World Class Ma,' Kuil 1,,I Human Lights III Problems Vliatritiala
mormnome SPORTS: Weather: ghs in the 90s Spartans hog- tiedS Monday by Cowboys I lot with mostly sunny skies and tliI Pg.4 ()her 7, 1996 light winds Lows in the 50s n Daily Serving San Jose Slate I...nisei-silt Sint c 11131 1 11 I W.1.1 S 11.4(111 Daily Ready for mid-day hoop madness? it dep.1111114111 It, 11141ke 1111t1 ,t %Ilitlis,1 It/1 111t. p cin (), I) dining the time 111t. WADI It -ti (.,t11%. (11.111 dire( 101 lilt FV1.111SCC111,-1, Said Midnight madness canceled because di, .1,11 %, lit.11111ctl It/ I/1.14 t' .111t1 till 11 -N1111 In' %sant% it begin winking with students so eyents like At/ \ 1.111111,..1." this t in happen. .1,11 s.1111 1111 1'> It the midnight event tin 11111- "I had no prnblem with holding the event here at of budget and planning problems , 11 st lit, 1111111g k baud it, pet Ittini. npening rice Midnight, est' vitt tot the fire beet pi np,,sal," Its ci it i ,k t It1141%,11 111/111 1111. 11.1,11.1 1111V sail! "I had in sa% id t IttIlial. By Mike Traphagen "Ii was a bit itt a thIs.ilItt tutu iti t I it 11,11,, kit t it , 1.stills Centel ct hi.iulclist 10,14 01`, W1111 the ASS1/1, late(' Students Spartan Daily Sc.fF Writer 1.1111 going I,/ 11.1plitil.- st 1,1-1 th, ..,1/1111 p ,)1,14' 11It'S 111411114111 \St/11111 .1111-1111 kslinps lit tr.', hi students what to A(1,11%1111.
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