AGENDA NO. 2 No. 8-4/2014-FC the State Government of Punjab Vide

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AGENDA NO. 2 No. 8-4/2014-FC the State Government of Punjab Vide 18 AGENDA NO. 2 No. 8-4/2014-FC The State Government of Punjab vide their letter No. FCA/1980/262-263- 264/2013/1605 dated 24.01.2014 submitted a fresh proposal seeking prior approval of the Central Government under Section-2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for diversion of 45.0032 ha (114.6111 ha in Sangrur+17.0211 ha in Mansa + 13.3710 ha in Bathinda) of forest land for improvement of Bhawanigarh-Sunam-Bhikhi-Kotshamir road from km. 18.300 – 108.770 B/s, Sheron Distty Mile No. 39.5-60 B/s Minor No. 11 of Sheron Distty 0- Bhawanigarh-Kotshamir road under Forest Division and Distt. Sangrur, Mansa and Bathinda Punjab. The facts related to the proposal as contained in the State Government’s letter dated 24.01.2014 are given below in the form of factsheet: FACT SHEET 1. Name of the Proposal Diversion of 45.0032 ha (114.6111 ha in Sangrur+17.0211 ha in Mansa + 13.3710 ha in Bathinda) of forest land for improvement of Bhawanigarh- Sunam-Bhikhi-Kotshamir road from km. 18.300 – 108.770 B/s, Sheron Distty Mile No. 39.5-60 B/s Minor No. 11 of Sheron Distty 0-Bhawanigarh- Kotshamir road under Forest Division and Distt. Sangrur, Mansa and Bathinda Punjab. 2. Location (iii)State Punjab (iv) District Bathinda, Sangrur and Mansa 3. Particulars of Forests: (iv) Name of Forest Division and Bathinda 13.3710 ha Forest area involved. Sangrur 14.6111 ha Mansa 17.0211 ha (v) Legal status/Sy.No. Bathinda PF Sangrur PF Mansa PF Bathinda Attached at p. 15/c (vi) Map Sangrur Attached at p. 216-219/c Mansa Attached at p. 388-389/c 4. Density of vegetation Bathinda 0.4 19 Sangrur 0.2 to 0.3 Mansa 0.2 to 0.3 5. Species-wise (scientific names) and Bathinda 4687 trees & Nil diameter class-wise enumeration of Plants trees (to be enclosed. In case of Sangrur Nil irrigation / hydel projects Mansa Attached (ps. 397- enumeration at FRL, FRL-2 meter & 498/c). Shisham, FRL-4 meter also to be enclosed) Kikar, Euc. Mesquil, Drek, etc. 6. Brief note on vulnerability of the Bathinda Area is not forest area to erosion vulnerable to erosion Sangrur No vulnerability to erosion Mansa No vulnerability to erosion 7. Approximate distance of the Bathinda Nothing mentioned proposed site for diversion from Sangrur Adjoining boundary of forest. Mansa Adjoining 8. Whether forms part of National park, No Wildlife Sanctuary, Biosphere Reserve, Tiger Reserve, Elephant Corridor, etc. (if so, details of the area and comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden to be annexed) 9. Whether any rare/ endangered/ NA unique species of flora and fauna are found in the area. If so details thereof 10. Whether any protected NA archaeological/ heritage site/defence establishment or any other important monuments is located in the area. 11. Whether the requirement of forest Bathinda Minimum forest land as proposed by the user agency land is required in col. 2 of Part-I is unavoidable and (Certificate barest minimum for the project, if no attached) recommended area item-wise with Sangrur Yes details of alternatives examined. Mansa Yes 12. Whether any work of in violation of No violation has been done. the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 has been carried out (Yes/No). If yes details of the same including period of work done, action taken on erring officials. Whether work in violation is still in progress. 13. Whether clearance under the Bathinda No. (p. 6/c) Environment (protection) Act, 1986 Sangrur No (p. 207/c) is required? Mansa No. (p. 378/c) 20 14. Compensatory Afforestation (i) Details of non-forest area/degraded Bathinda KBC RD 353-365 forest area identified for CA, its R/S, KBC RD distance from adjoining forest, 419-425 R/S, number of patches, size of each KBC RD 417-425 patches. L/S, Ghuman Disty RD school pul to Tail, (Talwandi Range) BBC RD 381-387 R/S (Bathinda Range) Sangrur 29.833 ha. Plantation will be planted in Sirhind clre R.D. 190-206 232-268 BTR and Dhanoda Disty, Barnala Mangana DIJ. Mansa CA be carried on B.M.B. Canal RD 215 to 228 L/s, 232 to 239 B/s, Faggu Minor RD 0 to 15.50 L/s & Kusla Brikillan (ii) Map showing non-forest/ degraded Bathinda N/A forest area identified for CA and Sangrur Attached at p. adjoining forest boundaries. 226-227/c Mansa Not attached (iii) Detailed CA scheme including Bathinda Scheme attached species to be planted, implementing at ps. 170-175/c agency, time schedule, cost structure, Species – etc. Ailanthus, Cassia siamia, Shisham, Neem, Jaman, etc. Time schedule – 10 years Cost – Rs. 1,27,02,500/- Sangrur Scheme attached at ps. 228-232/c. Species- Euc. Kikar, Shisham, Muscat, Arjun, Neem, Jamun, Euc., Mulb., etc. 21 Time schedule – 9 years. Cost: Rs. 77,64,218/- Mansa Scheme attached at ps. 501-504/c. Species: Euc. Kikar, Shisham Muscat, Arjun, Neem, Jamun, Euc., Mulb. Etc. Time schedule: 10 years. Total cost: Rs. 1,08,00,892.00 (iv) Total financial outlay for CA Bathinda Rs. 1,27,02,500/- Sangrur Rs. 77,64,218/- Mansa Rs. 1,08,00,892.00 (v) NPV Bathinda - Sangrur - Mansa - (vi) Certificate from the competent Bathinda Attached at p. authority regarding suitability of the 179/c. area identified for CA and from Sangrur Attached at p. management point of view. 230/c. Mansa Attached at p. 505/c 15. Site inspection report of the DCF (to Bathinda Attached at p. be enclosed) especially highlighting 172/c facts asked in col. 8(xi. xii), 8 and 9 Sangrur Attached at p. above. 225/c. Mansa Attached at p. 499/c. 16. Catchment Area Treatment Bathinda Not applicable (p 6 /c) Sangrur Not applicable (p. 207/c) Mansa Not applicable (p 378/c) 17. Rehabilitation of Oustees (d) No of families involved Bathinda No displacement (e) Category of families in the forest land. (f) Details of rehabilitation plan Sangrur No displacement in the forest land. Mansa No displacement in the forest land. 18. Cost Benefit Ratio Bathinda - 22 Sangrur - - 19. Total Cost of the Project Rs. 596 crores 20. Recommendation i. DFO Recommended (p. 8/c, 211/c, 383/c). ii. CCF Recommended (p. 9/c, 21/c, 384/c.) iii. Nodal Officer Recommended (p.10 /c, 213/c, 386/c) iv SG Recommended (p. 11/c, 214/c, 387/c) 21. Division/ District profile (i) Total Geographical area of the Bathinda 3,34,405 ha district Sangrur 5,02,000 ha Mansa 2,13,899 ha (ii) Total Forest area/Divisional Forest Bathinda 6621.56 ha area Sangrur 7012 ha Mansa 2,689.50 ha (iii) Total area diverted Bathinda No. of cases = since 1980 281 Area diverted = 252.36 ha Sangrur 432 cases 335.15 ha Mansa 96 ha (cases) (iv) Total compensatory afforestation stipulated in the district/division since 1980 on (c) Forest land including penal Bathinda 280.41 ha compensatory afforestation Sangrur 2,22,408 plants Mansa 5,037 ha (d) Non-forest land Bathinda - Sangrur - Mansa - (v) Progress of Compensatory Afforestation as on date (c) Forest land Bathinda 259.27 ha Sangrur 2,22,408 plants Mansa 5,037 ha (d) Non-forest land Bathinda - Sangrur - Mansa Nil 22. Specific recommendations of the Bathinda May be accepted. DCF for acceptance or otherwise of Sangrur May be accepted as the proposal with reasons per guidelines of GOI. Mansa May be accepted as per guidelines of GOI. 23 Other remarks: 8. The following trees, poles and plants will be affected in these cases:- Sr. Division Area Trees Poles Plants No. 1. Sangrur 14.6111 4128 - 5843 2. Mansa 17.0211 3593 532 - 3. Bathinda 13.3710 4697 - - Total 45.0032 12408 532 5843 9. Justification for locating the project in forest area: Widening of road required due to increase in traffic intensity. Bathinda Forest Division:- 17. Details of forest area involved in the proposal at p. 17/c:- Sl. District Division Range/Teh Village Khasra/ Survey Forest Legal No. or area status Compartment proposed of Number of for forest Km. Stone diversion area (ha) 1. Bathinda Bathinda Bathinda/TalwandiBhawanigarh- 13.3710 PF Sunam-Bhikhi- ha Kot Shamir Road Km 82.500 to 108.77 B/S/ 18. Details of non-forest area involved in the proposal at p. 18/c:- Sl. District Division Range/Teh Khasra/ Survey Forest Legal No. Village or Compartment area status of Number of Km. proposed forest area Stone for diversion (ha) 1. Bathinda Bathinda Bathinda 82.5 to 108.770 - - 19. Certificate that the forest involved in the proposal is unavoidable and barest minimum forest area at p. 20/c. 20. Undertaking for justification for location the project in forest land is required is that there is no other possible way to widen the road, so this way has been adopted at p. 19/c. 21. Linear Plan is at ps. 16/c. 24 22. Undertaking for payment of cost of compensatory afforestation as per prevailing wage rates at the time of undertaking the plantation is at p.21/c. 23. Undertaking to pay the Net Present Value of forest land and further undertake that in future any revision of NPV directed by any apex court will also be paid at p. 22/c. 24. Trees to be felled : Shisham, Kikar, Tatlas, Deak, Masket, misc. Total - 4697 Nos. 25. Site inspection by DFO, Bathinda on 12.12.2013 that the user agency has not violated the provisions of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and no work has been started without proper sanction (p.
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