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mathematics HEALTH ENGINEERING DESIGN MEDIA management GEOGRAPHY EDUCA E MUSIC C PHYSICS law O ART L agriculture O BIOTECHNOLOGY G Y LANGU CHEMISTRY TION history AGE M E C H A N I C S psychology Advertising Promotions Subject: ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS Credits: 4 SYLLABUS Concepts of Advertising The Field of Advertising, Introduction, Integrated Marketing Communication, Advertising and its types, Comparative Advertising, case study, Communication Models in Advertising Integrated Advertising Program Integrated Advertising Program Analysis of Mission & Market Objective Setting & Determining Target Audience, Understanding Segmentation, Positioning, Budget Decision, case study on Budgets Message and Media Understanding Message Strategy, Message & Copy in Advertising, Headlines in Print & TV Advertising, Visualization & Layout, AD Appeals, Testimonials & Celebrity Endorsement , Media Types & Decision Types of Media, Media Selection, Media Planning: New Perspective, Media Decision Understanding Campaigns Campaign Making, Three Phases of Campaign Creation, Steps of Effective Advertising, Upsetting the applecart in the scooterette category In Style! Case study, Understanding Campaigns, Advertising Organization Advertising Stake Holders – Advertising Organization, Evolution & History of advertising Agency, The working of AD agencies, Organization Structure of Advertising Department, Interface with other Departments, Functions of Advertising Agency. Suggested Reading: 1. S A Chunawalla, K C Sethia, Foundations of Advertising: Theory & Practice, Himalaya Pub. House 2. M. S. Ramaswamy, Marketing, Salesmanship, and Advertising 3. Rajeev Batra, David A. Aaker, Advertising Management, Prentice Hall ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS COURSE OVERVIEW When ever we ask a child what do you want to become in life the question is only limited to doctor, engineer, teacher, scientist and so on and so forth but we forget that there is another very important field which is advertising. It is a field, which is glamorous and full of hard work. In fact we realize about this field when we see advertisement and appreciate them. So this course is basically designed to make you realize the importance of advertising and what role is it playing in today’s competitive era. It will also help you to decide whether you will be fit for this profession and will guide you about the options available in this field. Another part of this course is promotions that will give you better insight on promotional mix (Personal Selling, Publicity, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing and public relation). This course is offered with the objective of giving students framework and knowledge with which to make more effective advertising decisions and to communicate some of the excitements and vitality that characterizes the advertising business. Towards the end of this course you will know what you currently know about how advertising works and to draw lessons form the knowledge from the advertising decision- making. ii ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS CONTENT . Lesson No. Topic Page No. Advertising Role of Advertising Lesson 1 Definition, Introduction to Advertising and its History 1 Lesson 2 Types of Advertising 10 Lesson 3 Purpose and Objectives of Advertising, Advantages and Disadvantages 16 Lesson 4 Article discussion and a Debate 23 Lesson 5 Role of Advertising within marketing mix, within promotional mix 25 Lesson 6 Communication Process and its Models 30 Lesson 7 Communication Process and its Models 39 Organization of the Industry Lesson 8 What is an Advertising Agency, Types of Agency 50 Lesson 9 Tutorial 59 Lesson 10 Departments In Agency, Other Supporting Services – PR, Sales Promotion, Marketing Research 62 Lesson 11 Tutorial 70 Working of the Industry Lesson 12 Structures, Role of Account Handler and Account Planner, Process and Methods of Agency Selection 73 Lesson 13 Case Study 81 Lesson 14 Agency Appointment Including Contracts and Best 85 Lesson 15 International Advertising 94 Lesson 16 Tutorial 106 Lesson 17 Career in Advertising 109 Regulation of promotions Lesson 18 Ethics in Advertising, Advertising Standard Council of India, Code for Commercial Advertising on Doordarshan, Indian Advertising 121 v ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS CONTENT Lesson No. Topic Page No. Lesson 19 Ethics in Advertising, Advertising standard council of India, code for Commercial Advertising on Doordarshan, Indian Advertising 129 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Lesson 20 The Consumer Audience 142 Lesson 21 The Consumer Audience 150 Lesson 22 Definition, purpose and objectives of branding, benefits,concepts, branding strategies – blanket, family, individual, multi-branding, brand extension, own brands, situations when branding is inappropriate, brand equity, brand evaluation techniques 158 Lesson 23 Definition, purpose and objectives of branding, benefits, concepts, branding strategies – blanket, family, individual, multi-branding, brand extension, own brands, situations when branding is inappropriate, brand equity, brand evaluation techniques 164 Aspects of Advertising Lesson 24 Media: types of media, advantages and disadvantages of each 171 Lesson 25 Media planning and scheduling messages 182 Lesson 26 Creative: message-appeals, ad design and testing, copy writing, visuals, creative briefs, impact of IT on advertisement design 191 Lesson 27 Creative: message-appeals, ad design and testing, copy writing, visuals, creative briefs, impact of IT on advertisement design 200 Below-the-line Techniques Primary Techniques Lesson 28 Types of sales promotion, role of promotion characteristics and advantages and disadvantages 219 Lesson 29 Public relations, sponsorship, direct marketing, Packaging and merchandising with their role, characteristics, objectives, advantages/disadvantages 239 Lesson 30 Case Study 252 Other Techniques Lesson 31 An overview of the role and uses of corporate identity, exhibitions, word of-mouth, personal selling, miscellaneous and new media 253 vi ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS CONTENT . Lesson No. Topic Page No. Promotion Strategy Budget Formulation Lesson 32 Percentage of sales, per unit, competitive parity, task, Executive judgment, overview of media costs, guidelines for budget allocation, relative costs of various promotional techniques and low- and high-budget campaigns 266 Lesson 33 Budgeting Cases and Trends in Advertising by the Indian Corporate Sector 277 Lesson 34 Assignment 286 Developing a Promotional Plan Lesson35 Situation Analysis, Objectives, Target Audiences, Creative Strategy, Promotional Strategy and Tactics, Media Selection, Scheduling, Budget Allocation, Evaluation measures, Inter-and Intra-Media Decisions, Burst Versus Drip 287 Integration of Promotional Techniques Lesson 36 Advertisements Discussion 295 Lesson 37 Benefits, Methods, Role of Positioning, Importance 298 Lesson 38 Tutorial 307 Lesson 39 The Integrated Campaign 308 Measuring Campaign Effectiveness Lesson 40 Account Planning And Research 318 Lesson 41 Account Planning And Research 327 vii LESSON 1: DEFINITION, INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING AND ITS HISTORY Objective Advertising puts across the message in a convincing way, and ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS Students by the end of this lesson I expect you to be clear with guides us to take action-buy these products repeatedly. what is advertising and how it has evolved over a period of Now Let’s first understand the definition of advertising. time. The word advertising has its origin from a Latin word The World of Advertising ‘advertire’ which means to turn to. In this first lesson we will start with the discussion on the so- The dictionary meaning of the word is ‘to announce publicly called the glamour’s world and that is advertising where our or to give public notice.’ main focus will be on what is’ advertising? What are its American Marketing association has defined advertising as “any important dimensions? (The standard definition of ad- paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of vertising includes six elements.) ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor.” To start with tell me what do you understand from advertising. Advertising is a paid form of communication, although some As all of you would have noticed that, whenever you are forms of advertising, such as public service announcements watching any channel or coming from your home they’re too (PSAs), are donated space and time. many advertisement, but have you ever thought why it is being done? If no, then start thinking and if yes then lets discuss. Second, not only is the message paid for, but also the sponsor is identified. Third, most advertising tries to persuade or influence the consumer to do something, Although in some cases the point of the message is simply to make consumers aware of the product or company. Fourth and fifth, the message is conveyed through many different kinds of mass media reaching a large audience of potential consumers. Finally, because advertising is a form of mass communication, it is also non-personal. A definition of advertising, then, includes all six features. Advertising is paid non-personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience. In an ideal world every manufacturer would be able to talk one- on-one with every con-sumer about the product or service being offered for sale. Personal selling is typically a one-on-one approach, but it is very expensive. Although advertising delivered through interactive technology