Daniel PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2001‐2005 229990 Lovvorn,James Ridley PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 255142 Lowe,Deborah Lynn PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2001‐2005 4010039 Lowe‐Power,Tiffany Marie PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2001‐2005 891606 Lowery,Dawn Biever PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2001‐2005 1007567 Lowery,Robert Gerald PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2001‐2005 953869 Lowndes,Joseph Michael PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2001‐2005 314146 Loyet,Kelly Michele PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2001‐2005 984492 Lozano,Stephen Joseph PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2001‐2005 4593554 L'Roe,Andrew PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 3444691 Lu,Chenfeng PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2001‐2005 1052658 Lu,Christopher Dah‐Cheng PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2001‐2005 1151075 Lu,Dingwei PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2001‐2005 3769405 Lu,Duo PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 1251856 Lu,Fachuang PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2001‐2005 1101164 Lu,Hsien‐Chih PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2001‐2005 1402131 Lu,Juu‐Chin PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2002 08/25/02 2001‐2005 1116699 Lu,Mei PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2001‐2005 3451305 Lu,Ting PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 1490458 Lu,Weiguo PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 3959940 Lu,Xiaojun PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2001‐2005 4888602 Lu,Xiaomeng PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 3109418 Lu,Yan PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 1157831 Lu,Ying‐Qing PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2001‐2005 1098705 Lu,Zhe PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2001‐2005 1176951 Lu,Zhengfeng PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2001‐2005 1305529 Lu,Zhongjian PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2001‐2005 4009992 Luby,Claire PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 4704084 Lucas,Bethany PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2001‐2005 247379 Lucas,David Matthew PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 1120398 Luchini,Nestor Daniel PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2001‐2005 735674 Luck,Michael S. PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2001‐2005 459553 Luckow,Verne Alan PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2001‐2005 211176 Ludwig,George Vickers PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2001‐2005 211176 Ludwig,George Vickers PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2001‐2005 4301992 Ludwig,Kai PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 977194 Ludwig,Tenneille Elaine PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 5104361 Luethcke,Kristofer Ross PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 948891 Luitjens,Cameron Mark PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2001‐2005 1053285 Luk,Ka‐Cheung PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 100283 Lukas,Erika Renee PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2001‐2005 3444009 Luke,Kimberly Anne PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 179892 Lukens,Jean Haskin PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 1019916 Lum,Hillary Day PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2001‐2005 1052761 Lum,Keng‐Yeang PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 151686 Lundberg,Patric Sven Jonas PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2001‐2005 634346 Lunn,Katharine Fiona PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2001‐2005 3617526 Luo,Jing PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2001‐2005 155278 Luongo,Cindy Lee PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2001‐2005 1579730 Lusetti,Shelley L. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2001‐2005 268536 Lutz,Barbara Jean PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2001‐2005 190911 Lutz,Josephine PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2001‐2005 4721368 Ly,Martina PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 879025 Lyle,Barbara Jo PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2001‐2005 1566212 Lyle,Karen Suzanne PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2001‐2005 687836 Lyles,Annmarie Abu‐Judom PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 3104554 Lyman Gingerich,Jamie Stayner PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 119160 Lyman,Stewart David PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2001‐2005 3251566 Lynch,Allison PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2001‐2005 3453092 Lynch,Kara Lake PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 324425 Lynch,Michael William PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2001‐2005 341256 Lynn,Karyn PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 5131861 Lyon,Shelby PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 3191503 Lyon,Stephanie PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 163617 Lyons,John David PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 1011139 Lyons,Karen Marie PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2001‐2005 4573127 Ma,Chi PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 521180 Ma,Co PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2001‐2005 3555971 Ma,Di PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2001‐2005 5180739 Ma,Fengfei PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2001‐2005 4724402 Ma,Ki PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 3771012 Ma,Liang PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 3764684 Ma,Mingming PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 4275548 Ma,Shang PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 4579800 Ma,Wenjiang PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 131173 Ma,Yan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2001‐2005 1090466 Maalej,Nabil PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2001‐2005 625726 Maas,Sarah Amanda PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2001‐2005 3459485 Mabb,Angela M PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 354381 Mably,Thomas A. PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2001‐2005 208360 Mac Fall,Janet Sue PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2001‐2005 849133 Mac Farland,Craig George PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2001‐2005 98321 Mac Gregor,Barbara Jean PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2001‐2005 1009661 Mac Lachlan,Barbara Gayle PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 3622945 Mac Nair,Caitlin PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2001‐2005 111164 Mac Neil,Douglas John PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2001‐2005 250955 Mac Neil,Tanya PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2001‐2005 805747 Mac,Susanna Marie PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2001‐2005 5145909 Macdonald,Erin B. PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2001‐2005 5128206 Macdonald,Jacob PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 237631 Macdonald,Michael Charles PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2001‐2005 3432585 MacFarland,David M. PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2001‐2005 970164 Macfarland,Kerry Jane PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2001‐2005 4996682 Macgilvray,Matthew PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 3079580 Mack,Amanda April PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 4865031 Macke,Erica PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 1054359 Mackenzie,Elizabeth Heather PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2001‐2005 191797 Mackey,David Moore PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 193212 Maclean,Ann Louise PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2001‐2005 3975688 Macleod,Erin Lynn PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 5129598 Macmillan Uribe,Lexi PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 4995315 Madar,Antoine PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2001‐2005 499996 Madden,Mark Steven PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2001‐2005 860172 Madsen,John Douglas PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2001‐2005 769365 Madsen,Mark Thomas PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2001‐2005 1535540 Maenner,Matthew James PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2001‐2005 3642749 Maes,Margaret PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 1003180 Magee Jr,Edward Lawrence PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2001‐2005 3458118 Mager,Gennifer Marie PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 230197 Maggio‐Hall,Lori Ann PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2001‐2005 1050856 Maglad,Mahmoud Almageed PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2001‐2005 1349094 Magnan,Elizabeth PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 3953583 Magnani,Diogo PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2001‐2005 924347 Magnussen‐Ironside,Pamela J. PHD 712N Nursing PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 595189 Magnusson,Dawn PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2001‐2005 1446674 Magnusson,Olafur Thor PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2001‐2005 4583601 Maguire,Meghan Lynn PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 118695 Mahanna,William Charles PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2001‐2005 706692 Maher III,Louis James PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2001‐2005 705640 Maher,Eileen Anne PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2001‐2005 4157211 Maher,Lynn PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 1066162 Mahgoub,Galal M A PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 227111 Mahmoud,Alaaeldin Ibrahim PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2001‐2005 595657 Mahnke,Lisa Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2001‐2005 999785 Mahoney,Alison Mc Kenzie PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2001‐2005 1006817 Mahr,Susan Elizabeth Rice PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2001‐2005 3642762 Mahr,Tristan PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 3965610 Maiden,Stephanie Lynn PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2001‐2005 561677 Maier,Jane Ellen PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2001‐2005 3559745 Maier,Reid PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 3078874 Mainela Arnold,Elina Miia PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2001‐2005 964874 Mak,Iu Tong PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2001‐2005 5170627 Makielski,Kathleen PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 129703 Makris,John Constantine PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 3189363 Malcolm,Karl Day PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2001‐2005 1054060 Malcorps,Christiane PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 1033330 Maldonado,Erica PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2001‐2005 127422 Malecki,Elise Anne PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2001‐2005 4714715 Malico De Mello Alexandre,PATRICIA PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2001‐2005 4568482 Malin,Martha PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 671923 Malison,Jeffrey Allen PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2001‐2005 3290060 Mallinger,Rachel E PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 3094320 Malone,Thomas Edmund PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 346655 Maloney,Judith Anne PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2001‐2005 306920 Maloney,Timothy Stephen PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2001‐2005 3649728 Maltecca,Christian PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2001‐2005 946832 Maltzman,Terese Helen PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2001‐2005 946832 Maltzman,Terese Helen PHD 548A Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2001‐2005 1361760 Man,Weng PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2001‐2005 4730074 Mandell,Kara PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2001‐2005 3449427 Maness,Nicholas James PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2001‐2005 3341354 Mangan,Kile Patrick PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2001‐2005 585357 Mangasarian,Karen PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2001‐2005 1445532 Mangione,Antonio Marcelo PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2001‐2005 412769 Manji,Gulam Abbas PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2001‐2005 3988534 Manlick,Philip PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2001‐2005 964952 Manning,Patricia Ann PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 1050942 Manohar,Murli PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2001‐2005 196041 Manseau,Lynn Jean PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2001‐2005 137756 Mansky,Kim Carpenter PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 628284 Mansoorabadi,Steven Omid PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2001‐2005 466246 Mansour,Heidi PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2001‐2005 1052774 Mansour,Hussein Moustafa K PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2001‐2005 1218339 Mantanis,George Ign PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2001‐2005 1546288 Manthei,David PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2001‐2005 3037005 Manthei,Kelly PHD 103MED Biochemistry PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 1170226 Manurung,Elisa Ganda Togu PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2001‐2005 1053223 Manuwoto,Syafrida PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2001‐2005 1099347 Mao,Frank Chiahung PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2001‐2005 3359852 Mao,Shu PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2001‐2005 840034 Mapoles,John Eric PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2001‐2005 115355 Maquat,Lynne Elizabeth PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2001‐2005 5173729 Marand,Alexandre PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 821299 Marburg,Anna Elise PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 4898706 Marburger,David PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 3514402 Marceau,Aimee PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2001‐2005 3086386 Marcheschi,Ryan Joseph PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 488189 Marcus,Craig Bennett PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 3777657 Marcus,Noah Justin PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 3587431 Marcus,Sarah PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 3561906 Marengo,Matthew Sean PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2001‐2005 351725 Mares‐Perlman,Julie Anne PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2001‐2005 177166 Margolin,William PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 5319353 Marischuk,Khailee PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 614654 Marita,Jane Marie PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2001‐2005 993416 Mark,Willie H W PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 1198279 Markovic,Ingrid PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2001‐2005 1542791 Markovina,Stephanie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2001‐2005 5173756 Marks,Michelle PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 477663 Markwardt,David Dean PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2001‐2005 949484 Maron,Linda Rae PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2001‐2005 182846 Marosy,Melissa PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2001‐2005 3974488 Marquez Villavicencio,Maria Del Pilar PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 172848 Marrione,Paul E. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2001‐2005 980291 Marrs,Carl Frederick PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2001‐2005 282514 Marschalek,Daniel Alan PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2001‐2005 1069568 Marsh,Kenneth Blair PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 1580893 Marsh,Sarah Elizabeth PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2001‐2005 981684 Marshall,Jerry Stuart PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2001‐2005 3780562 Marshall,Kristin Marie PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 101792 Marshall,Paul J. PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 193466 Marshall,Ronald Leroy PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2001‐2005 1592323 Martens,Eric Charles PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2001‐2005 808771 Marti,Kim Marie Bencke PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 266668 Martin Jr,George Lawrence PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2001‐2005 431310 Martin,Beth PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 878774 Martin,Charles Clare PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2001‐2005 5429848 Martin,Derek PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 416609 Martin,Kathleen S. Struthers PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2001‐2005 958547 Martin,Lee Robert PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 253260 Martin,Michael Paul PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2001‐2005 3111238 Martin,Oana Maria PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 426302 Martin,Robert Ralph PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2001‐2005 1101111 Martin,Ruth Elaine PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2001‐2005 596637 Martin,William Joseph PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2001‐2005 3554519 Martinez Gomez,Norma PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 976253 Martinez,Jaime B. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2001‐2005 976253 Martinez,Jaime B. PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2001‐2005 256777 Martins,Emilia Pereira PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2001‐2005 4254902 Martins,Mauricio De Aguiar PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2001‐2005 3954323 Martins,Talline Ramos PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2001‐2005 3332912 Martowicz,Melissa Lynn PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 3755944 Marzinke,Mark Albert PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 4887837 Marzu,Jeneylyne PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 186612 Maser,Richard Scott PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2001‐2005 931373 Mashek,Douglas Gene PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2001‐2005 4423198 Mason,Charles PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2001‐2005 599601 Mason,Douglas James PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2001‐2005 421796 Mason,Holly L. PHD 914P Social Studies in Pharmacy PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2001‐2005 402748 Mason,Peggy Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2001‐2005 3627881 Massad,Salwa George PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2001‐2005 3705063 Massey,Justin PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 1056669 Masson,Marc Fernand PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2001‐2005 199078 Mast,Austin PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2001‐2005 165617 Masucci,James Daniel PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2001‐2005 167291 Mather,Thomas Nelson PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2001‐2005 267564 Mathews,Dennis Emery PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2001‐2005 4423039 Mathewson,Paul PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2001‐2005 3113273 Mathison,Angela Joy PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 331665 Matos,Claudino Antonio PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2001‐2005 5307566 Matrosic,Charlie PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 942649 Mattarella,Nina Louise PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 983892 Mattheakis,Larry Costas PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2001‐2005 866103 Matts,Robert Leslie PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2001‐2005 4270782 Mattupalli,Chakradhar PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 4468587 Mauer,Terra PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 1571567 Maufort,John Paul PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 1568105 Maureira,Ivan Jorge PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2001‐2005 3795255 Maurer,Lisa Marie PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2001‐2005 825623 Maxwell,Judith Ann PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2001‐2005 3621379 May,John Fitz Randolph PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 1545887 Mayer,Joshua Alan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 4273306 Mayers,Jonathan Russell PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2001‐2005 967728 Mayfield,Sandra Ann PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2001‐2005 496720 Mayford,Mark Richard PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 1612534 Mayne,Christopher Gary PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2001‐2005 1625377 Mays,Jared Ray PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 896066 Mazaheri,Yousef PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2001‐2005 739363 Maziasz,Timothy John PHD 415P Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2001‐2005 4416546 Mazie,Abigail PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 129603 Mazzara,Gail Patricia PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2001‐2005 847736 Mc Alister,John Paul PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2001‐2005 213566 Mc Anulty,Jonathan Francis PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2001‐2005 707505 Mc Bain,John Arthur PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2001‐2005 152491 Mc Bride,Mark Joseph PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2001‐2005 969506 Mc Bride,Michael Scott PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 284817 Mc Carthy,Susan Ann PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2001‐2005 920613 Mc Carty,Donald Robert PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2001‐2005 920613 Mc Carty,Donald Robert PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2001‐2005 207165 Mc Cauley,Mary Andrea Michele PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 214326 Mc Claugherty,Charles Anson PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2001‐2005 89157 Mc Cormick,Kathleen Ann PHD 792L Physiology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2001‐2005 1050929 Mc Crimmon,Donald Roderick PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 89789 Mc Cubrey,James Andrew PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2001‐2005 248455 Mc Cune,Bruce Pettit PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2001‐2005 297616 Mc Dermott,Joan Bridget PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2001‐2005 952529 Mc Donald,Shane Thomas PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2001‐2005 954096 Mc Dowell,Mary Ann PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2001‐2005 829839 Mc Eachern,Anna Kathryn PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2001‐2005 991125 Mc Fall,Aidan Joanna PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2001‐2005 399205 Mc Ferson,James Robert PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 146792 Mc Granahan,Gale Hawley PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2001‐2005 924199 Mc Guire,Raymond Glenn PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2001‐2005 411664 Mc Lain,Ann Shryock PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2001‐2005 850936 Mc Laughlin,Randy Joe PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2001‐2005 267918 Mc Mahan,Scott Allen PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2001‐2005 115404 Mc Mahon,Kathleen Elizabeth PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 766498 Mc Millan,Blair Carlton PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2001‐2005 153701 Mc Nally,Eugene J. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2001‐2005 990048 Mc Nevin,Gregory Richard PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2001‐2005 380183 Mc Quade,Kristi Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 380185 Mc Quade,Kyle James PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2001‐2005 5016248 McAlvay,Alex PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 368522 McCabe,Bradley Parker PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2001‐2005 3947270 McCall,Keisha Candice PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2001‐2005 1542354 McCann,Leah Catherine PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 216639 McCary,Laura Christine PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2001‐2005 3882144 McCaw,Travis PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 405306 McCollough,Cynthia I PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2001‐2005 1008385 McConnell,Jane Roberts PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2001‐2005 3088193 McConnell,Kristopher Harmon PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 972250 McConnell,Patricia PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2001‐2005 3213413 McCool,Kevin PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2001‐2005 3028446 McCoy,Jason Glenn PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2001‐2005 1578415 McCurdy,Carrie Evelyn PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2001‐2005 313205 McDearmon,Erin Lee PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 3104543 McDermott,Sean Patrick PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 3923303 McDevitt,Molly PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2001‐2005 4697195 McDonald,Bradon Raphael PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2001‐2005 4429023 McFadd,Emily PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 540018 McFarlin,Daniel Ryan PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2001‐2005 419471 McGill,Mary Ann PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 1535216 McGivern,Jered Vernon PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2001‐2005 652265 McGrath,Molly Jill PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2001‐2005 3617566 McIntosh,Brian Edward PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 3983079 McKechnie,Anne Chevalier PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 961326 McKie,George Ann PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2001‐2005 3178341 McKinsey,Rachel Dianne PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2001‐2005 979391 McKusick,Brett Clifford PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2001‐2005 3769923 McLaren,Donald George PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 3190091 McLaughlin,Lorraine Suzanne PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2001‐2005 3439421 McMahon,Matthew David PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2001‐2005 3352688 McMahon,Shane PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 3326926 McManus,Charles Joel PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 1618087 McMichael,Colleen Mary PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2001‐2005 3102632 McMillan,Brian Jeffrey PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 3220670 McMillan,Kathryn Marie PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 323502 McNamee,Dawn Michelle PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 3430167 McNeill,Elizabeth Mary PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 1021033 McNutt,Todd Robert PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 3843673 Mead,Katie PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 4531013 Mead,Matthew PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2001‐2005 435408 Meade,Jeffrey Alan PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2001‐2005 235837 Means,Anna Lois PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2001‐2005 251224 Meara,Joseph Patrick PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2001‐2005 104878 Mecsas,Joan Carol PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2001‐2005 217491 Medeiros,Coralia Oliveira PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 1417779 Medeiros,Ricardo Brilhante PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2001‐2005 1056150 Medina,Jose De Los Reyes PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2001‐2005 4177843 Medow,Joshua Eric PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2001‐2005 1582910 Meehan,Terrence Fitzgerald PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2001‐2005 287379 Meeker,James E. PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2001‐2005 1135576 Meglic,Vladimir PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2001‐2005 3333415 Mehta,Niyati Ramesh PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 1115741 Mehta,Prem PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2001‐2005 3313842 Mehta,Vatsal Jay PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 4583176 Meier,Austin PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 985855 Meier,Kathryn Elaine PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 3480211 Meier,Sarah Kathryn PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 4258542 Meier,Timothy Bradley PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2001‐2005 310500 Meisel,Joseph Eugene PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2001‐2005 1052957 Melancon,Paul PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2001‐2005 640599 Meldahl,Ralph Stuart PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2001‐2005 3963482 Melgar,Sergio Alejandro PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 3601161 Mellman,David Lorenz PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2001‐2005 3328890 Meltsner,Michael Adam PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 3463638 Meltsner,Sheridan Griffin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 90848 Melvin,Scott Merrill PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2001‐2005 90848 Melvin,Scott Merrill PHD 995A Zoology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2001‐2005 1254287 Memili,Erdogan PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 1451415 Men,Hongsheng PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2001‐2005 3404563 Mena,Jesus David PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2001‐2005 993579 Mendenhall,Michael Dean PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2001‐2005 136165 Mendrysa,Susan Mary PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2001‐2005 3777363 Menefee,Ann Lili PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 3908484 Meng,Fanhong PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2001‐2005 133662 Menges,Eric Steven PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 1056481 Mengistu,Alemu PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2001‐2005 3968760 Mensah‐Brown,Nana Aba PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 1157202 Mera,Mario Felix PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2001‐2005 3618359 Mera,Paola Emperatriz PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 3432433 Mercado,Jose Luis PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 2999515 Mercado‐Silva,Norman PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 591867 Merchant,Sabeeha PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2001‐2005 953794 Merchen,Neal R. PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 735498 Mergener,Michael Albert PHD 758P Pharmacy ‐ Continuing Education PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2001‐2005 4157292 Merkhofer,Richard PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 737768 Merline,Michael Bernard PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2001‐2005 5315132 Merluzzi,Andrew PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 3340502 Merriam,Elliott B PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2001‐2005 3976676 Merriam,Fabiola Voznika PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 211072 Merrill,Marsha Joan PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2001‐2005 289332 Merrill,Ronald Anthony PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2001‐2005 695485 Merriman,Peter Jason PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2001‐2005 254908 Merritt,Ethan Allen PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2001‐2005 852559 Merryfield,Margaret Laue PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 1053152 Mersey,Brent Gordon PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 4469082 Merullo,Devin PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 131836 Merz,Eileen Audrey PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2001‐2005 1054289 Mesina Jr,Julian Estrella PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2001‐2005 4182036 Mesquitta,Walatta‐tseyon PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2001‐2005 3359309 Messenger,Scott PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2001‐2005 310686 Messmore,June M. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 414131 Mester,Thomas Charles PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2001‐2005 259246 Metcalf,Chad Edward PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 698658 Metin,Serpil PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 3094048 Mettert,Erin Leigh PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 1000088 Metzenberg,Aida Bogas PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 487331 Metzenberg,Stan Thomas PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 3473027 Metzger,Brandon Troy PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 4569693 Metzger,Jeanette Marie PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 3727937 Metzger,Stephanie PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 3983887 Meulenbroek,Peter Andrew PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 1646896 Meyer,Alison Elizabeth PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 3643088 Meyer,Jacob PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 4072840 Meyer,Kassondra PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2001‐2005 3453181 Meyer,Mark Benjamin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2001‐2005 675669 Meyer,Michael William PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2001‐2005 1018228 Meyers,Dewey Gregory PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2001‐2005 242606 Meyers,Mark PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2001‐2005 107579 Meyers,Steven Paul PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2001‐2005 4955862 Meza,Armand Leto PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2001‐2005 1188049 Miao,Bingjie PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2001‐2005 1150929 Micallef,Barry John PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2001‐2005 221469 Micallef,Malgre Carreno PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2001‐2005 147383 Micchelli,Craig A. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 185524 Michaels,Scott Daniel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 184712 Michaels,Thomas Edwin PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2001‐2005 1054702 Michel‐Nava,Joaquin PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 1054702 Michel‐Nava,Joaquin PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 1529001 Michels,Kristin PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 799279 Michie,Bruce Reid PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 528809 Mickelson,Barbara Dolores PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2001‐2005 469830 Mickelson,James Alan PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2001‐2005 489975 Mickelson,James Randall PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2001‐2005 313990 Mickelson,Suzanne M. PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2001‐2005 981597 Midford,Peter Eric PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 642407 Mieden,Gregory Dean PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2001‐2005 671201 Mierendorf Jr,Robert Charles PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2001‐2005 312551 Mies,David Wesley PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2001‐2005 116172 Miglietta,John James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2001‐2005 89171 Miglietta,Leslie Piper PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2001‐2005 3514944 Mikedis,Maria PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2001‐2005 4391162 Mikheil,Dareen PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2001‐2005 3785463 Mikolayunas,Claire PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2001‐2005 297541 Milani,Franco Xavier PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2001‐2005 134239 Miles,Sally PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2001‐2005 976942 Millam,Kendra Carole PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 980690 Millen,Amy Elizabeth PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2001‐2005 941142 Millenbruch,Julie Lorene PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2001‐2005 282487 Miller,Alan Bryan PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2001‐2005 677312 Miller,Ann Marie PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2001‐2005 608934 Miller,Barry Russell PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2001‐2005 1011687 Miller,Carolyn Wilson PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2001‐2005 307294 Miller,Catherine Ann PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2001‐2005 991862 Miller,Christopher Barnett PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2001‐2005 168782 Miller,Cynthia Kathleen PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2001‐2005 867778 Miller,David Joel PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 392214 Miller,Duncan Ashley PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2001‐2005 968256 Miller,Elizabeth Maude PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2001‐2005 5171498 Miller,Ian James PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 4899405 Miller,Jesse E D PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2001‐2005 4275491 Miller,JESSICA R PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2001‐2005 3085993 Miller,Jordan Daniel PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2001‐2005 951763 Miller,Joseph Thomas PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 4181120 Miller,Karl PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2001‐2005 201531 Miller,Kurt Frederick PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 5011276 Miller,LIZ PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 3947950 Miller,Marcus J PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2001‐2005 131883 Miller,Margaret Ann PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 463920 Miller,Robert Harold PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2001‐2005 3326037 Miller,Russell Alan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 249727 Miller,Sally Ann PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2001‐2005 414116 Miller,Stephen Addison PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2001‐2005 985238 Miller,Suzanne Bonneau PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2001‐2005 306651 Miller,Wyatt Allen PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 776856 Miller‐Edge,Michele Ann PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2001‐2005 307407 Millett,Steven Michael PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2001‐2005 4724732 Millette,Matthew PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 1015799 Milligan‐Myhre,Kathryn Caine Ann PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 965290 Millis,Sherri Zimmerman PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 716970 Mills,Jason Edward PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2001‐2005 3094940 Mills,Jordan Paul PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2001‐2005 164749 Milosky,Linda Meryl PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2001‐2005 204138 Miltenberger,Rosalynn Jean PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2001‐2005 831710 Mimikakis,John Lee PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2001‐2005 5128112 Minahan,Danny F PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2001‐2005 1105732 Ming,Ding PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2001‐2005 4703368 Minkoff,Benjamin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 4608442 Mintie,Charlotte Ann PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2001‐2005 131837 Mintz,Clifford Steven PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 1087601 Miolo,Giuliana PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2001‐2005 93429 Miranda,Baldwin D. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2001‐2005 273394 Miranda,Juan Gustavo PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2001‐2005 4446611 Mirer,Anna PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2001‐2005 290607 Misenheimer,Tina Marie PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2001‐2005 3032366 Mishra,Ritu PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 3613617 Misic,Ana Maria PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2001‐2005 400898 Miskowski,Jennifer A. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2001‐2005 3744701 Misurelli,Sara PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2001‐2005 4266317 Mitchell,Jonathan Kenneth PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2001‐2005 4861645 Mitchell,Kaitlin Faye PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 972928 Mitchell,Kevin Harold PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2001‐2005 254353 Mitchell,Pamela Rae PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2001‐2005 395621 Mitchell,Thomas Clark PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2001‐2005 189323 Mitchell,Tracy Smith PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2001‐2005 116234 Mitchell‐Olds,Storrs Thomas PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2001‐2005 116234 Mitchell‐Olds,Storrs Thomas PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2001‐2005 977191 Mitrovich,Quinn Marston PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2001‐2005 883529 Mittlefehldt,Sarah Leatha PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2001‐2005 777105 Mitts,Marijane Russell PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2001‐2005 4877462 Mix,Kalie PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 3328395 Miyabe,Takako PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2001‐2005 1018291 Mizuko,Mark Isamu PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2001‐2005 3326766 Mkandawire‐Valhmu,Lucy PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2001‐2005 518003 Mladenoff,David PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2001‐2005 4703183 Mladinich,Katherine PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2001‐2005 356892 Mlynek,Gwendolyn Mae PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2001‐2005 1052095 Mmbaga,Margaret Thomas PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2001‐2005 1315972 Mo,Huanbiao PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2001‐2005 978351 Moayeri,Mahtab PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2001‐2005 456515 Moberg Jr,Lloyd PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2001‐2005 906104 Mock,Bryan James PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2001‐2005 923282 Modrick,Joseph Michael PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2001‐2005 1589545 Modzelewska,Katarzyna PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2001‐2005 3655873 Moe,Alison Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2001‐2005 3017377 Moe,Luke Andrew PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2001‐2005 97729 Moe,Paul Curtis PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2001‐2005 859409 Moechnig,Michael John PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2001‐2005 280089 Moerchen,Victoria Ann PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2001‐2005 3963043 Moga,Jacqueline Dianne PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2001‐2005 5329743 Mohad,Vidisha PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 1119204 Mohamed,AbdulAziz Mohamed Abdulkareem PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2001‐2005 1054423 Mohamed,Mirza Aftab PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2001‐2005 1050989 Mohamed,Mohamed Adam PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2001‐2005 4730520 Mohamed,Omneya PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2014 08/24/14 2001‐2005 5331001 Mohamoud,Yousra Ali PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2001‐2005 1362693 Moinova,Helen Roman PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2001‐2005 1053306 Mok,Il Gin PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 1020109 Mokresh,Ahmad Hamdi PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2001‐2005 915703 Molenaar,Nicholas Dirk PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2001‐2005 1115215 Molina Cruz,Alvaro PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2001‐2005 357622 Molloi,Sabee Y. PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2001‐2005 5005941 Moncla,Louise PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 1212931 Mondjana,Ana Maria Da Graca PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2001‐2005 4165024 Mondloch,Stephanie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2001‐2005 1064912 Monis,Judit PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2001‐2005 1004510 Monsma,David John PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2001‐2005 4870162 Montano,Monica PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2001‐2005 4714262 Monteiro Araujo dos Santos,Thiago PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2001‐2005 3205571 Moody,Laura Rush PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2001‐2005 160739 Moon,Byung Jo PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2001‐2005 4700714 Moon,Chooza PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2001‐2005 3331630 Moon,Myung‐Soon PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2001‐2005 950291 Mooney,James Jay PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2001‐2005 162084 Mooney,Rachel Anne PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2001‐2005 195036 Moore III,Francis Hardy PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2001‐2005 3758899 Moore,Candace Randall PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2001‐2005 251672 Moore,David Dudley PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2001‐2005 4728520 Moore,HOLLIS PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2001‐2005 3627769 Moore,Kyle James PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2001‐2005 837032 Moore,Thomas PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2001‐2005 4007722 Moore,Virginia PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2001‐2005 186514 Moosic,Joseph Paul PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2006‐2010 1257726 Moraes,Marcelo Gravina De PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 3612926 Moran,Catherine Judith PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 1052863 Moreno,Edgardo PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 752779 Moretti,Rocco William PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 4063496 Morgan,Clinton Travis PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2006‐2010 3164021 Morgan,Dyan Elisabeth PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2006‐2010 1596988 Morgan,Gaylon D. PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2006‐2010 5314024 Morgan,Molly PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2006‐2010 221930 Morgan,Perri Anne PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2006‐2010 3655149 Morgan,Stephanie Elaine PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 971537 Morin,Joseph Walter PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 1053187 Moriyon,Ignacio PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 4267587 Morlock,Elaine Virginia PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 4381130 Morota,Gota PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 960167 Morrical,Scott Walker PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2006‐2010 4165043 Morris,Brett PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2006‐2010 409437 Morris,Cindy Ellen PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 836803 Morris,Tommy Clifford PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 3723069 Morrison,Courtney PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 417114 Morrissette,Jeffery Maurice PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2006‐2010 313076 Morrow,Robert Curtis PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2006‐2010 313076 Morrow,Robert Curtis PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2006‐2010 3566187 Morsci,Natalia PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 3971120 Morse,Matthew David PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2006‐2010 4981560 Mortimer,Tatum PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2006‐2010 225957 Morton,Cathy Ann PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 3020650 Morzaria Luna,Hem PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2006‐2010 1119688 Mosalum,Lulwa Mohammed Jassim PHD 712N Nursing PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 958493 Mosavin,Rashid PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 4709847 Moscoe,Lauren PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 3430172 Moser,Lindsey Anne PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2006‐2010 202716 Mosher,Mary Elizabeth PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2006‐2010 1000256 Moskowitz,Ivan Paul PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 247183 Moss,Marcia Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 251155 Mossing,Michael Charles PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2006‐2010 1064781 Mostafa,Mohamed Ali Nasr PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 730274 Mothe,Bianca Romina PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2006‐2010 526055 Mott,David PHD 760P Pharmacy Administration PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 3334194 Motta,Mariana Rodrigues PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2006‐2010 4559950 Motzkin,Julian PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2006‐2010 1078786 Moustafa,Moustafa Azab PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 4260774 Mouzakis,Kathryn Denise PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2006‐2010 354217 Mowery,Patricia Anne PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 442268 Moyer‐Horner,Lucas PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 113990 Mozdziak,Paul Edward PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2006‐2010 265322 Mroczkiewicz,Steven Paul PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2006‐2010 1653997 Muangprom,Amorntip PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2006‐2010 4161775 Mudd,Philip Allen PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 4097490 Mudd,Sarah Ruthann PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2006‐2010 3567990 Mudrak,Erika Louise PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 732254 Mueckler,Mike Max PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2006‐2010 475576 Muehrer,Rebecca Jeanne PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 3776709 Mueller,Benjamin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 3445450 Mueller,Emily E PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 4159664 Mueller,Kimberly Diggle PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 3767980 Mueller,Philipp PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 1003596 Mueller‐Hill,Karlyn McLeod PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 4340588 Muganda,Christine PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2006‐2010 4667765 Muhlenbeck,Jessica PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2006‐2010 4573486 Muir,Alison PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 865871 Muir,Patricia Susan PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 4144292 Mukhtar,Eiman Abdelrahim PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 165342 Mulcahy,R Timothy PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 165342 Mulcahy,R Timothy PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 1231125 Muley,Parag Diwaker PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2006‐2010 1511554 Muley,Sheetal Rasalkar PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 393327 Mulkins,Mary Ann PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 143992 Muller,Daniel PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 1584953 Mulligan,Jacob David PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 924783 Mulnix,Timothy Lynn PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 189200 Mulski,Michael John PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2006‐2010 961919 Mulugeta,Dawit PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 3607047 Munck,Isabel Alvarez PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 972888 Mundel,Peter PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 267117 Mundt,Marlon Paul PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2006‐2010 555977 Munson,Erik L. PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 857733 Munson,Kimber Leigh PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 417764 Munson,Lianna Marie PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2006‐2010 832387 Munson,Sibyl Helen PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 4938241 Munteanu,Catalina PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2006‐2010 4529060 Murfin,Kristen Eppinett PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 605830 Muroi,Yukiko PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 873479 Murphy,Catherine Sue PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2006‐2010 1503823 Murphy,Michael John PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 4734610 Murphy,Thomas PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 332618 Murphy‐Ullrich,Joanne E. PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2006‐2010 1261846 Murray,Dennis PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 1582379 Murray,Heath Daniel PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 3461506 Murray,Les Daniel PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 284608 Muss,Jordan D PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 4575562 Musuuza,Jackson Ssentalo PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 996094 Muth,Francis Allan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 130694 Mutschler,Martha Ann PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 4438500 Muttoni‐Pastorino,German PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 516952 Myers III,Gilbert Hayes PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 942698 Myers,James Robert PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 4063479 Myers,Jonathan P. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 233383 Myers,Julie Michele PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 4132104 Myers,Kevin PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 904075 Myers,Marcella PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2006‐2010 418339 Myers,Scott William PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 3606399 Mysliwiec,Matthew Robert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 4268195 Naab,Florence PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2006‐2010 508493 Nacewicz,Brendon Mark PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 354098 Nadelhoffer,Knute J. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2006‐2010 413109 Nadler,Samuel Todd PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2006‐2010 134845 Nadon,Nancy Louise PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 1244257 Nagaraj,Ramakrishnan Y. PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2006‐2010 1244257 Nagaraj,Ramakrishnan Y. PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2006‐2010 159086 Naimuddin,Shaikh PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 4249262 Nair,Gopika PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 948053 Nakagaki,Barbara Jean PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 1018136 Nakasone,Karen Kikumi PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2006‐2010 3555757 Nakayama,Yumi PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 4772380 Nakyajja,Cissy Ondoma PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 276057 Nanda,Jennifer Cho PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2006‐2010 246774 Nanda,Steven Anil PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2006‐2010 1050208 Nara,Budi Sedjati PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2006‐2010 1050452 Nara,Julie Marianti PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 934103 Narayan,Shakti PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2006‐2010 626455 Nardelli,Dean Thomas PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2006‐2010 3317753 Narkar,Yogeeta Suresh PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 760836 Nash,Scott David PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2006‐2010 614722 Nashold,Lisa Jeanne PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2006‐2010 4554141 Nasief,Haidy PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 154098 Nass,Thomas Edward PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 1118422 Nasser,Afaf PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 1118422 Nasser,Afaf PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 312943 Naumann,Todd Alan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2006‐2010 1052018 Navankasattusas,Surapong PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2006‐2010 948354 Navara,Christopher S. PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2006‐2010 4721358 Navarrete Opazo,Angela Andrea PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 3032812 Navarro,Felix M. PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2006‐2010 215216 Navazio,John Peter PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2006‐2010 4877025 Nawandar,Dhananjay PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2006‐2010 5115840 Nawrocki,Erin PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2006‐2010 1065808 Nchimbi,Susan Francis PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2006‐2010 1052665 Ndon,Bassey Asuquo PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 3092376 Neal,Carolyn Stacy PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2006‐2010 4251708 Neal,Lori PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 195340 Neal,Tommy Lyn PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2006‐2010 497414 Neal,Zane Clay PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 579668 Nee,Michael Harley PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 5462616 Nehra,GEETIKA PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 4429904 Nejati,Elham PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 947149 Nelms,Benjamin Edward PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2006‐2010 3170227 Nelson,Aaron B PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 507702 Nelson,Aaron David PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 623920 Nelson,Clark James PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2006‐2010 4275140 Nelson,Daryl PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 3108166 Nelson,David Christopher PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 3277877 Nelson,David Warren PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2006‐2010 4825084 Nelson,Evan Othmer PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 107300 Nelson,Heidi Beth PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 1445609 Nelson,Howard Paul PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 1445609 Nelson,Howard Paul PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 155177 Nelson,Jay PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 1004823 Nelson,Ronald John PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2006‐2010 488766 Nelson,Stuart James PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 932730 Nelson,William Finley PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2006‐2010 4246391 Nemec,Corey PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 3102122 Nemecek,Julie Christine PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 1448890 Nemoto,Keiko PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 435013 Nepokroeff,Molly PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2006‐2010 5003774 Nepper,Julia PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2006‐2010 3162781 Nerenz,Robert David PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 3602186 Nesbit,April Dawn PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 4579137 Nestler,Amelia PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2006‐2010 3566384 Nett,Brian Edward PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 3662194 Nett,Elizabeth Janus PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2006‐2010 624845 Nett,Jeniel Emily PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 514310 Neuendorf,Sandra Kay PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 165303 Neuman De Vegvar,Henry E. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 4868717 Neuman,Joshua PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 4246392 Neuman,Sarah PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 1646978 Neumann,Anthony PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2006‐2010 4462892 Neumann,Gina PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 1054169 Neupane,Fanindra Prasad PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2006‐2010 136521 Neveu,Mark Joseph PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2006‐2010 977128 Neville,Kevin Richard PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 1002009 Newbold,Kathryn Jean PHD 121A Botany PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2006‐2010 510064 Newcomb,Laura Lynn PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2006‐2010 3633730 Newcomb,Maria S. PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2006‐2010 310426 Newenhouse,Astrid Carita PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 671977 Newhauser,Wayne David PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2006‐2010 4444649 Newhouse IX,Peter PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2006‐2010 4574753 Newman,Christina Marie PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 994075 Newman,Jack David PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2006‐2010 1618186 Newman,Sarah Margaret PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 4256345 Newmister,Sean Alexander PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2006‐2010 3452323 Newton,Ryan Jeffrey PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 262021 Ng,Chin Kau PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 391496 Ng,Lawrence Ka Yun PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 682340 Ng,Thomas Kalon PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 4266857 Ngo,Khanh Van PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 3343513 Ngonyamo‐Majee,Dianah PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2006‐2010 1452871 Ngorsuraches,Surachat PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2006‐2010 5114923 Nguyen,Jalissa PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 1027545 Nguyen,Lam Hong PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 3326957 Nguyen,Linh Phuong PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2006‐2010 661905 Nguyen,Marie Lockstein PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2006‐2010 1027759 Nguyen,Minh Mindy Bao PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2006‐2010 1001693 Nguyen,Tri Q. PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2006‐2010 4529269 Nguyen‐Phuc,Hoa PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 3449749 Ni,Min PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 4884507 Nichol,Robert PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2006‐2010 142413 Nicholson,Wayne Lowell PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 1056274 Nicot,Philippe Claude PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 152914 Nielsen,Gary M. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2006‐2010 5204719 Nieman,Christine PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2006‐2010 455686 Niendorf,Eric Robert PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 297658 Nienhuis,James PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 1056112 Nierras,Ma. Concepcion R PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 1426048 Nieves,Nirca Jetzenia PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 1056050 Nikfar,Faranak PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 935736 Niles II,Walter Dulany PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 3774783 Niles,David PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 1102320 Nilmalgoda,Kobbekaduwe Walawwe Sasanda Damayanthi PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2006‐2010 1050750 Nimmannit,Sukanya PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 1452074 Nimpitakpong,Piyarat PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 1060501 Nitithamyong,Charoen PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2006‐2010 4135466 Nitteranon,Viriya PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 796193 Nitzke,Susan PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 4712485 Niu,Kai PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 4112778 Noble,Daniel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 117565 Noel Jr,Richard Joseph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 3471792 Noel,Sekoni Daouda PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 794567 Noh,Bosl PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2006‐2010 975592 Noh,Yoo Sun PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 256453 Nojiri,Mari PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 943440 Noonan,Katherine Claire PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2006‐2010 3252967 Norby,Kathryn PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2006‐2010 3201346 Norby,Monica Jan PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2006‐2010 271125 Norby,Richard J. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2006‐2010 271125 Norby,Richard J. PHD 121A Botany PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2006‐2010 315791 Noreuil,Margaret Cordell PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 5159200 Norman,Rocio PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 395584 Norris,Anne Elizabeth PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 340485 Norris,Carolyn Rice PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2006‐2010 4751569 Norton,Andrew PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 355041 Norton,Sally Ann PHD 712N Nursing PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 878100 Nosek,Catherine Marie PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 309773 Nosek,John Andrew PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 4148254 Nouri,Shahideh PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 423313 Novakofski,Jan Edward PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2006‐2010 3744998 Novick,Rachel Marian PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 976947 Novy,Richard Gladson PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2006‐2010 438204 Nowakowski,Christine PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2006‐2010 169174 Nuwaysir,Emile Fuad PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2006‐2010 3105853 Nuzzi,Paul Anthony PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 1051923 Nwoga,Jude Chukwudi PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 876598 Nye,Jonathon Andrew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2006‐2010 3291788 Nyflot,Matthew John PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2006‐2010 533232 Nyholm,Molly Kristine PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 4006617 Nyman,Patrick PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2006‐2010 4973754 O' Connell,Aine PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 859813 O Connell,Paul F. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2006‐2010 106702 O Malley,David M. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 833243 O Rear,Julian Joseph PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 616982 O Rourke,Stephen Thomas PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2006‐2010 122550 O Toole,George A. PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 906582 Oakes,Terrence Rayford PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2006‐2010 1053015 Obaseki,Andrew Osahenin PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 4583040 Obasi,Chidi Nwankwo PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2006‐2010 1615413 Oberley,Christopher PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 464123 Oberley,Matthew James PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 1023427 Obeso,Jorge Leonardo PHD 995M Zoology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2006‐2010 1023427 Obeso,Jorge Leonardo PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2006‐2010 3960650 O'Brien,Kevin Bruce PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2006‐2010 1540691 O'Brien,Lori Lynn PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 1594004 O'Brien,M. Heather PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 645905 Ocain,Timothy Donald PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2006‐2010 205473 O'Connell,Kevin Patrick PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2006‐2010 270285 O'Connor,David H. PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2006‐2010 998886 O'Connor,Sean Lawrence PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 937570 O'Connor,Shelby Lynn PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 188103 Ode,Paul James PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 1589703 Odegard,Amy Lynn PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2006‐2010 208162 Odell,Katharine Hobart PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2006‐2010 261813 Odle,Jack PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 261813 Odle,Jack PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 109974 O'Donnell,Sean PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 109974 O'Donnell,Sean PHD 995A Zoology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 5158837 O'Driscoll,Chelsea A. PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2006‐2010 3054298 Oduro,Akua Koaso PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 3551512 Oelstrom,Kevin PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2006‐2010 1090253 Oh,Byung Ha PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2006‐2010 1036258 Oh,Jangsuk PHD 147L Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 4573689 Oh,JeeHwan PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 3763790 O'Halloran,Rafael Luis PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2006‐2010 587817 O'Herrin,Sean Michael PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2006‐2010 5099197 Ohno,Katie Marie PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 152512 O'Keefe,Thomas Charles PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2006‐2010 319013 Okkema,Peter Gerald PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2006‐2010 1052008 Okoli,Paul Sunday Okwudili PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 101951 Oksanen,Cynthia Ann PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2006‐2010 4257343 Okuno,Yusuke PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2006‐2010 1052706 Okwuagwu,Christy Onyebuchi PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 713151 O'Leary,Kathleen Ann PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 4256386 Oliveira,Leane PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 1241034 Oliveira,Sergio Costa PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2006‐2010 747642 Oliver,Julie Ann PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2006‐2010 4276014 Oliver,Samuel Stanley PHD 103MED Biochemistry PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 3030689 Olmos Colmenero,Jose de Jesus PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 1055966 Olorundare,Olufunke Esan PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2006‐2010 187369 Olsen,Eric K. PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2006‐2010 954738 Olsen,Laura J. PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 1005384 Olsen,Laurence Rowe PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2006‐2010 688624 Olsen,Mark Roger PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 226462 Olson Jr,John B PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 3046775 Olson,Brian Michael PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 890025 Olson,David James PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 4863046 Olson,Jake PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 1009108 Olson,James Jerome PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2006‐2010 3790049 Olson,Sarah Helen PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 415531 Olson,Victoria Ann PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2006‐2010 5320817 Olson,William PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 425391 Olszyk,David Mark PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 425391 Olszyk,David Mark PHD 121A Botany PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 980971 Omoto,Charlotte Kazumi PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 733451 Onan,Gary William PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 5002337 O'Neill,Mary PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 1492389 Onetti,Silvia Gabriela PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 1090899 Ongpipattanakul,Boonsri PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 196278 Onisko,Bruce Lavender PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2006‐2010 1052980 Opong‐Mensah,Kofi PHD 415P Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 3203074 Opperman,Laura Jean PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 1052865 Oppong,Angelina PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 174089 Orchard,Lewis Preole PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 829739 Orchard,Samantha Sue PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2006‐2010 988489 O'Reilly,Gayle Hunter PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 1001099 O'Reilly,Kathy Lee PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 3485959 O'Reilly,Nora PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2006‐2010 230974 Orr,Blair Dickson PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2006‐2010 565905 Orth,Anthony Paul PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2006‐2010 335551 Orth,Michael William PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 1025026 Ortiz,Linette PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 1131178 Ortiz,Rodomiro Octavio PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 3013143 Ortiz‐Bermudez,Patricia PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 413614 Orvis,Kathryn Sue PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 212414 Osborn,Thomas Christian PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 201327 Osheroff,Merrill Richard PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2006‐2010 120153 Osier,Tod Lee PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2006‐2010 411823 Osinski,Mark Andrew PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2006‐2010 996859 Osman,Mohamad Bin PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 1089237 Osorio,Jorge Emilio PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 219502 Ostermeier,G. Charles PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 899635 Ostrander,Brad Mitchell PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 3795046 Ostrem Loss,Erin PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2006‐2010 1009657 Ostrem,James Aaron PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2006‐2010 264302 Ostrem,Voula Kontoyiannidou PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 325662 Ostrow,Kristin Marie PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2006‐2010 4140690 Otis,Jessica Patterson PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2006‐2010 209129 Ott,Vanessa Lujuan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2006‐2010 3617141 Otte,Michele Marie PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 338078 Ottery,Faith Debra PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 236964 Otto,Christopher Joseph PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2006‐2010 186590 Otto,Stephanie Anne PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2006‐2010 1121418 Ouellet,Denise PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 138797 Overall,Karen Lynn PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2006‐2010 119748 Oviatt,Dana Lindsay PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 937444 Owens,Ken PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2006‐2010 964350 Owens,Vance Nelson PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 3780252 Owusu‐Ofori,Kwadwo PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2006‐2010 4135178 Oyesanya,Tolu O PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 5463642 Ozcam,Mustafa PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2006‐2010 3638118 Ozer,Byram Hirsch PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 322852 Ozers,Mary Szatkowski PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 835875 Ozgen,Mustafa PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2006‐2010 1444913 Ozgen,Senay PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 4577896 Ozturk,Mustafa PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 4892286 Pace,Matthew PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 4587995 Pachekrepapol,Ulisa PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 479575 Padhye,Nisha Vikas PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2006‐2010 1064859 Padmanabhan,S PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 1003671 Page,Andrea Lorraine PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 4263003 Page,Asher Nathan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2006‐2010 192427 Page,Michelle Fleur PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 95298 Pai,Jin‐Keon PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2006‐2010 4420620 Pak,Chorom PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 1416054 Palacios,Sergio PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2006‐2010 3349566 Palenski,Tammy Lynn PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 216070 Pallansch,Mark Alan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 284658 Pallardy,Stephen Gerard PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2006‐2010 284658 Pallardy,Stephen Gerard PHD 121A Botany PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2006‐2010 1050988 Pallawarukka,. PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 3111676 Palmer,Jonathan PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 451029 Palmer,Roger William PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2006‐2010 4063459 Palte,Michael PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 687628 Paltzer,Jason PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 1308234 Pan,Huei‐Ju PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 1149381 Pan,Huichin PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2006‐2010 1068703 Pan,Keh‐Ming PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 3018136 Pande,Kalyan PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 3910418 Pandhi,Nancy PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 1051986 Pandit,Nivedita Krishnakumar PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2006‐2010 5150374 Pang,Xueqin PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2006‐2010 480025 Pankratz,Matthew Thomas PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2006‐2010 3622530 Panksepp,Jules B PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2006‐2010 260733 Pannell,Lisa Korfhage PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2006‐2010 3908265 Pantoja,Jose Carlos De Figueiredo PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2006‐2010 954885 Papa,Charles Marvin PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 3027439 Papangelou,Marina‐Elvira PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 1156121 Papanikolaou,Nikos PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 350456 Pappano,William Nunzio PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2006‐2010 420307 Parajulee,Megha Nath PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2006‐2010 1203599 Paramita,Widya R. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 796267 Parejko,Kenneth Stanley PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2006‐2010 765751 Parfitt,Dan Edward PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 4583680 Park,Arick PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 1392820 Park,Chiwook PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 4427512 Park,Dan McFarland PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 4113018 Park,Eunju PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2006‐2010 1055734 Park,Haesun PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 124685 Park,Hay‐Oak PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 4403917 Park,Heesoo PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 4558989 Park,Hyojun PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2006‐2010 4569915 Park,Hyunjun PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2006‐2010 730429 Park,Jae Han PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2006‐2010 1115474 Park,Joung‐Joa PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2006‐2010 4276701 Park,Jung Wook PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 1054373 Park,Ki Nam PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 406884 Park,Paul K.S. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 1322186 Park,Sang‐Hyun PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2006‐2010 3277880 Park,Sang‐Kyu PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 4283093 Park,So Eun PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2006‐2010 1509710 Park,Sook‐Hee PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2006‐2010 4424883 Park,Soyeong PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 4412005 Park,Sunyoung PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 1203377 Park,Yeonhwa PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 1119552 Park,Yong Chul PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2006‐2010 1598528 Park,Young Hoon PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2006‐2010 264275 Parkin,Timothy Barrett PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 970960 Parks,Griffith Davis PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 389765 Parmelee,David PHD 787L Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2006‐2010 103645 Parnell,Laurence David PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2006‐2010 1119827 Parreiras,June Ferreira Maia PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 948135 Parries,Gregory Scott PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 230296 Parrott,Wayne Allen PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 3608230 Parsons,Joshua PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 571142 Parsons,Michael James PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 303348 Partington,Susan Nancy PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 3216969 Parvaz,Jasmine B. PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2006‐2010 1039129 Parviz,Fereshteh PHD 744P Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 381627 Pasch,Sharon Dale PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2006‐2010 192920 Pasquinelli,Amy Elaine PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 5341435 Passafaro,Tiago PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 253073 Pastalka,Tomas PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 168821 Pastor,John Joseph PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 4526088 Pastore,Mayra PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 416589 Paszkowski,Cynthia Ann PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 1048152 Patel,Mahendra Raojibhai PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2006‐2010 3314044 Patel,Rita R. PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2006‐2010 95203 Patick,Amy Karen PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2006‐2010 4267833 Patolia,Sunita PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 4708620 Patriat,Remi PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2006‐2010 192293 Patrican,Lisa D'Amato PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 3439643 Patterson,Erin Elizabeth PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 99941 Patterson,Jill Irene PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 5306521 Patterson,Julie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2006‐2010 963746 Patterson,Paul Hanes PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 963746 Patterson,Paul Hanes PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 244665 Patterson,Sara PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 300717 Patterson,Thomas Buck PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 1526094 Pattison,Jacquelene Christina PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 4444725 Patton,Taylor PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2006‐2010 3768135 Patwardhan,Pallavi Dilip PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2009 08/23/09 2006‐2010 4140074 Patzlaff,Natalie PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 3017512 Paul,Brian James PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2006‐2010 172586 Paul,Rhea PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2006‐2010 775006 Paul,Theresa Elizabeth Dowling PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2006‐2010 838671 Paule,Charles Robert PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 5003178 Paulson,Alison PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2006‐2010 212297 Paulson,Andrea PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 823263 Paulus,Jeremiah Daniel PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2006‐2010 434645 Paustian,Timothy PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 3771143 Pavelec,Derek Michael PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 3095319 Pawlak,Roberta Page PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 3070252 Pawlisch,Benjamin Adam PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 3962509 Paxton,Adam Brent PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 4266781 Payne,Amanda Jean PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2006‐2010 97176 Payne,Laura Xsjacuntalah PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2006‐2010 3611827 Payne,Thomas Matthew PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2006‐2010 3335362 Peace,Jane Brown PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 435982 Peal,David Stanley PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2006‐2010 225011 Pearlman,Rebecca Shari PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2006‐2010 5338384 Pearson,Michelle Lynn PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 3843753 Pecanac,Kristen PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2006‐2010 816915 Pech,Louis Leland PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2006‐2010 964077 Peck,Ronald Franklin PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2006‐2010 518650 Peckarsky,Barbara Lynn PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2006‐2010 626718 Peckham,Scott David PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 1575311 Peden,Erik PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2006‐2010 1654007 Pedersen,Palle PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 4407261 Pedro Feliciano,Rodrigo PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 1052981 Pedros Alio,Carlos PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 3442241 Peet,Chimera Rene PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2006‐2010 618594 Peissig,Peggy Lea PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 981578 Pellett,Sabine PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 702149 Pelligrino,Dale Alan PHD 792L Physiology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2006‐2010 990286 Pellino,Teresa Arlea PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 507406 Peltier,Angelique Jacques PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 3046528 Peltonen,Garrett Lee PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 327145 Peltz,Stuart W. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 728625 Pelzel,Heather Rae PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 1056507 Pena Castellanos,Francisco PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2006‐2010 4696053 Penagaricano,Francisco PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2006‐2010 1053218 Penalba,Francisco Feranil PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 797701 Pendergast,David Daniel PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2006‐2010 3601171 Peng,Yan PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 4274397 Penkert,Rhiannon Rose PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 619919 Penniston,Kristina Lea PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 5302812 Penry,John PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2006‐2010 3776313 Pensinger,Daniel PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 991966 Penton,Andrea Lenore PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2006‐2010 241725 Peppard,Robert C. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 458731 Peppler,Walter William PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 1451274 Peralta‐Martinez,Iris Edith PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 3963499 Pereira,Claudia Cristina de Aguiar PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 1241035 Pereira,Francesca Joe PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2006‐2010 1288940 Pereira,Marcos Neves PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2006‐2010 1068936 Pereira,Pedro Antonio Arraes PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 1296651 Pereira‐Netto,Adaucto B. PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 1296651 Pereira‐Netto,Adaucto B. PHD 121A Botany PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 4874957 Perez Horta,Zulmarie PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 3983102 Perez,Dale PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 1099811 Perez,Gloria Ines PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2006‐2010 3771929 Perez‐Andujar,Angelica PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2006‐2010 4163642 Perk,Timothy PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2006‐2010 995216 Perman,William Harvey PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2006‐2010 955212 Perrin,Benjamin John PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2006‐2010 701610 Perry,James Warner PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2006‐2010 3959936 Perry,Michelle Lynne PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2006‐2010 400862 Perry,Sharyn Elaine PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2006‐2010 3110970 Perry,Stuart T. PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2006‐2010 236970 Pesti,Gene Michael PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 236970 Pesti,Gene Michael PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 1409433 Petcherski,Andrei Georgievich PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2006‐2010 1076227 Peter,Augustine Thomas PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 174752 Peters,David Kellogg PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2006‐2010 3960860 Peters,Jason M PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 1002231 Peters,John Christopher PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 552267 Peters,Susan Jean PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 3975286 Peters,Tessa PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 3516213 Petersen,Andrew Jay PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2006‐2010 3253543 Petersen,Erik Mark PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 179145 Peterson,Bryan Charles PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2006‐2010 340375 Peterson,Martha Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2006‐2010 3976127 Peterson,Nathan PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 699947 Peterson,Priscilla Marie PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2006‐2010 3504302 Peterson,Ryan Matthew PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 3311044 Peterson,Snow Brook PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 1002270 Peterson,Stephen Scott PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 1536813 Petrie,Matt Sheldon PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 3971176 Petrova,Vessela Yourieva PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 938955 Petrovich,Robert Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2006‐2010 3786167 Petty,Ryan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2006‐2010 1546394 Peychal,Stephanie E‐M PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 695473 Peyer,Suzanne Michelle PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2006‐2010 4285936 Pfammatter,Jesse Adam PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2006‐2010 5295258 Pfannenstiel,Brandon PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2006‐2010 960605 Pfannenstiel,Mary Ann PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 247172 Pfeiffer,Todd Wayne PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 247172 Pfeiffer,Todd Wayne PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 1566100 Pfeiffer,Zachary Alan PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 271109 Pfender,William Frederick PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 293324 Pfund,Christine PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 4279042 Pham,Ly Ly PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 4722028 Phan,Funita PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 3113778 Phartiyal,Pallavi PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2006‐2010 581853 Phelan,Cynthia Holden PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 255723 Phelps,Tommy Joe PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 4887023 Phetteplace,Michelle PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 252477 Philbrook,Brent Douglas PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 3321329 Phillips,Allison Rae PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2006‐2010 983517 Phillips,Carey Richard PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 5318110 Phillips,Joseph S PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2006‐2010 4108063 Phillips,Rebecca PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 483780 Phillips,Tommy Ray PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 988031 Philpott,Matthew Scott PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 1524305 Piazza,Timothy Michael PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 3608656 Piccinato,Carla de Azevedo PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 306286 Pickard,Gary Edward PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2006‐2010 491327 Pickart,Michael Anthony PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2006‐2010 872099 Pidgeon,Anna PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 343112 Pienkos,Philip Thomas PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 119975 Pierce,Eric Adam PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2006‐2010 3763467 Pierre,Joseph Francis PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2006‐2010 162957 Pierson,Roger Allen PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 149588 Pietropaolo,Robin Louise PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 3961742 Pike,Tina Leah PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 1016183 Pikus,Jeremie Dean PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 1051960 Piliang,Wiranda Gentini PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2006‐2010 1051960 Piliang,Wiranda Gentini PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2006‐2010 1076770 Pimentel,Julio Lionel PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 1076770 Pimentel,Julio Lionel PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 1102127 Pineda Colorado,Ramon PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2006‐2010 735497 Pink,John James PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 1412209 Pinsirodom,Praphan PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 3546453 Pinto‐Tomas,Adrian Alberto PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2006‐2010 1125816 Pinyopummintr,Tanu PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 998483 Pires,Joseph Christopher PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2006‐2010 164697 Pisarri,Thomas Edward PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2006‐2010 4585174 Pisithkul,ZIZI TIPPAPHA PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2006‐2010 481789 Piskun,Caroline PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 258132 Pittendrigh,Barry Robert PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 4531540 Pittman,Kelly PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 4999361 Pizzo,Michelle PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2006‐2010 214812 Planchon,Sarah Marie PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2006‐2010 4945683 Plante,David Thomas PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 4262142 Pleiman,Jennifer PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2006‐2010 3472840 Pleitner,Jonathan Michael PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2006‐2010 827876 Pletsch,Amy Elizabeth PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 370400 Pluhar,Grace Elizabeth PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2006‐2010 948546 Plum,Lori Ann PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 210859 Plumb,Mary Lee PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 850272 Plunkett III,Guy Downs PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 813478 Poburka,Bruce John PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2006‐2010 1199775 Podgorsak,Matthew B. PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2006‐2010 1079780 Poernama,Ferry PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2006‐2010 1079780 Poernama,Ferry PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2006‐2010 3761338 Pointer,Kelli PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 404596 Polaczyk,Patricia Jean PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 1001134 Polans,Arthur S PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 3611415 Pollack‐Berti,Amber Garvin PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 289873 Pollak,Sara Allen PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 4299058 Pollock,Elizabeth PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2006‐2010 464504 Polzin,Jason Andrew PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 1056061 Pommier,Serge Andre PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 1033421 Ponce De Leon‐Gonzalez,Leyda PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2006‐2010 1010377 Pond,Leslie PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 1210924 Pongam,Patchara PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2006‐2010 4299495 Ponomareva,Olga PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 756122 Poole,Therese Marie PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2006‐2010 222331 Pooler,Margaret Rebecca PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2006‐2010 232268 Pooley,Robert Alan PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 938179 Pope,Mark Randall PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 3466093 Pope,Nathaniel James PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2006‐2010 1025528 Populin,Luis C. PHD 710D Neuroscience PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 1497745 Pornchaikate,Atittaya PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 4266920 Porras‐Chaverri,Mariela PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2006‐2010 4576626 Porter,Douglas PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 3567830 Porter,Frederick William PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 3766231 Posavi,Marijan PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 971591 Post,David Charles PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 4157506 Post,Eric PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 409498 Post,Leonard Edwin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 244701 Postle,Kathleen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2006‐2010 3333423 Pottekat,Anita PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2006‐2010 515225 Pottenger,Lynn Herrick PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2006‐2010 3315575 Potter,Nancy Louise PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 1641205 Potter,Wyatt Benjamin PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 5421169 Poudel,Hari PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2006‐2010 819137 Poulsen,Keith Pappas PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 3790093 Powell,Emily Claire PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 974961 Powell,Jaimie Suzanne PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 3372708 Powers,Ginny Lynn PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 979128 Powers,Patricia PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 208134 Powwattana,Arpaporn S. PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2006‐2010 196076 Poyer,John Francis PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2006‐2010 316577 Poyner,Russell R. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2006‐2010 4574627 Prajapati,Surendra PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 340641 Prange,Robert Wayne PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 3910532 Prasad,Aman PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 543436 Prasch,Amy Louise PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2006‐2010 484837 Prather,Randall Scott PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2006‐2010 313629 Pratt,Carol I. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2006‐2010 3174833 Pratt,Zachary Lowe PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2006‐2010 341472 Predick,Katharine Ileane PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 999233 Prehoda,Kenneth Eugene PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2006‐2010 930952 Prestemon,Jeffrey Paul PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2006‐2010 212640 Presting,Gernot Guenther PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2006‐2010 411856 Preston,Bradley Dean PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 411856 Preston,Bradley Dean PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 241748 Price III,Thomas Paul PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 262923 Price,Barney Duane PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 4375567 Price,David Leonard PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 289213 Price,Michele Boeing PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2006‐2010 1585030 Prichard,Jennifer Roxanne PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2006‐2010 3985853 Prishchepov,Alexander Vladimirovich PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2006‐2010 1648687 Pritchard,John Edward PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2006‐2010 231661 Privalle,Christopher Thomas PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2006‐2010 216843 Privalle,Laura Stein PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 846348 Proctor,Gary Neal PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 1080246 Proctor,Robert Henry PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 284778 Pscheidt,Jay William PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2006‐2010 4590802 Pu,Jia PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 395681 Puchalski,Ralph Brian PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2006‐2010 1242189 Pudipeddi,Madhusudhan PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 3611480 Pudota,Bala Bhaskar PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 3326724 Pueschel,Eric Martin PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2006‐2010 3104503 Puffer,Erik B. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2006‐2010 129111 Pugh,Benjamin Franklin PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 3829469 Pujara,Maia PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2006‐2010 1079966 Pulak,Rock Anthony Boris PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2006‐2010 141879 Pullen,Steven Scott PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 827146 Pulsinelli,Gary Albert PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2006‐2010 4429893 Pultorak,Joshua David PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 275458 Pumfery,Anne Marie PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 4520572 Pummanee,Treenut PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2006‐2010 4357898 Purro,Max PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2006‐2010 943442 Pursley,James Richard PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 89392 Puth,Linda M. PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2006‐2010 1282611 Puthenveettil,Jairaj Akkappillil PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 3441617 Putiri,Emily Louise PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2006‐2010 3012600 Puttagunta,Radhika PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2006‐2010 1281673 Pyeon,Dohun PHD 983V Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 550346 Pyter,Richard Allen PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 3961786 Qi,Chao PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2006‐2010 1594125 Qi,Zhi PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2006‐2010 4138817 Qi,Zhihua PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 1104669 Qian,Xiao‐Hong PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2006‐2010 3450799 Qiao,Wei PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 1068073 Qin,Minmin PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2006‐2010 1486740 Qing,Xin PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2006‐2010 1489795 Qing,Zhu PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2006‐2010 4116718 Qiu,Jiangxiao PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 3024511 Qiu,Yu PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 1010092 Quick,Thomas Chandler PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 1191446 Quideau,Stephane PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 1491893 Quijada,Pablo Antonio PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 89595 Quijano Jr.,Victor Joseph PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 2988256 Quinchia‐Rios,Beatriz Helena PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 5130443 Quinney,Kyle PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 1297148 Quintana,Juan PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 449806 Quirino,Betania Ferraz PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 241262 Quirk,David James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 885392 Rabaey,Thomas Lewis PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 1463656 Rabelo,Euler PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2006‐2010 138742 Rabinowitz,Simon S. PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2006‐2010 179838 Rabow,Lois Ellen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2006‐2010 5002314 Racine,Annie Marie PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 318120 Raczniak,Timothy Jon PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2006‐2010 318120 Raczniak,Timothy Jon PHD 983M Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2006‐2010 1433055 Radeloff,Volker PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 670891 Rademacher,Thomas William PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 197231 Radika,Kesavan PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2006‐2010 1054453 Radparvar,Saeed PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 5164012 Radzinski,Nikolai Paul PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 3167038 Raess,Philipp Werner PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2006‐2010 285183 Raffaelle,Marni PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2006‐2010 619737 Raffel,David Michael PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2006‐2010 3770648 Rafferty,Nicole Elizabeth PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2006‐2010 964774 Raffetto,Nancy Sorensen PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2006‐2010 3182371 Raffi,Julie Ann PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2006‐2010 250370 Rahel,Frank John PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 1053063 Rahimian,Mohammad Kazem PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2006‐2010 1246949 Rai,Sharath K. PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 187778 Raich,William Barrett PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 5339791 Rainbow,Jessica PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 3192436 Raines,Anna Margaret PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2006‐2010 3619714 Raines,Summer Marie PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 1064946 Rajagopalan,Lakshman E. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 3373230 Rajala,Abigail Zdrale PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2006‐2010 4839748 Rajanala,Harisha PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2006‐2010 4449867 Rajbhandari,Abha Karki PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 4449869 Rajbhandari,Prashant PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2006‐2010 4555082 Rajendram,Manohary PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 3943978 Rak,Kyle PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 214469 Raley,Kathleen Marie PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 1054068 Ralph,John PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2006‐2010 961090 Ralston,Amy Cherie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2006‐2010 1098817 Ralston,Catherine Erma PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2006‐2010 3453147 Ramachandran,Subramaniam PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 3165787 Raman,Aarthi PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2006‐2010 136185 Raman,Indira Monica PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 192360 Ramanathan,Rajeev PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 4724844 Ramirez Madera,Axel PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2006‐2010 4785570 Ramirez Reyes,Carlos PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2006‐2010 1133034 Rammage,Linda Ann PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2006‐2010 1332686 Ramon,Miguel PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 1025010 Ramos Pizarro,Carmen Ana PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 1054425 Ramos,Virginia Eugenio PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 1650188 Ramos‐Solis,Alma PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 100763 Ramsey,Catherine Anne PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2006‐2010 3753804 Ramsey,Meghan Elizabeth PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 4565242 Ramstein,Guillaume PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2006‐2010 977644 Rancour,David Michael PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 115452 Ranelli,Paul Lucien PHD 914P Social Studies in Pharmacy PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2006‐2010 730291 Rangaraj,Priya PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2006‐2010 829524 Rank,Nicole Miller PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 263329 Rank,Thomas C. PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 1450430 Rao,Chetan Sunil PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 3315124 Rao,Deepa Avasarala PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 1206366 Rao,Lin PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 3938265 Rao,Min PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 1052946 Rashidbaigi,Abbas PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 866871 Rasmussen,Cathy Ann PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2006‐2010 3778774 Rasmussen,Karl H PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 923139 Rasmussen,Theodore Peter PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 1568161 Rastani,Robin Renee PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2006‐2010 973010 Ratcliff,Ann Elizabeth PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2006‐2010 3292988 Raterman,Erica Lynn PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 416668 Ratterman,Denise Marie PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 1053248 Rauf,Aunu PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2006‐2010 268452 Rauh,James Joseph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2006‐2010 839715 Raunikar,Ronald P. PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 4289414 Raval,Kunil PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 4417989 Raver,Ryan Michael PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 409575 Ray,Bryan Lee PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 1026706 Ray,Ian McCandliss PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 5001206 Rayasam,Aditya PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 4717453 Ray‐Soni,Ananya PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 191607 Read,Harry PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2006‐2010 611013 Rebholz,Karen Lea PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 799916 Recht,Michael PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 237938 Reddig,Peter Jeffrey PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 829453 Reddy,Kadumpalli Anjan PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 439052 Reece,Karen Leneta PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2006‐2010 673990 Reed,Jonathan Rodgers PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2006‐2010 4561691 Reed,Joshua PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 964193 Reed‐Andersen,Tara PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2006‐2010 280088 Reeder,Amy Lori PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 949758 Reedstrom,Charlet Keller PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2006‐2010 918442 Reedstrom,Ross J. PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 1050748 Reeleder,Richard Delmar PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 672640 Reese,Michael Joseph PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 426036 Reeve,Lorraine Ellen PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 676226 Regassa,Laura Beth PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 315919 Regner,Kurt M. PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 309819 Reh,Thomas Andrew PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2006‐2010 129031 Reich,Jonathan Moritz PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 960600 Reichle,Joe E. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 4683811 Reid,Brendan Nolan PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2006‐2010 402949 Reid,Laura Hink PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 4157554 Reidenbach,Andrew PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2006‐2010 1052180 Reifschneider,Francisco Jose PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 359617 Reinhart,Gregory Duncan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 3192034 Reinhart,Jennifer M PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 660445 Reinholz,Gregory Gerald PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 916951 Reinholz,Monica T Madden PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 969175 Reinitz,Catharine Alice PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2006‐2010 3103018 Reinke,Emily Katharine PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 936696 Reinke,Kimberly Jeanne PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 1327377 Reis,Ronaldo Braga PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 133575 Reisch,Bruce Irving PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 284674 Reisman,David J. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2006‐2010 875939 Reiter,Nicholas John PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2006‐2010 169067 Reiter,Robert Stefan PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 232272 Reitnauer,Pamela Jean PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 4281273 Rekoske,Brian PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2006‐2010 903215 Remington,Thomas Edward PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 641836 Remington,Thomas Richard PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2006‐2010 3441787 Remsburg,Alysa Jane PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2006‐2010 4605862 Ren,Jun PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 3204428 Ren,Qin PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 1332008 Ren,Xiaodi PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 605501 Ren,Zhibin PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 172543 Rendina,Alan Ralph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 112237 Renfrew,Rosalind Brent PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2006‐2010 1063434 Rengpipat,Sirirat PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2006‐2010 4565998 Rensvold,Jarred PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 557196 Repa,Joyce Jezerc PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 205577 Repaske,David Roy PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 847667 Repaske,Mary Gaile PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2006‐2010 3065118 Repplinger,Michael PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2006‐2010 182372 Resek,John Felix PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 1052909 Resende,Mauricio PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 3113396 Restituyo,Jose A. PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 612324 Retherford,Kristine Sue PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 640001 Reuhl,Kenneth Reynolds PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2006‐2010 4403217 Reusch,Jessica PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2006‐2010 1469067 Reynal,Santiago Maria PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 4868909 Reynolds,Gregory PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 829188 Reynolds,Matthew R. PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 1086704 Reynolds,Penelope Susan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2006‐2010 390825 Rhee,Yong PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2006‐2010 3454014 Rhemtulla,Jeanine Marie PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2006‐2010 1053198 Rho,Yeong Deok PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2006‐2010 3293204 Rhoads,Keelia Marie PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 1009663 Rhode,Peter Richard PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2006‐2010 223265 Rhodes Jr,Curtis Neal PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 1573727 Rhodes,Justin S. PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 4432124 Riabroy,Napaporn PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 1051846 Ribeiro,Raul De Lucena Duarte PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2006‐2010 724268 Rice,Elizabeth Ilah PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2006‐2010 937453 Rice,James Alan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 975787 Rice,John Robin PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2006‐2010 407408 Rice,Kevin Peter PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2006‐2010 224955 Rice,Philip Walter PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 101930 Rich,Jessica Julia PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 979691 Richard,Edwin Allen PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2006‐2010 469234 Richards,Gregory Ross PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 979136 Richards,Julia Elaine PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 665864 Richards,Oliver Corcoran PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2006‐2010 2995522 Richardson,Susan Lynn PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 539949 Richmond,Kathryn Elizabeth PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 647646 Richmond,Todd Alan PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 493767 Richter,Catherine Anne PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2006‐2010 284898 Ricke,Steven C. PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 284898 Ricke,Steven C. PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2006‐2010 3704886 Ricker,Colleen Chute PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 187519 Rickles,Nathaniel Marc PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 930008 Rider,Larry Paul PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2006‐2010 131816 Ridgway,Nino Margaret PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 3175094 Riedeman,Eric Scott PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 551240 Riederer,Stephen James PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 466698 Riedner,Brady Alexander PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2006‐2010 1583293 Riesenfeld,Christian Slattery PHD 677MED Microbiology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 393501 Rieske,Lynne K. PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2006‐2010 937310 Riezman,Howard PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2006‐2010 343177 Rife,James Ed PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2006‐2010 3108196 Riina Olivares,Ricarda Graciela PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2006‐2010 839209 Riley,Bruce Bennett PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2006‐2010 3445608 Rimkus,Stacey Ann PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 250616 Riogeist,Jens Brodersen PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2006‐2010 1023107 Rios Velazquez,Carlos PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2006‐2010 4684331 Rioux,Renee Arielle PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 212525 Ripka,Amy S. PHD 744L Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 597444 Ripp,Sharon Lee PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 189755 Ripple,Maureen O'Leary PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 130256 Riquelme,Patricio Transito PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2006‐2010 245486 Rishavy,Mark Alan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2006‐2010 287810 Ritchie,Steven William PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2006‐2010 4143739 Ritter,Anna Christina PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 3318237 Rivera,Charlene PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2006‐2010 1032238 Rivera,Moises Amed PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2006‐2010 4116725 Rivera‐Rivas,Jose Joaquin PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2006‐2010 175789 Robbins,Martha Mackay PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 3114012 Robbins,Matthew Darwin PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2006‐2010 520286 Robers,Pamela Ann PHD 914P Social Studies in Pharmacy PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2006‐2010 239999 Roberts,David William PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2006‐2010 239999 Roberts,David William PHD 121A Botany PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2006‐2010 4838231 Roberts,Robyn PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 669128 Roberts,Thomas Warren PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2006‐2010 793748 Roberts,Tonya PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 3763873 Robertson Smith,Amber PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2006‐2010 994672 Robertson,Andrew David PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2006‐2010 550046 Robertson,Kent Allen PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 550046 Robertson,Kent Allen PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2006‐2010 395819 Robertson,Shari Ann PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2006‐2010 230404 Robertson,Sue Jinks PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 224103 Robertson,Whitney Renee PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 994206 Robia,Seth Louis PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 4120077 Robinson,Amanda R PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 1466391 Robinson,Courtney Jaime PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 99963 Robinson,Phyllis Roberta PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 4283141 Robinson,Stacie Joy PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2006‐2010 211901 Robinson‐Beers,Kay PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2006‐2010 169623 Robison,Daniel Julian PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2006‐2010 3370788 Robison,Matthew Lee PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2006‐2010 1384491 Robles,Estuardo PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2006‐2010 938935 Robson,Lori Marlene PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2006‐2010 1498396 Robu,Mara‐Eliza PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2006‐2010 1592252 Robu,Valentin Gheorghe PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2006‐2010 849065 Roca,Alberto Ivan PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 3430204 Rocco,Christopher James PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2006‐2010 309522 Rocke,Tonie Ellen PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2006‐2010 1482770 Rodas,Juan David PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 1053017 Rode,Lyle Mason PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2006‐2010 991423 Rodems,Steven Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2006‐2010 4580180 Rodgers,Frank Clifford PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2006‐2010 4835464 Rodgers,Margaret PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2006‐2010 123974 Rodman,Joshua Reuben PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 3771255 Rodman,Rachel Christine PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 841667 Rodrigues,Marcelo Teixeira PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2006‐2010 4132187 Rodrigues,Rachel Beth PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2006‐2010 5327956 Rodriguez Bonilla, Lorraine PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 3472848 Rodriguez Garcia,Flor de Maria PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 1024449 Rodriguez Hornedo,Nair PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 4878519 Rodriguez Molina,Jose PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 1297149 Rodriguez,Aaron PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 4835808 Rodriguez,Adriana PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 4197649 Rodriguez,Alex PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2006‐2010 4881126 Rodriguez,Alfonso PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2006‐2010 4892670 Rodriguez,Carlos Ivan PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2006‐2010 1024156 Rodriguez,Carlos Juan PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2006‐2010 1023358 Rodriguez,Fernando Ivan PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2006‐2010 1333242 Rodriguez,Gerardo Rodriguez PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2006‐2010 1056330 Rodriguez,Luis Leandro PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2006‐2010 3630192 Rodriguez,Manuel Rafael PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 4254871 Rodriguez‐Molina,Juan B PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 1268292 Rodriguez‐Zas,Sandra Luisa PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2006‐2010 1054510 Roe,Jung Hye PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 160351 Roehl,Henry PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2006‐2010 767485 Roehm,Neal William PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2006‐2010 1584901 Rogers,Baxter Powhatan PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2006‐2010 2988126 Rogers,David Armstrong PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2006‐2010 636981 Rogers,Peter M. PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2006‐2010 373608 Roggy,Janet Lynn PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2006‐2010 689687 Rohan,Angela Marie Kempf PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 412206 Rohde,Cynthia Marie PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2006‐2010 3460663 Roiland,Rachel PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 96167 Rojanasakul,Yongyut PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2006‐2010 5101687 Roll,Anne PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 561481 Roll,Jon PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 194658 Roman,Beth Lynne PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 5149635 Romano,Kymberleigh PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2006‐2010 517302 Romero Andreas,Jeanne PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2006‐2010 4509430 Romero‐Masters,James PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 3988524 Ronayne,Erin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 310889 Rondon,Michelle PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2006‐2010 3648171 Rong,Yi PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2006‐2010 807120 Rooney,Peggy Joyce PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 188342 Rooney,Thomas Paul PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 959991 Root,Wesley Roland PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 4575536 Roper,Lindsey PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 638550 Rosa,Susan Ayres PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2006‐2010 4122846 Rosado‐Mendez,Ivan Miguel PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2006‐2010 546262 Rosanske,Thomas Walter PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2006‐2010 1054166 Rosas,Juan Carlos PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2006‐2010 5020055 Rose,Jeffrey PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 526557 Rose,Peter Edward PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 461885 Rose‐Hellekant,Teresa Anne PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2006‐2010 3701038 Rosen,Benjamin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2006‐2010 3220101 Rosen,Kristin M. PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2006‐2010 2994409 Rosenbaum,Erica PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2006‐2010 137042 Rosenfeld,Michael Ellis PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 608163 Rosenheimer,Julie Louise PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2006‐2010 324767 Rosenquist,Thomas Allen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2006‐2010 1211543 Rosenzweig,Noah PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2006‐2010 894396 Rosovitz,Mary Jo PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 393632 Ross,Kerry Lynn PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2006‐2010 3001285 Ross,Richard Edwin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2006‐2010 89943 Ross,Stuart Andrew PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2006‐2010 757911 Rotenberg,Dorith PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2006‐2010 212014 Roth,Sherry PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 134222 Rothstein,Steven Jay PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2006‐2010 760644 Roti Roti,Elon Christiane PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2006‐2010 617045 Rott,Marc Alan PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2006‐2010 3956233 Roubal,Anne PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2006‐2010 3328417 Rouhana,Labib PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2006‐2010 1012395 Roup,Christina Marie PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2006‐2010 240139 Roush,Rebecca Sue PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 972152 Rousos,Penelope Ann PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2006‐2010 3116056 Rousseau,Bernard PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2006‐2010 815541 Rowbotham,Robert PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2006‐2010 271098 Rowe,Donene Adele PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2006‐2010 150078 Rowe,Gail Ellen PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2006‐2010 92793 Rowe,Paul Martin PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2006‐2010 578824 Rowe,Robert Franklin PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2006‐2010 526937 Roy,Marc M. PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2006‐2010 422239 Roy,Mike PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2006‐2010 1362800 Roy,Nelson PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2006‐2010 3910607 Roy,Rene PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2006‐2010 562340 Royer,Heather Rhea PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 604486 Rozner,Ann Elise PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2006‐2010 271393 Ruark,Gregory A. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2006‐2010 3436837 Rubert,Kennedy PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 4423633 Rubert,Nicholas Charles PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 278299 Rubio,Aileen Agnes PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2006‐2010 3778757 Ruby,John Raymond PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2006‐2010 144167 Ruchala,Kenneth PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2006‐2010 951436 Rudel,David James PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2006‐2010 1544982 Rudolph,Ehren Nathaniel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2006‐2010 165975 Rudolph,Natalie Sandra PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2006‐2010 706374 Ruegsegger,Gary James PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 3067994 Rufer,Echoleah Star PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2006‐2010 4873409 Ruhl,David PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2006‐2010 5129227 Ruhs,Emily PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2006‐2010 1024570 Ruiz‐Garcia,Nayma Esther PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2006‐2010 1005845 Rulifson,Eric Johns PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2006‐2010 962321 Rumney,Jeff S. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2006‐2010 852072 Runyen‐Janecky,Laura Jane PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2006‐2010 5327113 Rush,Tomas PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2006‐2010 244829 Rushforth,Alice Marie PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2006‐2010 109492 Russell,James PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2006‐2010 702191 Russell,James Richard PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2006‐2010 702191 Russell,James Richard PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2006‐2010 4437126 Russell,John A PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2006‐2010 204601 Russell,Julie Ann PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 204601 Russell,Julie Ann PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 271537 Russell,Thomas Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2011‐2015 362088 Russin,William Allan PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2011‐2015 878252 Rusterholz,Kurt Alan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2011‐2015 1065842 Rusul,Gulam PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 921666 Rutherford,Robert PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 3427844 Rutherford,Steven Thomas PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 3614745 Rutkoski,Thomas John PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 392155 Rutz Jr,Richard Emil PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2011‐2015 434342 Ryan,Marni Ann PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2011‐2015 962850 Ryerson,Douglas Kent PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 1126922 Ryner,Lawrence Nelson PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2011‐2015 763873 Ryser,Elliot Todd PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2011‐2015 4566000 Rytz,Therese PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 1069111 Ryu,Wang Shick PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 837815 Saavedra,Jose PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 4575576 Sabo,Autumn PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 1004906 Sabor,Alexia PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2011‐2015 3024740 Sabree,Zakee Louis PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 192338 Sacchetti,Mark PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 3607876 Sacha,Jonah Bradley PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 159799 Sachsenmeier,Kris Franz PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2011‐2015 92341 Sadek,Christine Marie PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2011‐2015 663417 Sadrzadeh,Negar PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 1086901 Saeed,Muhammad PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 3832842 Saenz,Daniel PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 1367164 Saenz‐Romero,Cuauhtemoc PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 3005209 Saffert,Ryan Thomas PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 1030516 Sahin,Halil Turgut PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2011‐2015 2994165 Said,Hana Ali PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 999001 Sakai,Dennis David PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2011‐2015 3066157 Sakai,Jill A. PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 961745 Sakon,Joshua PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2011‐2015 1063849 Saleh,Ghizan Bin PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 1077362 Saleki‐Gerhardt,Azita PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2011‐2015 96392 Salerno,Theresa Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2011‐2015 595470 Saless,Neema PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2011‐2015 1033245 Salgado Pabon,Wilmara PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 4434292 Salinger,Ari PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 431035 Salituro,Francesco G. PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2011‐2015 713987 Salkowski,Cindy Ann PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 1063999 Salman,Abduljabbar A. PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2011‐2015 170475 Salowe,Scott Payne PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 4606326 Salvo,Stella PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2011‐2015 966610 Samac,Deborah Ann PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2011‐2015 1050922 Samaha,Magda PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 544236 Samanta,Sudeep PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 691377 Sami,Hafez Mahmoud PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 4751791 Samia Kalantari,Afshin PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2011‐2015 313111 Samizadeh‐Yazd,Ahmad PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 211947 Sammak,Paul Joseph PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2011‐2015 160837 Sammel,Lauren Michele PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 3441765 Sampath,Harini PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 3727373 Sample,Susannah PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 757227 San Agustin,Jovenal Dela T PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2011‐2015 4578762 Sanabria Galindo,Claudia PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 932134 Sanborn,Stephen Martin PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2011‐2015 3106096 Sancar,Feyza PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 3779784 Sanchez Perez,Gregorio PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2011‐2015 4564735 Sanchez Vazquez,Patricia PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 3800406 Sanchez,Robert Joseph PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 668354 Sancho Solis,Raquel Maria PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2011‐2015 3971548 Sand,Jordan Marshall PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 222977 Sanda,Sherrie Lea PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2011‐2015 866024 Sandbaken,Mark Gordon PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2011‐2015 997472 Sandberg,Mark Leonard PHD 724MED Oncology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2011‐2015 4864993 Sanders,Dean M PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2011‐2015 357032 Sanderson,Beth Leigh PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 180725 Sanderson,Peter George PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 116112 Sandler,Paula Louise PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2011‐2015 343100 Sandrik,John Michael PHD 855L Radiological Sciences PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 184249 Sandstrom,John Carl PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 1054279 Sandu,Constantine PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 3027576 Sanek,Nicholas Adam PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 1010577 Sanford,Gregg PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 896586 Sanford,John Christopher PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2011‐2015 1337054 Sangasubana,Nisaratana PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 1452877 Sangsritavong,Siwat PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 5023032 Santa‐Martinez,Emmanuel PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2011‐2015 5099802 Santana,Omar PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2011‐2015 1024744 Santana‐Castellon,Eduardo PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 1024744 Santana‐Castellon,Eduardo PHD 995A Zoology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 663087 Santas,Amy PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2011‐2015 4359213 Santhosh,Devi PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2011‐2015 4275915 Santiago‐Medina,Miguel PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2011‐2015 3472373 Santiago‐Torres,Margarita PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 1051574 Santini,Francisco Jose PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2011‐2015 1500858 Santos,Carlos Antonio Fernandes PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 268722 Santos,Kleber A De S PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2011‐2015 5115271 Santoso,Andrew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 4996684 Sardi,Maria PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 3435683 Sareen,Dhruv PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2011‐2015 949517 Sargeant,Glen Alan PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 231136 Sargent,Linda Marie PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 1524651 Sartori Filho,Roberto PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 3605730 Sasane,Medha Rahul PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 3223978 Sashital,Dipali Gurudutt PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 476159 Sass,Gregory George PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2011‐2015 3045606 Sass,Suzanne Marie PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2011‐2015 4581429 Satapoomin,Pimchanok PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2011‐2015 4839681 Satjarak,Anchittha PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 951279 Satter,Martin Robert PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2011‐2015 133733 Satterlee,John Scott PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 236986 Satyshur,Kenneth Andrew PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 373132 Saucedo,Leslie Joan PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2011‐2015 3624457 Saul,Michael C. PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 4249260 Saunders Bulan,Mary PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2011‐2015 924161 Saupe,Kurt William PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2011‐2015 618672 Sausen,Peter John PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2011‐2015 114546 Savage,Mary Pfann PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2011‐2015 4002963 Sawin,Emily PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 109595 Sawyer,Jaymie Robin PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 988261 Saydoff,Joel Alan PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2011‐2015 151742 Sayles,Peter Charles PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2011‐2015 3314718 Scancella,Jenifer Marie PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 1285274 Scarpa,Riccardo PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2011‐2015 5111472 Scarpelli,Matthew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2011‐2015 4605808 Schaefer,Mitchell PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2011‐2015 4480915 Schaenzer,Adam PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2011‐2015 465231 Schalinske,Kevin Lee PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2011‐2015 91251 Schaller,George Eric PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 517813 Schantz,Susan Lynn PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2011‐2015 713213 Schartner,Jill M PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2011‐2015 3484630 Schaser,Allison PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 191342 Schatz,George Edward PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 931236 Scheckel,Martha Mary PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 924501 Schedl,Timothy Bruce PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 998903 Scheer,Alison R. PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2011‐2015 934780 Scheffler,Jodi Carpenter PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2011‐2015 1588160 Schell,Jeffrey Michael PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2011‐2015 204096 Schell,Michael Charles PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 906360 Scheller,Robert Michael PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 338096 Schenborn,Elaine T. PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 4709921 Schenck,Craig PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 872432 Schendel,Frederick John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2011‐2015 970024 Schenkel,Alan Rowe PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 259033 Schenkman,Daniel Irvin PHD 733A Pathology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 259033 Schenkman,Daniel Irvin PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 109592 Schenkman,Laura R. PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 138791 Schettini,Terry Manfredi PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2011‐2015 873188 Schiefelbein Jr,John William PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 307120 Schilke,Brenda Arlene PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2011‐2015 1653426 Schill,Nicholas John PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2011‐2015 866274 Schilling,Lynda Jean PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2011‐2015 158815 Schillo,Keith Koehler PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2011‐2015 656725 Schiltz,Craig Alexander PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 1203828 Schindler,Daniel Edward PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2011‐2015 3118402 Schiro,Michelle Marie PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 5040888 Schlautman,Brandon PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 327338 Schlax Jr,Peter E. PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2011‐2015 3755924 Schleede,Justin Beegle PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 613210 Schleifer,Kathleen Winnifred PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2011‐2015 4185674 Schliemann,Sarah Anne PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 484251 Schlimgen,Ann Katherine PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 3583259 Schmerberg,Claire Margaret PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 3950307 Schmidt,Benjamin Adam PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 1529718 Schmidt,Joshua John PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2011‐2015 695055 Schmidt,Matthew Wade PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 3045479 Schmit,Travis Lee PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 3905845 Schmitt,Heather PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2011‐2015 253687 Schmitt,Mark Ridinger PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2011‐2015 253687 Schmitt,Mark Ridinger PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2011‐2015 4719858 Schmitz Carley,Cari Ann PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2011‐2015 2993065 Schmitz,George Edward PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 766539 Schmitz,John Leo PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 3567984 Schmitz,Robert Jeffrey PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 613139 Schmoldt,Daniel Lee PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 1571586 Schmuck,Eric Gary PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2011‐2015 715441 Schmude,Kurt Lyle PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2011‐2015 1099805 Schneemann,Anette PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 751799 Schneider,Andrew Jon PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 953703 Schneider,Audrey D. PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2011‐2015 3568497 Schneider,Caroline PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2011‐2015 209654 Schneider,Daniel Walters PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 1565815 Schneider,David Alan PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 3008796 Schochet,Terri Lisa PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2011‐2015 735821 Schoeni,Jean Loraine PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 182934 Schoennagel,Tania L. PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 182934 Schoennagel,Tania L. PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 932068 Scholl,Philip Jon PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 548610 Scholz,Allan Thomas PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2011‐2015 371278 Schomburg,Fritz Michael PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 4373902 Schomer,Rebecca PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2011‐2015 452564 Schommer,Jon C. PHD 760P Pharmacy Administration PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 625670 Schopf,Lisa Rae PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2011‐2015 1120736 Schrader,Stephen Michael PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2011‐2015 966175 Schranz,Michael Eric PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2011‐2015 4696305 Schrauben,Eric PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2011‐2015 3211133 Schreiber,Heidi Ann PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 379965 Schreyer,Sandra Alice PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2011‐2015 248733 Schroeder,Brock Evan PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2011‐2015 678561 Schroeder,Kenneth Roland PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 220938 Schroeder,Michele Marie PHD 712N Nursing PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 3444652 Schroeder,Nathan Eric PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2011‐2015 140573 Schroeder,Steven H. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2011‐2015 902864 Schroeder,William Andrew PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 1578764 Schubert,Laurie Ann PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 3774598 Schubert,Leah Kayomi PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 243133 Schueller,Michael John PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2011‐2015 750662 Schueller,Teresa I PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 750662 Schueller,Teresa I PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 772154 Schuette,Sally Ann PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 3740988 Schuh,Amber PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2011‐2015 561496 Schuh,Joseph Francis PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 516405 Schuh,Timothy James PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 1602580 Schulte,Lisa Anne PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 580960 Schultz,Allan Arthur PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 5113467 Schultz,Amy PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 514426 Schultz,Gerald Alvin PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 138499 Schultz,Jan M. PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2011‐2015 194656 Schultz,Janice Lynn PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 3370822 Schultz,Kimberly Louise Wright PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2011‐2015 4367938 Schulz,Katharine PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 454476 Schulz,Kurt Eric PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 371017 Schulz,Vincent P. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 696856 Schumacher,Jessica Rachael PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2011‐2015 239925 Schumm,James W. PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 3663182 Schussler‐Fiorenza,Chris M PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 957264 Schutte,Brian Charles PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2011‐2015 812680 Schutten,Melissa Mary PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2011‐2015 3294164 Schuyler,Brianna Susan PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 3032514 Schwab,Eric Charles PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2011‐2015 830739 Schwartz,Brian William PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 868554 Schwartz,Christopher Jon PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2011‐2015 838852 Schwartz,Michael Dean PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 1582104 Schwartz,Phillip Aaron PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 126179 Schwartz,Scott Evan PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2011‐2015 125434 Schwartz,Steven Jay PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 125434 Schwartz,Steven Jay PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 4566206 Schwartzman,Julia PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 426894 Schwarz,Michael Richard PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2011‐2015 612604 Schwarzbauer,Jean Ellen PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2011‐2015 502752 Schwarze,Steven Roger PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 3081546 Schwinn,Marie Kristan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 110671 Scobie,Heather Melissa PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 4715566 Scott,Alison PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 3966586 Scott,Jarrod Jude PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2011‐2015 642871 Scott,Patricia PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 3719405 Scully,Peter PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2011‐2015 923481 Scupham,Alexandra J. PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2011‐2015 842719 Seabold,Gail Kimberly PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2011‐2015 3008797 Seay,Daniel Jason PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2011‐2015 213520 Seckinger,Gary Robert PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2011‐2015 213520 Seckinger,Gary Robert PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2011‐2015 808730 Sedbrook,John Clarence PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 995720 Sedey,Allison Lee PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2011‐2015 189758 Sedlock,David Michael PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 392172 Sedman,Sylvia Ann PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 1560015 See,Angela Wai‐Man PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 277153 See,Norman Alan PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 799695 Seefeld,Mark Douglas PHD 415P Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 5307576 Seesawang,Junjira PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 1049907 Segalman,Tze‐Yin Kan PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 247773 Segerberg,Marsha Augusta PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 3889753 Seidl,Anna Christina PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 3973780 Sekhar,Ashok PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 4887977 Selen Alpergin,Ebru Selin PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 534726 Selen,Arzu PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 789806 Selimi,Dija A PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 4706045 Selleck,Ryan PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2011‐2015 174178 Selling,Bernard Hugh PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2011‐2015 266831 Sellmer,James Clifford PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 266831 Sellmer,James Clifford PHD 121A Botany PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 552103 Selner,David R. PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 3636342 Selwyn,Reed Grant PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 934705 Selzer,Rebecca Roemig PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 784192 Sem,Daniel Stephan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 3621387 Semaan,Sheila Jane PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 3428757 Semeniuk,Yulia Yuriyivna PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 518584 Sempos,Christopher Thomas PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2011‐2015 1052890 Sena Gomes,Augusto Roberto PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 268884 Senalik,Douglas Allen PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 399536 Senecoff,Julie Frances PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 3517627 Sengbusch,Evan Robert PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 4861944 Sengupta,RITUPARNA PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2011‐2015 487371 Senn,Norma Louise PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2011‐2015 487371 Senn,Norma Louise PHD 121A Botany PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2011‐2015 1050995 Senzai,Mohammad Daud PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 4297791 Sepe,Joseph PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 178924 Seplaki,Christopher Lewis PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 3783971 Serbin,Shawn Paul PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 1195936 Serquen,Felix Cristobal PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2011‐2015 882994 Serres,Margrethe Hauge PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2011‐2015 917532 Serres,Rodney Arthur PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2011‐2015 917532 Serres,Rodney Arthur PHD 121A Botany PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2011‐2015 3282267 Sessa,Emily Butler PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 180074 Sessler,Anna Marlena PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2011‐2015 466477 Settersten,Lori PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2011‐2015 3448146 Settles,Erik William PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 1123745 Seung,Hye‐Kyeung PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 909329 Severson,David William PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2011‐2015 922455 Severtson,Dolores Jean PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2011‐2015 3952241 Sevova,Elitza Slavova PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2011‐2015 967748 Seward II,Robert Albert PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 1579060 Sewell,Diane Lynn PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 790525 Sexson,Deana Lynn PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 3663383 Shade,Ashley Lauren PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 4406556 Shaffer,Clarissa Jane PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 3443332 Shah,Bupendra Kantilal PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 388594 Shah,Nilay D. PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2011‐2015 920495 Shahan,Mark Nathan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 240053 Shahidsaless,Fathieh M. PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2011‐2015 4587093 Shahinfar,Saleh PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2011‐2015 4714687 Shahzad,Mian Mohammed Khuram PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 3456957 Shai,Anny PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 193234 Shaiman,Susan PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2011‐2015 186340 Shamblin,Sheri Lynn PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 4412811 Shamsuzzaman,SOHEL PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 1178765 Shan,Qun PHD 147L Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 3937843 Shan,Weihua PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 1450133 Shang,Hongyu PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2011‐2015 1058845 Shanklin,John PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2011‐2015 4381422 Shanle,Erin Karina PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 1271126 Shanmuganayagam,Dhanansayan PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 1056378 Shannag,Esam Mohammad.E PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 4257015 Shannon,Laura M PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2011‐2015 3769738 Shanware,Naval Prakash PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 4888252 Shao,Xiangqiang PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 216191 Sharata,Harry H. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2011‐2015 1588162 Sharkey,Lisa Marie PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2011‐2015 4875819 Sharma,Akshat Sharma PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 398692 Sharp,David James PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 1050822 Sharp,Drusilla Rutherford M PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 1069302 Shastry,Arun Venkata PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2011‐2015 194619 Shaver,Randy PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 3547477 Shaw,Aubie Kay PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 104227 Shaw,Chorng‐Gang PHD 855M Radiological Sciences PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 398671 Shaw,Richard A PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 4157717 Shea,Michael PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 465091 Sheahan,John Joseph PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 243450 Shealy,David John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 265250 Sheets,Michael Dennis PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 3012984 Sheffield,Mark Edmund PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 985857 Sheldon III,Edward Lewis PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2011‐2015 3890119 Sheldon,Drew PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 949844 Shelver,Daniel Wilson PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 196548 Shen,Anna Lee PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2011‐2015 4940802 Shen,Beth PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2011‐2015 1368591 Shen,Cunxi PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2011‐2015 3975498 Shen,Macy M PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2011‐2015 3764751 Shen,Wei PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2011‐2015 1618044 Sheng,Ke PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2011‐2015 4585893 Shepard,Andrew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 115483 Shepard,David Martin PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2011‐2015 140679 Shepard,Deborah Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 266755 Shepard,Richard Malcolm PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 717108 Shepel,Laurie Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 91544 Sheperd,Anne Catherine PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 177625 Shepherd,John Dorsey PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2011‐2015 177625 Shepherd,John Dorsey PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2011‐2015 3452745 Shera,Nicholas Colin PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 956980 Shere Jr.,Jack Albert PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2011‐2015 956980 Shere Jr.,Jack Albert PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2011‐2015 3425630 Shereda,Robert Daniel PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2011‐2015 613697 Sheridan,David Coffey PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2011‐2015 3282479 Sheridan,Rachael T. C. PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2011‐2015 884561 Sherman,Mary Martin PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2011‐2015 144100 Sherry,Barbara PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2011‐2015 213399 Sherwood,John Lee PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 979334 Shesely,Edward Glen PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2011‐2015 3765989 Shetty,Ameesha Ravindra PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 3315199 Shi,Hairong PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 927872 Shi,Nian‐Qing PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 1191700 Shi,Wen‐Ge PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2011‐2015 921775 Shi,Wenyuan PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2011‐2015 1189135 Shi,Yan PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 4418567 Shi,Yejie PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 1057668 Shieh,Woan‐Ru PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 971524 Shields,Elson Jay PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 2993476 Shields,Morgan R PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2011‐2015 1090471 Shih,Shian‐Jiun PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 1051134 Shimamoto,Ko PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2011‐2015 209885 Shimizu,Yoji PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 968271 Shimomura,Katsunori PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 4411979 Shin,Eui Seok PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2011‐2015 4714352 Shin,Heaji PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2011‐2015 4264963 Shin,Ho Chul PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2011‐2015 4885416 Shin,Jung‐im PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 3975765 Shin,Myeong‐kyun PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 4563056 Shippy,Daniel Carl PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 942880 Shireman,Theresa Irene PHD 760P Pharmacy Administration PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2011‐2015 941255 Shirley,Renee Lynn PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2011‐2015 5164874 Shishkova,Evgenia PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2011‐2015 1352474 Shiu,Shin‐Han PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 4126896 Shivas,Jessica Marshall PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 5160861 Shiyanbola,Oyewale PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 5305178 Shockey,Abigail PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2011‐2015 398632 Shoemaker,Alex Ruch PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 441527 Shoenbill,Kimberly PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2011‐2015 168313 Shoff,Suzanne PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2011‐2015 127012 Shore,Leonard Jay PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2011‐2015 273820 Shore,Scott Harold PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 4558713 Shrestha,Prabha PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 3775303 Shtanko,Olena PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2011‐2015 5331455 Shuler,Stacie PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2011‐2015 955811 Shull,James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 519522 Shult,Peter A. PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2011‐2015 216570 Shumway,Stuart Denham PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 192551 Shupnik,Margaret Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 1058228 Sibara,Mbudzeni PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2011‐2015 1055830 Sibata,Claudio Hissao PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 3719025 Sibert,Bryan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2011‐2015 4298839 Sidoti,Brian PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 425451 Siebers,Jeffrey Vincent PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 943462 Siegele,Deborah Anne PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2011‐2015 1036108 Siegfried,Kellee Renee PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2011‐2015 896557 Sietsema,William Kendall PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2011‐2015 4160986 Sievers,Chelsie PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 601482 Sievert,Michael Kenneth PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2011‐2015 991476 Sikakana,Cynthia Non PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 983489 Sills,Gavin Rene PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2011‐2015 3474007 Silva del Rio,Noelia PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 1006723 Silva Jr,David Paul PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 4249147 Silverman,Jason Stanley PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 4386491 Silverman,Jennifer Ann PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 3344765 Sim,Sung‐Chur PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 1398895 Simangunsong,Bintang Charles Hamonangan PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 3967221 Simard,Martin PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 232823 Simerly,Calvin Randall PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 5135164 Simiele,Eric PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 4876199 Simiele,Samantha PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 878660 Simkins,George Stanley PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2011‐2015 973923 Simmons,Daniel Lewis PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 3609528 Simmons,Kenneth Todd PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 979905 Simokat,Kristin Ann PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2011‐2015 963704 Simon,Holly Marie PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 3215788 Simonson,Sara Jane Speros PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2011‐2015 571581 Simonson,William Thomas PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2011‐2015 489797 Simpkin,Douglas John PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 994086 Simpson,Frank Berry PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2011‐2015 992193 Simpson,Robert Urquhart PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 3008803 Sims,Paul Abell PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2011‐2015 382048 Singer,Mitchell Harris PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2011‐2015 4141218 Singh,Aditya PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 1052795 Singh,Ajaib PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2011‐2015 1052795 Singh,Ajaib PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2011‐2015 3561860 Singh,Anju PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2011‐2015 1051878 Singh,Jai Pal PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2011‐2015 1051988 Singh,Jasbir PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2011‐2015 868552 Singsaas,Eric Lawrence PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 4277744 Sippy,Rachel PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2011‐2015 1491928 Sironi,Mariano PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 143672 Sisock,Mary Louise PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 959736 Sithigorngul,Paisarn PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 964855 Skare,Kevin Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2011‐2015 485495 Skatrud,Thomas Joseph PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 138743 Skeath,James Benjamin PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2011‐2015 872225 Skogberg,Dave PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 111417 Skop,Ahna PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 2994760 Skopec,Michele Marie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2011‐2015 906765 Skovran,Elizabeth Carroll PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 931087 Skroch,Paul William PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 434036 Skwierczynski,Raymond Donald PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 980946 Slabaugh,Mary Beth PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 738145 Slack,Anne Willard PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 3952618 Slagowski,Jordan PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 184769 Slansky,Barry Lee PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2011‐2015 112847 Slansky,Jill Elizabeth PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2011‐2015 1004429 Slater,Michael Ross PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2011‐2015 573896 Slattery,Matthew Grant PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 769411 Slavin,Joanne Louise PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 109048 Sleath,Betsy Lynn PHD 914L Social Studies in Pharmacy PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2011‐2015 956795 Slemons,Richard Dean PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 335071 Slife,Charles Warren PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 1040436 Sliwinski,Marek Krzysztof PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2011‐2015 979202 Sloan,James Stuart PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2011‐2015 171554 Sloane,Amy PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 570036 Slosarek, Erin PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 279309 Slovin,Eliot Mark PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 992579 Small,Robert James PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 3371662 Smanski,Michael Joseph PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 90342 Smart,Eric James PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2011‐2015 5023034 Smelter,Dan PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2011‐2015 124980 Smilowitz,Jennifer Beth PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 1205337 Smirnyagina,Ekaterina PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2011‐2015 3101690 Smith,Alan Meyer PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2011‐2015 451132 Smith,Barbara S. PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2011‐2015 969217 Smith,Brent Hedley PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 3103277 Smith,Bryan Douglas PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 4423544 Smith,Chelsey Marie PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 267561 Smith,Craig Scott PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 250434 Smith,David Allen PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 454873 Smith,David Eugene PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2011‐2015 133059 Smith,David I. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2011‐2015 4143680 Smith,Elizabeth Anne PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 394593 Smith,Gregory James PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 394593 Smith,Gregory James PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 4267763 Smith,Heath Aaron PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 89932 Smith,James Foley PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 188548 Smith,Janet Louise PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 4879199 Smith,Jessica Cathey PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 186882 Smith,Jonathan Daniel PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2011‐2015 645921 Smith,Karen Elaine PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2011‐2015 861848 Smith,Kevin Paul PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 920634 Smith,Margaret Anne PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 962329 Smith,Mark PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 962329 Smith,Mark PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 3504551 Smith,Matthew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2011‐2015 857349 Smith,Richard Edward PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2011‐2015 3323350 Smith,Stacey Dewitt PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2011‐2015 4516908 Smith,Stephanie PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 403877 Smith,Susan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 879375 Smith,Timothy Lee PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 248470 Smolin,Lori Ann PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 107372 Snedeker,Suzanne Mary PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2011‐2015 3966570 Snow,Joshua Jordan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 195068 Snowdon,Jill Ann PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 482696 Snyder,Patricia Ann Ollinger PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2011‐2015 1369903 Soboll,Gisela PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 881269 Sockett,Donald Carl PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 1054293 Soemitro,Soetijoso PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2011‐2015 999110 Sofia,Heidi Jane PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2011‐2015 425752 Sogol,Elliott Michael PHD 758P Pharmacy ‐ Continuing Education PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2011‐2015 106564 Soisson,Emilie Therese PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2011‐2015 1054848 Sok,Dai‐Eun PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 194077 Sokac,Anna Marie PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2011‐2015 1051886 Solahuddin,Soleh PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2011‐2015 3334916 Solanki,Bharti Teresa PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 705739 Solheim,Stephen L. PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 1102024 Solnica‐Krezel,Lilianna I. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 227802 Solomon,Christopher Thomas PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2011‐2015 1053085 Soltys,Bohdan Jaroslaw PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2011‐2015 962501 Sommer,Julie Ann PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2011‐2015 446328 Sommer,Rebecca Jean PHD 744P Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 4591242 Somnay,Yash PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 1098957 Son,Min PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 1115648 Son,Yo‐Whan PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 839606 Song,Harriet PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1973‐74 12/19/73 2011‐2015 1446039 Song,Jikui PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 1090626 Song,Keming PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 223096 Song,Kyung Bin PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 1638607 Song,Mi Kyung PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 1069394 Song,Misun Won PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 205366 Song,Shiyu PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2011‐2015 4873616 Song,Wangze PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2011‐2015 3450856 Song,Yang PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 4550344 Soni,Mufaddal PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2011‐2015 3103728 Sonnemann,Kevin John PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2011‐2015 641294 Sorden,Steven David PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 484488 Sorkness,Ronald PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 4423728 Sorokin,Elena Petrovna PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2011‐2015 3104454 Soto,Brenda Liz PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 3176020 Soukup,Alexandra Anne PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2011‐2015 1254939 Southey,Bruce Robert PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2011‐2015 1090309 Southwood,Mary Helen PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2011‐2015 1080208 Souza Dias,Jose Alberto C PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2011‐2015 185530 Sowa,Gwendolyn Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 3014766 Spach,Karen Marie PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 353915 Spaeth,Virginia Ann PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2011‐2015 977972 Spalding,Martin H. PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 4583535 Spalink,Daniel PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 829214 Spangler,Nathan J. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 329521 Spangler,Peggy Louise PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 4139986 Spanier,Justin Al PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 144621 Sparrow,Carl Peter PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2011‐2015 917603 Speidel,Michael PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2011‐2015 535289 Spencer,Brian John PHD 652MED Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 4414638 Spero,Melanie PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 732933 Spieker,John Oscar PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 340620 Spinelli,Francesca Marie PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2011‐2015 176912 Spingarn,Arthur L. PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 959987 Spinski,Peggy Loy PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 5314156 Spool,Jeremy PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2011‐2015 4714254 Spracklin,George PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2011‐2015 168764 Sprague,Barbara Helene PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 3024969 Sprague,Brian Lee PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2011‐2015 1578222 Sprague,Christopher Lynn PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 4898454 Spraker,Joseph PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 4572395 Sprecher,Kate PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 245406 Sprunger,Suzanne Anita PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2011‐2015 1012893 Squirrell,Jayne Marilyn PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 4575376 Sreenivasan,Raashi PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2011‐2015 404812 Sridhar,Vidya Raman PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 3718447 Sridharan,Aadhavi PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 1456326 Srikun,Onsiri PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2011‐2015 4944702 Sripathi,Raghuveer PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 1452112 Sriwong,Burin T. PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 1117342 Sriyani,Nanik PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2011‐2015 103487 St Marie,Richard L. PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 148896 St. Clair,Dina Ann PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2011‐2015 4686621 St. John,Hillary PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 504464 Stabb,Eric Vincent PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 201521 Stack,Gary Edward PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2011‐2015 3012567 Stackpoole,Sarah Marie PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 1643014 Stading,Benjamin PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 284892 Staecker,Jeffrey Lee PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 942405 Staehling‐Hampton,Karen PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2011‐2015 764247 Stahl,James L. PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 764247 Stahl,James L. PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 5099099 Stanage,Tyler PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2011‐2015 964180 Stanek,Karen Ann PHD 792L Physiology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 4403031 Stanevich,Vitali Valerievich PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 3425636 Stanga,John Peter PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 3450382 Stanger,Trenton Floyd PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 4298333 Stankey,Jessie PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 4277243 Stankey,Robb PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2011‐2015 484582 Stanosz,Glen R PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2011‐2015 1575821 Stanton,Brynne Christine PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 417296 Staple,David William PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 1618690 Starai,Vincent Joseph PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 4741886 Starks,Erika PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 3582164 Starnes,Taylor PHD 677MED Microbiology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2011‐2015 3617454 Staudt,Mark William PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2011‐2015 4558282 Stecker,Kelly PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2011‐2015 713422 Steeber,Douglas Allen PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2011‐2015 3961066 Steed,Phillip Ryan PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2011‐2015 196530 Steele,Robert Darryl PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2011‐2015 506266 Steele,Thomas PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2011‐2015 982907 Steen‐Adams,Michelle Marie PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2011‐2015 3927768 Stefely,Jonathan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 279320 Steffen,Kenneth L. PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 406498 Steger,Krista Kay PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 855663 Steglich,Carolyn Sue PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 969352 Stegner,Aaron James PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2011‐2015 163771 Steiglitz,Barry Michael PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 562543 Stein,Thor Daniel PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 741322 Stein,Timothy James PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 608767 Steinberg,Thomas Harry PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 422007 Steinert,Bruce Warren PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2011‐2015 607849 Steingraeber,David Allen PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2011‐2015 220619 Steinhagen,Hans‐Peter W. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 943625 Steiniger‐White,Mindy Marie PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 422499 Steinke,James Albert PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2011‐2015 282872 Steinke,Kurt PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 611722 Stelly,David Matthias PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2011‐2015 4170638 Stelpflug,Scott PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2011‐2015 1056079 Stemmer,Willem PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2011‐2015 4601248 Stenglein,Jennifer Leigh PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 404898 Stenvig,Thomas Edward PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 224339 Stephens‐Jarnagin,Alisha K. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 171941 Sterchele,Paul Francis PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2011‐2015 4526038 Sterkel,Alana Kaye PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2011‐2015 872888 Sterling,Tracy Marie PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2011‐2015 186262 Sterner,Frank Jay PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2011‐2015 220914 Steven,Janet Carson PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2011‐2015 1598613 Stevens,Emily Ann PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 974794 Stevens,Michael Trent PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2011‐2015 4996061 Stevens,Sarah PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 1202442 Stevenson‐Barry,Joanne Marie PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 1202442 Stevenson‐Barry,Joanne Marie PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 4576485 Stewart,Danielle PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 399138 Stewart,Donald James PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2011‐2015 774742 Stewart,Philip Earl PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 191161 Stewart,Richard Scott PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 5087465 Steyer,Ben PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 315779 Stibitz,Earle Scott PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2011‐2015 3006891 Stiles,Timothy Allen PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2011‐2015 203362 Stilwell,Geoffrey E. PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 5003229 Stilwell,Matthew D PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2011‐2015 737804 Stirdivant,Steven Milton PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2011‐2015 3556889 St‐Louis,Veronique PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 896606 Stock,Michael Keith PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2011‐2015 922820 Stockman,Brian John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 896831 Stoddard,Steven F. PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2011‐2015 227323 Stoehr,Jonathan Paul PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 872542 Stoesz,Steven Peter PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2011‐2015 3347681 Stoffel,Jennifer Lynn PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2011‐2015 319590 Stohl,Elizabeth Anne PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 711732 Stolen,Craig Michael PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2011‐2015 459748 Stommel,John Roland PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 271445 Stone,David Elliot PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2011‐2015 962864 Stong,Robin Carol PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2011‐2015 1551963 Storm,Daniel J PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 949662 Stout,Barbara Anne PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2011‐2015 189583 Stout,Natasha Kay PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 965559 Strabala,Timothy John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 372996 Stramer,Susan Linda PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2011‐2015 1007352 Strand,Edythe Ann PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 1296829 Stranden,Ismo Juhani PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2011‐2015 556287 Strang,Brian Dean PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 935039 Strang,Kevin Thomas PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2011‐2015 767956 Strasburg,Gale Marvin PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2011‐2015 677279 Straseski,Joely Ann PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 3028067 Strati,Katerina PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2011‐2015 127473 Straus,David Bradley PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2011‐2015 176930 Strauss,Harlee Sue PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 563641 Streblow,Daniel Neal PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 4556500 Strey,Kristi Ann PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2011‐2015 405880 Strieleman,Paul Joseph PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2011‐2015 1432403 Strohm,Allison PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2011‐2015 957286 Strom,Margaret M. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 1026121 Stromberg,Mark Robert PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 659360 Strombom,Indiana Maria PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2011‐2015 4150224 Strong,ASHLEY MARIE POENITZSCH PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2011‐2015 4258803 Stroup,Bridget PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 3963655 Studer,Anthony Joseph PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 3617060 Studer,Sarah Victoria PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 921579 Studts,Joey Martin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2011‐2015 4097359 Stuecker,Tara Nicole PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 3066150 Stump,Kurt Edward PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2011‐2015 3099265 Stumpf,Craig Robert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 1009681 Stumpf,David Karl PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2011‐2015 434668 Stupar,Robert Michael PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 807996 Stute,James Keats PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2011‐2015 216080 Styer II,Donald James PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2011‐2015 1064684 Su,Ching‐Yuan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2011‐2015 1448419 Su,Gui PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2011‐2015 3456578 Su,Joe Wen‐Kai PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 937244 Su,Liying PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 3768104 Su,Shih‐heng PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 1100464 Su,Yeu PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 541235 Su,Yi‐Cheng PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2011‐2015 4718059 Su,Zhangli PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 3771313 Su,Zhenwei PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 155583 Suarez,Rafael O. PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 3483859 Suarez‐Rodriguez,Maria Cristina PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2011‐2015 1099553 Subramanian,Bala V. PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 1358755 Subramanian,Lalita PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 3482620 Sudmeier,Lisa PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 277007 Suh,Laura Ann PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2011‐2015 3326426 Suh,Nayoung PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2011‐2015 152484 Suh,Sang‐Jin PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2011‐2015 4408835 Suknuntha,Kran PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2011‐2015 1452111 Sukonpan,Chanokporn PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 4861951 Sukumar,Shravan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 830548 Sulc,R. Mark PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2011‐2015 1058249 Suleman,Younis Hussain PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 333595 Sullivan,Jeremy Alexander PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2007 08/26/07 2011‐2015 212416 Sullivan,Joseph Gerard PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 391003 Sullivan,Mark Alan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 234734 Sullivan,Michael Lee PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 580045 Sullivan,Thomas Dermot PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2011‐2015 223351 Sumner,Susan Stancil PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 1284143 Sun,Biao PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2011‐2015 3449689 Sun,Changhui PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2011‐2015 876109 Sun,Chin PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2011‐2015 1063648 Sun,Chongqing PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 1099998 Sun,Dan Dan PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 1064911 Sun,Dexter Y. PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 992365 Sun,Eric Tak On PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 4887896 Sun,Fei PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 1039799 Sun,Hsiao‐Fang Sunny PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2011‐2015 4140637 Sun,Shihu PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 982002 Sun,Wen Hsiao PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2011‐2015 1101752 Sun,Xi PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 4584188 Sun,Yue PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 1579030 Sun,Zhanyong PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 1097452 Sun,Zhuotao PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 1054365 Sunarjo,Pius Ibrahim PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2011‐2015 456192 Sunde,Roger PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2011‐2015 191417 Sunderland,John Joseph PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 3224916 Sundlass,Nadia K PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2011‐2015 3213502 Sundling,Kaitlin E. PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 1061030 Sung,Minki PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2011‐2015 359335 Sung,Nackmoon PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 3018698 Sung,Si‐Bum PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 721873 Supanich,Mark Patrick PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 1090801 Surh,Young‐Joon PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 3323374 Surles,Rebecca Lynn PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2011‐2015 3103835 Suryanarayanan,Sainath PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 397092 Sutherland,Jessica Elin PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2011‐2015 1518881 Suttangkakul,Anongpat PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 4905662 Suttidate,Naparat PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2011‐2015 5319587 Sutton,Matthew PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 410461 Sutton,Victoria Regina PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 4443480 Suwarno,Willy Bayuardi PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 770431 Svatos,Michelle Marie PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 1224693 Svavarsdottir,Erla Kolbrun PHD 712N Nursing PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 973570 Swallow,John G. PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 498605 Swaminathan,Neela PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 246511 Swaminathan,Sujata PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 958248 Swann,John Patrick PHD 513L History of Pharmacy PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2011‐2015 923659 Swanson,Bradley James PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 3211492 Swanson,Christine R PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 127366 Swanson,Jhan Craig PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2011‐2015 266962 Swartz,Darl Ray PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 266962 Swartz,Darl Ray PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 92260 Sweitzer,Nancy Kay PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2011‐2015 678112 Swenson,Theresa Lynn PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2011‐2015 996753 Swerdloff,Stuart Julio PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2011‐2015 4425336 Swick,Adam D PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2011‐2015 124933 Swick,Andrew Gordon PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 996923 Swihart,Kristin Grace PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 878551 Sword Jr,John Thomas PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 3452701 Sydorenko,Nadiya PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 3635476 Syed,Deeba PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 959252 Sylte,Matt Jon PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 160954 Symula,Derek James PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2011‐2015 4068290 Syrika,Asimina PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2011‐2015 1058681 Syu Jr,Wan PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 3616953 Szabady,Rose Linda PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2011‐2015 4387164 Szczykutowicz,Timothy Peter PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2011‐2015 4831322 Szulczewski,Joseph PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2011‐2015 3717775 Taff,Heather PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2011‐2015 469585 Taft,Andrew Stephen PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 1079997 Tageldin,Mohamed Hany Ahmed PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 3142802 Taggart,David James PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2011‐2015 1182806 Tai,Yu‐Tzu PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 1051041 Takashima,Ikuo PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 221661 Talbert,Luther Edmondson PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2011‐2015 240547 Taller,Barbara Jo PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 399167 Tam,Patricia Ellen PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2011‐2015 5155442 Tam,Tony Yutong PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2011‐2015 1090230 Tan,Hongjing PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 4586762 Tan,Li Xuan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 4516896 Tan,Xiaojun PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2011‐2015 4296191 Tandee,Kanokwan PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2011‐2015 4000093 Taneja,Sameer PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 4581496 Tanenhaus,Anne PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2011‐2015 3110173 Tang,Fangjun PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 1408623 Tang,Kuo‐Hsiang PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2011‐2015 420231 Tang,Li PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2011‐2015 3658070 Tang,Yixin PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2011‐2015 1097333 Taniwiryono,Darmono PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2011‐2015 4833280 Tanratana,Pansakorn PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 3309001 Tao,Jing PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 4244508 Tao,Yinghua PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 1052066 Taqi‐Eddin,Abdul‐Razzak Jamil PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2011‐2015 3970034 Tarapore,Rohinton Sarosh PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2011‐2015 954834 Tarpley,W Gary PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1981‐82 08/22/82 2011‐2015 4555253 Tas,Pamela PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 1398919 Tasko,Stephen M. PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2011‐2015 1054546 Tate,Anna Charlotte PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2011‐2015 4432196 Tatiyaborworntham,Nantawat PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2011‐2015 205923 Tavano,Christine Lynn PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 263402 Tavormina,Patricia Louise PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2011‐2015 137033 Tavormina,Salvatore John PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 1171016 Tawfik,Ahmed Abdel‐Moneim PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2011‐2015 3661785 Taylor,Benjamin James PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 958504 Taylor,Jackson Scott PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 4569832 Taylor,Keenan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2011‐2015 4832651 Taylor,Kendra PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 217550 Taylor,Kimberly Michelle PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 216815 Taylor,Matthew Joel PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2011‐2015 844836 Taylor,Michael David PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 982180 Taylor,Wayne Emery PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2011‐2015 3459162 Tazeh,Ngii Nkhanglefack PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 3194178 Teague,Brian Paul PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 871978 Teasdale,John Robert PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 3960962 Tebbets,Bradley Mark PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 4550997 Tedla,Yacob PHD 421MED Epidemiology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2011‐2015 998353 Teeguarden,Justin Gary PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2011‐2015 4382729 Teerakapibal,Rattavut PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2011‐2015 984301 Teissere,Jeremy Alden PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 4412006 Tejera,Melba PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2011‐2015 223255 Tek,Ahmet Latif PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2011‐2015 1052191 Temba,Joseph PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2011‐2015 356779 Temkin,Roselynn Fay PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 348435 Tempelman,Robert John PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2011‐2015 1009320 Templer,Barbra Mindy PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 456860 Temte,Jonathan Lane PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2011‐2015 3062328 Teng,Jian PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 652678 Tengowski,Mark W. PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 618698 Tennessen,Daniel John PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2011‐2015 3635613 Tepeli,Dilara PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 4263734 TeSlaa,Jessica Joy PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2011‐2015 3010932 Tessier,Charles Richard PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2011‐2015 4273386 Teter,Sarah Jean PHD 103MED Biochemistry PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 4107053 Tetri,Laura PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 494956 Tetrick,Mark Alan PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 239541 Tettenborn,Connie S. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2011‐2015 3445768 Teuton,Jeremy Robert PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 3424355 Tewari,Kavita PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 4273804 Tewatia,Dinesh Kumar PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2011‐2015 111512 Thackaberry,Evan Andrew PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 5160389 Thakkar,Tanvi PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 4584122 Thammapichai,Paradee PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 1498381 Thananowan,Nanthana PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 1005894 Thao,Sandy PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2011‐2015 601311 Theiler,Regan Nell PHD 677MED Microbiology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2011‐2015 723213 Theim,Terra Jean PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2011‐2015 983567 Theis,Shannon M PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2011‐2015 4166474 Theisen,Erin PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 457610 Theobald,H Michael PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2011‐2015 4383531 Theriault Lauzier,Pascal PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 1641111 Theusch,Cassandra M PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2011‐2015 127874 Thibeault,Susan PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 866759 Thiboldeaux,Robert Louis PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2011‐2015 607432 Thiede,Gerald Joseph PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 140969 Thielke,Helen Marie PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 148443 Thill,Christian A. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2011‐2015 973317 Thiriot,David Schreiner PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 410599 Thomadsen,Bruce Robert PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2011‐2015 635348 Thomae,Tami Lynn PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 593962 Thomas,David John PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2011‐2015 196333 Thomas,Gene Marc PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 128812 Thomas,Michael PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2011‐2015 137038 Thomas,Peter Terriberry PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 582302 Thomason,Cynthia Lynn PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2011‐2015 980225 Thomassen,David George PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2011‐2015 957581 Thomasson,David Michael PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 222690 Thomas‐Virnig,Christina Lea PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 3103740 Thompson,Beth Ellen PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2011‐2015 752789 Thompson,Cynthia Platz PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2011‐2015 199918 Thompson,James Edwin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2011‐2015 839420 Thompson,Sunnie R. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 308407 Thompson,Thomas Bernard PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 523917 Thompson,Thomas Edward PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 1025735 Thompson,Todd Anthony PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 309598 Thomson,James Douglas PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 1114773 Thordardottir,Elin Tholl PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 3430241 Thorgersen,Michael Paul PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2011‐2015 1187058 Thormann,Carlos Eduardo PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2011‐2015 979218 Thornburg,Lora D. PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2011‐2015 459888 Thorne,Peter Sherman PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2011‐2015 584231 Thoyre,Suzanne Marie PHD 712N Nursing PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 4604897 Thraen‐Borowski,Keith Michael PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2011‐2015 4721271 Throckmorton,Kurt PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2011‐2015 1014928 Tibbot,Brian Keith PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 3953796 Tietjen,Joshua Ryan PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 257180 Timmerman,Michelle Marie PHD 677MED Microbiology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2011‐2015 193738 Timms,Leo Louis PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2011‐2015 4867168 Ting,See Yeun PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 926717 Tipton,Peter Anatol PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 148418 Tisa,Louis Stephen PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 1402410 Tiscornia,Gustavo PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 970525 Tisserat,Ned Andrew PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 5534975 Titcomb,Tyler James PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2011‐2015 209668 Titus,David Elwood PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2011‐2015 4138923 Titz,Benjamin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2011‐2015 974267 Tivang,Jan G. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 4920745 Tiwari,Varun PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 924977 Tjaden,Kristin Kay PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2011‐2015 1000947 Tjen‐A‐Looi,Stephanie Chee Yee PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2011‐2015 389039 Tobar,David Allen PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 3295882 Tobin,Tobin PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 110272 Toce,Joseph Anthony PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2011‐2015 4303730 Toczydlowski,Rachel PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2011‐2015 3215052 Todd,Ann PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2011‐2015 1049883 Todd,Arlen Wesley PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 1049883 Todd,Arlen Wesley PHD 995A Zoology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 895976 Todd,Peter Kennedy PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 246022 Todt,William Lynn PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 839208 Toews,Myron Lee PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2011‐2015 867977 Tofte,Jessica Elizabeth PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2011‐2015 375608 Tokuhisa,James Glenn PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2011‐2015 3631378 Tolakanahalli,Ranjini P PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 1065732 Toledo‐Velasquez,David PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 237625 Tolla,Gregory Edward PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 251346 Tomasini,Bianca Raquel PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2011‐2015 224324 Tomberlin,David A. PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2011‐2015 4700987 Tomko,Lucas PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 1579787 Ton,GiangThy Nu PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 830730 Tong,Chao‐Hsiang PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2011‐2015 3442072 Tong,Lei PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 242212 Tong,Ping PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2011‐2015 484613 Tonn,William M. PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2011‐2015 115490 Tonucci,Linda Holstad PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 154118 Tooley,Paul W. PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2011‐2015 3992412 Toops,Kimberly Ann PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2011‐2015 958870 Toothaker,Roger Dean PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2011‐2015 3970141 Topper,Scott E PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2011‐2015 1445933 Toriz‐Gonzalez,Guillermo PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2011‐2015 3099284 Tornqvist,Carl‐erik PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 145101 Torre III,Peter PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2011‐2015 4272066 Torres,Alexandra PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 3622229 Torres,Brian PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2011‐2015 1079863 Tovar Palacio,Armando PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 1588354 Trabulsi,Jillian Christine PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2011‐2015 970154 Tracy,Christopher Richard PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2011‐2015 3425763 Traeger,Lindsay PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2011‐2015 1291238 Trakranrungsie,Nopamart PHD 983V Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2011‐2015 1015894 Tran,Duy Thai PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 3442270 Tran,Erin Elizabeth Herbert PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 5002768 Tran,Khoa PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 4714937 Tran,Tuan PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2011‐2015 5005446 Tran,Vy PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2011‐2015 227613 Travis,Sue Musette PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2011‐2015 953917 Treat,Calvin L. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2011‐2015 996550 Triggs,Veronica Pacis PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 4246420 Trigsted,Stephanie PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 4449533 Trimble,Loren Ambrose PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 626997 Trine,Malani Renee PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2011‐2015 3044884 Trinh,Anthony Thanhvi PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2011‐2015 105391 Trinkaus‐Randall,Vickery E. PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2011‐2015 4997296 Trivedi,Rishi PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 242454 Trivett,Christina Lynne PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 1097342 Triwidodo,Hermanu PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2011‐2015 3637954 Troll,Joshua Vyasa PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2011‐2015 5113479 Tromp,Do PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 198679 Trost,Robert Edward PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2011‐2015 198679 Trost,Robert Edward PHD 995A Zoology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2011‐2015 1608050 Trott,David Lawrence PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2011‐2015 1006370 Truckses,Dagmar Marieluise PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 1285665 Trudeau,Dominique PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 870322 Trudeau,Matthew Charles PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 665548 Trzebiatowski,Jodi Rae PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 1080096 Tsai,Herng PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2011‐2015 1080096 Tsai,Herng PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2011‐2015 397751 Tsai,Shaw‐Jenq PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 1318189 Tsai,Shu‐Jean PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 1237620 Tsai,Yun‐Fang PHD 712N Nursing PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 1017175 Tsang,W. Allen PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 4998494 Tsao,Vicki PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 248322 Tsao,Ying‐Chiao PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2011‐2015 705886 Tse,Francis Lai‐Sing PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 686611 Tse,Jimson Chiu‐Hung PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2011‐2015 1153873 Tseng,Ching‐Ping PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 1091507 Tseng,Chin‐Hsing PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 1068269 Tseng,Guo‐Fang PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2011‐2015 3999209 Tseng,Sandra PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2011‐2015 1246049 Tseng,Yu‐Hua PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2011‐2015 1054012 Tsiagbe,Vincent Kwaku PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2011‐2015 1054012 Tsiagbe,Vincent Kwaku PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2011‐2015 3214148 Tsitsigiannis,Dimitrios PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2011‐2015 1352496 Tsodikov,Oleg Vyacheslav PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2011‐2015 3014824 Tu,Haifeng PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2011‐2015 3778257 Tu,Sheng PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2011‐2015 951392 Tucker,Thomas Rand PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2011‐2015 4140367 Tumasz,Stephen PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2011‐2015 143463 Tung,Roger D. PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2011‐2015 1526085 Turcotte,Rebecca Frances PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 5438777 Turlej,Konrad PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2011‐2015 354431 Turner,Christopher Robert PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2011‐2015 410905 Turner,Gregory Seidel PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2011‐2015 3087839 Turner,James Alan PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2011‐2015 235728 Turner,Nancy Ann PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2011‐2015 520257 Turner,Robert Craig PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2011‐2015 1621545 Turner,Sara Marie Freiberg PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2011‐2015 4993682 Turner,Sarah PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 5158603 Turton,Keren PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2011‐2015 3323398 Tuskey,Christina M. PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2011‐2015 4126167 Tuson,Hannah Hewitt PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2011‐2015 958767 Tweed,Sandra Helene PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2011‐2015 3449713 Tweiten,Michael Alan PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2011‐2015 211861 Tyrrell,Lucy Ellen PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 954714 Tyser,Robin Warren PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 1065260 Tzeng,Kuo‐Ching PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2011‐2015 4865042 Uberoi,Aayushi PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2011‐2015 974575 Udall,Joshua Addison PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2011‐2015 3429507 Udayarajan,Chinthu Tharayil PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 215497 Uelmen,Patricia Jean PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2011‐2015 3558622 Uelmen,Rebecca Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2011‐2015 4703910 Uenishi,Gene PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2011‐2015 1050707 Ugherughe,Pender Obenobe PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2011‐2015 384486 Uhland‐Smith,Ann Marie PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2011‐2015 5003220 Uhrin,Amy PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2011‐2015 1052882 Ukabam,Innocent O. PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2011‐2015 335592 Ulijasz,Andrew Thaddeus PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2011‐2015 1281457 Uljas,Heidi Elina PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2011‐2015 4043797 Umana,Angie PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2011‐2015 964368 Umbanhowar Jr,Charles Edward PHD 121L Botany PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2011‐2015 3636553 Umeda,Masataka PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2011‐2015 109888 Umlauf,Scott William PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2011‐2015 4772383 Unchwaniwala,Nuruddin PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2011‐2015 866405 Undem,Bradley Joel PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2011‐2015 3277923 Underbakke,Eric Steven PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2011‐2015 1007380 Underwood,Johnnie Lee PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2011‐2015 1166598 Unlu,Gulhan PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2011‐2015 1001345 Untawale,Seema PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2011‐2015 671307 Uphoff,Timothy Scott PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2011‐2015 1103455 Urh,Marjeta PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2011‐2015 955934 Uribe‐Peralta,Alejandro PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2011‐2015 1026033 Urvater,Julie Ann PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2011‐2015 3415276 Uselmann,ADAM JOHN PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2011‐2015 455885 Usinger,William Robert PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2011‐2015 4386349 Usinowicz,Jacob PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2016‐2019 4436673 Usman,Shamim PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 3113519 Uthamanthil,Rajesh Kizhakke PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2016‐2019 1101647 Uusivuori,Jussi I. PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2016‐2019 165527 Vagnoni,David B. PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 683659 Vahey,Doris Claire PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2016‐2019 108045 Vailas,Laura I. PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2016‐2019 1091510 Vaillancourt,Richard Regis PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2016‐2019 3315140 Vakil,Ronak Janak PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2016‐2019 354267 Valancius‐Mangel,Vicky PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2016‐2019 4710136 Valdovinos,Hector PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2016‐2019 470829 Valentine,Ashley Rebecca PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 3430247 Valentine,Laura Elaine PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 1285308 Valiyaveetil,Francis Ittoop PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2016‐2019 963449 Valkenaar,Stacy Melissa PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 1591052 Vallad,Gary Edward PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2016‐2019 3580986 Valley,Cary PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2016‐2019 3606131 Van Belle,Sarie PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2016‐2019 980988 Van Calcar,Sandra PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 200006 Van Campen,Hana PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2016‐2019 189129 Van Campen,Lynn PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 3203177 Van Ee,Benjamin William PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2016‐2019 403464 van Leer,Eva PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 645607 Van Lysel,Michael PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2016‐2019 607673 Van Miller,John Paul PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2016‐2019 144236 Van Nocker,Steven Richard PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 934501 Van Oosbree,Thomas Rielly PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2016‐2019 741813 Van Pay,Lisa M. PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 732513 Van Pelt,Jean Ellen Orchard PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 767266 Van Riper,Marcia Leigh PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2016‐2019 341673 Van Santen,Edzard PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2016‐2019 677707 Van Scoik,Kurt Gard PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2016‐2019 3431740 Van Vleet,Jennifer Rebecca Headman PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2016‐2019 3113269 Van Wynsberghe,Adam Wayne PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 413869 Van Wynsberghe,Priscilla McDowell PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 3311145 Van,Tam Thanh PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 3021878 Vandehey,Nicholas Timothy PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 740454 Vanden Heuvel,John Patrick PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2016‐2019 808199 Vandenlangenberg,Gina M. PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 3315510 Vander Meulen,Kirk PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 454046 Vanderboom,Russell John PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2016‐2019 3764772 Vandergaast,Rianna Lynne PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 3201487 Vanderhoek,Matt PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 772290 Vandermause,Roxanne K. PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2016‐2019 3580962 VanDeusen,Halena PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 237544 Vangala,Shyam Sundar Kumar PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 222549 Vanhooke,Janeen Lavay PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 490242 Vann,James Michael PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2016‐2019 4102202 Varela,Angela PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2016‐2019 845902 Vargas‐Prieto,Alberto M PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2016‐2019 4604654 Vasan,Akhila PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2016‐2019 3104248 Vasanthakumar,Aparna PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2016‐2019 1592658 Vasanthakumar,Archana PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2016‐2019 1050958 Vasilakakis,Miltiadis Dimitriou PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2016‐2019 4686284 Vasta,James PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 843436 Vaughan,Donna Marie PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2016‐2019 3608175 Vaughan,Emily Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2016‐2019 214206 Vaughan,Michael Ray PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2016‐2019 3455849 Vaughn,Laura Michelle PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 1118550 Vazquez Garcia,Jose Antonio PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2016‐2019 449468 Vazquez Torres,F Andres PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2016‐2019 3659571 Vazquez,Ana Ines PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 3412501 Vazquez,Jessica PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 1190215 Vazquez,Orlando PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2016‐2019 195002 Vazquez‐Anon,Mercedes PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 1024987 Vazquez‐Padua,Miguel Arcangel PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2016‐2019 4736787 Vazquez‐Rivera,Emmanuel PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 132943 Vedder,Amy Louise PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2016‐2019 1291244 Vega Semorile,Sandra Elizabeth PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2016‐2019 3614033 Vega,Amanda Lynn PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 1076543 Vega,Juan Roberto PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2016‐2019 3020405 Veillet,Adeline Laurence PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2016‐2019 199907 Veitenheimer III,Erich Emil PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2016‐2019 4384598 Velasco,Javier PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 5150187 Veling,Michael PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 3665366 Venkatachalan,Srinivasan P PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2016‐2019 3983872 Venkateshwaran,Muthusubramanian PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2016‐2019 3185093 Venker,Courtney PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2016‐2019 3580863 Vens,Cullen S. PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 241130 Venuto,Brad C. PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 3434109 Verant,Michelle Lindsay PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 3014784 Verbrugghe,Koen Jan Chris PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 970533 Verdeal,Kathey Marie PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2016‐2019 3774649 Verdoni,Angela Maria PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2016‐2019 3768357 Vereide,David Timothy PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2016‐2019 4268131 Vergun,Svyatoslav PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 761620 Verheyden,Jamie Michael PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 3338739 Vermeire,Jon J. PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 4095754 Vermilyea,Scott PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 176327 Vernon,Suzanne Denise PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2016‐2019 953920 Versaw,Wayne Keith PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2016‐2019 955055 Vetter,John Robert PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2016‐2019 264196 Vician,Linda Heavilon PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2016‐2019 825995 Vickers,Mary Lynne PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2016‐2019 955964 Vidaver,Regina Marie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 3062585 Vidyasagar,Aparna PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2016‐2019 3176775 Viesselmann,Leah Marie PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2016‐2019 830797 Vigen,Karl Kristopher PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2016‐2019 189266 Villacarlos,Lina Teneza PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2016‐2019 5019883 Villalon Landeros,Rosalina PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2016‐2019 723896 Villand,Julie Marie PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1998‐99 12/23/98 2016‐2019 1044895 Villanueva‐Mosqueda,Eduardo PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2016‐2019 4774733 Vinay‐Lara,Elena PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 3217220 Vincent,Robert Keith PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 4079968 Vincent,William PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 1545296 Vinje,Marcus Anthony PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 3759196 Vinney,Lisa A. PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 4999145 Vinnik,Vladimir PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 106362 Viola,India PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 195100 Visalli,Robert Joseph PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 4602409 Viscariello,Natalie PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 91676 Vispo,Conrad Ricardo PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 1244086 Vivek,Bindiganavile Sampath PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2016‐2019 841760 Vives,Stephen Paul PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2016‐2019 609056 Vogt,Richard Carl PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2016‐2019 90602 Voisine,Cindy Mae PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2016‐2019 3025094 Vojnov,Lara PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 3168107 Vokoun,Corinne Renee PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2016‐2019 561506 Volenberg,Dean Scott PHD 054ALS Agronomy PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 952867 Volin,John Cronin PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2016‐2019 240010 Volk,Thomas J. PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2016‐2019 467740 Vollrath,Aaron Lear PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2016‐2019 551117 Volp,Robert F. PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2016‐2019 2995868 Volrathongchai,Kanittha PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2016‐2019 998423 Von Sadovszky,Victoria Ann PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2016‐2019 194947 Vorperian,Houri Kaloustian PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2016‐2019 750517 Voskuil,Martin Inua PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 300543 Voss,Kenneth Allen PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2016‐2019 524664 Voss,Stephan Dieter PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 864614 Votruba,Susanne Breuer PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 3616485 Vrentas,Catherine Eva PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 1539057 Vu,Elizabeth Hong PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2016‐2019 634066 Vullings,Nicole Law PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2016‐2019 3323413 Vyazunova,Irina PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2016‐2019 381606 Wade,William Franklin PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2016‐2019 4529095 Wadler,Caryn PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 688851 Wadzinski,Brian Ervin PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2016‐2019 3998574 Waghray,Shruti PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 3633339 Wagner,Elise PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 761173 Wagner,Eric Jon PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 502738 Wagner,Jeremiah Ronald PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2016‐2019 797102 Wagner,Michael Ralph PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2016‐2019 795799 Wagner,Richard Jacob PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2016‐2019 1644363 Wagoner,Kelly Rae PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 3088037 Wagoner,Matthew Paul PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 4706052 Wahlig,Taylor PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 294923 Waide,Robert Bruce PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2016‐2019 1406059 Waisarayutt,Chutima PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019 343661 Waite,Leslie Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2016‐2019 3340963 Wajanatinapart,Piyaorn PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 4527657 Walck‐Shannon,Elise PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 179518 Walczak,Claire Ellen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2016‐2019 970584 Waldschmidt,Steven Rudolph PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2016‐2019 702134 Walent,Jane Hurley PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2016‐2019 152438 Walgenbach,Catherine Anway PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2016‐2019 705850 Walgenbach,James F. PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2016‐2019 607152 Walgenbach,Paul Joseph PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2016‐2019 607152 Walgenbach,Paul Joseph PHD 409A Entomology PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2016‐2019 938877 Walkenhorst,William F IV PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 3843005 Walker,Brandon PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2016‐2019 3327877 Walker,Jay Bradbury PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 3846603 Walker,Johnnie PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 639489 Walker,Mary Katharine PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2016‐2019 989499 Wallace,Marianne PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 89751 Wallace,Michael Phillip PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2016‐2019 89751 Wallace,Michael Phillip PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2016‐2019 982219 Wallen,Kim PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2016‐2019 993060 Wallen‐Friedman,Margaret Ann PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2016‐2019 912578 Wallin,Kimberly F. PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 537033 Walling,Jason G PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 188519 Walrond,John Preston PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2016‐2019 662743 Walsh,Brian M PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 3100071 Walsh,Christopher Michael PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2016‐2019 4687334 Walsh,Jake PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 214624 Walsh,Matthew Cunningham PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 4114725 Walsh,Naomi PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 3099519 Walston,Timothy D. PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 557528 Walter,Scott Edward PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 552935 Walters,Bonnie Sue PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 552935 Walters,Bonnie Sue PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 3959847 Walters,Kevin Brian PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 722570 Walters,Laura Lesley PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2016‐2019 475122 Walz,Stacy Erin PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2016‐2019 4893529 Wan,Jun PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 397418 Wanagat,Jonathan Matthew PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2016‐2019 4705345 Wang,Anqi PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 1080159 Wang,Bingcheng PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2016‐2019 4995455 Wang,Bowen PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2016‐2019 3450437 Wang,Chen‐Yu PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2016‐2019 1406471 Wang,Chih‐Tien PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2016‐2019 1216463 Wang,Chi‐Huei PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 729955 Wang,Chong PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 1488921 Wang,Chuankuan PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 823053 Wang,Cunshan PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2016‐2019 4138035 Wang,Dongsheng PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 3964937 Wang,Dongxu PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 5318098 Wang,Haocen PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 5007381 Wang,Haoyuan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 1597275 Wang,Hong PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 3443614 Wang,Hua PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2016‐2019 3616177 Wang,Hui PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2016‐2019 267598 Wang,Jack PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2016‐2019 3024601 Wang,Jindong PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2016‐2019 4827956 Wang,Jingxin PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 1266746 Wang,Jinling PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2016‐2019 1054720 Wang,Jun PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2016‐2019 4131591 Wang,Kang PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 4566426 Wang,Lei PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 1448996 Wang,Liaoteng PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 249013 Wang,Lih‐Ling PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2016‐2019 1195678 Wang,Lin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2016‐2019 3306856 Wang,Liya PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2016‐2019 793939 Wang,Min PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2016‐2019 1402380 Wang,Peng PHD 677MED Microbiology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 3105243 Wang,Ping PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2016‐2019 4605869 Wang,Qiwei PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 4709627 Wang,Richard PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2016‐2019 1056125 Wang,Seu‐Mei PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2016‐2019 1056125 Wang,Seu‐Mei PHD 063A Anatomy PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2016‐2019 1162715 Wang,Shur‐Jen PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2016‐2019 1119216 Wang,Steven I‐Hui PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2016‐2019 1493195 Wang,Tao PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 4874653 Wang,Wei PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 3088225 Wang,Wei‐Man PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 1204431 Wang,Wensheng PHD 147L Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 1104520 Wang,Xiao PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 4717492 Wang,Xiao PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2016‐2019 3770620 Wang,Xiaohua PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2016‐2019 4574639 Wang,Yan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 3766612 Wang,Yanling PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 4279472 Wang,Yi PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 5007095 Wang,Yuhui PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2016‐2019 2996681 Wang,Yu‐Tsai PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 4277383 Wang,Zhao PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 611034 Ward,Sandra Evelyn PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2016‐2019 3296676 Ward,Sarah Katherine PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 936542 Warmbrodt,Robert Dale PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2016‐2019 1209467 Warner,Robyn Dorothy PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2016‐2019 3033763 Warren Andersen,Shaneda PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 3454197 Warren,Christopher Lawrence PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2016‐2019 4435323 Warren,Maya Marie PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 798561 Wasileski,John Marion PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2016‐2019 959475 Wassenberg,James John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2016‐2019 980011 Wasserman,Wyeth Wyk PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 1449350 Watana,Surawut PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2016‐2019 1090902 Watanabe,Kazuo PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2016‐2019 3636646 Watcharadamrongkun,Suntaree PHD 912PHM Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharma Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2016‐2019 1001401 Waterman,Paul Matthew PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 599476 Waters,Katrina Marie PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 206810 Wathen,Patricia Marie PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2016‐2019 233333 Watkins III,John Barr PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2016‐2019 3195033 Watkins,Rex Wayne PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 963638 Watson II,James Fredrick PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2016‐2019 772928 Watson,John Bruce PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2016‐2019 965905 Watson,Philip Andrew PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019 844653 Watson,Vicki Jean PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2016‐2019 248884 Watt,Richard Kent PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 970894 Wattam,Alice Rebecca PHD 409A Entomology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 970894 Wattam,Alice Rebecca PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 4272766 Watters,Kelly Elizabeth PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2016‐2019 1064688 Wattiaux,Michel PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2016‐2019 1018181 Wattimena,Gustaaf Adolf PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1982‐83 08/21/83 2016‐2019 5512025 Watts,Theresa PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 119998 Weatherbee,Scott Donald PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 241161 Weatherby,Lynn Ann PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2016‐2019 104726 Weaver,Louis Michael PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 4563907 Weaver,Samantha PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2016‐2019 1055901 Weaver,Thomas A. PHD 724M Oncology PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2016‐2019 974290 Webb,Brian Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2016‐2019 248933 Webb,Eric Alva PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 855022 Webb,Mary Alice PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2016‐2019 1580610 Weber,Allison Lynn PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 707060 Weber,Arthur Jon PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2016‐2019 250387 Weber,David Matthew PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2016‐2019 150003 Weber,John Mark PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2016‐2019 155150 Weber,Joseph Thomas PHD 063M Anatomy PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2016‐2019 588533 Weber,Kari Lynne PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2016‐2019 1603282 Weber,Karl Derek PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2016‐2019 3798385 Webert,Kyle PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 4729041 Webster,Bryan PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 1559413 Webster,Christopher Raymond PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 401518 Webster,David Maurice PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2016‐2019 884555 Wedding,Kristin Laura PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2016‐2019 1011992 Wedekind,Joseph Edward PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2016‐2019 3992938 Weger,James PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 403231 Weglarz,Teresa C. PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2016‐2019 224308 Wehbie,Robert Sam PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2016‐2019 1011074 Wehner,Todd Craig PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2016‐2019 255695 Wehrenberg,William Busse PHD 391A Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2016‐2019 541142 Wei,Rong PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 541142 Wei,Rong PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 3974800 Wei,Yonggang PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 297927 Weickert,Michael John PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2016‐2019 800678 Weidemann,Gregory James PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2016‐2019 3223429 Weidner,John William PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2016‐2019 634875 Weigel,Brian Michael PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2016‐2019 562231 Weigel,Kent PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2016‐2019 1026509 Weiland,Gerald Edgar PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2016‐2019 954223 Weimer,Monte Ray PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2016‐2019 268486 Weimer,Paul PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2016‐2019 516491 Weina,Peter Joseph PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2016‐2019 516491 Weina,Peter Joseph PHD 733L Pathology PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2016‐2019 3220709 Weinberg,Amy Lynn PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 384867 Weinreich,Michael Dale PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 3001024 Weise,Sean Evan PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2016‐2019 5305174 Weisenhorn,Erin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 487384 Weiss,Paul Martin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2016‐2019 876483 Weitzel,Margaret Anne PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2016‐2019 4834891 Welch,Elaine PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 126355 Welch,Roy Dickenson PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2016‐2019 970274 Welch,William Ray PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 5307975 Weld,Kristina PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 3095974 Welham,Nathan PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 1015441 Weller,Sandra Knowles PHD 684L Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2016‐2019 946744 Wellik,Deneen Marie PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 185183 Welliver,Ruth Anna PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2016‐2019 241456 Wells,Andrew Dale PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2016‐2019 998400 Wells,Carol Lee PHD 652L Medical Microbiology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2016‐2019 884108 Wells,Carol Mary Meger PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2016‐2019 4700403 Wells‐Hansen,Lindsay Diane PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 3320967 Weltman,Joel Green PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2016‐2019 701655 Weltman,Robert Hillel PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2016‐2019 701655 Weltman,Robert Hillel PHD 733L Pathology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2016‐2019 4709222 Wen,Lianggong PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 3065843 Wen,Zhi PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 4251703 Wendland,Kelly Jones PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 3108100 Weng,Ning PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 3309778 Wentland,Andrew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 585537 Wentworth,David Emory PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 775930 Wenzel,Jane Marie PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1990‐91 12/23/90 2016‐2019 3659114 Werling,Benjamin Paul PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2016‐2019 667723 Werner,Elizabeth Ann PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 602044 Werner,Joanna PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1989‐90 12/23/89 2016‐2019 498069 Werner,Leslie Paul PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 293548 Werner,Shahla Miriam PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2016‐2019 520903 Wernerehl,Robert PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2016‐2019 928162 Werner‐Washburne,Margaret C. PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2016‐2019 3143554 Wernimont,Sarah A PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 3761501 Wesener,Darryl PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 4712454 Wessel,Sarah PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 166006 Wessman,Carol Adele PHD 441A Forestry PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2016‐2019 214367 Wesson III,James Ashton PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2016‐2019 4433371 West,Elena PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 4150463 West,Rebecca Rae PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 3777984 Westerly,David Clark PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2016‐2019 4426189 Westhoff Smith,Danielle PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2016‐2019 3459089 Westphal,Judith Ann PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 242385 Wetter,Thomas Joseph PHD 768EDU Kinesiology PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2016‐2019 5163323 Wetterhorn,Karl PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2018‐2019 12/23/18 2016‐2019 2994793 Wheeler,Deric L PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2016‐2019 975659 Wheeler,Nicholas Collins PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 360442 Whigham,Leah Dawn PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2016‐2019 196720 Whitaker,Paul Michael PHD 409ALS Entomology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2016‐2019 650286 White,Jeffrey Charles PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2016‐2019 393465 White,Marga Belle PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2016‐2019 3761170 White,Michael Andrew PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 145668 White,Patrick James PHD 991A Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2016‐2019 943212 White,Robert Duncan PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2016‐2019 166677 White,Robert Hawthorne PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2016‐2019 924135 White,Wayne Bernard PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2016‐2019 924135 White,Wayne Bernard PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2016‐2019 417679 Whitefleet‐Smith,Jo Ann Lynn PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2016‐2019 4123014 Whitemarsh,Regina PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2016‐2019 1590293 Whitfield,Anna Elizabeth PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2016‐2019 117984 Whitlon,Donna Sue PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2016‐2019 827062 Whitlow,Lon Weidner PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1978‐79 05/27/79 2016‐2019 4866504 Whitney,KAITLIN STACK PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 457551 Whittingham,Tim Scott PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2016‐2019 1530001 Wiberley,Amy Elizabeth PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2007‐2008 05/18/08 2016‐2019 168135 Wichmann,Carol Fix PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 934437 Wichmann,Joseph Kurt PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2016‐2019 3297083 Wichmann,Margarete A PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 4554934 Wickert,Lisa E PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2016‐2019 884099 Wickesberg,Robert Edwin PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2016‐2019 4132100 Wiecinski,Paige Nicole PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 820505 Wiedenhoeft,Alex C. PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 707133 Wiedmann,Timothy Scott PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2016‐2019 451365 Wiegand,Richard Otto PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 230467 Wiegand,Stanley Joseph PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2016‐2019 1102607 Wiegand,Torsten Walter PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2016‐2019 720527 Wiegmann,Daniel Dean PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 3014796 Wiegmann,Shannon Meta PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 903073 Wiegrefe,Susan Jane PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2016‐2019 170392 Wiener,Linda F. PHD 409A Entomology PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 848484 Wiese,Ann Marie PHD 531A Horticulture PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2016‐2019 682575 Wiese,Russell John PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 1017415 Wignjosoesastro,Noerjanto PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2016‐2019 346251 Wijsman,Ellen Marie PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2016‐2019 884212 Wiklund,Julie Ann PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2016‐2019 767453 Wilcox,Lee Warren PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2016‐2019 835451 Wild,Angela Christine PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 3021787 Wildenberg,Joseph Connell PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 211156 Wiley,Steven Robert PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 178592 Wilfond,Tricia Le Van PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 1012389 Wilhelmsen,Kirk Child PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2016‐2019 4424808 Wilinski,Daniel PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 880222 Wilkens,Steven James PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Spring 2000‐2001 05/20/01 2016‐2019 3094144 Wilkerson,Julia Rives PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 3020291 Wilking‐Busch,Melissa PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2016‐2019 887133 Will,Birgit Heidrun PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 532874 Will,Cindy Lu PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2016‐2019 5135540 Willbur,Jaime PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2016‐2019 224409 Willcox,Martha Cameron PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2016‐2019 4564208 Wille,Coral PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 3665318 Willenburg,Kilby Lee PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 986372 Williams,Bill Gary PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2016‐2019 840706 Williams,Billy James PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 604062 Williams,Bret Robert PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2016‐2019 840921 Williams,Charles Frederick PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2016‐2019 1016501 Williams,Christopher Kelley PHD 991ALS Wildlife Ecology PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 684656 Williams,Cristopher Alan PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2016‐2019 141124 Williams,Cynthia Louise PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2016‐2019 4280686 Williams,Ernise PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 3297184 Williams,Evelyn W PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2016‐2019 801348 Williams,Jeffrey Walter PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Spring 1976‐77 05/29/77 2016‐2019 659445 Williams,Katie Beth PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 411883 Williams,Kevin David PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2016‐2019 1052878 Williams,Nathaniel Adeyinka PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2016‐2019 3014791 Williams,Sybil Morley Genther PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2016‐2019 224100 Williams‐Masson,Ellen Maria PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 3434996 Williamson,Tracy Pamela PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 219676 Wills,Celia Emily PHD 714N Nursing and Psychology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2016‐2019 3659293 Wilson,Andrea Catalina PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2016‐2019 562065 Wilson,Erin Michelle PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2016‐2019 489855 Wilson,Gisela Fischer PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1989‐90 05/20/90 2016‐2019 90033 Wilson,Karen Alice PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019 977425 Wilson,Neil Mc Millan PHD 415M Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2016‐2019 922264 Wilson,Patricia Gale PHD 459A Genetics PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2016‐2019 1041005 Wilson,Shondelle Marie PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 1555733 Wilson,Siobhan D. PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 831397 Wilson,Thaddeus Andrew PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2016‐2019 850700 Wiman,Fred Hawkins PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2016‐2019 1053157 Winata,Livy PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2016‐2019 3093458 Windelborn,James Andrew PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 5145874 Windgassen,Tricia PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2016‐2019 421401 Wineland,Michael John PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2016‐2019 421401 Wineland,Michael John PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2016‐2019 185147 Winey,Mark Edward PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1987‐88 08/28/88 2016‐2019 1007572 Winfrey,Michael Ruggles PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1977‐78 08/25/78 2016‐2019 1050376 Winger,Raymond Johan PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2016‐2019 4387150 Winkelman,Jared PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 550177 Winkelmann,Donald Alan PHD 787M Physiological Chemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2016‐2019 3715896 Winkler,Laura PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2016‐2019 204100 Winston,Linda Anne PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2016‐2019 4884865 Winston‐McPherson,Gabrielle PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 3013151 Winterberg,Kelly Marie PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2016‐2019 977487 Winters,Todd A. PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2016‐2019 1050992 Wirakartakusumah,Moehammad Aman PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 1303832 Wise,Eric Lee PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2016‐2019 244742 Wise,Kathryn Marie PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2016‐2019 132476 Wiseman,Dana Willman PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2016‐2019 828233 Wiseman,Roger Wayne PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2016‐2019 3715845 Wisk,Lauren Elisabeth PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 1358986 Wistara,I Ny. Jaya PHD 441A Forestry PHD Spring 1997‐98 05/17/98 2016‐2019 422844 Witt,Patricia Lee PHD 995L Zoology PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2016‐2019 3608318 Witt,Suzanne Theisen PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 295202 Wittekind,Michael Gregory PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1987‐88 05/15/88 2016‐2019 520005 Witter,James Peter PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2016‐2019 521782 Wittmayer,Paula Kathleen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2016‐2019 227875 Wixon,Devin Laura PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 3435139 Wlodarchak,Nathan Joseph PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 3462159 Woditschka,Stephan PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 171969 Woehle,Diana Louisa PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 3442400 Wohlbach,Dana Jasmine PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2016‐2019 4666991 Wolak,Christine PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 3997272 Wolak,Daniel PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 920486 Wolden‐Hanson,Tami Hope PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2016‐2019 1048031 Woldetatios,Tsegazeab PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2016‐2019 504728 Wolf,Douglas Michael PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 91665 Wolf,Holly Jo PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2016‐2019 4099946 Wolf,Richard PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 3224013 Wolfe,David Michael PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2016‐2019 498066 Wolff,Randal Allan PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2016‐2019 1596158 Wolfgang,Michael Jeremy PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSpring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019 229997 Wolkin,Richard Howard PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2016‐2019 3138418 Wollenberg,Amanda Christine PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 3767229 Wollenberg,Michael Stephen PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 734121 Woller,Michael John PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2016‐2019 1529004 Wolman,Marc PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 577702 Wolter,Peter Thomas PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 177094 Wolyn,David Joseph PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2016‐2019 581785 Wong,Albert Bak‐Wei PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2016‐2019 99409 Wong,Amy C. Lee PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2016‐2019 3662816 Wong,Letitia PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 4409707 Wong,Lily PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 493826 Wong,Michelle P. PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 522924 Wong,Stanley Ka‐Kui PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2016‐2019 4592942 Wong,Yat Yee PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 1052068 Woo,Alexander Hoi‐Yat PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2016‐2019 4274479 Woo,Sang Su PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2016‐2019 3074493 Woo,Seng Ryong PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 3331380 Woo,Stephanie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 4275923 Wood,Eric Matthew PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 872075 Wood,Gary Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2016‐2019 1054738 Wood,Ray Walter PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2016‐2019 1020718 Wooddell,Christine Ilse PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 1130054 Woodfield,Derek Ross PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2016‐2019 872203 Woodford,James Alan PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2016‐2019 3319328 Woodhams,Katelynn Marie Lyons PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 990897 Woodruff,Michael Le Roy PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1978‐79 12/23/78 2016‐2019 4571951 Woods,Daniel PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 963691 Woods,Gordon Leon PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2016‐2019 2991416 Woodson,Jesse Daniel PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2016‐2019 631044 Woodward,Catherine L PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2016‐2019 137055 Woody,Maryalice PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2016‐2019 607283 Woolsey,Edward Alexander PHD 995L Zoology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2016‐2019 4719507 Woon,Marites PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 4408976 Wooten,Dustin Wade PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 1410892 Worakul,Nimit PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2016‐2019 3608788 Worawong,Chiraporn PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 545612 Workinger,Marilyn Seif PHD 216L Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 1985‐86 08/24/86 2016‐2019 156106 Workmaster,Beth Ann Allen PHD 531ALS Horticulture PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 165112 Woycechowsky,Kenneth Joseph PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2016‐2019 714491 Woychik,Nancy Ann PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2016‐2019 3105680 Wozniak,Michele Ann PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2016‐2019 211936 Wray Jr,Lewis Vastine PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2016‐2019 4576062 Wright,Brandon PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 4703452 Wright,Erik PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2016‐2019 985638 Wright,James Lee PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1983‐84 12/18/83 2016‐2019 224374 Wright,Russell Alan PHD 995L Zoology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 4420765 Wright,Samantha Leah Gray PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 3758077 Wrighton,Lindsay PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 3651696 Wrighton,Paul PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2016‐2019 519579 Wrighton,Steven Allan PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2016‐2019 3623983 Wszalek,Joseph Alan PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2016‐2019 3896925 Wu,Chang‐Yi PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 4266708 Wu,Cheng‐Hsien PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 3108920 Wu,Chia‐Wei PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 1449589 Wu,Chuan PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2016‐2019 112165 Wu,Frank PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2016‐2019 1153876 Wu,Gwo‐Jang PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2016‐2019 4138824 Wu,Huimin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2016‐2019 4950035 Wu,Jianqiang PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2016‐2019 3437594 Wu,Jing PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 1246629 Wu,Mei PHD 147L Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2016‐2019 4604658 Wu,Ming‐Yueh PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 3471872 Wu,Qingli PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 1069336 Wu,Shih‐Hsiung PHD 737P Pharmaceutical Biochemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2016‐2019 174036 Wu,Sy‐Juen PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 840402 Wu,Wayne Wei PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2016‐2019 634555 Wu,Wei‐Dong PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2016‐2019 3771673 Wu,Yao PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 1229954 Wu,Yi‐Hsuan PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 3430599 Wu,Yu‐Chien PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 1422411 Wu,Yuh‐Lin PHD 391L&S Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 834026 Wu,Zhongren J. PHD 749M Pharmacology PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 3798636 Wyche,Thomas PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2013‐2014 05/18/14 2016‐2019 3612938 Wynia,Sarah L PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 244331 Wynn,Thomas Anthony PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2016‐2019 595264 Wyszogrodzka,Anna Julia PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1983‐84 05/20/84 2016‐2019 3772740 Xi,Hanmi PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 1247885 Xia,Bin PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 3957584 Xiang,Feng PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 1566711 Xiao,Hang PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2016‐2019 4713437 Xiao,Jianbo PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2016‐2017 05/13/17 2016‐2019 3118722 Xiao,Lan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 3065636 Xiao,Lingyun PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 1103553 Xie,Huiwen PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1994‐95 12/23/94 2016‐2019 3760673 Xiong,Kong Meng PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 1035192 Xiong,May PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 864031 Xiong,Xiaofeng PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1991‐92 08/23/92 2016‐2019 3774787 Xu,Jielin PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 3106155 Xu,Qingyong PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2016‐2019 1411058 Xu,Xiaofang PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 3648067 Xu,Xinjie PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 1100007 Xu,Yanping PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1991‐92 05/17/92 2016‐2019 1535465 Yahn,Jeremiah PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 1053298 Yahya,Sudirman PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2016‐2019 1103456 Yamada,Milton Macoto PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Summer 1990‐91 08/25/91 2016‐2019 3766306 Yamben,Idella Fern PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 4713030 Yan,Aaron PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 1364540 Yan,Ning PHD 147L&S Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2000‐2001 12/23/00 2016‐2019 1287843 Yan,Wei PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 855340 Yanez,Deborah Michelle PHD 652M Medical Microbiology and Immunology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 1069026 Yang,An‐Hang PHD 733M Pathology PHD Spring 1986‐87 05/17/87 2016‐2019 420014 Yang,Baokang PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 3971246 Yang,Buyue PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 4934706 Yang,Chin Jian PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2016‐2019 185005 Yang,Chin‐Rang PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 1089000 Yang,Han‐Jing PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 133353 Yang,Heechung PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2016‐2019 790915 Yang,Huan PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2016‐2019 239195 Yang,James Naiqing PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2016‐2019 3312570 Yang,Jie PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 4136246 Yang,Jin Haek PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 315969 Yang,Joseph Jo‐Hwa PHD 742P Pharmaceutical Chemistry PHD Spring 1979‐80 05/22/80 2016‐2019 5313080 Yang,Ka PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 1363637 Yang,Ming‐Der PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019 3002036 Yang,Peizhen PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2016‐2019 3435378 Yang,Richard PHD 204MED Clinical Investigation PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 839066 Yang,Rong PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2016‐2019 4276758 Yang,Sarah Patricia PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2016‐2019 1099780 Yang,Shiaolan PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 4996742 Yang,Wenjun PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 1017180 Yang,Xiaoyun PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 1054466 Yang,Ya‐Wun PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1984‐85 08/25/85 2016‐2019 4124878 Yang,Youming PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 1006135 Yang,Yuh‐Shyong PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1987‐88 12/23/87 2016‐2019 378883 Yang,Yung Shing PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Fall 1980‐81 12/22/80 2016‐2019 4609164 Yao,Chen PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 1394585 Yao,Guang PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2016‐2019 3205465 Yao,Jian PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 665388 Yao,Linxin PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2016‐2019 3326998 Yap,Mee‐Ngan PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 3961696 Yashiro,Erika PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 849494 Yates,John Lee PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1980‐81 05/17/81 2016‐2019 845501 Yates,Lawrence Davis PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Fall 1982‐83 12/19/82 2016‐2019 1246971 Yau,Yuan‐Yeu PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2016‐2019 1061232 Yazdanian,Mehran PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2016‐2019 949245 Ye,Bin PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2016‐2019 4389967 Ye,Hui PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 387777 Yeager,Thomas Richard PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2016‐2019 994401 Yeaman,Charles Andrew PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 4998566 Yeesin,Ponlkrit PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 3018546 Yeh,Felix Leejia PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 1492893 Yeh,Sansun PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2002‐2003 05/18/03 2016‐2019 794534 Yeh,Shu‐Yuan PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 3649803 Yelle,Daniel Joseph PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 3627202 Yelle,Maria Theresa PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 3982083 Yeom,Hyun‐E PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 494709 Yerk,Georgia Leah PHD 794A Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2016‐2019 869799 Yerka,Melinda Kay PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2016‐2019 4123546 Yeun,Li Huey PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 522922 Yeung,Joseph C. PHD 751P Pharmacology ‐ Pharmacy PHD Summer 1978‐79 08/24/79 2016‐2019 1016861 Yew,Joanne Yu‐Ming PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2016‐2019 3459179 Yi,Lan PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2016‐2019 389680 Yigit,Hesna PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 1321808 Yin,Cheng PHD 733M Pathology PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 152989 Yin,Jerry Chi‐Ping PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Fall 1986‐87 12/21/86 2016‐2019 1077354 Yom,Heng‐Cherl PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2016‐2019 4411285 Yoo,Jeewon PHD 216L&S Communication Sciences and Disorders PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2016‐2019 3975388 Yoo,Jejoong PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 4276784 Yoo,Sa Kan PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2016‐2019 3000951 Yoo,Sua PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2016‐2019 4412903 Yoon,Ju PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 875755 Yoon,Jungro PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1988‐89 08/27/89 2016‐2019 410577 Yoon,Poksyn Song PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2016‐2019 5111293 York,Alessandra PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2016‐2019 354397 York,Dona Lorraine PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2016‐2019 4437883 York,Nathaniel PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2018 08/26/18 2016‐2019 412950 Yoshida,Roberta Kay PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Summer 1983‐84 08/26/84 2016‐2019 4711496 You,Jaesung PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 3996594 Young,Brittany PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 1065062 Young,Caroline Sarah PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2016‐2019 1603925 Young,Linda Karen PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Spring 2009‐2010 05/16/10 2016‐2019 3088995 Young,Li‐Sen PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2016‐2019 405976 Young,Michael Robert PHD 724M Oncology PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 514959 Young,Patricia Kaye PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2016‐2019 1283523 Young,Win‐Jing PHD 391L Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDFall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 1055028 Yousef,Ahmed El‐Meleigy PHD 436A Food Science PHD Fall 1984‐85 12/23/84 2016‐2019 483968 Yrios,John Wayne PHD 652M Medical Microbiology PHD Spring 1985‐86 05/18/86 2016‐2019 792445 Yu,Dawen PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2016‐2019 4917287 Yu,Deyang PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 1295320 Yu,Duo Nan PHD 252M Developmental Biology PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2016‐2019 1278393 Yu,Feng‐Yih PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2016‐2019 3322089 Yu,Hoi‐Ying Elsie PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 1121461 Yu,Jae‐Hyuk PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2016‐2019 4424283 Yu,Jialu PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 118022 Yu,Lloyd Michael PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1988‐89 12/23/88 2016‐2019 3759029 Yu,Min PHD 682ALS Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 1117133 Yu,Myeong‐Ae PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 762326 Yu,Pei‐Wen PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 3963590 Yu,Pengzhi PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2016‐2019 5003442 Yu,Qing PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 4575418 Yu,Suhong PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 668131 Yu,Suzanne Ge PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 1054724 Yu,Xian‐Ming PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2016‐2019 4873643 Yu,Zhiyuan PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 1308343 Yuan,Li‐Lian PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 4728719 Yue,Monica Sylvia PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 1028243 Yuen,Christen Yum Leung PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2003 08/24/03 2016‐2019 1101657 Yuh,In Suh PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2016‐2019 3541760 Yun,Jae‐Young PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 449924 Yunusova,Yana Shamilevna PHD 216L&S Communicative Disorders PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2016‐2019 415779 Yuroff,Alice Stone PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019 888591 Zabel,Erik Wesley PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 3202644 Zabka,Andrea Grete PHD 221VET Comparative Biomedical Sciences PHD Fall 2004‐2005 12/23/04 2016‐2019 4600770 Zaborsky,John PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2016‐2019 3106339 Zahed,Sofia Katerina PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 4287340 Zahm,Chris PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 162379 Zahn,Kenneth Charles PHD 459A Genetics PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2016‐2019 222784 Zainal,Theodor Abidin PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2016‐2019 1006369 Zaini,Mehran PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2016‐2019 509589 Zaiser,Anne Elizabeth PHD 415A Environmental Toxicology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2016‐2019 3630229 Zaitoun,Ismail Saleh PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 3078745 Zakszewski,Elizabeth Karen PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 1648777 Zalapa,Juan PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2016‐2019 4868855 Zaltsman,Yefim PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2016‐2019 3310598 Zaman,Najia PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2016‐2017 12/24/16 2016‐2019 3442427 Zambelli,Joseph Nathaniel PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 150069 Zapalowski,Carol PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1980‐81 08/23/81 2016‐2019 4596288 Zare,Yalda PHD 065ALS Animal Sciences PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 186650 Zarkower,David Arian PHD 684A Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1988‐89 05/21/89 2016‐2019 549385 Zarnke,Randall Lee PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Spring 1977‐78 05/28/78 2016‐2019 4704943 Zasadil,Lauren PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 3020150 Zayas‐Aponte,Carmen Loyda PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 5267676 Zbyszynski,Pawel PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 424273 Zelinger,David Jay PHD 247A Dairy Science PHD Fall 1979‐80 12/22/79 2016‐2019 258424 Zella,Julia Beth PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2002‐2003 12/22/02 2016‐2019 416353 Zella,Lee Ann PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 168697 Zemel,Michael Barry PHD 717A Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1979‐80 08/22/80 2016‐2019 974729 Zemenchik,Robert Anthony PHD 054A Agronomy PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 333990 Zemlo,Tamara Ruth PHD 724M Oncology PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2016‐2019 4713251 Zeng,Hao PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 841654 Zeng,Qiaoling PHD 436A Food Science PHD Summer 1996‐97 08/24/97 2016‐2019 4525131 Zeng,San PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2016‐2019 4745539 Zeng,Zixian PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 165500 Zetlan,Sonya Rachel PHD 710M Neurosciences PHD Summer 1986‐87 08/23/87 2016‐2019 1103721 Zhai,Jack Ye PHD 117L Biophysics PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 1188050 Zhai,Yuan PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 4406794 Zhan,Lihong PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2016‐2019 3427908 Zhan,Weihai PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 1244823 Zhang,Beilin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1998‐99 05/16/99 2016‐2019 1136839 Zhang,Dali PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1992‐93 12/23/92 2016‐2019 3770919 Zhang,David Wei PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 3965014 Zhang,Guodong PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 3971233 Zhang,Hai PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 1178748 Zhang,Haiguang PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2016‐2019 3104279 Zhang,Haining PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 974478 Zhang,Hao PHD 746P Pharmaceutics PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2016‐2019 4276375 Zhang,He PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 605861 Zhang,Hong PHD 733MED Pathology PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2016‐2019 4591493 Zhang,Jiabin PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 3968081 Zhang,Jiang PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 4722132 Zhang,Jincan PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 4428401 Zhang,Jingfang PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2016‐2019 3459212 Zhang,Jinwei PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2008‐2009 05/17/09 2016‐2019 3773935 Zhang,Junrui PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 5319475 Zhang,Mengxue PHD 149MED Cellular and Molecular Pathology PHD Spring 2018‐2019 05/12/19 2016‐2019 3608181 Zhang,Miao PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 128959 Zhang,Mike Xiang PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1993‐94 08/28/94 2016‐2019 1102374 Zhang,Pumin PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1992‐93 08/22/93 2016‐2019 1245877 Zhang,Qinghong PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 3984390 Zhang,Ray PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 1090340 Zhang,Rong PHD 548M Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 1989‐90 08/26/90 2016‐2019 3968789 Zhang,Ru PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Fall 2009‐2010 12/24/09 2016‐2019 1042635 Zhang,Shuanglin John PHD 792M Physiology PHD Spring 1992‐93 05/16/93 2016‐2019 3459057 Zhang,Sijia PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 4525999 Zhang,Siwei PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2014 08/24/14 2016‐2019 1086765 Zhang,Su PHD 709M Neurophysiology PHD Fall 1991‐92 12/22/91 2016‐2019 1486314 Zhang,Tiezhi PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2003‐2004 05/16/04 2016‐2019 4415017 Zhang,Wei PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2012‐2013 05/19/13 2016‐2019 4879801 Zhang,Wei PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2015‐2016 05/15/16 2016‐2019 1581324 Zhang,Weidong PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 1090556 Zhang,Xianpin PHD 121L Botany PHD Spring 1993‐94 05/22/94 2016‐2019 4578246 Zhang,Xiao PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 256477 Zhang,Xiaodong PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 4418825 Zhang,Xiaolin PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2014‐2015 12/21/14 2016‐2019 4568472 Zhang,Xingmin PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Summer 2017 08/27/17 2016‐2019 3463953 Zhang,Xuejun PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 3768360 Zhang,Yan PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 2010‐2011 05/15/11 2016‐2019 1235260 Zhang,Yanlong PHD 792M Physiology PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2016‐2019 543744 Zhang,Yibing PHD 441A Forestry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 4138936 Zhang,Yin PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 1151609 Zhang,Ying PHD 787M Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2016‐2019 1295520 Zhang,Yingsheng PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2016‐2019 4947721 Zhang,Yingzi PHD 712NUR Nursing PHD Summer 2018 08/26/18 2016‐2019 3214039 Zhang,Yongqiang PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2016‐2019 3616984 Zhang,Yue PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 3607013 Zhang,Zhen PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 3764756 Zhang,Zhen PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2009 08/23/09 2016‐2019 3453305 Zhang,Zhenjie PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Summer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 3031640 Zhang,Zhumin PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 4409992 Zhang,Zichuan PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 481863 Zhao,Benyang PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 3111627 Zhao,Bryan Mao PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2006‐2007 12/23/06 2016‐2019 1409779 Zhao,Dong PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 5300998 Zhao,Gengyan PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 3023143 Zhao,Hui PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2005‐2006 12/23/05 2016‐2019 3114618 Zhao,Kai PHD 147ALS Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 2006‐2007 05/20/07 2016‐2019 160500 Zhao,Qin PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2001‐2002 12/23/01 2016‐2019 3323543 Zhao,Qiong PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Summer 2006 08/27/06 2016‐2019 513417 Zhao,Xueling PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1999‐2000 12/23/99 2016‐2019 4867853 Zhao,Yaxian PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2016‐2019 4422725 Zhao,Yun PHD 682MED Molecular & Environmental Toxicology PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 4682907 Zhao,Zibo PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 4429902 Zhen,Heming PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Summer 2012 08/26/12 2016‐2019 3360516 Zheng,Wei PHD 459ALS Genetics PHD Fall 2007‐2008 12/22/07 2016‐2019 3472621 Zheng,Xiaohua PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2010‐2011 12/24/10 2016‐2019 1574478 Zheng,Yun PHD 236MED Cancer Biology PHD Spring 2004‐2005 05/15/05 2016‐2019 4586806 Zheng,Yuqing PHD 117L&S Biophysics PHD Fall 2017‐2018 12/24/17 2016‐2019 1151611 Zhong,Weidong PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 4145766 Zhong,Wenjun PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Fall 2011‐2012 12/24/11 2016‐2019 5162927 Zhong,Xiaofang PHD 744PHM Pharmaceutical Sciences PHD Summer 2019 08/25/19 2016‐2019 1164904 Zhou,Hong PHD 459A Genetics PHD Spring 1996‐97 05/18/97 2016‐2019 163439 Zhou,Lei PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2016‐2019 3219395 Zhou,Mo PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2005 08/21/05 2016‐2019 1054722 Zhou,Ning PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2016‐2019 3060783 Zhou,Rao PHD 391ALS Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2008 08/24/08 2016‐2019 1394663 Zhou,Shiguo PHD 796ALS Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1999‐2000 05/21/00 2016‐2019 599070 Zhou,Yan‐Ning PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1990‐91 05/19/91 2016‐2019 1524336 Zhou,Yuqing PHD 436ALS Food Science PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2016‐2019 1128368 Zhou,Zhandong PHD 792M Physiology PHD Summer 1994‐95 08/27/95 2016‐2019 1195736 Zhou,Zhaohui PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Summer 1995‐96 08/25/96 2016‐2019 1201110 Zhu,Jiangwen PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 114436 Zhu,Jun PHD 710M Neuroscience PHD Fall 1996‐97 12/22/96 2016‐2019 730279 Zhu,Lihua PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 950882 Zhu,Shuquan PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019 1328580 Zhu,Shushuai PHD 441ALS Forestry PHD Summer 2001 08/26/01 2016‐2019 1237408 Zhu,Xiaoping PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1997‐98 12/21/97 2016‐2019 1446035 Zhu,Xinsheng PHD 792MED Physiology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019 3778602 Zhu,Yiming PHD 749MED Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology PHD Summer 2010 08/22/10 2016‐2019 3659570 Zhuang,Tingliang PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Fall 2008‐2009 12/21/08 2016‐2019 617609 Ziegelhoffer,Eva Christine PHD 099A Bacteriology PHD Spring 1995‐96 05/19/96 2016‐2019 314764 Zierold,Claudia PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 341266 Zilles,Julie Lynn PHD 099ALS Bacteriology PHD Summer 1998‐99 08/22/99 2016‐2019 696860 Zimmerman,Noah Paul PHD 983VET Veterinary Science PHD Fall 2003‐2004 12/21/03 2016‐2019 423588 Zimmermann,Nickolas Gene PHD 814A Poultry Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 423588 Zimmermann,Nickolas Gene PHD 983A Veterinary Science PHD Fall 1981‐82 12/20/81 2016‐2019 226820 Zink,Frank Edward PHD 655M Medical Physics PHD Fall 1993‐94 12/23/93 2016‐2019 3731582 Zinkel,Sarah Rose Jacquart PHD 717ALS Nutritional Sciences PHD Fall 2012‐2013 12/23/12 2016‐2019 287811 Zinnen,Thomas Matthew PHD 796A Plant Pathology PHD Spring 1984‐85 05/19/85 2016‐2019 177496 Zipper,Laurie Marie PHD 548MED Human Cancer Biology PHD Summer 2002 08/25/02 2016‐2019 829466 Zitek,Peggy Kay PHD 733M Pathology PHD Fall 1985‐86 12/22/85 2016‐2019 5327939 Ziter,Carly PHD 995L&S Zoology PHD Spring 2017‐2018 05/13/18 2016‐2019 3323586 Zittel,Morgan Christine PHD 787MED Biomolecular Chemistry PHD Summer 2007 08/26/07 2016‐2019 980332 Zjhra,Michelle Louise PHD 121L Botany PHD Summer 1997‐98 08/23/98 2016‐2019 485467 Zoerb,Hans Frederic PHD 436A Food Science PHD Spring 1982‐83 05/22/83 2016‐2019 395804 Zokaei,Mohammad PHD 639A Meat and Animal Science PHD Spring 1981‐82 05/23/82 2016‐2019 170500 Zoog,Stephen James PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Summer 2000 08/27/00 2016‐2019 3006902 Zornetzer,Gregory Allen PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Spring 2005‐2006 05/14/06 2016‐2019 4263563 Zorniak,Michael PHD 710MED Neuroscience PHD Summer 2013 08/25/13 2016‐2019 4478347 Zorrilla Cisneros,Cinthya PHD 794ALS Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics PHD Fall 2013‐2014 12/22/13 2016‐2019 4828391 Zou,Qingyun PHD 391MED Endocrinology ‐ Reproductive Physiology PHDSummer 2018 08/26/18 2016‐2019 932886 Zuber,Michael Ezra PHD 103A Biochemistry PHD Fall 1995‐96 12/23/95 2016‐2019 751864 Zuelsdorff,Megan PHD 807MED Population Health PHD Summer 2016 08/28/16 2016‐2019 619759 Zuleger,Cindy Lynn PHD 677ALS Microbiology PHD Summer 2011 08/28/11 2016‐2019 4288877 Zulkifly,Shahrizim PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Spring 2011‐2012 05/20/12 2016‐2019 4724381 Zuluaga Trochez,Alejandro PHD 121L&S Botany PHD Summer 2015 08/23/15 2016‐2019 4428549 Zuniga Alvarado,Areli PHD 655MED Medical Physics PHD Spring 2014‐2015 05/17/15 2016‐2019 843293 Zuo,Fengrong PHD 147A Cellular and Molecular Biology PHD Spring 1994‐95 05/21/95 2016‐2019 511692 Zwald,Nate Robert PHD 247ALS Dairy Science PHD Summer 2004 08/22/04 2016‐2019 4412584 Zwick,Daniel PHD 103ALS Biochemistry PHD Fall 2015‐2016 12/24/15 2016‐2019 379357 Zwolinski,Michele Diane PHD 415ALS Environmental Toxicology PHD Spring 2001‐2002 05/19/02 2016‐2019