ADAMTS-9 Is Synergistically Induced by Interleukin-1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor in OUMS-27 Chondrosarcoma Cells and in Human Chondrocytes
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View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Okayama University Scientific Achievement Repository Medicine Internal Medicine fields Okayama University Year 2005 ADAMTS-9 is synergistically induced by interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor in OUMS-27 chondrosarcoma cells and in human chondrocytes Kadir Demircan∗ Satoshi Hirohatay Keiichiro Nishidaz Omer F. Hatipoglu∗∗ Toshitaka Oohashiyy Tomoko Yonezawazz Suneel S. Aptex Yoshifumi Ninomiya{ ∗Okayama University yOkayama University, [email protected] zOkayama University ∗∗Okayama University yyOkayama University zzOkayama University xCleveland Clinic Foundation {Okayama University This paper is posted at eScholarship@OUDIR : Okayama University Digital Information Repository. medicine/5 Demircan et al . ADAMTS9 is synergistically induced by IL -1 and TNF - in OUMS -27 chondrosarcoma cells and in human chondrocytes Kadir Demircan 1§, Satoshi Hirohata 1§*, Keiichiro Nishida 2, Omer F. Hatipoglu 1, Toshitaka Oohashi 1, Tomoko Y onezawa 1, Suneel S. Apte 3 and Yosh ifumi Ninomiya 1 1Dep artmen t of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and 2Dep artmen t of Human Morphology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry and 3Department of Biomedical Engineering and Orthopaedic Research Center, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation § Both authors contributed equally to this work . *Address c orrespondence and reprint requests to : Satoshi Hirohata M.D., Ph.D., Dep artmen t of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry , Okayama University Graduate School of M edicine and Dentistry , 2 -5-1 Shikata -cho, Okayama, 700 -8558, Japan . Phone : 81 -86 -235 -7129; Fax : 81 -86 -22 2-7768 ; E-mail: [email protected] Keyword s: ADAMTS; aggrecanase; arthritis ; chondrocyt e; metalloproteinases ; IL -1 menclature : ADAMTS9 refe rs to the protein, ADAMTS9 to the gene. Similar nomenclature is used in referring to other ADAMTS proteases. Abbreviations : bp, base pairs; hr, hours; min, minutes; sec, seconds; 1 Demircan et al . ABSTRACT Objective . To compare the induction of the aggrecanases ( ADAMTS 1, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 15) by interleukin -1 (IL -1) and tumor necrosis factor - (TNF -) in chondrocyte -like OUMS -27 cells and human chondrocytes and to determine the mechanism of induction of the most responsive aggrecanase gene. Methods . OUMS -27 cells were stimulated for different periods of ti me and concentrations of IL -1 and /or TNF -. Human chondrocytes obtained from osteoarthritic joints and human skin fibroblasts were also stimulated with IL -1 and /or TNF -. Total RNA w as extracted, reverse transcribed, and analy zed by quantitative real -time polymerase chain reaction and Northern blo tting. ADAMTS 9 protein was examined by Western blotting and the role of the MAPK signaling pathway for ADAMTS9 induction in IL -1 stimulated OUMS -27 cells was investigated . Results . IL -1 increased mRNA l evels of ADAMTS4, ADAMTS5 and ADAMTS 9, but not ADAMTS 1 and ADAMTS8 . ADAMTS 9 mRNA fold -increase was greater than for the other aggrecanase mRNA s. The increase of ADAMTS 9 mRNA by IL -1β−stimulation was greater in chondrocytes than in fibroblasts. The combin ation of IL -1β and TNF -α had a synergistic effect resulting in considerable elevation of ADAMTS 9 mRNA . ADAMTS 9 protein was also induced in IL -1β−stimulated OUMS -27 cells. MAPK inhibitors, SB203580 and PD98059, decreased ADAMTS 9 upregulation in OUMS -27 cel ls. Conclusion. ADAMTS 9 is an IL -1β and TNF -α inducible gene that appears to 2 Demircan et al . be more responsive to these pro -inflammatory cytokines than other aggrecanase genes . Furthermore, these cytokines had a synergistic effect on ADAMTS 9. Together with its known ability to proteolytically degrade aggrecan, and its potential to cleave other cartilage molecules, the data suggest that ADAMTS 9 may have a pathological role in arthritis. 3 Demircan et al . Introduction Articular cartilage is a highly specialized tissue that covers the bo ny surface in the synovial joints, allowing smooth lubric ation and providing resistance to joint forces. Cartilage matrix is synthesized and maintained by chondrocytes, and some of its constituents are the collagens II, IX, and XI, aggrecan , perlecan , COM P and others . Aggrecan , a large aggregating proteoglycan , forms a macromolecular complex with hyaluronan and link protein. It swells within the interstices of the collagen frame work and provides compressibility to cartilage (1, 2) . Proteolytic degradation of articular cartilage is a key feature of arthritic joint destruction. The loss of aggrecan is considered to be a critical early event of cartilage destruction , occurring initially at the joint surface and progressing to the deeper zones. This step is followed by degradation of collagen fibrils and mechanical failure of the tissue (2) . The degradation of cartilage is mediated by a number of different proteases, including neutral endopeptidases of the metalloproteinase superfamily of enzymes. Members of two metalloproteinase families, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and ADAMTS , have been implicated in cartilage matrix destruction (1) . The ADAMTS (A disintegrin -like and metalloproteinase domain (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motifs) family contains 19 individual gene products 4 Demircan et al . (3) . Certain members of the ADAMTS family ( ADAMTS 1, ADAMTS 4, ADAMTS 5, ADAMTS8, ADAMTS 9 and ADAMTS15 ) are called ‘aggrecanases’, and they can proteolytically process aggrecan within the interglobular domain separating its globular G1 and G2 of domains at a specific Glu 373 -Ala 374 b ond (3 -5) or at one or more sites within the more C -terminal glycosaminoglycan -bearing region (6) . Proteolytic liberation of the GAG -bearing regions reduces the load bearing properties of articular cartilage and may acc ompany or initiate a series of cellular responses that culminate in loss of joint cartilage. These proteases are believed to be active both in inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis. Aggrecanase activity was first detected in bovine articular cartilage treated with IL -1, but it is also enhanced by TNF - or retinoic acid (7, 8) . These data support the hypothesis that aggrecanases are activ e early in the disease process of arthritis , or in acute inflammatory episodes. However, the exact enzyme(s) responsible for cartilage aggrecan de grada tion both during active inflammation and as arthri tis progresses are still unclear (9) . ADAMTS 4 ( aggrecanase -1), ADAMTS 5 (aggreca nase -2) and subsequently, ADAMTS 1, were the first proteases to which significant aggrecanase activity was attributed (4 -6) , although their specific importance in the context of arthritis is not yet fully established . Like ADAMTS 4 and ADAMTS1, ADAMTS9 , 5 Demircan et al . and more recently ADAMTS8 and ADAMTS15 were shown to be aggrecanase s (10 -12) . ADAMTS9 was expressed in OA in gene profiling studies (9, 13) . These experimental studies, observations from phylogeny of the ADAMTS proteases (3, 11) and absence of aggrecanase activity in numerous other ADAMTS proteases suggests that the enzymes examined in this study include the complete set of ADAMTS aggrecanases. To further investigate the significance of each of these, it would be important to study the ir expr ession and cytokine induction in chondrocytes. Since normal articular cartilage is relatively acellular and difficult to obtain, we have instead used in these studies, OUMS -27 , a recently established cell line with chondrocytic properties (14) . The effects of two major proinflammatory cytokines, IL -1 and TNF -, were investigate d to ask how and which aggrecanase may play a role in inflammatory disease of cartilage MATERIALS AND METHODS Reagents Recombinant human IL -1 and TNF - were purchased from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, MN , USA). The cytokines were stored at –80 °C and diluted in culture medium immediately prior to use. Antibodies to phosphorylated MAPKs we re purchased from Cell Signaling Technology (Beverly, MA , USA ). The p44/42 MAPK 6 Demircan et al . inhibitor PD 98059 and p38 MAPK inhibitor SB 203580 were purchas ed from Calbiochem (San Diego, CA , USA ) and dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). All other chemicals and b iochemicals were from Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA). Cell culture OUMS -27 cells were a kind gift from Dr. T . Kunisada (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry , Okayama, Japan) . OUMS -27 cells were cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) containing 10 % fetal bovine serum (FBS) and penicillin /streptomycin at 37 °C in a humidified atmosphere of 5 % CO 2 in air. The c ells were subcultured at split ratios of 1:2 to 1:4 using trypsin + EDTA every 7 to 10 days. The medium was c hanged every 3 days. Cells were used at passages 7 to 1 4 for all experiments . For most experiments, 5 x 10 5 cells were plated in 60 -mm dishes and transferred to serum -free DMEM for 24 hr and then exposed to the different cytokines and inhibitors at the concentrations and times indicated. Human articular chondrocytes (Cryo NHAC -kn) were purchased from Sanko Junyaku (Tokyo, Japan) and cultures were maintained according to the manufacturer's protocol . Chondrocytes between passages 3 - 7 were used for the analysis. Human 7 Demircan et al . skin fibroblast cells (HSF) were kindly provided from Dr. S. Hattori (Nippi Research Institute of Biomatrix, Tokyo, Japan). HSF are cultured as previously described (15)