BIBLIOGRAPHY ON HILBERT SCHEMES This is a partial bibliography on Hilbert schemes. Omissions proba- bly outnumber inclusions - email bibtex entries of the most egregious to
[email protected] to join the long list of contributors. References [1] Samir A¨ıtAmrane. Sur le sch´emade Hilbert des courbes de degr´e d et genre 3 (d − 3)(d − 4)=2 de Pk. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris S´er. I Math., 326(7):851{856, 1998. [2] Samir Ait Amrane. Sur le sch´emade Hilbert des courbes gauches de degr´e d et genre g = (d−3)(d−4)=2. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 50(6):1671{1707 (2001), 2000. [3] M. Artin. Deformations of singularities. Tata institute of fundamental re- search Bombay. [4] M. Azaola and F. Santos. The graph of triangulations of a point configuration with d + 4 vertices is 3-connected. Discrete Comput. Geom., 23(4):489{536, 2000. [5] Edoardo Ballico, Giorgio Bolondi, and Juan Carlos Migliore. The Lazarsfeld- Rao problem for liaison classes of two-codimensional subschemes of Pn. Amer. J. Math., 113(1):117{128, 1991. [6] Dave Bayer. The division algorithm and the Hilbert scheme. PhD thesis, Har- vard University, 1982. [7] Valentina Beorchia. On the arithmetic genus of locally Cohen-Macaulay space curves. Internat. J. Math., 6(4):491{502, 1995. [8] Valentina Beorchia. Bounds for the genus of space curves. Math. Nachr., 184:59{71, 1997. [9] Erik Carlsson. Vertex operators, grassmannians, and hilbert schemes, 2009. [10] Dustin Cartwright and Bernd Sturmfels. The Hilbert scheme of the diagonal in a product of projective spaces.